Central UMC Narrative Budget 2024

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2024 Narrative Operating Budget

2024 BUDGET REVIEW We are the Body of Christ, called to mission and ministry in the community of Fayetteville and beyond. From mission work in faraway lands to Community Meals, from children’s ministry to weekly worship experiences, Central United Methodist Church continues to partner with God to transform the world by offering help, hope, and healing as disciples of Jesus Christ. We look forward to the challenges of growing ministry for generations to come. This brochure contains information on how we can partner together to provide resources for the ministry and our future together. Please be in prayer as to your commitment and participation in providing resources for growing in mission and moving forward in faith!

Community Engagement 18.4%

Worship 24.4%

Congregational Care 17.9% Ministry 19% Discipleship 20.3%

TOTAL BUDGET $2,788,749

“On Sunday mornings, listening to Pastor Jennie is the equivalent of having a good heart-to-heart with a close friend. She's so incredibly genuine and relatable, and it makes it that much sweeter to be there with my kids sitting at the Prayground that Erika implemented. It's been SO exciting to see all of the changes and progress made over the last year, but the people have really made the difference!” Sara Hedge

Community Engagement $513,345

Congregational Care $499,972

Discipleship $567,280

Central has stood as a landmark of the community of Fayetteville for over 180 years. We strive to support our community in ways that include food, clothing, spiritual support, and a safe environment.

Congregational Care partners with church members to lead, nurture, and embody Christian discipleship through helping people grow in loving God and one another.

The lifelong journey of discipleship. Children, Youth, and Adult ministries strategically work together to create a pathway for people of all ages to nurture faith and grow toward maturity in Christ from birth through adulthood.

Community Meals Parades Outreach

Pastoral Ministry Hospitality Homebound Care

Next-Gen Ministries (Birth12th grade) Young Adults Adults

"I love Central because of how welcomed and loved it makes me feel"- Stella Garton (Youth Ministry)

“I love Central for the community. I have not once felt unwanted or unwelcome; I believe those are two important attributes of a church.” -Ruthie Phelan (Youth Ministry) Worship We seek to honor and glorify God in every aspect of our lives, from our finances to the integrity of our relationships to our personal and corporate gatherings of worship. Service By the Holy Spirit, each of us discovers and uses our spiritual gifts to keep the body of Christ healthy and thriving in an area of service that matches our gifts and passions. Ministry Whether it is down the street or across the ocean, we desire to make a tangible and significant difference for the Kingdom of Christ in the world. We believe that all ages have the opportunity to serve others. Community As we live in an authentic community with other believers and nonbelievers, Christ uses those relationships to change us and mature our faith.

In 2023, we had:

"It is so refreshing to worship at Central, where the clergy are authentic, down to earth, sincere, positive, and fun. I think it’s great that the clergy don’t take themselves too seriously but take the Good News seriously.” Carl Ownbey

161 Weekly Volunteers

900+ Meals Served

660 Donors

Ministry $528,645

Worship $679,507

Our direct Mission partnerships are funded through 2nd mile giving. In addition, our facilities, staff, and apportionments make mission and ministry possible here and around the world.

Music and Worship provide inspiring worship (Classic and Contemporary) by giving people of all ages opportunities to express their faith, explore their God-gifted talents, and offer those gifts back to God.

Beyond Our Walls Mission Leadership UMC International Partnerships

Adult and Kids Choir Praise Team Worship Leadership and Support

COMMITMENT CARD We hope you and/or your family will pray over this commitment card to discern how God is leading you in serving with Central this year. Commitment Cards are a valuable resource to help our church staff and our finance committee to be the best stewards of the church’s resources. “[Central is] a place where we can come to celebrate Jesus, spend time together, and feel safe!” Ellie Hunt and Katherine McNair (age 10)

“One day I was walking the golf course while Curt was playing, and he kept fixing other people’s divots. I asked him why, and he told me that he was taught long ago to leave the course better than how he found it. That has always stuck with me. Central leaves me better than how it finds me every time I enter its doors. No matter the mood I’m in or the burdens I bring I leave lighter with a smile on my face.” Gail Nebben


GIVE ONLINE From centraltolife.com/give, you will be taken to PushPay, our third-party provider. Then, you can follow the simple steps below to set up an account. MAIL IN YOUR GIFT Please make checks payable to Central United Methodist Church Mail to: Central United Methodist Church, Attn: Finance Office, PO Box 1106 Fayetteville, AR 72702 VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME Money isn’t the only way to give. We have many opportunities to serve. To volunteer, email info@centraltolife.com

HOW MUCH SHOULD I GIVE The biblical basis for giving is a tithe (10%), and this is something we can grow in as we live into our faith. Find yourself or your family on this chart, and then pray about committing 1% more this year. Often when we give more, we find we are more grateful and blessed by what we already have. As Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35).


12% (above & beyond)

10% (tithe)






















































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