Transcript of A Voice For Men radio discussion on She Register

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Paul Elam:

Welcome to the Red Pill Express. We’re gonna fuck their shit up tonight, people. Welcome to another episode of Red Pill Radio, A Voice For Men, on the air. And tonight, folks, we’re gonna have some fun. We’ve been waiting for this one for quite some time. I am Paul Elam, your co-host, and I am waiting right now for…

John “The Other” Hembling:

John “The Other”. I’m happy to be on the show. And in fact I’m pretty excited tonight, I feel like I’m just about to get into a bar fight.

Paul Elam:

Well, I tell you what, I bet you win.

John "The Other" Hembling: Yeah, I think so too.

Paul Elam

Let’s talk a little bit of strategy in the men’s movement, erm, we have a couple of announcements tonight, a couple of rather choice announcements, and we’re gonna get to those, but first I want to talk a little bit just to cover the bases, we have ongoing debates, er, all the way through men’s websites, I’ve seen it for years now, and you know, there’s a lot of legitimacy to some of the complaints because we certainly, we’re not going to get into the business of becoming like feminists. But one of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that all the time, whenever you see an i is not dotted or a t is not crossed, or somebody says something a little off colour, somebody just has to chime in and say, “Oooh, man, that’s just being just like them, man we can’t be, we can’t sink to their level.” Well, no, we can’t. But what we can do, is we can start fucking their shit up, and we’re going to start tonight.

You know, I am itching to tell you about what’s going on, but I’m gonna give the first couple of minutes of the floor to John, who has been working like a dog. You know, I get a lot of credit here in our little corner of the men’s movement for doing a lot of work, and I’m not gonna lie, I do. This guy, folks, just so you know, has been working, working, working for you every day, getting some stuff done that is really gonna cause some shockwaves through the community. And for that reason, I wanna hand the floor over to John. What we’re gonna be telling you about’s a little bit complicated, there’s a lot of facets to it, so we’re gonna do a lot of explaining, but by the time we get done, you’re gonna get it all. We’re gonna start now with John. Take it over, John “The Other”.


John "The Other" Hembling: Well, about a month ago someone posted a comment on one of the articles on A Voice For Men and honestly I don’t remember which one, I could probably go find out, I don’t have time to do that now. It was a comment that planted the seed of an idea. And it said something to the effect of, if only we had a volunteer, we could create a false offender, a false accusers register, registry. And I read that comment, and I’m sure Paul read it on the very same night that it was posted, and I thought, well hell, that doesn’t sound so hard. Now I’m going to eat those words because it’s been considerably larger of a project than I was expecting. But that suggestion - a false accuser registry - is in fact what we’re about to deliver to you tonight. It is not one hundred per cent complete, but it is operational, it is up for the public to see, and it has two hundred offenders in the database already.

Paul Elam:

Oh yeah, and by the way, we’re going to undoubtedly, we’re going to hear from people that will go to register dash her dot com, that’s register dash her dot com, and they’re gonna say, “Oh man, I clicked on this discussion link and there’s nothing there, the site’s not ready, whatcha launch it for, the site’s not ready.” Hey, you know what? The site’s ready, these matters are going to be resolved, the functionality of the site as we need is there and up now, and the purpose of this is multiple in our minds.

Let me just run down a couple of options for you, the first primarily being, we have, as everybody knows, an epidemic of false accusations, where every once in a while we get, you know, some bitch like Heidi Jones makes the news, where the police pay attention to the fact that she lied about a rape charge because she’s a celebrity or because a news story’s put on it like it was in the Hofstra case where a woman alleged being gang raped by five people in the dorm, a men’s room dorm on a college campus, of course it turned out that was just an average gang bang with a willing participant who felt bad about it later. But there are literally thousands and thousands of false allegations of all kinds going on in this culture, not just of rape, we’re talking about men during the process of a divorce, where false allegations are used as leverage, saying, “Oh, he abused the children! Yes, we were married for twelve years, I never complained about him abusing the children before, but now we’re getting a divorce and three days later, just like lying [ ], I’m going to make a complaint that he abused the children.”

