Chrissy Shorter-Arnold

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A Combination of MOMENTS

Who is

CHRISSY SHORTER-ARNOLD Exclusive Interview Inside













W.I.B (Where It Begins) is an Independent agency with the aim to always be innovated in each approach taken to projects and making sure excellence is given in a projects execution when it comes to media marketing, branding, networking and management.


Founded by the well experienced and ever growing force; D.C native - Cece Hymes, the most important and integral aspect of W.I.B is that branding for both Creatives and Businesses is taken to the next level with each and every project undertaken. We’ve continued to represent a very diverse and well acclaimed roster of emerging talents in the entertainment, and businesses!


With a determined persistence for continued excellence, our Founder – Cece Hymes, with a college Degree in Business Management, has also worked within radio and with many companies such as: RDE Entertainment, H.I.G.H Entertainment and Caribbean Gospel Records Ltd.,

Cece Hymes Founder


Keisha Evins

Contributing Writer



ife is a combination of moments. Some more special than others, but ultimately, they all combine to create the person that you are…

My story is not your typical story. It’s not the fairytale story that you read about in books or that you see on TV. My story begins as a child born with the physical extremities of that of a male while my inter-being was screaming, you are a WOMAN. It is a story that describes a kid with a rare genetic condition that most people have never heard of or if they have, they don’t understand, (Klinefelter Syndrome). So, because of society’s ignorance of this condition, I grew up living a life where I was afraid to express my true being. In June of 1978, I was born in a small southern town in Northwest Florida, with a population barely exceeding 7,000 people. My name at birth was Christopher Shorter. My name today is Mrs. Chrissy Shorter- Arnold. So much has evolved in my life. I have so much to share. Some good times and some bad, but through it all, I am thankful. From a child, I was forced to live a life that was not truly my own. I was trapped in a body that didn’t fit my spirit. I was born a boy with the chromosomes of a girl. Somehow, I knew that I was a woman even if I didn’t physically appear to be one. I also knew that society wouldn’t accept me as one, and sadly enough, neither would my family. I wouldn’t wish the childhood that I had on my worst enemy. Growing up in a family-- in a community-- in a society that did not accept who you are was quite defeating. It practically ripped any ambition, any aspiration that I had of making a mark on this world out of my grasp. It wasn’t easy being the kid at school that everyone talked about behind their back and sometimes, even in my face. Or the kid that the family looked down upon because you were labeled as different. When even your parents didn’t

understand who you really were. Living a cloche and dagger life was hard, but living that lifestyle while being young, black, and an outcast among family, friends, and society made my life extremely difficult. I did everything that I thought I needed to do to fit in. I followed the protocol that society insisted upon me. I graduated from high school, I obtained a decent job, and I tried very hard to live the life that others wanted me to live. But I was miserable. So miserable that I tried several times to just end it all. But it wasn’t my time. My life’s mission was yet to be discovered. It might sound strange to you to hear me say, I am thankful for the challenges that I faced. That I am thankful for all the obstacles placed in my path. Or that I am even thankful for the two prison bids that I overcame. From 2003-2007, I went from being an overseer of offenders in the Florida Department of Corrections Prison System to becoming an offender myself. For four years I was an offender housed in a system designed for the rehabilitation of those who inhabit it. Obviously, my first bid didn’t manifest the outcome as designed. Thus, I found myself in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons from 2011-2019. This time, however, was different. It’s like the light bulb finally clicked on. I decided that being incarcerated was not going to be the story of my life; however, I did realize that it is where I was supposed to be at that moment in time. I am convinced that God set me aside to manifest His purpose over my life. I used this time away to work on myself. To figure out, and to grow into, who I really was. So, what to some is, or would have been their worst nightmare, grew into my guiding light.

although incarcerated; I was finally free. For that I am thankful, because without undergoing those trials and tribulations, I don’t believe that I would have had the courage or the strength to become the person that I am today. It took all of that to get to this. With faith and a dream, upon my release in 2019, I began working from home in a field that pronounces my passion. From that passion, I am blessed to say, that in February of 2020 Credit Master LLC was born. Initially, my objective was to teach the under-served community about personal finances and to fix the credit of those who needed assistance with credit repair. Who would have guessed that my faint vision and unrelenting faith would evolve into so much more? Going from a home office to a rented office space, to owning my own office building. From Credit Master of Quincy, LLC to Credit Master of Texas, and Atlanta, incorporated. My success allowed me the opportunity to meet people who helped me to branch out into other areas of interest for me. Using my strong Facebook presence, coupled with my thousands of followers, I was given a platform to share my testimony and experiences with others. In turn, I was able to allow my followers the opportunity to publicly voice their opinions and concerns as well. I was able to show

While incarcerated, I was given the opportunity to teach a Personal Finance Class in the Education Department of the facility in which I was housed. I am proud to say that I instructed the largest Personal Finance Class at Jesup FCI. I quickly recognized that helping others was my passion. It was then that I decided that I wanted to make a change in not only my life, but the lives of others. My period of incarceration helped me to see my potential. It helped me to blossom into the person that I always desired to be. Incarceration allowed me to openly be who I always knew that I was. No more cloche and dagger escapades. And interesting enough,



my followers that persistence and dedication brings forth reward. In February 2022, Unveiled- The Chrissy Shorter-Arnold Show Podcast made its debut and began streaming live every Wednesday evening at 6. The show grew much faster than I could have ever imagined. By July 2022, I had received a nomination from the ZBT Awards Committee for Talk Show/Podcast of the Year. And as December approached, I graced the stage to accept my award. Much to my surprise, it appears that a repeat just might be in the making for 2023, as I have once again been nominated for this prestigious award. But, not to get ahead of myself, 2022 proved to be a phenomenal year for me. It was one for the ages. I launched my Podcast, I received an award, and on top of all that; I became a licensed Realtor in the state of Florida. You would think that all of this might have slowed me down but that wasn’t the case. I would continue to acquire more accolades and memorable accomplishments. In late January 2023, I launched my own TV Channel on LIT TV Network. (You can tune in exclusively on ROKU and Android TV devices). And unbelievably, by the end of the first quarter of the year, I had become the top Realtor in the Gadsden County area. I might also mention that just recently, in July 2023, I was selected as the Women that Rock Recipient and the ZBT Creole Country Soul Trendsetter Award for 2023. I could go on and on

about the various organizations that I am a part of. The events that I am invited to either as a guest or a moderator, but I would be remised if I did not acknowledge one of my most valued accomplishments. On November 21, 2021, I married the love of my life, Mr. Noel Arnold. At the time of our nuptials, and even as I tell my story today, Noel was and is currently incarcerated. It was my strong presence and unyielding voice advocating for the LGBTQI Community that made our marriage possible. This process quickly made me realize that I was no longer that little, scared, confused kid but a strong, and determined young lady with a will and desire to conquer whatever problems that I might have to face. But as you know, not everything in life has gone my way. There are still moments that I get weary. Consistently having to be on the defensive, fighting for every inch of success can get tiring. But I can now, proudly say, that I have a support system to help see me through those moments. My husband and my mother are my strongest supporters. They give me inspirational and encouraging words in my moments of self-doubt. During those moments, they quickly remind me of just who I am. But now looking back, I see that my childhood struggles, my personal struggles with finding out who I was, my incarceration, all of those bumps and bruises had to happen in order for me to relish the accomplishments that I have made. All of those obstacles were only steppingstones to encourage me, to give me the strength to keep building, and to help me grow. It was no easy feat to get to where I am today. And if the truth is told, it won’t be easy to maintain the status quo; but I can promise you that I will never stop trying to climb. Credit Master, the Unveiled Podcast, LIT TV, and the establishment of Shorter-Arnold Properties was just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to come. I believe I see a reality show in my future. After all, I have been cast in two movies already; but for now, I will hold my course. Nothing I do can or will manifest without confirmation from God. So, as I sit here reminiscing, I smile because I know that I have come so far. Trying to disguise my true identity is a thing of the past. I have endured the


scrutiny of the times. I have endured the struggles of non-acceptance in both society and my family life. I overcame that overwhelming thought of ending my life as I knew it. Just like the butterfly, I have emerged. Regardless of whether you like me, or not. In spite of whether you agree with my lifestyle, or not. I have established the respect that I always knew that I deserved. My transformation was nothing short of miraculous. I am finally in my comfort zone, and I am ready to fly. The sky is the limit for me, and I’m on my way up. My faith, hard work and determination will continue to guide me throughout the remainder of my life’s journey. The story of my life proves that nothing is impossible. I pray that my story encourages others to believe and to understand that we are all born conquerors. I want people to know that regardless of your situation, regardless of the path your life takes, there is a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow too. For more of my story, please follow me on all my social media handles:;; on Facebook at Chrissy Shorter Arnold or Unveiled the Chrissy Shorter Arnold Show. Instagram- Unveiled Chrissy Shorter Arnold and/or on YouTube- @chrissyshorterarnold4467.




