Feb. 2, 2024

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One Body in Christ

Un solo Cuerpo en Cristo 14-15


February 2, 2024

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‘Remain in Me’ 2024 Eucharistic Congress theme announced Se anunció el tema del Congreso Eucarístico 5, 17

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‘United in faith and community’ Celebrating Catholic Schools Week 2024 12-13

Major relic of St. Jude, patron of lost causes, coming to Charlotte

Deacons renew promises, welcome new candidates


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Diáconos renuevan promesas, dieron bienvenida a nuevos candidatos

At a glance 2

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD


FEBRUARY 2, 2024

Timely tips for blending faith & life

Volume 33 • NUMBER 9

1123 S. CHURCH ST. CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28203-4003 catholicnews@charlottediocese.org

704-370-3333 PUBLISHER The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte


ur ability to speak is a powerful gift from God. Our Lord tells us we are accountable for everything we say, so we must choose wisely – for the damage ill-chosen words can do to our own souls and others is often deeper than we expect. Even though words can condemn, tarnish, reprimand and admonish, they also build up the kingdom when used to pray and praise, teach and comfort, inspire and forgive as well as to speak out against injustices and spread the Gospel. When the priest prays the words of consecration during Mass, humble bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In short, words matter. Honor this God-given gift with three February saints. PROTECT YOUR GIFT OF SPEECH WITH ST. BLAISE Catholics around the world celebrate the Feb. 3 feast of St. Blaise (Feb. 11 in the Eastern Church), a 4th-century bishop dedicated to increasing the spiritual and physical health of his people in Armenia. Legend has it that a mother came to St. Blaise with her young son who had a fish bone lodged in his throat. At the saintly bishop’s command, the child coughed up the bone. For centuries, Catholics have honored the feast of St. Blaise by having their throats blessed by a priest to help protect them from diseases of the throat. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said. Many parishes in the Diocese of Charlotte hold these blessings. Call your parish office or check the bulletin for details.


INDEX Contact us.....................................2 Español....................................... 16-21 Our Diocese.............................. 4-11 Our Faith........................................3 Our Schools.............................12-13 Scripture................................. 3, 21 U.S. news................................22-23 Viewpoints.............................26-27 World news............................ 24-25

OPEN YOUR VALENTINES FROM JESUS Words play a big role on St. Valentine’s Day Feb. 14 as friends and lovers exchange sweet notes to one another in honor of a 3rdcentury bishop and martyr who, right before his execution, is said to have signed “Your Valentine” in a message to the jailer’s daughter, whom he had healed. Sometimes we’re blessed enough to receive a word or “Valentine” from Our Lord in prayer or Eucharistic Adoration. No matter how brief, these messages from His Sacred Heart hold powerful meaning in our lives. Remember Our Lord’s words to you by recording them in a notebook or journal like the Sacred Heart-themed options at Etsy.com and continue to reflect and pray on them as you continue the conversation with Him.


STAFF EDITOR: Spencer K. M. Brown 704-808-4528, skmbrown@rcdoc.org ADVERTISING MANAGER: Kevin Eagan 704-370-3332, keeagan@rcdoc.org HISPANIC MEDIA MANAGER: César Hurtado 704-370-3375, rchurtado@rcdoc.org MULTIMEDIA DESIGNER: David Puckett 704-808-4521, dwpuckett@rcdoc.org EDITORIAL TEAM: Kimberly Bender 704-370-3394, kdbender@rcdoc.org Annie Ferguson 704-370-3404, arferguson@rcdoc.org Troy C. Hull 704-370-3288, tchull@rcdoc.org Christina Lee Knauss 704-370-0783, clknauss@rcdoc.org COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT/CIRCULATION: Erika Robinson 704-370-3333, catholicnews@rcdoc.org COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Liz Chandler 704-370-3336, lchandler@rcdoc.org ASSISTANT COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Patricia L. Guilfoyle 704-370-3334, plguilfoyle@rcdoc.org THE CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 26 times a year. NEWS: The Catholic News Herald welcomes your news and photos. Please e-mail information, attaching photos in JPG format with a recommended resolution of 150 dpi or higher, to catholicnews@rcdoc.org. All submitted items become the property of the Catholic News Herald and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. ADVERTISING: Reach 165,000 Catholics across western North Carolina! For advertising rates and information, contact Advertising Manager Kevin Eagan at 704-370-3332 or keeagan@rcdoc.org. The Catholic News Herald reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason, and does not recommend or guarantee any product, service or benefit claimed by our advertisers. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $16.75 per year for registered families of the Diocese of Charlotte and $25 per year for all others. POSTMASTER: Periodicals Class postage (USPC 007-393) paid at Charlotte, N.C. Send address corrections to the Catholic News Herald, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203.

SPEAK OUT AGAINST MODERN SLAVERY The story of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Sudan in the 19th century,


shows the importance of using your voice to fight injustice. Throughout her life she was bought and sold many times and underwent terrible torture with some of her captors. When her kinder Italian mistress had dealings in Sudan, she went without Josephine, placing her in the custody of the Canossian Sisters in Venice. There Josephine found God and discerned a calling with the Sisters. When her mistress returned and wanted Josephine back, one of the superiors complained to Italian authorities, and a court case determined that she would be free. Sister Josephine went on to share her story with others and is now the patron saint for human trafficking victims. Remember to use your voice for the voiceless. Learn more about how the U.S. bishops are combating this scourge and how you can help – see page 28 for details. — Annie Ferguson

Scan the QR code for this week’s recommended activities and resources:

Diocesan calendar of events ESPAÑOL VIÑEDO DE RAQUEL: ¿Es usted o un ser querido que busca la curación de los efectos de un aborto anterior? Los retiros de fin de semana son ofrecidos por Caridades Católicas para hombres y mujeres en todas las regiones de la Diócesis de Charlotte. Para obtener información, comuníquese con Karina Hernández: 336-2671937 o karinahernandez@live.com. PRAYER SERVICES ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS: 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 24, St. Luke Church, 9800 Fairview Road, Mint Hill. Sponsored by the parish's HOPE Committee. For details, call Mary Adams at 704-545-1224. SUPPORT GROUPS RACHEL RETREAT ‘HEALING AFTER ABORTION’: Are you or a loved one seeking healing from the effects of a past abortion? Find healing and support in a confidential, non-judgmental environment at a Rachel Retreat weekend. These retreats are offered by the

Diocese of Charlotte’s Family Life Office for men and women, in English and Spanish. For details, contact Jessica Grabowski at jrgrabowski@rcdoc.org or 704-370-3229.TALKS CYCLE PREP FOR MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: 1-4:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 3, St. Matthew Church, 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy., Charlotte. Mothers, this course will give your daughter all the tools she needs to navigate puberty positively, while building a foundation to help continue these conversations with her. Recommended for girls aged 9-12. Registration is free but required. For details, contact Batrice Adcock at familylife@rcdoc.org.

Bishop Peter J. Jugis will participate in the following event:

LENTEN EVENTS LENTEN REFLECTION & STATIONS OF THE CROSS: St. Thomas Aquinas Church is hosting a Lenten reflection with the Sisters of Life at 7 p.m., Feb. 16. On Feb. 26-28, the parish will also host a Lenten Mission with guest speaker Father Matthew Kauth. Confession each night beginning at 5:30 p.m. followed by mission preaching at 6:30 p.m. All events will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 1400 Suther Road, Charlotte.

FEB. 3 – 11 A.M. Mass for World Day of Consecrated Life St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte

Our faith

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


A preparation for great light Ash Wednesday: Feb. 14

us that God is gracious and merciful to those who repent and call on Him with pure hearts. And just as our Lord went into the desert to pray and fast, preparing Himself for what was to come, so do we imitate our Lord, preparing our hearts through a time in the desert.


sh Wednesday marks the start of the penitential season of Lent. Although this year it falls on another feast day – Valentine’s Day – Ash Wednesday supersedes other feasts. It is a day of fasting, abstinence and prayer as we begin to prepare our hearts and minds for the next 40 days. Though Ash Wednesday is not a holy day of obligation, the faithful are highly encouraged to attend Mass and receive ashes. During Mass, ashes are marked on the foreheads of the faithful with the Sign of the Cross.


The custom of using ashes as a sign of repentance is seen in scripture in the Books of Jeremiah, Daniel and Jonah of the Old Testament. In the Book of Judith, acts of repentance involved ashes being put on people’s heads: “All the Israelites in Jerusalem, including women and children, lay prostrate in front of the Temple, and with ashes on their heads stretched out their hands before the Lord” (Jdt 4:1). The practice within the Church originated from a custom involving those who had committed serious sins. In the ancient Church, penitents expressed their humiliation by appearing in sackcloth and ashes. The early Church continued the use of ashes for the same symbolic reasons.


Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. Catholics aged 1859 should eat only one full meal and two smaller meals which, combined, would not equal a single normal meal. Additionally, Catholics may not eat meat on this day, or on any Friday during Lent. Children, adults with physical and mental illness, pregnant women and those nursing are all exempt. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops stresses that “common sense should prevail” and that no one should jeopardize their health to fast.


When we begin the holy season of Lent in preparation for Easter, we must remember the significance of the ashes we have received: We mourn and do penance for our sins. We again convert our hearts FILE | CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD to the Lord, who suffered, died and WHY ASHES? Bishop Peter Jugis distributes ashes to St. Patrick School students in rose for our salvation. We renew Charlotte on Ash Wednesday 2018. Ashes are a symbol of penance the promises made at our baptism, and remind us that we are creatures when we died to an old life and rose of the earth and mortal beings, as to a new life with Christ. Finally, mindful scripture tells us, “For you are dust, and to Sunday before Easter, also known as that the kingdom of this world passes dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19). Quadragesima Sunday. But because no away, we strive to live the kingdom of God The priest marks the foreheads of the fast was kept on Sundays, the penitential now and look forward to its fulfillment in faithful with the ashes, making a cross while season consisted of only 36 days of fasting. heaven. saying, “Remember, man, you are dust and to Four days were added so the faithful might For as St. John of the Cross wrote, “The dust you will return” or “Repent and believe imitate Jesus’s 40 days of fasting in the endurance of darkness is the preparation in the Gospel.” desert. To add these days, Pope St. Gregory for great light.” Lent is a time to remember our fragile the Great moved the start of Lent to the humanity, to remember that we are sinners Wednesday before Quadragesima Sunday. — Spencer K.M. Brown. www.catholicstraightanswers in need of our Savior. Through prayer, The ashes, which remind us to develop and www.catholic.org contributed. fasting and almsgiving, we strive to confront a spirit of humility and sacrifice, are the stark truths of our hearts and draw made from the blessed palms used in the closer to Christ Jesus. Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year. The palms are burned and the ashes blessed with holy water. While the ashes OUR TIME IN THE DESERT and the entire season of Lent symbolize During observances of Lent in the early PAGE 26: Greensboro parishioner and writer Kelly penance and contrition, they also remind Church, the season began on the sixth Henson reflects in “Ashes on my Valentine”

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Daily Scripture readings FEB. 4-10

Sunday: Job 7:1-4, 6-7, 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23, Mark 1:29-39; Monday (St. Agatha): 1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13, Mark 6:53-56; Tuesday (St. Paul Miki and Companions): 1 Kings 8:22-23, 27-30, Mark 7:1-13; Wednesday: 1 Kings 10:1-10, Mark 7:14-23; Thursday (St. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita): 1 Kings 11:4-13, Mark 7:24-30; Friday: 1 Kings 11:29-32, 12:19, Mark 7:31-37; Saturday (St. Scholastica): 1 Kings 12:26-32, 13:33-34, Mark 8:1-10

FEB. 11-17

Sunday: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-16, 1 Corinthians 10:31, 11:1, Mark 1:40-45; Monday: James 1:1-11, Mark 8:11-13; Tuesday: James 1:12-18, Mark 8:14-21; Wednesday (Ash Wednesday): Joel 2:12-18, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 6:2, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18; Thursday: Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Luke 9:22-25; Friday: Isaiah 58:1-9a, Matthew 9:14-15; Saturday: Isaiah 58:9b-14, Luke 5:27-32

FEB. 18-24

Sunday (First Sunday of Lent): Genesis 9:8-15, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Mark 1:12-15; Monday: Leviticus 19:1-2, 11-18, Matthew 25:31-46; Tuesday: Isaiah 55:10-11, Matthew 6:7-15; Wednesday (St. Peter Damian): Jonah 3:1-10, Luke 11:29-32; Thursday (The Chair of St. Peter): 1 Peter 5:1-4, Matthew 16:1319; Friday (St. Polycarp): Ezekiel 18:21-28, Matthew 5:20-26; Saturday: Deuteronomy 26:16-19, Matthew 5:43-48

Pope Francis

Wrath destroys relationships, pins blame on others


rath is a “dark vice” that destroys relationships, focuses all blame on others and only worsens over time, Pope Francis said. “It is capable of depriving us of sleep, of barring the way to reason and thought” because wrath completely clouds thinking clearly and builds up incessantly without mercy, the pope said Jan. 31 at his weekly general audience. Continuing a series of audience talks about vices and virtues, the pope reflected on the vice of wrath. “If it is born of an injustice suffered or believed to be suffered, often it is unleashed not against the offender, but against the first unfortunate victim,” he said, giving as an example people who can “withhold their rage in the workplace,” but then unleash it at home on their spouse and children. Wrath “destroys human relationships. It expresses the incapacity to accept the diversity of others, especially when their life choices diverge from our own.” When someone is dominated by wrath, “they always, always say the problem is the other person; they are unable to recognize their own shortcomings.” St. Paul recommends Christians face up to the problem right away and attempt reconciliation before the end of the day, the pope said, quoting the apostle’s Letter to the Ephesians (4:26) “Do not let the sun set on your anger.” “The night cannot be handed over to the devil,” the pope said, repeating that it is important that any misunderstandings be handled before the day is over since this vice can keep people “awake at night, brooding over our reasons and the unaccountable mistakes that are never ours and always the other’s.” “We are all sinners, all of us,” with outstanding debts or “trespasses” committed and experienced throughout life. “Therefore, we all need to learn how to forgive” as far as humanly possible, he said. “Wrath is countered by benevolence, openness of heart, meekness and patience.” “We are not responsible for the onset of wrath, but always for its development,” he said. Sometimes “it is good for anger to be vented in the right way,” he said. “Holy indignation exists,” especially at an injustice, but this is not wrath. Jesus felt it several times in His life, but “He never responded to evil with evil,” the pope said. “We need to distinguish the good,” which is holy indignation, he said, from the bad, which is wrath, and to pray to correctly govern one’s passions, “to educate them so that they turn to the good and not the bad.”

Our diocese 4

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

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In Brief Priest assignment announced CHARLOTTE — Vincentian Father José García Rubio is replacing Vincentian Father Blas Lemos as a parochial vicar at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, the Bishop’s Office has announced. Father García Rubio has arrived at the parish, and Father Lemos, who will be returning to the Colombian Province of the Congregation of the Mission, will be departing in early February. — Catholic News Herald


The Mass for the Affirmation of Ordination of Promises by Deacons is an opportunity each year for the diocese’s deacons and their wives to come together for Mass with the bishop. Seventeen men – among the largest classes in recent years – were also formally welcomed into the Diocese of Charlotte Permanent Deaconate Program during the Mass and will begin formation this year.

