June 6, 2014

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June 6, 2014

catholicnewsherald.com charlottediocese.org S E RV I N G C H R I ST A N D C O N N EC T I N G C AT H O L I C S I N W E ST E R N N O R T H C A R O L I N A

Motion on two abuserelated civil suits heard in court, 3

Asheville private high school marks end of first year, 23


for a growing Church


Contact us.......................... 4 Español.................................16 Events calendar................. 4 Our Faith............................. 2 Our Parishes................. 3-13 Schools........................ 22-26 Scripture readings............ 2 TV & Movies...................... 28 U.S. news......................30-31 Viewpoints.................. 34-35 World news................. 32-33

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FUNDED by the parishioners of the diocese of charlotte THANK YOU!

‘Serve the Lord joyfully and faithfully’: Bishop Jugis ordains 16 men

‘A little Pentecost’:

Bishop Jugis:

Hundreds welcomed into

‘The Holy Spirit continues

the Church through RCIA, 8-9

to the diaconate May 31 at

His wonderful work of making the Church grow,’ 7

St. Mark Church, 16, 18-21

‘Be joyful as Christians’ Asheville Habitat volunteers build nation’s first ‘Pope Francis House,’ 3

At Baccalaureate Masses, Bishop Jugis encourages graduates to bring the Gospel message out into the world,


Our faith 2

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Pope Francis

Piety is embracing God, others with real love, not fake devotion


eing pious is not squeezing one’s eyes shut to the world and putting on a sweet little angel face, Pope Francis said. Piety is opening up one’s heart to God and one’s arms to embrace everyone as brothers and sisters, he said June 4 at his weekly general audience. “The gift of piety that the Holy Spirit gives us makes us meek; it makes us peaceful, patient and at peace with God in gentle service to others,” he said. Under a sunny sky in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis continued a series of audience talks about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord. Focusing on the gift of piety, the pope said he wanted to clarify its meaning right away “because some people think that being pious is closing your eyes, putting on a sweet angel face, isn’t that right? To pretend to be a saint” and holier than thou. But piety is recognizing “our belonging to God, our deep bond with Him, a relationship that gives meaning to our whole life and keeps us resolute, in communion with Him, even during the most difficult and troubled moments” in life, he said. This personal bond with the Lord is not created out of obligation or force, he said; it is “a relationship lived from the heart,” a friendship that “changes our life and fills us with enthusiasm and joy,” gratitude, praise and “authentic worship of God.” “When the Holy Spirit helps us sense the presence of the Lord and all of His love for us, it warms our heart and drives us almost naturally to prayer and celebration,” he said. Once people experience the loving relationship of God as father, “it helps us pour out this love onto others and recognize them as brothers and sisters,” Pope Francis said. Piety is about identity and belonging, he said, that is why it renders people “truly capable of being joyful with those who are happy; to cry with those who weep; to be near those who are alone or in distress; to correct those in error; to console the afflicted; to welcome and come to the aid of those in need.” Citing a verse from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (8:14-15), the pope said the spirit of God is about kinship – a spirit of adoption, not “a spirit of slavery to fall back on into fear.” “Let us ask the Lord that the gift of His Spirit overcome our fears and uncertainties, our restless and impatient spirit, too, and that it may make us joyous witnesses of God and His love.”

“St. Barnabas curing the poor” by Paolo Veronese, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen. It was said that he could cure ill people by laying the Gospel of Matthew upon them.

St. Barnabas, ‘son of encouragement’ Feast day: June 11 Catholics will celebrate the memory of St. Barnabas on June 11. The apostle and missionary was among Christ’s earliest followers and was responsible for welcoming St. Paul into the Church. Though not one of the 12 apostles chosen by the Lord, Jesus, he is traditionally regarded as one of the 72 disciples of Christ and most respected man in the first century Church after the apostles themselves. St. Barnabas was born, and named Joseph, to wealthy Jewish parents on the Greek-speaking island of Cyprus, probably around the time of Christ’s own birth. Traditional accounts hold that his parents sent him to study in Jerusalem, where he studied at the school of Gamaliel (who also taught St. Paul). Later on, when Christ’s public ministry began, Barnabas may have been among those who heard him preach in person. At some point, either during Christ’s ministry or after His death and resurrection, Barnabas decided

to commit himself in the most radical way to the teachings he had received. He sold the large estate he had inherited, contributed the proceeds entirely to the Church, and joined Christ’s other apostles in holding all of their possessions in common. His name was changed to Barnabas, which means “son of encouragement.” Saul of Tarsus, the future St. Paul, approached Barnabas after the miraculous events surrounding his conversion, and was first introduced to St. Peter through him. About five years later, Barnabas and Paul spent a year in Antioch, building up the Church community whose members were the first to go by the name of “Christians.” Both Paul and Barnabas received a calling from God to become the “Apostles of the Gentiles,” although the title is more often associated with St. Paul. The reference to the “laying-on of hands” in Acts, chapter

St. Barnabas Church in Arden St. Barnabas Church first began as a mission of St. Lawrence Basilica to serve the families in the area between Asheville and Hendersonville. The initial formation of the parish was the work of Monsignor George Lynch, pastor of St. Lawrence Parish and later auxiliary bishop of Raleigh, his assistant, and a group of Catholics who were living in the Arden/Skyland/Fletcher areas. The mission was named “St. Barnabas” after Monsignor Lynch’s home parish. The first St. Barnabas Church on Hendersonville Road in Arden had originally been a Protestant church. The 36 original Catholic families of St. Barnabas Mission gathered with Monsignor Lynch for the first Mass at the new building on Nov. 15, 1964. The church was dedicated by Raleigh Bishop Vincent Waters on Dec. 6, 1964. By 1966, the mission had grown to 50 families, and it was raised to parish status. — Source: St. Barnabas Parish history, online at www.saintbarnabasarden.org

St. Barnabas, SEE page 13

Your daily Scripture readings JUNE 8-14

Sunday: Acts 2:1-11, 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13, John 20:19-23; Monday (St. Ephrem): 1 Kings 17:1-6, Matthew 5:1-12; Tuesday: 1 Kings 17:7-16, Matthew 5:13-16; Wednesday (St. Barnabas): Acts 11:21-26, 13:1-3, Matthew 5:17-19; Thursday: 1 Kings 18:41-46, Matthew 5:20-26; Friday (St. Anthony of Padua): 1 Kings 19:9, 11-16, Matthew 5:27-32; Saturday: 1 Kings 19:19-21, Matthew 5:33-37

JUNE 15-21

Sunday (The Most Holy Trinity): Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9, Daniel 3:52-55, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13, John 3:16-18; Monday: 1 Kings 21:1-16, Matthew 5:38-42; Tuesday: 1 Kings 21:17-19, Matthew 5:43-48; Wednesday: 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18; Thursday (St. Romuald): Sirach 48:1-14, Matthew 6:7-15; Friday: 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20, Matthew 6:19-23; Saturday (St. Aloysius Gonzaga): 2 Chronicles 24:17-25, Matthew 6:24-34

JUNE 22-28

Sunday (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ): Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14-16, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, John 6:51-58; Monday: 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15, 18, Matthew 7:1-5; Tuesday (The Nativity of St. John the Baptist): Isaiah 49:1-6, Acts 13:22-26, Luke 1:57-66, 80; Wednesday: 2 Kings 22:8-13, 23:1-3, Matthew 7:15-20; Thursday: 2 Kings 24:8-17, Matthew 7:21-29; Friday (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus): Deuteronomy 7:6-11, 1 John 4:7-16, Matthew 11:25-30; Saturday (the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary): Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19, Luke 2:41-51.

Our parishes

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

Motion on two abuse-related civil lawsuits heard in court

National Catholic media conference coming to Charlotte

Patricia L. Guilfoyle Editor

CHARLOTTE — In a hearing May 30, a Mecklenburg County Superior Court judge heard testimony in two civil lawsuits against the Diocese of Charlotte involving separate cases of alleged sexual abuse of children approximately three decades ago. Superior Court Judge W. Robert Bell said he plans to rule by June 20 on whether to grant the diocese’s motion for summary judgment – that is, to dismiss the two cases, filed separately in 2011 by a North Carolina law firm representing three people who claim the diocese was negligent in its oversight of two priests they claim abused them at parishes in Albemarle, Charlotte and Salisbury in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The two priests, Father Richard Farwell and Father Joseph Kelleher, are no longer in ministry. The diocese is asking that the cases be dismissed based on the North Carolina statute of limitations. That time limit for civil litigation is generally three years from the date when either the alleged incident occurred or when it became known as having possibly occurred. In 2012 Judge Bell partially granted the diocese’s motion, dismissing one claim for relief based on an allegation of unfair and deceptive trade practices. The first civil lawsuit was filed in July 2011 on behalf of one of two alleged victims who came forward in 2002. It contends the diocese concealed knowledge of alleged child molestation in the mid-1980s at Sacred Heart Parish in Salisbury by Father Farwell, a suspended priest who now lives in Florida. The lawsuit seeks compensatory and punitive damages of at least $10,000. The diocese alerted Rowan County authorities and removed Father Farwell from ministry when the allegation was made in 2002. He was subsequently fired from a Florida-based Catholic charity where he was working at the time. Father Farwell was indicted in Rowan County Superior Court in 2003 on two felony counts of taking indecent liberties with a child. In 2004, one felony charge was dismissed and the other was reduced to a misdemeanor in return for him pleading no contest to contributing to the delinquency of a minor. He was sentenced to 18 months’ probation and fined $1,000 plus court costs. Documents from the 2004 Rowan County criminal proceeding were attached as exhibits to the diocese’s motion to dismiss the civil lawsuit. The second civil lawsuit, filed in September 2011, involves two people LAWSUITS, SEE page 12


Tim Reid | Catholic News Herald

Volunteers from Asheville area churches – including St. Lawrence Basilica, St. Barnabas Parish, St. Eugene Parish and St. Margaret Mary – raise the walls on Habitat for Humanity’s first “ Pope Francis House,” funded and built in the spirit of the Holy Father’s words that “work confers dignity.”

Habitat volunteers build nation’s first ‘Pope Francis House’ in Asheville Tim Reid Correspondent

ASHEVILLE — The Christmas holidays will be extra special this year for LaShawn Meadows as she and her three children move into the nation’s first Habitat for Humanity House sponsored in honor of Pope Francis. It was made possible by a $55,000 gift from an anonymous donor. “I don’t know who ‘anonymous’ is, but if you are out there and you can hear me or see me, I want to say ‘thank you’ from the bottom of my heart,” Meadows said as volunteers raised the walls on her new home May 21. Parishioners of four area Catholic churches – St. Barnabas, St. Eugene, St. Lawrence Basilica and St. Margaret Mary – are volunteering their labor on the Habitat House along with people of other faiths in the Asheville community. “The donor likes Pope Francis’ commitment to social justice and believes he is reinvigorating the Catholic Church in many ways,” said Arianne Kjellquist, communications director for Habitat. “The pope’s remark ‘work confers dignity’ really resonated with the donor, and he feels that sentiment is very much in line with

More online At www.catholicnewsherald. com: See a video of volunteers building LaShawn Meadows’ new home, along with more photos

‘This project here is a great example of what Habitat is all about.’ Kerney MacNeil

Member of St. Lawrence Basilica Habitat’s principle of ‘a hand up, not a hand out.’” Volunteers will devote more than 1,600 hours to building the four-bedroom, two-bath home in the Shiloh community in south Asheville. It will be the first safe, decent housing enjoyed by Meadows HABITAT, SEE page 12

CHARLOTTE — Local Catholics interested in learning more about the media are invited to attend the annual Catholic Media Conference, the premier educational and networking event featuring the best of the best in Catholic media. This year’s conference, set for June 18-20 at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel, is being hosted by the Diocese of Charlotte and its news outlet, the Catholic News Herald. Conference-goers will learn from the industry’s top professionals about what’s new and trending in social media, digital and print journalism, and advertising. The conference will open June 18 with Mass celebrated by Bishop Peter J. Jugis and a keynote address by Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., the newly elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Other keynote speakers will be Helen Alvaré, George Mason University Kurtz law professor and founder of Women Speak For Themselves, and Heather King, Catholic essayist and blogger. Also speaking will be Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Celli has been one of the leaders in creating the pope’s King digital communication efforts, including a Twitter presence that now tops 13 million followers. He also has led efforts with Google to build a joint venture giving the pope his own YouTube channel, as well as building “the Pope App” and obtaining the new .catholic domain. Workshops will be led Alvaré by Jesuit Father Matt Malone, editor of America magazine; Norbertine Father Al McBride, a prolific writer, educator and apologist; Dr. Hosffman Ospino of Boston College, a leading researcher of U.S. Latino Catholics; Jim Stipe, award-winning photographer of the developing world; Jesuit Father Eric Sundrup, editor of The Jesuit Post; Olympic cross country champion Rebecca Dussault; Adobe PDF software pioneer Kevin Slimp; and Carolinas-based Catholic fiction writer Michelle Buckman. A panel discussion will feature bloggers from Patheos.com, a leading online portal of commentators on faith. The conference will also feature an exclusive prescreening of Sony Pictures’ “When the Game Stands Tall,” starring Jim Caviezel, Michael Chiklis and Laura Dern, about legendary football coach Bob Lacouceur. The Catholic Media Conference is sponsored jointly by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada and the Catholic Academy of Communication Professionals. Go to www.allthingscmc.com for registration details. One-day passes and student rates are available. — Catholic News Herald


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 OUR PARISHES

Diocesan calendar of events BELMONT

Fortnight For Freedom, Religious Liberty March

QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES church, 503 North Main St.

Bishop Peter J. Jugis Bishop Peter J. Jugis will participate in the following events over the coming weeks:

— El Grupo “Porque Ser Católico” se reúne todos los miércoles a las 8 p.m. en la casa de la Señora Carmen Mirón. Si estas interesado(a) en iniciar tu formación a cerca del catolicismo, te invitamos a participar. Para más información, llamar a la Señora Alba Cadavid, 704-904-7988. — Adult Bible Study: 2-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 10, in the conference room. Light refreshments available.

June 7 - 10 a.m. Diaconate Ordination of Transitional Deacon St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte June 14 – 11 a.m. Blessing of Guardian Angels Monastery, Monroe June 14 – 12 p.m. Mass for Final Profession of Vows for Brother Pius, MOP Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Monroe

— Protecting God’s Children Workshop: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, June. 21 in Room D/E of the Education Building. Register at www.virtusonline.org. — Community Breakfast: 8-11 a.m. Everyone welcome.

ST. GABRIEL CHURCH, 3016 Providence Road — Young Widowed Support Group: Meets at 6 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. Group is intended for widowed persons, around 55 years of age and younger. For details, call Sister Marie Frechette at 704-543-7677, ext. 1073. — Polish Prayer Group: Meets at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month in the chapel. For details, call Evona Cholewa at 704-488-7490.

June 18 – 5:30 p.m. Opening Mass for the Catholic Media Conference St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte

ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH, 8451 Idlewild Road

June 19 – 5:30 p.m. Mass for the Catholic Media Conference St. Peter Church, Charlotte

— Fourth Annual SonFest Carnival: 5-11 p.m. Friday, June 13, to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 14. Come and indulge in great foods, games and entertainment. Admission is free. For details, call Jennifer Noto at 704-507-8251.

June 20 – 5 p.m. Closing Mass for the Catholic Media Conference St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte

— Six Week Fellowship Reading Circle: 7:30 p.m. Meets Wednesday, July 23-Aug. 27. Mass will be at 7 p.m. For details, call Shea Barja at 704-451-3629.

June 23-25 Provincial Meeting of Bishops Raleigh, N.C. June 25-27 Quo Vadis Days II Belmont Abbey College, Belmont June 27 – 5 p.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Priesthood Ordinands St. Patrick Cathedral, Charlotte June 28 – 10 a.m. Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood St. Mark Church, Huntersville

June 6, 2014 Volume 23 • Number 17

1123 S. Church St. Charlotte, N.C. 28203-4003 catholicnews@charlottediocese.org

704-370-3333 PUBLISHER: The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, Bishop of Charlotte

The U.S. bishops’ campaign “Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Serve” will take place from June 21 to July 4, a time when the liturgical calendar of the Church celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power – St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, Sts. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. The theme of this year’s Fortnight will focus on the freedom to serve the poor and vulnerable in accord with human dignity and the Church’s teaching. Resources for this year’s Fortnight for Freedom are online at the Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte’s website, www.ccdoc.org, and the U.S. bishops’ website for this 14-day observance, www. Fortnight4Freedom.org.


June 16 – 7 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation Immaculate Conception Church, Hendersonville

June 22 – 12:15 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation Our Lady of the Annunciation church, Albemarle

Religious Liberty March and Prayer Vigil: Friday, June 27, in Charlotte. March will begin at 11:15 a.m. at the parking lot at 1524 Palmer St. in Charlotte (across from the Diocese of Charlotte Pastoral Center). Instructions prior to marching will begin at 11 a.m. Arrive early to park. The march will include preaching at Trade and Tryon streets and reciting the Litany for Religious Liberty. The Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed in front of the Charles R. Jonas Federal Courthouse at 401 W. Trade St. Everyone is invited to come and be a witness in uptown Charlotte to defend religious liberty. Questions: e-mail religiousliberty@windstream.net.

St. Matthew church, 8015 BALLANTYNE COMMONS PKWY. — Natural Family Planning Introduction and Full Course: 1- 5 p.m. Saturday, June 21. Topics include: Effectiveness of modern NFP, health risks of popular contraceptives and what the Church teaches about responsible parenting. Sponsored by Catholic Charities. RSVP to Batrice Adcock, MSN, RN, at 704370-3230. — Called to be Mom Support Group: 10 a.m.-noon. Meets every other Thursday. For details, call Kerry Long at 704-243-6319. — Living the Faith Book Club: 7-8 p.m. the second Thursday of each month. For details, call Kevin Berent at 803-287-7898. ST. PATRICK CATHEDRAL, 1621 Dilworth Road — Mass for our Military Personnel: Sunday, July 6, celebrated by Bishop Peter J. Jugis, to honor our military personnel who are currently serving and who have been injured while serving. All military personnel are encouraged to come in uniform. Rosary at 3 p.m., Mass at 3:30 p.m. Everyone welcome.

EDITOR: Patricia L. Guilfoyle 704-370-3334, plguilfoyle@charlottediocese.org ADVERTISING MANAGER: Kevin Eagan 704-370-3332, keeagan@charlottediocese.org SENIOR REPORTER: SueAnn Howell 704-370-3354, sahowell@charlottediocese.org Online reporter: Kimberly Bender 704-808-7341, kdbender@charlottediocese.org GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Tim Faragher 704-370-3331, tpfaragher@charlottediocese.org COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT/CIRCULATION: Erika Robinson, 704-370-3333, catholicnews@ charlottediocese.org Hispanic communications reporter: Rico De Silva, 704-370-3375, rdesilva@charlottediocese.org

ST. Thomas aquinas church, 1400 suther road — Third Annual Polish Mass in Honor of Our Lady of Czestochowa: 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 24. A first-class relic of Pope St. John Paul II will be brought to Mass for veneration. Reception following Mass. Your donation of Polish or American food is appreciated and can be dropped off before Mass at the Aquinas Hall. For details, call Mary Witulski at 704.290.6012. Everyone welcome. — Treasures in the Trunk, Vendor and Craft Sale: 9 a.m.4 p.m. Saturday, June 21. For details, call Gen Rollin at 704-548-0644. — “Divine Mercy Holy Hour”: Exposition and readings from the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska: 7-8 p.m. every first Friday. For questions, call Paul Deer at 704-948-0628. — “Rosary for Life”: Join the Respect Life group to pray each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., followed by Mass at 7 p.m. To participate, contact Gretchen Filz at gfilz10@ ses.edu or 704-919-0935.

CLEMMONS HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, 4820 KINNAMON ROAD — Charismatic Prayer Group: 7:15 p.m. Mondays.

