Caucasus Business Week #321

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April 6, 2020 -



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2 April 6, 2020 #321

Annual Inflation Reached 6.1% in March Georgia's annual inflation rate stood at 6.1% in March, and 0.7% for the month.

Georgia and Turkmenistan Discuss Land Use in Poti Port Georgia and Turkmenistan discuss land use in Poti port - The parties discussed the topic during a video conference on April 1 on cargo and transit.

EBRD to Allocate USD 40 Million for the Development of Energy Efficient Buildings in Georgia The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will allocate € 40 million to increase energy efficiency in Georgian buildings.

Goga Melikidze Appointed as Senior Investment Officer of Pension Agency Goga Melikidze, the former head of Galt&Taggart brokerage department, has been appointed as senior investment officer of the Pension Agency.

Georgian Government to Subsidize Utility Bills The Government of Georgia will subsidize utility bills of the families that consume electricity of less than 200 kw/h and natural gas of less than 200 cubic meters a month.

Drivers of Municipal Transport will Receive Salaries Despite the Ban Despite the restrictions imposed on municipal transport, drivers will be reimbursed.

Georgia Launches two billion GEL Fund to Support the Economy

Georgia's Economy to Recover From COVID-19 Impact in 2021 with 4.5% Growth — ADB

The Georgian government decided to allocate 2 billion GEL to support the country's economy.

Georgia will experience a substantial slowdown in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lower oil prices. The European Union stands by its Eastern partners Allocating EUR 140 Million In addition, the Commission will also redirect the use of existing instruments worth up to €700 million to help mitigate the socio-economic impact of the coronavirus crisis. Special Platform Created to Allow Citizens to Refuse to Pay Gas and Electricity Taxes The electronic platform will be launched in several days, which will allow citizens, to indicate whether they want to use a government-based program or not, that subsidizes three months' taxes of gas and electricity.

The Editorial Board Follows Press Freedom Principles Publisher: LLC Caucasian Business Week - CBW Director: Levan Beglarishvili WWW.CBW.GE Address: Aleksidze Street 1 Sales: Mob: +995 591 01 39 36 Email: Editor: Nutsa Galumashvili. Mobile phone: 595 380382 Copy Editor: Ellie Rambo Reporters: Nina Gomarteli; Mariam Kopaliani; Merab Janiashvili, Economic columnist: Andria Gvidiani; Technical Assistant: Giorgi Kheladze;

3 April 6, 2020 #321

4 April 6, 2020 #321

How the coronavirus is affecting the economy, and how the government’s economic stimulus plan can respond to the existing challenges – Irakli Kovzanadze, head of the Parliament’s finance and budget committee, analyzed these aspects of the crisis for the Business Partner TV Program. The government will introduce the second part of the economic stimulus plan in several days. The document has several components, and includes a social risk reinsurance component, Irakli Kovzanadze noted. “The government is working on this issue. I have some relevant information. This package will diversify several things. The Georgian Prime Minister has this prerogative, and the document will be introduced in several days. This is the second part. The first part aimed to assist the business sector, and the package was worth an estimated 1 billion GEL. The second part will place greater emphasis on social risks and reinsurance for both business and citizens who have lost or are expected to lose their jobs”, Irakli Kovzanadze said. The state budget will be completely fulfilled in the first quarter, however, problems are expected in the second quarter, precisely, starting in April, Irakli Kovzanadze pointed out. “As for the budget, I would like to say openly that the plan is being worked through, even now. When analyzing the 2019 preliminary report, we collected a 550 million GEL surplus in taxes to the consolidated budget. This is a very important factor. We have also mobilized income with certain reserves in January and February. Some problems came to the surface in March; however, I believe the first quarter will be close to being in compliance with the plan. Problems are expected to start in April. The next quarter is expected to see problems in terms of fulfilling the budget”, Irakli Kovzanadze noted. Instead of 4.5% growth in 2020,

