The Centurian Yearbook 1969

Page 1










,. Champaign Centennial High School Champaign, Illinois Volume II Kathy Scribner, Editor


• •

"The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed. " eba tien R.

. Chamfort


coach John facek bubb/1'. t ith happint.s.s a.s he t'ieu·.s the Charger form.

"Here come de judge" . . . a.s Cam hour early.

mith anrl Mike Holt-er.son attempt to tnd the day an

Laughter, mil , lau<>hter ... the two my tical element that June end with and eptember u e a her beginning. Laughter and warm friendline e ho throughout th hall a another year b orne a part of the tudent at Centennial High chool. e\\- friend .. hip form, old friend hip are re umed. What more can be a living part of all the-.e. than ...



tudeut lauoh and t.tlk a. the) bouu e dO\HJ tlw hall~ franti all) t·ardling for that rwxt cl.t and tr) inll' dc-.peratr!) to h at that C\ er f.unili, r 01111d

of the tune on op uing da,; football and b, ~kt'lh II ganH' ... are ]j, ed aud relived throunh

·n·en of ], unltlt'l and tear \\hile tho r e\ r) d ) hioh hool hlu ~ ano prohl Ill that occa-.ion II) cr rp up are laurrhed off ..• and forll'otten. Chuck Lucl.mann draus /l'mmint! attention with his manly ph) iqut!.

aught b) the humorou


of "Rauen and \fortin's Lau h-ln", Tom ~hap/and di or;u

that lau hter produus contagious t!l/ects!



uft: Chargus git¡~ all they hate to kup the opposition from scoring those essential tu:o points. Above: Classroom work is aided by former students as Mr. Raney instructs a group of prospectit¡e artists.

The magic of laughter a great healer of petty di comforts and minor pain ... able toea e long cia_ period and ten e ituation A lan!!Ua"'e of fun ... at dramatic ba ketball "'arne , between handful of confetti and thunderou cheer in a moke-filled pizza parlor with the comfort of old friend


Ahm t~<dents demon Irate that school i.s not all u:ork as the '68-'69 Laugh In comes into play. Ri bt: Erery department needs repairs sometimes.

Laughter .. . bright Charger laughter .. . a warm b ginning to new friend hip , a p ial language b tween old pal ... a goof) \\ay to urvive through Jon Ia e and the confu ion of chool a tivitie ... Tho e familiar hall , able to fill and empty within preciou econd ... The injurie ¡ and fatalitie durinrr the Great E ap at 3:20 ...


Dusk my Uriously tncouragts tht unscrupulous acti1itits of Cmtennial students.




Charger power gennates through the crowd as Cindy

tofdosa jumps high uith confidence.

The underl)ing enthu.~ia m of Chargl'r fans rings out loud and cll'ar-e pecially u hm Gonda Zimmerman contributes her lung pouer.

The language of lau"hter ... a happy, glad-to-be-alive language u ed at cold, nowy football game and zany, wild lumber partie .. . The language of chool life .. . its dre. up day and bake ale ¡ ... the petty go ip and candalou election ... pep a. emblie and cia competition ... Working tou¡ard a Charger tictory, Pep Club contributes time to boo t chool spirit.


Th e Blue Jf" ed Band helpt>d to make th e first tic tOT) ock hop a SUCCI!$$.

Although hating tarted their ea on on Frida) the 13th, the Chargers hou d no supu tition as they smeared the partan •

Contents Student Life .......................... 14 Organizations ........................ 28 Sports ................................ 68 Academics ............................ 92

Seniors ............................. .120 Underclass .......................... 150 Senior Biographies ................. .173 Index ................................ 180


Above: An after the game tictory celebration is not complete without friends getting together ot¡er a pizza and coke. Right: "He came back, and I'm glad he did."


Th magic of a funny language ... u d to wipe out the pain and hurt of high . chool day , till finally, all that remain i th m mory of ... Laughter. Here u;e hate Jlr. Jenkiru reciting one of his /a1orite no1tls. "I'll huff and I'll puff



Aft r chool uim off r a pl~a ing change. lumber parties produce (haos and




Student Life

CF\ Tl \ life.

!, edit r, lay Leui , proteJ that

eniors lead an ea


"llut I am ur that /left hu here b fore thlfd hour!"


Charlie Broun i liting proof that Centmnial's food is edible.


wdmt Ufr

AbO\e: Working afternoons brings many new experiences to Ann Roach. B low: Three of our enior boys find time to display their mechanical knou -how.

Cafeteria Food, Parties and Jobs Form


emor1es high nino to

nd th . . . it' ' ork ('an

drin · knob rch

HiJ!h \er in mu

Equipptd with a )tllow wig and whitt dwmona lhaptd glaHtl Uary UalilkDl fights

l i 5 Mtrry Ch ri tma , Cindy Chri. tma.

1 .Uo

a, tal.ts omt timt off to tt>ll • anta uhat



he want


Ronn) paienc .



an amu ing


~ tudt>nt Lif


The Lancer , Centtnnial's ntu drill team, pre ent a dance bt'tU't n the gamt

to the delil]ht of the ba f..etball fans.

Spirit and Tremendous Fan Support Back Our Teams Ta-da-da-da-ta-da ... CH R E! The har er battle cry terrifi d many an oppon nt thi pa t year a Cent nnial trengthened in all field . 'tudent. created many new orrranization a outlet for their . chool pirit. A Charging hor. at the Hom ominÂŤ football game p rhap be,.,t per onified thi pirit and pride. The Lancers, Centennial' new drill team, put a Iittl rh} thm and cia. into th ba k tball gam . Lung po\\er definitely b arne an a .. et to the ophomore ch rleader a they backed their team through thick and thin.

Sue Uaglione leads the rrou;d as Centennial's sophomort' team creams anotht'r oppont'nt




The mighty Charger literally squash the Panthers at tht' homrcoming gamr.

Herb Leshoure Reigns Over "(" Club's Vice Versa Dance alf'ntine' l>a) i u uall

a time

d1 n girl v.ait patit>ntl} for d c· I ration from their f \ orite h u - v. hen h girl demur I} v. atch the p<merful male quirm ancl ltm I) die the painful fat!! of he rl· felt confe, ion. • ntennial' " }' .lub. ho,,e,er, de idt>d it v.a due tim for ch n"e a Fehruar) 15 }, arne th d te of their Vic V r a Dane . udd nl h came av. are of Girl ho\\ much th normal date· on iou m I rnu t ha\e a the} qui kl di CO\ er d their ov. n hortaoe of the "arne. And the male of th p if' tli O\ ered rh the leu ion nd oul· r hiwr anxi ty experif'ncecl h} the recehing t>n<l. But ,oon th arap 'ine caught on fir a e\ r} girl' he rt' d · ir h arnt• eommon kno\\ ledge. \nd o, the theme "H art' De· ire·· ppropriat 1\ et the pace for th unpr ed nted dane . El ted In the entire tudent hod , King Herb L houre reigned O\ er the e\ nina'.., fe,thitie from a unique coron tion th r e Th mu'i of .ddie anrl th n'-ation rock d through the "~ r>1 c" ~ et another dream b harger hi...tor).



annual tice•tUjQ dance, ttph4nie lith


htr hearts dt irt.

Judy Griffin and htr datt Bob Uarl.. e lind tht /J(Inrl\ [,reak a prrfect time for com tr ation.

"Blow in uhrre.''


tear. I'll follor

ou an ·

nt Lift


Homecomers Travel Dreamfully Down Bourbon Street

Big and


"Hon~stly d~ar,




John !a) cox crau:ls into dangtrous territory.

isn't this dane~ juH th~ grooti~.~~ thing y~t?"

Hom cominrr '()g t• plodcd at nnial in a hur t of pageanlr), dor an<! pirit. Enerrrcti club ch n ordinar hall into a pirit coni t "hile "tudenl dre-." d up e l'h da~ to cli ... pla) th ir und) ing lo)• It . Frida) aftt'rnoon a t•rnhly p rkled '~ith th antic of Inter ct, Encor and th enior ,irk ~ 'ith th help of mu"ie teacher :\1r. Jamt ;\loritz. that afternoon marked the h ginnin~ of a tradition riling\ IJO\\, F cult' and tudent alik prc ... t'nted their talent. in thi pre·gam pirit hoo l r. fter th ho\\, a Torch luh Chili upp •r help d fire th ,harger onto anothrr football victorY. 'hat a rrame! Th~ hand pia) d on a fire\\ ork n amcd \cry touchdm~n hrounht thr char inrr hor e, ' n th oppon nt \\ere com ir~red that ·'thL 1" harger countr) ! ., atunlay night's d nc culmina! <I the \\ k' a ti\ iti in a "Dm\ n Bourbon Ire t" celebration. Queen P tty o ~TO\ crO\\n d Jim Hopp Kin amid an aura of candle.Jit hourhon hottle .

Homecoming qu~en Patty Co.~J(rot~ and King Jim llopp~ tal.~ the lead "Dou:n Bourbon treet."

Patty Cosgrote beams dou;n on htr subjtets a sht is crou;ned HomecominB quun by last year's quun, Lana Worden.

1968 H0.1ELO~U. 'G CO RT-Front Row: Jan Rathbun, Jill Uorgan, Carol Datis. Back Row: Grtg \fill , Larr) Wit on, and Walter W a/ court utre Cind.t toUo a and John 1/oppt.

~ tud

nt Life


Soul, Unique Dances and One Act Highlight Spectrum harger p "trum '69" parkled under the <'o-direc¡ lion of Intera t ar d Drama lub. a" once mor , tudenb came running to display th ir 'ariou.., talents. \ creati\e Mr . m1th added new idea to thi tudent "how, bringing in th u..,e of num rou.., films of chool life for b l\H'en act entertainment. ;\. tanding room on!) crowd grooved "ith the oulful ~trub and laurohin"'l) groaned ut th Laugh-In marnag combination". The ophomore kit add.., "cia " \\ hile wedi.. h ton..,ue I\\ i-.ter. brought in orne culture. harg r tal nt. ho\\e\er. i... comp ed of much more than mere fun and gam . The onte-.t pia\, "Waitin"' for the Bu ," erved ;.., the econd half of the pectrum and eriou dramatic talent came to th front.

Right: Ronnie Campbell entices the audience uith his "Filet of out''

Making one of their rare appearances, Centennial's nt>u /.1 formed Orchesis club


Student Lijl'

tartt'd "(' Char~er

pectrum off on the left foot,

"The Sou/jut

trut "

oulfully f,effou 'Lds go to tht> hop, oh bab_y . . .

Let's ~o to thl' hop. Bah . . • Bah • • • let's

o to the hop."

L)nda Tl'rrl'll prrpares for her role in "lf'aitin for the Bus."

An escapin

Eric Eg let on accompanif' • ·





cene for Jo



Dati a he rehl'ar es for <.;put rum.

tudl'nt Li/1'


Uark Pomtrance sweep Laurd Ziebell off ha feet.

Debbie Chew, as the nurse, informs Whiteside that due to him profes ion.

he is /ea1 ing the nur ing

Dry Humor and Superior Acting Make Fall Play a Success Th famed c lebrit\ h ridan White· ide \\as the "\lan Who arne to Dinn r '' at tl e t 11 le\ 's home in tirn :\I e. alia. h o. bpJ)ing nd hreakin<• a leg. he \\a. forced to remain there for If. it to heal. In th meantime, th renter cl White ... icle pro1 ~·eded to )o,\1~ -hut \Cf\ carefulh - dc ... tro\ the an· it\ of th~ e arourul him. · . killfull) portra) d h) talentt·d Fred :\lank r, ~ h ridan White idl' kt•pt tlw audienc ho\\ ling in thi ,\lo and Hart <'Orned\. :\larcia Kell and Jill Luc kmann a~lclf'cl maturit\ IH'\ ond their ) ear to their role"' of Whit;. ... ide ·, 1 o· \\ orker and friend . \ large ca-.t of over fort\ addecl to the effe ·t of chao and humc;r. The age-old ''prop hunt" "'Jlil' d pre· play preparation a -.tud nt"' t• plon·d the po ihilitie of finding n drtl'riorat d murnm~ ho and 1 mall p nguin or 1\\ o. The energ\ and creati' it) of art in tructor :\Tr. John on produced f't "ell \\ orth the c•omech and talt•nt di pla}ed there. educti~e


tudent Life

Lorraine gushes


fr uhittside.

hendan Whitt ide, contrite for hi face,,

I.orrain~ lur~

rl'portu Hnt from

un rrupulous bf'hatior,


, tanlf': homf' and



b.r di.sapproting

Demf'nttd stage.


brings unique coml'd) to

hittside as ures the )Oung couple that l'lopl'ment their problem.




r to

nt Life


Auditorium Serves as Music Hall for "South Pacific" ".South Pac·i fie" "a. more than j u l .t>ntrnnial\ fir ... t mu ... ical. It "a mor than the mt>re unit) of the rnu ic, dram and art departnwnt. into on drh ing for!'e. " outh Pac·ific" \\a al o O\ er 100 nthu Ia"tic tud nb \\orking da and nioht for omethino hicrger than th Ill"{ he:-o . et on a ~ outh Pac·ific i land during orld War II. th ton i one of lau~hter, jo~ and grief. Hiohliohted h) the talented Jan Rathhun a ur elite Forhu ... h, the hem douhlt• a t fom \Vei-. ... man and Tom .ampbell a the C'ultured Frenrh planter enamoured In her rharms . . Blood\ ,\lar). Bill is and .ornmandt•r "lronbell)" kept the audienre in !'Oil· tant uproar. Rodger-, · and Hammer· stein\, beautiful mu,ic "ent fet'l tap· ping. And pt·rhap" a) inn omethin about life t'\ en toda\. the hcl\\ ... uhth plant d the d ... o( thoucrht in man} mind. mid oap ud... and c·omH' trip C'O.,tume-,, " outh Pacific" left ih mark on our )OUn~ tage.

Billis and Cable on arridng at Bali Hai are gruud by Blood.Y Uary and

Commander Harbison and Cap. Brarkn lult'n tn F:milt>' radio.


tudtnt Life

om~ natht> twls.

mf' . Of(f' of Joe's df'ath

or •·r


[,irll and ]ot> pmfum·e a/tn thf'ir jint nrt>f'ting,

Tongue tu i ll'r require frequent rl' t ptriod .

1/o t, Carol Untud, slwu:s how she reacts to Eva and htr continuou piano plaung.

Eva's Visit Brings a Bit of Sweden to Centennial

Eta shous hot Barb Untt>ed tlwt Daguood and Blondie art> English.


funny in • u·edish a


entennial gained a bit of '~orldh culture "h n prett\ Fva Ahlfor-. arri,ed from \n;.:elholm. ·,~ d n to pend the \ear m cau ' · u in the "inf! of thing-.. ba\, ophistication .,oftened to di pia) a definite!) null) -.en-.e of humor. [,a quick! h am \er) mueh a part of th nte d'-. famih. E, en occa-.ional fam , h quabhle-. a~d ncle John·., .. ...,, edi-.h Pancake:-" ("Thi-. j..,n't a ' li-.h pancake!" ) failed to di oura~e her the counter-top <"hat-. at one ·\.~J. an I aturda) mornin!! cartoon-. med to •lften the hlo\\. n ing on tu lent Coura il. [, he< ant a\ are of th tremendou drh e for tudent partidpation. and "a" "om \\hat urprised - ...ehooJ, "hack home" are ... tricth academic "ith no ... u, h enthu ... ia ... m p;e... ent. ot afraid of the un nO\HJ, ho\\t'\ er. he plunged ri"ht into the thick of thinf!..... ·· , .h< r rer "'1 • trum '61)" found her good-natured!) attempting tonf!UC t\\ j-.ter-.. onrerned about the future. \ et ' n much im oh ed in the pre-. ~t. "th~ \\ ede" ga' e man) p ople a hro der ron .. ept of h r nath rulture.


d nt Life


Janl!t St!l on contl!mplatt

during a quil!t moml!nt.

Interact portra)S football uam for Homteoming .



Powujul Chargtr.s build indt tructiblt p_tramid oj dctorits. Gail Froemming ltads Uarrhin Char er to proud tradition .


CE. TURIA. - Front Row: :\an KathY

cribntr (editor), Ga)lt!


Grigg, Ada Troter, Joy Gardeu·iM, Jim Jlildeu:ein. Back Row: Carol Unteed, Lynda Terrell, Marcia llix on, ngleton, Kathi larbucli, Dl'anna ]oM, Diane ll'l'issman, htrry Kirb)', ue Ignasiak, ue Trimble, Patti tone.

Frustration, Joy! Laughter, Tears

• • •

Memories Captured

into creating a } rbook than me ts the • a un u p ting E ·T RI editor oon di overed. The joy of cha ing teacher for a pa ..e committment wa hadowed on!} by th excitement of a no-pictur -for-tomorrow' d ad line panic, or the . ubtle humor in, " hat cop}? You mean we're uppo. ed to \,VRITE? !" peed pro\ d to be om what lackin~ in enturian taff m mber . h~ terical d t rmination and raw ourap;e mble a \\ ork of art. E\ en through th occa. ional atta k of a panic- tricken editor-in-chief or the idio<'y of a 3 ,;\1. work e ion. they found it ea y to laugh. cak and n nou lau:::hter ~ained trennth a the book gr w. until finall) the E T RI >\ taff looked back on a ucc ful )Car ... and proud!) laugh d. During her fir t \Par at Centt'nnial, Hiss Engelhaupt undertook thl' job of CE:\T RIA\ ad11 or.

ue Trimble, mi takes.


enior editor, uasn onp of CE'VTURIA

.~taffs rare

Abo~,.: Ur. Bob lll'lltr pla~t•d an I' mtial roll! in tht product ,n of (,£'1fT Rl.AV 'ff). Ri ht: Editor, Kath} rr•bntr u't'l assi ted b.t a adaJt t'ditor, Uarcra II •n, in thl' funnil' t ua)S.


RIA .. B

TAFF-/o .Annt


Julit VanBu kirk. Dtbbi• lltnll' • Kath} Dau: on, Robert PaJnl'.

C£\T Rl \'


With Ink, Paper, and Prayers, CENTINAL Fructifies News :\lo"t entennial tudenb ha\e little id a a. to \~hat "O into mak.m,.. the cor i , mt re ... ting report <·ommonl) 1-.nown a th (E TI -\I mg the fini hed produ t eHr) two \\ ee -.... few rea 1ze the labor and tear pour d into each clition. Fe\\ tudenb are aware of the panic and fru !ration that ea h 'edn ... da~ deadline bring... , or the politi imohed m . imph reporting the ne\h of th ·hool. nd p rhap only E TI \L taff memh ·r f I th 0\erpow rin urg of pride and accompli hm nt a a h new edition b om Char"'er hi tor~.

Abott:: Carole Ridn li tt:ns attt:ntiuly as fr. Jenkins goes oter a neau . tory. Left: Editor, lay Lewis, enjo) an occa ionnl laugh at neighboring competitor .

CE 'TI, A Front Row: Leslie Lybarf(er, Jfary Margra~e. Carole Rider, fona If' ebe~, Georgia Burton, Phil Troehler. Back Row: George Andenon, ]an Rathbun, Julif' tin${Jn, Lynn Datis, Vicki Floyd, ara ,Uajors, Jay Lewis (editor).

32 (£.\TJ;\Al.

HO E OF' REPRE E. T TIVE Front Row: Tu~ a 0', ~ill. andy Young, /llarsha Dob on, J~nnifu D~arduff. Olitw Cartu, Marilyn Hunt, uzy Dank~rt, Ellen O'B)rn~. Ada Trot r, F.d J~nkin , Gail Fro~mming. Row 2: Beck) Gal/ia;an, 'ancy Koch, J~ff Coombs, Jim Hud¡ dl~ ton~, Lani MacLeod, Rita Forr ttr, D~bbi~ W ~$t, Kathy cribner, Barb Burns, Kathi Fry, Ber'lflrd Robinson, ara Majors. Back Row: Tom nook, Mik~ Brown, Fnd Hanker, Larry Farmer, Paula Uorton, Judy Griffin, SanC) Griggs, Tom Shapland, Bob JlcE/ligott, l~l ab~y. Rod Fletcher, Dati! Ne mith.

6th Hour House Bridges Student Body and Council th hour cia .. h ('am the e"tabli h d time for gripe un at entennial thi~ ) ear. Each cia elected a repreentath e to tak their idea and U,!r-e lion to hi,.her authorit~. Added to a '-tnall group of tudent ouncil m mber ... , thi group of d I crate... form I th Hou e of Repret

. entath e , the chool' link b t~e n tudent and their admini !ration. 'ith ugge ... tion from the Hou ... , tudent ouncil \\a then able to their tudent body in b Iter ti\e-a a group } t a ... indhidual .

El.E 10.' BOARD-Front Row: ~far.1 L riril!rl!, Barb Untl'~d. Pl'll'r Kor t, Row 2: Bill \forgan, J'al~rie Ro": .-.ara Uajors, Ka~ emonin, Untl)' 'tohlosa.

¡~a/hammer, Donna Dickey, Bac



TUDE.:'T CO 1. IL OFFI ER Clochi-e from Bottom: Chuck Luckmann (Prts.), Ada Trozer ( l'cond Vict>·Prl'.~.), Brucl' human (First V1ce-Pr1' .), Bob Dot.~ (Trl'as.) l.Jnda Tl'rrl'l/ ( t• ), Jeff Coombs ( Parliaml'ntarian).

Council Ambassadors Bridge Gap Between Hierarchy, Plebes Wil'lding gatl'l, Chuck Luckmann fulfilled main goal: to firmly link tudents to their Council.

Mrs. Borgia and .\ln. Lamar find


tudent Council


tudl'nt Council a nl'u and nl'tl'r·ending challl'nge.

Imoh rn nt wa-. the key to thi )t'<lr tuclent ouncil. P rhajJ it lurge ... t goal \\a. to h ·lp the tud nt body b come im oh ed, both indi' iduall) and a a \\hoi . Teacher... lwcame invoh d earh in the fall \\hen oun il welcomed them back \\ ith a facull\ tea. P rent \ d ·ntenniaJ OIIC {'\ cning, makin« guide" of .ouncil memb r~. Enthu ... ia. m and '-pirit reigned clurino- Jlonwcoming \"\' ck a... tuclent ouncil parked the celebration. orking to~?t·tlwr a a unit, the~ climaxetl an a ti\it packt·d \\e k \\ith the dane ''Dm\ n Bourbon trcct." pring brou:rht a return of nt nmal 'c k \\ith the th me Hoarino T\\Cntie . A week of xl'item nt incited the '-'pirit for an acti~ity-packed \\ kncL Throuo-hout the Har. ,'tuclrnt ,ouncil ... tren"then cl Ia. l ear traditwn-. and "' m'\\ one ... it .. elf. Intra tate de,elopecl e change grew a-. tlw Pal Pro" ram \\ a• born.


TLDF. 'T CO{. 11,.--Fr nt Row: Jan Frir ~. Uarr P~try, Kay ~monin, Lauri~ Yaxlty, Ada Troter, Jant Latur, Carol United, Carol Co f'. f:indy 1/alt', :\'ann [,ucl.mann . R w 2: Bruce human, haron Rf'ttbtrg, Diant Top ara Uajors, Chuck Luckmann, Em Ah/fors, Jill Luckmann, Ron Droegm)tr, Back Row: Jfrs. Borgia, Julie VanBuskirk, Tom Jr ~issma'l, ~oe Vance, Bob Doty, Jeff Coombs, Jerry Tippy, John Kitzmiller, L)nda Terr~l!,' Charlie Broun, Tom Littl~, Eric Egg:~ton.

The "'69er'

nloon," bartendt>d bt

~!at, abl~

male facult_l mt>mbn , clima:ud a fanta ticallt ucct ful homuoming ueekend.

tnt Council


Gold Tassel Represents Glory of High Academics \laintainin::: the qualit) tancl.trd~ b) ta ... t ~ear'._ group, ational Honor 'ociety t 1\ ed it primar~ pur po--t•. Honoring tlwii pre\ iou... con titution, the cluh \\orked to e,.,tahli h th ... e . am ehara<'teri>-tic., more firmh into .enlt'nnial' tradition. • Out tanding ... cJwla•ti · ahiliti pro\ide the prer qui ... ite for memht•r hip. Formal im itatiorh to llt'\\ nwmher-. \\Nt' wlitten in Januan after the econd erne-.ter. Thounh ton ... i... tin•• prirnaril~ of junior-. and t>nior ... , a ft'\\ e reption I ophomore qualified for entrance into thi ... elite group. l\lemht-r., of ational Honor ~ ociel\ a) o participatt·d in ( hargt·r urn Lnudt•,' "POll· ~oring the • ehola~tic t-nior of tht• :\lonth. Ka}


nin and ]aM Lauer u.ork to uphold th~ir honorabl~ academic tandins .

• \TIO. \L HO. 'OR OCIETY front Row: herr) K,L~. lfar1 1farernrt•, l.inda H Fall, Sharon UcGinni, Kartn, Barb Duco//. Row 2: Tnt' a o·r•iri/1, Ph> IIi Uc\amara, 1/tcia 1/arpt tat!, Ku1 .'iunomn, !Jd,bit• 1\.ur/ tr/Jm, Put Harlan. Back H1m: Kath) IT it', 'tt·u· /Jt lwn,., Uil.l' 1/olrt'r on, l.arm•/1 ltt·bel/, Jane lAten, flo/, HcUligott (f!" .).

36 Honor


Cultures, Concepts Linked Through Exchange Program ,\ hard-\\orkirw, rnone}·lllind d group of , cht·nturi t formed thi } ar' J• or ign E ehang JuL. U i II three project \\ere hand! d hy th e \ariou duh repr entati' The fir t \\3 to rt:en and interview A'ntennial tudent inh•rt• tt:d in p ndiuo part of ne t ear bro d. arrO\ ing do\\n the e applicant: to a few of the b t qualified, the final el tion wa made \\ith th help of the International tudt·ut Pta.. ement en ice. nior Rarhara Hinch pent ix month in " deu thi )ear h oming imohed in another tulture. In order to ccn er tht• co l of th e h n"e·, the club hegan a rna i\e mon }·rn kino pro<•r,trn. hune II- meric• n dinner <'omhin d \\ilh \ariou mall r project to rar e th n ed 1,000. Th final proje l of Foreign E · hange luh \\a to kct a famil) to ho-t ne t )Car·~ Europ n •tudent to entennial. Again, in ten ie\\ \\ere held and the I PS aided in the final el lion. \\eden' E\a Ahlfor ta d \\ith rol nd Barb nteed \\hil attendin" C ntennialthi- pa•t ear. orking to e•tabli h futur tradition , Foreion Exchan"e lub m d bright int rnational r lation a reality.

Abott': Brucl' human pratt'S to U.f'di h nchangf' tudent, Eta Ahl/or. thnt Ultra·Bright uorl.: . Right : Bf'ing ut•lcoml'd home from u cdm Bnrf, Bin ell i fJ'('ftntrd 11 ith n cor agr.

FOHEI ,:\ EX H \, 'GF.-f root Ho": J incc Bo ton, Bru t h nan, Tucsa Petr), \ann (.urtis. R " 2: John Trapani, Tibb:t Uurphl, Dorothl ( urti1, Ellm O'B.trnf', Toba tar!.. Back Ro": Greg Hdl. 1 1n Gumbel, Laure/llt.'b II, Hr. Robut Datenport.

Human Relations Delves Into Controversial Issues Racial i "ue~ and other topic of concern hiohlightcd many group mt t•tin"~ of the Human Helation" Club. Continuin • it role a~ the con cienre of entennial. conununjt) p aker t the pace for 'ivid di--cu-.-.ion-.. Though their m cling-. \\ere held on chool e\ening , th Iluman Relation. Cluh hrouoht ome of thrir projrct dire tl) into chool life. One of the-.e \\a their ~lock Political Election, in which the) poll d the entire Centrnnial tudent hod). The majorit) of the -.tudent 'ote-. \\ent to Richard 1 on for Pre-.ident, E\errtt Dirk-. n for Senator, and Richard Ol!ih ie for ... tate Go, crnor. The officer ... of the club \\ere Barb Ducoff, nt; ~lark 0-.borne \. ice-Pr -.ident: and Randa Hitchin , ~ cr · tarv-Trea urer Human Relation... luh put their <on< ern of sit~ation into po..,ithe ... -.ion ... to aid in a b tt r under... tanding of \\ orld toda .

Gue<t !peaJ.n like Dar id Alli.!on, head of thl! Bla' k I' dent A . o· dation, make the Human Relation mutings reu,ord ng and uorthuhile.

The most projitnble method of learnin i5 through II tming.

H :\1A. · RELATIO. • hury Krrby, Alicia llarpf tad, Ruth Ruder, Joan Dixon, Perry Good, Mar ha Erick5on, Randa llitchin~. Mr. Lehman, Kathy Burgn, Linda ltcFall, ltnnta. mith, Barb Ducoff.

38 Human Relation

Afro-American Club Excels in Varied School Activities n energetic Afro-Am rican lub park d enthu ia,m into thi }ear' tudent hod} by pon onn" man} n w acti\ itic . ~lemhcr' work d hard for impro\ ed tud nt r lation and communi ntion • l~n~li h Hall \\a~ con iderablv hril!htened a the fro\meriean lub made Homecomin~ \\eek a cau for c lebration. The them , "!) wn Bourh n tre t," tran,formed the u'ual 'elltm tile-. ihto brick-trimmed wa Fa"l he omin a popular tradition, Friend~hip W wa one of th dub\ large,t project'. Encouragin~ th breakdown of racial and ocial barrier,, tag \\ere old to tudent to promote e chan"ill" ionature with oth r'. Th \\ ek' climax <'arn at a duh 'P n~ored ock hop. Well-or;raniz d and d plv one rned, the Afro· \m rican luh ha, h en a hig factor behind encouragin" tudent under· Iandin".

Faithjul club m~mbn pl'nt manY long hours compttin!( for fir t prize in homecoming hall decoration .

CrPatite abilltr nents.


put to

ood use to spread the neu

of upcomin::

\FRO-\ lF.RIC\, < I.l B l nt Rn": Bonni~" De hon, Charlr Thomas. Ed lone, I.incoln llt·u,.. " Janice Weather poon, Walter Tl'alktr, Stt•phanie • tit h. Glenda ( ., !'am •'colt, Debbil' Winfrn, Ton 1 Fitzgerald, (annie Fit:t: r' Linda Po'e:r, Erne tine Butler, Cher)l But/a, Chrn[ 1T hite (prn ..,, e Burton, 1/auit• l'o/1., Oneda Huff, Debb1e /li/1, I a/nil' Harnt , f r I') Gra~. ]o)Ce Huff, Barbaar !arion, 1T hitf', (pr,. .), :;ut• llurtor II lie l'o/1., Oneda 1/uf/, f)t•bbi,. Jill/, I alerif' Harnt , .·hirl Gr '• ]olce llufJ, Barbar' U rion, \fari/,n l'r.a(Qck, f.'u ne Broun. Bark Ho"· \lr. Jlick, Joe Ri hop, Dann) Jreather.poon, ]t'JJ 1\.endrick. Ronnil' Campbel, ) l stu Uont· llutler, Bill lflCutchm, Charlie Broun, Ed )t•nkm , Elmer Dou las. Can ( /emrnt, Robnt Brounlu, Fred, Willie \foss, A en Andu<on, Earl Cabot, Ronald !.ellis, J ictoria :;alle, /)oroth\ King, J irl(mia 1T ood.<, Ofilia Harmon.

fro· merican


FRE. ' H HO. 'OR 0 lET\ Barku, Ofitia ar•tr


JT'i ~. K


~m •nin, T~r~

a. P~try, Joan Gumbel, llik~ llohtr on, L1nn Broqui t, Gail Timm~rman, lfar ha

French Culture, Traditions Appeal to Ardent Students

With the help of a dedicat d, hard-\\orking group of officer , Fr nth lub b am an en rg tic organization, B . ginning \\ ith a numb r of bake ~a! .. , th ) aL o participat d in decorating the foreign langualle hall for Homecomin~ \\ ek. Their no\ I Arch de Triomph helped to win cond priz for ;\1o. t ut-.tanding Hall. The Foreign Lanr.,uage hri.,tma Party pro,ed to b an entertainin" \ent for French luh. a the\ cr at d a Fren h kit and '-ang 'ariou nati' e carol-. for other languag dub . Perhaps one of the club' larg t proj ct-. wa their o k hop after a Cent nnial ba k tball gam .