KAM KRZY Changing the World with MUSIC



hanging people with his music is how Kam Krzy, an alternative hip hop artist from the Bay Area would best describe his life. It is unusual for hip-hop artist to talk so much about spirituality and how so much of his work and life is driven by his faith. His extraordinary style and provocative lyrics, Kam Krzy embodied and embraced his fitting nickname, Kam Krzy, better known by his acronyms letters that stands for, Kam- Keep Rising Zenith Year. So often Hip-Hop artist are viewed in a negative light. Not Kam Krzy! This pioneer for alternative Hip Hop is intentional in making feel good music that will inspire the legends as well. He creates a diversified genre of music for all cultures to enjoy. He is living his best life as he understands how important it is to be grateful for every moment and to stay positive no matter what. To live a life of no regrets is based on allowing God to work in his life as he lives, moves, and has his being trusting that his higher power will lead, guide and direct. He desires to send a worldwide message of hope. Kam Krzy musical essence comes from the influence of his family. His father, being a DJ/Radio personality exposed him to music from the beginning of his life. He had cousins with their own music labels who were an inspiration to him as well. As he began to take music seriously, he also experienced a spiritual awakening that is what guides him to do what he does musically and as a person. His release “Head Rock” from his first cd call “Modern Life” has set the tone for his musical and life existence. His music from the very beginning was written to

inspire and to let the world know there is a better way. The time has come for “real love.” Real love for self by allowing God given gifts and talents to manifest. Real love for community understanding we are all parts of a whole. Real love for society is expressed through his unique style of rap. His words are words of wisdom, hope, and change. His most recent release, “Tower Moment” is about being in a relationship and reaching that tower moment where lives are shifted, and things become better than they have ever been before. “Tower Moment” is about the power of choice. The road of life is determined by our choices. With choice there may be pain, drama, love, and respect. Our choices can determine generational poverty or wealth. Which road of life will you choose? Do you go left or right, or do you remain going straight? As you listen to the song “Tower Moment” you will find yourself re-evaluating your life. Change is only around the corner. The only constant in life is change. Kam Krzy expresses and exemplifies the need to embrace change by accepting the lessons learned by our choices that can bring about a spiritual awakening. Wisdom permeates throughout this song. Music, particularly Hip Hop and RB has always been a part of this self-taught musician who follows his dreams and encourages others to do the same. Good intentions are the key to his success! Mentors in the industry that have helped guide him along the way include Chad Montgomery Aka Chad Rico CEO of Golden Gems Records, Haqq Shabazz of In Yo Face Filmworks, and Bay Area Music Awards-nominated pianist Ricardo Scales. Authenticity and being led by his heart is the force that propels this Founder and CEO of the record label Zenith Music LLC located in Fremont, Ca. As an engineer and making new sounds motivate him to excel in what he does. Again, he is not what is perceived as your typical hip-hop artist. Kam Krzy is an extraordinary artist with a heart for changing lives. As a Brand Ambassador, with the Golden State residential program he works with the disabled. Greatness can be defined as servant and inspiration. Kam Krzy exudes both. It is commendable that he desires to change the world by being instrumental

in eliminating violence. His actions towards that endeavor speak for themselves. He realizes the challenges of re-entry for those who must adapt to becoming viable citizens by teaching and helping rebuild with lifestyle skill sets so they can better adapt and operate in society. His desire to decrease recidivism is clear by his commitment to truly make a difference. Kam Krzy is a brilliant businessman, entrepreneur, artist, and record label executive who follows his dreams and can see himself as a multi-millionaire winning a Grammy for best Alternative Hip Hop artist and acting in numerous films. Passion for music and his family is exemplary in all that he does. He seems to model God first, family second, his passion and drive or music third. All seem equally important to him. His songs, his work, his life is an inspiration that is undeniable. Legends look up to him, he inspires youth, and those he serves are encouraged through him. A man of integrity with such a sense of his spirituality that he cannot help but thrive and succeed. His hopes for his future is intertwined in his hope for his family and society. With his heart to serve, his gifts and talents, and above all his faith, he will continue to make a difference and leave his mark that will become his legacy. You can connect and follow Kam Krzy on his website and on all social media platforms @kam_krzy.



Tell everyone who you are and what you do. I’m a wife, mom, podcast host, and international bestselling author. As a storytelling expert & bespoke book consultant, I enjoy helping women experts, coaches and consultants connect their personal stories with the story of their brand. It’s a unique intersection of person and impact that, when presented correctly, can captivate attention and create true human to human connection. We often underestimate the marketing power of our personal stories, but the truth is that these stories share the insights and lessons that shape our values and influence the impact we feel called to have in our lifetime. Outside of what I do, I’m a creative person who’s passionate about selfcare, community, and following the teachings of Christ. I’m also a lover of cats, coffee, and a really good story—and when those three things come together it’s like magic! Who or What motivated you to be the person you are today? When I was four months pregnant with my youngest child, I received the life- altering news that I had basal cell skin cancer. It was a shock, and treating this curable cancer became a real struggle, culminating in the removal of a third of my top lip in 2016. This experience led me to a personal awakening where I had to seriously consider my mortality and decide what I wanted my legacy to be. At that time, I realized I didn’t want to leave this world before I had the chance to share my gifts & talents with others. The experience shook me to my core. I realized no woman should die before she’s had the chance to create a lasting legacy, but many do because they live their lives without intention—fulfilling their roles as mom, wife, community member, volunteer, and business owner without considering their legacy. Now I understand that we all leave a legacy behind, but doing so with intention is the key to creating the true story of YOU. I had to wake up and decide how


DANIELLE MENDOZA I wanted to create my legacy. Since then, I’ve created a successful business, hosted multiple podcasts and become an international bestselling author. But none of that would’ve happened if I wasn’t intentional. Now I’m dedicated to combining my unique skills of creativity and efficiency to help brilliant women strategize how to leave a lasting impact by writing & leveraging their expertise. Let’s talk about your book and the motivation behind the book. My multi-author book series is called Business On Purpose: Inspiring stories of women overcomers who are changing the world. I’ve found that most women entrepreneurs are coming to their business with a purpose, a drive to create more meaning in their lives by having a profound impact on the lives of others. I wanted to give women a place to elevate their brand authority by showcasing their stories of overcoming the trials and tribulations of life. Each story is an opportunity to connect on a personal level with another human being through vulnerability and openness. As humans we crave this kind of deep connection, and the Business On Purpose series delivers that experience. Tell us more about your podcast and the topics you cover. My latest project is called "Change your mind. Write your book. Scale your business." We’re exploring the earliest part of the book writing journey: saying “yes” and committing to writing a book to share your expertise. So many brilliant women feel the call to write a book, but they put it on the backburner as a someday-project. I’ve discovered that there’s a lot of universal thoughts and feelings that come up, like who am I to write a book, what would I add to the conversation, will anyone want to read my book, and am I even ready to write a book? So, I’ve created this web

show to have a conversation with aspiring writers and published authors about this crucial step in the book journey. It’s published on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook, but I’m also repurposing the audio as a podcast for those who prefer audio content. It’s a great way to realize you’re not alone in your self-doubt, and challenge some of the thoughts that might be holding you back from writing your own book. What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve received in your career? Honestly, my biggest accomplishment has been watching the multi-author book, Business On Purpose is a bestseller in multiple countries. It was so moving to know that these women all poured their heart into their stories, and those stories were well received. I was actually in tears on launch day! Though I’d had a book go bestseller before, there’s something much more magical about sharing the experience with other women. How would you define your purpose? I feel like I’ve finally come full circle and can say that everything I do is for the purpose of making sure other women can share their gifts & talents with the world before they’re no longer here. Too many beautifully talented women are lost to the world every year, and we all deserve the chance to have an impact while we’re here. What are some of your hobbies or other interests? I volunteer a lot at my church, and I’m a core member of the kid’s ministry team. Pouring into the lives of these kids by sharing the love of Christ has brought a lot of personal meaning to my life. When I’m not working or at church, I love to get creative! A favorite easy-going activity is to crochet while I watch guilty pleasure TV, like Hallmark movies or Real Housewives. I also really

enjoy cooking, it’s one of the ways that I playfully experiment or show my love to others. And there’s nothing more entertaining than watching my cats get crazy over a catnip toy! Let’s talk about some of the challenges you’ve had in your life and how you overcame them. After becoming a mother, I struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time. I poured myself into my kids and believed the lie that to be the best mom I had to give everything to them. As a stay-at-home mom, I was doing the best I could for them, but, without any time for myself, I became worn-out, burdened, and resentful. I was constantly falling apart at the seams. While I did my best to triage my mental health, I was failing miserably. Eventually, I had to recognize that while I was doing my best, having a mom who was grumpy, embittered, and resentful wasn’t at all what was best for my kids. Showing up in survival mode wasn’t allowing me to find fulfillment, and they were robbed of the benefit of having a fulfilled mom who could set an example for how to live a fulfilled life. I felt guilty at first, but I quickly learned that I was a better person for my kids when I let go of what I thought made a “good mom”, and instead focused on what made me feel fulfilled as a person. Slowly but surely, the depression started to lift as I found my calling and walked out my purpose. I’ve learned that we are multi-faceted beings and honoring that by being present with ourselves in each moment is the true source of happiness. Are you working on any new events or projects? I am excited to announce that Volume 2 of Business On Purpose was published on September 5th and reached bestseller status in three categories, and as of today is still the Amazon Best Seller in the Women & Business category. This cohort of women authors share stories that are just as moving and profound as those shared in Volume 1. I am excited to be sharing this with the world. Where can the readers follow you? Readers can connect with me on LinkedIn in/danielle-mendoza-3059788a/ or on Instagram @confident.concept, or they can follow me on Amazon to be alerted when new books are published!



