Million Dollar Brand Magazine Oct 1 2012

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We Built Our Million Dollar Brand… Now It’s Your Turn!

We sat there, shell-shocked and dumbfounded, over the lack of response from the corporate and association meeting planners we were certain would be dying to book us for their next convention. We racked our brains trying to determine what had gone awry. Had the Post Office simply dumped the books in the garbage? That question was answered when a single order for 10 books was faxed to our office, so the post-officesabotage theory was out It had to be something else.

Without a doubt, seeking advice from top marketing experts – specifically in the speaking, training, coaching, writing and info-marketing world – has made all the difference. In fact, we’ve invested over $100,000 with many of these ‘gurus’ to gain their insights –we only wish we’d done it sooner. It is with this in mind that we started… the resource we wish we’d had when we first started… and to publish this magazine. Because doing it alone is not only the hard way, it’s the dumb way. That said, virtually every expert we’ve had the good fortune to meet over the last decade , the ones who helped us build our Million Dollar Brand, have agreed to ‘share their brilliance’ here with you.

Welcome! -R&A

What had we done wrong? 250,000 copies later, and after having been on Amazon’s ‘Sales’ bestseller list for over 2 years, we realize there was no one thing we did wrong… we did almost everything wrong! And one of the things we did wrong was not seeking advice from those who had already successfully done what we wanted to do.

Andrea Waltz & Richard Fenton, Publishers/Editors

Copyright © 2012 by Courage Crafters, Inc. All rights reserved. To CONTRIBUTE CONTENT please click here. For information on becoming a JV/AFFILIATE PARTNER please click here. For everything else, please see Links on Page 14

Disclaimer Statement: Our definition of a ‘Million Dollar Brand’ is any brand that has generated one million dollars (or more) in gross revenue. Additionally, while this publication is made FREE to subscribers, please be aware that we do maintain affiliate relationships with many of the advertisers and content contributors contained within, from which we may receive monetary compensation. However, we only recommend products that we've either personally checked out ourselves, or that come from people we know and trust. With this said, neither we as publishers, nor Courage Crafters, Inc., are responsible for the success or failure of any investment and/or purchase decision any subscribe elects to engage in with affiliates Or advertisers.

It was in the fall of 1999 that we wrote the first rough draft of Go for No!®, a book which we felt was destined to be not only an instant bestseller, but one of the great personal development brands of all time. So it was with great excitement and anticipation that we dropped the first batch of review copies in the mail – over 500 packages – to every key influencer we could identify. And… nothing. The phone didn’t ring at all.

is published weekly by Courage Crafters, Inc., specifically for professional speakers, trainers, authors, coaches and infopreneurs.

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