FMF Program 2017

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WEDNESDAY 8 MERCREDI Anthony Mohamed, MES; Gary Bloch, MD, CCFP; Fok-Han Leung, MD, CCFP; Richard H. Glazier, MD, CCFP, MPH   ROOM / SALLE : 710AB   Introduction: Detailed data on social determinants of health can facilitate the identification of inequities in access to health care. We report on a sociodemographic data collection tool used in a family medicine clinic. Methods: Four major health organizations in Toronto collaborated to identify a set of 14 questions that covered a range of social determinants of health. These were translated into 13 languages. This survey was self-administered using an electronic tablet to a convenience sample of 407 patients in the waiting room of a primary care clinic. Data were uploaded directly to the electronic medical record. Results: The rate of valid responses provided for each question was high, ranging from 84% to 100%. The questions with the highest number of patients selecting “do not know” and “prefer not to answer” pertained to disabilities and income. Patients reported finding the process acceptable. In subsequent implementation across 5 clinics, 10,536 patients have been surveyed; only 724 (6.9%) declined to participate. Conclusion: Collecting data on social determinants of health through a self-administered survey, and linking them to a patient’s chart, is feasible and acceptable. A modified survey is now administered to all patients. Such data are now being used to identify health inequities, develop novel interventions and evaluate their impact on health outcomes.   JAM Board Fam Med 2016; 348-355  W190   11:30–12:10

Presentation by the 2017 Family Medicine Researcher of the Year Présentation par le récipiendaire du Prix du chercheur de l’année en médecine familiale pour 2017 Information Outcomes: primary care clinicians’ and patients’ views Pierre Pluye MD PhD

ROOM / SALLE : 710AB Introduction: For clinicians and patients, the Internet constitutes a common source of information. However, no research has systematically examined health information outcomes, specifically how information is valuable from the users’ perspective. This presentation will outline few key aspects and results of a 15-year research program on information outcomes in a primary care context. Methodologies and methods: This program is based on a theoretical model and the Information Assessment Method (IAM) that were developed and validated by our research group (integrating information studies and health sciences). We commonly use participatory research in partnership with governmental, professional and philanthropic organizations (synergy with existing interventions). Considering the complexity of human information interactions, we usually conduct systematic mixed studies reviews and mixed methods research. Results: The program includes studies with/for clinicians (information retrieval and delivery) and studies with/for patients. First, results of observational studies may encourage family physicians to search information more often. For example, they suggest the number of patients for whom medical information has to be retrieved by family physicians in order for one patient to benefit might be 14 (Number Needed to Benefit from Information: NNBI). Second, more than 15,000 Canadian pharmacists and physicians use the IAM to rate and comment educational emails (reflective learning activity), and earn continuing education credits. In turn, their feedback comments can contribute to improve informational content (two-way knowledge translation). Third, our results suggest easy-to-read credible information assisted with audio-ebook technology might benefit to patients with a low level of health literacy (60% of Canadian adults). Conclusion: Implications of these results will be outlined. Future projects are aimed to (i) provide family physicians at the point-of-care with the therapeutic recommendation that she/he has identified with IAM as beneficial for improving her/his practice, (ii) better detect clinically important drug interactions in the population aged 18-64 years, and (iii) assess a Patient Information Aid (PIA1) that might help patients to use information with professionals and prevent negative outcomes. W287 Canadian Armed Forces as a Patient’s Medical Home Model for Occupational Medicine (Enhanced Clinical Session) 11:15–12:15 Marc Bilodeau, MD, CCFP (EM), CCPE; Serge Blier, MD, MPH, CCFP, FCFP ROOM / SALLE : 510B Mainpro+ Group Learning certified credits = 1



FMF 2017


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