July 9, 2010

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July 9, 2010

The Catholic News & Herald 1



Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte

Father Melo becomes vicar of Hispanic Ministry; Hispanic Evangelization Center in Lenoir gets $25k grant PAGE 5

Established Jan. 12, 1972 by Pope Paul VI july 9, 2010

Priest on leave after sex abuse allegation David Hains Diocesan Director of Communication Father Joseph Kelleher, 82, of WinstonSalem, has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into alleged sexual misconduct more than 30 years ago. A warrant for a single count of taking indecent liberties with a child, a felony offense, Father was issued Joseph Kelleher Tuesday by the Albemarle Police Department, said Police Chief Gerald R. Michael. Father Kelleher was expected to appear with his own attorney before a Stanly County magistrate Thursday afternoon. Father Kelleher, a retired priest of the Diocese of Charlotte who serves as chaplain of Bishop McGuinness High School in Kernersville, was placed on leave by Bishop Peter J. Jugis in late June after an accusation was made against the priest alleging sexual misconduct in the mid-1970s in Albemarle with a teenaged boy. The diocese contacted authorities after learning in January of an online posting of an allegation of sexual See PRIEST, page 17

Serving Catholics in Western North Carolina in the Diocese of Charlotte


no. 31

‘Ramping’ up the local economy CSS marks 10 years of ‘Growing Opportunities’ grants in western N.C. SueAnn Howell Staff Writer

ROBBINSVILLE ― Times are tough for people living amid the picturesque Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina. Almost one in five people is jobless – double the national average. Piling onto the shaky economy, rock slides have closed highways that would normally bring in summer tourists. Businesses that should be thriving are closed instead, and residents who rely on the seasonal work to sustain them through the coming lean winter are in poor shape. But there are rays of hope. See GRANT, page 14

Ramps are a native crop of Appalachia that Smoky Mountain Native Plants Association is marketing all over the world thanks to grants from the Office of Economic Opportunity, a diocesan ministry of Catholic Social Services. To date, more than $211,000 has been awarded to groups in four western N.C. counties to spur local development and improve the quality of life.

Past Office of Economic Opportunity “Growing Opportunities” grant recipient Beverly Whitehead speaks during the June 8 awards event at First United Methodist Church in Hayesville. Eight local groups received grants recently from the program, which is marking its 10th year.

Dr. Ray Guarendi: Laughter and good medicine for parents 2010

Diocese of Charlotte

Eucharistic Congress

Good Shepherd, Come Feed Us

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of interviews with the featured speakers of the Diocese of Charlotte’s 2010 Eucharistic Congress, coming Sept. 10-11 to the Charlotte Convention Center. Full Eucharistic Congress coverage will appear in the Sept. 3 edition of The Catholic News & Herald.

AROUND THE DIOCESE St. Margaret of Scotland parishioner honored by Order of St. Augustine PAGE 7

David Hains Diocesan Director of Communication Dr. Ray Guarendi, of North Canton, Ohio, is the father of 10 children. He is a clinical psychologist often critical of his profession when it comes to advice about parenting. As an author, public speaker and radio host, Guarendi has delivered laughfilled lectures in schools, churches

and Eucharistic Congresses. CN&H: You’ve spoken to Eucharistic Congresses many times. How does Dr. Ray Guarendi a Eucharistic Congress relate to the family? See GUARENDI, page 17



Smartphone apps integrate prayer life with daily technology

St. James the Greater Church in Hamlet celebrates its 100th anniversary July 10. Look for full coverage online and in our July 23 edition.


July 9, 2010

2 The Catholic News & Herald


Current and upcoming topics from around the world to your own backyard

Pope: Life of hermit pope shows silence still important SULMONA, Italy (CNS) ― The life of a 13th-century monk who became pope should be an inspiration for contemporary people living in a society of materialistic excess and false values, Pope Benedict XVI said. The German pope honored the birth 800 years ago of St. Celestine V in his hometown of Sulmona, Italy, in a Mass and meetings with local residents and young people July 4. St. Celestine, who lived 1209-1296, is best known for being the last pope known to have given up the throne of Peter. He abdicated in 1294 after only four months in office and has been known through history as a holy man who rejected the political machinations of the medieval papacy. Pope Benedict chose not to emphasize St. Celestine’s short tenure as pontiff, but rather the importance of both the inner and outward silence that allowed him “to perceive the voice of God, which guided his life.” The pope acknowledged the difficulties faced by residents of the small city of Sulmona, which was seriously affected by the April 2009 earthquake in nearby L’Aquila. He encouraged them to take heart and example from St. Celestine in gathering strength and perceiving the needs of others. “We live today in a society in which every space, every moment must be ‘filled’ with initiatives, activities and sound,” so that there is no time for listening and dialogue, the pope said. “Dear brothers and sisters, don’t be afraid of silence outside and inside ourselves, if we want to hear not only the voice of God but also of those who are close to us, the voices of others,” he said. In a meeting with young Catholics from the area, the pope warned of the false promise of the “current consumer culture” which he said ignores the lessons of the past and “takes away the ability to understand, perceive problems, build for tomorrow.” Young people searching for answers and guidance should look to St. Celestine to understand the importance and beauty of “living moments of interior silence” to

E-MAIL: catholicnews@charlottediocese.org PHONE: 704-370-3333 FAX: 704-370-3382

VATICAN CITY (CNA/EWTN News) ― Updates to canon law on the gravest sins in the Church can be expected in the coming days, Vatican sources report. The modifications are expected to give “greater clarity” and streamline Vatican protocol for suspending and laicizing priests. The last time the law was modified was in 2001 when Pope John Paul II, together with the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, defined which offenses were the most serious. Those cases were then placed under the sole jurisdiction of the CDF. The 2001 modifications defined the most serious sins as those against the sacrament of penance, against the Eucharist and against the sixth commandment when committed by a

Diocesan planner CNS photo by Giampiero Sposito, Reuters

The relics of St. Celestine V, a 13th-century pope who resigned, are seen as Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass during a pastoral visit to the late pope’s hometown of Sulmona, Italy, July 4. “learn to listen to the voice of the Lord,” he said. He told the young people that while faith and prayer don’t directly resolve problems, “they allow us to face them with light and a new strength.” Studying the lives of the saints shows that by turning to God, creative solutions to concrete problems become evident, he said. The pope said people might be inclined to think that St. Celestine and others like him who cut themselves off from the world to be closer to God are excessively individualistic or are escaping responsibility. But the Church believes that the solitary life of prayer and penitence is always at the service of the community and that monasteries and hermitages are “oases and sources of life from which all can benefit,” he said. He reminded the young people that St. Celestine held nature and creation in great respect and that they should do the same.

JULY 9, 2010 Volume 19 • Number 31 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203

New norms for sex abuse cases expected from Vatican

EDITOR: Patricia L. Guilfoyle 704-370-3334, plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT: Denise Onativia 704-370-3333, catholicnews@charlottediocese.org ADVERTISING MANAGER: Cindi Feerick 704-370-3332, ckfeerick@charlottediocese.org

MAIL: P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, N.C. 28237

STAFF WRITER: SueAnn Howell 704-370-3354, sahowell@charlottediocese.org

PUBLISHER: The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, Bishop of Charlotte

GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Tim Faragher 704-370-3331, tpfaragher@charlottediocese.org

For more events taking place in the Diocese of Charlotte, visit www.charlottediocese.org/ calendarofevents-cn. ASHEVILLE

THE LADIES ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS welcome all women who are practicing Catholics, and who are Irish by birth or descent, or who are the wife of a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, or the mother of a Junior member. If you live in the Asheville area and would like more information, contact Janice Donahue at 704-249-9161 or ladydonahue@ gmail.com.


QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES CHURCH, 503 North Main St. — Bereavement Support Group, Education Building room F, 7 to 8:30 p.m. July 14 and every two weeks thereafter. For more information, contact church office at 704-825-9600.


ST. ANN CHURCH, 3635 Park Road — The Gospel According to John, 9:30 to 11 a.m. every Tuesday. To register, or for more information, contact Victoria Borin at vborin@ carolina.rr.com or 704-364-6764. — Genesis: “In the beginning…” 7 to 8:30 p.m. every Wednesday. To register, or for more information, contact Mary Paul Forsyth at mpforsyth@earthlink.net or 704-236-4018.

The Catholic News & Herald is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 44 times a year, weekly except Christmas week and Easter week and every two weeks during June, July and August. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 per year for parishioners of the Diocese of Charlotte and $23 per year for all others. For all circulation inquiries and orders, contact Denise Onativia at 704-370-3333. POSTMASTER: Periodicals class postage (USPC 007393) paid at Charlotte, N.C. Send address corrections to The Catholic News & Herald, P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, N.C. 28237. NEWS: The Catholic News & Herald welcomes your news and photographs for publication in our print and online PDF

priest against a person younger than 18. Until that date regulations on these violations, including sexual abuse, were guided by 1962 regulations delegating and splitting intervention among the bishops’ conferences and a variety of Vatican dicasteries. The report by the Italian news agency APCOM stated that the soon-to-bereleased Vatican document will include wording that will clarify the procedures “for the suspension of a pedophile priest and his reduction to the lay state” and a doubling of the statute of limitations from 10 years after the victim’s 18th birthday to 20 years. The coming “motu proprio” may also establish a more concrete protocol for the CDF’s guidance to bishops that they should follow civil procedures in reporting crimes to the appropriate authorities.

ST. GABRIEL CHURCH, 3016 Providence Road — St. Gabriel in Transition (SGIT) presents “Resiliency: Surviving the Job Search,” with keynote speaker Kathy Kozminski, Ministry Center, 7 to 9 p.m. July 15. To register, contact Karen Ganzert at sgit2000-church@yahoo.com. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH, 8451 Idlewild Road — Family Night Out: Jeopardy for Catholics! Parish Hall, 6:30 p.m. July 31 ST. MATTHEW CHURCH, 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. — Spirituality Center Program: Living Consciously, New Life Center room 203, 6:30 to 8 p.m. July 13 and 22. To register, or for more information, contact Eileen Crusan at 704-543-7677, ext. 1179. — “yoU”niversity will host a summer class, “Vatican Council II: What was it? and Why was it?” by Mercy Sister Mary Hugh Mauldin, New Life Center, room 132, 7 p.m. July 19, 26, Aug. 2, 9. For more information, call Pat at 704-541-8362 or e-mail faithform@stmatthewcatholic.org. — Spirituality Center Program: Living Consciously, New Life Center room 203, 9:45 to 11:15 a.m. July 20. To register, or for more information, contact Eileen Crusan at 704-543-7677, ext. 1179. — “yoU”niversity will host a summer class, “Considering Your Spiritual Life,” New Life Center room 234, 11 a.m. July 21 and 28, Aug. 4 and 11. For more information, contact faithform@ stmatthewcatholic.org or Pat at 704-541-8362. — Welcome Home for Returning Catholics, support and friendship to guide the returning individual to full communion with the Body of Christ, ministry tailored to meet individual needs and schedules. For more information, contact Deacon Jim Hamrlik at 704-543-7677, ext. 1040, or jhmrlik@ stmatthewcatholic.org, or Julie Jahn at 704-5609202 or urblessed@carolina.rr.com.

editions. Please e-mail information, attaching photos in JPG format with a recommended resolution of 150 dpi or higher, to catholicnews@charlottediocese.org. Deadline is 10 days before requested publication date. We do not publish poetry, form letters or petitions. All submitted items become the property of The Catholic News & Herald and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. For inquiries, contact Editor Patricia Guilfoyle at 704-370-3334 or plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org. ADVERTISING: For advertising rates and information, contact Advertising Manager Cindi Feerick at 704-370-3332 or ckfeerick@charlottediocese.org. The Catholic News & Herald reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason, and does not recommend or guarantee any product, service or benefit claimed by our advertisers.

July 9, 2010

The Catholic News & Herald 3

North Carolina bishops urge action on abortion funding David Hains Diocesan Director of Communication North Carolina’s two bishops are urging the faithful to contact the state’s two U.S. senators about an abortion funding bill. Bishop Peter J. Jugis of the Diocese of Charlotte and Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of the Diocese of Raleigh issued the appeal through Catholic Voice North Carolina, www.CatholicVoiceNC.org, the non-partisan public policy Web site operated jointly by the two dioceses. The bishops are concerned about defense authorization bill S. 3280, which has a new provision that would repeal the longstanding policy that military health care facilities may not be used to perform elective abortions. The provision to change from the status quo of prohibiting abortions was passed in committee by a 15-yes, 12-no vote. The bishops directed Catholic Voice members to the Web site of the National Committee for a Human Life Amendment, www.nchla.org, to send a message to Senators Richard Burr and Kay Hagan asking them to oppose the change in the federal funding bill. The spending measure is due to be considered by the full Senate during the week of July 12.

