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500 words on advice



Madaline is a junior studying political science. You may contact her at If your class schedule looks anything like mine, Midterms Week is Finals Week born again… just worse. Not only do you have several exams, but also your usual responsibilities of attending class, going to work, and taking care of daily necessities pile up to create a super stressful week. Instead of curling up in a ball and mindlessly watching Netflix for hours, figure out how to stay focused and be productive. And no, I am not referring to popping Adderall. Start early. I know that starting to study early for a test seems like a mythical idea that only happens on

optimistic TV shows. But taking the time to look over notes a few days ahead can make a significant difference in the amount of information you absorb. When the night before the test rolls around, you will already be familiar with the content.

Take breaks. Studying for hours on end is not exactly the most effective way to memorize information. The average attention span of a person is about 45 minutes, so take breaks every hour. Allow yourself to enjoy a few minutes of freedom.

Choose a study location that aids your productivity. If your usual method of looking over notes while lying in bed is not yielding the best results, switch it up. Want to stay at home? Sit at your desk or the kitchen table. Need to get out of the house for a while? Head to a building on campus or a coffee shop. Club Midd is a great place because the level of noise you prefer while studying can be easily adjusted by changing floors.

Keep your health in mind. In order to be in top shape for intense study sessions, you must take care of yourself. Avoid the urge to pull all-nighters and get some rest! Eat healthy meals at the right times and snack throughout the day. Swap energy drinks and coffee for more natural foods that give you a boost, like blueberries. Try to fit a workout into your schedule to reduce anxiety and relieve tension.

Try new study methods. Everyone studies differently, so it’s important to find the method that works best for you. Reading your notes aloud helps you remember information by seeing and hearing it. People remember information better when they write it down, so write out some notecards. Quiz yourself or have someone else quiz you.

Midterms Week can be a killer, but you have to approach this week in the right way if you expect to make it out alive. Take your exams seriously and put in the effort required. Before you know it, Midterms Week will be over, and you will be free to blow of your homework for Wine Night again!

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