GREENSBORO ST. MARY CHURCH, 812 DUKE ST. — Second Annual IGBO Mass: 9 a.m. Sunday, July 20. For details, call 336-392-6840.

HIGH POINT IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY CHURCH, 4145 JOHNSON St. — Protecting God’s Children Workshop: 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, June 7, in Room St. Edwards A. All volunteers must attend the workshop. Register at www.virtusonline.org. — Pro-Life Rosary: 11 a.m. Saturday, June 7, at 819 North

The Catholic News Herald is published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 26 times a year. NEWS: The Catholic News Herald welcomes your news and photos. Please e-mail information, attaching photos in JPG format with a recommended resolution of 150 dpi or higher, to catholicnews@charlottediocese.org. All submitted items become the property of the Catholic News Herald and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. ADVERTISING: Reach 165,000 Catholics across western North Carolina! For advertising rates and information,

Main St. and Sunset Drive, to pray for the end of abortion. For details, call Jim Hoyng at 336-882-9593 or Paul Klosterman at 336-848-6835. Pennybyrn at Maryfield, 1315 Greensboro Road — Special Mass for Corpus Christi: 1 p.m. Sunday, June 22, in the Maryfield Chapel. Bishop Emeritus William G. Curlin will join the principal celebrant, Father Fidel C. Melo. All First Communicants are invited in their First Communion attire to join in the procession honoring Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. Refreshments after Mass. — Fiesta de Corpus Christi: 1 p.m. Domingo, 22 de Junio en la capilla de Maryfield. El Obispo William G. Curlin se unirá al celebrante Principal, El Padre Fidel C. Melo. Los de Primera Comunión están invitados, en su traje de Primera Comunión, a participar en la procesión en honor a Jesús en la Santísima Eucaristía. Refrescos después de la Misa.

HUNTERSVILLE St. Mark Church, 14740 Stumptown Road — The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians welcomes all women who are practicing Catholics and who are Irish by birth, who are the wife of a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, or the mother of a junior member to join. For details, call Bernadette Brady at 704-210-8060. — Charlotte Athletes for Christ Youth Ministry: Meets 7-8:30 p.m. the first and third Wednesdays of each month. For details, call Tim Flynn at 704-948-0231.

LENOIR St. Francis of Assisi Church, 328 B Woodsway Lane — The rosary, led by Father Gabriel Meehan, is prayed every Monday evening at 7 p.m. in the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel. All are welcome. Is your PARISH OR SCHOOL hosting a free event open to the public? Deadline for all submissions is 10 days prior to desired publication date. Submit in writing to catholicnews@charlottediocese.org.

contact Advertising Manager Kevin Eagan at 704-370-3332 or keeagan@charlottediocese.org. The Catholic News Herald reserves the right to reject or cancel advertising for any reason, and does not recommend or guarantee any product, service or benefit claimed by our advertisers. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $15 per year for all registered parishioners of the Diocese of Charlotte and $23 per year for all others. POSTMASTER: Periodicals class postage (USPC 007-393) paid at Charlotte, N.C. Send address corrections to the Catholic News Herald, 1123 S. Church St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203.

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June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com

Transitional diaconate ordination set for June 7 CHARLOTTE — Seminarian Casey Coleman will be ordained to the transitional diaconate for the Diocese of Charlotte by Bishop Peter J. Jugis at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 7, at St. Patrick Cathedral. Coleman is currently studying at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. The transitional diaconate is the final step toward priestly ordination. Once ordained a deacon, Coleman can proclaim the Gospel at Mass, give homilies, baptize and officiate at weddings. He will have an additional year of theological studies and spiritual formation before being ordained to the priesthood next June. Coleman, 32, is the son of Keith and Caroline Coleman of Weddington. Coleman He was born in Dayton, Ohio, and spent much of his childhood in Ohio. He More is a graduate online of Sun Valley At www. High School catholic in Monroe. In news 2004, he earned herald. a Bachelor com: Read of Science in a Q&A with mechanical Casey engineering Coleman from N.C. State University. He studied pre-theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, Pa., and transferred to the Pontifical College Josephinum to study theology in 2011. A parishioner of St. Matthew Church in Charlotte, he served at St. Dorothy Church in Lincolnton in 2011 and St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte in 2012 during summer assignments for the diocese. He also served on the Totus Tuus summer catechesis team at St. Patrick Cathedral in 2012. Coleman, baptized Catholic but was not raised in the faith, says he first realized he had a vocation to the priesthood in 2006, when he was 24. He was a parishioner at St. Aloysius Church in Hickory at the time. “I think that I first thought I might have had a vocation to the priesthood in 2006 after I was confirmed, but I did not fully realize I had a vocation until spring of 2008. And then by that summer, I was certain and began filling out an application to the diocese in October.” — SueAnn Howell, senior reporter



Buchanan, Carter, McNulty await June 28 ordination CHARLOTTE — Bishop Peter J. Jugis will ordain three men to the priesthood at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 28, at St. Mark Church in Huntersville. Transitional Deacons Paul Buchanan, Noah Carter and Paul McNulty are poised to become diocesan priests upon their ordination. Both Deacons Buchanan and Carter are completing their Bachelor of Sacred Theology degrees from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Deacon Paul McNulty recently earned a Master of Divinity from the Pontifical

College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. Deacon Paul Buchanan, the son of Robert and Gloria Buchanan, is a parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte. Deacon Noah Carter, the son of Gregory and Holly Carter, is a parishioner of St. Barnabas Church in Arden. Deacon Paul McNulty, the son of Deacon Brian and Michelle McNulty, is a parishioner of St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte. A reception for all three newly ordained priests will be held in the Monsignor Joseph Kerin Family Life Center at St. Mark Parish immediately following the ordination Mass June 28. St. Mark Church is located at 14740 Stumptown Road in Huntersville. All are welcome to attend the Mass and reception. — SueAnn Howell, senior reporter




Upcoming coverage In our June 27 print edition and online: Advance coverage of the June 28 ordinations along with a celebration of vocations At www.facebook.com/catholicnewsherald: Share your well wishes for the three ordinands

Priest jubilarians

Father Winslow: ‘I love seeing how Divine Providence unfolds right before our eyes’ CHARLOTTE — Father Patrick Winslow, pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte, celebrates 15 years of priesthood this month. Prior to being installed as pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church, he served as pastor of St. John the Baptist Church in Tryon for six years. Originally from upstate New York, he was ordained by Bishop Howard J. Hubbard at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Albany, N.Y. He transferred to the Diocese of Charlotte in 2004. He earned an advanced degree in canon law from The Catholic University of America and currently serves the marriage tribunal as “defender of the bond,” a diocesan official charged with defending the validity of the marriage bond in annulment cases. He is also a lecturer for Catholic Scripture Studies International. He recently shared some reflections on the priesthood: CNH: What are some of your favorite assignments you had over the past 15 years? Father Winslow: Of the more notable parish assignments is St. John the Baptist in Tryon. This is because it was the first parish where I was installed as the pastor. Another interesting assignment was a year I spent as a part-time chaplain at Great Meadow Correctional Facility. It is a maximum security prison in upstate New York. Surprisingly, it was the most intellectually challenging assignment. The Winslow men had complicated and difficult situations, time to read and many questions. I have a great fondness for prison ministry. I encourage anyone who can to get involved. CNH: What do you enjoy most about your priestly ministry? Father Winslow: In short, loving God and His people. I love seeing how Divine Providence unfolds right before our eyes. I love the intimacy of God found in the sacraments. I love being shaped by the path on which God has placed me. As one with pastoral care of souls, I love being an instrument of the Good Shepherd.

Other anniversaries

Also celebrating their ordination anniversaries are: 10 years – Father Robert Conway, parochial vicar of St. Matthew Church; Father Timothy Reid, pastor of St. Ann Church; and Father Lhoposo, pastor of St. James the Greater Church in Hamlet and Sacred Heart Mission in Wadesboro 5 years – Father Benjamin Roberts, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church

CNH: What are some of the most important lessons you have learned over the past 15 years? Father Winslow: Administration is a headache, although necessary. With every decision someone or some group will be unhappy. Although the goal may be clear, the path to get there takes time. This applies not only to pastoring a parish, but also to one’s personal life. As a pastor, one is more readily persuaded by honesty and humility than by anger and gossip. CNH: What advice would you give to a man discerning a vocation to the priesthood? Father Winslow: Be honest. Seek first the will of God. Respond generously and courageously. Never lose sight of the fact that the faithful reasonably expect their priests to be men of God, and men of God are men of love. CNH: Do you have any special plans to celebrate your anniversary? Father Winslow: I will have dinner with my parents, apart from whom I cannot imagine my life or vocation. — SueAnn Howell, senior reporter

Father Starczewski: ‘Never be afraid to teach the faith’


MOCKSVILLE — Father John Starczewski, pastor of St. Francis Assisi Church, is among the first group of diocesan priests that Bishop Peter Jugis ordained in 2004. Father John, as he likes to be called, was ordained at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte, along with Father Timothy Reid and Father Robert Conway. His first assignment was at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte, where he served as parochial vicar for two years. He then served as parochial vicar at Our Lady of Grace Church in Greensboro for a year. Father John became the pastor of St. James the Greater

Parish in Hamlet and Sacred Heart Mission in Wadesboro in 2008, and for the past three years he has served as pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Mocksville. “All of my assignments have been special in some way,” Father John says. “St. Vincent because it was my first and the things that I got to do and learn there. Our Lady of Grace is just simply the most beautiful place to celebrate Mass. St. James and Sacred Heart, well, it was my first assignment FATHER JOHN, SEE page 13


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 OUR PARISHES

‘It went by fast!’

Deacon Guy Piché, properties manager, retires after 28 years SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

CHARLOTTE — Back in 1986, just as the Diocese of Charlotte was beginning to take on a character all its own after being carved out of the Diocese of Raleigh in 1972, a man named Guy Piché was given the opportunity of a lifetime: Piché to serve as the business manager for the diocese. Appointed by thenChancellor Monsignor Joseph Kerin and Bishop John Donoghue, Piché began what would be a 28-year tenure with the diocese. “When I came here, it was a new adventure,” Deacon Piché said. “The diocese was new and there were no employee benefits. You just came and did your ministry. Over the years I helped set up all the benefits.” He started as the diocese’s business manager. He had just applied for the diaconate, which was directed by Monsignor Anthony Kovacic, his pastor at Queen of the Apostles Church in Belmont. Upon his ordination as a permanent deacon in 1986, Deacon Piché served his parish in addition to his work for the diocese. Deacon Piché has worked with all of the chancellors and bishops of the Diocese of

Charlotte over the past 28 years. “I’ve known all the bishops we’ve had so far. It’s been interesting seeing the different management styles. It’s been great!” After Father Francis Longsway, director of the Catholic Conference Center in Hickory, left the conference center in 1992, Bishop Donoghue asked Deacon Piché to take a “temporary assignment,” and named him the temporary director of the conference center. “In December of this past year that ‘temporary assignment’ ended,” Deacon Guy said, smiling. “I think Bishop Donoghue took my paperwork to Atlanta with him!” he said jokingly. He was on the management team when the current diocesan finance director, Bill Weldon, was hired in 1996. Deacon Piché then asked to take over the properties management of the diocese and the insurance management. “It’s been great to work with the various parishes and pastors – especially seeing the people’s dreams come to fruition as they built their churches. I’ve enjoyed it. “It went by fast!” Over the years he also worked with the building commissions and helped acquire property in anticipation of the diocese’s future growth. “I call it land-banking,” Deacon Piché said. “The first 20 years, we focused on parishes and schools, and now we can focus on (building facilities for) the poor and

elderly, too.” He recalled how it took a concerted effort to build up resources and buy property in the young diocese. “We didn’t have a whole lot of money to work with. It took a lot of discussions, planning between the bishop, the chancellor and myself to buy property. We were blessed at that time that property was a lot cheaper than it is now.” Deacon Piché acknowledged that there are now enough parishes inside the Interstate 485 loop of Charlotte, so the focus has shifted to developing other growing areas of the diocese, which spans 46 counties. His replacement will assist with those future land purchases. “Properties are one of the biggest assets of the diocese,” he explained. “We have to maintain them and it is our duty to assist the parishes in their planning of maintaining their properties.” Deacon Piché, 67, will retire from active ministry as a deacon, but he will assist as needed at his parish of St. Helen Mission in Spencer Mountain, he said. “I do want to do that,” he said. “I also want to do some traveling and spend time with the grandkids.” His wife Rachel will retire next year. They hope to take some trips together and be more available to help their adult children with their three grandchildren, too, attending recitals and soccer games. Reflecting on his time with the diocese,

‘I’ve enjoyed it. It’s been great to work with the various parishes and pastors – especially seeing the people’s dreams come to fruition as they built their churches.’ Deacon Piché said what has been most meaningful is “to actually be part of building the Church and seeing the people’s faces at the dedications. That was great. Watching those buildings come out of the ground and the joy of the people – it was worth it.” “It’s our job to help build the Kingdom here on earth, and I had an active role in it, so I feel good. But I’m ready to retire!”

Charitable trust lives on through new endowment for Catholic education ASHEVILLE — In 1993 Dorothy Brown inherited shares of a petroleum company stock from her father that allowed her to create a Charitable Remainder Trust to provide income for her and husband Elbert, for the rest of their lives. Her deep Catholic faith also provided the impetus for Mrs. Brown to include the Church in this financial arrangement, so the remainder of her trust has been designated for the benefit of Catholic education and campus ministry programs in Asheville, where the family had a home. Mrs. Brown passed away in June of 2013, and the trust remainder of more than $300,000 has been used to establish the Betsy Allen Brown Endowment Fund in memory of the Browns’ youngest child Betsy, who died in 1987 aged 27. This new endowment will continue to provide funding for the general needs of Catholic elementary and secondary schools and Catholic campus ministries in Asheville. Mrs. Brown grew up in St. Louis, Mo., one of five children. Her Catholic faith and passion for Catholic education were instilled by her parents. All of the Brown children received a Catholic education, and her older brother was ordained a priest. She and her husband settled in Sarasota, Fla., after marrying and raised their family of six children who all attended parochial school. They later made Asheville their second home, where Mrs. Brown was a long-time member of St. Barnabas Parish. Her son Buster Brown lives in Asheville with his family, who are long-time members of St. Eugene Parish. He followed his mother’s example of supporting Catholic education, and his children attended Asheville Catholic School. “Mom’s whole spirit was such that she lived a God-filled life. Through this endowment created with the remainder of the trust she established in 1993, she would like for the spirit of God to live on through Catholic education while remembering Betsy,” he said. “We live in such a secular world, our family is so proud that our mother was able to do this. We hope that Asheville Catholic School

Estate planning seminar coming up

Photos provided

(Far left) The Browns established a trust in memory of their late daughter, Elizabeth Allen Brown. (Above) Elbert and Dorothy Brown are pictured in their later years. will continue to grow and provide an excellent Catholic education for many more students for many more years to come.” “In addition to this fund provided through Mrs. Brown’s trust, her son Buster and wife Karen also have an endowment established in 2000 to provide tuition assistance for students at Asheville Catholic School,” said

CHARLOTTE — The Diocese of Charlotte will present a free estate planning seminar from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 25, at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 1123 S. Church St. The focus will be on wills, trusts, powers of attorney, probate and bequests as well as Catholic teaching on end-of-life issues. If you are preparing or updating a will, if you have recently moved here from another state, or if you have an interest in learning more about the probate process and estate planning in general, you will want to attend. Christian Cherry, an attorney with Grier, Furr & Crisp, will present legal information. He is an estate planning attorney with a concentration in wills, estates, trusts and probate, and his presentation will include an open question and answer session. Judy Smith, diocesan gift planning director, will provide information on planned giving and bequests. “This seminar offers a great way to learn more about these important topics in a relaxed environment along with the opportunity to have your questions answered by an attorney and it is absolutely free” said Ray Paradowski, president of the Diocese of Charlotte Foundation Board of Directors. This is the third greater Charlotte area seminar offered by the diocese. Last year’s seminar was attended by parishioners from thirteen parishes in the Charlotte area. The event is free but registration is required to reserve a take-home packet of materials. Parking is also free and light refreshments will be served. To register or get more information for this seminar, contact Judy Smith at 704-370-3320 or jmsmith@ charlottediocese.org.

Judy Smith, diocesan director of gift planning. “We are very grateful to the Brown family for their generosity, stewardship and commitment to Catholic education.”

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com



Celebrating the sacraments Bishop Peter J. Jugis

The Solemnity of Pentecost


y Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, I ask the Lord’s blessing upon all of you, the faithful of the Diocese of Charlotte. The Holy Spirit is a great blessing which Jesus bestowed on the Church at the first Pentecost, and which He continues to pour out upon us, helping us grow in holiness. At the beginning of the Easter Season this year, hundreds of individuals across the Diocese of Charlotte joined the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. I am delighted to welcome them into the Church. Thousands of children across our diocese received their first Holy Communion this year, and thousands more of our young people are receiving the sacrament of confirmation this year. The Holy Spirit continues His wonderful work of making the Church grow, as He did from the beginning, when the Spirit first came upon the Apostles and Mary in that Upper Room in Jerusalem. We are grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit among us. On this feast of Pentecost may the Holy Spirit comfort and strengthen you in all your needs. The Holy Spirit comes to be our constant companion and friend. May we always welcome Him with joyful and loving hearts. May the peace of the Holy Spirit be with you, and with your families and friends this day.

Photos provided by Michael Parks

CHARLOTTE — Children at St.. Gabriel School recently celebrated a May crowning, and those who recently celebrated their first Holy Communion participated at Mass. They are pictured with the pastor of St. Gabriel Church, Father Francis O’Rourke.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Photo provided by Allana-Rae Ramkissoon

CHARLOTTE — Second-graders at Our Lady of the Assumption School in Charlotte recently received the sacrament of first Holy Communion. They are pictured with their teacher Rose Cubit and Principal Allana-Rae Ramkissoon after Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption Church May 22.

SPENCER MOUNTAIN — Ryan Reid and Michael Schulz recently received the sacrament of first Holy Communion at St. Helen Mission in Spencer Mountain. They are pictured with Monsignor Mauricio West. Photo provided by Andrew Luksa

Photo provided by Paul Vincent Photography

ARDEN — Youths at St. Barnabas Parish in Arden recently received the sacrament of first Holy Communion. They are pictured with St. Barnabas’ pastor, Father Adrian Porras, and Deacon Rudy Triana.

Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 OUR PARISHES

Bishop Peter Jugis presided over the rite of election for RCIA candidates in the far western region of the diocese, during Mass at St. Joan of Arc Church in Candler March 15. Besides the Candler parish, people were represented from 12 other parishes: St. Lawrence Basilica of Asheville, Immaculate Conception Church of Hendersonville, Sacred Heart Church of Brevard, St. Aloysius Church of Hickory, St. Andrew the Apostle Church of Mars Hill, St. Barnabas Church of Arden, St. Eugene Church of Asheville, St. Francis of Assisi Church of Franklin, St. John the Baptist Church of Tryon, St. John the Evangelist Church of Waynesville, St. Mary Mother of God Church of Sylva and St. William Church of Murphy. Photo provided by MaryAnn Wharton

RCIA: A ‘little Pentecost’ in North Carolina Rico De Silva Hispanic Communications Reporter

Hundreds of people have joined the Catholic Church during this Easter season, and the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives represents a “little Pentecost” for the Diocese of Charlotte. While the exact numbers won’t be finalized until after the Feast of Pentecost, if last year’s numbers of more than 1,000 new Catholics are to go by, it’s a sign of a vibrant and growing local Church. Here are the stories of two families who have come into the Church this year through the Rite of Christian Initiation, or RCIA:

‘We enjoy the spirituality of the Church’ CLEMMONS — Shane and Kerri Brogan and their three young children were received into the Church at Holy Family Parish in Clemmons, during the Easter Vigil Mass April 19. Both Kerri and Shane were baptized Christians, but only Kerri had been active in her church up to her teenaged years. The young couple’s desire to provide their children with a strong spiritual foundation was their primary reason for becoming Catholics, they said. “We want our children to be raised with faith and to know that attending church will only make you a better person,” Kerri Brogan said. “We believe strongly in tradition. And we believe in the traditions and beliefs of the Catholic Church. We enjoy the spirituality of the Church and the conformity.” Although Shane Brogan was baptized as an infant, he and his family never attended church while he was a child or young adult. “My family worked on Sundays,” he said. Kerri, on the other hand, was baptized and confirmed in the Church of Christ, and was active in her church, but she stopped going as she grew older. However, she recalled being exposed to the Catholic faith early on. “My father is a cradle Catholic, so my whole family on his side is Catholic. I had been to Mass a few times with family members, and also attended weddings. I was always fascinated by the

Catholic religion and found it much more spiritual than the church that I was raised in.” The Brogans said the Catholic faith has brought them and their children much joy, and has strengthened their family bond and solidified their marriage. Last September Capuchin Franciscan Father Stephen Hoyt, parochial vicar, baptized the Brogans’ three children: Nicholas, 8; Nathan, 6; and Meredith, 4. “The biggest joy in this journey has been seeing our children enjoy the journey with us. They enjoy church and faith formation. They enjoy the community of the Church,” Kerri said. She concluded, “Father Steve Hoyt has been wonderful during this whole process. He has been very helpful and informative during this whole process and is always very willing to answer any questions or help with any concerns we have had. We also renewed our vows with him after the Easter Vigil.”

