May 2024

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May 2024 Complimentary G
dNews Christian Magazine ® CATOOSA & WALKER
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Dr. Alan Hix

Dr. Bobby Sneed

Candyce Carden

Charles Finney

Danette Reeves

Granger Hughes

Jan Merop

Judy Hood

Kristen West

Leslie Nolen Bennett

Mary Wanda Lindsey

Paula Burgner

Paul McGuire

Richard Eberhart


Bud Kinches




Caleb Prytherch



Paula Knipp



GoodNews Christian Magazine Catoosa


Sandra Gilmore



Matthew and Bethany Ruckman

Cell: 423-503-1410





Hello Friends,

We want to take a moment to tell you who we are and what we are about. Our names are Matt and Bethany Ruckman and we have six beautiful children, Brendon, Kailey, Andrew, Leah Jean, Emma, and Cooper. We live in Cleveland, Tennessee, and love what this town has to offer! We have started GoodNews Christian Magazine because we feel that when God, family, and community are combined, lives will be changed.

GoodNews Christian Magazine is a complimentary, Christian lifestyle publication. You can find us throughout the community in retail establishments, churches, restaurants, and more. Our magazine opens the door for Christians to work together to grow and strengthen our community through relevant editorial and effective advertising.

GoodNews Christian Magazine is written by men and women in the community who love and serve the Lord. Our hearts are open and willing to be used by God to reach out to the community to spread the GoodNews!

to any information, advice or replies are disclaimed and excluded. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement or article we deem inappropriate.

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Contents MAY 2024 14 20 36 GoodNews from the Pastor’s Desk 6 The Mind of Christ by Dr. Bobby Sneed GoodNews for Everyone 8 Three Keys to Flourishing Spiritually by Candyce Carden GoodNews Money Matters 10 Presidential Elections and the Stock Market by Granger Hughes GoodNews for Men 12 Stripping Away Religious Pretense for Genuine Faith by Paul McGuire GoodNews for Mothers 14 Roots, Wings, and an Anchor by Jan Merop GoodNews for Relationships 18 Quick Decisions by Danette Reeves GoodNews Cover Story 20 Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce: A Catalyst for Community Growth and Success GoodNews for Seniors 22 My Journey of Faith Includes a Bus! by Mary Wanda Lindsey GoodNews for Parents 24 Even Children Can Live For Jesus by Leslie Nolen Bennett GoodNews for Kids 26 The Shoebox by Charles Finney GoodNews for Everyone 28 How Many Gods Do You Have? by Dr. Alan Hix GoodNews for Payer Warriors 30 I Prayed and Things Got Worse by Kristen West GoodNews for your Taste Buds 32 A Breakfast Surprise for Mother’s Day GoodNews Poetry 34 Fight the Good Fight by Judy Hood GoodNews for Everyone 36 Clear Vision by Paula Burgner GoodNews for Health & Fitness 38 Seeking Wellness by Richard Eberhart

The Mind of Christ

“But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For ‘who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:14-16 NKJV).

As believers in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we have been granted by the power of the Holy Spirit the understanding of faith made possible only by God. The natural person (born into the sinful state of mankind) is incapable of comprehending the mystery of the gospel because the Spirit has not revealed it to them. Without the calling to accept Jesus as their personal Savior, people are “lost” in their sin, not only unto death, which is eternally significant but also from the mere realization of their depravity absent of Christ. When God revealed to us, through the Spirit, that we were lost and condemned, He also opened our eyes to justification by faith in Jesus. We have understood and believed because God called us, saved us, and then granted us the mind of Christ.

praise Him enough. Our best efforts are weak gestures compared to His steadfast love and faithfulness to us, yet He inhabits our praise! Praise Him and share Him! We have reason to glorify His name because we have the mind of Christ.

As a believer in Jesus, are you living in the mind of Christ and is the mind of Christ living in you? Read all of chapter 2 of 1 Corinthians and determine to make everything you do, think, and say about Him. Paul

While we are incapable of calling anyone to a saving knowledge of Jesus, we can and should always point others to Him. In all we do, we should constantly be striving to show others our Savior. Psalm 115:1 ESV says, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” The truth is, it is not about us, but instead, it is always about the Son of God, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. He alone is worthy to receive glory and honor and we must think clearly on Him. We can never

said that while he was among the church at Corinth, he determined to know nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Having the mind of Christ will bring renewed clarity and focus on the right things in our walk with our Lord!

Prayer: Thank you Jesus that you have revealed to me the understanding of the Spirit that I might have faith in you. Develop in me the mind of Christ that I might serve you daily.

Gò0 dNews from the Pastor’s Desk 6 // May 2024
About The Author
Dr. Bobby Sneed is the pastor of Deep Springs Baptist Church. His greatest desire is that all will experience the peace, hope and love of the Father made possible by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ.

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Three Keys to Flourishing Spiritually

My heart fell when my daughter gifted me with a lovely potted orchid on Mother’s Day. Not because I don’t love orchids—I do. Not because I didn’t appreciate the gift—I did. Orchids are exotic, delicate, and pleasing to look at, and I’ve purchased a few of them in my life. But I never had success sustaining them. I kill them, one-by-one.

Determined to find success this time, I read the care instructions provided by the nursery. And I followed them. The directions are simple, and my orchid is flourishing, as lovely as the day she first entered my home.

A Flourishing Life for Orchids:

3 Simple Steps

Nourishment. Two ounces of warm water once a week. I set a reminder on my phone for Mondays: water orchid. It dings at 9:00 p.m. Leaving a measuring cup near the plant makes the task a cinch.

Light. Orchids prefer indirect natural light, so I placed the plant in a south-facing window. I rotate her one-eighth of a turn when I first greet her every morning.

Environment. Orchids love humidity. Because my primary bathroom offers space, ideal light conditions and humidity, she thrives there.

A Flourishing Christian Life

Sometimes it’s difficult to flourish spiritually. Life is hard and drains us. Fortunately, we have the Bible to turn to for direction.

Nourishment. We must have sufficient nourishment to flourish spiritually. We get it by reading the Bible.

Notice Jesus says every word from God in this verse. It’s an ongoing process. Every day. Carve out some time and set a reminder, if needed. A friend receives a daily Bible verse alert on her phone. She reads it, contemplates it, and incorporates it into a brief prayer.

Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4 NIV).

Light. Jesus is the spiritual light of the world, but we must seek His light. I rotate my plant by inches daily to ensure enough light reaches every leaf, stem, and petal. When we turn toward Jesus daily, His light shines, even in our darkest moments

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life (John 8:12 NIV).

Environment. Because we need a suitable environment to grow our faith, we surround ourselves with like-minded people. We fellowship, worship, and serve together. As orchids need a humid environment, we need a spiritual atmosphere to thrive and help others thrive.

And let us consider how to we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV).

My orchid depends on me to help her flourish. Christian flourishing depends on something outside ourselves as well—salvation through the Holy Spirit. We flourish when we help others flourish, and, more important, we glorify God when we flourish.

Gò0 dNews
for Everyone
8 // May 2024 A retired teacher and beach lover, Candyce Carden writes devotions for CBN, Refresh Magazine, The Quiet Hour, and Reflections among others. She’s currently at work on Waves of God’s Glory, a devotional set at the beach. Follow her blog at About The Author

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WPresidential Elections and the Stock Market

Money Matters

e have had several of our clients and individuals who have attended our educational classes ask us about our thoughts on how the upcoming presidential election may or may not affect the stock market and their investments.