FRE.- H CL B-Front Row: Cindy Horgan, Kathy Williams, Kathy Broun, Ju/i,. ho~maker, Li.a Judge, Joan Berg /rom, Jo Wells, Pt'try, Rita Forresttr, L1bby mith, Anita /lankin on. Row 2: Doris Pric,., Jormna toll, Uanha Dobson, hefly llojnacJ.i, Jane Lin, Carter, Robin Allen, Uar), Ca)lt> llalcrou:, ~fartha Hall, Jo ie Pt>try, Jan P/lllfer, Carol Unteed. Row 3 Diane Cain, Thirion, Kay t>monin, Donna Hyman, Diane Drollinger, Pat Humphrey, Kathy Wise (pres.), Gayle inglt>ton, Em Ahl/ors, Joan Dixon, Unteed, Carol Phillips, Becky Linder, Ellen Doudl. Back Row Juhe Ryan, Julie VanB1nAirk, Karen Wise, Donna Cent, ca·z Rusk, Johnson, Dat~ Hamburg, Lani \facLeod, Diane Wei.uman, Joan Cumbt'l, Marcia Kel) Connie Dziuk, Kathi Fry.



Mary 0/itia ancy Barb Rud

Im oh t•ment

University Play Broadens German Club's Activities

¥.8 C,erman Club' an ¥ocr to ¥-orld problem t~Je} worked hm ard intemational und tanding. f i t t·ckm~ to know more ahuut them t>he a a "roup, tudent~ a\\ a GPrmnn pia) attlw l nher it~ of Illinoi . Bt•comill"' imohed in ( t•nllll;Jial affair, too, (, rman Uuh •poll orcd a fe\\ h k •al • 'I heir o k hop after one of the Chat ger foothall gam!' ft•atun·d the funk junk ~roup. 'I ht• duh al o helped th,. other forei,.:11 lan"u ge cfp,·or II• the L. nguagt• Hull for Home ominp; \Ve . and n·u•i, t·d ,, har in tht t·conll pr izt• for mo•t h.dl. .erm n Cluh ··t hli~laed a fir-t thi 'ear p nel •li-.. I'Us ion oruup I'Orl"i-tin" of th art• hi h "d10ol forcinn e l'h, nge tudcnt . lt·amilll! throunh each othf'f. comrnunic . lion pro\ed to}, more tha11 ju t \\ord .

4bote: Born m Gnmam, frau Rima add authtmtic points of in cia . Ri ht . (;nman enthu 10 t, Le lie I. borger finds that ford n langua e can omettme be a b11 mi:rt d up. int~re I

GF.R:\1 \

C.Lt ll

Front R<o.: Rut chnur, \'an Edu;ard, Barb /)uco/J, Barb Fieb 1/iorn, PattY (;,.n emtr, l.lnda Broun, J icki Diener. licia 1/arpe tad, Ka1 Cummin~: , Curt Uou er, ~tan humwa!, l. ndn Terrell, Jane 1\.odl.ou Iii. !lac Row: Ellen fJou·e/1, Jud1 GriJ/tn, /Jof, 1/t>nn, Oat \esmith, l'om Uttle, !'am \ 1holt.

Row 2: Rundu llitchin ,


Spanish Greetings Add Genuine Foreign Flair to Halls to lw the mo ... t e ~:it· to lt•.lrn, and pani~h Cluh planned to learn in full ~c·.1le. Their hi .... gt·..,t project thi.., ) t·ar \\a-. a po,..,ihle urn· mn trip to \le il'o, :\lern!.er.., , ntic·ipatecl that -.urnrner ~t·"ion,., in :\1t· ico "oultl hl'lp them ht·c·omt• nwn• familiar to the pt•oplt• 11 ho't' lanou,lgt• the, -.tuclied. With fit'ld trip'. and ( hri-.tma.., acti' itir.,, pan· i... h .luh offnt'd -.tuclenh much more than ju,t te thook achenture-. Tr 1\d



fn •rita, ue ui/1 all attend the


fte ta ,.. ' reritr


ng "pani h tudent .





I'\ I II ( U B I· ront Row: Hargie Hard.,.), (aria ( ain, loe /l(}()tl, lh·/,1,,,. /lenin, \anr 1 f.urti, 111'1>1 /Jurua h. How 2: \fr. hington, Hurlt•nt• l'f• ifa, /tan Hitcht·/1, Janr Hitchtll, Jud1 I.att·r·r, Unda /Jt·nnrll, I.inda Gardna. Back How: Inn lfartw. Undt 11 rr tltr (pre I.), Sur lft.rnt'l ht rl., lit lit• llru!IP , l.uurP/1 lidu·ll, /ollt' Rr11, ( arul 1l dlnl'r.

42 .'ipnni h

S.P.Q.R., Speech Pursue Special Areas of Language · peed1 Cluh (HO\ f!d to he more th n ju t hot air .. tud nt prodded udit•uct \\ ith di .. u .. ion of di\t·r j. fied topic-.. ~J .. o competing and farinn \\!!II in t, te-n ide competition . nll'rnlwr gain d poi e and e perience in the g ntle art of 'P king. \ ne\\ adoition to Centennial, Latin .Jub \\ prohabl) th mo t unique of II I ngu gt• clu!J... \11 iflol, .. riba. qu e.. t.

I.\ TI, ( I. I B front Row: l.indu • te11·n , /JianM I anchu, Penny Lauhead, Trbb~ Uurph,1. Row 2: Janet llarr1, Cath.1 Robn/5, Ha~gie 1/aal, Paula \lorton. Bac · Ro": . tan llurdn, John 1\elll, Rob \lcUitgott. • Pf.EUI ( 1.1 II Front Ho"' /anP (,et:, .'ihauna John on, Joan lhxon. Ho" 2: t ..d Tf't>is man, /a1 Lf' B rk Row: tan llurdn, colt Pathel, Pun Good, /1'/J <.oombs

abe), 1om

..Thl': ne t thin I would like to cottr is the admint tration polic) df'alin u.ith •.•"

l.atin, p uh


<.ERT n \, D Front Ro .... : Dou Hill (prt' I Tom Hatton. R 2: • htnl Bei[:t'T, Jwr Framl', Und• Carin t•r, ( GTO IT'p1fner, John n ron . Row 3 Uo ell'•, (.ath) ( romlich, I.mda 'chlorfj, JoAnn Goff. Todd Kul.ud.. (.hpnf IT inr:et, I•• nda Broun Joan llcCletlf•.


Crrf{ ~ ince Bo ton, Curtis Frank. Row ~it J..i /Jiener, Tom DeiT'itt, tete Gardner, Jennijl'r II l'almn, If mil n Peuco k, • kip Binch, Karm IT i e, Gail Tom Pjorr, Barb • pra ue, Koren UrUearJ, ,\ancy Worner, Ann tf

..,, r .n,

<.;, hnt dt r,

Practice, Practice, PRACTICE, and the Band Plays On An in pmng \lr. And r'on d mand d nothint; le"" than one hundred per eent of e\en one".., determination and effort to make entenniaJ'.., Band a top quality group. Their participation in e\ ery field b came evident, from the early-morning marching band practic to their ... tirrin~ gam -time p rformance-.. ·hool backing. the .harger Band branched out into district and Be) ond thi "tate competition . ending l\\Cnl)·t\\O --tudenb to tlw lllinoi-. ,\lu ic Educator' .., ociation. the) filled eighteen fir,t chair . and ad' anc d to the tat olo. enemble and full band rone ... t-.. entenniaJ'.., fine hand gaH~ three formal concert... throughout the "chool ) ear and march d in man} of the cit)·.., do\\nlo\\n parade-.. \Vith the chou, the) created not only a mm inCY hri .. tma-. program. hut help d the mu,ieale • outh Pacific'' to becom a real it). J\nd ,orne hoi\. .ommencement and ,raduatwn £• erC'i e ... at the )ear' end 1\0uldn't ha\e heen a.., meaningful 1\ithout the hand' tirring final tribute. Ol. Ilr Front Ro"': Doug \I ill.!, 1 icl.:i /Jiener, ( ind~ Caringa, Ann Parkin on, l.rnda ch/orjj, Ed Jl'nJ..ins. Ba .. k Row: Tom UeiTitt, Rob Broun, Tom In le.


ff"ith Hr. Andn on'.< help, the ut'll·l.noun ounds of "On (,httrgPrs" tibrate from Cen· tenniars jidd.



l'arl.m on. How ~: RoUn Alfrn, l'atti IT, Kathy Pallon, • coli Karl I rom, Cre IT tllman, Ed hnldn , John IT trl, Rob Broun, like Wright, \lad () born, Ro t'r 1rm trong, 11!// "talr , (;rc Bolton, 1:,1 \lelchi, L)lt: /olt•n, "tete 1/a/1, /.ani lacl.f'od, Donna Ct'nl, Jill IIanna, Gail f rotmming, 1\aJh• ( Iauer. How 5: \lr. ndrr on, Jo U chuald, llil.e Crauford, /Jon Fl'hrf'nbacher, \Jil.e A loran, Dean 1/e in er, Car) Kn rt, !Jon H1 (all, fred rick on, Tom lnglts.

II\ ( E 114. I) !'runt How: lrm f ramc, I om 1'/orr, Joan \lc(/ccu), Und<L llrou n, ( hrrrl IT m rt, /Joug \fill , Todd Kuzuck. Ua H ": Greg //,.rwg r. Tom fnglr, 1\athl Uor<a, \nne) If orner, /Jill :tale , \lrkr IT Tight. f.'d llclchr, Rob /Jroun, \lil.c t J,r n, John II' crt, (,r If" ell·, mcm, lltl.r ( rnu ford.



\lr. l!oritz reht>ar e, 4 f.uppella Choir for Fall Conart Jlnformance.

Moritz Transposes Crooners Into Harmonious Choir

Thr. ( entennial Facu/11 Belle unt their fru /ration , reliling their carefree colle;;c da;s a flapper doing the "Var it1 Dra 8 ,"

~lu-.ic came ali\c for O\t'r 100 -.tudenh thi-- H'ar a a de\ er ne\\ teacher h o-an hi.., com pi ·t I) -.pell-bi,;ding program. De-.pite an o\ em lwlmin.:; ratio of girl.., to bo) .... ~Ir. )tmle-. ;\loritz launched hi-. noble ru-.adc. lie demanded p rfectiun from e\ er) one, and ..,urpri. ing hi-. -.tudents I' ·rhnp.., mo-.t of all. he heoan to get it H mecoming et the -.tage for a tradition-creating hO\\; Vdetan\ Da) \\as the beginning of the doubl a"~embli ... in the auditorium. complete \1 ith effeeth e lightin;! technique-.. -. a lar~e \ appt'lla Mr. \loritz e-.tahli-.hed a -.ophomor choir .•111d a ,_Irl-.' nl dub. Too ther th -. • group created man) tirrint: program-. thr ughout the ) ear, includin,., ,entennial'-. 'en fir-.t mu-.icale." outh Pari fie."' Pt•rhap heeau•e .he dnnanded -.o much ) et gn\ e -.o full), urpri-ed tudents found tlwm ... eh e-. contrihutin" all the) could. \'\ ith -.uch enthu-.ia-.m. mu-.ic ore\1 to h on of the mo-.t im oh ing n •ath e Jllmer-. at entenninl.

01'110:\IOHE UIOIH How 1: Joan Berg trom, Jo TT'ells, Jan Pfallt>r, Pam IJI'If Ill, (.uth.t l'nucca, Julie Tf"il on, Cath; Waf h. How 2: Gl• nnn Tf'ilsl.), Jo Ellm TummPI on, Connie JJ:iuk, /PnniP. /)rarduj/, '\anq 1Ja1is, llarb lint red, ue Uaglione. Row 3: l.;nn .11allheu , Donna II urfih , !I arb ( 11 tlr, \lt•g .'imitlr, l.inda • tal/On, IJI'rld Crob. !Ia k How: lJ wnt• \' rt ill, '\'unCI VaniJnt·tmda, Connie liar/on, 1'C'rr; II udgin , ( atlr; llunl• .

46 f.hoir

Row I: Janrt 1\'r./ on, ue /Janl.nt, Han liar rare, Zoe Hood, JOt' IT ,.bber, Oa~c Ham bur , Gar) s.~ren, colt Dari, Hark /Junn, • Ut' Gilmorr, Ud it• flo HI, Jnmijt•r /Jrc tlhau , (.hn 0/mPra, lartha //all. Row 2: //arb Jiebe/l,orn, !'am Fullt'r, l.rndt toklosa, }o• l:ardr.umP, /JeiJl ( htu, Tom 1'/orr, 1om (.ampbt'll, Hr/1 B/iun, lett' J)oug/a, Dan/ ITagner, llattre /'oil, Anita 1/anlenson, Cath) 1/of/man, l'am Rtdjt•arn, Ru II • chnur. Rol'i 3: han Huddle tone, Jar:kie IT r. /man, /Jebbrc \el on, J.,nda Terrell, Ga)lc in leton, Beck) Gal/iran, /Jium• llrucr., Patt Ct•n tmrr, ,h r I /Jnger, Jrrrt IT'etmore, Bonn /Je hon, (her I IJ tal, 1\ath) !Jur er, \an 1/'orner, Julie Stin on. ll 'k Ru": ( aro/ (.oopu, ( harlme f le her, Jan Rathbun, /Jarb !Jurn , J r ki Diener, ( arol nt ed, /'am Tour:hbt:rr), Libb) mith, \'orma llakt·r, IJ!'r (.ampbt'/1, IJI'bbir. on, Rita Crr tenbt'T/{er, }udt l.ateu, !Jarb. co gin, Julie R•an, Uarda 1/i:c on, \anC) Gngf!, •


(aught i11 tht• act of .1tmling 11 , lrorr ro/11', llurl /Junn po• tlrr prnalt for lri firndi h dt


(;IHL' (,) E~: (II ll Hov. 1: ltan!lere, Jud) , imp on, Ihl.t·, lh·blue !'hi/lip . Hu" 2: ltr hrl/e 1/olru on, !Tan llarnel, ( hri IT ri ht, 1 annir IT r g . Back Ro": 1\.ath• /Iori on, ( athJ Cnz, JuriJ llu ;:ron-, I.Jnn , mith, /) r th• 1\rlll'l, • u an 1\ramt r.

( hoir


Music Students Compose New Ideas Expanding Encore Encore carri d tradition-~ tting id al ... into full pia) thi ... ~ear a ... "spirit" became their pa ... 11 or d. From a 11 ell-d corat d hall to a ... kit during a.~ mbl). entenniar-. ... tudenb contribut d their ... hare to a fa..,t-mo' in" Homecumin;: '' eek. \.., ib main obj ·ti1e. Encore al. o -.pon,ored man, of the mu-.ic concert ; the ath ·and gen ral hou'e manaoement 11ere their re..;pon ... ibilit). The entire ., hool looked fon1ard to their larc-e't projed - a Fehruan \"ic -Ver,a. To rai-.e mon ., for uch an arli1 il1. club memh r ... · old " hool slatione; and cand) to both their chool and communit1. :\lod rn. :\Iu ... ic :\Ia ... ter ... i th :\lu-.ic )) •parllnent"-. elite ~"roup of out ... tandin~ ... tudent.... Holdino -.tud nt admiration, thi-. "mall !!roup of upp 11ere 'oted on ll\ the mu ... ic director-. them"t'h ~'"' for ihcir contribution" th eith r the band. on h ... tra. or choir E. CORE Front Ro11: l.inda "' ~ trlf, 1nn l'arl.w on, !.ani Uacl.eod, Jill IIanna, hJJ Tacliell, Ru t• , hnur, Pam Redfearn, ] ,.,. tman. \anc Dau. lJt•bb e \~f•on. llil.e Cindrelf. Ro11 2: \'orma Ral.a, 1\athJ l'atton, RobiTI /fen /) -rn 1 Gent, \uno, l'am lh Tritt. 1\athl l'nucca, Juh~ If 11 on Kath1 If af h, l\ath1 Get:. Row 3: F\.artr1 \[((lean, fnita on, lolbb\ mith, Gail Goff, Patti If il.ofj. ( ormie lJ:iul.. Jt•nn\ /)eartfu/J, Barb l ntt'l'd, Jrtlnnil' lf'i~: , ( hri' lf'ri ht, (ural ( ooper. Ro11 l: Carolt~ IT r/lner, Barb • pm ue, Jenmjrr llo de), Ruth • w1on, • hn1/ Rri ..-r, Gr-: 1 Frnwurrinf[. /)onna lltoman, F\.ath1 J/od on • • ue (ramer, Debbie Lar en, Jane I.iTI. Row 5: (.harlr llurpt• tat/, lf'iliPI • trl.. ,'hern Bu< at, \Jan A.'' P/iP tu, Rrt J \lcf)ujft•t', Bt·th Brandrifj, ( wd1 Garin er. lfrl.e Palmer, l.'ath1 Cromlich. Row h: /)orr Cu ru. Ro\CP If if kin, Jo Ann w.ntorr , Karrn If i t•, I rcl.i n;, ner. \arrn If ornt•r, John War, Date Hamburg, Tom Fr fit', \ltlit· l.<~rorr, 1odd 1\u:ucl., llil.t• Craujord, Ed He chi, Cath1 C/ouer. ( hrr.1l ( tlmbc/1. Ho11 7: lli!.t• 11 ri::ht, Crt• lftnagrr, J If in 1'1. B. k Hl'"': Tom Pforr (pre .). Joan \Ic(.(l'arJ, Rob Brou.n, Dou \lr/1. Tom ln!!lc. l.indu. Broun, 8

48 l:ncorl'

Art: Creative and Original Expressed in Studio " (" Cre ted in ~ ertemher of ]C68, entennial' fir I rt lub.


y gro~in"

tr a ur Ly particip in a car ~a~h, folio" d h) a fe..., rami cook-out ." Branching out e~en th r m th communi!), tudio icago to deh pi nned a trip to the work of the rt In titute.

ting "c . fur" " into

h1rley Gray uses her arti tic talents to shapt creatite pottery.

TllDIO " " Front Ro": Trudy Fri tot>, Har_t Laritiut>, Cathy Utmt>nt , HP!od.t Cunmn ham, L)nn Datis (pres.), Karen Dou las, /antt Uaril)n Hunt, , u~ Uark, Lori Jr'd/rr, ( aro/ Clarke. Ro" 2: Unda Erick on, Pattt '(!/ on, ue Pa)ne, Joan l"anne), Connie , adeu.ater, Kathl Rabat , Judi Griffin, Uabt>l (.hin, J icki Diener, liar ha ButtPr/ield, Juli Etan. [)iane lJrollin er. Ba Row: Hike Lukt, Ed Hadle), 'iter~ .'it ott, Alex Bohlt¡n, • tan Herrin, lfark Bokenkamp, ( nrol Cojfm, Franc'll' I aid/au, :ue \Jabral, KaJh ~ immon , Teri Father ill. i\ elson,

rt 49

National Thespian Society Enlarges Dramatic Realm

Four amauur comtdians di play tht art of bting thtm. t'llt's.

tale ..Top Bo} ·• Frem h frie... all·da) r h ar a[ the pungent odor of mak.e·up and the t)pical back· ta e flurry "ere j u.. t a part of Dramati Per ... onat E tel i 1r. om! ) ear brou .. ht a ne\\ addition to the cluh in the form of The .. pian". a drama honor .. ociet). To join, each memb r had to acquire point.. ha .. ed on participation in ctin"', direetin ..... tage ere''· m kt•·up, or co tum ... Th ultim te goal of each The-pian "a .. a bronze. ih er, or gold pin. A 'er·) a the duh, Dr mali" Per .. on e E !'eJ .. ior contributed great)) to dwol nthu .. ia"m. Th • comul} '''I h :\1 n \\ ho ame to Dinner:· a night of one· ct play~. and h lping to produce '' " hargel' ~pectrum \\Cr a f w club a tivitie . Althouoh .actin(Y \\a~ their primUI~ interet the roup al~o e perimented "ith make· up. Iif! hi.. and drama techniqu ... '68.'(>1) "a ... a tt>rrific Ie.nnin" e pcrience for tho im oh d in Dramati~ Per .. ona • E cd .. iOI.

DR :\.\1 \TI. PER. 0. \E F:.• EI lOR Front Row: Bill Horgan, Kath~ lti t', Kathy. immon , Kathy Burger, J'icki Dil'nt'r, \lark Pomnance. How 2: ( ind1 • tol.losa, hun 0' ullir an, Har; l't•tr). /Jt.{,{,j,. ""· Ka> Cummifl , Jnnict• Wood~. l.tblll . mit h. How 3: Julte I an flu l.trl., Paula Horton, Hartha 1/a/1, \lartha fled jon{, Jof.'llw 1 rmuntl on, \lug it• /lank, Laurel/ lit•bell, Anita 1/ on. How 1: }ant• Gt•tz, Joann•r • toll, }ulir: • hol'fnal.a, /Jume /)rollin t•r, / 1ut llumphrc\&, Jo1ce Tenn,t on. Ht w S: Jultl' Rwn, Haria Tmtrr, Sue l!!na ial., (arol llntcl'fl, Patti .·tone, front it· [,~tid/art, Debbie Sel on, f.'l/rn /JortP/1, Kathi Fn. Row (J: \ann ( urti, lh·cl..\ r.oi/Jt•rt, Su an Oil/ul111U h, \unt 1 l.'duard•, Dirme Cain, /Joris Price. Back How: (aria Cuihn, F:ra 1hljor, Tmt) /)ilfe.\, \'anC\ Vantfpu•ndt•r, frtd Uanktr, 1om 1brl.

50 /Jmma

[)I{ \M \'[I PEH 0. \ • F. ( f I lOR Front Row: hnniju Dr~ stlhau.s, loy Gard~uint, Pat Harlan, Dtbi ( heu, ( onnit fitzgerald, l.)nda Terr ll. H '" 2: 1/ark llokencamp, /Jan • nlllh, Habel Chm, ~tan llemn, Hark llnan, Bruce 1/uflman. Ho" 3: Rlla (,rr lenb r r, \anc IT ornrr, /,rnada Biehl, /,arq Farmn, Ktdth Lu tig. Ho" : If ark 0 born, 1 err) 1/acktll, Li a Jud~e. !Jarb f nlt!ed, ]uamta Jack on, (.arol Coffin, Tom Timmons. How 5: \ancy OaLi, Joan /lug trom, Jo IT'p[[, Jan !'faller, L)nn Uatth~us, Uar ha Dobson. Row 6: ( arol IT e/lner, Barb FiebrU orn, f. nda llrou n, Cher l Eduard , Bet l Buruash, Laurie 1F ell~r. helly Hoi· na ld, Karen IT i t', Jane l.w, Gu nne la1t'. How 7: Dati! \'esmllh, Peur Tichenor, loan Dixon, ]Ill l.uc1 mann, (.har/Pnc J/e hrr, Kathy • amuel on. Back row: Bob Dot)', lay Ltuis (pres.), Irs. mith, Cat h)' .'icho11 engnt, Rich Rockuood, Tom Campbell, Ed II ad[,. .

Fred \tanker ref/t'ct on th to rou.

1mag of h1 charactt'r a h

pati ntl

uatls for his b ard

"Ah ay, )''all, the little lady and I makt tht btsl fri~d chicken 'round tht' e hut' part ." The ct creation of \Jr. Johnson and his dedicated crew pror ed to b~ an asstl to the fall play.



Interact Speeds on to New and Never Ending Quests

Bob Doty quickly


dou.n ht>lpful c-ritici m durin


• pectrum rrhear al •

Interact i th hoy ' club . pon or cl b Men' Rotar~. D \ ot d to greater und r· Iandin '' ithin both chool and communi!) , thi or~anization ha. ro\\n to b orne one of cnt nnial' larg t rvic club.... Horn <·ornin" '' 1.: . aw Interact le dinv th ·hool in hall d coration . Their di pia\ of t tlent around th libr ar} pit a\\ arcled them the honor of mo. t out· ... tanding dt•corations. ot stoppinv there, de\ er mind ch rn d to ere at their ''inning kit for the Homecomin~ A · emhl) . Before th Charger football . ason came to a cJo,e, Interact pon. or d a huoe pla--h r ht. The al o \\ere in charge of le< llll the porh har urn Laude each month . An Interact creation. •· '' harg r S1 trum , ''a" produced in January for the "e<·orul \ C<lr. Drnma .luh dele!! th ir cr ath e ta-lenb to broaden th -eop of ent nnial's tunt how. lnt ract put their efforh and talent to ' ork to make an aeti' • or anization.

I, 'TERACT-Front Row: Ed Vetley, lim Baeruuld, Uil r . ht>lb), /JatP Bull•man, Gr,.g lli/1 (pr~s.), Bob Doty, Tom haplond, Lre T url..rr. Row 2: llike Eduards, Tom Dt>Witt, colt Karl tram, lfj/,;,. Broun. Kirl.. Karl tram, /Jatc Uc.\'attin, Chuck !loch, Bill Palmer, Jnry Tipp). Row 3: Allen tynchula, Paul Abbut>hl, Rt!id John on, /Jatid llambur , IJ un Ur mg r, Jim Rettber , Tom IT eis man, Rid. Ucl'hee, Conrad t)nchula, Grt>g Bau•man. Ba k Row: Don \ldal/, • tun Htmn, \lure llol.cnlump, Jim Krr ca, Donn) Grider, Ed Rau.1lin, Jim Johnon, tetl' ]ant's, Rich Rockuood.


Int eract


Bob Doty (trtas.), Grtg lfi/ls (pres.), Tom

hap/and ( tc.), lliAe htlby (t:ice-prts.).

"Oh hum uhat an t:rhau tm da1! Trell bo) actual/

he ua



Torch Club Sparks Loyalty Towards Charger Power )f, unc thin to produ e ' boo I •pirit; it'-, quite noth r to <h nnel thi- •pirit into •t'n ice f r the -rhool ml conmtunil\. Hut th f, ju·t "h 1 h ppened thi ' r a- a 'i orou- Tordt Cluh fi t•d up Cenlt'nnial. • ot <·xa th •In, Tor h luh memh r- •oon had Charge~ fa~- of all a~t 'dlin n<l cream in~ In -t~rirall) during honw gam -. ot to h •lopp d then·, the) -oon hirtd hu-e- for tran•port<~tion to a"l\a) ~arne-. pa)in .. the dif· ference th m•• he- o that more fan mi~ht I' rticip te. lub uniform '"\\en· e-taLli-h d qui kh part of 'cntt·nniaJ', n '"1\c-t tr clition. In dition to their re~ular gam blot ' ti n. a drill team c n-i-tin of ixt n ~irl• "a' <ho- n to perform I halftime•. Homccomin pr<>,ed to he a gn·at d.t) for Tor!'h Club a' thetr •ucce--ful hili •upper linked a \'ar ity . h.. w to the game it-elf. ~ ith •pirit lik tl t, the Char cr• lwa)' fini•h d fir 1!

OFF! ERS-Uary Petry, Cher I lf'hite, Kathy eathammer, lane Lateer.

Urs. Willis, Torch ponsor and all-around en· thusia t, donatt'd hn time, energy, and imagi· naJion to Charger spirit alit·e and grou· mg.

54 Torch Uub

mlmn, llarb !Jurn

(pr~ .}, Comne Dziuk, Val

Club picnics protide food and relaxed atmos· ph ere. Fla r.arria Alida Harpe tad, Barb Ducolf, , haron lcGinnis, Kay Turner, Linda Ben· nett, linda Gardnt'r, and Ro elle (.rau/ord di • pla)ed u "nnin l)lt'.


Tor h Uub


Vivacious Cheerleaders Are Essence of Enthusiasm


Einht plu on . . . gr atr.r in number, gre tcr in pirit, ntennial\ che rleadcr pro\ ed the old a dane, "th mor , the merrier!" Pep hecam the po\\er for participation, from their rarwa-.he · and hop~ to a million-and-one h ke I . But the~ mere incidental only garni hed thrir a tiv it · in a multitud of chool a emhlie~ and game-.. ~ 1 r \\ould our pirit he \\ ithout it leader-.? After all, harger che r· lead r~ are OOL- OOJ...- OOL!

Front Row: Ueli:ssa Adams, Pall) Co srou•, Gail Goff, Carol Dati:s, )an Rathbun, arah Prowell.

Gail Goff




tokio a, Rita Forrester. Back Row: Bonnie De hon~.


tokio a

Bonnie Dt> hon ,

arol Datis

Jan Rathbun, arah Proutll

lfe/i a Adam . Rita Forrt'sUr

Pat/) Co trror¡e



Dolphin Club Captures Grace, Form of Water Ballet J)e,pite thre.tb of punoent t'hlorine and dr ppino \\t'l hair, m, n ~:drJ, tried out for Dolphin Uuh ome !'oncentrated on the fine art of ") nchronized "" imminc and co-onlination in the "ater. Tlw'e "ith Je,, "" imming talenh hut more or anizatiunal ahilit) t•,tahJi,hed .1 nlllrh needt•tl. hut Je.,._ ~lorified job-the Dolphin lub Production rew.

\\ h 1t looh 'Cl") "implt• i" often quite the oppo,ite ,.. man oon tJi,c·mt'll'tl. ~l.ul\ hour of long h.nd I'' dicing \\l'lltllllo prt par.ttion for tlwir ~Ia) .tqu.ttil' ,hmL . pt cia) lightinn It• hnique' addt•d to th poJi,bed proclu · 11011 " ' Dolphin Cluh l'n·att• I ,, "rac·d ul \Hlter h.tllet.


Reck Y Gal/it an, liar iu Dab on, Cat h) Perucca, Eta Patton. Row 2: Ann Foley, Joan Kathj Callitan, Carol Tt ellner, Tere a 0'.\'tdll. lla k Row: J rancie Laidlaw, Celia

Hours of wactice re ult in a pltasing t//ect for a S)nchroniud su.immin maneuter.



DOLPHL · PRODl.:CTJO, · REW Front Row: Katht Dauson, Bed-.) Watt, Penn) LaKht'ad, Debbie Henley, heri 0' ulliwn, /Jebbit> Varga. Row 2: Calle 1/alcrou, f.'ton Fickle, Uaril)n Dillman, Jeanne Tf"1·~g, Laurie Faxlq. Row 3: llaiJl'l Chin, Sue I na ial., Kalh> rr_t, far ha Back Roy,: ( arol Cojfin, Patti "tone, Uar) Frit::, Terri Robert .

