Michigan summer proof2

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SUMMER ISSUE | Volume 3, Issue 31 | Ann Arbor, MI

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Tri Delta girls gear up for Greek Week! Photo Credit: Iris Jeffries

2 editor's note



Think back freshman year.



Whether that was a mere 9 months or a whopping 4 years ago, a good amount of time has elapsed since you arrived on this vast, Michigan campus, scared and quaking in your brand new, tightly tied tennis shoes (or Sperry’s, Tom’s, etc. depending on wherever you hail from).

IRIS JEFFRIES Delta Delta Delta Editor-in-Chief

Iris is a sophomore studying English and psychology with a Spanish minor. You may contact her at iejeff@umich. edu.

Chances are that if you’re reading this, you’re a member of Greek Life. Maybe you always knew you were going to rush — you were destined to be a frat boy/sorority girl and you still live by that declaration. It runs in your blood. You are Greek Life. But maybe you were more hesitant; you didn’t always know that you were meant to be. Perhaps you didn’t even really know what Greek Life was. No matter how you got here though, you’re here. Remember the rumors? I do. The vicious, swirling gossip about which house was known for what and what being in Greek Life really meant circulated the incoming freshman class with rapid speed. Despite the attempts of well-meaning Rho Omegas and “unbiased” upperclassmen, we all inevitably formed stereotypes and certain associations about Greek Life and its different organizations. Yet here I am, at the end of my sophomore year, and for the first time in a long time did I think about these things. I don’t know why it just struck me now; maybe it’s the way State Street is filled with prospective students and their parents, poking cautiously into shops and perusing the spread of Michigan apparel, or the way fraternities blare conspicuous music as they day drink and darty on — just a casual mid-week occurrence when the sun decides to come out and play. In any case, I found myself thinking about being a baby freshman, coming to Michigan from South Carolina — fresh off the plane and ready for a wealth of new experiences that would only eventually surpass my premature expectations. As two of my closest friends (and roommates) and I stretched out on the newly green Law Quad, cooling down after a lovely spring run and laughing over stories from the past, it hit me how far we’ve come. I realized how much we’ve grown and changed in positive ways, while remaining true to our most unique selves. I giggled gleefully as Maks imitated the time Rupert the Swan put an abrupt end to her canoe expedition. I cackled as Laur put on her best Elsa voice and belted a parody rendition of Frozen’s ever popular “Let it go.” I shamelessly divulged the time when the boom whammed me over the head during a failed attempt at sailing. And I think it was the setting, the grass tickling our arms and the sun beating down all warm and glowing on our faces, that made me know, right then, that Greek Life wasn’t and isn’t just something you do. Maybe it is for some people — an easy access to the fun and games of college life. But it’s more than that. It’s also the connections you make that are honestly amazing and unforgettable. Critics often would take that statement and run with it. “See, in Greek life, you buy your friends.” Really, though? Out of the 57 girls in my pledge class, I’m not going to lie and say that I’m #biffles with every single one of them. They’re all great, amazing people that I’ve relished getting to know and grow closer with; however, it’s the people that you find yourself sprawled lazily in the grass with on a Friday afternoon that make

the experience so genuine and real.

Without Tridelt, I might never have met Maks (Makena) or Laur (Lauren). They both study pre-med while I pursue English and Spanish. What were the odds that our paths ever would have crossed, if not for Greek Life? Maybe somewhere along the line we would’ve had a class together, perhaps becoming friends in the casual acquaintance way we all become with so many people. But those friendly interactions occur two to three times a week for short gaps of time, most of which is spent listening silently to a self-important professor’s rant. That type of bond comes from rolling your eyes and giving each other knowing side glances while occasionally consulting on homework topics, and if you’re lucky enough venturing into the sharing of minute life details. Without Tridelt, I never would have met two of my very best friends. What would my life be without them? Greek Life brings people together — it unites people with similar interests and passions, while exposing them to others with a plethora of various goals and dreams. Greek Life is more than a social club, it’s a lifestyle and a commitment. So maybe, as that word — maybe — seems to be a running theme in this rambling thought progression, it’s this beautiful sun that has put me into a perpetually euphoric mood, compelling all of these exceptionally fond feelings for my friends. But maybe, and as I really do believe, it’s more. On a sunny day like this, I extend my appreciation for Greek Life and all of the experiences it has given me. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

THE ODYSSEY AT MICHIGAN CREATIVE TEAM Photographer Alyssa Schwarcz, Alpha Gamma Delta

Social Media Director Perri Weiss, Kappa Kappa Gamma

OLYMPIA MEDIA GROUP 888.272.2595 | OlympiaMediaGroup.com Megan Samuels, Managing Editor | Celesta Török-Lee Designer

We want a representative from every house!

To apply for a writing, photography or sales position, TheOdysseyOnline.com/creative © 2013 Olympia Media Group, LLC All Rights Reserved.

The Odyssey is a private entity not associated or governed by University of Michigan or U of M Greek life office. The views and opinions shared in The Odyssey are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Odyssey and Olympia Media Group.

philanthropy & service




PHILANTHROPY EVENT Spring is just around

the corner and everyone on campus is gearing up

AILE STEIR Delta Gamma

for Greek Week as well as



philanthropy events. Every Greek Week team

again relay information to our followers that they might not get to see. Many chapters on our campus have made their own Twitter accounts, which update their followers on events they are putting on as well as keeping their members in the loop. There are plenty of other ways to advertise your philanthropy events that do not

Ailie is a freshman and is undecided on a major. You may contact her at arsteir@umich.edu.