‘RCIA really helped me to open my heart’ WAYNESVILLE — Phil Webb had been going to Mass with his wife Gail for the past 20 years, even though he wasn’t Catholic. Formerly a member of the Church of the Nazarene, Webb followed his wife to the Catholic Church after they were married in 1994.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com



Our Lady of the Assumption in Charlotte welcomes diverse class of 41 new Catholics

Photos by Doreen Sugierski | Catholic News Herald

Pictured are scenes from the rite of election for RCIA candidates and catechumens during Masses at St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte and Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in High Point.

Rico De Silva Hispanic Communications Reporter




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great pastor. There’s this just great bunch people there – a sense of fellowship,” he said. “I went to Father Larry a year ago and said, ‘Father, I’m thinking about joining the Church, but I’m afraid there’s something in the doctrine I don’t agree with. How do I find … Light rth of out about that?’ Ea “I was disappointed with his answer at first because his answer was, ‘Go to RCIA.’ So I did. And it has been a fantastic experience for me. There are tons of people di a oc e sa n p p o r t who have spent tons of time preparing and su teaching me. It has really helped to know that’s the right thing for me to do.” The RCIA program is “When I started going to church with one of eight educational Gail, I had no intentions of joining the ministries providing Catholic Church. Like many Protestants, more than 30 different the Church has a little bit of a rep outside,” services that is funded by he said. But, he continued, going through your contributions to the the nine-month RCIA process really annual Diocesan Support answered his questions and cemented his Appeal. decision to fully embrace the Catholic faith. “RCIA really helped me to open my heart, to see for myself, and learn about it for myself and to form my own opinion about (the faith). It took me a long time to make this journey to be where I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways, as they say.” 4 201

“She was a Catholic when I married her, and I was raised Protestant. I’ve always been a Protestant. So when we got married, she said, ‘I’m going to the Catholic church. You can do what you want.’ I think is important to go to church together, so I’ve been going to church with her for 20 years,” Webb said. At the Easter Vigil Mass April 19, Webb formally entered the Church as he was welcomed into St. John the Evangelist Parish in Waynesville. Webb confessed that it took him a long time to get comfortable with the Catholic liturgy. “It was pretty foreign to me (the Mass) for a while. The Mass is very different than a Protestant worship service,” he said. But with time, he became more at ease with the celebration of the Eucharist. He even considered joining the Church in the early 2000s, but the clergy sexual abuse scandal that erupted in 2002 became a stumbling block in his journey. His wife’s steadfastness helped him the most in getting past the bumps on the road to the Church. “My wife was there going to church every Sunday, and I had made the commitment to go with her. I worked through it by continuing to go to Mass and continuing listening to the Word.” The Webbs moved to western North Carolina from south Florida in 2007, and they have attended St. John the Evangelist Church ever since. The providential move proved to be instrumental in his decision to become Catholic. “What really pushed me over the edge was St. John the Evangelist Church. Father Larry (LoMonaco) is a

CHARLOTTE — Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte welcomed 41 new people into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass April 19. Deacon Peter Duca, holding the newlylit baptismal candle, led the procession from the parish’s narthex into the church crowded with people. Duca stopped by the baptismal font at the church’s nave and chanted “Christ Our Light!” and the RCIA candidates and close to 900 people, holding lit candles, all responded, “Thanks be to God.” According to Deacon David Reiser, OLA’s faith formation coordinator, this year’s RCIA class was not only the largest in the parish’s history, but also the most diverse and a true snapshot of the universal Church. The class included six Burmese catechumens, two Vietnamese catechumens, one Anglo catechumen, one African-American candidate, one Nigerian candidate and 29 Latino candidates from Mexico, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. “We are the most diverse church in Charlotte hands down – not only Catholic, but Church! We have folks from India, Burma, Vietnam, Africa, Central and South America,” Deacon Reiser noted after the Mass. Father Philip Scarcella, pastor, and Redemptorist Father Vang Cong Tran, concelebrated the Mass, and Deacon Reiser preached the homily. In his homily message, Deacon Reiser told all gathered, “This night is a reminder for all of us that we are here as if we are being baptized, as if we are being confirmed. We affirm of what took place whenever we were baptized, whether as a child, or as an adult. Place yourself as you watch these baptisms take place, as you watch these confirmations take place, on that moment, when you were there.” Father Scarcella then baptized the Anglo catechumen. Father Tran baptized the two Vietnamese catechumens in Vietnamese, and then the six Burmese ones in Burmese with the help of an interpreter, as the rest of the candidates formed a circle around the baptismal font, holding lit candles. The ceremony then moved back to the front of the altar. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Father Scarcella congratulated all the new Catholics. He also acknowledged and thanked Deacon Reiser and all the faith formation staff who prepared the candidates for their journey into the Church. Before the final blessing, he told everyone gathered, “I’m always impressed at the number of people who contribute to the teaching of the faith. They take seriously what Jesus said, ‘Go and teach all in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 OUR PARISHES

St. John Neumann Church plans SonFest June 13-14 CHARLOTTE — SonFest 2014 will be celebrated June 13-14 at St. John Neumann Church, located at 8451 Idlewild Road in Charlotte. The fourth-annual carnival event sponsored by American Burger Co., features musical acts, rides, a silent auction, family bingo and more. Once again, Drex and Maney of the “Drex and Maney Morning Show” on KISS 95.1 will be special guest emcees at the event on Friday evening. Father Patrick Hoare, pastor, welcomes all families of the Charlotte and surrounding area to the two-day event. “SonFest has something for everyone. For the young-at-heart of any age, there is something to tickle your senses, and maybe even give you a thrill. Every year, we look forward to ‘kicking off the summer’ with this great, family-friendly tradition.” SonFest opens at 5 p.m. Friday, June 13, and continues from 1 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 14. The weekend event features ethnic and carnival-favorite food, rides, entertainment and fun. Wristbands for unlimited rides will be available for $15 on Friday night only. Admission is free, but tickets will be available for purchase for rides such as the Paratrooper, Bungee Trampoline, and Super Slide as well as a variety of food and beverages. The entertainment line-up this year features 12 bands including the return of Relentless Flood, Waiting Hill and Bought by Blood. New this year is the hamburger eating contests on Friday night, to accompany the popular hot dog eating contests on Saturday. The event will end with a big fireworks show at 10 p.m. Saturday, sponsored by Keffer Automotive. Father Hoare said he hopes this year’s new activities will draw even more visitors. “We’ve developed a continuous line-up of live entertainment and brought in new rides to get people excited about the event,” he said. A portion of the proceeds from this year’s event will benefit the AGAPE Dental Ministry, an organization that provides free dental care to underprivileged residents of the Charlotte area. Patients who qualify financially are offered a full range of dental services, administered by a staff of volunteer dentists, hygienists and dental assistants. For details, go online to www.4sjnc.org/sonfest. — Jennifer Noto

photos provided by St. Matthew Church

Construction of the new St. Matthew South Campus Dedicated to Divine Mercy is under way. The first phase of construction on the satellite campus consists of a 16,000-square-foot multipurpose facility, which will provide classrooms for faith formation and a gymnasium that will double as worship space on the weekends.

Construction of St. Matthew South campus progresses towards fall completion date SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

CHARLOTTE — The excitement is building at St. Matthew Church in south Charlotte as a new 16,000-square-foot “St. Matthew South Campus Dedicated to Divine Mercy” is taking shape. The new satellite campus will house a multipurpose facility with 14 classrooms and a gymnasium that will double as worship space on the weekends so that parishioners who live in the Waxhaw area can attend Mass there. The 31.9-acre campus at the corner of Waxhaw Marvin Road and Kensington Drive will be developed in four phases. The first phase consisted of the land purchase of $1.8 million, which St. Matthew Church paid for in cash. The first phase also includes the construction of the new facility and will cost approximately $3.2 million, putting phase one at a total of $5 million. This cost also included site design for the future use of the property. Phases two through four of the St. Matthew South Campus consist of the construction of a future church, an education center and a ministry center. All funds raised from parishioners at St. Matthew Church through the diocesan “Forward in Faith, Hope and Love” campaign will go towards paying for the completion of the St. Matthew South project. Monsignor John McSweeney, pastor of St. Matthew Church, hopes to see all four phases completed within 10 years to meet the needs of the growing congregation. St. Matthew Church is home to 9,500 registered families, or approximately 34,000 people – making it the largest church in the diocese and among the largest in the nation. “It’s coming along beautifully,” Monsignor McSweeney said. “It’s well under way in the construction process. The anticipated completion date is sometime this fall.” With that expectation in mind, the church is making plans to hold faith formation classes at the new campus this fall. St. Matthew faith formation staff will float as needed between the main church office on Ballantyne Commons Boulevard and a satellite office at the St. Matthew South Campus. Monsignor McSweeney also hopes to begin holding Saturday vigil and Sunday Masses at the new campus starting this fall, with

one vigil Mass being offered on Saturday evenings and two Masses being offered on Sundays. “The excitement is being able to provide some convenience for the approximately 2,000 households in the area surrounding the new campus,” he said. “When the total project is completed, (all four phases) will cost The main entrance for the new multipurpose facility begins approximately to take shape. $50 million.” Monsignor McSweeney explained that his biggest concern with his growing flock is “being able to feed the ‘sheep.’ The reality is, if you don’t get here early you don’t get a seat.” He also noted, “The progress is exciting in the sense that there are many individuals who are taking ownership of the process and who are excited to be a part of the puzzle of life at St. Matthew.” The Boudreaux Group is overseeing construction of the St. Matthew South Campus. They have also worked on several diocesan projects in the Charlotte metropolitan area, including St. Mark Church in Huntersville and the current construction of the new St. Thérèse Church in Mooresville.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com

St. Mark’s parishioner receives international volunteer service award Rico De Silva Hispanic Communications Reporter


‘It’s all about paying and giving back.’

HUNTERSVILLE — St. Mark Church parishioner Dexter Koehl is one of the two recipients of the 2013 International Executive Service Corps Frank Pace Award, given for his outstanding volunteer work in helping the Eastern Provincial Ministry of Tourism of Sri Lanka in developing a promotional strategy to increase visibility as a tourist destination. Koehl received the award May 14, during the IESC’s 50th anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C. “My Catholic faith means everything! My faith is the reason why I did this,” Koehl said in an interview after receiving the award. Koehl defined the IESC as “a Peace Corps for retired business and professional people that volunteer to help primarily in third-world countries.” These countries are often in desperate need of help in developing their economic infrastructure. The IESC, formed in 1964, was inspired by the Peace Corps, formed by the late President John F. Kennedy. The Frank Pace Award was established in 1989 to honor the IESC’s first president, Frank Pace. The award is given to volunteers who have performed the most outstanding project the previous year. Koehl retired in 2007 and moved to Huntersville with his wife Mary Louise, where they are parishioners of St. Mark Church. The breadth of his professional career expand 43 years of service in the travel and tourism industry, including the past 15 years of his career with the U.S. Travel Association in Washington, D.C. Koehl spent a month in Sri Lanka last year to help the local government plan a strategy for promoting tourism. “It was not like going to Tuscany or Paris,” he quipped. “Sometimes you are without electricity for days at a time, and there had been some conflicts there. This was a war zone. The still have some mine fields.” Once back in the U.S., Koehl helped the Sri Lanka Ministry of Tourism develop and create final plan via internet. “I’ve been very blessed in my work, and it was time for me to give back. Basically, it’s part of your corporal works of mercy since these are primarily Third World countries,” he said. “It’s all about paying and giving back. We’re blessed to be in the Diocese of Charlotte, we’re blessed to be a part of St. Mark’s Church.”

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Belmont Abbey’s Crusader soccer camp combines skills, faith development BELMONT — A soccer camp like no other is being offered at Belmont Abbey College later this month. The Crusader Soccer Camp, set for June 23-27, combines a traditional soccer camp with Catholic faith formation, in the spirit of Belmont Abbey College’s philosophy that sport and virtue work together in forming a well-rounded Christian athlete. Mike Lynch and John Keating, head coaches of the Belmont Abbey College women’s and men’s team, respectively, combine to run these Crusader Soccer Camps each summer. They have a long history of running camps for youth, going back to their days coaching club soccer in Omaha, Neb. Between them, the two nationally accredited coaches have close to 50 years combined soccer experience. Both captained Division 1 collegiate programs as players (Mike Lynch graduated from Air Force Academy and John Keating from West Virginia University). Both have spent years coaching youth soccer at the recreational and select level, and they put the numbers of campers they have coached at close to 10,000 between them. “What makes our Crusader Camps different to any other’s we’ve done,” said Mike Lynch, now in his third year at Belmont Abbey College, “is that fact that these camps are faith centered. Don’t get me wrong – we train the athletes to become more skillful soccer players by the end of the experience – but we don’t train soccer in a vacuum. We’re building up the Kingdom of God here. Our tool just happens to be soccer.” The two coaches moved their respective families to the area three years ago to assume coaching roles at the college. Men’s coach John Keating said he felt that his hands were tied in former environments where he hosted camps. “We had kids of all different faith backgrounds in our camps,” he said. “We tried to be good Christian role models for the athletes and we had to let our actions speak louder than words. At our Crusader Camps, by contrast, we can do both. While we run the camp as independent contractors, there is an understanding that we are Christian men first, coaches second and as such we center the camp in faith.” Catholic spirituality fits into the soccer camp several ways: Prayer at the start and finish of each camp day, St. John Bosco-styled talks each day on a particular virtue, “take-home” acts of charity that campers perform after each camp day, and more. For more information and registration forms, go online to www. crusadersoccercamps.com. To learn more about the coaches and the college’s soccer team, check out the video at www.vimeo.com/seroptics/belmontabbeysoccer.

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Seminarian summer assignments announced CHARLOTTE — Seminarians of the Diocese of Charlotte will serve at the following parishes this summer: n Brian Becker will serve at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlotte. n Christopher Bond will serve at St. Michael Parish in Gastonia. n Mike Carlson will serve at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Monroe. n Cory Catron will serve at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Charlotte. n Casey Coleman will serve at Sacred Heart Parish in Salisbury. n Christian Cook will serve at St. Ann Parish in Charlotte. n Christopher Hamilton will serve at St. Mark Parish in Huntersville. n David McCanless will serve at Sacred Heart Parish in Salisbury. n Santiago Mariani will serve at St. John the Baptist parish in Tryon. n Britt Taylor will serve at St. Eugene Parish in Asheville.

school bus batteries from 10 Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools buses earlier this month. Latawn Collins, 35, Timothy Black, 46, and Clenton Currence, 37, were charged in connection with the theft from the Diocese of Charlotte’s Pastoral Center parking lot, located at 1123 S. Church St., sometime before 5:30 a.m. May 22, said CMPD spokeswoman Jessica Wallin. The 10 school bus batteries are valued at a total of $1,800, according to an incident report. Those batteries were recovered. No further damage was reported. The parking lot is fenced in with a security gate. Although some morning bus routes were missed May 22 as a result of the theft, the batteries were quickly replaced. All of the buses were back in operation for that afternoon’s routes. Police linked the suspects in this incident to several other car and golf cart battery thefts in the area. — Kimberly Bender, online reporter

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We welcome your parish’s news! Please email news items to Editor Patricia L. Guilfoyle at catholicnews@ charlottediocese.org.

— Catholic News Herald

3 arrested in theft from outside diocesan Pastoral Center CHARLOTTE — Police have arrested three Charlotte men in connection with thefts of








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catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 OUR PARISHES




LaShawn Meadows thanks everyone who has made it possible for her to own her own home in the Asheville area. The new house being built by Habitat for Humanity will be the first safe, decent housing enjoyed by Meadows and her children, aged 16, 13 and 10.

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All are invited for a rare evening with

Father Richard Ho Lung as he shares his incredible journey from “the reggae priest” of the late 70s to his call toward a radical life change of poverty, embracing the destitute and downtrodden as the founder of the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP)

Monday, June 16th 6:30—8 pm (talk is in church)

St. Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Rd Huntersville, NC 28078 www.stmarknc.org Questions contact Donna Smith (donna.smith@stmarknc.org/ 704-948-1306) This is a free evening, books and CDs will be available to purchase Light refreshments will be served!

and her children, aged 16, 13 and 10. The family’s history parallels that of many working people who don’t earn enough to provide good housing for their family. Their experiences have ranged from apartment complexes where regular shootings made it unsafe for children to play outside to a roach-infested house and other substandard rental units. They are looking forward to moving into the 1,376-square-foot home, which is GreenBuild NC-certified to assure low energy bills. Habitat homeowner mortgage payments are between $475 and $575 per month. Habitat homeowners get 30-year loans with no down payment and 0 percent interest, and their mortgage payments are put back into building more Habitat homes. Like all Habitat homeowners, Meadows had to demonstrate her ability to make the mortgage payments, complete a home ownership class and devote at least 200 volunteer hours to Habit as “sweat equity in her new home.” Meadows is a dispatcher for the Asheville


who allege they were abused by Father Kelleher – one at Our Lady of the Annunciation Church in Albemarle in 1977, the other in about 1980 at Our Lady of the Assumption Church in Charlotte. The lawsuit contends the diocese “knew or should have known since at least the 1970’s that Father Kelleher was abusing minors” and that the diocese was negligent in its oversight. The diocese suspended Father Kelleher from public ministry and alerted authorities after receiving an anonymous abuse allegation posted online in early 2010. He was arrested in July 2010 by Albemarle police and charged with one count of taking indecent liberties with a child. Stanly County prosecutors have continued their investigation but have not brought the case to trial. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police have also had an open investigation since July 2010. No charges have been filed. Father Kelleher remains suspended and lives in a North Carolina nursing home.

Transit Authority, where she has worked for nine years. She was excited at the wall raising and grateful to all who are making her new home possible. “I want to thank all of the volunteers … and I want to thank all of the Habitat staff. You guys rock and you do really good work! You do a lot for a lot of low-income families and I am very appreciative of you,” she said. “I also want to thank the homeowners association (Shiloh Community Association) for coming out today to welcome me to the neighborhood.” “This project here is a great example of what Habitat is all about,” said Kerney MacNeil, a Habitat volunteer and member of St. Lawrence Basilica. “We start with a very generous donor, who is motivated by Pope Francis to make a serious financial contribution so we can buy materials to build a house. Then we have the staff and volunteers of Habitat, who all come together and take those materials and construct a solid, well-built house. “Then it takes the partner families – like the Meadowses – and the hundreds of other families in Asheville who have become Habitat homeowners, to take the well-built house and turn it into a home,” MacNeil said. “Habitat is about people helping people – and it’s true community spirit.”

