Strengthening resilience to disasters among vulnerable urban poor communities in Manila

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The rights identified by the children all fall under developmental rights. They are the right to have an ambition despite disasters, the right to a good job in the future, the right to study despite the possible risk to the children, the right to finish schooling, and the right to exercise their religion. The rights identified by the children are similar to the rights highlighted by the adults in that they share the same concern over the welfare of children and the youth. Both groups also heavily value education and religion. Survival




Rights of Children and Youth in Brgy. Gen. T. De Leon (Children)

As can be seen in the chart above, all rights mentioned by the child participants from Barangay Gen. T. De Leon fall under developmental rights. 10 8 6 4 Rating of Protection of Rights of Children and Youth in Brgy. Gen. T. De Leon

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Teachers Organizations Children

The participants gave an average rating of 7.6875 out of 10 in rating the barangay’s protection of the rights of the children and youth. The barangay gave an average rating of 8.25 due to some street children in the area who are not protected as well as other children. The members of the homeowners association justified their answer stating that they believe that parents in the lower economic sector should undergo attitudinal/capacity building training. A parent of a child with special needs attributed the lower rating given to the presence of discrimination and bullying from both the children and adults. The children gave the highest rating of all the groups, with a rating of 9, implying a strong belief in the protection of their rights being sufficient. Overall, the lowest rat204

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