is perfecting their song and variety performances. Delta Gamma’s very own Anchor Splash is taking place March 10, which kicks off all of the Greek Week activities. Although not a part of Greek Week, Dance Marathon also hits Michigan in March and many students are also involved with this awesome event. This overload of events to get involved with means many opportunities for advertising on campus. Of course the digital age has provided us with so many different ways to get the word out about things that we care about. This doesn’t only include events our chapters put on or other activities within clubs we are involved with, but new features on social media sites have made it incredibly easy to share information with your friends and followers. Let’s look at Facebook, for example. Plenty of people have already switched to the new timeline, the newest profile. The top of your profile not only features your profile picture but a cover picture as well. Popular choices for cover photos include scenery shots or photos with a large group of friends. The cover photo is an excellent resource to take advantage of when advertising. Instead of just posting a status, why not change your cover picture to display an advertisement for your event as well? It is gigantic, grabs your attention and whoever creeps on your profile on a daily basis will now have something to talk to you about — your philanthropy event! You don’t even have to change your profile picture with this new innovation. There is also the option to ‘share’ something that a friend posts, or something that you see posted on a fan page. By ‘sharing’ a picture or article it automatically is posted on your profile, and thus onto the news feeds of all of your friends. This is particularly handy if you want to share an event that you’ve created — once you share it, all of your Facebook friends can share it with their friends, and so on and so forth. It is incredible to think about the multitude of people you can reach about your chapter ’s events within seconds. Twitter is another popular social media site. By ‘retweeting,’ we are able to once

involve social media. Setting up tables in the diag or classroom buildings, passing out fliers and covering the poster wall with advertisements are all incredibly easy ways to get the word out to the student population and to those who might not be as active on the internet. Advertising may seem like something annoying to keep up with, but when it comes to promoting philanthropy events, everything we do as members of the Greek community is important. It is easier than ever to get the word out, so here’s to expecting great turnouts for all of the upcoming events on our campus!

4 Ideas debate & discuss



Delta Delta Delta Claire is a sophomore and has not yet declared a major. You may contact her at ckintner@umich.edu During sorority recruitment, as a benefit of joining a sorority, we may have touted the future potential of networking as an alumni member. I have experienced firsthand the power of this alumni network and often thought about how many other girls could benefit from this type of network. A lot of girls think that sorority connections end after college, even though we sing about our lifelong bonds. I now realize how real and powerful that network is. The connections help women find internships, jobs, roommates, and more, especially in our current economic climate.

LinkedIn: I joined the national group for my sorority on LinkedIn, but realized that while it may be helpful for job hunts in new cities and random mass requests, it wasn’t going to be as powerful a resource as I wanted. I’ve thought about taking things into my own hands and creating a LinkedIn group specifically for my own chapter. I would encourage girls to invite other alumni and current members to join in the hopes of fostering communication regarding job openings, internships and other opportunities. I’ve also envisioned it as a forum to discuss the specifics of certain careers, grad school advice and any other wisdom that could benefit a younger group of girls. Facebook: While Facebook is more of a social tool, compared to LinkedIn, it’s still a great resource for keeping in touch with people. You probably belong to a group, created while in college, that lists various events, philanthropic efforts, etc. However, after college is the time to take a look and see where your sorority sisters are. Maybe someone will be living in a city where you hope to get a job in, or works for a company where you’d like to work. Perhaps they are friends with someone you

want to meet and can easily make an introduction. Just keep in mind that Facebook groups and messaging are more personal than business related. You might want to send someone an e-mail or look them up on LinkedIn if you don’t know them well and the message is strictly professional. National Sorority Website: Most sororities have websites for their current members and alumni to join. Once you move to a new city, locate a local chapter and get involved. These new connections could help you find a job or instruct you on the best ways to get hired in their city. Bonus: You might also make some friends! Also, most sororities have newsletters they send out to their alumni. You could submit your information and list the type of job you are looking for. Then, wait and see if anyone reaches out to you! Online networking is a great resource for alumni and current members. Being a member of a sorority gives you the opportunity to take advantage of these built-in connections. You already paid your dues, now reap some benefits beyond a flourishing social life!

Scene on campus



STARBUCKS SHOWDOWN: SOUTH UNIVERSITY VS. STATE STREET For as long as I’ve been attending the University of Michigan (so a whopping

RACHEL ??? ???

which campus Starbucks is better? I go back and

Internet on South U. has also given me problems as well, they usually get resolved after a few minutes. Rachel’s verdict: South U.

one year,) I’ve struggled to answer this question:

to the Wi-Fi at the State location, even after their recent renovations. While the

??? is a ??? and is undecided on a major. You may contact her at ???@ umich.edu.

forth on a day-to-day basis, sometimes favoring the one on State St. for its lively location, other times preferring the cozy environment offered at the one of South U. Different people have different preferences, but I’ve decided to settle the age old question. And you should trust me because I order my grande skinny hazelnut latte everyday, and that should mean something.

Location: This category is really dependent on where you’re coming from and where you’re going. Both are on the outskirts of central campus, and both are closer to different residential areas. Yet, the South U. location is located on, well, South U. And, unless you’re trying to get late night Pancheros or Pizza House, there isn’t much over there. One plus, though, is that it is closer to Greek housing. Still, the State location is surrounded by life. Whether you’re on your way to buy groceries from CVS, shop for clothes at Urban Outfitters, or feast at Savas, this Starbucks can help you get your coffee fix. It’s also on the way to Ragstock when you’re going to get an outfit for this weekend’s themed mixer. What could be better? Rachel’s verdict: State

Drink quality: Whether I’m ordering my usual (see above) or mixing it up with

So, it looks like the Starbucks on South U. comes out on top. But, hey, they’re both

an iced coffee/soy cappuccino (it tastes like chocolate milk,) I can count on either

still Starbucks stores, and who doesn’t love Starbucks? Show some love to both. And

of these locations to consistently make my drink well.

though the Union and Ross also recently acquired stores, I don’t think they’re of the

