Memòria CEAB 2018. Annual Report CEAB 2018

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“We believe that scientific research and collaboration can transform the world toward sustainability” “We promote the sustainable management of water resources and integrated watershed management policies” “We aim to develop a digital infrastructure for Global Change and Marine and Freshwater Biodiversity Observatories” “We provide high performance facilities for Functional and Behavioural Ecology studies”



The Centre of Advanced Studies of Blanes


Annual Highlights


Laboratory Services & Facilities


Our research groups


Social-Ecological Systems In Coastal And Marine Environments


Integrative Freshwater Ecology


Molecular Ecology Of The Marine Bentos


Benthic Ecosystem Functioning


Theoretical And Computational Ecology


Sponge Ecobiology And Biotechnology


Group Of Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology (Game)


Communication And Outreach Service



CEAB (Centre of Advanced Studies of Blanes) is a public research institute of the Higher Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Launched in October 1985 as a multidisciplinary research center, the current research focuses on Ecology and Biodiversity, mostly of marine and freshwater ecosystems. The CEAB is formed by two research departments dedicated to marine biology, limnology and ecology: • •

Department of Continental Ecology Department of Marine Ecology

The research staff is divided in seven research groups.

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//ANNUAL REPORT 2016// “We are a public research center dedicated to marine biology, limnology and ecology”



Identification of the biological diversity and understanding their functions and interactions in nature. Application of this knowledge to the rational use and management of natural resources and the prediction of ecosystem responses to environmental changes.

Emilio O. Casamayor Director CSIC Professor

Mikel Becerro Deputy Director Tenured Scientist

Work with a wide range of environmental studies and approaches, from biochemical and genetic composition to dynamics of populations and ecosystems.

Frederic Bartumeus Head of Continental Ecology Department ICREA Research Professor

Development of a creative and technically sound research with solid conceptual backgrounds on marine and freshwater biology and ecology.

Teresa Alcoverro Head of Marine Ecology Department Tenured Scientist


Emilio O. Casamayor Director

We have concluded in 2018 the 4 yrs-period of the current CEAB management team after an exhaustive task aimed to provide higher visibility and better internal structure to the groups and research areas of the Institute. I am very thankful to the team for the hard exercise carried out to optimize and define research priorities and to achieve a better organization and performance of the research groups, laboratories and services.We believe in an inclusive and collaborative science, that is, science for and with society, also working to improve outreach activities and promote knowledge dissemination.We aim to address the most pressing environmental problems, but also to transform fundamental aspects of society by transmitting high-quality scientific knowledge through smart, open, and innovative approaches.To achieve these goals, and more generally, in the pursuit of creative and novel scientific ideas, work must be driven by emotions such as curiosity, empathy, enthusiasm, freedom, and perseverance. Several performance indicators show that we are consistently progressing in that direction. During the year 2018, we were also terrible shocked by the avalanche accident during a field expedition in the Pyrenees where several friends and colleagues were unfortunately involved. We express our support and solidarity for their families and friends.


CEAB Staff: 84 Men: 43 (51%) Women: 41 (49%)


Age range






Researchers and ICREA Research Professors (22) Associate Doctors (2) Administrative and IT Staff (15) Research Technicians - Staff (11) Research Technicians – Support (19) Post-doctoral Researchers (4) Pre-doctoral Researchers (11) Visiting Students & Scientists (51)



SEM. Scanning Electronic Microscopy LEOV. Laboratory for Experimentation with Live Organisms URL. Urban River Lab CBLAB. Computational Biology Lab

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LTER-AT. Long Term Ecological ResearchAigüestortes CBO. Coastal Benthic Observatory OTOLAB. Otolith Research Lab


Global and Climate Change: Diagnosis and prognosis of global change effects on aquatic systems, species invasions and dispersal patterns, loss of natural habitats, and changes in the distribution and abundance of species.

Conservation and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems: Applied knowledge for the rational management of natural resources and the improvement and conservation of aquatic ecosystems.

Theory and Computation in Ecology and Evolution: Use of mathematical and computational techniques as essential tools to provide conceptual advances and to understand Ecology and Biodiversity.

Functional and Integrative Aquatic Ecology: Understand how organisms relate to each other and understand their functions and interactions in nature, from genes to communities combining fieldwork, empirical studies, and meta-analysis.

Aquatic Biodiversity: Identify the diversity of organisms, taxonomic characteristics and phylogenetic relationships, and describe new biological species with environmental surveys and naturalistic observations worldwide.


38 Active Research Projects 55% Competitive Research Grants 29% Non-Competitive Grants 6 External Collaboration Projects




European projects (11) National projects (10) CSIC projects (4) Private contracts and agreements (4) Public contracts and agreements (3)



2018 2016 2017

Scientific Articles


Book Chapters

PhD Thesis

Master Thesis






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112 119




























Total articles: 111

Q1 = 65

Q4 = 0

Q2 = 26


CEAB OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Visitors and participants











2015 2015


30% 30%







294 208

2016 2015

72 15




CEAB co-authorsip network of scientific collaborations from papers published in 2018

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ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS RELEVANT ACTIVITIES A MEETING FOR RESEARCHERS THAT ARE LIVING IN A SCIENCE FRONTIER The augment of the technological capacity to obtain and manage large volumes of data from biological systems should lead biology and, in particular, ecology, towards a new theoretical sphere, increasingly grounded on principles and general mechanisms. In this transition, physics will play an essential role for its capacity for abstract and fundamental reasoning. The significant increase in the availability of data has already put forward relevant quantitative advances on several biological disciplines, among them ecology, ranging from the study of ecosystem functioning to population and behavioral ecology.

meetings in the Mediterranean, hold in Menorca the 9-11th October. This workshop was a meeting point for researchers living in this stimulating frontier, so that they offered us their perspectives and the keys that must mark these challenges for the future. The meeting featured researchers Mercedes Pascual (The University of Chicago, USA), Andreas Huth (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research-UfZ, Germany), Jens Krause (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Germany) and Gonzalo de Polavieja (Cajal Institute-CSIC, Spain) as guests.

But, this revolution is complex and requires a great deal of synthesis and conceptualization. With this idea in mind, the group of Theoretical and Computational Ecology at CEAB, organized the workshop entitled: Physics and Ecology: Challenges at the frontier in XXXIV Scientific

BLUE CARBON ARRIVES AT THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT BY THE HAND OF CEAB IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) invited Miguel Ángel Mateo on November 27 as an expert in Blue Carbon to the debate “Blue Carbon in EU

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climate policy”, organized in the European Parliament by Intergroup “Change climate, biodiversity and sustainable development “. His participation was aimed at presenting, for the first time, the results of the European LIFE BlueNatura project, which represent the essential scientific basis to incorporate European blue carbon into the voluntary carbon market. The results from LIFE BlueNatura have already helped the incorporation of Blue Carbon in the new Climate Change Law of Junta de Andalucía (2018).

GREAT KNOWLEDGE ADVANCES ON THE SILICON OCEAN CYCLE Our experts in the ocean silicon cycle co-organized the Advances in the Marine Silicon Cycle I and II session at the Ocean Science Meeting (OSM-2018), held in Portland (Oregon, USA) in February. More than 5000 people attended the OSM this year 2018. Manuel Maldonado of CEAB, co-chaired a “session� aimed at showing the significant advance that has been made in the understanding of marine silicon cycle by scientists around the world.

ANA GORDOA, REPPORTEUR OF EASTERN BLUEFIN TUNA AT ICCAT The CEAB researcher Ana Gordoa was appointed in 2017 as The East Atlantic Bluefin tuna Rapporteur in 2017 of the ICCAT Standing Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS). Her role is to be responsible for the planning and running of SCRS ABFT working meetings and to encourage the full participation of other members, ensure fairness and equality at the meeting and that effective decisions are made and carried out. ICCAT is an intergovernmental fishing organization responsible for tunas conservation and related species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. The SCRS serves as the scientific basis providing advice to The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic tunas (ICCAT).


PUBLICATIONS IN HIGH-IMPACT JOURNALS HEAT WAVES MAKE SEAGRASS CONSERVATION EVEN MORE NECESSARY Nature Climate Change 8 :388-344 Seagrass ecosystems contain reserves of They estimated that 36% suffered damage after organic carbon of significant global importance. the heat wave and that 2 to 9 million tons of However, climate change and the increasing CO2 could have been released back into the frequency of extreme events threaten their atmosphere during the next 3 years. preservation, so the conservation of these ecosystems is essential to prevent such carbon from returning to the atmosphere and aggravating the problem. This work by the Group Aquatic Macrophyte Ecology (GAME) of CEAB, published in Nature Climate Change, was carried out in Shark Bay, Western Australia and studied the damage caused by the 2010-2011 heat wave to seagrasses in the area. THE AIRBORNE MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES CHANGE AT THE RHYTHM OF THE SEASONS. PNAS : 115(48) : 12229-12234 The airborne microbiome is a topic of high interest in ecology, biogeochemistry, environmental and human health, among other fields. Large amounts of microorganisms are continuously exchanged among ecosystems and continents through the atmosphere, with unpredictable consequences for ecosystem services and biogeochemical cycling. Using wet bioaerosols collected fortnightly over a 7-y period at a mountaintop Long-Term Ecological Research Network site, the microecologists team at CEAB lead by Emilio O. Casamayor generated the most comprehensive long-term monitoring of the airborne microbiome reported to date.

They found nonrandom recurrent interannual dynamics coupled to air circulation regimes, with a complex composition of original tracked sources. In addition, they unveil the factors influencing seasonal distributions and highlight the need for a connected global sampling network for the airborne microbiome.

THE INFLUENCE OF INCREASING CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS ON THE SEABED. Science Advances 4(2) : eaao2040 The storage of CO2 under the seabed is a technology designed to mitigate future climate changes, that allows counteracting its increasing concentration in the atmosphere. However, leaks of stored CO2 seeping through the seabed may impact the surrounding benthic ecosystems. To evaluate these impacts, CEAB researcher


Daniel Martin participated in an integrated multidisciplinary study that tested hypotheses derived from a meta-analysis of previous and in situ experimental studies of high CO2 impact, with a focus on biogeochemical processes and the composition of microbial and faunal assemblages.

//ANNUAL REPORT 2016// Results demonstrate major impacts in the structure and functionally of bacterial assemblages, especially in the composition of heterotrophs and sulfate reducers (with reduction rates decreasing by 90%), together with an 80% lowering in fauna biomass associated to substantial decreases in their trophic diversity. THE ROLES OF THE DIFFERENT RIVER COMPARTMENTS IN THE NITROGEN ASSIMILATION. Ecological Monographs 88(1) : 120-138 Headwater streams remove, transform, and store inorganic nitrogen delivered from surrounding watersheds, but excessive nitrogen inputs from human activity can saturate their removal capacity. Most research has focused on quantifying N removal from the water column, but studies addressing the relative contribution of in-stream biota to incorporate inorganic nitrogen into biomass are lacking. The researchers of Urban River Lab participated in a collaborative study to evaluate the importance of the different biotic compartments to contribute to the uptake and storage of nitrogen in a wide range of headwater streams varying in the abundance of biota and local environmental factors.

The study analyzes data from 17 tracer additions of 15N-ammonium done in streams around the world. They found that the assimilation of nitrogen by autotrophic compartments (epilitic biofilm, filamentous algae, bryophytes/macrophytes) was greater but more variable than that of heterotrophic microorganisms colonizing detrital organic matter (leaves, small wood and fine particles).

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION HARMS THE FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY OF BENTHIC ECOSYSTEMS. Nature Communications 9 : 5149 The consequences of changes in species composition for the function of the marine ecosystem are largely unknown. For this reason, in this article published in Nature Communications by the team led by Enric Ballesteros of the CEAB, the loss of functional diversity was evaluated, that is, the range of biological traits of species, in benthic marine communities exposed to acidification through natural CO2 ventilation systems. We found that functional wealth is significantly reduced with acidification, and that functional loss is more pronounced than the corresponding decrease in taxonomic diversity. Under acidified conditions, most organisms represent a few functional entities (that is, a unique combination of functional traits), resulting in low functional redundancy.

These results suggest that functional wealth is not protected by functional redundancy under conditions of ocean acidification, even in very diverse assemblages such as benthic rock communities.


LABORATORY SERVICES & FACILITIES These services are available to all CSIC researchers, as well as to external researchers from public research centers and private corporations.


LABORATORY FOR EXPERIMENTATION WITH LIVE ORGANISMS The LEOV is an aquarium-lab designed for the experimentation with live organisms in an aquatic environment of either fresh or sea water. The seawater circuit can be used in a continuous or a recycling way and it has a heat interchanging system allowing water heating or cooling ranging from 14ºC to 25ºC. The LEOV facilities also include two highperformance tracking platforms to generate big behavioural and large-scale movement data based on postural images and centroidbased high-resolution tracks of small-bodied organisms.

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URBAN RIVER LAB The URL is an experimental outdoor facility addressed to study the effects of urban activity on streams and rivers aiming to develop innovative tools and strategies to mitigate point source impact and to achieve a more efficient and sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems and resources. The URL consist of 15 flumes and 12 wetlands designed for experimental studies, fed by the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant in Montornès del Vallès.


NUTRIENT ANALYSIS ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY The nutrient analysis equipped The nutrient analysisservice serviceis is equipped with aa Continuous to to with ContinuousFlow FlowAutoanalyser Autoanalyser determine determine the the concentration concentrationofofdissolved dissolved inorganic inorganic nutrients, nutrients,total totalphosphorus phosphorusand and several reactive reactive nitrogen nitrogen compounds. compounds. several Applications: Applications: Control of phytoplankton and production • Controlof biomass of phytoplankton and Analysis of environmental production of biomass pollution in waters • Analysis of environmental pollution in Temporal waters estimation of trophic levels and productivity • fish Temporal estimation of trophic levels Analysis of productivity waste water treatment and fish plants effluentsof waste water treatment • Analysis plants effluents PIGMENTSANALYSIS ANAYSIS PIGMENT The UHPLC service is mainly used for the analyses of liposoluble organic pigments present in water samples, biofilms and sediments. Applications: • • •

Studies of seasonal phytoplankton dynamics Taxonomic characterization of phytoplankton and biofilm communities Paleoecology studies

SCANNING ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPY The electronic microscopy service is available for the observation of samples with the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and for energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDS). Applications: • • • • • •

Structure and ultrastructure of animal and plant tissues and organs Forensic studies (search of particles, tissues, threads, semen…) Identification of minerals, synthetic substances, antibiotics, etc. Studies in metal and alloys corrosion Biodeterioration of artworks Rock and mineral texture

COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY LAB High Performance Computational Cluster (Cluster CAR) Applications: • Bioinformatics and molecular ecology • Spatial ecology • Theoretical and computational ecology • Data mining and KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) • Data and image banks • Training


MOLECULAR AND GENETIC ECOLOGY LABORATORY The Molecular and Genetic Ecology Lab provides support to those projects concerning taxonomy, biodiversity, ecology and evolution of aquatic organisms that require the use of DNA-based molecular techniques. These techniques extend from the amplification and sequencing of DNA for biodiversity and phylogenetics studies, up to cloning, metabacording, genomics, metagenomics and proteomics.

