Olemiss summer proof2

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??? page? ??? page? ??? page? Rebels Starting the New Year the Right Way. Photo credit: Jordan Mckeever

2 Scene on campus



KATRINA CRUZ Kappa Alpha Theta

Katrina is a junior studying integrated marketing communications. You may contact her at kgcruz@go.olemiss.edu. Reality did not hit me until last month, when my career

counselor asked me one of the scariest questions you can ask any college student:

“What do you want after you graduate?” It still seems like only yesterday I was a freshman moving

into my dorm, and there I sat, a junior, wondering where the last two years of my life went.

My career counselor was able to give me a few ideas with

my major and interests to help me get in a better direction for a career once I graduate. One of the most important things she taught me that day was the importance of internships, the first thing many employers look for on your resume.

Internships are one of the best things you can do as a

student, because they give you the chance to experience what you’ll be doing when you graduate and decide if your

chosen field is really for you. You can learn a lot in the classroom, but getting hands-on experience as an intern

will teach you more then studying a textbook. What most

students don’t know is that internships also offer college

possibly do, because I got to learn more about my chosen

potential career path, but you will also be able to earn up

world,” said Nicole Quilling, a junior Kappa Alpha Theta.

credit, so not only will you be getting a first look at your to 6 credit hours.

There are many ways to search for internships. A great

start is to find what interests you, so you can see what

internship opportunities are available. Attending career

career path from one of the top hospitality companies in the

“I got to see, experience, and most importantly learn how to provide quality guest service to guests of all ages, as well as how to operate a successful business.”

Companies are going to be busy throughout the year.

fairs is also a great way to put yourself out there. They

If you want to make yourself stand out, you have to put

potential employers.

Make them remember your name. If you don’t get your

give you the chance to network and begin connections with

Another great resource is the professors who teach in

your major department. For my business communications

course, my professor highly recommends that we work on

cover letters and resumes for internship submissions. She

yourself out there, even if it means calling every other day. dream internship, there are always more opportunities. Try

applying to 10-30 internships and you’re bound to find a great one.

“I think that having an internship is very important for

even took time after class to look over my resume and give

success after college. I know something that all potential

professors for help with internships, they’ll be more than

Huestis, a junior Beta Theta Pi. “So having an internship

me advice on how to improve. If you’re willing to ask your happy to do so.

Check out internships.com or use resources from the

school such as EmployUM. If there is a certain company you want to work for, send them an email along with a

cover letter and resume. If you don’t get a response in a

few days, it’s important to send follow up emails and call to make sure your email was sent.

“As a Hospitality Management major, interning at Walt

Disney World Resort in Orlando was the best thing I could

employers look for is work experience,” said Taylor can really set you apart from all your competition. I’m

actually applying to multiple internships in Nashville and Atlanta this summer. I’m hoping that the connections and

experience I get this summer will help make sure I get a job when I graduate.”

Before you know it, you’ll be graduating. It’s a scary

thought, but if you start planning your future beyond college, look for internship opportunities, and make your connections, then you’ll be on the right track. Who knows? That internship could lead to a great job offer.

Scene on campus




On November 9, the Ole Miss family was robbed of two of its members. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Christopher Grimaud and Kevin Eagan were taken from us when their vehicle Thomas is a junior studying geological rolled over on Highway engineering. You may contact him at 7. Because of this tragedy Tphotze@go.olemiss.edu. two different fraternities on campus, and countless other friends and family members, mourn the loss of their brothers, friends, and loved ones. And as someone who has been through this process before, I would like to extend a helping hand to those going through this rough time.


