April CA Journey Web

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Catholic Aid Journey Official Publication of the Catholic Aid Association

April 2008

Vol. 113 Issue 4

130 Years of Catholic Aid


CAA and CAA Foundation Annual Reports

Opening Words

From the President Welcome to our second edition of the Catholic Aid Journey magazine. You will be receiving your Catholic Aid News in this format four times a year. In this edition of the Journey, we present our 2007 Annual Report of the Association. Usually our report is filled with charts, graphs and numbers, and this report will include all these formats. However, there is more to the story. The people story… It has been said that the best assets of any well-run organization walk out the door every day at closing time (in our case, that is 4:45 p.m.). Well, that is not totally true at the Catholic Aid Association because many of our best assets leave well after that time, and many others arrive much earlier than our 8 a.m. start time. People really do make the difference and our employees, both Home Office and Field, prove this adage true every day. We often joke that if you come here to work you will get free parking and the opportunity to work for a great, 130-year-old member society. Of course, there is more. We strive for a level of commitment and training that we feel rivals any other company in our industry. Our goal is to have every employee, both

Field and Home Office, improve their skills through education each and every year. We encourage all of our employees to take advanced training and attend classes or conferences to ensure we keep pace with our changing industry. This new knowledge is shared internally by our Home Office serving on our strategic planning teams comprised of four to five of their fellow employees. To bring home the commitment and forward thinking of our people, just recently the Customer Service department came to Mr. Olson and me to request a department name change. The gang asked to be renamed the “Member Services” department or team because they felt it better defines their emphasis. It was a simple decision, yet an honest statement of what they do and who they are. In fact, maybe we should all change our titles to “member services.” It clearly states the entire company’s goal. I invite you to turn to page 8 to review the charts, graphs and numbers that gives an overview of our activities and accomplishments of 2007. We had another great year. Remember, for every accomplishment in On the Cover this report, there is a “member service” representative who took an active role. May God bless you in every way. Michael F. McGovern

Catholic Aid Association President/Chairman Michael F. McGovern, Northfield Senior Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer Dennis L. Olson, Vadnais Heights Lead Director Frances M. Barten, Union Hill Board of Directors Bernard B. Bastian, North Mankato; George Gmach, Rogers; Joseph F. Kueppers, Mendota Heights; John W. Maile, Cold Spring; Deborah M. Pauly, Jordan; Gary E. Polaczyk, Woodbury Magazine Staff Publication No. 093500/Official Publication of the Catholic Aid Association


April 2008

Publisher Michael F. McGovern

Editor Jared Roddy Staff Writers Susan F. Detlefsen, Heather Vargo

Marketing Manager Steve Wendorf Office of Publication: Catholic Aid Association, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098; 651490-0170 or 1-800-568-6670. Postmaster: Send change of address notice to above. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN, and at additional offices. Subscription price is 50 cents a year. Published monthly.

Photo by Jared Roddy The early morning sun flares through the 15-foot-tall sign of the Catholic Aid Association Home Office in St. Paul, Minn. The metal arch was custom designed for CAA and is a distinctive piece of signage along Lexington Ave.


Send your letters to:

From Our Readers Convention memories

Thank you for the honor and privilege of attending the 2007 Catholic Aid Convention at St. John’s University as a delegate. It was a rewarding experience and I was greatly impressed to see how organized the convention was by Catholic Aid personnel and officers. Michael McGovern is a great leader. The masses and homilies were very inspiring... all in all a great convention. I learned more about the Catholic Aid Association. and it makes one proud to be a member. I had never

Catholic Aid News/Journey 3499 Lexington Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55126-8098 or news@catholicaid.org

been a delegate to a convention where you got paid for attending. I don’t think that is necessary for such an enjoyable weekend. Thanks again for the wonderful experience. It was good to meet people from around the area with common interests and goals. Much success for the future of Catholic Aid. Sincerely, Marlene Lorsung Alexandria, Minn.

We Want to Hear from You! Email your experiences with Catholic Aid to news@catholicaid.org.