as planned by the state budget, the country will face an economic plunge. At the same time, the country is capable of valuably restoring the economy briefly after the post-crisis period, thanks to fundamental reforms such as the insurance of deposits, postponing the profit tax, and pension system reform. “We have an important formula: a working money and credit policy, strict supervision and the effective insurance of deposits. We lacked the insurance of deposits. The parliament has adopted a law regarding deposit insurance, and over the past 2 years we have insured deposits worth 2 billion GEL. We have taken dramatic decisions. This means that Georgia’s monetary authorities such as the Central Bank and the Finance Ministry are ready to respond to the challenge, and overcome the economic crisis. To this end, we have implemented very important institutional reforms. I believe that this crisis will pass, and I hope it is over soon. We will rapidly restore our economy. Nevertheless, there are a lot of problems ahead, too”, Irakli Kovzanadze said. As noted by the head of the parliament’s finance and budget committee, GEL volatility is preconditioned by two factors: the global economic turmoil generated by the coronavirus, and the collapse of global oil prices. However, the feverish demand for foreign currency and panic have also badly affected the GEL, Kovzanadze added. “I believe the developments over the past 10 days, prior to interventions in the currency, especially in the last phase, reflected only fevers and panics . I would like to stress that, in some cases there were domestic demands from some specific commercial banks regarding internal conversions. There were internal GEL-USD conversions at

commercial banks. Therefore, a certain confidence was established, and factor resulted in, as well call it, the shock in demand. This caused the extreme depreciation of the GEL, and the exchange rate plunged to 3.5 GEL. Several factors worked in that period”, Kovzanadze said. Amid the current crisis, the NBG carried out currency interventions of about 100 million USD. This was a positive message, that the central bank participated, and this decision had a short-term effect, and the exchange rate strengthened to 3.273.28. However, as noted by Irakli Kovzanadze, the most important step taken by NBG was the revision of the strategy and the decision to carry out everyday monitoring of the market. “It should be stressed that, as noted by the Central Bank, it will carry out monitoring everyday, and this is the right decision. What does this mean? We saw that the last intervention was 40 million USD. I do not think we will need interventions of the same size. We may need smaller interventions; however, the Central Bank will participate in the market more frequently. This should be underlined, and the National Bank will take further steps in this direction”, Kovzanadze noted, and added that the NBG holds enough resources for currency interventions, and these resources will not be withheld in the current situation. “This is an important moment the Central Bank holds enough reserves. We have accumulated these reserves, and the Parliament has provided overall support to the NBG in this regard. The NBG was frequently criticized because it collected reserves, but not by the Parliament. Today, the time has come to use these reserves,” Kovzanadze said, and added that today we have no grounds to tighten regulations in the banking sector. “No way. Today, this is not our agenda. No regulations will be tightened by the National Bank in regards to commercial banks. I have noted on purpose that the Georgian banking sector has capitalized very well. We protect every existing requirement. We’ve got recommendations by the Basel Committee, Basel 2 and Basel 3, and the Georgian banking sector follows these recommendations. On the contrary, these regulations may even be weakened, if necessary. Similar recommendations were issued in 2008-2009. This practice may be applied this time, too. Similar recommendations were issued by the Parliament, many financial institutions, including the Monetary Fund. These regulations should be smoothed out, if necessary. This does not mean that supervisory elements will weaken, but the situation requires everyday supervision”, Irakli Kovzanadze told Business Partner.

5 April 6, 2020 #321

COVID-19 and the Private Sector’s Challenges for Maintaining Staff Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have to fire employees. It is not expedient or reasonable to dismiss staff in this period of crisis, and lose a skilled workforce, Medea Tabatadze, manager of the Insource consulting company, told the Business Partner TV program. Companies letting off staff will face difficulties in hiring new staff in the post-crisis period, and the process will be more expensive compared to the pre-crisis period, she noted. Some companies, all over the world, including in Georgia, have decided to fire employees to cut expenditures. International experience suggests that this approach in a crisis is unjustified, Medea Tabatadze said. Despite the fact that the world is facing an unprecedented crisis, and nobody knows how to maintain both healthcare and economic sustainability, but maintaining staff is the most efficient method, anyway. The point is that in the post-crisis period, it will be very difficult to hire new staff or regain the previous one, the Insource