Centennial Swim Club Expertly Instructs Youngsters

Happ_t their uam i' u inning, Kath.t ucord time.

Gallir:an and Dian~ Bruce

llemb,.r practice tt•arhin11, diting tuhnique .

Biting cold \\at r on arl} aturda mornin" fail d to daunt our launch entennial Guard a~ the teaching prof •· ion took on a new li"hl. tud nt. nobly gav up much of their tim and !'ffort to in truct grad hooler• in a f w ha ic fundamentaL. The Guard \\ent further. ho\\ Hr, than e\ n the contribution to their chool ancl community. While man) of the bo) cornp ted "ith th r •I of the hoy•' "rm team, the girl timed, recorded, and dodg d \~a\e.., at all hom m et . hool que n \ n '' C\ent thi- ) ar. the (,uard el ded a to U\\ard ribbon at the ,entrnnial Im itational. Held during the Thanhgi' in~! 'acation. e cit men! •et th pace for a . u <"C• ful int r-hi:rh chool me t. Qui(kh h comin:r an inte"1al part of tud nt acti,iti ~. ,ent nnial uard ha... boo-ted •pirit ancl pro\ id d n 1 to both chool and communi!).

CE:'TE. ·, ·y L G \RD From Bottom: Katht Gal/it n, L1nn Dati. Diane Bruce (pres.), EtOn Fickt!l, Brd.i Watt, Diane St!ln'r11,all, nn Parldn. on, Jim Reuberg, Bruce Broun.


" ( " Symbolic Of Work, Determination: Goal For Athletes

Lettermen "tkk to<"!ether. a, a rule. and thi ... "a no c ception at entennial. It's heen ... aid that their large,t group acti\ ity thi-. 'ear "a ... to around and fl their mu~~le-.. But other-. argue that plan. w re d finite!) in the· air for a hop follo,~ing the ba ... ketball game on Valentine'., Da}. \nd in a bur... t of pirit. th boy" al o planned a celebration picnic on the final da) of -.dwol.

Mil,.~ Broun keep girls, dou·n .

an ~II' on Jim 1/uppt', as Jim l.rrp




omt'ont b~low. Doun,

•· ·• CL B Front Row U• t Tock, Rob Broun, Tom Langlois, Larry W1l on, p,.,_y iln, Chuck Luckmann, John Hoppe, Jfike Holt·erson, Jt'rr) TippJ. Row 2: Dana llaxy, Dan mith, Jay Fir/din!{, Char/iP Brortn, Unwin lluJ./man, Ed Jenl.ins, Bill Wolf, Rick UcPhre, Jim Rt'ttbl'rg, mith, Bruct Kel o, Dan O'Connt/1. Row 3: tan Herrin, Bruce human, Randy John on, Rob rlttrman, Walur Walker, Chuck lloch, Jim Kresca, Tom hap/and, John Walden, Andy Gilmore, Marl. [) mn, Bill B/i.un. Back Row: Clark Grady, Jrm Erans, Mark , forrou·, Alan f)illf'), Jim lloppt, Gr~g fills, Dtan lft inger, Bill Do.~ch, Garn Hcf.ain, Bob \fcEI/igoll, cot Dans, Bob trohl, Randy Craig.



"G" Club

Gym Leaders, Orchesis Mark Phys. Ed. Initiative

A i tin,. G}m te ch r in potting, in r and lakin« attf'nclanc , many girl tudent leader. Applyin" a ophomor , they fully creened for th -.e junior and . enior y yet, add d re-.pon ihilit) brouoht added pr tige. A combination of I ap , pranc , mood and mu i becam rh language of thi year' Orch i . A n w club, thi group of girl clanct>cl to ex pre-. them elv ... through mu ic and movement. Th club hoped to produce a prinrr how.

GY~I LE~DER. Front Row: Kath.) cribner. Libbit mith, Olitia Carter, lJiant! Bruet. haron UcGinn an. R 2: Anita on, ]tnnifu Moseley, hrllry Legart!, Linda Brown. Row 3: Val Vthamm r, lJeb/,ir Craning, Cin > t o. a, L)nda Ttrrcl/, Anne Foley. Row 4: Marcia lltxson, Diane Weissman, Paula Morton, Cindy Garingn. Bac · Row: Tl'rri Roberts, Jane Lateer, Kathy Wise, Elanna Williams (pres.), Kathy Schu:oengert, Marsha Barker.

ORCIIE I. hont Row: Beck) IT'att. £/ana Han on, Tert a Petry. Joy Cardeuine (prts.). Back Ro": Gail Golf, Linda Broun, Uaril n Rose· nal., /)rb/!r If i/liams, Uar) Fritz, I.i a ]udgr, Mar) Petry, Bet y BurutHh, Ewn Ficl,el.

G m Leader , Orcht• ;,


Conservationists Campaign to Save Allerton Park " a\ Allerton Park" continu d to be the battlecr} of Centennial's on. en ation lub thi year. n officer in the . ~g­ Allerton Park ommittee, the dub helped rai. e 22, natur p titioning to ave the park. i\lember manned Information < nter-. in Allerton Park and throughout the area. Their intere... b did not end here, howe\er, a the} belonged to uch group a : th ational Wildlife ociation the

D f nder of Wildlifr, and th national, tat and county chapter of the Audubon oci ty. ~ nding donation to upport the con-.ervancy effort of other , m mb r wrote to E paneling a tradition begun onl} la"t ear, thi hi- tmu tl to ·outh Africa. Th cluh tudied mu um and took field trip .... too. \\hene\er po ... ..,ible. Con ervation lub-an acti\ , int r ... t d group \\ ith an C) e to the future.

CO.' ERV TIO. · CL B-Front Ro>\-Leo Andruzck, Phil Ellet, Ur Ca.~uel, Dfbbte tt'uart, ue Riemer, Carol Wellner, Janet Harry, Cathy Hofjman. Row 2: Lindell Van DJke, Dat id Ligon, Roger Applegate, te•·e If" tte, lfark Bokenkamp, Corw}n Zimbleman, Jerry Sulltmn. Bark Row: Bill Wolf, Bill Do,ch, Terr) Aytr, Hark Doane, Jerry Corsen, t· n lltmn, Robert Phtlips.

Jfr. Ca uel proudly di pla)s one of the dub's goals.


Con ntation

"Okay, Horace, uho took it? ThaJ


chirJ.en tw here ju t a



EGO Completes Array of Creative Literature \fiN cea d · I) hourulirw tuclent and b g ing Euo-li h teal'her for \\et'k a fe\\ determined tudent finally collect d enouoh material for , nlennial' Lit rary · i\Ja ... azin . E p ndin"' a tr, dition hegun only I t ) r, thi hi-annu I el ·tion Inn to di,play and re ognize a fe\\ of the chool hiclrlen tulenl'. In a Jit•' of gru lin.. ion , the articl "hi h a . lect d. The idea lually app a red in the magazine \\ere wa to puhli~h cr ation" from a' m ny tudenl' a, po-,ihl . Both \\ork. of art and literatur \\ere welcomed. Po m , ... a}", and hort torie' were co lie ted alon" '' ith varieti " of photo .. raphic work and ketchin"~. A a limit \\a t a. to how many article. an) one tudent could have publi hed, Lit rar} • lagazine truly di,pla) ed the variety of arti tic talent" at nt nni I.

/ud) l.att'er, editor, proofrtad

artic/1' bt'jore pubilcatwll deadhtll'.

LITFR \RY f G \ZI, 'F..- Front Ro": • Uti' lft"n on, Jan Rathbun, Pai!!e Uatthl'u , Gu1 Ddfo , Uike Luke ( tanding). Row 2: am Cullop, John rictor on, f.rik Kro h, Carol l)(ui. Ro"' 3: .Ur. foci., nn Hartin, Donna Dicke), !ud1 Lauer, \fica L)tle, Diane forgan. Back Row: \'anc1 I.ucl.mann.

EGO 63

FTA Battle Cry: "Here Come Some More of 'Em" Lov of children and a arch for kno\ ledge hrou~ht the memb r..; of the Future Teacher.., A-.~ ciation tooether. .\la11) -.p aker-. throughout the year informed club m mber of the different leH'b of teaching. the cholarship and gra11ts a\ ailabl to them. and the teaching ar a. in need of their help. I ·ial education ''a.. al o di u d a-. thr e future t acher , d a hom for retarded children and return d to hare th ir e p ri nc .., \\ ith the re-.t of the dub. ,\Jan) m mb r,., even found an opportunit) to e perience actual teaching hooJ'.., ad t tea hin,. prothrough th gram.


ngleton di cot·us mluablt rult• of thumb, planning for future careers in education.

FIJTIJRE TEACHER J ront Ho~: I.aurir. Yat!r~, ( ind~ Stol.lo a, l.inda Gorda, r, l.imln Stt•r rn~. Barb Ducolf, Karen hoemaker, Cheryl Winget, • lraron UcGrnni . Row 2: }oun Oiwn, Diant· Cum•, }tlfll' lfitchrll, D ""'' Alford, l.rnda /lmnr/1, Vicki Flo,d, Vicki Diener, lean Mitchtdl, Ann Foley, f.onnit• .lfor r. Back How: 1\athi In, /Jt·h/.i,. 1/t•n/n, J.,. lit• [._}liar Pr, Shrill /,,. llrt·, Harsha Eric!. on, Patti toni', ue lgna ial., I.inda liar/,, Karen /Jucl.nn, (.hrr (.onnor.



FHA-Front Row: Kat h) Pal ton, Undy tol.losn, Morita mit h. B <'k Row: ]o IF 1'1/s, Uar.l Winter, Celia Forrester, ".!arlene Pfeifer, Joyce Ttnnl on, Llnda Ttrre/1, Li a Judge, Vann /Jar:is, Barb Untttd. , ot pictured: JoAnne Ada1r, Barb .Vance.

Future Homemakers' Dreams and Ambitions Start to Jell Acti' it' \dth thought hecJtme tl ke) to thi ~ear¡~ Futur Homemaker of Ameri( a tt n" high goal for them he~. the oirJ e pJor d tb I further through acti\it). The jo) and fru !ration-. of uch thing-, a ... neighbor citiz n hip, lei ... ure time. and mone) \\ere their ~oncern. The club plann d a numb r of acth itie . In 10ol life. th ) d orated a hall for Hom omin" nd pi nn d a "I) le ho\\. ~taking favor for a local nur~ing home, the) also planned other ommunit proje t ....

Oh JUm! Lu. ciou food i prepared b e ptrienced hand •



Future Occupations Come a Step Closer Through Clubs

i\lan cluh hrou ht the realitie of tornorro\\ clo r to ent nnial I\ ith th ir "tudie"' of 1 ariou o cupation . On of the~r. Medical aret•r .... guided the interr4rd in their probe of variou-, mrdical 1ocation . 'id trip, and •ue t p ker broadened their \ it'l\ of tomorrow. nother group, Future ·ecretari "'· prov d that knowledg can he gained through acti1it}. From candy ancl hake al to meet in I\ ith th ational creta rial "ociation, th girl displa)ed th ir interet.

• IEDICAL REER From Left: Paula Uorton, Vicki Dienu, Urs. Lind ey, Denni lnge DeVries, Janet Harry, Janet Kai ar.

Patt, F A members enjoy their splash party, one of the club's actiL"ities.

FUTURE ECRETARIES-Front Row: Kathi larbuck, haron McGinnis, Kay Turnu, ht>rry Kirby, Pam Montgomery, Row 2: Louann ."tforse, ancy Thirion, Vicki Diener, Dorothy Curt , Dianne Drollinger, Linda Bennl'tt. Back Row: Joan Gumbel (pres.), Jackie Wilson, Linda Gardner, Cheryl Swinford, Phyliss 1-lc'Vamara, Jean \forgan, Ann Roach

66 FTA

Valuable Vocational Experience Furnishe Through CVE Trainin


Vocational Education ntifie all tudent who attended part of the day and participated in on-th -job training program in community bu in •e for the remainder of th da}. Throu"h the cooperation of a t ach r-coordinator and a bu~ ine upervi or. each -.tudent' program wa d •igned to help him b come a better p r-.on and worker. Th pro~-tram con· i ted of four dhi ion - Di tributh:e Education. Dher. ifie l o, cupation , Office ccupation. , and en ice Occupation .

]t'an Jforgan, Kay Turner.

ut> Pathel,

DE -Front Row: ]o Ann Dt>Vore, Connie Funneman, Linda Collenberger, 'Vancr Bauman, John Trapani, Debbie Bolden. Back Row: Ur. Griffin.

pmct'r, Hushl'l Britt. Row 2: Uarsha 01 on, Betty


CJ E 61

Premeditalt!d as ault. Pitcher John Waldtn la}s ot¡er a hot one.








his oppontnt.

luch to the a1u of Danny O'Connell, Charlie Brou¡n houl in anothu ont.




Undefeated Chargers: Capitol Conference Champs ·· harge on to \ icton" and that's e'\.actl) 11 hat the) did time and time a!!ain. The l C)(l8 foot hall harger, pre ... ent a great challengt• to future team-. h) acquirinl-! a "eason of victories. A determined team full of that Charger fighting "Pirit, the be ... t of coaches a fearle ...s threesome including h ad coach ~ e... i... and hi., a ... si,..tant-. John :\lacek and Paul ;\IeGan e~. and hour,., of long hut ... kill building prac· tice-, 11ere the inl-!redient" for the unb atahle entennial team. tunning the T11 in- itie" 11 ith it. agile backfield and po11 erful linemen, the harger ... drc11 large ero11 d .... inc rea ing a-. th a..,on proceeded. \ numh r of .entral and rbana lo~ ali tie .... 11 anting to "ee a good team pia). could be potted in the qand .... B\ the end of the fir"t "i game-., t'\ er~ one 11 as convinc~d that the har<• r-. 11 ere a good football team eltllll-! the pace ~~ ith an O\ en1 helrning triumph of -2-7 O\er L Jo - gden. the har!!er... began to roll. rare I~ allo11 in:r oppo. ing t am.., to ·ore. Four C'On..,ecuti\ ... hut out.., foliO\\ ed and after a :~ l-6 victor) 01 :.r Griffin. the Chargers ended t11 o third. of their ea..,on "ith 22<) point. ored again t a mere 13. Finall) the high-spirited .har"er... 11ere to da h 11 ith a team rated do-er to their 011 n capahiliti .... Decatur' Piggott field 11 a.., packed 11 ith amiou. fan. each anticipating a clo e game to break th three 11a~ "'rip on fir-.t place. Prediction" '-Ounded a thoul-!h the harger \\ere to get a bitter ta te of battle from th ... trong [) catur i\lacArthur team. But the • ntennial pla)er,., 11ere ta..,ting 11eet \ictory



Football OPPO E T L J o. eph-O"den . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 . La\\ r nceville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . D atur Lakevi w •.................. 0 .. pringf'eld outhea t ................. 0 Ja k onville . . ..................... 0


52 29. • . . . . . . .

54......... 3-l .....•.. _


a. the\' trounced MacArthur 28-0. Th~ nucial ganlt' of the t•a on 11 ith Eisenhtnl rr \\a ne t on the <"hrdule. Tht• Pantlwr-. \\ere u big threat and a p011 erful opponent, oul\1 ei~hing Centennial b) an a\ erage of 111 ent~ pound a man. But tht• Charger ho\\ in' outstanding -.kill and tn·noth, pla)ed an t• ceptionally great game, amazinn both the fans and the Ei rnho\\ er team 11 ith their dominatinl! pO\\er. Onl) in the fourth quarter did the trugglin~ Panth r.., manage to c:ore t\\O touchdm1 n again t a \H'ar~ .harger t am. But this corn · back 11a not trong nounh, for Centennial \\on :n.J2. This triumph derided the Capitol onference c·hampion hip the Charger,., n011 ranked numh r one all In them ... rhe . It \\as a gloriou-., \ ictoriou Homecoming r~mplete \\ ith fir \\ ork and an appearance of th harger on hor ha<'k at e\en touchdtmn. The enormous <"rO\\d, lar"e t \er to a emhie at entennial fi ld, che red ec· taticall and confetti fill d the air. har • r pirit 11 a at it p ·ak! oncluding their ason in character \\ith another hut out. the Charger" boa ted an impre si' :~2:~ point to their opponent 25-a r rord that 11 ill Ion" he rememb red. It \\a. a proud and happ~ team that c·haroecl ac-ro-.s th fi ld \\ ith Coach Da\ is held high upon tlwir -.houldt•r . In ummation, the )C)(}8 nt nnial football ea. on wa : supreme effort put forth b) a upr m team instruct d b) a upreme coachinl! taff r ..,uJting in the upr m re\\ard -the prid of ntennial and the titl of \1BER 0 f

Board 1968 E TE




3L... ..

. .. Griffin ............................ 6 28 ............ i\lae rthur . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . 0 33 ............ Ei. enho11 er .................•....... 12 33 .... _._ ..... Lanphier ..•........................ 0

FOOTBALL: Front Row: Dan Winur ( fgr.), Jim Hoppe, Larry Wilson, Walter Walku, Greg Mills, John Hoppe, Dave .UcNamara (Ugr.)., Row Two: Dan Grider, Randy Craig, Ed Jenkins, Btl/ Dosch, HiJ.e Holver on, Lincoln Huffman, Perry iler, Uark Morrow, Bill Wolf, Kurt chradu, cott Daus, cott Radcliffe. Row Three: Coach Dat·is, A st. Coach Grtggs, Hikt: Brou:n, Dat·id Rumer, Tom Helbling, Bob Clarke, .1-fark Dunn, Greg Bolton, Bob Strohl, Jim Baerwald, Darrell Fillenu;arth, Bill Estergard, Tom Hess, Asst. Coach .fl.facek, Asst. Coach .UcGarvey. Back _Row:_ Earl Cat·itt, Bill Collins, Charles Herron, Bob Doty, hm Coble, teve Hartrick, Bob Henry, Mike Rumer, Alan Dilley, Garry .11-fcCarn, Bdl Bhxen, Rod Fletcher, Ed • eeley.



Une of tht' main rea ons for Cmtennial's su cct>ss is tht'lr tough ofjt>nsiu lint>.

'\atural pt>t>d and a~!ilitt aidrd Ed /t'nJ.ins in bt> comin~ u I'll knou n Jor his bt>auti/ul opt>n /ttld running and man,- long ~ains .

WI'll prottctl'd by hi uammalf's,

colt Dot i


room to a curalt'l, I'Xf'CUtt' a quick kick .


bo,e: Lt>ating a troll Of ptlTSUI'r bt>hind, HujJman prmts JOr _tardagt>. Lt-ft: Tht> Chargt'r t>ntu t>ager and u i/ltng to battII' tht>ir jon







to fact with an





a great Centmnial team is a proud man, Coach Datis.


Ed chose to go ot¡er, undtr, around or through-{Jnd did.

Th~ d~ttrmined

Chargers art' always stridng to get the ball.

(>uartnback Pl'rrr

To plat football bodt.


mu t han: ,,


ilu readu:

Bill If olj di platinB trtmt'ndou

him 1'/f to throu thl' bomb for anothu bLB

pttd and pou r brl'aks through GriJ/in'


front lint.

Practice Yields Perfect Season for Chargers

Ed ha thl' ball. LooJ.. at Ed run. Go Ed tco.

Bt'hmd lint', Huffman


jor tho l' l'Xtra 1ard.



Tht inttr sauad game prottd to bt tht toughl!st of thl! )tar u:hl!n Chargtr da htd Charger and pou:tr fought pou:u.

Our uam had a lot of backing.

Outnumbered by Charger pou¡er, a Gnffin player btgin



to pray.

Ambitious Sophs Prove to Be Stars of the Future








Th I 1 68 ophomor coach d h) Ed f r derick and Bob 1 el on compl t d a ucce ful a on ~ith a ~-2-l r cord. After a 7-0 triumph over Mattoon, the ,harger uffer d th<>ir fir t lo to Dam ille, onh to r<>turn in traditional harg r fa hion ~ith t~o addiiional hutout . ndoubtedl) th tou~he-.t game of the ea on ~a with the Panther of Ei enho~er ~ ho. liMmen each to~er d 6 f t or O\ r and ~ ighed 200 plu ! Th ,harg r quad played and out tandincr ~arne. the b t of the ea on, as th } held th Panther in id the 10-yard line four time ~ithin the fir t quarter. Th 11-6 \i ·tory for ntennial \\a Ei nh1mer' only lo and the only gam in ~hich the Panther failed to core at lea t t~enty point . ith a little I enthu ia m, th ophomore ~ent on to tie Rantoul, 6-6, and finaliz d their a on ~ ith a 6-13 Jo.., to rbana. 0\erall, the ophomore. proved to be a Iron~ t am ~ith fa\orabl prop ct for future \ar ity quad . Head Coa h Da\ i dep nd. hea\ il on the exceptional!) ood in truction of ophomore coach , Fred rick and 1 'el on. 'ith a olid foundation of thi }ear' ophomore. , we can look for~ard to another un be liev a ble (a coach Davi put it' ea on in 6!J.

ophomore Football




7 ........ Mattoon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 ........ Dan viii .•...•....... 18 6.. . . . D atur Lake\ ie\\ .... 0 l L ....... t. Jo eph-Oo-den ..... 0 ll. . . . • . . Ei nho\\ er . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 .......• Rantoul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6..... . . . rbana .............. 13

Long gains buaml' a trad~marl.. ojth~ ophomor~ Uam.










ophomort' can do almo.t




Striders Place Impressive 1Oth Out of 38 at Peoria With only one returnino lett rmau, the trider la<"ked overall depth in \\ hkh to he· gin the ea on. But lt>d In harle Brown, Rirk "l<"Phee, hu<k Lu<kmann rul te\e Dillman the quad njo~ ed a fine du tl m t record of 7 1. fter heating conference fo Ei. nhO\\er and outheast in a double dual, and ronvin<'· ingl~ ''hopping a po\\ erful Rantoul team 2131. oach Quinlan' quad app ared to h one of the I ading ar a t am.. The hinh point of th r \\a. at the Pt'oria lmitational ,,here th tnder put forth great effort and plared tenth out of a field of :{8 <·hool and 266 runn r . With crucial lo to Dan\ ille and ('TO" tO\HI riHt( erhana, thouoh, the harrier lo t "orne of th ir punch and taper d off to a di appointing fourth in .onference and t nth in Di trirt. Wtth th 7-3 un C" of the ophomore tt>am to form a po,,erful nucl u .. Roger Quinlan anticipate a trong team ne t ~ear. Four of the top ix runnu Tucker, and Dimple UcPhee.




Bob UcEI/igott, Captain Chuck Luckmann, Lu



37............ rbana ..•...........•.....••....... 22 23 ............ :\1onticello .......................... 33 15......... Ei. enhow r ...•.......•............. 11 27. . . . . . . . . outhea t ......................... · · 28 21 ............ Rantoul ............................ 31 23 ............ ~1attoon .......................•.. · · 32 15 ............ r"enta .....•..•................... 50 21 ............ :\1ontic llo .......................... 31 l1 ............ Dan,iJie ............................ 18 30 ............ ni. High .......................... 25 31............ rbana ............................. 26 6th at Pari. Invitational lth at Conference lOth at Di trict



(o ntr;

Leading runnu and co-captain elut Charlie Brown ~xhausttd a/ttr /)i trict.

ophomore lettermen aff Tom Timmons,


Andruczk, Jim Bray, and Kirk Karl trom.





Dillman, sprints for

th~ tap~.

CRO.. CO • TRY: Front Row: Lu Tucker, Chnrl~ Broun, Captain Chuck Luckmann, Conrad tynchula, John Jaycox, Danny Uarr Eubank , Jack Durant Bark Row: Rick Fiji~ld, Rick 1/cl'hee, Bob McElligott, Leo Andruczl,:, Kirk Karlstrom, James Bray, Phil Douglas, Vii/man, Tom Timmon t~t~ Fink.

Joe ttt·e

Cro ~ Country


hove : Clwrger Hub Le houer gets the tip by outjumping a Paxton opponent. Left: Dan Crider watches as a Panther hot is blocked.

Above: All eyes follow the ball as Chargu Jim Evans . hoots /or two. Right: An Eisenhower Panther attempts to stop Dan O'Connell.



VAR ITY BA KETBAL Front Row: .Ur. Robert Atery, Coach, Date Bouc!., Scott Dat·is, Jim Evans, Herbie Leshoure, Tom Langlois, J!r. Val Bush, Assistant Gooch. Back Row: Bill Dosch, Danny O'Conne1l, Danny Gnder, Greg Hornaday, Charlie Brou·n, Stet·e Pierce, Dan Winter, Bill i'lfcCutchen.

Averymen Surprise Fans With Outstanding Second Season Ba ketball coreboard 1968-69 CE 'TE.

'a ,\L

OPPO E T 66 ............ Paxton ........................... 56 53. . . . . . . . . . Thornrid "e ......................... 61 73. . . . . . . . . . outhea'<t ........................... 62 55.......... ]a k. on\ille ......•.................. 51 73 ............ Griffin ............................. 53 16 ............ ~lac rthur .......................... II 58............ nit} of Tolono ......•............. 17 62 ......... ... Ei. enhO\\er ......................... 63 60. . . . . . . . . . . Lanphier ........................... 55 67. . . . . . . . . . . Kane land ........................... 71 68. . . . . . . . . . . Rantoul ............................ 61 75. . . . . . . . . . . . t. Anthony of Effin::rham ............ 68 59. . . . . . . . . . . . outhea t ........................... 69 61 .......•.... Jack. on\ille ......................... 62 77. . . . . . . . . . . Griffin ............................. 68 53. . . . . . . . . . . \lac \rthur ......................... 18 65. . . . . . . . . . Ei enho\\ er ......................... 78

Coaches Bob Aver} and Val Bu h introduced the fad of winning on the home court thi }ear- and the fans \\ere ready for it. In improving last year'. l-17 mark the ha ket· baUer· \\on four of the fir,..t fh e game" includin::r a econd place fini.<h at the . High ( 'ormal) Tournament. Remembering the cellar fini h in the 1967-68 Capital race. the Charger· \\ere ne\er eriously con. idered until their . urpri ing 55.51 triumph O\er a trong Jack. om·ille team. The all <>enior line-up of fon\ ard Dann) O'Connell and Tom Langloi . center Charles Brown. and guard. Herbert Le,..houre and Jim Evans proceeded to make belie\er" out of man) people b) \\inning 16 of their fir ... t 23 game,.. ub. cott Da, is. Greg Hornaday, and Da, e Bouck added needed strength to many a conte:-;t. In almost e\ery game the Chargers failed to match their ad,er arie in ize, but the narrO\\ 63-62 lo. to a mu. cled Ei enhO\\er, and the upsetting of league leading Lanphier 60-55, e...;tabli. hed the Charger a one of the be t teams in the conference.

Ba ketball


on I!.


uft: Guard Jim Evans Otl!rcome two.


the Panther block to

hoot for

Capitol Conference Threatened by Charger Power

O'Connd(and Evans, they jump hi&h- to ke~p the ball from the othu &ur.

bo,e: FIT t-rate


• vm



Jtm ~tans

grab for the

oall. Left: Junior


Hornada_t attempt to block a Pa.Tton pla_tn.




Dan O'Connell shoots before the Eisenhou.¡er player can stop him.

When the game gets ten e, Jim Et:ans resorts to the good old minuet.



"You bet your sweet bippy we're good!"

Sophomores Try Harder ophomore ba kethall team enl'ountt"rerl t'\eral difficultie~ in attaining a t•a on n•cord. of height ''a" thf'i r rn j M prol,h·m, ho\\ e\ er tht>~ learned to romp n ate for this '' ith pt·t•tl. Coach Boh ' in '>lead pent man} long hour \\Orking \\ ith hi learn. tt•a1 hing th • ho . ., a "real deal of ba J..ethall tratcgy. 1 hi-, experience and kno\\ lecl"e hould aid in con~tructin~t a promi ing \ar ity It-am next )Car. The


o thea 1 pla)t'r Cramtr hoots.





Lesur Ander on struggles /or the rebound uhile Joe BI.Shop and Kerin Cramer look on.

• OPHO~IORE B ETB LL-Front Row: Jim 11anin, Ugr., Charle Thoma • B I lr"t.t, Tom Le oris, Tom Timmon , Hike Ku,~J.endal/, Ugr. Back Ro : Roy /lorn by, Kerin Cramer, Le ter Andn on, Joe Bi hop. Ro er human, Larry JfcGu, Coach Bob 11'insuad.

Ba ketball


Records Broken by Undefeated District Champions "] udge-.. timer read). "immer take ~our marks.''- and an opening hot from the referee\ gun ent th entennial tankmen \\ell on th ir "a\ to a \en ucce-. ful ll-0 a<;on. brea.king record after re ord. entennial nthu ia.;t "at h d on a the harger grabh d top honor m their O\\ n im·itational late in ovember. The harger continued pro\ ing their up rior rating b) I adino- the coring in folio\\ ing m ets b) vera! poinb and capturing the apitol Conferenc hampion-.hip. ntennial not on!) pia d fir ... t in di trict. but a! o accompli hed th feat of ending i memb r to the tate tournam nt in Evan ton. Tho e qualih ing for tate honor are A. ]. Dill y. te\e Tock. te\ Frerich • Jim R Itberg. Curt hrader. and Dave Johnon.

Pou·erful starts aided Centennial tankmen m repeatedly au·ay.

etting records both at home and

Front Row· Rob i/t;erman, tete Tock, Jim Rettberg, Bill Bltxen, tl't!' Frerichs, Tom Ingle , Bruce Broun, Jerry Tippy, Curt chader, A. J. Dilley Row Two: Datid Nesmith, Don feCal/, Jtike Bailey, tan Herrin, Date Johnson, Bruce Kef o, like !lfcGinty, cott Laidlaw, Curtis Clower, Coath Frerichs. Back Row: Stet·e Berger, Dat·id .'Uorgan, tan humway, Jack Durant, George Castor, Lindell VanDyke, Date Parro, Jfike Hennrman, Richard Uultihill, Paul Becker.




lhsclts art ttn t as tht boys auait

The strol.ts increase u ~tn tht , u¡immtrs gain thtir /a.H in piration as tht jini$h comts in titu .

Achil'ting tht' high honor of



talt jmali


Many long hours of <I'Otous practice rt ult m a high

corin~ dn .




WRE TLI. 'G-Back Row. Hike HoltPrson, Roger Arm trong, Uike cr!.f(gs, Charles 14mmers, Greg Bolton, tt•e Wells, Phil Larreu., Don Cu tar, Hark Doane, John mon, Ton_l Fitz erald, Coru.·in Zrmbll'm~n. Row Two Coach 'VI'lson, Tom l!l'ss, c.,> UcCain, Eddie Raudm, Jim ~lc,\abb, Tom Hatton, Larr_t· \1'1 C'n, ti'L"f! 1/artrick, ~ tne an/ord, Coach UcGanl'y. Front Row: Randy to es, Dare Mc.Vamara, Rogrr tone, Ed Neeley, Chuck Langlors, Dare UcClanahan, Jl'// Coomb, tne McCartt')'.