Granger sat down for a Q&A on this topic to answer some of our most popular questions.

1. How do presidential elections typically impact the stock market?

• Presidential elections can introduce uncertainty, which may lead to short-term market volatility. However, historical data suggests that over the long term, markets tend to trend upward regardless of the election outcome.

2. Are certain sectors more affected by presidential elections than others?

• Yes, sectors such as healthcare, energy, and financials can be particularly sensitive to election outcomes due to potential policy changes affecting regulations, taxes, and government spending.

3. What role does investor sentiment play in market fluctuations during elections?

• Investor sentiment can heavily influence market movements during elections. Optimism or pessimism about a candidate's economic policies can lead to buying or selling pressure in the markets.

4. How do market analysts assess the potential impact of election results on the economy?

• Analysts study the candidates’ proposed policies and their potential effects on key economic indicators such as GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates to gauge the likely impact on different sectors and asset classes.

5. Are there any historical trends that investors should be aware of regarding markets and election years?

• Historically, markets have shown a tendency to be more volatile in the months leading up to an election but tend to stabilize once the outcome is known. However, each election cycle is unique, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

6. Should investors make significant changes to their portfolios based on election predictions?

• Making significant portfolio changes based solely on election predictions can be risky. It's essential for investors to maintain

a diversified portfolio aligned with their long-term financial goals rather than reacting to short-term political events.

7. How do international markets react to U.S. presidential elections?

• U.S. presidential elections can have ripple effects on international markets due to the interconnectedness of the global economy. Changes in U.S. policies and economic outlook can influence investor sentiment and market dynamics worldwide.

8. What are some potential risks associated with investing during election years?

• Some risks include increased market volatility, policy uncertainty, and the possibility of unexpected geopolitical events impacting markets. It's crucial for investors to stay informed and maintain a disciplined approach to investing during election cycles.

9. How can investors mitigate risks and capitalize on opportunities during election years?

• Investors can mitigate risks by maintaining a well-diversified portfolio, staying informed about potential policy changes, and avoiding knee-jerk reactions to short-term market fluctuations. Additionally, they can capitalize on opportunities by identifying undervalued assets or sectors that may benefit from election-related developments.

10. What should investors keep in mind when navigating the markets during presidential elections?

• Investors should focus on their long-term financial objectives, stay informed about political and economic developments, and avoid making emotionally driven investment decisions. Maintaining a disciplined approach and seeking professional advice when needed can help navigate the markets effectively during election years.

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10 // May 2024
Driven by a passion to educate, inform and prepare future retirees, Mr. Hughes works with his father to help provide educational opportunities for clients as well as others in the community. He feels a responsibility to help inform those who may otherwise not be aware of strategies, changes, and opportunities available to them when it comes to their financial well-being.

Stripping Away Religious Pretense for Genuine Faith

Could it be the stain (that which presents a uniform appearance) of religion has hidden the real sin in the religious man? Think of a wood stain. One purpose of well stained, finished wood is to even out the color of the wood, thus hiding certain irregularities and making the appearance more uniform. It is that kind of sameness which seeks to obscure the spots of sin. That uniformity becomes the standard for the man, rather than the penetrating gaze of the Holy Spirit’s close examination according to the Father’s standard. When the coloring and stain is stripped away, the man’s true hypocrisy is exposed. “All things are naked and open before Him” (see Hebrews 3:13).

We mustn’t be as Adam was when he tried to hide in the clothes of excuses. Father knows who and what we are, and what we look like without that blending, religious stain. What He sees as beautiful is often what we carry as shame. He sees what He can change, how He can enhance the faults and blemishes, which will then bring honor to Him and an unexpected beauty to our lives.

What are these “stains” used by religion? In part, they are the views, opinions, practices and man-made theologies behind which a broken person can hide. They provide covering: “I will expose this much, then hide the rest behind my beliefs.” (Or as Adam attempted, behind these fig leaves!) We, by these, connect to an ideology rather than to Christ Jesus. We then worship our concept of who He is,

making ourselves comfortable within that or our definition.

However, Father’s rules and regulations for life apply uniformly to all men. We cannot just pick out the ones we like and push aside the ones we don’t like, and create our own religion - not if we truly want to know Him, and to receive His Benefits. God loves each one of us individually. Before Him, there is no reason to try to hide. He looks on our humanity and loves us, calling us to Himself so He can “fix” us where we are broken. Our own images of ourselves bring a loathing and a level of condemnation that He does not apply to us. Our ideas hide the “illness” of sin. Our Father’s Idea is to make us perfect in His sight by dealing directly with those issues, applying His mighty redemptive grace and loving, transformative power. Jesus’ work breaks the power of sin in us and over us. There is no reason to hide. We are welcome to run into Papa’s open arms - just as we are!

Religion seeks to craft ways for us to hide our faults and frailties, for us to justify being broken and by designing a pathway of excuses for our brokenness, sometimes even averting guilt for our failures. Father once remarked to me, “I am aware of sin and I know of man’s sin. But I am more concerned about the effects of sin on man.”

“The wages of sin is death,” wrote the Apostle Paul, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (see Romans 6:23).

Without religious trappings, come to Jesus as you are, right now. Receive Jesus’ redemptive work for your life. Just come. In His presence, you can work out the solutions to the problems you have, without condemnation. Don’t try to hide a single thing. To sum it up, here’s an easy way to remember: the Father might say, “I do not call perfect men, I call men to perfect.”

12 // May 2024
About The Author Gò0 dNews
Paul McGuire has been born again for over 60 years, and has pursued to hear God’s voice through all those years. He and his wife Teresa of over 50 years are active at Living Word Church in Cleveland, Tennessee. They have two children and five grandchildren.
for Men
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Roots, Wings, and an Anchor

When a child has one parent leave, his biggest concern is knowing that the other parent will stay. As the staying parent, I had to answer those tough questions from my pre-school child.

He was seeking stability in the roots of his family. Would those roots dig deeply enough to keep him emotionally secure and physically protected? I prayed and trusted God to help me give him security.

As he grew, he began to inch out for some independence wanting to walk to school with a friend and sometimes alone. I held back for a while until one day I realized I needed to trust him and God as I let go in small, appropriate ways.

At first, I walked with him part way. Later, he walked alone in the same direction I’d travel to my parttime job. I’d ‘catch up’ with him as I slowly drove by. Seeing his progress, I’d wave and drive on – praying fervently– knowing he was testing his wings.

Roots and wings develop healthy self-confidence – two keys moms hold in their hands.

Their roots and wings will be more effective when their anchor in God holds fast. With faith in God through an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ, our children can face the storms that may threaten their roots or render them incapable of flying for a time.

As moms, we have the awesome privilege of training our children in the things of the Lord and helping them get to know God personally. As we love God with all

By creating a loving, nurturing, and safe home where our children are cherished, they dig deep roots. This is home and it is good. This is family and family loves, cares and protects.

Once a child feels secure at home, his ‘wings’ itch to spread a bit further. By giving our children appropriate freedoms according to their age, abilities, and trustworthiness, we have turned the key to self-confidence and adventure.

But, there is another key that is essential. That key opens the door to grounding them spiritually.

our heart, soul and strength, we can teach our children by our words and behavior as seen in Deuteronomy 6:7 NKJV, where it says, “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.”

Roots, wings, and an anchor for the soul – three keys a mom needs on her key ring. Selah.