ST. PATRICK CATHEDRAL, 1621 Dilworth Road East — Parish Picnic, 4 to 7 p.m. July 11. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets and a side dish to share. — Mass for Military, 3 p.m. July 18, Bishop Peter J. Jugis will celebrate a Mass for U.S. military personnel. Rosary will be recited at 2:30 p.m. Military personnel are invited to attend in uniform. — Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, after 12:10 p.m. Mass through 6 p.m. every Wednesday ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH, 6828 Old Reid Road — Summer Study: “Fathers & Doctors of the Church” plus “Popes & Founders of Religious Orders,” presented by Barbara Reagan, 10 a.m. Wednesdays through Aug. 4 (except July 21). Register by email to jreagan@carolina.rr.com. — The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Meeting, 7 p.m. third Wednesday of each month. They welcome women who are practicing Roman Catholics, who are Irish by birth or descent, who are the wife of a member of the Ancient Order of the Hibernians, or who are the mother of a Junior member. For more information, contact Susan Blanchfield at 704-825-8313 or sblanchfield1@ carolina.rr.com.


ST. MARY CHURCH, 812 Duke St. — Diabetes Education Class, 7 to 8:30 p.m. July 22 ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE CHURCH, 2715 Horse Pen Creek Road — Men’s Early Morning Bible Study Group, Parish Library, 6:30 a.m. every Tuesday. For more information, contact gmagrinat@pol.net or jmalmsie@aol.com.

Episcopal calendar


ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH, 921 Second St., N.E. — Natural Family Planning Class, Parlor, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. July 10. RSVP required to Batrice Adcock at cssnfp@charlottediocese.org or 704370-3230.


ST. MARK CHURCH, 14740 Stumptown Road — Centering Prayer, Chapel, 8:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. every Wednesday. For more information, contact centeringprayerstmark@live.com. — Active Older Adult Exercise, Parish Hall, 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. every Wednesday. This is a total body exercise class.


HOLY CROSS CHURCH, 616 South Cherry St. — Senior Coffee House, Salesian Hall, 10 a.m. every first and third Monday of the month.


HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, 4820 Kinnamon Road — English/Spanish Conversation Groups, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays in Room 1 and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Mondays in Room 7 — English as a Second Language Classes, Family Center, 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes are available to adult non-English speakers. For more information, contact the Hispanic Ministry at 336-778-0600, ext. 254.

Is your parish or school hosting a free event open to the public? Deadline for all submissions for the Diocesan Planner is 10 days prior to desired publication date. Submit in writing to catholicnews@charlottediocese. org or fax to 704-370-3382.

Bishop Peter J. Jugis will participate in the following events:

July 10 – 11 a.m. 100th Anniversary Mass St. James the Greater Church, Hamlet

July 18 – 3 p.m. Mass for the Military St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte

July 18 – 10:30 a.m. 30th Anniversary Mass St. John Lee Korean Church, Charlotte

July 24 – 5 p.m. Pastor Installation of Father James A. Stuhrenberg St. Francis of Assisi Church, Jefferson


to the point where the court can resolve differences which have developed among lower courts about how to apply the law.

High court won’t review case claiming Vatican Senators urged not to liable for priest abuser repeal rule on abortions WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNS) ― The U.S. Supreme Court has left in military hospitals standing a lower court ruling that will allow an Oregon man to try to hold the Vatican financially responsible for his sexual abuse by a priest, if he can persuade the court that the priest was an employee of the Holy See. By declining to take Holy See v. John Doe, the court June 28 left intact the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that said because of the way Oregon law defines employment, the Vatican is not protected under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act from potential liability for the actions of a priest who Doe, the unidentified plaintiff, said sexually abused him in the 1960s. The case will now go back to U.S. District Court, where Doe’s attorneys will attempt to prove that the late Andrew Ronan, a former Servite priest who was laicized in 1966, was a Vatican employee at the time the events took place. Jeffrey Lena, the California-based attorney for the Holy See, told Catholic News Service June 29 that the court’s action in declining to review the case “is not a comment on the merits” of the underlying legal arguments. The Supreme Court is not focused on the merits at the certiorari stage, he noted. Instead, the court’s focus is on whether the case assists in unifying federal law and whether it is appropriate to the court’s docket for the next term. Lena said many things can account for the court’s reluctance to take the case, not the least of which is that the legal questions it raises have matured

WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNS) ― Requiring personnel in military hospitals to perform or participate in abortions would place “a very heavy burden” on those in the armed forces who value human life, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services told U.S. senators. “The United States is one of the few nations in the world based on self-evident principles: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” the archbishop said in a June 17 letter. “Constraining the very men and women committed to defending those principles for the rest of the country to act against their consciences violates the foundation of this republic.” Archbishop Broglio was commenting on an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2011 that would require military hospitals to perform abortions in both domestic and overseas military bases. Proposed by Sen. Roland Burris, D-Ill., the amendment would repeal a ban on abortion in military medical facilities in effect since 1996. The prohibition on using Department of Defense funds to pay for those abortions would remain in effect. The amendment was adopted by a 15-12 vote by the Senate Armed Services Committee May 27. Consideration by the full Senate was expected later this summer; the final Senate bill also must be reconciled with the House version passed May 28, which does not include repeal of the abortion ban.


not even in the old Communist regimes,” he told reporters in Rome June 26. “Magistrates held bishops for nine hours and searched the tombs of two cardinals,” Cardinal Bertone said, likening the “unheard of” episode to a “kidnapping.”

Pope deplores police methods in raid on Belgian church HQ VATICAN CITY (CNS) ― Pope Benedict XVI joined a chorus of criticism of a raid on Belgian church headquarters by police seeking evidence of alleged clergy sexual abuse. In a June 27 letter of solidarity to Belgian bishops, he called the blitz on the Mechelen-Brussels Archdiocese “surprising and deplorable” for the heavyhanded way it was carried out. However, the pope also reiterated his position that accusations of abuse of minors within the Church should be pursued by civil as well as Church authorities. Meanwhile, members of an independent commission created by the church to examine clerical sexual abuse accusations resigned June 28, saying that the police raids have made it impossible for them to continue their work. Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state, had harsher words regarding the raid June 24, in which bishops gathered for a plenary meeting were detained all day as police confiscated cell phones, documents and computers. “There are no precedents for this,

Church official criticizes Mexico City’s move on ‘express divorces’ MEXICO CITY (CNS) ― The Archdiocese of Mexico City expressed disappointment with the recent liberalization of marriage laws in the Mexico City Assembly to allow for “express divorces,” which can be approved in less than two hours. The new laws, approved June 30, permits couples to end their marriages quickly so long as their children are of legal age, the wife isn’t pregnant and neither of the spouses is receiving government assistance. Father Jose de Jesus Aguilar Valdes, director of radio and TV for the Archdiocese of Mexico City, said the new laws promote an easy way out for couples instead of promoting reconciliation. “This kind of divorce responds only to one of the many necessities that a couple in crisis has,” Father Aguilar told CNS July 1.

4 The Catholic News & Herald


Archbishop of Monaco, renowned choir to visit Charlotte July 15 CHARLOTTE ― On July 15, Sardis Presbyterian Church will host the Monaco Boys Choir, an award-winning choir founded in 1973. His Excellency Bernard Cesar Augustin Barsi, archbishop of Monaco, will accompany the choir to Charlotte as part of their worldwide tour this summer. Directed by Pierre Debat, the musical repertoire will include sacred works by Bach, Mozart and Mendelssohn as well as French and Monegasque folk songs, and patriotic American songs. The free concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the church, 6100 Sardis Road.

Mass for military planned at St. Patrick Cathedral July 18 CHARLOTTE ― Bishop Peter J. Jugis will celebrate a Mass for U.S. military personnel at 3 p.m. Sunday, July 18, at St. Patrick Cathedral. The rosary will be recited preceding the Mass at 2:30 p.m. The Mass and rosary will be offered for all military personnel who have died and for those who are now serving. All military personnel are invited and encouraged to come in uniform. Photos of those who have died or who are now serving in the military will also be displayed in the cathedral. To include your service member, preferably in uniform, please mail a color or black/ white photocopy of them with their name and military rank on the back to Nancy Weber, Office of the Bishop, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203. Photos must be received no later than July 12.

Go on retreat to get a fresh perspective CHARLOTTE ― God uses the sacrament of reconciliation to heal and cleanse people of their sins, and reconciliation is one of the topics up for discussion in a special retreat July 15-17, “Be Not Afraid,” at St. Joseph Church, 4929 Sandy Porter Road, Charlotte. Other topics covered during the retreat will be the Holy Eucharist, Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Retreat speakers will be Father Deo Rwegasira, Father Paul Bergeron, Flor Maria del Rosario Achong and Robert Allard. The retreat to be conducted in Spanish will be July 17 only. F o r d e t a i l s , v i s i t w w w. benotafraidretreat.com or contact Beth Manning at 704-365-6601, Stephanie Alder at 704-365-2209 or Grace Narus at 704-543-1237. ― Submitted by Sherrilyn TamayoSiplon

Teaching the pro-life message at St. Matthew CHARLOTTE ― St. Matthew Church’s Respect Life Ministry sponsored a pro-life educational presentation, “The Truth about Stem Cell Research,” featuring Dr. Matthew Harrison May 20.

AROUND THE DIOCESE Harrison practices at Northgate Family Medicine in Concord, specializing in ambulatory medicine and obstetrics. He is also the medical director for Helping Hands Medical Mission in Ghana and is a medical advisor to Priests for Life. Many know him for his help and devotion in caring for the mothers and unborn babies whose lives are saved at the abortion clinics. The event was well-attended. Kristen Pettler of St. Matthew Church was “so glad to learn about some of the most vulnerable and precious babies, ones that we as a society do not value and often do not even see as humans yet.” ― Submitted by Pat Rodite

July 9, 2010

Sisters of Mercy assemble in Concord

Are you thinking about becoming a priest? SALISBURY ― All high school and college-aged men of the Diocese of Charlotte are invited to join Bishop Peter J. Jugis and his priests and seminarians for a day of recreation and meditation focused on the vocation to the priesthood. Vocation Awareness Day will be held 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 4, at Sacred Heart Church, 375 Lumen Christi Lane, Salisbury. Reserve your place by calling 704370-3327 by July 30.

OLC holds inaugural golf tournament

photo by Jim Lockman, information provided by

Myra Joines

Almost 400 Sisters of Mercy from 18 states, Guam and Jamaica gathered at the Concord Convention Center for the Sisters of Mercy-South Central Community Assembly June 23-26. The Assembly celebrated the geographic and cultural diversity of the community, while addressing issues pertinent to the community’s future including mission, ministry and new membership. Keynote speaker was Mercy Sister Margaret

CHARLOTTE ― As a means to reach out more to the local community through its food pantry, elder care ministry, youth ministry, summer camp, and meals for the men and women’s homeless shelter, to name just a few, Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte held its first golf tournament at the Tradition Golf Club in the University area of Charlotte recently. Honorary chairman was Humpy Wheeler of NASCAR fame and special celebrity guest was former Pittsburgh Pirate and Arizona Diamondback Tony Womack, who played a hole against each of the golfers. Despite the tournament being delayed a week because of rain, the entire event proved to be a great time and provided much-appreciated financial support. Each hole had a sponsor as well as various tournament sponsors and donors for gifts for raffle and gift bags. Chick-fil-A provided a free breakfast for everyone, and players enjoyed a dinner and awards presentation at the end of the day. The church plans a second tournament in May. ― Submitted by Capuchin Father Martin Schratz

Services for the Diocese of Charlotte, the program will feature Sister Renee Mirkes, PH.D., Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, ethicist and director of the NaProEthics Center at Pope Paul VI institute. There will also be a panel discussion with Dr. Inge Collins, an OB/ GYN; Dr. Patrick Yeung Jr., a specialist in fertility-restoring surgery for the Duke University Health System; and Father Patrick Cooper. Lunch will be provided. RSVP by July 8 to cssnfp@charlottediocese.org or 704-370-3230.

