Insight 2012T1W04

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Christian Brothers College Newsletter

Senior Campus 214 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4200 F 08 8400 4299 Junior Campus 324 Wakefield Street, Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8400 4222 F 08 8400 4220 CBC Community 178 East Terrace, Children’s Centre Adelaide SA 5000 P 08 8223 5469 F 08 8223 7803

A Birth-12 Catholic College for boys in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Email Website

Term 1, Week 4


Friday February 24, 2012

Fr Bernard Arputhasamy with Year 9 SRCs.

This Easter may we turn away from apathy, indifference and suffering and turn towards being women and men of justice, compassion and empathy. May we never be in a situation where we are called by the poor, marginalised or voiceless and not respond.

Easter Liturgies

From The Principal Dear Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers,

The Journey Towards Easter A number of years ago driving down a busy street I noticed a lady had fallen and I stopped the care to come to her aid. As I picked the lady up I noticed she was in deep distress with tears streaming down her face and also that she had Down Syndrome. I invited her to a nearby cafeteria for a cup of tea and after some time she told me she wasn’t crying because she was in pain - she was crying because so many people had walked or driven past her without stopping. On Ash Wednesday we were reminded of two things: to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel; and that if today we heard God’s voice not to harden our hearts.

On Tuesday the CBC community celebrated Shrove Tuesday with a sale of pancakes prepared by the student Social Action Group. Mr Clarke explained the meaning of Shrove Tuesday in an email to staff this week: Traditionally, Lent is a time of abstinence, of giving things up. So Shrove Tuesday is the last chance to indulge, and to use up the foods that were to be avoided during Lent. Pancakes are eaten on this day because they contain fat, butter and eggs which were sacrificed during Lent. On Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday which marks the commencement of the Lenten journey towards Easter. Our Ash Wednesday ceremonies included: • Visit to Year 9 students by Fr Bernard, brought to Adelaide on behalf of Caritas Australia, who discussed how Project Compassion supports projects around the world. • Student-led liturgies and distribution of ashes

Justice and Solidarity

We are committed to justice and peace for all, grounded in a spirituality of action and reflection that calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are marginalised and the Earth itself.

Faith Excellence Community Compassion

• Changing of class altars to the colour purple reminding us of • No meat products sold in the canteen on Wednesday. • Distribution of Project Compassion Boxes I particularly thank our Student Leadership team, Religious Education Coordinator Mr Harris and Deputy Principal Mr Clarke for their organisation of Lenten liturgies.

Parent Information and Missioning Mass The College was overwhelmed by the response to the Meet the Parents evening held in both campuses. The unprecedented numbers were most welcome. We also had a similar response by a large number of parents who attended the Missioning Mass last week. Thank you to all staff, students and parents who were involved in both events. Special thanks to the P&F who catered and hosted the Parents Evening and Br Patrick Cronin former Principal of CBC who spoke to parents regarding the Archdiocesan Catechumenate program.

Clipsal Week The College has been busily preparing for Clipsal Week next week. Clipsal provides the opportunity for the College to conduct its major fundraising for the year

through the provision of Clipsal corporate facilities during the race. I commend the work of Business and Finance Manager Mr Frank Scali and staff members from the Finance, Maintenance, Property Management teams, and the Design and Technology Faculty who have been busy preparing for the event.

Counsellor’s Corner Lasting Happiness Lasting happiness isn’t just a feeling of joy and pleasure. It is a sense of security and certainty, which comes with being able to live comfortably with other people and ourselves. Living comfortably with myself means that I am not forever putting myself down, telling myself that I am stupid, inadequate, unattractive, shameful or guilty. Instead I talk to myself as my very best friend, encouraging, supporting and reassuring myself. When I don’t live comfortably with myself, when I am always putting myself down, I am always frightened of other people because I expect they will criticise and reject me also. I put a space between other people and myself and thus I do not get to know them well. I find myself disliking other people, envying them or sometimes hating them. When I live comfortably with myself I can get close to other people and really get to know them. I find that most people are very interesting and the ones I may have disliked, I find are just different. I can share with others and when difficulties come my way, I find it easy to accept help. Babies are born being able to live comfortably with themselves and others, but they later lose that ability because the people around them show them that, as they are, they are not acceptable. The challenge is to accept others and myself as we are; to love and encourage them and myself. Br Michael Flaherty Counsellor

• Year 5 and 6 excursion to Canberra. • Monday 20 February Study Day for Year 12 (Home study), Year 11 will be on retreat, Year 10 will have a Duke of Edinburgh preparation day at CBC. • Tuesday 21 February Year 12 Study Skills Day at CBC. Year 11 students have Christian Service Learning for the rest of the week. Year 10 retreat • Wednesday 29 February until Friday 2 March. Year 12 retreats Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh and Christian Service Learning • Monday 5-7 March Year 5 Camp • Wednesday 7 March Junior Campus activities around Adelaide

The Uniform Shop is operating from 227 Flinders Street, Adelaide. For more information, please call 8400 4249. Normal trading hours: Monday 8:30am to 5pm* Wednesday 12pm to 5pm* Friday 12pm to 5pm* (*During school terms - extra trading hours are advertised for school holiday trading) Mrs Claire Summerton Uniform Shop Manager


During Clipsal weeks students will be involved in a range of activities including:

Year 7 Orientation Day

Uniform Shop


Due to the noise and large crowds all Junior Campus students will be located in the senior campus during Clipsal weeks. All junior students will be on the senior campus next week. This may sound daunting to new parents and staff; however, the experience provides students with a ‘taste’ of life in the senior campus and is a useful transition for our students into senior campus life.

Staff News Retirement of Mr Philip Walsh. The College wishes to farewell and acknowledge the work of CBC Head of Music Mr Philip Walsh who resigned this week to continue his work in Melbourne as Musical Director. Mr Walsh brought many innovations to CBC Music and was responsible for the formation of our very successful Friends of Music Auxiliary and involvement in the prestigious Generations in Jazz Music Festival. We wish Philip every blessing and thanks for his work in the College. It is also my pleasure to name Mrs Louise Guthleben as Mr Walsh’s replacement with the role of Curriculum Coordinator – Arts. Louise has been acting in this role during Mr Walsh’s leave. Louise is a highly respected Music Educator leading schools music programs in a variety of international postings prior to CBC. Please keep in your prayers and thoughts former CBC staff member Mrs Marie Francis whose mother passed away last Thursday.