DELLO RUSSO Laser Vision


Tell everyone about how “Dello Russo Laser Vision” came to be. In 1989, Dr. Joseph Dello Russo was informed of the ten primary medcial sites where ophthalmologists and eye surgeons throughout the country would perform clinical trials on patients most eligible for LASIK. After days of deliberation, the FDA offered Dr. Dello Russo the final spot. The clinical trials were long and arduous but one by one the hospitals struggled to recruit enough patients to perform the surgery. Meanwhile, Dr. Dello Russo's practice was swarmed with patients eager to be a part of this new, innovative procedure. Dr. Dello Russo instantly knew that LASIK was the 'holy grail' in refractive surgery, and singlehandedly performed the most procedures that finally led to the FDA's approval of LASIK in 1997. Dello Russo Laser Vision was created in anticipation that the laser vision procedure would be approved

and would turn out to be a viable solution to correcting vision - superseding glasses and contact lenses. The overwhelming success that Dr. Dello Russo and his sons, Dr. Jeff and Dr. James Dello Russo, experienced has since led the practice to be one of the most successful in the area for over 40 years. Can you share more about the history of Dr. Joseph and how he became one of the first to perform/ offer LASIK in the U.S.? A lifelong innovator in the field of ophthalmology and cataract surgery, Dr. Joseph Dello Russo did more to promote and refine LASIK than any other surgeon. His many lists of firsts in ophthalmology, were amazing - He oversaw the first outpatient cataract surgery center in the country, and the first Medicare approved surgery center in the U.S. He was a brilliantly talented ophthalmologist who largely pioneered all the developments that lead to small incision, Phacoemulsification Surgery (a modern cataract surgery) prior to his LASIK discovery. He was the first to start a multispeciality practice in ophthalmology to have all the sub-specialists in one facility, and also had the first optical dispensary within an ophthalmology center. In short, he loved ophthalmology and his patients and devoted most of his life to improving the eyesight of all who visited his practice. How has LASIK procedure developed over the years? LASIK has evolved with the close collaboration of surgeons like Dr. Joseph and his son, Dr. Jeffrey Dello Russo, and the laser manufacturers. In the

beginning, LASIK was treated using PRK only, a topical solution that healed without creating a flap, but at that time was painful and took weeks to heal. A Greek surgeon originated the idea of LASIK, creating a flap on the surface of the cornea with a microkeratome which allowed the surgeon

to place the flap back over the cornea to eliminate the discomfort and slow healing associated with the original procedure. In 2002, both Dr. Joseph and Dr. Jeff Dello Russo once again identified and purchased another laser (a FEMTO laser) which created the laser flap without having all the risk associated with the blade. Dr. Jeff later performed the first bladeless procedure in the country and has been using this technology ever since. What does a typical LASIK procedure look like? What are some common myths and misconceptions? A typical LASIK procedure is painless and can take as little as four minutes for both eyes. An ophthalmologist begins by placing numbing eyedrops in the eyes moments before the surgery. A speculum is then comfortably placed on the eyes to hold them open while two lasers are used - one to create the LASIK flap, and the other to correct a patient’s vision. Patients are laid on a bed that comfortably moves them under the excimer laser to render the treatment. Immediately after the procedure, patients can see although their vision is a bit hazy within the first 24 hours but can often return to work & drive the next day. Myths remain that LASIK is painful, dangerous, and that it doesn’t last, however we have been performing LASIK for over thirty years to thousands of patients and can assure it is the most efficient way to correct your vision and see immediate results. Other actuary



studies have shown that patients can save as much as $90,000-100,000 by having LASIK, and have also proved that LASIK is safer than wearing contacts daily. Who might be a good candidate for LASIK? To be considered for LASIK, patients must be over the age of eighteen, have a healthy eye, and a healthy cornea that can support the procedure. We offer a free consultation with Dr. Jeffrey Dello Russo to find out if you are a suitable candidate. What are some other services your practice offers? Our five different LASIK locations are equipped with the safest and most advanced lasers available to scan the eye and to identify any cornea problems. We also offer a comprehensive eye exam (which is recommended yearly after the age of 35) in our complete eye centers with our many eye specialists. Our doctors perform regular eye exams and can even make a pair of glasses in just under 20 minutes. We also treat glaucoma, retinal and all eye diseases and fit contact lenses. Aside from LASIK, we also pride ourselves in being leading experts in cataract surgery, and are proud to say that we are the first Medicare-approved, free standing Ambulatory Surgical Center in Northeast, New Jersey. Dr. Joseph Dello Russo pioneered the modern methods of cataract surgery as we know it today. At the New Jersey Eye Center, cataract surgery often takes between 10-15 minutes and is an outpatient procedure, which means there is no over night stay, no heavy anesthesia and very little down time. Our surgeons

use the latest technologies to determine what your precise eyecare needs are; and offer an array of implant options for all patients and lifestyles. When should someone consider seeing an eye doctor/eye surgeon? We recommend that everyone, whether wearing glasses or not, come in for an eye exam at least once a year. Our ophthalmologist and optometrists often diagnosis things like impending stroke, cardiac issues, tumors, diabetes, hypertension, and many other diseases. We also help prevent eye damage from all kinds of diseases like diabetic eye disease. If you have eye insurance or health insurance, we encourage you to contact us for an exam. Our practice has various payment strategies for those who do not have eye insurance. What is a pivotable moment for your family of doctors during each of your careers? There were so many, it’s hard to pinpoint. We got the first outpatient cataract center in the country approved and opened, having Dr. Joseph as the keynote speaker at the American Academy of Ophthalmology and lecturing about LASIK in front of thousands of other ophthalmologists. We were invited to be with the world leaders in ophthalmology and travel to to Crete and Rome. We received a citation from the head of VISX as being the top leaders in the world in refractive surgery. We are

frequently interviewed by local and national press throughout the country. We have operated live, on-the-air on Good Morning America and every other major New York and national outlet. We were asked to fly out 3 days after September 11th , where Dr. Joseph was pivotal in influencing the CEO of Alcon to get into the refractive laser business. We also operated on the families and heads of states, major celebrities…the list goes on and on. For Dr. Jeff, it’s some of the same. He was the first surgeon in the US to perform Bladeless LASIK, and like his father, also operated on major celebrities and heads of state and performed more LASIK surgeries than any surgeon in the US. He is now one of the ten surgeons to be a test center for the newest FEMTO Laser which creates the flap during the LASIK procedure. Dr. James Dello Russo is the Medical Director of the New Jersey Eye Center & the Outpatient Cataract Surgery Center. He has one of the busiest and most prestigious centers in the area and is a wonderful spokesman about all eye issues and is trusted by all his patients and staff. Where can the readers learn more information and find your offices? To learn more about LASIK and schedule a free consultation, visit our website at or call (855) 6462020. You can also receive cataract care and schedule a comprehensive exam at our Bergenfield, New Jersey office. Visit or call 201-374-8900.


KENNY BURKS Tell everyone who you are and what you do. Hello, everyone! I’m a startup founder venturing for the first time into the automotive and transportation sector. I’m fortunate to have a strong educational background, with an undergraduate degree in Applied Mathematics from Mansfield University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from Pepperdine Graziadio School of Business.


I hail from a large, bustling family — I’m the eighth child out of ten. Born and raised in Newark, New Jersey, I currently call Los Angeles, California my home. I’ve spent the initial ten years of my career in sales and business development within the automotive industry, gaining invaluable experience and knowledge at reputable organizations like Bridgestone Tire and Element Fleet Management.