OTOLITH RESEARCH LAB The analysis of growth structures, such as otholits, offers the possibility to estimate the age and growth rates in diverse organisms and organic structures. Applications: Fish vertebrae, scales and otoliths Cephalopod statoliths Bivalve valves Coral skeletons Polychaete jaws Cricket exoskeletons Turtle shields Echinoderm skeletons


HIGH MOUNTAINS OBSERVATORY The Long Term Ecological Research site AigĂźestortes is an observational facility located in the Central Pyrenees, within the AigĂźestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici National Park. It comprises a field station and several monitored catchments. The research sites are equipped with automatic weather stations, discharge gauge stations and lake and stream water temperature loggers. A network of sampling stations is surveyed to collect chemical and biological samples at different time intervals, from biweekly

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to seasonal. The sampling network consists of eight streams, fourteen lakes and two atmospheric deposition collectors for water chemistry. THE COASTAL BENTHIC OBSERVATORY The Coastal Benthic Observatory carries out an annual evaluation of the Ecological Quality of the Catalan coastal waters using different biological indicators and the evaluation of invasive species effects. Temporal surveys are also carried out in the Medes Islands.


DIVING STATION The diving facilities integrated in the CEAB building complex, consist of a dressing room, a tank charge facility: an independent room equipped with a 200 bar fixed compressor able to charge 3 tanks simultaneously, two portable compressors, with electrical and fuel engines, respectively, and also diving tanks of different capacities. CONFERENCE ROOMS The CEAB houses a conference room for 160 people which is equipped with projection and sound systems as well as recording facilities. It also houses a fully-equipped meeting and video conferences room and additional rooms adapted for small meetings.

NAUTICAL SERVICE The Nautical Service offers several facilities: Hirondelle: semi-rigid inflatable boat mainly used for scuba diving and small-scale sampling in the coastal area of Blanes. Nesea: semi-rigid inflatable boat mainly used for scuba diving and small-scale sampling in the coastal area of the Medes Islands. 10 additional pneumatic small boats from 3 to 4.5 m in length for coastal sampling and scuba diving.



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Head of Research Group: Gordoa Ezquerra, Ana

We seek to explore how social-ecological systems work in the coastal and marine environments by developing conceptual and empirical approaches for a better understanding and management and for addressing specific social problems of sustainability We develop scientific research and applications in the frontier between social and natural systems, how they work and interact, how to cope with present and emerging local and global environmental problems and the role, if any, that science and regulations might play on it. The group has a long and successful history in the Coordination of International Cooperation Projects mostly in Namibia. Research topics include social-ecological research, sustainable exploitation of living marine resources, operational oceanography and fisheries (both professional and recreational), and coastal management.

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Missing in the picture: Jordi Boada, (Hired Scientist). Charlotte Reuschel (EA Erasmus)


PROJECTS PECES. Pesca recreativa a Espanya: Categorització, avaluació i seguiment PI: Ana Gordoa Entity: Proyectos Intramurales Especiales – CSIC Budget: 97.000 € Years: 2015 - 2018

Desarrollo del proyecto de investigación de la dinámica temporal del stock reproductor del Atún rojo en el Mediterráneo Occidental PI: Ana Gordoa Entity: Balfegó Tuna, SL Budget: 21.327 € Years: 2017 - 2018

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Gordoa,Ana; Boada, Jordi; García-Rubies, Antoni; Sagué, O. Free-diving underwater fish photography contests: a complementary tool for assessing littoral fish communities. Scientia Marina 82(2) : 95-106 (2018). https:// Hyder, Kieran; Gordoa, Ana, et al. Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context— Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment. Fish and Fisheries 19(2) : 225-243 (2018). handle/10261/157441 Kathena, J.; Yemane, Dawit; Bahamon, Nixon; Jansen, T. Population abundance and seasonal migration patterns indicated by commercial catch-perunit- effort of hakes (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) in the northern Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. African Journal of Marine Science 40(2) : 197-209 (2018). handle/10261/167869 Lloret, Josep; Cowx, Ian G.; Cabral, Henrique; Castro, Margarida; Font, Toni; Gonçalves, Jorge M.S.; Gordoa,


Ana; Hoefnagelf, Ellen; Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Mikkelsen, Eirik; Morales-Nin, Beatriz ; Moutopoulos, Dimitrios K.; Muñoz, Marta; Neves dos Santos, Miguel; Pintassilgo, Pedro; Pita, Cristina; Stergiou, K.I.; Ünal, V.; Veiga, Pedro; Erzini, Karim. Small-scale coastal fisheries in European Seas are not what they were: Ecological, social and economic changes. Marine Policy 98: 176-186 (2018) https:// Mechó, Ariadna; Aguzzi, Jacopo; de Mol, Ben; Lastras, G.; Ramírez-Llodra, Eva; Bahamon, Nixon; Company, Joan B.; Canals, Miquel. Visual faunistic exploration of geomorphological human-impacted deep-sea areas of the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98(6) : 1241-1252 (2018). Ruiz-Orejón, Luis F. ; Sardá, Rafael ; Ramis-Pujol, Juan. Now, you see me: High concentrations of floating plastic debris in the coastal waters of the Balearic Islands (Spain). Marine Pollution Bulletin 133 : 636-646 (2018).

Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context— Participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment Hyder, Kieran; Gordoa, Ana; et al. Fish and Fisheries 19(2) : 225-243 (2018) Abstract Marine recreational fishing (MRF) is a highparticipation activity with large economic value and social benefits globally, and it impacts on some fish stocks. Although reporting MRF catches is a European Union legislative requirement, estimates are only available for some countries. Here, data on numbers of fishers, participation rates, days fished, expenditures, and catches of two widely targeted species were synthesized to provide European estimates of MRF and placed in the global context. Uncertainty assessment was not possible due to incomplete knowledge of error distributions; instead,

a semi-quantitative bias assessment was made. There were an estimated 8.7 million European recreational sea fishers corresponding to a participation rate of 1.6%. An estimated 77.6 million days were fished, and expenditure was €5.9 billion annually. There were higher participation, numbers of fishers, days fished and expenditure in the Atlantic than the Mediterranean, but the Mediterranean estimates were generally less robust. Comparisons with other regions showed that European MRF participation rates and expenditure were in the mid‐range, with higher participation in Oceania and the United States, higher expenditure in the United States, and lower participation and expenditure in South America and Africa. For both northern European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Moronidae) and western Baltic cod (Gadus morhua, Gadidae) stocks, MRF represented 27% of the total removals. This study highlights the importance of MRF and the need for bespoke, regular and statistically sound data collection to underpin European fisheries management.


CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Bahamon, Nixon; Ahumada, M. A.; Bernardello, R.; Reuschel, C.; Company, Joan B.; Aguzzi, J.; Cruzado, A. A 9-year monitoring of environmental changes over the continental shelf in the Catalan Sea from multiparametric measurements. IMDIS 2018 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. 05/11/2018. Spain. POSTER Colmenero, A.I., Vigo, M., Macías, D., Pauly, M., Navarro, J., Bahamon, N., Barría, C. Is the increase of the pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea on the beaches of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea due to climate change? European Elasmobranch Association. 22nd annual conference. 12/10/2018. Portugal. ORAL. Gordoa A. Bluefin tuna CPUE time series and catch at age of the Balfegó purse seine joint fishing fleet in Balearic waters from 2003 to 2018. ICCAT Bluefin tuna species group. 2018. España. ORAL Gordoa, A. Summary on the current stock and fishery status for the northeast AtlanticMediterranean Bluefin tuna stock. Workshop on the NordTun project. 29/01/2018.

MASTER THESES Universitat Ramon Llull (ESADE). Plastics and the Circular Economy. Student: Natasha J. Awhad. MsC Advisor: Rafael Sardá.

Dinamarca. INVITED TALK. Gordoa, A. ; Dedeu, A. ; Boada J. Recreational Fishing in Spain: first national estimations of fisher population size, fishing activity and fisher social profile. I Simposio Internacional sobre Pesca Marítima Recreativa ISMAREF 2018. 14/09/2018. España. ORAL. Sardá, Rafael. A radical innovation in our production and consumption system that fights climate change. III Solidarity Day. 25/04/2018. Spain. ORAL Sardá, Rafael. La charta smeralda. UHINAK. III Congreso transfronterizo sobre Cambio Climático y Litoral. 07/03/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK Sardá, Rafael. Un nuevo modelo integral para la Gestión de Playas. CAPT 2018 III Congreso Internacional de Calidad Ambiental de Playas Turísticas. 21/03/2018. Colombia. ORAL. INVITED TALK Sardá, Rafael. World Café (previous meeting with the CEHS students). CEMS Call for Action on the Global Climate Challenge. 14/05/2018. Spain. ORAL. INVITED TALK

Universitat Ramon Llull (ESADE). Sustainable Development Goals as a new way to do Sustainable Reporting in the utility sector. Student: Shreya Agarwal. MsC Advisor: Rafael Sardá.

DOCTORAL THESES Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Floating plastic debris in the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea: current status


and its social perception. 02/07/2018. Student: Luis Francisco Ruiz-Orejón Sánchez-Pastor. PhD Advisor: Rafael Sardá Borroy.



Head of Research Group: Casamayor, Emilio O.

Freshwater ecosystems provide goods and services of critical importance to human societies. However, they are among the most heavily altered ecosystems with an over proportional biodiversity loss. Biogeochemistry of freshwater ecosystems is closely linked to terrestrial, atmospheric, and climatic perturbations, and responds specially to the effects of global change. We address the interactions between abiotic and biotic factors on different levels of organization qualitatively and quantitatively, looking for a more holistic understanding of biodiversity functioning and ecological processes in freshwaters. Our expertise covers from microbes to macrophytes and fish, and freshwater biogeochemical cycling. We use cutting edge analytical interdisciplinary methodologies and carry out observational and experimental research over both long temporal and broad spatial scales.


Missing in the picture: Adriana Peña (Hired Technician). Roberto Sanchez (Hired Technician). Berta Fueyo (Hired Technician). Elliot Bastias (PhD Student). Sheelajini Paramjothy (External Collaborator). José Luis Jiménez (External Collaborator). Joaquín Cochero (External Collaborator). Daniel Montagud (PhD Student). Aitana Oltra (Hired Technician)

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PROJECTS NICUS. Lights and shadows of nitrogen cycling in urban streams PI: Susana Bernal Entity: MINECO Budget: 192.390 € Years: 2015-2018

TANDEM. Projecte escoles Tàndem de la Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera PI: Emilio O. Casamayor Entity: Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera Budget: 40.000 € Years: 2016-2018

PI: Lluis Camarero Entity: MINECO Budget: 177.870 € Years: 2016-2019 INTERFACES. Ecohydrological interfaces as critical hotspots for transformations of ecosystem exchange fluxes and biogochemical cycling PI: Eugènia Martí Entity: European Union (Marie Curie) Budget: 231.082 € Years: 2014-2018

e-LTER. European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure

MEDSOUL. Assessment of in-stream self-purifying capacity in urban streams

PI: Esperança Gacia Entity: Entity: European Union (H2020) Budget: 71.954 € Years: 2015-2018

PI: Eugènia Martí Entity: MINECO Budget: 96.800 € Years: 2015-2018

HI-REQ. Smart high-frequency environmental sensor networks for quantifying nonlinear hydrological process dynamics across spatial scales

Deciphering the role of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in stream nutrient cycling.

PI: Eugènia Martí Entity: Entity: European Union (H2020) Budget: 180.000 € Years: 2016-2020

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TRANSFER-C. Claus per a entendre la transferència de les fluctuacions atmosfèriques a la dinàmica del plàncton lacustre: processos a la conca

PI: Eugènia Martí Entity: USA National Science Foundation Years: 2016-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT

DYNBIO. Dinàmica de la biodiversitat en muntanya. Xarxa de seguiments d’espècies i hàbitats, per avaluar els efectes del canvi global PI: Emilio O. Casamayor Entity: OAPN Budget: 6.500 € Years: 2016-2019

Recolección, análisis de muestras y de datos biológicos y geoquímicos y comunicación científica a través de los Servicios científicotécnicos del CEAB PI: Emilio O. Casamayor Entity: Proyectos Intramurales Especiales – CSIC Budget: 167.586 € Years: 2017-2020

RESTAURIOS. Projecte pilot de restauració per pal·liar els efectes d’abocament de les EDAR (Depuradores d’Aigües Residuals) en rius intermitents PI: Eugènia Martí Entity: Fundación BBVA Years: 2015-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT

Optimización de protocolo de QPCR para detección de ADN ambiental de especies invasoras y de especies en peligro de extinción en los lagos pirenaicos PI: Marc Ventura Entity: Proyectos Intramurales Especiales – CSIC Budget: 5.000 € Years: 2017-2018


BRIDGES. Bridging the gap between empirical microbial ecology and theories of biodiversity organization in space and time PI: Emilio O. Casamayor / David Alonso Entity: MINECO Budget: 176.660 € Years: 2016-2018

Index Biològic BMWPC 2016. PI: Mariàngels Puig Entity: Nestlé Waters España, S. A. Budget: 1.391 € Years: 2016-2017

LIMNOPIRINEUS. Restoration of lentic habitats and aquatic species of Community interest in high mountains of Pyrenees. PI: Marc Ventura Entity: European Union (Life+) Budget: 1.443.880 € Years: 2014-2019

REPLIM. Red de observatorios de ecosistemas sensibles (lagos, turberas) al cambio climático en el Pirineo PI: Lluís Camarero Entity: European Union (Interreg) Budget: 47.594 € Years: 2016-2019


SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Alahuhta, Janne; Lindholm, Marja; Bove, Claudia P.; Chappuis, Eglantine; Clayton, John; de Winton, Mary; Feldmann, Tõnu; Ecke, Frauke; Gacia, Esperança; Grillas, Patrick; Hoyer, Mark V.; Johnson, Lucinda B.; Kolada, Agnieszka; Kosten, Sarian; Lauridsen, Torben; Lukács, Balázs A.; Mjelde, Marit; Mormul, Roger P.; Rhazi, Laila; Rhazi, Mouhssine; Sass, Laura; Søndergaard, Martin; Xu, Jun; Heino, Jani. Global patterns in the metacommunity structuring of lake macrophytes: regional variations and driving factors. Oecologia 188(4) : 1167-1182 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/172188 Arellano, Lourdes; Fernández, Pilar; van Drooge, Barend L.; Rose, Neil L.; Nickus, Ulrike; Thies, Hansjoerg; Stuchlík, Evzen; Camarero, Lluís; Catalán, Jordi; Grimalt, Joan O. Drivers of atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at European high-altitude sites. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 : 16081-16097 (2018). https:// Ballen-Segura, Miguel; Catalán, Jordi; Felip, Marisol. Experimental evidence of the quantitative relationship between the prokaryote ingestion rate and the food vacuole content in mixotrophic phytoflagellates. Environmental Microbiology Reports 10(6) : 704-710 (2018). handle/10261/171630 Bastias, Elliot; Ribot, Miquel; Romaní, A.M.; Mora-Gómez, J.; Sabater, Francesc; López, P.; Martí, Eugènia. Responses of microbially driven leaf litter decomposition to stream nutrients depend on litter quality. Hydrobiologia 806(1) : 333-346 (2018). https://

