Insight 2013T4W04

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Christian Brothers College Newsletter

Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Email Website

Term 4, Week 4


Friday 8 November, 2013

CBC and St Mary’s College pilgrims depart for Vietnam.

CBC Pilgrims We offer our prayers and blessings to our CBC pilgrims who departed Adelaide this week.

From The Principal Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers,

The Feast of All Souls Welcome into your Kingdom our departed brothers and sisters, and all who have left this world in your friendship. We hope to enjoy for ever the vision of your glory, through Christ our Lord, for whom all good things come.

At our CBC Community weekly mass last Wednesday Monsignor Aitken challenged us to live a saintly life. He shared with us that Christ is our inspiration and role model in how we live our lives. On the Feast of All Saints and on All Souls day let us accept the Gospel challenge to live life to the fullest in service of others especially those on the margins and the voiceless.

CBC and St Mary’s College Vietnam Pilgrims departed on Thursday under the guidance of Ms Ceinwyn Elleway and Mr Peter Donnelly. This is our 9th pilgrimage to Vietnam. The pilgrims return to Australia on Friday 22 November. Our Spirit of our Brothers Pilgrimage to the European warfront is departing next Friday. Staff members Mr Michael Lucas and Br Barry Donaghue and students were blessed by the Senior Campus community at an assembly held on Wednesday. Our pilgrims have researched the life of our Old Collegians and will visit their final resting place and leave a memento from the College at their tombstones as a symbol we have not forgotten them.

College News in Brief • The Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh Camps were undertaken to the Mount Lofty area this week • The Year 4 camp to Narnu Farm was a major success. Thank you to all parents, staff and students who attended.

Gospel Spirituality

We invite all people into the story of Jesus and strive to make his message of compassion, justice and peace a living reality within our community.

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

• PAT M and PAT R testing will occur over both campuses from Year 3 to Year 10 over the next two weeks. These tests in numeracy and literacy were conducted earlier this year and this round of tests will validate results and provide data to inform teacher curriculum development and the development of individual student learning plans.

Rowing News Mr Justin Wickens President of the CBC Water Sports Auxiliary shares with us the following CBC rowing news. CBC hosted a successful opening-of-the-season BBQ at West Lakes and has had a successful opening regatta at West Lakes last weekend. Our Pizzas were again a hit and we sold out of them just after lunch. …It was quite a successful day on the water as well as off. Several of our crews placed second in their races with all crews finishing closer to the leaders in their races than last season. One crew finished in what was effectively a photo finish for first against PAC in the Junior Bs. We have seen a noticeable spike in performance across the board. The boys can feel it themselves. They are working extremely hard with their new coaches. The leadership and coordination you have put in place is excellent. Jarred Schar is quite clearly an excellent coach. His dedication to the improvement

of the boys’ fitness and technical development is evident. Beau Gora is again coordinating the program with the same dedication he showed last season.

New Building Works

Counsellor’s Corner When God Created Mothers When the Good Lord was creating mothers... an angel appeared and said, “You’re doing a lot of fiddling around this one.” And the Lord said, “Have you read the specifications on this order? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic ... have 180 moveable parts, all replaceable ... run on black coffee and left-overs ... have a lap that disappears when she stands up ... a kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointing love affair ... and six pairs of hands.” “Six pairs of hands! No way.” “ It’s not the hands that are causing me problems,” said the Lord. “It’s the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have.” “That’s on the standard model?” asked the angel. The Lord nodded, “One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, “What are you kids doing in there?” when she already knows. Another in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn’t, but what she has to know and of course the ones in front that can look at a child when he gets himself in trouble and say, “I understand and I love you,” without so much as uttering a word.” ... The Lord said, “I’m close now. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick, can feed a family of six on half a kilo of mince and can get a nine year old to stand under a shower.” The angel circled the model of a mother very slowly. “It’s too soft,” she sighed. “But tough,” said the Lord excitedly. “You cannot imagine what this mother can do or endure.” “Can it think?” “Not only think, but also it can reason and compromise,” said the Creator. Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. “There’s a leak,” she pronounced. “It’s not a leak,” said the Lord. “It’s a tear.” “What’s it for?” “It’s for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness and pride.” “You are a genius,” said the angel. The Lord looked sombre. “I didn’t put it there.” Original source unknown. Br. Michael Flaherty Counsellor