My extensive experience in the automotive sector, combined with my passion for innovative solutions, led me to become a startup founder. Now, I spend my days leveraging technology to shape the future of transportation, aiming to make it safer, cleaner, and more accessible for all. How would you define your purpose? My purpose is defined by how many people I can help in my lifetime. This is

system will act as a reliable auditor for various driving experiences, be it routine stops by the police, unfortunate events of car theft, or accidents.

especially true for people who grew up like me in urban America and faced the same kinds of obstacles and lack or resources that I did. I want to make their lives better using everything I have - my time, skills, network, and heart. That’s my real goal in life. It’s what gets me up in the morning and keeps me going. What made you want to pursue a career in the automobile industry? My journey towards the automobile industry started unexpectedly back in 2013, when I was on the hunt for an internship. At that time, I didn’t own a car, or even possess a driving license. I was studying for an Applied Mathematics degree, a field that ordinarily leads to jobs far from car sales. Like many in my position, a Wall Street finance job was my original aim. However, the prospect of beginning with an internship and steadily climbing the corporate ladder to a leadership role in the automotive industry ignited a spark within me. The idea of using my numerical skills in a context that was both challenging and different was appealing. Furthermore, my upbringing in Newark, NJ, once known as the stolen car capital of the U.S., instilled in me a fascination with cars from a very young age. Cars were a luxury in my family, not something we owned, but rather, something we admired from afar. My primary experiences with cars were watching thieves joy ride through the city, sometimes leading to intense police chases, crashes, and even fatalities. These experiences combined the thrill and fascination I associated with cars with the knowledge that they represented a luxury, something to be earned. It piqued my interest in the industry and made me appreciate the transformative power of automobiles. The combination of these circumstances influenced me to pursue a career in the automobile industry, and I’ve never looked back since. Today, I continue to appreciate the unique challenges and opportunities that this industry brings, and I look forward to making a meaningful impact through my work.

Let’s talk about “CarKenny” and how it got started. The story of how CarKenny got started is quite an interesting one. I was once pulled over by the police and accused of speeding. The thought of being threatened with jail was very alarming, and it made me think about how one could prove their innocence in such a situation. It was at that moment the seed of CarKenny was planted. Having been brought up in an environment where I saw firsthand the destructive impact cars could have on a community or family, I was even more motivated to bring CarKenny to life. The goal was to create a car security solution that would not only assist individuals during police traffic stops but also play a crucial role in preventing car theft. Moreover, with CarKenny, I envisioned an extra layer of security that parents could use for their teenage drivers and other family members. The system’s aim is to ensure peace of mind for families, knowing that their loved ones are safer on the roads and that their vehicles are secure. So, it was from this intersection of personal experience, community observations, and the desire to make a positive difference that CarKenny was born. The journey has been full of learning and growth, and we’re excited to see how our solution continues to contribute to safer and more secure communities. Where do you see your business in the next three years? In the next three years, I envision CarKenny as a platform used by millions of car owners worldwide. It will be an essential tool to safeguard their families and enhance their daily commutes. The

During this time, I see us having successfully raised seed capital from angel investors and venture capitalists. This financial backing will fuel our growth and help us in achieving our mission at a much larger scale. I also anticipate forming official partnerships with car manufacturers, granting us direct access to vehicles, thereby increasing our reach and effectiveness. Looking ahead, CarKenny will begin its transition into becoming a comprehensive one-stop solution for transportation needs. Not only will it secure users & personal cars, but it will also protect any shared or rental cars they may drive. Beyond security, we aim to provide users with a platform to plan, book, and pay for various modes of transportation, including bikes, buses, subways, Uber, and more. In essence, the vision for CarKenny in the next three years is to be a universally trusted companion for all things transportation, providing peace of mind for personal and shared vehicles, and being the go-to platform for diverse mobility needs. What are some of the opportunities you provide by helping people get into STEM? As a Black founder with a background in STEM, my mission is to create opportunities that encourage Black and Brown boys and girls to explore and excel in STEM fields. There’s a world of untapped potential in these communities, and my goal is to ensure these young minds are not only consumers of technology but also creators and innovators. One of the key opportunities we provide is exposure. We collaborate with community leaders and programs to offer workshops, talks, and hands-on experiences in various STEM fields. This introduces the kids to what’s possible, allowing them to envision themselves in roles they may not have previously considered. We also focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. I believe that instilling a sense of entrepreneurship in



students from a young age can empower them to create solutions for the problems they see in their communities and the world. It encourages them to dream big, innovate, and take calculated risks, all of which are essential skills in the ever-evolving STEM landscape. In the era of AI and advanced technology, it’s crucial that our children not only understand the technology they use but also have the skills to create and influence future technologies. By getting more kids into STEM, we are effectively preparing them for a future where tech is intertwined with every aspect of our lives. While we’re still in the early stages of developing our programs, our vision is clear. We are committed to bridging the gap in STEM for Black and Brown students and are steadfast in our efforts to spark their interest, enhance their skills, and guide them towards fulfilling and impactful careers in STEM. Through our efforts, we hope to contribute to a diverse, inclusive, and dynamic future in STEM. Tell us what the biggest accomplishment has been in your career. The pinnacle of my career, so far, has been the transition from corporate America to becoming a full-time entrepreneur. While my career has seen numerous accomplishments, including promotions, securing large multi-milliondollar contracts, and numerous sales awards, nothing compares to the thrill and satisfaction of building my own company. Leaving a stable corporate job to venture into the unknown of startup life was a significant risk. It required immense courage, resilience, and a deep belief in my vision. However, seeing my startup gain traction, validating the products we’re building, and witnessing growing interest from both customers and investors has been immeasurably rewarding. This journey has not only been about creating a successful business but also about personal growth, about learning how to navigate challenges, make tough decisions, and remain steadfast in the face of uncertainty. The experience and the lessons I’ve learned are what I consider to be the biggest accomplishment in my career.


If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? If I could go anywhere in the world, I’d choose either Tokyo, Japan, or Singapore. My reason for choosing these two destinations is deeply rooted in my professional interest in clean and efficient modes of transportation. Both cities are renowned for their advanced and efficient mobility infrastructure. Tokyo, with its punctual, widespread, and clean public transportation, is a marvel of urban planning. It offers a fascinating blend of traditional culture and cutting-edge technology. Singapore, on the other hand, is recognized for its remarkable urban mobility solutions. It’s a city that prioritizes clean and green transportation, which aligns with my passion and mission. Visiting these places would provide me a first-hand experience of their systems, allow me to gain new insights, and potentially spark ideas on how we can adapt some of these best practices to improve our own transport infrastructure. Plus, the cultures of both cities have always intrigued me, and I would love the chance to explore them in person. Are you working on any new events or projects? Yes, indeed, we are actively working on a few notable events and projects. Currently, we’re participating in two startup accelerators: The Capital One Automotive Impact Accelerator and the Rutgers Business School Black and Latinos in Tech Accelerator. These platforms provide us with valuable resources, mentorship, and opportunities to further refine our business strategy and expand our impact. In addition to these, we are in the process of applying to other accelerators that align with our mission of promoting safety and clean transportation. We believe that engaging with these platforms will give us the chance to learn from industry leaders, connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, and potentially collaborate on initiatives that can drive significant change in the transportation sector. Alongside these projects, we’re also deeply invested in working directly

with community leaders and local governments. Our goal is to understand the specific transportation challenges they face, particularly in communities of color, and explore how our technology and consultancy can be leveraged to address these issues. These ongoing projects and our future plans revolve around our core mission: To create safer, cleaner, and more inclusive transportation solutions for all. We are excited about the opportunities these initiatives will bring and look forward to sharing our progress and learnings along the way. Where can the readers follow you? Personal: Twitter: @burkskk01 Instagram: @burkskk01 LinkedIn: Kennith Burks, MBA, https:// Email: Business: Twitter: @carkennyinc Instagram: @carkennyinc TikTok: @carkennyinc LinkedIn: carKenny, https://www. Email: Website:

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Tell everyone who you are and what you do. I am Glenn Gordon aka GG who lives in Atlanta Georgia by the way of Hemingway South Carolina. I love my little hometown population between 529 and 550 and it keeps me grounded when I feel myself getting too close to the world. Whenever I find myself getting too close to the world, I think of my parents and how I was raised and all the people I grew up with. I tell you there’s something about growing up in small country towns because you have the urge to want to make everyone proud of you. I joined the Army while I was still in high school and Vietnam was still going on and that was in 1973. When my brother came back from Vietnam, I was so proud of him and I saw how proud my parents was of him, so I decided to join the Army.

occasions, but I never stopped believing in God and myself. I am a firm believer when you’re at your lowest point in life, which is definitely the time you must be your strongest because I believe that is the time that God is truly testing your faith in him. I never gave up and I am so humbly honored not proud but honored to say that God has allowed me at this time in my life to be a recording artist, singer, songwriter, musician, business owner, and an inventor who holds four United States patents. I am also in the process of writing a small booklet on teaching others how to approach a potential invention to be patent. Things that I offer are showing you how to approach an invention, how to get raw materials for your invention, founding a manufacturer, filing for patents, etc. Sorry I don’t share much information about music or music labels.