Contents Features

Candles 6 130 Catholic Aid is 130 years old this year. Find out what the future may hold for CAA.

years 8 2007 Annual Report

Review our financial and fraternal activities over the past year.

11 Firm


Thanks and Praise Member Assistance

Matching Grant

Dear Mr. McGovern, We would like to sincerely thank you for the generous donation we received from Catholic Aid through your Member Assistance Program. We have been blessed by family, friends and organizations such as Catholic Aid for giving us hope that we had lost throughout the summer of 2007. It has truly been a lesson in humility to accept help from others, as it is much easier for us to be on the giving end rather than receiving. Your kindness will be forever etched in our hearts. May God bless you and your families always; we wish you the very best in 2008.

Dear Catholic Aid, We are so very grateful for the $1,000 matching grant that was presented to us by Vince Caron of our parish CAA. We assure you that it will be spent very wisely at our school. Our local CAA is so very diligent in supporting the school. The salad luncheon, chili luncheon and Catholic Schools Week breakfast and bake sale have become famous around town! We thank you for your generous support of Catholic education.

Sincerely, The Lutgen family Rogers, Minn.


Sincerely, Diana McCainey Principal, St. Philip School Litchfield, Minn.

Someone do something special in your community? Let us know! Correspondence will appear in the next Catholic Aid Journey.


The 2007 Annual Report of the Catholic Aid Association Foundation.



Opening Words



From President Mike McGovern

Member stories, CAA tidbits and news headlines.


To Your Health


Catholic Aid Kids

Recipes and health tips.

Don’t miss this, kids! Activities, contests and more; a whole page for our young members.

April 2008



CAA News

Youth group earns money for mission trip The Area Faith Community of SS. Michael, Mary and Brenden in Arlington, Minn., raised almost $1,150 with their Bingo Night parish unit Matching Grant. More than $600 will be matched by Catholic Aid to help send the Area Faith Community kids to Oklahoma City in July. There they will work with the poor and underprivileged. People had such a good time at the event, they asked the group to plan another one this spring!

CAA Datebook: Upcoming Seminars Members and nonmembers are invited to attend an Estate Planning and Charitable Giving seminar led by Advanced Case Specialist and Trainer, John Tetzloff. Do you want to schedule a seminar at your church? Contact your local Field Representative; the name is on the mailing label of this magazine.

April 1 April 8 April 10

2 p.m. & 7 p.m. at St. James Church in St. James, Minn. 7 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church in New Ulm, Minn.

7 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Church in Brainerd, Minn.


April 2008

Did You Know?

2007 Youth Parish Program The Youth Parish Program rewards youth groups for doing volunteer work that benefits their parish. In 2007, 23 councils took advantage of this program that encourages volunteerism, helps accomplish tasks in the parish, and earns the youth group a little money. Did we say a little money? Last year, $3,365 was donated to youth groups that helped out. 524 kids racked up a total of 4,283 volunteer hours. Get your youth group involved in Youth Parish this year!


How to Contact your Field Representative: Look on the back cover of this magazine. Your Field Representative’s name and contact information should appear next to yours. Otherwise, visit www.catholicaidrep.com, or call 1-800-568-6670.

Member Spotlight

Name: Keith Koltes Hometown: Luxemburg, Minn. Council: St. Theresa/Wendelin Achievement: Keith was

awarded the Catholic Aid Community Service Award by his Council.

Whether as a Eucharistic minister, in the choir, or with his bare hands making repairs to the church, Keith is always there to lend a hand.

Web Link: www.fakechecks.org Did you just get an email telling you you’ve won a foreign lottery? SCAM!! Visit www.fakechecks.org to learn about the latest threats to the security of your bank account.

JOIN HANDS DAY is May 3, 2008!