Registration open for 47th annual Diocesan Youth Conference CHARLOTTE — Youth across the Diocese of Charlotte are invited to attend this year’s Diocesan Youth Conference April 26-28 at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain. DYC brings together high school youth from around the diocese for a theme-centered weekend of workshops, led by youth and adults alike, keynote speakers, entertainment, daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and confession – all providing the opportunity to grow in the Catholic faith. This year’s theme is “Remain in Me,” taken from the Gospel of John 15:4. Parishes and individuals are encouraged to register now. For details and to register, go to www.charlottediocese.org/form2024-diocesan-youth-conference-registration/ or email Paul Kotlowski at pjkotlowski@rcdoc.org. — Spencer K.M. Brown

Project Acutis winners named CHARLOTTE — More than 70 young people took part in the “Project Acutis Eucharistic Miracle Digital Challenge,” organized by the Diocese of Charlotte Youth Ministry Office in 2023. Inspired by Bishop Peter Jugis’ pastoral priorities, this diocesan-wide project for all youth in grades 4-12 combined the bishop’s pastoral priority of “learn to proclaim the faith in a digital age, that we may better evangelize a culture” and the life work of teen Blessed Carlo Acutis on Eucharistic miracles. Winners of the contest were: Irene Piazza, St. Leo the Great Parish in Winston-Salem, first place; Luciana Ferrante of St. Ann Parish in Charlotte, second place; Lucia Reynal of St. Therese Parish in Mooresville, third place; Our Lady of the Rosary IN BRIEF, SEE PAGE 28

‘For the sake of the Gospel’ Deacons renew ordination promises, welcome new candidates at annual Mass SPENCER K.M. BROWN skmbrown@rcdoc.org

CHARLOTTE — Permanent deacons from across the Diocese of Charlotte stood before their bishop Jan. 27, renewing their ordination promises during a special Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral. The Mass for the Affirmation of Ordination of Promises by Deacons is an opportunity each year for the diocese’s 122 deacons and their wives to come together for Mass with the bishop. This year, the Mass also included the formal acceptance of 17 men into the diocese’s Permanent Deacon Program – one of the largest incoming classes in recent years. “It’s my favorite Mass of the year,” said Deacon David Faunce, the diocese’s assistant director of deacon formation. “It brings all of us deacons together and reminds us why we’re here. It reconnects us with the whole Church we serve.” During his homily, Bishop Jugis reflected on that mission, reminding them, “From this day forward, you must cultivate your vocation, making use of all that is available to you.” He emphasized the second reading from St. Paul and how one of the

Did you know? Permanent deacons are involved in a broad range of ministries but usually are assigned to a parish where they proclaim the Gospel and assist the priest at Mass, oversee or support parish ministries and charitable activities, administer baptisms, officiate at weddings and distribute Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. They also work in vital diocesan ministries including the airport chaplaincy program, prison ministry, faith formation and ministry to children and college students, as well as provide instruction for aspiring Catholics in the RCIA program.

promises the deacons renewed is to proclaim the faith in word and deed according to the Gospel. “We are one family, one body united in the Lord,” he said. “As we just heard the prophet Isaiah say, ‘Here I am, send me,’ this is something you deacons say each day. And again, as St. Paul tells us, ‘All this I do for the sake of the Gospel,’ you too say this each day. This is a deacon’s vocation. So let us always, as the diaconate community within our diocese, through Jesus Christ, align our lives to Him.” Bishop Jugis also noted the charitable and humble service that is required. “Your service is freely given, and with the support of your wives and brother deacons and priests, you are called to share the Gospel of our Lord, but to do it with humble charity.” The 17 new men – now called candidates – have already completed two years of inquiry, called “aspirancy,” and now begin three years of formation before being considered for possible ordination as deacons. The candidates are: Francis Ahn, John Baughman, Eduardo Gaspar, Emilio Gomez, Eric Kennedy, Timothy DEACONS, SEE PAGE 28

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


‘Remain in Me’ 2024 Eucharistic Congress theme announced

to encourage and fire you up to do what he did no matter where you are. Nothing could stop him, and if you let that love be here,” he said, pointing to his heart, “nothing will stop you.” His words indeed stirred the parishioners’ hearts, inspiring them to continue finding ways to put their faith in action by sharing the love of Christ. The parish, the fifth Roman Catholic parish to be established in Greensboro, is well-known in the community for its service and outreach. Father Mack said in comments after the event that the parishioners embody the spirit of St. Paul through their unceasing charity. “Our parish has very strong outreach programs, both locally and abroad, in support of our sister parish in Ecuador,” he said. “Growing participation in adult ed programs and the Millions of Monicas prayer group illustrate how parishioners continue to live out our mission.” Colleen Assal, co-chair of the 50th Anniversary Committee, served as the master of ceremonies at the dinner following Mass. Founding members and other longtime parishioners offered remarks and shared memories as attendees enjoyed an Italian dinner. Twenty-three original members of the parish attended the event and could be spotted by the white carnations they wore. Speakers included parishioners Rocky Riccio, Pat Ferry, Jim Reittinger and Susan Cole. “The staff here at St. Paul’s are so terrific. Everybody knows your name. Everybody here is so welcoming. It’s the most beautiful place,” said Ferry, one of the founding members. “The deacons, the priests, everything is so wonderful, and the spiritual enrichment that we have gotten and continue to get is also so wonderful here at St. Paul’s.”

CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter J. Jugis has announced the theme for the 20th annual Eucharistic Congress to be held Aug. 30-31: “Remain in Me” – which comes from the Gospel of John. Part worship experience, part diocesan “family reunion,” the annual Eucharistic Congress at the Charlotte Convention Center is an opportunity to deepen our faith and be inspired by Christ’s love for us. The theme comes from the Last Supper discourse in the Gospel of John 15:4. In announcing the theme, Bishop Jugis noted the integral connection between the love of Christ and the Eucharist: “Our Synod listening sessions revealed a desire on the part of our parishioners to renew and anchor our lives in the Holy Eucharist, where Christ Jesus remains truly present with us in the Blessed Sacrament,” Bishop Jugis said. “In St. John’s Gospel, Jesus tells us, “Remain in Me” (Jn 15:4). Why does Jesus want us to remain in Him, to anchor our lives in Him and stay united to Him? “It is in order to produce the good fruit of the Kingdom. The Lord says: ‘I am the vine, you are the branches; whoever remains in Me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without Me you can do nothing.’ It is especially through our union with Christ in Holy Communion that we remain in Christ and anchor our lives in Him. He assures us: ‘Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him.’ “And so, we joyfully respond to the Lord’s call, ‘Remain in Me,’ and with deep faith we receive Him in Holy Communion in order to constantly renew our lives and produce good fruit as His disciples.” In addition, this passage from scripture reveals the depth of our Christian life and the vital importance and need to stay connected to our true vine, our Lord Jesus Christ. In a treatise on John’s gospel, St. Augustine explains Jesus’s words: “(The disciples) are not in Him in the same kind of way that He is in them. And yet both ways tend to their advantage, and not to His. For the relation of the branches to the vine is such that they contribute nothing to the vine, but from it derive their own means of life. … For when the branch is cut off, another may spring up from the living root; but that which is cut off cannot live apart from the root” (Tractate 81, 1-2). Get updates about the 2024 Eucharistic Congress online at www.goeucharist.com. — Spencer K.M. Brown

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Your DSA contributions at work


(Right) Father Joseph Mack, pastor, celebrates Mass and presents a first-class relic of St. Paul the Apostle to mark the opening of the parish’s 50th anniversary year. (Above) Founding members Georgie and Rocky Riccio enjoy a celebratory dinner at St. Paul the Apostle, where Rocky Riccio shared memories of the parish’s early days. (Top) Knights of Columbus Council 13236 served the dinner to the hundreds who gathered to celebrate.

Sharing Christ’s love for 50 years St. Paul the Apostle Parish kicks off golden anniversary year on patronal feast ANNIE FERGUSON arferguson@rcdoc.org

GREENSBORO — The fervor of St. Paul the Apostle filled the hearts of hundreds who gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Greensboro parish dedicated to this great saint. Clergy, parishioners and friends attended the Mass and dinner on the parish’s patronal feast Jan. 25, the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul. Founded on July 15, 1974, with a congregation of 90 families, St. Paul the Apostle Parish was originally pastored by the Paulist Fathers before being led by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and diocesan priests. The event kicked off a variety of activities that are planned throughout the coming year to mark the milestone anniversary. Father Joseph Mack, pastor, celebrated the Mass, assisted by Deacon Larry Lisk and four altar servers. In his homily, Father Mack recounted the story of St. Paul’s conversion, remarking on his obstinance and severe persecution of Christians. Then, he illustrated how after his dramatic conversion, Paul used those traits to proclaim the love of Christ in the direst of circumstances, such as when he returned to the city of Lystra to preach the Gospel after having been stoned and left for dead by its inhabitants. “He would have been literally bloodied, bruised and bleeding everywhere, but he goes back,” said Father Mack, who has been pastor of St. Paul the Apostle for 11 years. “In that very act was a powerful witness that helped him to proclaim the Gospel: ‘You tried to do this to me, but I love you too much to give up on you and go someplace else.’” Fittingly, a little of St. Paul himself was also present at the Mass. Father Mack announced that an anonymous parishioner recently gifted the parish with a first-class relic of the parish patron, a fragment of bone in a reliquary that now has a permanent home behind the church’s altar. “I want it to be a constant reminder of that same love that Paul knew that he had. Remember him, but not just like you’re remembering what you did yesterday, but a memory that is meant

Visit www.stpaulcc.org/celebrating-our-50th-anniversary: Get information on upcoming 50th anniversary events, including a Rise Against Hunger service event Feb. 17, parish picnic June 2, anniversary Mass and luncheon July 14, formal dinner Oct. 19, and a Mass for deceased parishioners Nov. 2.

The diocese’s Eucharistic Congress is funded in part by contributions to the annual Diocesan Support Appeal. Learn more about the DSA and how you can contribute at www.charlottediocese.org/dsa.


catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

‘We must reach through fear with a message of hope’ North Carolina faithful march for life in Washington, D.C. ANNIE FERGUSON arferguson@rcdoc.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sheltered from falling snow by the breathtaking Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, several hundred North Carolinians gathered for Mass for a prayerful moment before joining thousands from across the country in the 51st annual March for Life on Jan 19. It is the second time marchers gathered for what organizers call the “largest annual human rights demonstration in the world,” since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that previously legalized abortion nationwide. In a special North Carolina Mass, faithful who came from across the state by plane, car and bus embraced the chance to worship, thank God, and pray before the important witness of marching for change through the streets of the nation’s capital. Dozens of people joined the Diocese of Charlotte’s two-night pilgrimage via bus to the event, organized by the diocese’s Office of Family Life. Monsignor Patrick Winslow, vicar general and chancellor of the diocese, celebrated the North Carolina Mass, delivering a homily calling on Christians to serve as beacons of hope and courage, to protect the most vulnerable among us. “Here at the National Shrine of our Blessed Mother, today we remember her title of Virgin of the Poor, and it is especially important,” Monsignor Winslow said. “For who can deny that in any age, it is the child who is among the poorest, the most vulnerable, these tender and precious children. Defenseless and entirely Winslow dependent upon those to whom they are entrusted. Who of us is not moved to run to their aid, to alleviate their suffering? And what about the mother and father, who find themselves in dire circumstances? For most of us know all too well the pain of impoverished and broken spirit.” Monsignor Winslow urged people to show courage and stand up together. “And then there is our culture that – under the guise of compassion – too easily refuses to confront that sinister and insidious deception that the person uniquely conceived in the womb is somehow something less than a child,” he said. “Such a culture lacks clarity of mind, courage and hope. This, too, is a poverty. A systemic poverty. A culture withering and in need of reform.” The March for Life has been an engaged and powerfully prophetic voice on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable among us, Monsignor Winslow added. “The March for Life’s mission is to promote the beauty and dignity of every human life and end abortion,” he said. “This is why we are here. We are coming to the aid of the poorest among us. For the sake of the helpless child who has no voice, who has no choice. For the sake of women and men, faced with the anxiety of unintended pregnancy. We must reach through the fear with a message of hope.” After the Mass, Father Timothy Reid piled on to the Metrorail with a group of fellow priests and other North Carolina faithful, to make their way to the start of the march. “Even though Roe v. Wade has been overturned, it is important that we keep coming to the march,” said Father Reid, pastor of Charlotte’s St. Ann Church. “Abortion is still very much a reality in our country and our state. It’s


(Above) Students from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte who joined the diocese’s bus pilgrimage to the March for Life show their support for unborn children and their mothers. (Left) Priests and seminarians from the Diocese of Charlotte pray and sing in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

so important that we continue to stand up for life.” Diocese of Raleigh pilgrims also joined the march. “It’s important to continue to march because … Roe v. Wade was a horrendous event in the history of the United States,” said Deacon Josh Klickman, coordinator of human life and dignity for the Raleigh diocese. “It’s important we remember that these evils can still persist. But it’s also more important for us to show up because we have to defeat these evils on a local level. This sort of outreach and personal care shows the entire nation that we are here to support mothers and families in our own neighborhoods.” During the march, under steady snowfall, dozens of people joined Monsignor Winslow, Father Reid and Reid seminarians in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Among them were Heather Martin and her family, members of St. Mark Parish in Huntersville. “We have seven children on earth (and) we have three we miscarried. We know a baby in the womb is a baby,” Martin said. “We want to witness and make the stand that

life is precious … and everyone needs to embrace that each child is a gift from God.” The March for Life challenges abortion and champions the beauty of life from the moment of conception. The 2024 event centered on the theme “Pro-Life: With Every Woman, For Every Child.” A pre-march rally on the National Mall highlighted speakers such as Benjamin Watson and March for Life President Jeanne Mancini, as well as the pregnancy centers and maternity homes that support women and families in need during and after pregnancy. North Carolina’s Room At The Inn, a maternity shelter based in the Triad that serves pregnant women from throughout the state, received national attention at the March for Life in 2018. In comments after Mass, Marianne Donadio, the shelter’s associate director, said it’s important to continue marching so the thousands of women and children who benefit from such organizations will continue to find real help and encouragement to choose life. “There are still 900,000 abortions per year in our country, so there is still work to be done,” she said. “Creating a culture of life in every community is the only thing that will make abortion unthinkable and ensure that pregnant women and their children receive not only the vital resources they need but also hope for a bright future with educational opportunities and other continued assistance after their babies are born. Children are often the biggest and best motivator for reaching your dreams.”

More online At www.catholicnewsherald.com: Read Monsignor Patrick Winslow’s complete homily from the North Carolina Mass for Life and see more photos from the snowy March for Life in Washington, D.C.

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Don’t miss this ‘house call’ by an Apostle Major relic of St. Jude, patron of lost causes, coming to Charlotte PATRICIA L. GUILFOYLE plguilfoyle@rcdoc.org

CHARLOTTE — When things seem hopeless or unbearable, Catholics have a friend in St. Jude. St. Jude, one of the Twelve Apostles and among the most beloved of all the saints, is called the “Saint of the Impossible” – the one people turn to when they are desperate and have tried everything else. Now, some of St. Jude’s physical remains – two large pieces of his forearm bone encased in a wooden reliquary – are coming Feb. 15 to St. Ann Church in Charlotte, where they will be displayed for veneration. The visit is part of a special U.S. tour of the relic, the first time it has traveled outside Italy. Charlotte is one of three tour stops in North Carolina and the only one in the Diocese of Charlotte. Father Timothy Reid, St. Ann’s pastor, is excited to host St. Jude’s relic and expects “a grace-filled day.” “Being in the presence of a saint’s relic is an opportunity to have an experience with that saint, a chance to pray to that saint in a particular way,” he says. “Everybody is welcome,” Father Reid emphasizes. He especially invites people who are sick, especially with cancer or incurable diseases. Father Reid, who has a personal devotion to St. Jude, says, “He’s very good.” He credits the saint with miraculous healings and cures, as well as helping people find jobs, assisting infertile couples to conceive, and resolving financial problems. “What’s nice about St. Jude is that he’s a multi-faceted saint who can take on any issue that seems impossible. You can go to him for absolutely anything.” Father Reid encourages visitors to open their hearts to God’s grace, whether or not they experience a miracle. “People should come with a lot of faith but at the same time, if your prayers aren’t answered the way you like, trust that God has a plan for you,” he says. “No matter what, you are going to come away with a sense of peace.” He’s encountered many saints’ relics in Rome and around the world, he says, and “I’ve never walked away from a saint’s tomb without feeling a little bit better and more joyful.” Now, he adds, “You don’t have to travel to Rome – he’s coming here to us. He’s making a house call!” The “Apostle of the Impossible” U.S. tour is organized by Treasures of the Church, an evangelization ministry led by Father Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross, a biographer of St. Jude and a Church-appointed curate of relics with over 30 years’ experience.


Jude Thaddeus was one of Jesus’ Twelve Apostles. Little is known about him other than that he was Jesus’ cousin and had several brothers including James, another of the original Apostles. The New Testament Epistle of Jude is named for him, although scripture scholars disagree on whether he was the author. Catholics invoke St. Jude when in desperate situations because the Epistle of Jude stresses that the faithful should persevere even when facing harsh or difficult circumstances. Historical evidence indicates Jude and fellow apostle Simon the Zealot preached in Mesopotamia, including present-day Iraq and parts of present-day Iran, Kuwait, Syria and Turkey. He and Simon are believed to have been martyred around the year 65 A.D., probably in Beirut. Their bodies were later brought to Rome and placed in a crypt in St. Peter’s Basilica. Several centuries ago St. Jude’s arms were removed and


Centuries after he was martyred and his body entombed in St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Jude’s arms were removed and placed in reliquaries in the shape of a priestly arm imparting a blessing. St. Ann Church will host one of those relics Feb. 15, when “Apostle of the Impossible: the Tour of the Relics of St. Jude the Apostle” comes to Charlotte.


“Saint Jude Thadddeus,” by Georges de La Tour (1620). According to ancient tradition, St. Jude and his fellow apostle St. Simon the Zealot were martyred around 65 A.D., probably in Beirut. They share a feast day, Oct. 28. St. Jude is believed to have been axed or clubbed to death, so he is often depicted holding a club and an image of Christ.

‘No matter what, you are going to come away with a sense of peace.’ Father Timothy Reid

Pastor of St. Ann Church in Charlotte, which is hosting the “Apostle of the Impossible” tour of St. Jude’s relic

What is a relic? Relics are physical objects that have a direct association with Jesus or the saints. They can be a saint’s blood or physical remains (called a “first-class relic”), or things they owned or used during their lifetime (a “second-class relic”). The Bible teaches that God acts through relics, especially in physical or spiritual healing. The relics themselves have no healing powers – the cause of the healing is God, who uses relics to work miracles and draw people’s attention to the saints as “models and intercessors” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 828). The Catholic tradition of venerating relics is not worship, but a way to honor the saints and ask for their intercession with God in heaven. Only relics certified as authentic by the Church may be exposed for veneration.

Tour details n Date: Thursday, Feb. 15 n Location: St. Ann Church, 3635 Park Road in Charlotte n Schedule: 1-10 p.m. veneration, 7 p.m. Mass in honor of St. Jude n Cost: Free. Proceeds from an offertory collection and sales of holy cards and medals will go toward the restoration of St. Jude’s Shrine in Rome, where the relic is housed. n Parking: Church lot and on-street parking available n Line-up: Upon arrival, go to the north side of the Allen Center to join the line. Avoid the area around St. Ann School during student dismissal between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. Veneration will pause for Mass at 7 p.m. n On site: You will be able to touch the reliquary and touch objects of devotion to it. You may also touch photos of family or friends to it to invoke St. Jude’s intercession. n Note: Confessions will be available. Visitors may receive a plenary, or full, indulgence with the usual conditions. n Questions? Call the St. Ann Parish Office at 704-5234641.

