3rd Quart er 2017
Michael Nowicki, EdD, FACHE, FHFMA Regent - Centr al & South Texas Amanda Frye, MHA I mmediate Past President Eric Weaver, DHA, FACHE President David Perez, MBA President Elect Beth Booher, MHA, FACHE Secretar y/Treasurer Richard Sanchez, MHA Director of Communications Dante Ridgell, MHA Director of M ember ship Jenifer Greenway, MHA, FACHE Director of Progr am Development Lacy Ware, MHA Director of L ocal Progr am Council Deborah Munhoz, MS, PCC Director of Sponsor ships Maria Serafine, MHA Director of Networ king & Social Events
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Centr al Texas ACHE Networ king & Educational Event: Healthcare Data Cyber secur ity Pr inciples to Promote Quality Wednesday, October 4, 2017 5:30 - 7:30 PM Strasburger & Price LLP 720 Brazos Street, Suite 700 Austin, TX 78701 Population Health M anagement Ar r angements: What's Wor king and Why? Wednesday, October 25, 2017 3:00 - 5:00 PM Baylor Scott & White McLane Children's Medical Center 1901 Southwest H K Dodgen Loop Temple, TX 76502 ACHE Centr al & South Texas Fall Collabor ative Friday, November 3, 2017 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM Texas State University - San Marcos McCoy College of Business, Room 233 601 University Drive San Marcos, TX 78666
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Chapter leaders came back from the annual Chapter Leader?s Conference in Chicago energized with great ideas for the chapters including growing membership, growing certifications, and providing great educational programs and social events. Richard Sanchez and Beth Booher attended from the Central Texas Chapter and Roxanne Rosa, Naydu Lucas, and Mary Anne Weidner attended from the South Texas Chapter. The South Texas Chapter was recognized with two awards: Award for Merit and the Award for Sustained Performance. We all had a great time and learned some new things. Both chapters have had successful educational events this quarter. A special shout-out to Kimberly Tansey for organizing the South Texas Student Symposium which had a great turnout and two great panel discussions: ?Leading a Successful Multi-Generational Organization? moderated by David Rubenstein and ?New Governmental Focuses on Fraud and Abuse Enforcement? moderated by Judge Rebeca Martinez. Both chapters have educational and social events coming up including a joint meeting in San Marcos on November 3. Please check chapter websites for events and registration instructions. Both chapters have been working on certification preparation courses. The process for certification has changed slightly and includes Step 1. Meet the eligibility requirements. Step 2. Submit your advancement application. Upon approval, you will have two (2) years in which you must take and pass the Board of Governors Exam. Step 3. Prepare for your exam. Step 4. Register for the exam and pay the $200 exam fee. Exam eligibility will be valid for the two-year duration of the approved fellow application.
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For additional information on each of these steps check out the national ACHE website. If you have been out of school for a few years, taking an exam might make you a bit anxious. Knowing that, ACHE has several ways you can prepare for the exam: the ACHE Reference Manual (tells you what the exam covers), the Online Tutorial, Certification Webinars, the Board of Governors Exam Study Set (three books sold by Health Administration Press at a considerable discount? the three books cover much of the exam?s content), and the Board of Governors Exam Review Course (the two-and-a-half day on-site course gives you detailed information on each of the exams 10 core knowledge areas as well as 19 ACHE Face-to-Face credits). ACHE schedules the course two times a year and the next offering is October 25-27 in Atlanta. I hope some of you make the commitment to start the certification process this year! Have a great Fall!
Michael Nowicki, EdD, FACHE, FHFMA Regent for Texas - Central & South
PRESIDENT'S LETTER Er ic Weaver, DHA, FACHE Colleagues, We work and live in a chaotic world. There appears to be impending calamity at every turn, civil unrest, and economic uncertainty. Nonetheless, as leaders we must inspire others to believe in a vision for a better tomorrow. We live in unprecedented times with the healthcare industry often dominating the political debate. Recently, healthcare actually surpassed education when it comes to appropriation of funds in our state?s budget. On the national level, we spend over $3 trillion on healthcare. The alarming trajectory of ever-growing costs coupled with the debatable value proposition associated with care outcomes leaves me to believe that we could be so much better. As healthcare executives, we are called to lead in these turbulent times. As our world grows more chaotic and unpredictable, we must respond to questions that have historically only been answered through spirituality: How do I cope with uncertainty? How do I help others find meaning in their lives? What are my values? How can I act with courage and integrity?