Rachel’s verdict: Tie Quality of Service: As a company, Starbucks prides itself on great customer service, and both locations have quality employees. They’re obviously very personable and always cater to the customers, whether it’s making a funky drink or correcting an order. But, the employees on South U. openly crack jokes amongst each other, as well as with the costumers. They will always ask how you are, without fail. All and all, the atmosphere is very pleasant. On the other hand, at the State location, it seems like the workers care about nothing more than taking your drink order. Rachel’s verdict: South U. Time conscientious: Though not always the case for myself, many people go to coffee shops looking to get in and out, on their way to work, class, etc. And while the employees at the Starbucks on State seem concerned only with getting your drink order, they don’t seem very interested in how quickly it actually gets to you. I’ve stood around waiting for an iced coffee longer than five minutes. There’s never not a huge cluster of people around the drink station because someone is ALWAYS waiting for their drink to be made. The South U. location, even during the between class rush, will get you your drink within a few minutes. Rachel Verdict: South U. Atmosphere: Coffee shops are multi-purpose areas, often serving as both social and study spots. That being said, this category depends on your particular reason for going to Starbucks. The State location is often loud, bustling with the typical Ann Arbor crowd. The Starbucks on South U. is more frequented by students typing away on computers. Rachel’s verdict: Tie Internet connection: Nothing is more annoying than lugging your tired body and your heavy backpack all the way to Starbucks only to sit there for 15 minutes trying to connect to the Internet. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve struggled to connect

same quality, and, thus, were not include in this battle.

6 500 words on college


RECAP: CHI OMEGA WING-FLING Today marked another

successful Chi Omega Wing-Fling. Wing-Fling


Kappa Kappa Gamma

is a charity event for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Chi Omega has always put on events to help the Make-

Perri is a freshman studying communication. You may contact her at peweiss@umich.edu.

A-Wish cause.

the Chi Omega philanthropy chairs were in a frenzy. They had to go to Buffalo Wild Wings to pick up countless wings, pick up water and soda to be sold, pick up cookies made by the wonderful Chi Omega chefs. The event started at 5 p.m. and immediately people started flooding in. The line for wings was endless. There were a variety of types of wings, like honey barbecue, spicy garlic, and even Kosher wings. As more and more people came to the event, the line got even longer. The girls made the wait in the line easier for donators by giving out free cookies.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children diagnosed with terminal illnesses. The Make-A-Wish Foundation hopes to change children’s lives through giving them a great experience they will never forget and could never dream of. Chi Omega raises money to donate to this foundation through ticket sales to WingFling and online donations. For weeks before the big event, Chi Omega raises funds by reaching out to friends and families.

Last year the charity event was able to raise enough money to grant four wishes. It was a really amazing event. It was a great opportunity for Chi Omega, Greek life, and the Michigan campus alike to come together and support a great charity, the Make-A-Wish foundation. As the event ended close to seven in the evening, people strolled away from Chi Omega with full hearts and full stomachs. The wings were a hit and the donations

In addition, the girls sold tickets to the event to anyone on campus. The day of the event was electric. The tent was set up early that morning. Throughout the day

were amazing. All in all this was a successful event and it could not have gone more perfectly. Not to mention the perfect fall weather.


Kappa Kappa Gamma

Perri is a freshman studying communication. You may contact her at peweiss@umich.edu. Have you ever spent hours searching for the perfect job? I have. With the increase in digital recruiting websites, employees are required to take on more than one role in a company. They now interact with the human resources representatives to help out with reading resumes and deciding who are the best fits for specific positions. What makes this so challenging is the sheer number of resumes that top-tier companies receive daily. As the job market becomes more competitive, applications actually mean something aside from test scores and GPAs. Companies are looking for the cream of the crop to make a difference, share ideas, and develop innovative projects. As technology becomes increasingly complex and sophisticated, the invention of robotics is creating positives and negatives for the job market, as small

companies continuously seek help with large projects. For example, in large factories that require packaging, lifting heavy objects, and moving them far distances, companies are turning to robots to function as humans. They are programmed to do all of the things that humans can do and more. They are efficient and effective. They can speed up the shipping and handling process, as well as handle simple day-to-day duties that require minimal work. It is difficult to have employees take on multiple roles, as they have to juggle work, projects and employee relations. Not only are robots simulating human activities, they are beginning to take on a larger role in the college and job arenas. As colleges receive more and more applications that consist of multiple essays and transcripts, they need as much help as they can get. They are hiring robots to help them sort through applications in order to identify students who fit best. The problem is, colleges require more than scores. They are looking for students who bring something special, in terms of both extracurriculars and innovation. If robots are only programmed to locate those students who fit the academic standards, then many top-tier colleges will miss out on students who are intelligent in other areas besides academics. Colleges need a balance between

academics, athletics, and other activities to make their campuses diverse and unique. In a similar process to the one that colleges now use, businesses are using robots to sift through thousands of resumes to try and fit potential employees with the right job. Human resources departments do not have the time to read through the large volume of resumes that all look similar with only some differing aspects. Potential employees applying for the same job may all be qualified in some way, but it takes specific skills or experience to actually learn how to properly perform the job. Although robots can place employees with jobs, they do not have the power or expertise to ensure that the person is a well-rounded individual. Robots in the business world can help speed up the recruiting process, but employees who are going to work for a well-known company need to be evaluated by people with experience, not by a programmed machine attempting to simulate human functions and behaviors. Robots can be effective, but after they pick the right candidates, human resources personnel should review the results to ensure that the robots chose a diverse group of people who bring creativity and intelligence, qualities that are more important than just a good GPA.

