Research report

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beneficiary of the project, in order for the operators to have the time to contact and present the service. Many people think it is basic the lasting many years experience to be able to codify in an adequate manner the beneficiaries’ needs. The beneficiaries’ problems, to which the projects/services try to give an answer, are, generally, synthesizable, for all cases of this macro area, in: - access to information concerning working market themes - lack of autonomy and projecting abilities and consequently orienting counseling need - working inclusion. Together with the needs linked to work re-insertion, we often deal with ( as pointed out by LOGOS project) the solution of problems linked to primary sphere, without which the working insertion is verified, besides with social reinsertion support: - re-insertion in his/her own family - re-building of a social and friendly network - lodging needs As far as services/projects finalities are concerned, obviously counters’ principle function is to supply information

to prisoners and ex-prisoners, who cannot go

there. The principle objective is to improve the beneficiaries’ knowledge concerning working market to increase their potential occupability: They want to facilitate, as already remembered, the knowledge of prisoners and exprisoners also with respect to territory services he can refer to after serving the term, promoting in this way social insertion. Some projects have among their specific aims the ones of really finding sourcesworking and lodging- (Cartesio Project), of educative accompanying and access to right (Inclusion Agency) Other projects (LOGOS) have signaled wider purposes, such as to offer support to reach autonomy and to reduce the risk of recidivism. Among the projects’ objectives, not specifically linked with direct actions on the final users, there often is (such as in Co.Mi.Di) the promotion of cooperation among the services (for the employment, socio-assistential, educative), and the reinforcement of synergies between public and private institutions, engaged in taking in charge prisoners


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