Insight 2013T2W05

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Christian Brothers College Newsletter

Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Email Website

Term 2, Week 5


Friday May 31, 2013

Fathers of CBC rowers on the water!

This newsletter is an important part of our Sorry Day commemorations held at CBC this week:

From The Principal Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers, Ngangkirna, miyurna! Naa marni?

National Sorry Day is an annual day of commemoration and remembrance of all those who have been impacted by the government policies of forcible removal that have resulted in the Stolen Generations. Sorry Day has been held annually on 26 May each year since 1998, and was born out of a key recommendation made by the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families in the Bringing them home Report that was tabled in Federal Parliament on 26 May 1997 source: www.

in the College. Earlier, the Catholic Education Office of South Australia had sought the experience of the Dare to Lead project to be made available to specific CESA schools. The review of Indigenous Education conducted at Christian Brothers College included interviews with staff, Indigenous and non-Indigenous students and College executive. At the review we revisited our Reconciliation Policy and Reconciliation Action Plan both which were revised and are to be ratified by the College Leadership team (staff and students) prior to Board and Community consultation.

Ngai nari Noel Mifsud.

Dare to Lead

Aboriginal Leadership

Martuityangka Kaurna miyurna, ngai wangkanthi “Marni naa pudni Kaurna yarta-ana.”

In response to Sorry Day commemorations, CBC was visited by the national office of Dare to Lead.

Ngaityu yakanantalya, yungantalya.

Dare To Lead is a project run by Principals Australia and funded by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The project provides support for Principals endeavouring to improve learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and to improve the curriculum across all schools about traditional and contemporary Aboriginal history and culture.

Last week a number of our Indigenous students participated in an Indigenous Leadership program conducted by the CEO. I received positive feedback from both the staff and students involved including the following letter from one of our parents:

Translation: “Ladies and gentlemen, are you (all) good? (ie hello) My name is Noel Mifsud. On behalf of the Kaurna people I say “It’s good that you (all) came to Kaurna country.” (ie welcome) My dear sister(s) (and) brother(s). (ie thank you)”

Dare to Lead was invited by the College to complete an external, independent review of Indigenous education

Inclusive Community

Our community is accepting and welcoming, fostering right relationships and committed to the common good.

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

I would like to say thank you for supporting my son to attend the Aboriginal Leadership course last week. My son enjoyed participating in the course and gained a lot from networking with other Aboriginal students from across the state. It is really important that Aboriginal students have access to such courses

as it equips them with leadership skills and allows them to realise that they too can be leaders and support each other in the process. I would also like to say thank you to Ms Elleway for her support of the Aboriginal students at CBC. My son talks very highly of her encouragement and support.

Counsellor’s Corner Addictions “An addiction is any process over which we are powerless. It takes control of us causing us to do and think things that are inconsistent with our personal values and it leads us to become progressively more compulsive and obsessive. A sure sign of an addiction is the sudden need to deceive ourselves and others - to lie, deny and cover up. An addiction is anything we feel tempted to lie about. An addiction is anything we are not willing to give up.” (When Society Becomes an Addict by Anna Wilson Schaef p.18) Some common substance addictions are tobacco, alcohol, drugs, foods. Some process addictions are gambling, accumulating wealth, sex, work, religion or shopping. Multiple or crossaddictions are not uncommon.

Term 2 Fee Reminder Monthly Fees are due and payable immediately. If you have any queries please contact The Finance Office on 8400 4207.

Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop is operating from 227 Flinders Street, Adelaide. For more information, please call 8400 4249. Normal trading hours: Monday 8 :30am to 5pm* Wednesday 12pm to 5pm* Friday 12pm to 5pm* (*During school terms - extra trading hours are advertised for school holiday trading) Mrs Claire Summerton Uniform Shop Manager


This week I received another letter of commendation for our students from our College photographers. In the past few weeks we have taken a whole school photo as well as individual, family and sports photos; a huge undertaking. Our photographers wrote to me this week saying: I would like to express my gratitude to you for your help that you gave to my team last week. Without you we would never have completed our job.

CBC News in Brief: • PATR Testing This week students on both the senior and junior campus participated in literacy testing known as PATR. The PATR test is the ACER test for literacy, similar to the test last term on numeracy. The results of these tests will provide important longitudinal data to guide student learning outcomes. • SACE Drama Performance Congratulations to our students and Ms Tahlia Harman who performed in the latest CBC production of “Bach at Leipzig” in the Drama Theatre this week.

All the photographers returned to our office sprucing how smooth you made their day.

• International Night Tickets are still available from the College Finance Office for the P & F International Night this Saturday, 1 June. This is a night of entertainment and international foods from around the world.

Also, as school photographers we have photographed many students and staff and the photographers all commented on how polite and courteous your boys were. This is a testament to you and your staff.

• Congratulations to Trent Daly who was selected for the SA National Football League for the forthcoming SA School Sport Australia Boys Australian Football Championships in Darwin on 8-10 August.

Please pass on our thanks and appreciation to all.


Br Michael Flaherty Counsellor


Letter of Commendation

the Walsh Lecture Theatre at 7.00pm. Further information on the program is available at www.

Last Sunday I was invited by Mrs Donna Good and the Water Sports Auxiliary to join the fathers of rowers for a row in an eight at Westlakes followed by a BBQ with the parents of rowers. The day was a fantastic opportunity to experience rowing and more importantly to be reminded of the incredible generosity and hospitality of our parents who give of their time, money and energy to CBC Rowing. I was touched by the hospitality shown to me and remain deeply in debt to all parents who assist the College in so many ways. I am not expecting a call from the Olympic Committee asking our new fathers and principal rowing team to compete in the next Olympics!

Connecting Spirits Deputy Principal Mr Clarke wrote the following letter to staff this week: The College is currently investigating being involved in a project called “Connecting Spirits”. This program has run in some DECD schools and has been introduced in some catholic schools. The program is where students study a World War I veteran as part of their Research Project/Studies of Society/Integrated Learning, etc and visit the Western Front. The visit to the Front has been a transformative experience which is reflected in their research work which has resulted in outstanding SACE results. We would like our students to research the life of one of our old collegians who died in WWI. There are over 150 names on the honour board near the chapel. The students could then write the research on different old collegians with the view to publish a book in 2018, the centenary anniversary of the ending of WWI in 1918. This book would have research pieces by our students and we are hoping to gain some government grant. The coordinator of this program is working with four schools and we have been chosen due to our history and connection with WWI veterans. Julie will be speaking to all our Year 11 students this Thursday in RE. There will also be a parent information evening on Wednesday, 5th June in

• Staff News We welcome Mr Albert Chieng to CBC this week replacing Mrs Wen Ben on Maternity Leave. We sadly farewelled Mrs Maria Pinna (Junior Campus - Office Assistant). I wish to personally thank Maria for her support of the Junior Campus and work at the College.