Self health & fitness


WHY YOGA WORKS www.theodysseyonline.com


In the past, one of yoga’s many uses has been to help

immediate sweat. Add in core work, planks, and head

mental patients deal with depression, anxiety, post-

stands, and you have an upbeat, calorie blasting work out.

traumatic stress disorder, and even eating disorders. The poses and meditation are not used as a cure, but as a

Emily is a freshman. You may contact her at ealevy@umich.edu.

way to help the patient find him/herself as well as an inner peace. Thus, yoga heals. The chanting of ohm, the expression of namaste at the end of class, and the calming effects of namaste or corpse pose all work together to

Step up to the mat, today.

transform the yoga practitioner and leave him/her with

The practice of yoga has been analyzed and evaluated for years. People have debated and argued about whether yoga is an exercise, a stress release, an anti-depressant, or simply a stretch. In reality, yoga is all of these and much more.

a feeling of serenity. As an alternative, hot yoga has become very popular in the media and pop culture as a form of exercise. The increased temperature can help shed pounds. Extremely hot practices, like Bikram yoga, really work up an

Yoga is truly what you make of it. Whatever reason you bring with you to the mat makes the type of practice you will have. If you want to lose weight and get toned, then maybe you’ll do a couple extra planks. If you want to calm the mind, you can stay in child’s pose for an extra ten breaths. The whole practice is singular and specific to what your body needs at that exact moment. That is the beauty of yoga. You get what you want and need in a practical manner that can transform the body while your body reaps all the rewards. Namaste.


Snap, crop, X-pro II filter, upload, and just wait for the likes to roll in on this totally adorable picture of me and my brother sitting on Santa’s lap in, like, 2001. Now, that’s a (festive) #throwbackthursday.


Natasha is a junior studying English & political science. You may contact her at nmertz@umich.edu.

We all do it — living for the like, that is. We document every aspect of our lives with the assumption that other people want to know what we had for breakfast, what outfit we wore out last Friday, and what vacation spot we are currently watching a sunset from. To a certain extent, we aren’t wrong. Within a few hours my picture received 56 likes and three comments. I mean, honestly, do I even know 56 people? Though we come in many shapes and sizes, many of us are #Instawhores giving a not-so-private peepshow of our personal lives in return for digital validation. All hashtag hussies know the tricks of the trade to draw in the likes. For double-digit likes, all one has to do is upload a trippy picture of an Alesso concert with some deep lyrics for the caption or anything with an American flag. Insta could make you a celebrity overnight. I mean really, if you didn’t Instagram it, can you even say it happened?

But forget Instagram making everyone an artsy-fartsy photographer and a shameless self-promoter. Apparently, Instagram is also making us more forgetful. Recent research on the effects of photography on the memory suggests that if you Instagram something, you may really not remember it happened. Or at least, you’re less likely to. This phenomenon has been named the “photo-taking-impairment effect” by psychological scientist Linda Henkel, and has been a topic of concern in the media world as reported by publications such as The Atlantic. Some worry that by focusing our lenses on capturing the moment, we lose focus on absorbing the experience around us, making it less likely that we will remember the event. PolicyMic writer Brooke Horton argues that picture-taking isn’t anything new. Even though we can take pictures more rapidly with Instagram and camera phones, it isn’t affecting our ability to recall the details of our lives. Rather, Horton says, we are adeptly outsourcing our information. That is to say, we are relying on technology to more efficiently store information in order to make it more readily accessible. Well, I’m no scientist, so I can’t say for certain whether or not Instagram is dulling the mind. I’m also no photographer, but that didn’t stop me from uploading a selfieportrait at a Drake concert with a Nashville lens last week, so all I can really say for certain is that it doesn’t seem like we will stop living for the like anytime soon, regardless of the side effects. The most common side effects may include an increase in self-importance, stronger urges to upload selfies, narcissism, uncontrollable hashtagging, and in extreme cases, inability to stop checking for updates.

8 Lookbook fashion



ONE PENCIL SKIRT AT A TIME It is crucial to consider

the importance of first impressions, especially those that involve forming new



relationships. As those of us in Greek Life can attest,


Alissa is a sophomore studying planned marketing. You may contact her at astenta@umich.edu

maintaining face was beyond important during the very process that got us here — fraternity/sorority rush. More importantly, though, we must recognize that rising fully to the occasion is nothing short of a requirement when it comes to kick-starting our professional careers. While we would all like to believe that our resumes hold more weight than, for example, the cut of our sports coat or height of our heels, we cannot ignore the significance of appearances. Without much else to go off of, potential employers are bound to

judge you by your looks. Initially.

However, the picture that our parents hold of what looks appropriate or inappropriate for an interview may not apply in today’s diversified job market. While conservative dress may be the norm in some sectors, showing up in a suit and tie might be seen as overdoing it in certain work environments. Rather than trying to fit some kind of cookie-cutter image of “appropriateness,” focus on ensuring that the person interviewing you can visualize you in the position that you are applying for. In order to understand what will work best for a particular interview and will allow you to make a strong impression, it is important to have a good understanding of the company’s culture and the type of attire that compliments it. Here, we’ve provided a few tips to help you snag that specialized job of your dreams. A client-based corporate job: sales, marketing, PR, accounting, lawyer, real estate Never, I repeat, never, wear perfume. Not only is it seen as tacky and distracting in an interview setting, but many corporate workplaces have rules against cologne and perfume in the workplace. Moreover, while being well-groomed is key, when it comes to make-up and hair less is most definitely more. Also, keep the well-cut blazers classes and the colors muted. A creative job: editor, art director, writer, film, graphic designer, photo editor Here, realize the importance of showing your own personality rather than trying to make your clothes do it for you. While pant suits are definitely a stretch here, stick to more conservative colored blouses and black or dark-colored denim. A calm, cool, and collective will allow you to shine without overpowering that amazing and creative personality. A fashion job: fashion editor, buyer, stylist, designer, merchandiser, sales While you’re interviewing for a position in the fashion world, the interview shouldn’t necessarily about making a wardrobe statement so profound that Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and The City would kill to be friend you — even though we would kill for such a dream to come true. Rather, stick to simple basics while making your accessories the star of the show. For a general tip, it isn’t your clothes that your interviewer should notice, but YOU in your clothes. A finance job: banking, consulting, hedge funds, accounting, insurance, research analyst, stock analyst If you’ve had to take notes thus far, here is where you may take a deep breath and indulge in the fact that, in finance, not much has changed. Appearing professional is still of the upmost importance in this area. Keep to dark pants or skirt suits, long sleeves, and even consider bringing an extra pair of tights in case of a unexpected snag (ladies.)