Volunteer Information Evening Thank you to all of our many volunteers who work on our parent auxiliaries, in classrooms, sports activities, excursions and in so many ways around the College. It was pleasing to see many of our volunteers at our annual volunteer information evening where we were able to discuss important faith, safety, child protection and OHSW issues. Our Business and Finance Manager Mr Scali and Property Manager Mr Brink conducted a similar workshop for over 40 CBC Clipsal Volunteers last week.

CBC Rowing Regatta The Water Sports Auxiliary is hosting an intercollegiate rowing regatta this Saturday 25 February at West Lakes commencing at 8am. We encourage members of our community to attend this event which is also a fundraiser for CBC rowing.

SUPPORT THE COLLEGE WEAR THE PURPLE AND WHITE! The Water Sports Auxiliary have organised supporter caps for staff, parents and friends to wear at CBC co-curricular events. This is a great way to support your son’s sport by wearing the purple and white caps. Caps are available for $20 each and can be ordered through the College Uniform Shop. Please support your son and the college by not just being at their sports activity but wearing the school colours.

Gonski review The following media release provides some background information on the recent review into education funding in Australia: The release of the Gonski Review into Funding for Schooling on 20th February represents the first step in the Australian Government’s plan to introduce a new funding system for all Australian schools from 2014. There is no doubt that the review is significant and comprehensive, but it provides only a theoretical framework for a new funding model—key questions remain unanswered. Substantial analysis needs to be done to test the model and recommendations before a sound assessment can be made of what this means for our schools. The government has announced a consultation phase, including analysis and testing of the proposed model, to commence immediately. This work will be used to help define a concrete funding model. The government also acknowledged in their response to the review that families face financial pressures and do not wish to see school fees rise beyond their reach. The National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) will be working hard during the consultation phase to ensure we do not end up with a model that has the potential to put pressure on school fees. School funding reform of the magnitude suggested by the Gonski review cannot occur without adequate funding. The NCEC strongly backs the review’s call for an additional $5 billion in funding for all schools—this represents less than one half of 1% of Australia’s gross domestic product (GDP)— and has called on governments to commit to increased funding sooner rather than later. There’s a lot of work to be done over the coming months. The NCEC will be actively working for the interests of our school communities and will keep communities updated throughout the consultation phase. Further information: • A full copy of the Gonski Report can be accessed from the Your School Our Future website • We also invite you to visit www.fundinginfo.

From The Deputy Principal MINDING OUR DIGITAL MANNERS As a young child I remember my parents teaching me etiquette what was appropriate behaviour in relating to others. This included not interrupting conversations, not fidgeting when others are talking and paying attention. These were simply rules that respected the dignity of others. However, we now live in a digital world where we can be contacted by various forms of communication such as e-mails, mobile phones and iPads. Would you interrupt a meeting or conversation to check your email or take a call? The digitisation of our world and the growing dominance of smart phones are raising a whole load of new etiquette issues surrounding the use of technology. The internet, for example, has changed the way we work and interact with friends and family. Not only has it changed the way we get information, but there are many who also have “second” lives on line where they build virtual communities and even go shopping. As a College community our mobile phone policy is clear for our students that they are not permitted to use their mobile phones in class, otherwise they are confiscated. Likewise, we expect all students not to open their laptops unless instructed by the teacher, as some students believe it is fine to use the computer while the teacher is speaking. David Carr stated in the New York Times recently, one of the big achievements of the digital revolution has been to make it fashionable to be rude. Of course, many people would say they are just multitasking. Even so, according to one survey, an astonishing 91 per cent of people have seen people misusing mobile phones, texting during dinner, talking on a mobile in a public toilet or using a laptop while driving.

can easily get caught up in their technical world and forget that others are present. Students often get caught in class with their mobile phone because they need to check the time, despite a large clock sitting on the wall at the front of the class. The problem we have today is that these devices are now an inextricable part of our lives. A Stanford University study found that the use of Apple’s iPhone is addictive. According to the study, 44 per cent of students said they were addicted to the smart phone, 41 per cent said losing it would be a tragedy, 75 percent admitted to falling asleep with the iPhone in bed with them, and 69 percent said they were more likely to forget their wallet than their iPhone when leaving in the morning. This is scary. Much of that is because the smart phone carries so much personal information about us, from contacts and emails to choice of apps, that it becomes part of our identity. People download hundreds of apps to customise it around their personality, filling it with personal data, daily calendars, to-do lists, detailed e-mail trails, games and vast libraries of books, movies and music, all part of our identity. All this raises a whole lot of new questions. Is it okay to interrupt a class/meeting to check your e-mail on your iPhone or Blackberry? Would you do it in front of everyone? Just check during the boring bits? Update your Facebook status under the table, hoping that no one will notice? As a College community of parents and educators we need to be clear about our expectations of the students at Christian Brothers College. We expect all students not to use their mobile phones during class time, irrespective of missed calls or telling the time. Any breach of this policy results in mobile phones confiscated for twenty four hours for the first offence, one week for the second and a term for the third offence. Students need to be aware that our focus in the classroom is learning and not to be distracted other forms of communication. As a College community we have made our expectations clear to students of the use of both mobile phones and laptops. However, we live in this new digital age where there is no clear etiquette of correct manners in the use of technology. We need to constantly remember that human relationships are so important with family, friends and teachers and that we need to respect the dignity of each person and not live entirely in a digital world.

The question to ask is when should you just put your phone down and pay attention to the people standing in front of you? And should you return a missed call when the caller doesn’t leave a message? We need to remember that life did exist before mobile phones and we survived as a society. Even though technology is an important part of our society, students

Mr Shaun Clarke Deputy Principal

Br. Damien Price cfc visited the College on Wednesday to work with the Year 12 Student Representative Leadership Team who are working on a Leadership Charter. He also met with members of staff working on a Staff Charter. This coincides with the work of the College Leadership Team and I who are also are currently working on a similar document which charts our guiding principles, purpose, values, roles and objectives as leaders in the College.