Conclusion Sorry Day Prayer Almighty and loving God, you who created ALL people in your image, Lead us to seek your compassion as we listen to the stories of our past. You gave your only Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so that sins will be forgiven. We place before you the pain and anguish of dispossession of land, language, lore, culture and family kinship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have experienced. We live in faith that all people will rise from the depths of despair and hopelessness. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families have endured the pain and loss of loved ones, through the separation of children from their families. We are sorry and ask God’s forgiveness. Touch the hearts of the broken, homeless and inflicted and heal their spirits. In your mercy and compassion walk with us as we continue our journey of healing to create a future that is just and equitable. Lord, you are our hope. Amen. Source:

Mr Noel Mifsud Principal

math problems, problem solving, following directions, monitoring progress and evaluating strengths and needs.

From The Deputy Principal As Students Grow, They Need To Develop Their Brain As each of us goes about daily life, numerous mental processes and skills help us plan for – and respond to – the tasks, challenges, and opportunities we face every day. Researchers and psychologists have coined the term executive function to describe this constellation of cognitive controls in the brain. The dynamics of executive function affect every one of us – young and old, as well as those with and without disabilities. It influences students’ performance at school, their emotional responses, personal relationships, and social skills. Yet executive function plays itself out a little differently in each of us; each individual is uniquely strong or competent in some cognitive control areas and weaker in others. Executive functions are the mental processes that enable us to plan ahead, evaluate the past, start and finish a task and manage our time. They can affect what we do in the present and also how we plan and organise for the future. These skills affect our ability to access and juggle many thinking skills at the same time. Executive Functioning skills can also impact how we interact with others. They help us to control our emotions, identify and find solutions for a problem, monitor and stop our actions, evaluate our thoughts and give ourselves direction through self-talk. Executive functions have been described as the conductor or manager of the brain organizing and timing brain functions to work together. During school, problems with executive functioning impacts students in almost all their subjects and daily tasks. However, problems with executive functioning often end up being the “hidden learning disability” that is not readily diagnosed. When a student has a learning disability in math, they will be able to function well in other subjects. When the discrepancy in the level of competency in different areas becomes obvious to the parents and teachers, it normally triggers some type of assessment and diagnosis. However, when there is a problem with executive functioning, the student will likely present with similar problems across all subjects. These may present as problems with; starting work, staying focused on work, completing work, and remembering to do the work. When students present with these problems they are often labelled as; lazy, unmotivated, undisciplined, not very bright or simply not trying hard enough. However, if a student develops his active working memory, which is part of his executive functions, then he is able to open and manipulate several files from our memory at the same time, similar to a computer operator accessing several files from saved documents, flipping from one file to another, accessing and using information from all of them. Working memory also helps us to stay attentive and resist distractions, and assists us in making decisions throughout the day. Working memory is a vital executive function that is required for; writing, reading comprehension, complex

Students with ADHD often find it difficult to complete the above tasks and parents with these students may have to assist them in organising tasks, planning, remembering and generally being the executive manager of their child’s life, without even realising it. As the students grow older, executive functioning skills become more crucial. Adults take on many roles at one time needing to juggle; work, parenting, paying bills, shopping, house work, paperwork, money management etc. and most adults do not have the luxury of having a manager to assist them with these tasks. As a College community we have continued to develop our partnership with Professor Martin Westwell to ensure higher order thinking is incorporated within our teaching and learning. Through developing these higher order skills students further develop their executive functioning. It is important we continue to teach executive function strategies so students can plan, organize, prioritise and use their working memory effectively. Through developing executive functioning students become efficient and successful; their self-esteem improves and their effort becomes more goal-oriented. These strategies can include explicit teaching, teacher modeling and extensive practice and instruction that address students’ motivation and effort. However, executive function strategies are not a “one size fits all.” For students to use executive functions strategies effectively, as a first step they must understand their own learning profile and their strengths and weaknesses as well as which strategies work for them and these strategies are tailored for the school and classroom, as well as for the individual student. By developing their executive functioning skills we then help them become metacognitive learners who can understand how they learn.

2013 School calendar Week 6 Mon 3 June

Year 4 Swimming WSA - AGM

Tues 4 June

Year 9 Dancing 1.30 – 2.30pm at CBC Year 9 Respectful Relationships (Bourke & Walsh) Marks Liturgy Year 4 Swimming P&F Meeting

Wed 5 June

UniSA Lunch Session Year 4 Swimming Kindy Visit

Thurs 6 June Year 4 Swimming Year 1 – 3 Performance – Gala Theatre Maths Apps Exam – 9:00 am Fri 7 June

Year 4 Swimming Kindy Visit Lesson 4 & 5 Inter-House Competition – Great Debate Final Vietnam/Philippines Pilgrim Student Gathering – CBC MC SRC Meeting SC SRC Meeting

Week 7 Mon 10 June Queen’s Birthday Tues 11 June Paul McGuire Week Year 9 Respectful Relationships (Bourke & Walsh) Year 11 Semester Exams Wed 12 June Adelaide University Year 12 Lunch Year 11 Semester Exams Paul McGuire celebration (JC) Thurs 13 June Year 9 Dancing 9.20 – 10.20am at SAC Year 11 Semester Exams Fri 14 June

CBC Vs SAC Netball Year 11 Semester Exams JC Disco

Week 8 Mr Shaun Clarke Deputy Principal

Mon 17 June Principal Tours (SC) Year 11 Semester Exams Semester Two commences Tues 18 June Year 9 Dancing 1.30 – 2.30pm at CBC Year 9 Respectful Relationships (Bourke & Walsh) Year 11 CSL Sacrament Workshop Principal Tours (JC)

The 2013/2014 Entertainment Book now available from the Finance Office!

Wed 19 June Year 11 CSL Board Meeting Reception Transition Visits Thurs 20 June Year 11 CSL Fri 21 June

Year 11 Alert not Alarmed MS Social – Fogolar Furlan Centre

Week 9 Mon 24 June Year 5/6 Swimming Year 12 Retreat Tues 25 June Year 5/6 Swimming Year 9 Respectful Relationships (Bourke & Walsh) Year 12 Retreat

Full Term Planner is available at



Hurley Hawks Br Edmund Phillip Hurley Hurley House has been named after Br Hurley who taught at CBC from 1927-29, 39-54 and 57-59. He is most remembered as sports master although he was also Bursar and Deputy Principal. His classes in the forties were outstandingly successful. He possessed a very strong personality and was considered tough but he taught his students to always aim high and reach their full potential. He is fondly remembered by current Old Collegians. Hurley House currently consists of 191 students, who are divided into 6 different Tutor Groups. Throughout Term 1 and 2 each Tutor Group has been getting to know each other across the year levels and developing their own identity using Br Hurley’s motto of always aiming high and reaching your full potential.