Talk on ethical treatments for infertility planned for July 22

Former Candler parishioner becomes priest in Virginia

GREENVILLE, S.C. ― “Caring for the Infertile Couple,” a presentation on the ethical treatments available for infertile couples, will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, July 22, at St. Mary Church. Co-sponsored by the Diocese of Charleston and the Natural Family Planning Program of Catholic Social

RICHMOND, Va. ― Former St. Joan of Arc Church member David John Stanfill was ordained a priest June 5 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in the Diocese of Richmond, Va., after answering God’s call to religious life. Father Stanfill and his family were parishioners at St. Joan of Arc in the late 1970s and 1980s. He and his late

Farley, an author and the Gilbert L. Stark Professor Emerita of Christian Ethics at Yale University Divinity School. Mercy Sister Kathy Green, president of the South Central Community, said during the opening session, “I see hundreds of faith-filled women who have passionately and authentically lived the call to follow Jesus in service to the poor, sick and ignorant with a generosity of spirit and a never-ending desire to meet the needs of the times.”

wife Jamie had six children and three grandchildren. He was involved in the music ministry and often played guitar during the Saturday evening Mass. His late wife had been active as a teacher in the religious education program for children, and two of their children were altar servers. They later moved to Fincastle, Va., where he retired as a branch customer Father service manager for David John Stanfill Graybar Electric Corp. in Roanoke, Va. He served in several lay ministries, and after the death of his wife he pursued a priestly vocation. While in seminary formation, Father Stanfill earned a bachelor’s degree in religious studies at Cardinal Stritch University in Wisconsin. ― Submitted by Bill Kalarovich We welcome your parish’s news. E-mail items to Editor Patricia Guilfoyle at plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org.

July 9, 2010


Father Fidel Melo new Vicar of Hispanic Ministry to the Church and society, without distinction of race, culture or language.” F a t h e r Melo said he looks forward to continuing the work of the Father Fidel Melo Hispanic Ministry and its long-term plan. “Hispanic Ministry is more than just speaking in Spanish – it involves emphasizing ‘cultural language’ as well, approaching faith and the laity in terms they are familiar with and embracing people’s different styles,” Father Melo said. The main goal of Hispanic ministry as he sees it is to prepare people, especially the younger generation, to receive the sacraments through evangelization and through catechesis. “Our mission,” he said, “is to bring people closer to God.” Father Melo asked for everyone’s prayers as he takes his new post this month, and he expressed his appreciation for all those involved in Hispanic Ministry throughout the diocese for their hard work.

SueAnn Howell Staff Writer CHARLOTTE ― The Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Charlotte has a new leader. Father Fidel Melo, pastor of Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro, has been appointed by Bishop Peter J. Jugis to lead the growing ministry. Franciscan Sister Andrea Inkrott, the director of Hispanic Ministry for the past eight years, returned to Tiffin, Ohio, in June to serve on the council of her community after 20 years in the diocese. Father Melo assumes oversight of the latest Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry, the three-year roadmap put in place last year by Bishop Jugis to address the ministerial needs of the growing Hispanic community. More than 222,000 Hispanic Catholics are estimated to live in the diocese. More than 60 parishes or missions celebrate Masses in Spanish regularly. The plan pledges “to facilitate the full incorporation of Hispanic Catholics into the life of the Church and its mission, and to be a missionary and evangelizing community in service

Clergy by Race and Ethnicity Hispanics are better represented among U.S. permanent deacons than among priests.

14% 3%


source: center for applied research in the apostolate

83% 3% 12% 2%

black CAThOlICS over 35





non-hispanic white

The Catholic News & Herald 5

Mercy Sister Mary Timothy Warren and Franciscan Sister Andrea Inkrott pose with Bishop Peter J. Jugis during a goodbye party for them June 11. Bishop Jugis thanked God for both sisters and all that they have contributed to the diocese over the years. photo by Patricia Guilfoyle

Sisters accept new assignments CHARLOTTE ― Bishop Peter J. Jugis and the people of the Diocese of Charlotte said goodbye in June to two religious sisters who have served the Dioceses of Charlotte and Raleigh for the past 76 years collectively. Mercy Sister Mary Timothy Warren served as Vicar of Women Religious for the Diocese of Charlotte for 16 years. She will now work in the archives at the Sisters of Mercy’s South Central Community motherhouse in Belmont. Franciscan Sister Andrea Inkrott has returned to her community’s motherhouse in Tiffin, Ohio, to serve on the community’s national leadership

council. Sister Andrea served as the director of Hispanic Ministry for the Diocese of Charlotte for eight years, giving a total of 20 years’ service to the diocese. In her farewell letter, Sister Andrea stated, “My time here has been one of blessing, and I leave with gratitude to our bishops and chancellors whom I have gotten to know these past 20 years, and to all the pastors, parish personnel, fellow Hispanic ministers and the wonderful Hispanic lay people from whom I have learned so much about faith and generosity.” ― SueAnn Howell

Catholic Extension awards $25,000 for Hispanic Evangelization Center Money will support efforts to develop Hispanic lay leadership in Lenoir area



26% 4% 3% ©2010 cns

Hispanics better represented among deacons than priests, CARA finds WASHINGTON, D.C. (CNS) — Hispanics are better represented among the nation’s permanent deacons than in the U.S. priesthood, although neither group is as diverse as the U.S. Catholic population, according to a new survey by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University in Washington. Commissioned by the U.S. bishops’ Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations, the survey found that 14 percent of deacons are Hispanic or Latino, compared with 3 percent of U.S. priests and about 26 percent of the U.S. Catholic population over 35, the minimum age for ordination to the diaconate. In other racial and ethnic categories, however, portraits of the U.S. diaconate and priesthood were similar, according to the CARA report. Eighty-one percent of deacons and 83 percent of priests are non-Hispanic whites, and 2 percent of each group is black. Two percent of deacons and 3 percent of priests are Asian-Americans or Pacific Islanders, while 1 percent of deacons and 9 percent of priests were of other ethnic backgrounds. CARA estimated that the U.S. Catholic population over age 35 was 67 percent non-Hispanic white, 26 percent Hispanic, 3 percent black and 4 percent “other” in April 2008.

CHICAGO, Ill. ― The Catholic Church Extension Society has awarded a $25,000 grant to the Diocese of Charlotte to fund programs at the Hispanic Evangelization Center that will educate and train lay leaders to meet the growing needs of the remote area’s nearly 2,000 Hispanics. Father Julio Dominguez, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Lenoir, established the center in 2009 to train Hispanic laity to help priests who do not speak Spanish meet the pastoral needs of parishes with large Latino populations. The center teaches the Pontifical Catechetical Institute’s School of Faith/Escuela de la Fe curriculum and hosts retreats, workshops and conferences in faith formation and pastoral preparation. “It is my hope that the center’s activities, enhanced by Catholic Extension’s support, will help the Hispanic community better understand and live their faith and give them the confidence to share it with others,” Father Dominguez said. All projects and activities support the center’s mission to recruit, prepare and certify Hispanic lay persons to work in local parishes. Catholic Extension funds

will support the operational expenses of the center, including supplies for conferences, workshops, retreats and the School of Faith program, which expects a fall 2010 enrollment of more than 35 students. The center will continue to operate out of St. Francis of Assisi’s facilities until a separate building can be purchased. “Father Julio recognizes that leadership must come from within the Hispanic population for parishes serving mostly Latinos to grow,” said Joseph Boland, Catholic Extension senior grants director. “Catholic Extension is happy to support him and the center’s efforts.” The $25,000 grant is part of the $45,000 in funding that Catholic Extension is providing this year to support ministerial efforts among the rapidly growing Hispanic community throughout the Diocese of Charlotte, home to more than 300,000 Hispanics. In 2006 the diocese was recognized by the USCCB’s Committee for Hispanic Affairs for Excellence, commending its well-established diocesan office and regional structure, effective diocesan coordination of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry, and its strong pastoral plan for Hispanic ministry.

6 The Catholic News & Herald

Beloved St. Aloysius deacon passes away

July 9, 2010


A vacation faith experience

HICKORY ― Deacon Hugo Lavern May, 81, of Hickory, passed away June 23, 2010, at Palliative Care Center & Hospice of Catawba Valley. His Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated June 28, 2010, at St. Aloysius Church in Hickory with Bishop Peter J. Jugis officiating and Deacon Tom Rassmussen as homilist. Born Oct. 12, 1928, in Kingsville, Texas, he was the son of the late John and Mabel May. He was an electrical engineer graduate from Texas A&I and retired from General Electric as a regional marketing manager after 38 years of service. He was an ordained deacon of the Diocese of Charlotte and was in the first class of ordained Deacon deacons. He served St. Aloysius Hugo Lavern May Church in Hickory. He was also actively involved in the Charismatic Renewal, Marriage Encounter and RCIA. He never met a stranger, and all who had the pleasure of knowing him loved him. His love for God, his family and his church never wavered, and his willingness to coax, cajole and pray the unwilling or unrepentant into faith in Christ was never-ending. He will be sorely missed. He is survived by his wife Barbara Lee Karriger May, and nine children: Ria Fialka of Hickory; Timothy May and wife Karla of Matthews; Michael May and wife Kathleen of Hickory; Barbara May of Hickory; Fredrick May and wife Sharon of Greensboro; Damian May of Mississauga, Canada; Sara May of Raleigh; Mimi Russell and husband Simeon John Russell III of Dodge City, Kan.; Brian May and wife Anna of Greensboro. He is also survived by 10 grandsons and 15 granddaughters. The May family would like to thank all in the diocese for the outpouring of love and affection shown to them during this sad and difficult time.

Sacred Heart Church in Brevard had a week-long “Vacation Faith Experience” for young children in June. Fifty children learned more about Mary through prayers, songs, readings, skits, crafts, a short movie and demonstrations of the different virtues exhibited by Mary. Father Carl T. Del Giudice, pastor, celebrated Mass each day, attended by all of the children. Above, Father Carl speaks to some of the young children and their families while pointing out his “Children of the World” stole (normally worn under the chasable), a popular tapestry stole that speaks to inclusivity and world peace. On the last day children formed an offertory procession, bringing up the canned food they had collected during the week to donate to the local food pantry. A highlight of each day was when the children and adults sang and clapped to music, particularly the theme song “I Wanna Say Yes.” photo provided by

Dorice Narins

On the road to EWTN

photos provided by Father

EWTN photo: The youth group of St. Dorothy Church in Lincolnton recently made a pilgrimage to EWTN in Irondale, Ala., and the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Ala., for a retreat. Father Matthew Buettner, pastor, was joined by Father Lucas Rossi, parochial vicar of St. Leo the Great, along with leaders and 24 youths. The youth group also toured the set of EWTN’s popular teen program “Life on the Rock” and was part of the studio audience for the June 24 live broadcast. The group also had

Matthew Buettner

the privilege of speaking with Sister Jacinta, Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration, at the Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville during their pilgrimage and retreat. Sister Jacinta shared her vocation story and encouraged the youths to pray and remain close to a good group of friends to help them discern their vocations.

July 9, 2010

around the diocese

Winston-Salem glass artist Jon Kuhn and associate Al Priest will have an audience with Pope Benedict XVI in Rome Sept. 29 to present this nearly three-foot cut-glass cross sculpture that Kuhn crafted in his Winston-Salem studio. Pictured from left are Kuhn, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the apostolic nuncio, and Priest, president of Salem Stained Glass Inc.

Faithful parishioner honored by Order of St. Augustine St. Margaret of Scotland member affiliated by friars for her fidelity, service Joanita M. Nellenbach Correspondent M A G G I E VA L L E Y — A s Augustinian Brother William Harkin escorted her to the altar to receive her certificate of affiliation, Shirley Hillyer recalled later, “I didn’t think I was worthy. When you read what the others did, I don’t do anything. I’m just there every day.” Indeed, except for an occasional trip to visit family, Hillyer is at St. Margaret of Scotland Church every day before 8 a.m. Mass. She makes sure there’ll be people to carry up the gifts and lead the “Alleluia.” A couple of weekdays and sometimes on weekends she’s an altar server. Hillyer, 83, was one of 17 people honored June 13 at St. Thomas of Villanova Church on the Villanova University campus during a prayer service and Celebration of Affiliation to the Order of St. Augustine. The celebration coincided with the opening of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova’s chapter, a quadrennial gathering of all the province’s friars. Augustinian Father Donald F. Reilly, prior provincial, presented the affiliates. Augustinian Father Robert F. Prevost, prior general of the Order of St. Augustine, preached the homily. “I honestly felt I was in heaven,” Hillyer said. “It was so nice to see a church full of friars. All the priests came up to me and hugged me and kissed me. It was just overwhelming.” Its Constitutions allow the Order of St. Augustine “the faculty of affiliating to itself the faithful who merit recognition because of their distinguished cooperation for the good of the Order. By reason of this affiliation they share in all spiritual benefits of the Order. Affiliation is granted by the prior general on his own initiative or upon the request of any community in the Augustinian family.” “The local chapter votes to propose a person (for affiliation),” said Brother Harkin, prior of Lecceto Friary, the Augustinian community in Maggie Valley. “The request of the house chapter is sent to the provincial council (in Villanova, Pa.).” After the provincial council approves the request, it’s sent to the order’s prior general in Rome. People are affiliated because “they have taken on some aspect of the Augustinian lifestyle in their own life,” Brother Harkin said. The framed certificates that Hillyer and the other affiliates received state, “By virtue of this affiliation, you are a member of the Augustinian Family united to us by bonds of communion and fraternity in the same way as those who are members by profession of religious vows.”