Register online at www.joinhandsday.org or call the Fraternal department at 1-800-568-6670! news@catholicaid.org

CAA News

Whatever happened to “Customer Service”? Well, we certainly hope you’ll agree it is alive and well at Catholic Aid! But you might encounter a blank stare if you show up and ask for the Customer Service Department. (Not really, we’ll always get you where you need to go.) But by the time you read this, we’ll have changed our name. You know, we feel that the members of Catholic Aid are more than just customers; you ARE Catholic Aid! So we decided to change our name to reflect our determination to provide the very best service available anywhere. As of April 1, you can ask for the “Member Services Department” and you’ll be directed to the same great staff to help you out. We’re not going anywhere; the Member Services Department will be right here, in place to maintain your insurance policy or answer your questions. We will still be doing our best every day to support you and our Field Representatives. So if you have any concerns, if you’re changing your address or want to update your beneficiaries, give us a call. Just remember to ask for Member Services, and that’s exactly what you’ll get.

April 2008


130 years 130 years

All eyes to the other horizon

By Jared Roddy It has been more than 130 years since the incorporation of the different German Roman Catholic benefit societies into what is now the Catholic Aid Association. Could the original founders have envisioned or predicted the massive growth the Association has experienced since its inception? The Catholic Aid Association is justly proud of its heritage and tradition. But one tradition that does not get as much attention as its commitment to service or its support of Catholic education, is its history of good foresight. The Catholic Aid tradition of knowing that the world around the organization changes, and is changing, is one of the most important aspects in the success of the organization thus far. And though its core beliefs will guide it through the worst depressions and the highest inflations, preparation for the new and next is what will continue to make it thrive. “We look to the past for counsel and encouragement. But I am convinced that this present body is not content to admire with self-satisfaction the achievements and glories of bygone days. Look toward the future and, in your mind’s eye, consider the awaiting tasks. Encouraged by the inspiring examples of our elders, enlightened by the teachings of an infallible Church, guided by leaders that are tried and true, let us engage the conflict and solve the problems with courage and hope, with justice and charity.”


April 2008


Looking at the Catholic Aid sign from the other horizon, the name becomes clear. Catholic Aid has a rich tradition of service and financial excellence; looking to the future and making plans for it will ensure a clear tomorrow.

These prophetic words were spoken at the Annual Convention in 1927 by seminarian Joseph A. Ettel. His words crystallized the notion that the Association had enjoyed great success, but that the greatest days were yet to come. In 2008, the leadership of Catholic Aid fully believes that its greatest days are still before it. “We have to constantly look at new ways to attract new members and get them involved,” President Michael McGovern told the Catholic Spirit newspaper in a recently pub-

lished article on Catholic Aid. “The Home Office and Field staffs are fully committed to that vision.” Catholic Aid’s vision for the next 130 years sees it diversifying the products and services it offers, but also diversifying who it offers those products to, and how it introduces itself to them. “There’s no question ‘the future’ is actually here,” says Steve Wendorf, Manager of Marketing. “In terms of how we’re going to increase membership and add value to the current members, we’re living in a


different world from the one people woke up in even 10 years ago.” Considering what 10 years ago was like, it’s clear the new marketing manager is on to something. In 1998, modems whistled, popped and plodded onto the strange new wonderland called the Internet. Email was still called electronic mail and only college kids and a few businesses used it. Cellular phones had not adopted the name “cell” phones, they weighed a pound each and had a ten-minute battery life. Today, these items that were strange and new have become dominating forces in the lives of tomorrow’s would-be members. Cell phones are ubiquitous, last for days without a charge, and can take calls, surf the web, send email and pay bills. Computers operate at speeds that would have been inconceivable 10 years ago, and people routinely have several email addresses, social network profiles and even “e-friends.” “This is where the prospective new members we want live and work,” Wendorf says. “The generational differences between today’s young adults and those who comprise most of our current membership couldn’t be bigger.” But despite those generational differences, he says, there are a great many things today’s members will have in common with new members from Generations X and Y born after 1965. Charity, compassion, Catholic faith, respect for life, all the values Catholic Aid supported for generations, will continue to be the solder that brings people to Catholic Aid, and sticks them together. “It’s not about price points or even necessarily security. It’s about belonging. Belonging to a group that shares their zeal for service, continued on page 10


