Your Outdoor Deck

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Your Outdoor Deck


f you love to entertain, then you probably dream of a gorgeous outdoor deck with warm accent lighting, room for your grill and plenty of room for all your guests. Most people assume building their very own backyard oasis is something just beyond their reach; this is not the case. Building a deck is one of the most owner-friendly hardscapes to accomplish with the right know-how. We are going to take you through a few simple steps to show you that you, too, can have the outdoor deck of your dreams that’s only a few easy steps away.

First, as any general contractor would recommend, you should have an outline on paper of measurements and the layout of your outdoor deck. This will create a quick reference guide for later as you begin working on your project. Once you are ready to begin, start by attaching a one foot trim and siding between the ledge of the deck and

your home’s foundation. Next, dig out the parameters of where the bordering piers will go. Once you have your measurements correct, then concrete should be poured around these piers to ensure correct leveling and security of your footings. From here, build from the outside working towards the inside, when adding your internal structural beams. This gives the top boards of your deck support. Once the foundation has been securely put in place, then you can start attaching the top planking boards. Once the top of the deck is secured, now it is time to add the railings. This is completed by securing the railings to the borders of the top blanks. To ensure that your beautiful outdoor deck will stand the test of time, it is imperative that you choose a weatherproof stain. Weatherproof stains come in a variety of colors, so finding the one that best complements your chosen color scheme will be easy. With each manufacturer, weatherproof stain instructions may vary slightly, so be sure to read the directions and follow them accordingly to maximize the protection of your wooden deck. For an extra nice touch, you may consider adding some accent lighting to your deck and this is easily accomplished with the help of a licensed electrician. An electrician can guarantee that your added outdoor lighting is done safely and

efficiently, while maintaining standards of town code requirements. Ask your electrician for some suggestions on how to make these electrical modifications and incorporate energy efficient products. Going green will help you save money on your electric bill for years to come! Adding an outdoor deck provides years of backyard fun and entertaining, and it also helps raise the overall value to your home. By adding this easy-to-accomplish hardscape to your lovely backyard, you will also attract potential buyers when you are ready to sell. Feeling secure in the knowledge that your outdoor deck is completed the right way may require some help from a general contractor or licensed electrician, so make the call today and bring in a professional to make all your backyard dreams come true!

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