manager explained. “Economists and management experts say that during times of crisis, companies should not lose knowledge, because two key directions were stressed: technology, and people. Technology means that many components will be digitized, but this process requires a lot of experience and human resources. They were saying every business will be digitized, but nobody details the scale of digitization and mechanisms. I think, at this stage, there are no preconditions in Georgia for everything being digitized. Anyway, this human knowledge and experience will be necessary”, Medea Tabatadze pointed out. If companies have no resources to pay their salaries, there are various models for maintaining personnel and management should apply these models, she noted. If the company decides to dismiss staff, it will lose face, and it will face difficulties returning furloughed personnel in the postcrisis period, and the process

will be much more expensive, Tabatadze noted. “In our country, nobody calculates how much economic value one employee can create for a company, or what kind of expenditures a company will bear by dismissing one employee, while this part is counted. It will be more difficult and expensive to hire employees during a time of peace, than in the pre-crisis period, because social responsibility is ignored as they sack employees. When the crisis is over, everybody tries to bring on the best staff, and the so-called war for the best staff will start. After this crisis, I believe that employees fired in this crisis period will become sought-after on the market in the aftermath. Previously, we were suggested to make investments in either technology or people, but now the business needs both of them. As for postponement, there are many models on how to maintain the workforce in a time of crisis”, Tabatadze said.

6 April 6, 2020 #321

The global economy is entering the crisis phase amid the coronavirus pandemic. This process primarily damages developing countries, including Georgian economy. Without international financial assistance, developing countries fail to overcome the economic damages. Scales of the assistance that Georgia will manage to mobilize from international donors will determine how efficiently the country will cushion the economic plunge. Georgia has started negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the country expects to attract significant assistance. Furthermore, Georgia has obtained a 45 million EUR aid package from the World Bank (WB), despite the project’s direct objective is not to alleviate the pandemic’s economic impact, but to promote the ongoing reforms in Georgia. It is evident that the country vitally needs such resources. Furthermore, as the USA Embassy in Georgia has announced, the USA will transfer a 1.1 million USD assistance package in support of the Georgian healthcare sector. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has confirmed its readiness to assist Georgia, as well as the EU ambassador to Georgia. On March 30, the European Commission released a statement notifying that it will allocate 140 million EUR for the Eastern Partnership countries (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and

Ukraine) to finance essential needs against the coronavirus pandemic. “Today the National Bank is the weak chain of the Government”, economist Vladimer Papava told CBW and added that the NBG has delayed currency interventions and this delay caused panic in our society. “Georgia is entering the critical phase. In this situation, the Government officials provide good job by updating the society daily on the current situation through media agencies. The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) should also intensify activities to regain public trust”, Vladimer Papava said. The economy has become a hostage to medicine and before development of action plans and programs, the Authorities should extinguish the fire in the economy, he noted. “The essence of the crisis is that medical workers cannot specify when the pandemic is over – in a month, or 3, or a year. This factor has generated the major unclearness in fighting against the coronavirus, preparing economic and healthcare action plans and creating accurate and precise protocols. Medical workers use medications that were used against Ebola and AIDS. Coronavirus turned out an unexpected, unexplored phenomenon for medicine. We can say the same regarding the economy too. We cannot settle economic problems without resolving medical problems. The economy is a hostage to medicine. The experience gained amid the 20082009 global economic crisis will not work in this case. We have two tasks to resolve today: current and strategic ones”, Vladimer Papava pointed out. The current objective is to extinguish the fire in economy, while the strategic objective is to ensure economic recovery in post-crisis period, Papava pointed out. “The current task is to put out the fire, including in the economy, while another task is to revive the economy. In general, economy cannot be recovered amid the crisis period. Therefore, we should be prepared for the post-crisis period. When asking the Government to submit the program, our expectations are exaggerated, because, today, we should ask the Government to extinguish the fire in the economy and then prepare the

