Upgrading Windows – Your Next Best Investment in Your Home

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Upgrading Windows

Your Next Best Investment in Your Home

he winter months serve as an excellent reminder that we must do something about our drafty windows, but in reality, drafty windows are a yearround issue when it comes to wasting money on electricity bills and energy efficiency. In the end, no matter how you slice it, upgrading windows is a far wiser way to spend the money. Let’s go over some reasons why upgrading your windows, and adding a second level of defense to your home’s overall insulation is the economical move you can make now and save money on your home for years to come. Most upgraded windows are made of Low-E. Low-E is a glass film that is microscopically added to hot poured glass during manufacturing. This grade of glass is known for levels of visible light transition, allowing you the ability to choose the right amount of natural light for your room. This, in itself, can help you save on energy costs and heating and cooling expenses. Noisy neighbors disturbing your peace at home? Not anymore! The materials found in today’s upgraded windows aid in outside noise reduction, as well as protection and security. Most modern window manufacturers are now incorporating cutting edge innovations into the materials used in residential windows, making them more shatter-resistant and secure than classic windows. This extra line of defense to your home security provides priceless peace of mind.

Another thing to consider about upgrading your windows is that you will greatly improve the resale value of your home. For many prospective buyers, updated windows are a key selling point in purchasing a home. Potential buyers love to see that the previous owners were conscientious enough to think about the overall efficiency of their home, and you are assured to make back what you invested in upgrading your windows, at time of sale.

With so many benefits to upgrading your windows, isn’t it time you took the step in adding the ultimate insulation method to your home? For a professional licensed general contractor who can help guide you through the process and offer a flawless window upgrade experience, you need the experts at Center Island Contracting. Call us today at (516) 481-4707.

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