More online At www.apostleoftheimpossible.com: Learn more about St. Jude and the U.S. tour of his relic.

placed in reliquaries in the shape of a priestly arm imparting a blessing. It is one of those reliquaries – carved from wood and kept in a shrine at the Church of San Salvatore in Lauro near St. Peter’s Basilica – that pilgrims will see on the tour. — Sources: “Apostle of the Impossible” website and CatholicOnline.org

At www.catholicnewsherald.com: Watch a 2-minute video by Father Carlos Martins, leader of the “Apostle of the Impossible: the Tour of the Relics of St. Jude the Apostle” tour. At www.praymorenovenas.com/st-jude-novena: Prepare for the saint’s visit by praying a novena.


catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

‘Trust in God, and you’ve got it made’

90-year-old Knight and Army veteran honored with lifetime award CHRISTINA LEE KNAUSS clknauss@rcdoc.org

CONCORD — Just out of high school, Lewis Reid of Concord was drafted into the U.S. Army to serve in the Korean War. Fast forward 72 years, and Reid, now 90, still spends as much of his time as he can paying tribute to and serving others who also served our country. Reid, who still answers his home phone “Sergeant Reid,” attends funerals at the two national cemeteries in Salisbury at least twice a week – through sun or rain, heat or cold – where he delivers a special speech and presents commemorative flags to family members at military funerals. Reid, a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, was honored Jan. 18 by his fellow Knights at St. James Church in Concord, where he was presented with the Lifetime Patriotic Service Award for his dedication to veterans. The same dedication and brotherhood Reid found as a soldier, he found ever-deeper as a “soldier for Christ” in the Knights of Columbus, serving his community and helping in whatever way he can. He has followed some simple rules throughout life that also help him stay active at 90, including finding comfort in the Bible and following Christian guidance on how to treat others. “Trust in God and you’ve got it made,” he said. “Also, don’t hate anyone and try to love everybody. That’s something I’ve always tried to do.” In the past 59 years, he has logged more than 25,000 documented volunteer service hours for the Veterans Administration and veteran groups, devoting his life to helping others by cooking meals, visiting the sick, burying the dead and aiding the poor – living out the corporal works of mercy in his everyday life. Hours before receiving his award, Reid braved the cold, damp weather to attend two funerals and honor the dead. “Because of these veterans, our lives are free,” Reid said. “It’s special to me to be able to do the funerals and present these flags to the families. We don’t think about the weather. We have to think about these veterans. These are our brothers.” Later, after accepting his award, Reid laughed and talked with his fellow Knights, some of whom had traveled from across the state for the event. Even during a celebratory day, Reid maintains the quiet dignity and stolid composure of a lifelong soldier. For

photos he likes to stand next to the U.S. flag and give a salute. He proudly wore symbols of his service to veterans and with the Knights, including pins on his blue suit jacket and a hat from the Rowan County Veterans Honor Guard, an organization he has been part of for 24 years, serving as commander. It is through the Honor Guard that he conducts the military funerals, as many as four each day. Over the years, Reid has stored away cherished memories of working with veterans. One of the most vivid, he said, happened last December. He had the honor of serving at the funeral of Second Lt. Fred Lorenzo Brewer, a native of Charlotte and member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen – African-American military pilots who flew missions in Europe during World War II. Brewer’s plane crashed in Europe in 1944, and his body had gone unidentified for decades until, through DNA testing, he was able to be linked with his family in Charlotte. When the fallen pilot finally returned to his native North Carolina, after nearly 80 years, Reid was there to present the flag he served under to the remaining members of his family.


Reid grew up near Kannapolis in Cabarrus County to parents who had both AfricanAmerican and Native American heritage – Cherokee and Lumbee, he said. The family was proud of their heritage and liked to share stories of one uncle who was said to have lived to be more than 115, he said. At 18, Reid was drafted and served twoand-a-half years in Korea before being sent to Fairbanks and Anchorage, Alaska. In the military, he worked both as a cook and an electrical engineer. When he returned, he added to the skills he learned in the military, earning an electrical engineering degree from North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro. Reid built a house in Kannapolis and married his sweetheart Thelma, a union that lasted 64 years until her death. The couple had four children, six grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Reid operated his own radio shop, Lewis Reid Radio Repair, in Kannapolis for many years. He also worked a second job as a cook at a VA hospital in Salisbury, where he also served as a union steward and vice president for the American Federation of Government Employees. While working at the hospital, Reid learned


Lewis Reid, a 90-year-old Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus, was honored Jan. 18 by his fellow Knights at St. James Church in Concord, where he was presented with the National Lifetime Patriotic Service Award for his dedication to veterans, logging more than 25,000 service hours over the past 59 years.

Please pray for the following priests who died during the month of February. Bishop Michael J. Begley – 2002 Rev. Edward Beatty – 1990 Rev. Kenneth Geyer, OSB – 2012 Rev. Lawrence Hill – 1985 Rev. David Kessinger – 2021 Rev. Msgr. Anthony Kovacic – 2015 Rev. Kieran Neilson, OSB – 2019 Rev. Arthur Pendleton, OSB – 2020 Rev. Joseph J. Waters - 2015

about the needs of his fellow veterans and decided to dedicate his life to helping them. He still volunteers regularly at the W.G. “Bill” Hefner VA Hospital in Salisbury and served as the chairman of the Veterans Council of Rowan County for many years.


In addition to his love of country, his Catholic faith has guided him through his life, Reid said. A long-time member of St. Joseph Parish in Kannapolis, he still serves

as an usher and has been a Knight for over 35 years – a lifetime member and trustee of both Assembly 3158 at St. James and Council 12167. Many of the men who have worked alongside him in the Veterans Honor Guard have either retired or passed away, he said, but he is determined to keep on turning out to honor veterans. “If I can help somebody, I always want to do it,” Reid said. “As long as the Lord allows me, I’ll still be doing this work.”

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Pilgrimage of life Catholic author Paul Elie explores the journey of modern Catholics at Kennedy Lecture

ON THE RISE OF ‘NONES’ Best-selling Catholic author and journalist Paul Elie was the guest lecturer for the 2024 Kennedy Lecture at St. Peter Church Jan. 27. Elie spoke about his books and career, then participated in a question-andanswer session, talked with attendees and signed copies of his books.

CHRISTINA LEE KNAUSS clknauss@rcdoc.org

CHARLOTTE — Paul Elie has come to think about life as a pilgrimage, traveled in the company of others yet ultimately up to each individual to interpret its significance. The best-selling author and journalist was the featured speaker at the 24th annual Kennedy Lecture Jan. 27 at St. Peter Church in Uptown Charlotte. The event drew about 300 people for the series’ first in-person lecture since the pandemic. Elie covers the Catholic Church and Pope Francis for The New Yorker and wrote the bestselling book “The Life You Save May Be Your Own” – a biography of Catholic authors Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Elie Flannery O’Connor and Walker Percy. He also is a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs. Elie said studying the lives and faith journeys of the four authors he profiled helped him develop a sense of Catholic life as a modern pilgrimage, and to think of the faithful as “people of God on a pilgrimage in time.” “A pilgrimage is a journey to a place with a story that precedes us,” Elie said. “Our challenge is figuring out where we fit into that story.” Each of the iconic Catholic authors he wrote about embarked on their own pilgrimage of sorts, Elie noted. Dorothy Day was led to become a writer, activist and co-founder of The Catholic Worker movement. Walker Percy’s journey took him through serious illness and a challenging family life to explore philosophy in novels such as “The Moviegoer,” which chronicles man’s search for faith. Thomas Merton’s spiritual longing led him to become a Trappist monk in Kentucky, and Flannery O’Connor’s faith prompted her to look at her home in the rural South through a Biblical lens as she produced her iconic short stories and novels, which included “Wise Blood.” The four writers are still inspiring people today, Elie said, because of the sincerity and integrity of their searches for faith and truth, and because they wrote so well about them. “The word ‘pilgrimage’ has great resonance in this country not only to Catholics, but to Protestants and in Judaism as well,” he said. “The word has not been degraded by overuse. We can look at a pilgrimage as a journey where something significant is going to happen, and learning about others’ pilgrimages can help us understand the narrative we belong to as Catholics.” The format of this year’s lecture differed from prior years, with Elie talking about his work and then participating in a question-and-answer session with Tim


Funk, a former religion and politics writer for The Charlotte Observer and one of the event’s organizers. The conversation featured questions submitted to the lecture’s organizing committee in advance and explored Elie’s perspectives on a variety of topics.


Asked about his experience covering Pope Francis, Elie compared the current pontiff with two previous popes he wrote about, St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, describing each pope’s personality and way of interacting with the world. “Pope John Paul II had a background in acting and his style was very much the dramatist, while (Pope) Benedict was a scholar,” Elie said. “I see Pope Francis as a conversationalist. He is present for each person he meets. He looks you right in the eye when he talks to you and gives you his attention. He also doesn’t seem to be drawn from a playbook but is more spontaneous. He is a pope who looks the whole world in the eye.” Elie said Pope Francis makes a point of “being present” in meetings with the faithful and is more interested in “listening than wagging his finger.” He also called Pope Francis a “transformational” leader who has taken landmark positions on world affairs, including his condemnations of war. “Pope Francis, when asked about the conflicts in Gaza and in Ukraine, openly denounces war in general – that is a minority position in the world,” he said. “It’s easy for us to forget how radical that is even within the Church.”

“dealt with the problem with resolve,” but must provide opportunities for abuse victims to openly tell their stories. “One of the best ways to show the desire to be honest about the abuse crisis would be to truly encourage people to say what happened to them and let them tell their stories…,” said Elie, who described himself as a victim of clerical misconduct. “If you can’t say what happened, there’s a loss of honesty that leaves a lot out.”

Recent polls in the U.S. indicate the rising number of so-called “nones,” people who claim affiliation with no specific religious tradition. “One reason this may be happening is that God and religion are not being presented as much in today’s culture,” he said. “When something is not presented, it doesn’t become an option for people’s lives in the same way that it used to. The Church assumes that religion is natural to human nature, is deeply wound into our nature, and that we are oriented toward the divine and the good. Once you remove that perspective from people’s lives, the discussion is not the same.”


Elie talked briefly about politics, social issues and the role of women in the Church. As a father. he also noted his interest in Catholic parenthood, as well as his evolving exploration of – and inspiration from – various saints at different times in his life. People in the pews at St. Peter applauded his observations and waited in long lines for him to sign copies of his book. “I think it is fantastic how he projects so many facets of Catholic charisms and offers more than just a one-dimensional view of the Church,” said Cristobal Villapando, a parishioner at St. Peter. “He has synthesized the gift of Catholic genius.”

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St. Peter is the only Jesuit parish in the Diocese of Charlotte, and Elie talked about the order’s role in the world today, especially since he was educated by Jesuit teachers and works at Georgetown University, a Jesuit institution. “Those of us who have been formed by the Jesuits can’t help but embody their charism in our lives,” he said. “St. Ignatius, their founder, is regarded by many as the first ‘modern man’ because he brought religious life down from the walls (of the Church) and put it into the head. He created an approach to religion that is personal, imaginative, intense and mobile.”


Elie said the Church in the U.S. has

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catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Show love for our global family through CRS Rice Bowl T

Your Lenten alms change lives globally and locally:

of your CRS Rice Bowl donation supports CRS’ work around the world.

of gifts stay in the Diocese of Charlotte for hunger and poverty alleviation efforts.

he Bread of Life – which we receive through the Eucharist – fills us with God’s grace and love. The Eucharist feeds us. It nourishes us. It unites us with God and one another as members of the same Body of Christ. And it is through our communion with the Bread of Life that we are called to share bread for life. Jesus tells us, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.” When we receive Jesus through the Eucharist, our hearts are filled with His love and the call to share that love with our sisters and brothers in need around the world. During Lent, we’re invited to act on this call through our Catholic tradition of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. When we practice these Lenten pillars, we enter a living relationship and unite our hearts with God and with one another. With Catholic Relief Services’ Rice Bowl campaign, the Lenten

pillars will guide us to encounter Christ through our global family in Uganda, El Salvador and Indonesia – through our sisters and brothers who are finding ways to overcome hunger and adapt to the impacts of climate change. CRS Rice Bowl benefits Catholic Relief Services, the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. The agency alleviates suffering and provides assistance to people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality. Every Lent since 1975, millions of Catholics across the United States have come together through CRS Rice Bowl to support people struggling with hunger and poverty – both at home and around the world. And because hunger and poverty continue to be some of the most critical concerns of our time, we’re still needed to make a difference. — CRS

STORY OF HOPE: Indonesia Located in Southeast Asia between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Indonesia has beautiful beaches, diverse cultures and nearly 280 million people – the fourth highest population in the world. Many of the country’s more than 17,000 islands are in the Ring of Fire, a region around the rim of the Pacific Ocean where volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are common. Climate-related disasters such as cyclones also threaten the islands and are becoming more frequent and destructive. Strong rains and wind from these storms – combined with long periods without rain, called drought – make it difficult for people like Evita Tiro Wada to grow food. Evita and her family live on Flores Island, where she keeps a home garden for food and income. To help her family and community become more resilient against natural disasters and have more reliable access to food, Evita participated in a Catholic Relief Services’ program, through which she joined a disaster preparedness group. The group helps their community stay safe during emergencies like cyclones and earthquakes. They created a system to warn people to evacuate and identified evacuation routes, assembly points and resources they can use during a crisis. The group also maintains a community garden. They grow vegetables like beans, eggplant and water spinach, and use a drip irrigation system to conserve water so the vegetables can grow even during a drought. Evita says, “When I first joined the village disaster preparedness group, I thought, ‘What will I do or give to help the community?’ After I’ve been involved, I see the benefits of what the community and I did.”

How to give ONLINE: www.crsricebowl.org/give PHONE: 877-435-7277 (8 a.m.-11 p.m. EST) MAIL: Catholic Relief Services Attn: CRS Rice Bowl P.O. Box 5200 Harlan, IA 51593-0700 (Please write “CRS Rice Bowl” on the memo line of your check.)

Learn more Online at www.crsricebowl.org:

n Three “Stories of Hope” videos take you to Indonesia (excerpted at right), as well as to Uganda and El Salvador, where you’ll learn how people are overcoming the causes of hunger and adapting to climate change.

(Above) Evita Tiro Wada adjusts a drip irrigation system in Indonesia. (Right) Wada and her son Daniel Ribu Kelen stand on a path leading to their farm. Wada cleans pumpkin leaves from fruit grown on their farm. PHOTOS BY BENNY MANSER | CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES

RECIPE: Fast in solidarity This traditional Indonesian soup, typically served with steamed rice, is known for its sweet and sour flavor. Asem refers to tamarind, the key ingredient that gives the dish its distinctive tangy taste.

n In weekly Lenten reflections and Stations of the Cross “digital retreats,” journey with Jesus to Calvary and remember our brothers and sisters around the world who experience suffering and poverty each day.

4 C. water 1 vegetable bouillon cube 2 shallots, sliced 3 cloves of garlic, minced 1 inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced 1 red chili pepper, seeded and diced 1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 C. peanuts, coarsely chopped 2 tbsp. brown sugar 1 chayote squash or zucchini, peeled, seeded and thinly sliced 1/2 C. frozen green beans 1/2 C. frozen corn 1 C. fresh spinach 1 tsp. tamarind paste or lemon juice

In a large pot over medium-high heat, add water and vegetable bouillon. In a food processor, blend shallots, garlic, ginger, chili pepper, salt and 1/4 cup of chopped peanuts. Add mixture to the pot of water, along with the brown sugar and remaining peanuts. Stir to combine and cook for 15 minutes. Add the chayote or zucchini, green beans, corn and spinach. Increase heat to high and cook for 5 minutes. Stir in tamarind or lemon juice just before serving. Servings: 4-5.


February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Ultra-devoted: Catholic athlete runs 50 miles in Adoration


ith the National Eucharistic Congress approaching this summer, one local Catholic is doing his part to stoke the flames of a Eucharistic revival in his own community. That man is Jimmy Coleman, a member of St. Matthew Parish, who recently ran a 50.6-mile ultramarathon stopping at five area churches for Eucharistic Adoration. His mission? To turn the attention of friends, neighbors and loved ones to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Jimmy Coleman, a member of St. Matthew Parish in Charlotte, began his 50.6-mile “Adoration Ultra” with Mass and Eucharistic Adoration Jan. 26 at St. Mark Church in Huntersville. From there he made stops to adore the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist at four Charlotte-area churches: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John Neumann and St. Matthew, in a run that took 12 hours.