Abuse cases reported since 2004 14 allegations of sexual misconduct involving seven priests have been reported to the diocese since 2004, according to independent auditors. Four of those priests were from religious orders based outside the diocese; three were diocesan priests. Two had died by the time the abuse allegations were reported. One was cleared and returned to ministry. The other four priests were removed from ministry. Criminal charges were brought against two of them: one case remains open; in the other case, the priest pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 7-10 years in prison. During the 2012-’13 fiscal year, the diocese provided financial assistance to, or on behalf of, victims totaling $14,930, all of which was for counseling and medical services. The diocese also incurred costs in connection with sexual misconduct lawsuits totaling $362,265. Diocesan insurance funds and the diocesan general fund were used for payment. No money from the Diocesan Support Appeal or parish savings were used. — Catholic News Herald


Let’s keep talking.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com


13, suggests that Paul and Barnabas may have been consecrated as bishops on this occasion. Barnabas and Paul left Antioch along with Barnabas’ cousin John Mark, who would later compose the most concise account of Christ’s life and be canonized as St. Mark. The group’s first forays into the pagan world met with some success, but Mark became discouraged and returned to Jerusalem. The question of Mark’s dedication to the mission would arise again later, and cause a significant personal disagreement between Paul and Barnabas. For many years prior to this, however, the two apostles traveled and preached among the Gentiles, suffering persecution and hardships for the sake of establishing Christianity among those of a non-Jewish background. The remarkable success of Barnabas and Paul led to one of the earliest controversies in Church history, regarding the question


as pastor and I have many continuing friendships from that parish. “St. Francis of Assisi, my current assignment, is helping me to grow in my priestly ministry. I’m learning to follow the Lord as the Good Shepherd by becoming a teacher and a true pastor who guides and cares for the flock.” What he enjoys most about the priesthood is “being with people. We help each other in the difficult times, but also we rejoice together when the Lord blesses us in some special way. The lessons he’s learned over the past decade since his ordination? “Lesson one: Never be afraid to teach the faith, but as St. Peter teaches in his first letter, do it with kindness. Lesson two: Each day requires a Holy Hour before the Lord. Lesson three: Know your limits. The shepherd needs his rest; there are times when ‘no’ is an appropriate answer. It’s hard to do what is necessary when you’re exhausted. Lesson four: Remember always the love and the patience that the Lord shows you and then share it with your people,” he emphasized. What advice does he have for men discerning a vocation to the priesthood?

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of whether Christian converts would have to observe Jewish rites. During the landmark Council of Jerusalem, recorded in the book of Acts, the assembled apostles confirmed St. Peter’s earlier proclamation that the laws of the Old Testament would not be mandatory for Christians. Barnabas and Paul finally separated in their ministries, while remaining apostles of the one Catholic Church, over Paul’s insistence that Mark not travel with them again. In death, however, the “Apostles to the Gentiles” were reunited. Mark is said to have buried Barnabas after he was killed by a mob in Cyprus around the year 62. St. Paul and St. Mark were, in turn, reconciled before St. Paul’s martyrdom five years later. He is said to have been stoned to death in Salamis in the year 61. St. Luke described Barnabas as ‘a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith’ (Acts 6:24), and he was known for his exceptional kindliness and personal sanctity, and his openness to pagans. He is the patron saint of Cyprus, Antioch and against hailstorms, and he is invoked as a peacemaker.



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— Catholic News Agency

Journey to the Holy Land with Fr. Hanic, Oct. 20-30 ~ $3,999 “To those discerning a vocation to the priesthood I would say, ‘pray, pray, pray.’ I’m a late vocation, but I was called to the priesthood when I was 9 years old. Without prayer, I would have never found the faith to follow the call. “In their prayer, they need to talk to the Lord – not just about whether they are called to the priesthood, but about the reasons that they may be resisting the call. It wasn’t until I had that conversation with the Lord that He showed me how to move beyond (those reservations). Also they should participate in some ministry in the Church. While it’s not the same as being a priest, you’ll get a better idea of what a priest does, and it will help when you do answer the call.” Father John plans to mark his 10th ordination anniversary by celebrating Mass and “thanking the Lord for calling me and doing what He called me to do. He will also take a trip back to St. Pope John XXIII seminary in October with his seminary class for Alumni Weekend to celebrate their 10 years of priesthood.

‘Each day requires a Holy Hour before the Lord.’

— SueAnn Howell, senior reporter

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catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

Join us for SonFest 2014! St. John Neumann Catholic Church 8451 Idlewild Road | Charlotte, NC 28227

Friday, June 13 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM Saturday, June 14 1:00 PM – 11:00 PM

Our 4th annual event features a variety of entertainment, food, rides and continuous live music on the main stage both nights! • Midway with carnival-favorite foods, games and face painting

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Grand finale fireworks show on Saturday at 10:00 PM sponsored by Keffer Automotive


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 16

IV Congreso Carismático Católico, “El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí” en camino a celebrarse en Charlotte CHARLOTTE — El IV Congreso Carismático Católico: ‘El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí’ se celebrará en Charlotte el 21 de Junio en el local del Oasis Shriners en la 604 Doug Mayes Place en Charlotte. El evento patrocinado por la Renovación Carismática Católica de la Diócesis de Charlotte contará con la presencia de dos renombrados sacerdotes carismáticos, el Padre Pedro Núñez sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleáns, y el Padre Teófilo Rodríguez de Panamá. El Padre Pedro F. Núñez es uno de los más conocidos predicadores católicos en el mundo de habla hispana. Nacido en la Habana, Cuba, emigró a los Estados Unidos en el año 1962. Fue ordenado en el año 1977. Desde el año 1979 dirige el ministerio “Mensaje” de la oficina de comunicaciones de la Arquidiócesis de Nueva Orleáns. El Padre Teófilo Rodríguez es el fundador y responsable de la Fraternidad de la Divina Misericordia de los Sagrados Corazones de Jesús y María, una sociedad de vida apostólica presente en ocho países del Continente Americano y Europa, y que está conformada por clérigos, religiosas y laicos. Se pide una donación de $10 por persona para todos los mayores de 12 años. Para mayor información llamar al hermano Miguel al 828-205-9734, o a la hermana Hortencia al 704-975-8183. — Rico De Silva, Hispanic Communications Reporter

(De Izquierda a derecha) El Obispo Peter Jugis entregando sus facultades de diácono al Diácono Miguel Sebastían, originario de Guatemala. (Arriba a la derecha) El nuevo Diácono Sigfrido Della Valle de El Salvador durante la señal de la Paz con el Obispo Jugis. El Padre Mark Lawlor, Párroco de San Vicente de Paul en Charlotte, durante la envestidura del Diácono Rubén Tamayo. El Diácono Tamayo, originario de Cuba, fue asignado a la Parroquia de San Vicente en Charlotte. Fotos RICO DE SILVA y Sueann Howell | CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Obispo Jugis ordena 16 diáconos permanentes, incluyendo 5 diáconos Latinos Rico De Silva Hispanic Communications Reporter

HUNTERSVILLE — En una histórica ceremonia de ordenación de diáconos permanentes, el Obispo Peter Jugis ordeno a 16 hombres como diáconos permanentes para la Diócesis de Charlotte el 31 de Mayo en la Parroquia de San Marcos en Huntersville. Cinco de los 16 diáconos permanentes ordenados en una gloriosa ceremonia son hispanos de cinco diferentes países. La clase más grande de diáconos hispanos en la historia de la diócesis está compuesta de: El Diácono Guillermo Anzola de Colombia, Diácono Sigfrido Della Valle de El Salvador; Diácono Marcos Mejías de Puerto Rico; Diácono Miguel Sebastián de Guatemala y el Diácono Ruben Tamayo de Cuba. Esposas, hijos, demás familiares y amigos de los nuevos diáconos colmaron la Iglesia de San Marcos para celebrar y mostrar su gratitud a estos hombres que caminaron un largo y arduo camino de formación que toma un total de 7 años de estudios y formación. “Estamos muy contentos de tener 5 excelentes hombres con la capacidad bilingüe de hablar español,” dijo el Diácono Ron Steinkamp, Director del Diaconado Permanente en la Diócesis de Charlotte. “Antes de esta ordenación, solo contábamos con 8 diáconos bilingües en toda la diócesis,” agregó el Diácono Steinkamp. A pesar de que es un motivo de gran orgullo para la comunidad hispana el tener 5 nuevos diáconos permanentes Latinos, los cinco nuevos diáconos están conscientes de que el servicio es para todos los miembros de la Iglesia, “Hay que pensar primero que hemos sido preparados para servir a la comunidad Católica de Charlotte en general, Anglos, Hispanos y de cualquiera otro origen étnico,” dijo el Diácono Anzola. “Pero como descendiente Hispano y viendo la gran necesidad que los sacerdotes tienen en las parroquias con el crecimiento de la comunidad Hispana, debo estar presto a ayudar en todo lo que más pueda con la comunidad y estar atento a escuchar a las necesidades de la gente,” concluyó él. La ardua y larga formación del diaconado permanente es 100% en inglés, y los cinco nuevos diáconos dominan tanto el español como el inglés completamente. Como la mayoría de los diáconos permanentes están casados, las esposas de ellos tienen que darle un apoyo total al proceso de formación. “El papel que jugo mi esposa fue vital, Ella me instruía, me hacia compañía, me daba fuerzas cuando yo ya no tenia, me atendía, pero lo más importante era que crecíamos juntos y nos acercábamos más a Dios,” dijo el Diácono salvadoreño Della Valle.

Más en-línea En www.catholicnewsherald.com: Para ver más fotos y un video de la ordenación de los diáconos permanentes

El Diácono puertorriqueño Mejías ofreció su gratitud y amor a su esposa durante el proceso y camino al Altar de la Iglesia, “Definitivamente mi esposa Yvonne Del Valle jugó un papel muy importante en la formación, y lo continua siendo. Ella es y será por siempre mi media naranja en mis decisiones y trabajo por venir. Ella fue quien me ayudó en mis decisiones en la formación del diaconado. Muchas veces pido al Señor que me de lo que ella tiene,” dijo Mejías. “Las esposas fueron requeridas a ir a la mayoría de las clases y retiros que tuvimos en el Centro de Conferencia Católico en Hickory… Por este motivo es crítico que las esposas demuestren una disposición de sacrificarse juntos a nosotros durante este proceso, que a veces parece interminable y exige mucho de ambos. Dos de los candidatos que empezaron el proceso con nuestro grupo tuvieron que retirarse más o menos a la mitad del camino porque sus familias necesitaban más de su tiempo del que los estudios le permitían,” dijo el Diácono Rubén Tamayo. El Diácono Anzola fue asignado a la Parroquia de Nuestra Sra. de Lourdes en Monroe; el Diácono Sigfrido Della Valle fue asignado a la Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción en Forest City; el Diácono Marcos Mejías fue asignado a la Parroquia de la Sagrada Familia en Clemmons; el Diácono Miguel Sebastián fue asignado a la Parroquia de St. Charles Borromeo en Morganton, y el Diácono Ruben Tamayo fue asignado a la Parroquia de San Vicente de Paul en Charlotte. El Diácono Guatemalteco exhortó a otros hombres hispanos de la diócesis a seguir el camino de servir como diáconos permanentes, “Solo quiero animar a aquel que piensa a ser un diacono permanente de la Iglesia o que siente ese llamado en su corazón que busque ayuda y que no tenga miedo a decir ‘Si’ a Dios,” dijo el Diácono guatemalteco. Durante la conclusión de la Misa de ordenación el Obispo Jugis agradeció a los nuevos diáconos permanentes por su arduo trabajo durante la formación y les prometió orar por ellos diariamente y con una sonrisa les dijo a todos “que hay mucho trabajo que hacer en la diócesis y ese trabajo comienza para Uds. ahora mismo.”

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Or in this case $ 19 million. The CCHS Foundation proudly congratulates the class of 2014

Every year the “Wall” goes up at Charlotte Catholic High School, telling the story of the senior class. This year’s story is an amazing testament to the success of the class of 2014: four service academy appointments, 17 signed National Letters of Intent to pursue sports in college, and acceptance to 86 colleges and universities in 26 states and Scotland. Over 97% of the CCHS class of 2014 will attend a four year university. Together they have earned over $19 million in scholarships. The Wall tells the story of not just the 344 members of the class of 2014, it also represents the hard work, dedication and support of families, parents, mentors, teachers and staff. The Charlotte Catholic High School Foundation salutes their collective success and the start of the next chapter for this amazing group of graduates.



iiiJune 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com


‘Serve the Lord joy

photos by sueann howell, patricia guilfoyle and rico de silva | catholic news herald

(Clockwise, from far left) The 16 deacons lay prostrate during the Litany of Supplication; James Trombley pledges his allegiance to Bishop Peter Jugis and his successors; and Gulliermo Anzola is called forth from the congregation.

Bishop Jugis ordains 16 deacons May 31 SueAnn Howell Senior reporter

HUNTERSVILLE — “Relying on the help of the Lord God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, we choose these, our brothers, for the order of the diaconate.” These words by Bishop Peter J. Jugis were met by thunderous applause from the congregation at the permanent diaconate ordination Mass at St. Mark Church May 31. Sixteen men in crisp, new white albs, most standing next to their wives, were called forward to stand before Bishop Jugis at the beginning of the Mass. During the ordination rite, each took a turn kneeling before Bishop Jugis to pledge their allegiance to him and the diocese in their ministry as deacons. “Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, our brothers have now been chosen for ordination to the diaconate,” Bishop Jugis said. “They will now receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and the grace of the sacrament of holy orders to assist me and the priests

in the ministry of the Word, in the ministry of the Altar and the ministry of Charity.” He explained to the 16 men how they will serve the Church in their new role as permanent deacons – how they will now proclaim the Gospel at Mass, prepare the altar at Mass and distribute the Lord’s Body and Blood to the faithful. “They will be in the very privileged position of being at the side of the priest at the altar during the celebration of the sacred mysteries, the source and summit of the Church’s life. How blessed they will be to be present at such a place in service to the Lord and to the priest, and how humble they must also be to be in that position,” Bishop Jugis said. The newly ordained deacons will also administer the sacrament of baptism, assist at and bless marriages, bring viaticum to the dying, conduct funeral rites and preside over public prayers. They become heralds of the Gospel in the ministry of the Word. They will also deliver a homily at the invitation of their pastor


June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.comiii


yfully and faithfully’ Parish assignments The 16 new deacons will serve 14 parishes in the diocese: — Guillermo D. Anzola, assigned to Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Monroe — James E. Bozik, assigned to St. Peter’s Church in Charlotte — Sigfrido A. Della Valle, assigned to Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City — Joseph A. Diaz, assigned to St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Charlotte — Michael F. Goad, assigned to St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte — John A. Harrison, assigned to Holy Family Church in Clemmons — Thomas E. McGahey, assigned to St. Mark Church in Huntersville — Marcos Mejias, assigned to Holy Family Church in Clemmons — Thomas D. Sanctis, assigned to St. Ann Church in Charlotte — C. William Schreiber, assigned to St. Aloysius Church in Hickory — Gary J. Schrieber, assigned to St. Matthew Church in Charlotte and instruct the faithful in the teachings of the Church. “St. Paul reminds us in our second reading today: We do not preach ourselves, or our own opinion, but we preach Jesus Christ as Lord, and we are slaves for the sake of Jesus.” The deacons are also ordained for the ministry of Charity, bringing the love of Christ to others with a special concern for the sick and the poor, following the example of Jesus Himself, who came not to be served but to serve. “Now, my dear sons, you are to be raised to the order of the diaconate. Jesus, by His own life, gave us many examples of service to human needs: feeding the hungry, healing the sick, laying down His life for all humanity’s salvation. As He served in love and mercy, so also you should do. Serve the Lord joyfully and faithfully.” Bishop Jugis also thanked each deacon’s wife and family for their support during each man’s spiritual formation, which takes several years. He urged everyone to continue to pray for the new deacons and support them in their work on behalf of the Church. Finally, he noted that the deacons have much to do in service to the Church in their various parishes. With a smile, he told the deacons that their

More online At www.catholicnewsherald.com: See more photos from the ordination Mass, and read more reflections from some of the new deacons At the Diocese of Charlotte’s YouTube channel: See video highlights from the ordination Mass

ministry “begins now.” The 16 new deacons join the diocese’s 91 other deacons in active ministry – making the total number of permanent deacons a recordsetting 107. They join an estimated 15,191 active permanent deacons in the United States today. After Mass, the new Deacon Jack Staub shared what the ordination was like from his perspective: “When we went up the aisle to lay prostrate before the Lord, seeing the faces of the people as we walked out amongst the people was so symbolic of a reality that I did not understand before. People had talked about the grace of ordination that had seemed vague to me. I can say now that it is real, although

somewhat still difficult to explain. The best way that I can describe it is that there is a clarity to the ways of God that I did not see before. The crucifix now appears to show more than I saw before. I am quite thankful for so many blessings, and most especially to being able to minister with and to the people of the Diocese of Charlotte.” Newly-ordained Deacon Mark Mejias added, “At the ordination my whole body was full with the Holy Spirit. While I saw the people coming forward I felt so humble, so not worthy and I felt the presence of the Lord all around me. I realize that my life will change going forward and I’m willing and wanting to set out on this new journey all for Our Lord Jesus Christ. So, as we go forward, I am ready to accept all that He wants to do with me. I am ready to accept His command.” Deacon Ron Steinkamp, director of the permanent diaconate, said of the ordination, “It was a time of grace – grace for the Diocese of Charlotte and the grace of the sacrament of holy orders for these good men. Bishop Jugis has been so kind in his support for the diaconate, and this event culminates years of preparation supported by his prayers and allocation of resources to their formation. We are all so grateful.”

— Miguel Sebastian, assigned to St. Charles Borromeo Church in Morganton — Jack G. Staub, assigned to St. Matthew Church in Charlotte — Ruben Tamayo, assigned to St. Vincent de Paul Church in Charlotte — James P. Trombley, assigned to St. Mary Help of Christians Church in Shelby — Emmanuel O. Ukattah, assigned to St. Mary Church in Greensboro


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 FROM THE COVER

(Top) Father Timothy Reid, pastor of St. Ann Church, vests his new permanent deacon, Tom Sanctis. (Above) Father Mark Lawlor, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, vests his parish youth minister and now his newest deacon, RubĂŠn Tamayo.

During the ordination rite, Bishop Jugis places the Book of the Gospels into the hands of Deacon Emmanuel O. Ukattah, who will serve St. Mary Church in Greensboro.

(Above) Permanent deacons share the sign of peace during the ordination Mass. (At right) Tom McGahey takes his turn kneeling before Bishop Jugis during the ordination rite.

(Clockwise, above): Bishop Jugis invokes the Holy Spirit during the ordination of Deacon Michael Goad; Deacon Sigfrido Della Valle embraces Bishop Jugis after he is ordained; Deacon Miguel Sabastian shakes Bishop Jugis’ hand upon receiving his faculties after the ordination Mass.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com FROM THE COVERI


Meet our new permanent deacons

Joseph A. Diaz spent his formative years in New Jersey and came to Charlotte in 1994. Baptized a Lutheran, he came into the Catholic Church in 2003 through the RCIA program. He and his wife Carol are members of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Charlotte.

Guillermo D. Anzola was born in Colombia, South America, and moved to Charlotte in 1986 with his wife Nora and family to pursue postgraduate studies. St. Vincent de Paul Church was his home parish. He is one of five men of this ordination class with Spanish as a first language.

James E. Bozik came to North Carolina from Lorain, Ohio, and to Charlotte in 2003. He has a M.A. in statistics from Penn State University. His home parish is St. Peter Church in Charlotte.

Sigfrido A. Della Valle was born in San Salvador, El Salvador. Educated in Catholic schools as a youth, he came to the U.S. in 1980 to Los Angeles and later to North Carolina. He and his wife Sonia have three daughters. His home parish is Immaculate Conception Church in Forest City.

Michael F. Goad was born in Seattle, Wash., grew up in Aiken, S.C., and graduated from the University of South Carolina-Aiken. He and his wife Lisa have attended St. Gabriel Church in Charlotte since they moved to North Carolina in 1998.