Lookbook fashion





Caroline is a freshman studying communication studies. You may contact her at cmraf@umich.edu

surrounded by neon: neon shorts, neon shirts, and neon bikinis. I’m a total advocate of “you do you,” but there comes a point when I just don’t want to see an 80 year-old woman walking around with a neon orange thong bikini on while I’m eating lunch. I could have lived a happy and healthy life without ever having to see a man dressed in drag and rocking heels better than I ever could. I now pose this question: why do

Everyone has a signature style — a certain je ne sais quoi that shapes who we are and how others perceive us. While clothes should not define us, the culture and society we are a part of makes it difficult to see beyond Tory Burch flip-flops and Longchamp bags. Yet, more often that not, we come across those people that just don’t seem to care. You know the kind of person I’m talking about: they are wearing baggy gray sweatpants, soggy tan Uggs, and look like they haven’t showered in days (in reality, they probably haven’t). After spending the weekend in Miami, I came across a new breed. While walking on Ocean Drive, I was

people dress the way they dress?

to choose what you wear So if choice is ours, does it really matter what we wear? To be honest, yes. I can’t even begin to describe how uncomfortable it makes me to be around someone with a dress that’s just a little too short or jeans that are just too tight. I find this lost sense of style to be applicable for both genders, but significantly more so for women. Is it due to a lack of confidence, a degree of overconfidence, or just obliviousness? The majority

We wake up every morning, look in our closets,

of the population looks in the mirror before they leave

and decide who we are going to be for the day. Goth?

for the day and the image looking back at them must

Wear all black. Sporty? Throw on some leggings and

be something they approve of, or at least tolerate, or

Nikes. Business professional? Grab your best suit and

they just wouldn’t wear it. Fashion and style have

tie. For most of us, we stay along with the trends. We

become an outlet for self-expression, but it has also

buy the same shoes, the same clothes, and the same

become a selfish experience. We dress for ourselves

backpacks (don’t start thinking you’re unique with

without any regard for other ’s comfort.

your North Face backpack). Are our styles shaped by our environment? Probably. Human interactions are, sadly, largely based on external features — from your highlighted hair to your pedicured feet. But a degree of individualism accompanies fashion. You get

I’m not suggesting that everyone should wear the same, down-to-the-knee dress to date parties or only shirts that have sleeves to mixers; just make sure that next time you look in the mirror, you’re proud of the person you’re choosing to be for the day.

10 Self health & fitness


LOVING THE BAD BOYS Is a love for boys who

are uninterested just a cop out? When it comes


to guys, is there a balance between too persistent and too uninterested? Or will we never be satisfied?

Haley is a freshman studying psychology, elementary education & broadcast journalism You may contact her at haley@umich.edu.

A friend of mine came to

relationship — boys who ultimately don’t or can’t treat me well.

I know I am not alone in my affection for “the wrong guys,” but I wonder what exactly it is that draws girls and women alike to them. Is it the chase or the game that we badboy seekers love so much? Or do we pine after guys who are unattainable because we are afraid, or rather, don’t actually want a relationship at this point in our lives? Is spending time thinking and obsessing about someone who may not even say hi to you a sign of being emotionally closed-off? Is an interest in someone who you know is wrong/bad/

me the other day about a guy who

unavailable an indication

was showering her with attention.

from cupid that you are

It took me a second

not ready for a

to understand her dilemma…

relationship, or


that this is just

he likes you and

not the time?

is extremely nice to you, and that’s... bad?

Does it come

She explained further

down to the

that it was a turn

simple fact

off to her that this


boy was texting her

want what

so incessantly and

we can’t have?

asking her all of these

If the object of

questions about her


life: “Like leave

showing affection

know what I

towards me and

mean?!” she asked me. She

started treating

summed up her frustration by saying,

me right would

“I guess I just like d-bags who aren’t

I be satisfied? Or would

into me.”

I actually do understand phenomenon she

I quickly lose interest? I guess these are just some things to think about the next time

was trying to explain. I also have a tendency to

you find yourself suddenly

prefer guys who lack interest / follow up, and get

attracted to your guy

bored with guys who seem overzealous. I wonder, however, if our disinterest in boys who show interest can really be explained by an innate love of boys who treat us poorly and leave us hanging, because I feel like that is somewhat of a sorry excuse. My more emotionally stable friends get annoyed with me when I use that explanation as my logic behind not responding to texts from a boy who seems too aggressive, and for choosing boys who are uninterested in me or are already in a


suddenly started

me alone, you

As ridiculous as that might sound,


friend who just recently got a girlfriend, or when you find yourself dreaming about a boy you never thought was cute until he started hooking up with your best friend. So rather than assuming our lack of interest in the boy who gives us loads of attention is due to a perpetual love of the boy who gives us none, we supposedly “self-destructive” girls should give ourselves a little more credit, and consider the more respectable alternative rationalizations.

500 words on entertainment


STROMAE www.theodysseyonline.com


An artist that you need to have on your playlist is Stromae. Some of you may already have this album starred under favorites and, if so, feel free to nod along while I explain the greatness that is this artist.