36 Bernal, Susana; Lupon, Anna; Catalán, Núria; Castelar, Sara; Martí, Eugènia. Decoupling of dissolved organic matter patterns between stream and riparian groundwater in a headwater forested catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 22 : 1897–1910 (2018). Bernal, Susana; Segarra, Anna; Merbt, S.; Martí, Eugènia. Differences in ammonium oxidizer abundance and N uptake capacity between epilithic and epipsammic biofilms in an urban stream. Freshwater Science 37(1):13-22 (2018). handle/10261/160867 Blaen, P. J.; Kurz, Marie J.; Drummond, Jennifer D.; Knapp, Julia L. A.; Mendoza‐ Lera, C.; Schmadel, N. M.; Klaar, Megan J.; Jäger, A.; Folegot, Silvia; Lee-Cullin, Joseph; Ward, Adam S.; Zarnetske, Jay P.; Datry, Thibault; Milner, A. M.; Lewandowski, Jörg; Hannah, David M.; Krause, Stefan. Woody debris is related to reach‐scale hotspots of lowland stream ecosystem respiration under baseflow conditions. Ecohydrology : e1952 (2018). Bruelheide, Helge; Pérez-Haase, et al. Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2 : 1906-1917 (2018). https://digital. Caliz, Joan; Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Camarero, Lluís; Casamayor, Emilio O. A long-term survey unveils strong seasonal patterns in the airborne microbiome coupled to

general and regional atmospheric circulations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences : 115(48) : 12229-12234 (2018). Compte-Port, Sergi; Borrego, Carles M.; Jeanbille, Mathilde; Restrepo-Ortiz, Claudia X.; de Diego,Alberto; RodríguezIruretagoiena, Azibar; Gredilla, Ainara; Fernández-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Silvia; Galand, Pierre E.; Kalenitchenko, Dimitri; Rols, Jean-Luc; Pokrovsky, Oleg S.; González, Aridane G.; Camarero, Lluís; Muñiz, Selene; Navarro-Navarro, Enrique; Auguet, Jean-Christophe. Metal contaminations impact archaeal community composition, abundance and function in remote alpine lakes. Environmental Microbiology 20(7) : 2422-2437 (2018). https:// de Mendoza, Guillermo; Kaivosoja, Riikka; Grönroos, Mira; Hjort, Jan; Ilmonen, Jari; Kärnä, Olli-Matti; Paasivirta, Lauri; Tokola, Laura; Heino, Jani. Highly variable species distribution models in a subarctic stream metacommunity: Patterns, mechanisms and implications. Freshwater Biology 63(1) : 33-47 (2018). handle/10261/155873 Djukic, Ika; Kepfer-Rojas, Sebastian; Kappel Schmidt, Inger; Steenberg Larsen, Klaus; Beier, Claus; Berg, Björn; Verheyen, Kris; Gacia, Esperança; et al. Early stage litter descomposition across biomes. Science of the Total Environment 628629 : 1369-1394. (2018) Drummond, Jennifer D.; Boano, F.; Atwill, E. R.; Li, Xunde; Harter, T.; Packman, A. Cryptosporidium oocyst persistence in agricultural streams –a mobile-immobile model framework assessment. Scientific Reports 8 : 4603 (2018). handle/10261/163113 Drummond, Jennifer D.; Larsen, Laurel G.; González-Pinzón, Ricardo; Packman, A.; Harvey, Judson W. Less Fine Particle

Retention in a Restored Versus Unrestored Urban Stream: Balance Between Hyporheic Exchange, Resuspension, and Immobilization. Journal of Geophysical ResearchBiogeosciences 123 :1425-1439 (2018). https:// Folegot, Silvia; Hannah, David M.; Dugdale, Stephen J.; Kurz, Marie J.; Drummond, Jennifer D.; Klaar, Megan J.; Lee-Cullin, Joseph; Keller, Toralf; Martí, Eugènia; Zarnetske, Jay P.; Ward, Adam S.; Krause, Stefan. Low flow controls on stream thermal dynamics. Limnologica 68 : 157-167 (2018). handle/10261/156991 Gacia, Esperança; Buchaca, Teresa; Bernal-Mendoza, Nayeli; Sabas, Ibor; Ballesteros, Enric; Ventura, Marc. Non-native Minnows Threaten Quillwort Populations in High Mountain Shallow Lakes. Frontiers in Plant Science 9 : 329 (2018). Guareschi,Simone;Mellado‑Díaz,Andrés; Puig, Mariàngels; Sánchez‑Fernández, David. On the Iberian endemism Eurylophella iberica Keffermuller and Da Terra 1978 (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae): current and future potential distributions, and assessment of the effectiveness of the Natura 2000 network on its protection. Journal of Insect Conservation 22(1) : 127-134 (2018). https:// Guareschi, Simone; Mellado-Díaz, Andrés; Puig, Mariàngels; SánchezFernández, David. Assessing the extinction risk of the iberian endemism Eurylophella iberica Keffermuller & da Terra 1978 (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae). Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa (S.A. E.) 62 : 118-120 (2018). handle/10261/167864 Kaushal, S. S.; Gold, Arthur J.; Bernal, Susana; Newcomer Johnson, Tammy A.; Addy, Kelly; Burgin, Amy; Burns, D. A.; Coble, A. A.; Hood, Eran; Lu, YueHan;


A long-term survey unveils strong seasonal patterns in the airborne microbiome coupled to general and regional atmospheric circulations Caliz,Joan;Triadó Margarit,Xavier;Camarero, Lluís ; Casamayor, Emilio O. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences : 115(48) : 12229-12234 (2018)

Abstract Airborne microbes (bacteria, archaea, protists, and fungi) were surveyed over a 7-y period via high-throughput massive sequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes in rain and snow samples collected fortnightly at a high-elevation mountain Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network site

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(LTER-Aigüestortes, Central Pyrenees, Spain). This survey constitutes the most comprehensive mountain-top aerobiology study reported to date. The air mass origins were tracked through modeled back-trajectories and analysis of rain water chemical composition. Consistent microbial seasonal patterns were observed with highly divergent summer and winter communities recurrent in time. Indicative microbial taxa were unveiled as a forensic signature, and ubiquitous taxa were observed as common atmosphere inhabitants, highlighting aerosols as a potentially successful mechanism for global microbial dispersal. Source-tracking analyses identified freshwater, cropland, and urban biomes as the most important sources for airborne bacteria in summer, while marine and forest biomes prevailed in winter, in agreement with air mass retrotrajectories and the prevailing general and regional atmospheric circulation.

Mayer, Paul; Minor, Elizabeth C.; Schroth, Andrew W.; Vidon, P. G.; Wilson, Henry; Xenopoulos, Marguerite A.; Doody, Thomas; Galella, Joseph G.; Goodling, Phillip; Haviland, Katherine; Shahan, Haq; Wessel, Barret;Wood, Kelsey L.; Jaworski, Norbert; Belt, Kenneth T. Watershed ‘chemical cocktails’: forming novel elemental combinations in Anthropocene fresh waters. Biogeochemistry 141(3) : 281-305 (2018). Kaushal, S. S.; Gold, Arthur J.; Bernal, Susana; Tank, J. L. Diverse water quality responses to extreme climate events: an introduction. Biogeochemistry 141(3) : 273-279(2018). handle/10261/172820 Lupon, Anna; Ledesma, José L. J.; Bernal, Susana. Riparian evapotranspiration is essential to simulate streamflow dynamics and water budgets in a Mediterranean catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 : 4033-4045 (2018). handle/10261/168496 Marcé, Rafael; Von Schiller, D.; Aguilera, Rosana; Martí, Eugènia; Bernal, Susana. Contribution of hydrologic opportunity and biogeochemical reactivity to the variability of nutrient retention in river networks. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 : 376-388 (2018). Miró, Alexandre; Hall, Jeanette; Rae, Marcia; O’Brien, David. Links between ecological and human wealth in drainage ponds in a fastexpanding city, and proposals for design and management. Landscape and Urban Planning 180 : 93-102 (2018). https://digital. Miró, Alexandre; Sabas, Ibor; Ventura, Marc. Large negative effect of non-native trout and minnows on Pyrenean lake amphibians. Biological Conservation 218 :144-153 (2018).

Nikolakopoulou, Myrto; Argerich, A.; Drummond, Jennifer D.; Gacia, Esperança; Martí, Eugènia; Sorolla, Albert; Sabater, Francesc. Emergent Macrophyte Root Architecture Controls Subsurface Solute Transport. Water Resources Research 54 : 5958-5972 (2018). https://digital. Ortiz-Álvarez, Rüdiger; Fierer, Noah; Ríos, Asunción de los; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Barberán, Albert. Consistent changes in the taxonomic structure and functional attributes of bacterial communities during primary succession. The ISME Journal 12 : 1658-1667 (2018). handle/10261/161038 Ortiz-Álvarez, Rüdiger; Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Camarero, Lluís; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Catalán, Jordi. High planktonic diversity in mountain lakes contains similar contributions of autotrophic, heterotrophic and parasitic eukaryotic life forms. Scientific Reports 8 : 4457 (2018). handle/10261/162255 Palacín, Carlos; Camarero, Lluís; Catalán, Jordi. Estimating Sediment Denitrification Rates Using Cores and N2O Microsensors. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) 142 : e58553 (2018). https:/ handle/10261/173184 Palacín, Carlos; Camarero, Lluis; Catalán, Jordi. Denitrification Temperature Dependence in Remote, Cold, and N-Poor Lake Sediments. Water Resources Research 54 : 1161-1173 (2018). handle/10261/163300 Pinay, Gilles; Bernal, Susana; Abbott, Benjamin W.; Lupon, Anna; Martí, Eugènia; Sabater, Francesc; Krause, Stefan. Riparian corridors: A new conceptual framework for assessing nitrogen buffering across biomes. Frontiers in Environmental Science 6 : 47 (2018). handle/10261/166417


Restrepo-Ortiz, Claudia X.; Merbt, S.; Barrero-Canossa, J.; Fuchs, B. M.; Casamayor, Emilio O. Development of a 16S rRNA-targeted fluorescence in situhybridization probe for quantification of the ammonia-oxidizer Nitrosotalea devanaterra and its relatives. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 41(4) : 408-413 (2018). Tank, J. L.; Martí, Eugènia; Riis, T.; Von Schiller, D.; Reisinger, A.; Dodds, W. K.; Whiles, M. R.; Ashkenas, L. R.; Bowden, W. B.; Collins, S. M.; Crenshaw, C. L.; Crowl, T.; Griffiths, N. A.; Grimm, N. B.; Hamilton, S. K.; Johnson, S. L.; McDowell, W. H.; Norman, B. C.; Rosi-Marshall, E. J.; Simon, K. S.; Thomas, S. A.; Webster, J. R. Partitioning assimilatory nitrogen uptake in streams: an analysis of stable isotope tracer additions across continents. Ecological Monographs 88(1) : 120-138 (2018). https:// Trapote, M.C.; Vegas-Villarrúbia, Teresa; López, Pilar; Puche, Eric; Gomà, Joan; Buchaca, Teresa; Cañellas-Boltà, Núria; Safont, Elisabet; Corella, Juan Pablo; Rull, Valentí. Modern sedimentary analogues

and integrated monitoring to understand varve formation in the Mediterranean Lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 496(1) : 292-304 (2018). https:// Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Teresa; Corella, Juan Pablo; Pérez-Zanón, N.; Buchaca, Teresa; Trapote, M.C.; López, Pilar; Sigró, Javier; Rull, Valentí. Historical shifts in oxygenation regime as recorded in the laminated sediments of lake Montcortès (Central Pyrenees) support hypoxia as a continental-scale phenomenon. Science of the Total Environment 612 : 1577-1592 (2018). handle/10261/155866 Wollheim, W. M.; Bernal, Susana; Burns, D. A.; Czuba, J. A.; Driscoll, C. T.; Hansen, A. T.; Hensley, R. T.; Hosen, J. D.; Inamdar, S.; Kaushal, S. S.; Koenig, L. E.; Lu, Y. H.; Marzadri, A.; Raymond, P. A.; Scott, D.; Stewart, R. J.; Vidon, P. G.; Wohl, E. River network saturation concept: factors influencing the balance of biogeochemical supply and demand of river networks. Biogeochemistry 141(3) : 503-521 (2018). handle/10261/169323

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Barreiro-Lostres, F.; Moreno, A.; González-Sampériz, P.; Valero-Garcés, B.; Galop, D.; Le Roux, G.; Camarero, L.; de Diego, A.; Catalán, J.; Amouroux, D.; Elustondo, D.; Santamaría Ulecia, J.M.; Lauga, B.; Mata Campo, M.P. The REPLIM Project: A lake and wetland network to monitor global changes in the Pyrenees IPA-IAL 2018. 18/06/2018. Sweden. POSTER Bernal, S. Riparian and in-stream processes as drivers of hydrological N export in Mediterranean catchments. Idaho State University (ISU). Invited Seminar. 01/03/2018. USA. ORAL.

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Bernal, S.; Lupon, A.; Drummond, J.; Gacia, E.; Castelar, S.; Ribot, R.; Martí, E. Metabolic regime altered by treated waste water inputs in an intermittent stream. Symposium of Freshwater Sciences (SFS), Detroit. 01/ 05/2018. USA. ORAL Bernal, S.; Martí, E.; Lupon, A.; Catalán, N.; Castelar, S. Decoupling of dissolved organic matter patterns between stream and riparian groundwater in a headwater forested catchment. Symposium of Freshwater Sciences (SFS), Detroit. 01/ 05/2018. USA. POSTER Bernal, S. Estratègies per a una millor

gestió dels rius Mediterranis en conques urbanitzades. Jornades Prismàtic, Eines científiques per millorar la presa de decisions en la conservació de la natura Pla Anual de Transferència Tecnològica (PATT), Dept Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació, Generalitat de Catalunya. 01/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Buchaca, Teresa. Què ens dieun els pigments subfòssils sobre el canvi global? Conferència inclosa en del pla docent de l’assignatura “Sistema Terra”, de primer curs de l’ensenyament del Grau de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona. 07/11/2018. Spain. ORAL Buchaca, Teresa; Sabás, Ibor; Osorio, Víctor; Miró, Alexandre; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim; Ballesteros, Enric; Puig, Mariàngels; Ventura, Marc. Canvis en els estanys a partir de la reducció de les densitats de peixos en el marc del projecte LIFE LIMNOPIRINEUS. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 18/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Camarero, Lluis. Ecología de los ibones. XII Seminario del Geoparque: Los ibones del Geoparque Mundial Sobrarbe-Pirineos. 20/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Camarero, Lluis. P.N. Aigüestortes: Biogeoquímica de la precipitación atmosférica y las aguas superficiales como indicador del Cambio Global . Ciclo de seminarios permanentes en el CENEAM VIII. Seguimiento de la calidad del aire en la red de Parques Nacionales. 24/09/2018. Spain. ORAL Camarero, Lluís; Montagud, Daniel. Influència de les aigües subterrànies en els ecosistemes aqüàtics del Parc Nacional. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici . 17/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Campo, R.; Guerrero, M.; Freixinos, Z.; Guerrero, C.; Martí, E.; von Schiller, D.; Gómez, R. Preconditioning of leaves during the dry period alters ecosystem functioning

in intermittent streams upon rewetting: an in-situ BACI experiment. Limnologia 2018. 25/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Castrillón, Alba; Lucati, Federica; Miró, Alexandre; Tomàs, Jan; Font, Blanca; Jurado, Ismael; Cases, Meritxell; O’Brien, David; Cruset, Eloi; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim; Ventura, Marc. Estimació de la grandària poblacional de tritó pirinenc (Calotriton asper) en dos estanys d’alta muntanya a través de la fotoidentificació assistida per ordinador. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. POSTER Curcoll, Roger; Camarero, Lluís; Bacardit, Montse; Àgueda, Alba; Grossi, Claudia; Gacia, Esperança; Font, Anna; Morgui, Josep-Anton. Observacions atmosfèriques de CO2 al Parc d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. ORAL del Campo, Ruben; Lupon, Anna; Osorio, Víctor; Sabás, Ibor; et al. AGRHYDROM. A timely look at effects of agriculture on fluvial DOM: the role of hydrology. Limnologia 2018. 25/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Drummond, J.; Bernal, S.; Meredith, W.; Gonçalves, J.; Schumer, R.; Martí, E. Physical and biogeochemical processes driven by fine sediment and particulate organic matter point source inputs to intermittent streams. EGU,Vienna. 01/04/2018. Austria. ORAL. Drummond, J.; Gonçalves, J.; Bernal, S.; Gacia, E.; Gutierrez-Aguirre I.; Turk, V.; Ravnikar, M.; Martí, E. Influence of surface water – hyporheic zone interactions on pathogen persistence in an urban Mediterranean stream. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C. 01/12/2018. USA. POSTER Drummond, J.; Meredith, W.; Schumer, R.; Tobella, M.; Ribot, M.; Martí, E. Hydrologic influence on the spatial distribution of particulate organic matter and hyporheic sediment respiration within a geomorphically