Gò0 dNews for Mothers 14 // May 2024
About The Author
Jan has been writing her weekly inspirational column, Pause...and Consider, for over 30 years, joyfully encouraging others in their Christian walk. She and her husband Ken have lived in Cleveland for about one year. They enjoy hospitality, Bible study, and walking and hiking in God’s marvelous creation. They have three married sons and five grandchildren and belong to the Church at Grace Point.
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Catoosa County Church Directory Baptist

Anchor of Hope Baptist Church

2613 Lakeview Drive

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Battlefield Baptist Church

178 South Cedar Lane

Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Boynton Baptist Church

4093 Boynton Drive

Ringgold, GA 30736


Briarwood Baptist Church

26 Ellis Springs Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Burning Bush Baptist Church

2195 Burning Bush Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Calvary Memorial Baptist Church

2 E Gate Drive

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Calvary Memorial Baptist Church

518 Highway #41

Ringgold, GA 30736


Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle

4994 Highway 41

Ringgold, GA 30736


Cherokee Valley Baptist Church 1495

Cherokee Valley Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Christ First Church

1008 N. Beaumont Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Clearview Baptist Church

2183 Dietz Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Cloud Springs Baptist Church

207 Cloud Springs Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Ebenezer Baptist Church

77 Hackett Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Faith Baptist Church

308 Boynton Drive

Ringgold, GA 30736


First Baptist Church Ft. Oglethorpe

2645 LaFayette Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


First Baptist Church of Ringgold

7611 Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736


Friendship Primitive Baptist Church

851 Ooltewah Ringgold Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Gospel Way Baptist Church

31 Bowling Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Grace Baptist Church

7638 Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736


Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf

1314 Old Three Notch Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Video Call:


Heritage Pointe Baptist Church

60 Dyer Bridge Place

Ringgold, GA 30736


Hickory Grove Baptist Church

5010 Houston Valley Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Keith Baptist Church

1573 Keith Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Living Faith Baptist Church

Highway 41

Ringgold, GA 30736


Midway Baptist Church

Highway 41 North

Ringgold, GA 30736


Moriah Baptist Church

2864 Battlefield Parkway

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Mount Peria Baptist Church

341 Sparks Street

Ringgold, GA 30736


Mount Pisgah Baptist Church

66 Westbrook Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Mount Vernon Baptist Church

1006 Mount Vernon Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Nellie Head Memorial Baptist

2379 Catoosa Parkway

Tunnell Hill, GA 30755


New Bethel Baptist Church

1635 Salem Valley Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


New Friendship Baptist Church

3833 Salem Valley Road

Ringgold, GA 30736

New Heights Baptist Church

158 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd

Ringgold, GA 30736


New Liberty Baptist Church

923 Graysville Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Old Fort Baptist Church

18 Van Cleve Street

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Parkway Baptist Temple

65 Stuart Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Peavine Baptist Church

1089 Peavine Road

Rock Spring, GA 30739


Philadelphia Baptist Church

1065 Pine Grove Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Pine Grove Baptist Church

46 Pine Grove Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Pleasant Grove Baptist Church

7769 Alabama Highway

Ringgold, GA 30736


Pleasant Valley Baptist Church

1995 Ooltewah Ringgold Rd

Ringgold, GA 30736


Poplar Springs Baptist Church

422 Poplar Springs Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Salem Baptist Church

1947 Keith Salem Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Shiloh Baptist Church

24 Kay Street

Rossville, GA 30741


Victory Baptist Church

1013 Layfayette Road

Rossville, GA 30741


Welcome Hill Baptist Church

223 Inman Street

Ringgold, GA 30736



Saint Gerard Catholic Church

3049 Lafayette Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Church of Christ

Cohutta Road Church of Christ

2233 Mount Vernon Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Fort Oglethorpe Church of Christ

6 Harker Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Ringgold Church of Christ

4099 Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736


Church of God

Boynton Church of God

1956 Three Notch Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Indian Springs Church of God

2256 Highway 41

North Ringgold, GA 30736


Noble Church of God

75 Glass Rd

Lafayette, GA 30728

Ringgold Church of God

117 Emberson Drive

Ringgold, GA 30736


Wallaceville Church of God

236 Harp Switch Road

Chickamauga, GA 30707



Battlefield Ministries Church

64 3rd Street

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Green Pasture Community Church