Mr Noel Mifsud Principal Mr Hilary Flynn and student SRCs cooking pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. INSIGHT


Parent Information Evening

school calender

The Year 9 level was blessed with the presence of about 100 parents who attended on the night. We appreciate your presence to get important information and to have the opportunity to answer questions that you had.

Week 5 Mon 27 Feb

Maths Olympics 2 – 3.15pm (Year 8) Year 12 student free day Year 11 Retreat Year 10 DOE preparation day (am)

Tues 28 Feb

Year 12 Study Skills Day Year 11 CSL Year 10 Retreat

Wed 29 Feb

Year 10 DOE (Group A) Year 10 CSL (Group A) Year 11 CSL Year 12 Retreat

Thurs 1 Mar

Fri 2 Mar

Clipsal 500 - (1 Mar – 4 Mar) Year 10 DOE (Group A) Year 10 CSL (Group A) Year 11 CSL Year 12 Retreat Clipsal 500 (1 Mar – 4 Mar) Year 10 DOE (Group A) Year 10 CSL (Group A) Year 11 CSL Year 12 Retreat Middle School Assembly

Week 6 Mon 5 Mar

P&F Meeting Junior School Camp/Excursions

Tues 6 Mar

Junior School Camp/Excursions Senior School Year Level Assembly

Wed 7 Mar

Junior School Camp/Excursions Water Sports Auxiliary Meeting 6.30pm SAPSASA District Swimming 9am - 1pm

Thurs 8 Mar

JC back on site

Fri 9 Mar

Senior School Assembly

Sat 10 Mar – 13 Mar Rowing Camp

Week 7 Mon 12 Mar

Adelaide Cup Public Holiday CBCOC Meeting

Tues 13 Mar Wed 14 Mar Thurs 15 Mar SAPSASA District Athletics Day - Enfield Fri 16 Mar

Junior School Assembly World’s Greatest Shave BBQ Casual Day

Year 9 Coordinator Pastoral Care Teachers Welcome to all Year 9 parents and students for the academic 2012 year. Your sons have settled in well. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the Year 9 Pastoral Care team teachers for 2012.

One important development presented to parents was the introduction to the College’s Scholaris Portal. This enables parents to access online assignments due, test grades, attendance, email access to relevant staff, the Newsletter, the term calendar and current subjects taught. This should come online by the 27th of February and accessible by you. It is a powerful tool for you to interact and have hands on information with the education of your son(s). Obviously there will be some teething problems but we are confident of the overall success of this initiative. The Year 9 Student Representative Council for Semester 1 I congratulate these students for their election to this important position.

9 Blue

9 Gold

Mr Peter Mrs Christine Wheatley-Dawson Rast

9 Purple

Mr Hilary Flynn

9 Red

9 Green

Mrs Kaylene Barreira

9 White

Mr Dan McMahon Mr Paul Horgan

9 Green 9 Gold 9 Red 9 Blue 9 Purple 9 White

Michael Cutufia Andreas Ktoris Zachary Stevenson Adrian Fimiani Nicholas Anderson Jack Owens

Damian Vasilevski Michele Raschella William McPherson Michael Candeloro Jack Strange Jordan Murphy

Project Compassion and Year 9 Under the auspices of Religious Education Coordinator for the Senior Campus Mr Rory Harris, the Year 9 SRCs met with Father Bernard Arputhasamy from Malaysia. He is a Jesuit priest who works with Caritas in the Asia Pacific region. Besides sharing a country of origin, we also shared a common experience in visiting and immersing ourselves in the plight of the people living in the dump at Bagon Silang-Payatas, in Mindanao, Philippines. He is currently working in Bangkok, Thailand catering for the refugees from Burma. His message is simple, straightforward and yet profound and it encapsulates what Pope Paul VI said, “If you want peace, work for justice”.

They should be your initial contact regarding the wellbeing of your sons. Contact with them is easy and preferably by email. The format is as follows. For example to contact Mr Paul Horgan it is phorgan@cbc.

Fr Bernard put to us the plight of 140,000 Burmese refugees in camps in Thailand and two million Burmese refugees on the border of Burma and Thailand. His main aim is to foster the support education of the refugee children.

I am very proud of the work that they have done in the classroom, with the co-operation of the students to make it a vibrant and learning environment. The classes are still evolving and I look forward to what each Pastoral Care class will ultimately come up with.

The Year 9 SRC cohort will raise awareness and support this Caritas cause in our charities. I also ask for your support as 90% of donations go to the children directly in need. Thank you in anticipation.

Excellence The Year 9 students have been reminded to address this core value. In particular I am addressing the crucial aspect of academic excellence at CBC without ignoring the other aspects of their personal development as well. Many students have seen me regarding academic results and ranking from last year. I encourage all students to do this as we want them to reach their potential in Year 9 and beyond. The challenge is to improve their grades and ranking in their report in Term 1 of Year 9 from what they achieved in Year 8. We have experienced teachers and resources to help them achieve their goal. Mr Gary Jalleh Year 9 Coordinator

Fr Bernard Arputhasamy discussing Project Compassion with Year 9 SRCs.



Arts Coordinator Music News - Year 11 On Monday 20 February the Year 11 Music class performed at a lunchtime concert at the Pilgrim Church in Flinders Street. Mr Roach drove the school vehicle with the equipment on board while the boys, somewhat reminiscent of medieval troubadours, strolled up the road carrying their guitars. The audience was very receptive, the weather was beautiful, and the photographer from “The Advertiser” took some stunning photos of the boys - a perfect start to the year.

Instrumental Program This week Mrs Elizabeth Neal begins work at CBC teaching saxophone and clarinet. Her predecessor, Mr Tom Pulford, has accepted a position with the SA Police Band. Tom had a wonderful rapport with his students and has promised to return to CBC with the band this year to play for us. Please welcome Mrs Neal to CBC. Please note that lessons for drums, guitar, flute, saxophone and clarinet are full. There are limited places for piano, trumpet, trombone and voice lessons. Please contact the Music secretary, Mrs Vivien London, if you have any questions regarding the program.