Doing the early 70’s the military was a great opportunity for a young man like me to make something of myself otherwise I might have been a farmer which there’s nothing wrong with that. But I needed to see the world and learn more about people other than just black and white people. Joining the military was the greatest thing that ever happened for me because it was not that hard. My Dad was a WWII Veteran and a Staff Sergeant when he left the military so discipline, integrity, loyalty, respect, honesty, courage, etc., my dad taught me all those things at a very early age. He even had me leading people much older than myself when working on the farm when I was just 14 years old.

What made you want to pursue a career as a musician? When I was about 4 or 5 years old which is around year 1959 or 1960 I had 3 brothers that use to sing gospel in most of the churches in Williamsburg county in South Carolina. I remember going into the kitchen while my mother was frying chicken, but she would still have my 3 brothers Frankie being the oldest, Mackie being the next oldest,

So, you see I was ready for whatever the Army had to offer. I never had the intention of retiring from the military, but I wanted to find out what I can be in life and that starts with controlling my own destiny. I told myself I was going to stay in the military until I was convinced that I could earn a living from the use of my own skills and talents. After 8 1/2 years of active duty and 7 years reserves, I walked away from the military in search of my destiny on my own terms. I will admit it definitely wasn't easy and I had become homeless on 3 different

then my brother Bobby singing. My mother would be talking to my oldest brother because he was doing most of the singing and I would try to sing but my brothers would tell my mother to make me go into the dining room which I hated. Our uncle Charlie was learning to be a minister and on Sundays he would pick my brothers up and take them to a radio station to sing in a town not far away called King Street. At 10:30 a.m. my brothers, known as the GORDONARS QUARTET, would sing but of course I was too little and didn’t get a chance to hear them on the radio. But I do know they were extremely good at home and sang without music, just hands clapping and feet stumping. As I got older, I was told that’s the way it was when they sung in churches meaning no music just hands clapping and foot stumping. When we lost our brother Bobby to an unfortunate drowning at a very young age my brothers Frankie and Mackie stopped singing and I was too young to fill in for our brother Bobby. We all were crushed when we loss our brother and my older brothers just didn’t want to go on without him and they never did. All my life I just wanted to get the chance to sing with them but unfortunately it never happened. My oldest brother Frankie sings in the church choir today and my brother Mackie unfortunately passed away in November 2022. My oldest brother Frankie was the lead singer of the GORDONERS QUARTET and sings in the church choir and my brother Mackie played bass and sang for well over 30 years and I think I picked up a lot from them both. Nowadays, I play bass guitar, sing, songwriter, recording artist, and I just wanted to make them proud of me as well as carry on the music in the family and I believe I did that. Both Frankie and Mackie love the music I make and it’s because of them encouraging me when I was young to keep playing and singing even if we never get the chance to do it together.



Let’s talk about “We Gotcha Back” Belt and the motivation behind the belt. I am so glad you asked. I once was a heavy equipment operator in the military operating such equipment as cranes, rough terrain forklifts, front-end loaders, bobcats, standup lifts, 22-wheeler trucks, etc., as well as a drill sergeant marching to rifle ranges. Doing that kind of activity over many years but being young at the time, you don’t know the results until later years in life. Well when I got out of the military, I was still young and strong but a few years after leaving the military my back began to give me problems. I had already told the doctors my back was bothering me while I was still in and I thought they were recording it on my records, but they did not. So, for over 30 years I had to deal with faulty back support belts that didn’t work. That’s what the VA gave me and painkillers that were destroying my blood. I stopped taking the pain killers because they were making my body feel uncomfortable and the back support belts were not helping at all and I had 3 different ones. My back pain got so bad until I had to take a pain shot and the VA had me on 800 EXTRA STRENGTH TYLENOL. That is when I told myself I am not taking any more drugs because I felt like I was hallucinating sometimes and that was not good. So, I started working on creating my own back support belt in 1988. I finally got a patent in 2000 but the belt was useless because I knew nothing about raw materials and how compression works with the human body. That was a $26,000.00 mistake I made, and I was determined not to make that mistake again. I have been working on creating a back support belt that can be used on most major parts of the body in case of emergency to help stop and slow down bleeding as well as supporting your back. God had given me the vision, but I had a problem finding the raw materials. But before I even began researching the raw materials, I made sure that I consult doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and trauma nurses first. After their advice then I began researching raw materials and testing a prototype I made myself with pieces I cut from other


belts and made a very strong belt. Then I filed a patent and got it. Then I found a manufacturer and fortunately the manufacturer I found was a medical manufacturer which helped me qualify my product for FDA approval. I am extremely fortunate that the manufacturer I chose made my product so well until it took me 100% off of dangerous painkillers drugs and pain shots. The product is now being sold worldwide, endorsed by over 300 professional healthcare providers, professional athletes, dancers, models, construction workers, climbers, bikers, celebrities, etc. The “We Gotcha Back” is quickly becoming a household name helping with reducing female cramps while off or on the job. The product is extremely light weight, breathable material, and can be worn comfortably underneath clothing without adjusting or being noticed. What has been one of your most memorable moments in your career? The most memorable moment for me in my music career is when I was in Columbia South Carolina back in the early 80’s when the legendary BILL PINKNEY asked the band I was playing in as the lead singer for name “RUSH HOUR” to open a show for him at DUKE UNIVERSITY. I was blown away because I only saw artists like him on tv or when they are touring overseas to entertain the troops. When Bill told the band he liked the way I sang, man that made me felt I have a chance of making it as a singer in the business because at that time I was not a good bass player. Then the next memorable moment was when I was working in the music industry behind the scenes in a venue in Atlanta Georgia when the promoter at the venue ask me could I get my band to play a side stage at the venue because “MARY J BLIGE” opening act did not show up. So, my band “GG AND FRIENDS BAND” played the side stage for about 45 minutes, and everyone thought we were the real opener for the “MARY J BLIGE” tour. Last but not least I was definitely blown away when I tell you what happened next. I basically grew up in Germany in the military at the age of 18 and being a little country boy, I had no experience before going to Germany with

going to concerts and listening to great funk music bands like ConFunkShun, Sly and The Family Stones, ParliamentFunkadelic, etc. So, when I formed GG AND FRIENDS BAND in around 2001, I wanted horns in my original music but did not know many players. To be honest I really don’t know how it happened, but I had managed to get a copy of my music to the legendary horn player JIMMY “HORN MAN” BROWN frontman of the legendary band “BRICK” and father to OutKast member Sleepy Brown. I think I might have met Jimmy at a music store in Atlanta, but I am not sure but wherever we met I am glad we did. Jimmy arranged and played all the horns on all my tracks and he didn’t charge me anything. Talking about a blessing, not many artists can say that they have been fortunate to have a funk legend played on not even one track of their music tracks when I’ve been fortunate to have the legendary JIMMY “HORN MAN” BROWN frontman from “BRICK” to arrange and played all the horns on all my tracks. Now that’s truly a blessing. What makes your music more unique and different than others. I try to use a lot of horns in my music to create a jazzy bluesy sound. I don’t like to describe my music because I enjoy listening to others telling me how my music makes them feel. There is a lot of great music on the market today and to me music is like a book. When a person reads a wonderful book, they will highly recommend it to others. I try to make music that makes you question your surroundings sometimes as to who you’re allowing access to your personal life, your heart and emotions, and if the feeling is mutual. For example, I have written a song titled “You Ought to Be in Movies”. It took a long time for people to understand, even my close friends found something in that song that made them feel something about the song. But then all of a sudden, I had friends of minds after listening to the song would say to me there’s a lot of pretenders out here on and off the screen, so you better stay vigilant. I am just repeating what some have told me what that song made them feel and how they felt that they needed to re-examine their relationship they’re in after listening to the song several times. I personally

know why I write a song the way I do but I don’t like to try and justify it because it takes the enjoyment out of it for me when I don’t get the feedback from the public on how the song made them feel regardless of the song lyrics. To me writing a song is simply storytelling and writing a song allows me to express what’s on my mind rather it brings me joy, sadness, or frustrates me, putting it in a song is the easiest way for me to get people attention. I try to be considerate and thoughtful when I write because I hope my music and lyrics brings love and affection between people as well as understanding. Let’s use one of my other songs which is becoming extremely popular which is titled “I Can’t Live Like This”. I have gotten so many compliments on this song because everyone has had enough of something in their lives until they just need a change. I love people’s reactions to this song when I perform it. It never seems to amaze me the moment the song is played, or I am performing it live, people are actually singing along with me or the song. Even though I am saying girl in the song men and women will say to me I can’t wait to change jobs, or for someone to move out, etc., when I am actually singing about a relationship. Some people will talk about relationships, but the fact still remains there in a situation that they want and need to change and when they hear the words “I Can’t Live Like This”, that’s all they think about is changing their situation. I love it when people can relate to my music because we may not have the same experiences in every situation but if you listen to my music long enough, you might find something about it that we might have in common. I would like to think that kind of makes my music a little somewhat unique with a bluesy jazzy twist to the sound. Tell us one fun fact about yourself. The one fun thing about myself is that I love sharing knowledge to anyone who are willing to listen. I had been surviving for so many years until when