altered stream. The 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH). USA. 04/06/2018. ORAL Gacia, E.; Bernal, S.; Carreras, E.; Nikolakopoulou, M.; Ribot, M.; Isnard, M,; Sabater, F.; Sorolla, A.; Martí, E. Elemental stoichiometry and contribution to nutrient retention of four species of helophytes receiving water inputs from a wastewater treatment plant effluent. Limnologia 2018. 25/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Gacia, Esperança; Buchaca, Teresa; Bernal-Mendoza, Nayeli; Sabás, Ibor; Ballesteros, Enric; Ventura, Marc. Impacte del barb roig als Prats d’isòets dels estanys del Pirineu. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Guareschi, S.; Mellado-Díaz, A.; Puig, Mariàngels; Sánchez-Fernández, D. The last shall be first: potential distribution and conservation assessment of the Iberian endemism Eurylophella iberica Keffermuller and Da Terra 1978 (Ephemeroptera, Ephemerellidae) under current and future climate scenarios. Limnologia 2018. 25/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Guasch, Helena. Sustainability goals in UNICAM Sustainable Agriculture in Cambodia. Current knowledge applications and future needs. Unicam Conference. 27/08/2018. Cambodia. PLENARY CONFERENCE Guasch, Helena; Argudo, Aría; Gich, Frederic; Delgado, Cristina. Ecotoxicogenomics as a tool to assess multiple-stress responses in fluvial systems. 5th Biofilm Workshop: “Omic approaches in biofilm research: advances in ecology and ecotoxicology”. 11/09/2018. Sweden. POSTER Krause, S.; Comer, S.; Brekenfeld, N.; Blaen, P.; Ullah, S.; Kettridge, N.; Hannah, D.; Romeijn, P.; Bonnet, B.;


Gooddy, D.; Drummond, J.; Martí, E.; Kurz, M.; Mendoza-Lera, C.; Baranov, V.; Lewandowski, J.; Ward, A.; Zarnetske, J. Quantifying microbial metabolic activity by the Resazurin/Resorufin smart tracer system from plot to catchment scales. EGU, Vienna. 01/04/2018. Austria. ORAL. Li, A.; Thomas, S.; Martí, E.; Packman, A. Physically-based modeling of water flow and nutrient reaction rates provides new insights into reach-scale nutrient dynamics. The 8th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH). 04/06/2018. USA. ORAL Lucati, Federica; Miró, Alexandre; Caner, Jennifer; O’Brien, David; Tomàs, Jan; Buchaca, Teresa; Font, Blanca; Jurado, Ismael; Cases, Meritxell; Cruset, Eloi; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim; Ventura, Marc. Diversitat genètica i patrons de migració del tritó pirinenc (Calotriton asper) al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. POSTER Lupon, A., Sabater, F., Poblador, S., Martí, E., Bernal, S. Linking riparian and stream nitrogen dynamics in a Mediterranean headwater catchment. Symposium Freshwater Sciences (SFS), Detroit. 01/05/2018. USA. ORAL Marcé, R.; von Schiller, D.; Aguilera, R.; Martí, E.; Bernal, S. Contribution of hydrologic opportunity and biogeochemical reactivity to the variability of nutrient retention in river networks. Limnologia 2018. 25/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Martí, E. Eight Days a Week, the Biogeochemical Heartbeat of Urban Streams. XV Jornada d’Avenços en Ecologia. CEABCSIC. Blanes. 5/10/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK. Martí, E. Investigacions i funcionament de l’Urban River Lab. Jornada Tècnica del Consorci Besòs Tordera. Granollers. 21/06/2018. Spain.

INVITED TALK Miró, Alexandre; O’Brien, David; Tomàs, Jan; Buchaca, Teresa; Sabás, Ibor; Osorio, Victor; Lucati, Federica; Caner, Jenny; Font, Blanca; Jurado, Ismael; Cases, Meritxell; Cruset, Eloi; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim; Ventura, Marc. Restauració de les poblacions d’amfibis en cinc estanys del Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici després del control o eradicació de peixos exòtics (LIFE LIMNOPIRINEUS). XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 18/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Miró, Alexandre; Ventura, Marc. Fish as local stressors of Pyrenean high mountain lakes: arrival process and impact on amphibians and other organisms. XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL). Inland waters and XXI century challenges: from scientific knowledge to environmental management. 28/06/2018. Portugal. INVITED TALK Ontiveros, Vicente J.; Càliz, Joan; TriadóMargarit, Xavier; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Alonso, David. Un estudio dinámico de las comunidades microbianas del Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes: oportunidades para la conservación. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 17/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Ortiz Alvarez, Rüdiger. Biodiversidad microbiana como base de la sostenibilidad de ecosistemas naturales y agrarios. Microbiología y Sociedad: Retos. IV Reunión de Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología. 19/07/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK Ortiz-Álvarez, Rüdiger; Catalán, Jordi; Camarero, Lluís; Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Casamayor, Emilio O. Umbrales ambientales en microeucariotas planctónicos en lagos de Pirineos. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 17/10/2018. España. ORAL

Osorio, Víctor; Puig, Mariàngels; Buchaca, Teresa; Miró, Alexandre; PouRovira, Joaquim; Sabás, Ibor; Ventura, Marc. Factors que expliquen la composició de les comunitats de macroinvertebrats litorals als estanys del Parc Nacional. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 18/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Palacin-Lizarbe, Carlos; Camarero, Lluís; Hallin, Sara; Jones, Christopher M.; Caliz, Joan; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Catalan, Jordi. Contrasting microbial nitrogen-transforming networks in mountain lake benthic habitats. 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. 12/08/2018. Germany. ORAL Peña-Angulo, D.; Bernal, S.; et al.Analysis of the spatial variability of the relationships between rainfall, runoff, erosion and sediment yield and synoptic atmospheric patterns around the Mediterranean basin. TERRA ENVISION 2018. 29/01/2018. Spain. ORAL Pou-Rovira, Q.; Cruset, E.; Font, B.; Jurado, I.; Márquez, M.; Buchaca, T.; Sabas, I.; Osorio, V.; Puig, Mariàngels; Miró, Alexandre;Ventura, Marc. Ecological restoration of high mountain lakes in the Pyrenees by fish removal or intensive control: Provisional results of the project Life Limnopirineus. SIBIC 18. 15/06/2018. Portugal. ORAL Pou-Rovira, Q.; Cruset, E.; Font, B.; Jurado, I.; Márquez, M.; Calderon, J.; Dalmau, B.; Aguilera, I.; Berché, R.; Buchaca, T.; Osorio, V.; Sabas, I.; Puig, M. A.; Miró, A.; Ventura, M. Growth and demography of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in two high mountain lakes of the Pyrenees: Initial results of the project Life Limnopirineus. SIBIC2018. 12/06/2018. Portugal. POSTER Puig, Mariàngels; Osorio, Víctor; Buchaca, Teresa; Miró, Alexandre; Sabás, Ibor; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim;Ventura, Marc; Puig, Emma; Camarero, Lluís. Solapament de dietes i competencia pels recursos tròfics


de les espècies de peixos introduïdes als llacs d’alta muntanya pirinencs. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 18/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Puig, Mariàngels; Puig, Emma; Osorio, Víctor; Camarero, Lluís. 12 anys de seguiment de les comunitats de macroinvertebrats al riu Sant Nicolau (LOOP). XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. POSTER Romagosa, Francesc; Ventura, Marc; Buchaca, Teresa; Miró, Alexandre. Avaluació de la percepció sobre els ecosistemes aquàtics d’alta muntanya per part de visitants i residents de l’entorn del Parc Nacional. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici . 19/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Sabás, Ibor; Buñay, Danilo; Buchaca, Teresa; Miró, Alexandre; Pou-Rovira, Joaquim;Ventura, Marc. Efecte de diferents pressions de depredació en l’estructura i composició del zooplancton. XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 08/10/2018. Spain. ORAL Sala, Jordi; Miró, Alexandre; Ventura, Marc; et al. Defining the importance of landscape metrics for large branchiopod biodiversity and conservation: the case of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop and 5th “Recerca i Territori” seminar. 21/05/2018. Spain. ORAL Santiago Giralt; Teresa Buchaca; et al. The North Atlantic Oscillation in the Azores archipelago: a Holocene high-resolution and multiproxy limnological approach. IPAIAL 2018 Joint Meeting: Unravelling the Past and Future of Lakes. 18/06/2018. Sweden. POSTER

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Solé, Solé, Judith; Miró, Alexandre. La condició física del gripau comú i la granota roja al circ de Dellui (Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici). XI Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 19/10/2018. Spain. POSTER Ventura, Marc; Alonso, M. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear genes support genus differentiation between Chyrocephalus and Gallaziella. 8th European Pond Conservation Network Workshop and 5th “Recerca i Territori” seminar. 21/05/2018. Spain. ORAL Ward, A. S.; Drummond, J.; Martí, E.; et al. How do hydrologic forcing and geologic setting control river corridor exchange in a 5th order mountain stream network?. Annual Meeting of The Geological Society of America (GSA). 07/11/2018. USA. ORAL Wen, H.; Li, L., Perdrial, J.; Abbott, B.W.; Adler, T. ; Bernal, S.; Dupas, R.; Godsey, S.; Harpold, A.; Rizzo, D.; Sterle, G.; Underwood, K. Hydrologic Controls of catchment-scale dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C. 01/12/2018. USA. POSTER Wollheim, W.; Bernal, S.; Burns, D.; Czuba, J.; Driscoll, S.; Hansen, A.; Hensley, R.; Hosen, J.; Kaushal, S.; Koenig, L.; Lu, Y.; Marzadri, A.; Raymond, P.; Scott, D.; Stewart, R.; Vidon, P.; Ellen W. River network saturation hypothesis: factors influencing biogeochemical demand of entire river networks relative to supply. Annual meeting Ecological Society of America (ESA), New Orleans. 01/08/2018. USA. ORAL Wollheim, W.; Bernal, S. et al. River network saturation hypothesis: factors influencing biogeochemical demand of entire river networks relative to supply. Symposium Freshwater Sciences (SFS), Detroit. 01/05/2018. USA. ORAL

DEGREE’S FINAL PROJECT Universitat de Barcelona. Comparació de la dieta del Barb Roig en dos estanys dels Pirineus. 21/02/2018. Student: Tania Pujol. Final Project Advisor: Marc Ventura Oller. Universitat de Barcelona. Efectes del canvi climàtic en les comunitats de Plecòpters i Efemeròpters [Insecta] d’alta muntanya. Estudi interanual en un tram del riu Sant Nicolau al Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 09/07/2018. Student: Emma Puig Garcia. Final Project Advisor: Mariàngels Puig Garcia. Universitat de Barcelona. El creixement i la condició física de poblacions de capgrossos de granota roja (Rana temporaria) i gripau comú

(Bufo spinosus) al circ de Dellui. 03/09/2018. Student: Judith Solé Bertran. Final Project Advisor: Marc Ventura Oller. Universitat de Girona. Variabilitat en la dieta de la truita comuna (Salmo trutta) a l’estany i el riu de Cap de Port de Peguera en disminuir la seva densitat poblacional. 21/02/2018. Laura Barbero Palacios. Final Project Advisor: Marc Ventura Oller. Universitat de Girona. Distribució de particules fines aigües avall de la entrada de un effluent d’aigües residuals urbanes. 15/10/2018. Student: Ariadna Rebollo. Final Project Advisor: Susana Bernal

MASTER THESIS Universitat de Barcelona. Avaluació i comparació del creixement, la mortalitat i la condició de Salmo trutta en estanys d’alta muntanya dels Pirineus. 21/02/2018. Student: Guillem Llenas Turet. Master Thesis Advisor: Marc Ventura Oller Universitat de Barcelona. Avaluació i comparació del creixement, la mortalitat i la condició de Salmo trutta en estanys d’alta muntanya dels Pirineus. 05/10/2018. Student:

Thalia Lazo. Master Thesis Advisor: Susana Bernal and Jen Drummond Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Master on Inland Water Quality Assessment. Elemental dynamics, with emphasis on phosphorus, in helophytes used as green filters. Sep 2018. Student: Laura Morgado. Master Thesis Advisors: Eugènia Martí and Esperança Gacia.

DOCTORAL THESIS Universitat de Girona. Microbial community assembly and biogeography in the Pyrenean lacustrine district. 18/05/2018. Student: Rüdiger Alejandro Ortiz Álvarez. PhD Advisor: Emilio O. Casamayor

Universitat de Barcelona. The role of leaf litter quality and streambed hydromorphology on in-stream leaf litter dynamics. 11/04/2018. Student: Elliot Bastias Alamo. PhD Advisor: Eugènia Martí Roca.



Head of Research Group: Uriz Lespe, MarĂ­a JesĂşs

We seek to assess evolutionary and ecological processes in benthic systems by combining field observation, experimentation, and molecular tools. We aim to understand the diversity, functioning, and responses of the marine benthos to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced, to predict future scenarios of marine ecosystems. Current topics cover the taxonomy and molecular phylogeny and ecology of benthic assemblages (metagenomics) and species (sponges, polychaetes, crustaceans, ascidians, and fishes), with particular emphasis on symbiotic interactions. Life cycles, population genetics, demography, and phylogeography studies help us to detect and understand the colonization pathways and the fate of exotic (introduced) marine species in native ecosystems. Moreover, the production of secondary metabolites by marine benthic organisms is studied under the dual perspective of their ecological functions and biotechnological applications.

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Missing in the picture: Paula Carolina RodrĂ­guez (Hired Technician). Marwa Chaibi (Externar Collaborator)



POPCOMICS. Biodiversidad marina y genómica: de las poblaciones a las comunidades PI: Xavier Turon Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades Budget: 164,802 € Years: 2018-2020

PI: Daniel Martin Entity: CREOCEAN Budget: 47.500 € Years: 2016-2017

DEEPFALL. Macrobenthic communities associated with deep wood falls lying in submarine canyons.