Inexperienced Squad Learns Through Disappointments Wre~tlin~

coreboard 1968-69


E T 7. . . . . . . . . . . . outhea t .......................... 15 10 ............ Dan\ ill ............................ 39

CE. TE • I \L

22 ............ Bi mark

........................... 26

11 ............ Urbana ............................ 35 11 ............ Lanphier ............................ 30 23 ............ Fi her ............................. 21 16 ........... L Hi h ( "ormal) .................. 31 18 ........... ormal on munity .................. 35 13 ............ Damille ............................~2 9............ rbana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 3 l ............ Lake\ i \\ ........................... 15 0 ............ Rantoul ............................ 56 27 ............ 'nity ....•......................... 21 11 ............ Ei ... enho\\ r ........•...•...•........ 10

W ith clinched fists, .~ophomore Chuck Langlois u to gil e in.



dl'cnmined not

1th only one returning I lt rman to lead the \\a) thi year, entennial' grapplers far d \\hat seemed to h Inurmountable odd . Thi. prov d onl) to hol ... tt•r their pirit and dri\ . ho\\· e\er, a a ne\\ challenge. oach ., Bob eL on and Paul ;\l Carve} tro\ to fill the gap left b) Ia k of exp rienc \\ith large do of enrourag ment and hard practir . Th ir ffort. \\ere re\\arded \dth the talent of uch tandout a captain Gar} ~fc ain. The lamina and ahilit) gain d hy ne\\er grappler make th ir next a on the on to look out for .

Captain Gary McCain di. pla)s real Chargn pou er as ht> opponl'nt.



Little Experience Hinders First Year Baseball Team Inexperience \\a one of the main rea on the ]f)(jg ~f'n­ tennial ba f'hall team had a di appointiu" a on. \\ ith on!~ lark Graci) ha, in" an~ pre\ iou hi~h hool pia) ing e perirncf', the har • r had to huilcl a team from -ratch. Th ~ tar ted lo,, but at the ea on' nd the\ \\on two con ecuti\ e gam and of 6 lo... , 5 ''ere h) 2 or le~ run . \\ m n~ improH'· a fir t )ear te m, the . rarger... men! throughout the ea ... on. 'em \\ ith ome experi nee to hack them up, the I ol fon\anl to a brinht r and tronger '6() a on.

Tht' jinu point oj liding art' dt>mon traud by Jim Krt'. ca.




2 ............ Ho~;Hord (,uilford .................... 18 1, 0 .........• ~pringfielcl Griffin ................... 6, 7 0............ rbana ............................. 10 1............ 1> ·.ttur l~i ... enhmH·r ................... 16 0 ............ :\lattoon ..........................••. 10 l. 2 .......... ~prin,..fif'lcl Lnnphit•r ............. , ..• 2. l :~ ............ 'rhana ...........•.......•...•...•.. 1 5. 1 .......... :\lacArthur .................••...•.. l L 3 1............ 'nit) of Tolono .......•.............. 3 1........... ,;\1 ttoon .............................. 2 0 ............• entral ...........•.................. 2 at Tolono ............. 2

Larrr Tf'il on and (./ark Grad1 mjo1 a fritndly gamt' of ba rball.

BA 'EBALL-Front Row: lh•n \I ( II, , \Itt lt'r Uont omtr), llikt (.ra jord, ll't~ pi,.rrt', Kerin llcCart), Grtg Bolton. Row Two: oach John ulliran, Jim Kre ca, B, ·,,.,hf, Larr) 1T il on, Tom lngli'S, \fare, Ra" ) R11. sell, Jim Vane~. Coach IFin ll'ad. Row Thr e: Andy Gilmore, Ro coe Haria B·l/ Palmt'r, John Walden, Dar~ Ra1, Chuck Tt'mpel, /Jo g u.·ank, Marc Dunn.

Ba ~ball


1968 Track Team: Eastern Illinois Indoor Meet Champs

From intensite research, tatl t1cs hate proten that thru out of ettry four Cenunnial track stars start out on their feet.

Harold J ~ter' liJ iH Cinderm n with on!) one letterman, JHO\ d them ... h out. tanding h} \~inning I\\ o indoor me b, "'<'orirw \\ell in man) dut'l meet . and fini. hing the . t>ason '' ith a narro\\ 1:! point lo s to De<"atur ,\la<"Arthur for th Capital onfert>nce ro\\ n. For the PJ61J tra<"kmen to top the p rfonnanrt> of the 11>(>H learn \\ill h a hard task. But '' ith i exp rienred I ttermen returnin". Harold Je ... ter can look fomard to a \CI) !night ea on. With t>nior lettermen Bill 'olf. Dean Me ....,.in" r, Hid.. ,\l<"Ph e. and Chuck Luekmann to lead the quad, and junior lettnmen ,hade... Bro\\ n and Rand) , rai" to add an e Ira boo. t, the apital onferenre CfO\\ n i ur to he threatened h) the... har er .

Abo,e: Lhn, cha, cha! ''And mother aid dancing If' ons uould help me." Left : Agile and pouf'r/ul R andy Craig sho;n promi ing polt'ntial for

the future. Track


1968 TRACK-Front Row: Ugr. Cary UcCain, Bill E tergard, Hike Wright, Bob Doty, Dan Cn'der, John Lincoln, Bob Clar/,, tete Dillman, Tom Wei man, l,arry chueighart, J. IJ. Cupp. Row Two: Coach Quinlan, Lu Tucliu, Chuck Parkt:r, Ui/;.e Bu路 nardi, Ctrald PtrHn , Eddir. Bridg~:, Tim Kinne), Tim fa inari, Rick UcPhu, Charlie Broun, ]trry UortenJOn, Randy foncreif, cott Datis, '?.andy Craig, Pat !cBrid~. Bill Do ch, Jim l.t:an , Jan Young, (.huck Luckmann, Bill Wolf, llo~tard Kempu, Dean lessingu, Coach Bea tal, Coach !~:stu.


trong starts pro1 e beneficial to hopeful track


Tht: sky i ea e.


limit /or Chuc/, Luckrrumn a hi! clears hi

1968 Tr '

oat uith

路路oreboar I

Dual .\1 t-.: ~'on 2 Lo ... t ~~ fir ... t at Ea tern IllinoL utdoor Meet . 'eeond at entrallllinoi Indoor Ieet Fir tat Jo . . ph .ogdal Rela) . \ nth at. latoon T F C rnhal inth at Him.dale Rela, ... Fifth at Di trirt .\Jeet 路 c~ond at .apit, I .onft'r nc lc t



1%8 GOLF TE,nt-Fr nt Ro~: Coach John .Uacek, Bob .1/cE//igott, Tom u:mgloL, To" hap/and, Lee mith, "ttte imon, Dana, John Hoppe. Back Row: Tom Orddl, tne Tock, Chuck hu.artz, Bob Harkins, John Arra n rth, Darid John. on, Bruce Kelso, Will tont'hocku, Tum Evans, Rod Fletcher, Hark Pritchard.

Exceptional '68 Golf Team Places 3rd in Conference 1968 Golf Dual Meet Record: Won in Lo,t Four fifteenth place in Champaign Invitational (23 chool ) fifth place in Quine} Imitational (13 chool ) fourth place in Di<.trict ~teet (!) chool ) third place in Capital onference ( 5 chool )

Here ue see the fite returning lettermen looking for thPir golf balls.



Coach John Macek and hi 1968 "Oif team pro' eel outtanding b~ compiling a "hining 1J-l ea. on rrrorcl for thernelve . The Charger had fin depth in that they had the ability to hoot con istent core .... With fi, e e p ri need lettermen r turning this ea on. the harger t am i rated hinh in eonference hope .... nder the p r. i"tant enrouragement of oach :\heck, the... e link men ha\e he n a credit to thtir rhool. bt•n more, the~ hu, ho\\ n ho\\ gentlemen can dominant u gentlemen' game.

Sl'rious mrnded Tom

hap/and nhibit.s his hopPfullt tl'inning form.

TE · I Front Ro"'; Randy Lo{{an, ~lark Uorrou, Tom Banu:afd, Bruce human, Ua.-c /I an ey, Rob Broun. Back Row: Bob>n, U r., Ceor{{e Andu on, llau Sof/l•e, Danny O'Connt'/1, fare Colbert, Tom Franl., Coach Ater).

Hark lorrou. demon Irate his ptr anal technique.

Stephen Decatur Upset Highlights '68 Tennis Season The 1lJ6H .harg r lenni-. team demon-.trated con i tent and imprO\ d pla) throuohout the -.e -.on. Dc-.pite hm ing on!) on r turning I tterman. hard '' orl.: b) the ho\ ... and fine coaching b) .\lr. \\er) enabled the team to (lbtain a enior lettermen that r pedable 6-10 du I meet record. contributed to th high morale 111d le dcr-.hip of the t am include a pta in Tom Bae·11 a L ~I arc Colbert. Dan I Bartenson. and manager Boh ticl.:len. In adrlition. four junior ... I tt n·d 11hi h 1dll forr a fine nudeu ... for n t \ear'., t am. Tht, ar Roh Bn111 n. ~ltrk lorro11. Dan 0' ormell. and Bruce I uman.

Tenni ...




~coreboarcl l'J~l


1\L tephen

D atur ...................... 5

9. . . . . . Decatur ~lac ·\rthur ..................•. 0 2, , .. , . , , , , . , nan lou) , , .................. , .. • .. • • .. I 6 ............ Crbana ............................. . 3 5 ............ Pari-. .......................•........ 2

Determined Bruct' lot.

human take

tl'nni seriou I>

and that' sa)ing a

0 . ........... l)ecatur I.. ake, i \\ ..................... 7 a............ -High .............................. 1 9 .... , ....... Dan\ ille ....•.......................• 0 6 ............ Ei enho11 t•r ........................... 3 7 ............ .\lattoon ........... , .................. 2 l ............ Jack-.on,ille ........................... 5 9 ............ Bloomington .......................... 0 7............ rbana ...•.......................•.. 2 I ............ Rantoul .............................. 5 9 ............ Dan1ille ......................•....... 0


", ow bo,u , for our discu ion on ~x t!ducation:' Charger football practice


aluays drau¡ ~nthu ia tic crouds,


on ut>atit

tt:achu frolic on


in a




ta y.

trength and man-pou¡u rtquirl'd hnt.


Administrators Face '69 District Challenges EHn a difficult financial ~ear couldn't halt th nit 1 dmini tration in its rea. ele~s drhc for th he-.t po -.ibl hool curriculum. In onl) hi. econd }Car as uperintendent of chool . Dr. ;\lar.. hall Berner maintain d hi. rein of control. Program for the mentally and ph) icall) handirapp d broadened: v oeational training of variou le\ e1 inerea d. Th curriculum'. \ari!'t of <'Our perpetuated the offer of a continuall} \\ id ning \ i \\point to tomorrO\~' I ader .

bo~e; Dr. lfarshall Bt'rner muts the challenge of being intt'ndt'nt of schools during a difficult )ear.


Right: Clet¡Pland Hammonds holds the position of Assistant Superinunrlcnt of Per onne/.

BOARD 1EMBER : Datid Lateer, Richard Foley.



ession, F. /. (Bud) Barker, Donald Porter (presidenl), /. Wallace Rayburn,

Irs. Dorothy Wilson,

Irs. Helen

The A i tont upuintendent of Busine s George P. Hanhn~on A


The position of As i tant

fonday night board meeting filled with Robert's Rule ,

uperintrndent of Instruction is held b.Y Dr. Arthur Turner.

ugge tions, and ayes and nays

only a part of bringing harmony to Unit 4.



Administration Lauds Enthusiastic School Spirit tudent h ·arne a\\ are of another ide of their admini tration ''hen A i t nt Prmcipab Dr. :\1< lure and :\lr. Da\ i. ga h romp d cro ta •e in the t er kit during the Hom oming ar it) ho''. acrifiein•• a hit of di omehow reinforc d th feelin~ of concern that the admini tration ha. for their tudent.. Wheth r it \\a a probl m di CU" ion p riod or mer I a chat durin br ~k time, the) \\ere \\illin« to both talk and li ten. £,en \\ith con tant polic · m kin« pre. ure .. , Principal Dr. Longen cker and hi taff \\ere effi ient with undercla. money making probl m and enior ' colle e recommendation . During a difficult financial ) ar, tud nt. ne' rthel "· a\\ Imoh ment p ronified in the form of an intere ted admini lration.



portrays "The Gradualt."

Right: Dr. Richard Longt'neckt'r finds the position of Principal filltd u:ith problems but challenging.

Dr. Longenecker points out some intert' ting cour t'S of/ul'd this yt'ar to Barb




The ta ks and problem John lcUure. \I>O\ : As i tant Principal, Or. Hd lure, ha hiJ hand full uith thr man) ta ks hi h chool creau •

Below: 'ew this )ear a po ition.

As i tant Principal, lfr. AI Dad

of an Assi tant Princ-rpal are m t b) Dr.

need nouri hment chool.

became acquainted uith the



Counselors Solve College, Personal, School Problems Excedrin headat'he #2BO \\as the tor~ of a coun~elor' fir I \\e k at entennial <Is tudPnts madt• their ·ar111U<ll "'<'lwdule l'han e . ) et e\ en this failed to daunt tlw t..Cf thi~ ) ear as tlH') pw.,hecl on to meet higoer and h Iter ehallen••e . Th seemint!l) sudden realization of an und cided future hit enior. full force: junior look d on \\ ith amu-.em nt until .I and · \ T ign-up o..lwet \\ere Jl<l ed around. To often tht· ... e nut I blm' b) introdueing: tudents to pro"pt•<·ti\ t• caret•rs. <oun .. clor again et up the areer ho,, ea pro"ram. The) al"o im itecl \ariou colleg representath e to p ak \\ ith intrre ... ted tudent . Pro\ idincr mor than a f '' ch dult• <'hang -., roun l'lor., pill) d an important role in thi tudent !if .

WILLARD BERGER: B."., .\1. ., Ill. tate Uni,., Coun I r . . . \lR. JEA •. B 'L : B.A., .\l.ED., .\lillikin l m\., Uni\ of Ill., Coun •·I r .•. ROBERT D \ VE. PORT: B <;;_, ~I.ED., Ea tern III. niv~ l nih of Ill., CPun•t'lor . .\lR .. BARB ~R.\ FOl T.~L : B.A., .\LED.. •)rtht"Tn Ill. lni ., l ni\ of III., Coun•t>lor • . . \II -, 1\.ATH'I R. WATT~: B. ., \I.ED~ l ni\, of III., Ct un !' r Urs. Uoon is tht> counu/ing office organiur.


Head counstlor, Ur. Datt'nport, enior Vicki F/o_1d find

p rtinent qui' tion

hl'lp u ith collt'gt' proMt·m


for (,athl Picklt'.

Hr . Fountain.

Films, Magazines Books: Useful Sources for Studies The In tructional Material enter of. f r tuden and tea her a wid vari ty of material including hook , p riodical . pamphl t , pictur , film , filmtrip , r ord . tape~, and mi rofilm. pe<·ial empha i ha h n plac d on tho. e material appealing to t en-age inter t. and to tho, enriching the high r.hool curricula. Prof , ional Librarv cat rin" to teacher~' need adjoin~ th~ main library. A numh r· of ent nnial High hool in tud nt• • "i t lihrarian and der gn Ut" N\ ice in the Librar~ or udioVi u I area during fr p riod ... fany c/as


takl' full


of our lif,rar> rt ourct ..

~IR" . .!\1 l Rl E Ll .GEIT: B \. I ., IU. ~tate 'niv., l nh. of l tah, l ni•. of IlL, In•tru ·t1 nal 'laterial 'IR . R TH \IACHl I..\: B..\., 'I . lnh. of III., Library \udao.,;.u I.

Left: Btfore school, night bt!/ore.


Bdow: Tht job of be in

makl! up for tim

library a sistant Cummings, llrs. W tntlmg, and llr . Btl!rs.

lost the

btlongs to Ur .



English Dept. -framework for DramaticProductions Thi... } ear\ I' r :..h-.h da~-.e... hem ih '' orld "PL'<'ie "1 \ The rea.,.ouing hehind human~, their h ha, ior and thought-. "a hrou<>ht out into tlw open through di cu ion and debate-.. Short "to ric-.. pia}"· and at tirm• ... , a hit of adirl", depicted changing mood-.. Que... tion ''ere un \\ered throuoh dif. ferent method of da. lectur , d bate and group di cu Writing being perhap on of communication' dear ... t form . .en· tennial' Engli h teacher empha ized the finer art. of good com· po_ition. Frequent " ay and creativ piece exerci d the kill of man} , "hile the · \Oi ed th ir opinion. m uhtle-and ome· time . not o ubtl method .... n abundance of pia} .... movie and record added \ arit•t} and clarification to th F.n<•li h ~ rorld. ophomore... fou ht throu •h traditional vocuhulan cour--t• .... "hile Jumor concentratt•d on the hroadt'r concepts of Am~rican Literature "enwr Engli ... h ... tr O\ e for .1 darifi· cation of past } ear' kno\\ ledoe tht one· ... t·me"'ter 1·our-.e of tngli ... h ompo. it ion ... ned a a prt'parator) 1our-.e for collere·hound t nior . Centennial' Engli--h ... tudt"nt... uon realized that there'.., more to communication than learnin,.. ho" to con-.trul'l a perft>cl enterwt•.

1R-. Gu



dolphu ,

B. .,

A. 'DER 0 ni~.

of lll., Engli h,

Honor society . • . VAL J, B


B. ., Ea

tern lu. Univ, Eng!i h .•. \1R . DAW


KI. ·: B.. , \1.A., Beloit Collrge,

niv. of

Ill., Engli«h

: B.A.,


:\f.ED., DePauw Univ., Joumali m,

niv. of Ill., Engli. h,

E. ·n, AL •.. '.1R .


KETTER: B.A., Augu lana College, Compo tion, Engli h B.., • f.ED., Engli b,


1R . CAROLY •. PIERCE: outhem Ill.

Humanitie . • ·ot


niv. of Ill.,



ELSIE E GLEHA PT, WA '1:, E :\10 K. Mrs.

I 00


mith finds play directing a challenge as she git·es helpful critici m.

l11ne: Hr. Bu h has a look of sati faction on his face as he uatches one of hi cia s' f1rt' tntallon • Below: Folding J>rot,ram for the play during Drama helps pas the time until the night of the bi production. A

ophomore Engluh clas

preunts a scene from "Helen Kellu."

:\tR . LJ", "EA R!T HIE: B." .• \1. ., Ea tern Ill. l niv., Univ, of

Ill., f.n li h ... :\lR . \1 \RY \, , , \tiTI!: BA, \1 \., H id('lh rg Collt•gt•, l ni,, nf Ill., Drama, Engli h,

... \IH.". :HER!


Humaniti , Drama

Til .I ER: B.\., Colu.

t te l niv., .pe

lub h,

Engli h, ,:ip('e h Cluh.



Study, Effort Are Key Words •1n Any Language Each )ear hundr d-. of tudt•nt are imohed in th forri"n lan"uage pro ram . tudent" on e O\t'r the initial hot·k of htn ing .t tea her "ho rt•fu t•d to peak Eng li h, u uall) gained much by their n.perirnre '' ith another languagr. Learn in" ahout a diffNent culture ",..., ont• of the man) benefit-. "Hi ned b) thi t' pt•rience. Another ''a the delightful di ... 0\ en thal Engli h grammar \1 a a lot e.lsit•r after ha\ ino ... tudied grammar in anoth r tongue. The fir-.t ) ear in .tn) of the four lan,.,uagt•-., French, .t•rman, Latin, and pani;.h, \\H usu II) a tru" le. I adin to an in 'itahle t•nmd 'ear. ~lore amhitiou-. -.tudenb oftt•n continued through thin( fourth and t'\ en fifth war. Thos futile fir ... t attt•mph at rna tt•ring an nrcent . . . ornetime ven futile s cond. third, and fourth attempt . Th ., en· dea\or \\er ometim ucc -.ful, but often left the intruetor appalled at th m,l-. ... Hne of a langu t'. Both tudent and trachcr profited from the u e of tht language lah. ,\ 'aluable teaching aieL it enabled tudrnts to hear comer ation .... pia)-., and song-. in \ ariou-. lnnoua 0 t' • The foreign lan.,uage department ; a link bet\\ e n culture through pee h.

bo~e: "Oh, uhen.' is the .llatch I was looking at yesterday?" Below: llrs. Uiller and Linda Wet take a moment to talk about the day's problems.

\IR . C:J F. I.\ flF.R F.R : n... \1. .. l ni• . nf 'eh., C:ermJn •• . ~IH . f H \ ( f>· f El 'l' . B.\ .• ~ illium nuth ( ullt•J::t', I tin .. ~IH . ( \HOI I\: I El:\: B. \., \1. \ ., 1> .. 1' UY> l nh., I nh . of Ill., Frtru h, In nr h (lui. .. \IH . \I \HIT: 1"1 \ IL .. \1.\ .. l nh . of Ill., htnth, tudt•nt Countil,lrtnth ll<•n•r tt<il"l' ... \IH'i. Hll\ \IIIIEH: II \ ., \I nt< I ar ~l.tlt' ( otlf'j!:t, ~puni h, '-'I' ni•h ( luh. '-'JI nih llt nur ou h .. . \IlL . \Ill\ HI \I\ : B. \,, \I \_ I nl\. of Ill .. C.erm ,m. Lerm:111 Uuh. K. I \\1\H:

I 02


\lunc: lfr. Lamar I'~ ion .


li lenin

to hn tin


ing during lab

Below: Btl/ lla)e and 1\.uf.. 1\ar/trom mjo) an inure ting con¡ tn. ation in .'ipani h.

''Pall) Gt'n l'mn en/lin Ur . 1\.lt'm ht!lp

Uarilyn Ro.Hmak with ont' of tht' problt'm

Yanct Edward . Will you come m plt'a ,_.?"

a French tudent is bound to t'ncounter.


New Courses, Equipment Enlighten Scientific Study e\er let it he -. id that the aroma from the cherni try room "a-.n 't hard tn rt• .. i..,t. nake ... in tht· di pia <"<I e nnd grot "IJU Joo ing Jahor ton stain failed to daunt junior cienti"t. as the littl '' orld of cellular animals <'lllllt' into focu". Biolog). Ph~ i , and Ph} sica) <'H'nce \H·rc onn· more included to e ... tahJi..,h a pecialized cience realm at .t n· t nnial. Memoriz Ilion took a back t'at a e perirnentation and ob ... en ation ht•carne the nt'\\ e ... t ke\.., to di co\ t•n. ~orne tudent. found a nC\\ u e fo~ tho"e endle ...· ear of m llh, \\ hile othrr realizt'd for the fir,.,t timt• the quantitie of cientifie knm\ ledge that man ha unearthed in pa t )CUrs.

bo,e: Coru1n Zrmbleman takl! pleasure in handling the boa. Belo": llr . Lrnd e) earns a moment of olitude afur a bu


da_1. I -



Dijferrnt rmotions

104 Acud•mrcs



l'xpressed during a da) in lab.

Explaining th~ "how and u¡hy" biola ira/It, llr. (a tn.>l


a moment uith Richard tat'kel.



Ur. Vel on rt!al/1 a firrre a ht! look ?

Putting problem on the board can be fun, if


are ure of u·hat you're doing.

Today's Math Will Become Tomorrow's Necessity Hard rea on met mi ed f eling. of fru tration and joy thi ) ear a math tud nt battled their \\ ay throul!h plan , axiom.. and th orem .. Vainly att mptinl! to dod~e a few et rul "'· the) found the orld of umb r an) thing but a picnic. But the imple pride of that final correct an \\er \\a \\ell \\Orth the blood, S\\eat and tear pill d over uch hard labor. Centennial' ;\lath Department empha iz d Opportunit) a their formula for thi year. Opportuniti for pecializa-

nh. of Ill.,

\IR • JOY E HILL: B ., \1 .

\I ehra I, Geometry, Te chrr Education • 'ation I Honor ~I.A.,

B.A., G




ta e

wtr , T i~1'"' ,m try


L \RRi I \, 'G:

ollege, Uni>. of Ill., . . • MR. C. ROBERT

: B. ., \1. \., :\liJland Colle e,

• EL. 0

of Ill., \lgeura, Technical Math mati , more

Footlo II




niv. pho·


\IR. RO ER \1. Q I. Ll. : B ., Ea trrn Ill. l'niV.,

\Jg,.hra I, Algehra II, Cr"" Countn

oarh, _ H H:

t. Track Coach . . • \IR

B.\,, .\I \., Oloerlin

of Ill., Geometry Tri

\tR. JOH •. I. ern Ill.

I Ob



\[ \RTH

C.ollegl', oll!'g



POO. 'A\IORE: B. ., Ea t·

niv., Phy i , .\lathematic .

tion, for omethin"' mor than ju t th ba. ic our of ll!ebra and Geom tq, \\ere Ire" ed in added cour e ·. Th ... e goal of preparation for the future brought many tud nt to uch cour e a Tea h r Education 1ath. The logic of ollege Trigonometry and College lgebra lured orne mathematical mind , while oth r cho e the vocational cour , T hnical Math, to b t ben fit th m elv for tomorrO\\.

Ur. Lang has a look of dr. pair as a tudent teacher u es an ther one of hi jokt> . 1

dent teacher, Ur. Rt. s

Jfr. Quinlan explains a complicaud problem to

)lve ter \fontgomer) and Patt.r Wrin ler.

euard di cu' es tranner: al and an les u:ith Bonnie Deshong and Tom Timmons.

Arad mics

I 07

Frustrations of fir t hour cla s make u¡orld for support.

J the cruu d du.indlt' 11rabs.

JIT orld problems lie on. the shoulder of tu:o U . Hi tory students.

Mrs. Stern. finds her class material amu ing, for a moment.

I 08 AcademiC3

J1 r . W eisrr lean on the

at thl' book room,


Ia t book is up for

Mock Elections Constitute Basis For Study Fe11 uhjt·ct IH!llt untouched o· ('ial tudie• teaclwr undPrtook the dif· ficult t --k of pr -enting a 11 ide range of tour • . tudt•ut qui kl h mf• in· 1ohed in 1ariou acti~iti . ,ontPrnporar hi•ton cia"'" 11 ere <"aught up in the e it~m nt of mock politic nl c omention ... II •at d di .. u• ion of part~ platform" reigned: ten~ion mounted • the dat of election dre11 ne r. It pro1 ed to h an e cPII nt 11 a} to tud) c-ontemporar} problem-.. P Hholon-1 tudent found d itin" p ker• int;,r -.,tin g. 1unior• in \rn ric n hi-tor fa d ,on-.titution tt •t". on of tho-.e: nece• an e1 il im oh ed in p •in ... Humanitie. -.tudent faced .. hi·· ton in d pth;' fiudin~ that di" u.. -.ionofter led to former!~ unt 'u hed topic•. u h 11a the ~oci'l lt. lie depart· rr r 1 i \ inn the 11 retro-p t and <·onternplatiw• ont rnporar) dilemma.


PE'IER I \IIF.I.I: B. ~ \1. ~ III. tall" ! nh., IIi t T) ••• ~IH~. \IAH'I 11\Kf.H: B.\., Bradlq (nil., Hit 11 . . . I Ell\!\ ·: B ~ \I \., ( ni1. of ~lo., ( ni1, of III., \mer. ( ni1~ IIi tor), llum nili , Hum n Ht•lation Cluh .•. JO EPH \lcGl !HE: '\L .• trt• Dam<', III. "'tatt·, Hi•lor), Hum niti '\IH Pill 1.1.1 TEH, : II."~ .\!.ED., a) ne ~tall', l ni1. of Ill., .\li h. tatt·, P-yda., Hi-ton ... .\IR"'. :\H 01 ' STORCH: B ..\., ()u n Col., Hit r) ... .\IH'. J( l \ \\EI EH: II\., \1.\., \' r oil ge, t ni1. of Wi ., Hi tor) . . . ~IR . ('\HI I. \\ II.LI : B.\., Oli1et Collt•!!t', III. In 1. of Tr.c h., "'o iolo ). Tmch :Juh .•• G \R'I WisE. :\1 \ : B. ~Ind. 't 1 l'niL, F..c nomic .

:Vane) Gri g dl.'mon trait a dtffuent U'a) to takl" nott .


.Ur . Willi points out a placl" of uorld inll"rl' t.


I 09

IBM Computers Point to Business Opportunities Time and effic·ic•ru'\ \\t'lt' tlw qualitir.~ ... trt> t•d rnu I thi ... \Cdr in Cenlt•nnial\ Bu ... ine~" World. 'I he kill of 1; pinl!. ._Jwrthund unci offin• rnarhincr) ta Nl tudt>nt to their fulle~t. Other c our-•c·~. "urh a in..,ur a ne-e, ron urn r educ·ation and hu'-illt'"" It\\ clt·nHuHied mort•. thou:::h. th n fie ihlt• finner.... Boolkt•t•pin" .111d Ia education al ... o en· eoura,cd the di, er..,ifit d C'ducation. C\1 equipnwnt adclc•d moderniwtion to an alrt•<HI up-to· date rour ... e. Both manu,d <~nd c•lel'lri(' I) pt'\1 ritt·r-. \\Crt' t'lll· plo) cd in· the 'oc,ttional c·la-.-.c·~. T\1 o t't Iron-. of an I B\l eomputer ha\ t' hc•c•n addc·d for .tid in;; tlw t't retarial l'rohlem-. c•o ur-.c .... Purwhinl! the correct hole-. Into I B\l c•arcl~, the tompulei al ... o ..,orh them into the appropriate• catc•goric • l tilizin;; the \CI) he ... t of lotla) \ modern c~quipmc·nt, Centennial'-.• ... -. Drp.utmcnl ha pu-.hed further to <~1-.o e ... tahli"h lt·c·hniquc-. of a non-manual hu-.ine ... -. t•dut<~· lion. 'I\ ing tlwm togt>tlwr, it h,,._ !wen ahle to t' JMncl ''ith <Ill e p.mdinrr'' \1 orieL irr the act of ha11n

Joan Trt'maint• plat I'

punch rord

into tht' 1/JI/ punch card


'I H0\1 \ E. 110'11>: B. B.\., \I."., ..., mth\\t' t !'ex ... 'tate, \lilhkin l ni\., l nh. of Ill.. "lwrthand, 'h pin • llu•ine-~ \1 th, Recore! \rhil'or for ( E 'I (HI\ •.. JOII R. (,I{IIt I. : Kt·epinJ!:, llu-irw B."'.. \1."'.. E.l.l .. ( nh. of Ill., Bo kkeeping, l>i-trihutiw Ed .. alf-m n-hip. \thlt·tir Tit kt-t \lanJ er, I>.K< .I "'ponsor . . . \IR~·­ J)l) \ ll \ TH \ \'I : B.\. Fort I l'\\1 ( ollege, llool..keepin I, .._, n I rial Prohlem, \rharHed "'horthand, (lrfrc Pratlice, T,ping I ... \IH . PE\IU. Ill< K" : B.'•• :-outhtrn Ill lnh., 'I\ping. " nior Bu•in•·--. p, r~onJI 'I' pan .





e off thl' cop1.

11 Frrederich checl. tht> t chnrqur



r •" l'almt·r f'TOrulr•

:\IH . IIETI F I Jt 1.0 0 \. .. . \I H". (..ullo· t', 'I \(ling. llu I \ \'0 F I' \I \U

( leri

of Ed ], nkrn .

help and friendship to her tUtit-nt .