program for the post-crisis period. The Government is not hasty to submit this program and this cannot be appraised as weakness. Today our key objective is to extinguish the fire”, Papava said. Essential problems are recorded on the currency market. The national Bank that decided to stay away, even in the most difficult situations, and wait for instructions from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), he said. “International financial institutions do not know what to do, because this is an absolutely extraordinary and unusual case in its nature. The problem does not consist in economy. The IMF is obliged to provide due assistance to all countries, but we should also analyze the reality. We should not think that we will receive significant funds. Everybody needs assistance in the crisis period. I think the assistance package will be about 250-300 million USD in several tranches. The National Bank has not intervened in the currency market and this decision caused panic in the society. The national currency stability is ensured by money transfers, foreign direct investments and everybody knows that in the countries, where our compatriots live and work, many enterprises and companies were closed and money transfers declined too. Furthermore, the inflow of foreign direct investments will also shrink. Despite unfavorable economic reality in the country, our medical system and situation is not worse compared to the neighboring countries. We have much better situation than even economically stronger Germany and the USA. In terms of medical aspects, the GELrelated panic was not to be so essential, but the Georgian currency has seen the biggest plunge in the world, because the National Bank decided to stay away. It decided that this was not its business and started waiting for instructions from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)”, Papava said. According to “the International Financial Institutions against COVID-19” published by the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC), preliminary preventive measures carried out by international financial institutions inspire that the developing countries , including Georgia, will not

have to pass the rehabilitation phase absolutely independently and they will be able to receive financial and technical assistance packages from the international community. However, how efficiently the Georgian economy will overcome the virus challenges depends on how well the country will work with international financial institutions and how efficiently the Authorities will use the attracted financial resources. “At this stage, there are several sources for attracting financial resources, for example, from the World Bank – 45 million EUR; the USA assistance will be directed to assisting the healthcare sector. The EU has allocated funds for Eastern Partnership countries. As for other financial institutions, they announce consolidated amount of financial support and I suppose negotiations will be underway how to distribute these sums among the developing countries. It is important to use our diplomatic contacts to receive as many assistance packages as possible, because international organizations do not offer specified stimulus packages to countries. In most cases, they allocate funds that should be used by domestic Authorities to transform them into economic stimulus packages, for example, certain types of tax preferences for small and medium businesses. However, this dos not suffice to naturalize the current shocks. I suppose we will have to take loans too, because the stimulus packages cover subsidies and tax preferences in various countries. In this situation, the consumption has declined, unemployment has increased and the state budget supposedly will have problems in terms of tax incomes. Therefore, we will not able to mobilize funds in other ways. We should either assist business and exempt it from taxes or collect taxes and replenish the budget. We cannot do both businesses if we do not receive international assistance and I supposed foreign loans will be also necessary”, Irina Guruli, deputy executive director of the Economic Policy Research Center noted.

7 April 6, 2020 #321

Challenges in Logistics Sector The global crisis amid the pandemic and current challenges in the logistics sector – Giorgi Doborjginidze, director of the Logistics Association, discussed the mentioned issues for Business Partner TV program. Valuable logistics is directly interconnected with the food safety of the country, Doborjginidze said and added that the border crossing operations proceed without obstacles, in practice. Cross-border trucking has not stopped and seaports continue operation in 24hour regime. If the crisis lasts 2-3 months, the logistics chain companies will have to get reorganized and more diversify the supply sources, Doborjginidze said. Obstacles arose interpedently of Georgia, but these obstacles were removed and cargoes keep crossing borders without problems, Doborjginidze explained. Border crossing operations are fulfilled without obstacles

in practice. Initially, there were certain barriers, imposed by not Georgia, but our neighboring countries, including drivers were delivered to quarantine regime. However, today, I can say that this process proceeds without obstacles, he noted. „Cross-border trucking has not ceased. Seaports continue operation in 24hour regime. However, EU imposed certain restrictions on overland shipments and these regulations have caused additional barriers and EU member countries tightened the control of their own borders within the EU space. These regulations have generated certain queues, while before the crisis there were no border control, in practice. Today the control is exercised on cargo, overland shipments and vehicles and this process creates barriers in the border crossing process and delays the supplies”, Doborjginidze said. Despite these unimportant

obstacles, in the short-term period, we do not expect problems with supply of food and essential products. Our reserves, on the one hand, and continuous operation of supply operators ensure safe supplies. However, if the crisis lasts longer than expected, we will need to reorganize logistics and supply chains, he said. As explained by Doborjginidze, in the shortterm perspective the country does not expect essential obstacles, however, if the crisis lasts 2-3 months longer than expected, then “both logistics and supply operators will have to get reorganized. These companies will have to reduce their dependence on specific manufacturers and maximally diversify the supply networks”, Doborjginidze said.