John A. Harrison is a native of Richmond, Va. He has a degree from Virginia Tech, where he met his wife Ann at a Catholic Newman Center event. He has been very active in the Knights of Columbus and served a threeyear term on the Supreme Council Board of Directors-International. In that capacity he and Ann attended an audience and were personally greeted by then Pope Benedict XVI. They are members of Holy Family Parish in Clemmons.

Thomas E. McGahey was ordained in his home parish of St. Mark Church in Huntersville. A Wayne State University graduate, he and his wife Nancy are both Michigan natives. An active Catholic, he is a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher and a founding member of the St. Mark Council of the Knights of Columbus. He and his wife have also been active in the Cursillo Movement.

Marcos Mejias was born in Wisconsin and educated in Puerto Rico, the homeland of his parents, from the age of 15. It was in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, that he married Yvonne at the Church of Sangrada Familia (Holy Family). They are members of Holy Family Parish in Clemmons.

Thomas D. Sanctis is a native of Pittsburgh, Pa. The University of Colorado-Boulder is his alma mater, and he met his wife Teresa while skiing in Vail, Colo. Their jobs moved them to Charlotte in 1987. They were members of St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Charlotte.

C. William Schreiber is now a school principal with Caldwell County Schools after traveling the world while serving 23 years with the U.S. Navy. He and his wife Brenda are members of St. Aloysius Parish in Hickory. The late deacon Hugo May of his parish was most influential in his call to the diaconate.

Gary J. Schrieber is an Ohio native. He is a graduate of Youngstown State University and works in computer technology. He has been active in his parish as well as in community ministries such as homeless shelters and Habitat for Humanity. He and his wife Marilyn are members of St. Matthew Parish in Charlotte.

Miguel Sebastian recently became a U.S. citizen. He and his wife Anna are natives of Guatemala, and they are members of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Morganton. He has been a leader for several years at a weekly Hispanic charismatic prayer meeting at his parish for more than 200 souls.

Jack G. Staub still retains some of his native Louisiana accent, although he and his wife Susan have lived in Charlotte since 1993. He has a chemical engineering degree from Louisiana State University, and he met Susan while at college there in Baton Rouge, La. He attended Catholic schools in Metairie, La. They are parishioners at St. Matthew Church in Charlotte.

RubĂŠn Tamayo was born and baptized in Havana, Cuba. He and his wife Aida came to Charlotte in 1997. With a Bachelor of Science in computer science, he and his wife Aida now both work at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Charlotte, where he is the youth ministry director and she is the faith formation coordinator.

James P. Trombley spent his early years in St. Albans, Vt. After 20 years in the U.S. Air Force, he and his wife Carole landed in Shelby, where they are members of St. Mary Help of Christians Parish.

Emmanuel O. Ukattah and his wife Martina are natives of Nigeria. Now a naturalized U.S. citizen, he and his wife are members of St. Mary Parish in Greensboro and are involved with the charismatic prayer group there. — Deacon Ronald Steinkamp, director, Diocese of Charlotte Permanent Diaconate

Our schools 22

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

‘You will be amazed what a force for good you will be in the world if you just carry that joy of Christ with you.’

Bishop Jugis encourages graduates: ‘Be joyful as Christians’ SueAnn Howell and Georgianna Penn Catholic News Herald

CHARLOTTE — “The world needs the joy of Christians,” Bishop Peter Jugis told graduates of Charlotte Catholic and Bishop McGuinness high schools during separate baccalaureate Masses in late May. In his homily for each Mass, Bishop Jugis drew on the theme of joy, reflecting on the Gospel reading of John 20:19-23. In Charlotte on May 28, a sea of CCHS Class of 2014 graduates in red graduation robes flowed into St. Matthew Church, leading the procession for Mass. “Dear graduating seniors, I can tell that you are thinking about many things as I watched you gather for Mass this evening,” Bishop Jugis said as he looked out over the front pews filled with graduates. “As we celebrate this baccalaureate Mass, I am grateful to see you in such a prayerful mood, but I know many things must be going through your mind as you prepare now to move beyond your high school years and move on with your life. “As you move forward, there is one word in this Gospel today that is worth taking with you as you move out into the world, and that is the response that the disciples give to Jesus when He comes to them in the Upper Room. That one word is joy – to be joyful as Christians.” The passage from the Gospel of St. John takes us back to the Upper Room where the gathered Apostles encountered the Risen Christ, who came and stood in their midst despite the locked doors, he noted. “St. John tells us the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Risen Lord. And as they are rejoicing, Jesus says to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ And He says this not just one time, but two times.” We too rejoice at knowing the Risen Christ, he said, and this joy is the characteristic mark of Christians and the Church for the past 20 centuries. “You are also celebrating your graduation during the Easter season of joy. So I ask you to carry that joy with you as you move forward. I say that because the world needs the joy of Christians. Don’t be sad people. Christians are joyful. They are not gloomy and they are not pessimistic. It is a contradiction for a Christian to be gloomy or pessimistic,” he said, echoing the theme of Pope Francis’ first exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium” (“The Joy of the Gospel”). He explained that the joy Christians have does not come from having material wealth or worldly success. True Christian joy comes from knowing that we live in the presence of the Lord and that He is with us, he said. “Our joy comes from encountering Jesus who is alive and with us. What could bring more peace to a soul or joy to a heart than to be with the Lord, our Savior, our Messiah?” “The joy comes from knowing you are never alone,” Bishop Jugis continued, even in difficult moments.

Photos by SueAnn Howell | Catholic News Herald

(Left) Bishop Peter Jugis accepts the offertory gifts from a Charlotte Catholic High School student during the school’s annual baccalaureate Mass May 28 at St. Matthew Church. (Above) Graduates of the Class of 2014 process in for Mass.

(Left) The 2014 graduates of Bishop McGuinness High School in Kernersville all gave their mothers red roses. (Below) Thomas Chappelow hugs his mom Sara King Chappelow during Bishop McGuinness High School’s baccalaureate Mass May 23. Photos by Georgianna Penn | Catholic News Herald

“Even when you come up against problems and obstacles that seem insurmountable, the Risen Savior will always be with you. We all come across problems that seem insurmountable – that’s when the devil comes to try to discourage us. Don’t listen to him.” Jesus “carries you on His shoulders like a Good Shepherd,” he said. “This is our joy which we must bring into the world. If you are truly in love with God and you get a sense of how much He loves you, then your heart lights up with joy that spreads to all around you.” “You will be amazed what a force for good you will be in the world if you just carry that joy of Christ with you.” In Greensboro, a baccalaureate Mass

honoring the 2014 graduating class of Bishop McGuinness High School was celebrated May 23 at St. Pius X Church in Greensboro. Family and friends of the 130-plus graduates, teachers, priests and deacons from the diocese, Knights of Columbus honor guard, the BMHS Honors Chorus along with the choir of St. Leo the Great Church all blessed the celebration with their attendance. Graduates dressed in complete graduation attire, some wearing medals reflecting their academic honors. Many graduates participated in the Mass as gift bearers, lectors, choir members and musicians. Grads also honored their mothers during the Mass with red roses and hugs. In his homily, Bishop Jugis similarly

encouraged the graduates, “If you are truly in love with God, it lights up your heart with joy.” This joy does not come from possessions, but from a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, he said. And, he pointed out, “The world needs the joy of Christians.” This awareness of God’s never-ending love for us brings a deep joy in our lives, he said. “He is with you always and will never leave you alone. He carries you on His shoulder like a Good Shepherd.” Filling graduates with hope, inspiring them to share the joy of Christ and reminding them of God’s eternal love, Bishop Jugis closed with a prayer and well wishes for graduates: “May you journey from hope to clear vision.”

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

Unique Asheville high school marks end of first year Kimberly Bender Online reporter

FLETCHER — Western North Carolina has its own unique private high school, more than 40 years after Asheville Catholic High School closed its doors. The initial year for Canongate High School has been successful, said principal, teacher and co-founder Sedrick Dellinger. Canongate, which is operated independently of the Diocese of Charlotte’s school system, opened in September with 14 students. It is affiliated with the National Association of Private Catholic and Independent Schools (NAPCIS). “It has been a very successful and exciting year,” Dellinger said. “We have students who have stepped up and committed to the cause. The students and their families understand the importance of rising to the occasion. I really admire their courage.” Canongate is described as a co-educational, liberal arts high school offering an integrated, classical curriculum within the Catholic and Appalachian traditions, Dellinger said, filling a growing educational Dellinger need for the Catholic parishes and K-8 schools in the region. Its stated mission is “to educate the whole person in truth, goodness, and beauty by emphasizing the role of art, music, poetic knowledge, logic, conversation, and writing.” The new school, situated halfway between Asheville and Hendersonville, gives students who graduate from Immaculata Catholic School in Hendersonville, Asheville Catholic School and the many homeschool families in the region a high school to continue their academic and religious education. Father Adrian Porras, pastor of St. Barnabas Parish in Arden, is serving as the interim spiritual advisor for the school. “There’s been talking about trying to start a Catholic high school for a while,” Father Porras said. “This school gives an option to parents who want to send their children to not just a private school, but a Catholic school to attend high school.” Canongate is not affiliated with St. Barnabas Church and is not sponsored by the diocese, but Dellinger and about half the students belong to his parish, Father Porras said. Other Catholic students belong to St. Lawrence Basilica Parish, Immaculate Conception Parish in Hendersonville and St. John the Baptist Parish in Tryon. Canongate High School is a lay initiative that operates in line with the Magisterium and provides a classical education based on “the Trivium” of logic, grammar and

St. Matthew “yoU”niversity

More online At www.canongatecatholic.org: Learn more about western North Carolina’s unique private high school and apply for the 2014-’15 school year.

Summer Forum 2014 Adult Religious Education – All are Welcome! June Offerings

rhetoric, Dellinger said. Before coming to Canongate, Dellinger served as principal at Veritas Christian Academy in Fletcher for more than a decade. He has two degrees in theology and has also served as a humanities teacher at various private academies in North Carolina. “We’re independent in our curriculum but in line with the Church, loyal to the Church and to the diocese,” Dellinger said. “Our school is a distinct form of a classical curriculum, with an emphasis on the classical liberal arts – philosophy, logic, rhetoric, debate and Latin. We’re teaching subjects that go beyond North Carolina academic standards.” Canongate leased space at the Asheville Catholic Korean Association for the first year, but Dellinger said the school is expanding to a larger property for next school year. He said the new location will be flexible to meet the school’s growing needs over the next three to five years. Canongate is funded by tuition fees of $5,500 per student, private donations and fundraisers. The school has met its fundraising goals this year, Dellinger said. For its first school year, Canongate enrolled 14 students from 10 families (eight freshmen, one sophomore, four juniors and one senior), educated by two full-time and four part-time teachers. Students do not have to be Catholic, but full-time faculty and staff are required to be Catholic and active in their parishes. “I would say it’s been going really well,” Father Porras said of the school’s first year. “When I’m there, the kids are upbeat. The instructors are always willing to teach.” The students have had a very active first year, including several service projects, a Bearwallow Mountain hike, ski trip, formal debates, competitive cross country and the beginnings of a juggling club, Dellinger said. The students sold out two performances of a play, “The Man Who Was Thursday,” adapting a book by G.K. Chesterton for the community stage. Next year, Canongate will add two sports: boys soccer and basketball. “It’s been a busy, fun year. We’re a very, very active school,” Dellinger said. “We want high standards and a family environment. We really put an emphasis on the artistic application of all we’re learning, from art classes to music Fridays.” The school plans to grow slowly, Dellinger said, adding five to 10 students over the next couple of years, although there’s no cap on enrollment.

S-1: An Introduction to Scripture | Sr. Mary Hugh Mauldin, RSM, MA | Fee: $20 Wednesdays, June 18 & 25 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm | St. Matthew Church – Charlotte Scripture is sacred writing. All religions have Scripture. What makes a book “sacred”? What keeps the Bible a best-seller? How is Scripture connected to our Catholic teaching? Come see how reading Scripture can enhance your spiritual life and your growth as a Catholic Christian. S-2: ScreamFree Parenting | Jenny Cox, Certified ScreamFree Parenting Professional Monday, June 23 – Friday, June 27 from 9:30am to 11:30am | Fee: $20 per family St. Matthew Church – Charlotte ScreamFree Parenting is a revolutionary approach that invites parents of all ages (with kids of all ages) to focus on themselves, press the “pause button” on emotion and create close, meaningful family relationships. ScreamFree Parenting has helped millions of parents create a calmer household with more cooperation and respect. Moms, dads or both are welcome to attend.

Two FREE Special Event Workshops

Sponsored by the churches of St. Matthew – St. Gabriel – St. Peter S-3A: Transformed People, Transformed Parish, Transformed World | Jack Jezreel, M.Div. Monday, June 23 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm | St. Peter Church – Charlotte The call of the Gospel and the testimony of Pope Francis speak to a vision of faith that is joyful, compassionate, active and attentive to the wounds of the world. Exploring the link between a life worth living and a love worth sharing. Jack will not only inspire you but provide some of the tools that can help you inspire your parish. S-3B: St. Francis, Pope Francis and a Vision for a Parish in the 21st Century Jack Jezreel, M.Div. | Tuesday, June 24 at 7:00pm | St. Matthew Church – Charlotte How will the invitation and challenge of St. Francis and Pope Francis influence our life of love, sense of community and discipleship? Jack will invite us to consider a vision of what that influence will have on our everyday life in our parish. Jack Jezreel is an internationally known speaker and justice educator. He holds an M.Div. from Notre Dame, has spent six years working in a Catholic Worker community and has been involved in parish based social justice ministry for twenty five years. He is the author of JustFaith and serves as Executive Director of JustFaith Ministries.

For a complete list of all “yoU”niversity courses being offered during June, July and August, please visit: www.stmatthewcatholic.org For more details on these programs, please contact Michael Burck at 704-541-8362 ext. 4 or by email at mburck@stmatthewcatholic.org

Summer Forum 2014 Registration Fill out the registration form, detach and enclose the per-person, per-course fee. Make checks payable to St. Matthew Catholic Church. Mail in or drop off an envelope marked Summer Forum to St. Matthew Catholic Church, PO Box 49349, Charlotte, NC 28277. Fees are non-refundable after the class begins. Please print clearly.



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catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Holy Trinity Middle School student gets to third round in National Spelling Bee Kimberly Bender Online reporter

CHARLOTTE — Many say the art of spelling is lost on the youth, who have autocorrect to update text as they type. For 14-year-old Holy Trinity Middle School graduate Mary Polking, she prefers to write on pen and paper, her mother Jean Polking said. This avid reader got the chance to exercise her spelling muscles May 27-29 at the 88th Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. Mary was one of 14 students from North Carolina, competing against 280 other students from across the country and the world. She was eliminated during the third round May 28. Her word was “philiater,” which means one interested in medical science. She spelled it “philiator.” To prepare for the spelling bee, Mary spent time looking through the dictionary and reading as many books as she could. Her favorite book is “To Kill a

Mary Polking won The Charlotte Observer Spelling Bee earlier this year. Jeff Willhelm | The Charlotte Observer


Classified For Sale: Townhouse near 15th & Davidson Street, Charlotte. 2 BR – 2.5 Bath Spectacular view of downtown, call Fr. John Hoover 704-344-0934 for details.

Mockingbird.” She speaks a little French, Spanish, Latin and German, and she spends her free time playing tennis and taking piano lessons. She also volunteers to help teach children with special needs. “Mary’s always been a good speller,” Jean said. “She’s always been an avid reader and I think that has helped, definitely. She reads a lot, and by reading exposes herself to all these unusual words she may not otherwise be familiar with.” Jean added that her daughter, who will attend Charlotte Catholic High School this fall, just has a “knack” for spelling. “She likes to flip through and find hard words. She’s been doing it all on her own. She’s pretty independent about it.” Mary studied from the Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, a copy of which she won at the regional bee in February, sponsored by The Charlotte Observer. Leading up the regional competition, Mary said she wasn’t concerned about whether or not she’d win. She was just excited to be a part of the event. All of the attention about the national competition has been a little overwhelming, she said. “Sometimes it’s really exciting and sometimes it’s a little embarrassing.” Jean said this competition is exciting for the whole Polking family, but she added that she is glad she was not the one on stage being asked to spell difficult words. “The pressure is pretty intense for this, but she seems to handle this pressure well,” Jean said. “She’s a great kid, very bright.”


Discover Natural Family Planning Modern Natural Family Planning (NFP) provides a practical and empowering alternative used to achieve or avoid pregnancy. It upholds the dignity of the person within the context of marriage and family and promotes openness to life by respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage.

What will you learn by taking a free, one-day class? • Effectiveness of modern NFP methods. • Health, relational, and spiritual benefits. • Health risks of popular contraceptives. • Church teachings on responsible parenting. • How to use Natural Family Planning. June 21 – St. Matthew Catholic Church, Charlotte July 26 – St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Hickory August 16 – St. Matthew Catholic Church, Charlotte September 6 – Holy Family Catholic Church, Clemmons For more information visit our website or contact Batrice Adcock, MSN at 704.370.3230 or bnadcock@charlottediocese.org.

St. Michael Catholic School - Gastonia, NC is seeking candidates for the position of school principal. The school has an enrollment of 170 in PreK – 8th grade and employs 30 faculty & staff members. Terms of the position are: 12 month contract and salary is negotiable based upon experience and qualifications. Qualifications: • Must be a practicing Catholic • Must have a Master's Degree in Educational Administration or a Master's Degree in Education with a focus on Curriculum or Instruction PLUS 18 hours of Administrative coursework • Must have or be eligible for NC Principal's Certification • Must possess excellent communication and writing skills • Must possess financial knowledge and administrative experience. • Experience in a Catholic School is desirable, preferably in a leadership position.

Please visit www.charlottediocese.org and complete an employment application. Send application, cover letter and resume to: Principal Search Committee St. Michael Catholic School 704 St. Michael’s Ln Gastonia, NC 28052 or email cwkoury@charlottediocese.org

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI


One-handed eighth-grader inspires others with her sports skills, determination Kimberly Bender Online reporter

GREENSBORO — Ali Southard always finds a way to tackle any challenge. The 14-year-old eighth-grader is a varsity basketball player and honor student at Our Lady of Grace School. And Ali was born with one hand. “I just try to approach life as it comes every day,” Ali says. “Faith helps me to be courageous when I try new things.” She’s never had any issues with people accepting her, adds her father Scott Southard. “She’s never had any sort of special treatment and never wanted it. She’s always been mainstreamed in everything she does. She finds a way to find a way to do anything.” To everyone who knows Ali, she’s no different than anyone else. When her parents told her brother Luke about her being interviewed by the Catholic News Herald, they asked the 12-year-old if he knew why she could be an inspiration. His response? “Because she gets good grades.” Ali is a very active, outgoing girl, her parents say. She’s participated in gymnastics and ballet, pitched for a softball league, played piano and soccer, too. “People often comment at just how amazed they are that she does everything everyone else does,” says Ali’s mom Kelly. “She’s a natural athlete. She’s never shied away from anything because she has one hand.” The most important thing about Ali is that she has never let anything get in her way, her mom says. “She’s just had such a great attitude about everything. She’s never been down on herself. She doesn’t want any breaks. Her coach will yell at her like he will anyone else. No matter what Ali tries, she finds a way to do it. She may do some things differently, but she figures it out. I’m amazed. And some things she even does better.” Dennis Finnegan, who coached Ali in basketball in seventh and eighth grades, said Ali has been an inspiration to their team. “When I first met Ali at tryouts, I wasn’t sure how her physical challenge would affect her basketball ability

for such a physical game,” he says. “I soon learned that Ali’s determination and hard work would overcome her physical challenge and she would not let it interfere with the development of her basketball skills. What I didn’t realize is how good a player she would become.” Ali’s hard work at practice and skill development quickly earned her a starting position on the varsity team, which she held for two years, Finnegan says. “She became a very good shooter and excellent defender and has all the basketball fundamentals to play at the next level. Ali was an inspiration to me as her coach and to her teammates. I know she will be very successful in all her future endeavors, and it was a pleasure to have coached her in middle school basketball.” Ali says she is looking forward to attending Bishop McGuinness High School this fall, where she plans to play soccer and basketball. “I’m real excited to play sports and make new friends,” Ali says. “I’m not scared.” Photo provided by Kelly Southard Our Lady of Grace School, which she’s attended since (From left) Kelly, Ali and Scott Southard pose for a family photo. Ali, an kindergarten, has been a good, supportive environment for eighth grade student at Our Lady of Grace School was born with one hand. her, Kelly says. “She’s never had to face criticism, and she’s been treated like everyone else by teachers and students.” People don’t see her as different, her parents say. During a soccer game, a referee tried to penalize her More online during a throw-in for tossing the ball with just one hand, At www.catholicnewsherald.com: View a video story about Scott says. Ali Southard produced by a High Point University journalism Ali plays point guard and guard on the court, and student. she’s often picked up fans from opposing teams who clap for her once they see her talents. Even a High Point University journalism student saw her play and created a video project about her, which her parents say wrote about Ali in a medical journal when she was a baby, captured her story very nicely. they aren’t quite sure why she was born with one hand, To someone struggling with a physical limitation, Ali Scott says. Medical experts believe she may have had a says, “I would tell them to never give up and keep trying at blood clot in her arm in while she was developing in utero. it. Sometimes during basketball, there’s a skill that’s tough “We were naturally surprised for a bit when she was for me. But I find a way to work around it.” Ali’s mom had two ultrasounds when she was pregnant with born, but we never looked at it as an issue. We felt very fortunate and blessed,” Kelly says. “We use our faith to Ali, but neither showed evidence of a limb defect, they say. deal with whatever happens in life.” Although doctors performed genetic testing, and one even


Fr. Joseph Koterski Returns to Charlotte Diocese in July World Refugee Day Refugees are victims of war, political upheaval or persecution. To stay alive, they are forced to leave home for camps in neighboring countries. A fortunate few have the opportunity to escape that life. Catholic Charities has welcomed more than 11,000 refugees to Charlotte, and more than 300 in the last year alone. Join CCDOC in celebrating the brave, hardworking and resilient refugees for World Refugee Day!