:--1"1 " : ll." .• \\o •l<'rn 111. lrm .. llu•me", C.V.E .• I I ll \ \IOHC \:-I. ll."., "outh"•'•t :\tv. "t.tto• int>•• \rrthrn tit, H•·cnrd Ko·eping. lll\1 \I H.... H: 11.:-•• I nh. of !'itt Inn h, 'h ping. ot han.!.

I l'r dCIIco', I .., \. ·

I cntf,.mrc




c/a, I'



ourcc of


for llr . Goudie? Open hou e create

an opportunitl

for tt'!lt ht·r

to explain thetr

pro ram.

Ll'ft: lfr .• A hman .pot a.tudtnton tht'un· ,., en parallel bar .

\lH"'. II

B ., '-af

'\ DH

\. HM \

I' .E., Intramural I)

: IL . l ni>. of

.•• IWBEH I' \\Elf\ :

\1. ., l nic. of Ill., Ill. [)rj,




~~ It,


11.1 J,,.tb II and

Foutb II Co ch .•. \IR . \I \In Ill II.\\ I. · Kl E: B... \\e tern Ill. l ni>., Om Ita l nh.,

P.E., Girl-' I.e d r-hip . ..


D. \VI : B."

'\1 .. Br rllt') { ni,., P.E., DriH'r' Educ tion, I- tl I < h ... EDW \HD FHEDEH!CK, : B.'-., \I'-., \ln. {'ni' . Central :\lo. 'itatt•, ft t~ Dri\cr' f:du at ion, " " luh, P F, Centl'nnial Gu rtl, oph. Footbal • ""i Co ch \IH"'. "HIRLE\ GOl DIE: B.. , E tern Ill. 'ni>., P.E.



Physical Education Offers Varied Recreation P.E.

cia room continuall} irl ' arch r and ~olf fully unaware of hy terical cr am . For om trange mal p i b li ~ · luck. ! wly indu ted ophomor found trairrht hair a virtue a wimmin cap pro\ed I than wat r·tiuht. Perhap not quail) tal nted in all area , tudP.nt. neverthelP. " r c:eiH·d th chanc to attempt m n} \ ariecl fi ld of Ph, it al Education. Mod rn dan , g~~na tic-., ha kethall, w re tJin ..., marine , and p P.d-a\' a added up to trenuou but njo} hi omp titi\ a thil\. \\ ith thi comp tit ion came the uhtletie... of porl ... rnan hip a~ tudent learn d more from Ph}-.ical Education than ju t a few n w aam "Uh, Hr. 1e ter, anothn ti<liet f'll-out."

Ra ht: flo ' P.E. da propel them e/a;e throu h thl' uater u;rth therr lrttle red boards.

H \ROLl> JE'-'If.R: B. ., \1.\.,

niv. of Ill.,

l nh. of lo'l\ , P. ., [)jr <tor thleti , Tr k o •h .•. JOB \1\ f.K: 11.\~ m. tat l nh., { ni,, of ( olo., { ni,, of III.. I'.F., Drher' Edu taon, Fo th II Cou h •.. I' \l I. \I (, \H\ E'\ : B. .• \1 .• Ill. t te l nh~ E tt·m III. { ni,., P.E., Football, Wr tlan Coda .•. \IR . JO \ Ol JA: B. ~ P.F.., Dolplun ub . . . ROBEHT WI '1 E I>: B.\., ~L'., Ill. 1 te l nh., We tern lll. tat


11 3

Domestic Experiences Lead to Future Careers J u t a famil~ )i, inrr i continua II) changinrr, so i our Home E('onomic ... department, Thi )Car more emphasi \\a plac d on becoming hetter famil) and communi!\ m rnher rather than just acquiring the basic \\in • a;Hl cookin ... J,iJI. · tudents tudied a \ arietv of field... in thi ne" horne economic • from con umer ~clucation to gcttinrr alon \\ith others. Learning about mone) managt'ment. the) learn d ho'' to get the mo t po ihle from the dollar. The in\(• ... tigatecl th cu tom of people in other countril' . and learn ·d a bit more about their O\\ n at the arne time. Both ho\ ancl cone f!rning th · 1 u ~ girl participatecl m di cu "ion ~IR . EILEE. BORG I\· B. .• \I an "ood ollt> , Home Economic-. tudent (... und \ 'i•or . • . :\IR"'. Lll~\ EICHELBERGER: B... , \1.~ .• l ni,, of Ill., Hom Economic, D pt. Chair an. C.\ E .• ""Ph (.h rl dt'f•, '.V.E. II uh ... :\IR . f R \ E... JOH ..., : B...... \L .. l ni,, of Ill .. .V.E., cn11 Occupatwnlub \IR .... \I \RIL\. 'J DER. B. ., \LED., Uni'. of III.. Hom"" E onomi '• Famil) L , n~. l'uture Homem ker of \m ri a.

Abo\e: Ur . Borgia pull

thl' material to

traightrn the


Left: You hare to be ure thl' mea uremrnt.\ art• anumtt• and coincide uith tho<t' on the pal/ern.

Bl'lo": A CVE a l'mbh liM urap



for tz banqul'l.

Industrial Skills Offer Community Service, Assistance

I.o,c: /\1m P1ckt'n


the udiou

Ia k of tuuun

Below: Ur. Boehm check the accuran of


into place.

.euteunial' 1101 1e: I v. ing v. a the Indu ... trial Art area v.her ubtl t) wa defiuitel) not their Jar" t im. The e\ er·pre ent \\ hininrr of "'rinding metal : the perpetual une\ en rhy thrn of ham· rn r oain-t n il; the d p roan uri cream of v. ood heino a\\ed . . . uch v.a the atmo phere a tudent tro\e for gre t r \Ocational e perienc . In contra t. the dra.ftin:! cia " qui l· I~ plor d the fin rl: of building de ... ign. To tho- thinking of a care r in ar hitectur , this pro\ ed to be a "ery "aluable du a tiona] e perien • In the arne ''a). future el trician. tried their hand at th m hani of old radio and et. . The-e and other topic tr ... ed a ba. i knov. ledge and und r· Iandino of tit indu-trial pro e....


11-.E IWBEiri : II ~ l' t m Ill. l nn , :\Itt I, '\ ( odw rldn 'I I :\I \\E. I I I , : B. ~ \I S. ~tout tate l nh , Elcctri it), Ele troni• '· CL\l I>E :\ll RPII'l: \1.EI>., B.., l nav. of Ill., E tcm Ill. l nh., ( opt ralht• \'<t< ational Educdllon, (,r phi<' <.ommunic ti n, lntru. l'rintm , l'hotu r ph), \ i ( lui. ..• E. \I I \ ),()Ell \1: B."., \I.E I> .. \V.: lt!rn Ill. l ni,., l nh. of Ill., (,t'n. Drafting, tn ineer.n I>raftin , \rchitt·ttur I llr fun . ot l'i!'turctl: \1.\ 1.0\ Ell., El (,E. E I!OH \1 \ .

.Ac dtmic

11 5

Music Department Expands Curriculum, Activities I m oh mcnt "a the kt') "on! as the :\1 u~ic Dep.utrnent neaked in to become a major fa tor lwhind .-chool pirit. From the in,tallation of douhl u ... t'mhl) program to tlw inspiring di pia) s of h<tnd talt•nt at honw ~arne . t·n· tennial he :ran to mO\ e \dth a heat. Homccommg night ... m, ... hed the tudent hod\ "ith the \'Cr) fir ... t varsit) Sho\\' ('Oillplt•tt· \\ ith chrerlt'.Hin ... , tt•,tdlt'r ' "kit, and 100 e tra perfotmin tudt"nt~. \notlwr fir t, tht• mu ical " outh P ifit.'' \\<Is produt ed in lntt• I t•lnu 1), joining both drama and music departments. Branching out, the Band, On he,tr,t anti ( lwir crt·.ttf'd programs of tht>tr O\\n throu:rhout tht )t'ar for u h "'Jlt:cial occa ... wn a. Vet ran ' Da), Chri ... tma" and Graduation. GLE.. A DER 0. ·: B.., l ni,, of Ill., <.on· !'ert Band, Var,it) B nJ, Dan e Band :\tu-ic Theoq and ppr ciation. :"lOot Pi tun·J:

J \\tL :\1 RITZ.

hove: The trusty band prolide5 on the B low: Hr. Hontz

" What do you mean you can't be there at 6 ·30 a.m.?"


A cademics


pot tntntainml'nt durin

our a rmblie •

to creute a uniform line. but the!e bojs JU. t uon't /i tm.

Students Display Skill, Creativity Craftsmanship la)ed hand and paint- 1 ckl d face marked ) et another ) ar of art exploration at entennial Hi"'h chool. ' t rcolorirw ncl ulpturing t th pace for ul'h ereath it). \\ hile the fi Id~ of jr\\ lr d i n and Ieath r \\Ork \\ere al o c plor d in depth. E, en f \\ mound. of tick) cla) on a potter' \\h I illu trat d the encll ~ realm" of the \rt \\ orld. Jim

chu/t; tril' to crt>aU an imagt> of this til/life exhibition.

These irl take a moment to concentrall' on their art u:ork.

Aft> Bohlen ivc hi arti ti adria to Karen Dou11la . I op to Boll om:

1.'1 • H \ E\: B.A., Ill. tall' l'nh, \ rt, Drawing, '-'110 o " " ••. WI! I.I \\1 :-ll II \ , : B. \ ., \1. \ ., ( nh. of Ill., Pt llt·r), Jewt'll"), I athuwork.

ot pittur.. d: OHE:"i JOII . 0


I 17

Office Provides Passes, Bulletins - Discipline Centennial \\ould fall apart at the am ''ithout th aid of it. able ... ·retari "· The con tant pr ur of par ntal phone call and ab ent tudent couldn't be handled b · any computer. Their \\a the dirt)' "ork of all tho,.e ndle-. d tail. ndinrr and filinrr rrrade report . ummoninrr tud nt. for endle r a on , and ke ping trea ur)' reports straight for club.. I" a)' '' illinp; to help communications be· h\ een tudenh and faculty, th \ dittoed and distributed information for both. The admini. tration office is the heart of ent nniaL but the retari ., ar ureh the one-. '' ho eep it runnin<> moothl). ·

bO\ : In the ~rneral office, " lla familiar erie of Hrs. U grot .

I ht>lp 1ou ?"

B low: Dr.' ecretan , llr the adnuni tration u ith the1r qut' tion •

LO\ : llr . E_te tone ojjice tasks.

comtantl) kept bu


b) dailt attendance

Below: llr . If ott can help mo t tudent rvith their u ual attendance problem .

11 8



one of tht'

<; ,. mn, can u uall) hl'lp

Service Staff Keeps CCHS eat Clean, Well-fed Perha one of the mo t important yet lea t glorified job in entennial f II to th en:ice taff. r~ da~ \\ ithout fail they labor d behind-the- ene . n in« a pack of 12 hun"'r) te na«er e\ er~ day for a ) ar i no ea · ta k; clean in« up after u h a mob i n't ah\a) the imple t, either. Yet om ho\\ th ) did it. Th caf teria taff al\\a) manag d to have enough nutriliou . ati f) ing food, \\hile the cu todian kept Centennial in con tant \\ orking order.

U TODIA Front Row: John u·ut, lt!~ e fiTatU, Linsey Roy, Walter Bean. B ck Row: Ed Chancellor Frl'd eal, Boloby 1/unt, Dat id UcDoue/1, C. Orr.

C FETERI T.\FF: Front Row: Katht Kellam, Lee l!nritt, Uona Var§a, Etel;n l!olm. Row 2: Ro e Douning, l!argaret Dean, tel/a 11unds, Lona Dub on. Back Row: 0/ite King, Helen quires, Uaxine el on, Otal Dunuoody, Bettx Pierce.

What a small price for such good sutice!


11 9

Cen ored .•• The e boys all a ree that homecoming hould come only once a )ear.



John Johnson hold a uarning to all underclas men. enior churlead r trr to prate ju t hou cool the) real/



Adding musical talent to a • enior Cla\s purl\, Rick hou·ing off hi tric) cling ab;!itl, Bru e

\f(Pht~ ~ing.~

h r·tall race

and plu)

th1• guitar.

for thut fll'anut butter anduich.

Empty cia $ rooms lmd a quitt air for . tudL



Dynamic, Energetic, and Active: Senior Class of '69 ,ro\\ ing up 'ithoul I'\ n re, lizintr it ... 1he pain of gru\\in~ lninging th jo} of di ccnen. Pain eli~ ~nen; , tining in ight into oth r through in ight into uur,l'h ~

,nm ing, t• t h nC\\ t•ar brought aclclitionnl c-hang ... Lt·arning to lau"h \nd learning to c r) ... e citemt•nt of fr ,J. inclep nrlenc ncl adtlitional dutie~: Thee pectation and an ielit•, of I a\ing ... Re d) to "O,' l \\antinl! to Ia). Cntil finalh, th choic i~ gonendit' o\e'r.


\II tho~e endlt"'' time of ecurit) and fun, nu\\ in the pa t: Lf'a, in..,. hehind a full pain of emptin "' and lonroing for \\hat \1 a ... Y t I a' in". too. a ... trongcr feeling Of sudd n \\ arrnth and happin ' for h ing a part of nior ... la of '69. Winding up their Ia t )tar, . tniorJ follow cia

pon •r

Hr . Willi and Hr. IT'i

man. Ada Troter,

In their Ia 1 ubjtc:t tht>

hate a chance to take

'" '


Tom \hel .lth \lien Jim Bea..,fe)

\lt-lind. \,lam .. Dt·uui ... \mh•r ... on ~ twr~ I Rei:.!er

\lt•li ... <I \d,lllh K.11 t•n B. Linda Bt•mwtt

"Otu the lml' uith 69'' rt ulted through original thmkin


\ll•cr... Ifdt•n HaJ,Jiug Cloi"t' llernt•r

1 t•rt• ...

Di.111<1 \lford I),1\ t' B.1tcrnan Burh Binch

and many hour of hard uork lH the enior cia

Senior Spirit Shines Throughout Homecoming

Cold ueath~r can not kup another tictor~.


'>t· klo a


Bill Bli en Dan Bortner Bruce Bro\\ n

Ale Bohlen Frank Bradford rail! Bro\\ n


Rob Brm\n

Brm\ n

from rootinK hu team to

eniors 125

Seniors Expand Interests Through Independent Study

Da\e BrO\\ning Barb Burn Catln lo\\ er Patty o gro\



Dian Bruc orgia Burton Jim oble Keith Crawford

Juch Bnant 'aiter Burton Linda ollenberger Ro. elle . ra\\ ford

Katln Bur r 'I om . ' umphdl Roh<'rl ( oil in Richard . rozi r

Bill Burge"" Jim .atht•\ Chri . on~t¡r Dorolh) . urti

Ingenious seniors take anal:;tic geometry in ch nge. Fifth hour find


Uil.e lloter on u;orking on hi

u an Dankert Deaton

arol Da\i. Gu) Dt•.\lo""

tudy to compen au for curriculum




L\nn Da,j i ' Denni"

itil War.

like Da,i Jim D nte


en ors


olleen DeWitt Bill Do ch Brenda Carla Craning spl!nd


Darlene Dexter te\ Doug Ia Jol n Elli.

Vicki Di ner Barb Ducoff Mar ha Eri<'k. on

her jrl!l! hour picking up attl!ndance slips.

Ian Dilley haron D~na\\ ay Jim E\an A pair of goggles today ui/1

Joan Dixon Ronnie Eagan Ja} Fi !ding ate




!\farcia Fogel

Ann Fol y

Jim Frame

Seniors Find Easy Courses to Fill in Schedules le\e Frerich \like Galli\ an Ho" ard ourle}

I Fri derich Linda ardn r lark Grad)

Jan Fri derich Patt\ en. m r :\lar( raham

Kath\ Gallivan Perry Good ath. Gr n

n ''


tyle and beauty aid 50me churleader5 but ...

Our radiant " Homuoming Qut'en," Bobbi Brool,s


a ro_1al ride around thl' Ill"'¡

All Aspects of Homecoming Portrayed in Senior Skit

• 'an ) Gri~g Dave Hamburg



Joan Gumhd Julie Hamilton

Eclv. in Hacll ) Elana Han on

le\ e Hall \licia Harpe..,tad

Tom Ilalliman Jeff Hartman

John Heater hern Hill 1-.ath) Hoffman

. 'emor gul

Pall\ Heller Randa Hit hin Barb Holdren

Ri h Henrik--en Rand\ Hit hin ;\lik ¡Hoh er,on

rr ed rmagination and crt>atititl in portra "n

:\1 r Hieron mu-. :\larcia Hi 'on ] im IIopJ

Patt) Hilger

Chu k Hoch John Hoppe

tht> team u.hich brou ht about funn) but facttuZl cluJracter&.

Greg Hou e Jean Huddle..,lone

Lincoln Huffman Roger Huffman

tan Hurder Bob Idleman ara Farley toices ht'r opinion of Cmtt'nnial. Exchangees meet tudent body at open house.

Tom Ingl Kitty J ackle

te\e Jane Reid John on



Torn John on herr) Kirb y

.onnie Jcnce John Kitz~ill r

Debbie Karl trom Jan Koziko\\ ,

' ancy Kelley Jim Kr ca


Doug Kendall Tom Langloi

Interstate Exchange Program Challanges Knowledge Jane Lateer te\e Legue

helh Le::rare Jay Lewi ~


hu k Lu kmann



:\lary Margrave

Paige i\latthew Garr} • lcCain Jane Mitchell has trouble finding that tern in the l!cCall' drau.u.

karen Me leary Pat i\1cCoy

Phil ..\lcDuffee Bob McElligott



implicity pat-

Business Abilities, Pocketbooks and Patience Profit From Part-Time Work

Working the regi ter at Eimer's, lane Lauer ll'arn the tuhnique of counting money.

Roger Huffman bends oter backuard to comince cu tomers that smaller sizes don't alu;ays fit.

Linda lcFall Jim :\lc •ahb Ph\ IIi :\lc •amara Da\ id


a !tin

Rick lcPh Dean Doug

le-.~in!!er ~till-.

Grerr :\fill



Temporary Regression Characterizes Holiday Spirit

Contrary to popular belief, Benson and Hedges does not alu·ays get in the way of some. anta's helper, Uike Brou·TI, girl's Linda l!cFall a candy cane to tide her ot·er till Christmas.

Jane .Mitchell Connie Morri



Jean Mitchell Mark ;\lorrow

Pam i\lontoomer) Louann ;\lor e

Jean ;\lorgan Paula ;\lorton

Jill \lorgan Larry '\el. on

Dehhie orclell Pam ) holt

Dann) O'Connell ;\far-ha Ol;;on

:\lelanie Ozier Bill Palmer IT"ho i that blockhead tr)ing hard to portra1 a Chri tmas tree it couldn't be a Junior? Etc Part) began u:ith a

:\lik Palmer Boh Palmi ano

Ruoer Pappa nn Parkin~on

.. enior


u-., n Pathel \larlene Pfeifer

Pam Pall\\ ith Tom Pforr

Rob Pa)ne .arol Phillip ...

Seniors Last Year Brings Forth Nostalgic Thoughts 'enwr bo)



retain their image- eten u hile amusing themseltes with an entertaining game such as Old Maid.

Kim Pi1ken Ken Pittman

Balli Polk ott Rad liffe

A ide from food, 'eniur &iris uith tariou paraph1¡rna/ia.


their lunch table

Vou Bruce human knous all about hou to put it 11[1 and holl to take it dou¡n.

Jan Rathbun d Ra\\din

Pam Redfearn Ruth Reeder

Ton' Reme,ch Jim .Rettberg

, enior


arole Rider Ann Roach

Mik Rum r Gail Ru~k

Julie R)an ~lei



Come a You are Party at 6:.30 a.m . •.. Aaa h!

kath, amuel. on te'e anford

Linda chlorff Ru~t\ chnur



Breakfasts and Slumber Parties Take Up Leisure Time

Ajter a late nisht, Julie Ryan and RUJt.Y chnur jind plenty to laush about in the earl.r hour of the mornins. Excedrin headache number 425 ••• (the Come as You are Party) strikes Diane Bruce.

Kurt chrader Ju cofield

J1m chultz



Chu k chwartz Jean cott

n .rs


Thank htoal en for little

te' e cott \like h lb~




Kath\ cribner Karen hoemaker

... the:; grow

up in the mo t delightful wa;s. ( t r; inuresting)

Ka} monin Bruce human

Rick Pern

\ern iler

Diana hed nhelm Rob 1h rman

Ja k imon I.R• ' rnith

.Man• irn" ~larita ~ rnith

Chen! mith Lind~ t \en.

Karn ]uli

mith ~ tin,


Manners, Maturity, Independence, Designate Upperclassmen llurr)ing to jirJt hour t!nd

in di a ter for Rick UcPhee, as Jlarcia Hixon lt!ache him to uatch u:here he is goin •



Talent, Ingenuity and Vitality Characterize Class of '69'

ind, toklo"a Pat trohl onrad. ·l,nehula Douf! -;,\ ank


Ta\ lor I 'nd 1 'I ~·nell ann 'I hirion

Jerr~ · Tipp)



Vic Toe"~ Pam Touchhern John Trapani ·

"IJ I practice hard do .tou think the-; u.ould gite me a letter for juggling?"


"Peter Piptr picked a peck of pickled peppers •.. "

u Trimbl Phil Tro hl r

da Tro\er Dottie Tuck r

L e Tucker Ka~ Turner

Senrors are terriblt talented characters?

arol •nteed te' e •nzicker

John Walden Jan 'eather-.poon



The U of I Alma Mater protokel senior to re¡ joice and reflect grattl) on the coming )ear.

Graduation: We Laugh Because We Must Not Cry u. an Webber Debbie \\ e:-;t



Mona Weber Da\id We,t nha,er

Diane \Vei sman Jackie 'e,tman

Tom J err} Wetmore

John ert Linda Wheet

El nna William D u~ \Vii-on

U elinda Adam~ hope to ha1 e filled her ~hoe lots of /,nou:ledge b1 graduation .


Larn WiL on Cher.) 1 Winget

Kat}' \Vi-.

Bi I \Volf

Kathi Zarbuck Con Ia Zimm rman

tn r

RPalizinl( that tampprin!{ u·ith mail i a edtral offeMe Bob Doll, ]a L1'11i and Kam

mith mPddle uith ju t the box.

Seniors Not Pictured Bradle} Ander~on larence Britt Alan Broqui t Tern Bro\\ nlee Joe Bu-ch E, eretl Bu-.hue Erne,tine Butler ;\like B\er Ra) a~pb II Earl a\itt Frank unningham Hugo DeVrie Joan Dow Barb Ih~on ick Ea-tin Chen! Edward Jack·Fairfield onnie Fitzgerald ~larcia Foutch Ja k Garland Candy Geno'e'e



onnie Gettle Da\ id Giordano Ed Gra) Pat Gr n Larr) Harp r D anna Jone Tern 1\.aufman John 1\.elley Bill Kindle John l~'lndrith Jern L nz G n~ Lura ~like Luke Tom Lun~er .hri-. :\la~lione Mar} :\tali•kas Kath) ;\lann ring Dana :\laxe\ haron McGinni-. Bob el) \1ar•ha e\\bill

[) nni Pate ;\lark Pomeran!"e Bernard Hobin on Donna HobirN>n Dadd. ,1\le Phil dH'.ngel Rob rt mith Ro)!er Tipp• l..,t 1nle\ Trulock Larry Van ·ho) t k Dar I ~ ra.,nrr Jeff Walker Walter Walder Gene Washington Jot• Webber Gar} Whe ·ler Pre,lon \\ inor '\ hris Wojnar · Jim Wood Barb Yanne)

Th~ croz d cht>t'rJ uht>n L)nn DaLis mo(ks the Pan y Panther in the Homecoming assembly.

mal.e a scholar but borin a ignment promot~ mart student to turn to better reading material.

~l'niOT\ 149

Jackie Wit on takes time out for minor dt>tail . ''Hey, Ua! Thq're lookin' at me!"



Uncle Wiggler dsits Centennial High. Oh, don't


that, I'm sh1:

15 1

Jrs. Sandwiched Between Sr. Ham and Soph. Cheese O\\ UJ>t'rior to ophomorc.', } et still a hit inferior to nior. : junior~ experienced their rno t ri t· ing )Car. Free from ophornore an · ietie and nior fru tration . the Cia . of '70 turned thi }ear of invoh nwnt into one of arcompli-.hment. From the \ eq tart. the demandino pre". ur of an· up-and-coming- prom \H~re tt rmed on of their priman goals. But hc)ond thi ucc ... ful project. the 1unior ria-. backed many maller rndea\ or.. '\o time ''a \Hl ted in ettinf! up a rommunit) rna azine ale and a multitude of cand · and bake ale-. ·ot to b topped her the\ '' ent on to pro mot a lave day. The re .. pon ibilities of the future. too. \\eif!hed hea\il) on their mind a uddenh apollege Fntrance Exam p ared alon~ 'dth frequent \i. it to the oun. elinf! Office. Little que,tion like "how. \\hen, \\ h re and \dn ? '' demanded hi::: an \\er'< from hig mi~d . lthou~h the femai i often ronidered the "eaker e • the Cia of '70 put up a trOll" aroum nt again t uch an opinion in th form of four female cia offic r-.. Ion::: with their mon ) -making project. junior foCU'-ed their energie... on uniting themehe-. tO\\ arc!-. an e\ en "'realer :roalcomprehension of tomorrow' vaiu .

Aboye: Irs. start the year off coll5trurtitely by electing Pat Ha rlan, pres.; • ancy Luck mann, t·ice-pres.; Laurie Yaxle.r, trea . ; and ue 0' eal sec.

Right: ],.nzor class sponsors, Mrs. chuh and Ur. Uork are held captite by underclass re ponsibilities.



Look uho's caught changing the dock. Juniors! Juniors are alu a)s tuck uith finding ua) to earn mont') for the prom. ara Prou¡ell looks anxious[)' up to the croud for cheering uppart as the) help the Chargen to another tictorx.

I>.m \blm hi Jo \nn \d ir \hlfor .mr' \lien Hollin \lit 11 <:r·or ,. \rulr·r on l~•n• ,. \pplcgalt Hogr•r \pplr•gal •


J olm \ rr nuth <:an \ kn·n Jim.'t" lei \I ikt· Ba ilq \1 r•ha Barkt•r Jim Bakr r or rna II kt-r \'alt·n II rnt• D.1n lbrtn r Kr·ith Bat~ Billlbtt· Jud\ llr·nnctl D l;l>ir• IIi hop C II) Bog rei \lurk llokr·nk mp DcJ.hic Bolden <:n·g Bolton \likr• Borcht•r D.l\1' !lou< k Kit Bro. kt'lt I.\ nn Brt qui•t (.h,rrlc llro"n Eugt•nt• Br '"n •athq Bru,.n Hob rt Bro,.nl kan-n Bu kner ut Burton Da' I But! r Dian<' (. in Doug .ain Carnphell D.rnn) C rl


Juniors Struggle Through Tedious SAT, ACT ]ani• Carmi< hael lwrr) Carpr·nter OJi,ia C rter Dr·hloir• ( hew ut· <.lark .awl Cl rktRnht'rt ( Iarke Gary lcment Br•ki C.olbt·rt Pattit• Col on lui- Comht· t Jeff Coomlos Barbara .oopt r Da> • Coopt·r Daw Cor ht"tt Jant'l .or nt'lt Rand) Craig D hhi Crawford .\tikt• Cra" ford Ro t·r Crawford haron Crawford Kath} Cromlirk Da\e Croll "am Cullop B1ll Cumming Ka} umrning Bill Cumming .\lr·l dit· .unningharn J. D.• upp ann ( urti~ \tikt · CtajkoYt ki colt Da'i



Girls go for the fad uith girls too.

of wearing mustache

If ho






Kath) Dav.-on _ ut•


Bonnie. De Shong Cher) I [), Yal

]o \nne D \Ore

Torn DeWitt Donna Dicl,\ \!an Dient•;

u Dillabaugh John Dilla\OU te\ Dillman Hi Dor-t')

Boh Dol\ Karen Iiou,::la• Ellen Dov.ell Patt\ Drago

Jennifer Orc--elhau Diane Drollinger Barh Dunn .\larl Dunn

1'11tll \tone finds it ea ) to break an egg eten uithu t taking courst' in Home Ec., until thr. ··~g s/ippt'd out of the sht>ll onto the floor thrn, uell ...

orinn Dziuk anda Ead ~alh Eakin Jim ·Earl

[ ndercla


Long Periods, Lunch Hours Constitute Typical Day

These fun-loving Centennial

r ig Eccle• Mike Ed"ard anq Ed" rd K th) E r• Erie E~; leton Bill E•t rgard .\1 rna £, n Tom E,an · Jerr} E urn llian F nd1er G rr) Farmt·r John r rrar P .. nm Farru i £,on Fi,kcl H rb ra Fieh lkorn Dam·II Fill n"\\arth .w.-n Fillenwarth Tom Fitz raid Ke,in 1-lc her Rod t1et her Rita Forre ler Cdia For•ter Fl) nt Foth rgill Brant Foutch .\lark Foul Jan t fo Tom Frank rf) Fredrick n Carol) n Fn·rirh Anne ~ riedh r Tom Frit' l\laf) Fritz

, il Frot'mming K th) Fr> P m Fullt·r Vicki Gal rdy B cky Gallivan Jo> Card win indy G ringer Dian Gate




take timt> off from .HudJing to atlt'nd the Burger Ba h.

• Fred (,aublt· Hit,t C:er tt•n}wr t•r Kathy GetL




c. . . c "1 •

fi fti I I



I' m l.ifford

• 11 ) c;m. rt Dorine! Gilli

nrly l.ilmon·

J lm (,Jad

\1 rcia l.oddard

(, il (,off Pam .oodling Rub) .ordon

D bbi Gr nin _hirle Gray rr l.n·en tein

Hick .r ' r D n Grider Jim Griffin

Judy .riffin Jim .umbl Tcrr} II ck t

You can

ee the Cert

come in after the cigar

go out.

Who can forget the fir&t cla&s competition? Drooling officer lined up for the mouth·uaterins relay. Pre&idents led in. the fea t. Race ua but enior& u:on.



Juniors Take to Heart Many Trying Situations

Th1 junior ha the fun task of getting the decoration ready for prom.

Ga}le Hal row ind\ Hale D bbie Hall Anita Hankin on Jill Hanna Mike H nnan Lenore H noka B b Harkin Pdt Harlan OJi,ia Harmon Ro, Harper \~thia Harri ic\e Hartrirk Dauna Ha man Tom Ht•lhling Linda Hen g r Debhit• Henley

B b Henr} ~ lt·H~

Hen en ue Ht me heck ~I n Herrin harl - Herron Tom Ht·Kan•n Highfill Jim HiiJ"t'in Debhit· Hill Tina Hinkle Kath\ Hod-on J i Holl nd P t Holm 7 Hood Gn g Hornada} D nl Hottman Fn·d Ho" Jim Iludrlk-tone Oneda Huff Bru t• Huffman Kath} Hultman Pat Humphrey :\laril}n Hunt


Eddie and the en ations made the homecommg dnnct'! a lt·inging one.

Donn Hutch raft u I n i k Dan Ir" in 1 \C Jacob VI rie J n,.