CONECTIVIDAD. Conectividad, biodiversidad y evolución en organismos marinos

PI: Daniel Martin Entity: European Union (Marie Curie) Budget: 341.387 € Years: 2015-2018

PI: Enrique Macpherson Entity: Proyectos Intramurales Especiales Budget: 206.282€ Years: 2017-2020 €

AMARE. Actions for Marine Protected Areas

SCOOBA. Symbiotic Cooperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context PI: Xavier Turon Entity: European Union (Marie Curie) Budget: 239.191 € Years: 2017-2020

PI: Enrique Macpherson Entity: European Union (Interreg) Budget: 206.629 € Years: 2016-2020

48 48 48

CREOCEAN. Systematics and trophicfunctional ecology of marine macrobenthos: An aplication to environmental studies

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Carella, Mirco; Uriz, María Jesús. Description of two new genera (Antarctotetilla, Levantiniella) and a new species of Tetillidae. Zootaxa 4455 (2) : 295-321 (2018). https:// Casso, Maria; Navarro, Marina; Ordóñez, Víctor; Fernández-Tejedor, Margarita; Pascual, Marta; Turon, Xavier. Seasonal patterns of settlement and growth of introduced and native ascidians in bivalve cultures in the Ebro Delta (NE Iberian Peninsula). Regional Studies in Marine Science 23 : 12-22 (2018). handle/10261/158041 Davis, A. R.; Becerro, Mikel;Turon, Xavier. Living on the edge: Early life history phases as determinants of distribution in Pyura praeputialis (Heller, 1878), a rocky shore ecosystem engineer. Marine Environmental Research 142 : 40-47 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/170592 De Carlt, S.; González, Janina; Turon, Xavier; Uriz, María Jesús. Reproductive strategies of two common sympatric Mediterranean sponges: Dysidea avara (Dictyoceratida) and Phorbas tenacior (Poecilosclerida). PeerJ 6:e5458 (2018). https:// Delsuc, Frédéric; Philippe, Hervé; Tsagkogeorga, Georgia; Simion, Paul; Tilak, Marie-Ka; Turon, Xavier; LópezLegentil, S.; Piette, Jacques; Lemaite, Patrick; Douzery, Emmanuel J. P. A phylogenomic framework and timescale for comparative studies of tunicates. BMC Biology 16 : 39 (2018). handle/10261/163664 El Asri, Fatima; Zidane, Hakima; Errhif,


Ahmed; Tamsouri, Mohamed-Naoufal; Maanan, Mohamed; Idrissi, Mohamed Malouli; Martin, Daniel. Polychaete diversity and assemblage structure in the Oualidia Lagoon, Moroccan Atlantic coast. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 98(6) : 1337-1346 (2018). Font, Toni; Gil, João; Lloret, Josep. The commercialization and use of exotic baits in recreational fisheries in the northwestern Mediterranean: Environmental and management implications. Aquatic Conservation:Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28(3) : 651-661 (2018). https:// García Raso, J. Enrique; Cuesta, José A.; Abelló, Pere; Macpherson, Enrique. Updating changes in the Iberian decapod crustacean fauna (excluding crabs) after 50 years. Scientia Marina 82(4) : 207-229 (2018). García-Cisneros, Álex; Palacín, Cruz; Rezende Ventura, Carlos Renato; Feital, Barbara; Paiva, Paulo Cesar; PérezPortela, R. Intraspecific genetic structure, divergence and high rates of clonality in an amphi-Atlantic starfish. Molecular Ecology 27 : 752-772 (2018). handle/10261/159775 Ingels, Jeroen; dos Santos, Giovanni; Hicks, Natalie; Valdes Vazquez, Yirina; Fernandes Neres, Patricia; Pereira Pontes, Letícia; Nataly Amorim, Mayara; Román, Sara; Du, Yongfen; Stahl, Henrik; Somerfield, P. J.; Widdicombe, Stephen. Short-term CO2 exposure and temperature rise effects on metazoan meiofauna and


free-living nematodes in sandy and muddy sediments: Results from a flume experiment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502 : 211-226 (2018). https://digital.

Mather, Peter B.; Bracken-Grissom, Heather D.; Santos, M. Begoña. Preface: Recent advances in Crustacean Genomics. Hydrobiologia 825: 1-4 (2018). https://digital.

Martin, Daniel; Britayev, Temir A. Symbiotic polychaetes revisited: an update of the known species and relationships (1998 – 2017). Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 56: p.p 371-448 (2018). https://

Santín, Andreu; Grinyó, Jordi; Ambroso, Stefano; Uriz, María Jesús; Gori, Andrea; Dominguez-Carrió, Carlos; Gili, Josep Maria. Sponge assemblages on the deep Mediterranean continental shelf and slope (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea). Deep-Sea Research Part I 131 : 75-86 (2018). handle/10261/158467

Molari, Massimiliano; Guilini, Katja; Lott, Christian; Weber, Miriam; de Beer, Dirk; Meyer, Stefanie; Ramette, Alban; Wegener, Gunter; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Martin, Daniel; Cibic, Tamara; De Vittor, Cinzia; Vanreusel, Ann; Boetius, Antje. CO2 leakage alters biogeochemical and ecological functions of submarine sands. Science Advances 4(2) : eaao2040 (2018). Pérez-Moreno, Jorge L.; DeLeo, Danielle M.; Palero, Ferran; BrackenGrissom, Heather D. Phylogenetic annotation and genomic architecture of opsin genes in Crustacea. Hydrobiologia 825(1) : 159-175 (2018). handle/10261/167848 Rodríguez-Flores, Paula C.; Macpherson, Enrique; Machordom, Annie. Three new species of squat lobsters of the genus Munidopsis Whiteaves, 1874, from Guadeloupe Island, Caribbean Sea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Munidopsidae). Zootaxa 4422(4) : 569-580 (2018). handle/10261/165232 Román, Sara; Vanreusel, Ann; Ingels, Jeroen; Martin, Daniel. Nematode community zonation in response to environmental drivers in Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 502 : 11-128 (2018). Rotllant,

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Turon, Marta; Caliz, Joan; Garate, Leire; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Uriz, María Jesús. Showcasing the role of seawater in bacteria recruitment and microbiome stability in sponges. Scientific Reports 8:15201 (2018). Turon, Xavier; Holan, Jessica R.; Davis, A. R. Defence behind the ramparts: Spicule armament against specialist predators in a subtidal habitat-forming ascidian. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 507 : 31-38 (2018). handle/10261/168121 Ventura, Tomer; Palero, Ferran; Rotllant, Guiomar; Fitzgibbon, Quinn P. Crustacean metamorphosis: an omics perspective. Hydrobiologia 825(1) : 47-60 (2018). https:// Wangensteen, Owen S.; Cebrian, Emma; Palacín, Cruz; Turon, Xavier. Under the canopy: Community-wide effects of invasive algae in Marine Protected Areas revealed by metabarcoding. Marine Pollution Bulletin 127 : 54-66 (2018). handle/10261/158477 Wangensteen, Owen S.; Palacín, Cruz; Guardiola, Magdalena; Turon, Xavier. DNA metabarcoding of littoral hardbottom communities: high diversity and database gaps revealed by two molecular markers.

Showcasing the role of seawater in bacteria recruitment and microbiome stability in sponges Marta Turon, Joan Cรกliz, Leire Garate, Emilio O. Casamayor, Maria J. Uriz Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 15201 (2018) Abstract We studied the core bacterial communities of 19 sponge species from Nha Trang Bay (Central Vietnam), with particular emphasis on the contribution of planktonic seawater bacteria to the sponge core microbiomes. To ensure consistent sponge-microbe associations and accurate identification of planktonic bacteria transmitted from seawater, we were very restrictive with the definition of the sponge core microbiomes (present in all the replicates), and with the


identification of valid biological 16S rRNA gene sequences (100% sequence identity) that belonged to potentially different bacterial taxa. We found a high overlap (>50% relative abundance) between the sponge species core microbiome and the seawater bacterial core in ca. a half of the studied species, including representatives of both, HMA and LMA sponges. From our restrictive analysis, we point to horizontal transmission as a relevant way of symbiont acquisition in sponges. Some species-specific recognition mechanisms may act in sponges to enrich specific seawater bacteria in their tissues. These mechanisms would allow the maintenance of bacterial communities in a species across geographical ranges. Moreover, besides contrasting preferences in bacteria selection from seawater, divergent physiological traits may also account for the different microbiomes in species of HMA and LMA sponges.


PeerJ 6 : e4705 (2018). handle/10261/164420 Zupan, Mirta; Bulleri, Fabio; Evans, Julian; Fraschetti, Simonetta; Guidetti, P.; García-Rubies, Antoni; Sostres, Marta; Asnaghi, Valentina; Caro, Anthony; Deudero Company, María de la Salud; Goñi, Raquel; Guarnieri, Giuseppe; Guilhaumon, François; Kersting, D. K.;

Kokkali, Athina; Kruschel, Claudia; Mačić, Vesna; Mangialajo, L.; Mallol, Sandra; Macpherson, Enrique; Panucci,Antonella; Radolovic, Mirko; Ramdani, Mohamed; Schembri, Patrick J.; Terlizzi, Antonio; Villa, Elisa; Claudet, Joachim. How good is your marine protected area at curbing threats? Biological Conservation 221 : 237-245 (2018).

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Abelló, P.; Cuesta, J.A.; Díaz, D.; Rodríguez, P.C.; Vicioso, M. Observadors del Mar i col·leccions de ciències naturals: el paper de la ciutadania en el coneixement de la biodiversitat i els seus canvis. VI Trobada de Tècnics de Col·leccions de Ciències Naturals de Catalunya. 10/12/2018. Spain. ORAL Barbanti, Anna; Torrado, Hector; Bargelloni, Luca; Franch, Rafaella; Cardona, Luis; Tomás, Jesús; Hamza, Abdulmaula A.; Macpherson, Enrique; Carreras, Carlos; Pascual, Marta. Population genomics of non-model species: The key of adequate pilot studies. 38th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. 20/02/2018. Japan. ORAL Casso, Maria; Pascual, Marta; Turon, Xavier. The colonization of a global invader studied genomewide. XVIII Jornada de Biología Evolutiva. 25/06/2018. Spain. ORAL Counts, Bailey; Turon, Xavier; LopezLegentil, Susanna. No introduced ascidians detected in reef and mangrove habitats of the Bahamas. VI International Sea Squirt Conference. 02/05/2018. United States. POSTER Guarneri, I.; Sigovini, M.; Andrenacci, M.; Appelqvist, C.; Bergamasco, A.; Bjordal,


C.; Chbarenko, B.; Cragg, S.; D’Amado, R.; De Witt, R.; Eriksen, A. M.; Faimali, M.; Gamito, S.; Gregory, D.; Guastadisegni, A.; Hoppe, K.; Hummel, H.; Magni, P.; Paalvast, P.; Palma, P.; Pérez-Ruzafa, A.; Pessa, G.; PIcco, A. M.; Quintana, X.; Razinkovas, A.; Ruginis, T.; Sandow, V.; Shaiek, M.; Sivrikaya, H.; Teaca, A.; Turon, X.; Tagliapietra, D. Synchronous and standardized observation of the biogeographic distribution of marine woodborers in Europe: a networking activity. 8th EuroLag, European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. 20/03/2018. Greece. ORAL Marchini, A.; Ahyong, S.; Costello, M. J.; Decock, W.; Dekeyzer, S.; Galil, B. S.; Lanssens, T.; Lejeusne, C.; OcchipintiAmbroggi, A.; Pagad, S.; Panov,V. E.; Rius, M.; Robinson, T. B.; Turon, X.; Verleye, T.; Vandepitte, L.;Vanhoorne, B.;Verfaille, K. Introducing the World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRIMS). Xth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 16/10/2018. Argentina. ORAL Pérez-Portela, Rocío; Riesgo, Ana; Wangensteen, Owen S.; Palacín, Creu; Turon, Xavier. Thermal stress responses in a Mediterranean keystone sea urchin using RNA-seq techniques. Marine Evolution 2018. 14/05/2018. Sweden. POSTER

Romano, C.; Nunes-Jorge, A.; Rouse, L.G W.; Borowski, C.; Martin, D. Diversity and biogeography of deep-sea wood boring Xylophagaidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia) in European waters. Marine Evolution, Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. 15/05/2018. Suecia. POSTER Romano, C.; Tunnicliffe, V.; Rouse, G.W.; Martin, D. Phylogeny and biogeography of deep-sea wood boring Xylophagainae (Mollusca, Bivalvia). 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. 09/09/2018. United States. POSTER

Taverna, A.; Aranzamendi, M. C.; Maggioni, T.; Alurralde, G.; Turon, X.; Tatián, M. The ascidian Asterocarpa humilis (Heller, 1878) in the South Western Atlantic: a native or introduced species? Xth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 16/10/2018. Argentina. POSTER Turon, Xavier; Casso, Maria; Tagliapietra, Davide; Pascual, Marta. Prevalence of chimerism and colony fusion in Didemnum vexillum: a genomic approach. VI International Sea Squirt Conference. 02/05/2018. United States. ORAL

DOCTORAL THESES Universitat de Barcelona. Patterns of genetic and morphologic diversity in Antarctic sponges. 13/07/2018. Student: Mirco Carella. PhD Advisor: María Jesús Uriz Lespe.



Head of Research Group: Ballesteros Sagarra, Enric

We aim to understand patterns and processes underlying the structure and functioning of the marine benthos at multiple temporal and spatial scales and at different environmental situations. We combine descriptive field ecology and natural history with experimental and modelling approaches to understand functional drivers of species, communities and ecosystems. We are interested on how benthic ecosystems may be influenced by human alterations at local, regional and global scales. Most of the ecosystems studied are shallow rocky bottoms and seagrass meadows in a wide range of geographical areas: Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans and Gulf of California and Caribbean Sea.

54 54

Missing in the picture: Jordi Boada (Hired Technician). Xavier BuĂąuel (Hired Technician)


PROJECTS UMBRAL. Respuestas de la vegetación marina bentónica al estrés: transiciones críticas, resilencia y oportunidades de gestión. PI: Teresa Alcoverro Entity: MINECO Budget: 106,843 Years: 2018-2020

CAULERPA. Seguiment de l’indicador macroalgues de la DMA a les aigües costaneres de Catalunya per a l’obtenció d’índex de qualitat biològica CARLIT, i control d’espècies invasores bentòniques al litoral català PI: Enric Ballesteros Entity: ACA – Generalitat de Catalunya Budget: 224.697 € Years: 2016-2018

PRISTINE SEAS PI: Enric Ballesteros Entity: National Geographic Years: 2014-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT

56 56 56

La recuperació de Dugong dugon de les illes Andaman i Nicobar PI: Teresa Alcoverro Entity: Nature Conservation Foundation Years: 2012-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT

MERCES. Marine ecosystem restoration in changing european seas. PI: Enric Ballesteros Entity: European Union (H2020) Budget: 22.212 € Years: 2016-2020

Securing atoll islands. Developing community-based biosecurity measures and exploring livelihood alternatives in the Lakshadweep PI: Teresa Alcoverro Entity: Nature Conservation Foundation Years: 2016-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT


SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Badreddine, Ali; Abboud-Abi Saab, Marie; Gianni, F.; Ballesteros, Enric; Mangialajo, Luisa. First assessment of the ecological status in the Levant Basin: Application of the CARLIT index along the Lebanese coastline. Ecological Indicators 85 : 37-47 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/157434 Boada, Jordi; Farina, S.; Arthur, Rohan; Romero, Javier; Prado, Patricia;Alcoverro, Teresa. Herbivore control in connected seascapes: habitat determines when population regulation occurs in the life history of a key herbivore. Oikos 127(8) : 1195-1204 (2018). Boada, Jordi; Pagès, Jordi F.; Gera, Alessandro; Macpherson, Enrique; Santana, Yaiza; Romero, Javier; Alcoverro, Teresa. The richness of small pockets: Decapod species peak in small seagrass patches where fish predators are absent. Marine Environmental Research 142 : 1-6 (2018). handle/10261/170452 Cebrian, Emma; Tomàs, Fiona; LópezSendino, P.; Vilà, Montserrat; Ballesteros, Enric. Biodiversity influences invasion success of a facultative epiphytic seaweed in a marine forest. Biological Invasions 20(10) : 2839-2848 (2018). handle/10261/164439 Cefalì, Maria Elena; Ballesteros, Enric; Riera, Joan L.; Chappuis, Eglantine; Terradas, Marc; Mariani, Simone; Cebrian, Emma. The optimal sampling design for littoral habitats modelling: A case study from the north-western Mediterranean. PLoS ONE 13(5): e0197234 (2018). handle/10261/165659 Farina, S.; Oltra, Aitana; Boada, Jordi; Bartumeus, Frederic; Romero, Javier;