What was going on in the world in 1878? Just how long ago is 130 years? It is easier to remember events and things that have happened on a certain date than it is to remember the date itself. Take a look at some other things that happened in 1878. The Civil War would have been a recent memory to those men who first started Catholic Aid. 1878 - The Reconstruction Era ends Feb. 7 - Pope Pius IX dies Feb. 19 - Thomas Edison patents the phonograph Feb. 20 - Pope Leo XIII succeeds Pope Pius IX as the 256th pope Feb. 21 - New Haven, Conn., publishes the first phone book March 3 - Bulgaria gains independence from the Ottoman Empire June 4 - Ottoman Empire cedes Cyprus to the U.K. June 5 - Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa is born June 15 - The first motion picture is made using 12 different cameras. July 4 - “Yankee Doodle Dandy” George M. Cohan really is born on the Fourth of July July 26 - “Black Bart,” the famous poet and thief, steals his last safe from a Wells Fargo stagecoach; the empty strongbox is later found with a taunting poem inside Sept. 21 - The American Bar Association is founded Oct. 15 - Edison Electric Company begins operation Dec. 25 - Chevrolet founder and race car driver Louis Chevrolet is born.

April 2008


2007 A nnual Report of the Catholic A id Association Dear Members and Friends of the Catholic Aid Association, I have often started presentations stating that the Catholic Aid Association is on solid ground financially, fraternally, and spiritually. First comes our financial soundness. As you can readily see by the graphs and charts we have provided, Catholic Aid had another excellent year. Growth in assets, life insurance premiums and surplus all indicate that the Association is well protected and can comfortably make good on all promised benefits to our 74,000 members. The strength of these numbers is predicated on the fact that we are ever-vigilant regarding expenses, and we are able to provide our current and future members with quality insurance and annuity products. This Assets $558,897,625

commitment allows us to make good on our Vision of “contributing to the financial well-being of our members.” Secondly, we have declared that we want to “be a visible leader in support of our Catholic communities.” As you review the highlights of 2007, it becomes clear we are equally dedicated to our fraternal goals.


The vision of the Catholic Aid Association defines clearly who we are. Bound by our Catholic Faith we will:  Be the provider of choice in contributing to the financial wellbeing of our members;  Be a visible leader in support of our Catholic communities. Fraternalism has multiple purposes: support for our members who share our common bond of the

Fraternal Expenditures $1,772,070

Roman Catholic faith, volunteer spirit and action in our communities, financial support for Catholic education in our schools, homes and religious education programs. Here are some fraternal highlights from 2007. Member Assistance Program– This fraternal program provides a direct benefit to individual Catholic Aid members who are in financial need due to hardship caused by illness, natural disasters, military service, etc. Our contribution to members grew from $10,500 in 2006 to $25,900 in 2007. While we are saddened that so many people are in need in these difficult times, we are heartened by the support our members offer to each other. Ministree Program – This pro-

Liabilities and Surplus $558,897,625

*Bonds 83% Mortgage Loans 11% Reserves for Life Insurance and Annuities 89%

Cash/Short-Term Investments 2% Surplus 5%

Policy Loans 1% Mutual Funds 1%

Religious, Charitable and Benevolent 11%

Investment Income Due/Accrued 1%

Administrative 33%

Other Assets 1% * Includes Surplus Notes


April 2008

Fraternal Benefits and Expenses 56%

Supplementary Contracts 4%

Investment Reserves 1%

Other Liabilities 1%


gram, started in 2003, supports the unmet needs of parishes and reinforces the value of volunteerism with parishioners of all ages. One of our most popular fraternal programs, we now have Ministree programs in 97 parishes. Those volunteer efforts yielded more than $39,000 in 2007 alone. Youth Initiatives – The Fraternal department strengthened its focus on youth initiatives in 2007 by adding a Fraternal Youth Liaison. Efforts are underway to increase our visibility and interaction with young adults in parishes and youth groups. We have expanded our presence on the Web and social networks, given grants to CAA members who are participating in World Youth Day 2008 in Sydney, and we continue to work with councils to encourage involvement of young people. 50-year members Foundation donation – 2007 was the third year that CAA members who were recognized for 50 consecutive years of membership had the option to donate to the CAA Foundation. Generous members donated $3,380 in 2007, making the three-year contributions almost $25,000. Council officers and active members are true leaders who give daily of their time, talent and energy to support the goals of CAA in the community. For 130 years, it has been these individuals, one by one, who represent Catholic Aid with great dedication and commitment.