Leadership Celebration

Intra and Interhouse Competitions During Term 1 as a House we participated in two College activities. One was the intra then interhouse volleyball competition. Each Tutor Group played each other for the honour of representing Hurley against the best of the other Houses. HLZW won this opportunity and represented Hurley very well in the preliminary finals, going down by 1 point to the runner-up in the grandfinal. The other House competition was the Activity Day held on the 3rd May 2013. This was a combination of novelty events designed to develop teamwork whilst having fun and Hurley was the overall winners. Well-done Hurley. Ms Jenny Palmer

Head of Hurley House

Top Right: HLZW represents Hurley House in volleyball. Right: Inter-House volleyball competition. Below: Hurley House leaders enjoy a morning tea.

Early Term 2, the leadership team of Hurley was acknowledged with a morning tea. This group of outstanding young men was selected by their peers and their inspiration and desire to be part of history and establish traditions for Hurley is evident. Although in Hurley we believe everyone is a leader and all students are able to contribute to who we are. The leadership team, in consultation with their Tutor Groups, has been undertaking the development of traditions, which will remain for the years to come, such as our House prayer, chant, House song and logo. Our mascot is Hurley Hawks.

Back (L-R): Nick Adams, William McPherson, Bradley Squire, Hung Tran, George Wong, Cooper Richardson, John Zito Front: John Calleya Kleeman, Luke Yates, Joseph McWilliams, Dane Richardson, Chris Skelton Absent: Adrian Mastrangelo, Tom Holmes, Sam Wilson, Harrison Way, James Kakogianis,

Year 10 Geography

On Thursday 16th May, the Year 10 Geography class visited the Adelaide Desalination Plant, Lonsdale. The class has been studying water resources and management and this provided an excellent opportunity for the boys to see how the process of desalination works. The facility is state of the art and has only been taking groups through for 2 months. We were taken on a guided tour of the plant, where experts from Water SA talked about the construction, function and maintenance of the plant. It was interesting to learn that it only takes 25 minutes to turn sea water into fresh, drinking water. I would also like to give a special mention to Nathan Koulizos, who recently achieved a Distinction in the Australian Geography Competition, finishing in the top 11% of the country. Congratulations Nathan!! Mr George Bryant

Geography Teacher 4


Assistant Principal - Junior Campus Dear Parents/Caregivers and Friends Sometimes in my job I get to witness some truly magic moments where our little ones say or do something that is so special that one is left chuffed for the rest of the day. Last week I had two such moments – one where one of our little ones who finds socialising very difficult opted to join in a team game of soccer drills with Mr Langley and play in the park at recess with other children in his class. No big deal for most children but for some of our student with special needs it certainly was a momentus moment in his life. When I rang our little person parents to share this news his mother/father were both overcome with tears. It was as important as when a child learns to crawl, walk or say their first words. Often it is said to me that our staff/student/parent community at CBC are very inclusive, nurturing, loving and patient. We encourage our boys to take small steps to achieve success. To that end, whilst conducting our enrolment interviews last Wednesday evening for prospective students many of the parents were overcome when they were offered a place. I got to thinking what is it that makes CBC so special and it comes down to one thing in the community, I think we all are here because we hold the ethos of Edmund Rice sacrament. We live out the College goals of Faith, Excellence, Community and Compassion and are passionate about educating the boys. We love these children as if they were our own. Every decision I know I make is - would this be okay for my own children. It begins and ends there.

Over the past two years I have worked very hard to build community, ensure you are feeling very welcome at CBC. To build community links even more every Monday at 8.40am Sr Kanistal and our prayer leaders will lead our JC community in liturgy – coming together and starting the week in prayer. Whilst we have 17 different faiths at CBC we are very proudly a Catholic College in the Edmund Rice tradition. I believe it is a beautiful calming way to come together as a community in prayer to commence and set the tune for the week ahead and ending with celebrations in coming together in assembly at 11.30 Fridays. Please know you are always welcome to attend. I always feel very privileged when my CBC children share some of their successes with me. I feel like a proud mama – one step removed. Congratulations to Philip Reisinger (5W) who recently defended his Judo State title at the Judo SA State Titles winning 1st place in the Junior 34 kg division. Earlier this year he took gold at the Kodakau Judo State Titles and gained selection into the Kodakau State team representing South Australia at the upcoming National titles in Melbourne. Some insider information I have tells me our very own Mr Mifsud was quite a champion in this sport in his younger years, a long, long time ago! This weekend we will come together for our R-12 International Night Saturday 1st June 6.30pm Senior Campus gymnasium. I hope many of you will come along and enjoy the evening with your friends and family. I hope to see you there. The month of June is ‘Diabetics Jelly Baby Month’. Many thanks to Karen Cirocco, Mother of Jaxon in year 2 for organising the Jelly Baby character at today’s assembly to bring awareness to this disease that effects many in our community.

Reminders for Weeks Ahead • International Night 1 June 2013 – Senior Campus Gymnasium, get a table together from yours son’s class R-12. A great night out – great food, entertainment. Tickets can be purchased form the Senior Campus, Finance Department • 3 June – 7 June 2013 – Year 4 Swimming • 6 & 7 June 2013 – EREA Heads of Junior Schools Forum • 10 June 2013 – Queens Birthday – Public Holiday • 11 June 2013 – 14 June 2013 – Paul McGuire week • 14 June 2013 – Junior Campus Disco. R-3 lunchtime and 4-6 6.30pm – 7.30pm • 14 June 2013 – Concert by Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Musicians – All • 19 June 2013 – 9.00-9.30 week 8 transition T3 Receptions • 26 June 2013 – 9.00-11.30 week 9 transition new receptions • 26 June 2013 - Mark le Messurier –at 7.30-9pm CBC $2 gold coin donation. • 4 July 2013 – Last day of term • 5 July 2013 – Pupil Free Day

Mrs Frances Zubreckyj Assistant Principal - Junior Campus

It is with great sadness that we as a college community say farewell to Maria Pinna, Administrative Assistant at the Junior Campus. Maria will be greatly missed. I wish her every success in her future endeavours. Wishing you Gods blessing for the week ahead.

Term 2, Week 5 Reception White Connor Langley

PLEASE GET BEHIND MY RIDE AND SUPPORT BIKE 70 ON THIS YEARS VARIETY V2 MOTORCYCLE RUN ‐ 2013. PLEASE VISIT: Click on Donations In the comments section please write V2213/Bike 70 Walk away knowing you’ve helped a Sick, Disadvantaged or Special needs kid.