John Ja)cox Ed J, nkin D H~ John on Jim Johnson Rand) John n


Kt>l•o rolt• Kemper Ri k Kidd D roth) King Rob rta Kinkade

B n Kirk Jun Koziko" ki u n Kramer Eri Kro h Juri) Lat r

Pennv La"head Be\e~ly Lawler

John Le n B rbara Le"i hon Lel<ii•



L n' .\Ia lcod B \laCutch n u \lahra\ \I •

\1 n


Dadd .\lartinez .\nn .\lartin rl .\latth " .ar \h·Bridc Pat .\IcBrid

Hinor, juin••t

mirror on the of them all.



the D n .\1 Call h rle• \I rth\ • e' in '\lr ' rh · Da,id · :\lc lannah n ]o n :\lc<.I f)

l nd,.rc/a


ophomore cheerleading hopefuls stand for in pection; u:hile

ophomore student make their voting decisions.

Jim :\td:int~ Dave \1<'. · ~1ara Ed \lelchi "te\e \1elchi

Bruce ~1 iller \1ikt :\lillt•r Patrici :\tiller Rogt>r :\Iiller

, te• c Minnick :\licheal \locilan \laril)n Moeller Lyle \!olen

Brian .\tonk Da•id \1 mtgornery )he ter \lont om ry B11l \1organ

C)nthia :\lorg n H rh .\!organ ]t·ff :\lor an ]t•nnifer \Io ley

,ollt·t·n :\I uhihill Dann) \lurphy Har!.ara an c Valt•ri • "eathamm r

Colleen lfultihi/1 di3plays her spectacular form on the paral/1'1 bar Jor the Variety Show crou·d.



Underclass Show Skill


Varied Activities

Ton) Rl"m h • haron Rl"ttberg Cath) Robert• 1 r · Roh rt Tl"rri Robet1 Ri h Ro wood G r Rod er Rand Ro

tudt>nt and lt'achu find tht' "'69er • aloon" at tht> homt>coming dance a ur

popular plact'.


16 1



crowd around tht'

outh door

u·hnl:' tht'} jind goodie.\ plt:a


to tht> ta


Bake Sales, Hops Dominate Money-making Da,id Rumer athy Ru -urn (onni adewater Paul ander Da,id a\leVirtoria . ayle Jenm • hmidt John. rneider athy • howengerdt ;\lar-h eeber John ~ Jander D ·hi i" ,.,ern Tnm hapland Rand) heffer andra . helton haron he by

D •btu '-,taller Toha. lark Bryan .Ste~en Tom _tigall Patti . tnne Randal. ton Will ton hacker Bob tr hi Ian ~t}nchula Jerry~ uJii,an her) 1 win ford ~!ike Tabeling Tom Taylor Joyce Tenn} on Cathy Thornhill Roberta Tihh



l'l'lcr Ti lwnor <:ail I imm rman K n n 'I opping Joan Trt·main" • ann Van Dyk • ~loa ron n 'I inkle Dt·ltlow Varga John Victor on Torn Vin on Rolu rl 'alkt·r Jim \\all ce B..(kr 'I att Don Wt•hher Hun Wt•hh r

Putt) W.. Jrh (' rul

\\ dln .. r

Cmd~ Wt r tlt·r Tom. t' ll·nha\er Fr nk \ '• tmure Fred 'I 'lu eler 'Ira \1 \\ hP-rl Curdon \\ hite I' tl\ \\1koff ( tl;) \\ 11Jiam

Sam Wilh m Btll 'il on J rki" \\ tl on Hobt·rt Wmfrt·y J) n \\ intt·r 1oni '1'1 hn Janice \\ oody • an y 'l'orner Kt••th Wright :\likt• Wri ht Joan ) anney Laud" ) >tli'y Larry Z hnd I urcl Z1 hell Curwyn Z•mhleman

:-\ot Pictured

Paula \!her

J a me< Ba


D.nid llorcher illiam B wman Bartnn Brandriff hnda Bruwn "andra Burton Flizaheth Burwa h Um Ca ~~;lc ( harlt • Caron Waltrr Dt·armond Janice EH•rett William Fothergill Donna Gent

Denni Gilbert Lorrie Go-nell :\luna .Kai•er Fied :\lanker John :\tatte on Elizabt'lh ~furphy Ining :\Ior~an UZ\ \fu olina (,a~ .:\ordling Ke\ln 01-on Ph,lli Pa\ne

Pa~ela P~nce

Robert Phillip athlt'en Pickle

Alb. rt I Ia Jern and r on Chri mho Dan ...,,.. th Jo\ 'th G~il th Cath) "team-. Tom '-ullnan Gan T t\lor Pam T \lor Thor'na• 'rhad\ Joel Ward , Richard \\ illi



Sophomores Lay Siege to Yellow Labyrinth ~ophomore )ear: A )Car of confu..,ll n. of inde ·i..,ion a 'ear of em). of longin"' a 'ear of ~ear hing. of darin<> a· \ear of Di · co,ering. Wanting to conform. \Ct ... triving for indi' idualit). .._ophomore" e perienced traditional grO\\ ing pain .... But th pain" oon "ore off a ... e perit'nce gre\\. The once identical ' llo" -tiled hnlls ._Jmd, turned recogni;able aml endle,.., cln period.._ b arne bearable. EH·n more important. the excitement of new acquaintan , de' loped into the "annth of la ... tin:! friend ... hip;.. ,\ ... this ne" ela-.s began to think of the time \\hen the\ would a ume Charger leader ... hip. their thought explon•d the po\\ er of mone\ and their appar nt lack of it. Out no longer merelv foiJo,,er .... the, turned monev-making pro:,!rams into r~alitie.... . The po\1 er of a dri' er' li en'e and a \\' permit ga'e dd d dimen"ion ... to ophomore life. Inti p ndence re,pon ibilitie flouri hed and ne\1 add d maturit\. And "ith thi maturitv came the en{o ment of larger ideaf and ne\\er concept. min..,h· unimportant d taiL nO\\ to •k on n " light a the future uddenly meant Imohement. The lighter a p ct of high hool !if benefitted. too. from thi chan!! of mind. Repre enting a oreal p rcentage of harrrer pirit. th ophomore en ompa d the tudent bod) in their enthuia m of both port and activitie . Finding them el, and moldin" a united group from their di CO\erie .... ophomore emerged- Ia of '71.



Above: Officers JoAnne Stoll,

ec.; fa ry Petry, tice-prt's.; Julie Van Buskirk, treas.; and Peter Korst, pres., attempt to organize sophomore cia

Below: Class

pon ors llrs. Hilll!r and .Ur. Atnt rt'/a:r aftn a

oph. clas


tudent crou·d to 11u 01 football t;amt of tht- f!Omf' prot I' une.~citin •

\I>O\e: part~



u.h1 do th


u.anl a picturt: of

et tn thou h th~


groot) da


Grc:.: Bateman Pau 1 B cker 'f r ha Bedford St

II ·r



n Berl!•trom l.t·' da Biehl Skip Bm h Jo \nne Birteher Joe Bi-hop unc Bitter• Kath HI n Elton ll<Jhltn

Vin t·nt Bt -ton <.h rle- n...... en Btth Br ndriff Jim Bra\ Joan nr' mer "indt"ll Ilro'l'i n \It llr lt:\lt-- Bruhn

[ ndt:rcla"


:\1 rk Hn n C)nthi Bulin ki :\1 rihn Bullock :\1 rit• Bur t·r Rt·hc•·•· Bur t• Lhri Burkt Connit• Burton Diane Burton

I orctt a Bu hue ( lwnl Bu t rt Donna Buttt·rfield l.t·i!!h !her Carla ( ain Ron Carnpllt'll Roan (' rleton heila (. rnn

Uf iral' y ( .tthlt•t•n Cl •ment Katln Clint• D n houd Curti ( lowt'T ( rol Coffin Tim Colna ' role Coop..r

Tum Co Jerr) .our on Brad Crai Kn in ranwr "harnn rawford D··hra Cri• I ihhy <.u llop Bru'e ( unnin ham

Sophomores Open Their Buds and Blossom John Curti I) n Cu t r C the Da' i • ann Da' i• Pam Day Rick De. n )t•nnift•r Dt·arduff John 1), ton Rachard [) .\Iari Jim [) chene Jn t· D Vrit• Pam Dt·Witt • te\t• Dial Trart) l>illt•y C r on l>illrnan .\1 ril)n Dillman .\lark Do nt• lar•ha Doh on Phil l>ou Ia Kay llow Hon I lrt>t·~rnyer Jt·rn Duckworth Jack Durant Connit• DLiuk

J an•·

~:U kin !Ja,id Elu ling Kt nt Edward Phil Ellt'l 1.\nda Emrnt'tt Dt·hhit· Englf' ) .... I.uh nk I.and.t Erirk on


llndncla s

Juli .\an l..arr) Farmt•r Iary Farrar

Boh f ulkn,.r Kath} rt·ath rgill Uon J.ehrenb cher

Rick f ificld :\like Fileccia • te\e Fink

Bill Fi her Beck' Fi h r Ch rien • Fl her

Uenni FJ h r Richard Fol y Ter Fotrwrgill

. lariell Fox urti• Fr nk J n Fri •

Dotti Tucker i ronctntratmg on her dancing know that her date has left her.

o much that

ht dot n't Trud Fri-to Barry Fulton Jim Galli' n

~ le\e Gardn~r

Ro::er Garza te' tz

andra Giach tto u n Gi chetto Jan Go tz

Tom Coin rol Go• Chuc Greem ld

Tht lunch room pro~idl'.' riling for inltnle di cus5ion as ltlldtnts rditt·t thtir hunger.



Drivers' Permits, Licenses Highlight Sophomore Year

Th thrills of aiming a I\\ o-ton lt"thal "eapon at the ..,eneral public omehow held mor app al than a tuff) ria. sroom to thi )ear" adi ... tic driver" education tudents. EHn the fr qu nt h) ... teri al ·reaming and er in~ from panic--.tricken teacher failed to qua h enthu ia m. After all. what could b more enjo ·. a hi than f!) ing mad!) 0\ er monn a y trou-. curb-.. di mi ing a fe, top "ign... or triking that na. I) little hrake "ith ju. t the right amount of force? Perhap-. the on I) b tier a. p t to thi "a gettin.., tim off from chool to do it! Vick ) Gree~er n..c ) .rob athy Gru--in~~: ria Gu1hcr tar aret Haak Li•a Hall ~1artha Hall Tom Hamilton athy Harney Karri Harri R ph I H rri n David Hatch rin Hatton Bill HayeCharle Ha}-e-tad Robert Hefferman

1ichelle Hojnacki • 1ichel Hoher on Roy Hom by Chuck Hott Da\e Huddle-on Teri Hudgen Joyce Huff ~te~e Hurd r



Passtnsers enjoy a safe and enjo)ablt cruise durins Drit·tr's Ed. instruction.

Rodne) Keagle brei Kelley Jeff Kendrick ry Ker y • u n Kief r


'll Koz.ikow ki William Krou Todd Kuzuck Brad Kuop like Ku kendall

Bill Ku) endall Gerry France Laidlaw ott Laidlaw huck Langloi

• fan Lariviere Debhi r n Bill} Lawh ad K nt Lenz Tom L ri•

Diana Fr ddi Da•id Jane Lin Tom Uttl

Chuck Pittman eagerly awaits the thrill of drit in g.


I 69

Sophs. Show the Go While Upperclass Watches

Collun fulvihill stands looking pr~tty whU~ Rod Fletcht!r plans his n~xt stratl!gic mot:~ . , lelinda . lcBride Jim Me oy Eliz b th .\lcDuffee John \lcDuffy and~ _lcGary te~e McGarvey Larry :\lcGee Pat \fc ·nney • far;ha lc. abb Tim :\lc Phee Jeff :\leadow Debbie Merritt Rita :\letz Le ter . fe ·er te~e :\feyer J arne . fitchell

Dan 0', ·em Joe 0 hwald Davt" Parro ott Pathel Eva Patton ue Payne Ro Peabody farie Peanon Randy Pearson teve Pea e • felitta People Kathy Perucca Mary Petry Jan Pfaller fary Pfie ter Debbie Phillip



Jill P1c n raig Pi L n i Gary Pill" haf ke Kathy Pratt Ri hard Pr ton DaH~ Pru tt Jt>an Rathbun Kathy Rawdm Joyce Ray Jim Reid Dan Richardson Ul' Rif'm r • ancy Roach Glen Roberr D nni Robert n Emily Rohrer

Brian wartz Jeff Tackett Tom Taylor Iarla Theurer Judy Thorn Charle Thoma Tom Tirnmon Randy Tolley Diane Topping Bob Truman Tom Truman Phylli Tucker Jo Turnme-1 n Barb Unteed John pp Gary Vail



J err) Vall ance J u!J,. \' anBu irk ·u·· \ ' nee ann Va nDc -c~ nd r t·ott .Wagner karen Walder k a th) al h Da~id W rd Tim W armouth Em n: Warren Rich;rd Warren Ellen W 1 on Danny Weath r-poon \forri Wei r Vic i Welch TeiT) Weldon Jo

ell Well Lauri Weln r Greg Wellman Jeani Wigg an\ Wilk n Ro\ ce Wilken D bra William It'\

>nia William Vkkie William lenn Wil \ Julie Wil"'n · D bbie Winfre) Pam Win lead '\1 ry Winter Karen Wi e 1 ~en Witte Brad Wright hri Wright Vir inia Wood Mar ) arbrough andra Youn am Zahnd tuart Zaji

Jolc·ne Zarbuck

ot Pi lured

Tom And r n Thoma Andr R b ca h Donna uble Pam Ia Bower TeiT) Bowling "o I Bray Ro mary Brumfield ott Buchnan William ain John Clark Jam ' rawford baron rawford William D rmond Elmer Dougla Patty Dubie laiT) Dunaway &tty Eckel D nni Ellis ti hael E!li Barry Fulton



te~en Cia er RoiN>rt Gr en Brenda Hall Bruce Hall Janet Harry Raymond John on Edward Jone David Ke ler Phillip Larrew Charle Lip qmh 1\fatthew fachula Barbara \farion tanley fechling David fel hi 'teven . filler Iillard foody K ith fyer Tar ha ewbill t \ n O![le Linda Oakley David Ohl on

Thoma Owen D ni Pate Cindra Peter David Robin n David • and teat John • chneider Rick heffer Lu inda he maker Judith imp n Kirk I ight Emily udman JoAnne Taylor I.e lie Trott r Lindell Van Dyke Laura Wallace farta Well ar n Wheeler Linda infr y Patty Winj[ler Robert Young

Senior Biographies ABEL, TO. I: Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Interact 2, 3 ADA\f , .\tEI.I, DA: CVE 3 DA\f , .\tEI.I' A: Che rl ader 3, 4; Elec· lion Board 4 ALBERT , 1ER UORD, DI 'E: Tran fl'r from Wah· ington Hi h hool, Wa hington, Ill. 2; 4; Torch Club 4; Girl' Intramural port 4 ALLE , CA. THY: Tran ft>r from Arlington High chooll, Arlin~~:ton Height , Ill. 4 A. 'IH.R 0. , BRADLEY A DER 0 ·• DE. , I : Frtnch lub 2, 3



lub 2; Torch Girl' arter 3, 4;


B RGER, KATHY: A Capella 4; CHRO. ·. ICLE 2; Drama Club 3, 4; cretary 4; German Club 2, 3; Human Relation 4; Th pian 4; Torch Club 3, 4; lfaruy 4; Lut~ ong 4; Man JITho Came to Dinner 4; outh Pacific 4

B RGF_ , BILL: lntrract 4 B R. S, BARBARA: A Capella 3, 4; Centennial Guard 4; Drama Club 4; Fren h Club 2, 3; Hou e of Repre ntativ 4; ladrigal 4; ~ophomore hoir 2; Torch Club 2, 3, 4; Pre ident 4; Vocalett 2, 3 BURTO. , GEORGIA: E. TI. AL 4; CE, TURIA Bu ine taff 4: House of Repre ntativ 2 B RTO., WALTER B • H, JOE B H E, EVERETT Afro-American B TLER, ER. 'E TI. 'E: lub 3, 4; E3 BYER , MIKE

c A. tPBELL, ROY: CVE 4; Pr id nt 4 CA fPBELL, TO. I: A Capella 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Encore 4; French lub 3; Human Relation 2; Interact 3; ladrigal 3, 4; The•pian 2, 3, 4; Cham· bt:r Choir 2; Bury the Dead 2; Flower Drum ong 2; Uadwoman of Chaillot 3; 'Uarria~e Proposal 3; RainrruJker 3; outh Pacific 4

E 2 2, 3,

2. 3, 4

Club 1;

CATHY, JI 1: E 4; VI 4 CAVITT, EARL: Afro-American 4; Football CLOWER, C THY: Band 2, 3, 4; Encore 3, 4: Dance Band 4 COBLE, JI\1: German Club 3: Football 2, 3, 4 COLLE. BERGER, LI. 'DA: CVE 4 COLLI , ROBERT: Afro-American 3, 4; CVE 4; Football 4 CO. , ER, CHRI : A Capella 3; Encore 3; FT 4; Torch Club 4 CO ROVE, PAm·: Ch rlead r 4; El c· tion Board 4; French Club 2, 3, H u of Repre ntative 2; C Charger pectrum 3 CRAWFORD, KEITH CRAWFORD, RO ELLE: 'E 3: Drill Team 4; Flag Cam. r 4; Torch Club 4 CROZIER, RICHARD C • ', ·1, ·c. FRA. 'K C RTI , DOROTH'r 'E 4: For ign E · change 4, F A 4; •phom re Choir 2; Torch Club 2, 3, 4

Club 4; retary-Trea· of Repr ntative ; Band Council 3. 4; German fa tt"r 4; T n-

D 'KERT, ~ • ': A apella 3, 4, German Club 2, 3: Madri~~:al 3, phohoir 2: Vocalett 2, 3 D VI . AROL: heerleader 2, 3, 4; Germ n Club 2. 3: LITERARY f GAZI. 'E 4, tudent Council 3 D VI , L'r ent nnial Gu rd 4: CE. · TI. L 4, ·tudio C 3, : Trea urer 4: Torch lub 2, 3, 4 DAVL, .UCH EL: Afro-American 3, 4; DE 4 DAY, CY: . fedical Car er ~ DEAT , DIA, E: French Club 2, 3; Hou of Repre ntative 3, 4; Torch Club 2 DE 10 • Gl Y DE •. L , 'TE E: : Wrt tling 3 DE TE, JI l D

DE HF.. E. TEVE: , 'otion I Honor ociety 3, 4; pani h lub 2; pani h Honorary 2 DEVRIE', Ht GO DEWITT, COLLEE. ': CE. 'TI.' L 3; Hou e uncil of Repr olathe 3; Inter-High J; p niili ub 2, 3; Tor h Club 3, 4; C Charger putrum 3 DEXTER, D RLE, E: FTA 2; Torch Club 3 DIE 'ER, VI KI: A Capella 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Encore 3, 4; F 4; FTA 4; German lub 2, 3, 4; Hou of Representathe 4; \ledical Car er 4; tudio C 4; Torch lub 4; • outh Pacific

DILLEY, ALA.': C Club 2, 3, 4: French ub 2; wimming 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; II- meri an wimm r DI. 0. ·, JOA. ·: CE. 'T 'RIA ' 3: Debate Club 3, 4; Vi e-Pre ident 4; Drama lub 3, 1; Fr nch Club 2, 3, 4: ITA 4: Hu· man Relati n 3, 4: The pian 4: Tcrch Club 3, 4; Uan JITho Came to Dinner 4: A Raiszn in tht un 3 DO .. CH, BILL: C Club 3, 4; Con rvation Club 4; Interact 4; Ba etball 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4 DOUGL • 'TEVE: A Capella 4; CVE 4: French Club 2; Var ity how 4; outh Pac&fic 4

DOW,JOA.' D COFF, BARB: Flag Carrier 4; IT 4; German lub 2, 3, 4; Human Rei t n 3, 4; Pre ident 4; . 'ational Honor ociety 3, 4; Torch Club 3, 4 D , 'AWAY, ~HARO. : CVE 3, 4 DLO., BARB


of Repr entaIntra tate Ex-

F FAIRFIELD, JACK FIELDI G, JAY Fl. 'K, TEVE: Vocational Building Trade 3, t, Wre tling 2 FITZGER LD. CO.·, 'IE: Afro-American 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Human Relation 3, ; p ch Club 4, cretary 4; fad14 m n of Chail/ot 3, Ra n in the un 3, outh Pacific 4 FLOYD. VICKIE: A Cap lla 3, 4; CE. · TI. 'AL 3, : Drama Club 3: Enc r 3, 4; French Club 2; Torch Club 3, 4; outh Pacific 4

FOGEL,. tARCIA:. fedical Care r 3 FOLEY, A,·, 'E: Centennial Guard 2, 3, 4; retary-Trea urer 4: Debate Club 4; Dolphin Club 4; French Club 2. 3; French Honor ciety 3; FTA 3, 4; Girl' Lt"ader:Jiip 2, 3, 4; Torch Club 2, 3, 4


FO T H, .\tAR IA FR .\tE, J .\IE · Band 2. 3, l: Em·ort· 3, 4; Dance Band 2, 3. 4 FRERI H ·, TEVE: C Uuh 3, 4, wJm. ming 2, 3, 4 FRIEDER! H, AL: Band 2, 3; Dam·e Banri

2. 3 FRIEDER! H, J \ · Band 2. 3: 3; Ton:h lub 4 FL, 'E:\tA, • CO, , IE: VE 4


G G U\ , K THY: t'ntennial Guard 3, 4; \i e-Pre id nt t; Dolphin lub 4: Drama Club 2, 3; French lub 2, 3; Torch Club 3. 4 GALLI • ', .\HKE CARD. ER, u: DA · Flag Carrier 4; r . \ 4; pani h lub 4; pani•h Honoran 3, 4: Torch Club 4 G RLA. D, JACK GEN BIER, P TTY: A Cap II a 4: German Club 3, 1-; Hou e of Repr ntaliH· 2, 3: Inter-High Coun il 3; T rch lub

3,4 GE:\OVE E. CA. D'x GETTLE, CO.·. 'IE GIL.\IORE, U 'IE: A CaiWila 3, 4; En ore 3, 4; Hou e of Repre ent IJ\e 2; Torch Club 2, 3, 4; C Chargu pectrum 3 GIORD • DAVID GOOD, PERRY: Human Relation 4, '-peech Club 4 GO RLEY, HOWARD: CVE 4; Football 3 GRADY, CLARK: C Club 2; Int ract 4; Ba ball 3, 4 GRAHA.\1, .\1 RK: Tran fer from entucky .\tilitary chool, L} nd n, Kentufky 4 GRA. 'I. G, CARLA: Girl' Intramural 3, 4; ~ophomore Choir 3; Torch Club 2, 3,



fro-American 3, 4;


2, 3, 4 CREE.', C THY CREE. ,PAT GRIGG , • 'A, 'CY: A Capella 2, 3, t; CE. 'T RI • · 4; .\ladrigal 3, 4; .\lodern Mu-ic Ma ter 4; pani h lub 2, 3; ophomore Choir 2; Torch Club 2, 3; Vocalette 2, 3; C Charger putrum 3 G .\fBEL, JOA. : French Club 3, 4; Fr nch Honor ciety 3, 4; Foreign Exchangt 4; F A 3, 4; Pre ident 4: Torch lub 2, 3

H HADLEY, EDWI : CE! TI. AL 2; Drama Club 3, 4; ~tudio C 4 HALL, TEVE. Band 2, 3, 4; Encore 4· Hou e of Repre entative 4 HOLLIMA , T0.\1.\1Y: Afro-American 4 IIA.\fB RG, DAVID: A Capella 2, 3, 4; Encore 4; French Club 4; Fr nch Honor uciety 3, 4; Interact 2, 3, 4; .\1adrigal

3,4 HA.\HLTO. ', J LIE: French Club 2; Torch Club 2, 3; Wig 'N' Paint 2 HA. ON, ELA 'A: CE~TJ. 'AL 2; German Club 2, 3; Hou e of Repre ntative 4; Orcbe 1 4; cretary 4; C Charger

pectrum 4 HARPER, LARRY HARPE T o\D, ALICIA: Centennial Guard 3, 4; Flag Carrier 4; Gt'rman lub 2, 3, 4; Trea urer 4; Human Relation 3, 4;


\atJ• nal lhnor ~ t'it·ll .~. l; Trt>a urer L Torch Uub 3, 1 . H\RT\1\. JEHRC'i: rrmth (luh 2 HE. TER, JOH . F<•otball 2, 3; Wr ,tJing

2, 3 HELLER, P \ T Ttmh lub 3, 1 HE. RIK E. , RICK HIERO\'i \1l., \1-\RK HIU;ER, P\TTI: Band 2, 3; En me 3; lub 3, 4 HIJ.I "· HERR'i HITCHI\ , R \. lH: German Club 2, 3, l: Human Relatun 4; 'enetar}·Trea · "Urtr 4; Tort·h Club 1 HITCHI\ . RA\D'x HI . 0. , \1 RCIA A Capella 3, 4; E. ' . TLRI\i.'. 3, 4; Academics Editor 3; A 1 tant Editor-In- hie£ 1: Drama Club 3, 4: Encore 3; Girl' Ltader hip 3, 4; Voral tte 3, \ladrigal 3, "pani h Club 2, 3. 'ophnm rt' hoir 2, Torch Club 2, 3; Intra· 'tate Exchange; C Charger

pectrum 3 HO H, HL K: Club 4: Interact 4; . wimming 3; Intra tate E han e 4 HOLDRF.. , BARB: E. TI. AL 3; VE 4; Hou e of Repre entative 'pani•h Club 2

HOLVER 0. , .\HKE: lub 3, ; Con· enati• n 2, 3; French Honor ciety 3, 4; lntera t 3, 4; ational Honor . ·oci I 2, 3, 4; Football 2. 3, 4: Wre•tling 3, 4; Ba ball 3, , ·atJOnal .\ferit Commended Li I 4; Bo}' tate 3 HOPPE, JIM: C lub 2, 3, 4; Interact 2, 3; Footb II 2, 3, 4; .:w1mming 2, 3; Hom coming King HOPPE. JOH, ': lub 2, 3, 4; Interact 2, 3; Vice-President 3; Football 2, 3, 4; wimming 2; Golf 2, 3 HOL"E. GREG HLDDLE~ TO ', JEA. ·: pella 4; VE 4; ophomore Choir 2 H FF\1 • ·, LL 'COL.: fro·Amerl<'an 3, 4; Vice Pre-ident 3; C Charger pectrum 3, 4: Football 2, 3, 4 H FDt , R GER: Football 2, 3, t H RDER, T LE'x: CE! 'TL. L 2, 4; Debate Club 4; German lub 2; Human Relation 3; Latin Club 4; Trea urer 4

I IDLE.\tA.' B B: German lub 2. 3; Hu· man Relaticn• 3 I:'oiGLE , T0.\1: Band 3, 1: C Club 4; Encore 4; Ba eball 3, 1; wimming 4; Ban<l Council 4; Dance Band 3, 1

J JA KLE, KITTY: Centennial Guard 4; Hou of Repre tntath 2; Tor h Club

4 JA E. , TEVE: Intera t 4; Football 3 JOH ·. O. , JOHN: Wr tling 3 JOH ON, REID: French lub 4; Inter· act 4 JOH\ 0. , T0.\1: Hou e of Repre entative

4 JO. E , DEA, · 'A: ent nnial Guard CE TURIA,. 4; Drama lub 4; FTA Torch Club 4 JOY E, CO , 'IE: Cap lla 3, 4; on vat ion 2; Encore 3; ophomore hoir Torch Club 3, 4

4; 4;

K K RL. TRO 1, DEB8IE: El ction Board 3; o-chairman 3; Fr nch lub 2, 3; French Honor . ociety 3, 1; Girl' Lead· er hip 3; ·ational Honor • oci ty 3, 4; • ophomore hmr 2, 'tudj·nt Council 2, 3; Torch lub 2, 3, 4 K lF.\tA, , TERR'x KELLE'i, JOB • . KELLEY, , Y: French Club 2: Girl' Glee lub 4; Torch lub 2; Wig '. ., Paint 2 KF'\ IHU., DO G

Kl. DLE, BILL KIRB'i, "HERR\: E. TlJRJA. 4; Typing 4, F"A 3, 4; Human Rel.1tion a· ti• nal lion r ndt·l) 3, t; pani h lub 2, 3; pani h Honorary 2, 3; Torch lub

4 KITZ.\tiLLER, JOII, : on nation 3; G~r· man lub 3; Prl' idt·nt 3; _tudent oun· c1l 3, 4; Junior Cia Prl' ident KOZIKOW. Kl, JA. E: FT 1; German 'lub 2, 3; Torch Club 1 KRE!--1 A, JDl: C luh 4; f'rench lub 2; Int rart 2, 3, 1; • 'ational H< n r nci ·ty 4; B ball 2, 3, 1; Ba ketball 2, 3; ountr) 3

L L , URITH, JOH .. LA GLOI~. T0\1: lub 2, 3, 4; Ba. ketball 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4, AR Award 4 LATEER. J • 'E: Elertion Board 3; oChairman 3; ,erman lub 2, 3; Vice Pr ident 3; Girl' Leader hip 3, 4; ~atJOnal Hcnor uci ty 3, 4; ~ecretary 4; tudent ouncil 2, 3, 4; Torch Club 4, Hi tor ian t, . ophomore Ia <., cretary; t'nior Ia• netary LE 0\lPTE, DO:"i A apella 2; LIT· ERARY .\lAGAZI. E 4; . ecretary 4; Torch Club 4; C Charger pectrum 4 LEGARE, HELLE'!:: Band 2, 3; Encore 3; ITA 4; Girl' Leader hip 3, 4; Hou e n( Repre ntati\r 2; _pani h lub 2; Torch lub 4 LEG E, TEVE LE. Z, JERRY LE. 'CHO RE, HERB: Afro-Am ri an 3, 4; Ba ketl.Jall 2, 3, 4; Vice Ver a King 4 LEW!, J\Y: E. Tl. AL 2, 3, 1; As>· ciate Editor 3; Editor 4; D bate lub 3, 4; Pre ident 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Pre ident 4; The pian 4; Bo}' tate

3; Hnduoman of (,haillot 3; 3; Uan Who Came to Dinnu 4; Wait· 1ng jor the Bu , Director 4; ( Charger ptctrum, Produ er 4 LLC\ .• (,£ 'E LLCK.\1-\ , CHUCK: C Club 3, 4; Inter· act 3, tudent Coun• il 2, 3, 4; Parliam ntanan 3, Pre 1d nt 4; Intra· tate Exchange 4; C Charger pectrum 3, 4; Fo• tball 2; w1mmmg 2; w -Country 3, 4; aptain 4; Track 3, 4; Captam 4 L KE, \!IKE: LITERARY .\1 GAZI E 4; tudio C 4 Ll • GEH, T0.\1 LYBARGER, JOY E: .\fl'dical retr 3



'\1 I.I.IO. E. CHRI


\f\JOR Board


Frrnrh Club 2 R<\· CE Tl AL 4; Election French Club 2, 3; Forrign

Exch nge 3; Hou of Repre ntati\e ; Speahr Protempore 3; tudent Coun il 1; Ton h Uuh 2. 3, 1; (. f.lwr ,., p~ctrum 3 .f II K , t HY: CE. '11 \I. 2:, e" Editor 2; Frenrh lub 2, 3, 1; Human Relation 4; :\fl'dical Carr!"r 3; Pre i· dent 3; Ton-h Club 3,4 . fA , EHI. (,, K THY M RGHAVE, \1 H't: aJWlla ~: CL ', TI. AI. 1; rw Editor 4; ITA 3; ,rr· man Cluh 2; , ational Honor <.; il't) 3, 1; (, \ 2; Girl' Intramural port ·~. f TTHEW , P IGE: Frrn h lub 2, 3; Hou of Repre entati\ 3; lnter-llil!h \.oun il 3; I.lTERARY fAG ZL 'E ; Art Editor 4; TorriJ Club 2, 3, 1; Junior Pre ident 3 .t Y, D • 'A: Cluh 3, 1; Interact J, 4; Golf 3, 4 • fc I. , GARR't: C lub 3, 4; football 2, 3, 4; Wre tling 2, 3, 1; D ember h r er um Laude Me LE\HY, K R Band 2, 3, 1; retary 4; En ore 3, 1 ~tcCO't, P T tcDlJFFf.E, PlllL !\I<'ELI.IGOTT, BOB: C luh 3, : Hou 1; Latin Club 4; Porti· of Repre ntativ fex Maxemu 1; , 'ational Honor , ociety ~. 4; Pr ident ; Golf 3, ; Cro • Country 3, :\f('F\Ll., LJ, I>\: FTA : , rrtary l, Hum n Relation 4; :"{ational Honor ·~ ciet} 2, 3, 1; pani h Club 2, 3; pani h Honorary 2, 3, 4; Tor h Club 1 \fcGI , I, II HO. ·~ CE.'TI."U. 2; Flag 4; Frrnch Club 2, 3: hen h Honor oci ·ty 3, FSA 4; ITA 2, 3, 4; Girl Lf'ad r_hip 3, 4; 'ational Hon r tl<'lf'ty 2, 3, ; Tnrch luh 2, 3, 4 k BB, Jl\1· Wr t .ng 4 fc,. \lARA, PH't LLI. CVE 1: . ere· tary 1, F ·A 3, 4 enetary 4; ational Hon"r • i ty 3, 4; Torch Iub 4, tunt ho 2 Ic. TTl . D\VE: Interact 2, 3, 1; C (.hari{I'T putrum 3, \lcPHEE, HICK: lub 4; German Club 2, lntt·ra t 1; Footb II 3; ro--· C~>unt) 1; Tr <I.. 3, 4 \IE" I GEH, In.\ : Band 2, 3, 1; Clu 3, 1; t rt•n• h lub 3; Interact 2, 3, 4 .\11 Ll "· DOt: G : Band 2, 3, ; Pre idrnt 1; Encor · 3, ; .trman Club 3; \lodtrn :\fu,i :\Ia tcr 3, t; Wre-tling 3; Band ouncil 4 \tiL~. GREG: C .lub 3, 4: Forei n Ex. chan e 3, ; <:rrman ub 2; Hou e of R prt entati'c 2 4; Interact 2, 3, 1; \'ire Pn· idt·nt 3 Pre-ult-nt 1; Football 2, 3, 4; C Charf{n putrum 3, 4 .\111( liEU, ]\, .E 'E. Tl \L 3; FTA 3, 4, pani h lub 2, 3, 1, pani h lion· orar} 2, 3, 4 MIT HELL. JE CE. 'Tl:"{AL 3; FT 3, 4; ~pani h Club 2, 3, 1 .\10. TGO\IERY, P\:\1: CVE 1; Pre id nt


4: F"\ 1 fORG N, JEA, : \'E 4, F \ IORG .• , JILL: Drama of Repr ntathe 4, Torch Club 4 .\IORRI , CO:"\ IE FT 4 IORROW, \1AHI\. Iub 3, 4; Drama lub 2: Inttract 2, I.ITEH R't :\tAG .

