2017-18 Annual Report

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Lynn Markham, CLUE’s Shoreland and Land Use Specialist presen ng to a group about land use and water protec on in partnership with the Master Naturalist Program at Upham Woods in Wisconsin Dells, WI.

As a part of UW-Extension, CLUE represents the Wisconsin Idea through our work in communi es across the state. CLUE’s extension work is organized into three areas: training, publica ons and applied research.

TRAINING CLUE provides training around the state on a variety of topics with emphasis on planning and zoning, community development and sustainability.

Planning and Zoning CLUE provides up-to-date, comprehensive training on planning and zoning that is targeted to specific local needs and interests. CLUE staff also regularly respond to land use ques ons from planning and zoning staff, past workshop par cipants, and others throughout the state. Rebecca Roberts conducts statewide Plan Commission workshops and related educa on. From July 2017 to June 2018, Roberts delivered five plan commission workshops with emphasis on plan commission roles and responsibili es, comprehensive planning, zoning, subdivision regula ons, and procedural responsibili es. These five workshops reached over 250 local officials represen ng over 77 units of government. Roberts also partnered with the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay Con nuing Educa on to develop a session for the annual Master Academy for Civic and Public Affairs. The session focused on public par cipa on and included interac ve exercises designed to help par cipants explain the vision and purpose of their planning effort, who to involve and how to get started. The Master Academy is a ended by elected and appointed officials in emerging leadership posi ons.


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