Jasmine is a junior studying romance languages. You may contact her at jazzya@umich.edu

Paul Van Hader, or Stromae, no matter what you call him is proving himself to be a master musician. Composer and singer of electric, pop and hip hop music, you may already know Stromae without even realizing it. In 2009, he had a big hit with “Alors on danse” off of his album Cheese. But Paul Van Hader is far from a one hit wonder. With two successful albums currently out, he has made a name for himself not only within Belgium and all across Europe, but he’s also by making his way to America. While the artist’s real name is Paul Van Hader, he is known by the name of Stromae. He created this persona in order to free himself to embody whatever character necessary within his music, whether a drunk, a woman or simply a fool enjoying life. For example, in his newest music video for “Tous les memes,” he plays both a female and a male. By dividing himself between the two sexes, Stromae is able to tell the story of a woman annoyed with the attitude and stereotypical actions of a man. Stromae is also shows off some incredible dance moves. Stromae takes on tough subjects such as absent fathers in “Papaoutai” and the struggle of cancer with “Quand c’est?” Through the humor he applies in his music videos, he connects closely with his audience. And although his songs are in French, you don’t need to understand the words to know what he’s trying to tell you or to simply enjoy the song. That’s what’s special about this artist: he delivers amazing messages through his music despite any possible language barrier (although music videos definitely help). As he told Le Parisien, “No one’s accustomed to someone actually interpreting a song any more,” but that is what he wants you to do — to reflect on the music. Stromae is a different kind of artist. During an interview on le 20h, a French news show, he explained the premise behind the music video for “Formidable.” His big brother suggested he play the part of a drunkard on the street, embodying the sad and desperate message of the song. Stromae had his doubts, worrying about his image but his big brother challenged him and reminded about what type of artist he is. So Stromae took to the streets of Belgium with

a hidden camera and acted drunk to create the music video. He was so believable that people started taking photos, videos and even the police came up to question if he was okay.

While he has this persona of Stromae, it is also important for him to appear real and human to his fans. For this reason, he creates music videos like “Les leçons de Stromae” (“The lessons of Stromae”) where he explains his thought process behind certain songs or how he went about creating the beat. And, if you still aren’t sold, his name choice is clever and he definitely does it justice: ‘Stromae’ mixed around spells out ‘Maestro,’ gifting himself with the name of a master musician.

12 Sports local



FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE FOR 2014 The sports world is

looking forward to the Super Bowl, the pinnacle

JACOB COX Pi Kappa Alpha

football world is still remembering the season

up. Traditionally, these free agents are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis, with a team moving to the bottom of the priority list each time they add a player. But popular fantasy football platforms such as ESPN and Yahoo! have installed a

of America’s most popular sport. But the fantasy

becomes relevant throughout the season as breakout stars emerge and injuries pile

Jacob is a sophomore studying sports management. You may contact him at coxjacob@umich.edu..

that just was. Here are three surefire ways to improve the quality of your fantasy football league for next year: 1. Make Draft Day an Event Most fantasy football drafts are conducted over the Web. League members log into the host site at a pre-determined time, drafting players one-by-one. Smack talk is spewed over a message board, and the first few rounds are exciting. But in my experiences, interest fades with each coming round, and members often leave the draft early. The alternative is a live draft where league members gather at a house or public location. This is not always feasible, as it is difficult to gather a large group of people — especially if they are not centrally located. But the result of this 3 – 4 hour gathering gives a whole new meaning to a fantasy draft.

new player acquisition system in the form of a blind auction. Each team starts the season with a designated amount of virtual money, and must manage this budget as they bid on free agents throughout the season. There is nothing wrong with the traditional waiver wire system — it is straightforward and equitable. But free agent auction requires strategy and discipline, and gives each team the opportunity to claim any given free agent on the market. In addition to rewarding deserving coaches for good intuition, it adds intrigue and competition to one of the most essential facets of fantasy football. 3. Incentives and Penalties Everyone likes to win, especially when money is involved. Fantasy football leagues usually require some sort of buy-in, with the winner making some hard-earned cash. But creativity in the form of incentives can make a league more exciting and its members more engaged. For example, in addition to a payout in the form of cash, purchase a championship trophy and get the champion’s name engraved on it each year. A tangible trophy with an archive of past champions builds tradition and makes winning more fun.

Put simply, a live draft creates anticipation and enables entertainment from the

Leagues can take this a step further and reward the winner of each division. One

moment people walk through the door. Draft strategies are discussed, arguments

idea is to let the division winners perform a schoolyard pick of the other league

are critiqued, and smack talking ensues — all before the draft has even begun. Live

members to determine the divisions for next year. Another is to let them decide the

drafts also incite additional preparation. Every pick is scrutinized, and hostility is

location of the following year ’s draft. Money motivates, but other rewards that are

magnified. There is no screen to hide behind, and nobody wants to be the blatantly

consistent year after year establish tradition and solidify a league.

unprepared guy who is mocked for the entire season.

On the flip side, what fun is it for the last place team when the playoffs get

There is no circumventing a fantasy draft’s tedious nature. They are generally 16

started? This team has no incentive to perform, and may give up on their team

rounds minimum, and require three consecutive hours of focus — no breaks with an

while competing against others in the heart of a playoff race. Even worse, they

automated clock over the Web. But a live draft enables flexibility. If the draft slows

may engage in collusion and dump their best players with hopes to reap some

and league members are losing interest after an hour, take a break! Serve food and

benefit from a miserable season. The solution is simple — a loser ’s bracket, with a

beverages and resume an hour later. The draft order is also fixed when conducted

formidable penalty.

over the Web. Hosting a live draft provides a more exciting way to select the draft order (pick names out of a hat, shoot ping pong balls into randomly numbered cups, have an entertaining competition) and the ability to trade draft picks. Live fantasy drafts enable interactivity, create memories, and establish a tradition that solidifies a league and improves its quality. 2. Free Agent Auction The waiver wire is a universe of players that are not claimed by any team in a given fantasy league. Initially composed of backups and low-level players, the wire

While the top four teams play for the championship, the bottom four teams play in an equally hyped post-season bracket, with the “loser” serving a punishment at the following year ’s draft. This is where leagues can really let their imaginations run wild. Matthew Berry chronicled this idea in his New York Times best-selling book, Fantasy Life, noting some punishments as permanent as a Justin Bieber tattoo. While this is extreme, each league can cater their ultimate loser punishment to the intensity of their league members. This system gives everyone a reason to manage his or her team from start to finish, and makes for an improved league for the future.