The 2007 Balance Sheet and Statement of Operations of the Catholic Aid Association are printed on page 10 for the review of our members. You are also welcome to examine the complete annual statement in the Home Office in St. Paul, Minn. Assets increased $20.0 million, or 3.7 percent, from $538.8 million news@catholicaid.org

to $558.8 million. The majority of CAA assets consists of bonds, mortgages, cash and short-term investments, mutual funds and surplus. In 2007, we posted another surplus increase of 6.1 percent, for an alltime high of $30.2 million. The advantage to surplus growth means the Association has a cushion in case unforeseen contingencies arise, and can provide funds for future growth. The first phrase of our Vision set the tone for the Catholic Aid Association with the words, “Bound by our Catholic Faith….” when our society was formed 130 years ago. When those first ten councils met at Assumption Parish in St. Paul the connective bond that brought them

together was our Roman Catholic faith. It has always been a component of our name, but far more importantly, this phrase has been the essence of our survival. As long as we keep our faith in the forefront of the Association we will have the strength to survive. Mr. Olson and I thank you for the privileged opportunity to be the officers of this great organization, the Catholic Aid Association. Sincerely, Michael F. McGovern, President & Chairman of the Board Dennis L. Olson, Senior Vice President & Secretary/Treasurer

7-Year Progress 2.0

Life Insurance in Force (billions)



Annuities in Force (millions)


1.5 200


150 100

0.5 50


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007




Assets (millions)

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Surplus (millions)



25 400

20 300

15 200


100 0


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

April 2008


CAA Statement of Operations 2007


$ Increase

% Incr.

$ Increase

% Incr.

Statement of operations INCOME Life Insurance Premiums Annuities Premiums Investment Income Other Income

$10,387,464 18,932,529 32,231,783 460,523

$10,260,395 19,150,781 30,780,859 450,014





$31,214,030 7,202,828 10,494,673 1,851,675 8,462,647

$27,025,978 7,636,442 12,200,292 1,961,526 8,159,631

$4,188,052 (433,614) (1,705,619) (109,851) 303,016





$2,786,446 438,152

$3,658,180 437,212

($871,734) 940

-23.8% 0.2%

NET GAIN AFTER REFUNDS TO MEMBERS Net Realized Capital Gains or (Losses)

$2,348,294 155,486

$3,220,968 617,673

($872,674) (462,187)

-27.1% -74.8%






$28,436,738 2,503,780 (340,504) (270,301) (42,216) (122,006)

$24,092,027 3,838,641 132,308 (336,478) 727,497 (17,257)

$4,344,711 (1,334,861) (472,812) 66,177 (769,713) (104,749)

18.0% -34.8% -357.4% 19.7% -105.8% -607.0%








CLAIMS & EXPENSES Claims, Surrenders and Benefits Increase in aggregate reserve for life Increase in reserves for annuities and supps Commissions Expenses (general ins., fraternal, taxes, licenses & fees) TOTAL CLAIMS & EXPENSES



$127,069 (218,252) 1,450,924 10,509

1.2% -1.1% 4.7% 2.3% 2.3%

15.5% -5.7% -14.0% -5.6% 3.7% 3.9%

SURPLUS ACCOUNT Surplus December 31, previous year Net Income from operations Change in unrealized capital gains of (losses) Change in asset valuation reserve Change in Pension Liability Other changes Change in Surplus SURPLUS AS OF STATEMENT DATE


INVESTMENTS: Bonds Mutual Funds Mortgage loans Home office real estate Cash and Short-term investments Certificate and automatic premium loans Other Invested Assets - Surplus Notes INVESTMENT INCOME DUE AND ACCRUED AMOUNTS RECOVERABLE FROM REINSURERS




$ Increase $ Increase


%% Incr. Incr.