The Uniform Shop is operating from 227 Flinders Street, Adelaide. For more information, please call 8400 4249. Normal trading hours: Monday 8 :30am to 5pm* Wednesday 12pm to 5pm* Friday 12pm to 5pm* (*During school terms - extra trading hours are advertised for school holiday trading) Mrs Claire Summerton Uniform Shop Manager


The complete re-surfacing of the CBC Senior Campus roof top sportsfield will also commence in December and a new surface will be ready for students upon their return in 2014. I wish to thank our College Board, Mr Scali, Mr Brink and project partners Kon Michael Swanbury Penglase Architects and Mossop builders for their expertise and coordination of the two projects.

Conclusion Please remember to place 19 November in your diary for the compulsory Senior Campus Speech Night at the Adelaide Town Hall. Tickets are available from Mrs Vivien London, Administration Assistant – Senior Campus. Our Year 6 Graduation evening has a new date and is now Wednesday 20 November at 6pm in the Senior Campus Gymnasium. Please keep our Year 11 and 12 students in your prayers as they begin or continue with their exams this week. My blessings to you all for the week ahead.

Volunteer News The College thanks our 150 plus past and present parent and grandparent volunteers who assist with the College Board, Old Collegians, Water Sports and P& F Auxiliaries, Friends of Music, class assistants, excursions and camps supervisors, library and canteen helpers and co-curricular assistance.

Mr Noel Mifsud Principal

In particular I wish to thank our presidents of the various CBC parent committees including: • Old Collegians: Mr Viano Jaksa • Parents and Friends: Mrs Susan Marzinotto • Friends of Music: Mrs Susan Teakle • Waters Sports: Mr Justin Wickins.

Legacy’s new advertising campaign is designed to remind Australians that warfare is not a thing of the past and that Legacy’s role is ongoing. Legacy Week originated in 1942 on the 5th of September as a major fundraiser for the families of fallen soldiers. Its Badge Day invites the public to show their appreciation of the service of Australia’s defence personnel. Early morning commuters on their way to work and school, often donate generously to this annual cause.

Uniform Shop


CBC has begun a major refurbishment of the eight Year 8/9 classrooms in the O’ Brien Building (opposite the roof top sportsfield area). Classes will be fitted with new carpet, pin boards, ceilings and lighting as well as new air conditioners. Classes have been relocated to other areas in the College during the major works which will be completed prior to the 2014 academic year.

We are blessed to have such a generous and talented group of people who assist us at CBC.

Mr Hamilton’s Year 7 Art class and Mrs Barreira’s Year 9 English class felt curious, but quickly gained confidence. CBC students felt a sense of pride, representing Christian Brothers College and emulating the core values which are enforced within the school. A sense of connection and privilege helping an important cause replaced our initial reservations. Several members of the public gave tremendous donations and others recognised the cause and gave money to help in every way they could. Legacy Australia has since written to CBC to express its delight and appreciation of our wonderful contribution to its fundraising efforts to raise an astounding $1005.35. Each participating student will receive a certificate of appreciation from Legacy. Legacy hopes that next time anyone sees a Legacy collector they make a generous donation, or, take the time to remember the fallen soldiers of Australia. The student who participated proudly received a certificate of appreciation recognising the fundraising efforts for Legacy Australia.

Lest We Forget. - Laurence Binyon

• Connect… e.g. build social relationships, spend time with friends and family

2013 School calendar

• Be active… e.g. engage in regular physical activity • Take notice… e.g. be mentally “present”, focus on awareness and appreciation

From The Deputy Principal Happiness – The Foundation to our Wellbeing Recent research by Jody Eked et al has found that our sense of happiness in our life can positively influence our self-esteem, attitude and ability to take risks. She has does studies on the Eden Project, which is a self-sustaining community in Cornwall in the United Kingdom. This isolated community of people flourished as they continually did activities that enhanced their happiness. All members of the community are required to say hello to at least twenty people a day, read a book outside their interest, and carry out an act of kindness without anyone knowing, as well as the community playing drums every day. In their research they have identified “Five Ways to Wellbeing” that are based on scientific evidence about individuals’ behaviour. They believe if people incorporate more Five Ways-type activities into their daily lives, the evidence suggests that their individual wellbeing will improve. However, rather than only thinking of the Five Ways to Wellbeing in terms of individual behaviour change, they can also be used to help understand the external opportunities and barriers that influence how people act. Eked believes communities such as schools and organisations can use this framework in order to improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes across whole populations. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a simple and accessible means of communicating the evidence about activities that can improve and maintain mental health and wellbeing. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a structure that is intended to be positive and engaging, flexible and non-prescriptive, yet firmly grounded in extensive scientific evidence. It believes that if we are to be happy and ultimately improve our wellbeing we need to do the following:

