TEDxColumbia College SC Program 23

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Stephen Campolo "Embracing Imperfection: A Journey to Wellness and Mindful Eating" During this talk, the speaker delves into the common human pursuit of perfection, particularly in the realm of fitness and healthy eating. Drawing from personal experiences and struggles with an all-or-nothing mentality, the presentation explores how striving for perfection can lead to binge eating and eating disorders, with a particular focus on binge eating disorder—a highly prevalent yet often under-discussed condition. Stephen Campolo is a weight-loss expert who transformed from a former overweight child into a fitness authority. His incredible journey began in 2003 when he started running every night in Long Island, resulting in a remarkable 100-pound weight loss in just three months. However, he faced the challenge of excess skin and a lack of muscle definition. To overcome this, he immersed himself in learning about building the ideal male physique, drawing inspiration from Arnold Schwarzenegger's Flex magazine cover. After countless hours of dedication and lifting thousands of pounds of iron, he achieved his goal. Stephen has not only competed in natural bodybuilding competitions but also collaborated with leading trainers and nutrition experts in the country. Today, he shares his expertise globally, serving as a trusted trainer and advisor to celebrities and CEOs and even creating fitness programs for the US Military.

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