For those of you who don’t know Sigma Alpha Epsilon lost three brothers in a month last spring in separate incidents across the country. The last of which took my little brother and greatest friend Price Thornal from me. So for those of you scoffing at these words saying, “You don’t know what we’re going through,” I do. My spring semester went to shambles after these tragedies took our brothers away from us. It has only been recently, with the help of family, friends and my fraternity brothers, that I have been able to finally stand on my own two feet without someone helping me along. For those who are looking for help with the healing process of grieving, read on please — because I don’t want to see anyone else fall into the same holes I did trying to heal from a loss such as this. There is no correct way to grieve, let me state that up front. Sure, there are the five stages of grief, but everyone will handle these stages on their own time and their own way. For me, it involved going to south Texas with my big brother and doing various ranch related activities and shenanigans down there. But for other people, it was to push on like nothing happened and let it all explode out randomly. There are no “Steps to Getting Over a Loss” that I can write to help y’all, even though I wish I could. There are a few things I can say that you should do that can help out with the process of remembrance for your brothers and your friends. However, you should all handle grief your own individual way and time. Be there for each other. Sometimes to help with your own grief, the best thing to do is be there for others. Be there for the family. When a brother is initiated into a house, you are also bringing his family into your house as well. The fraternity as a whole should be there for them during this rough time in their lives. Make phone calls to them often, go to the funeral, and help them out with anything they need, especially should they ever come to Oxford. Be a presence in their lives that they can count on because they are going through the same loss you are. Don’t turn away from your faith life. This is perhaps the hardest thing of all to do. It is easy to be angry at a higher power and to place the blame there. However, speaking from painful experience, this is the last thing you need to do. Religion is a powerful thing, and it can do wonders for your life, so please stay strong in your faith and turn to it for help if you need it. Talk to someone if you need to. There is no shame in showing emotion over this loss, and if you need to reach out to someone, do so. Bottling up emotion is a dangerous time bomb that will end badly when it explodes, so if you need to let something out, talk to someone you know is there for you. And for those of y’all who may not have known Chris and Kevin personally but who know someone who did and is grieving, reach out to them to show that they are not alone in this time of their life and that they can talk to you. Sometimes this is all someone needs.

Send a text, make a phone call, or meet up for coffee with someone you know is having a hard time, and be there for that person. Remember that Ole Miss is a family, and as a family we should all stand together and help each other. Finally, do something to remember the brothers lost. Whether it is a party, a charity event, hunting trip, or even something small that you do in your own life, doing something to remember the life of your brother does wonders to helping with your grief. Thanksgiving break is finally here so there is some time away from the sprinting pace that comes with the end of a semester. Thanksgiving break is a good time to be with your family and escape from the world for a week if you need it. With most of the Rebel family traveling across state lines and driving several hours to get home, I must implore each one of y’all to drive smart and drive safely. Keep the families of the departed in your thoughts and prayers, and spend time with your own. Unfortunately, death is a part of life and we never know when it will come for each of us, so live your life to the fullest and make memories while you can. You never know when you will be taken from this earth, so make the best of the time you have here. To the Gentleman of Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Kappa Psi, the friends of Kevin and Chris, and most importantly the families, I must express my most sincere condolences for your losses in this terrible time in your lives. Know that there are people who are willing to be there for y’all and be there to help with this time in your lives.

4 feature story


A LETTER TO FRESHMAN: WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE? During your time as a new member to your Greek

KATRINA CRUZ Kappa Alpha Theta

organization, you not only get the chance to join a sisterhood or brotherhood, you also get the opportunity to share moments you’ll remember for years down the road.

Katrina is a junior studying integrated marketing communications. You may contact her at kgcruz@go.olemiss.edu. Congratulations, fellow freshman, and welcome to greek

life! Over the next course of your four years, you will be experiencing life not only in your Greek organization, but

as a student here at Ole Miss. There are many things in life

worth remembering, but the day you pledged to your Greek organization is a day to never forget.

It’s so easy to get caught up in your Greek organization

that you forget to distinguish yourself. During your time

at your Greek organization, don’t just become another member. Distinguish yourself. Years from now, when new

members look at your composite photo, what do you want them to see? Just another member or someone who left behind a legacy?

For me, my grandbig, Jacque, who recently graduated

had the most profound impact on my life while in my

The day I pledged my sorority was one of the best days I

had as a college student. People were right when they said

I would find my home away from home after recruitment

had ended. Over the weeks as a new member of my sorority, my new sisters went from complete strangers to one of my closest friends.

sorority. Never have I ever met anyone as compassionate, caring, and trustworthy as her. Whenever anyone needed

help picking classes or riding to Walmart, she was always there, regardless.

Her influence has inspired me to be the best and do the

best in anything that I put my mind into. She’s taught

me sisterhood, compassion, leadership, and what true friendship is.

“As a sophomore I feel it is important to make a

contribution to my sorority. I only have three more years left and plan on using it to be someone people can look up to, not only in my sorority but outside of it too,” said Maddie Dwyer, member of Kappa Alpha Theta.

“My grandbig who graduated is someone I will never

forget,” said Meg Freeman, member of Phi Mu. “She was the president of our student body, but she took the time to bring me soup and Gatorade when I was sick. She was a

huge person in my life and made me glad that I went Phi Mu. I couldn’t imagine not having her.”

Pledging a sorority or fraternity will be one of the best

choices you’ll make in life. You get to experience leadership,

friendship, and values that you will live by even after you

graduate. These are going to be one of the best four years of your life, take advantage of it and leave behind a legacy that lives even after you graduate.