1008 North Beaumont Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Lee’s Chapel Community Church

3253 Catoosa Parkway

Ringgold, GA 30736


Rock Bridge Community Church

102 Remco Shops Lane

Ringgold, GA 30736



Church of the Nativity

1520 Cross Street

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Full Gospel

Yates Spring Full Gospel Church

1300 Yates Springs Road

Ringgold, GA 30736



Boynton UMC

4246 Boynton Drive

Ringgold, GA 30736


Fairview UMC

2112 McFarland Avenue

Rossville, GA 30741


Fort Oglethorpe UMC

1733 Battlefield Parkway

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Graysville UMC

2331 Graysville Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Newnan Springs UMC

78 Monanaw Avenue

Rossville GA 30741


Ringgold UMC

7484 Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736



Battlefield Parkway Church of the Nazarene 3220 Battlefield Parkway

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742



Battlefield Assembly In Messiah

195 Ashley Lane,

Rossville, GA 30741


Battlefield Church of Faith Highway 41 South

Ringgold, GA 30736


Battlefield Praise & Worship

1337 Battlefield Pkwy, Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Calvary Chapel Ringgold

548 Boynton Drive

Ringgold, GA 30736


Chosen Generation Ministries

92 W Patterson Avenue

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Church of Living Faith

7623 Alabama Highway

Ringgold, GA 30736


Crossroads Church

7638 Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736

Faith Builders International

8309 Highway 41

Ringgold, GA 30736


Grace Memorial Church

118 East Nashville Street

Ringgold, GA 30736


The Gathering

2501 Pine Grove Road

Ringgold, GA 30736

706-841 0161

Light House Church

1201 Lafayette Road

Rossville, GA 30741


Living Waters Ministries

1337 Battlefield Pkwy

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


New Life Church PO Box 1973

Ringgold, GA 30736


Ridgeland Point Church

1417 Happy Valley Rd.

Rossville, GA 30741

RockPointe Church

1278 Cross Street

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Untethered Church

2473 Lafayette Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742


Venue Church

3969 Cloud Springs Road

Ringgold, GA 30736


Woodstation Church

13198 Alabama Highway

Ringgold, GA 30736



Chickamauga Presbyterian

700 7th Street

Chickamauga, GA 30707


Christ Fellowship

1176 North Three Notch Rd.

Ringgold, GA 30736


First Presbyterian Church

1 Harker Road

Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742

16 // May 2024


Morton Memorial

560 Red Belt Rd.

Chickamauga, GA 30707


Walker County Church Directory

Assembly of God

Cross Connection

703 N Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Gospel Tabernacle Assembly of God

1661 Highway 27

Chickamauga, GA Baptist

Antioch Baptist Church

236 Crow Gap Road

Chickamauga, GA


Bethel Baptist Church

4068 S Highway 341

Chickamauga, GA


Bethlehem Baptist Church

278 Oak Grove Road

Chickamauga, GA


Bethel Memorial Baptist Church

198 Pledger St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Bethesda Baptist Church

13432 Highway 151

LaFayette, GA 30728


Calvary Baptist Church

908 Bronco Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Cassandra Baptist Church

1371 W Cove Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Center Grove Baptist Church

68 Center Grove Church Rd

Rock Springs, GA


Center Point Baptist Church

118 Center Point Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Chattanooga Baptist Church

7300 Highway 337

LaFayette, GA 30728

Christian Home

2518 Garretts Chapel Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Community Baptist Church

14 Kemp Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Corinth Baptist Church

2524 Corinth Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


East Armuchee Baptist Church

3196 E. Armuchee Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728

706 375-4512

Emanuel Baptist Church

639 S Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Faith Baptist Church of Chickamauga

14251 Highway 193

Chickamauga, GA


First Baptist Church

603 7th St

Chickamauga, GA


Friendship Baptist Church

1200 N Chattanooga St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Garrett’s Chapel Baptist Church

3235 Garretts Chapel Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Grace Baptist Tabernacle

27 Jones Rd

Rock Springs, GA


Grand Center Baptist Church of


1753 Grand Center Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Happy Home Baptist Church

704 N Chattanooga St.

LaFayette, GA 30728

Harbor Light Baptist Church

600 Crane St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


LaFayette 2nd Baptist Church

500 W Main Street

LaFayette, GA 30728


Lafayette First Baptist Church

201 N Main St,

LaFayette, GA 30728


Lake Howard Baptist Church

1528 Lake Howard Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Linwood Baptist Church

18 Steele St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Lookout Baptist Church

8645 Highway 193

Chickamauga, GA


Macedonia Baptist Church

12461 E Highway 136

LaFayette, GA 30728

Marble Top Baptist Church

7131 N Marble Top Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Mt Hermon Baptist Church

2373 Hog Jowl Rd

Chickamauga, GA


Naomi Baptist Church

4171 E Highway 136

LaFayette, GA 30728


New Harvest Missionary Baptist Church

2034 Highway 337

LaFayette, GA 30728


New Home Baptist Church

256 New Home Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728

North LaFayette Baptist Church

1649 N Main St

LaFayette, GA 30728

Oakwood Baptist Church

115 Oakwood St

Chickamauga, GA


Peavine Baptist Church

1089 Peavine Rd

Rock Springs, GA


Prospect Baptist Church

194 Prospect Church Rd

LaFayette, GA 30728


Ridgeview Baptist Church

1001 Magnolis St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Ridgeway Baptist Church

1594 Ridgeway Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Rock Springs Baptist Church

194 E Turnipseed Rd

Rock Springs, GA


Shield Baptist Church

12684 N Highway 27

Chickamauga, GA


Shiloh Baptist Church

46 Manning Mill Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Sunnyside Baptist Church

3573 Round Pond Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


True Life Baptist Church

1115 N Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Walnut Grove Baptist Church

55 Walnut Grove Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Woodstation Baptist Church

42 Round Pond Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Church of Christ

Church Of Christ

105 Crittenden Ave

Chickamauga, GA


Highway 27 Church of Christ

1684 S Highway 27

LaFayette, GA 30728


Lafayette Church of Christ

104 W Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Steele Street Church of Christ

4 Steele St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Church of God

Catlett Community Church

122 Round Pond Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Cooper Heights Church of God

12598 Highway 193

Chickamauga, GA


Cove Road Church of God

620 N Chattanooga St

LaFayette, GA 30728


Covenant Life Worship Center

7001 Lafayette Rd

Chickamauga, GA


LaFayette First Church of God

301 Daugherty St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


LaFayette Church of God

1002 S Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Noble Church of God

75 Glass Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Jehovah’s Witness

Kingdom Hall

457 Rodrunner Blvd.

LaFayette, GA 30728



Elizabeth Lee Methodist Church

139 Cove Rd

Chickamauga, GA


First United Methodist

15 Sunrise Dr.

LaFayette, GA 30728


First United Methodist Church

301 S Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


LaFayette First United Methodist Church

301 S. Main Street

LaFayette, GA 30728

(706) 638-2057

Rock Springs United Methodist Church

3477 Peavine Rd

Rock Springs, GA



Battlefield of Life Worship Center

56 Kevin Ln.

Rock Springs, GA


Care Mission

105 N Chattanooga St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Faith Worship Center

200 S. Chattanooga St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Gospel Light Christian Fellowship

36 Fortune St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Hope Fellowship

2000 Twin Cedars Rd

Chickamauga, GA 30707


Life Gate Church

204 N Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Mission Bridge Church

807 N Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Mount Zion Church

223 Dunwoody Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


New Bethel Christian Fellowship

4009 Round Pond Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Power of Life LaFayette Church

798 W Main St

LaFayette, GA


River of Life Church

807 W. Maqin St.

LaFayette, GA


The Haven - LaFayette

415 Chestnut St.

LaFayette, GA



Chickamauga Presbyterian Church

700 7th Street

Chickamauga, GA

(706) 375-3432

Highland Presbyterian Church

1211 W Noth Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728


Lafayette Presbyterian Church

107 N Main St.

LaFayette, GA 30728



New Friendship Baptist Church

281 Friendship Rd

Chickamauga, GA



Gordon Lake Weslyan Church

29 Gordon Lake Rd.

LaFayette, GA 30728

706-638-6517 // 17 List/Update Your Church Listing (423) 790-5378
Seventh-Day Adventist Ringgold Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Adventist Church 96 Hillman Lane Ringgold, GA 30736
124 Kittle Street Ringgold, GA 30736 706-935-3741 Battlefield

Quick Decisions

How often do I react in the heat of the moment and later think, “Why did I do that?” or “Did I say that?” I react based on my feelings. Emotions are not wrong, but when not submitted to Holy Spirit, they can lead us into temptation: temptation to disobey God’s Word. This can negatively impact our lives in general, but it can be especially detrimental within our marriages and relationships. Learning to handle our emotions wisely can make a huge difference in our lives.

God Himself expresses emotions in Scripture. He feels compassion (Psalm 103:13), anger (Romans 1:18), love (John 3:16), hate (Proverbs 6:16), grief (Psalm 78:40 & 41), jealousy (Joshua 24:19), and joy (Zephaniah 3:17). His expressed emotions are pure and perfect—no hidden motives, no manipulations, pure and perfect.

seeking wisdom, I will discover the knowledge of God (Proverbs 2:1-5). Then what does God do? He gives wisdom, He shields, He guards, and He protects. (Proverbs 2:6-8). Our foundation for wise decisions is in Proverbs 2:9-10 TLV: “Then you will discern what is right, and just and fair— every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.”

We have a choice every moment: seek man’s wisdom or God’s wisdom. Man’s wisdom says to act on our emotions.

I am not pure nor perfect. My sinful nature influences my emotions, with “self” at the center. I usually find myself in difficult circumstances when I allow my emotions to be the GPS for decisions. There is good news: God offers hope! Romans 12:2 TLV states, “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” In Ephesians 4: 22-24 TLV, we read, “With respect to your former lifestyle, you are to lay aside the old self corrupted by its deceitful desires, be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self— created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”

God has changed me from unrighteousness to righteousness through the blood of Jesus Christ. He has taken a sinner and made me a saint. However, that sinful nature tries to slither back into control of my thoughts and emotions. Proverbs 2 tells me to seek true wisdom. While

We have the right to spew out whatever we think. We can be rude and expect everyone to bow to our desires. Go faster than the speed limit, be impatient at traffic lights, and be pushy to get the sale item. Me! Me! Me! OR…we can choose God’s wisdom. Be long-suffering with others, putting others before ourselves, searching Scripture, and responding in a manner that reflects our Savior.

Only when I seek God and His wisdom constantly and consistently will I be able to make good, Godly, quick decisions. I don’t always have time to think about the situation before words stream from my mouth. I need to fill my mind with Scripture and I need Holy Spirit to fill my heart with Himself and to change my desires from self to God. Only then will my quick decisions be Godly decisions and have a positive impact on my marriage, my relationships, and my life.