Year 1 White

Stefan Conti

Year 1 Purple

Lucas Haines

Year 2 White

Taki Marinis

Year 3 Purple

Dylan Riddell

Year 4 White

Max Lowden Nick Kellerman-Clarke

Year 4 Purple

Daniel Elborough Cooper Stewart

Year 5 Purple

Franco Bria

Year 6 Gold

Daniel Petrilli

Year 6 Purple

Benjamin Boffo

Year 6 White

Johnny Zhang Joeun Choe


Campbell Hillock Brody Moylan James Khoury



c M guir l u a e

P Arts Festival Junior Campus

Wednesday 12 June • 1:40 - 3:20 pm Reception Under the sea Oil Pastels and Watercolour Exhibition

Year 1 Art Exhibition; Performance Theatre The Ants Go Marching In

Year 2 Book Binding Exhibition Year 3 Poetry Exhibition, Chinese Folk Performances

Year 4 Book Launch, Illustration Exhibition,

Year 4 Choir Performance, Chinese Dance Performance

Year 5 Gallipoli Art Exhibition, Pitch Perfect Performance, Italian Monologue Performance

Year 6 Multicultural Art Exhibition, Readers Theatre

Senior Ensembles Senior Funk Band, Senior Vocal Ensemble

Here are five ideas to help you alter the compliments to criticisms ratio:

From the Counselling Team Increase Good Feelings At Home Family harmony is linked to good will and positive emotions. Here’s how to increase good feelings in your family and make your home a happy place.

Strong families thrive on good feelings. They are not devoid of conflict or criticism, but generally strong families are pleasant environments to be part of. One way to increase good feelings in your family is to increase the number of compliments. As a general rule, the ratio of compliments to criticism should be around five to one. That is, there should be five times more positive, affirmative comments than negative comments. In unhealthy families this ratio is reversed. When the ratio gets to around five negative comments for every one positive comment, families can be quite toxic. How does your family rate on this scale? If you use children only as a measure I suspect that the compliment to criticism ratio will be a little scary. Some siblings can be unkind to each other, and find it hard to say a pleasant word. This skews the ratio a lot and can make family life awful for everyone. BUT this can change over time.

1. Increase your own number of affirmations, compliments, affectionate phrases and kind remarks in order to skew the ratio a bit. Aim for a seven to one ratio. Not only is this good modelling for your kids, but it will make family-life more harmonious. 2. Keep a check on your use of good feeling (and self-esteem) killers. Eradicate comments such as: “Typical boy!” “If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times, don’t...” “What a stupid thing to say to your brother/sister!” Bite your tongue rather than say what you may be thinking. 3. Make kids aware of their language and the potential harm to self-esteem, not to mention family harmony, that constant criticism can cause. Use “I” statements to let kids know the impact of their negative talk on you. “When you talk so aggressively I feel quite scared about what you are going to do next.” It’s impossible for kids to disagree with “I” statements. 4. Develop the habit of following up a negative with a positive. When I was teaching I always tried to follow up the disciplining of a student with a compliment or some positive feedback so that we could maintain a good relationship. Do the same in your family. Follow up discipline, a rebuke or a negative comment with a positive act or comment. TEACH YOUR KIDS TO DO THE SAME! 5. Let the bad feelings out. Sometimes there can be such a build-up of ill-will between siblings that you need to let the bad feelings out. One way to do this is let a child vent to you about their sibling. You may not like what you hear but a clearing of the air can work wonders in terms of improving the family atmosphere. All these suggestions start with you. Like everything in family life, whatever you want from your kids, you must do first. So to increase good feelings in your home aim to keep to the compliment to criticism ratio at five to one or more Ms Jane Gaynor From the Counselling Team



Careers Coordinator / Counsellor • Career Shop Year 10s • University sessions Year 11s & 12s • Information sessions

Career Shop Sessions Year 10s This Thursday all Year 10s will experience an informative session from UniSA during their PLP lesson. The presenters will provide access to the UniSA portal, which will provide students with up to date information about available courses. Explanations will also be given about pre-requisite subjects, what their career profile means and how to access pathways into university.

University Sessions: Year 11s & 12s Each of our 3 universities will present Information sessions during lunch time over the next 3 weeks to interested Year 12s, on the latest information on the range of courses they offer. Sessions will occur as follows: Wednesday 5th June: UniSA Wednesday 12th June: Adelaide University Tuesday 18th June:

Flinders University

Ms Liz Tidemann Careers Coordinator / Counsellor

Junior School Scholastic Book Club Orders due Thursday 13 June

Canteen Volunteers Needed For further information, please contact Penny on 8400 4240 or Lisa on 8400 4222, ext. 118.

Year 11 VET Students

CrossDisciplinary Coordinator Work Experience The deadline for all Year 10 students to have finalised their work placements is Week 6. As this date draws closer, it is important that parents and caregivers are working closely with their son to explore options for their Work Experience placement. If students are finding this process really difficult they need to seek assistance from their Personal Learning Plan teacher, or the Work Experience Coordinator. Work Place Agreement forms are available on the Portal, or in hard copy from Ms Elleway. The College has liability insurance which covers all students, in all workplaces under all circumstances. The correct and complete signing of this Work Place Agreement ensures that your son is covered by this policy. If the placement provider requires further assurance, there will be a copy of our insurance certificate available from Reception.

VET All parents and caregivers of VET who are required to complete Structured Workplace Learning as part of their VET studies must organise these placements as soon as possible. They are to be conducted during school holidays but should be organised now to ensure they are able to secure a placement. Students will not be resulted as having completed their VET course if they have not completed the SWL component.

For those Year 11 students who have an exam scheduled on their VET day, their priority is to attend their exam. If they have only one exam on the day they should attend a half day of VET and attend the exam. It is up to students to notify their VET providers of any absences and make arrangements for making up the time. All providers send attendance data to the College for the VET Coordinator to follow up.

Indigenous Education Last week, eight of our Indigenous students in the Senior School attended Yellakka Yellarkarri, an Indigenous Leadership program for students across Catholic schools. The week began with a two day workshop run by Jonathon Lindsay Tjapaltjarri Hermawan. Jonathon is an engaging presenter who focused on leadership and identity. These themes ran through the whole week with a range of activities built around them. The students also attended presentations on post-school opportunities. The week was a valuable experience for all the students who attended with many of them acknowledging that the exploration of identity was an important point of growth for them. The students work in the program last week complements the College’s participation in the Dare to Lead program, a Federal Government initiative to improve education outcomes for Indigenous students. This week, the College underwent an audit of our participation in this program. This gave the College the opportunity to engage with Dare to Lead support staff to discuss the development of Indigenous Education at CBC, how far we have come since the last ‘snapshot’ in 2011, and the areas that we can continue to develop as an inclusive and progressive community. Reconciliation Week is a significant and relevant week for the College to be reflecting on the growth of Indigenous students within our school community. Indigenous Australians are one group out of many diverse cultures we embrace at CBC, and we hope to continue to develop this culture of inclusivity and acceptance at our school. Ms Ceinwyn Elleway Cross-Disciplinary Coordinator

Students attending Yellakka Yellarkarri.