Charlotte World Refugee Day June 22, 2014 Freedom Park 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

For the tenth year, Catholic Charities is pleased to host Fr. Joseph Koterski, S.J., Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University. He will give several presentations sponsored by the Office of Social Concerns and Advocacy and will also lead two Elder Ministry Days of Reflection during the week of Monday, July 7 through Friday, July 11 at various locations, including Belmont, Charlotte, Franklin, Greensboro and Lincolnton. His presentations will be on St. Ignatius Loyola, the Society of Jesus and Ignatian Spirituality and Pope Francis: Reflections on the Man and the Message.

Please visit ccdoc.org for more information and registration details.


catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

For the latest news 24/7: catholicnewsherald.com

In Brief St. Michael School starts robotics program GASTONIA — St. Michael School announces its inaugural robotics program in partnership with Cyberkids Robotics. The team sponsorship has been generously provided by Belmont Abbey College making this endeavor possible. St. Michael School seeks to build knowledge of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) skills as our children explore God’s world. Students will learn how to assemble LEGO robots and program them to perform various tasks. Public speaking skills and teamwork will be showcased in a local competition later in the year. — Pat Burr

ACS students donate hair to cancer patients

OLM says goodbye to ‘Friar Bill’ WINSTON-SALEM — On May 30, students at Our Lady of Mercy School said goodbye to Conventual Franciscan Father William Robinson, whom they affectionately call “Friar Bill.” He has been the pastor at Our Lady of Mercy Church for 12 years and will be reassigned this summer. The students and school community participated in a special blessing to wish him well, wherever his journey may take him.

His Excellency The Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis Bishop of Charlotte requests the honor of your presence at the Liturgy of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood Reverend Mr. Paul Maxwell Buchanan Reverend Mr. Noah Christian Carter Reverend Mr. Paul David McNulty Saturday, the twenty-eighth day of June Two thousand and fourteen at ten o’clock in the morning Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road Huntersville, North Carolina Reception immediately following Parish Hall

Sacred Heart wins worm composting grant SALISBURY — Sacred Heart School recently received the Rowan County Farm Bureau’s Going Local Grant for $500, presented by Robin Starnes. This is a grant given to teachers across the state to implement agriculture-related curriculum in the classroom. The school is using the grant to fund a school-wide vermiculture (worm) composting program. Beginning next year, middle school gardener club members will collect food waste from the lunch periods and feed the worms. The worms will break down the collected food and create soil to be used in the school garden. This school year’s Master Gardener volunteer Randy Cox has been working with the sixth grade every other week to teach them about gardening. He and Hillary Shores, middle school science teacher, have also worked with Danielle Cutting and Sara Drake from the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service to start a 4-H gardening club: “The Sacred Heart Cultivators.” They meet every Thursday after school and have most recently built raised beds for the school garden. Pictured are Starnes and Shores with the Master Gardener Club members. — Robin Fisher We welcome your school’s news! Email your news items and photos to Editor Patricia L. Guilfoyle at plguilfoyle@ charlottediocese.org.

Shelby Harrell The Biltmore Beacon

ASHEVILLE — Eight students and three adults from Asheville Catholic School donated eight inches of their hair last month to benefit the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program. Similar to Locks of Love, Beautiful Lengths is a partnership between Pantene and the American Cancer Society that accepts donations of long, strong, beautiful hair and provides the funds to turn the hair into free, realhair wigs for women with cancer. So far, Pantene has donated 24,000 free real-hair wigs to the American Cancer Society’s wig banks, which distribute wigs to cancer patients across the country. Anyone is welcome to apply for a wig. “It takes six to 10 8-inch ponytails to create one wig,” said Jennifer Olinger, who coordinated the event. “A wig of the quality Pantene provides would cost upward $1,000 if purchased.” Gilda Santiago, co-owner of Wink Salon and Wink stylist Abby Jay donated their time to cut and style hair for the 11 program participants. “Wink has done it five times – this is the fifth donation we’ve coordinated with Asheville Catholic School,” Olinger said. Over the years, the number of people donating hair has increased, Olinger said. At first the program only had between four to six donors, but this year that number doubled. “ACS students thought it would be a good idea to give back,” she said. “Essentially, I now have 11 ponytails to mail and Pantene will get it to the wigmakers. Then they combine the different colors and dye it so (the hair) has a consistent color and they make very nice stylish wigs.” Unlike Locks of Love, Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths program only requires eight inches of hair. “Locks of Love goes to children and requires 10 inches of hair,” Olinger said. “Pantene is going to women cancer patients, so that’s the difference.” The students and adults who donated hair included Madeline Halfacre, second grade, Ella Goodrum, second grade, Sophia Olinger, first grade, Madelyn Beale, fifth grade, Dr. Beth Vo, an ACS parent, Leila Menon, ACS counselor, Jenna Barnes, second grade, Grace Vo, sixth grade, Maria Escobedo, fifth grade, Patricia Young, an ACS parent, and Rosemary Mosher, an ACS alumna.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI


Congratulations 2014 Graduates

CCHS 2014 Graduates University of Alabama Balch, Andrew Carter, Mary Gustafson, Claire Kelly, Austin Nemirow, Ansley Tomchin, Rachel American University Kpa, Van Shepard, Moira Appalachian State University Bouchard, Mary Fishbaugh, Andrew Gallagher, Jack Garmilla, Montserrat Georges, Evan Greeley, Phylissa Griggs, Margaret Hager, Melody Heinz, Brett Johnson, Connor Kennedy, Hampton Kromer, Jeffrey Lochbihler, Morgan McConnell, Caitlin Parker, Eleonora Petrie, Nathaniel Reimer, Jonathan Ritchie, Skyler St. Onge, Elena Thomas, Stuart Toebbe, Cara Tully, Lindsey Wise, Madeleine Zavatsky, Brittany Arizona State University Sampson, Ellen Auburn University Campbell, Emma Ferraro, Dominic Plumides, Christina Roberts, Andrew Belmont Abbey College Pangting, Andrew Boston College Winters, Emma

Campbell University Taylor, Andrew

Duke University Sheridan, Maria

Hampshire College Dowd, Nathan

The Catholic University of America Byrnes, Grayce Percopo, Katarina

East Carolina University Brannan, David Brehm, Thomas Bruce, Allison Campbell, Meredith Clark, Justin Cullen, Matthew Forman, Kyle Forst, Brenne’ Hull, Robert Kelly, Claire Kornegay, Katherine Martin, Bradley McElhaney, Matthew Modzik, Adam Moore, Scott Pagani, Kennedy Picone, Joseph Reading, Andrew Rizzo, Madison Roberts, Cameron Rotundi, Olivia Rusak, Erinn Rusak, Lauren Sheppard, Danielle Stapleton, Thomas Tardif, Ashtyn Walsh, Neeley Webb, Megan Wilson, Christopher

Hampton University Burgess, Beja

Central Piedmont Community College Durand, Bryce Hayes, Spencer Issac, James Keough, Mark Pumneo, Tyler Centre College Loeb, Natascha College of Charleston Carmichael, Caroline Kornbluth, Kristen Marino, Brittany Meader, Natalie Poetzsch, Caroline Winner, Rachael Clemson University Demiane, Andrew Dest, Caitlyn Kammerer, Riley Lerner, Emily Maddie, Brooke O’Brien, Grace Olsen, Catherine Ray, Catherine Sheldon, Alexander Shroat, Kevin Shuback, Nicolette Stark, Dylan Swancy, Peyton Wiercisiewski, Lauren Zuhosky, Joseph Coastal Carolina University Baker, Isabella Green, Charles Jernigan, Logan Kamis, Nicholas Randazzo, Annalisa Cornell University Faucette, Avery Flyke, Meghan University of Dallas Seidel, Nolan Davenport University Torres, Filiberto Davidson College Ashlin, Michelle Jerjees, Anmar University of Dayton Hunton, Natalie Drexel University Hoyer, Cameron Bradley University Patrick Anthony DePinto Brown University Sebastian Jarek Lucek

2014 College Destinations University of Alabama Charles Ryan Ladka Richard Lawrence Vanore Appalachian State University Paige Elizabeth Anderholm Mitchell Ray Bullins Colleen Marie Gillooley Sean Kevin Gorham William Luke Johnson Antonia Marie Kolosieke Holt Ashcraft McBane Dylan Taylor MeHaffey Rosemary Evelyn Rice McKenzie Hope Rochford Asheville, University of North Carolina Joseph Connor McNamara Belmont Abbey College Mary Rose Stepnowski Julian F. Weston

California, University of San Diego Fan Feng Liu Catawba College Matthew Lewis Cook Harrison Wesley Dearmin Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Andrew Thomas Balogh Jonathan Miguel Buechner Mary Madison Smith Elizabeth Sharon Whelan Charlotte, University of North Carolina Matthew Lawrence Basel Julie Ann Dorosiewicz Jennifer Michelle Molen Brenden Jon Oneyear Martinique Marie Preudhomme Joseph Carmine Santarelli Chowan University Tyler Thomas Ennis

University of Edinburgh McGinness, Colin Elon University Balas, Karen Rodriquez-Kesler, Mariana University of Florida Fisher, Ashley Fordham University Begley, Brendan Gardner-Webb University Ostendarp, Alec Georgetown University King, Bryant University of Georgia Chambers, Catherine Duffy, John Finegan, Charles Ilario, Nina LaFrance, Ashley Pringle, Schuyler Hampden-Sydney College Beltrondo, Ryan Pool, Connor Schneider, Brian Zambetti, James

Clemson University Grant Michael Davidson Martha Anne Fields Thane Rubach Jacobsen Coastal Carolina University Hayley Jane Lineberry Davidson College Davis Marie Temple East Carolina University Matthew Edward Neidert William John O’Halloran II Racquel Marie Williams Elon University Qiaoyang Ma Austin Caldwell Temple Emory & Henry College Gregory Raphael Salomon Forsyth Technical Community College Brenda Lissette Ramirez Greensboro, University of North Carolina John Graylyn Andrews Alexander Timothy Best Cassidy Alexis Blancher Paolo Victor Forcadela Andre Sebastian Jimenez Ben Gerard Kordsmeier Carolina Monserrat Labra

High Point University Bradford, David Donahue, Erin Gilene, Kathryn Kelley, Grace College of the Holy Cross Huth, Susannah Institute Salesiano Don Bosco Riva, Giovanni Johnson & Wales University Morera, Pablo Rodriquez, Evelyn Johnson C. Smith University Pastor, Santiago Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Bennett, John Lees-McRae College Desormeaux, Kaitlyn University of Louisville Purvis, Andrew Marion Military Institute Arnette, Claiborne Marquette University Retzloff, Thomas Mars Hill University Bushey, Megan Mercer University Holmes, Michele Toal, Desmond University of Michigan Duda, Samuel Mississippi State University Firr, Lauren Haecherl, Dylan University of Mississippi Keefer, Meredith Michan, Taylor UNC-Chapel Hill Anderson, Casey Bryson, Caroline Cahill, Katherine Davies, Haley Firr, Nicholas Grant, Stephanie Hood, Elijah Huber, Hailey Krisa, Sydney

Larsen, William Lauder, Matthew Little, Ella Grace Lothspeich, James Martinez, Jacqueline Patel, Neil Purello, Michael Purvis, April Quigley, Madison Raymer, David Robbe, Zachary Slater, Cassidy Suttoni, Sarah Thomas, Rachel UNC- Charlotte Boyd, Miller Brady, Benjamin Carroll, Ryan Champion, James CizMadia, Madeline Clementi, William Coruzzi-Gutierrez, Paulo Coruzzi-Gutierrez, Valeria Dorcy, Brian Iuliano, Benjamin Johnson, Eric McGee, Heather McNulty, Shannon Miller, Derek Morlacci, Nicolas Ngo, Thanh Perez, Joseph Quinn, Bailey Raymond, Garrett Rizol, Anthony Roca, Carlos Ruffalo, Kyle Smith, Samantha Spath, Steven Stevens, Francesca Tomsho, Drew Walsh, Adam UNC- Greensboro Dickerson, Sarah Phan, Albert Theysohn, Erica Zuniga, Marcella UNC-Pembroke Hardy, Garian UNC- Wilmington Boll, Jacob Cushing, Tobias DeBerry, Samuel Eckert, Kyle Favory, Hayden Hilgen, Blake Jernigan, Matthew Loeber, Kyle Mayernik, Alyson McDermott, Ethan Murphy, Thomas

Escudero Isaiah Ali Mateen Sydney Marie Morelli Erin Marie Redden Ashley Marie Sanchez Daniel Aime Valcour Katherine Anne Watterson

Marion Military Institute Benjamin Joseph Jandzinski

Guilford College Logan O’Neil Weathers

Missouri, University of (Columbia) Asher Helena Alt

Guilford Technical Community College Sean Thomas Casper Daniel James Hutchens Ian Nicholas Winters Harvard College Cameron Elizabeth Nieters High Point University Jocelyn Gwyn Ganzert Indiana University at Bloomington Sang Yeong Kim Sangdae Lee James Madison University Victoria Elizabeth Klier Nicholas I. Trego Kentucky, University of Christian Douglas Sexton Lynchburg College Olivia Florence DeFrancesco

Meredith College Lindsey Elizabeth Kalish Miami, University of Stephanie Marie Debrecht

Monroe Community College Christopher Ryan McAllister Niagara University Casey Jane Mothena Notre Dame, University of Caroline Marie Kreber North Carolina State University Michael James Beck Jessica Virginia Brandewie Thomas Craig Chappelow Curt Timothy Davis Grace Mechem DeMers Jocelyn Nicole Domabyl Nicholas Reagan Efird Joseph Seth Farley Jake Christian Henderson Sierra Funk Hodges Andrew Michael Horne Adaire Patricia Hudson

Norman, Natalie Pierle, Christina Seay, Harrison

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Anderson, Benjamin

Tri-County Technical College King, Matthew

NC State University Acken, Kevin Amaral, Victoria Bevilacqua, Amy Blanchette, Thomas Bradshaw, Madison Campbell, Ethan Carlin, Matthew Carpano, Liliana Clementi, James Corcoran, Margot Dudick, Sumner Durrett, Aimee Feeney, Eryn Gale, Madeline Hlebak, Nicole Johnson, Zachary Keese, Ellis Knish, Joseph Kobylanski, Alex Kromer, Derek Kulla, Ashley Leung, Eric Market, Andrew McKinstry, Carter Milovic, Matthew Mulligan, Wil Niemer, Spain Novitt, Sarah Ogu, Tochukwu Regan, Connor Rhodes, Lauren Rossitch, Sophia Rust, Evan Sardo, Daniel Sharp, Zachary Skelton, Cecilia Thompson, Courtney Tracey, Cailin Wolljung, Samuel

Rochester Institute of Technology Tomaszewski, Daniel

United States Air Force Academy Anderson, Robert

Saint Louis University Fielder, Jessica

United States Coast Guard Academy Aneralla, Bennett

Northeastern University Miller, Daniel University of Notre Dame Emery, Nicole Malone, Robert Pennsylvania State University McEntee, Ian Princeton University Welshofer, Elsa Providence College Choulas, Patrick Queens University of Charlotte Almaraz, Ava Vega, Victor Thomas Thaddeus Koesters II Maxwell Mason Leftwich Brandon Kerr Mason Adora Grace Nsonwu Kimberly Anne Ramos Riley H. Simson Katherine Samantha Wear Kable Vincent Young North Carolina A&T State University Tiwalope Chiwetalu Anyansi Ernae Annette Rose Pinnix Oglethorpe University Stuart Morein Spiers Queens University of Charlotte Maria Alejandra LaMuraglia Regnum Christi Mission Corp James Gardiner Black Rochester Institute of Technology James Michael Boyers University of Rochester Gabrielle Mary Dimoff Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey John Michael Boyle

University of San Diego Hurney, Joseph Savannah College of Art & Design Tarulli, Rachel University of South Carolina Altman, Hailey Cook, Carson DeAdder, Jack Dlugos, John Giammattei, Giannina Gorman, Brendan Gould, Alexandra Hancock, Anna Jette, Emma Karam, Victor Lietz, Claire Manning, Travis Massey, Kaitlyn Mazur, Mitchell Paramore, Mary Pentek, Haylee Rubinich Brianna Ryan, Mary Sarah Sadler, Laura Seaborn, Mary Solt, Kristen Spicer, Zachary Swaney, Alexandra Thomas, Bailey Toal, Andrew Traynor, Katharina Triantis, Samson Walsh, Briana White, Samantha University of Southern California Nguyen, Carolyn St. Andrews Presbyterian University Olsen, Nicholas St. John’s University Pham, Minh University of Tennessee Blake, Alexandra McArdle, Kaitlyn Powell, Lauren

United States Military Academy Hedglin, Nolan United States Naval Academy Mead, Ethan Villanova University Miller, Scott Sullivan, Christine Virginia Tech Hoagland, Owen Wake Forest University Berretta, Evan Foster, Emily Harty, Matthew Mai, Jenny Walsh University Armour, Emma Washington & Lee University Duffy, Erin Green, John Washington University in St. Louis Deering, Grace Dozzi, Aaron West Virginia University St. Angelo, Christian Western Carolina University Garrison, Jill Hedrick, Nathan Mace, Abigail Relyea, Samuel Tarbet, Tyler Winthrop University Switzer, Krista University of Wisconsin McKibben, Jerome Wofford College Bermudez, Nicholas Leonard, Molly Xavier University Bunta, Madeline Tirrell, Seth

Texas State University Otte, Courtney Salem College Lily Catherine Hambright Saint Joseph’s University Emily Elizabeth Russell Seton Hall University Bailey Elizabeth Seach University of South Carolina Nicholas Michael Burns Nicholas Paul Castellano Joshua Charles Claus Samantha Christine Pelc Jason Robert Standen Christian Chandler Stoltz Ryan Clark Uliana St. John’s University Queens Campus Christian John Martin Sweet Briar College Hayley Anne Puterbaugh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Jay Logan Kirby Wake Forest University Maria Suzanne Kammire Tanner Kenneth Owen