$456,756,061 4,268,713 63,764,057 1,980,044 10,577,144 8,011,795 7,067,077

$440,516,259 3,257,795 59,262,534 1,963,182 11,867,305 8,253,063 7,101,584

$16,239,802 1,010,918 4,501,523 16,862 (1,290,161) (241,268) (34,507)

3.7% 31.0% 7.6% 0.9% -10.9% -2.9% -0.5%
















$207,372,375 $292,461,130 20,131,717 1,037,274 2,370,174 2,749,802 2,609,662

$200,231,554 $281,904,451 19,455,674 724,052 2,801,305 2,479,501 2,848,780

$7,140,821 $10,556,679 676,043 313,222 (431,131) 270,301 (239,118)














LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS LIABILITIES: Aggregate reserve for life certificates Aggregate reserve for annuity contracts

Supplementary contracts without life contingencies

Expenses due or accrued Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR) Asset Valuation Reserve (AVR) Other Liabilities Total liabilities



April 2008

3.6% 3.7% 3.5% 43.3% -15.4% 10.9% -8.4%

130 Years continued from page 7 community, protection, all those things,” Wendorf says. McGovern and Senior Vice President and Secretary/ Treasurer Dennis Olson agree with Wendorf that the Association’s future rests on drawing in new members. The Catholic Aid traditions of volunteerism and the desire to do good and improve the community may be more alive in the current generations than any before them. Reaching out to these people in the right way and inviting them into the fold will make all the difference.

“Reaching out to these people in the right way and inviting them into the fold will make all the difference.” In the next months and years, Catholic Aid will make a concentrated effort to attract new members, especially those members of Generations X and Y. Youth and energy are necessary to carry on the traditions that have made CAA a shining example of service to the Catholic Church. Catholic Aid looks forward to a prosperous 2008, but it has never been content to look only at the nearest horizon. Even as we plan to report good news for the Association in the 2008 Annual Report, with courage and hope, we are taking the steps today to ensure an exceptional Annual Report in 2138, too. + www.catholicaid.org

Catholic Aid Association Foundation

On December 17, 1997, the State of Minnesota certified the incorporation of the Catholic Aid Association Foundation. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary this year, it is

Annual Report

important to remember our origins.


to help victims who suffered losses from the devastating

A little over 10 years ago, the Foundation was created

tornados in the St. Peter, Minn., area and from the flooding in the Red River Valley. In 2007, history repeated itself. Southeast Minnesota suffered a major flooding disaster. When a disaster occurs, the Foundation is obliged to step in and help our members. Despite its small size and limited funds, the Catholic Aid membership worked with the Foundation so it could live up to its creed: “Together, we can make a difference.�

April 2008


Three Priorities The Foundation is focused on three priority areas of giving: providing funds for technology in Catholic schools and parishes; promoting chastity and abstinence programs for young Catholics; and continuing to procure and distribute aid for victims of natural disasters. Through these initiatives, the Catholic Aid Association Foundation strives to financially support the spiritual, educational, and social needs of Catholic communities throughout the Upper Midwest. This past year saw a significant increase in grants distributed over 2006. Technology grants increased from $15,900 in 2006 to $29,505 in 2007. The Chastity and Abstinence grant awards also reflected a huge increase from $800 in 2006 to $6,500 in 2007. The increase in grants was made possible because of generous donors who support the Foundation with unrestricted gifts. Donors increased general contributions over $16,000 from 2006.