BASKETBALL Open A Basketball CBC 38 defeated St Paul’s College 34 This was the first of the Knockout rounds and the entire coaching staff congratulates the players on winning this game against SPC. On reflection it was a difficult and challenging game where players had to contend with internal and external factors which impinged on our normal rhythm of play. Despite these challenges on Saturday, the team managed to persevere and win their third game in a row. I am particularly proud of all the players who demonstrated great maturity in their restraint and in respecting the decisions made. Equally impressive was the sacrifice that players made with their court time. The call had to be made given the game situation and I was impressed with the encouragement given to players on the court by those on the bench. The team has to come before individuals at this level. I wish to acknowledge this, as does the coaching staff. It was also good to see that the senior players step up a notch to not only acknowledge the juniors but to dream for an unbeaten run… and we have done it once before. I was also very impressed with the tenacity demonstrated by CBC in all four quarters of the game, particularly in the first two quarters when we were down collectively by five points. The third and fourth quarter saw a resurgence of the team and it demonstrates the “never give up” attitude. I would be stretching the point to compare the Crow’s game with North Melbourne with our comeback against SPC but there are similarities. This determination will certainly be put to the test against Trinity College next week in the second Knockout game on our home court. SPC to their credit pushed us all the way and their determination and sportsmanship is duly acknowledged and commended by the CBC squad. We wish them the very best for the season. They gave the CBC squad a wakeup call in this top division and we would be foolish not to learn from that. The statistics were not particularly flattering for the game. Field and foul shots percentages were down from the last two weeks and turnovers were up to an unacceptable level. Players have to look at shot selection and watch their back as the opposition successfully stole the ball to drive to an uncontested basket. Backup for the point guard is needed and this was highlighted last week. Ironically, even thought our three point attempts were below average, the five that went in made a difference in the final analysis. Furthermore, the ball was not pushed down fast enough even though players were set to receive the pass down the court. This enabled the opposition time to set up their defensive zone. CBC did not put sufficient pressure on the opposition shooters as well. Not our most cohesive game. On a positive note, I was hearten to see more combination passes, a massive increase in defensive rebounds and increasing number of steals. Gleeson was impressive with controlling the ball down the court with two assists and a remarkable steal. He did a crucial rebound in addition to playing a strategic game as he settled players down in offence. He was able to break through half-court traps easily and get the ball down. Squire took charge in the second half with forcing a quick foul to score a valuable point in the context of the game and did some unselfish passes to De Pinto to score. He was also instrumental yet again to direct the defence keeping an eye out for the opposition who were trying to spread players wide for a baseline cut, pass and secure a scoring option. Squire was on to that opposition option quite quickly. Always glad to hear Squire direct/yell to players to get their hands up in defence. Megins knocked down eight points but this belied his defensive rebounding statistics which 14 of all the rebounds in our defensive zone. He played a captain’s game to hit a three as well. I noted an excellent assist to the inside key to result in a score. He kept his cool when question about the use and angle of his elbows in defence. Naturally, I am always happy to see him credited with blocking the opposition! Nguyen was consistent in field shots and INSIGHT


offensive rebounds. He is credited with controlling the ball outside the key to efficiently pass two balls in to the cutters who converted. Great vision and skill from him. Nguyen always provided good hands for the passing option. He still astounds me with his capacity to pluck the ball in defence an convert it to an offensive play. De Pinto had an 80% success rate with his shot selection in addition to two assists, three steals and four defensive rebounds. He was in a mood to attack in this game and that he did, unleashing five in the first and four points in the second to equal top score with nine points. De pinto also aggressively extended the defensive zone and drove to the basket in offence. Ciabattoni hit two valuable threes in the first and fourth quarter to keep us competitive. I also note that he contributed significantly in other ways with five defensive rebounds, three field goals and bring the ball into play as well. His enthusiastic support of the team (as with other team members) is also noted. Manship sacrificed court time for the team. This was appreciated by the team. Manship was prominent in defence and secured a rebound against great odds (according to my notes) and when on court, controlled the ball well in offence to counter (at the time) an opposition half court press. Hilliker was on in the first but had a quick break. We were saving him for the long haul and CBC certainly worked him relentlessly. He hit two successive threes from the left and right of the key to give us a confidence boost in the third quarter to get us one point ahead. Hilliker is also credited with two steals to add to his overall defensive and offensive contribution to the game. Kurvers had an immediate impact on the game with his intensity and defensive rebounds. He made excellent position in offence using his height and strength. Kurvers had a controversial game getting three quick fouls followed by two questionable technicals which effectively ended his game in the second quarter. I believe that he will bounce back in next week’s game. My thanks to the coaching, parents and friends of the team. Your support is always appreciated by the players. Best Players: Oliver Megins, Michael De Pinto, Gian Ciabattoni and Michael Hilliker. Next Week: Trinity College at home. Last knockout game. Mr Gary Jalleh Coach

Junior A Basketball CBC 42 defeated St Paul’s College 25 The CBC Junior As have continued their winning ways with a 4 and 0 start to the 2013 season, this time at the expense of St Paul’s to the tune of 42 – 25. Again the score line does not reflect how close this game was until three quarter time, with St Paul’s leading 8-5 and 16-15 at the first two breaks. As has been our habit so far this season, our third quarter saw us playing as a team where we outscored the opposition by 15 points to 8. CBC completely dominated St Paul’s in the final term scoring 17 points to 1, to run away comfortable winners by 17 points. Mitch enjoyed another impressive game with 19 points, Jean M with 6, 5 to Christian, 4 each for Jack and Cooper and 2 points each to Zac and Nick, ensuring that all players troubled the scorers. Jean and Nick also pulled down some big rebounds at both ends of the court, and Mitch provided the highlight of the game with a massive rejection after running the length of the court when the game was still in the balance. Mr Moore commented that it is a good sign that we can still win while not playing to our potential and I am looking forward to the game when we string four quarters together. Well done boys. Mr Dan McMahon Junior A Coach



Junior B Basketball CBC 75 defeated St Paul’s College 10 CBC had their best outing of the year so far against St Paul’s. The boys quite literally played more akin to men. The highlight of the match was a 25 to 3 final quarter where despite leading by 43 points, CBC simply refused to “mail it in”. A full court defence was the order of the morning and for many periods the ball seemed to simply stay over the half way line. Everyone contributed with points - but more importantly everyone contributed to the immense pressure on defence. The sheer number of interceptions and turnovers proved this team’s further maturity since Round 1’s demolition of Immanuel. The Grant-Allan brothers (Lachlan and Nathan) were amazing on defence, taking on any challenges thrown at them with a cold, calculated ease. Mitchell Taylor continued to show how adept he is at the rare Point-Centre role. Theo Antoniou’s perimeter shooting continues to look quite silky and his defensive tenacity sets the example for the rest of the team. Nathaniel Krecu persistent will to improve and constant determination to finish the play is inspirational to the rest of the team. William Kuany’s defence was the same as previous weeks - brilliant! But given his shooting improvement, it’s becoming a case of “watch this space”. Foday Samuca took a knock to the knee but his flair on the ball prior to that incident was great to see, as were some of his assists. Jayden Hoggett continued to look exceedingly comfortable, by driving to the rim with ease and utilising various Euro and Crab-step moves to get there. Next week we have big test at Trinity - so fill the car up and pack a lunch! Mr Richard Moore Coach

