TEDxColumbia College SC Program 23

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Dr. Wendy Harriford-Platt “Generations of Learning: A Lifelong Journey from College Dropout to Doctor of Education” This presentation explores the remarkable journey of an individual who, despite facing early challenges and being a college dropout due to family responsibilities, went on to pursue higher education and acquire three degrees. The narrative centers on the transformative role of family support and personal determination in overcoming obstacles. The individual's evolution from a nontraditional student to a passionate educator, who is committed to instilling the love of lifelong learning in their students, is a focal point. Through this story, the exhibition examines the power of education to connect generations, bridge diverse ideas, and inspire authentic learning pursuits, even beyond the classroom. Dr. Wendy Harriford-Platt, originally from Columbia, has had a diverse journey in life. After attending Hampton University for Mass Communications but leaving to get married and subsequently divorcing while raising her three children, she worked various jobs to make ends meet. Frustrated by not fulfilling her destiny, she returned to education, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Columbia College. Wendy's journey was supported by classmates, professors, and her family. She became a teacher through an alternative certification program with the SC State Department of Education. She subsequently obtained a Master's Degree in Education in Divergent Learning and a doctorate in Education specializing in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of South Carolina. She also completed coursework for endorsements as a literacy teacher and instructor in the College Board's Advanced Placement program in English Language and Composition.

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