Fall 2006 - The Talon

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George Will ’44 and Harriet Ellen Shirley Hall of Sponsors Scholarship Benefits Piano Students

Established by Harriet Ellen (Bunting) Shirley as a trib- work for the Ph.D. in education administration at the Uniute to her husband’s musical ability and achievements and versity of Texas-Austin. built with faithful gifts over several years, the George Will In 1947 George began a 35-year distinguished teaching ’44 and Harriet Ellen Shirley Hall of Sponsors Scholarship career. He taught at the University of Indianapolis, where assists students studying piano. A scholarship, awarded for he met his wife. He headed the music departments at Coa I rating at a National Music Festival, brought George to lumbia College and at Southwest Baptist University before Central College from rural Bunceton to study with Professor joining the faculty to teach music history and piano at N. Louise Wright, Southwest Missouri State first Dean of the University (now MisSwinney Consersouri State University) vatory of Music. in 1966. After he retired Dean Wright asfrom college teaching in sessed her talented 1982 he worked in radistudent, “George ology at St. John’s MediShirley...has shown cal Center. Later George an unusual gift and Princess, the Shirfor music. I conleys’ pet sheltie, visited sider Mr. Shirley extended care patients a thorough musithere every week. cian, particularly Like her husband, gifted in his major Harriet Ellen Bunting subject piano and was a musician and lover his minor subject of music from childhood. organ.” Sixty-two During the Depression years later he conher Kansas farmer partinues to demonents sacrificed so she strate that “unusucould attend subscripal gift for music.” tion concerts in Wichita. He still plays daily, She earned a diploma in frequently original piano from the Univercompositions by sity of Wichita and the Dean Wright - his Bachelor of Arts in Music “excellent teacher” from Friends University. - although he no She then studied English longer is a church and education, earning organist and he degrees from Emporia recently discontinState University and the ued teaching in his University of Northern home studio. Harriett Ellen (Bunting) and George Will Shirley Colorado. As a Central During her teaching freshman, George was initiated into Phi Mu Alpha Sinfo- career Harriet taught English and literature at several colnia. As a senior, he was vice president of Future Teachers leges, including Santiago College in Chile, the University of of America, foretelling his career as a college professor. He Indianapolis, Southwestern University, and the University served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps during World War II of Missouri-Columbia. At Missouri State University, 1966and the Korean War. The GI Bill helped him earn the Master 1982, she specialized in educating students to teach literaof Music with a piano major at the University of Michigan. ture. He also studied with esteemed teachers at Indiana UniverToday the Shirleys continue to enjoy music, especially sity, the University of London, American Conservatory of classical music. They intend that their scholarship will enMusic, and the University of Vienna. He completed course able many young people to pursue piano study.

Fall 2006

The Magazine of Central Methodist University

The Talon


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