2007 Giving Priority Funds Chastity & Abstinence Education $6,500

Technology Grants $29,505 Disaster Relief $51,700

Giving Over 10 Years – Priority Funds By Diocese

$160,000 Disaster Relief Grants

The following figures are the total grants distributed made between 1997 and 2007 in each diocese. Diocese

$108,385 Technology Grants

$18,720 Chastity & Abstinence Education


April 2008

Technology Grants

Chastity Grants

Bismarck, N.D.............................................. $500 Crookston, Minn....................................... $11,550....................................... $3,500 Dubuque, Iowa............................................ $1,500 Duluth, Minn.. ............................................... $8,740......................................... $500 Fargo, N.D......................................................... $6,350......................................... $2,600 Green Bay, Wis........................................... $500 LaCrosse, Wis.............................................. $200 Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn....... $27,125....................................... $8,220 New Ulm, Minn........................................... $13,550....................................... $750 Sioux Falls, S.D.......................................... $4,500 St. Cloud, Minn.......................................... $23,520. .................................... $2,650 Superior, Wis................................................ $4,500 Winona, Minn............................................... $5,850


Moving Forward

Income Statement Statement of Activity and Change in Net Assets for the Fiscal Year Ending Dec. 31,2007 (unaudited)

by Paul Naumann Executive Director Moving forward, the Foundation realizes that if a major disaster strikes again the Foundation must be better prepared to meet the needs. It is time to create a plan so that we can continue to respond to our members and Catholic communities in need. We are completing the research necessary to develop a disaster relief response plan for the Catholic Aid Association. At the core of Catholic Aid Association’s existence is continued on page 16

Balance Sheet Statement of Financial Position, Dec. 31,2007 (unaudited)


Assets Cash & Short Term Investments $769,656 Life Insurance Contracts $1,138,385 Immediate Annuities $343,579 Deferred Annuities $332,316 Total Assets $2,583,936 Liabilities Gift Annuities Payable Amounts Held for Benefit of Others Miscellaneous Payable Total Liabilities


2006 $635,974 $1,042,938 $413,091 $205,197 $2,297,200


$1,104,166 $1,020,447 $334 $155 $1,443,909 $1,422,878

Net Assets Unrestricted $468,929 Temporarily Restricted $167,350 Permanently Restricted $503,752 Total Net Assets $1,140,027

$261,159 $120,664 $492,499 $874,322

Total Liabilities & Net Assets $2,583,936 $2,297,200


Revenues & Gains Contributions Less CAA Contributed Services Revenue Net Contributions Other Revenues Special Event Revenue Investment Income Realized Gain (Loss) Unrealized Gain (Loss) Change in Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance Change in Value of Split Interest Agreements Total Revenues and Gains





($148,245) $365,627

($183,287) $392,698

$35,556 $34,960 $0.00 ($15,284)

$34,781 $39,263 ($763) $10,379







Expenses Programs $117,667 $43,467 Administrative $80,807 $106,469 Fund Raising $49,799 $59,527 Less: CAA Contributed Services ($148,245) ($183,287) Net Direct Operating Expenses $100,029 $26,176 Other Expenses Costs of Direct Benefits to Donors - Special Event Premiums on Life Insurance Contracts





Total Expenses



Change in Net Assets



Net Assets - Jan. 1, 2007 $874,309 $443,840 Net Assets - Dec. 31, 2007 $1,140,031 $874,309

April 2008


To Your Health

4 ways To live greener

From the CAA Cookbook... About These Recipes: Both of these recipes are delightful, so much so that it’s in their names! The simple but sweet chicken recipe gets its tang from pineapple, while the muffins have a tasteful crunchy topping. Enjoy! Spicy Chicken Delight

Earth Day is just around the corner; you’ve heard a lot about going green and climate change but did you know that going green isn’t just for the earth? It can also be good for your health! When you go green, you’re not just helping the environment, you’re helping yourself too. You can save money on electricity by using efficient products, and you can stay healthier by walking short distances instead of driving. Little changes by lots of people can make a big difference. So remember, when you go green, you save green!

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 2 Tbsp cornstarch 2 Tbsp brown sugar 1/2 tsp oregano 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp sesame oil 2 1/2 tsp reduced-sodium soy sauce 1 cup white wine 4 pineapple rings

Get Involved! Join in the

2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 8 egg whites 1 package instant vanilla pudding 1 package instant butterscotch pudding 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt (optional) 3/4 cup applesauce 1 tsp vanilla

38th year of Earth Day on April 22. Here are some suggestions:

1 2

Pack a waste-free lunch by using reusable containers.

Unplug electronics.