Well, this stuff has been going on a long time, the media ignores it, I’ve been getting emails from one of our readers in Australia, Stu, who - shout out to Stu for all the help he gives - he let us know that in Australian newspapers that, never mind not identifying the accuser, they don’t even identify female


Paul Elam:

pedophiles in their newspapers there, they won’t print their names. We’re going to be getting to that too, but as far as the false accusers are concerned, this comes in a lot of different packages, a lot of different forms and shapes, everything from sexual harassment claims in the workplace to workplace discrimination to domestic abuse and sexual abuse in the home during a divorce to the regret rapes that keep seeming to happen out there with so many women these days who cheat on their boyfriends or husbands, feel bad about it, violate the tenets of their religion, and have sex with a guy and his team of camels and then feel bad about it the next morning and wanna come back and get the police involved from some imaginary gremlin or sometimes unfortunately not imaginary, they name some guy and he ends up in jail until god knows how many years, and they sometimes figure out that she was lying and he was innocent.

And all this time we have this tendency, for the most part, to hide the names of these women, and of course our culture doesn’t pay attention to it happening so a lot of these women don’t make it into the public sphere through newspapers and television. Well, guess what, you lying bitches? That is about to change. One of our…

John "The Other" Hembling: Well, I think what we’re…

Paul Elam:

Go ahead.

John "The Other" Hembling: I think what we’re doing is providing a public service. Because it’s not just that they don’t get the penalty of law the way a criminal offender would normally suffer the penalty of law, and it’s not just that they get more or less of a free pass from the society that they’re in, the courts, the education system. In fact, there is sort of a reward for false accusations, it’s a pathway to celebrity victimhood, and in many cases there is remuneration for it, you get paid, you get book deals, you go on talkshows.

So what’s been happening with the two elements, one is the suspension of criminal accountability for women, that is they’re excused, they’re not held criminally responsible when they commit crimes, number two is the incentivisation of false accusations, they have actually subsidised in many ways the making of false accusations, and if you ask anyone who studies economics, anything you subsidise you’re going to get more of, and I don’t think that’s healthy for the society at large. I also don’t think it’s healthy for women to be treated as if they are children without accountability, without volition, it certainly gives them a pathway to power but it doesn’t produce happy, useful people, it produces miserable people who spread nothing but pain. So we’re providing a service here, Paul.


Paul Elam:

Well I agree with you, we are providing a service, John. But I’m gonna stick with my guns here, part of that service is punishing false accusers. What is missing in this culture is consequences. Now what this means, just so those of you listening out there, and I think with the upcoming press releases this is going to get spread around quite a bit - Mary Jane Rotten Crotch out there who wants to say that her husband beat her just for the sake of gaining leverage in a divorce, he will now have a resource where he can come and post your name, your picture, your work telephone number, your address, perhaps even your route that you take to get to work - if you bother to have a job. But basically what we’re saying is that you will not be able to use the legal system to criminalise men anymore without people knowing about it. So unless you’re already somebody who is saturated on the internet, you know, we certainly, you know we have Heidi Jones in the registry, but the registry is not going to hurt Heidi Jones because everybody and their brother already knows about it, it was one of the few cases that made a big story. But what if your name is Clara Reynolds and nobody ever heard of you before, and you don’t have an internet presence like ninety nine point nine per cent of people in this culture? Well, what’s going to happen then is that from that point on, once you’re in that registry, anybody who googles your name, who does a search on you on the internet is going to pull up your story, or more importantly is going to pull up the story about you written by the person that you victimised. So there’s not gonna be any place to hide on the internet anymore for the average woman who makes a false allegation of any kind. I don’t care if it’s rape, I don’t care if it’s domestic violence or sexual harassment. If you make the false allegation, he has the right to defend himself since he obviously doesn’t in the criminal system and he doesn’t socially in so many ways, since we basically, I mean, hell, when a guy burns himself up in front of a courthouse, the white knights and feminists out there are just as likely to say, “Man up” as they are anything else. And so we’re down to this people, this is a necessity. The legal system has failed men, the legal system has stripped men of their rights to presumed innocence, to due process, to a fair trial, to public hearings, to be protected from the stain of allegations before they’re proven, and now register hyphen her dot com, once again, that’s register hyphen her dot com is about to change all that, and we’re gonna to change it very drastically. I want to remind everybody too, I don’t know how many calls we’re going to have tonight because John and I are going to do a lot of talking about this website, about what’s coming in the future, we do want your calls though, so the number is 3103889709, that’s 3103889709. You can also skype into the show if you are a registered user. We would absolutely love to hear from you.