From the Archives It is our tradition at CBC to acknowledge the anniversaries of the deaths of those Christian Brothers who have had a significant impact on the College community. In all, 259 Brothers have worked and lived at Wakefield Street, some for only a short time, but many have made outstanding contributions helping build our school to what it is today. Three such men were Br James Gilbert Hughes, Br Vincent Alphonsus Doody and Br Richard Baptist Healy. Br Hughes was headmaster from 1891 to 1893 and again from 1897 to 1901. He was responsible for building a second storey on the original school building fronting Ackland Street and for the construction of what was known as the Gym Wing, which

Year 11 Music students performing at the Pilgrim Church.

SACE Music and Technology CBC has appointed Mr Duncan Campbell as instructor in the SACE Music and Technology course. Duncan is a sound engineer and has a wealth of experience with Protools, the industry standard in recording. He has been liaising with the chief moderator for SACE Music and Technology, Mr Anthony Hubmeyer, and the department has purchased state-of-the-art equipment for the boys to pursue excellence with regard to composing and editing music.

Missioning Mass The first Mass of the year is an important occasion and it was with some trepidation that I undertook to deliver a Celtic theme at the request of Mr Clarke. The boys in the Music departments in both the Junior and Senior

we now call the Hurley building. He doubled the size of the property initially purchased in 1878. A staunch republican, Br Hughes got CBC into a great deal of trouble with the Archbishop’s office when he refused to allow the boys to sing the national anthem God Save the Queen when the Governor of South Australia visited. The reverberations from this incident were still being felt ten years later and the correspondence between the Governor, the Archbishop and CBC are preserved in the archives. Br Hughes died on 21 February 1926. Br Doody taught at the College from 1941 to 43 and was headmaster from 1952 to 1957. He was in charge when there was a great deal of apprehension about whether CBC should stay in the city. It was known that at some point the Adelaide City Council intended to acquire the land on which the original school building stood to widen Ackland Street. The school was already overcrowded and there was much discussion about simply moving out to the suburbs. Instead of allowing indecision to delay expansion and progress at the College, Br Doody bought land on East Terrace next to our present Junior Campus and built the Science building at the Senior Campus. He died on 14 February 1980.

schools learnt “Sail the Soul” affectionately referred to as “that pirate song”, a Celtic Alleluia and a partner song, “Peace like a River”. The staff also had some instruction in this new repertoire and surprised the music staff with their ability to carry a tune. Thank you to Catherine Davies who played the opening Irish melody on the violin and to the Year 11 students, Patrick Squire, Liam Wytkin, Jordan Lennon and Marcus Barricelli who ably assisted with their instruments. Thanks also to the Year 7 and 8 music classes, the Junior School Liturgical Choir and to the Vocal Ensemble who lead the singing. A final congratulation must be extended to Ms Davies and Ms Woehle who sang and played their instruments with sensitivity and passion. Ms Louise Guthleben Arts Coordinator

Br Richard Healy was an ex-pupil of CBC and headmaster in 1967. His appointment to the Council of the Holy Spirit Province cut short his tenure at Wakefield Street but he returned to Adelaide to write the book about the first one hundred years of our history, “The Christian Brothers of Wakefield Street 1878-1978.” In 1978 he was transferred to Rome to edit the “Educational Record”, the annual collection of articles from Christian Brother schools from around the world. He retired to CBC due to ill health and died on 7 January 1995. Mrs Jacinta Weiss Director of Heritage, Community and Marketing




“The educational process in Christian Brother schools is concerned with the total formation of each student as a unique individual personally loved by God. This means attention to the full development of the God-given talents possessed by each individual. It also means forming students to the recognition that talents are not simply for personal success, but for the benefit of others.” (4.1) Physical Education students are encouraged to develop a sound physical formation and become aware of their own strengths and talents. Also, students will be able to investigate issues of concern in our society, such as cultural differences, human rights and justice. “…our education seeks to prepare students for an active involvement as members of the human community…” (3.2). As a faculty we aim to encourage in all our students, life-long involvement in physical activity and the importance of sustained healthy living.

At the end of the program in Stage 2 Physical Education, students should be able to: 1. Achieve a level of proficiency in physical activity specific to designated performance related criteria; 2. Critically analyse, understand, and evaluate the personal and community implications of physical activity; 3. Apply, and reflect on, principles and issues related to physical performance and activity;

How The Curriculum Treats Physical Education

Curriculum To Meet The Needs Of Students With Special Needs.

Physical Education in Years 7, 8 and 9 is a core subject with a four lesson per week allocation on the timetable with one double and two single lessons (varies according to line structure). The duration is 40 minutes. It is elective at Year 10 with 6 lessons per week. Health at Years 7, 8 and 9 is 1 lesson.

PE Staff liaise with the Special Needs Staff personally and use the Brief sheets applicable to be as inclusive as possible. This enables positive interaction and success for the individual.

At Year 11 it is an elective on a semester basis. At Year 12 it is a Full Year Course

4. Demonstrate initiative, self-reliance, and effective interpersonal skills.

Staff Participation In Curriculum Development And Evaluation Of Programs The Faculty meets regularly and discusses and reviews curriculum, the new Australian curriculum will be the new challenge on the horizon in 2013 and throughout 2012.

OUTLINE OF COURSE STRUCTURE AT EACH LEVEL The fundamental aim of the Physical Education program is to provide for involvement in physical activity to give both immediate and long-term benefits to the students. These benefits include pleasurable social involvement, skill development in both basic and specific physical skills, higher levels of fitness, and a knowledge relating to these areas.