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Scene on campus



AWKWARD MOMENTS: REMEMBERING PAST RUSH WEEKS As the official week of rush draws nearer, I’ve been thinking about my past experiences

a round, our conversations will most likely revolve around food, fall, cats, and Jennifer

Looking back at my freshmen year going through rush, I definitely could have picked

I think my most awkward rush moment was when I was picked up in a house for a

of recruitment at Ole Miss.

better outfits and actually learned to curl my hair the right way. I also could have avoided

talking about wisdom teeth Youtube videos in one of my conversations during skit round. Being on the other side of rush last year and this year, I would like to say I have become

less embarrassing in my conversations, but I haven’t. When I pick up a rushee during


round, and on the table were bowls of fish. Unfortunately at my table, a fish was floating

upside down. I couldn’t focus on anything other than the fact that the fish needed to be flushed ASAP. The fish was dead, just like my want to pledge that house. Here are a few other awkward recruitment moments:

Hannah Aldrich (Kappa Delta): “At

pref night, one of the girls preffing Jordy Leavitt (Alpha Omicron Pi):

“My freshman year, during AOII pref

round, my heel got caught on my other heel’s strap, and I face planted on my way into the house.”

me was so nervous about me going

that sorority that she was shaking uncontrollably and sweating so bad

that it stained her dress and ruined

her makeup. I spent the whole time

calming her down and consoling her that we missed the entire pref for the

sorority. Also, I did not pledge them either.”

Shelby Moore (Kappa Kappa

Gamma): “Well, I was running full sprint on Bid Day while all the boys

Mary Frances Graham (Kappa Kappa Gamma): “At Pi Phi during water

were yelling to run faster, and next

parties, I had this one girl, and I couldn’t

Kyle Weaver (Delta Delta Delta):

said ‘yeah’ to everything she said. As I

the end of philanthropy round that

so you do baton twirl?’ and I was like

So the entire round at one house, I

round, she picked me up and said ‘I

much I missed her…I think I even

baton twirling going?’ Also, I spilled

talk anymore. Somehow I got asked

hear her at all, so I just nodded and

“Freshman year, I was so tired by

continued saying ‘yeah,’ she said, ‘Oh,

I ran out of things to talk about.

‘uhhhh, yeah?’ Then, at philanthropy

talked about my dead dog and how

had you at water parties. How is your

pretended to cry so I didn’t have to

water on my girl at DG…talk about

back the next day.”

thing I know, I was flat on my face on SportsCenter and Youtube. I got

up and yelled KKG, and then picked grass out of my hair for days.”

Youtube link: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=zD_jwZ9cemc


Grady Nutt (Kappa Sigma): “As a few

actives were talking to a couple rushees about the events of the night before, a freshman walks into the conversation and without hesitation asks if we are talking about the chick flick, “The

Nanny Diaries.” We looked at him, and

then resumed talking about our night on the square.”

Jack Tobe (Sigma Phi Epsilon): “At one fraternity, I had a guy who tried to talk to me in a northern accent the whole time even though he was from

the South. Also, one of the fraternity presidents was talking to a group of

us, and he took a dip and threw up everywhere.”

Trey Weghorst (Kappa Alpha Order): “I saw a girl wipe out while

she was running to her house on

bid day. She tripped on the chain link fence and was bleeding pretty bad…”

6 Ideas debate & discuss



Sigma Alpha Epsilon Del is a junior studying history. You may contact him at jdmixon@go.olemiss. edu. Politics exists on the shortlist of things not to bring up in conversation. Political thought rests in the deepest parts of our minds, and people will defend their political ideas as they would their own children. But I am not informing anyone on this. We are all aware of how some people (even our own classmates) can become broken records of political dogma. Unfortunately, these people often find their way onto twitter, media, and finally (God forbid) actual politics. No matter what side of spectrum, politically active people despise the politically inactive. They cannot stand it when someone is to say, “I’m sorry, I have no idea why Obamacare is bankrupting our nation” or “ I apologize but I don’t know what the Republicans are secretly doing to oust Obama.” I am willing to argue that both sides have more hatred for the politically ignorant than they do for the other side.