Alcoverro, Teresa. Generation and maintenance of predation hotspots of a functionally important herbivore in a patchy habitat mosaic. Functional Ecology 32(2) : 556-565 (2018). handle/10261/156567 Friedlander, Alan M.; Ballesteros, Enric; Bell, Tom W.; Giddens, Jonathan; Henning, Brad; Hüne, Mathias; Muñoz, Alex; Salinas-de-León, Pelayo; Sala, Enric. Marine biodiversity at the end of the world: Cape Horn and Diego Ramírez islands. PLoS ONE 13(1): e0189930 (2018). https://digital. Gacia, E.; Buchaca, T.; Bernal, N.; sabás, I.; Ballesteros, E.; Ventura, M. Non-native minnows threaten quillwort populations in high mountain shallow lakes. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 9: 329 (2018). handle/10261/162659 Hays, Graeme C.; Alcoverro, Teresa; Christianen, Marjolijn J.A.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Hamann, Mark; Macreadie, Peter I.; Marsh, Helene D.; Rasheed, Michael A.; Thums, Michele; Unsworth, Richard K. F.; York, P. H.; Esteban, Nicole. New Tools to Identify the Location of Seagrass Meadows: Marine Grazers as Habitat Indicators. Frontiers in Marine Science 5 : 9 (2018). https://digital. Ledoux, J. B.; Frleta-Valić, Maša; Kipson, Silvija; Antunes, Agostinho; Cebrian, Emma; Linares, Cristina; Sánchez, Pablo; Leblois, Raphael; Garrabou, Joaquim. Postglacial range expansion shaped the spatial genetic structure in a marine habitat forming species: Implications for conservation plans in the Eastern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Biogeography 45 : 2645-2657 (2018). https://


Functional biodiversity loss along natural CO2 gradients Teixidó, Nuria; Gambi, María Cristina; Parravacini, Valeriano; Kroeker, Kristy J.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Villéger, Sebastien; Ballesteros, Enric Nature Communications 9 : 5149 (2018) The effects of environmental change on biodiversity are still poorly understood. In particular, the consequences of shifts in species composition for marine ecosystem function are largely unknown. Here we assess the loss of functional diversity, i.e.

Leydet, Karine Posbic; Grupstra, Carsten G. B.; Coma, Rafael; Ribes, Marta; Hellberg, Michael E. Host-targeted RADSeq reveals genetic changes in the coral Oculina patagonica associated with range expansion along the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Molecular Ecology 27 : 2529-2543 (2018).

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the range of species biological traits, in benthic marine communities exposed to ocean acidification (OA) by using natural CO2 vent systems. We found that functional richness is greatly reduced with acidification, and that functional loss is more pronounced than the corresponding decrease in taxonomic diversity. In acidified conditions, most organisms accounted for a few functional entities (i.e. unique combination of functional traits), resulting in low functional redundancy. These results suggest that functional richness is not buffered by functional redundancy under OA, even in highly diverse assemblages, such as rocky benthic communities.

Mariani, Simone; Ocaña, Vicente Oscar; López-Sendino, P.; García, María; Ricart, Aurora M.; Garrabou, Joaquim; Ballesteros, Enric. The zooxanthellate scleractinian coral Oulastrea crispata (Lamarck, 1816), an overlooked newcomer in the Mediterranean Sea? Mediterranean Marine Science 0 : 589-597 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/173084

Pagès, Jordi F.; Smith, Timothy M.; Tomàs, Fiona; Sanmartí, Neus; Boada, Jordi; De Bari, Harriet; Pérez, Marta M.; Romero, Javier; Arthur, Rohan; Alcoverro, Teresa. Contrasting effects of ocean warming on different components of plantherbivore interactions. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134 : 55-65 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/157433 Parente, Manuela I.; Gabriel, Daniela; Micael, Joana; Botelho, Andrea Z.; Ballesteros, Enric; Milla, David; dos Santos, Rodolfo; Costa, Ana C. First report of the invasive macroalga Acrothamnion preissii (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) in the Atlantic Ocean. Botanica Marina 61(1) : 85-90 (2018). Ricart, Aurora M.; García, María; Weitzmann, Boris; Linares, Cristina; Hereu, Bernat; Ballesteros, Enric. Longterm shifts in the north western Mediterranean coastal seascape: The habitat-forming seaweed Codium vermilara. Marine Pollution Bulletin 127 : 334-341 (2018). handle/10261/158742 Ricart, Aurora M.; Sanmartí, Neus; Pérez, Marta; Romero, Javier. Multilevel assessments reveal spatially scaled landscape patterns driving coastal fish assemblages. Marine Environmental Research 140 : 210-220 (2018). handle/10261/167856 Ruiz, J. M.; Marín Guirao, Lázaro; GarcíaMuñoz, R.; Ramos-Segura,A.; BernadeauEsteller, Jaime; Pérez, M.; Sanmartí, Neus; Ontoria,Y.; Romero, Javier; Arthur, Rohan; Alcoverro, Teresa; Procaccini, Gabriele. Experimental evidence of warminginduced flowering in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134 : 49-54 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/157183

Santamaria, Jorge; Tomàs, Fiona; Ballesteros, Enric; Ruiz, Juan Manuel; Terrados, Jorge; Cebrian, Emma. A little can be enough. Native fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea can act as a control agent for the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea. Peer Journal Preprints 6: e26772v1 (2018). https:// Serrano, Eduard; Coma, Rafael; Inostroza, Karina; Serrano, Oscar. Polyp bail-out by the coral Astroides calycularis (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae). Marine Biodiversity 48(3) : 1661-1665 (2018). handle/10261/143601 Serrano, Eduard; Ribes, Marta; Coma, Rafael. Demographics of the zooxanthellate coral Oculina patagonica along the Mediterranean Iberian coast in relation to environmental parameters. Science of the Total Environment 634 : 1580-1592 (2018). https:// Starr, Richard M.; Ballesteros, Enric; Sala, Enric; Llenas, Josep Maria. Spawning behavior of the tiger grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) in a Caribbean atoll. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101(12) : 1641-1655 (2018). Teixidó, Nuria; Gambi, María Cristina; Parravacini, Valeriano; Kroeker, Kristy J.; Micheli, Fiorenza; Villéger, Sebastien; Ballesteros, Enric. Functional biodiversity loss along natural CO₂ gradients. Nature Communications 9 : 5149 (2018). https:// Ulate, Karol; Alcoverro, Teresa; Arthur, Rohan; Aburto-Oropeza, Octavio; Sánchez, Carlos; Huato-Soberanis, Leonardo. Conventional MPAs are not as effective as community co-managed areas in conserving top-down control in the Gulf of California. Biological Conservation 228 : 100-109 (2018). handle/10261/171355


Verdura, J.; De Caralt, S.; Santamaría, Jorge; Vergés, Alba; Mangialajo, L.; Ivesa, Ljiliana; Farina, S.; Cefalì, Maria Elena; Fraschetti, Simonetta; Ballesteros, Enric; Cebrian, Emma. Regional environmental conditions determine tolerance to future warming of a marine macroalgae forests. Peer Journal Preprints 6: e26804v1 (2018). https:// Verdura, J.; Sales, Marta; Ballesteros, Enric; Cefalì, Maria Elena; Cebrian, Emma. Restoration of a canopy-forming alga based on recruitment enhancement: methods and longterm success assessment. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 9 : 1832 (2018). https://digital. Verdura, J.; Vergés, Alba; Santamaría, Jorge; De Caralt, S.; Ballesteros, Enric; Cebrian, Emma. Drastic effects of climate change on Mediterranean marine forests. Peer Journal Preprints 6: e26761v1 (2018). https:// Vergés, Alba; De Caralt, S.; Verdura, J.; Santamaría, Jorge; Ballesteros, Enric; Cebrian, Emma. Vulnerability of marine forests to temperature and UV radiation:

Effects on the recruits. Peer Journal Preprints 6: e26761v1 (2018). handle/10261/173124 Yadav, Shreya; Alcoverro, Teresa; Arthur, Rohan. Coral reefs respond to repeated ENSO events with increasing resistance but reduced recovery capacities in the Lakshadweep archipelago. Coral Reefs 37(4) : 1245-1257 (2018). handle/10261/170442 Zambre, Amod; Arthur, Rohan. Foraging plasticity in obligate corallivorous Melon butterflyfish across three recently bleached reefs. Ethology 124(5) : 302-310 (2018). https:// Wangensteen, Owen S.; Cebrian, Emma; Palacín, Cruz; Turon, Xavier. Under the canopy: Community-wide effects of invasive algae in Marine Protected Areas revealed by metabarcoding. Marine Pollution Bulletin 127 : 54-66 (2018) handle/10261/158477

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Alcoverro, T.; Buñuel, Xavier; Romero, Javier; Arthur, Rohan. Size-specific shoaling behaviour of the key Mediterranean herbivore fish Sarpa salpa and its importance for their feeding strategy (ISBW179). International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2018. 11/06/2018. Singapure. ORAL Alcoverro, T.; Karkarey, Rucha; Arthur, Rohan. Hidden functional groups may play critical roles in recovery processes in postdisturbed coral reefs. 5th International Marine Conservation Congress. Kuching, Sarawak. 24/06/2018. Malasia. ORAL

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Ballesteros, Enric. Una visió personal dels hàbitats marins de Balears: On erem, on som i on hem d’anar. VII Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. 28/11/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.; Ballesteros, Enric. Tracking the dispersion of a pathogen causing mass mortality in the pen shell Pinna nobilis.VII Jornades del Medi Ambient. Societat d’Història Natural de Balears. 28/11/2018. Spain. ORAL

Cebrian, Emma; Linares, C.; Garrabou, J. Even two is too much. Additive effects of global warming and bioinvasions may drive drastic effects on calcareous systems. 10th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 16/10/2018. Argentina. ORAL Cefalì, M. E.; Bolado, I.; Cebrian, E.; Moranta, J.; Movilla, J.; Reñones, O.; Sales, M.; Sintes, J.; Tomas, F.; Verdura, J.; Vidal, E.; Ballesteros, E. Diez años de evolución en la distribución y abundancia de algas invasoras en Menorca. VII Jornades del Medi Ambient. Societat d’Història Natural de Balears. 28/11/2018. Spain. ORAL D’Souza, Elrika; Phalguni, R.; Marbà, N.; Arthur, Rohan; Alcoverro, Teresa. The drivers of blue Carbon stocks in seagrass meadows of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago, India (ISBW178). International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2018. 11/06/2018. Singapure. ORAL D’Souza, Elrika; Alcoverro, Teresa; Patankar, Vardhan; Marba, Nuria; Kelkar, Nachiket; Arthur, Rohan. Vanishing sirens: an account of the dugong population of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelago, India. 5th International Marine Conservation Congress. Kuching, Sarawak. 24/06/2018. Malasia. POSTER Eklöf, Johan S.; Boström, Christoffer; Alcoverro, Teresa; Coles, Rob; Connolly, Rod; Sherman, Craig; Pages, Jordi; Persio-Beca, Pedro; Rossi, Francesca; Salo, Tiina; Unsworth, Richard; KrauseJensen, Dorte. What do we know of seagrass ecosystem resilience – a systematic review (ISBW163). International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2018. 11/06/2018. Singapure. ORAL Fraschetti, S.; Cebrian, Emma; Verdura, J.; et al. Restoration actions in marine ecosystems: a global analysis. 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 15/05/2018. Canada. ORAL

Golo, R.; Vergés, A.; Cebrian, E. Unraveling the origin and potential invasibility of Lophocladia sp. in the Mediterranean Sea. 10th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 16/10/2018. Argentina. POSTER Kelkar, N.; Gangal, Mayuresh; Alcoverro, Teresa; Arthur, Rohan. Green turtles mediate fish community assembly in seagrass meadows. International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2018 (ISBW181). 11/06/2018. Singapure. ORAL Parente, M. I.; Botelho, A. Z.; Micael, J.; Torres, R.; Milla, D.; Gabriel, D.; Monteiro, J.; Ballesteros, Enric; Afonso, P.; Costa, A. C. The non-indigenous macroalgae’s hide-and-seek play. World Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 18/10/2018. Argentina. ORAL Santamaría, J.; Clapés, L.; Cebrian, Emma; Vergés, A. Can we rely on climate warming as a limiting factor for Caulerpa cylindracea invasion? 10th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 16/10/2018. Argentina. POSTER Santamaría, J.; Tomas, F.; Ballesteros, Enric; Ruiz, J. M.; Terrados, J.; Cebrian, Emma.A little can be enough. Native fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea can act as a control agent for the invasive alga Caulerpa cylindracea. IVth World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 15/05/2018. Canada. ORAL Santamaría, J.; Tomas, F.; Ballesteros, Enric; Ruiz, J. M.; Terrados, J.; Cebrian, Emma. When natives can control aliens: Fish herbivory reduces the proliferation of Caulerpa cylindracea in the Western Mediterranean Sea. World Conference on Marine Bioinvasions. 18/10/2018. Argentina. ORAL


Verdura, J.; de Caralt, S.; Santamaría, J.; Vergés, A.; Mangialajo, L.; Ivesa, L.; Farina, S.; Cefalì, M. E.; Fraschetti, S.; Ballesteros, Enric; Cebrian, Emma. Regional environmental conditions determine tolerance to future warming of a marine macroalgae forest. IVth World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 13/05/2018. Canada. ORAL Verdura, J.; Sales, M.; Ballesteros, E.; Cefalì, M. E.; Cebrian, E. Recuperació d’una població de Cystoseira barbata desapareguda a Cala Teulera (Port de Maó). VII Jornades del Medi Ambient. Societat d’Història Natural de Balears. 28/11/2018. Spain. ORAL

on Mediterranean marine forests. IVth World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 13/05/2018. Canada. ORAL Vergés, A.; de Caralt, S.; Verdura, J.; Santamaría, J.; Ballesteros, Enric; Cebrian, Emma. Vulnerability of marine forests to temperature and UV radiation: Effects on the recruits. IVth World Conference on Marine Biodiversity. 13/05/2018. Canada. ORAL

Verdura, J.; Vergés, A.; Santamaría, J.; de Caralt, S.; Ballesteros, E.; Cebrian, Emma. Drastic effects of climate change

BOOK’S CHAPTER Ballesteros, Enric. Una visió personal dels hàbitats marins de Balears: On erem, on som i on hem d’anar. In: Pons, G.X., del Valle, L., Vicens, D., Pinya, S., McMinn, M. & Pomar, F. (eds), Llibre de Ponències i Resums de les VII Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears i UiB. pp. 15-17 (2018). handle/10261/173126 Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel; VázquezLuis, Maite; Mourre, Baptiste; Álvarez, Elvira; Deudero Company, María de la Salud; Amores, Ángel; Addis, P.; Ballesteros, Enric ; Barrajón, A.; Coppa, S.; García-March, J.; Giacobbe, S.; Giménez-Casalduero, F.; Hadjuoannou, L.; Jiménez-Gutiérrez, S.V.; Katsanevakis, Stelios; Kersting, D. K.; Mačić, Vesna; Mavric, B.; Patti, F. P.; Planes, S.; Prado,


Patricia; Sánchez, J.; Tena-Medialdea, J.; De Vaugelas, J.; Vicente, N.; Belkhamssa, F. Z.; Zupan, I.; Hendricks, I. E. Tracking the dispersion of a pathogen causing mass mortality in the pen shell Pinna nobilis. In: Pons, G.X., del Valle, L., Vicens, D., Pinya, S., McMinn, M. & Pomar, F. (eds), Llibre de Ponències i Resums de les VII Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears i UiB. pp. 136-137 (2018). https:// Cefalì, Maria Elena; Bolado, I.; Cebrian, Emma; Moranta, Joan; Movilla, Juan Ignacio; Reñones, Olga; Sales, Marta; Sintes, J.; Tomàs, Fiona; Verdura, J.; Vidal, Éric; Ballesteros, Enric. Programa de seguimiento científico de la estación de Investigación Jaume Ferrer: diez años de evolución en la distribución y abundancia de


las algas invasoras. In: Pons, G.X., del Valle, L., Vicens, D., Pinya, S., McMinn, M. & Pomar, F. (eds), Llibre de Ponències i Resums de les VII Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears i UiB. pp. 142-143 (2018). handle/10261/173129 Linares, C.; Ballesteros, E.; Verdura, J.; Aspillaga, E.; Capdevila, P.; Coma, R.; Diaz, D.; Garrabou, J.; Hereu, B.; Ledoux, J. B.;Tomas, F.; Uriz, J. M.; Cebrian, Emma. Efecto del cambio climático sobre la gorgonia Paramuricea clavata y el coralígeno asociado en el Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre del Archipiélago de Cabrera. En: Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales:

convocatoria 2012-2015 (J. Amengual, ed.). Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. pp. 45-67. handle/10261/167512 Verdura, J.; Sales, Marta; Ballesteros, Enric; Cefalì, Maria Elena; Cebrian, Emma. Programa de seguiment científic de l’Estació Jaume Ferrer: recuperació d’una població de Cystoseira barbata desapareguda a Cala Teulera (Port de Maó). In: Pons, G.X., del Valle, L., Vicens, D., Pinya, S., McMinn, M. & Pomar, F. (eds), Llibre de Ponències i Resums de les VII Jornades de Medi Ambient de les Illes Balears. Societat d’Història Natural de les Balears i UiB. pp. 180-183 (2018). https://digital.