Year 7 Term 1

Year 9

Lawn Bowls Rowing Ti Athletics Cricket Health Topics Balanced Lifestyle Body Image Alcohol

Talent Search Swimming Fitness Basketball Soccer Health Topics Health Issues

Badminton Softball / Baseball Theory/ Health Under Review

Term 2

Football X Country Basketball Soccer Health Topics Balanced Lifestyle Body Image Alcohol

Touch Speedball Football Health Topics Human Development

Hockey Volleyball Theory/ Health Under Review

Term 3

Football X Country Basketball Soccer Health Topics Community Services Being Part Of A Group

Athletics Health Topics Movement Skills Participation In Physical Activity

Athletics Theory/ Health Under Review

Tennis Softball – T Ball Health Topics Drugs My Health Action Plan

Cricket Conditioning Table Tennis Health Topics Health Related Issues Fitness

Golf Tennis Theory/ Health Under Review

Term 4


Year 8


Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Badminton Squash Futsal Conditioning Touch Theory Exercise Physiology Fitness Components Fitness & Training Principles Nutrition & Diet

Topics Selected By Group From Squash Futsal Touch Basketball Theory Basic Body Systems Kinesiology Sports Injuries

Topics Selected By Group From Sace Register

Athletics Basketball Volleyball Conditioning Tennis Theory Social Cultural Issues In Sport Women Media Racism Drugs

Aquatics Badminton Volleyball Conditioning Exercise Physiology Energy Sytems Training Principles Advanced Ergogenic Aids In Sport

Exercise Physiology

Theory Skill Acquisition Biomechanics Issues Analysis


Teacher, Mrs Wilson and our Inclusive Education coordinator, Mrs Chambers, to ensure learning is integrated into every area of the curriculum.

Dearest Parents, Caregivers and Friends. What another busy week it has been! I would like to thank the 180 parents/carers that attended the Junior Campus Parent Acquaintance Night last Wednesday evening. Your wonderful positive feedback highlighted to me that it was a very informative night with many of you commenting on how highly organised the staff were as well as being very impressed with their preparation and hard work that made the evening such a success. Comments that reflected your endorsement of the night included the class booklets given out, the bright colours and presentation of the classrooms and the calibre of our staff new to CBC. An evening such as this requires a great deal of preparation and planning and I would sincerely like to thanks our dedicated team of teachers, ESOs and students who gave so generously of their time to make the evening the success that it was. Special thanks to our Year 6 Student Leaders who participated throughout the evening -- Michael Clifton, Austin Lovell, Mathew Postle, Logan Griffin and Joshua Conti -- as well as our brilliant guitarist Jack Bourke. The evening was a great opportunity for you to further establish relationships with your son’s class teacher and a pathway to ongoing communication and partnership. I would also like to apologise to those who had to stand throughout the evening; we were overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised by the amount of parents/carers who attended. However, we had set up in preparation for those who had RSVP’d prior to the evening. Next year we will ensure we have considerably more seating and I welcome any further feedback. Recently the ABC aired a program that looked at 3 schools in NSW which devoted considerable energy into improving quality learning and teaching programs. World-renowned Prof John Hattie (Prof of Education at Melbourne University) was interviewed and he emphasised the importance of teachers using assessment as way to learn what impact their teaching is having on student learning. We at CBC Junior Campus have been undertaking such assessments to ensure quality learning programs are being continually improved by our dedicated staff. I was fortunate enough in 2011 to attend a workshop by Prof John Hattie where he stated, “Outside the home environment and the family situation, the biggest impact on a child’s education is teacher effectiveness.” He reiterated the significance of the teacher is far more important than often cited factors such as school resources or class sizes. I, Mr Mifsud, and indeed all the leadership team, truly believe that Christian Brothers College has a wonderful team of dedicated professional teachers, and it is imperative we continually strive to always maintain and excel in quality teaching. This will be reflected in the learning tasks we ask of our students, relying on data to measure outcomes and measurable growth. An example of this already occurring this year, is that Junior Campus Staff have been undergoing Jolly Phonics/Grammar training, a dynamic Program to ensure a systematic approach is taught from Reception to Year 6 levels. The teachers have also been busy collaborating with Educational Specialists such as our Resource Based Learning

Last week we honoured National Sorry Day with a beautiful Liturgy organised by Mr Were. Our Indigenous Students, Flynn Lupinacci and Donovan Yarran, led the liturgy and I was overwhelmed by the reverence our students displayed. On Tuesday we prepared for Lent by hosting our Shrove Tuesday pancake day. Thank you again to Andre Bemmer, along with other senior and junior student leaders, our Junior Campus Social Action Group and Mrs Buchanan, Mr Were and Mr Mackereth, for cooking all the delicious pancakes and ensuring there was more than enough for all to enjoy. A special thanks to Mr Hilary Flynn, Dare to Lead Coordinator, who personally made the entire pancake base for both campuses. We held a reflective and heart-warming Liturgy on Ash Wednesday to mark the start of Lent. Again we thank our student leaders and Mr Were for coordinating this significant Liturgy at a time of year which allows us to reflect inwardly. In the tradition of this day, no meat products were served and we thank you for supporting the college with this tradition.

Clipsal Movements

Can I also take this opportunity to remind you that only students who are attending before school care are permitted on the premises prior to 8.05am. To ensure student safety, boys arriving prior to this time will be escorted to Before School Care and parents billed accordingly. Please note staff are not on duty until 8.15am. Again I encourage you to factor in a further 15 minutes travel time due to the ongoing and increasing Clipsal traffic restrictions. As always I encourage any feedback, and acknowledge and appreciate the disruptions of the move. Our Assembly next week will be at the Senior Campus in the Western Courtyard and will be hosted by our Year 5 classes; you are always most welcome to attend. Wishing you God’s Blessings for the week ahead.

Mrs Frances Zubreckyj AP-Junior Campus

Next Monday 27 February 2012 we will relocate to the Senior Campus for 8 days, returning to Junior Campus on Thursday 8 March. Students are kindly requested to meet in the Western Courtyard at Senior Campus next Monday 27 February where teaching staff will greet them. Following a quick assembly, I will explain the layout of all the classrooms for all year levels. It is important that you feel safe and assured that your son will be fully supervised whilst we are at Senior School. Entry and Exit points are via Wakefield Street and Ifould Street. OSHC will be located in the PE/Theory room adjacent to the gymnasium. Entry and Exits to OSHC are via the Senior Campus Courtyard. Whilst we

CBC Junior Campus Maths Club Due to the relocation of the Junior Campus during Clipsal, the CBC Maths Club meetings will be cancelled for the next two weeks. The club will meet again on Monday, 12 March at lunchtime as usual. Mrs Nicola Brennan Numeracy Coach

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Assistant Principal - Junior Campus

are at the Senior Campus the contact telephone number is 8400 4000.