Political ignorance can serve as the opposite of political proactivity. Proactivity doesn’t have to be voting. It can also be conversations, articles writing, tweeting, or YouTube soliloquies about libertarianism. Political ignorance is the choice to do and learn absolutely nothing in the political atmosphere. Like everything else, political ignorance has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here is a short-list: Advantage – Realistic Priorities: Caring is energy and every person has their own temperament for priorities. This is why college campuses become hotbeds for political passions. Populations of 18 to 22 year olds who worry only about finals and debit card balances have a lot of room to stress about politics. If you are passionate about something, you will stress about it. So why stress about things you have little to no control over? Disadvantage – Informed Voting: If you should wander into the voting booth, it will feel like that midterm you never studied for. However, this test has no wrong answers (you hope). Advantage – People will be able to stand you: Your presence will be welcome in any conversion no matter the topic (except politics of course). No one will have to worry about you “going off” on anything benign. Conversations will be less heated than the conversations of your politically active friends. As people understand your ignorance, they will be able to stand you and

your harmless opinions. Disadvantage – You’re “part of the problem”: As politically ignorant you will have to live with your own “I for Ignorant” scarlet letter. You are the scapegoat not only for current atrocities, but also for things like Hitler’s rise to power. Not you specifically, but your type: the terrible ignorant who allowed evil people to have their way. By finding yourself comfortably oblivious to everything going on, you are slowly allowing the world to die. This tactic is called shame and it also works for Unicefand Invisible Children in raising money. This disadvantage is a social one. You will have to learn how to live with “being part of the problem.” But are you really part of the problem? Yes: The government shut down could have been prevented if you educated yourself on issues and voted according to your political interests and for the interests of the country. Everything would be fine if it weren’t for scumbags like you. Or, perhaps, no: The government shutdown has been inevitable since the 1980’s, and its about time that it happened. Also, this bankrupt empire we call America already has control over everything, so it doesn’t really matter what you do. Thankfully there isn’t a right answer, and I have just wasted your time discussing an unfair question.

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7 SO YOU WANT TO STUDY ABROAD? www.theodysseyonline.com


Olivia is a junior studying integrated marketing communications. You may contact her at ojschroe@go.olemiss.edu The semester is slowly coming to an end and we will be thrown into second semester before we know it, after a Christmas break that seems to last forever. For me, spring semester will be spent at a place other than Ole Miss. I have always wanted to study abroad, and next semester I will have the opportunity to live and study in London. Currently, one of my best friends is studying abroad in Florence, Italy. From her pictures and frequent emails, I can tell that she is having the time of her life. Every few weekends she spends time in a different country, making the most of her trip. She was in Germany for Oktoberfest, in Ireland to drink her first Guinness, and she recently got back from Paris and Barcelona. I made the decision to apply for a study abroad program at the end of September this year, and had plenty of time to get my applications and paperwork completed. Going into this process, I had no idea what I was doing or what to expect. I dropped by the study abroad office in Martindale, made an appointment with Skip Langley, and was walked through the checklist of things to do. Before applying to the specific program, a general application must be accepted by Ole Miss. This application has a $100 fee along with a requirement of good academic standing and a GPA of 2.5 or higher. After receiving an acceptance from the school, the specific program application can be completed. I am going to London through a program called CAPA International Education. If you are interested in studying abroad, you need to find a program that works for you and one that includes a country you would like to study in. CAPA’s program extends to cities like Beijing, Buenos Aires, Dublin, Florence, Istanbul, London, Shanghai and Sydney. Through the application, you choose where you would like to live while abroad. There is an option for a homestay with a British family or apartment living with other students. I chose the later, fearing time with another family would make me miss mine too much. I have chosen my classes while I am waiting patiently for my VISA application to go through. While I am still being notified of the finalized program details, I do know that I will arrive in London around the middle of January and book my flight home for the end of April. If you are even considering studying abroad for next fall or spring, go make an appointment in Martindale. The study abroad advisors are more than willing to work with students to find a program that fits you, and they can answer the many questions that arise while applying to study abroad.

Adventure traveling

8 500 words on entertainment



Looking for a way to pass the time this Christmas season? Many of us will be at home doing the typical holiday things, such as cooking, decorating, spending time with family, vigorously shopping, picking out the tree...the list goes on and on.

Although many of you may not think so, diving into a good book is a great way to escape and rejuvenate yourself to get back and deal with the holiday action. You will most likely not get this chance while at school, with the semester filled with deadlines and textbooks to read. Finally, a time where you can read for pleasure, whether you’re traveling, want to curl up somewhere for some downtime, or impress your parents with how intellectual you are these days. (Hey, maybe they won’t nag you about how well you did on your finals -- since you look so smart, they’ll think you are.) So, if I have you convinced, here are some of the top reads of 2013 according to Amazon’s Editor’s Picks: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt is a shocking narrative

that begins in New York with thirteen-year-old Theo Decker. Having survived an accident that killed his mother, he clings to the only thing that reminds him of her: a small and mysterious painting that introduces Theo to the underworld of art. The story moves into his adult stages of life where he dives further into the deep mysteries of love, identity, and art. It is a triumphant story of self-invention and fate. And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, author of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, has written another novel about how we love, how we take care of one another, and how the choices we make resonate through generations. Through following the lives and choices of the novel’s characters around the globe, Hosseini explores the many ways in which families nurture, wound, betray, honor, and sacrifice for one another. Thank You for Your Service by David Finkel, author of For the Good Soldiers, has written a similar piece at home here in the states. He creates a portrait of what life