The Catholic News & Herald 7

photo provided by Al Priest

Local artist to meet the pope Susan deGuzman Correspondent photo by John Skorcik

Shirley Hillyer and Augustinian Brother William Harkin share a moment after her affiliation to the Order of St. Augustine June 13. Brother Harkin is prior of Lecceto Friary and director of Living Waters Catholic Reflection Center. The new affiliates include a doctor and businesspeople who care for sick and elderly friars, members of Augustinian boards of directors, and volunteers in various Augustinian charitable efforts and parishes. “What Shirley really represents is an example for the Augustinians of fidelity, of having faith that leads one to joy,” said Augustinian Father John T. Denny, St. Margaret of Scotland’s pastor. “From the time we arrived here (in 1998), she has really associated herself with us through her encouragement of us, through her participation in liturgy and our world mission,” Brother Harkin said. “She encourages us through prayer and her positive attitude toward us.” “She does it in a very calm and matter-of-fact way,” he added. “We see her as a sister to us. She has really shown she’s concerned about us.” Since moving to Maggie Valley in 1978, Hillyer has volunteered in parish and community organizations. She spent so much time volunteering at the Open Door thrift shop and soup kitchen in Waynesville that the thrift shop now pays her to work there four days a week. “I have volunteered for as long as I can remember,” she said. “It relaxes me, and it’s good for my kids to learn something like that. My son, Bob, up in Michigan – there’s not a day that he’s not at the church working in the flowers. He said, ‘I got that from you.’” Shirley and her husband Bill married in 1946. After his death in 1969, she raised their 11 children alone; 10 are still living, and she has 26 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. “Shirley is one of the most simple, down-to-earth people you’d ever meet,” Father Denny said, “but when you get to know her you realize that she is a person whose faith has really guided her.”

WINSTON-SALEM ― Local glass artist Jon Kuhn is beaming almost as brightly as his artwork these days, because soon he will meet Pope Benedict XVI. Kuhn and stained glass window expert Al Priest will have an audience with the pope in Rome Sept. 29 to personally present a nearly three-foot cut-glass cross sculpture that Kuhn crafted in his Winston-Salem studio. The cross, titled Light of God, sparkles with more than 10,000 facets of optical-grade clear glass and has a crimson-jeweled center. It is valued at $120,000. “The work really is about the light of God,” Kuhn says. “The light of God is for all of us, everyone in the world. Using the cross as a symbol reaches people and touches people and can bring out the spirituality in people.” Unlike crosses made of brass, gold or wood, explains Priest, who specializes in making stained glass windows at his studio Salem Stained Glass Inc. and is Kuhn’s bussiness associate, “You can see the energy and fire and spiritual radiance in a crystal cross. You can see the spiritual radiance of God in that. To be able to carry that message and to carry a gift of love to the Holy Father is absolutely phenomenal.” In his nearly 34 years crafting art, Kuhn says his work “always had its foundation in my interest in spirituality. Like in meditation and prayer, we go inside ourselves. With glass, I was always interested in going beneath the surface.” Kuhn’s work – sculptures of coldcut, ground, polished and laminated optical glass – is known worldwide for its extraordinary beauty and spiritual depth. His pieces are displayed in more than 40 museums around the world, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and in the permanent collection at the White House. Neither Kuhn nor Priest is Catholic, but the events leading to the creation of the crosses and the journey to Rome have made Kuhn feel that “there is a force larger than myself that has brought me here.” Several years ago Kuhn was approached by Marie and Paul Nifong and asked to create a stained glass

window with a Moravian seal for their church. Kuhn does not make windows and directed the Nifongs to Priest and his stained-glass company. The Nifongs, however, were not easily placated and continued to express interest in Kuhn’s work. Kuhn suggested making a cross, and the couple jumped at the idea. He made the cross with seven blocks of crystal-cut glass. Priest made the Moravian seal for its centerpiece and says of the cross, “It was overwhelming, radiant, beautiful.”

An inspirational journey to Rome Join artist Jon Kuhn and Al Priest on their trip to Rome Sept. 26-Oct. 3 that will include an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, when they present a cut-glass cross sculpture that Kuhn made in his WinstonSalem studio. Approximately 48 of 88 seats on the trip remain available. Deadline for reservations and payment is Friday, July 16. Contact Peggy Patella or Linda Foss at Piedmont Travel, 336-723-5077.

Others also saw its beauty. Not long after its completion, Kuhn was approached by someone from an Episcopal church wanting a cross, and a month after that by someone from a Baptist church. Kuhn sees himself as “an artist who has been led to make these crosses.” Kuhn began working more closely with Priest, supplying cut jewels for inclusion in some of Priest’s windows, and together they formed Kuhn’s Sacred Glass. One day, out of the blue, Priest recalls Kuhn calling him and saying, “You know who needs one of these crosses? The pope.” It took Priest nearly a year before being able to officially offer the gift to the pope. “The pope is the single most recognized spiritual leader in the world,” Kuhn says. “To have this work blessed by him shows the significance of the work and this will allow all people in the world to recognize this new and different way of seeing the cross.” He adds, “For me to inspire spirituality in people would be a life well lived.”

8 The Catholic News & Herald

July 9, 2010


St. John Neumann marks 25 years

photo provided by Shannon

Sawdust carpets for Corpus Christi

B. Cutler

St. John Neumann in Charlotte celebrated the 25th anniversary of the dedication of the church June 23 with a special Mass followed by a dinner honoring the hundreds of parish volunteers who support the church through their hard work. More than 300 parishioners attended the luau-themed celebration.

Special liturgy for priests celebrated

photo provided by Elizabeth Guertin

On the Feast of Corpus Christi June 6, the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Franklin created 25 sawdust carpets around the church for the Eucharistic procession led by Father Tien H. Duong, in what’s become an annual tradition for the parish. The carpets were of dyed sawdust and formed into intricate designs by families, youth and several parish organization members. After the Eucharistic procession, parishioners gathered in the church for the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction.

photo provided by

Mary A. Morales and Fabian Araujo

Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin celebrated a special liturgy for priests at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte June 23. Concelebrants were Capuchin Father Remo DiSalvatore, pastor, Capuchin Father Stan Kobel, parochial vicar, and Capuchin Father Martin Schratz, past parochial vicar. Deacon Mark Nash and Deacon Brian McNulty assisted at the Mass. Throughout the Year For Priests, the Immaculata Prayer Ministry led the parish in offering Masses, novenas, intentions and spiritual bouquets for priests. The special liturgy was prepared by the parish’s Liturgy and Worship Commission. A reception hosted by the Special Events Ministry and Immaculata Prayer Ministry followed the Mass.

July 9, 2010

around the diocese

OLC hosts International Festival

photo provided by Capuchin Father

Martin Schratz

Our Lady of Consolation Church in Charlotte celebrated Pentecost May 23 with an international festival. Lively music and a parade of flags was part of the 11 a.m. Mass, followed by a spread of food representing the many countries represented in the parish, mostly from Africa. Those who brought food for the celebration are from Togo, Congo, Nigeria, Liberia, Zambia, Trinidad, Grenada, Haiti, Senegal, Puerto Rico, Panama, Ireland, and, of course, the U.S., and everyone enjoyed the spirit of togetherness as a parish.


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The Catholic News & Herald 9

‘Spirit trade’ event in Asheville promotes economic solidarity Janneke Pieters Correspondent ASHEVILLE ― Coffees, confections and artisan crafts from around the world were featured at the “Spirit Trade” global marketplace at the Basilica of St. Lawrence in Asheville recently. The event, promoted to all the parishes in the Asheville area, was organized in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services’ fair trade program. “The response was incredible. We didn’t anticipate it. Laurentine Hall was packed after both Masses,” said an enthusiastic Ken Hillberry, who worked with CRS, Rita Livezey and the Basilica’s social justice commission, Catholic Daughters of America and other volunteers to organize the event. The sale actually ended early because most of the stock was sold out after the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass. Products were available from Vietnam, India, Nicaragua, Pakistan and the Israeli West Bank, among others. The items for sale were purchased from SERRV, a non-profit organization that works with artisan and farmer cooperatives. Ninety percent of sales go to SERRV and the artisans and farmers who created the items. In his homily, Father David Garcia of CRS spoke to parishioners about fair trade economics. According to www. crsfairtrade.org, fair trade is essentially about building respectful, enduring relationships. This includes paying local fair wages, offering opportunities for advancement, providing equal employment opportunities, using environmentally sustainable practices, and providing healthy and safe working conditions. One of the ways this can be accomplished is through cooperatives. For example, nearly one million of an estimated 25 million small-scale coffee farmers worldwide are members of cooperatives, which sell directly to fair

photo by Janneke Pieters

Albert Czarnecki browses the “Spirit Trade” global marketplace at the Basilica of St. Lawrence in Asheville, an event organized in collaboration with Catholic Relief Services’ fair trade program that featured coffees, confections and artisan crafts from around the world. trade importers in the U.S. “People may ask, why spend $10$11 on a pound of coffee when $7-$8 buys a cheaper brand?” said Hillberry. “We are called to be responsible and compassionate consumers. Every item we purchase could come from someone’s hands thousands of miles away.” During two weekends in May and June, fair trade coffee and other goodies were offered after the morning Masses as a prelude to the Spirit Trade event. With the social justice commission and pastor Father Wilbur Thomas, Hillberry is looking into the possibility of offering fair trade coffee for sale on a regular basis at the basilica, as well as other ways to continue promoting fair trade. In “Called to Global Solidarity,” the National Conference of Catholic Bishops stated, “We are members of a universal Church that transcends national boundaries and calls us to live in solidarity and justice with the peoples of the world. We are also citizens of a powerful democracy with enormous influence beyond our borders.” In promoting the event, “we associated the principles of Catholic social teaching every step of the way, especially solidarity,” Hillberry emphasized. “Solidarity opens up a global, universal point of view, which is the Catholic view.”

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SEND US YOUR NEWS We welcome your school’s news. E-mail items to Editor Patricia Guilfoyle at plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org.