Junior C Basketball CBC 54 defeated St Paul’s College 15 Another strong win from a very talented side! The team this week went out strong and dominated the match from the first ball toss. It was clear within the opening minutes of the match, that the CBC boys had a better control over the ball and were able to coordinate their passes to beat their opponents. A special mention goes out to our top scorer this week, Jarrod Denholm, who is living proof that height does not matter in Basketball, as long as you have skill and passion! Congratulations on another impressive win boys, let’s see if we can keep this up! Miss Toni Riccio Coach

football First XVIII Football CBC 17.13 (115) defeated St Peters 2nd XVIII 6.3 (39) Last week’s challenge for the First XVIII team was St Peters’ 2nd’s at St Peters. Expecting another tough game, the team settled quickly to post three early goals on the board and jump the opposition. Brady Goggins in ruck gave good use of the ball to the midfielders in Tom Melios-Travers (TMT), Anthony Martino and Pele Biancardi. Charlie Meyer fought tenaciously to win the ball and deliver it towards goal, whilst Nick Delaat stamped his authority on the game early with strong marking and straight kicking. Carmine Alvaro gathered numerous possessions in his first game of the season to help Pele and Martino supply the forwards. Sam Warren won possessions and applied pressure on his opponents, whilst Bryce Clonan used his strength to keep opponents out of the contest. Both players scored excellent goals and gave the team additional forward options. At quarter time we were up by 5 goals to 2 and had played a much more accountable game of football.

For the next two quarters CBC continued to win the football and to provide good options for team mates. The defence was holding up due to the strong spoiling and leadership of James Kittel-Neill. Sam Warren continued to win possessions, this time in defence, and Aiden Curyer on the wing gave the defence a good option when sending the ball forward. Pele continued to work harder and faster than his opponents whilst Martino helped the defenders repel the St Peters attacks. Nick Delaat and Tom Pickering, despite having tough opponents, continued to present strong targets as forward players and brought other players into the game. Jonty Rutai took over from Brady in ruck and once again gave CBC first use of the ball, particularly out of centre. Chris Clemente continued to prove solid at fullback and Nick Adams used his football brain and team sense to ensure all St Peters players were manned up in their forward lines. TMT played an excellent game in the midfield whilst Lachlie Starr and Dane Richardson competed well and gave the backlines good options for working the ball out of defence. By three quarter time St Peters had still only scored two goals and we were up by 12 goals. In the last quarter St Peters displayed the fighting spirit they are known for and kicked 4 goals to our 3. Their players lifted all over the ground, particularly in the centre square. Excellent football from Josh Barnett and Nick Adams during this quarter helped keep St Peters from scoring further. Their excellent team play, with Nathan Byrnes on the wing and other midfielders, ensured our forwards were busy until the final siren. This week we play Nazareth in our first home game of the season. All family, staff and supporters are welcome at CBC Main Oval for a 12.30pm start. Best Players: Nick Delaat, Pele Biancardi, James KittelNeill, Jonty Rutai, Anthony Martino, Chris Clemente, Thomas Melios-Travers, Carmine Alvaro Goal Scorers: Delaat 7, Pickering 3, Biancardi 3, Yates, Warren, Goggins, Clonan Mr Greg Ward Coach

Year 10 Football CBC 11.9 (75) defeated Trinity 10.10 (70) Best Players: Colangelo, Bielby, McPherson, Mastrangelo, Owens, Strange, Daly, Crisanti & all played well Goal Scorers: Koulizos, Owens 3, Bielby, Nicholson 2, Mastrangelo 1 We were informed that Trinity would only field a side of 17 players, including three that had already played in their earlier B-grade game. Consequently we played with 17 on the field to ensure a fair contest. In the first quarter this may have had a mental impact on CBC as our level of intensity was not as high as it normally is, and Trinity kicked 5 goals to 1 in the first term. They were led by an athletic and hardrunning player (number 53); he capitalised on every forward thrust and went largely unchecked as our midfielders played their own attacking game. We increased our level of intensity in the 2nd term and in particular made Trinity more accountable with some heavy bumps and tackling. This had an impact on their run, but their number 53 continued to capitalise on their forward thrusts. We made ground with a 4 goal to 2 quarter, largely due to the run-on efforts of Nathan Koulizos who kicked multiple soccer goals. After half time Marcus Colangelo was given the job of tagging Trinity’s number 53 playmaker and did an extraordinary job. It is an uncommon assignment for a young player as it is not a tactic readily employed by junior coaches – this one included. It is a job that requires 100% concentration and Marcus learned this through a 3 second lapse in the 3rd quarter that yielded Trinity a goal. But it was Marcus’ only lapse; he cut number 53 out of the game. The effort of William McPherson to ruck all day and link up as an extra mid-fielder was outstanding. Tom Bielby, in a variety of positions, provided lots of strength in the air and at ground level. Jack Owens was in just about every

contest stemming from the ruck, and initiated many thrusts with excellent handball in tight spaces. Adrian Mastangelo provided outstanding run from the half-back line and kicked himself a great goal. When Colangelo moved into the midfield to tag, Jack Strange played as a loose defender and extra midfielder and provided his normal intelligent and skilled contribution to the team. The third quarter saw CBC overtake Trinity as they began to tire, due to having no interchange players. We capitalised on this with excellent run and use of the ball. Our defensive pressure forced turnovers and we also had the capacity to push forward. We extended the lead early in the last quarter and then never looked threatened. We remained composed with the ball and continued to stifle their opportunities with hard tackling and running. We ran out winners by just 5 points. Whilst there were several stand-out performances that gained mention in this article, I must stress the important roles played by all team members, including those that rotated on and off the bench. Their effort with ‘freshness’ contributed greatly to the team in this first win against a Division 1 team – the first of many! Mr Matthew Crisanti Coach

by James Ridgwell -- he tackled players twice his size, fearlessly dived into packs and was prepared to take the heavy knocks for the team. Unfortunately, not enough teammates copied his example. James Callahan never stopped trying in ruck and whilst he did not have his usual influence, his capacity to run all day and make a contest was very encouraging. Zac Robey was solid as a rock on the last line of defence. His spoils; intelligent use of his body in marking contests and long kicks from defence were a highlight. Dylan Barker read the play really well on the wing; stopping many opposition attacks and was prepared to back himself and run with the ball. Four players in the best players are not enough. Players need to use their strengths and back themselves against their opponents. Every player must be prepared to fiercely contest for the ball, rather than sit back and hope someone else does the hard work. There were some very encouraging signs and pleasing individual efforts throughout the game, but unfortunately they were few and far between and need to be more consistent against better opposition. Players need to learn from this loss -- work on your skills; improve your fitness and come out in the next game looking to make amends. Mr Peter Tippins Coach