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Junior Campus REC Coordinator Dear Family and Friends In last Sunday’s Gospel, Mark presents us with a story of great friendship. Friends bring the paralytic from the fringes of the community into the middle of the gathered community. Seeing their true ‘faith’ Jesus speaks to them words of forgiveness and healing. The quality of this true friendship paved the way for the paralysed man to come face to face with Grace. As we approach the season of Lent, may we have same generosity and quiet confidence as these friends as we continue to bring to Jesus the people of our family and our world.The challenge for us all is to take time to listen to God and to take time to talk with Him. He is always there if we have faith and trust the plan He has for us all.The Season of Lent calls us to reflect on and attend to our care for Jesus and for the people in our world, whether in our immediate family or the global family. People will make their own Lenten sacrifices till Holy Week when we mark the special events of Jesus’s supper, his carrying of the cross, his death and resurrection. As a Church we have some of the following practices to be mindful of: a) One is to fast and abstain on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; and by fasting this might mean having one main meal and refraining from food between the two. b) Sometimes people in Lent choose to abstain from alcohol or sweets or choose to donate to the needs of others. c) Another way might be how we can make a commitment to help the impoverished people of our world through Project Compassion. The message for Project Compassion 2012 is, in the words of Pope Paul VI: “If you want peace, work for justice.” During our Ash Wednesday Liturgy the Prayer Leaders from each class accepted a Project Compassion box and brochure outlining how our community can make a difference to those people less fortunate than ourselves. All students from the Junior Campus will have a small project compassion box, which we invite families to keep for the duration of Lent at home and return to school at the completion of Lent. Finally, I would like to thank those parents who attended our Missioning Mass and additionally thank the following students: Joe Tripodi, Matthew Thomas, Dion Marzinotto, Michael Stefani, Andrew Princi, Jayson Whitworth, Adrian Beesley and the three Reception SRC students who processed into the Gym with our Year 12 students as a meaningful expression of our college community from its youngest members to its oldest members. The boys were extremely reverent throughout the service under some hot and trying circumstances. We cannot change the world but we can make a contribution to making it a better place.



Do not be afraid to go out on the streets and into public places, like the first Apostles who preached Christ and the Good News of salvation in the squares of cities, towns and villages. This is no time to be ashamed of the Gospel (cf. Rom 1: 16). It is the time to preach it from the rooftops (cf Mt 10:27).” As the Season of Lent let us be reminded that the challenge of Lent is to prepare, fast and almsgiving as we turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.

SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM FOR 2012 Thank you to those parents who have expressed a desire for their son to participate in the Sacramental Programme for 2012. Please keep those forms coming into the front office of the Junior Campus Sacraments are a wonderful expression of the personal faith and formation of your child. To assist our planning it is important that you collect two forms from the front office of the Junior Campus and return the information regarding your son’s baptismal and/or reconciliation dates. If you have a Baptism Certificate from your Parish, we would appreciate receiving a copy for our records. Some really important dates for your diary as these dates are compulsory should you wish your son to receive the Sacraments as part of the enrolment with CBC. 20th March 2012 – Sacramental Meeting at Junior Campus for ALL parents wishing their child to be confirmed in 2012 at 6.00pm at the Performing Arts Centre. 24th March 2012 – Rite of Welcome Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral at 6.00pm 25th May 2012 – The First Rite of Reconciliation at the Edmund Rice Chapel at 9.30am to be celebrated by Fr Dean Marin and Mons Robert Aitken 31st August 2012 – Confirmation will be celebrated at St Francis Xavier Cathedral at 7.00pm by Archbishop Philip Wilson. 2nd September 2012 – First Eucharist will be celebrated as part of the 11.00am Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. Reconciliation Classes will commence early in Term 2 and will conclude with the First Rite of Reconciliation on May 25th 2012. We have had to change the date for Confirmation by one week because we are unable to have Confirmation on a Saturday evening when it clashes with a Mass in the Parish. Fortunately, the Archbishop’s office and the Cathedral Parish have been both very supportive to find a date very close to the originally planned date. We do realise this is the weekend of Father’s Day, but this may be an excellent opportunity to combine the confirmation of your son with a celebration to recognise the wonderful contribution our Fathers play in our lives. If you have any queries regarding the Sacramental Program for 2012, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, Sr Kanistal or myself. We look forward to assisting the personal faith and formation journey for your son. Mr Bruce Were Junior Campus Religious Education Curriculum Coordinator

Junior Campus Library News I recently approached the Year 6 boys about joining our library crew. The library crew will take on a crucial role in maintaining our library. They will be provided with training to help with some of the following duties: helping younger students return books, re-shelving, general tidying, library processing (stamping, labelling) and other duties. The boys were asked to complete a nomination form and I was impressed by their responses. Some included: • I will convince people to read if they do not like reading. • I will be a good role model to younger kids. • I will do my job and not be late. • I get along with young children. • I would like to learn more about the library and the books inside it. • I find helping out like this fun. • I am new to the school and it would be a great way for me to show how reliable and responsible I am. It would also be a great opportunity for me to meet other students. • I would be on time to shifts will be organised and be prepared to do all the things that I need to do to make the library a better place. Several of the boys also highlighted some of the experience they brought to the role, which was lovely. I am pleased to announce the following boys will be provided training and welcomed as library crew members in the Junior School. Year 6 Purple: James Brown, Johnny Frisina, Matthew Kurzyniec, Jordan Richardson-Trevarton, Kesh Brown, Flynn Lupinacci, Austin Lovell, Matthew Postle, John Kleeman Year 6 White: Thomas Colangelo, AbolfazlHassani, Jack Catherwood, Alexander Moten, Daniel Postle, Ryan Pool, Ramneek Singh Year 5/6 Gold: Logan Griffin, Morris Colby, Jacob Mercorella Congratulations and welcome. Mrs Caroline Wilson Teacher / Librarian Junior Campus

BASKETBALL Year 4/5 Purple Basketball CBC 11 defeated Pulteney 2 Goal Scorers: Callum, Harrison, Austin The boys played a fantastic game this week. They worked as team. It was good to see them passing the ball around. We made lots of shots on goal, with most players putting up a shot. Our defence is improving as we try to find a player to stand in defence. A highly entertaining game; well done boys! Mrs Caroline Wilson Coach

CRICKET The West Lakes regatta.