But anyway, we’ve covered that one part, there’s another part, and I’m gonna quit rambling and let John have his say for a some more on this but I’m going to take you through the process here. For those of you that have two browser windows open, let me suggest that you go ahead and go to a voice for men dot com, and when you go there just look at the front page. You’re going to see something pop up in a moment, now I’m going into the admin for that website now. I had messaged John earlier and asked him if he would hum “the girl from Ipanema” while I did this so we had some background music and he more or less threatened to fuck my shit up, so it just didn’t go very far, but we’re gonna try this and I am about to publish an article for the front page of A Voice For Men dot com. And as a matter of fact, there’s a little publish button, the article’s already written, complete with images and everything else, and oops, there we go, it is posted to the website. The headline of this article is “Jessica Valenti placed on offenders registry”. Once again, the title is “Jessica Valenti placed on offenders registry”. And it’s a very short article. Go ahead, John.

John "The Other" Hembling: I’m gonna jump in here and just make a comment here. I have been talking to Paul over the last four weeks, and in every single phone call that Paul and I have had, he has chortled and giggled and laughed up his sleeve at the prospect of posting this particular article on A Voice For Men. I think Paul is rather enjoying himself at this time

Paul Elam:

Yes, Paul’s in his element, enjoying himself very much at this time, this is something that a year ago, and by the way, just to remind everybody who I have not drummed it into, we are quickly approaching on July 3rd our one year anniversary for A Voice For Men dot com, something I’m very proud of, I’m very proud that John has come on here, and again, guys, he’s working like a dog for you, he really is, and all of you out there that have made this a success, this is what I would call a seminal moment. This is where we are turning the tide back on them, where we are really, we’ve talked a lot of times about, and asked the question, what if we had a gender war and men showed up. Well, we’re showing up now and we’re gonna fight back. We’re not going to become like them but we’re also not going to sit here with white ribbons and proper etiquette at every given moment and just pretend like we’re not fighting hateful bigots, because we are, and we’re gonna hit them, and we’re gonna hit them below the belt, and then we’re gonna laugh about it, which I think is a really good thing to do. Now let me go ahead just briefly before I hand you back to John for a few minutes and read you this brief article, if you’re not reading it and laughing hysterically already. But here we go.


After years of feminist activism including the penning of a number of books and the founding of the website feministing dot com, Jessica Valenti has been placed on the offenders registry at register her dot com. This places Valenti alongside other notable women such as rapist Deborah Lafave and killer Theresa Craig on a growing database of rapists, pedophiles, murderers, false accusers and child abusers. In other words, it places Valenti among her morally bankrupt contemporaries where she righteously deserves to be. You can read Valenti’s profile, which includes accounts of her statements and actions that were given as the reasons for placing her on the registry by going here, and of course those words are a hyperlink to register her dot com to Jessica Valenti’s profile. I encourage everybody to go look at it and before I turn it over to John for a moment or two I’m gonna say one more thing.

And I’m gonna say this from the bottom of my heart, in all seriousness, no chortling, no laughing up my sleeve. Feminists, we are coming for you. We are coming after you. You have been lying for fifty years, you have been distorting for fifty years, when people read about what Jessica Valenti is up to, trying to usurp the constitutional rights of men in the United States by suggesting they have the burden of proving they did not commit a crime instead of presumption of innocence. When she denigrates masculinity by inferring that the assassination attempt against Congresswoman Giffords was somehow rooted in masculinity and the tough guy culture instead of the psychotic, mentally incompetent reasons that the crime was committed, we are going to come for you.

Your time of telling these lies with impunity is fucking over. It is going to end and, you know, this is going to be a long battle, I’m not gonna pretend that you guys aren’t well protected and well funded and well resourced, but you know what, look up the Battle of Thermopylae. Start looking at history. Your time is coming. And we’re not gonna wait any more. We’re gonna fucking bring it to you. And that’s enough from me right now, I’ve taken most of the floor. I do have a co-host, which means he’s supposed to be talking half the time, but I’m a big mouth so I’m hogging it up, but I’m going to take it over to you, John. If you have any additional thoughts, I’d appreciate it.


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