Year 9 A Football

Prep B Football

CBC 10.8 (68) defeated St Paul’s College 9.7 (61) Best Player: B D’Antonio, D Sangermano, T Sarunic, Rahme, Aplin, Adams, Bennet, Edgington, Gabrielli, Raf, Stawicki Goal Scorers: M Gabrielli 3, B D’Antonio 2, D Aplin 2, A McPherson 1, T O’Keefe 1, D Porcelli 1 What a game! Down and out with five minutes to go, St Paul’s had extended their lead to 3 goals and it looked all over. However a desperate burst of power ruckwork by Dominic Sangermano enabled Taylor Sarunic, Ben Adams and Ben D’Antonio to clear the square on four occasions and give our forwards plenty of opportunities. Michael Gabrielli, who had been moved forward slotted into the game with some very timely marks that resulted in goals being scored. Runners came from everywhere and the game completely turned. The urgency became apparent as CBC stormed over the top of St Paul’s to win by 7 points. Ben D’Antonio played an outstanding game in the midfield and was clearly best on the ground. Mr Michael Buttfield Coach

Year 8 Football St Paul’s College 8.9 (57) defeated CBC 1.0 (6) Goal Sscorers: 1 – D Barker Best Players: J Ridgwell, J Callahan, Z Robey, D Barker This was our most disappointing game for the season so far, being comprehensively beaten by a fellow Christian Brothers’ school in St Paul’s College. In a game played in cold, slippery conditions, CBC were never in the game and a due to a lack of desperation by many CBC players, the opposition ran out easy winners. Admittedly, St Paul’s were a very talented team with some very good midfielders and key position players. However, the frustrating part was that CBC tried hard in patches but failed to capitalise on the hard work done by a handful of players. Our first three quarters were terrible. Players dropped chest marks; were not prepared to get the hard ball; were not prepared to work hard to get to contests; to outnumber the opposition and our tackling was insipid. To CBC’s credit we matched the opposition in the last quarter kicking one goal each, but by then the game was well and truly over. Ultimately, St Paul’s punished our mistakes and was prepared to work as a team, attack the ball fiercely and in the end completely control the game. This was always going to be a game for the players who were prepared to get dirty and throw themselves into packs, tackle hard, keep their nose over the ball and just keep pushing the ball forward. This aspect was epitomised

Scotch 23.15 (153) defeated CBC 1.0 (6) Best Players: Alex Moten, Jack Bourke Goal Scorer: Logan Griffen The boys faced another tough opponent, with many players much taller, stronger and faster. They fought hard all day, focussing on contested possession. We tried to make it as difficult for the opposition as possible by getting numbers around the ball and putting pressure on the person with the ball. There were some excellent patches during the game where we held our own, highlighted by some tough in and under play from Eric Tsoukatos and a fantastic run down and tackle by Johnny Friscina, which was awarded holding the ball. The boys are learning a lot, showing great teamwork and sportsmanship and will be a good chance when they come up against similar opposition. They were rewarded for all their hard work with a fantastic dribbling goal around the corner by Logan Griffen. Mr Vincent Rignanese Coach

Year 4/5 Football Mercedes 5.1 (31) defeated CBC 4.1 (25) It was a cool but dry night perfect for Friday night footy and the boys put on quite a show for us. It was great to see so many parents and friends out to support the team. The match started and ended exactly the same way with 100% effort and intensity from the whole squad. Mercedes can to play a tough, and at times physical, game and our boys showed they were up to the task. They never once backed off and when they may have been tempted to lose focus they didn’t let anything distract them. Poor Cooper Pool showed just how committed he was when he had to leave the field with a bloody nose and then returned in the 4th quarter to get several more possessions. It was a low scoring affair with scores even at 1/1 at half time, CBC get their noses in front at 3 quarter time and went back out in the last with great conviction, and except for a couple of lucky bounces in our forward line, Mercedes just managed to get that 1 extra goal. I have to say CBC’s effort was fantastic not just because the boys where committed and put their hearts into all 4 quarters but because every single player on the field played so well, picking the 3 best players was nearly impossible. Tonight the team made me and their parents very proud, well done guys!

Goal Scorers: Bayley Fitzpatrick 2, Blake McDonough 2 Best Players: Apart from the Whole Team, Blake McDonough , Cooper Pool and Kieran Beasley Thanks to Cosi and Sean for helping out. Mr Steve Brooks Coach

HOCKEY Open Hockey CBC 4 defeated Glenunga 2 Best Players: Entire Team Still recovering from last week’s game, the CBC Open Hockey team stepped onto the Golden Grove Hockey field last Saturday, 3 players down and ready for their second game of the season. The stick toss was lost and Glenunga started the game with possession of the ball. The first few minutes of the game were slow with little action on the field. Close to half-time Glenunga scored. The game picked up it’s intensity as CBC began pushing into Glenunga’s half, forcing Glenunga to run the side line when attacking. Luke in goals kept up the talking with Nathan and Calum as they held off the attacking plays from the opposition. Jude and Bless worked together to move the ball into Glenunga’s half and Anthony received the ball at the top of the D, having a few shots at goals before the first half concluded. With a score of CBC:0 and Glenunga:1, there was still hope to walk away with a win. After an encouraging half-time talk from Corey Billows over tactics and communication, CBC walked onto the pitch (with rookie Francesca from St Mary’s) psyched up and ready to play. Anthony started off the second half facing all of Glenunga by himself and had a close call at a goal, showing that CBC wasn’t defeated yet. Glenunga took possession and pushed CBC into a defensive stance, taking multiple shots at CBC’s goals. Luke stopped their attempts one after another. Calum caught possession of the ball and passed up to Anthony at the half-way line with a clear run at goals to tie the scores at 1 all. Glenunga retaliated by scoring another goal. Although CBC wasn’t finished! Anthony between injuries scored another 2 goals with Nathan running from full back to score a goal of his own. With a come back of 4 goals in the second half, CBC walked off the field with their heads high and thanking Glenunga for a very competitive game. Goal Scorers: Anthony Connell 3, Nathan Ha 1 Mr Peter Donnelly Coach

Soccer Open A Soccer CBC 4 drew Immanuel 4 Goal Scorers: Daniel Filosi 3, Jackson O’Donnell Best Players: Daniel Filosi, Gianluca Filosi, Matthew Dawber Quite easily our best game so far. The team worked very cohesively and fought every second of the match. Daniel scoring a superb hat trick and Jackson working hard to get one into the back of the net. Immanuel were a very obstinate opposition and kept getting back into the game with an equalizer after each of our goals. Getting better each game we play. Well done to the entire team. Mr Chris Dolan Coach