ANNIE FERGUSON arferguson@rcdoc.org

CHARLOTTE — Running three ultramarathons in 30 days is bold, even for an aspiring professional athlete. Yet that’s just what Jimmy Coleman – husband, father and business owner – did on Dec. 30, Jan. 20 and Jan. 26. The final race was the pièce de resistance, however, upping his audacity factor to a whole new level. Coleman dubbed it an “Adoration Ultra.” Beginning at St. Mark Church in Huntersville on a rainy Friday morning, he took off on a 50-mile journey to visit five Charlotte-area churches to participate in Eucharistic Adoration, all while bearing a white and red flag emblazoned with “Eat my flesh” and “Drink my blood” (Jn 6:5456) on either side. These messages certainly drew interest from those along his course, Coleman says, noting the reactions were overwhelmingly positive because people recognized that, although startling, they were in fact verses from the Bible. With at least 100 “supportive honks” from passersby, Coleman says he felt he made a difference, making people think. The only negative reactions seemed to come from drivers behind those slowing down to look at his sign, he says. One man from a non-denominational Christian church stopped Coleman, and they talked for 10 minutes. “He didn’t know what the Eucharist was, and I said, ‘I’m trying to create awareness of how the early Christians celebrated the Eucharist. I encourage you to look into it and come to your own conclusion one way or another. I just want people to become aware of what it is that over a billion Christians believe,’” he says. Coleman also says he wants Catholics to remember what we already have and be inspired to deepen devotion to the Eucharist – Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity made present during the consecration at Mass. The run took a lot of prayer and planning since there was no previous structure for such an event. “Running events are often used as awareness events,” Coleman says. “I thought this would be just a really cool way to fuse my faith and what I’m trying to do on the pro-athlete side of things.” Coleman adds that he’s always been open about his faith during competitions, and he’s increasing his reliance on God as he seeks professional sponsorships.


away from Catholicism and Christianity, but it actually led me toward it.” Once Coleman decided that he believed in Christ’s resurrection, he worked his way back to the events that occurred ADORATION, SEE PAGE 28 “People see me praying beforehand,” he says. “I mention my beliefs as I’m narrating things, but it’s not in your face, but then the Adoration Ultra is totally in your face with the intention of bringing attention to the Eucharist and giving historical context to it, so some of the draw is educational and some of it is people seeing the reverence we place before the Blessed Sacrament.” After Mass and Eucharistic Adoration at St. Mark, Coleman ran on sidewalks, roads and soggy uneven grass to four more stops at Charlotte churches: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Vincent de Paul, St. John Neumann and St. Matthew churches. It was a windy day, which made it easy for people to see what was on his flag but harder to control it as he experienced a level of exhaustion that evoked Christ’s road to Calvary. A member of St. Matthew and the owner of a marketing agency, Coleman is a father of two with another on the way. He says his motivation is being the best father he can be by giving a good example of faith and perseverance to his children, who inspired his reversion to the Catholic faith in 2021. “Seven years ago, I moved out of being part of the parish council of my small church in Virginia. When I came to Charlotte, I had a hard time finding my footing,” he recalls. “My friends were going to all the popular Protestant churches. There was a period of time when I would go to three different church services at three different churches every weekend.” He says he fell away from his Catholic faith around 2017 and then reverted back around the time his first son was born nearly three years ago. “I wanted to be intentional about whatever I was passing on to him, even if it wasn’t Christianity at all, so I looked at all the debates between people of faith and atheists and heard the arguments. I was a little worried that logic would lead me

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Our schools 12

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

‘United in faith and community’ Celebrating Catholic Schools Week 2024 CHARLOTTE — Schools across the Diocese of Charlotte recently joined in celebrating National Catholic Schools – with each day featuring a special theme, enlivening students and offering opportunities to live out their faith and engage with their communities. Several parishes kicked off celebrations with special Masses for students and the school community, then embarked on a week filled with service, prayer, fellowship and a lot of fun. Organized by the National Catholic Education Association and marking its 50th year of celebrating Catholic education, the week ran from Jan. 28 to Feb. 3 and aims to showcase all that Catholic schools have to offer, build community and encourage charitable outreach. “Catholic Schools truly are ‘united in faith

and community,’” said Superintendent Greg Monroe, echoing the theme for this year’s celebration. “Not only do they provide a first-class education grounded in faith, they also give students a deep appreciation for the needs of their community – and instill the Christian virtues of compassion, service and charity to help meet those needs.” Demand for Catholic education has surged in the growing diocese, where half of the 20 schools are at or near capacity, with a record enrollment of 8,100 students this year, and a flood of applications for the 2024-25 school year. The week’s festivities reinforce the positive impact Catholic schools have in their local communities by engaging in

community service, celebrating vocations, honoring our nation and other spiritbuilding activities for students, families and parishioners. On Jan. 29, St. Patrick School kindergartners and their fifth-grade prayer partners walked two blocks from school to deliver 50 casserole meals to Dilworth Soup Kitchen in Charlotte. Sacred Heart School in Salisbury celebrated their community, beginning with a visit from Mayor Karen Alexander, who spoke to students about the importance of sharing and caring for their community. Students also launched service projects and showed school spirit by dressing as a favorite movie, television or book character.

In Winston-Salem, St. Leo the Great School celebrated its community with all grades joining together in a school-wide service project, creating special goodie bags for patients and staff of Brenner’s Children’s Hospital Oncology Floor. “Catholic Schools Week took on special meaning for us this year,” said St. Leo Assistant Principal Callie Moore. “We always use this time to reinforce in our students the importance of giving back, and this year we chose to honor Brenner’s Children’s Hospital because of all they did for Finley Price – a beloved Kindergartner here who passed away from cancer in November. We wanted to thank the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in her care.” — Spencer K.M. Brown On the Cover: Father Lucas Rossi, pastor of St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Gastonia, visited St. Michael School students to kick off Catholic Schools Week.

More online At www.catholicnewsherald.com: See more photos from Catholic Schools Week celebrations across the diocese


(Above from left) At St. Patrick School in Charlotte, service learning is an extension of their faith. Monday’s Catholic Schools Week theme was community. Kindergarten students and their fifth-grade prayer partners delivered 50 casseroles to the Dilworth Soup Kitchen. Our Lady of the Assumption School kicked off Catholic Schools Week by providing music for the 11 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church.

(From left) Dr. Greg Monroe, superintendent of Catholic schools, greets students and parents at St. Mark School in Huntersville for the start of Catholic Schools Week. Our Lady of Grace students took the lead in engaging in acts of service, starting off the the week by hosting a Donut Social after Mass on Jan. 28.

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Mike Miller

Love and sacrifice: the soul of our Catholic schools


(Above) St. Matthew students showed off their favorite teams on “jersey day.” (Left) At Sacred Heart School in Salisbury, students showed off their spirit with “wacky tacky” day, dressing in fun outfits for the day. (Below) Students at Bishop McGuinness High School participated in a school-wide day of service, which included packing meal bags and making blankets for those in need.

or better or worse, I’ve always been an “early bird” when it comes to arriving at school. From the time I began as a second-grade teacher, I’ve found value in arriving before anyone else, while the building is quiet and I won’t be interrupted. It’s true, with people come interruptions. God bless us! Even as a school principal, some 28 years after I first walked into a classroom to teach, I cherish the start of my day at the school. Each day, as I drive up in the darkness, park in the same spot and enter the darkened brick building that is 17 years older than I am, there’s a certain excitement at the anticipation of what the day will bring at my Catholic school. I walk in the building and head toward my office, flipping light switches as I go. As the lights come on in the hallways, it’s as if I’m waking up the building. The building doesn’t really come to life, however, until the students and staff arrive. That’s when the building that is Asheville Catholic becomes a school. It’s true – anyone who is familiar with our Catholic schools will tell you that there’s an energy that animates our buildings only when the students and staff arrive. It isn’t there when the halls and classrooms are empty. It isn’t there when I’m working in my office, the only one in the building. It’s an energy and an animation that comes from God Himself. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, I’m reminded of a wedding Mass that I attended once. The couple to be married had asked the priest to bless a crucifix that they would hang over the front door of their first home, and the priest used their crucifix as the focus of his homily. He picked up the crucifix and showed it to us, holding it up so that we could only see the back, and he said, “This is the cross. The cross was once a symbol of fear and intimidation used by the Romans to scare their subjects into obedience. It was a symbol of cruelty, torture and death. Today, it has a profoundly different meaning to Christians and non-Christians alike. It is a powerful symbol of Christianity because of what Christ endured upon it. This cross represents the love of God.” The priest then flipped the crucifix around so that we could see the image of Christ hanging there. He said, “This crucifix, with the image of Christ suffering to eventually die for our sins, represents sacrifice. The cross represents love, but when we consider what Christ endured for us, it represents sacrifice. Love and sacrifice.” I look at our Catholic schools in a similar way. The buildings that make up our schools symbolize the love that we have for God and our students. When we view these buildings as schools, full of children and dedicated staff members, we see the sacrifices made. These sacrifices include the financial sacrifices that families make to send their children to Catholic schools, and the sacrifices of all those who have given financial gifts to our Catholic schools. They represent the sacrifice of time, the hours upon hours our staff members put into educating our children and making our schools the places God meant them to be. Places of love and sacrifice. But what’s sacrifice without someone for whom it is intended? What would Christ’s sacrifice mean without all of humanity for whom to sacrifice? Indeed, what would the sacrifices of parents, donors and school staff mean without students? The answer, of course, is nothing. Catholic Schools Week and the very essence of Catholic schools is all about our students. It’s all about bringing our students closer to Christ by their daily interactions at schools where Catholic values are ubiquitous. These interactions are countless and are a swirl of conversations and activities that often bring laughter and sometimes tears. Regardless, Christ is present through it all. He is present through His love and His sacrifice. And I would say the same of our Catholic schools. In spite of all that is going on in the world around our students – a world that often brings joy, and sometimes tears – our Catholic schools are present through it all. They are present through their love and their sacrifice. MIKE MILLER is principal of Asheville Catholic School. Beginning in the 2024-’25 school year, he will serve as assistant superintendent for the Diocese of Charlotte Catholic Schools.



iiiFebruary 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com

2024 DSA

How to support the DSA

A call to help others


ollowing Christ’s example of serving the needs of others, and how we can assist them through acts of charity, is at the heart of this year’s Diocesan Support Appeal that kicks off the weekend of Feb. 3-4. The theme of the 2024 Diocesan Support Appeal is “One Body in Christ.” Inspired by 1 Corinthians 12:12, it reminds us that we are called to join together in Christ’s love to serve one another with compassion. “The Diocesan Support Appeal helps bring us all together as One Body in Christ,” Bishop Peter Jugis said. “As St. Paul tells us in his first letter to the Corinthians: ‘God placed the parts, each one of them, in the Body as He intended.’ You are an important part of the Body of Christ here in the Diocese of Charlotte. Your participation, your prayers, and your financial support of the DSA are crucial to helping our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need. Please join with us in making God’s love known to those who are less fortunate, marginalized or hungering for His presence in their lives.” The 2024 DSA campaign aligns with the bishop’s six pastoral priorities for the diocese, one of which calls people to draw from our communion with Christ in the Eucharist and strengthen communion within families and within the Church. It supports more than 50 ministries and programs throughout the western half of North Carolina. Programs include seminarian education, fairh formation, the permanent diaconate, multicultural ministries, the Office of Family Life, and the Eucharistic Congress.


The DSA campaign also significantly funds the vital work of Catholic Charities, which served more than 22,994 people last year with emergency aid, counseling, housing support and more. Last year, parishioners contributed more than $6.7 million – exceeding the campaign’s goal. This year’s DSA goal totals $6,754,803, with each parish and mission pursuing a goal based on its offertory collections. Parishes that exceed their goal receive a rebate for 100 percent of the additional funds collected. Parishes that fall short of their goal make up the difference from their operating budgets. Since 1987, parishioners have invested nearly $136 million to the Church’s mission of charity and pastoral care, changing the lives of over 1 million people. “I ask you to prayerfully consider making a financial contribution to the 2024 DSA and support these ministries that serve our growing community in so many remarkable ways,” Bishop Jugis wrote in his letter to parishioners. “As always, we give thanks to God for His love and mercy, which inspire us to serve our brothers and sisters in need.”

Watch online At www.catholicnewsherald. com: Watch a video spotlighting some of the ministries you support through the DSA

PLEDGE: Make a pledge in response to a mailing you receive or in-pew appeal at your local parish. An individual DSA pledge may be paid in up to 10 installments by EFT, credit card or check. Pledging allows you to make a greater gift over time. You will receive monthly reminder statements in the mail or by email until your pledge is paid, or until Dec. 31, 2024. DONATE ONLINE: Donate online at www. charlottediocese.org/dsa, either with a one-time gift or set up a pledge with monthly gift payments via credit or debit card. (If you give online, please do not complete a pledge envelope at your local parish. This could result in having two gift records.) ONE-TIME DONATIONS: Give a onetime contribution in response to a mailing you receive or in-pew appeal at your local parish. Please make checks payable to the “DSA” and note the name of your parish in the memo line of the check. Do not send cash through the mail. STOCK DONATION: Make a donation of publicly traded securities and receive the tax benefits for giving appreciated stock. Instructions are online at www.charlottediocese. org/ways-to-give. IRA CONTRIBUTION: For donors over 70 1/2 years of age, contact your financial advisor to request a charitable distribution from your IRA. FOR INQUIRIES: Contact David Walsh, associate director of development, at 704-370-3302 or email dvwalsh@rcdoc.org.

Parish & Mission 2024 DSA Goal Christ the King, High Point


Immaculate Conception, Hendersonville

Christ the King, Kings Mountain


Immaculate Conception, Canton

Our Lady of the Angels, Marion


St. Aloysius, Hickory


Our Lady of Annunciation, Albemarle


St. Andrew the Apostle, Mars Hill


$99,914.33 $9,425.07


Immaculate Heart of Mary, High Point


Our Lady of the Assumption, Charlotte


St. Ann, Charlotte


Good Shepherd, King


Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hayesville


Our Lady of the Highways, Thomasville


St. Barnabas, Arden


Holy Angels, Mount Airy


Our Lady of Consolation, Charlotte


Our Lady of the Mountains, Highlands


St. Benedict, Greensboro


Holy Cross, Kernersville


Our Lady of Fatima, Winston-Salem


Our Lady of the Rosary, Lexington


St. Benedict the Moor, Winston-Salem


Holy Family, Clemmons


Our Lady of Grace, Greensboro

St. Bernadette, Linville

$32,948.47 $56,682.25

Divine Redeemer, Boonville


Prince of Peace, Robbinsville


Holy Infant, Reidsville


Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cherokee


Queen of the Apostles, Belmont


St. Charles Borromeo, Morganton

Holy Redeemer, Andrews


Our Lady of Guadalupe, Charlotte


Sacred Heart, Brevard


St. Dorothy, Lincolnton


Holy Spirit, Denver


Our Lady of Lourdes, Monroe


Sacred Heart, Wadesboro


St. Elizabeth, Boone


Holy Trinity, Taylorsville


Our Lady of Mercy, Winston-Salem


Sacred Heart, Burnsville


St. Eugene, Asheville

$ 100,309.05

Immaculate Conception, Forest City


Our Lady of the Americas, Biscoe


Sacred Heart, Salisbury


St. Frances of Rome, Sparta



February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.comiii


2024 DSA

Where does your money go? The purpose of the Diocesan Support Appeal is to help provide the annual funding necessary to carry out the mission of our diocese – namely to fulfill our call to “grow ever more perfectly into a community of praise, worship and witness, and to become a leaven of service and sign of peace through love in the Piedmont and Western North Carolina.”

34% EDUCATION Campus Ministry Catholic Schools Office Youth Ministry Faith Formation Office: Catechetical Certification Diocesan Catechetical Conference In-Services RCIA Special Needs Resource Group Totus Tuus

2024 GOAL:

$6,754,803 Parishioners in all our parishes and missions help fund the annual DSA.

29% 14%


9% 7%


29% CATHOLIC CHARITIES DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE Burial Assistance Case Management Disaster Relief Elder Ministry Food Pantries Housing Permanency Services Legal Immigration Services Mental Health Counseling Pregnancy Support & Adoption Refugee Services Social Concerns & Advocacy Stay the Course Supportive Services for Veteran Families Transition Out of Poverty Wee Care Shoppes Youth Empowerment Opportunity Program

14% MULTICULTURAL MINISTRIES African American Affairs Ministry Hispanic Ministries



Eucharistic Congress Office of Family Life: Marriage Preparation Natural Family Planning Respect Life

Permanent Diaconate Seminarian Education



Llamado a ayudar a los demás


eguir el ejemplo de Cristo en el servicio a las necesidades de los demás, y cómo podemos ayudarlos a través de actos de caridad, es el eje central de la Campaña de Apoyo Diocesano de este año que inicia el fin de semana del 3 y 4 de febrero. El tema de la Campaña de Apoyo Diocesano 2024 es “Un solo Cuerpo en Cristo”. Inspirado en la Primera Carta a los Corintios 12:12, nos recuerda que estamos llamados a unirnos en el amor de Cristo para servirnos unos a otros con compasión. Esta invocación se alinea con nuestras nuevas prioridades pastorales para la diócesis: convocar a los fieles a aprovechar nuestra comunión con Cristo en la Eucaristía para así fortalecer la comunión dentro de las familias y dentro de la Iglesia. “La Campaña de Apoyo Diocesano nos ayuda a unirnos a todos como un solo cuerpo en Cristo”, dijo el Obispo Peter Jugis. “Como nos dice San Pablo en su Primera Carta a los Corintios: ‘Dios colocó los miembros, cada uno de ellos, en el Cuerpo como Él quiso’. Ustedes son una parte importante del Cuerpo de Cristo aquí en la Diócesis de Charlotte. Su participación, sus oraciones y su apoyo financiero a la DSA son cruciales para ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo que están necesitados. Por favor, únanse a nosotros para dar a conocer el amor de Dios a aquellos que son menos afortunados, marginados o hambrientos de Su presencia en sus vidas”. La campaña DSA apoya a más de 50 ministerios y programas en todo el oeste de Carolina del Norte. Los programas incluyen la educación de seminaristas, programas educativos, el diaconado permanente, ministerios multiculturales, la oficina de Vida Familiar y el Congreso Eucarístico. La campaña DSA también financia

significativamente el importante trabajo de Caridades Católicas, que atendió a más de 22,994 personas el año pasado con ayuda de emergencia, asesoramiento, apoyo para la vivienda y muchos otros servicios más. El año pasado, los feligreses contribuyeron con más de $6.7 millones, superando la meta de la campaña. La meta de DSA de este año asciende a un total de $6,754,803, y cada parroquia y misión persigue una meta basada en sus colectas de ofertorios. Las parroquias que exceden su meta reciben un reembolso del cien por ciento de los fondos adicionales recaudados. Las parroquias que no alcanzan su meta compensan la diferencia con fondos de sus presupuestos operativos. Desde 1987, los feligreses han invertido casi $136 millones en la misión de caridad y cuidado pastoral de la Iglesia, cambiando la vida de más de un millón de personas. “Les pido que consideren en oración hacer una contribución financiera a la DSA 2024 y apoyen estos ministerios que sirven a nuestra creciente comunidad de tantas maneras”, concluyó el Obispo Jugis en su carta. “Como siempre, damos gracias a Dios por su amor y misericordia, que nos inspiran a servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad”.