Week 5 Mon 11 Nov

Remembrance Day PATR Testing Week Biology – 9:00 am Course Counselling (Year 11) Evening with the Elite – Year 7

Tues 12 Nov

Principal’s Tours (JC) Pre-School teacher visits Evening with the Elite – Year 7 Physics – 1:30 pm

Wed 13 Nov

Principal’s Tours (SC) Evening with the Elite – Year 7

• Keep learning… e.g. maintain curiosity about the world, try new things • Give… e.g. make a positive contribution to the lives of others Many areas of research have found that stress and anger have a negative effect on our health and wellbeing. There are also key studies that look at associations between health and happiness. It’s important to note that these studies focus on correlations, things that go hand in hand but are not necessarily caused by one another. The results are compelling. Happiness has been correlated with better health, both in individuals and communities. Some studies have even suggested that states of happiness may be associated with lower stress-related hormones and better immune function. We can increase our state of happiness in many ways. Research suggests that people who meditate have an improved sense of calm and wellness. Individuals who express religious or spiritual faith also report being happier. Expressing gratitude is a demonstrated way of fostering happiness. Researchers have found that people who regularly write down things for which they are grateful in “gratitude journals” have increased satisfaction in life, higher energy levels, and improved health. In one study, people who read a letter of appreciation to someone in their lives were measurably happier almost one month later. Performing acts of kindness or altruism boosts moods. Data show that our relationships matter, too. People who engage in meaningful conversations with friends or family are reported being happier than those who don’t. Close interpersonal ties and strong social support are crucial for happiness. As we know happiness is contagious and laughter with friends has a positive influence on our wellbeing. It is important that we have a positive attitude to life, as, through modelling positive behaviour, we not only improve our own wellbeing but the wellbeing of others. “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” (Dalai Lama)

Thurs 14 Nov Information Evening – Reception Parents Chemistry – 9:00 am Year 10/11 Drama – Snow White and the Seven Dorks 6.00pm Fri 15 Nov

Mathematical Methods 9:00 am Specialist Maths – 9:00 am Spirit of our Brothers pilgrimage leaves SC Sports Assembly (Year 7 – 11) Smith House Day JC Assembly

Mon 18 Nov

Economics – 1:30 pm Stage 1 Exams JC/MC Community Board Meeting

Tues 19 Nov

Speech Night

Week 6

Tuesday 19 November Speech Night, 6.45pm. Adelaide Town Hall Collect Tickets from Mrs Vivien London, Senior Campus New Reception Transition (am) Legal Studies – 1:30 pm Stage 1 Exams Wed 20 Nov

Year 6 Graduation 6pm

Wednesday 20 November Year 6 Graduation, 6pm. CBC Gymnasium

Mr Shaun Clarke Deputy Principal

Musicianship 1.30pm Stage 1 Exams Thurs 21 Nov Stage 1 Exams

Middle School Music Concert Ensemble, solo and duet items will be performed at the Middle School Music concert, Friday 8th November in the Music Auditorium at 6:30pm. Entrance will be a gold coin donation.

Fri 22 Nov

Thanksgiving Mass – CBC Gymnasium 9.30am Stage 1 Exams Vietnam Pilgrims Return JC Assembly

Sat 23 Nov

WSA Quiz Night – Gym

Mon 25 Nov

Studio Ensemble – Leigh Creek

Tues 26 Nov

New Reception Transition (am) Transition Day – R – Year 9 and New Students to School Studio Ensemble – Leigh Creek

Wed 27 Nov

Year 10 Exams Studio Ensemble – Leigh Creek

Week 7

Full Term Planner is available at



Rostrevor/CBC Sister School Connection

Assistant Principal - Junior Campus Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends, What a wonderful tribute our CBC JC Community paid to our Junior Campus Captain Patrick Squires last Friday at a special assembly. Thank you to all families who so generously gave gifts to Patrick. I am always amazed at the generosity of spirit that is shown on such occasions. When the children sang “Welcome to our family” with such love, dedication and admiration for Patrick, I don’t think there was a dry eye in the school. I know I certainly struggled. What a remarkable young man of great character and integrity he is!