DOCTORAL THESES Universitat de Barcelona. Demographics and population ecology of the range-expanding zooxanthellate coral Oculina patagonica in

the Mediterranean Sea. 19/02/2018. Student: Eduard Serrano Gras. PhD Advisor: Rafel Coma Bau.



Head of Research Group: Bartumeus FerrĂŠ, Frederic

We seek to provide conceptual advance in ecological theory using mathematical and computational techniques. We are particularly interested in building a bridge between theory and data. We are a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary research group that develops specific research lines and provides general theoretical foundations of observational and empirical research in ecology mostly in the context of Community Ecology & Biodiversity, Population Ecology, Movement & Behavioural Ecology, Invasion Biology, and Epidemics. We aim to evaluate ecological theory trough the analysis of empirical data, the development of mechanistic and integrative (across scales) modeling approaches, and the study of the role of environmental and biological stochasticity in ecological phenomena, from foraging behavior to biodiversity patterns.



Missing in the picture: JosĂŠ Santiago Ortega (External Collaborator). JosĂŠ Antonio Sanabria (Hired Technician). Javier Hernando (External Collaborator). Katarina Klementisova (PhD Student).


PROJECTS DIPSALUT. Citizen science to improve the research and management of the tiger mosquito in the Province of Girona

SUSE. Social uses of search ecology: stochastic foundations and experimental research

PI: Frederic Bartumeus Entity: Organisme de Salut Pública de la Diputació de Girona Budget: 60.500 Years: 2016-2018

PI: Frederic Bartumeus Entity: MINECO Budget: 134.310 Years: 2016-2019

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Bartumeus, Frederic; Oltra, Aitana; Palmer, John R. B. Citizen Science: A Gateway for Innovation in Disease-Carrying Mosquito Management? Trends in Parasitology 34(9) : 727-729 (2018). handle/10261/165303 Davis, A. R.; Becerro, Mikel;Turon, Xavier. Living on the edge: Early life history phases as determinants of distribution in Pyura praeputialis (Heller, 1878), a rocky shore ecosystem engineer. Marine Environmental Research 142 : 40-47 (2018) https://digital. Eritja, Roger; Bartumeus, Frederic. Mosquitos invasores a través de la mira del teléfono: contexto, retos y oportunidades. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Entomología Aplicada (SEEA) 3 : 67-75 (2018). https://digital.


Eritja, Roger; Rubido-Bará, M.; DelacourEstrella, Sarah; Bengoa, Mikel; RuizArrondo, Ignacio; Bartumeus, Frederic. Ciencia ciudadana y biodiversidad: primera cita de Aedes (Fredwardsius) vittatus (Bigot, 1861) (Diptera: Culicidae) en Galicia, mediante el proyecto Mosquito Alert. Anales de Biología 40 : 41-45 (2018). handle/10261/172302 Genovart, Meritxell; Bécares, Juan; Igual, José Manuel; Martínez-Abraín,Alejandro; Escandell, R.; Sánchez, A.; Rodríguez, Beneharo; Arcos, José Manuel; Oro, Daniel. Differential adult survival at close seabird colonies: the importance of spatial foraging segregation and bycatch risk during the breeding season. Global Change Biology 24 : 1279-1290 (2018). handle/10261/158413

Differential adult survival at close seabird colonies: The importance of spatial foraging segregation and bycatch risk during the breeding season Meritxell Genovart, Juan Bécares, José Manuel Igual, Alejandro Martínez Abraín, Raul Escandell, Antonio Sánchez, Beneharo Rodríguez, José M. Arcos , Daniel Oro Trends in Parasitology 34(9) : 727-729 (2018) Abstract Marine megafauna, including seabirds, are critically affected by fisheries bycatch. However, bycatch risk may differ on temporal and spatial scales due to the uneven distribution and effort of fleets operating different fishing gear, and to focal species distribution and foraging behavior. Scopoli’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea is a long-lived seabird that experiences high bycatch rates in longline fisheries and strong population-level impacts due to this type of anthropogenic mortality. Analyzing a longterm dataset on individual monitoring, we compared adult survival (by means of multievent capture–recapture models) among

three close predator-free Mediterranean colonies of the species. Unexpectedly for a long-lived organism, adult survival varied among colonies. We explored potential causes of this differential survival by (1) measuring egg volume as a proxy of food availability and parental condition; (2) building a specific longline bycatch risk map for the species; and (3) assessing the distribution patterns of breeding birds from the three study colonies via GPS tracking. Egg volume was very similar between colonies over time, suggesting that environmental variability related to habitat foraging suitability was not the main cause of differential survival. On the other hand, differences in foraging movements among individuals from the three colonies expose them to differential mortality risk, which likely influenced the observed differences in adult survival. The overlap of information obtained by the generation of specific bycatch risk maps, the quantification of population demographic parameters, and the foraging spatial analysis should inform managers about differential sensitivity to the anthropogenic impact at mesoscale level and guide decisions depending on the spatial configuration of local populations. The approach would apply and should be considered in any species where foraging distribution is colony-specific and mortality risk varies spatially.


Genovart, Meritxell; Oro, Daniel; Tenan, Simone. Immature survival, fertility and density-dependence, drive global population dynamics in a long-lived bird. Ecology 99(12) : 2823-2832 (2018). handle/10261/166903 Oro, Daniel; Álvarez, David; Velando, Alberto. Complex demographic heterogeneity from anthropogenic impacts in a coastal marine predator. Ecological Applications 28(3) : 612-621 (2018). https:// Payo-Payo, Ana; Sanz-Aguilar, Ana ; Genovart, Meritxell; Bertolero, Albert; Piccardo, Julia; Camps, D.; Ruiz-Olmo, J.; Oro, Daniel. Predator arrival elicits differential dispersal, change in age structure and reproductive performance in a prey

population. Scientific Reports 8 : 1971 (2018). Real, E.; Tavecchia, G.; Genovart, M.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Payo-Payo, A.; Oro, D. Discard-ban policies can help improve our understanding of the ecological role of food availability to seabirds. Scientia Marina 82S1: 115-120 (2018) handle/10261/171300 Sanabria Fernández, José Antonio; Lazzari, Natali; Riera, Rodrigo; Becerro, Mikel. Building up marine biodiversity loss: Artificial substrates hold lower number and abundance of low occupancy benthic and sessile species. Marine Environmental Research 140 : 190-199 (2018). https://digital.

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Alonso, David. Evidence for critical transitions and coexistence of alternative states in nature: The case of infectious diseases. MURPHYSHSFS-2018. 30/05/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK Alonso, David. Evidence for Critical Transitions in Nature: the Case of Malaria Epidemics. DDAYS2018. 05/10/2018. Spain. INVITED TALK Alonso, David. The theory approach in ecology: the case of competitive interactions along environmental gradients. Eawag Seminar. 26/10/2018. Switzerland. INVITED TALK Bartumeus, F.; Molina, I. A Platform for the Integrated Control of Arbovirosis in CATalonia (PICAT): Mosquito Alert 2.0. Isheid (HIV,Hepatitis and Emerging Infectious Diseases). 16/05/2018. France. ORAL Bartumeus, Frederic. Com es pot millorar

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la qualitat de les dades amb sistemes de validació efectius? XV Jornada CREAF SCB ICHN. Reptes, idees i solucions per fer ciència ciutadana útil i amb impacte. 21/09/2018. Spain. ORAL Bartumeus, Frederic. Mosquito Alert: the efficacy and challenges of citizen-science based management of invasive mosquitoes. COST Action CA15212 - Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe. Training School Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture. 26/11/2018. Italy. ORAL Bartumeus, F.; Oltra, A.; Palmer, J. R. B. Mosquito Alert: three years tracking disease-vector mosquitoes in Spain with the help of citizen science. ISESSAH-InnovSur (Montpellier, France). 18/05/2018. France. ORAL

Berman, G.; Palmer, S.; Stephens, G.; Bartumeus, Frederic. The Physics of Behaviour: Movement, Control and Learning. ASPEN Centre for Physics (Colorado, USA). Workshop. 04/06/2018. United States. ORAL Jiménez Ontiveros, J. L.; Caliz, Joan; Triadó-Margarit, Xavier; Casamayor, Emilio O.; Alonso, David. Un estudio dinámico de las comunidades microbianas del Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes: oportunidades para la conservación. XI

Jornades sobre Recerca al Parc Nacional d¿Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. 17/10/2018. Spain. Oral Zajková, Z.; Reyes-González, J. M.; González-Solís, J.; Bartumeus, F. The Movement Ecology of Seabirds revealed with Unsupervised Behavioural Clustering. 11th Measuring Behavior (Metropolitan University, Manchester). 06/06/2018. Great Britain. ORAL

BOOK’S CHAPTER Palmer, John R. B.; Brocklehurst, Martin; Tyson, Elisabeth; Bowser, Anne; Pauwels, Eleonore; Bartumeus, Frederic. Global Mosquito Alert. Global Mosquito Alert,

in Citizen Science. Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. UCL Press, pp. 210-215 (2018). handle/10261/171137

MASTER THESIS Universitat de Girona. Kinematic features of boar sperm under different capacitating conditions as revealed through a novel statistical approach. 03/09/2018. Student: Pol Fernández López. Master Thesis Advisor: Frederic Bartumeus & Isabel Casas

Universidad del Pais Vasco. Marine Protected Areas expose significant links between socioeconomic and ecological variables kept from sight in unprotected areas. 15/08/2018. Student: Imanol Aguirre Sarabia. Master Thesis Advisor: Mikel Becerro

ONE-STEP AWAY FROM REVOLUTIONIZING THE SCIENCE WE KNOW WITH CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The CEAB researcher, Frederic Bartumeus, was awarded with the ‘Distinguished Researcher’ distinction (period 2017-2018) at the Spanish Research Council (CSIC), for the innovative and daring methods used in the elaboration of the work “Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes”, which deserved the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 2017, in the category of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

efficiency and usefulness of citizen science in the generation of cutting-edge scientific knowledge needed for epidemiological modelling and risk assessment, and it did so in an innovative and daring way.

The work, elaborated together with John Palmer and Aitana Oltra at CEAB, and published in Nature Communications, it is a key contribution to the emerging field of citizen science and demonstrated the reliability,



Head of Research Group: Maldonado Barahona, Manuel

We combine objectives concerning fundamental research with others of potential practical application.The work is structured around marine invertebrates, mainly sponges (Porifera) which play a relevant ecological role and show a high biotechnological potential. We use sponges to address the evolutionary links between protozoan and metazoan for a better understanding of the evolutionary emergence of the Animal Kingdom. We explore the eco-biology of Porifera silicification aiming to unveil biotechnological applications.


Missing in the picture: Isabel Casas (Hired Scientist)


PROJECTS SPONGES. Deep-sea Spponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable explotation PI: Manuel Maldonado Entity: European Union (H2020) Budget: 491.923 € Years: 2016-2020

FATE. Fate of cold-water coral reefs: identifying drivers of ecosystem change PI: Tina Kutti Entity: Norwegian Research Council Years: 2015-2018 COLLABORATION PROJECT

CELMED. Conservation of the gorgonian Ellisella paraplexauroides in the Mediterranean PI: Manuel Maldonado Entity: Fundación BBVA Budget: 100.000 € Years: 2015-2018

PBS. Exploring the biological production of silica and its applications in science and technology PI: Manuel Maldonado Entity: MINECO Budget: 145.000 € Years: 2016-2018

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS López-Acosta, María; Leynaert, Laude; Grall, Jacques; Maldonado, Manuel. Silicon consumption kinetics by marine sponges: An assessment of their role at the ecosystem level. Limnology and Oceanography 63 : 2508-2522 (2018). handle/10261/172202 López-Acosta, María; Leynaert, Aude; Coquille, Valérie; Maldonado, Manuel. Silicon utilization by sponges: an assessment of seasonal changes. Marine Ecology Progress

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Series 605 : 111-123 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/172616 Sitjà, M., Maldonado, M., Farias, C., Rueda, J.L. Deep-water sponge fauna from the mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cadiz. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom: 1–25 (2018). https://doi. org/10.1017/ S0025315418000589

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Maldonado, Manuel; M. Garcia-Puig; M.Lopez-Acosta; C.Sitja; G. Ercilla. Refractory “dark biogenic silica” and its effects on the connection between the marine cycles

of carbon and silicon. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. AGU-ASLO. 14/02/2018. United States. ORAL

DOCTORAL THESIS Universitat de Barcelona. Silicon consumption by marine sponges: an empirical approach and its ecological implications. 21/09/2018.

Sudent: María López Acosta. PhD Advisor: Manuel Maldonado Barahona.