the opportunity gave me a chance to live, I wasn’t prepared, I didn’t know what to do with all this free time. Then I finally found what I am going to do and love doing as much as my music and inventions and that is to teach others what I know. I am extremely passionate about helping others be the very best they can be, but I can only teach you what I know. If you are interested in inventions, how to file a patent, get a manufacturer, or rigging for the entertainment industry behind the scenes, I can help. The only other fun thing about me is that I love riding my bike and working with young people. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be? I have been given an invitation to perform in Japan and that is my goal to perform in Japan. I am fortunate to know of a gentleman that owns a club in Japan through my publicist and she is making arrangements for that dream to come true for me one day soon. I love performing in other countries especially because they don’t seem to be as critical of music, meaning they are not interested in what’s hot on the radio or online at that point and time. They can appreciate the quality of the music without it being promoted by videos, etc. For an independent artist this is a blessing because sometimes we don’t have the finance and resources to make that giant splash with a thousandor million-dollars video to promote our music. Sometimes an independent artist has to rely strictly on the quality of their

voice and music and nothing else. What do you think that is missing in today’s music? Well I have worked behind the scenes in the music industry for over 22 years rigging, building stages, and setting up shows for artists such as Jay Z, Beyonce, Frankie Beverly, Taylor Swift, Tina Turner, Freddie Jackson, U2, CHER, STING, USHER, ROLLING STONES, and the list goes on and on and you can tell the difference in the quality of the performances of the young vs the older artists today. The older artists are definitely more passionate because they are actually singing and that’s what’s missing with most young artists today. There are so many devices that can be used to help a person’s voice sound better but without it they can barely get through soundcheck. I have seen this firsthand, and this is why a lot of young artists use openers. First, they don’t have enough material to carry a 2-to-3-hour show and they don’t know how to work the audience. When they do perform many of them use more dance routines than singing to help pass the time. Then they distract the audience with bells and whistles and before you know it the show is over. I am not saying that all young artists are doing this, but many are and it’s mainly because they are cute or handsome but definitely cannot sing without music devices



enhancing their voice. The old school bands and singers back in the day had to literally sing and if they were a musician, they had to play the instrument and they did it all with passion. Even if they used an opener the opener had to be able to sing or play an instrument because there was no way around it. There were no voice enhancement tools or music machines and these items do make a singer or musician sound good, but it makes it very hard for a true musician or singer who has been developing their skills for years to get the recognition they deserve. I have set up major concerts where the power has gone out and the artist left the stage because they could not sing without the music enhancement devices. They did not have the luxury of music devices to make them sound professional. There is one artist show I set up and the power went out and I thought she would leave the stage, but she didn’t. Man, she stayed on stage and sang as if she had music and did an excellent job. I have to give her mad respect because she is a real singer and that artist was PINK. Are you working on a new project or upcoming events? Well as you know that I am an inventor also and is extremely passionate about helping people worldwide reduce chronic pain in the body without the use of dangerous pain killer pills and pain shots. I have a mission and passion to produce compression products that can help anyone with back problems, sciatic nerve problems, upper/lower back


problems, etc. I am now working with Dr. Christopher Scoma DC in Atlanta Georgia and Dr./Trauma nurse Leola Williams in California on producing compression products that could help autistic children and adults and making producing compression first aid kits for the public and first responders. Dr. Scoma helped me Lund another market for my product “We Gotcha Back” when he put it on a dog that legs wouldn’t support her weight so she couldn’t walk not until she was fitted with my product which is amazing. So, we have now added the pet market to our target businesses. I have a professional healthcare advisory team that guides me to where my product can be to individuals and now even pets. I have a saying that I view myself as an engineer who has invented an engine, but my professional healthcare advisory team tells me how well the engine performs in a car when it engages a curve or a bump in the road. In short, I am the inventor of the “We Gotcha Back” product but the advisory team is the experts on how it performs on the body. As for my music I am just simply blessed that the more people become aware that I am out here in the

music arena, the more they are liking and sharing my style of music. I credit my music and invention getting such great notoriety now to my publicist Desirae L Benson. She is an outstanding five-star publicist, but she wouldn’t be able to help me regardless of her professional talents without her believing in my music and invention. When she told me that she actually wears my product herself and loves my music, I knew I had the right publicist promoting me. Just a little word to the wise, make sure your publicist believes in you and if they do, they are no longer your publicist they are now your partner. You can rest assured that they have your best interest at heart. Where can the readers follow you? Sure you can follow me at: Facebook: Glenn Gordon LinkedIn: Glenn “GG” Dale Gordon Instagram: glenn.gordon.58 Instagram:gordon_glenn YouTube: @ggbassman77

Are you young, talented and need a space to pursue your dreams? Welcome to The Vision Room, where creativity comes alive.





Tell everyone who you are and what you do. My name is Magali Beauvue alias Makeupmag! I’m 46 … I’m a French Caribbean makeup artist. I been in the industry for 23 years.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? I’ll be in U.S. in my artistic loft! My brand will sell in the biggest beauty stores, and I’ll focus a lot on my art … maybe have my own Art Gallery!

I’m really known on all the social networks for my makeup transformation into any celebrity! I can transform into anyone using makeup only with the contouring technique.

What keeps you inspired to transform celebrities’ faces? Just the challenge to create portrait … different shapes. It’s always a fun moment to see if I’ll do it right or not! And choosing celebrities to see if my followers will recognize them!

Who or what motivated you to be the person you are today? Since high school to university, I always studied art. Got motivated from my mom who has the passion of painting. I loved watching her and I guess I got her talent as a heritage! I also had a grandmother into makeup, fashion and beauty…. She gave me the love for the beauty industry.

What made you want to pursue a career as a makeup artist? I studied art since I was 14 … but paint all my life. But after my studies I didn’t know what to do … With an art diploma it was not too many options: art teacher, painter … so I decided to do a makeup school. It was a good compromise between my love for art and makeup. And also, I was a new mom, and the school gave me the opportunity to work at Sephora at the same time. It was in the 2000’s.

Tell us one of the biggest accomplishments you’ve received in your career? Because I live in a small island (Sint Maarten) I’ve been recognized by a lot of U.S. media and celebrities and this is already a big accomplishment, but being on CNN was kind of huge for me! How do you keep up with the trends?

I’m on all the social network beside Twitter that I’m not using a lot … so when a celebrity is trending, I try to use it for my makeup transformation… and TikTok also very good for any trends!! Are you working on any new events or projects? My big project concerns my move to the USA in process of my Artistic visa!!! Where can the readers follow you? On Instagram: @makeupmag TikTok: makeupmag77 Magali Beauvue Freelance makeup artist Instagram: https://www.instagram. com/makeupmag/?hl=en Magali Beauvue Cosmetics: mbmagalibeauvue? igshid=l1gtyo73v5t0 Facebook page: MakeupmagMagaliBeauvue/

Let’s talk about “Magali Beauvue Paris” and the motivation behind the brand. My makeup brand “MB Magali Beauvue “is really a dream that came true for me!! I always wanted to mix my passion for Art and my love for makeup in my own makeup brand! And I did it! I designed all my bags and packaging with my own art … and my inspiration came from Iman cosmetics that I worked for years in Paris and here in Sint Maarten, for “all woman/man of color “so anybody will find their carnation!




Tell everyone who you are and what you do. I’m Norman D. Golden II and I am an actor/writer/producer/education warrior. How did you get into the film industry? When I was a kid, my family used to watch television together after dinner. The shows we watched were all family friendly so I would watch the kids in these shows. I was old enough to know that this wasn’t real but seemed like so much fun – this “acting” thing. I soon started to pester my parents about becoming an actor. They never discouraged me, instead they encouraged me to pray or “chant” (as we are Nichiren Buddhists) to make it happen. I took their advice. After a few months of this, my mom was talking to my aunt and expressed that I’d been bugging them about acting to which my auntie suggested that they enroll me in a commercial workshop. My parents made the decision to do so and upon completion of the workshop an agent and manager signed me. I soon began auditioning but it took me a while to book my first project. One I got my stride, I booked three commercials, and episodic role on a TV show then Cop and a Half. Let’s talk about the 30th anniversary of the movie “Cop and a Half” and the experience you’ve had playing a part in this movie.