Ginna is a sophomore studying history. You may contact her at vbmoore@ go.olemiss.edu. is like after war not just for the soldiers, but also for their wives, widows, children, and friends. He truly climbs into the hearts and minds of those he writes about and offers a compelling story that is impossible to put down. And there you have it! Now, I hope all of you dash to your nearest Barnes & Noble or download one of these to your Nook and sink your teeth into a good read this break. I think you will find it relieving after your finals, and rather rewarding when you are through as well. We don’t want our minds to turn to complete mush over the break, do we? So keep the blood in your brain flowing with either an action-packed novel or a philosophical volume. Whatever it may be, I hope you have a great holiday season. Happy Reading!





Walk to The Square









5 Minutes from Everything

500 words on finals




Jordan is a junior studying journalism. You may contact her at jemckeev@ go.olemiss.edu. The week of stress, studying, and no sleep is finally

here. Finals Week.

This is the week that stresses a college student out

to the maximum. You become overly worried about making a certain grade so that you can keep a certain GPA. You study more in one week than you have the

entire semester. You consider hooking yourself up to a Starbucks caffeine IV, but unfortunately, those don’t exist.

I’m a junior now, and I have managed to make my

finals week a little easier every year. As much as I want

to study weeks ahead like my professors suggest, it

just never seems to happen. I’ve been pulling study all-nighters since high school, and have finally found a few tips to have a successful all-nighter.

First off, it is ok to pull a few all-nighters, just don’t

plan on being able to pull multiple all-nighters in a

row. You’re not going to make it, and will most likely

you turn your phone on silent so that social networking

So unfortunately, you are going to have to study ahead

to hit up the Starbucks and get a coffee time to time

be the kid in the back row sleeping on his final exam. of time for most of your exams.

Plan a schedule out first. Find out the dates and

times of your exams. This way you can figure out which

classes need the most studying, and which ones you will be able to successfully study for the night before. Harder classes will need more than a night of studying. Before you leave to start your night of studying at

the library, make sure to bring food with you. The best food to eat is protein-enriched food. This will ensure that your blood sugar level stays stable, and staying awake will be easier.

So now that you’ve got your scheduled worked out,

and you’ve (hopefully) studied ahead for the majority of your classes, it’s time to head to the library. LOL. You

can’t find a seat. Heads up: this is the week everyone in school decides they are going to be studious students.

This is many people’s first time ever being in the library, and nothing is more annoying than that one kid sitting

at a 6-person table by themselves. Everyone will be giving you the death look, so don’t be that guy.

Once you’ve found a seat, get to studying! Make sure

sites, texts, and games will not distract you. Feel free

throughout the night. Do not go on a caffeine overload or you will crash. Most importantly, make sure you stay hydrated with water throughout the night too.

Try your hardest not to yawn throughout the night.

This will make you sleepy. If at any point you do become

tired, get up and walk around or go outside in the cold air. This will waken your body up and re-energize it.

Make sure to take multiple small study breaks as well. Another hint is to decrease the brightness on your laptop screen, because the brightness can cause you to

strain your eyes, making you even more tired. Playing

music while you study can also help keep you awake, as long as it has an upbeat tempo.

If you finish studying earlier, and have a chance to

get any sleep at all, take it. Even 30 minutes of sleep can re-energize your body. When you wake up or stop studying, switch to drinking tea instead of coffee.

You’ve had enough coffee intake, and the tea will relax

your nerves before taking your final exam. Get to your exam at least 30 minutes early and spend that time reviewing the material and hoping for an A. Good luck with finals!

10 philanthropy & service


THE IMPORTANCE OF PHILANTHROPY Being a part of Greek life can be one of the best experiences you will ever have in college. Not only are you a part of a community, but you’re given you the opportunity to network, get involved and grow as an individual.

KATRINA CRUZ Kappa Alpha Theta

Katrina is a junior studying integrated marketing communications. You may contact her at kgcruz@go.olemiss.edu.

