Professional Development for Teachers of English to Secondary School Diverse Learners

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Another of the tools or activities used was the making of the masks, which I used with one of my 9th grade groups. I used this activity because I found it relevant, since the students had recently read the “The Masquerade” from the Short Story Collection. The group of students enjoyed doing this activity so much, that they wanted me to continue using this and other new teaching ideas. Even the other 9th grade group wanted to do the activity, since they heard form their classmates how much fun they had doing the masks. I also was surprised by their reactions and felt happy and delighted. Some parents even congratulated me with the activities used since they noticed a change in the attitude toward learning English in their children. Overall, I believe that this proposal has opened in me that desire and interest to overcome barriers, obstacles I had towards a professional development program, or continue studies in my teaching area (English). This proposal has demonstrated, in my humble opinion, that there are many tools and activities, which were unknown to many of us, and that can be used with our students, in our classrooms, and even outside the classrooms. These activities can help us in some instances to integrate our school community. The activities and tools suggested in this proposal help empower the teachers to become more prepared, updated and in tune to target the students needs and interests. I also emphasize that proposals such as this, should be available by all teachers in all areas and subjects. This proposal has helped me very much in refining and revamping my teaching techniques, tools and strategies. I have enjoyed each and every one of the workshops. It was a great pleasure to have an opportunity to share with all of my fellow colleagues in this proposal. I exhort all of you to continue doing the work you do for the benefit of our students. Also, I would like to thank the professors who took the liberty and time to fit in their heavy agenda the time to work with us and empower us with all this knowledge, tools and activities.


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