Gò0 dNews for Relationships 18 // May 2024
Danette Reeves and her husband, Charlie, live in Cleveland, TN. They attend The Church at Grace Point. One of their joys is being Oma and Opa to four grandchildren. Her heart’s desire is to be a student and a teacher of the Word, and a consistent follower of Jesus.
About The Author
60 Highway 286, Chatsworth, GA 30705 (706) 422-8301

Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce: A Catalyst for Community Growth and Success

What do you know that 90 years after its inception is still going strong with energy, enthusiasm, and innovation with the same intensity as when it began? For Catoosa County and the surrounding area, there’s something that fits that description: The Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce.

The Foundation of Community Success

The Chamber's inception traces back to a collective vision: to nurture a thriving business environment while enhancing the quality of life for Catoosa County's residents. This vision has translated into numerous initiatives, programs, and partnerships, all aimed at bolstering local businesses, attracting investment, and supporting community projects. Its strategic location, a stone's throw from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and within the bustling Atlanta-BirminghamChattanooga (ABC) Triangle, further amplifies its significance as a pivotal economic and logistical hub.

A Catalyst for Business Growth and Development

At the core of the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce's mission is the commitment to business growth and prosperity. It serves as an invaluable resource for businesses of all sizes, from burgeoning startups to established corporations. Through its comprehensive suite of services, including networking events, professional

development workshops, and marketing opportunities, the Chamber plays a crucial role in facilitating connections, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among businesses.

The Chamber's proactive approach to economic development is evident in its efforts to attract new industries and investments to the area. Working closely with local government and economic development partners, the Chamber helps create a conducive environment for business expansion, innovation, and diversification, which in turn generates employment and enhances the county's economic vitality.

Chamber President and CEO Amy Jackson highlights, ”Reflecting on the past year, the Catoosa County Chamber achieved remarkable milestones, welcoming 75 new members and organizing an impressive 48 ribbon cutting ceremonies for both new and existing businesses. The growth did not stop there. Each annual Chamber event, including the Celebrate Catoosa Gala and Casino Night, the Catoosa Golf Classic, the Run, White and Blue 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run, and the Showcase Catoosa Business Expo had record-breaking attendance and participation.”

Accredited with the National Three Star Mark of Excellence

After a rigorous review of all aspects of a chamber’s policies, operations, and programming, the U.S. Chamber


of Commerce awarded the Catoosa County Chamber with its designation of “Accredited with 3 Stars” for its sound policies, effective organizational procedures, and positive impact on the community. The Catoosa County Chamber is one of 199 Accredited Chambers across the United States and one of only 15 in Georgia! This designation is a mark of excellence for the organization, its staff, and its leadership. Accredited chambers are recognized for their ability to serve as a resource to their region’s businesses while maintaining transparent governance practices, sound financial controls, safe work environments, effective communications, and value in programming.

Empowering the Community Through Engagement and Leadership

Beyond its economic endeavors, the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce embodies the spirit of community engagement and leadership. It actively fosters a sense of belonging and collaboration among residents, businesses, and community organizations. Initiatives such as leadership development programs, community events, and volunteer opportunities are a testament to the Chamber's dedication to building a cohesive, vibrant community.

“In response to a demand for additional networking opportunities in Catoosa County, the Chamber has introduced two new networking events in 2024. The first two quarterly Catoosa Men’s Network Breakfast events drew 55 attendees each, providing a platform for meaningful connections. Similarly, the launch of the Catoosa Young Professionals brought together 30 promising young leaders, creating a space catered toward professional development in a monthly meeting format. The ongoing quarterly Networking @ Lunch and Catoosa Women’s Networking Luncheons continue to provide connection opportunities for business, non-profit organizations, government, and educational entities in the area,” Jackson adds.

The Chamber's leadership programs, in particular, are designed to cultivate a new generation of community leaders. Participants gain insights into the inner workings of local governance, economic development, and community planning, empowering them to contribute effectively to Catoosa County's future.

Championing Education and Workforce Development

Recognizing the integral role of education and workforce development in sustainable economic growth, the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce places a strong emphasis on these areas. It collaborates with local schools, colleges, and universities to bridge the gap between

education and industry needs. Through initiatives like job fairs, internship programs, and career readiness workshops, the Chamber ensures that students and job seekers have the skills and opportunities to thrive in the modern workforce. These efforts not only benefit individuals but also provide local businesses with a skilled, dynamic workforce, thereby strengthening the county's competitive edge in a rapidly evolving economy.

You might have seen these efforts in motion around the community. Jackson explains, “Looking beyond immediate successes, the Catoosa County Chamber remains dedicated to shaping the future workforce landscape. Through partnerships with high school work-based learning coordinators and the newly established Catoosa County College and Career Academy, the Chamber is proactively nurturing the next generation of skilled professionals, ensuring a seamless transition from education to employment.”

What’s Near, What’s Next?

As Catoosa County continues to grow and evolve, the Chamber of Commerce remains at the forefront of shaping its future. Through strategic planning, innovation, and community collaboration, the Chamber is committed to ensuring that Catoosa County remains a place where businesses can prosper and people can enjoy a high quality of life.

As the Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce charts its trajectory for the future, Jackson says, “Our vision statement guides us to be the leading voice of business and economic development in the Catoosa County area. With support from our members and the wider community, the Catoosa County Chamber will continue our legacy of excellence, driving sustainable growth, and fostering a thriving business environment for Catoosa County.”

The Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce has many ongoing projects and several events that are coming soon. Check the website for details.

As this organization continues to drive progress and innovation, the Chamber of Commerce stands as a testament to what can be achieved when businesses and communities come together with a shared vision and purpose—even 90 years young! // 21

My Journey of Faith Includes a Bus!

When I was growing up our neighborhood consisted of our house with five children, my aunt's house with four children, and my grandparent's house. As youngsters, my sister, cousin, and I wanted to attend church. What we did then you probably could not do now. We persuaded our parents to let us go to church on a Trailways bus! We loved everything about that adventure, especially attending church.

For a long time, I have thought of us wanting so badly to go to church. I believe now that our strong desire to attend church was, in fact, our God-given gift of faith. As I have studied the scriptures, I have learned that “Faith is the substance (assurance, basis, foundation) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1 KJV). Paul in Hebrews 11:4-12,17-34 gives us some examples of people in the scriptures who have accomplished great things through faith.

For instance, by faith, Abel offered a sacrifice and obtained a witness from God that he was a righteous man. Enoch did not die but was translated because he believed and had a testimony of God. Noah listened to the Lord, made preparation, saved his family and all the animals, and became heir of righteousness. Abraham was called by the Lord. He obeyed, left his birthplace, received an inheritance, and became the Father of all Nations. Sara conceived a son, Isaac, in her old age because she believed

the promise of God. Abraham, when he was tried, obeyed and offered Isaac as a sacrifice to God. Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. Jacob blessed both the sons of Joseph and worshiped leaning upon the top of a staff. Joseph promised that the children of Israel would leave Egypt and be free. Moses accepted the call from God, forsook all his riches and power and led his people to freedom. Joshua prayed and did as the Lord instructed and the walls of Jericho came tumbling down.

Having faith has helped me during times of adversities and oppositions. My favorite scripture verse is “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10 KJV). I remind myself often that God keeps His promises. “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the Saints, and do minister” (Hebrews 6:10 KJV). The Apostle Paul taught that those who exercise faith in Jesus Christ will inherit a place in the kingdom of God.