8 April 6, 2020 #321

Tekla Vekua: "Every Business Must Be Able to Keep up with Technological Changes" Interview with Key Communications, Project Manager Tekla Vekua. Tell us about how you got into the field of communication, and what factors played an important role in choosing this profession? I have graduated from the Free University School of Management and Social Sciences, which allows you to develop a very versatile personality and try your luck in many areas. As I enjoy communication with people, news, and so on, I got a Master’s Degree in Communications, and I worked for Imedi TV, and then at the National Library, in parallel with developing my own startup. I started working at Key in January 2019, and I was unfamiliar with working at many companies with the same strengths and dedication, but I soon realized that this kind of diversity was always a part of my life, and that was my primary driving force here. Amidst the current technological changes, what challenges do you face? Our partners are technological giants like Mastercard and Glovo, which provide key technological innovations to Georgian customers. I think it’s an achievement of these companies that you can pay using Apple Pay today, anywhere, and it’s become a major benchmark for E-commerce flexibility for the business; I think these two companies deserve it. In general, every business should be able to keep up with the pace of technological change, and change old fashioned approaches, and this is clearly demonstrated by the Coronavirus crisis: Only those who adapt to new market rules survive. What has changed in the field in the last 5 years, and what changes are expected? Everything is becoming digital, roles are changing during the stages of brand development. 5 years ago, if a good and well-organized Facebook ad campaign would have worked, today, the same campaign would be a waste of time without the involvement of other digital channels. The role of influencers has increased, influencer marketing has become an increasingly complicated field, consumer behavior has changed, social networks have given everyone the power to openly express their views on a particular product or service, and receive accurate feedback from the company. What do you think are the most important qualities a PR manager should have, and what is his or her role in the orga-

nization in general?

public will take it with the right attitude.

I don't think an organization necessarily needs an inhouse staff for PR. Key Communications serves up to 10 of the biggest, outsourcing companies, and I think very efficiently. When you look at a problem, a task, a goal from the outside, out of the box, you are not embraced by the company’s agenda, it is easy for you to make the right decisions, and run campaigns well.

One word that describes your job.

What do you do to keep the organization from falling behind on the latest trends, and keep applying innovative approaches to the PR field? We always try to follow global trends, and act accordingly, but we also have to take into account the Georgian context. We use every digital channel, online and classic media, to try to get our voice out there through different influencers, and make campaigns viral. Flexibility is probably our main advantage. What is necessary for successful communication with the public? Sincerity. First of all, you have to be honest with yourself, really enjoy what you do, and what you give to PR, and the

Diversity. The most useful advice you’ve ever received in your life. My beloved Kakha Bendukidze said, sometimes you win, sometimes you learn, this is is maybe the most useful piece of advice for me ; I took it as an example in all the challenges I’ve had in my life that I could not handle properly, I needed to learn this lesson well in order to win, no matter how many tries I give it. Think of a person who inspires you professionally. I have always liked President Obama's PR, so I often read about his campaigns and interesting situations handled by Stephanie Cutter, the "One Woman Attack Squad," to this day remains one of the most interesting professionals, as the woman who managed Obama’s image, despite the corporate barriers, and made PR campaigns that were diverse and compelling.

9 April 6, 2020 #321

Business News

ADB Suggests Georgian Government to Encourage Technological Innovation

have been at risk of contacting Covid-19 or not.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) believes that Georgia needs to encourage technological innovation in business development.