July 9, 2010

10 The Catholic News & Herald

Culture Watch

A roundup of Scripture, readings, films and more

MOVIE REVIEWS NEW YORK (CNS) ― The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by the Office for Film & Broadcasting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:

n “Toy Story 3” (Disney/Pixar)

A satisfying, action-packed conclusion to the “Toy Story” trilogy that offers valuable lessons in the importance of family, friendship and destiny. Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), and the rest of the “Roundup Gang” consider their options as their owner Andy (John Morris) heads to college and puts away his childish things. Instead of being safely packed away in the attic, the toys wind up in a day care center filled with new toys and unruly kids. Lots-O’Huggin Bear (Ned Beatty) soon reveals he is not the benevolent toy leader he appears. Will the toys escape and make it back to Andy’s house, or does the recycling bin beckon? Both kids and their parents will find the answer happy, heartfelt and hope-filled. Mild cartoonish violence and scenes of peril. The CNS classification is A-I – general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G – general audiences. All ages admitted.

n “Grown Ups” (Columbia)

Meandering, scattershot comedy, of interest mainly to devoted Adam Sandler fans, in which co-writer Sandler and director Dennis Dugan set out to tell the tale of five friends, all once members of a championship private-school basketball team, who reunite with their families at a

New England lake cabin after their coach dies, but this weak entry mostly offers up stale riffs and physical comedy in lieu of a strong story. Some mild sexual and scatological humor, including a running gag about a 4-year-old boy who still breastfeeds, brief rear nudity, fleeting crude and crass language, a few instances of innuendo. The CNS classification is A-III – adults. The MPAA rating is PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children younger than 13.

n “Jonah Hex” (Warner Bros.)

woman (Cameron Diaz) unwittingly caught up in the conflict between a highly skilled but apparently rogue CIA agent (Tom Cruise) and his former colleagues as they battle each other and an evil Spanish arms dealer for possession of a recently invented energy source with revolutionary potential. Director and co-writer James Mangold’s breezy diversion takes a largely bloodless toll on the extras while the adroitly portrayed central relationship progresses, for the most part, innocently enough. Frequent, though mostly nongraphic, action violence, at least one use of profanity, some crude language, a few instances of sexual humor. The CNS classification is A-III – adults. The MPAA rating is PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children younger than 13.

cheesy and somehow engrossing film based on the TV series in the 1980s without that program’s self-mocking humor. Director Joe Carnahan, who also scripted along with Brian Bloom and Skip Woods, reinvents the story line as sort of a video game, with Liam Neeson, Quinton Jackson, Bradley Cooper and Sharlto Copley playing four Army Rangers, all specialists in covert missions, framed in Iraq for a crime they didn’t commit, then escaping from prison to clear their names and seize the CIA operative who set them up. Some fleeting crass and crude language, most of it before the opening credits are over, a fleeting reference to premarital sex, and abundant explosions and gunfire. The CNS classification is A-II – adults and adolescents. The MPAA rating is PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for PMchildren younger than 13.

n “The A-Team” (Fox)

The popular DC Comics series springs to life with a bang as the title character, a Civil War soldier turned bounty hunter and drifter, seeks revenge on the man who killed his family and left him disfigured. Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin) chases his nemesis, Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich), across the country to prevent him from blowing up Washington and restarting the Civil War. The body count along the way is enormous, and while it is always clear that the bad guys go to hell, it’s hard to condone Hex’s fanatical drive for revenge. Stylized if unbloody violence, including gunfights, brawls and explosions; implied sexual activity; occult rituals; and some profanity. The CNS classification is A-III – adults. The MPAA rating is PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children younger than 13.

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Travel with other Catholics and Your Chaplain Fr. George Almeida

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For more information call


Frank Villaronga, 704-370-3274 or E-mail favillaronga@charlottediocese.org

For information, brochure, and letter from Fr. Almeida with his phone number, call 7 days a week:

YMT Vacations


The Catholic News & Herald 11

July 9, 2010


Recent video releases rated NEW YORK (CNS) ― Here is a list of recent home video releases of theatrical movies that Catholic News Service has rated on the basis of moral suitability. These classifications refer only to the theatrical version of the films below, and do not take into account home video releases’ extra content. The first symbol after each title is the Catholic News Service classification. The second symbol is the rating of the Motion Picture Association of America. CNS classifications: A-I – general patronage; A-II – adults and adolescents; CNS photo by Disney/Pixar

Animated characters Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear, Buzz Lightyear and Woody are pictured in a scene from the movie “Toy Story 3.” The film contains mild cartoonish violence and scenes of peril. The Catholic News Service classification is A-I – general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G – general audiences. All ages admitted.

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Upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - (open to both men and women) CHARLOTTE AREA: SEPT. 17-19 704-370-3229 or mnadol@charlottediocese.org You may also want to visit Rachel’s Vineyard Web site at www.rachelsvineyard.org.

Respect Life Program Family Life Office Catholic Social Services Diocese of Charlotte

A Alice in Wonderland, A-II (PG) Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, A-I (PG) Armored, A-III (PG-13) Astro Boy, A-II (PG) Avatar, A-III (PG-13)

B Bandslam, A-I (PG) The Blind Side, A-III (PG-13)

C Capitalism: A Love Story, A-III (R) A Christmas Carol, A-I (PG) The Collector, O (R)

D Daybreakers, O (R) Dear John, A-III (PG-13)

E Extraordinary Measures, A-III (PG)

F Fantastic Mr. Fox, A-I (PG) The Fourth Kind, A-III (PG-13)

I Invictus, A-III (PG-13) It’s Complicated, L (R)

L Leap Year, A-III (PG) The Lovely Bones, A-III (PG-13)

A-III – adults; L – limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling; O – morally offensive. MPAA ratings: G – general audiences. All ages admitted; PG – parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children; PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13; R – restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian; NC-17 – no one 17 and under admitted.

M The Men Who Stare at Goats, A-III (R)

N Ninja Assassin, O (R)

O Old Dogs, A-II (PG)

P Planet 51, A-I (PG)

Ponyo, A-I (G) The Princess and the Frog, A-I (G)

The Road, L (R)


S Sherlock Holmes, A-III (PG-13) The Spy Next Door, A-II (PG) The Stoning of Soraya M., L (R)

T Tooth Fairy, A-II (PG) The Twilight Saga: New Moon, A-II (PG-13) 2012, A-III (PG-13)

U Up in the Air, L (R)

W Where the Wild Things Are, A-II (PG)

God is inviting you to come: are you ready?

“BE NOT AFRAID” Retreat July 15-17

“I am the way and the truth and the life”

-- John 14:6

St. Joseph Vietnamese Catholic Church 4929 Sandy Porter Rd., Charlotte, 28273 OUTSTANDING SPEAKERS

Rev. Father Paul Bergeron -- an international speaker and Louisiana native. Topic: Holy Eucharist, Mother Mary

Rev. Father Deogratias Rwegasira -- from Tanzania, Africa, Pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Easton, PA. Topic: Seven Capital Sins, Confession Flor Maria Del Rosario Achong -- orphaned in the streets of San Jose, Costa Rica. Topic: Reconciliation

Robert R. Allard -- St. Lucie, FL, director of Apostles of Divine Mercy. Topic: The Floodgates of Mercy are Opened Contact: Beth Manning at 704-365-6601 or 704-779-0257 (cell); Stephanie Alder 704-365-2209; Grace Narus 704-543-1237 Visit us at www.benotafraidretreat.com Donation suggestion: $35 for all 3 days Mail registration form (on Web site)and check payable to: Concordia Fisher, 8519 Dunsinane Dr., Charlotte, NC 28227

12 The Catholic News & Herald

July 9, 2010

culture watch

Smartphone apps integrate prayer life with daily technology Gretchen R. Crowe Catholic News Service ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) ― Praying is now so 21st century. Instead of a paperback missalette, there’s iMissal. Instead of prayer cards, there’s a touch-screen Saint A Day. Instead of randomly jotting down prayer requests, there’s a digitally organized list in PrayerSteward. These three applications – better known as apps – only scratch the surface of faith-related digital materials available in Apple’s App Store and, to a lesser extent, in the Android Market and Palm Pre App Catalog. With these digital Catholic resources comes the undeniable convenience of modern-day prayer. “I know people who before they even get out of bed they have their iPod Touch or their iPhone in their hand,� said Sister Kathryn James Hermes, a Daughter of St. Paul and director of digital publishing for Pauline Books and Media, in an interview with the Arlington Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Arlington Diocese. “You could be looking at the psalms or the morning meditation,� she added. In March, Parks Associates, a market research and consulting company specializing in digital technologies, reported that smartphone (i.e. iPhone, Android, Palm Pre) users are expected to quadruple by 2014, resulting in 1 billion users worldwide. That’s a market that everyone, even the Vatican, can get behind. On Easter Sunday, the Vatican Observatory Foundation, which promotes scientific research of the heavens, launched the Vatican-approved iPhone app: “Daily Sermonettes with Father Mike Manning.� “These daily reflections are inspired by Scripture, using God’s uplifting message as a guide in your daily life, supporting the foundation’s mission of scientific research, education and discovery,� the Web site reads. Also approved by the Vatican is iBreviary (available on iPhone and Android), an app developed in part by Italian priest Father Paolo Padrini, that contains daily readings, the Liturgy of the Hours and other prayers in multiple

languages. “As religious, we take to heart that (Pope) Benedict has said we need to give a soul to technology, a soul to communications,� Sister Kathryn said. “We do that through prayer, through reflection, through the love with which we carry out our apostolate – even the way in which we create our apps, trying to make them a truly beautiful experience.� Sister Kathryn and the Daughters of St. Paul always are on the lookout for ways to give the Internet a soul by using it to spread the Good News. “For those who never go into a church, through the media we’re able to allow wherever they are to become a church,� she said. “It becomes a place of encounter for them, a sacred space, a type of church. It becomes a way to multiply our presence to a whole new audience.� The iMissal app, developed by Cantcha Inc. and available for iPhone and Android users, contains a full calendar displaying all liturgical seasons, all Mass readings for every liturgical cycle, audio readings, a daily Bible verse and a list of popular prayers. “It really is meant to become the source of everything Catholic that Catholics turn to for prayer and devotion and faith,� Sister Kathryn said. “It’s this very simple thing. You can have the readings right in your hand along with everything else that organizes your life.� Favorite prayers can be e-mailed to friends, and iMissal is connected with CatholicTV, a television ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston, and enables users to stream Mass online. Though the Rosary Miracle Prayer app, available in June, users can pray the rosary in his or her own “sacred space.� Audio tracks feature the Daughters of St. Paul – recorded at their studio in Boston – praying the decades, and 18 different sets of pictures help draw the faithful into the four sets of mysteries. From within the app, users can e-mail the Daughters of St. Paul directly with personal prayer intentions. With the Saint A Day app, invoking a prayer to the patron saint of cancer, artists, flying or mail delivery is only an index finger away. A quick search results



CNS photo by Gretchen R. Crowe, Arlington Catholic Herald

The Church capitalizes on technology with the iMissal application, available on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Android phones. It provides daily readings, Catholic prayers and Bible verses. in a wide breadth of information on a particular saint, and users then are able to e-mail it to a friend in need. PrayerSteward, an application just released by Safe-t-Technologies LLC, offers an easy way to keep track of prayer intentions. Once a user make a promise to remember someone in prayer, it can be added to the PrayerSteward list. The user can set time limits or reminders or e-mail the prayer request to others. More information is available at prayersteward. com, and a quick search on YouTube provides a useful tutorial. Besides the digital apps, the

Daughters of St. Paul have six CDs available for download on iTunes and will soon have books available for e-readers like Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nook and Apple’s iPad. Despite all the apps, smartphones and fancy devices, however, the mission of evangelization for the Daughters of St. Paul – and for the Church – remains the same today as 2,000 years ago in St. Paul’s time. “All of these things are means,� Sister Kathryn said. “They are a way to reach out to a lot of people at once. That’s really the essence of our mission, to evangelize out.�

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High Point Monroe Murphy Hamlet Reidsville

Albemarle Boone Brevard Greensboro Hickory

Salisbury Sparta Sylva Waynesville Winston-Salem






For more information, contact: Editor Patricia L. Guilfoyle



plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org 704-370-3334

July 9, 2010

culture watch

The Catholic News & Herald 13

Gingriches’ film about Pope John Paul II made as an ‘act of devotion’ “If you look at most of the secular history of the period, they don’t cover the impact of the Church,” Gingrich said in a recent interview with The Southern SAN DIEGO ― Former U.S. House Cross, newspaper of the Diocese of San Speaker Newt Gingrich seems to be Diego. everywhere these days. The couple made the documentary Turn on the Fox News Channel “almost as an act of devotion,” Gingrich and you’ll find the former Republican said. congressman providing analysis of He explained that the idea for the current political events. film came about while he and Callista Stroll through the local bookstore and were interviewing various Cold War you’ll come across copies of his more than icons for an earlier documentary on 20 books, including the recently released former President Ronald Reagan. “To Save America: Stopping Obama’s The couple planned to discuss the Secular-Socialist Machine.” film and other religious-themed projects of theirs when they address the Mother of Life Conference in San Diego Aug. 14. SEE THE FILM The main theme of their speech For more information about “Nine will be the moral and religious Days That Changed the World” or to implications of today’s court rulings order a copy of the DVD, visit www. on such issues as abortion. Gingrich said he and his wife see ninedaysthatchangedtheworld.com. the conference “as an opportunity to reach out and talk with a number of people who had a deep concern about the future of America, who understood that life begins at conception, On top of it all, he is considering a who are committed to reinserting values run for the presidency in 2012. (into U.S. society).” And earlier this month, Gingrich “We thought that it was really and his wife Callista were in Warsaw, something that we had an obligation to Poland, and then Rome for the debut of do,” he added. their new documentary, “Nine Days That In their speech, Gingrich said he Changed the World.” It chronicles Pope and his wife will focus on the GodJohn Paul II’s nine-day pilgrimage to given nature of freedom and how “no Poland in 1979 and examines the event’s government can get between ... God and significant role in the fall of Soviet you as an individual.” communism.