Narnu Farm On Tuesday our Year 4 students and staff headed off to Narnu farm for a couple of days. Many of the boys had never been away from home before so there was a lot of nervous anticipation around. None the less all had a wonderful experience. Thank you to Mrs Buchanan, Mrs Ozgo, Sr Kanistal and parents who tirelessly gave up their family time to provide this memorable time for our boys.

From the Counselling Team Potential for Harm – Social Media site Ask.Fm and others The Wellbeing Team wish to flag our serious concerns about the potential for significant harm in the “teen/ tween” use of free social media sites such as, tumblr, formspring and snapchat. The site is of particular concern because it is set up for users to post questions about themselves, or to others, and wait for replies and responses. This sounds innocuous enough; however, what this site lacks is the critically important privacy controls of other mainstream sites and the replies and responses can be completely anonymous. The ‘openness’ of this site’s access also means that non-users can easily link in to an individual’s postings via a simple Google search using the user’s name and together. 4


Once again Mrs Cronin’s Year 5 class spent last Friday at Rostrevor College. Together with their Edmund Rice buddies they walked to Morialta Falls. It has been so good to watch friendships blossom and relationships fostered with our sister school and I commend Mrs Cronin in building this wonderful partnership between Rostrevor and CBC. I want to also sincerely thank the Rostrevor staff for their generosity in transporting our students to and from Rostrevor College. On Friday at our “Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea”, we thanked our fantastic volunteers who tirelessly give up so much of their time to assist students and staff at CBC. We are deeply indebted to you and appreciate all that you do for our community. I leave you with this Volunteers Thank You Reflection attached.

Volunteers Thank You Reflection

For it only takes a moment to reach out to be a friend, but to the one who needs you the memory never ends. Tom Krause

Next Monday 11 November at 10:45 am, we will be paying our respects to those brave men and women who gave so much for us to live in peace and freedom. Please join us for our very moving ceremony in the Junior Campus courtyard. Wishing you God’s blessings for the week ahead.

Mrs Frances Zubreckyj Assistant Principal - Junior Campus

It Only Takes a Moment It only takes a moment, to reach out to be a friend, but to the one who needs you the memory never ends. A simple act of kindness to a person you don’t know may plant a seed of friendship that for them will always grow. We sometimes lose perspective of the difference we can make, when we care more of our giving and care less what we take.

Junior School

So remember that your actions May help change a life someday, always think about the person that you met along the way.

Final 2013 orders due Tuesday 19 November

A quick exploration of the site reveals that many young users post inappropriate images of themselves, engage in ‘risky’ profiling and discussion, use offensive language and imagery, and get drawn into negativity which can spiral. It is vital that on such sites students do not refer to their school and/or give other personal information as this information can be used to track and trace individuals. The school does not wish to be linked in any way to the site and the associated posts. Students who refer to CBC on this site, via their comments or postings, are in breach of our expectations and policies. This week the students of CBC have been asked at the school assembly to remove any references to CBC and we have also encouraged them to disable their activity on this and other similar sites, urging them rather to be discerning young men. We ask all parents to please consider your sons’ social media activity and his cyber safety. Highly recommended sites for parents trying to navigate social media issues are: Ms Jane Gaynor From the Counselling Team

Scholastic Book Club

BADMINTON Open C2 Badminton CBC 8 defeated Pedare 4 Many players were late arriving this Saturday for various reasons, but it all turned out okay in the end. It was a very busy morning with six of the twelve matches going to three sets. CBC won five of these. In all, CBC won 3 doubles and 5 singles to achieve yet another successful morning of badminton. Only one Saturday left for the 2013 season. Well played everyone! Mrs Anna Memma Coach

BASKETBALL Year 7 Blue Basketball Black Forest Breakers 60 defeated CBC 15 The boys fought hard to minimise their loss. A great effort by all! Best players were Ryan Pool and John CalleyaKleeman. Good defence by Michael Kim and Thomas Colangelo. Ms Kay Oliphant Coach