CBC Year 10 rowing group compete in SA Under 17 State Championship events. Last weekend saw the South Australian First Grade Rowing Championships at West Lakes. As well as the 1st Grade Championships the Underage State Championship events were raced. Included in these were the Under 17 Men’s Double Scull and the Under 17 Men’s Coxed Quad Scull. Seeking their first races over the full 2000 meter senior racing distance, the CBC Year 10 rowing group entered both of these events -- Taylor Riley and Joseph Dedonatis as one crew and Thomas James and Sam Wilson as the other in the Under 17 Double, with Jonty Rutai, Charlie Meyer, Declan Reidy, Thomas James and coxswain, the injured Sam Wilson, in the Under 17 Quad. The unfortunate injury to Sam Wilson on Friday morning forced Thomas and himself to scratch from the double race, but Taylor and Joseph rowed extremely well to finish a close second to the Pulteney/Unley High combination. Unfortunately, as with the double, the Quad could not break into the winner’s circle. But they did produce their best row for the season so far, to come in second to a far larger Unley High crew. The Year 10 group also raced in their individual Schoolboy Quad events with the ‘A’ crew finishing sixth in their final. The ‘B’ crew, suffering from a run of bad luck with the injury to Sam Wilson, their stroke, did not making the starting time of their heat, resulting in them being disqualified from racing in the final. The Year 8/9 group again were not overly successful with their racing but the training they received at last weekend’s camp and the settling of their race combinations has seen them begin to improve. And we are sure to see them become more competitive on the run up to March’s Head of the River. Year 8/9 Schoolboy Quad ‘A’ crew – J. Clarke, L. Barry, M. Cleggett, C. Lupinacci and coxswain E. Meredith finished 3rd in the final of their ‘B’ race. Year 8/9 Schoolboy Quad ‘B’ crew – D. Callisto, J. Hogden, B. Reisinger, J. Dalle Nogare and coxswain B. Dimopoulos finished 7th in their final.

Year 8/9 Schoolboy Quad ‘C’ crew had to scratch due to sickness. Both the Senior boys crews, the Four and the First Eight, also had to scratch due to Saturday’s extended program sending their races out into the later part of the afternoon. However, a full contingent of seven CBC crews will race at this coming Saturday’s CBC sponsored Schools Super Series Regatta. Mr Ronald Mobbs Director of Water Sports

CBC Canoe / Kayaking Senior Matt Grimwade on the winner’s podium at SA Canoe / Kayaking State Championships. Saturday the 11th of February was the start of the two day SA Canoeing State Titles regatta. Kayakers from all over the state, places like Onkaparinga and Encounter Bay, gathered at West Lakes to battle it out with their athletic skills. Conditions were windy the first day and calm on Sunday. Matthew Grimwade achieved gold in all of his K2 events and silver in the 200 metres K1. Elliot Santarelli was on a roll that weekend achieving three gold’s in all of his K1 events. Pietro Santarelli, being first year under 18s was a bit rusty and only achieved 6th in 1000 metres. Yet another good warm-up for the Sydney Canoe / Kayaking National Titles still to come, in Week 7 of Term 1. Pietro Santarelli CBC Canoe / Kayaking Captain

Year 9 Cricket 18 February 2012, Collins Reserve, Fulham

CBC 2/90 vs St Pauls all out 82 at the end of Day 1 The Year 9 team waited for 40 minutes for opponents to arrive and allowed St Paul’s to bat as they were down to 7 players. Despite this St Paul’s were not to be taken lightly with their captain being a highly talented state cricket player. All bowlers did well to dismiss St Paul’s for 82. In reply we are 2/90 and looking to compile a high total next week. Mr Greg Ward Coach

Year 8B Cricket CBC vs Trinity The 8B cricket team played Trinity on the weekend and went in full of confidence after a win over Blackfriars last week. Daniel Houston won the toss and elected to bowl. Josh Gregorace (3/2) and Steven Tsoukatos (2/7) opened the bowling and ripped through Trinty’s top order. The opposition middle order put together a few runs before Harry Isherwood (2/8) and Ambrose Ronson (3/2) came on and cleaned up the opposition. The CBC batsmen led the team to a quick victory with Dominic Porcelli opening the batting and remaining 11no at the end of play. Great job by the whole team, with some excellent catches by Josh, Harry and Callum. Mr Paul Isherwood Coach

Kanga Purple Cricket Pembroke Gold defeated CBC Purple First game for term 1 and well we didn’t win but that doesn’t matter. I was very impressed with the boys who have come off a Xmas break but lost none of their enthusiasm and desire to play cricket. Most of the team from last year where back and showed they still work well together, all the boys welcomed Jude into the team as a new member. We batted well with a healthy total of 61 but unfortunately the 13 wickets lost didn’t help our average score. In the field I was impressed with good fielding and backing up of the wickets. Bowling was the highlight of the game we had Rees take a hat trick with 4 wickets in total coming of the over, but bowling across the whole team was really strong and everyone now is showing that they are becoming seasoned campaigners.



Good first game by all and a win is just a game away. Best Batters: Tom B, Jude T Best Bowlers: Rees S, Cooper P and Archer L Best Fielders: Willard G, Tomas P Thanks to Mr Gorman/Mestrov for performing the scoring duties. Mr Steve Brooks Coach

Kanga White Cricket CBC White defeated Marryatville All the boys had a great time and batted extremely well. They fielded with great enthusiasm which resulted in several wickets. Their team spirit and sportsmanship should be commended. Best Batters: Blake McDonough, Nathan Smith and Luke Vonthoff Best Bowlers: Hunter Dwyer and Blake McDonough Best Fielders: Caleb Jackson and Cooper Stewart Great effort by all the boys and according to all the parents their skills have improved noticeably since last year. A special thank you to Mr McDonough for coaching/umpiring and Ms Hermsen and her son for scoring. A big cheer for all the supporting parents. Ms Kathy Cresswell Coach

Tennis Drive Tennis St John’s 7 defeated CBC 2 Another tough opponent but if all our players played to their best we should have beaten this team. Unfortunately not all of our team brought their A game to the contest. Kyle Gaweda again impressed with his reliable, no nonsense style of play and he proved too consistent (6-2) from the back of the court for his opponent. Top seed George Wong played with conviction, skill, power and belief in dominating his singles 6-1. A great effort from the captain. Other team members played unusually below par and I hope this is a one-off… their skills and know-how around the court are too advanced to suggest that this will continue… I hope not! Practice hard, believe in yourself and play the percentages! Mr Paul Horgan Coach