Denis Grasska Catholic News Service

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For information on specific programs, please call your local office. 1123 South Church Street, Charlotte NC 28203 www.cssnc.org

CNS photo by Bob Roller

Archbishop Donald W. Wuerl of Washington, D.C., gives Communion to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich during a Mass marking the 50th anniversary of the dedication of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Nov. 19. Gingrich, who became a Catholic earlier last year, and his wife Callista, who sings in the professional choir at the basilica, have been working on religion-themed projects, including “Nine Days That Changed the World” – a documentary chronicling Pope John Paul II’s nine-day pilgrimage to Poland in 1979 and its impact on the fall of Soviet communism. “I think it’s very important to recognize that we are in a situation where, today, we have secular judges imposing secular law in a way that has enormous moral and religious implications,” Gingrich said. Newt and Callista Gingrich were married in 2000. A lifelong Catholic, Callista sings in the professional choir at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Newt Gingrich entered the Church in late March 2009. “I had been originally raised as a Lutheran and had become a Baptist,” he said, “but then over the last nine years, I had found myself more and more attracted to the Church. “And I don’t think I made a decision to convert,” he continued. “I think I became a Catholic and then realized it one day.” That momentous day arrived during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the U.S. April 15-20, 2008. “There was something about that week and seeing him,” Gingrich said, “and I just decided ... that this was where I belong, this (was) the right thing for me.”

As for the upcoming Mother of Life Conference, he said he hoped participants will realize, with the leadership of the Knights of Columbus, pro-life supporters “have little reason to be afraid. The vast majority of Americans agree with us. It is actually a militant minority on the left that has been trying to change our country radically.” He added that he hoped those who attend will leave the event “rededicated and recommitted to fighting for an America based on sound values.” Presented by the San Diego chapter of the Knights of Columbus, the Mother of Life Conference will be held at San Diego State University’s Viejas Arena. Speakers will include Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa, a popular EWTN host; Father Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International; and Lila Rose, president of Live Action, a nonprofit organization that uses new media and investigative journalism to advance a culture of life. Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, will celebrate the closing liturgy.

14 The Catholic News & Herald


July 9, 2010

Growing Opportunities program marks 10 years GRANT, from page 1

For 10 years the Office of Economic Opportunity of Catholic Social Services has been giving out small ”Growing Opportunities” grants to aid local non-profit organizations and community groups in rural western North Carolina. More than $211,000 has been awarded to help empower people, create jobs and provide community development projects in the impoverished areas of Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Swain counties. Smoky Mountain Native Plants Association, a group of 70 members that came together to help solve local agricultural and economic issues, is one of the organizations succeeding because of these grants, which come from money from the 1999 sale of Good Shepherd Home Health Care and Hospice Agency. Smoky Mountain Native Plants was awarded $2,000 in 2001, $2,200 in 2003 and $3,000 in 2008. “We set out to make a project that would help people get through the off times,” says Beverly Whitehead, chairwoman of the association. “Every year it gets harder for local people to make a living. There are about 8,000 people in the local community and unless you have a job at the one grocery store, in the schools, working for the county or the (U.S.) Forest Service, you have to wait until tourist season to hope to find employment,” Whitehead says. So Smoky Mountain Native Plants was formed to bring together local farmers to grow and market resources they already have – native plants such as ramps and corn that residents have relied on for sustenance for generations. The association is now one of the 10 largest employers in Graham County, employing 72 people seasonally and four year-round employees. They use sustainable farming practices and partner with

“If we can give anyone even an hour’s work they are grateful.”

N.C. State University and the N.C. Department of Agriculture to research and grow specialty crops that will benefit the economy and preserve local heritage. The association began growing ramps – an early spring onion also called a wild mountain leek – in 2003 after local growers swapped their favorite ramp cornbread recipes. – Beverly Whitehead, Ramp cornbread has been made Smoky Mountain for centuries, originating as a hearty corn pone for hunters. The Native Plants group sampled all their recipes, Association narrowing them to three, then voting to reproduce the 1890s one they call “Grandma Amo’s Cornbread.” It is an actual recipe from one grower’s great-great-great-grandmother. That recipe is featured on the packaging of the ramp cornbread mix that Smoky Mountain Native Plants now sells. Speaking about the OEO Growing Opportunities grants, Whitehead says, “Each grant that we have received has been critical. The money came at the exact time we needed it. In 2003 the grant funded our trip to Washington, D.C., to get our product to the Folklife Festival sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution. In 2009 we used the grant to redesign our packaging.” The association sells ramp seasonings now besides the fresh ramps and ramp cornbread mix. The local farmers also grow corn, shitake mushrooms, squash, tomatoes and potatoes for local markets. “A driving force” behind the success of the Growing Opportunities grants has been Father George Kloster, pastor of St. William Church in Murphy and Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission in Hayesville. Father Kloster has been actively involved in economic development in rural Western North Carolina for the past 12 years. Father Kloster serves as “the bridge” between all those involved in the ecumenical efforts to improve the lives of the people in the area. “The support of local parishes and churches is essential,” says Father Kloster. He has witnessed first-hand the creation and the success of projects such as the Smoky Mountain Native Plants Association. “They take small grants and with a lot of initiative leverage the monies into marketing opportunities,” Father Kloster points out. Perseverance and the collaboration of local residents and churches, as well as the perfectly-timed CSS grants, are the recipe for success now and in the future. “It’s a very hands-on approach to sharing what we know about the land, the plants and the skills we all have. The whole organization is based on shared knowledge. Honoring each other’s knowledge and skills is critical,” adds Whitehead. “We’re a team, doing this together.”

July 9, 2010

The Catholic News & Herald 15


GROWING OPPORTUNITIES OVER THE YEARS n The Growing Opportunities Small Grants Program of the Office of Economic Opportunity has given out more than 100 grants totaling $211,000 over its 10-year history. Its aim is to provide “seed money” to foster small-scale economic development projects that will improve the quality of life for the residents of Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Swain counties in western North Carolina. n The most recent round of grants was the 16th since the program’s inception. The next grant cycle will begin in September. n The OEO Growing Opportunities Small Grants Program began in 2000, a year after the Office of Economic Opportunity was opened in Murphy. The Diocese of Charlotte set aside more than $400,000 from the proceeds of the sale of Good Shepherd Home Health Care and Hospice Agency to create this grant program in western North Carolina in 1999. It is funded separately from OEO’s general operating budget. photo provided by Claudie


Winners of the spring 2010 Growing Opportunities grants from CSS’ Office of Economic Opportunity are Karen Kleinpeter with Licklog Players; Sara Bridges with Hope for Families in Graham County, Teresa Thomas with REACH-Women’s Development Center of Cherokee County, Crystal Glenn with HAVEN, Judith Alvarado with REACH-Clay County, Methodist Rev. Tim Huff with Hurlburt-Johnson Friendship House Inc., and Yvette Carringer with GREAT. Pictured with them is Claudie Burchfield, OEO program director.

Latest grant winners announced

10th anniversary marks $200,000 milestone for OEO program SueAnn Howell Staff Writer MURPHY ― For more than a decade now, the Office of Economic Opportunity of Catholic Social Services has been awarding grants to local groups in Cherokee, Clay, Graham and Swain counties in western North Carolina. On June 8, the latest grants were awarded to eight local organizations at a ceremony at First United Methodist Church in Hayesville. The latest recipients are: Hope for Families; REACH, Cherokee County; HAVEN; REACH, Clay County; Licklog Players; Family Resources of Cherokee County; GREAT; and Hurlburt-Johnson Friendship House Inc. The OEO Growing Opportunities Small Grants Program began in 2000, a year after the Office of Economic

Opportunity was opened in Murphy. The Diocese of Charlotte set aside more than $400,000 from the proceeds of the sale of Good Shepherd Home Health Care and Hospice Agency to create this grant program in western North Carolina in

FOR MORE INFORMATION Check out www.smnpa.org for more information about the Smoky Mountain Native Plants Association and its products. Ramps, also called wild leeks, taste like a cross between a shallot and a garlic chive. They can be eaten fresh or dried and used to add zest to many dishes, like stone-ground cornmeal, which the association also produces. They are in season for just a few short weeks in the spring, and since the plants take seven years to mature, they are a prized delicacy. Ramps were recently named one of the latest green-market food trends by Time Magazine food writer Josh Ozersky.

1999, funded separately from OEO. “Today we celebrate the fruits of that decision made 10 years ago. That 120 grants totaling $211,109 have been distributed through the four counties is a testimony to the hard work of the OEO staff and volunteers and the collaborative efforts of many community partners,” said Rev. Monsignor Mauricio West, vicar general and chancellor for the Diocese of Charlotte, in a written statement for the awards ceremony. “It is also a witness to the ongoing commitment of the Diocese of Charlotte to be a leaven for community and economic development in the far western region of our state,” Monsignor West added. OEO Growing Opportunities grants are awarded annually. For more information, call Claudie Burchfield at 828-835-3535 or visit the Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Social Services Web site at www.cssnc.org/oeo.html.

n Grant recipients are chosen by a selection committee, the OEO advisory board, which is an ecumenical group representing all four counties. Winners must be community or nonprofit organizations with projects that will foster economic development or strengthen families. n Besides the Smoky Mountain Native Plants Association featured here, grant recipients include: ― Several grants totaling $15,615 to the Hinton Rural Life Center for Samaritan’s Promise, a discount store where low-income residents can buy household items ― $3,800 for the Appalachian Heritage Crafters in 2000 to fund a retail store and $1,500 in 2003 to help fund an arts and crafts festival ― $800 to Swain/Qualla Habitat for Humanity Inc. in 2000 for carpentry classes for high school students ― $2,310 to Legal Aid of Western North Carolina Inc. in 2001 for legal aid outreach in Hayesville ― $2,000 to Stecoah Valley Weavers in 2002 to train local residents in hand spinning and weaving ― $725 to One Dozen Who Care Inc. in 2005 for a small business training center and $2,500 in 2007 for a youth mentoring effort ― $2,000 to the Clay County Food Pantry in 2002 ― $3,000 to the Meadow Branch Volunteer Fire Department in 2009 for a children’s playground ― $1,750 to the Hayesville Child Development Center in 2008 for a community garden ― $1,850 to Heritage Partners of Cherokee County in 2008 for a Murphy River Walk ― $1,500 to REACH Inc., which aids victims of domestic and sexual violence, to buy a garment printer in 2008 and $1,000 in 2006 to fund a task force on family violence ― $2,500 to Truett Baptist-Mountain Area Dental Clinic for dental clinics for low-income residents in 2006 ― $3,000 to Hulbert-Johnson Friendship House Inc. to start up a homeless shelter in 2005 ― Several grants totaling $5,275 to Heritage Partners of Cherokee County to fund various tourism efforts, including a “heritage walk” n A list of all the recipients is online at cssnc.org/ oeo.html.