First XI Cricket CBC 231 defeated Mercedes 226 (2-Day Game) What a game, what a win! Batting first on pitch that had something for everyone, we lost our top order to be 4/60 and at risk of a routing before Captain Luke Yates put his hand up and his foot down to join Joshua Barnett in a 94 run partnership to take us to 5/154. Barnett looked to be tiring and played one too many balls in the air to be dismissed for an entertaining 66, but Yates wasn’t going anywhere and carried his bat, supported first by Cotsios (18) and number 11 Gabrielli (12) to take our total to a more respectable but not intimidating 231. We would need to field well if we were going to be able to contain our opposition. Barnett bowled manfully throughout the afternoon but couldn’t take a wicket as we commenced an embarrassing run of dropped catches and missed opportunities. Kracman and Gabrielli were the best bowlers early, with Kracman bowling good line and length to put a bit of pressure back on with a maiden and wicket maiden. Nihill chimed in with a wicket and it looked like it might be his day but alas and alack he was plundered in the later overs and taken out of the attack with figures of 1/39 off 6. After having them 3/70 we tried really hard and didn’t give up but we let ourselves down with our catching and before we knew it they were cruising toward their target at 4/198. Then Cotsios, who had been bowling really well for no reward, took out their danger men and they were 6/209, needing only 17 runs with 4 wickets in hand. Could we dare to dream? Strange had already bowled a spell but came back on from the other end and took a wicket--7/211. We still couldn’t win it could we? Captain Courageous then played his master-stroke. Bring back Nihill! Surely not. Surely! First ball: Great catch to Kracman diving forward and they are starting to wobble at 8/216. A single, then 4, and they were back in the driving seat. Nihill then got a beauty past the batsman, and Nye who had kept all day and was out on his feet whipped the bails off and they were 9/219. Cotsios showed nerves of steel in only conceding one run in his over, then it was back to Rhys. First ball 4 and The Mercedes boys and parents were cheering. Dot ball then two more. They only need 5 to win. Rhys floated it up, the batsman had to play at it, took a lusty swipe but there was too much bounce from Rhys. Ball in the air and anyone of 3 fielders could have taken it but Rhys Nihill was the man of the moment and completed the catch and victory was ours.

A gutsy, never-say-die win. Best with Bat: L Yates 70 n.o., J Barnett 66, J Strange 20 Best with Ball: R Nihill 4/50, M Cotsios 2/26, M Kracman 2/34 Man of the Match: L Yates Mr Josh Roach Coach

20/20 Cricket Unley High 10/158 defeated CBC 6/140 Best with Bat: B Adams 51n.o, M Cotsios 27, N Byrnes 15 Best with Ball: M Kracman 4/18 (4), M Cotsios 2/8 (2), B Adams 1/7 (1) Man of the Match: B Adams Mr Josh Roach Coach