Zl'a: 3; -P ni h Club 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Tt>nni 2, 3, .\IOH t, LOl \ • : B nd 2; F~>rdgn F.x· han 3, 1; ~ \ ; (,r.rman .lub 2 MOHlO., P\l \: E. T RIA. 3; Index Editor 3; CVE 4; Drama lub 4; Girl' Gl!'e luh 3, 1; Hou e of Repre ntati\e 1; I tin I.Iuh 1; Medical arrr.r 3, '1; Torch lub 2, 3, 1

, EEI.Y, BOB • EI-0 ·, RRY: A tronom} 3; tling • E BILL, \1 RSHA 'ORDEI.L, DEBBIE: CE. T RI French lub 2, 3; Torch lub 4 • YHOLT, PA\1



O'CO ... ELL, DA, : Club 1; Ba e tball 3, 4; Tenni 3, 0 0. ·, ,'\fAR HA: French lub 2, 3; \1AROO .• 2; DE A, DE I 1 OZIER, \tELA. IE: entt"nni I Guard 3; l'renrh Club 2, 3; Torch lub 3


PALMER, BILL: CE. TI. 'AL 2; Foreign Exchan e 2; G rman lub 2, 3, 4; Hou of Repre ntathe 2; Interact 2, 3, 4; tunt _how 2; Ba eball 2, 3, 4; Football 3 PAL'\fER, MIKE: Band 2, 3, 4; Encore

3,4 PAL\11 A, 0, BOB:


2; Football


PAPP , R ER PARK!. 0. , . , , : Band 2 3, 4; enten· nial Guard ; En ore 3, 4; Vic Pr j. dent 3; Hi torian ; Bmd Council a tiona! \1erit C, •mmendable 4 PATE. DEI'i I '\fedical Car r ; Vice Pr id nt 4 PATHEL, E. VE 4 PATZWITH, P \f P Y 'E, ROB: Interact 4 PE R . , DE,·, 'I : fr -Americ n 3, 4; • fedical Career 3 PFEIFER, \fAHLE. E: FHA 2, 3, t; _pant h lub 4; Torch Club 3, 4; GAA 2; 'tunt how 2 PFORR, T0\1: A Capella 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4: Encore 3, 4; Pre•ident 4; :\lad· riga! 4; Dance Band 2, 3, 4 PHILLIP. , CAROL: B nd 2, 3; Encor 3; Fn n• r Iub 2, 3, 4 PHILLIP , ROBERT: on nation 3 PICKE . KI.\1: Wre-tling 3 PITT\f \ , KE. POLK, H TilE: A Capella 1; Afr \merican 3, 4 P0\1ERA E, \lARK Drama lub 1; The p1an , J'ar 'tt hou, 4; C Chargu pt'ctrum Han Who Camt' to Dinnt'f 4

R RAD LIFFE, OTT: C Club 4, pani h lub 2; Football 2, 3, 4 RATHB ·. , J .• : A Capella 3, 4; E~TI AL 2, 3, 4; A iate Editor 3; Fea·

lure Editor 4; .herrleader 2, 3, 4; Dolphin Club 3; Drama lub 3; Election B ard 2; Hou of Repr ntath 2; Inter-Hi h ounctl 2: I.ri ERA H'I 1:\GZJ, E ; .\Iadrigal 3, 1; :\fod rn 1u ic fa ter 3, ; • 'ational Honor ociety 3, 4; phomore Choir 2; -outh Pacijic 4 R \ \HH , ED: lnterart 4; W r tling 4 REDF AR. , PA \I: .a pella 3, 4; CE. '· Tl L 2; E. T RIA, 3; Drama Club 2, 3; En ore 3; Hou of Repre enta· IJ\f' 2. 3; -P ni h Club 2; _(lphrmore hoir 2; Torch Club 2, 3, ; , fA ROO.' 2; outh Pacific ; • Charg r pectrum 3; tunt. how 2 REEDER, RUTH: French Club 2; Human Rt"lation 4; Torch lub 3, 4 RE:\1£: H, TO. Y RETTBERG, Jl\1: ub 3, 4· Pr ident 4; Centennial Guard 3. 4; \ io · Pr -ident 3; lnt ract 3, 4; -tudio 2 "imming 2, 3, 4; Co-Captain 4; [) e har er urn Laud RIIJEH, C \ROLE: E. TI :\I. 3, 4; A--o· ciate Editor 4 ROA H. A"',': VE 4; Drama lub 3; FSA 3, ; • pani h Club 2 ROBL ·_o, ·, BER 'ARD: Afro- merican 3, 4; CVE 4 ROBI. -0. ', DO •• 'A RUMER, \liKE: lub 4; Centennial .uard 3; Election B ard 3; Hou- of Repr entati\e 2, 3; Football 2, 3, R ~K. GAIL: Band 2, 3; Encore 3; French lub 2, 3, 4; Torch lub 4 R'l A. , J LIE: A a lla 4: Centennial Guard 4; Drama Club 3, 1; French Club 2, 3, 4; Hou of Repr ntathe 3; Torch Club 2, 3, 4

AB Y••\tEL: Debate Club 2, 3, 4; Vice Pre ident 2; Hou e of Repre entathe 4; LITER RY .\IAGAZI. 'E 2; tudent oun il 2 A\1 ELSO. ·, KATHY: Drama Club 3, 4; G•·rman Club 2, 3; LITER,\RY \IAGAZI. 'E 4 The-pian FORD TEVE Foot· ba I 2, Wr• t m A\ LE , DAVID: '£ 4 - HE. G L, PHIL - HLORFF, LI. DA Band 2, 3, 4; En 'lre 3, 4; Hi torian 3, • retan 4; German lub 2, 3; Band •un il 4; Intra- tate Exchan e 4 H...,. R, RL '-TI : A Capella ; Encore ~. German C ub 2, 3, 4; ph more hoir 2; Torch Club 4 CHRADER, K RT Club 4; Interact 4: • 'at nal H· n••r 1 t~ 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4, wimming 2, 3, 4 CH 'LTZ, Jl\1 pani h lub 2; Wretl ng 2, 3 HW RTZ, CH CK: wimming 3; Golf

2, 3


OFIELD, Jn1: CVE 4 Gl • BARB: A Capella 3, 4; Cen· tennial Guard 4; Torch lub 3, 4 OTT JE\ OTT, TEVE "tudto 2, 3, 4 RIB. ER, KATH't CE. T RIA .. 3, 4; l'nd rcla editor 3; Editor-in-Chief 4; Drama Club 3; French Club 2, 3; Girl' Lead r hip 3, 4; Hou e of Repre ntati'e


3, 4; ophomore Choir 2 Torrh lub 4; Tr a. urer 4; C Chargu p trum 3; lntra-~tate Exchange 3, ·n vr Ad\i•ol) B.• rd E:\10. I. , KAY ~ enttnm I Gu rd ; Ele IJ n Board .t; Fr nch lub 2, 3, 4; Frtnch Hon"r ..:ot·idy 3; all nal Honor ciety 3, ; ~tud nt Co•uncil 4: Torch Club 2, 3, 1; Jumor Cia Trea urtr E\ER. ·-· RICK: - pani h Club 2: Hou e of R pre• ntati\e 4 HEDE. 'HELM. DI .. 'A HELBY, tiKE HOE:\1.\KER, KARE~: El ction Board 2; Frtn h lub 2, 3; FT, : Hou of Repr ntathe 2; Torch lub 2, 3, 1, Intratate Exchange 4; C Charger pe• trum 3; nior dvi-ory Board HL\IA. , BR CE· C Club 3, 4; Foreign E hang ; ha1P"1 n 1; Inter t 3; ·ational Hon >r ociety 4, . pani h Club 3; Spani h H .. norary 3, t, tudent Council 2, 3, 4; l t V1ce Pr• id ·nt 4; Tenni 2, 3, 4; Captain 3; Cr Countl) 2, 3, 4; ni r Ia Prt•idtnt ILER. PERRY: Football 2, 3, 4 ILVER\IA. ', ROB: C Club "• 4, wimm ng 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4 1\10 • JACK I\1. , \tARC: Football 3 I. GLETO. ', G YLE: A Capella 3, 4; CE, 'TURIA • 4; .tud nt Life Editor 4; French Club 2, 3, 4, Vic•· Pre id nt 4; ITA 4; Pre id nt , phom re Choir 2: C Charger pectmm 3; Intra- tate Ex~hange 4; outh Pacific 4 :\liTH, CHERYL :\liTH, ,\ I: Hou of Repre' ntativc 3, ; Interact 3, 4; Inter- tate Exch nge 4; Uadwomtn of Chaillot 4, C Charger Spectrum 3, 4; Uan 11'ho Came to Din· ntr 4 :\liTH, LEE: C Club 4; pani h Club 2, 3 pani h H norary 2, 3, Wr tling

3; G ,If 3, 4 !\liTH, . IARIT : FHA 2, 3, 4; Pre ident 4; Human Rei tion 4; • ledical C reer 3; -- phomore Choir 2; Torch Club 3, 4 PE. CER, • 'A. CY: 'E 4; Publicity • TEVE.' , LI. 'DA: ITA 4; Latin Club 4 TI. ·-0'. T LIE: A Capella 3, 4; CE . TI. 'AL ~. 3, 4: Encore 3, 4; Hou e of Repre entativ 2; Torch Club 3, 4; Intra· tate Exchange 3; Homecoming Queen Finalist 4; outh Pacific 4 TO KLO A, CJ, 'DY: A Capella 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Drama lub 2, 3, 4; Tr a urer 3, 4; Election Board 3, 4; En· c •re 3; French Club 2, 3; FHA 2, 3, 4; cretary-Trea urer 3, 4; ITA 4; Girl's Leader hip 3, 4; Torch Club 2 TROHL. PAT: E4 STY. 'CH LA, CO. RAD: Interact 4; Cro Country 3, 4 W A. K, DOuG Tran fer from Rocky River High ch I, Rocky River, Ohio 3; Ba eball 3, 4

T TAYLOR, HKE TERRELL, LY DA: A Capella 3, 4; Band 2; Bu ine ta££ of CE. TURIA 3; CE TURIAN 4; Organizations Editor 4; Drama Club 2, 3, 4; Election Board 2, 3; Encore 3, 4; Forei~m Exchange 4; Ger·


man lub 2, 3, 4; Girl' Lead r hip 3, 4; Hou of Repre entative 3; _ tudent Council 4, ·e<-retary ; The pidn• 4; Torch lub 2, 3, 4; Vocalette 3; Intra• t t,. E chan 3; The Uan 11'ho Came to Dinnu 4; 11'a1'tmg for the 8 s 4; outh Pacific 4; C Chargn pectrum 3,4 THIRIO. ', VE 4; Dram Iub 3; French lub 2, 3, ; • errttary Trea• urer 3: F. !\ : Hou of Rerrt nta· · upatiH· 3; Ton·h Club 2, 3; Office tion Club 4; Trea urer 4 TIPP., ROGER TIPP't, JERRY: C lub 3, : Germ n 2: Interact 4; LITERARY :\1 G ZI E 3: tudent Coun il ; Football 3, 'iwimming 1. l; Junior Cia Vice Pre ident TO K, TEVE: C lub 2, 3 ,4; ·wimming 2, 3, 4; Co-Captain 4; Golf 2, 3, 4 TOEW., VIC: Hou t of Rtpre tntathe 4 TO CHBERRY, PA f: A Capella 4; Band 2 TRAP!\. I,JOH ': VE4 TRI:\IBLE, LE: Band 2, 3; 3, 4; tudtnt Life Editor 4, •·nior Edi· tor ; Drama Club 3; Hou \fan ger for fadu;omtm of Chai/Lot 3; Encore 3; Gtr· m n lub 2, 3; Torch Club 3, 4, C Chargtr pectrum 3; arional Honor ociety 4 TROEHLER, PHIL: CE. 'TTI' L 4; Inter· act 2 TROVER, AD : Band 2; CE, TURI • ' 4; port Editor 4; Drama lub 2, 3; , cretary 3; Hou«e of Repre entative 4; peaker of the Hou. 4; pani•h Club 2; _tudent Council 3, 4; 2nd Vi e Pre i· dent 4; Torch lub 4; fadu:omen of Chaillot 3; ophomore Cia Tr a urer; ni• r Cia. Trea urer TRUAX, CO, NIE: CVE 3, 4 TR LO , T ' TUC ER, DOTTIE: Band 2, 3; E 4; Encore 3; Dance Band 3 T CKER, LEE: C Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Interact 4; Football 3; Track 3; Cr Country 4 T R, ER, KA 't : CVE 4; Flag Carriers 4; F 3, 4; Torch Club 4

u , TEED, CAROL: A Capella 3, 4; CE~­ T HI • 4; Copy Editor 4; Drama Club 4; Encore 3; French Club 2, 3, 4; .ladriga! 3; ophomore Choir 2; tudent Council 4, Tor• h lub 2, 3, 4; Vocalette 2, 3; Intra tate Exchang 4; Charger Cum Laude Committl'e Chairman 4; /'.fun 11'ho Came to Dinner 4; Flower Drum ong 2, South Pacific 4 ZI ER, TE E: pani h lub 2, 3

WEATHER POO. , JA ICE: Afro-Am rican 4 WEBBER, JOE: A Capella 4; CVE 3 WEBBER, • A : E TURIA. 4 WEBER. 10. FJ 'TJ. L 3, A


Repre nt VE 3; • cret ry "JE: ap lla ; Encor,. erm n lub 2; Torch Club 2, 3, 4 WET\IORE, JERR't: Capella 3, 4; Drall Te m : omm nd Leadrr 4; Encore 3, ; F1 Carrier 1; G rman luh 2; irl' of Repre entaLeader hip 3, 4; Hou tive 3; Torch Club 4 WHEELER, GAR't: German lub 2: Hou of Repre entativ 4; Wr tlin 2, 3, 4 WHITE, CHERYL: fro-American 2, 3, 4; Pre ident 4; Con rvation 2; Drama lub 3; Fr nch Honor _o iety 3; Human Re· lation 3; Vice Pre ident 3; ational Honnr ~o i ty 3, 4; Vi e Pr ident 4; Torch Club 4; Vic Pre idt"nt 4; Rai in in the un 3; fadu:omen of Chaillot 3 WILLE't TEVE: tronomy 3 WILLI . t. , ELA •. ' WlLSO , DOUG WILSO. , LARRY· C Club 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; o-Captain 4; Ba ball 2, 3, 4 WI. FREY, PRE TO : Afro- merican 3,



WI. 'G ET, CHERYL: Band 2, 3, 4; Encore 3, 4; ITA 2, 4; Houo;e of Repre entative 2 ~I

E, K THY: Band 2, 3; Dram lub 3, 4; Encore 3; Fren h Club 2, 3, 4; Pr ident 4; French Honor i ty 3, 4; IT A 2; Girl' Leadt'r hip 3, 4; Hou of i ty Repre entative 2; ational Honor 2, 3, 4; _ ptemb r harger Cum Laude 4 WOJ AR, CHRI : German Club 2; Ba ketball 2; Golf 3, 4 WOLF, BILL: C Club 3, 4; on rvation 3, 4; tudio C 4; Football 2, 3, 4 WOOD, Jl. f



WAG •. ER, DARYL WALDE! , JOH. : C Club 3, 4; Hou e of Repre ntative 4; tudio C 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 3 WALKER, JEFF: Orch~·tra 4 WALKER, WALTER: Afro-American 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4 WA HJ, GTO , EUGE E: Afro-American 2; Football 2, 3, 4; C Charger pectrum 4

YA EY, BARB: CE. TI AL 2, 3; Frtnch Club 3; phomore Choir 2

z ZARBUCK, KATHI. Index Editor 3; A iate Editor 4; Dram Club 2; F A 4; German Club 2 ZIM fER. fAN, COND pani h Club 2, 3; Torch Club 2, 3, 4

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Bi hop, )) bbor

124 64. 12l 124 8,


62, 165

-BBaer"ald, Jam 52. 70. 154 B il '. ~~~ hael 1-4. 84 B ~. Jame- I54 ll er. K ren 36, 12! B \KER. \IR~. \1.\R't I09 rma 7, ~8. 154 Baldini!. Helen 121 B le-, Kirk 165 B rker, Kent 165 B rker, \lar-ha 10. 58. 61, I 54 B rne-, Kathl en 165 Harne-, Valerie 39. 154 Ba--ett, J me Bateman, Da,id 52, 67, I24 H ternan, ,r "'} 52, 165 Bate , Willi m D. 151 B te , "illi m K. 154 B a-le), Jam - 121 Bee er, Paul 165, 81 Bedford, \lartha 165 B iger, ~h l}l 11 7, 8,

12-1 B nnett, Judith 151 2, 55, 6-1, Bcnn II, Linda 66, 124 Berger, "'e'en 165, 84 BERGER, \1R. "ILL\RD 98 Her trom, Joan 0, 16, 51, 58, 165 B rner, Elo' 124 BER ER, \IR_. GI EU. 102 B 1hl, Landa 51, 165 Bin h, Barhara 37, 121 Bin h, amuel U, 165 Birtcher, Joann 16-1


I~ 1 1!1 hop, D n ld 9 Bi hop, Jot• 39, I65, 83 Bitter-. nc 165 Bl n, K thqn HiS Bli n, "illi m 7, 60, 70, 125, 89 BOFJI~I. \IR. Ell\\ \HD ll5 B nl, G r 151 B hltn, \lc 9, 117, 125 Bohlen, Elton 165 Boi-l'nk mp, \1 r 19, 51, 52, (•2. 154 B )den, ll hr 67, )54 Bolton, Cn·gun t, 70, I , 87, 86 Borclu·r•, D Hd Bon her•, \like 154 BORG I\, ~tR . EILFE 35, ,11 Bortner, D n1d 12.') llu ton. Vim cnt 37, 44, 165 B ucl., Da, id 79 B "en. Ch ric- I65 98 BOW E"'. ~IR . J EA B "er , Pamel B "lin , \ Iter Bo" man. 'I illiam BO'tD, MR. TH0\1 b 110 Br dford. Fr n 125 Br nd1ff, B rton Br ndriff, B ·th 48, 165 77, I65 Br , Jam Br ), ocl Bremer, Jo n 165 Britt, Clarence 67 Bn c ell \lar) I54 Bro,Jui-t, \Ian Br qui•t, I. nn 0, 151 Br "n, Bru 59, 125, 84 Bro"n, ( h rle- 35, 60, 76, 77, 154. 69, 89. 49 Bro\\n, ~l1k 33. 39, 52, 60. 70. 125. 136 Bm"n, <.rai 12Brown, Eu ene 154 Br "n· K th) , 154 Bro" . L)nda 1, H, 5, 8, 51. 61 Bro" n. Rob rt ' 15, 60, 125, 91 Bro"n, ind II 165 Br "nmg, rr n 126 Bro nl e, R bert 39, 1Bro"nlee, Terr} 39 Bro' le•, Michael 12, 165 47, 59, 61, Bru. e, Dian


Bruhn, DeJ,ra I65 Brumfi ld, Ro- m ry Br n, \1 r · 51, I66 Bl)ant, Judy 126 Buch n m .. ·, "" Buckner, K~r··n M, 154 Bulin-kJ. L)nthi 166 Bull()(k, M ril~n 166 Bl LL I KLE, :\IRS. \1:\Ri 112 Bur er, K th rin 38, 7, -o, 126 Bur er, Marie 166 Burg , R~hccca 166 Burge , William 126 Burke Chri tal 166 Burn • Barbara 33, 47, 54, 126 Burton, Con lane • 16, H>6 Burt n, Ella 166 Burton (,eorgia 32, 126 Burton, • andra Burt n, u n 39, 154 Burton, alter Bur\\a h, E1izab th 42, 51, 61 Bu h, Jo ph Bl H. \IH. VAL 100, 101 Hu hue, f.,erett Bu hue, Loretta 166

Cr 1\\ ford, Ho •er 1 I ( r "ford, Ho tilt 5, 12<> ( r "ford, h ron I 4 ( rawford, :-haron H. 166

le, ( 1ri Cain, ria 12, 166 ( ain, D1ane 10. 50, 6-t, 151 • m Dougla I t • m, \ 1lliam ( mph II. Bt·,erl) 7, 151 ( rnphell. Ronnie 39, 166, 22 ( mpb II, Ro) (.a mph II, 'I hom 17, 8, 51, I26 <. rl, D ni I 151 (. rlet n, ~1ur I 166 C rmich el, J ni 151 ron, Chari , • r n, • hcila 166 Car pent r. "herr. 151 ' rt r, Olhia 33, 0, 61, 15-1 :\IR. I>\ VID 62, 105 Ca tie, B rhara 46, 166 Ca t n, Gl nda 39, 166 t r, .torge 166, 1!-t • th , Donna the , J me I26 ea, iu, E r1 70 ek nder, Randall 166 Ch "· D hor h 18. 7, 51, 1 un, £d,.ard 166 Cbm, .\lnhd 9, 51, 58, 166 hri t n n, ott 166 indrt • \l,chael 8, 166 ira! ' u•an 166 1ar ( r• 1 49, 154 Iarke, Roher! 40, 151, 19, 89 Cl rk. John I rk. ~u n 154 Clement , Cathleen 49, 166 I m nt G ry 39, 154 Cline, K thr) n 166 Cl ud, D niel 166 <.lo"er, ther n ", 48, 126 loYier, urti' 1, 166, 84 oble, Jam 70, 126 Coffm, .arol 9, 51, 58, 166 Cdb rt, Reb 50,151 Coli nber r, Lind 67, ] 21) Collin•, Roher! 70, 126 olna, Timoth} 166 I on, Pat 154 omhe t, ( hri 154 Conner, ( hri tin M, 126 .oornh • J dfer} 35, 3, 8, 9, 154. 86 ooper, Barhara 151 oop r, arole 7, 18, 166 Cot p r, Da' id 151 oop r, Thorn 166 Corbett, Da>id 151 Cornett, J n I 154 Co- ro\e, Patricia 24, 25, 56, 57, 126 Cour n, JeiT} 62, 166 .raig, Bradford 166 raig, R ndy 60, 70, 151,

Cn •, Debra 166 ( romli h, K thleen 1. 18, )54 ( rott , D 'id 1 Cn zier, Hit h nl 126 ( ullop, lizahrth 166 ( uHop, muel 63, 151 ( urnmin , Bill 1 4 ( ummin • , Ka, I, 0, 154 ('unnin h m, Bru 166 <.unnm ham, Franc1 Cunnin ham, \ldodi 9,

15-l ( unningh m, W1lham <.upp, J. D. I , 89 Curti , Doroth 7. 66, 12(> Curti , John H>6 ( urti , an<' 7, 2, 50. 151 ( u t r, ll nald 8, 166, 86 CzaJko" ki, .\lleh el 154


\ n:n.

88 C\ln 166, 83 ramer, ue 18 ra,.ford, D bor h 154 Crawford, ]arne rawford, Keith 126 rawfonl, Mike 45, 48, 154, 87


Dankt-rt, an 33, 17, 127 D \ VE PORT, MR. ROBERT 37, 98 D \VI. MR. \I FRED %, 97 D 'i. ( rol T, 6, 57, 63, 127 Da,i , Cathe 166 Da,i•, L\nn 32, 9, 59, 127, 1t9 Davi , ~lich t•l 127 I> a\ i , DC\ lf1, 18, 51, 65, ]6(, I>.ni , ott 17, 60. 70, 71. 154, 23. 89, 79 70, 72, D \\I .• \IR. I • 112 Da" n, Katherint• 31, 58, 155 I) \, • DC\ 127 I>a~. P m~la 166 Da~. u n 15.'> D ~n. Jame 166 D arduff, Jennifer 16, 8, 1(1(1

Dearmond, "altt·r D \ rmond, illiam 0 ton, Di ne 127 Deaton, John H>6 D m ri , Richard 166 I) \lo , .uy 63 127 ]) nni , te,en 127 D nte, Jam 127 D h ne, Jame 166 D ch ne, ::;te\en 36, 12i Dt• hong, Bonnie 39, 47, 56. 57, 107, 155 I> Vri , Hu o D Vri , Ingc (1(1, 166 Dewitt, ( olle n 128 Dc\\itt, Pam Ia 16. 8, 166 Dewitt, Thoma 14, 52, 155 O•,al, Cher)l 47, 155 D >ore, Joann (,{, 155 Dt•xter, I>arlt'ne 128 Dial, l phen 1(>6 Dicke~, Donna 3.3 63 Dit·ner, Alan 155 Dit•ner, Vicki 11, 1. 17, 8, ~9. 0, M, 66, 128 Dilla, u, John 155 Dill haugh, Su an 50, 155 Dille}. Alan 60, 70, 128,

8-1, 85 Dille~.