Paul also explained the ways in which the fullness of the gospel is a higher, more complete law that replaces the law of Moses. He exhorted the saints to follow this “new and living way” by putting their faith in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 19:19-22 KJV).

Our bus ride adventure led to many wonderful blessings in our lives. It wasn’t long until our parents began attending services. My dad, cousin, sister, and I soon accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ and were baptized. Attending Sunday school, singing in the choir, and playing on the softball team were experiences that drew us closer to each other and to God. My husband and I, and my cousin and her husband, were married by the revered pastor of that church.

I am so thankful that as young children we exercised our faith and followed the promptings of the Spirit to attend church because it shaped our lives for good in so many ways – starting on a Trailways!

Gò0 dNews for Seniors 22 // May 2024
Wanda Lindsey loves the Lord and His people. She and her husband have been parents and foster parents. They have three children, 15 grandchildren, and 30 great-grandchildren. As a family, they have lived in 6 different states plus Toronto, Canada. About The Author
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Even Children Can Live For Jesus

Ihave been spending my days in the classroom with children for thirty-four years and believe it or not, I still love it! People often ask me, “How do you deal with kids every day?” My response is this: “I do my best to treat the students the way I would want my own kids to be treated.”

There is nothing quite like the innocence of a child. Their smiles and hugs are the best. It is clear in scripture that children held a special place in Jesus’ heart. In fact, He considered them to be the greatest in the kingdom. He also made it clear that His disciples should change their ways and be more like little children if they wanted to enter heaven.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, ‘Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’ He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven’” (Matthew 18:1-3 NIV).

Maybe Jesus was referring to the innocence of a child. Or He could have been referring to the trusting ways of a child. Perhaps it was their obedience He was talking about. It was possibly the love they had for others. Actually, it could have been all of these things.

When I was a child, I had a desire in my heart to do something special for the Lord. I invited Him into my heart, but realized I was young and couldn’t do much. I wanted my life to be pleasing in His sight. I even wrote a poem expressing my feelings on the subject.

I Want My Life To Count

Although I may be young, with nothing much to give. I want my life to count, while on this earth I live.

Soon I’ll stand before my Lord and all my works I’ll see. Only what was done for Him will last eternally.

So as I live from day to day, Lord, help me most of all, To uplift You in what I do or else not do at all.

As I grew into adulthood, I failed the Lord in many ways, but there was never any doubt that He loved me with an unconditional love. Forgiveness has always been available when I have come to Him with the messes I have made. His promises are still true today. The same God who placed a desire in my heart to live for Him as a child is still with me today. He has never failed me and He never will. I encourage parents to talk to your children about Jesus. Let them know that He loves them unconditionally and wants to have a personal relationship with them. Be an example to your children by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. Teach them how to live for Jesus.

Gò0 dNews for Parents
About The Author 24 // May 2024
Leslie Bennett is a kindergarten assistant at Michigan Avenue School. She is a member of First Baptist Church and sings in the adult choir. She manages a blog at
5400 Alabama Hwy. (706)965-7080 5437 Alabama Hwy. (706)965-4100 5509 Alabama Hwy. (706)965 Awake America Prayer Meetings Locations: 11:59 (noon) 1st Thursday: Blairsville City Hall, Blairsville, GA. Pickens County Library, Jasper, GA. 2nd Thursday: Blue Ridge City Coroner’s Meeting Room, Blue Ridge, GA. Towns County Civic Center, Hiawassee, GA. Community Partners Realty, Winder, GA 3rd Thursday: Cherokee County Courthouse, Murphy, NC. Calhoun City Park, Calhoun, GA 4th Thursday: Gilmer County Rec/Civic Center, Ellijay, GA. Copperhill City Hall, Copperhill, TN. Moss Library, Hayesville, NC. God has given us a 150-mile radius from Blairsville, Georgia, at various locations to pray for revival. Awake America Prayer Meetings FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT LYDIA LONG: Advertise With Gò0dNews Christian Magazine Each month we distribute 7,500 magazines to over 400 locations in Cleveland such as churches, businesses, doctor offices, etc! Advertise Your Business With Rates As Low As $150 A MONTH! Contact: Matthew Ruckman (423) 503-1410 Each month we distribute 7,500 magazines to over 400 locations in Cleveland and Athens such as churches, businesses, doctors offices, etc! Advertise Your Business With Rates As Low As $150 A MONTH! Contact: Bud Kinches 423-650-2801 4 METHODS FOR 1 GREAT PRICE 1. 3,000 print magazines going out into the community every month. 2. 2,000 print magazines being directly mailed to people's homes in the community. 3. Our digital online magazine which is published worldwide and our app. 4. Social media which we can run your ads on and do interviews with you. Advertise Your Business With Rates As Low As $150 PER MONTH! Contact Matthew Ruckman 423.503.1410

The Shoebox

In a small village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a humble cobbler named Ezekiel. Known for his remarkable craftsmanship, Ezekiel was renowned throughout the land for his ability to create the most exquisite pairs of shoes. Each pair was a work of art, carefully handcrafted with love and dedication.

One sunny morning, a peculiar incident occurred that would forever change Ezekiel's life. As he was strolling through the village market, an elderly woman approached him with a weathered shoebox in her hands. She had a weary look upon her face, as if burdened by the weight of her past.

Intrigued, Ezekiel kindly inquired about the shoebox. The woman, her voice filled with sadness, explained that it belonged to her late husband, a shoemaker himself, who had passed away many years ago. Inside the box lay a pair of unfinished shoes, a poignant reminder of his unrealized dreams.

Touched by the woman's story, Ezekiel made a solemn promise to her. He would complete the shoes, breathing life into her husband's aspirations, and give them the beauty they deserved. With the shoebox cradled in his hands, Ezekiel returned to his humble workshop.

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Ezekiel presented the shoes to the elderly woman. Tears welled up in her eyes as she gazed at the exquisite pair before her. It was as if her husband's spirit had been resurrected through Ezekiel's hands. She gratefully slipped her feet into the shoes and felt an indescribable warmth, as if her heart had found solace.

Word of Ezekiel's extraordinary act of kindness spread like wildfire throughout the village. People marveled at the power of his craftsmanship and the profound impact he had made on the woman's life. The shoebox became a symbol of hope, reminding everyone that dreams, no matter how forgotten or unfinished, could still be realized. In the years that followed, Ezekiel's workshop flourished. He became a mentor to aspiring shoemakers, passing on his knowledge and inspiring them to pursue their own dreams. The shoebox remained a constant presence in his workshop, a reminder of the transformative power of compassion and the ability to breathe life into forgotten dreams.

Days turned into weeks as Ezekiel poured his heart and soul into the unfinished shoes. He meticulously handpicked the finest materials, carefully stitching and shaping them into a masterpiece that honored the legacy of the woman's late husband. With each stitch, he felt a profound connection to the craftsman who had come before him.

Finally, the day arrived when Ezekiel unveiled the completed shoes. They were a sight to behold, radiating a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Their flawless design and impeccable craftsmanship were a testament to Ezekiel's talent and the unwavering love he had poured into their creation.

And so, the legacy of Ezekiel and the shoebox lived on, touching the lives of countless individuals who sought solace and inspiration. Acts of kindness, like Ezekiel's, have a way of echoing through time, reminding us of the profound impact we can have when we embrace the dreams and aspirations of others.