Western Carolina University Kristen Ashley Bellas Julia Marion Brown James Roger Otteson III Wilmington, University of North Carolina Darsey Jean Bowers Matthew James Fortun Jarrod E. Statler Wingate University Reed Alexander Stahl Wittenberg University Morgan Noreen Gilliam Mitchell Wofford College Natalie Hanes Lassiter Undecided Brandon Brenton Brooks Elizabeth Victoria Hrycaj Jenny Kim Francis Alexander LaDew Yasmine-Karah Noelle Laplanche-Dixon Jillian Marie Lindquist Seungeun Oh Tara Raquel Quinn Muyan Zhang

Mix 28

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Social justice speaker at St. Matthew Church to discuss Pope Francis’ impact on parishes

For the latest news 24/7: catholicnewsherald.com

In Brief

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Time travel meets a gleefully loopy version of American history in the seventh installment of the mutant-superhero series. Director Brian Singer and screenwriters Simon Kinberg and Jane Goldman send Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine back to 1973 to intercept Jennifer Lawrence’s Raven/Mystique so she can’t assassinate an evil inventor, an event that leads to the destruction of the planet by the robot Sentinels. Gun and physical violence, fleeting rear male nudity, fleeting rough and crude language. CNS: A-III (adults); MPAA: PG-13

CHARLOTTE — An internationally known speaker and justice educator, Jack Jezreel, will speak at two Charlotte churches this month. Jezreel will lead a presenation on “St. Francis, Pope Francis, and a Vision for a Parish in the 21st Century” on June 24 at St. Matthew Church, at 7 p.m. in the New Center Banquet Room. The lecture is free and open to the public. “I think the ‘Francis Effect’ is that social mission has been put in the center of the Church’s agenda (as it should be, in my reading of the Gospels),” Jezreel said in an email. “Pope Francis integrates compassion, outreach and justice seamlessly into all things Church and reminds us that faith, baptism and Eucharist are intrinsically connected with my attention to the wellbeing of all. “It is impossible to love God and be disinterested in the wellbeing of my sisters and brothers.” He will challenge attendees to consider how the Holy Father’s influence will impact our everyday parish life, as well as affect living in community, one’s call to discipleship and one’s ability to evangelize and deliver the good news of the Gospel. “People who are intrigued and inspired by Pope Francis will be interested, I think, in attending the presentation because I

hope to make a case about a fundamental shift in how a parish needs to think about its message, mission, staffing and strategic planning, in light of the message of Pope Francis,” Jezreel said. “The future could be very inspiring, but it’s going to involve a challenging redesign!” This lecture is part of St. Matthew’s “yoU”niversity Summer Forum of Adult Religious Education classes. Jezreel will also present at St. Peter Church, 507 S. Tryon St. on June 23 at 7 p.m. Sometimes introduced as the “Johnny Appleseed” of the U.S. Church’s social mission, Jezreel is a well-traveled speaker and teacher. He holds a Master in Divinity from the University of Notre Dame, has spent six years working in a Catholic Worker community and has been involved in parishbased social justice ministry for 25 years. He is the author of “JustFaith” and serves as the executive director of JustFaith Ministries, which provides social justice educational programming for parishes. This is his second visit to Charlotte and to St. Matthew Church, located at 8015 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. “St. Matthew Church is making a large commitment to educating and promoting Catholic social justice teaching,” said Michael Burck, adult enrichment coordinator.

Get more info To register, email registration@ stmatthewcatholic.org. Jezreel

To learn more, go to www.Justfaith.org.

“We are greatly inspired by Pope Francis’ deep, compassionate commitment to the poor, the oppressed and the people pushed out on the margins of society. Jack Jezreel and his JustFaith Ministries are dedicated to creating and providing current and excellent educational resources and materials to parishes on social justice. Jack is also a gifted, passionate speaker and a great motivator and inspires others to want to learn more about the Catholic Church’s deep concern for the poor and how to help them in concrete, lasting ways.” — Kimberly Bender, online reporter

‘Maleficent’ Retelling of the Disney version of “Sleeping Beauty” which casts the villainess of that 1959 animated feature here played by Angelina Jolie. Betrayed by the future king (Sharlto Copley) of the human realm that borders the enchanted territory she protects, the initially good fairy, turns bitter and vengeful. She eventually exacts retribution by cursing the sovereign’s infant daughter to fall into an endless slumber on the day before her 16th birthday, a trance from which only “true love’s kiss” will be able to awaken the lass. As the child grows up, however, her innocent goodness melts the evildoer’s heart. It can be viewed as an honorable conversion story warning against ambition and the thirst for revenge. It also has enough dark imagery and bloodless battling to frighten the smallest moviegoers. Some harsh action violence. CNS: A-II (adults and adolescents); MPAA: PG

‘Blended’ That rarity of rarities, a sincere film about two families becoming one, and since it stars Adam Sandler, whose trademark is scatological gags, it’s more than a bit of a surprise. Director Frank Coraci and screenwriters Ivan Menchell and Clare Sera hew to a rigid formula now common for the genre: The problems of each of five children are dealt with individually and completely, without condescension. Frank mentions of bodily functions, light sexual banter and fleeting crude language. CNS: A-II (adults and adolescnets); MPAA: PG-13

Additional reviews: n ‘A Million Ways to Die in the West’: CNS: O (morally offensive); MPAA: R n ‘Fading Gigolo’: CNS: O (morally offensive); MPAA: R

On TV n Friday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. (EWTN) “Eucharist: Real Presence.” Father Robert Barron offers insights into the mystery of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist as an important part of that presence.


n Friday, June 6, 2:30 p.m. (EWTN)“St. Faustina’s Way of the Cross at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy.” A prayerful meditation of the Stations of the Cross with quotes from the Scriptures and Faustina’s diary. From the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass.

n Sunday, June 8, 12 p.m. (EWTN) “Solemn Mass of Pentecost From Rome.” Pope Francis celebrates Mass on Pentecost, live from Vatican City. n Sunday, June 8, 4:30 p.m. (EWTN) “St. John Vianney – Heart of the Priesthood.” Bishop Davies looks at how St. John Vianney transformed his parish from a rundown place of religious ignorance and indifference to a vibrant Catholic community visited by the faithful from all over France. n Saturday, June 14, 11 p.m. (EWTN) “The Miracle of the Pacocha.” The accidental sinking of a Peruvian military submarine in 1988 and a miracle credited with saving the lives of most of the crew. n Sunday, June 15, 5 a.m. (EWTN) “St. Thomas More: Faithful Statesman, His Legacy.” Thomas More is an example for any man and father of a family. Over and above his qualities as friend and humorist, Holbein chooses to portray More’s fidelity to conscience as he paints the saint’s portrait. n Sunday, June 15, 2:30 p.m. (EWTN) Carpenter’s Shop: How to Raise Boys into Godly Men.” Boys need to have a strong, holy father as an example. Host Steve Wood and Sean Dalton discusses how to raise boys into godly men.

CNS | Arturo Mari, L’Osservatore Romano

n Saturday June 14, 8 p.m. (EWTN) “Mother Teresa – Part 1” The first of a two-part comprehensive documentary of the little woman who called herself “a pencil in God’s hands.”

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

Start Your Engines!

The Diocese of Charlotte and the Catholic News Herald will host the 2014 Catholic Media Conference the annual meeting of the Catholic Press Association of the U.S. and Canada and the Catholic Academy of Communication Professionals — June 18-20 in Charlotte. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., the

ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli,

president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Social Communications – one of the leaders in creating the Holy Father’s digital communication efforts, including a Twitter presence that now tops 13 million followers

Leo Brunnick, founder/CEO of


Heather King, Catholic essayist and blogger

Mason University law professor and founder of Women Speak For Themselves

newly elected president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


And from Patheos.com:

Helen Alvare, George

Father Matt Malone, S.J., editor of America magazine

Dr. Hosffman Ospino, Boston College, leading researcher of U.S. Latino Catholics

Elizabeth Scalia, managing

editor, Patheos Catholic Channel (blogs at The Anchoress)

Jim Stipe, Catholic Relief Services photographer Father Eric Sundrup, S.J.,

executive editor, The Jesuit Post

Rebecca Dussault, Olympic cross country champion

Deacon Greg Kandra (blogs at

The Deacon’s Bench)

Kevin Slimp, Adobe PDF software pioneer

Ed Henninger, award-winning newspaper designer

Michelle Buckman., Carolinasbased Catholic fiction writer

Katrina Fernandez (blogs at The


Kathryn Jean Lopez (blogs at K-Lo-at-Large)

The conference will also feature an exclusive prescreening of Sony Pictures’ “When the Game Stands Tall,” starring Jim Caviezel, Michael Chiklis and Laura Dern, about legendary football coach Bob Lacouceur.

Register to attend: www.allthingscmc.com

One-day passes and student rates available.


Our nation 30

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Mass on Capitol Hill sends bishops off to lobby on immigration Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — As a half-dozen bishops celebrated a “Mass for Migrants” at St. Peter Church before beginning a day on Capitol Hill of lobbying members of Congress on immigration reform May 29, the event itself gave a sense of the many layers of effort they were undertaking. Songs were led by a multicultural choir in a half-dozen languages. The preaching was in English. The congregation consisted largely of people who work for organizations involved in advocacy for immigration reform and included three high-level White House staff members. And the majority of reporters at a news conference afterward were from religious or Spanish-language media. The bishops were scheduled to meet with House members from their home districts, among others, and to conclude their day with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. Boehner has said he would not bring an immigration reform bill passed a year ago by the Senate onto the House floor unless it had the support of a majority of Republicans. Advocates believe there are enough Republican supporters of the bill for it to pass, along with the votes of nearly all House Democrats, although there is not the majority Boehner seeks within the Republican caucus on its own. In his homily at the Mass at St. Peter

Church, Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski compared the current immigration law to the British taxation that led patriots to toss tea into Boston Harbor; to the civil disobedience of Rosa Parks, who broke the law that required her to give up her bus seat to a white man; and to Jesus’ response to those who accused Him of breaking Jewish law by healing people on the Sabbath. “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath,” Jesus said, according to the Gospel of Mark. “When laws fail to advance the common good, they can and should be changed,” Archbishop Wenski said. “Outdated laws, ill adapted to the increasing interdependence of our world and the globalization of labor, are bad laws,” he said. But, he warned, substitutes for bad laws are no improvement if they fail to take into account both human dignity and national interest. Archbishop Wenski further compared the immigration situation to that in Victor Hugo’s 19th-century novel “Les Miserables,” which tells, the archbishop said, “how pride and neglect of mercy represented in the bitterly zealous legalism of Inspector Javert ultimately destroys him. Today, modernday Javerts, on radio and TV talk shows, fan flames of resentment against supposed law breakers, equating them with terrorists intent on hurting us.” He continued: “However, these people only ask for the opportunity to become legal and have a chance for citizenship – to come out of the shadows where they live in fear of a knock on their door in the dead of night or an immigration raid to their work place.” The Mass at St. Peter Church, a couple of blocks away from the Capitol, was concelebrated by six bishops and another half-dozen priests. Most of the bishops had participated in a Mass at the

CNS | Bob Roller

Miami Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski and Bishop Oscar Cantu of Las Cruces, N.M., greet people May 29 after celebrating the “Mission for Migrants” Mass at St. Peter Church on Capitol Hill in Washington. Later that day the bishops had a series of meetings scheduled with members of Congress, including House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to encourage the House to vote on comprehensive immigration reform legislation. Mexican border in April, held in support of immigration reform, in memory of migrants who have died, and in solidarity with families torn apart by deportations and immigration policies. At a news conference after the Mass, Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas of Tucson, Ariz., talked about the kind of lesson the bishops learned from their visit to the border and what they would communicate to the members of Congress they were to meet. In addition to the Mass at the border fence in Nogales, in Bishop Kicanas’

diocese, while they were in Arizona the bishops walked through the desert along a route used by migrants. They also met with the Border Patrol, served dinner at a soup kitchen for people who’ve been deported, met with deported women in a shelter in Mexico and toured the office of the Pima County medical examiner who tries to identify bodies found in the desert. “When someone meets a migrant and hears his story, listens to his struggles, it has a powerful effect on changing one’s thinking,” Bishop Kicanas said.

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Let’s keep talking.

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June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

For the latest news 24/7: catholicnewsherald.com

In Brief Suit disputes power to require contraceptive coverage PHILADELPHIA — The Archdiocese of Philadelphia and its Catholic Charities affiliates sued three agencies of the U.S. federal government June 2 seeking relief from the federal mandate that most employers cover contraceptives in their employee health plans. Under the federal health care law, the Department of Health and Human Services issued regulations requiring that employee health care coverage include contraception, sterilization procedures and potentially abortion-causing drugs, all of which violate Church teaching on the sanctity of human life. In a statement June 3, the archdiocese said its suit was “grounded on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment” of the Constitution, and it asks the court “to block enforcement of portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that force religious employers to provide contraceptive services that violate Catholic belief.”

Diocese, bishop sue over HHS rule for violating ‘core beliefs’ GREENSBURG, Pa. — Claiming it infringes on the Catholic Church’s religious liberty, the Diocese of Greensburg and Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt have also filed suit against the federal requirement that most employers cover contraceptives in their employee health plans. The suit was filed May 27 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Under the federal Affordable Care Act, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a mandate directing most employers, including religious employers, to provide employees coverage of contraceptives, sterilization and some abortion-inducing drugs free of charge, even if the employer is morally opposed to such services. Greensburg’s bishop as well as the diocese and its Catholic elementary schools and Catholic Charities agency “must to facilitate health insurance coverage that violates the Church’s core Catholic beliefs,” said a diocesan press release.

Sponsor: Aim of bill on ‘wrongful birth’ suits to protect disabled WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Steven Palazzo, R-Miss., has introduced the Every Child Is a Blessing Act to combat “wrongful birth” lawsuits and prevent discrimination against children born with disabilities. Wrongful birth cases are based on the grounds that parents would have aborted their child if they knew that he or she would be born with a disability. While the bill would prevent discrimination of disabled children in judicial proceedings and prohibit recovery of damages in wrongful birth and life lawsuits, Palazzo, a Catholic, said it

would not interfere with traditional malpractice cases nor prevent cases from being brought against physicians who willfully misrepresent or withhold information from patients on other grounds. A “wrongful birth” suit is filed in the name of the parents; a “wrongful life” suit is filed in the name of the child.

Court: Rule too rigid for execution exemption over mental ability WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Supreme Court May 27 tossed out Florida’s standard for determining when someone’s intelligence level renders them exempt from execution. In a 5-4 decision, the court followed up on a 12-year-old ruling that said it is unconstitutional to execute people who have mental disabilities. The new ruling said states must use more than an IQ test to determine whether inmates whose scores fall between 70 and 75 should be disqualified from capital punishment because of mental disability. The case revolved around whether Freddie Lee Hall, 68, meets the standard to be executed. Hall was convicted of the 1978 murder of a pregnant woman. In numerous IQ tests administered between 1968 and 2008, Hall’s scores ranged between 60 and 80. Under the Florida standard, he was deemed eligible for execution because the state used a score of 71 for him, when the bottom-line number under the policy was 70. Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said Florida and the half-dozen or so other states that have a similar rigid standard are obliged to consider other measures of mental disability when someone’s score falls within the range of 70-75.

Rulings on same-sex unions called ‘mistake,’ ‘travesty’ PHILADELPHIA — The 1996 Pennsylvania law that recognizes marriage between one man and one woman is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled May 20, clearing the way for same-sex “marriage” in the state. Reaction to the ruling in the Catholic community was swift and strong. Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia in a statement called the decision by U.S. District Court Judge John E. Jones III to strike down Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act “a mistake with long-term, negative consequences.” Gov. Tom Corbett said May 21 he would not appeal Jones’ ruling, saying a different outcome from a higher court was “extremely unlikely.” As a Catholic, he said in a statement, “the traditional teaching of my faith has not wavered. I continue to maintain the belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.” Almost as soon as Jones’ ruling was handed down, Pennsylvania officials began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. On May 19, another federal judge in Oregon also repealed that state’s constitutional marriage amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman. The Oregon Catholic Conference called it “a travesty of justice that marriage, as the foundation of society, received no defense in the U.S. District Court.” Oregon officials prepared to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, after the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a bid by the National Organization for Marriage to stay the ruling. — Catholic News Service

Middle School Science / Math Teacher St. Michael Catholic School in Gastonia, NC is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Middle School Science / Math Teacher. (math course 3 – pre-algebra and algebra for grade 6 – 8) Qualifications: • Hold a valid teaching license • Demonstrate ability to collaborate with other middle school teachers • Be supportive of Catholic teachings and practices Please send cover letter, resume and references to: Crystal Koury – Principal St. Michael Catholic School 704 St. Michael Lane | Gastonia, NC 28052 cwkoury@charlottediocese.org


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St. Mark is accepting applications for a full-time Elder Ministry Coordinator. The elderly's level of religious participation is greater than that in any other age group. For the elderly, the religious community is the largest source of social support outside of the family, and involvement in religious organizations is the most common type of voluntary social activity. We at St. Mark have a large Elder Ministry which meets many of those needs and we are looking to support its rapid growth. We believe a strong faith based Ministry is one of the most important factors enabling them to cope with physical health problems and life stresses Position Summary: Identify and create opportunities and ministries that will serve the social, spiritual and general needs of the older adults (ages 55 +) at St. Mark. Provide information about health and support services and assist or guide individuals in obtaining support from community-based services. For a full list of the Major Responsibilities, Qualifications, Education, Experience Preferred and how to apply for this position, visit the St. Mark website, www.stmarknc.org


Our world 32

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Vatican has named two bishops being investigated for abuse

THE POPE AND THE PEACE PROCESS Pope Francis made headlines on the second day of his trip by inviting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli President Shimon Peres to join him at the Vatican to pray together for peace. Most observers have set low expectations for the event, scheduled for June 8, in part because Peres’ position is largely ceremonial and, in any case, his term is set to expire in July. Pope Francis would no doubt say pessimists underrate the power of prayer. He could point to his efforts last fall against U.S. President Barack Obama’s plans to use military force in Syria, which culminated in an unprecedented prayer vigil for peace that drew some 100,000 to St. Peter’s Square. The U.S., of course, did not strike Syria after all. Practical results aside, Pope Francis’ bold initiatives have earned him the role of pre-eminent voice for peace in the Middle East. That distinction could have more than symbolic importance for local attitudes toward the region’s fastdiminishing Christian minorities. During his trip, the pope told Abbas and Peres that Christians contribute to the “common good” in their countries and deserve to be treated as “full citizens.”

ECUMENISM The original reason for Pope Francis’ Holy Land trip was a meeting with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to mark the 50th anniversary of a historic encounter between their predecessors. The earlier meeting led the Catholic and Orthodox churches to lift mutual excommunications imposed in 1054 and opened the modern period of ecumenical dialogue. Not surprisingly, this year’s event did not yield any comparable breakthroughs, but there were hints of progress to come. The pope told reporters on the flight back to Rome that he and Patriarch Bartholomew discussed possible collaborative efforts to protect the environment. They also talked about prospects for resolving differences in how the churches set the date of Easter every year. Pope Francis, with his characteristic frankness, called the latter a “ridiculous” problem. Yet reconciling the timing of Christianity’s most sacred feast could have a big impact on ordinary Catholics and Orthodox, leading many to view full communion between the churches as a more realistic goal. (Catholic and Orthodox leaders in the Holy Land already have already begun that process by agreeing that, beginning next year, they will celebrate Easter on the same date.)