MASTER THESIS Universitat de Barcelona. Máster en Ecología, Gestión y Restauración del Medio Natural. An assessment of the relative contribution of sponges, radiolarians and diatoms to the

Silicon consumption kinetics by marine sponges: An assessment of their role at the ecosystem level López-Acosta, María; Leynaert, Laude; Grall, Jacques; Maldonado, Manuel. Limnology and Oceanography 63 : 25082522 (2018) The silicic acid (DSi) is a dissolved nutrient used by diverse marine organisms to build their skeletons of biogenic silica (BSi). This consumption, mostly due to diatoms, largely determines the availability of DSi in the photic ocean. Yet growing evidence suggests that Si consumers traditionally disregarded, such as the siliceous sponges, may also play a role. This study investigated the kinetics of DSi utilization by two demosponges as a function of both DSi availability and duration of the incubation period (24 h vs. 48 h). Consumption increased with increasing DSi availability following a saturable Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Haliclona

biogenic silica in the marine sediments: implications for the marine silicon cycle. 04/11/ 2018. Student: Cristina Galobart Vilamitjana. Master Advisor: Manuel Maldonado

simulans saturated at about 70 μM (Km = 45.9) and Suberites ficus around 130 μM (Km = 108.2). Forty-eight hour incubations yielded more conservative consumption rates than 24 h incubations, particularly when DSi availability was far below saturation. DSi concentrations in the sponge natural habitats (0.2–15 μM) were consistently much lower than required for efficient elaboration of the BSi skeleton, suggesting a chronic DSi limitation. The DSi consumption kinetics was combined with quantifications of sponge biomass in the Bay of Brest (France), which was used as case study. In this system, sponges consume daily 0.10 ± 0.19 mmol Si m-2 and about 6.4 × 106 mol Si yearly. This activity represents 7.6% of the net annual BSi production in the Bay, a figure overlooked in previous nutrient balances based only on diatoms. Since the world marine Si cycle does not yet incorporate the contribution of sponges, its global BSi production budget may also be underestimated.



Head of Research Group: Mateo MĂ­nguez, Miguel Ă ngel

We have pioneered the study of the carbon cycle associated to coastal ecosystems dominated by seagrasses and saltmarshes, mainly the refractory accumulation of organic carbon during centuries or millennia in their sediments. We aim to study long-term changes in the ecosystems (patterns and trends) based in the analysis of the environmental archive constituted by the sediments of some seagrasses, most particularly those of the Posidonia genus, and saltmarshes. Our integrative, inclusive and collaborative vocation leads us to make incursions in a wide variety of scientific disciplines such as biogeochemistry, molecular biology, edaphology, geophysics, palaeoecology, palynology, microbiology, genetics, or archaeology.



Missing in the picture: Roser Ventosa (Staff Technician) Anna Thoran (PhD Student.



PROJECTS PALEOPARK. Millenary changes in the insular Spanish National Parks: perturbations, resilience and trends after the seagrass archives PI: Miguel Ángel Mateo Entity: OAPN Budget: 111.035 Years: 2014-2017

BLUE NATURA. Andalusian blue carbon for climate change mitigation: quantification and valorization mechanisms PI: Miguel Ángel Mateo Entity: European Union (Life) Budget: 859.431 Years: 2016-2019

SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION PAPERS Arias Ortiz, Ariane; Masqué, Pere; García-Orellana, Jordi; Serrano, Oscar; Mazarrasa, Inés; Marbà, Núria; Lovelock, Catherine E.; Lavery, Paul S.; Duarte, Carlos M. Reviews and syntheses: 210Pbderived sediment and carbon accumulation rates in vegetated coastal ecosystems: setting the record straight. Biogeosciences 15 : 6791-6818 (2018). handle/10261/172700 Arias Ortiz, Ariane; Serrano, Oscar; Masqué, Pere; Lavery, Paul S.; Mueller, U.; Kendrick, Gary A.; Rozaimi, M.; Esteban, A.; Fourqurean, James W.; Marbà, Núria; Mateo, Miguel Ángel; Murray, K.; Rule, M. J.; Duarte, Carlos M. A marine heatwave drives massive losses from the world’s largest

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seagrass carbon stocks. Nature Climate Change 8 :388-344 (2018). https://digital.csic. es/handle/10261/163323 Leiva-Dueñas, Carmen; López-Merino, Lourdes; Serrano, Oscar; Martínez Cortizas, A.; Mateo, Miguel Ángel. Millennial-scale trends and controls in Posidonia oceanica (L. Delile) ecosystem productivity. Global and Planetary Change 169: 92-104 (2018). handle/10261/167891 Mazarrasa, Inés; Samper-Villarreal, Jimena; Serrano, Oscar; Lavery, Paul S.; Lovelock, Catherine E.; Marbà, Núria; Duarte, Carlos M.; Cortés, Jorge. Habitat characteristics provide insights of carbon


A marine heatwave drives massive losses from the world’s largest seagrass carbon stocks Arias Ortiz, Ariane; Serrano, Oscar; Masqué, Pere; Lavery, Paul S.; Mueller, U.; Kendrick, Gary A.; Rozaimi, M.; Esteban, A.; Fourqurean, James W.; Marbà, Núria; Mateo, Miguel Ángel; Murray, K.; Rule, M. J.; Duarte, Carlos M.

the atmosphere during the following three years, increasing emissions from land-use change in Australia by 4–21% per annum. With heatwaves predicted to increase with further climate warming, conservation of seagrass ecosystems is essential to avoid adverse feedbacks on the climate system.

Nature Climate Change 8 :388-344 (2018) Abstract Seagrass ecosystems contain globally significant organic carbon (C) stocks. However, climate change and increasing frequency of extreme events threaten their preservation. Shark Bay, Western Australia, has the largest C stock reported for a seagrass ecosystem, containing up to 1.3% of the total C stored within the top metre of seagrass sediments worldwide. On the basis of field studies and satellite imagery, we estimate that 36% of Shark Bay’s seagrass meadows were damaged following a marine heatwave in 2010/2011. Assuming that 10 to 50% of the seagrass sediment C stock was exposed to oxic conditions after disturbance, between 2 and 9 Tg CO2 could have been released to

storage in seagrass meadows. Marine Pollution Bulletin 134 : 106-117 (2018). https://digital. Piñeiro-Juncal, Nerea; Mateo, Miguel Ángel; Holmer, Marianne; Martínez Cortizas, Antonio. Potential microbial


functional activity along a Posidonia oceanica soil profile. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 81 : 189-200 (2018). handle/10261/163739 Soler, M.; Úbeda, Xavier. Evaluation of fire severity via analysis of photosynthetic


pigments: Oak, eucalyptus and cork oak leaves in a Mediterranean forest. Journal of Environmental Management 206 : 65-68 (2018). Strydom, Simone; McMahon, Kathryn M.;

Kendrick, Gary A.; Statton, John; Lavery, Paul S. Short-term responses of posidonia australis to changes in light quality. Frontiers in Plant Science 8 : 2224 (2018). https://digital.

CONGRESSES & CONFERENCES Diaz-Almela, E.; Vasquez-Loarte, A.; Mendoza, R.; Méndez, M.; Otero, M.; Vivas-Navarro, M. S.; Peñalver, P.; León, D.; Sans, A.; Mateo, M. A. Developing tools for financing european coastal habitats restoration and conservation through climate change mitigation: Life Blue Natura and andalusian saltmarshes. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences. 22/06/2018. España. ORAL Diaz-Almela, E.; Piñeiro-Juncal, N.; Deulofeu, O.;Vasquez-Loarte, A.; Frigola, J.; Giralt, S.; Soler, Montserrat; LeivaDueñas, Carmen; Belshe, Fay; Benjumea, Daniel; Pages Fauria, J.; Martínez Montes, E.; Gómez-Ferrer, A.; Mateo, Miguel Ángel. Measuring organic carbon sinks and stocks of Odiel and Cadiz (Andalucía) tidal saltmarshes. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences. 20/06/2018. España. ORAL Diaz-Almela, E.; Piñeiro-Juncal, N.; Deulofeu, O.;Vasquez-Loarte, A.; Frigola, J.; Giralt, S.; Soler, M.; Leiva-Dueñas, C.; Belshe, F.; Benjumea Novalbos, D.; Pages Fauria, J.; Martínez Montes, E.; GómezFerrer, A.; Mateo, M.A. Measuring organic carbon sinks and stocks of odiel and cadiz (andalucía) tidal saltmarshes. VI International


Symposium on Marine Sciences. 21/06/2018. España. ORAL Leiva-Dueñas, C.; Serrano, O.; Martínez Cortizas, A.; López-Merino, L.; Mateo, Miguel A.. Millennial-scale Posidonia oceanica (l. Delile) ecosystem productivity reconstructed using a palaeoecological approach. VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences. 20/06/2018. España. ORAL Leiva-Dueñas, C.; Buchaca, T.; Leavitt, P.; Piñeiro-Juncal, N.; Serrano, O.; Lavery, P. S.; Milani, A.; Thoran, A.; Mateo, M. A. Primary producer pigments in Posidonia oceanica (l. Delile) sedimentary archives: Long-term temporal trends in a coastal area.VI International Symposium on Marine Sciences. 20/06/2018. España. POSTER Piñeiro-Juncal, Nerea; Belshe, Fay; Benjumea, Daniel; Díaz-Almela, Elena; Leiva-Dueñas, Carmen; Sans,Anna; Soler, Montserrat; Mateo, Miguel Ángel. On the quantification of blue carbon in seagrass meadows. VI lnternational Symposium on Marine Sciences. 20/06/2018. España. POSTER



The CEAB outreach programs for a non-scientific audience The CEAB’s 2018 outreach program diversifies its actions to reach more people As part of its mission, CEAB aims to explain the role of scientists to our society, contributing to the social understanding of research relevancy and, in particular, providing general knowledge on science and research related with aquatic ecology. Accordingly, CEAB organized or took part in several dissemination activities promoting

scientific literacy and public engagement. This year CEAB diversified the activities carried out during the Science Week, having in mind the goal of reaching new public. Therefore, both location and format of the events were modified: 1) marine ecosystems’ conservation was presented in a documentary; 2) the way how science can contribute to clarify the big data and fake news phenomenon was treated in a conference; and 3) “Littoral management”


and “Human activity in Rivers” were the topics of two different student workshops held in the Blanes public library. CEAB Open Doors extended for three days. More than 425 students attended the guided tours and workshops on different subjects connected to our current projects, such as blue carbon, stream ecology and marine sponge biology, among others. Moreover, special afternoon sessions addressed to general public focused on some of our research topics, as well as on the functioning of CEAB, including visits to the laboratories that allowed them to feel the environment of real working places. CEAB has participated in different science fairs and dissemination events, as well as in conferences and training courses for teachers, and in conferences for specific public sectors. The initiative “11 of February”, born to commemorate the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” women scientists tried to encourage girls to follow scientific careers, having in mind the idea of contributing to prevent gender-biases in next scientist generations. CEAB has also been very active in Citizen Science.We keep coordinating Sea Watchers with other research centres. This is one of the most important marine citizen science platforms. In this context, we developed the project “Plastic 0”, aiming at diagnosing the presence of microplastics in beaches, in collaboration with primary and secondary school students.


CEAB continued with the coordination of the Festival “Pint of Science” in Blanes, an annual international science festival that takes place every May, bringing scientists to local pubs to present their research. This year we tried new formats and, particularly, the “speed dating with a scientist” worked really well and attracted a numerous new public to the event. Our commitment to promote scientific knowledge in primary schools in Blanes continued intensely and included interactions with schools from other cities. The CEAB also offered for the first time the possibility of direct contacts with research to high school students from the excellence programme “Joves i Ciència” (which, thanks to Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, tries to encourage young students to choose scientific careers). CEAB offered internships, as well as the opportunity to develop research projects over several weeks during summer. Finally, we would like to highlight the substantial contributions of some CEAB research projects to dissemination and educational activities: 1) LIFE LimnoPirineus, dealing with Pyrenean aquatic habitat conservation, 2) Mosquito Alert, aiming to establish a citizen science based program on tiger mosquito spread and invasion, and 3) LIFE BlueNatura, aiming to contribute to the conservation of Posidonia oceanica meadows as major blue carbon sink in our Mediterranean sea.


RELEVANT DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES THE WEEKLY RADIO PROGRAM OF CEAB CELEBRATES ITS SECOND SEASON Our communication manager and responsible, Anna Oliver, authors the weekly program ‘Brots de ciència’ broadcasted on the radio, dedicated to scientific research and dissemination activities of CEAB. ‘Brots de ciència’ brings the science that we do in our center to the nearest public. We talk about issues related to aquatic systems, the big impact studies, or current and more local cases.

de Mar, Calella, Canet de Mar, Malgrat de Mar, Palafolls and Tordera, with the support of La Xarxa de Comunicació Local of the Diputació de Barcelona.

The program is on air every Friday at 12 a.m. and 7 a.m. on Ràdio Blanes, and every Monday at 6 p.m. on Ràdio Tordera, and it triggered new interviews in other radio platforms like Ona Maresme. Ona Maresme is produced jointly by the radio stations of Mataró, Premià WE WORK FOR AN EQUAL SCIENCE IN GENDER ISSUES Gender biases in science have received increasing attention in the recent years. Underrepresentation at the highest academic levels and gender biases in publications are some of the factors affecting women in science. In Limnology too.

women in the field of Limnology and future perspectives.

For this reason, the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) has elaborated an exhibition builded on the legacy of many women that worked in the field of Limnology who unfortunately did not get the recognition they deserved. In June, the exhibition “Women in Limnology” Exhibition was inaugurated in Coimbra (Portugal) thanks to the work of 20 volunteers subsidized by AIL, among them Anna Lupon and Susana Bernal of CEAB. Their motivation was to highlight the historical role of limnologist woman at the international and peninsular level and, in turn, evaluate current situation of


TANDEM SCHOOLS AT BLANES COMPLETES 3 YEARS OF SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION After 3 intense and enriching years, we ended the Tandem Schools project with the School Mn. Joan Batlle, from Blanes. The collaboration has been really sucessful and we have Incorporated the topic of ‘life sciences in water’ as a transverse subject in the curriculum for infant and primary education. Tandem Schools is a project of the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera that promotes the collaboration between an educational center and a reference research institution during three courses, aimed at distinguishing the educational center as part of an innovation process. This initiative implies that the entire teacher’s cloister work together with the professionals of the research institution, exchanging knowledge, experiences and pedagogical material. At the same time, it is also an excellent opportunity for institutions to reflect on, at least, their own educational activities.

PRISMATIC is a free information science-policy platform designed to exchange available scientific knowledge generated in Catalonia with public managers, politicians and/or technicians and stakeholders with responsibilities in environment and biodiversity management and conservation. The platform collects the scientific material in a summarized format and easy to follow language, accessible in and social networks.The information is also shared through a monthly newsletter and an annual workshop. This science-policy platform has been promoted by the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya and coordinated by CREAF. The CEAB has published a total of 19 articles since its early participation in the project, being usually considered among the most visited and best qualified pieces of information.

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15/01/2018 Un nou estudi demostra com les captures accidentals afecten seriosament a les poblacions d’aus marines.

09/02/2018 Els efectes de l’increment dels nivells de CO2 al fons marí

06/04/2018 Descobreixen com evolucionen les comunitats bacterianes després de colonitzar un nou ambient




El barb roig amenaça els prats submergits dels estanys pirinencs

Conèixer la situació la situació real del Delta de la Tordera per decidir les accions futures

La composició global dels microorganismes de l’aire varia segons l’estació


EFE Verde 08.02.2018

84 84 84

s rele

La Vanguardia 13.03.2018

La Vanguardia 06.04.2018

a se s




El Pais 09.09.2018 29.10.2018

8686 86

Antena 3 08.09.2018

CCMA 28.10.2018

Catalunya RĂ dio 16.11.2018

La Vanguardia 10.12.2018

Design and layout by Nuria Burgos Alguacil

El Punt Avui + 16.04.2018

EFE Verde 14.06.2018

Diari de Girona 20.06.2018

Heraldo de Aragรณn 13.07.2018

El Mundo 31.07.2018

Huffington Post 01.08.2018




Press I //ANNUAL REPORT 2016//


La Vanguardia-Magazine 12.08.2018


El Pais 02.09.2018

El Pais 03.09.2018

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Carrer AccĂŠs Cala Sant Francesc, 14, 17300 Blanes, Girona Tel. 972 - 33 61 01 Fax. 972 - 33 78 06 Web:


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