Leaders play a key role in helping people recognize that life is cyclical, unpredictable, and unstable and that they must engage it as such. If we are to succeed as leaders in these turbulent times, we must inspire others to find a purpose in work that is congruent with their values. In doing so, they will compartmentalize the stressors of the day-to-day in order to champion the transformation of your healthcare organization in the long-term. As your local ACHE chapter, we aspire to provide you with the resources and relationships you need to navigate change. Through membership in Central Texas ACHE Chapter, you have access to the education and networking to become a more effective healthcare executive. We are committed to making you successful and being your advocate. Our 2017 Fall Collaborative Meeting with South Texas ACHE on November 3rd at Texas State University is specifically tailored for leadership in these challenging times, and it offers 3.0 F2F Education Credits for your Fellow recertification. With topics ranging from patient-centered care to leading a multigenerational workforce, this educational event is not to be missed! Regards, Eric Weaver, DHA, FACHE President Central Texas ACHE Chapter 5 | Cent ral Texas Chapt er of ACHE
MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Below is a list of members who have joined ACHE, the Members who have passed the Board of Governors exam and the Fellows who have advanced or recertified since July 1 in this Chapter territory. Please take a moment to congratulate your colleagues for their commitment to advancing their healthcare careers. Use the online Member Directory to obtain their contact information.
Connie Aguirre
Zachary K. Dietze, FACHE
Kacey Brenna Maj Barrett H. Campbell, MD Eardie Curry, PharmD Benjamin Frederick Alexandra A. Nealand Jennifer P. Odekon Sarah A. Sebton
AUGUST Leticia S. Garza Fawn Helms Luis E. Martinez
Joe L. Romero
Su Varadarajan
Deborah A. Alsante, FACHE
Paula Vassaur
Shahin Motakef, FACHE
Ravine Woods
SEPTEMBER Brenda P. Davis Colette Johnson Julie A. Rennecker, PhD
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SEPTEMBER Russell D. Chauncey, FACHE
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Jeremy Barclay, FACHE Chief Executive Officer St. David's Round Rock M edical Center
Descr ibe br iefly your j ob responsibilities. My primary job responsibility consists of ensuring Board-approved strategies and initiatives are executed. What is a cur rent management/leader ship challenge/oppor tunity you are facing and how have you addressed it? I would say building relationships with customers (physicians and EMS) and staff. I am spending most of my time in my first 90 days meeting these individuals and learning what is working well and what needs to be changed.
Has ACHE helped with your career development? Yes! What career development advice can you share? My advice would be to listen to those that have been there before and learn from their successes and failures. What is something most people don?t know about you? I love crazy socks!