Senior D Tennis 18 February 2012

St Paul’s College 9 sets (55 games) defeated CBC 0 sets (21 games) St Paul’s was far too strong on Saturday and even though we lost comprehensively, it was a courageous effort by the team. In the doubles, Josh Dwyer/Matthew Li and Sulliman Gamar/Peter Trinh played competitively but unfortunately went down 3-6. James Troia played an exhausting one hour set in his singles before succumbing 4-6 to his opponent. Matthew Li also put in a strong performance (4-6) but was unable to capitalise on his opponent’s errors. Josh Dwyer must be commended for his perseverance and contribution to the team. Josh played three sets of gruelling tennis and was extremely unlucky not to win one of his singles matches, finally conceding 5-7 in a very close and entertaining performance. Mr George Caretti Coach

Year 7 B Tennis

Open C Volleyball

17 February 2012

Pedare 3 defeated CBC 0

CBC vs Blackfriars In our first game for the year many boys were taking to the court for the first time. Despite our teams overall inexperience many positive and promising tennis was played. We overcame an initial hiccup with the courts being still locked to play some good tennis. Congratulations to Thanh La and Napoleon Siriotis who won their doubles match 6 to 3. Thanks to an opposition dad who really helped the boys out with scoring and positioning on court. This was a very long game and unfortunately due to time restraints the boys did not get to play their singles matches. A strong 6 to 0 singles win by Yiani Pantelios was also impressive. The other boys showed a positive effort towards their singles matches against a talented opposition. Overall a promising start to the season with our goal to improve from where we have started. Well done boys. Mrs Kirsty Lee Coach

Year 5/6 Tennis CBC vs Pulteney CBC 3 played Pulteney Grammar and had an overall win in Doubles and Singles games with a score of 7 out of 9. Singles - Liam Best 6-3, Adam Wells 6-2, Daniel Bressan 6-0, William Motten 6-1, Kesh Brown 6-2. Doubles –Jordan Binetti & Daniel Bressan 6-1, William & Alexander Motten 6-2. A great start to the season. Congratulations to all players for their good manners and sportsmanship. Mrs Marti Madigan Coach

VOLLEYBALL Volleyball Open B CBC 2 defeated Norwood Morialta High 1 Round 2 saw us visit Norwood Morialta High School for the first time in the competition. This was their first game and they appeared to be quite athletic, coordinated and tall! Taking to the court for this round were Chris Binyon, Jack Quinn, Sam Warren, Matej Bacic, Thomas Melios-Traver, and returning to the team after a season off, James Russo. CBC got off to an excellent start with Chris and Jack’s serves proving difficult for the opposition to return. James’ reliable and steady digs over the set have been missed, and in conjunction with Tom’s spikes CBC took the first set 25 – 17. The second set saw an animated Norwood Morialta come from behind to shake the CBC team and narrowly steal the set 22 -25.The rallies were outstanding with Matej and Sam confidently returning serves. Great sportsmanship was shown by both teams, applauding each other’s successes. The third and deciding set appeared to be an easy task for CBC, taking an early 10 point lead. With only a handful of points to win the match, CBC stumbled mentally and Norwood Morialta brought the score line within 2 points. After an anxious few points CBC finally got the desperately needed points to secure the set and win the match. The boys should be extremely proud of their efforts and the style in which they won. This is hopefully a sign of more to come! Miss Krystle Helps Coach

The team was up against some excellent competition that has obviously been playing together for some time. The first set saw our team develop their team skills and familiarise themselves with the opposition’s playing style. In the second set, CBC started working together more effectively and anticipating shots. A move to drop the front line back in defence resulted in far better return of the opposition’s serves. In the final set, the focus was on setting the ball and this strategy proved very effective with CBC winning almost every point when they managed to make full use of their 3 shots. Despite losing the game, it was a great opportunity to highlight the skills our training sessions should focus on – dig, set, spike! Dr Lynne Grbin Coach

Year 8/9 A Volleyball 17 February 2012

St Peter’s 2 defeated CBC 1 The CBC Year 8/9 ‘A’ Team fought valiantly against a much more experienced and, once again, taller St Peter’s team. The boys were slow to gain their confidence and to start playing as a team. Unfortunately, because of this, the first set was easily won by St Peter’s 25 to 7. The team improved on this in the second set and reduced the margin to 25 to 17. With the game lost, the pressure was off and the team finally seemed to relax and start really playing. Nathan Koulizos justified his captain status, by winning 11 points in a row on his serve. A rattled St Peter’s team (and coach!) came close to answering this challenge and the game was tied at 24 all. Frazer Lathey-Owen showed class under pressure and served out to win the first set for the team. There is a definite feeling that a win is imminent! Mrs Debra Withers Coach

Year 8/9 B Volleyball CBC v Woodcroft College Woodcroft College forfeited with only three players arriving. The CBC team was very gracious in accepting the three Woodcroft boys in a practice game of two sets. We look forward to this week’s game. Mrs Lucyna Zwolski Coach

Would You Like to Learn to Play Basketball?

Why not participate in AUSSIE HOOPS GAME TIME? This exciting program involves a mixture of basketball games and skills sessions for children aged 4-12. We provide a fun and safe learning environment under the direct supervision of Forestville coaches. When and Where? Sessions run on Friday nights after school and Sunday afternoons, and the program runs for 6 weeks. Friday’s session is broken into two age-specific sessions (4pm4.45pm for children aged 4-6, and 4.45pm-5.30pm for 7-12 year olds), while Sunday’s session runs from 1pm- 2pm for 4-12 year olds. Sessions are held at the Wayville Sports centre on Rose terrace, Wayville. Costs: New participants pay a joining registration fee of $30 which includes a ball and a singlet. Returning students pay a re-registration fee of $5. A weekly fee of $5 per child is charged on entrance. For more information, or to download the registration form, go to: Alternatively, call or email the community Development Manager, Maddy Sexton on 0447-883-316, or

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