Khetsuriani Sommelier School Gives Online Wine Classes The Khetsuriani Sommelier School and the Georgian Sommelier Association are launching online wine courses. For each webinar, the trainees will receive theoretical material in advance; all lecturers will work in Live. Road Department to Build 13-km Khashuri Bypass Highway in 2020 As part of the Zemo Osiauri-Chumateleti project that is the component of E60 East-West highway, the Road Department is building the Khashuri bypass road.

Efes Georgia, Producer of Natakhtari, Allocates 150 00 GEL in Support Program Supporting Fight against New Virus Efes Georgia�, within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility is planning to spend 150 000 GEL.

TBC Initiatives to Support Georgian Business Within the framework of the program, anyone can donate and support their favorite Georgian company from today. To do this, the platform has been launched. Customers will receive a voucher from their favorite company in return for the amount they have transferred, which will be withdrawn as soon as the business continues as usual. Bank of Georgia to Offer Special Platform for Supporting Businesses

BDO to Offer Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Online Accounting Program

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, Bank of Georgia offers businesses a special platform for their support. Georgia is Set to Launch Coronavirus Close Contact Detector App

Number of Economic Activities, Including Construction and Computer Technology Online Sales to Be Permitted The list of economic activities that have not been restricted to operating under the conditions of an emergency has been expanded. Gepherrini: If This Reality Lasts Long, We will Go Bankrupt Georgian handbags brand Gepherrini that primarily sells products in online format has temporarily suspended business activities, under the Government’s resolution.

The Georgian side is set to launch an app that allows people to check whether they

With the consequences of companies continuing work remotely, the business sector needs an online engine, with which the financial department will work effectively from home and managers will be able to control financial data efficiently.