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EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Cen t r al Texas ACHE & Sou t h Texas HFM A Su m m er In st it u t e 2017
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2017 SUMMER INSTITUTE By Jenifer Greenway, FACHE ACHIEVING THE TRIPLE AIM IN HEALTHCARE PANEL DISCUSSION On Friday, August 25th, the Central Texas Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) and the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) hosted the continuing education event, the 2017 Summer Institute. Larry Sobol, MBA, MHA, CMPE, MedAxiom Ventures EVP, Business Development presented, ?Where Heart Programs are Leaving Millions of Dollars On The Table and How To Get It.? The first panel discussion followed, featuring Meghana Gadgil, MD, MPH, Administrative Officer, Dell Medical School Value Institute for Health and Care, Jaeson Fournier, DC, MPH, CEO, CommUnityCare Health Centers and Eric Weaver, DHA, Market President, Innovista Health Solutions and was moderated by Missy Apodaca, Of Counsel, Haynes and Boone, LLP. Prior to engaging the panel, Dr. Fournier presented an overview of the Federally Qualified Urban Health Network (FUHN), a Medicaid-based program of ten federally qualified health centers at 40 sites across Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota in which his former organization participated. Utilizing this case study, Dr. Fournier highlighted the lack of coordination and incentives for care, as well as, inadequate data and service variations that underscore the need to implement the triple aim. In order to successfully accomplish this goal, clinical integration, care coordination, provider engagement, patient motivational interviewing and lean process improvement are needed. In keeping with the theme, the first panel participants engaged in healthy dialogue regarding issues that are
preventing balance of the triple aim objectives, which include improving population health, enhancing patient experience and reducing cost of care. According to the group, service variations, care coordination inefficiencies, inappropriate ED utilization, as well as, lack of relevant and timely patient data all represent cost drivers for the current healthcare system. More to the point, costs will continue to escalate without the appropriate alignment of incentives, duplicative care and missed opportunities for delivery of the most appropriate care. Addressing these issues will require: a) providers and patients work together to define outcomes that are valuable to them, b) implementation of claims data modeling and other population health management strategies and, c) examination of the health culture beyond the current healthcare ecosystem, subject to include access and affordability issues, collaboration with the public health department, as well as, efforts to define employer needs and wellness programs impact. ADVOCACY AND LEGISLATIVE UPDATE PANEL DISCUSSION Kicking off the afternoon activities, Geronimo Rodriguez, Chief Advocacy Officer with the Seton Family of Healthcare presented an advocacy and legislative update. While the ACA repeal failed to garner Senate support, pressing state issues continue to dominate the headlines. Representatives have been charged with review of: a) Texas Medicaid program, including the 1115 waiver, b) trauma systems, c) workers' compensation, d) out-of-network billing, d) public health preparedness,
f) chronic diseases, g) telemedicine, h) prompt pay, and i) behavioral health. REVENUE CYCLE MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES FOR NAVIGATING THE CHALLENGING REIMBURSEMENT LANDSCAPE A second panel discussion followed to round out the afternoon activities, featuring Amanda Beita, FACHE, Senior Manager of Performance Improvement, HCA/St. David?s Healthcare, Chris Joiner, Principal, Accordias Healthcare, Sam Boleman, Director Revenue Cycle Strategy, AMCOL Systems, Lisa Gregory, CHRISTUS Health Revenue Cycle Program Manager and was moderated by John Montaine, FHFMA, CEO, Creative Managed Care Services, LLC. The panel discussed their experience with various strategies for identifying and implementing techniques to reduce denials, educate staff, and increasing cash flow within the current challenging reimbursement landscape. The Central Texas ACHE and South Texas HFMA chapters would like to thank the presenters for sharing their insights and best practices regarding healthcare transformation. For more information on future events, please visit us www.achectx.org.
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ARTICLES OF INTEREST 3 Keys t o a Gr eat Pep Talk
Un iqu e Beh avior s Th at Ear n You r Em ployees?Respect Great entrepreneurs and well-known leaders tend to possess some ?rather unusual behaviors not commonly seen in the corporate world,? according to Marcel Schwantes, a speaker, leadership coach, and the principal and founder of Leadership From the Core. In a recent article for Inc., Schwantes said brilliant leaders do the following four things: Tap front-line employees for new ideas. Success happens when leaders go down to the production floor to ?engage with workers, ask questions and actively listen to truly understand current issues.? Stay cur ious. Saying great leaders are naturally curious may sounds clichĂŠ, but the notion is backed by research. For instance, a Harvard Business Review report found people with a higher "curiosity quotient" are more inquisitive and generate more original ideas, which leads to higher levels of knowledge acquisition over time. Display vulner ability. ?There's immense power in being openly vulnerable,? says Schwantes. Vulnerability allows leaders to connect with and engage his or her employees. Being relatable helps build relationships, which is what many businesses are built on. Have empathy. ?The practice of empathy works in a business sense only if the end result is removing barriers and helping your employees succeed,? says Schwantes. ?It's the feeling of safety and freedom employees get that releases them to do great work.? Schwantes believes these four uncommon behaviors command great respect and unprecedented employee loyalty, and lead to clear, competitive advantage. Adapted from ?4 Rare (and Brilliant) Things Smart Leaders Do to Get Respect,? by Marcel Schwantes, Inc., July 30, 2017. 10 | Cent ral Texas Chapt er of ACHE
The ability to speak in a manner that is both energizing and persuasive is important for any leader, yet most executives receive little to no formal training in motivational speaking, according to a recent Harvard Business Review study. Authors of the research found most skillful speakers use language that is: 1. Clear . Great speakers use ?uncertainty-reducing language.? For instance, rather than being vague, these speakers provide precise information on how to accomplish a task, including simple instructions, straightforward definitions of tasks and clear-cut details on how performance will be evaluated. 2. Empathetic. ?Empathetic language? demonstrates that the speaker is considerate of the audience members as actual human beings. Praise, encouragement, gratitude and acknowledgment of a task?s difficulty all fall into this category. 3. I nspir ational. People who give great pep talks often use ?meaning-making language,? meaning they explain why a task is important. Typically, they do so by telling inspirational stories about times when people who worked hard succeeded or when their efforts positively affected customers or the community. Adapted from ?The Science of Pep Talks,? by Daniel McGinn, Harvard Business Review, July?August 2017.