Más online At www.catholicnewsherald.com: Vea un video un que explica por qué es importante su apoyo a la DSA

St. Francis of Assisi, Franklin


St. John the Baptist, Tryon


St. Luke, Mint Hill


St. Philip the Apostle, Statesville


St. Francis of Assisi, Jefferson


St. John the Evangelist, Waynesville


St. Margaret Mary, Swannanoa


St. Pius X, Greensboro


St. Francis of Assisi, Lenoir


St. Joseph, Charlotte


St. Margaret of Scotland, Maggie Valley


St. Stephen, Elkin

St. Francis of Assisi, Mocksville


St. Joseph, Asheboro


St. Mark, Huntersville


St. Gabriel, Charlotte


St. Joseph, Newton


St. Helen, Spencer Mountain


St. Joseph of the Hills, Eden

St. Therese, Mooresville

$12,511.88 $214,886.09

St. Mary, Greensboro


St. Thomas Aquinas, Charlotte



St. Mary Help of Christians, Shelby


St. Vincent de Paul, Charlotte


St. William, Murphy

St. James, Concord


St. Joseph, Bryson City


St. Mary Mother of God, Sylva


St. James, Hamlet


St. Joseph, Kannapolis


St. Matthew, Charlotte


St. Joan of Arc, Candler


St. Jude, Sapphire


St. Michael, Gastonia


St. John Baptist de La Salle, North Wilkesboro $19,625.68

St. Lawrence Basilica, Asheville


St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte


St. John Lee Korean, Charlotte


St. Leo, Winston-Salem


St. Paul the Apostle, Greensboro


St. John Neumann, Charlotte


St. Lucien, Spruce Pine


St. Peter, Charlotte






catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 16

Diácono Darío García

Devociones marianas: Nuestra Señora de Lourdes


l 11 de febrero de 1858, Bernadette, una niña de catorce años, recogía leña en las afueras de Lourdes, cuando se acercó a una gruta, vio una nube dorada y a una Señora vestida de blanco, con sus pies descalzos cubiertos por dos rosas doradas, en su cintura tenía una ancha cinta azul, sus manos juntas estaban en posición de oración y llevaba un rosario. Bernadette al principio se asustó, pero luego comenzó a rezar el rosario que siempre llevaba consigo, al mismo tiempo que la niña, la Señora, pasaba las cuentas del suyo entre sus dedos. El 25 de marzo, a pedido del párroco del lugar, la niña pregunta a la Señora ¿quién eres?, y ella le responde: “Yo soy la Inmaculada Concepción”. La fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes se celebra el día de su primera aparición, el 11 de febrero. En las apariciones, la Señora exhortó a la niña a rogar por los pecadores, manifestó el deseo de que en el lugar sea erigida una capilla y mandó a Bernadette a besar la tierra, como acto de penitencia para ella y para otros, el pueblo presente en el lugar también la imitó y, hasta el día de hoy, esta práctica continúa. Hay siempre una preferencia en las apariciones de la santísima virgen, los niños y las personas humildes que hacen oración y frecuentan los sacramentos como los niños de Fátima, Bernadette y Juan Dieguito. Esto es muy significativo para la vida cristiana, pues es alimento y fortalecimiento espiritual para los que se encuentran con la madre del cielo y, por supuesto, para quienes leen o escuchan las historias de las apariciones y se sienten motivados, animados a creerlas, venerarlas, agradecidos por la visita y presencia de la virgen con sus correspondientes mensajes, pedidos y compromisos. Los verdaderos devotos de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes saben que ella pide hacer penitencia, oración y obras de misericordia, realizar peregrinaciones al sitio de la aparición, rezar diariamente el Santo Rosario con los visitantes y mantener el sitio del encuentro como un santuario, lugar de oración y retiro espiritual. Esta devoción, implica encarnar un proceso de conversión, asidua oración, frecuencia sacramental y acción caritativa de acuerdo a las enseñanzas del Evangelio y a la guía del Magisterio de la Iglesia. El lugar comenzó a constituirse en un Santuario cuando el Papa Pío IX LOURDES, PASA A LA PÁGINA 18


Estudiantes de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Charlotte que se unieron a la peregrinación de la diócesis en autobús a la Marcha por la Vida en Washington, D.C., mostraron públicamente su apoyo por los niños no nacidos y sus madres.

Fieles de Carolina del Norte marcharon por la vida en Washington, D.C. ANNIE FERGUSON arferguson@rcdoc.org

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Al abrigo de la nieve que caía, al lado de la Basílica del Santuario Nacional de la Inmaculada Concepción, varios cientos de fieles de Carolina del Norte se reunieron para atender una Misa de oración antes de unirse a miles de personas de todo el país en la 51 Marcha por la Vida. Es la segunda vez que los manifestantes se reunieron para lo que los organizadores llaman la “mayor manifestación anual de derechos humanos en el mundo”, desde que la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos anuló su fallo de 1973 Roe vs. Wade, que legalizó el aborto en todo el país. En una Misa especial por Carolina del Norte, los fieles que llegaron de todo el estado en avión, automóvil y autobús aprovecharon la oportunidad de adorar, agradecer a Dios y orar ante el importante testimonio de marchar por la vida en las calles de la capital de la nación. Docenas de personas se unieron a la peregrinación de dos noches de la Diócesis de Charlotte en autobús, organizado por la Oficina de Vida Familiar de la diócesis. Monseñor Patrick Winslow, vicario

general y canciller de la diócesis, celebró la Misa por Carolina del Norte, pronunciando una homilía en la que pidió a los cristianos que sirvieran como faros de esperanza y coraje, para proteger a los más vulnerables entre nosotros. “Aquí, en el Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Santísima Madre, hoy recordamos su título de Virgen de los Pobres, y esto es especialmente importante”, dijo Monseñor Winslow. “Porque, ¿quién puede negar que, en cualquier época, es el niño el que está entre los más pobres, los más vulnerables, estos niños tiernos y preciosos? Indefensos y totalmente dependientes de aquellos a quienes se les confían. ¿Quién de nosotros no se siente movido a correr en su ayuda, a aliviar su sufrimiento? ¿Y qué pasa con la madre y el padre que se encuentran en circunstancias desesperadas? Porque la mayoría de nosotros conocemos muy bien el dolor del espíritu empobrecido y quebrantado”. Monseñor Winslow invitó a las personas a mostrar coraje y manifestarse juntas. “Y luego está nuestra cultura que, bajo el disfraz de la compasión, se niega con mucha facilidad a confrontar ese engaño siniestro e insidioso de que la persona

concebida de manera única en el vientre materno es de alguna manera algo menos que un niño”, dijo. “Una cultura así carece de claridad mental, coraje y esperanza. Esto también es síntoma de una pobreza. Una pobreza Winslow sistémica. Una cultura que se marchita y necesita reformas”. La Marcha por la Vida ha sido una voz comprometida y poderosamente profética en nombre de los más pobres y vulnerables entre nosotros, agregó Monseñor Winslow. La misión de la Marcha por la Vida es promover la belleza y la dignidad de cada vida humana y poner fin al aborto”, dijo. “Por eso estamos aquí. Venimos en ayuda de los más pobres. Por el bien del niño indefenso que no tiene voz, que no tiene otra opción. Por el bien de las mujeres y los hombres, ante la ansiedad de un embarazo no deseado. Debemos superar el miedo con un mensaje de esperanza”. Después de la Misa, el Padre Timothy MARCHARON, PASA A LA PÁGINA 18

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


‘Por el Evangelio’ Diáconos renovaron sus promesas de ordenación y dieron bienvenida a nuevos candidatos dentro de nuestra diócesis, a través de Jesucristo, alineemos nuestras vidas con Él”. El Obispo Jugis también destacó CHARLOTTE — Los diáconos el servicio caritativo y humilde permanentes de toda la Diócesis que se requiere. de Charlotte renovaron sus “Vuestro servicio es entregado promesas de ordenación ante su gratuitamente, y con el apoyo obispo durante una Misa especial de vuestras esposas y hermanos celebrada en la Catedral San diáconos y sacerdotes, están Patricio. llamados a compartir el Evangelio La Misa de reafirmación de de nuestro Señor, pero a hacerlo promesas de ordenación por con humilde caridad”. parte de los diáconos es una Los 17 nuevos hombres, oportunidad para que cada año ahora llamados candidatos, ya los 122 diáconos de la diócesis han completado dos años de y sus esposas se reúnan con el investigación, tiempo llamado obispo. Este año, la Misa también “aspirantado”, y ahora comienzan incluyó la aceptación formal de tres años de formación antes de 17 hombres en el Programa de ser considerados para una posible Diaconado Permanente de la ordenación como diáconos. diócesis, una de las promociones Los candidatos son: Francis ingresantes más grandes de los Ahn, John Baughman, Eduardo últimos años. Gaspar, Emilio Gómez, Eric “Es mi Misa favorita del año”, Kennedy, Timothy Knorr, Huy dijo el Diácono David Faunce, TROY HULL | CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD Le, Omar Lomeli, Bruce Mlakar, subdirector de formación La Misa de Afirmación de las Promesas de Ordenación Diaconal es una oportunidad para que los 122 diáconos de la diócesis y sus Christopher Neubauer, Tracy Van diaconal de la diócesis. “Nos esposas se reúnan cada año en una Misa con el Obispo Peter Jugis. Neumann, Emmett Ostendorf, une a todos los diáconos y nos José Oviedo, William Parker, William profeta Isaías decir: ‘Aquí estoy, envíame’. lo que está a su disposición”. recuerda por qué estamos aquí. Nos Tolone, Oswaldo Vargas y Eric Yarrington. Esto es algo que ustedes, los diáconos, Hizo hincapié en la segunda lectura de reconecta con toda la Iglesia a la que Dar la bienvenida a los nuevos dicen todos los días. Y de nuevo, como nos San Pablo y en cómo una de las promesas servimos”. candidatos fue especialmente conmovedor, dice San Pablo: “Todo esto lo hago por el que renovaron los diáconos es proclamar la Durante su homilía, Monseñor Peter dijo el Diácono Faunce. “Es realmente Evangelio”, también ustedes lo dicen cada fe con palabras y obras según el Evangelio. Jugis reflexionó sobre esa misión, día. Esta es la vocación de un diácono. Así “Somos una familia, un cuerpo unido en recordándoles: “A partir de este día, deben que siempre, como comunidad diaconal el Señor”, dijo. “Acabamos de escuchar al cultivar su vocación, haciendo uso de todo DIÁCONOS , PASA A LA PÁGINA 18 SPENCER K.M. BROWN skmbrown@rcdoc.org

Se anunció el tema del Congreso Eucarístico 2024 SPENCER K.M. BROWN skmbrown@rcdoc.org

CHARLOTTE — El Obispo Peter J. Jugis hizo público el tema del 19 Congreso Eucarístico Anual que se llevará a cabo el 30 y 31 de agosto: “Permanezcan en Mí”. En parte una experiencia de adoración, en parte una “reunión familiar” diocesana, el Congreso Eucarístico anual es una oportunidad para profundizar nuestra fe e inspirarnos en el amor de Cristo por nosotros. El tema proviene de las palabras de Jesús en la Última Cena, según el Evangelio de Juan 15:4-5. “Permanezcan en mí como yo en ustedes. Una rama no puede producir fruto por sí misma si no permanece unida a la vid, tampoco ustedes pueden producir fruto si no permanecen en mí. Yo soy la vid y ustedes las ramas. El que permanece en mí y yo en él, ese da mucho fruto, pero si mí, no pueden hacer nada”. Al anunciar el tema, Monseñor Jugis señaló la conexión integral entre el amor de Cristo y la Eucaristía: “La Sagrada Eucaristía es el sacramento del gran amor de Cristo por nosotros, un amor que Él nos mostró con su sacrificio en la cruz por nuestra salvación. Cristo está realmente presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía, y a través de la Eucaristía fortalece nuestra caridad”. Además, este pasaje de las Escrituras

revela la profundidad de nuestra vida cristiana y la importancia vital y la necesidad de mantenernos conectados con nuestra verdadera vid, nuestro Señor Jesucristo. En un tratado sobre el evangelio de Juan, San Agustín explicó las palabras de Jesús: “Permanezcan en Mí”. En él, dice: “(Los discípulos) no están en Él de la misma manera que Él está en ellos. Y, sin embargo, ambos caminos tienden a su ventaja, y no a la de Él. Porque la relación de los sarmientos con la vid es tal que no aportan nada a la vid, sino que de ella obtienen sus propios medios de vida; mientras que la de la vid a los sarmientos es tal que suministra su alimento vital y no recibe nada de ellos. Y así, el hecho de que Cristo permanezca en ellos, y que permanezcan ellos mismos en Cristo, es en ambos aspectos ventajoso, no para Cristo, sino para los discípulos. Porque cuando se corta la rama, puede brotar otra de la raíz viva; pero lo que es cortado no puede vivir separado de la raíz” (Tratado 81, 1-2).


El Congreso Eucarístico 2024 se llevará a cabo del 30 al 31 de agosto en el Centro de Convenciones de Charlotte. Obtenga actualizaciones online en www. goeucharist.com, en inglés y español, a medida que se desarrollen.

Your Life’s Journey… how will you be remembered? Establish a legacy that responds to the many gifts God has given you.

For more information on how to leave a legacy gift to your parish, Catholic school, Catholic agency, the Diocese of Charlotte or the diocese foundation, please contact Gina Rhodes, Director Foundation of the of Planned Giving at 704-370-3364 / Diocese of Charlotte gmrhodes@rcdoc.org .


catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD


Reid se subió al Metrorail con un grupo de sacerdotes y otros fieles de Carolina del Norte, para dirigirse al punto de inicio de la marcha. “A pesar de que Roe vs. Wade ha sido anulado, es importante que sigamos viniendo a la marcha”, dijo el Padre Reid, párroco de la iglesia Santa Ana en Charlotte. “El aborto sigue siendo una realidad en nuestro país y en nuestro estado. Es muy importante que sigamos defendiendo la vida”. Reid Los peregrinos de la Diócesis de Raleigh también se unieron a la marcha. “Es importante seguir marchando porque este aniversario de Roe vs. Wade fue un evento horrendo en la historia de los Estados Unidos”, dijo el Diácono Josh Klickman, coordinador de vida humana y dignidad de la Diócesis de Raleigh. “Es importante que recordemos que estos males aún pueden persistir. Pero también es más importante que nos presentemos porque tenemos que derrotar a estos males a nivel local. Este tipo de alcance y cuidado personal muestra a toda la nación que estamos aquí para apoyar a las madres y las familias de nuestros propios vecindarios”. Durante la marcha, bajo una nevada constante, decenas de personas se unieron a Monseñor Winslow, al Padre Reid y a los seminaristas para rezar la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia. Entre ellos estaba Heather Martin y su familia, miembros de la

parroquia San Marcos en Huntersville. “Tenemos siete hijos en la tierra (y) tenemos tres que perdimos. Sabemos que un bebé en el vientre materno es un bebé”, dijo Martin. “Queremos ser testigos y defender que la vida es preciosa... y todos necesitan aceptar que cada niño es un regalo de Dios”. La Marcha por la Vida desafía el aborto y defiende la belleza de la vida desde el momento de la concepción. El evento de 2024 se centró en el tema “Provida: Con cada mujer, para cada niño”. Un mitin previo a la marcha en el National Mall destacó a oradores como Benjamin Watson y la presidenta de la Marcha por la Vida, Jeanne Mancini, así como a los centros de embarazo y hogares de maternidad que apoyan a las mujeres y familias necesitadas durante y después del embarazo. Room At The Inn de Carolina del Norte, un refugio de maternidad con sede en el Triad, que atiende a mujeres embarazadas de todo el estado, recibió atención nacional en la Marcha por la Vida en 2018. En comentarios después de la Misa, Marianne Donadio, directora asociada del refugio, dijo que es importante seguir marchando para que las miles de mujeres y niños que se benefician de estas organizaciones continúen encontrando ayuda real y aliento para elegir la vida. “Todavía hay 900.000 abortos al año en nuestro país, por lo que todavía hay trabajo por hacer”, dijo. “Crear una cultura de la vida en cada comunidad es lo único que hará que el aborto sea impensable, y garantizará que las mujeres embarazadas y sus hijos reciban no solo los recursos vitales que necesitan, sino también la esperanza de un futuro brillante con oportunidades educativas y otra asistencia continua después de que nazcan los bebés. Los niños son a menudo el mayor y mejor motivador para alcanzar tus sueños”.


le dio el título de Basílica en 1874. Las apariciones fueron declaradas auténticas el 18 de enero 1862. Lourdes es uno de los lugares de mayor peregrinaje en el mundo, millones de personas acuden cada año y muchísimos


enfermos han sido sanados en sus aguas milagrosas. Avivemos nuestra devoción a la santísima Virgen María, poniendo en su poder intercesor nuestras necesidades para que ella las lleve al Señor y recibamos su misericordia, amor y paz. EL DIÁCONO DARÍO GARCÍA es coordinador del Ministerio Hispano del Vicariato de Hickory

por sí mismos. Ellas son una parte integral de nuestra vocación”.