Even when they’re off, they still use energy.

a tune-up on your 3 Get car to save gas.

Use warm

4 water to wash your clothes instead of hot.


April 2008

Directions: Pierce chicken breasts with a fork. Mix cornstarch, brown sugar, oregano, garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce and white wine together. Pour the liquid mixture over the chicken. Cover and bake in 350-degree oven for 45 minutes. While chicken is cooking, spray a pan with cooking spray and sauté the pineapple over medium heat. Before serving, top each chicken breast with a pineapple ring. Yield 4 servings

Toffee Delight Muffins

Topping: 2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Directions: Mix together all muffin ingredients - beat for two minutes. Fill each muffin cup 1/3 full. Mix together all topping ingredients. Sprinkle muffins with topping. Don’t put a lot of topping in the middle of each muffin or else the muffin may fall after baking. Add remaining batter to fill each muffin 2/3 full. Sprinkle remainder of topping on each muffin. Bake at 350 degrees for 15- 20 minutes. Yield 24 muffins


Catholic Aid Kids

On the Map Central and South America have the world’s largest percentage of Catholic population – 47%. Speaking of percentages, at the time of the final battle of the American Revolution, the Battle of Lexington, only 1 % of the American population was Catholic. Now, Catholics comprise 26% of the U.S. population, four times more than any other Christian group.

Jokes of the Month Knock, Knock...Who’s there? Olive...Olive who? Olive next door to you!

Puzzles Galore!

Puzzles are for kids up to 12 years old. Send your answer to: 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126 and include your name and phone number to be the next CA Kids winner.

Knock, Knock...Who’s there? Kanga...Kanga who? No, Kanga Roo! Send Us Your Photos!

We want to see Catholic Aid Kids in action. Playing sports, games, cards, you name it. Better yet, how about helping out a neighbor and having your parent take a picture? We’ll try to publish it in our next issue of CA News or CA Journey!

Send us your best joke!

If we print it, we’ll send you a Catholic Aid T-shirt! Send to: Catholic Aid Association, 3499 Lexington Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 55126-8098. Include your name, phone number and home address.

Service Challenge

Cool Kid

What have you done to help a neighbor this year? What about your parents or your church? Make a New Year’s resolution to be a helper this year. Here are some ideas to get you started!

your neighbor’s side1. Shovel walk. Or, call your friends and


Name: Teresa Vieths Age: 11 Hometown: Hastings, Minn. School: Hastings Middle School Keep up with Teresa! Teresa is our Catholic Aid Cool Kid for the month of April and will receive a free T-shirt! Teresa is a musical sixth grader at Hastings Middle School. She plays the trumpet and is a member of the choir at St. Joseph’s Church. She also has a passion for horses. Congratulations, Teresa!


shovel every walk on the block! Do a Ministree card for your parish, or if your church doesn’t have a Ministree, try to get one started through CAA! Collect toiletries, food or clothing for the homeless and have a parent help you donate them.

Meet a Saint

CAA Foundation Annual Report

Moving Forward

-- from page 13

“fraternalism;” our founding members saw the need and then created an organization based on the concept of Catholics helping Catholics. I believe the Catholic Aid Association can make a greater impact on those suffering from losses by working together to make a difference. In closing, I hope that you are inspired by the generosity of our members and the impact the Foundation has on the lives and organizations we touch with our financial support. With the support of our members, donors, and local Councils, we will build a Foundation for a stronger, more vibrant Church. May God bless you. At right: A Technology

Aiding Seminarians Msgr. Richard J. Schuler Seminarian Charitable Trust 2007 Grants Awarded

Grant Amount

Grant given to St. Henry’s Area School in Perham, Minn., in honor of former Principal Mary Thomas covered the purchase of two new computers. Principal Mary Floster thanks CAA members for making the grant possible.


26 Minor Seminarians........................ $300............................................... $7,800 57 Major Seminarians......................... $500............................................... $28,500

10-Year Giving Total 437 Seminarians have received $184,150

3499 Lexington Ave. N. St. Paul, MN 55126-8098

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