PRIESTLY CELIBACY The pope told reporters the door is open to allowing more married priests in the Catholic Church, in the Latin rite as well as the Eastern Catholic Churches, where the practice is already established. “Celibacy is not a dogma of faith,” he said, which should not have surprised anyone familiar with the Church’s discipline. But he added pointedly: “Not being a dogma of faith, the door is always open.” Given how controversial this issue already is in parts of the Catholic world, the pope’s comment is likely to prompt only more discussion. — Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service

Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service

CNS | Grzegorz Galazka, pool

Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople kiss the Stone of Unction in Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher May 25. The two leaders marked the 50th anniversary of the meeting in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras.

50 years later: Pope, patriarch meet again in Jerusalem Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service

JERUSALEM — Half a century after a historic encounter between their predecessors, Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew met in the same place to seek inspiration for Christian unity at the site of Christ’s death and resurrection. “We need to believe that, just as the stone before the tomb was cast aside, so, too, every obstacle to our full communion will also be removed,” the pope said May 25 during a prayer service at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. “Every time we put behind us our longstanding prejudices and find the courage to build new fraternal relationships, we confess that Christ is truly risen,” the pope said, his voice hoarse and expression fatigued after two full days of public appearances in the Holy Land. The pope also spoke of an “ecumenism of suffering, an ecumenism of blood,” which brings Christians closer through the common experience of persecution. When others kill Christians, he noted, they do not ask if they are Catholic or Orthodox. Patriarch Bartholomew said Jesus’ tomb sends the message that “history cannot be programmed; that the ultimate word in history does not belong to man, but to God. In vain did the guards of secular power watch over this tomb. In vain did they place a very large stone against the door of the tomb, so that none could roll it away.” The patriarch said the tomb also encourages Christians to “love the other, the different other, the followers of other faiths and other confessions.” Their prayer service marked the 50th anniversary of an encounter in Jerusalem between Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople. The earlier meeting, which led both churches to lift the mutual excommunications that started the East-

West schism in 1054, opened the modern period of ecumenical dialogue. Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew reached the square in front of the church a few minutes after 8 p.m. They arrived from opposite sides and met in the center, where they embraced before entering the church. Inside, they participated in prayer with representatives of the Greek Orthodox, Armenian and Catholic churches, which share custody of the building. The event was extraordinary because members of the three communities usually observe a strict separation when praying inside the church. Representatives of other churches present in the Holy Land – including Coptic, Syriac, Ethiopian, Anglican and Lutheran archbishops – also participated in the celebration. At the beginning of the service, which featured songs and readings in Greek and Latin, the pope and the patriarch knelt and prayed together before the stone of unction, a red limestone slab traditionally believed to be the surface on which Jesus’ dead body was anointed for burial after the crucifixion. Both Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis gave short addresses, the former speaking in English and the latter in Italian. Later, the pope and patriarch entered the aedicule, a small wood building containing Jesus’ tomb. They knelt before it and kissed it. After exiting they climbed a stairway to Mount Calvary to light candles at the site of the crucifixion. Earlier, the pope and patriarch met privately at the apostolic delegation, the Vatican’s representative office in Jerusalem. They emerged with a signed common declaration calling for “communion in legitimate diversity” between their churches. “We look forward in eager anticipation to the day in which we will finally partake together in the Eucharistic banquet,” the pope and patriarch wrote, calling for continuing “fraternal encounter and true dialogue” to “lead us into all truth.”

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis told reporters May 26 that “three bishops are under investigation” for misdeeds related to the sexual abuse of minors and that “one has already been condemned and his penalty is being studied.” The pope’s statement during the news conference aboard his flight from Israel back to Italy came after he was asked what he would do if a bishop did not observe Church norms regarding a moral, and often legal, obligation to report allegations of sexual abuse against a member of the clergy. While condemning the abuse of children as “an ugly crime” and affirming a policy of “zero tolerance” for abusers, Pope Francis did not clarify whether the three bishops he mentioned were under investigation for their handling of abuse allegations or because they themselves were accused of abuse. Previously, the Vatican had acknowledged formally investigations against two bishops: n In April the Congregation for Bishops sent Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna of Malta to Scotland to collect testimony in a case against Cardinal Keith O’Brien, the former archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, who resigned in 2013 after admitting to sexual misconduct. n In early May testimony before a U.N. committee, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi confirmed earlier Vatican statements that Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, the former nuncio to the Dominican Republic, is the subject of a canonical investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as well as a criminal investigation by the Vatican police and court. Archbishop Wesolowski was removed from his position last August after he was accused of paying for sex with boys in the Dominican Republic. As for the third bishop, the bishops’ conference of Chile published a statement in early February saying that Bishop Cristian Contreras Molina of San Felipe had asked the Vatican to open an investigation into “serious allegations” made against him. Chilean media had reported that the doctrinal congregation sent investigators to the diocese to study allegations involving the sexual abuse of minors. Although victims’ advocates and others have called for Vatican action against Bishop Robert W. Finn of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., there is no indication that a Vatican investigation is under way. The bishop was convicted by a local circuit court in 2012 of one count of failing to report suspected child abuse.

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

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In Brief Jesus in heaven still holds our hand, pope says VATICAN CITY — Although Christ ascended into heaven, He remains present in a new form through the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit to accompany and guide people in their daily lives, Pope Francis said. Because, “by ourselves, without Jesus, we can’t do anything,” he said at his Regina Coeli address to those gathered in St. Peter’s Square on June 1, the day the feast of the Ascension was celebrated in Italy and many other countries. The feast day comes 40 days after Easter and commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God. But some countries, like Italy, observe the feast day the following Sunday. Pope Francis said Jesus returns to heaven to open the way and “show us that the destination of our journey is the Father.” But Jesus still “remains present and operates in human history with the power and gifts of His Spirit; He is by the side of each one of us; even if we don’t see Him with our eyes,” he said.

Pope blames ‘culture of comfort’ for intentionally childless marriages VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis blamed a “culture of well-being” and comfort for convincing married couples that a carefree life of world travel and summer homes was

better than having children. He said married couples should look at how Jesus loves His Church to learn how to be faithful, perseverant and fruitful in their vocation. About 15 married couples celebrating their 25th, 50th or 60th anniversaries joined the pope June 2 for his early morning Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where he lives. In his homily, Pope Francis said fidelity, perseverance and fruitfulness were the three characteristics of God’s love for His Church and should be the same three pillars of a Christian marriage. Just as the Church is fruitful by generating new children in Christ through baptism, marriage should be open to new life, the pope said in his homily. “In a marriage, this fruitfulness can sometimes be put to the test, when children don’t come or when they are ill,” he said.

U.N. board urges Vatican to punish bishops who mishandle abuse claims VATICAN CITY — The U.N. Committee Against Torture urged the Vatican to impose “meaningful sanctions” on any Church authority who fails to follow Church law in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and asked that Church officials worldwide be required to report abuse allegations to local police. The committee’s recommendations were issued May 23 as a follow-up to a May 5-6 session at which Vatican representatives were questioned about the Holy See’s report on its adherence to the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment. In a statement May 23, the Vatican said it would “give serious consideration” to the committee’s recommendations, although it said the committee mistakenly gave “the impression that all the priests serving around the world are directly, legally tied to the Vatican as a

sovereign.” Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Vatican representative to U.N. agencies in Geneva, had tried to explain to the committee that the Holy See had direct juridical control only over Vatican City State, its citizens and employees, but not over all bishops and priests around the


world. “It is one thing to be able to exercise jurisdiction and another to encourage a certain type of activity” or adoption of certain policies in Catholic communities around the globe, he had said. — Catholic News Service

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ViewPoints 34

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

Fred Gallagher

Most-read stories on the web Through press time on June 4, 14,779 visitors to www.catholicnewsherald.com have viewed a total of 33,854 pages. The top headlines in May and June were: n Charlotte Catholic principal Jerry Healy resigns.................................................................................. 3,557 n Hundreds gather for seminarian Michael Kitson’s funeral Mass.......................................................2,610 n Bishop Jugis ordains 16 deacons May 31 at St. Mark Church ...............................................................795 n Charlotte Catholic student petition taken offline......................................................................................779 n Altar servers honored at St. Ann Church.....................................................................................................507 n Bishop Jugis encourages graduates to be joyful Christians................................................................. 489 n Meteorologist-turned-monk ordained a Benedictine priest at Belmont Abbey...............................427 n Festus the Labrador guides wounded Marine back to a normal life................................................... 304 n ‘God showed up a lot in my week at Jamaica’............................................................................................265

Archdiocese of New York


This Easter an estimated 100,000 people joined the Catholic Church

CNS | Frida Larios

About 100,000 people joined the Catholic Church in the United States during rites held at Easter this year, according to Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.

who desperately want what our faith has to offer. Talk with them about sacraments and saints you love, the crucifix above your doorway, blessing your children and standing for life. And then go and pray a rosary for them. I had no idea what I was missing. So every year now I let those RCIA classes and the astonishingly sacred desire of those dear candidates teach me my faith. And each and every year, I am formed anew. Fred Gallagher is a restless Catholic who is also an author, book editor and former addictions counselor. He and his wife Kim are members of St. Patrick Cathedral in Charlotte.

Letters policy The Catholic News Herald welcomes letters from readers. We ask that letters be originals of 250 words or fewer, pertain to recent newspaper content or Catholic issues, and be written from a perspective of Christian charity. To be considered for publication, each letter must include the name, address and daytime phone number of the writer for purpose of verification. Letters may be condensed due to space limitations and edited for clarity, style and factual accuracy.

The Catholic News & Herald does not publish poetry, form letters or petitions. Items submitted to The Catholic News & Herald become the property of the newspaper and are subject to reuse, in whole or in part, in print, electronic formats and archives. E-mail: catholicnews@charlottediocese.org Mail: Letters to the Editor Catholic News Herald 1123 S. Church St. Charlotte, N.C. 28203


Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston



Archdiocese of Los Angeles


New Catholics: A snapshot

Diocese of Raleigh, N.C.

Easter bring new Catholics into church

Archdiocese of Seattle

ears ago my wife attended an RCIA inquiry class. We went together, and on the way home she responded to the bubbly warmth of the lay moderators with a kind of trepidation. Having been indirectly evangelized by me and my very Irish Catholic family members, she wondered if the class would be a nice, feel-good experience and little else, or a real encounter with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. She opted out. As a “restless” Catholic, I had already been praying for her conversion, so the setback was frustrating. A couple years later, one of our priests met with the RCIA team, drew some conclusions about the process as it was, informed the lay leaders they would no longer be at the helm and decided to use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the official text for the next set of classes. I was fortunate enough to have been asked to participate and, to my surprise, spent the next few months being formed anew. My subsequent enthusiasm for what was going on in class must have rubbed off a little on my wife, because she began to inquire once again. It didn’t take her long to decide to join the class. And so on that Easter Vigil, 15 years ago, my wife entered the Catholic Church. Having just received the Eucharist myself, in a kind of pious looking posture, I peeked up and saw the person I love more than any on the planet receive the Precious Body of Our Lord for the first time. And I was formed anew. I teared up, gave thanks to God and uttered a special prayer of gratitude to the Blessed Mother for her mighty work in this protracted affair. I also thought of that determined priest who wanted candidates to begin the process of learning of Holy Mother Church’s link to goodness and beauty, Her inestimable grace, wisdom and mercy, Her unbroken connection to the Apostles via Christ, and Her unique role in salvation history. And now, 15 years later, I’m still on the RCIA team and get to witness every year the joy of those becoming Catholic. The candlelight that slowly illumines Catholic churches all over the world at the Easter Vigil seems to burn brighter each year, and each year I am formed anew. This year I sponsored a gentleman from an evangelical background who ventured away while still a young man. My wife and I had the pleasure of standing with him and his lovely Catholic wife as their marriage was blessed in the Church. And they looked just like newlyweds! This year while the candidates entered the confessionals for the first time, a group of us sat in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament praying for them. And I was formed anew. To be around people yearning for the Eucharist, people attracted to sacred tradition, to our devotional life and other forms of prayer, people searching their own restless hearts for eternal truths and reverential splendor, people enlivened by an uncompromising respect for human dignity and an actual love of the poor – to be around these folks is an antidote to restlessness. It renews my love for the Church that has embraced me all my life. If you are restless in these days of confusion over the efficacy of Church doctrine, if you are restless because some of the most beautiful teachings of the Church (which are often some of the most countercultural) are rarely explained cogently and with enough compassion to break through the modern barriers of secular, societal conformity, fear and hostility, then try enrolling in your parish’s RCIA classes. Father will welcome you. Deacon will put you to work. Join the team. Sit and listen. Make cookies Wednesday nights for those starving for the Eucharist, those enduring sometimes the misunderstanding of their own families, the bewilderment of friends and colleagues and the complacency (even the apostasy) of cradle Catholics around them. Hang with those



A ‘restless’ Catholic being formed anew

June 6, 2014 | catholicnewsherald.com catholic news heraldI

Allison Schumacher

Matthew W. Dimock Sr.

Fellow Catholics led effort to add ‘under God’ to Pledge of Allegiance


une 14 is Flag Day for America, but it should hold an extra special meaning for Catholics in the United States this year. That day will mark the 60th anniversary of the words “under God” being added to the Pledge of Allegiance, and it was the Knights of Columbus who helped put them there. In April of 1951, the Knights of Columbus Board of Directors resolved that the Fourth Degree Assemblies would open their meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance with the words “under God” after the words “one nation.” The resolution went into immediate effect. The following year, at the Florida, Michigan, New York and South Dakota state meetings, resolutions were adopted petitioning Congress to amend the pledge. By August of 1952, the Supreme Council also adopted this resolution, and it was sent to the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, the vice president and the president. A month later, the National Fraternal Congress and several State Fraternal Congresses also issued their own resolutions. In 1953, these resolutions were repeated, and letters were sent to additional members of Congress. The persistence of the Knights of Columbus, under Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart, paid off. After receiving several favorable responses from members of Congress, a resolution by Congressman Louis C. Rabaut of Michigan was passed in the House and Senate. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the resolution on June 14, 1954. Immediately after the signing, President Eisenhower issued the following statement: “From this day forward, the millions of our school children will daily proclaim in every city and town, every village and rural school house, the dedication of our nation and our people to the Almighty. To anyone who truly loves America, nothing could be more inspiring than to contemplate this rededication of our youth, on each school morning, to our country’s true meaning. “Especially is this meaningful as we regard today’s world. Over the globe, mankind has been cruelly torn by violence and brutality and, by the millions, deadened in mind and soul by a materialistic philosophy of life. “Man everywhere is appalled by the prospect of atomic war. In this somber setting, this law and its effects today have profound meaning. In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource, in peace or in war.” In a letter dated Aug. 6, 1954, to Supreme Knight Hart, President Eisenhower acknowledged the Knights of Columbus’ role in having the words “under God” added to the Pledge of Allegiance. “These words will remind Americans that despite our great physical strength we must remain humble. They will help us to keep constantly in our minds and hearts the spiritual and moral principles which alone give dignity to man, and upon which our way of life is founded,” he stated. My fellow Catholics, when we hear threats of removing the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, we should be ever mindful that it was men in the Knights of Columbus – fellow Catholics – who asked for those words to be placed in there in the first place, and that it was President Eisenhower who beautifully articulated the reasons why they were important to add. Catholic men and women have played and continue to play vital roles in the development of this nation. This June 14, be proud of your nation and the role your Catholic heritage has played. And don’t forget to fly your American flag! Matthew W. Dimock is the Faithful Navigator of Monsignor L.C. Newman Assembly 2208 of the Knights of Columbus and a member of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. He lives in Indian Trail.


Come and see Y

outh is a time when individuals naturally start seeking answers about the reason for their existence. It is a time for dreaming dreams and looking to the future with hope and enthusiasm. Questions arise. What do I want to do? What will I be? How can I find the fulfillment I am looking for? To those men and women asking such questions, Pope St. John Paul II once addressed these words, “You are at the great crossroads of your lives and you must decide how your future can be lived happily, accepting the responsibilities which you hope will be placed squarely on your shoulders, playing an active role in the world around you.” He went on to challenge the young people, “There is a wonderful way of experiencing love in life: it is the vocation to follow Christ in the celibate state freely chosen or in the state of virginity for the love of the kingdom of heaven. I ask each one of you to question yourselves seriously about whether God may not be calling you to one of these paths.” The Vicar of Christ on earth was repeating the invitation of Jesus to His first disciples, “Come and See.” Yet, to many people the phrase “vocation discernment” is either foreign or overwhelming. Some incorrectly make a daunting project out of what should be a dialogue – an exchange and communication – between God and the soul. It is not a puzzle to piece together or a mystery to solve. Discovering one’s vocation is not an obstacle course to race through, but it is a journey that takes time and interior growth. Often it will involve many twists, turns, and the unexpected that only the greatest adventures entail. Because it involves a dialoguing relationship with God, it requires a balance between active pursuit and passive waiting and receptivity. Along with patience and docility, discernment takes courage. It can be quite challenging to seriously set aside the domination of one’s own desires to earnestly ask God, “What do You want of me, Lord?” Proceeding to trust in God’s timing for His response demands enduring fortitude. Interestingly, St. Alphonsus claims that while having that burning desire to seek the Lord’s will, we must also be detached from the answer. He says, “To have this light (from God), you must pray to Him with indifference. He who prays to God to enlighten him in regard to a state of life, but without indifference, and who, instead of conforming to the divine will, would sooner have God conform to his will, is like a pilot that pretends to wish his ship to advance, but in reality does not want it to:

he throws his anchor into the sea, and then unfurls his sails.” The best attitude to have when seeking God’s will is one that desires and resolves to give 100 percent of oneself to the Lord in whatever capacity He reveals. It is true that sacrifices will be made, but in those moments of sacrifice, the soul encounters Christ Who initiated that invitation to “come and see.” Discerning one’s vocation is really like unwrapping a very beautiful and precious gift. God loves us so much individually that He prepared a path for each of us to pursue, and in following our unique vocations, we will discover deep peace, joy, and ultimately union with God. Let our young people take encouragement in the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, “Friends, I again ask you, what about today? What are you seeking? What is God whispering to you? The hope which never disappoints is Jesus Christ. The saints show us the selfless love of His way. As disciples of Christ, their extraordinary journeys unfolded within the community of hope, which is the Church. It is from within the Church that you too will find courage and support to walk the way of the Lord. Nourished by personal prayer, prompted in silence, shaped by the Church’s liturgy, you will discover the particular vocation God has for you. Embrace it with joy. You are Christ’s disciples today.” (New York City, April 19, 2008) In a few weeks many young men will have a special opportunity to hear our Lord ask, “Quo Vadis?” (“Where are you going?”) What direction is your life taking? What is the path set out before you? With quality time and interaction among priests of our diocese and our seminarians, these young men will join others of their age to partake in the daily sacrifice of the Mass, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, listen to various talks that will give helpful tools to discernment, and enjoy fraternal recreation on the beautiful campus of Belmont Abbey College. To our Lord’s question, “Where are you going?” He Himself replies to our young men, “Come and see.” Come, see and learn more about the Priesthood of Jesus Christ!

‘Along with patience and docility, discernment takes courage. It can be quite challenging to seriously set aside the domination of one’s own desires to earnestly ask God, “What do You want of me, Lord?” Proceeding to trust in God’s timing for His response demands enduring fortitude.’

Allison Schumacher is a freelance writer who works with MiraVia in Belmont. This is the last in a series of commentaries highlighting the importance of discernment, and the role a retreat like the Diocese of Charlotte’s Quo Vadis Days means for young men who may be called to a priestly vocation. Quo Vadis Days will be held June 23-27. To learn more, go to www.charlottediocese.org/vocations.

catholicnewsherald.com | June 6, 2014 CATHOLIC NEWS HERALD

“Behold I make all things new.”

(Rev. 21:4)



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Concert of Sacred Music (Friday evening) Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Charlotte Holy Hour

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Confession English and Spanish Tracks for Adults K-12 Education Tracks for Students Religious information displays Vendors of Catholic merchandise

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Vocation and Catholic Education information Holy Mass – Concelebrated by Bishop Peter Jugis and the priests of the Diocese of Charlotte


- Rev. 21:5



D, I



DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE Tenth Eucharistic Congress, September 19 – 20, 2014 Charlotte Convention Center BEHOL




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