Working on Cop and a Half was one of the greatest experiences in my life. To realize a dream so soon and at such a young age was phenomenal. That experience has taught me that you really can do whatever you put your mind to, no matter the circumstance. In terms of the actual role and filming, it was so much fun. Lots of work too! There were days where I’d have to do upwards of 20 takes of a scene in the hot Florida summer but I never complained because I was doing what I loved. Burt Reynolds and Ruby Dee, may they Rest in Heaven, were amazing to work with also! I learned a lot from Burt about the art of acting, improv and the byproduct of being a successful, notable actor (Fame) and how to navigate it. He was very generous also. Ruby Dee was just like a real grandma. In between scenes and when we had downtime on set, she would visit my family in my dressing room and share stories while braiding my sisters’ hair. I look back on those times with the upmost gratitude! What is an accomplishment you want to complete in the next three years? There are actually a couple things. I’d love to open a school (here and abroad) with an arts-based curriculum. Because of what’s happening in regard to the union strikes, I would also like to create a space (perhaps in the form of an organization) to solve two major pain points for independent filmmakers, which is financing and distribution. I think it’s definitely a time for not only innovation but also change to the status quo. What is your favorite film or theater production? I have two: “The Godfather” “Harlem Nights”. Tell us some of your most valuable skills as an actor. Being an actor allows one to develop great research abilities. Also, things like accents, Improv, and imagination work. As an actor, one must not only be open minded but be able to pull from various

things in the toolbox and experiences. Being a people person, knowing how to take direction, communication and rolling with the punches are also, great things to have in the arsenal. What has been your favorite role so far in your career? I really liked my portrayal Aaron Crawford in the film “The Boy Who Painted Christ Black”. How would you define your purpose? To make a positive impact through example, helping others to see their profound potential often overshadowed by limiting beliefs. Are you working on any new films or projects? Yes, I’m developing a TV series that I created about my experiences as a former child actor and I have a film project I’m starring in and serving as a producer on that speaks to the issue of gentrification. With respect to the strikes, those projects are currently on hold but we are hopeful to. Where can the readers follow you? Follow me on: IG: @goldenchildii Facebook: Norman D. Golden II




Became a professional jazz musician at 16 as a part of a Birmingham Jazz heritage group that played Big Band era Jazz (Basie, Ellington, Goodman, Miller, etc.) Because crossover Smooth Jazz was very popular around that time (Kenny G, Gerald Albright, David Sanborn, Alex Bugnon, Paul Hardcastle, etc.), I was asked to record on keyboards by musicians aspiring to be the next big Smooth Jazz artist.

Tell everyone who you are and what you do. I am a Recording Artist/Keyboardist/ Producer, also author, actor and business consultant. What motivated you to get into Jazz? Was introduced to Jazz by my band teachers in elementary school and high school, both of whom were longtime professional jazz musicians.

Let’s talk about your new album “On the Level” and the motivation behind the album. I heard “On the Level” by Mac DeMarco in an auto repair garage for the first time and really liked the groove. I decided to make an instrumental version of it and include it in my next project and it became the title song. I also wanted to have a song with an easy, smooth Mediterranean feel and “Amore Roma” emerged. Having recorded a song with Chris Godber before (“Everything I Miss at Home”), wanted to do another. I chose “Lean on Me” because it’s familiar to everyone and loved by all. The title of many of my songs are palindromes. I composed “No Lemon, No Melon” in reverse because I wanted to have a fitting song to go with the title. Where do you see yourself in three years? Much of that will depend upon the outcome of the 2024 election. I’m certain that if the country is once

again controlled by people who want to eliminate democracy and turn vulnerable populations into 2nd class citizens, I’ll no longer be living in the U.S. If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be? The Apollo Theater in New York. I want to feel the presence of all the legendary performers who graced that stage. What has been one memorable moment in your career? Attending the Grammys in 2017. Seeing the live performances was like being at the best concert I ever attended. I found the actual award presentations boring and tedious, actually. I never had any interest in the ceremonial aspects of that event. What is one fun fact about yourself? I’m related to Dizzy Gillespie and the R&B singer Cherrelle. How would you describe the music you create? Evolving, unpretentious, diverse, richly orchestrated with acoustic piano or EP as the focus. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? Self-promote next single, “No Lemon, No Melon”; attempting to publish my first novel; writing a collection of erotic short stories. Where can the readers follow you?; Instagram @kenp_ keys; Facebook; TikTok; Threads.





Tell everyone who you are and what you do? My name is Karen Dupiche, I am a four-time Emmy award-winning Makeup Artist and first generation Haitian American with a big heart. I strive every day to follow God’s ordinances with love and compassion towards everyone. which is why I followed in the footsteps of my mother and older sister, on a quest to also obtaining a degree in nursing. However, while working my way through college, at the Makeup counters in New York City. I fell in love with the world of beauty and cosmetics, realizing the physical and psychological impact it makes on a person's outlook on life and their circumstances. This is with that mindset that I decided to pursue this journey which I am humbled and proud to say brings much joy to my life as well as the lives of others. How would you define your purpose? I am God’s vessels and property! God is also my agent! I am passionate about everyone’s well-being. I strive

to bring out the best in everyone. I feel enhancing a person’s natural beauty brings out their self-worth and the inner strength that they may possess to overcome whatever obstacles life may have thrown their away. Who is your inspiration in the beauty and make up industry? Pat McGrath, Sam Fine and the late AJ Crimson. They are all movers and shakers! While moving up within the beauty industry as accomplished artists, they inspired me with their thirst for success, motivation and their pursuit while living their dreams. Let’s talk about ABC television daytime show “The View “and how you end up working with them. While freelancing at various locations including Giorgio Armani cosmetics. I was offered the opportunity to meet and work with several Celebrity clients for magazines, red carpet and television. One day while working for Giorgio Armani Cosmetics, I was sent on an assignment at The View to apply makeup application, for a producer to attend the Emmy awards in NYC. I was prepared. I was in the right place at the right time. knowing my craft waiting to take it to the next level. I rose up to the occasion, and walked into the blessings that God gave me. What has been the biggest accomplishment you received in your career? My greatest accomplishment is being able to reach out to motivate to the youth, our future movers and shakers, inspiring survivors of domestic violence, cancer survivors , sex trafficking and my philanthropic endeavors in my native land of Haiti. What do you think is the biggest challenge for make-up artists? Mastering the skin. You must listen to your clients’ wants, needs and desires. With the elevation of social media there’s plenty of photo shopping and

false advertisement regarding an accurate photo. Be aware of lighting and photography. If you could go anywhere in the world, what would it be? Having travelled to various places around the world. I always yearn to go back to Haiti. A land where my mother and father were born. A place where the people are resilient and had withstood many obstacles and adversities my country has been through, we are still standing, and we stand strong. This is the strength that runs through our veins. My father always said “Dupiche Strong”. “Haiti Strong.” What is one fun fact about yourself? Laughter, Traveling the world and Enjoying life with family and friends. Are you working on any projects or upcoming events? I am working on the next chapter of my life. I have several projects in the making. Something exciting is coming soon! Where can the reader follow you? I can be reached at all social media platforms. Instagram: @karendupiche Twitter: @karendupiche Facebook: @karendupiche Website:



Tell everyone who you are and what you do. I am, first and foremost, a mom and stepmom to six children. Family is very important to me. As an 8th grader, I dropped out of school to help my mother support my family, after my father lost his eyesight and couldn’t work any longer. I eventually was able to go back and earn my GED, an AA, and then a BS. I started out in business with my best friend and husband, John, and today have four companies: Don’t Kiss the Baby, Rockstar Wigs, Rockstar Property, and FlipLok. How would you define your purpose? I have led with mission and purpose first and foremost. Whether it’s supporting the local economy, gifting high quality wigs to individuals with cancer, alopecia, or other conditions, creating children’s apparel and accessories to keep babies safe from germs and illnesses, or my most recent endeavor, FlipLok, which was created to empower our children by giving them the tools to protect themselves. My purpose in life is to inspire others who started from nothing and to create positive, empowering solutions for our children. Let’s talk about FlipLok and how it got started. My youngest came home from school one day and told me about the lockdown procedure they practiced. I asked her if she knew how to lock the door or what to do if her teacher was out of the classroom, and she couldn’t tell me. I could not continue sitting around waiting for someone else to come up with a solution to active threat situations in schools and elsewhere. My husband and I had talked about this idea for years before realizing no one else was going to act, and after hearing this from my daughter, I knew we needed to be the ones to act. So, we created FlipLok. How do you set your business apart from others in your industry? FlipLok can be installed on any inward and outward swinging doors and the home version with stands up to 1,670 pounds, while the commercial lock has tested to 2100 pounds. The home lock offers protection to anyone who wants that extra level of security and peace of mind.