As Acts 7:33 KJV says, “Then said the Lord to him, Put off thy shoes from thy feet: for the place where thou standest is holy ground.” In Ezekiel's case, the true holiness lay not in the ground, but in the love and compassion he poured into his craft and the lives he touched along the way.

Gò0 dNews
for Kids
26 // May 2024
About The Author
Charles Finney—minister of inspirational Good News, retired various positions and industries, management and operational, freelance writer, author of “Grandpa-Good News From The Good Feel Cornfield.” Writings are a remembrance of family, farm life and church upbringing to be a blessing to all!

How Many Gods Do You Have?

When I go to our local Chinese restaurant, I am faced with three counters with many food options as well as a fresh grill station. Since I can’t eat all of it, I’m forced to narrow all those options to just a few. Do I walk by the counters and choose the foods that “speak to me,” or do I try to insert some logic into the situation by saying, “last time I had this, so this time I’ll have that?” We struggle with all these choices because we don’t want to miss out on something good.

In Acts 17:16-34, the apostle Paul finds himself in the city of Athens, surrounded by a culture rich in philosophy, art, and spirituality. As he walks through the city, his spirit is provoked by the numerous idols and altars dedicated to various gods.

The scene unfolds as Paul stands before the Areopagus, the hill where Athenian philosophers gathered to discuss new ideas. In this intellectual and spiritual hub, Paul addresses the crowd with a thought-provoking statement: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: ‘To the unknown god’” (Acts 17:22-23 ESV).

I have walked the street that leads from the Areopagus to the forum at the center of the ancient city of Athens. Every few yards, I saw the remains of statues that were dedicated to the various gods in the Greek pantheon. It was easy to see how these examples of misplaced devotion distressed Paul.

Instead of berating the Athenians for their multitude of gods, Paul uses their religious zeal as a starting point for sharing the gospel. The question Paul poses to the Athenians is timeless and applicable to every person, in every culture, throughout history: “How many gods do you have?” This question transcends the physical idols of ancient Athens, extending to the idols of our hearts and minds today. In our modern world, the gods we worship may not be made of stone or wood, but they are equally real and influential.

The Athenians, like many people today, were searching for something beyond themselves, something that could

give meaning and purpose to their lives. They recognized the limitations of their understanding and erected an altar to the "unknown god" in acknowledgment of this gap in their knowledge. Paul seizes on this recognition and introduces them to the God who is not unknown but has made Himself known through creation and, ultimately, through Jesus Christ.

Paul points them to the God who created the world and everything in it-- the Lord of heaven and earth. He challenges the Athenians to reconsider their worship of lifeless idols and turn to the living God who offers salvation through Jesus Christ. In Acts 17:28, he quotes their own poets, saying, “In him, we live and move and have our being.” Paul emphasizes the personal and intimate nature of the relationship with the one true God.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the question remains relevant: “How many gods do you have?” It challenges us to examine our priorities, allegiances, and the things we hold dear. The timeless message from Acts 17 urges us to turn away from the idols that captivate our hearts and minds and turn toward the one true God, who offers eternal life through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

Dr. Alan Hix is Professor of Christian Studies at Shorter University. In addition to being and educator, he has served churches as a pastor, been involved in mission trips to Africa, Canada, and Alaska, and participated in archaeological excavations in Israel for several years.

Gò0 dNews for Everyone
About The Author
28 // May 2024

I Prayed and Things Got Worse

One of the things I love most about the Bible is how we can take the stories written on those crisp pages, lay them over our own lives, and see ourselves so clearly in the application.

An all-time favorite of mine is Moses. If you are living and breathing right now, then you can definitely find yourself somewhere in the up’s and down’s of any one of his life’s adventures.

Here’s a perfect example: How many times have you prayed for something to improve only to discover it seemingly got worse? That happened to Moses!

“That day Pharaoh commanded the overseers of the people as well as their foremen: ‘Don’t continue to supply the people with straw for making bricks, as before. They must go and gather straw for themselves. But require the same quota of bricks…as before…they are slackers…’” (Exodus 5:6-8 CSB).

The children of Israel were horrified and made a beeline to Moses in anger.

“May the Lord take note of you and judge…” (vs.21).

Can you imagine how bamboozled Moses must have been? The children of Israel just went from the frying pan to the fire! This didn’t look anything like what God had promised. Moses went to bat for God’s people and things got much worse.

After having his initial chat with God about delivering the children of Israel from their slavery in Egypt, Moses set out to do just that. The simplicity of his mission was before him – free God’s people from bondage and then lead them into the promised land.

When he got to Pharaoh, however, he was met with hardened resistance. Worse yet, the heavy work load that the children of Israel had been suffering under was increased after Moses confronted Pharaoh!

Of course, we know what happens next. Right around the corner was the Red Sea and the miraculous deliverance that God had planned. But they didn’t know that. They couldn’t see past their crushing circumstances. Can you relate? How many times have you found yourself frustrated or angry at God because things seemed to get worse after you prayed?

We don’t generally see the big picture. But God does. And His promises remain true even when it looks like the Pharaohs in our lives have only increased our suffering.

He “is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8 CSV). The same God who had the Red Sea deliverance ready for His people then is the same God who has a perfect plan in place and ready for you today. When He chooses to unveil it is completely up to Him.

Gò0 dNews for Prayer Warriors 30 // May 2024
weekly content
her blog
About The Author
Kristen West works at Rock Bridge Community Church with a heart for staff leadership, development, and care. She is a communicator with a passion to inspire, encourage, and challenge others in their daily walk with Christ. She writes and publishes

Mission Statement:

We believe when people are equipped, motivated, and passionately engaged in living out their faith in Jesus Christ they have the potential to be world changers.

Our mission is to bring people into a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ—a relationship that empowers them to see how God can work through individual personalities, situations, and talents. Christ was an activist, He did not neglect the needs of the people as He brought His message. We strive to encourage everyone to look more like Christ by reaching outside of themselves to serve the needs of others—at home, at school, in communities, and across the world.

Writer Guidelines:

Who: Our writers range from pastors, professors, and professional writers to stay at home moms and dads, business professionals, and others who have a desire to reach out to people through words of encouragement.

What: We believe that it is important to laugh together, praise each other, encourage one another, and to everyone, or from woman to woman, or man to man. We love to share recipes and family traditions as well. We ask that articles be kept to a 500 word maximum. We’d love to hear from you!

Where: Please send submissions to

Why: Because God has not intended for us to just survive. We believe that we are intended to reach out to love and encourage each other. God has brought each of us through tough times, blessed us, and made the “impossible” possible. Let’s, together, share the love of Jesus Christ.

Gò0dNews Christian Magazine Phone: 423.790.5378

dNews for your Taste Buds

A Breakfast Surprise for Mother’s Day

With Mother's Day just around the corner, here’s something special to consider making for the moms, grandmothers and/or the special ladies in your life. Here’s the story of two siblings who made something special for their wonderful mom, Mrs. Johnson.

Alex, who was ten years old, and Emma, who was eight, put their heads together to come up with the perfect Mother's Day surprise. After some brainstorming, they decided to make breakfast for their mom.


• 2 slices of bread

• 2 eggs

• 2 tablespoons of butter

• 1/4 cup of milk

• 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract

• A pinch of salt

• A heart-shaped cookie cutter

• A frying pan

• Just enough powdered sugar to sprinkle

• Pancake syrup

On Mother’s Day morning, they woke up early, tip-toed to the kitchen, and prepared this breakfast for their mom. As the two siblings placed the plates on the dining table, they couldn’t help but smile at their creation. The heart-shaped eggs in the middle of the toast looked perfect, just like their love for their mom. They sprinkled some powdered sugar on top and set out the syrup just in case Mom wanted some.