But one of the most rewarding events is philanthropy. Without philanthropy, Greek organizations wouldn’t be what they are today. Philanthropy gives us the opportunity to take time and raise money for a great cause. Philanthropy is what drives us to give back to the community. Every Greek organization has their own national philanthropy that they support. Whether it’s Chi Omega’s Make A Wish Foundation, Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Reading Is Fundamental, or Kappa Delta’s Girl Scouts of the USA, every Greek organization takes time and dedicates themselves to charitable organizations. One of the best parts of raising money for philanthropy events is the great and fun events Greek organizations hold. Here on campus, from Tri Delta’s DHOP to Delta Gamma’s Anchor Splash, Phi Mu’s Bonnamu, and Kappa Sigma’s Diamond Days, Greek organizations strive for creative events as a way to raise money for their national philanthropies. Philanthropy events aren’t only supported by other philanthropy events, but also by the entire Ole Miss and Oxford community.



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A couple of weeks ago, Kappa Alpha Theta held the 15th annual Theta Encore, an event that raises the most money in philanthropy in the fall semester every year. Hundreds of members of the Greek community and families all around the Oxford area came to see all ten sororities on campus compete in the dance competition. The lovely ladies of Delta Gamma won this year, with Kappa Delta coming in second and Chi Omega in third. The money raised in Theta Encore goes towards two philanthropies: CASA and The Scarlet Lawrence Akins Foundation. CASA, which stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates, is the national philanthropy for Kappa Alpha Theta. The CASA program assigns advocates for children. The advocates work as mentors and role models as their children battle through the court system and foster homes. The Scarlet Lawrence Akins Foundation is a local philanthropy, in honor of Scarlet Lawrence Akins, that goes to research for melanoma. Akins, who passed away in 2006, was an Ole Miss graduate and member of Kappa Alpha Theta. “Philanthropy is incredibly important for Greek life. The money we raise for the various philanthropies that we support helps make jumps in cancer research and other various admirable causes, “ said Taylor Huestis, a junior Beta Theta Pi. “When the news media reports Greek life they always seem to leave out the positive impact that we do have on communities. So it’s nice to see the positive impact that we Greeks have on the community.” No matter what Greek organization you’re a part of or what philanthropy you support, in the end, using philanthropy is a great way to give back to the community and make Greek life what it is today.

Sports local




Alpha Tau Omega Houston is a senior studying journalism. You may contact him at rhbuckle@ go.olemiss.edu. Last year, the Ole Miss Rebels started a young man by the name of Marshall Henderson. However, what Rebel Nation didn’t realize is that they started an epidemic that would sweep the nation. This epidemic is Marshall Madness, and it’s getting better every week. Marshall Henderson has become more than just a savior for the men’s basketball team. He has also become the center of social media, wiith Internet blogs, tweets, and gifs. Marshall’s antics may have blossomed at the Vanderbilt game last year, but this SEC sharpshooter backs up his antics on and off the court.

When you ask someone on the street who Marshall Henderson is, the answers you receive vary in a love/hate relationship. Some people don’t find his antics off the court too appealing, so they think negatively towards him as a player. Some people love him for more than just his off court antics. Marshall Henderson shot 20.1 points per game last year for the Rebels, and is shooting 18.7 PPG this year already. Henderson has shot above 35% from beyond the arc since being at Ole Miss, and is over 80% on free throw shooting. In actuality, the Ole Miss Rebels need Marshall Henderson. This year Henderson served a suspension in which he missed the Mississippi State game in Starkville, Miss. Once Henderson returned from his suspension, we played the Bulldogs again here in Oxford, a game in which we skull-drug the pups 82-63 in front of an electrifying crowd at the Tad Pad. The first time we played the dawgs without Henderson, we lost 76-72. Henderson has been more than just a social media icon. He has been a lethal presence on the court. Despite being called “the bad boy of basketball” by the website Total Frat Move, Henderson led the Rebels to an SEC Championship last year, the first one in over 30 years.

ESPN ranked the top 50 moments in sports for 2013, and Marshall Henderson stepping onto the scene in the SEC was in the top 25. Wednesday is no longer Wednesday, it has been forever labeled White Girl Wednesday and it came from the Native Flash himself. Throughout the flash’s many social media outlets (Twitter, Instagram, etc.) we have learned about all of his fun nights here in Oxford, and he isn’t afraid to speak his mind. Marshall Henderson has become the center of many gifs, including the infamous Auburn jersey pump, the Vanderbilt half court shot, the gator chomp troll, and my personal favorite, “Vandy fans sad because of Marshall Henderson.” Whether you hate him or love him, Marshall Henderson isn’t going anywhere. The greatest thing Ole Miss fans have this year is quite simply another season of Marshall Henderson. His on court antics may seem over the top and theatrical, but these “antics” reflect his passion and love for the game. Henderson’s lethal accuracy from beyond three point range has carried the Rebels to some of the best basketball we’ve seen in years, and his off court antics have carried him into social media stardom faster that the NativeFlash himself.