NATIONAL NEWS Per f ect You r In t er view Sk ills Wit h ACHE's In t er view Pr ep Tool Have you explored ACHE?s Interview Prep Tool? When it comes to the interview process, preparation is key. Even the best candidates can be overlooked during the interview process if they fail to make a lasting impact. This unique video interview preparation tool will help you develop a competitive edge. ACHE?s Interview Prep Tool features: A platform with video recording capability to help you perfect your professional presentation Healthcare management expert-recommended interview questions Best practices for your responses to questions in pursuit of positions at various career levels Customized self-assessments to critique your performance The option to easily share interview recordings with others for feedback Visit ache.or g/I nter viewPrep to learn more and get started!
Ar e You Du e t o Recer t if y You r FACHEÂŽ Cr eden t ial in 2017? Demonstrate your continued dedication and commitment to
lifelong learning by recertifying your FACHE credential. Visit my.ache.or g (login required) to learn when you are due to recertify. Please submit this application no later than Dec. 31; include your Qualified Education credits and your community/civic and healthcare activities. For more information, please visit ache.or g/Recer tify. You may also contact the ACHE Customer Service Center at (312) 424-9400 Monday?Friday, 8 a.m.?5 p.m. Central time or email contact@ache.org.
Of f er in g a Post gr adu at e Fellow sh ip? ACHE Can Help ACHE would like to know if your organization is offering a postgraduate fellowship for the upcoming year. If so, we encourage you to add it to our complimentary Directory of Postgraduate Administrative Fellowships at ache.or g/Postgr ad. As a healthcare leader, you know how crucial it is to attract and develop highly qualified professionals in your organization. Gain exposure and start attracting top-notch applicants by posting your organization?s program on ACHE?s Directory. You may add a new listing or update a previous one at any time by completing the Online L isting For m. Questions? Please contact Audrey Meyer, membership coordinator at (312) 424-9308 or email ameyer@ache.org.
Save Tim e an d M on ey Wit h ACHE Self -St u dy Pr ogr am Need to earn ACHE Qualified Education credits? Earn six hours by completing a course through ACHE?s Self-Study Program. Self-Study courses are portable and ready for you anytime? at home, in the office and more. Topics include finance, human resources, leadership and management. Take advantage of ACHE?s special offer: purchase one self-study course and receive a second course at a 50 percent discount. To review a list of available courses and corresponding Health Administration Press books, and to place an order, visit the ACHE website.
ACHE M em ber Com m u n it ies Can En h an ce M em ber Exper ien ce ACHE offers four community groups that align with our member?s professional backgrounds and diversity inclusion. ACHE Forums: Asian Healthcare Leaders | LGBT | Healthcare Consultants | Physician Executives Sign up today: Join or renew one or more of these groups for an annual fee of $100 and receive benefits for the rest of 2017 and all of 2018. All benefits are accessible 11 | Cent ral Texas Chapt er of ACHE
For additional information about sponsorship opportunities contact Deborah Munhoz at deborah@deborahmunhoz.com.