Sports local




fire across Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. Although the actual gameplay was exciting and well filmed, PepsiMax went the extra mile by placing a microphone on Irving. This enabled Irving to come into

Jacob is a sophomore studying sports management. You may contact him at coxjacob@umich.edu..

character and chirp humorous trash talk at his opponents. When the game is over, a clever conclusion ties all loose ends as viewers watch the actual transformation from Irving to Uncle Drew. The immediate success of Uncle

PepsiMax is a zero calorie hybrid drink, supplying the boost of an energy drink and the taste of a soda. As a result, they are forced to compete against pure energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster, as well as low calorie sodas such as Coke Zero. This fiercely competitive market prompted a radical marketing campaign since the drink’s inception in 2007. PepsiMax spent billions on airtime during Super Bowl XLII and XLV, in addition to a series of commercials with Dallas Cowboys’ quarterback Tony Romo and owner Jerry Jones. PepsiMax continued their partnership with professional sports in 2012 with Cleveland Cavalier rookie Khyrie Irving, launching a campaign bolder than the self-proclaimed taste of their product. The Marketing Arm hoped to create a campaign portraying that the zero-calorie status of PepsiMax did not hinder its bold taste. In other words, what consumers assumed based on the label did not truly depict the product — and Khyrie Irving was a perfect sponsor to market this idea. Irving agreed to sit down with makeup artists and watch his transformation into a chubby 80-year old man named Uncle Drew, white hair and all. The film crew would accompany Uncle Drew to an outdoor basketball court, film the pick-up game in which he participated, and watch jaws drop as Uncle Drew crossed up defenders and slammed home alley-oops. In essence, Uncle Drew’s hidden talents paralleled the surprising bold taste of PepsiMax. The Uncle Drew campaign was incredibly successful, reaching 10 million views within three weeks of its release. The video went viral, spreading like a forest

Drew laid the groundwork for the continuation of the series.

international audience. Diversifying the Uncle Drew series also relates to where filming takes place. PepsiMax has currently filmed in New Jersey, Chicago, and Los Angeles, but imagine if they took filming up north to Canada. Filming in a market such as Toronto, home to an NBA team, would make perfect sense in order to market PepsiMax internationally and target a new regional demographic. Furthermore, using a Canadian-born player such as Steve Nash in the video would be a clever tactic to ensure

PepsiMax seized the opportunity to expand the Uncle

that the campaign attracts their target demographic.

Drew campaign, designing a sequel featuring Kevin

International expansion would surely benefit PepsiMax,

Love, who goes by “Wes.” Uncle Drew part 2 received

and Canada is not the only market in which the Uncle

even more views than the initial video, and PepsiMax

Drew campaign would be beneficial.

went a step further by creating a 30-second short clip that aired during Game 1 of the NBA Finals. This was a huge step forward for the Uncle Drew series, and PepsiMax followed by creating a third chapter featuring threetime Slam Dunk Contest champion Nate Robinson and female superstar Maya Moore. PepsiMax is hitting the right buttons with Uncle Drew, but the opportunity to diversify marketing with different athletes, locations, and sports leaves plenty of room for growth.

The NBA has a large international audience outside of North America, with increasing numbers of players entering the league. Using an international star such as Ricky Rubio in an upcoming Uncle Drew film would be ideal to market PepsiMax to Europeans. Imagine Rubio, a disguised Spaniard returning to the States where he was once a foreign exchange student. Rubio would start slow, but eventually find himself in a rhythm, dazzling bystanders and competitors with nifty passes and wicked dribbling

The third chapter of the Uncle

and clicking with his former high

Drew series did a wonderful job

school teammates in Uncle Drew,

diversifying based on gender

Wes, and Lights. Similar to the

with the addition of Maya

Toronto proposal, PepsiMax would

Moore. Her presence in the video

be hitting an untapped market in

helps target women’s basketball

Europe where the potential to

fans and those familiar with her

promote their product is endless.

years at Connecticut and in the WNBA. It also adds a new layer to the video and makes for more humorous dialogue in the form of bickering between Moore and Nate Robinson, who goes by “Lights.” PepsiMax covered their bases regarding race and gender, but the next step is to attract an

PepsiMax has thrived on bold and unique advertising strategies, but as with any marketing strategy, there is always room to improve. In the coming months and years, expect this athlete-based campaign to grow and expand into a worldwide phenomenon.

14 Scene on campus



Aly is a senior studying communication, art history & French. You may contact her at alyjoyw@ umich.edu With the school year ending, the next few weeks will inevitably be full of goodbyes: goodbye to late night feta bread from Pizza House; goodbye to my favorite seat at the Starbucks on South University; goodbye to the Mary Markley dorms and my cozy 11 x 12 room; goodbye to a social schedule full of frat parties; goodbye to the creepy cab driver that will always pick me up from said frat houses at any hour. But, most upsetting of all is saying goodbye to freshman year. I always considered the first year of college to be the last real chance to act like a teenager. Yes, you’re making

decisions on your own, but there’s still some room for error. Freshman year is all about making mistakes — doing something stupid, telling yourself it won’t happen again, and then doing the same exact thing the next weekend. It means taking astronomy and philosophy classes because you have no idea what you want to do with your life. It means ordering pizza at 3 a.m. because you’re expected to gain some weight in college, right? You’re allowed to act childish because you’re considered the babies on campus.