16 The Catholic News & Herald

in our schools


OLM celebrates ‘Big Buddies’

School: 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31, and 9-11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3

WINSTON-SALEM ― Kindergarten students at Our Lady of Mercy School in Winston-Salem celebrated their Big Buddies May 28 with a special Mass in their honor followed by a ceremony of thanks and a lunch in the school cafeteria where they were joined by their parents and teachers. The kindergarten students sold lemonade for a week to raise the money for the luncheon of sub sandwiches and desserts enjoyed by all. At OLM incoming pre-kindergarten students are paired up with seventh-grade students who act as their buddies and mentors for the next 2 years. Kindergarten students weren’t the only ones to enjoy good food as the school year came to a close. Fourthgraders ended their study of other countries with a yummy field trip to Mi Pueblo Restaurant, owned by the parents of an OLM student, to enjoy a Mexican feast firsthand. ― Submitted by Margaret Dickson

MACS open house dates set for fall

CHARLOTTE ― Open house dates for all MACS schools are as follows: n All elementary schools: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17, and 9 a.m.-noon Tuesday, Oct. 19 n Charlotte Catholic High School: 1-3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 24 n Holy Trinity Catholic Middle

July 9, 2010

Charlotte Catholic students SOAR

Students send SPX principal to the roof

GREENSBORO ― Field Day May 28 was a “wacky” day at St. Pius X School as Principal Anne Knapke spent the day on the school’s roof as a result of the students surpassing their goal to raise funds for Pennies for Patients benefitting the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The student body raised $5,208 in the annual drive in one week. This year’s campaign was especially meaningful with the fall diagnosis of eighth-grader Jay Kirby and in honor of seventh-grader Colin McCord, who is a leukemia survivor. Also because of the successful campaign, teacher Sharon Rothweiler had pies thrown at her, teacher Barb Egloff was showered with water balloons, and teacher Anne Ruddy sang during the morning announcements. St. Pius X students have shown great stewardship this past school year, giving more than $6,300 to St. Jude’s Matha-Thon, $5,200 for Crop Walk, nearly $4,300 for Peru Hot Lunch Program and educating 30 students in the Peru Educate a Child Program by raising another $4,300, plus additional money for Haiti Relief, African Refugee Support and an African Refugee baby shower. ― Submitted by Kim Knox

photos provided by Al Tinson

The 10th Annual Camp SOAR (Special Olympics Athletic Retreat), hosted by the Levine Jewish Community Center and Special Olympics Mecklenburg County, was held June 14-18 on the center’s 54-acre campus. Camp SOAR is free of charge for children and adults (10 years of age and older) with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It’s a full summer camp experience with sports including bocce, soccer, basketball, tennis and afternoon swimming. Campers also work on arts and crafts projects, learn computer skills, and enjoy dancing and entertainment and leave campus to bowl at Carolina Lanes in Matthews. Approximately 340 athletes and more than 250 volunteers participated this year, including 93 students from Charlotte Catholic High School, the largest group of volunteers the school has provided in the history of the camp. Among them were many who have volunteered several years. Some students have recruited their younger siblings to take part each year. Others assisting at the camp were 20 swimmers and their coaches from Swim MAC Carolina. Also, 25 players and coaches from Charlotte Soccer Academy, led by their program director Jamie Luckie, worked to help campers develop their soccer skills. Luckie not only ran the soccer venue but the basketball program as well. Pictured are (above) Charlotte Catholic student Erin Gaeckle, from Swim MAC Carolina, with camper Jonathan Williams.

We welcome your school’s news. E-mail items to Editor Patricia Guilfoyle at plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org.

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(Above) Pictured are six of the 93 Charlotte Catholic students who volunteered at Camp SOAR. They all just graduated. From left are Mary Kathryn Ferebee (who started a Special Olympics Club at Charlotte Catholic this year), Dooner Harrell, Claire Powers, Caitlin Christ, Callie Merriam and Blake Lozzi.

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Classified ads bring results! Over 160,000 readers! More than 56,000 homes! Rates: $.80/word per issue ($16 minimum per issue) Deadline: 12 noon Wednesday, 9 days before publication How to order: Ads may be E-mailed to ckfeerick@charlottediocese.org, faxed to (704) 370-3382 or mailed to: Cindi Feerick, The Catholic News & Herald, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, NC 28203. Payment: For information, call (704) 370-3332.

(Left) Bob Bowler, founder and director of Camp SOAR, was honored during the camp’s 10th anniversary celebration with a collage of photos taken throughout the camp’s history as well as a proclamation from Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx and a video tribute. Bowler, a member of St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte, dreamed many years ago of offering a summer camp for special needs individuals, many of whom were barred from participating in other summer camps.

July 9, 2010

The Catholic News & Herald 17


Priest on leave PRIEST, from page 1

misconduct. The diocese is cooperating fully with the investigation by Stanly County authorities. In addition, the Review Board of the Diocese of Charlotte is also conducting its own investigation. The Diocese of Charlotte has a commitment to providing a safe environment for all people, especially the young and vulnerable. In 2002, the U.S. bishops issued the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People,” which addresses the Church’s commitment to respond effectively, appropriately and compassionately to cases of abuse of young people by priests, deacons or other church personnel. The move to place Father Kelleher on administrative leave is part of the charter’s protocol and does not imply guilt or innocence. While the investigation proceeds, Father Kelleher cannot publicly celebrate Mass or the sacraments and he cannot appear in public wearing priestly attire. Kelleher was ordained in 1953 in Ireland. He was a Trappist monk at Southern Star Abbey in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand, until he joined the Diocese

POLICY ONLINE The Diocese of Charlotte has a commitment to providing a safe environment for all people, especially the young and vulnerable. In 2002, the U.S. bishops issued the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The charter addresses the Catholic Church’s commitment to respond effectively, appropriately and compassionately to cases of abuse of young people by priests, deacons or other church personnel. The Policy of the Diocese of Charlotte Concerning Ministry-Related Sexual Misconduct by Church Personnel covers requirements for reporting abuse; screening of clergy, religious, seminarians and lay employees; procedures when allegations are made; education; media and communications; and sanctions for non– compliance. All diocesan personnel who work with young people receive a copy of the policy, acknowledge its receipt and are required to comply with the policy in its entirety. The full policy is at www.CharlotteDiocese.org.

of Raleigh in 1966. In 1972 when the Charlotte diocese was created out of the Raleigh diocese, he was serving as pastor of a parish in Waynesville in the western part of the state. He remained with the Charlotte diocese until he retired in 1999. He returned to Bishop McGuinness High School to serve as chaplain in 1999, a position in which he celebrated the sacraments and worked as a spiritual counselor to students.

SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER CHARLOTTE Holy Trinity Catholic Middle School in Charlotte is now accepting applications for a Special Education Teacher. Position: Special Education Teacher in the Learning/Language Stimulation Program. Position to begin: August 2010 Terms: 2010-2011 School Year Salary: Diocesan scale based on experience and qualifications Qualifications: Master's Degree in Special Education/Learning Disabilities. Eligible for NC Certification. Experience teaching Special Needs Students. Good communication skills. Good technology skills. Must be able to differentiate instruction for 6-8th graders in a full-day program. Practicing Catholic. Application: Applications can be found at CharlotteDiocese.org under Schools. Application and Resume sent to: Holy Trinity LLSP Program, C/O Kevin Parks, Holy Trinity Catholic Middle School, 3100 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209. 704-527-7822. kparks@htcms.net Additional Information: Position to remain open until filled.

Parishes in the dioceses of Charlotte and Raleigh where Father Joseph Kelleher served: Parish or School Ministry................ Date Began

Parish or School Ministry................ Date Began

Diocesan Missionary Apostolate (St. Gabriel Church), Greenville..... March 1966

Our Lady of the Assumption, Charlotte ..........................................................Aug. 1977

St. Patrick, Charlotte.........................Sept. 1966

St. Lawrence, Asheville......................July 1986

Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point ..........................................................April 1968

Immaculate Conception, Hendersonville .......................................................... Oct. 1986

Our Lady of Lourdes, Raleigh........... June 1969

Sabbatical...........................................July 1991

Bishop McGuinness High School, Winston-Salem.................................. May 1970

Our Lady of the Rosary, Lexington.... Oct. 1991

St. Joseph, Asheboro.........................July 1971

Bishop McGuiness High School, Winston- Salem (additional)..............Aug. 1993

St. John, Waynesville........................Aug. 1971

St. Dorothy, Lincolnton.......................July 1998

Our Lady of the Annunciation, Albemarle ..........................................................April 1973

Retirement at his request...................July 1999

Doctor to talk GUARENDI, from page 1

Guarendi: I talk about how parents and grandparents can be godlier, stronger people in the face of the culture. CN&H: Will you be congratulating people on their progress in the moral life or will you be scolding? Guarendi: I’m going to prod them to stand strong. I’m going to give them a lot of examples and very heavy humor, so that we can laugh with a spoonful of sugar while the medicine goes down. CN&H: Speaking of laughter, the title of your talk is, “Laughter, the Sanity of Family.” Tell us a little bit about what you are going to say. Guarendi: I’m going to talk about the differences between moms and dads, I’m going to talk about the differences between boys and girls, I’m going to talk about different practices that we all

do that sometimes frustrate us and don’t work and yet are funny. CN&H: What kind of reactions do you get from people after you talk? Guarendi: They feel empowered and they say they laughed so hard their face hurts. And every once in a while I am asked, “Do you get in trouble with your profession, with psychology?” Because one of the points that I make is that psychologists have done a lot of damage to parents. We’ve got parents second-guessing, over-thinking, over-analyzing, overinterpreting, over-bargaining and underenjoying. Superficially, psychology bears a resemblance to Christianity with tolerance and unconditional love and acceptance. But at the deeper level, it is antithetical to Christianity in a lot of ways. Psychology makes parents secondguess themselves. We’ve got parents who are so tentative and so insecure that they can’t make strong decisions. And many of these people are the ones who are most concerned about doing a good job as a parent; these are the kind of people who attend Eucharistic Congresses.

Office of Advancement Opportunities

Catholic Diocese of Richmond / McMahon Parater Foundation The Catholic Diocese of Richmond has two positions available in the new Office of Advancement: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT: Provides primary leadership and oversight for all campaign; major, annual, and planned gifts; and fundraising awareness and promotion activities of the Office of Advancement. Additionally, provides leadership to the Diocese; builds strategies for major gifts and planned giving; and ensures full success of the Investing in Our Children Campaign that seeks to raise $15MM throughout Diocese. 6-10 yrs exp. in fundraising and excellent communication skills required. DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: Responsible for short and long-term plans for Annual Diocesan Appeal and all related stewardship and recognition activities. Will also provide hands-on guidance and expertise in developing fundraising efforts in both diocesan schools and parishes. 3 to 5 yrs development exp., especially with educational institutions preferred and excellent communication skills required. Catholic in Good Standing is preferred. Application review begins immediately. To apply, send cover letter, resume and application to Sarah Fogler, Recruiting & Training Manager, Diocese of Richmond, Office of Human Resources, 7800 Carousel Lane, Richmond, VA 23294. Fax: 804-358-9158. Email: jobs@richmonddiocese.org. Full job descriptions available online at www.richmonddiocese.org/human/index.htm.

July 9, 2010

18 The Catholic News & Herald


A collection of columns, editorials and viewpoints

Don’t forget God when you go on vacation “Summer time and the living is easy…” is a phrase of a once popular song. Our summers, however, seem to get busier – especially if we have families and if we go on vacation. We seem to go from here to there, sometimes at a rushed pace just to have a time of peace and recreation. We have to pack, get the car checked, stop the newspaper, get the animals taken care of (if we don’t take them with us), make sure we have all the things we need (clothing, food, reservations, tickets, proper shoes, beach balls, chairs, a favorite pillow, books to read, golf clubs, tennis rackets, etc.) – what a lot to do! We do this so that hopefully we will have a “restful” vacation. And we wonder at times if all our preparations are worth it and if we have a truly “wonderful vacation.” One of the items we should remember when going on vacation, whether for a few days or for an extended time, is to not forget God! We can and should be joining our local faith community at the beach or mountains, or wherever, for the celebration of the Mass. Most vacation destinations have multiple Masses scheduled at the local churches. We can find out the time, the location and the driving time to get there. Let’s not vacation from God, but

Guest column Father Ed Sheridan St. Eugene Church

instead include some time to join in giving our worship to the good Lord and to receive the great gift of the Eucharist. Vacationing does not excuse us from attending church on Sunday – unless we were to vacation to the moon. Some people check Mass schedules in the phone book or online at www. Masstimes.org, but the best way to check is to drive by the church for the posted times or call the church number or check their Web site. Phone directories and national Web sites sometimes are not current. Just as we welcome and enjoy our visitors from many different places, so I hope that you will find a welcome word from your “vacationing” Catholic Church. Father Ed Sheridan is the pastor of St. Eugene Church in Asheville.