¿Sabías que...?


un testimonio del crecimiento del Evangelio dentro de la comunidad, pero también de los hombres que están dispuestos a salir, junto con sus esposas, para entregarse a difundir el Evangelio. Las esposas son fundamentales para el ministerio de un diácono, agregó. “Una vida de servicio puede ser solitaria, así que tener a nuestras esposas allí es una verdadera bendición”. El Diácono Bill Schreiber, director diocesano de formación diaconal, estuvo de acuerdo, ampliando el papel único que tienen las esposas en esta vocación. “Las esposas son absolutamente esenciales”, dijo. “Ningún diácono podría hacer las cosas que hacemos sin el apoyo total y las oraciones de nuestras esposas. Lo que hacen activamente dentro de la Iglesia y luego, a través de su apoyo a nosotros en los ministerios, no pueden realizarlo

Los diáconos permanentes están involucrados en una amplia gama de ministerios, pero por lo general son asignados a una parroquia donde proclaman el Evangelio y ayudan al sacerdote en la Misa, supervisan o apoyan los ministerios parroquiales y las actividades caritativas, administran bautismos, ofician bodas y distribuyen la Sagrada Comunión a los enfermos y confinados en sus hogares. También trabajan en ministerios diocesanos vitales, incluido el programa de capellanía del aeropuerto, el ministerio de prisiones, la formación en la fe y el ministerio a niños y estudiantes universitarios, así como también brindan instrucción a los aspirantes a católicos en el programa RICA.

Más online En www.charlottediocese.org/ vocations/diaconate: Encontrará mayor información sobre el programa de diaconado permanente.

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February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Movimiento cristero se extiende desde Carolina del Norte INSPIRACIÓN

CÉSAR HURTADO rchurtado@rcdoc.org

KERNERSVILLE — Poco antes de marzo de 2020, cuando se declaró oficialmente la pandemia de COVID-19, Gilberto García, mexicano nacido en Jalisco y feligrés de la parroquia Holy Cross en Kernesville, cayó gravemente enfermo de COVID. Solo en enero del mismo año, el primer caso de la enfermedad se había presentado en Estados Unidos. “Casi me muero”, nos cuenta. Pasó cerca de 45 días sin poder levantarse y comiendo solo lo necesario para poder sobrevivir. “En mi casa tenía la imagen de la Virgen, y me puse a rezar. Al principio pues nada más rezaba, y entonces se me ocurrió hacer un video en vivo por Facebook. Una amiga de Puebla, México, me vio y se impresionó. Esa noche oramos juntos y, desde esa fecha, todas las noches, oramos virtualmente el Santo Rosario”. Ya van a ser cuatro años de rezo ininterrumpido en el grupo de Facebook ‘Cristeros del Inmaculado Corazón de María’ que administra García. Pero ya no son dos personas, sino casi seis mil los seguidores que se reúnen para rezar el Santo Rosario en cinco idiomas: latin, español, francés, italiano e inglés. “No somos todos de la región de Charlotte ni de Las Carolinas”, relata García, “estamos en 43 países. Tenemos gente local, de estados como California, Texas, Arizona, Nuevo México, y de otros países como Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Brasil. Inclusive ora con nosotros gente de la India”. Oran todos los días a las 8 p.m. (Hora


A la izquierda, foto de archivo en la que puede verse a un grupo de cristeros locales en la procesión del Congreso Eucarístico de nuestra diócesis en 2023. A la derecha, imagen de Cathopic que muestra a San José Sánchez de Río, mártir católico mexicano asesinado a los 14 años de edad. del Este de Estados Unidos y 7 p.m. de la Ciudad de México) a través de dos grupos: ‘Cristeros del Inmaculado Corazón de María’, y el ‘Grupo Cristero, Universal Guadalupano, Dios Patria y Familia’, de más reciente creación, que ya acumula más de 800 miembros. Ambos grupos se enlazan con el Ejército Cristero Internacional, una organización sin fines de lucro que tiene entre sus objetivos la defensa de la fe católica.


La guerra cristera se produjo en México entre 1926 y 1929, cuando el entonces presidente de México, Plutarco Elías Calles, promulgó una ley que restringía la libertad

religiosa, prohibiendo, entre otras cosas, que los sacerdotes vistieran sotana, la enseñanza de religión en las escuelas y la existencia de congregaciones. Entonces se produjo una reacción del pueblo católico, especialmente en los estados de Jalisco, Michoacán y Guanajuato, haciendo popular el grito cristero: “Viva Cristo Rey y Santa María de Guadalupe”. Muchos católicos fueron martirizados en este periodo de persecución religiosa, entre ellos el niño San José Sánchez del Río, quien fue torturado y asesinado a los 14 años de edad el 10 de febrero de 1928, porque se negó a renunciar a su fe católica.

García nació en Jalisco, tierra de cristeros. “Mi corazón se conmovía al escuchar una canción de Vicente Fernández, ‘El martes me fusilan’, que dice: ‘El martes me fusilan, a las seis de la mañana, por creer en Dios eterno, y en la gran Guadalupana’”, relató. Conocer el sacrificio del niño santo José Sánchez motivó a García a llevar el mensaje cristero a todo aquel que pueda escucharlo. “Quiero que los jóvenes lo aprecien y tengan en él un héroe. Quiero invitar también a las familias para que, siguiendo su mensaje, resistan las ideologías anticristianas”, explicó. Por ello, en los grupos formados se dedican a rezar el rosario, a explicar la doctrina católica, a la apologética, a difundir los mensajes de justicia social de la Iglesia y más. García, soltero, catequista por siete años, miembro del movimiento juvenil en su momento, planea regresar a su país en uno o dos años para trabajar intensamente en un trabajo cristero para fortalecer la Iglesia. “Se vienen tiempos difíciles para la Iglesia y nos estamos preparando para vivir situaciones diferentes. Queremos proteger la familia y las instituciones de la fe a través del conocimiento de los desafíos actuales y los que vendrán. Es un llamado de la Virgen que lucha contra el mal. Finalmente, con su ayuda, veremos el triunfo del Inmaculado Corazón de María”, finalizó.

Más online Contacte al movimiento cristero a través de los grupos de Facebook ‘Cristeros del Inmaculado Corazón’ y ‘Cristero Universal Guadalupano’.




catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Comparte tu amor con nuestra familia mundial a través de Plato de Arroz Tus ofrendas de Cuaresma cambian vidas en todo el mundo y en nuestra comunidad:

de tu donación apoya el trabajo de CRS en todo el mundo.

ayuda a combatir el hambre y la pobreza a nivel local.


a vida es un viaje de regreso a Dios. De vez en cuando nos perdemos en el camino. Pasamos haciendo una cosa tras otra, y nos olvidamos de pasar tiempo con Él. A veces no hacemos lo correcto y dañamos nuestra relación con Él. Pero Dios siempre nos espera. El Pan de Vida, que recibimos en la Eucaristía, nos llena de la gracia y el amor de Dios. La Eucaristía nos alimenta. Nos nutre. Nos une con Dios y con el prójimo como miembros del cuerpo de Cristo. Es en nuestra comunión con el Pan de Vida que estamos llamados a compartir el pan para la vida. Jesús nos dice: “Yo soy el pan de Vida. El que viene a mí jamás tendrá hambre; el que cree en mí jamás tendrá sed”. Cuando recibimos a Jesús en la Eucaristía, nuestros corazones se llenan de su amor y del llamado a compartir ese amor con nuestros hermanos necesitados alrededor del mundo. Esta Cuaresma, estamos invitados a responder a este llamado mediante la oración, el ayuno y la limosna. A través de estos tres pilares entramos en una relación viva y unimos nuestros

corazones con Dios y con el prójimo. Con Plato de Arroz de Catholic Relief Services, los pilares de la Cuaresma nos guiarán al encuentro con Cristo a través de los miembros de nuestra familia mundial en Uganda, El Salvador e Indonesia, que están encontrando maneras de superar el hambre y adaptarse al impacto del cambio climático. Catholic Relief Services es la agencia humanitaria internacional oficial de la comunidad católica en Estados Unidos. La agencia alivia el sufrimiento y brinda asistencia a personas necesitadas en más de 100 países, sin distinción de raza, religión o nacionalidad. Desde 1975, millones de católicos en Estados Unidos han unido sus esfuerzos a través de Plato de Arroz de CRS para apoyar a las personas que luchan contra el hambre y la pobreza, tanto en Estados Unidos como alrededor del mundo. El hambre y la pobreza siguen siendo algunos de los problemas más críticos en la actualidad, por lo que nos corresponde marcar la diferencia. — CRS


Como donar ONLINE: www.crsplatodearroz.org/donar LLAME: 877-435-7277 (8 a.m.-11 p.m.) CORREO: Catholic Relief Services Attn: Plato de Arroz de CRS P.O. Box 5200 Harlan, IA 51593-0700 (Escriba “Plato de Arroz de CRS” en la línea de memo de su cheque.) FOTOS DE OSCAR LEIVA | SILVERLIGHT PARA CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES

Aprende más En www.crsplatodearroz.org:

n Tres videos de “Historias de esperanza” lo llevarán a El Salvador (derecha), así como a Indonesia, donde aprenderá cómo las personas están superando las causas del hambre y adaptándose al cambio climático.

La familia Sorto Amaya muestra las gallinas que recibió del programa Prospera de CRS, que busca mejorar la seguridad alimentaria en Morazán, Ahuachapán y Sonsonate, El Salvador. Sandra quiere apoyar a otras familias y por eso les enseña todo lo que ha aprendido. Gamaliel asiste a la escuela.

RECETA: Ayuno solidario Rellenos de Coliflor es un plato tradicional de El Salvador. Es un plato vegetariano donde la coliflor se reboza de huevo y se fríe hasta que esté dorada y crujiente, luego se sirve en una salsa de tomate.

n En las reflexiones semanales de Cuaresma y los “retiros digitales” del Vía Crucis, viaje con Jesús al Calvario y recuerde a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de todo el mundo que experimentan sufrimiento y pobreza cada día.

En casa de Sandra en Morazán, El Salvador, todos ayudan con las tareas. Cada mañana ella enciende la leña, hace café y barre el corral de las gallinas. Oscar, su hijo mayor, prepara el desayuno antes de caminar casi dos horas hasta su escuela preparatoria. Gamaliel, de nueve años, muele el maíz y, después de desayunar, se va a la escuela acompañado por su papá Santos y por su hermanito Caleb. Santos, el esposo de Sandra, es agricultor pero las largas sequías y las lluvias impredecibles han disminuido sus cosechas y sus ingresos. Buscando ganar un dinero extra, Sandra empezó a vender pan, tamales y empanadas. Cuando escuchó acerca de un proyecto de Catholic Relief Services sobre cómo criar gallinas, Sandra no dudó en participar. Ahí aprendió a preparar comida para las gallinas y que éstas comen mejor si están en un corral. También aprendió cómo vacunarlas y cuidarlas si se enferman. En cuanto Sandra recibió unas gallinas de parte del proyecto, empezó a aplicar sus conocimientos. Ahora su familia tiene acceso a sus propios huevos, lo que les ahorra dinero en comida, especialmente en estos días en que los precios están tan altos. Además, comen más saludable porque pueden comer una variedad de alimentos en lugar de solo frijoles o tortillas con sal. Sandra quiere seguir aprendiendo y Santos la apoya. “Tomé la decisión de ser promotora porque quería tener nuevos conocimientos; el conocimiento nadie te lo puede quitar”, dice Sandra. “Lo platiqué con mi esposo y estuvo de acuerdo”. Cuando Sandra viaja lejos a recibir capacitaciones, Santos se queda en casa para cuidar de sus hijos. Al regresar, a Sandra le gusta apoyar a otras familias y les enseña todo lo que aprendió. Nuestra fe católica nos enseña lo importante que es vivir en comunidad para nuestro crecimiento y realización. Creemos que todas las personas deben participar en la sociedad buscando el bienestar de todos, especialmente de nuestros hermanos más necesitados, así como lo hace Sandra.

1 coliflor mediana, partidos en trozos medianos 3-4 huevos, separar claras y yemas 1 cdta. de harina Aceite para freír (el suficiente para cubrir los pedazos de coliflor)

3 tomates medianos, picados 1 chile verde, picado finamente 1/2 cebolla chica, picada finamente 1 taza de agua 1/2 cda. de caldo de pollo en polvo Sal al gusto

Parte la coliflor en trozos medianos y hiérvelos en agua con sal por unos 2 minutos. Retira y deja escurrir. Separa las claras de los huevos y bátelas a punto de turrón. Agrega las yemas y la harina. Sigue batiendo hasta que se integren las yemas. En un sartén, calienta el aceite. Cubre

cada trozo de coliflor de huevo asegurando que quede bien cubierto y fríelo en el aceite hasta que quede dorado por todos lados. Retira. Licúa los tomates, el chile verde y la cebolla con el consomé de pollo y el agua. Agrega el caldo de pollo. Pon la mezcla a hervir y añade sal al gusto. Ya que hierva, agrega los rellenos de coliflor y vuelve a hervir por unos 3 minutos. Agrega sal. Sirve inmediatamente. Rinde de 4 a 6 porciones.


February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Marcha nacional por la vida impactó a peregrinos CHARLOTTE — La Marcha por la Vida de este año en Washington contó con la participación de miembros de la comunidad parroquial de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, entre ellos José Capistrano, coordinador del ministerio provida de esa parroquia, reflejando el firme compromiso de esa comunidad con la defensa de la vida. Capistrano, quien viajó en autobús junto con otros peregrinos, resaltó la experiencia de haber sido parte de la marcha nacional. “Fue algo grandioso y muy valioso. Se sentía el amor de todas las personas al defender el derecho de aquellos que no pueden defenderse. El marchar todos unidos fue algo muy, pero muy importante en mi vida”. “Agradezco a Dios, al grupo Provida de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y especialmente al Padre Peter Ascik, director de la oficina de vida familiar diocesana, que nos acompañó en el autobús y nos brindó su testimonio. Fue una experiencia inolvidable”, dijo. El ministerio de Provida de la parroquia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se reúne todos los domingos a las 3:30 de la tarde para rezar el Santo Rosario, y cada primer sábado de mes hacen oración silenciosa frente a la clínica localizada en 700 S Torrence St., Charlotte, de 10 de la mañana a mediodía. — César Hurtado


San Blas de Sebaste, obispo y mártir

l principio ejercía la medicina, y aprovechaba de la gran influencia que le daba su calidad de excelente médico, para hablarles a sus pacientes en favor de Jesucristo y de su santa religión, y conseguir así muchos adeptos para el cristianismo. Al conocer su gran santidad, el pueblo lo eligió obispo. Cuando estalló la persecución de Diocleciano, fue San Blas a esconderse en una cueva de la montaña, y desde allí dirigía y animaba a los cristianos perseguidos y por la noche bajaba a escondidas a la ciudad a socorrerlos, llevarles consuelo y la Sagrada Eucaristía. Cuenta la tradición que a la cueva donde estaba escondido el santo, llegaban las fieras heridas o enfermas y él las curaba. Un día vio que por llegaban unos cazadores del gobierno y entonces espantó a las fieras, las alejó y libró de ser víctimas de la cacería. Los cazadores, en venganza, se lo llevaron preso. Su llegada a la ciudad fue un verdadero paseo triunfal, pues todos salieron a aclamarlo como un verdadero santo, gran benefactor y amigo de todos. El gobernador le ofreció muchos regalos y ventajas temporales si dejaba la religión de Jesucristo y si se pasaba a la religión pagana, pero San Blas proclamó que él sería amigo de Jesús y de su santa religión hasta el último momento de su vida. Entonces fue apaleado brutalmente y le desgarraron con garfios su espalda. Pero durante todo este feroz martirio, el santo no profirió ni una sola queja y rezaba por sus verdugos y para que todos los cristianos perseveraran en la fe. El gobernador, al ver que el santo no dejaba de proclamar su fe en Dios, decretó que le cortaran la cabeza. Y cuando lo llevaban hacia el sitio de su martirio iba bendiciendo por el camino a la inmensa multitud que lo miraba llena de admiración y su bendición obtenía la curación de muchos. Pero hubo una curación que entusiasmó mucho a todos.

Una pobre mujer tenía a su hijito agonizando porque se le había atravesado una espina de pescado en la garganta. Corrió hacia un sitio por donde debía pasar el santo. Se arrodilló y le presentó al enfermito que se ahogaba. San Blas le colocó sus manos sobre la cabeza al niño y rezó por él. Inmediatamente la espina desapareció y el niñito recobró su salud. El pueblo lo aclamó entusiasmado. Le cortaron la cabeza, era el año 316. Y después de su muerte empezó a obtener muchos milagros de Dios en favor de los que le rezaban. Se hizo tan popular que en sólo Italia llegó a tener 35 templos dedicados a él. Su país, Armenia, se hizo cristiano pocos años después de su martirio. En la Edad Antigua era invocado como Patrono de los cazadores, y las gentes le tenían gran fe como eficaz protector contra las enfermedades de la garganta. El 3 de febrero bendecían dos velas en honor de San Blas y las colocaban en la garganta de las personas diciendo: “Por intercesión de San Blas, te libre Dios de los males de garganta”. Cuando los niños se enfermaban de la garganta, las mamás repetían: “San Blas bendito, que se ahoga el angelito”.