10 April 6, 2020 #321

11 April 6, 2020 #321 Embassy United States of America Embassy 11 Balanchivadze St., Dighomi Dstr., Tbilisi Tel: 27-70-00, 53-23-34 E-mail:; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Embassy 51 Krtsanisi Str., Tbilisi, Tel: 227-47-47 E-mail: Republic of France Embassy 49, Krtsanisi Str. Tbilisi, Tel: 272 14 90 E-mail: Web-site: Federal Republic of Germany Embassy 20 Telavi St. Tbilisi Tel: 44 73 00, Fax: 44 73 64 Italian RepublicEmbassy 3a Chitadze St, Tbilisi, Tel: 299-64-18, 292-14-62, 292-18-54 E-mail: Republic of Estonia Embassy 4 Likhauri St., Tbilisi, Tel: 236-51-40 E-mail: Republic of Lithuania Embassy 25 Tengiz Abuladze St, Tbilisi Tel: 291-29-33 E-mail: Republic of Latvia Embassy 16 Akhmeta Str., Avlabari, 0144 Tbilisi. E-mail: Greece Republic Embassy 37. Tabidze St. Tbilisi Tel: 91 49 70, 91 49 71, 91 49 72 Czech RepublicEmbassy 37 Chavchavadze St. Tbilisi ;Tel: 29167-40/41/42 E-mail: Web-sait: Japan Embassy 7 Krtsanisi St. Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 2 75 21 11, Fax: +995 32 2 75 21 20 Kingdom of Sweden Embassy 15 Kipshidze St. Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 2 55 03 20 , Fax: +995 32 2 22 48 90 Kingdom of the Netherlands Embassy Pixel Center, 34, Ilia Chavchavadze Ave. 3rd floor Tel: +995 32 227 62 00 People’s Republic of China Embassy 52 Barnov St. Tbilisi Tel: 225-22-86, 225-21-75, 225-26-70 E-mail: Republic of Bulgaria Embassy 15 Gorgasali Exit, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 291 01 94; +995 32 291 01 95 Fax: +99 532 291 02 70 Republic of Hungary Embassy 83 Lvovi Street, Tbilisi Tel: 39 90 08; E-mail: State of Israel Embassy 61 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tbilisi Tel: 95 17 09, 94 27 05 Embassy of Swiss Confederation’s Russian Federation Interests Section Embassy 51 Chavchavadze Av., Tbilisi Tel: 291-26-45, 291-24-06, 225-28-03 E-mail: Ukraine Embassy 76-g Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi Tel: 231-11-61, 231-14-54 E-mail: Consular Agency: 71, Melikishvili St., Batumi Tel: (8-88-222) 3-16-00/ 3-14-78 Republic of Turkey Embassy 35 Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi Tel: 225-20-72/73/74/76 Consulate General in Batumi 9 Ninoshvili Street, Batumi Tel: 422 25 58 00 Republic of Azerbaijan Embassy Kipshidze II-bl . N1., Tbilisi Tel: 225-26-39, 225-35-26/27/28 E-mail: Address: Dumbadze str. 14, Batumi Tel: 222-7-67-00; Fax: 222-7-34-43 Republic of Armenia Embassy 4 Tetelashvili St. Tbilisi Tel: 95-94-43, 95-17-23, 95-44-08 Kingdom of Spain Embassy Rustaveli Ave. 24, I floor, Tbilisi Tel: 230-54-64 E-mail: emb.tiflis@maec.esRomania Embassy 7 Kushitashvili St., Tbilisi Tel: 38-53-10; 25-00-98/97 E-mail: Republic of Poland Embassy Oniashvili str. 24, Tbilisi Tel.: +995322 920398; Fax: +995322 920397 Web-site: Republic of Iraq Embassy Kobuleti str. 16, Tbilisi Tel: 291 35 96; 229 07 93 E-mail: Federative Republic of Brazil Embassy Chanturia street 6/2, Tbilisi Tel.: +995-32-293-2419 Fax.: +995-32-293-2416 Islamic Republic of Iran Embassy 80, I.Chavchavadze St. Tbilisi, Tel: 291-36-56, 291-36-58, 291-36-59, 291-36-60; Fax: 291-36-28 E-mail: United Nations Office Address: 9 Eristavi St. Tbilisi Tel: 225-11-26/28, 225-11-29/31 Fax: 225-02-71/72 E-mail: Web-site: International Monetary Fund Office Address : 4 Freedom Sq., GMT Plaza, Tbilisi Tel: 292-04-32/33/34 E-mail: Web-site: Asian Development Bank Georgian Resident Mission Address: 1, G. Tabidze Street Freedom Square 0114 Tbilisi, Georgia Tel: +995 32 225 06 19 E-mail:; Web-site: World Bank Office Address : 5a Chavchavadze Av., lane-I, Tbilisi, Georgia ; Tel: 291-30-96, 291-2689/59 Web-site: Regional Office of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Address: 6 Marjanishvili St. Tbilisi Tel: 244 74 00, 292 05 13, 292 05 14 Web-site: Representation of the Council of Europe in Georgia Address : 26 Br. Kakabadze, Tbilisi Tel: 995 32 291 38 70/71/72/73 Fax: 995 32 291 38 74 Web-site: Embassy of the Slovak Republic Address: Chancery: 85 Irakli Abashidze St. Tbilisi, 0162 Georgia Consular Office: 38 Nino Chkheidze St. Tbilisi, 0102 Georgia Phone: 2 222 4437, 2 296 1913 e-mail: European Investment Bank Regional Representation for the South Caucasus Address: 1,G.Tabidze Street, Freedom Square