Sunday, Deuteronomy 30:10-14, Colossians 1:15-20, Luke 10:25-37; Monday, Isaiah 1:10-17, Matthew 10:34-11:1; Tuesday (St. Henry), Isaiah 7:1-9, Matthew 11:20-24; Wednesday (Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha), Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16, Matthew 11:25-27; Thursday (St. Bonaventure), Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19, Matthew 11:28-30; Friday (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel), Isaiah38:1-6, 2122, 7-8, Isaiah 38:10-12, 16, Matthew 12:1-8; Saturday, Micah 2:1-5, Matthew 12:14-21


Sunday, Genesis 18:1-10, Colossians 1:24-28, Luke 10:38-42; Monday, Micah 6:1-4, 6-8, Matthew 12:38-42; Tuesday (St. Apollinaris), Micah 7:14-15, 1820, Matthew 12:46-50; Wednesday (St. Lawrence of Brindisi), Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10, Matthew 13:1-9, Thursday (St. Mary Magdalene), Jeremiah 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13, John 20:1-2, 11-18; Friday (St. Bridget of Sweden), Jeremiah 3:1417, Jeremiah 31:10-13, Matthew 13:18-23; Saturday (St. Sharbel Makhluf), Jeremiah 7:1-11, Matthew 13:24-30


Sunday, Genesis 18:20-32, Colossians 2:12-14, Luke 11:1-13; Monday (Sts. Joachim and Anne), Jeremiah 13:1-11, Deuteronomy 32:18-21, Matthew 13:31-35; Tuesday, Jeremiah 14:17-22, Matthew 13:36-43; Wednesday, Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21, Matthew 13:44-46; Thursday (St. Martha), Jeremiah 18:1-6, John 11:19-27, Friday (St. Peter Chrysologus), Jeremiah 26:1-9, Matthew 13:54-58; Saturday (St. Ignatius of Loyola), Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24, Matthew 14:1-12

For the laity in worship and at work: in praise of their hands The document “Sacrosanctum Concilium” (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy) from the solemn teaching of the Second Vatican Council of 1963 states, “But in order that the liturgy may be able to produce its full effects it is necessary that the faithful come to it with proper dispositions, that their minds be attuned to their voices, and that they cooperate with heavenly grace lest they receive it in vain. Pastors of souls must realize that when the liturgy is celebrated, something more is required than the laws governing valid and lawful celebration.” (SC 11) The liturgy itself, the celebration of the Body of Christ head and members, embraces those who come to celebrate and yet there must be that proper disposition present in the faithful so that the gratuitous reception of God’s good gifts might bear fruit in life. Liturgy takes place in the sacred arena of our churches and chapels, but through the pastoral work of the Good Shepherd, it is understood that each celebration also pours out into the streets and homes from which God’s people arrive at liturgy and to which they will return when they leave. Look out the windows at our parking lots and observe those who use their feet to arrive at the source and summit of our faith. Notice how those who are unable to use their feet are assisted by other members of the Body of Christ. These helpers use their hands. But it’s not only in that moment of the parking lot where people’s hands are used. The laity use their hands, thankfully, in making our world a better place. They use their hands in building our city, in construction of our lands, in fixing our everyday needs. They shake hands to build and cross bridges. The hands of the faithful wave to strangers and welcome them to shelter and hope. The hands of the faithful toil and trod in their work so that their families might experience fullness. The same hand that holds the door for a stranger at the supermarket is also the hand that opens the door to the narthex of the church. The hands of the laity return from the world to the Eucharist. On Oct. 30, 1962, Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani publicly and openly disagreed and argued against the way the council was being structured. He was “the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the unofficial leader of those at the Council opposed to reform. He attacked the document (SC) for proposing changes that would confuse and scandalize the faithful.” It is interesting that only 46 participants

Guest column Father Patrick Toole

St. Matthew Church

sided with Cardinal Ottviani and voted against the document out of 2,215 votes cast at the council. Is it scandalous to reform the liturgy and have “full, conscious, and active participation of the laity”? Is it confusing to have the “Body of Christ” touch the body of Christ present in the Eucharist? The Church said no. The Church invites those disposed and ready, those who have toiled and trod in the everyday work of the world, to come forward and become what we receive. Whether one receives the bread of everlasting life on the tongue or in the palm of the hand, whether the Eucharist is consumed by receiving only the host or accompanying it also with the cup, the goal of reception is that the peace of the Lord be with us always. As the sign of peace is offered, we as priests and faithful use the hands that have worked throughout the week to extend a blessing to our family and neighbors on Sunday. The hands of the faithful that have worked in the world exchange peace with one another in church and so are just as open to receive the goal and fruit of that exchange: the body and blood of Jesus Christ. When the liturgy is celebrated, the something more of our faith is the reason why all of us are there in our churches. It is the reason why we come to celebrate the Eucharist, it is the reason why we can know that Jesus is truly present with us, it is the reason why we can return to our streets and our homes, to our jobs and to the world with renewed strength and hope. Since there is the option, how appropriate it is for us to extend our hands in receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. How appropriate it is to experience the something more of our faith, the gift of love which is God himself, who has extended His hands to His people so that we might take and eat and extend our hands in peace to those who need God the most. Father Patrick Toole is parochial vicar of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.

July 9, 2010

The Catholic News & Herald 19

Grief from death of a child is never-ending Dear Editor, After reading the June 25 article “Finding gratitude in grief,” my heart goes out to Kelly Buckley in her search to find meaning in the death of her 23-year-old son, as well as the death of his twin brother who died at birth. The most difficult crisis any parent can ever face was compounded for Mrs. Buckley in losing two of her sons. No one who has not experienced the death of a child can possibly imagine what it is like. We expect our parents to pass before us, we expect some of our contemporaries to pass before us, but we don’t expect our children to die before we do. They are our hope for the future, and without them that future seems bleak. Mrs. Buckley is indeed blessed with grace, a close family and a supportive community at St. Matthew parish. She appears to be making the best of it. What other choice does she have? The death of your children upsets all your hopes and dreams for your family and your heritage. Nothing is ever the same again. I know because, like her, I also lost two sons: one a teenager, the other an adult. In both cases, their deaths were unexpected and traumatic. What have I learned from this experience? First, contrary to common belief, grief is never ending. While time does provide some healing, grief takes on different faces as time goes by. The community can be helpful in the beginning, but even compassionate people lose their patience with griefstricken parents who are slow “to get over it.” Secondly, God does give us the grace to go on, and there can be gratitude in that. In the years of my grieving I have not come to finding much joy in losing my children. My experience with self-help groups and other supportive resources suggests similar experience by many bereaved parents. The happy times enjoyed by most families are always clouded by “what could have been.” So we are grateful for Mrs. Buckley and the progress she is making, and we wish her the best. Kenneth Schammel Cornelius, N.C.

A thought for doctors on the Fourth of July Dear Editor, I am writing this letter a few days before the Fourth of July, a special day to give thanks to God for all the goodness which our country represents. However, it is sad though to see how the integrity of life, one of the rights

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Letters to the Editor that our founding fathers considered “inalienable,” is nowadays being violated. We are seeing with horror the relentless push for abortion and against life by our current administration. There are many approaches to combating the great evil of abortion, but to achieve its eradication it is necessary to address its root. Abortion is the result of a contraceptive mentality: It is requested because previous means of contraception have not been effective. Therefore, restoring a mentality open to life is of the utmost importance. We doctors are supposed dedicate our lives to helping the sick and to fight against illness, yet the medical community has sadly been empowered to provide contraception. Has the development of new lives been deemed an inconvenience by our society to the point of being perceived as a “disease”? We Catholic physicians have a great opportunity, not to mention a moral obligation, to promote a prolife mentality in our clinical practices. Let’s not prescribe contraception under any circumstance! This way, by being consistent with our faith, not only do we avoid collaborating with evil, but we also promote good by giving witness in our society. We have to help women to accept the gift of life. If we all stand strong, we will make a difference in our country. Dr. Marina C. Nunez Winston-Salem, N.C.

Please dress properly for God at church Dear Editor, I would like to request that you publish this letter so people may think about how they should dress for church. I realize that the fashion industry has succeeded in making blouses for women so they may show cleavage. While some may think this type of clothing is attractive, it has no place at religious gatherings and places of worship. We should be attending church to worship the Lord, not to attend a fashion show. It is a sign of disrespect to our Blessed Lord and to the wonderful holy priests who serve Him to dress in such an inappropriate manner. Please, ladies, dress appropriately for the Lord! Helen Kelleher Greensboro, N.C.

Abortion also breaks God’s heart Dear Editor, A letter writer in the June 25 edition decried, and rightly so, the loss of animal life because of the Gulf Oil spill and expressed his concern that this tragedy is “breaking God’s heart.” God’s heart is also being broken by the millions upon millions of human lives being lost because of the sin of abortion. The Gulf Oil spill is an unintentional catastrophe caused by human error. The sin of abortion is the intentional snuffing out of innocent human life. As Proverbs tells us, one of the seven things that God abhors is “hands that shed innocent blood.” St. Paul warned the Galatians: “Be not deceived, God will not be mocked. He who sows in the field of self-indulgence will reap a harvest of corruption from it.” Surely it is time for this nation and the world to take these words to heart. Estelle Wisneski Charlotte, N.C.

Health care legislation is socialistic Dear Editor, I read with interest the June 25 U.S. News in Brief article regarding health care reform and the need to “move on.” While there are many potential items of interest in the article, I would like to focus on the article’s first sentence from Father J. Bryan Hehir in which he states, “Differences... were not about the objectives to be accomplished but about the ‘degree of assurance’ provided by the bill on those objectives....” Father Hehir completely ignores a major point in the entire discussion. The “means” by which certain “ends” are obtained also matter. Many of us oppose the legislation, not because the objectives are bad, but because, as currently structured, we interpret the “means” as yet another move towards socialism. The Catholic Church has a long, consistent history of opposing socialism. Pope Pius XI in 1931 even stated in paragraph 120 of Quadragesimo Anno that socialism is based “... on a theory of human society peculiar to itself and irreconcilable with true Christianity.” Pope John Paul II also had some things to say about it as recently as 1991. So, unless the Church has changed her position regarding socialism, I think those of us who remain against the health reform legislation as passed should absolutely continue to “replay the past continually.” Darrell Letourneau Charlotte, N.C.

The Catholic News & Herald welcomes letters from readers. We ask that letters be originals of 250 words or fewer, pertain to recent newspaper content or Catholic issues, and be in good taste. To be considered for publication, each letter must include the name, address and daytime phone number of the writer for purpose of verification. Letters may be condensed due to space limitations and edited for clarity, style and factual accuracy. The Catholic News & Herald does not publish poetry, form letters or petitions. Items submitted to The Catholic News & Herald become the property of the newspaper and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. Send letters to Letters to the Editor, The Catholic News & Herald, P.O. Box 37267, Charlotte, N.C. 28237, or e-mail catholicnews@charlottediocese.org.

View from the Back Pew Rico De Silva Columnist

Instead of rushing out after Mass, let’s thank God My 4-year-old daughter has a bad habit of leaving the table as soon as she finishes her meals. My wife says it is typical toddler behavior. I say it is plain rude. I tell my daughter that if we were to go to a friend’s house for supper and leave right after we eat without even saying thank you, our friends most likely would not invite us back to their house. When I attend Sunday Mass, I can’t help to compare my toddler’s table manners with the folks who leave church right after they receive the Eucharist. The view from the back pew after Communion is disheartening. One Sunday as I reflected on this sad reality, I wondered: “If we wouldn’t do that as a guest in somebody’s house, why do we do it as worshipers in God’s house?” I’m convinced the answer is a lack of spiritual awareness caused by a crisis of our Catholic identity. Christians are the only believers who follow the teachings of a leader who stated He was God made man, who willingly suffered a cruel death at the hands of His enemies, and who then rose from the dead to prove it. Catholicism confesses that God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, is truly present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in a tiny wafer of unleavened bread. What a concept. I don’t think people leave church right after Communion because they want to beat the parking lot rush, catch the beginning of the Panthers game, or even avoid the brief announcements before the final blessing. They leave early because they forget the little white host is not something, but Somebody. That Somebody is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word “eucharistia,” which means “thanksgiving.” The moment we receive Holy Communion is the best time to enjoy real intimacy with Jesus Christ. Similarly, we enjoy a stimulating conversation with a loved one or a good friend after a meal. The last words the priest says before he distributes Communion are, “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are those who are called to His supper.” The good news is no matter how many times we’ve left church prematurely before, the Lord always calls us to his supper table. Maybe the next time we receive Him, we’ll do well to head back to our pew, close our eyes, and just say “Lord, thank you.” Rico De Silva is a member of St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte.

July 9, 2010


The Catholic News & Herald 20

Good Shepherd, Come Feed Us 2010 Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress

returns Rob Evans, the Donut Man, returns to the 2010 Eucharistic Congress! Known for his fun stories and songs that explain Bible teachings to children, the Donut Man will entertain and teach your K-5 students for FREE — but registration is required.

To register visit the Congress website, www.GoEucharist.com. Support the kids - Volunteer

You can be a great help to the children’s track. Volunteer to be a “guide” in this educational event. (Background check and Protecting God’s Children Program are required.) Volunteer at www.GoEucharist.com The Diocese of Charlotte Eucharistic Congress, September 10th and 11, Charlotte Convention Center

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