Oración a San Blas


San Blas confrontando al gobernador romano. Una escena de la vida de San Blas en un vitral del área de Soissons, Picardy, France, probablemente realizado en el siglo XIII.

¡Oh San Blas, Obispo de Sebaste! te suplicamos tu mediación para que lleves ante el trono del Altísimo esta necesidad que hoy nos aflige. Que nuestras súplicas sean oídas y atendidas, y que no nos falte nunca la voz para cantar contigo las alabanzas del Señor, buscar su voluntad, implorar su perdón y misericordia Divina, y pedirle fuerzas para servirle mejor. — Condensado de ACI Prensa

Lecturas diarias FEBRERO 4-10 Domingo: Job 7:1-4, 6-7, 1 Corintios 9:16-19, 22-23, Marcos 1:29-39; Lunes (Memoria de Santa Águeda, virgen y mártir): 1 Reyes 8:1-7, 9-13, Marcos 6:53-56; Martes (Memoria de San Pablo Miki y compañeros, mártires): 1 Reyes 8:2223, 27-30, Marcos 7:1-13; Miércoles: 1 Reyes 10:1-10, Marcos 7:14-23; Jueves (San Jerónimo Emiliano y Santa Josefina Bakhita): 1 Reyes 11:4-13, Marcos 7:24-30; Viernes: 1 Reyes 11:29-32, 12:19, Marcos 7:31-37; Sábado (Memoria de Santa Escolástica, virgen): 1 Reyes 12:26-32, 13:33-34, Marcos 8:1-10

FEBRERO 11-17 Domingo: Levítico 13:1-2, 44-46, 1 Corintios 10:31-11:1, Marcos 1:4045; Lunes: Santiago 1:1-11, Marcos 8:11-13; Martes: Santiago 1:1218, Marcos 8:14-21; Miércoles (Miércoles de Ceniza): Joel 2:12-18, 2 Corintios 5:20–6:2, Mateo 6:1-6, 16-18; Jueves: Deuteronomio 30:15-20, Lucas 9:22-25; Viernes: Isaías 58:1-9, Mateo 9:14-15; Sábado (Memoria opcional de los Siete Santos Fundadores de la Orden de los Siervos de la Virgen María, religiosos): Isaías 58:9-14, Lucas 5:27-32

FEBRERO 18-24 Domingo (Primer domingo de Cuaresma): Génesis 9:8-15, 1 Pedro 3:18-22, Marcos 1:12-15; Lunes: Levítico 19:1-2, 11-18, Mateo 25:31-46; Martes: Isaías 55:10-11, Mateo 6:7-15; Miércoles (Memoria de San Pedro Damián, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia): Juan 3:1-10, Lucas 11:29-32; Jueves (Fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, Apóstol): 1 Pedro 5:1-4, Mateo 16:13-19; Viernes (Memoria de San Policarpo, obispo y mártir): Ezequiel 18:21-28, Mateo 5:20-26; Sábado: Deuteronomio 26:16-19, Mateo 5:43-48

Our nation 22

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

New ‘deeply Catholic’ university focused on science and tech gets ready to launch KEVIN J. JONES OSV News

LOS ANGELES — Catholic Polytechnic University, a new Catholic university focused on STEM education and research, aims to enroll its first class of students this fall. The Los Angeles-area university seeks to provide students a unique “deeply Catholic” postsecondary education that excels in science and technology. “What we’re building is like a Catholic Caltech or a Catholic MIT,” co-founder and president, Jennifer Nolan, told OSV News, naming the famous technology research universities, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. “We’re already presenting at conferences and have people doing research under Catholic Polytechnic.” Nolan, who holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of California, Irvine, said Catholic Polytechnic is the only school of its kind in the country. “I would say we’re the only ones in the United States doing this type of university focused on science and tech degrees,” she said. “There are many liberal arts institutions out there that have added on very good science and tech departments. But as far as a truly science and techfocused university that is deeply Catholic, I don’t believe that exists in the United States.” The California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education gave provisional approval to the university in late December after an approval process of more than two years. Nolan said the university will take steps towards full accreditation. Catholic Polytechnic is now accepting undergraduate and graduate applications for the fall 2024 semester. The new university will initially offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science. Nolan said the university aims to accept 30-50 students for its first year of operations. Its classes will be mostly in-person, with occasional classes taught by professors remotely. “We have the professors hired and the policies in place to begin this coming fall,” said Nolan. She said Catholic Polytechnic aims “to help our Catholic students get the highest paying, high-demand careers and to further science and technology in positive ways.” The university will offer science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, classes and a core curriculum that includes history, English, philosophy and theology. For Nolan, this means the school will “have the faith built into each class.” Catholic ethics will play a role in the university’s science education. Ethical questions like how to view human-animal biological manipulation or artificial intelligence from a Catholic point of view will be a component of each class, though not necessarily the focus of each class. The university website, catholicpolytechnic.org, also notes the


The Catholic Polytech University leadership team with Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez and his staff. After a multi-year approval process to establish a Catholic university focusing on STEM education, Catholic Polytechnic was given provisional approval to operate by California state officials in December and expects to welcome its inaugural class of students this fall. importance of business expertise, business information systems, marketing technology and entrepreneurship. According to Nolan, the university will strive to combine research and teaching at a high level of innovation and expertise. She noted that some of its professors are from NASA and have military backgrounds.

“We have the capacity of teaching at that level and doing research at that level,” she said. University board members include software developer John Tran, who worked at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Michael Stefanini, a senior engineer for Caltech at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; and software engineering expert Peter McNally, a senior consultant at the Waltham, Massachusetts-based Bentley University’s User Experience Center. Nolan herself has taught at UC Irvine, Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and Glendale Community College in Glendale, Arizona. She previously served as chief operating officer and co-founder of a stroke and brain injury rehabilitation center. Nolan cited the long Catholic tradition in science, saying “the earliest scientists were

often Catholics.” Catholic Polytechnic’s motto is “Fides et Scientia,” Latin for “Faith and Science.” The university’s website cites inspirational Catholic models like the French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal; the early 20th century Italian doctor and medical researcher St. Giuseppe Moscati; Belgian priest and astrophysicist Father Georges Lemaître; and Sister Mary Kenneth Keller, a Sister of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and educator who became the first person to earn a computer science doctorate in the U.S. Nolan said some studies indicate people are leaving the Catholic faith because of a perceived disconnect between faith and science. “And yet faith and science go hand in hand,” she said. “The more you learn of the created, the more you learn of our Creator.” “We have the ability to help students do something great for God, especially within the science and tech fields,” she said, also noting the importance of graduates having enough income to support a large family if they so choose. “We are setting them up toward excellence in their careers, towards a secure income and toward serving the Catholic Church and serving God,” Nolan said. A Catholic Polytechnic education, she said, aims to help students “to learn the ethics of what they’re doing, but also to use that faith and that use that science to lead them towards faith, not away from faith.” The university has the backing of local

church leaders. Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez approved the university and blessed its effort in January 2020. Nolan said the school’s theology professors will seek the official episcopal approval to teach Catholic theology, a canon law requirement known as a “mandatum.” The university also aims to be listed in The Newman Guide, produced by the lay Catholic-run Cardinal Newman Society, which evaluates Catholic colleges and universities on the basis of their efforts to uphold Catholic identity and mission. Catholic Polytechnic aims to make American patriotism one of its principles. “We love our country,” Nolan said, noting many team members are “military and former military.” She said board member Father Richard M. Erickson, a Boston Archdiocese priest who holds a doctorate in psychology, retired from the U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps as a brigadier general. By inculcating a love of country and its constitutional principles, the university will aim “to put the best people that we can into our workforce, so they can innovate and design and create exceptional products and innovation to build up our country.” For Nolan, science education has another aim and purpose: an awe that leads people to God and the recognition that “his image is visible in the tiny bit of learning.” “In the most minute details, you can find evidence of God,” she said. “In that way, we would be leading people to faith through science.”

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI

For the latest news 24/7: catholicnewsherald.com

In Brief More ‘nuanced nones’ challenge parishes to be outward facing WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new study offers a more nuanced take on the nation’s religiously unaffiliated, and the findings show that Catholic parishes need to become more “outward facing” to reach those beyond the pews, an evangelization expert told OSV News. “Religious ‘Nones’ in America: Who They Are and What They Believe,” released Jan. 24 by Pew Research Center, found that about 28% of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated. Of that group, which has been dubbed the “nones,” 63% described their religion as “nothing in particular,” with 17% saying they were atheist and 20% saying they were agnostic. The study showed that nones have not ruled out spirituality, nor are they entirely anti-religious. Mostly younger, they have a complicated relationship with civic engagement, and base their moral decisions largely on a desire not to hurt others. For parishes seeking to reach them, the approach involves the “managing of the journey out of Christendom,” said Sherry Anne Weddell, cofounder and executive director of the Colorado-based Catherine of Siena Institute. “And what we’re struggling with is, what does it mean now to function missionally outside of Christendom? That’s the transition.” She recommended “breaking the silence” on having a living relationship with Jesus and engaging in “serious, intercessory prayer for a change in the local spiritual climate,” as two crucial pastoral strategies for evangelizing “nones.”

Award-winning creator of ‘Barbie’ to adapt beloved ‘Narnia’ series for Netflix HOLLYWOOD — Renowned filmmaker Greta Gerwig, fresh off the success of her recordbreaking box office hit “Barbie,” is gearing up for her next major project – the adaptation of C.S. Lewis’ beloved children’s series, “The Chronicles of Narnia,” for Netflix. Despite her recent accolades, including Barbie’s Golden Globes’ inaugural Cinematic and Box Office Achievement award, Gerwig admits to feeling a sense of “terror” at the prospect of bringing the cherished Narnia series to life. In a recent interview with BBC Radio 4, Gerwig expressed her deep reverence for the Narnia series, a sentiment rooted in her childhood love for the books and admiration for C.S. Lewis – the famed Chrisitan writer and apologist – as a writer and thinker. “I’m slightly in the place of terror because I really do have such reverence for Narnia,” she said. “I loved Narnia so much as a child. As an adult, C.S. Lewis is a thinker and a writer. I’m intimidated...It’s something that feels like a worthy thing to be intimidated by.” She also acknowledged the pressure of adapting such iconic British literature as an American director, comparing it to the challenges faced by Americans performing Shakespeare.

As more children migrate alone, the Church must speak up, says Georgetown panel WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Catholic Church must remain firm in its advocacy for children who migrate alone, panelists for a webinar hosted by Georgetown University’s Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues said Jan. 24. Ian Manzi, program assistant with the university collaborative, who moderated the panel, noted the “Christian faith began with a vulnerable child born to a displaced mother,

facing a range of threats,” referencing the flight of Jesus Christ’s family into Roman Egypt to escape King Herod’s murder of infant boys in Bethlehem, then part of the kingdom of Judea, as recounted in Matthew’s Gospel. “Since then, Christian communities have interacted with children and families in precarious situations,” Manzi said. “Catholic organizations have often been on the front line offering assistance to migrants and refugees all over the world.” Manzi said there are “now more children on the move than ever before, fleeing violence, disasters and poverty and seeking safety and protection within and across borders.” As of 2022, data from UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, shows nearly 40% of the 110 million forcibly displaced persons worldwide were under the age of 18. Panelists said those numbers are only on the rise, making the church’s advocacy for unaccompanied children that much more important.

Court hears case on federal agencies’ regulatory power that could impact Church entities


agencies some leeway to do so, which can sometimes be seen in how different presidential administrations issue differing regulations based on the same laws. Under that ruling, if Congress has not directly addressed a particular matter in a law, courts must give “reasonable” deference to a federal agency’s interpretation of law in their implementation. Former U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement argued the “real world effect” of the practice causes chaos for some citizens affected by policy shifts. “Ask the Little Sisters about stability and reliance interests as their fate changes from administration to administration,” Clement said. “It is a disaster.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court heard arguments Jan. 17 concerning the regulatory power of federal agencies and the deference that courts give those agencies in their interpretation of the law, a legal doctrine known as the Chevron deference. Administrative agencies use experts to interpret and carry out federal laws, with broad policy implications on environmental, health care or even religious liberty fronts. Chevron deference gives those

Keep advocating for life ‘from womb to tomb’ even when laws don’t, bishop urges LOS ANGELES — Maria Consuelo Carrera has dedicated her public – and private – life to defending the rights of the unborn and praying for an end to abortion. The 49-year-old mother of four has routinely participated in pro-life events since she was a teen, and remained open to life even after having two children with autism and doctors warning her that any subsequent babies could have special needs as well. On Jan. 20, Carrera lovingly tended to her adult son in his wheelchair during the Requiem for the Unborn Mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, celebrated after the 10th annual OneLife LA Walk for Life. “I came here today to use my voice to speak up for the children who have no voice,” said Carrera, one of the 2,200 faithful from around Southern California who attended the Requiem Mass celebrated by Archbishop José H. Gomez. “If I stay quiet, if we all stay home, then who is going to speak up?” Michael Donaldson, senior director for the Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace, opened the Mass by congratulating OneLife participants who braved the rain and pushed through fatigue that day. “We thank you for your willingness to accept God’s mission, advocating for the unborn, the most vulnerable in our society, the poor, the sick, the prisoner, the migrant and the refugee,” he said.

With Christ at center, pro-life efforts will persevere, says U.S. bishops’ chair WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the last two years, the pro-life movement has seen victory with the end of Roe, but it also has experienced loss as abortion policies are being pushed more than ever at the federal and state levels, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia, said in his homily Jan. 18 at the opening Mass of the National Prayer Vigil for Life. The Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade in its Dobbs ruling on June 24, 2022, was “a moment of relief, a moment of new life, an exodus from the oppression under which we lived for 50 years,” he told the 7,000-strong congregation that filled the Great Upper Church at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. But “if the past year and a half has taught us anything, it is this: Dobbs is not the end. It is a victory – a tremendous victory – but not a decisive one,” said the bishop, who heads the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.” He said, “The lives of the unborn are still in danger – in some places, more so than ever. The lives of innocent children are being taken. Mothers are still being harmed. Couples, children, and families are still in need of resources, support, and love. ... More than anything, we must continue to serve.”


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Our world 24

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Islamic State group claims responsibility for attack on church in Turkey MICHAEL KELLY OSV News

ISTANBUL — The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for an attack on a Roman Catholic church in Istanbul during a Sunday Mass that killed one person. The extremist group said, according to The Associated Press, that it “attacked a gathering of Christian unbelievers during their polytheistic ceremony” inside Santa Maria Church in the Buyukdere neighborhood in Istanbul Jan. 28. Pope Francis has expressed his closeness to the small Catholic community in Turkey. The shooting occurred just before noon at the church in the Sariyer district of Istanbul and was reportedly carried out by two masked men, according to eyewitnesses. Turkey’s Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya posted a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, saying, “We strongly condemn this vile attack.” The area where the attack happened is popular with Christians in the 99.8%-Muslim majority country of nearly 85 million people, being home to Santa Maria Catholic Church – known as the Italian church – as well as a Greek Orthodox church and an Armenian Apostolic church, all of which date from

the 19th century. Istanbul also is home to Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, spiritual leader of the world’s Eastern Orthodox Christians. Justice Minister Yilmaz Tunc said in a statement that “efforts continue to identify and capture the suspects who carried out the attack.” “The investigation is being carried out in a multifaceted and meticulous manner,” Tunc added. Television images from state media showed police and an ambulance outside the church, which is in an area of Istanbul popular with the expatriate and diplomatic community. Turkey’s ruling AKP party spokesman Omer Celik said on X that the attackers took aim at a person during the Mass. “Our security forces are conducting a large-scale investigation into the matter,” he wrote. “Those who threaten the peace and security of our citizens will never achieve their goals,” he insisted. Local media reported that others were injured in the attack, but this was not immediately confirmed by the authorities. Speaking at the Vatican during his traditional Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis expressed his support as details of

The bell tower of the Italian Santa Maria Catholic Church in Istanbul, Turkey, is pictured after two masked gunmen attacked the church during Sunday morning Mass on Jan. 28, leaving at least one worshiper dead. OSV NEWS | DILARA SENKAYA, REUTERS

the incident emerged. “I would like to express my closeness to the community of the church of Santa Maria in Istanbul, which suffered an armed attack during Mass that caused one death and left several injured,” he told thousands of pilgrims and visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his blessing. Turkish security services have been engaged in operations against the Islamic

State group in recent months. In December, security forces detained 32 suspects over alleged links with an extremist Islamic militant organization which planned attacks on churches and synagogues, as well as the Iraqi embassy. The group have carried out a string of attacks on Turkish soil, including against a nightclub in Istanbul in 2017 that left 39 people dead.

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February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI

For the latest news 24/7: catholicnewsherald.com

In Brief Three bishops, approved by pope and government, ordained in China VATICAN CITY — In less than a week, three Chinese bishops were ordained with the approval of both Pope Francis and the Chinese government. The ordination Mass for Bishop Peter Wu Yishun, 59, was celebrated Jan. 31 after Pope Francis named him head of the Apostolic Prefecture of Shaowu in the Chinese province of Fujian Dec. 16 “within the framework of the Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China,” the Vatican announced Jan. 31. The apostolic prefecture had been without a bishop since 1964. The Vatican said Father Anthony Sun Wenjun, 53, was ordained to the episcopacy Jan. 29 in Weifang, about 320 miles south of Beijing, and Bishop Thaddeus Wang Yuesheng was ordained the bishop of Zhengzhou Jan. 25, also in accordance with the accordance with the Vatican-China agreement, which was originally signed in 2018 and has been renewed every two years since. The text of the agreement has not been published, but Vatican officials have said it outlines procedures for ensuring Catholic bishops are elected by the Catholic community in China and approved by the pope before their ordinations and installations.

children and a young man, described as being just over 18 years old, were taken from Rome’s Ciampino military airport to the Vatican-run Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital for an initial assessment, Vatican News reported. The patients include children seriously injured in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas as well as chronically ill children who can no longer receive the necessary treatment in Gaza because of the war. Four of the patients will stay at Bambino Gesù while the young man will be treated at St. Camillus Hospital in Rome and the other children will be cared for at hospitals in Genoa, Bologna and Florence.