Year 8 Cricket CBC 8/156 defeated Concordia 116 It was a pleasure to spend the morning of Saturday 2 November with the Year 8 boys in the second half of their away fixture against Concordia. The previous Saturday CBC had dismissed Concordia for 116 and reached 20-odd for the loss of Harrison Webb’s wicket by the close. Dillon Barker resumed battle on Day 2 with the ‘nightwatchman’, Sam Chapman, and they thrived for a while, Barker running especially well between wickets. One false stroke – a very false one! – saw Barker bowled for 11 with the score on 40. Sid Rajagopal replaced him. I know Sid from Goodwood; he is an accomplished batsman. He played one elegant leg glance for 1 – it might have been 2, had he not ‘turned blind’ – but was unfortunate in his dismissal. He forced a short ball off the back foot. Perhaps it lifted a trifle, and he did not quite get over the top of it; the ball flew to point where it was extremely well caught, inches from the ground. Sid will score lots of runs in the future. Will Strange came in at Number 5 and immediately looked capable. He essayed one rather hairy waft, but otherwise kept the scoring rate ticking along. Meanwhile Chapman gave extreme treatment to two long-hops and a leg-side full toss. At drinks after 20 overs, CBC were 3 for 59. The 4th wicket fell at 73 when Strange was given out for 13, caught behind down the leg side, trying to dispatch an off-spinner. Sadly, the blind old umpire – also your scribe – thought that the ball had clipped his glove, but Will insisted that it hit the top of his pad. He accepted his misfortune with the good grace of a sportsman. He looks very promising. One run later James Ridgewell tried to sweep a low, short ball and was rapped on the pad, directly in front of middle stump. We had stumbled from 3 for 73 to 5 for 74 and the game was once more in the balance. Would we suffer a total collapse, or would the lower order see us through to victory? Lachlan Matthias initially appeared insecure. He has a technical fault when playing off the back foot: his back leg moves outside leg-stump, rather than across into line; this leaves his off-stump exposed. He enjoyed a few narrow escapes, but then began to show that he is strong on the front foot. He played the shot of the day, a stonking straight drive to the boundary. He is also very fast between the wickets and had his partner puffing like a grampus! He scored at a healthy rate, but was caught in the deep for 27 when we were within sight of victory. Two runs later, CBC moved ahead. What can one say about Sam Chapman who remained until victory was secured? He batted 40 overs today, on top of the few last week. In terms of technical proficiency he would not claim to be Bradmanesque, but as for temperament and concentration his innings was superb; with these qualities, one can always work on technique. Without his stubborn occupation of the crease we might not have won today’s game; he gave the innings stability. Of course, being a hard taskmaster, I am never fully satisfied. In Sam’s case, we must work on his

running between wickets, in particular his backing up. There was further good wine to follow. I asked Chapman (33*) to retire when we passed Concordia’s score, and Shan Jayawardhana replaced him. Here is another exciting young prospect. Shan plays wristy on-drives, reminiscent of his near-namesake, Mahela. Arriving after his team was already ahead, he played his innings in the right spirit, taking some risks to score quickly. He too was asked to retire after an impressive 19. Liam Galanti offered a catch quite early. Zack Robey, another Goodwood stalwart, smacked a few resounding blows in his 9 after a shaky start, and Darcy Salamon was left undefeated with 4. CBC had given an impressive display. My thanks are due to Mr Matthias for his accurate scoring. This is such an important element of cricket: when done well, it enables one to unravel the game and view it in perspective. It is clear that the Year 8s show plenty of promise. To have dismissed Concordia for 116 suggests a good bowling and fielding performance. However, their total contained an alarming 49 sundries, including 28 wides. Clearly we have some work to do in this department. I look forward to becoming acquainted with the bowling and fielding on Monday afternoon. Mr Lingard Goulding Coach

Year 7A Cricket CBC 8/158 defeated Trinity 114 Resuming at 1/27 we encountered considerable resistance from Trinity’s bowlers. Their tight, disciplined line made scoring runs difficult, particularly after the loss of an early wicket. Jack Bastian and Austin Lovell did a great job just surviving the onslaught and protecting the middle order. Jack went on to make 19 not out and allowed the middle order to face the change bowlers. Jamie Cerone top scored with 24 not out, surviving two dropped catches and some close appeals, punishing anything short and wide. Johnny Frisina provided strong support with 9 not out to help steer the team towards victory. Micheal Kittel-Neill came in late and smashed the tired bowlers to all parts with a quick fire 15 not out. It was pleasing to see the team bat out their full 50 overs, plus the 11 from the previous week, with most batsmen able to spend 10 or more overs at the crease. This time in the middle will come in handy with two challenging matches to finish off the season against Sacred Heart and Rostrevor. Mr Thomas McLean Coach

Tennis Drive Tennis CBC 9 (56 games) defeated Scotch 0 (28 games) What a great team effort. Congratulations to all our players. This was a decisive win…everyone brought their best tennis and we never allowed Scotch to get back into the matches. Singles George Wong (6-4) Brilliant performance…too skillful and passionate. Kyle Gaweda (6-2) Another workmanlike display…too steady, too focused. Alex Stephanopoulos (6-2) Enjoying the challenge… promising talent. Jack Owens (6-2) Efficient percentage tennis…too good. Bradley Graham (7-5) Grinding win…determined effort. Jack Quinn (6-2) Great to see him have a win in one of his last appearances for the Drive team. Doubles Wong/ Stephanopoulos (6-4) Exciting combination. INSIGHT