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12 greek life traditions



EXPECTATIONS What is the world of

Total Frat Move? It is a satirical representation of fraternity life as a whole.

Twitter, YouTube and other

ridiculous web content reinforce this satire. Its

disciples are preppy boy



Sigma Alpha Epsilon

A high school senior exits the double doors of his high school the master of his

domain. He enters college the master of nothing. The summer after their senior year

has been filled with promise and hope for fraternity placement. A leading voice Del is a junior studying history. You may contact him at jdmixon@go.olemiss. edu.

scouts, thrilled to enter the

fraternity life-style. Because of the sobering actualities of the real world, TFM’s

exaggerated anticipations are never met. Are TFM’ s great expectations bad for rush? Or, does it serve as a way to weed out those who are in it for the wrong

for their excitement is TotalFratMove.com. It is an internet phenomenon and most recently a book. Like “Old School” or National Lampoon’s “Animal House,” TFM

highlights the most ridiculous of hilarious behavior that is attached to fraternity letters. What separates TFM from anything found in a hollywood script, is the

authenticity. The YouTube channel content is obviously exaggerated, but the website

posts are a collection of real incidents that happen on real campuses. This material, including the twitter TFMs, has been training the language and behaviors of high

schoolers from graduation until bid day. Their first steps on campus mark the beginnings of their rush stage, where they enjoy the royal treatment, as expected.

However, the TFMed world they expected to walk into, contrasts deeply with the real world fraternity life they find themselves in.

I believe that TFM has a positive place in rush life. It can be argued that TFM

is an advanced sense of humor in disguise. Like “South Park,” it hides behind a façade of cheap laughs. TFM’s genius is in its ability to turn with skid of a negative stereotype. TFM says, “Of course all frat boys are alcoholic, conservative sex feigns;

let’s give them something to laugh about.” Nowhere else will you find this much

effort devoted to reinforcing a negative stereotype. TFM’s “effort” is the real genius behind the humor. Until that is realized, all the crude tweets and posts serve as a guidebook to fraternity hopefuls.

I agree that TFM has created false expectations for over-zealous future rushees,

but I do not agree that this is a bad thing. I believe anything worth it is surrounded by obnoxious anticipation. I think of it like immigration. America is a great country

-- but you have to prove yourself before you gain citizenship. You must pass a citizenship test based on your knowledge of American facts and history. Entering rush after only reading TFM is the equivalent to entering America after only seeing “Jersey Shore.”

It is no secret that TFM has corrupted the minds of rushees to the point where

pledgeship is anticipated with excitement. It’s a right of passage where the worst possible punishment is a little dip-spit on the Sperry’s. The world created by

rushees and high school seniors is one of extreme exaggeration and predominant

influence by TFM. Of course, not all rushees are as heavily influenced by this world. There are great amounts that genuinely desire to enter a fraternity with the hopes

of attaining brotherhood. Those are the ones who end up okay. As for the others, they are weeded out through natural selection. The ones who stay in eventually realize how stupid their expectations where and write reminiscent articles.

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I’m not saying we should all cover ourselves from head to toe in turtle necks and jeans, I’m

When it comes to the objectification of women in today’s society, men and women share the blame.

While there is a strong feminist movement in our country, the issue of women

BAILEY WILLIAMS Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Bailey is a freshman studying textiles, merchandising, fashion design with communications. You may contact her at baileywilliams@gmail.com..

being viewed as objects continues to increase.

just suggesting that if we ever want to be viewed as more than just objects for men, we first need to change how we present ourselves. Do you present yourself as an object or do you imply that you are an able, powerful and successful woman? We need to reevaluate how we portray ourselves, because what we show, or don’t show, is going to be the deciding factor. That being said, it’s safe to say that both genders have responsibility in this department. We cannot be responsible for a man’s preconceived notions or how a commercial is produced. We can, however, be responsible for ourselves. Dressing in a way that is respectful is not

There is nothing that disgusts me more than seeing the objectification of women in today’s

bowing to or changing for men, it’s something we should do for ourselves because we know

society. Don’t get me wrong, I understand the whole “sex sells” idea. I’m in an advertising/

that we are so much more than a pretty face with a nice body. Try it out sometime and I

public relations class this semester. I just don’t agree with the image the media sends about

guarantee that, while you might not get as much attention, you will get a higher quality of


attention. And let’s stop pointing fingers at the guys. We’re to blame, too.