Tracy 50, 166 Dillman, ar on 166 Dillman, :\larilyn 58, 166 Dillman, • tephen 77, 155, 89

Ih on, J< n

, 0, 3, 9, 51, 128 Do ne, l\1 rk 62, 1 , 86 ll h on, far h 33. , 51, 58, 166 )) r , Bill 15 Do h, \ 1ll1 m 60, 62, 70, 128, 8 • 79 lloh, (,u •or 35, 8, 51, 52, 53, 70, l 8, 155, 89 llou I , Karen 9, 117, l5S nougl • l'hlllip 77, I66 () >U Ia , te\en 7, 128 I>ougl , Elmer 9 Do,., Claudia 166 Do,., Jo n llo" ell, Ell n , I, 50, 155 Dr g , I' tricia 155 llrc elh u , Jenmf r 7, 51, 155 llroegm er, H n ld 35, 166 Drollin r, Dian 0 9, 50, (1(1, 158 Du l11e, I' It llu k"orth, J r I66 Ducoff, B rb r , 38, 1, 55, M, 128 Dun " '• I rr) Dun " , haron 128 Dunn, H rb ra 155 Dunn, :\1 rk 7, (,0, 70, 1 5. 87 Dur nt, J on 77, 166,

8-1 lh on, II rhara DLiuk, <:Onnne 54, 155 Dziuk, C n tan 0, 18, ](,(,

I~F J!,, Wanda 155 Eag n, Ronni 128 Eakin, Jane ](,() E kin, ~ II 155 Earl, J m 155 Ea tin, ichola El•ehng, )) vid 166 Ec le , 'raig 1 6 E< kel, Bell} Edward , Cheryl 51 Ed"ard, tnt }(6 Edw rd, :\lichael 52, 156 Edward•, n y 11, 50, 103, r E ger, Brt'nda 128 l.ggrr , K thy 156 Eggleton, Eri<· 35, 56, 23 El HELBERGER, :"\IR I.JL 1a Eichor t, Fred EI KI • :\tRs. DA W. 100 Ellell, Philip 62, 166 Elh , ( harle 128 Elli , Denni Elli • :\1ich el Enwry, 'arren Emml'tt, I. nda 166 E CELli \l PT, \II EI~IE

En!!le, D hhie 166 F. rick t n, I inda 19, 166 F.rir k on, \lar ha 38, 6-1, 128 F tergard, 'illiam 70, 156, 98 Euhank , Joe 77, 166 E~an , J me 60, 128, 89, 79, 81, 78 E~an • Julia 49, 167 E•an , \l)rna 156 E•an , Thoma 156 EH!r It, Janice £xum, Jerry 156

F 1rh ld, J


Fan her, Dianne


, 9,


rm• r, <, rry I !">6 Farnu r, I rr) 33, 51, 167 Farr r, John I (J farrar, M 11 167 Farruggia, Penny 156 Faulkner, Robert 167 Ft•ath rg11l, K th rin 167 Ft hr nbacker, Dnn 'i, 167 n. 1\ , \IH . fR , E~ 102 Fick•·l. t;, n 58, 59, 61 Frclt lkorn, Uarhar I, 47,. 1,16 Ficldin •, Jam 60, 128 Fifi ld, Hod ri k 77, 167 f i!cccia, Mich I 167 Fillen w rth, D rn II 70, 15 fill n" rth, (,"endol)n 156 Fink, le\ n 167 ~ink, Ieven 77, 129 Finle), Bell) Fi h r, Helt HJ7 Fi h r, \\ 11Ii m 167 Fitzger •d, \nthon} 39, 156, 86 FilL er ld, Con ranee 39, 51 Fl h r, < 1 rl nc 7, 51, 167 167 Fl h r. D nni 1-1 h r, Kevin 156 riel her, R nd) 33, 70, 156 He man. :\f rk no d, \ ickil' 32, 7, 64, 98, 129 Fo d, \I rei 129 Fol , \nn 58, 61, &1, 129 Fole), Richard 167 Forrl' ler, Rita 0, 56, 57,


Galliv n, 1i h el 129 G lliv n, Rebecca 33, 47, 58, 156 c; lvm, () borah , rdewine, Joy 30, 47, 51, 61 , 156, 23 Gardnt•r, Linda 2, 55, 129 Carder, tr.vrn 44, 167 Garin~t·r, C}nthia 1, 48, 61, 156 Garland, J <·k G rnt r, Linda Gaua, Rogrr 167 (, te, Di na 156 Cauble, Frrdl'ric 157 ,eno\e , C ndy Gen em r, Pally 1, 47, 103 Gent, [) nna 40, 46, 48 Ger tt·nherger, Rita 47, 51, 157 Geud, Conni 43, 50 Gt tz, Jam G 17, Katht•rine 7, 48, 9, 157 ,etz, , I phcn 167 Giadt tto, andra 167 Giachetto, ~ u an 167 ,ifford, Pamela 157 Gilbert, Denni Gilh rt, anc) 157 Gilli , Dorinda 157 Gilmure, ndrew 60, 157, 87 Gilmore, u n 7, 129 Giordani, Da id Gl d, John 157 Gla r,, teen Goddard, \t rcia 157 Go It, J ne 167 Goff, G rl 44, 48, 56, 61, 157 Goinl!!l. Thorn 167 Good, Perry 38, 43, 49, 129 Go dlin , P mela 157 Gordon, Ruby 157 rol 35, 167 o e, Go nell, Lorrie

GOl DIE. \IR . 9,

4, 5, 48, f r nk, ( urti Frank, Thwma 156, 91 l REDER I K , fR. ED\\ \RLJ 112. 84 r drick n, wrence 5, 156 Frerich , C rol)n Fn·ri h , reph n 129, 81, 85 Friedher • \nne 156 Fri dcri h. \linn Ill, 129 Fri d rich, Janel 129 Fri , Janel 35, 167 Fri e, 'lboma 156 Fri toe, Trud 49, 167 Frhz, \f ry 58, 61. 1:;6 Froemming, Gail 31, 33, 8, 156 Fr , Kathlr n 33, W, 50, 58, 64, 156 Fuller, P mela II, 156 Fulton, Barr} 167 Funneman, Conni 67, 129

-GG lard),

ictoria 156 Galli\an, Jam 167 Galliv n, Kathie n 58, 59, 129

, IIIRLEY 112 Gourle), Howard 129 Grady, Clark 60, 129 Graham, Mark 129 Granin , Carla 128, 129 Gr nin , D bra 61, 157 Gra~, Eddi ra , hirl } 39, 157 Gr en, Cath) 129 Gr n, P trick Green, Ruh rt Gr en tein, l..aTr}· 157 167 Gr cnwold, Ch rl Gr \cr, Ric ·y 157 Gre \er, Vick y 168 Grid r, [) nn · 2, 70, 157, 89, 79, 78 Griffin. Jam 157 GRH FI, ·, ~IR. JOB,. 110 Griffin, Judy 33, 1, 9, 157, 19 GRIGG • \IR. LVI.. 70 Gri~ • , 'ancy 30, 33, 17, 109, 130 Grob, Reh cca 46, 168 Gr h, Warren Gru in , ath} 168 Guiher, Carla 168 157 Gum! I, J m Gumbel, Joan 37, 40, 130

-HH ak, :\largaret 43, 49, 50, 168 Ha kelt, Terry 51, 157 Hadle), Edwin 49, 51, 130 Hakrow, Gayle 0, 58, 158 Halt·, Cindy 35, 158 Hall, Brrnda

Hall, Bruc Hall, Li a Hall, Martha 40, 7, 50, 168 Hall, ~ Ieven 44, 130 Halhman, 'I homa 130 Hamburg, David , 47, 8, 52, 130 Hamilton, Julia 130 Hamill n, Thoma 168 Hankin n, nita 40, 47, 8. 50, 158 Hanna, Jill 45, 48, 158 Hannan, :\tichael 158 Ham ·a, Lenore 158 Han on, Elnna 61, 130 Harkin , Rob t 158 Harl n, P tricia 36, 51, 152, 158 Harney, Catherine 168 Harmon, Oli,i 39, 158 Harper, Roy 158 ' Harp t d, lici 36, I, 55, 130 H rp tad, arl 4a. 168 Harri , ) nthia 158 II rri , Karrie H.S Harney, tary 47 H rri n, Raphael 168 Harry, Janet 3, 9, 62, 66 H rtrnan, Jeffery 130 Hartrick, te~en 70, 158, 86 Hatch, David 168

II 1H W\Y, 1R . DO..


H tton, Oren Ha • William Ha) man, Daun

4, 168, 86 103, 168 40, 48,

158 Heater, John 131 He th, Patri i Hefferm n. Rob rt 168 Helblin Thoma iO, 158 Heller, I' trici 131 H n ~er, Linda 158 i, 5, 48 H ne r, Karl II nle), Dehor h 31, 42, 58, 64, 158 Henncm n, tkhael 168,

Holdren, B rb ra 131 Holland, Cora 158 Holm, P tricia 158 Holv r on, fich II 47, IN, 168 lloh er on, Iirhacl 36, 40, 70, 127, 131, 86 H od, Linda 2, 7, 158 Hopp , Jam 24, 60, 70, 131 Hoppe, John 60, 70, 131 Horn day, Gr g 158, 79, 81 Horn hy, Roy 168, 83 Hott, Ch rle 168 Hottman, Dar}le 158 Hou Greg 132 Ho"e· Fr d ric 158 Huddleston, David 168 Huddle ton, Jam 33, 158 Huddle ton, Jean 47, 132 Hudgen , Tere 60, 168 Huff, Joyce 39, 168 Huff, Oneda 39, 158 Huffman, Bru 51, 158 Huffman, Line In 39, 60, 70, 71, 73, 132 Huffman, Hoger 132, 135 Humphre) P t 40, 50, 158 Hunt, . 1aril)n 33, 158 Hurd r, t n 43, 9, 132, 168 Huttman, Kathy 158 Hutch raft, Donna 159 Hutchin Jan 1 168 Hut hin n. Robert 168

Jl 'I

, IR .



- KK

-IIdleman, Robert 132 I na iak, • uzanne 30, 50, 58, 64, 159 In I Tom 44, 45, 48, 132,87, M Irwin, D nny 159


M H nrick n, Richard 131 Henry, Rob rt 41, iO, 158 Hen n, tichael 168 H n n, teven 63 Hero h ck, lorilyn 2,

1 8 H rrin, tanley 9, 51, 52, 158,84 Herron, harl 60, 70, 158 H • Thoma 70, 158, 86 HI K , . 1R . PEARL 39,

llO, Ill Hierrn mu , .\far n 131 Hi in Allan 168 Hi gin , Chari Hi hfill, Kar n Hi hfill, Jan 1 Hild"ein, Jam 30, 158 Hi! er, P tri ia 131 Hill, Dehbi 39, 158 HILL, IR . JO'I E 106 Hill , \1 r ha 58, 168 Hill,, Sh rry 131 Hilton, Victoria 168 Hin le, Tina 158 Hitchin , Randa 38, 41, 131 Hitrhin • Randall 131 Hi on, \Iarcia 30, 31, 47, 61, 131, I 3 Hoch, Charle 52, 60, 131 H d un, K thnn 7, 48, 158 Hoffman, Eu ne Hoffman, Kar n 168 Hoffman, Kathy 7, 62, 131 Hojnacki, 1ichelle 51, 168

Jen in Edward 33, 44, 60, 70, 71, 72, 73, 111, 159, 89 JE. KI. ~· lR. T ' RT 100 JE TER •. IR. HAROLD 113, 89 John n, Bruce 168 John on, Da,id 159, M, 85 John on, Dou Ia 60, 159 Jchn n, France 114 John n, Jame• 52, 159 John n, John 121 John on, Judith 168 John n, Leo 168 JOB, _0. ', .lR. ORE.' 51 John n, Ra}mond John on, Reid 0, 132 John n, _hauna 43, 168 John n, Thoma 133 John,on, Trudi 159 John on, Thirl 159 Jon Deanna 30 Jon , Edward 39 Jon , Rand 1 Jone , Tom 169 JOT, lR .E ELY Jo}ce, Connie 133 Joyce, Patty 169 Judge, Li. 40, 51, 61, 65, 169

-LI ce Laid! "· Laidla"W,


\1 \R, \IR ..

169, 84 ~1.



103, IS Landreth, John L ndreth, John



I \\ RE E 1 , lOi Lan loi•, Chari , 169. 86 I.aS Ioi-, Tom 60, 13;1, 79, 1 I rh iere, Da' id Larhi re, ~lan '• 9, 33, • 169

I rr "· Phillip 86 Lar n, borah 4i, 8. 50, )69 Late r. J ne 35.. 54.' 61, 63, 123, 130, 133, 135 leer, Judith 2, 47, 63, 159 "he d, P nm , 9, 159 . La ... h ad, illiam 169



I.a,.J r. Be,erh IS9 Lt• omplt•, Dunna 133 I.e n. John 159 lear, luhh· (11,64, 133 Lt•j!ue. ~trpht•n 133 LEII\1\ .\lR. ED" I. .18. 109 Lenz. <:nald I.enr. Kt·nt 1(>9 l t -hour , Herht•rt 133. 79, 78 L --ari•. Tum 169, 8.~ Le,.i-. Barbara 159 Le .. i-. Diana 169 Le"i', heddie 39, 169 L "i-, hon 159 Lt·,.i-. Ja) 32. 3. 9, 51. 133. 148 Le,.i-, Ron ld 9, 159. 17 l.H.<a:TT. \I R . \1\lRI,E 99 Li on. J>a, id 169 L~::cn. John Lin. Jan.. 10. 18. 'i1, 169 Lind··r. n.' "' 10. 159 Ll D. L\. \iR~ \l DRF\ 66. 10.1, 10Lip- om!l. lharft-, Lillie. Tom . -. l, 169 Lohme>er. ~lartha 159 1.0 ECKER. DR. Rl H \RD 96 L • Ch·nda 169 LOVELL .\lR. \L \ Lu< '• K 'in I url,.mann, h ric• 3. 35, lSI, 60. 76. 77, Bl, 89 Luc mann, Jill 3-. 51, 169 Luc mJnn, • an \ 35. 63. 152. 159 Lui,.,, \lich cl 9, 63 l.un t r, Thorn ' Lu•ti~. K ith 51, 169 L"' r~cr, Jo~ee bb r r Le--li 2, 1. ·M, r9 ·1 ·nl 169 I. b r L tie, \I t 1. 169



-:\1M bra), "u n )9 .\lad)< nn lt'H n Ha9 \1 \( E , \IR JOII 70. 113 Machula. \1 tthr" f CH LA, .IR . R TH 99 .\1 1,., Lmda M, 159 \I I d, L ni 33, 40, 45, 8, 159 \fa lion , Chri Ma · n" 1, 169, 18 laj1 r , ara 3.3, 35, 13t \tali l,.a• \fan 0, 17 lanker, h d · 3.3, 50, 51 .\lanke), \I r 1 2, 159 \I nley, <.atherint- 16, 169 \lannerin • Kathr n lanth i, Frederi :\!ar!(rave, :\lary 32, 36, 47,

13-t \!arion, Barbar 39 \larr. D niel 77, 169 \[arlin, \nn 12, 63, 159 .\lartin, J me• 169, 83 :\fartin, John 169 .\[ rtin • Da• id 159 \fall •on, John \fatthe,.-, rl 159 \I llhe" • Paige (,3, 13t fatth w , Valerie 46, 51, 169 :\fatLdorff. Patricia lli9 \!axe), Dana '\f )c-, Gw}nnl' 51, 11i9 M ~dow, John \lcBride, felinda 170


:\1, Brld , Pat 1S9, 89 \lrtain. Cam iO. 131, 86, 89 \It <.a II, I) nald 5, 159, 8i, 81 \lr(. rtln. Ch.trf,., I!W \1, 'drl\, Ke, in 159. 8i \k( lan·n han, D.n id 159,


\1,( lean, jo n 15!) \lrCiean, Kart•n


I. 15, 18, II, 18,

\lrCh•ar . \Ian .I me- 170 \k('o·,, l'atri•J,. U1 \IU R \( KE~. \lH . \ (. \ \lrCutclwn. \\ ilh m 39,

~!,Co\ .


\1, Duff e. I:::hzabeth 18, 170 \It Duffee. Phillip 13l \lt-Dufh.J lm 170 \It-EIIi rtl. Roht•rt 3:~. 36, n 9, 76. nt \1cFall, I inda 6. . 135, 136 \let, \R\ E'r. \I H. P \l L 70. 11.~ \IcC n .. , • leph n 170, 811 MeG n, ra 170 \lcCt . l rn 170. 8:~ \kCinm•, ~l.raron 36. 55, 61. 1>1, (,6 :\ILGint), Jame• H.O, 8~ \H.Gl IR . ~IH. J<>"El'H 109 :\lr Kinnt'\. P tricia 1iO \IU.l RE. DR. JOH . 97 :\lc ahb, Jam 135, 86 \lc bb, \lar-h 170 :\k mara. [);1\ id iO, 160, 8'i :\lr. mara. l'h IIi• 36, 66, 1 \lc attin. lla\id 52. 135 fcPh , Rirh nl 52, 76, 77. 122, 135. 143, 89 '\ld'ht·e, Timothy liO i\leadow • J err re\ 170 \leadow, John .169 i\lcl'hlinJ[, _t nley :\h•lchi, Da•id :\lei<' ; Edw rd 44, 5, 160 Meld· "le\ n 160 . ft-rr 1), rah 170 '\le--rn!(er. D an 15, 52, 135, 89 \lt•IJ. R 'ta 170 '\le\ •·r. L"'- t·r 170 Mt.'H·r.. 'teH 170 :\ftflrr. Bru. ,, 160 .'\Iiller, J ' ·1 160 .'\Iilier, Patn•·ra 39, 160 :\1II.I.ER. fR RIT\ 102 1&1 :\1ilkr. R )(rr 1(.0 filler, . tev•·n :\lill•. (,ro·;.: .. ry 25, 37, 52, 53, iO, 123, 135. 137 '\lilt , Roh rt 11, 45, 48, 135 '\linni k, t •e 1(.0 '\litda~ll. Jam 170 2, (~1. 131, '\fit<hdl, Jan 136 '\!itt hell, J•· n 12, 61, 136 \focil n. '\lichael 160 '\fO( K, \IR. W \l. 'E 152, li3 \1wll••r, :\furihn 160 \lolt·n. I.y le I, 1(,() \tonk, Brian 160 .'\font omcr~. Da\id 160 \fonl$!;omer~, Pamela 66, l31i '\fontgOmer), )he trr 39, 107, }(,(), 87


\lool,.\, \lilltrd loon•, Elnwr 170 :\lorg n, ( .troh n (,(), B6 '\lorj!:an. (\ nthia 10•.'i8, 1(,() \I organ, ll.n id 1iO. 8\ :\!organ. lli !It' (d. 1iO :\forgan. llt·rh 16 \I organ, In in • :\!organ. Jt•ffrn ](,() :\ Jill 25, I'V1 \lOR<;\ . \IR 11...,[)\ Ill :\1 rgan. \\ llllarn \, 'J3, .10, 170 \!organ. \\ illiam C. SO, ](,()

\IOHITZ. \IR. J \\H.._ 116 \!orr •. Conn It' \lorro,., \larl,. \lor <', Louann \lnrt n. Paula

-o. 111. 131,

136 iO. 13/i, 91 (,6, 136 33, 3. 19,

:\lo ft.,, .ll'nnifcr 11, 61, H.O \lo -. R nd II liO. (>9, 86 :\lo •, \\ill it· . 9, liO :\luh ilnll. Colleen 160, 170 \luhihill. Richard liO. St \11 RI'H\, \lR. Cl. lJDE 115 Murpln. Daniel 160 Murpln. Donna tli, 170 :\lurph\, Eli1alll'th 37, 43, 19 \lu grll\t, Jud\ i, liO '\1u-olina, "ut\ ~l)er•. Gft.n 170 l)t'f', t'ith

• t'l•ergall, Diane 59, 161 1 n e, Barhara 160 33, c thamrner, Valeri .'it 61, }(,() t a~ il!t•, Di ne 16, 170 edt'\, Robt·rt edy, Ed S2, 70, 161, 86 eil•, The rna' 170 t·l·on. Carl ' d on, [)~ borah 7, t8, 50 • el on, Janet 28, 7, 49, 161 el >n, Laurence 136, 161, 86 t•l on. Patricia 9, 170

• EI- 0 • :\IR.


ROBERT 106, 86 mith, Oa,id ;13 41, 51, 170, St 1 .-whill, Tar ha icl,.t•ll, Paul ](,} 1 kel•on, Patty 161 • offkr, '\latthew 161, 91 oglt•, te,t-n • oult•ll, D hhie 137 ordlin , Cary 1 orman, andra 161 ylwlt, Pamela 1, 13i

-0Oal,.]cy, Linda O'B}me, Ell!'n 33, 37, 161 .onnell, Danirl 137, 69, i9, 91, 81, i8 <YConnt•ll, Janice 170 Olrl n, Da~id Oliv ira, Chri tine 47, 161 Olhl'r, Ronald 170 01 un, Kevin 01 on, \far ha 137 cal, u an 152, 161 0' t•ill, Daniel 170 0'. cill, Trre•a .33, 36, S8, 161 Ordcll, Thoma 161


0-born, \lark l, 51, 161 h,.d)d, Jo-cplr 5, 170 O'SulJi, m, ~heryle 50, 58, (•I, 161 Oti , Hnn.tld H>l 0'1\t·n ·, Thoma Ow·r, ~1,•1anie 13i



-PPalnwr, Bill ~2. 137, 87 1'.\ L\1 El{, 1\1 RS. L\VO • E Ill Palm r, \1 irhael 14, 137 l'alm1 ann, Hohert 137 Pappa . RoJ!er 137 Pari,. in on, nn It, 18, 59, 137 I' rw, lla\ id 170, 81 Pall· ll, ni t' I'att·. l>··nnr• Patl1 '• "u•an 1.38 Patht '• ...,, ott 13, t9, liO Patton, ha liO Patton, kath) 1-1, 8, 8, (,2. 16 I Patzwrth, Pamela 138 I'a\ rw, l'h\ lli• l'a~nt•, Hnilt'rl ;JI, 138 Pa\ nt•, • u an 19, 170 Pa\lll'. T1 n\ H1l Pe~bod), Ro liO l't·a ork. \faril}n .19, 11, 161 Pt·ar on, Dcnni 39 l't• r on, :\larit• 170 Pear on. Handall liO l't· ' • le\en 170 l't'eplr-. '\felitta 1iO Penn•, Pamela Perueca, Catln 16. 18, 58, 110 l'l'ler•. Cindra I't-tn, Jn-ie 10, 161 l't'lr), \lary 3S, 40, 50, 54, H..t, 170 Petr), Tert·•a 3i, 10, 58, 61, H1l Pe\ ten, Dianr 161 I'( ller, Jan ire 10, 51, 58, liO Pfeifer, :\larlt·nt· 2, 62, I Pfie-ler, ;\fan 8, liO Pforr. Thorn~ 11, 15, 47, tS. 138 Philltp , arol 10, 138 Phillip , Dehor h 17, 170 Phillip•, Hobert 62 Pickl'n • Jill 171 Pi, l,.en Kim liS. 139 Pi .. h athlct·n 98 Piecz) raig 171 PIER ~: .\IR . C ROL!,. 100 Pit•n·t•, tt·vt·n }(,}, 87, i9 Pilli haf k, Gary 171 Pittman. ( harlt• 161 Pittman. Kenneth 1.39 PITT\!\, , \1R. ROBERT l'lac , Alhert Plu h, Gene 161 Pontiou , Ri<.:hard 161 Polk, Ilatti" 39, 17, 139 Pomerance, .'\1ark 18, 50 Pn t·y, Linda .39, 161 Pratt, Katlri 171 Prt• ton, Ri!'hard 171 Pri , D ri 40, 50, 161 Pritd1ard, :\lark 161 Prowell, arah 56, 57, 152, J(J! Prul'lt, Da~id 171

;1 1,


Raddiffe, coli iO, 139 R \ E'I, \IH.].) • 117 Rathbun, J nt·t 25, 32, 7, .')(,, 57, 63, 139 Rathhun, Jt• n 171 Ra'l\din. t.tldi • 52, 139, 86 Ha,.din, Kath 171 Ha}, Jo)< ,. l2. 171 Ht•dft•:un, I' 1111 Ia H, 8, 1.~9

Ht·<·d<'r, Huth 38. B9 Rt•gnt II, John Rit·d, J m<· Iii Ht•nw•clr, 'I on~ ll9, 161 R ttba~. )Jm S2, 59, 139, 8t, 85 R!'lth rg, • haron 35, 161 Hidrard < n, Dan 171 Ri··lranl n, [) dtl Hiclt r, ( rolt• 32, 110 Rit·rncr, • u~ 62, I 0, 171 Rl\1 \ , \IR . VII>\ I, 102 RITUIIE. \I H . II ~. \ 101 Roa<•lr, C th rin • 66, 1 0 Ro dr, anq 171 Rnlu·rt , ( tlr) .3, 161 Rnh rt • <:lt·n 171 HOBER"I., :\!H. I EE 115 Hohert \1 rk 161 Rubert , Tcrt'!<a ;,Sj, Iii, 161 Robert on, I> nni< 171 R< hin on, B rn rd 33 Hohin n, Da, id Rohin n, Donna Rot·k"ood, Richard 51, 52, 161 Rwlgrr•, <:ar} H1l Rolrr r. Emih 171 Ho , R nd, H•l Ro t·mal,., \1aril~n 61, 103, Iii Ru , !:'u an 1il Rumt r, Da\ id iO, 162 Rumer, \li had iO, 110 Ru k, Gail 40, 14() Ru •um, atherine 162 R}an. Julia 10, 17, 50, 1 0, 1 I

ahey, \lehrn

33, 43, 49,

110 adt·w t.-r, Conni 49, 162 arnud on, Kathqn 51, 110 andt·r , anq 58, 1i1 an t·r , P ul 110, 162 andn n, Jerry n<l•tedt, I>d\ id andford, teplwn 110, 86 ayl•·•. [)a,id 162 a' 1'5, Vi t ria 39, 162 , h nj!il, Phillip rhlorff, Linda 44, 48,


Sd1lurff, Patri ia 171 C'lrmidt, Jt·nnift·r 162 _drneidcr, John ~. 162 , hoole), ,ary 171 chowenjl,erdt, Cathr}n 51, (,1, 162 rhnur, Ellt•n 41, 47, 48,' 110 chrader, illiam 70, 141, 81, 85 dtuhert, :\lichael 171 HUH. :\1R .'\1 RTH \ 152, I .chultz. Jaml' 117, 141 _rhuft,, Jeffer) 171 dr'l\arlt, Charlt• 111 Srhw ighart, Timothy 171 ~cofield, J arn 111

4, 48,

H, 96,

103, 171

1, 5,

1oppin, Karen 163 Touchherry, PamPia 47, 144 Tr pani, John 37, 114 Tremaint•, Joan 110, 16.3 Trimble, uzanne 145 Troehlt•r, Phillip 32, 145 Trotlf•r, Le lie Tro,cr, tla 30, 3.3, 31, 35, 123, 145 Tru x, Ct nnie Trul d., 1 nlt•y Trum n, Robert 171 Truman, Timoth) 171 Tut kcr, !) It it• 1 5, 167 Tut·kt•r, Ph)lli 171 Tu1 hr, l.t" S2, 76, 77, us, 89 Tumnwl n, Jo 6, 50, 171 Turner, \I rta 55, 66, 1 5

t nle tl, B rhara 33, 40,

31, 40, 50, . • "0, 58,

16, 18, Sl, 62, 171, 27 l 'ntc d, Carol 30, 35, 0, 7. 50, H5, 27 mi ker, teH·n 115 t pp, John 171

1(,2 171,8(i


Vail, G r 171 Vallanl'c, Tcrr) 172 V nBu kir , Juli 31, 35, 40, 50, 164, 172 Van , u n 35, 172 andeH~nd r, • ncy 16,

50. 172 V nD> kt·, Lind II 62, M VanD)ke, an y 47, 163 n d1o', k, Larry an 'in •· .. ·haron 163 Varga, !) •ra 17, 58, 163 Vi, tor•on, Charle- 63, 163 Vin on, Thoma 163

2, 8~ 8,


A •

, wank, D u Ia 1 -1, 87 _ warlt, Bri n l'i'1 wmfortl. <.hcr)l 66, 162

: p n, Judith 7 "'• -. Ron ld 1 t3 I DER. \fR". \I \RlL'l lH





Tal ..·lm , Rob rl 162 T ckelt, J df CJ 18, 171 Ta\l r, C n Ta·l r, Jo ~n Ta)l r \t ' I, el 144 'I B) I r I' ' Ta I •r, 1 u ·I Ta,) r Tl 18 W. 162 Ta;lor, Thorn 171 Tenn) n, Jo)C 50, 62, 162 Terr II, L nda • 3-1, 35, 11, 17. 51, f11, 62, Itt, 23 Th d), 'I h rna Th urer, \I ria 171 'I hirion, :"\ nq , 66, 14~ Thorn, Judith 171 Thrm , Ch ric 9, 171,


171 33. 171

171 171 143


Thornhill. th) 162 T1hh , R herta 162 Tic h nor, Peter 51, 77, 107, 171, 83 Timmerman, ,ail 50, 163 Timm10n To 51, 77, 107, 171, 83 TI Kll \\1, \lR. IL:\tA Tipp, Roger Tipm, Jerry 35, 52, 1 1, 8~

Tock, tcH•n 144, Bi, 85 To w , Vi tor 114 Tolle , Rand) 171 Toppin • Diane 35, 171

ner, Dar) I 7 a ner, _ ott 172 ' Jd n, 1 hn 145, 68, 87 Walden, Karen 172 Wal er, Jeffery Walker, Robert 163 W a I r, 'alter 25, 39, 70 'allace, Jame- 163 ' !Ia e, Laura W 1-h, ' thcrin 46, 48, W

172 ard, Oa\id 172 Ward, Joel ' rmouth, Timothy 172 Warr n, Ri hard 172 'a hington, Eugene 39, 172 WA HL GTO. , . IR. TH0\1 \. ~2 \Vat on, F ·n 712 Wall, Reb ca 56, 59, 61, 163

WATT". \lh K\THR\


'eather po n, D nny 39, 172 Weather poon, Janice 39,

145 'ehh r, D nald WehbPr, Joe 47 'eb ·r, R •nald 163 'eb r, • n 147 Weber, \1 na 32, 147 WEI ER, :\IR . J LI 108, 109 ei' r, :\Iorrie 172 'ei man, Diane 30, 40, 61, H7 ei •man, Tom 35, 43, 49, 52, 147, 89


Wekh, l'atri ia }(,3 172 Wel1 h, ictnri Weldon, 'l err) 172 Wt•llcr, I uri 51, 9 Wellner, • rol 2, 4, 8, 51, 58 Well , \f ria 0, 6, 51, 62, (,5, 172 Well , t t•n 86 Weltman, Grc 172 WF. TLI G, \IR.

"I nt


Wt·r tier, <. nth1 2, 163 \\ ert, John , 5, 48, 117 \\ e t, J) bbie 33, 1 7 \\ t nha\l·r, D 'id I 7, 163 \\ tenh v r, 1om ·, tman, Jacki 47, 8, 147 Wetmor , Fran· 163 Wetmore, Jerry 7, 147 ' tim n, Grc ~. " Wh eler, Fr d 163 Wheelt·r, , f) h lf'r, K rcn Wheel, Linda 147 Wheel, Tr vi 163 Whitt•, h r~l 25, 39, " , 146 \\ hite, Gord n 'i '• Je nie W1 off, Patri i 163




1 6

Wil on, William Winfre), Debor \\ infre ·, Linda 'infre), Robert

163 39, 172


0, 61,

62, 70, 73, 39, 172 50, 163 1, -, 7,

172 7, 48, ri ht, K ith 163 r~ght, \h ha I ~. 5, 8, )63, 89 'ringler, l'att) 107

, 172

Wilken, Ro)et· ~. 172 \\Jilt), te\ell 1 'illiam , D bra 172 William , El "' a CI 116 WILLI \\t. . \tR .. 'f\RG \RET A. William amu 1 163 'illia . ••n1a 172 Wi al'l \'ict ria 172 WILLI , 1R . RYL A 109, 123, 54 Willi , Richard 'ilner, Lauric 172 Wil '·Glenna 46, 172 Wil o~. Jacqu lin 66, 150, 163 Wil on, ]uli , 8, 172 Wil on, Larr) 25, 70, 1 6,

87 Wil n, T d


-YYanne}, B rb ra ). nne), Joan 163 ). rLr u h, \1 rk 172 Y xle , Laur 35, 58, 64, 152. 163 Youn , J n 89 Youn , Robert Young, "andra 33, 172

I Zaji~:,

_tu rt 172 i'.ahnd, I rry 16.3 i'.ahnd, amu 1 172 Zarhuck. ]olen 172 Z rbuck, Kathi 30, 66, 1 6 Zi h II, Laurel 18, 36, 37, 2, 50, 163 Zimbl m n, rw)n 62, 1<», 16 Zimm rrnan, ond 10, 1

Acknowledgements Our p ial thank to:

• fr. Bob Heller, of Heller tudio, for enior portrait , "roup picture·, and ports candid : Inter tate tudio_. for undercla portrait : 1

fr. Lynn Raney, for cover de i!!Il;

CHA. tP IG -URB contribution ; CH . tP IG -l:RBA picture contribution ;

.A COURIER, for picture EW GAZ

, for

. . fr. Dwight Parker, Jr., repre entative Taylor Publi hinrr Company; George nder on, for picture contribution and help in emergency ituation .


"Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one " . . ·ar



tud nt and Faculty,

Through man · long, tiring, hour of hard \\Ork, t ar<:, and lau.,.ht r th '69 E TLRI • \\a nt to pr and b cam a reality at Ia t. \\ ith a loyal d term in d . taff \\ ho ah\ a) ga\ th 1r b t, \\ heth r it be at 2 P .. 1. or 2 .;\1., another ) ar of hig-h chool m mori wa captured. On behalf of m) If and m · taff, I \\ould like to xtend a thank ~ou to th teacher and tudent body of entennial High chool \\ ho made thi. a y ar \\Orth r m mh rin". Kathy


cribn r, Editor









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