You can follow along with Alex and Emma: First, Alex and Emma washed their hands thoroughly, just like their mom always taught them. They cracked the eggs into a bowl and added the milk, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Alex took a whisk and beat the mixture until it was smooth and creamy.

Emma, with her tiny fingers, used the heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out a heart-shaped hole in the center of

each slice of bread. It was a bit tricky, but they giggled and helped each other.

They put a frying pan on the stove and turned the heat to medium. Alex added the butter and let it melt until it bubbled and sizzled. Carefully, they placed the slices of bread with heart-shaped centers in the pan and let them toast for a minute on one side. Once the bread was slightly golden, they flipped the slices over with a spatula to toast the other side.

Emma, who was in charge of the egg mixture, poured it into the heart-shaped holes they had cut in the bread slices. They watched as it filled up, like a heart full of love. They cooked the eggs until they were set, which took about 2-3 minutes.

Finally, they carefully used the spatula to lift the heartshaped breakfast treats out of the pan and onto a plate.

When their mom came down to the kitchen, her eyes filled with tears of joy. She hugged Alex and Emma tightly, feeling so loved and appreciated. “This is the best Mother’s Day surprise ever,” she said.

With a simple recipe and a lot of love, Alex and Emma showed their mom just how much she meant to them on that special day. It wasn’t about the food; it was about the thought, effort, and love they put into making it, just like the thought, effort, and love their mom put into each and every day.

32 // May 2024
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Fight the Good Fight

So many Saints have walked through this life. It doesn’t mean they did it without a thorn in their side. This world can be rough, this world can prolong. Keep the joy of the Lord, keep singing His song.

Fight the good fight, keep the faith.

Think about things like entering through that gate. Be content and enjoy what God has given you. A positive person’s complaints will be very few.

Follow Jesus no matter where He takes you. He has promised to never leave or forsake you. Our mansions there will be absolutely priceless. He only built them for His children, the righteous.

So, don’t hide your light under a pail. That’s when you’ll find people dying and going to hell.

Reach out to help them before it’s too late.

If you wait till tomorrow, you may just seal their fate!

Gò0 dNews Poetry
34 // May 2024

for Everyone

Clear Vision

Too often we all get up in the mornings, never stopping to think that one of the gifts that we are given by God is our sight. Most of us are always in such a hurry that we never take the time to actually realize what we have in front of us. Most of us are too busy looking beyond what we have trying to find what we think we need.

What you see usually will depend on what you are looking for. Most of us will look but never see what is meant for us to see. Just like most of us will hear but

vision will become clearer the more you get God’s word into your heart. You will begin to see that God values our lives more than we could ever imagine. The Bible tells us this in Isaiah 43:4, “thou wast precious in my sight.” Sometimes, we think we can walk without knowing where we are going. Once you have given your life to God, you don’t have to worry about knowing which way to go, as He will always guide you to where you are supposed to be.

The Bible tells us this in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Vision can be described as the art of seeing what is invisible to others. When you have a vision without corresponding actions, it’s just a dream. Your actions without a vision will then just pass the time. When you put your actions to work with your vision, then you can accomplish anything!

yet never understand. This is how life can feel to many of us sometimes, especially for those who are lost and living without God in their hearts. When your eyes are just wandering and you have no destination, you will eventually end up going nowhere in life and start to feel like you are no longer living but just existing.

The Bible tells us this in *Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” There comes a point in life where you notice that when you are continually looking on the outside that you are only dreaming but when you start to look on the inside that is when you become awakened. When you accept Jesus in your life, you notice that your

Once you give your life to God and accept Jesus into your heart, you will begin to hear God’s voice more as He will make it known to you. The Bible tells us this in Numbers 12:6, “I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.” If you stop to think about it, an artist is not being paid for their time but for their vision. Once you get the love of God in your heart, it makes you so joyful that you must tell others so that they too can see the love that God has to offer them as well. The Bible tells us this in Habakkuk 2:2, “And the Lord answered me, and said, ‘Write the vision, and make it plain upon the tables, that he may run that readeth it.’”

*All scriptures are from KJV.

Gò0 dNews
About The Author 36 // May 2024
Paula Burgner is a very strong-willed, outgoing girl who loves working out. She believes in her heart that you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to. Paula is the author of a new book, Grounded by God’s Grace.

Bible Study Company is an online study Bible and a social media community. Our mission is to study scripture to live a praiseworthy life to God. Our hope is a "Company" of believers will study scripture which in turn, causes obedience and service to God. Pew-sitters will grow into disciples. Disciples then become teachers and bear fruit for Christ.

Visit NW Georgia’s Premiere New Development 706-529-7000
Study Company Studying
praiseworthy life to God. 2520 KEITH STREET CLEVELAND, TN 37312 423.339.6726
Matthew :28
scripture to live a

Seeking Wellness

Iwould like to introduce myself: I am Richard Eberhart and I have had Type 1 diabetes mellitus for 43 years.

The first 10 years I was under the close eye of my mother who made sure that I was eating a well balanced diet, checking my blood sugar and taking my insulin injections. During the first decade of my diagnosis nothing slowed me down, thanks to my father who always reminded me that I can do anything. I loved being outside, playing football, and just hanging out with friends. I did have to do more than most kids my age as I had to learn to take care of my diabetes.

After high school, I worked EMS for more than 21 years. I felt a strong desire to help others with diabetes. After working full time as a paramedic, being a husband and father of two and attending college, I became a registered nurse. I worked in the emergency department and then went on to be a diabetes educator.

For the next few years, I believed that I was helping people with diabetes but my health was not the best. I was gaining weight. I was over 290 pounds. My A1c was in good control but my total daily insulin was over 100 units a day. My endocrinologist and my PCP said that I needed to exercise and stop eating carbohydrates. I started walking everyday and got ready to hike the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail. I started the trail at 256 pounds and at Bly Gap in North Carolina, I was still 256 pounds. I felt disappointment and anger.

The anger was quickly turned to a drive for knowledge. I opened my Bible and read Isaiah 58. At verse 6 (“loose the bonds of wickedness”) a proverbial lightbulb went on to show me that my current diet was all the wickedness in my life. I was not being a good nurse by not following Hippocrates who said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This is when I made the decision that I would follow a Lent Fast for the Lent in 2022.

The Lent Fast is no food from sunset on Fat Tuesday until sunrise on Sunday, Little Easter.

I had no food for 40 days and during this time God walked with me. I walked five miles every day of my fast plus, I did two 10 mile hikes and one 18.5 mile hike. With the use of my insulin pump and Dexcom Continuous Glucose Meter, I was able to reduce my insulin to prevent low blood sugar. This treatment has me now in excellent control of my diabetes with my current HgbA1c at 4.9%. I now eat food that Jesus would have eaten, whole foods that grow naturally. Today I still fast at least once a week. I am 100 lbs lighter now and feel like I’m healthier and living the best version of myself, due to my determination to seek wellness.

Gò0 dNews for Health & Fitness 38 // May 2024
Richard Eberhart: 44 years Type 1 Diabetic, 21 years paramedic, 15 years RN with a bachelor’s degree, married to Janet, 30 years. We have 2 adult children, William and Elizabeth. We also have a 3-year-old grandson who keeps us moving. I enjoy walking/hiking, gardening, cooking, and spending time with family.
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