ANNA REGER The school/ commercial version puts power into the hands of not just the teachers, but also, the students. Our patented school lock technology is made to be within reach for anyone in a shelter-in-place situation to be able to use. It is ADA compliant, and for the school version, when it is engaged,

there is big lettering that says “Call 911” on the lock to remind anyone with a phone to get in touch with emergency responders. There is also an unlocking mechanism for emergency responders or administrators. I am also a strong advocate for standardized active threat drills in all schools across the United States as well as providing more mental health resources for students, and have a petition on to do so. Where do you see your business in the next five years? In five years, I see our business and advocacy work having changed the landscape of school safety and home safety. I see FlipLoks being installed everywhere in schools throughout the United States, and standardization of lockdown/ active threat drills everywhere. I see the home lock becoming an international brand. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had starting your business? The biggest challenge has been the process of going from idea to prototype, to patent, to production and launch! We took so much time to get FlipLok right and make sure that it would serve the market to the standards that we wanted for our children and family. Tell us one fun fact about yourself. I love the beach and I love to travel. I travel a lot for work and I’m always

thinking about my next trip with my family for fun! If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I have been to quite a few places but if I were going back anywhere, I would love to go back to Bali. It was such a spiritual experience, very grounding and relaxing. I felt centered when I came back to reality after vacationing there. Are you working on any new projects? FlipLok was patented in 2021 and officially launched one year ago, so this is my baby. I will continue to speak out and advocate for families and children, and I see this as my mission for the foreseeable future. Where can the readers follow you? You can find me on : LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/annaregerofficial/ and Instagram: https://www.instagram. com/annaregerofficial/ Find FlipLok on Instagram: fliplokofficial/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok. com/@fliplok Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/FlipLokOfficial/ YouTube: com/@fliplokofficial./featured Amazon: Flip-Lok-Security-DeadboltInstantly/dp/B0BFMBBRKQ




Tell everyone who you are and what you do. For starters, I am a firm believer that there is inherent good in everyone, and I have made it my life’s mission to uncover and nurture it. I am an extreme optimist with a passion for caring for others. I am a proud mother and grandmother. My family is my world and the driving force behind everything I do. I never intended to go into business for myself, but surprisingly fate decided differently and led me down the path of entrepreneurship. I am the founder of CoCoBella Natural, a natural hair care brand that is as close to my heart as the women I’ve connected with through a natural hair support group I started years ago. People are my jam, and I take every opportunity to connect, share, and uplift. I find joy in being there for others. I have been told that my advice comes with a little bit of comedic energy, which makes every interaction a memorable one. So, you could say, I am a multifaceted optimist with a big heart. From nurturing my own family to fostering a vibrant community of empowered women and owning a successful beauty brand, I believe in the transformative power of love, laughter, and genuine connections. And through CoCoBella Natural, I am weaving together care, confidence, and authenticity to help everyone shine as their true selves. That’s who I am. That’s what I do. Let’s talk about “CoCoBella Natural” and how it got started. The inception of CoCoBella Natural is a testament to the power of community, self-discovery, and the passion I have for natural hair care. It all began when I started my personal journey of embracing my natural hair texture by doing the big chop. This experience not only made me aware of my relationship with my hair but also ignited a desire to connect with like-minded women who were on a similar path to embracing their natural beauty. Recognizing the power of shared experiences and the need for a strong support system, I founded a natural hair support group that quickly grew into a vibrant community. This community became a safe haven

where women could exchange stories, advice, and encouragement on their natural hair journeys. As our bond deepened, I became an influencer “accidentally” – creating a bridge between authentic experiences and hair care solutions. Collaborations with reputable hair care brands allowed me to further solidify the trust and connection I had nurtured with my tribe. Each promotion I did was backed by a genuine belief in the product’s quality, which translated into enthusiastic responses from my tribe who rushed to try out the products I had endorsed. As time passed, the idea of creating something unique for our community’s needs began to take shape. The birth of CoCoBella Natural was really a natural progression – a response to the demands and desires of the very community that had propelled me into the role of an influencer. CoCoBella Natural was crafted with love, authenticity, and a commitment to quality. CoCoBella Natural Is not just a hair care line; it’s a manifestation of a shared vision, a testament to the transformative power of community, and a tribute to the potential that lies within each one of us. It is an extension of the support group that sparked this incredible journey. It is a tribute to the women who dared to embrace their authentic selves, and a testament to the amazing connections that can be made when we come together with a common purpose and a shared passion. What keeps you motivated

with wanting women to feel beautiful? What keeps me motivated in wanting women to feel beautiful is the genuine belief that every woman, regardless of age or race, deserves to embrace their uniqueness and feel confident in their own skin. Societal norms and cultural expectations have imposed unrealistic standards of beauty on women and left them experiencing self- doubt, comparison, and a lack of selfesteem. Witnessing the negative impact this has on women’s mental and emotional well-being fuels my determination to inspire change. I am motivated by the idea of time where women can walk confidently, unapologetically, and authentically, understanding that their beauty is not defined by societal standards, but by their own perception and self-love. Witnessing women develop healthy self-esteem and radiate confidence is a reminder that the mission is important. Ultimately, my motivation lies in the belief that empowering women to embrace their beauty and worthiness, is a gateway for personal growth and positive change. How would you define your purpose? I believe my purpose is rooted in my desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives, specifically women. Since childhood, I’ve had a natural inclination to be a fixer, and I find fulfillment in helping others overcome challenges and grow. Reflecting on my life’s journey, I am convinced that I am destined to inspire, motivate, and encourage women to realize their full potential. While I currently own a productbased business, I feel there is a larger calling for my voice and my abilities. My purpose extends beyond tangible products; it encompasses the empowerment and upliftment of women on a broader scale. I envision myself standing in front of large audiences, sharing my experiences, insights, and wisdom to foster meaningful change in the lives of women. My purpose revolves around creating a platform where women



can find the strength, guidance, and motivation they need to navigate life’s challenges. Through speaking engagements, I aspire to connect with individuals on a deeper level, igniting a spark of inspiration that propels them towards their aspirations. By leveraging my skills as a fixer and my genuine passion for helping others, I am committed to fostering a positive shift in the lives of countless women, leaving a lasting legacy of empowerment and encouragement.

cultural learning that will satisfy my passion for travel, exploration, and appreciation for beautiful things.

What has been the biggest accomplishment so far in your career? The biggest accomplishment in my career as a solopreneur has been the growth and success I’ve achieved without the need for external funding or loans. From the very beginning, I set out to create a sustainable and profitable business model that would allow me to serve customers across the United States and around the world. Through my dedication and hard work, I have managed to generate consistent sales, with several months exceeding $10,000 in revenue and achieving a high five-figure annual sales total within my first year of operation.

It doesn’t matter to me if the prize is a lollipop or a new car. Once the challenge is presented, I am in it to win it! My determination, adrenaline, and a little bit of playful banter creates winning energy or so I tell myself.To be honest, it could be a football game or a debate in the area of biochemistry, which by the way, I have no knowledge of. The competitor in me will suit up and be ready to compete. One of my favorite quotes is “If you don’t have a competitive advantage, then don’t compete” because nothing beats a failure but a try.

Despite working alone, I have been able to maintain an excellent customer service rating and have received no negative reviews. I am proud of the fact that I have been able to navigate the competitive landscape and establish a strong presence in diverse markets both domestically and internationally. So, I guess you could say, my greatest achievement as a solopreneur has been building a thriving and financially self-sufficient business, expanding my reach globally, and consistently delivering outstanding customer experiences without the need for external financial support. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? If I could pick any destination to visit right now, I would choose Bali. It has been on my bucket list for a few years now. Bali is known for its beautiful landscapes, serene beaches and rich cultural heritage. I believe it would be a perfect blend of discovery and


What is one fun fact about yourself? There’s this one thing about me. My competitive spirit is through the roof! I could make a contest out of a cloud and the rain and make it feel like the Olympics.

Let’s talk about your e-book and the motivation behind the book. My e-book is an exploration of my natural hair journey, which unexpectedly transformed into a journey of self-discovery. Initially intended to be a FAQ guide to address common hair questions within my community, it evolved into a personal narrative that combines my personal experiences and triumphs. Motivated to provide meaningful answers and guidance to my tribe, I decided to add my own stories into the narrative. As I walked through my journey, I realized that my struggles and victories were not just about hair care, but also a reflection of my journey towards selfacceptance and empowerment. Through sharing my experiences of overcoming external criticism and internal doubts, I hope to inspire others to embrace their authentic selves. The decision to incorporate my personal stories was driven by the belief that my journey could serve as a source of encouragement and guidance for individuals navigating their own paths. Ultimately, my e-book

is a tribute to the transformative power of embracing one’s uniqueness and the profound impact that seemingly simple choices, like a hair decision, can have on one’s life. Are you working on any new projects or upcoming events? Absolutely, I am diving into some exciting new endeavors! I’m currently in the initial phases of developing new products that I am aiming to release by the fourth quarter of this year, with a definite launch no later than the first quarter of 2024. Simultaneously, I’m gearing up for the approaching busy holiday season, ensuring that my offerings are primed and ready to provide an exceptional experience for my valued customers. It’s an exciting time for me as I embrace these new projects and upcoming events with enthusiasm and dedication. Where can the readers follow you? You can connect with me and follow my creative journey on various social media platforms. Find me at @cocobella62 on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, and Thread. Join me on these platforms to explore my content, share experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations. Looking forward to connecting with you and sharing moments of inspiration and fun!










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