Phone: +995 322 006284 Embassy of The Republic of Korea 12, Titsian Tabidze Str. Tbilisi 0179, Geogia Tel: (995 32) 297 03 18; 297 03 20; Fax: (995 32) 242 74 40; Email: Hotels in Georgia TBILISI MARRIOTT Tbilisi , 13 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 77 92 00, COURTYARD MARRIOTT Tbilisi , 4 Freedom Sq. Tel: 77 91 00 RADISSON BLU HOTEL, TBILISI Rose Revolution Square 1 0108, Tbilisi Tel: +995 32 402200 RADISSON BLU HOTEL, BATUMI Ninoshvili Str. 1, 6000 Bat’umi, Georgia Tel: 8 422255555 SHERATON METECHI PALACE Tbilisi , 20 Telavi St. Tel: 77 20 20, HOLIDAY INN TBILISI Business hotel Addr: 1, 26 May Square Tel: +995 32 230 00 99 E-mail: Website: RIVER SIDE HOTEL With incredible service and views Addr: Mari Brosse street turn, Old Tbilisi. Tel: +995 32 2242244; +995 32 2242288 Fax: +995 32 2 242277 Email: Website: Restaurants CORNER HOUSE Tbilisi, I. Chavchavadze ave. 10, Tel: 0322 47 00 49; Email: RESTAURANT BARAKONI Restaurant with healthy food. Georgian-European Cuisine Agmashenebeli Alley 13th Phone: 555 77 33 77 CHARDIN 12 Tbilisi , 12 Chardin St. , Tel: 92 32 38 CAFE 78 Best of the East and the West Lado Asatiani 33, SOLOLAKI 032 2305785; 574736290 BREAD HOUSE Tbilisi , 7 Gorgasali St. , Tel: 30 30 30 BUFETTI - ITALIAN RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 31 I. Abashidze St. , Tel: 22 49 61 DZVELI SAKHLI Tbilisi , 3 Right embankment , Tel: 92 34 97, 36 53 65, Fax: 98 27 81 IN THE SHADOW OF METEKHI Tbilisi , 29a Tsamebuli Ave. , Tel: 77 93 83, Fax: 77 93 83 SAKURA - JAPANESE RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 29 I. Abashidze St. , Tel: 29 31 08, Fax: 29 31 08 SIANGAN - CHINESE RESTAURANT Tbilisi , 41 Peking St , Tel: 37 96 88 VERA STEAK HOUSE Tbilisi , 37a Kostava St , Tel: 98 37 67 BELLE DE JOUR 29 I. Abashidze str, Tbilisi; Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 VONG 31 I. Abashidze str, Tbilisi

Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 BRASSERIE L’EXPRESS 14 Chardin str, Tbilisi Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 TWO SIDE PARTY CLUB 7 Bambis Rigi, Tbilisi Tel: (+995 32) 230 30 30 Cinemas AKHMETELI Tbilisi. “Akhmeteli” Subway Station Tel: 58 66 69 AMIRANI Tbilisi. 36 Kostava St. Tel: 99 99 55, RUSTAVELI Tbilisi. 5 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 92 03 57, 92 02 85, SAKARTVELO Tbilisi. 2/9 Guramishvili Ave. Tel: 8 322308080, Theatres A. GRIBOEDOV RUSSIAN STATE DRAMA THEATRE Tbilisi. 2 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 93 58 11, Fax: 93 31 15 INDEPENDENT THEATRE Tbilisi. 2 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 58 21, Fax: 93 31 15 K. MARJANISHVILI STATE ACADEMIC THEATRE Tbilisi. 8 Marjanishvili St. Tel: 95 35 82, Fax: 95 40 01 M. TUMANISHVILI CINEMA ACTORS THEATRE Tbilisi. 164 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tel: 35 31 52, 34 28 99, Fax: 35 01 94 METEKHI – THEATRE OF GEORGIAN NATIONAL BALLET Tbilisi. 69 Balanchivadze St. Tel: (99) 20 22 10 MUSIC AND DRAMATIC STATE THEATRE Tbilisi. 182 Agmashenebeli Ave. Tel: 34 80 90, Fax: 34 80 90 NABADI - GEORGIAN FOLKLORE THEATRE Tbilisi. 19 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 99 91 S. AKHMETELI STATE DRAMATIC THEATRE Tbilisi. 8 I. Vekua St. Tel: 62 59 73 SH. RUSTAVELI STATE THEATRE Tbilisi. 17 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 93 65 83, Fax: 99 63 73 TBILISI STATE MARIONETTE THEATRE Tbilisi. 26 Shavteli St. Tel: 98 65 89, Fax: 98 65 89 Z. PALIASHVILI TBILISI STATE THEATRE OF OPERA AND BALLET Tbilisi. 25 Rustaveli Ave. Tel: 98 32 49, Fax: 98 32 50 Galleries ART GALLERY LINE Tbilisi. 44 Leselidze St. BAIA GALLERY Tbilisi. 10 Chardin St. Tel: 75 45 10 GALLERY Tbilisi. 12 Erekle II St. Tel: 93 12 89

12 April 6, 2020 #321

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