Quinn/Owens (6-2) Maintain unbeaten record (2 years) as a duo. Gaweda/Graham (6-2) Solid smart tennis. Mr Paul Horgan Coach

Middle C Tennis CBC 6 defeated Cabra 1 Six of our keen players turned up at the Cabra courts on Saturday and began with our Singles matches. Thomas, Thanh, Christian and Bryce all won their Singles comfortably, as well as their doubles matches. Tom and Callum, however, experienced a more strenuous challenge from their opposition. Well played, boys. Ms Liz Tidemann Coach

Year 8 Volleyball CBC 3 defeated Pedare 0 Another early game for the Year 8 team saw the boys ready and fired up for the encounter with Pedare. The boys were initially bamboozled by the girls from Pedare but quickly gained momentum during the first set to overrun them 2514. The following sets were much the same. We played well as a team after remembering to talk to each other. Special mention to Thomas Dimitriadis for challenging himself with his serving. Overall, a great game with some excellent team work. Ms Emma Woehle Coach

Water polo

CBC WaterSports Auxiliary

Quiz Night

Saturday 23 NOVEMBER 6.30pm CBC Gymnasium

Senior Water Polo


BYO Picnic Supper. Drinks will be available for purchase. 6.30pm for 7.00pm start.

Blackfriars 13 defeated CBC 4

Year 9A Volleyball CBC 2 defeated Concordia 0 Another impressive and convincing win for the team. Each of the boys played an impressive team game resulting in their success. Time allowed a further set to be played where, once again, CBC defeated Concordia 27 points to 19. Congratulations to all of our players--Riley Atkinson, Daniel Storti, Travis O’Keefe, Domenic Sangermano, Nick Di Troia, Charlie Pickford and Stefan RYSCHKA--on another great win. Mrs Jane Gaynor Coach

Year 8/9 B Volleyball CBC 2 defeated Adelaide High School 1 25-23, 25-23, 23-25. This was the closest game the team has had this year! A very organised approach from the all-girl team from Adelaide High flustered the boys a little, and they were very slow to get off the mark. However, once they worked out the girls’ game plan, they put in a very energetic performance. Still, the lack of communication led to some lost opportunities, but overall the boys are polishing their volleyball skills and making great progress each week. The third set should have been ours too, but the boys enjoyed themselves too much and lost the focus which saw them steal the first 2 sets from Adelaide High. Mrs Lucyna Zwolski Coach

Goal Scorers: Taylor Sarunic 2, Tyler McGinley 1, Lachlan Starr 1 Again we got off to a slow start as Blacks had moved to a substantial lead at half time. It was a super effort to restrict Blackfriars to only 4 goals in the second half. A great effort by Jack Poole when he moved to goalie helped us achieve this. We are now moving in the right direction and our first win in the Senior Water Polo competition is just around the corner. Keep trying hard and working as a team, boys. Mr Ian Hamilton Coach

Year 8 Water Polo CBC 7 defeated Blackfriars 5 Goal Scorers: Isaac Giannetta 4, Laurence Giannetta 1, Jake Hardie 1, Henry Barker 1. This was an excellent effort by our boys to win a tightly contested game. We had control early and when Blacks challenged we responded and held on for a well-deserved win. A great team effort, boys! Taylor Sarunic made many fine saves as our goalie. Mrs Jenny Palmer and Mr Ian Hamilton Coaches

$10 per ticket (tables of 10) Tickets available from the CBC Finance Office Further details contact Mirella Kakogianis on 0438 815 061

Don’t forget to order your delicious Krispy Kreme Donuts! See attached order form for details.

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Help support the CBC Water Sports Auxiliary Order a dozen (or more) original glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts delivered fresh from Melbourne. To order simply fill in this form and return to either the Finance office or the Junior Campus Front desk by Wednesday 13 November 2013

Order Form Customer Name

Phone Number

#Original Glazed Dozens $20

Amount Collected

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TOTAL dozen #

Total funds enclosed $

Donuts will be available for collection on Friday 29 November 2013 from 2.00pm. Junior School collection at the Junior Canteen Middle and Senior School collection at the Senior Canteen. Cash Payment I enclose a cheque / money order payable to: Christian Brothers College. Please charge my Bankcard VISA MasterCard

_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ Card Expiry: _ _/_ _ Card No.

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