But sophomore year is a completely different story. It means you should know what you’re majoring in, and that you should have your life in order. It means I’m going to have to start referring to myself as “washed up,” because that’s what every sophomore sorority girl is basically obligated to do. I’ll have to start searching for internships and jobs. I can’t (or at least shouldn’t) order late night food because the freshman 15 doesn’t apply to sophomores. I probably won’t be living at home when the school year ends. Sophomore year means I’m actually an adult. Despite being plagued by fears of responsibility and

adulthood, a lot of my qualms over the end of freshman year are due to sadness. I’m not ready to say goodbye to my small dorm room or the girls in my hall that have become some of my best friends. It took me a while to get situated, and now that I am, I feel like I haven’t had enough time to just enjoy. Spending all of first semester feeling homesick distracted me from the freshman experience, and now I don’t want it to end.

Yet, it is ending, and I know it has to. When the end of April comes, I’ll be flying home and spending four months lifeguarding. And though I have road-trips planned and friends coming home, I’ll always be aware that this is my last summer to mess around. Then, real life begins. Though some people my age have already embraced adulthood — finding internships and living on their own — I’m okay with just enjoying my last few months still feeling like a freshman. And who knows, maybe sophomore year won’t be a scary as I imagine. Maybe I’ll still be allowed to order Pizza House and frequent the same frat houses. Maybe everything will turn out all right.

Humor lol


ARE YOU THERE BUS? www.theodysseyonline.com


Sigma Delta Tau Jordan is a freshman. You may contact her at jfhalper@umich.edu.

Despite its beautiful dining hall, spacious rooms and in-dorm convenience store, the people of North Campus receive a lot of hate from the people on central. We get it… there’s a bus. But here at Black Sheep, we do not discriminate based on living area! Here’s a typical day in the life of a student living on North Campus. Wake up. Wake up! Your class is at 10 a.m., which means 10:10 a.m. for Michigan students. But if you’re trying to make it on time, you must leave by at least 9:45 a.m. But what if the bus is late? Better leave at 9:30 a.m. You pack your bag with everything you’ll need for the day (no time to come back), brush your teeth and scurry outside and up the icy hill to the bus stop to await your fate. Wait. You’re standing within the enraged and impatient mob of students who need to get to class. You see the bus approaching, but you must act completely natural so as not to tip anyone off. You slide left, you slide right, making your way towards the front of the curb for easy access to the bus. Other people begin to notice, the crowd begins to bustle and the stampede begins. The bus finally pulls up, but the door is right out of reach because, honestly, who has that kind of luck? Trudging and pushing as if your life depends on it, you push aside all sympathy and race for a seat. Option A: You get a seat. Today is your lucky day! You’ve managed to complete the impossible feat

of obtaining a seat on the bus. You situate yourself

Girls having a way too intimate conversation. If

between the inevitably large and uncomfortably close

you’re already having an unlucky ride, it just gotten

person next to you and grin as if you’ve won a prize.

unluckier. There are always two girls discussing

But your life is not actually all that great. As you sit,

something a little too intimate, despite the relationship

you are faced with the butt of the person in front of you,

you may have developed as bus buddies. She’s likely

or if you’re lucky you’ll be smushed by their bulging

discussing her boy drama, her hook up, her time of the

backpack. You’re snuggled up against the walls of the

month or something you just wish she’d wait for later

bus for dear life but, hey, at least you’re sitting!

to discuss. Don’t worry, the ride ends soon enough.

Option B: You don’t get a seat. More likely than not,

Engineer doing homework. Self explanatory. He’s

you will not be one of the blessed few who manage to

the guy holding a math problem that you assume is in

grab a seat. Now is the true test of strength. You grab on

Chinese, erasing and writing and reading furiously in

to the unsupportive handle bars for dear life as the bus

a last ditch effort to do well on his exam.

flies down the hill and over the speed bumps. You fly left, you fly right, you’ve gotten a little too up close and personal with your neighbor and lost your grip once or twice. You pray for someone to get up, but it’s never to any avail. Well, at least you’re getting a work out.

The one who insists on sitting with you. Despite having strategically placed your backpack next to you or looking purposefully away and disinterested, there’s always that one guy who creeps up on you. They nudge your shoulder or make uncomfortable eye contact until

The ride. Once you are comfortable (uncomfortable)

the awkwardness penetrates you and you are forced

with your seating arrangement, it is time to endure the

to move inside the row. You’ve made yourself a new

ride. As diverse as the North Campus community is,

best friend.

you are lucky to experience the true unique diversity of the University on your morning ride. Here are a few people you may meet.

The smelly one. Standing or sitting, it never really matters, but if you’re stuck next to this guy, you’re in for a treat. Your eyes begin to water, you cough, you

Theater students. Although this may be stereotypical,

turn away, you zip your jacket up above your nose even

it is easy to distinguish the theater students. They’re

though it’s just not that cold, but it’s inescapable. The

the ones who are humming or, more likely, singing

smell overwhelms you and you’re a slave to your new

show tunes and chatting about their latest dance class

best friend.

or performance. North is their territory. However, if it’s early, you’d just rather not hear it.

So, congrats. You’ve conquered a morning on North and it’s time for class. You jump for joy and breathe

Guy who thinks he’s cool and funny. There’s always

in the fresh air as you step off of the bus – until the

that guy. He cracks jokes obnoxiously loud, makes

inconveniences of the rest of your day hit you. You

comments about the bus’ speed (or lack thereof) and

have no time to return to your dorm so you’re stuck

tries to get laughs. He thinks he’s cool and impressive,

on Central for the long haul. Until it’s time to take the

however, you’d rather wear ear plugs.

bus again and do it all over tomorrow.

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