Open B Soccer CBC 1 drew Westminster 1 Goal Scorer: Sao A frustrating game for the Open Bs which we probably should have won. We were rather sluggish in the first half but awoke in the second and started to get our usual attacking moves together. However it was one of those days when our strikers seemed to have left their scoring boots in the cupboard at home and we had to be content with a draw. A game played in a great spirit by both teams. All the signs are positive however for a good season and thanks to all 16 who showed up. Mr David Bocock Coach

Year 10 A Soccer Marryatville High School 3 defeated CBC 2 Goal Scorers: Jordan Murphy, Michele Raschella Best Players: Antonio Labbozzetta, John Neindorf The game started well for CBC scoring two goals in the first half. The play moved up and down the field for most of the game, with several opportunities just wide of the goals. Ross Magiafoglou deflected several shots keeping the score line 2 – 0. Unfortunately, Marryatville were taller and fitter and in the last 10 mins of the game they scored twice to level the scores. Approaching injury time, CBC were unlucky to not get a penalty and the ball went over the backline. The next attack from Marryatville was blistering and they were awarded a penalty, which was converted and giving them the game. Strong play from Antonio Labbozzetta, John Neindorf, and Ross Magiafoglou. Next week the team looks forward to the return of several injured players. Mr Michael Lucas Coach

Year 10 B Soccer Nazareth College 12 defeated CBC 2 It was a very challenging match from the start by the pressure applied from the Nazareth side. There was a change in the CBC game play during the second half with the defence working together to push the attacking side back. A penalty was given to CBC, which led to Andres scoring the first goal, and soon after Ben scored a smashing second goal. David in the defence took charge and continually led the back line to move forward and apply pressure. Mr Mehdi Bayani Coach

Year 8 A Soccer CBC 3 defeated Pembroke 2 CBC took on Pembroke College. Pembroke scoring 2 early goals in the first 10 minutes. CBC didn’t drop their heads. They kept playing their best and winning every ball coming their way. Late in the first half James Ionni scoring an amazing goal making the scores 2-1. The referee then blew the whistle for half time. The second half began and CBC were moving the ball around incredibly. Early in the second half, Cooper O’Donnell was one on one with the keeper. He chipped the ball over the goalkeeper and equalised to make the scores 2-2. Both teams were playing their best because they really wanted to win. CBC kept possession of the ball and were not giving it away cheaply. With only 15 minutes remaining of the second half, the ball was lobbed over from the defence to Jimmy Odenwalder. Jimmy then moved the ball quickly into the centre of the box. The Pembroke goalkeeper rushed in trying to pick up the ball however he fumbled it leaving Petros Assiotis to gather it and score the winning goal. All of the boys from CBC deserve a big pat on the back as all of boys put in a solid effort and came back from being 2-0 down. Written by Patrick McCabe.

Men of the Match for this game goes to Tony Ton, Luis Bendo and Carmine A for their tremendous efforts in the forward line and midfield. Our next match is home against Adelaide High School. ACFC Pitch 6, Junior Grounds Park 19 Unley Road, Corner, of Greenhill Rd. Kick off at 8.15am be there 7.45am for warm up. Goal Scorers: James Ionni 1, Cooper O’Donnell 1, Petros Assiotis 1 Thank you to all parents who support the boys by getting them to the matches and cheering them on, Also a big thank you to Mr Gallagher and Mr McCabe for running the line. Mr Emmanuel Gaitaneris Coach

Year 6A Soccer CBC won by forfeit to St Ignatius St Ignatius arrived for the game with five players so they forfeited the match to CBC. We played a scratch match of 8 versus 8 and gave some of our CBC players to the opposition so that we could still have a game. Many goals were scored by our CBC boys in a good spirited game for all the players from both teams and we are looking forward to our next match where we can put some solid goal scoring to work. Very proud of all the boys’ fair sportsmanship throughout the match as well as by helping out the Year 9 team that did not have enough players in their earlier game. Ms Aly Barrass Coach

Year 4/5 Soccer CBC 4 defeated PAC 1 PAC gave our boys a real run for their money for the first half only allowing one goal to be scored by CBC’s Emmanuel. PAC responded immediately after half time with an equalizer, driving our boys to come together as a team with Rees putting another 3 balls into the back of the net taking the score to 4-1. Very impressive turn around boys and well played by all. Keep it up. Mr Danny Vlassopoulos Coach

Year 4 Soccer CBC 3 defeated PAC 0 Player of the Week – Lachlan Wright A fantastic result. The boys controlled the ball and dominated the whole game. Good to see some 1 – 2 passing techniques practiced in training come through on the ground. Good result boys. Manager: Lorenza Verlado Mr Paul Zitis Coach

table tennis Open Table Tennis CBC defeated Rostrevor On a mild afternoon all games were home. We warmed up in the precious thirty minutes before the onslaught. When the teams arrived they strolled in like Farmer Brown’s cows. That’s all right, we picked them off easily. Rostrevor entered the competition without their paddles. That was fine, we had looked after the marginalised last week, we could do it again and lent them ours. We gave them good ones and won easily. We packed them off to their various appointments after collecting up and counting the paddles, cleaned up the gym and swept the floor. We contemplated other victories as we wheeled our bicycles down Frome Road into the fading light. Mr Rory Harris Coach

Year 9 Table Tennis CBC vs Pembroke With superb coaching from Liam and Peter the Year 9 team was set once again for success against Pembroke College. The advantage of being at home meant plenty of warm up time and room for that all-important mental preparation. The A team this week comprised of Aaron Norris, Daniel Wallace, Michael O’Malley and Cooper Stankovich. Again we drew our matches with three all, however this time Pembroke had the deciding number of points. Michael and Cooper won their doubles and singles providing much inspiration for the team. Aaron and Daniel showed much tenacity in their respective games but the end result unfortunately went against them. The B team on the other hand won five of its six games clearly defeating the opposition. Representing the B team this week was Alexander Gawronski, Phillip Kim, Lucas Ktoris and Leon Kasperski. All fine young men and wonderful representatives of the college. As we packed up the tables and put away our bats we reminisced of the great points won and anticipated the challenge of next week’s competition, which would once again see us playing Pembroke but this time we would be boarding the bus and playing away from home. Mrs Caroline Clarke Coach

Year 7/8 Table Tennis CBC vs Rostrevor College At the very busy end of Friday, all Year 7/8 Table Tennis players met the visiting team from Rostrevor at the CBC gym. The players in Team A were Morgan Edey, Nick McBride, Michael Kim/Logan Griffin and Hyunjun Kim. Most of them were from Year 7 and it was the first time they played for CBC this year. With the result of winning 4 out of 6 games, they made a great effort to prove themselves through a tough battle as all of their opponents were in Year 8. Team B was represented by Siddath Ragagopal, Darcy Salmon, Thanh La and Robert Than. They had an almost perfect performance with a result of winning 4 out of 6 games as well. Great performances helped Year 7/8 CBC Table Tennis achieved their third successful round. Ms Jie Zhu Coach

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