Although there has been a strong feminist movement in our country, why does the objectification of women only seemed to increase when we have so many capable, independent women fighting for equal rights? This is where I believe we, as women, have gone wrong. Here’s what women need to understand: men are not wired the way we are. They do not have the same thought processes, feelings, experiences; they are completely different. One of the main differences is that men are visual. Sure, women fall into some traps, visually, but the affect on men is on an entirely different level. The common misconception is that men should be able to control this. Why should we have to change the way we dress and act for a guy? Because he is different. This does not make him a Neanderthal or a jerk. It’s simply the way they are and it’s a good thing. However, we

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bros formalwear

need to be aware and sensitive to this if we are ever going to change the perception of women. Somewhere along the lines we, women, got the idea that we should be able to be who we want, do we what we want and wear what we want. This is awesome! I’m so glad we live in an age where the opportunities that we have as women are limitless. Our accomplishments are inspiring and I hope we continue to work towards equality. However, we still need to be aware of how men process things. I understand that you have done thousands of squats and you want to show that off, but exposing yourself and dressing in a way that is simply to show off your body and get attention is not helping our battle. If you dress yourself as an object, as something for men to only visually and, possibly, physically enjoy without any thought of you as a human being with emotions, thoughts, and dreams, you will be treated as an object. Maybe that sounds harsh or rude, and someone will probably disagree with me, but I’m willing to take that risk. You are worth so much more than just being some guy’s fantasy. A common rule of thumb is if you’re showing more on one half of your body, then you need to cover up the other. So if your skirt is a little short, keep the neckline high and vice versa.

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14 Self health & fitness HOW TO STAY HEALTHY IN COLLEGE




nights studying in the J.D. Library, writing papers for classes, can cause you to deal with stress. Staying healthy and remembering the last time you hit the gym is the last thing on your mind when you’re getting your hands on energy drinks, sugar, and fattening snacks to help you survive a night study session.

Katrina is a junior studying integrated marketing communications. You may contact her at kgcruz@go.olemiss.edu.

Here are great tips for staying healthy and active during college:

Kappa Alpha Theta

Let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions usually aren’t efficient. I cannot begin to tell you all of the goals I’ve made for myself the last five years: do better in school, save money, be less stressed, volunteer--and the infamous “lose weight and get healthy.” I’d always hear from family and friends about their experiences with weight gain and lack of staying healthy, but I never really cared. It wasn’t until sophomore year with a failed attempt to fit into my high school jeans that reality hit. I knew, then and there, something had to change. According to statistics, college students gain 10 pounds on average their first year of college, and usually, the weight is never lost and adds on as the years go by. College is a crucial age for students. You’re becoming independent, so the choices you make now determine how you’ll be even after you graduate. That includes your eating habits. College is a challenge. Having a schedule filled with late

Start to fill yourself with healthy choices, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, fish, nuts and eggs, and poultry. Cut back on red meats and processed foods. Eating in moderation is important to staying healthy. Eating at your sorority or fraternity can be great, but tempting when it comes to eating right, especially when the menu consists of hotdogs and hamburgers, taco night, and the infamous poppyseed chicken. Instead of filling your plate with these tempting foods, start off with a trip to the salad bar and top off your salad with healthy dressings, such as balsamic vinegar and olive oil instead of caesar. Feel free to enjoy your dinner, but keeping everything in moderation is key. Take a trip to Walmart or Kroger’s and stock up on healthy snacks to keep throughout the day. Fruit, raw almonds, granola bars, cheese sticks, and greek yogurt are all great choices when you’ll be spending the day on campus and in between classes. If you have enough time, packing canned tuna or salmon on

whole-wheat crackers is great. So is guacamole on pita bread and peanut butter on whole wheat or baked chips. “I stay healthy in college by making the right choices, avoiding the temptations of the late night weekend munchies, and trying to stay active while incorporating running to the gym or to the square,” says sophomore, Celeste Shanahan. “Going with friends, exercising is also fun.” Let’s be honest, having a Starbucks located in the J.D. Library is something to be thankful for every day, especially in the morning when 8 a.m. classes make the zombies on The Walking Dead look more alive than we do. Studies have shown that coffee slows our metabolism, and a grande pumpkin spice latte holds the same calories as a regular meal. Substituting caffeinated tea for coffee drinks is the healthier way to go, and provides about the same amount of energy a cup of coffee gives you. When it comes to exercise, try visiting the Turner Center four to five times a week. Even if it’s only half an hour on the treadmill or walking on the track, every minute counts. “I have found taking classes [at Turner] helped me to stay motivated, visit the gym more often, and make healthier eating choices,” says sophomore, Alissa Foreman. Staying active and eating the right foods are great ways to stay healthy in body and mind. The choice is up to you.


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