France’s Catholic bishops strongly back farmers in their massive protest PARIS — France’s bishops stand in solidarity with farmers protesting across the country. After days of protests in the local provinces, farmers blocked the main roads leading to Paris with spectacular traffic jams of tractors and farm vehicles across the French capital Jan. 29. Protesting farmers aim to pressure the government over the future

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Children from Gaza arrive in Rome for medical treatment VATICAN CITY — Ten children from Gaza in need of medical attention arrived in Rome on a military plane late Jan. 29, the first group of young patients who will receive treatment in Italy thanks to the lobbying of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land and negotiations involving the governments of Italy, Israel, Palestine and Egypt. The 10

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of their industry, which has been shaken by repercussions of the Ukraine war. A global food crisis caused by the Russian invasion on Ukraine – called “the world’s food storage” for its fertile land – has made prices for fertilizer, energy and other inputs for growing crops and feeding livestock much higher, and consumed the farmers’ income. Several French bishops issued statements of solidarity with their struggle. Bishop Jean-Marc Micas of Tarbes and Lourdes, the diocese of the famous Marian shrine, in the Pyrenees, personally visited the roads blocked by tractors to greet the protesters. “The farmers we know are responsible people, sensitive to issues linked


to climate and the environment,” Bishop Micas said in his Jan. 24 statement. The bishop expressed his “compassion,” “solidarity” and “commitment alongside those who suffer.” The bishops of the Montpellier province, led by Montpellier Archbishop Norbert Turini, said Jan. 25, “Faced with rising costs that are crushing you, ever more restrictive standards imposed on you, constant controls, excessive administrative procedures, you are suffering to the point of crying out in despair.” — OSV News

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ViewPoints 26

catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Kelly Henson

Father Patrick Briscoe

Ashes on my Valentine N

othing says romance like a vaguely cross-shaped smudge of burnt leaf ash on your forehead. When they saw Ash Wednesday and St. Valentine’s Day both fell on Feb. 14, 2024, my tween daughters were quite concerned about the suddenly neglected role of chocolate and treats. I have a feeling that Mardi Gras will be extra romantic and festive for many of us looking for a way to respect a day of fasting and still get a mid-winter emotional boost. But is there a silver lining to this confusing mixture of penance and passion? Ash Wednesday falls on Feb. 14 about once every decade or so; 2002 and 2018 saw this convergence, and then we see it again this year and in 2029. Due to the movable nature of Easter, Ash Wednesday may fall anywhere from Feb. 4 to March 10. Meanwhile, the Catholic celebration of St. Valentine (actually multiple St. Valentines, with an emphasis on the early bishop) was taken off Feb. 14 in 1969. In an attempt to universalize the feast days of the Church, we now commemorate Sts. Cyril and Methodius on that date each year. However, popular culture in American and European countries still recognizes Feb. 14 as the day for tokens of affection. This is thanks to the medieval poet Chaucer, who linked St. Valentine with a day when birds purportedly found their mates. The rest is history and great chocolate marketing. Calendar acrobatics aside, St. Valentine, in fact, has much to teach us about love and suffering. Legends speak of Valentine comforting martyrs in prison, celebrating sacramental marriages in the face of bans by the authorities and healing the family members of his enemies. With greater certainty, we can affirm that St. Valentine was a martyr and died on Feb. 14 in the year 270. He was clearly a man who knew how to love in a deeply sacrificial way. The works of mercy such as visiting the imprisoned, counseling the doubtful or visiting the sick were not mere platitudes to him, they were a way of life. True love is radical; only this type of non-violent demonstration earns a religious man an instant death sentence. In a more liturgically significant conjunction, the Annunciation and Good Friday can both fall on March 25. It happened during our lifetime in 2016, but it will not occur again until 2157. Saints and poets have reflected on the paradoxes and similarities contained within “this doubtful day / Of feast or fast,” as John Donne wrote in his poem “Upon the Annunciation and Passion Falling upon One Day” in 1608. He continued, “This Church, by letting those days join, hath shown / Death and conception in mankind is one.” Donne remarks that we tend to navigate not by the North Pole directly, but by the North Star, which points us toward the other that is harder for our sense to grasp. Similarly, one feast day that is more immediately apparent to us can help us grasp the true depth of another. I think in this case, the more immediate liturgical tone shift of Ash Wednesday serves to direct us to the deeper possibilities within our mostly secular celebration of Valentine’s Day. How can we selflessly love our family, someone we are courting or married to and our friends? The thing someone we love most needs from us is unlikely to be a 4-foot stuffed teddy bear. Perhaps it is a letter of affirmation showing them they are seen and appreciated in their hard work or in their influence on others. Maybe they need an act of service done for them that they struggle to complete on their own. Often the gift of our full presence or our genuine physical affection without expectations in return is the key to unlocking a loved one’s vulnerability, trust and ability to connect with us more warmly in return. And a small but meaningful gift can speak volumes more than a lavish, generic one. St. Valentine knew that the greatest victories and joys are found by loving selflessly in the midst of suffering. Penance and love are not enemies; rightly considered, they are both gifts. If we withhold our true gift of self, waiting for the moment when life is easier, the one loved is receiving your affection gracefully, you are feeling confident and well-equipped and love is easy, then you will not only find that you have not loved, you will also find that you have hardly lived. In Matthew 6:16-18, Christ tells us that He does not desire a dismal fast, but bright faces and a courageous smile in the embrace of our cross. Let’s put aside our phones, our to-dos, our nagging worries and our sin and love the person in front of us who needs us to bring the presence of Christ to them this Valentine’s Day. Then, all those we encounter will know we are Christians, not merely because of our ashes on one day, but because of our love every day (Jn 13:35).

‘Penance and love are not enemies; rightly considered, they are both gifts.’

KELLY HENSON is a Catholic writer and speaker who explores the art of integrating faith into daily life. She and her family are parishioners of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Greensboro. She blogs at www.kellyjhenson.com.


Five reasons why I still marched for life

hile pro-lifers rightly view the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision as a significant judicial victory, attending the national March for Life last month was more important than ever. Here are five reasons why I think every Catholic should still be committed to the yearly national March for Life.


Showing up to the March for Life is a public declaration of our belief in the dignity and worth of every human life, from conception to natural death. The U.S. bishops recently reaffirmed their commitment to fighting abortion, saying,

‘The march brings together people of different faiths and walks of life who share a common belief in the intrinsic worth of every human life.’ “The threat of abortion remains our pre-eminent priority because it directly attacks our most vulnerable and voiceless brothers and sisters and destroys more than a million lives per year in our country alone.” In a society often clouded by the fog of moral relativism, our collective witness is a beacon of truth, affirming the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. This public witness is vital in continuing to build a culture of life, especially in a postDobbs era, where the truth that every life is sacred is fiercely contested.


While “Dobbs” represents a monumental shift, it is not the end of the fight. The decision decentralizes the abortion debate, shifting it to state legislatures. The national March for Life inspires and encourages those working in grassroots efforts at the state levels by building a network to exchange ideas and reinvigorate local movements. Now more than ever, we

need to be actively involved in advocating for life-affirming policies and supporting leaders who uphold the dignity of life at every level of government.


Our participation in the march fosters a culture of life. It goes beyond the legal aspects of working to end abortion and touches hearts and minds. We march not only in protest but also in love, aiming to inspire a change in attitudes toward the sanctity of life, motherhood and the family. Every year, I’m touched by the women I see with signs saying they regret their abortion, or by the young mothers with a child in tow, sharing that they almost chose abortion but didn’t.


Prayer is an important aspect of the march. Catholics gather the night before for a Mass and Vigil at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Seeing so many seminarians and young religious inspires young Catholics to think about their vocation. And while plenty of attendees are Catholic, many are not. The march brings together people of different faiths and walks of life who share a common belief in the intrinsic worth of every human life. Standing with our Protestant and Orthodox brothers and sisters – and even alongside nonChristians – is a powerful witness to the world and provides a model for exchange and collaboration.


By participating in the march, we also educate and inspire the next generation. In a world where our young people are bombarded with conflicting messages, the march gives a clear and compassionate response. The March for Life has always been a movement of young people. Youth rallies before the march such as Life Fest, hosted by the Sisters of Life and the Knights of Columbus, connect young people to their peers, assuring them that they are not alone and inspiring them to stand up for their pro-life beliefs. In the wake of the Dobbs decision, the March for Life is not just a celebration but a rallying call. It’s a reminder that our work is far from over. The national legal victory is just one facet of a much broader, ongoing mission to uphold the dignity of life at all stages. Our presence at the march reaffirmed our commitment to this mission, serving as a visible sign of hope, solidarity and unyielding support for life. DOMINICAN FATHER PATRICK BRISCOE is a Dominican friar and the editor of Our Sunday Visitor.

February 2, 2024 | catholicnewsherald.com CATHOLIC NEWS HERALDI


Bishop Edward Scharfenberger

How can we help our young people hear God’s call? P

erhaps no component of our baptismal mission is more important or urgent today than our duty to help young people discern their vocation in life. I’m talking about something more than a job or occupation: a calling. What we feel called toward depends upon what we value. Is it money? Let’s face it, worrying about having enough of it is what drives most people to work and some, sadly,

‘What I know from personal experience is that every human vocation is a call from God. A true vocation is never just a wish or a choice of an individual... It is a call from a source outside of oneself, outside of one’s own ego or desire.’ to desperation. I’ve heard someone say, “I am working because my spouse loves money.” I’m inclined to suggest that it’s not the money that’s loved but the security and control it represents. Money implies power, options and sometimes influence, but how many examples from history and personal experience do we need to teach us that money alone cannot buy happiness, friendship or stability? The more we have, the more we worry about losing. So, if money is not the prime goal, then how can we help our children (or grandchild or godchild) find their callings? Asking them is something like asking children what they would like to eat for dinner. Chances are they’ll demand something they like, rather than what they need. A true friend – as any parent should be – wants to lead their children to what is best for them, what will bring them to holiness, the state of existence that we aspire to in heaven. Godliness, in other words.


The Scriptures reveal the most fundamental truth about our humanity: that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and that God wants each

and every one of us – without exception – to be saved, to be holy and to enjoy an eternity with God in heaven. Toward this end, God has a call for each and every one of us – again, without exception – to follow a path in this world whose end is to “know, love, and serve God.” But we must mindfully discern that call. What I know from personal experience is that every human vocation is a call from God. A true vocation is never just a wish or a choice of an individual to “be ordained” or to “get married” or to enter a profession or trade. It is a call from a source outside of oneself, outside of one’s own ego or desire. It was only when I became convicted that my call to the priesthood was from God – and had little to do with my own particular competence, skills or desires – that I was able to take this impossible step forward and aspire to a life of complete trust in God that would include the sacrifice of my right to choose marriage and family or a more lucrative professional career. Earlier in my life, I had thought to become a commercial pilot. In the course of my priesthood, I was admitted to the bar of the states of New York and Connecticut. These are not trophies I display. Though I am proud to be so affirmed, they have nothing to do with my ultimate goals or the reasons that I believe I am alive. Mind you, I know many men and women in the legal and other professions who I am convinced are practicing as true ministers of God precisely through their service. Many of them also have raised children and formed them in the faith with love and great sacrifice. God knows their love and service is something they offer daily as a prayer and fulfill not only a means to earn a living but of giving themselves fully to God and God’s people. They are following God’s call.

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‘Listen to this,’ the pope told the children. ‘God loves us and is always waiting for us.’ Pope Francis

From online story: “Pope encourages youngsters to tell everyone Jesus loves them” The Catholic News Herald reached the Facebook and Instagram feeds of more than 97,200 people in English and Spanish last month. The most talked about post? Coverage of deacons renewing their promises. Join the conversation: www.facebook.com/ CatholicNewsHerald. On YouTube in January so far, videos produced by the Catholic News Herald have been viewed more than 10,350 times. The most popular video? March for Life highlights. So far this month, 31,900 visitors to www.catholicnewsherald.com have viewed a total of 48,760 pages. The top 10 trending headlines are: n Plan ahead for 2024 holy days, solemnities.................................................................................3,086 n Bishop Jugis announces changes to Traditional Latin Mass offerings................................. 2,874 n Standing up for the innocent ...............................................................................................................1,321 n View the current print edition of the Catholic News Herald ........................................................916 n Aviator turns career about-face in pursuit of God’s will ............................................................... 741 n Deacons renew ordination promises, welcome new candidates at annual Mass...................784 n St. Joseph Vietnamese Church invites all to annual Tet festival Feb. 9-10............................. 642 n ‘Fiducia Supplicans’: What is all the chatter about? ......................................................................593 n N.C. faithful march for life in Washington, D.C..................................................................................487 n Catholic Men’s Conference set for Feb. 10 ....................................................................................... 384


For Christians, all that we do and become is oriented toward recognizing and responding to the calling that God has planned for each of us in this world. It is not about collecting merits for what we do or achieve; it’s about our commitment to hear the voice of God in our lives and to follow it. This is exactly what the Christian faithful must seek to do as an essential part of their baptismal mission – to follow their own call while assisting others, particularly our young people, in discerning how and to what God is calling them. Let us do all we can to build teams in our parishes, and on our campuses, who will work together to pray for, promote and accompany our young people as they seek to hear the voice of God and to follow that calling in their hearts. BISHOP EDWARD SCHARFENBERGER is the 10th bishop of the Diocese of Albany, New York.

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catholicnewsherald.com | February 2, 2024 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD




Knorr, Huy Le, Omar Lomeli, Bruce Mlakar, Christopher Neubauer, Tracy Van Neumann, Emmett Ostendorf, Jose Oviedo, William Parker, William Tolone, Oswaldo Vargas and Eric Yarrington. Welcoming the new candidates was especially moving, Deacon Faunce said. It “is really a testament to the growth of the Gospel within the community – but also to the men who are willing to go out, along with their wives, to give themselves over to spread the Gospel.” Wives are critical to a deacon’s ministry, he added. “A life of service can be lonely, so to have our wives there is a true blessing.” Deacon Bill Schreiber, diocesan director of diaconate formation, agreed, expanding on the unique role wives have in this vocation. “The wives are absolutely essential,” he said. “Not one deacon I know could do the things we do without the full support and prayers from our wives. What they actively do within the Church and then through their support of us in ministries they cannot perform themselves, they are an integral part of our vocation.”

More online At www.charlottediocese.org/ vocations/diaconate: Get more information about the Permanent Deacon Program.



before to decide which denomination of Christianity he would pass on. It was the Institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper that sent him back to the Catholic faith. “First off, it is such a major claim that in every Mass Jesus is there,” he says. “It’s the largest Christian denomination, and the Church’s stance is that the actual Body and Blood of Jesus is there through consecration at Mass. That’s just something you can’t ignore, you can’t look away from. You either have to determine you don’t believe it and be intentional in that disbelief, or that it is true.” Coleman’s friends joined him for stints along his Adoration Ultra course. Jim Keffer, owner of Keffer Auto Group, joined him on his 9.4-mile run from St. Vincent Church to St. John Neumann, and his friend Michael Acosta ran 12.2 miles with him from St. John Neumann to St. Matthew Church. “Both are great Catholic men and gave me strength at the end,” he says. “Michael prayed every prayer he could remember for me as we ran while I only had the breath to say, ‘Amen.’” At each stop, Coleman refueled physically and spiritually. He says he approached Adoration at each location from a humble place as he was physically drained – not only running an ultramarathon but carrying the flag featuring that particularly striking portion of the Bread of Life discourse, which made the run markedly more difficult. By the time

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Parish in Lexington, Best Group Video; and Holy Spirit Parish in Denver, Best Parish Participation. — Paul Kotlowski

Learn more about human trafficking

he reached his home parish, he was 12 hours into the run, more than two hours behind schedule, but that didn’t matter. “Seeing how even before the run happened it was already starting to spread and inspire people, I felt grateful and honored that something I was capable of could draw people closer to God,” Coleman says. “He was allowing me to use my gifts to serve Him.”

More online At www.adorationultra.com: Learn more about Coleman’s Adoration Ultra At www.eucharisticcongress.org: Get details about the National Eucharistic Congress, set for July 17-21 in Indianapolis

CHARLOTTE — Feb. 8 is the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, the patron saint of victims of human trafficking, and a day the Church encourages people to spend reflecting on and praying for an end to human trafficking. Pope Francis has called human trafficking an “open wound in the Body of Christ, in the body of all humanity.” Born in Sudan in 1869, Josephine Bakhita was kidnapped and sold into slavery when she was 9. Eventually she was sold to an Italian diplomat and taken to Italy, where she was freed thanks to the Canossian Daughters of Bakhita Charity. She then joined the Canossian Daughters of Charity and dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering until her death in 1947. Learn more about St. Josephine Bakhita and find resources about this issue from Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte’s Human Trafficking Awareness Committee online at www.ccdoc.org/ humantrafficking and at www.justiceforimmigrants. org/stbakhita. — Joe Purello



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