FILO - Winter 2014

Page 27


Nos Dialet . . . Our Dialect # 7

in…din…Dialect class is in session. The Trentino dialect is basically phonetic. It does have its conjugation of verbs…barely. It does not follow whatsover Italian rules of grammar and syntax…then, it simply is not Italian nor did it ever try to be. The generic Trentino or Tyrolean dialect was the language and special possession of the Province further distinquished in pronunciation and some distinctive words according to the individual valley. One characteristic is that it does not pronunce doubles e.g. sofio..mata…anelo instead of soffio, matta or anello. Due to the exceptional literacy of our people on account of Maria Theresa (see adjoining article), they wrote in italian but whoever writes in dialect (as I insist on doing!) will find that people have difficulty in reading and processing the sentences. Why does the Filò try to “teach” it? Rather it attempts to recollect the words and possibly the sounds to recall how our people spoke in the very own and distinctive way. Recently, Dale Andreatta from Ohio wrote that the word “teston” in the vocabulary display practically recreated the voice of his dad saying that very word to him. Someone else wrote that Valà…(You don`t say…) was expression of his nonni…Perhaps as we join them someday al di la…in the beyond, they will first emphatically say to us…Ma valà…. Do consider going to the web site of the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina (The Museum of the Ways and Customs of the Trentino People) to hear film clips of people in the Province speaking the dialect… Here is their website

Mi son stà Ti te sei stà Lu l`è sta Noi sem stadi Voi sè stadi Lori i è stadi

diaol difizil gnanca joven misiot porcel pir paiazo pu porin scavezar pipi stupà stofech amarot amó asé ason basin

(Io sono stato) (Tu sei stato) (Egli è stato) (Noi siamo stati) (Voi siete stati) (Essi sono stadi)

Mi sonte stà? Te set stà? Lu elo sta? Noi sente stadi? Voi sè stadi? Lori ei stadi?

Vocabulary & Phrases Dialect is in RED; Italian in BLUE; English in BLACK diavolo difficile neanca giovane miscuglio porcello pera buffone più povero sprezzare urina tapato soffocato amaro ancora aceto asse larga baccino

devil difficult neither young man a bunch of things pig pear buffon more pauper break urine tapped humid bitter again vinegar large piece of wood small kiss


Tasi e scolta. Taci e ascolta. Keep quiet and listen. Far presa. Far fretta. Hurry up!

No ghe la fago pu. Non lo faccio più. I cannot handle it. Scominzio `l libro. Incomincio il libro. I began to read.

Cossa ghe sarà a disnar. Che c’e da mangiare oggi. What is there to eat today? Cossa dirà la zent? Che dirà la gente? What will people say?

Quando me son desmissià, ero sudà. Quando mi sono svegliato, ero sudato. When I awoke, I was soaked (with sweat).

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