Fall 2016 Cathedral High School magazine and Annual Report

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C AT H E D R A L H I G H S C H O O L M A G A Z I N E | FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 6






Introduction to the 2015 Annual Report Section starting on page 22.



INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Letter From Our Principal . . . . . . . . . 2 School News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Educator Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Alumnae Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Class Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2015-2016 Annual Report . . . . . . . . 22

Cathedral High School Administration Ms. Maria Spagnuolo Principal Ms. Rosemary Eivers Assistant Principal for Academics Mrs. Elizabeth Lawlor Assistant Principal for Student Life Cathedral High School Board of Trustees Elinor Sutton, Esq., Chair Stephen M. Schiller, Vice Chair Ambar Boodhoo Sr. Margaret Egan ‘56, SC, Ed.D. Hon. Sue Ann Hoahng ‘74 James P. Jalil, Esq. Annemarie McAvoy, Esq Julie McGee Dr. Joseph Muscente Suzanne Schecter Adele Vera-Angel ‘68 Bishop Gerald Walsh Philip J. Wilker, Esq. ©2016 Cathedral High School



Dear Cathedral Family,


elcome to the latest edition of The Cathedral Connection, which also includes the 2015-2016 Annual Report. Thank you for helping us raise over $950,000 last year! I cannot stress how important your continued support is to our mission, and I cannot express my gratitude deeply enough to those who have contributed throughout the year. In June we graduated over 150 seniors at a beautiful Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Our guest speaker and student Valedictorian both gave such moving, eloquent speeches, that we’ve included a transcript in this issue so that you may be inspired by their words as the Class of 2016 was. Sadly, our Cathedral community suffered a great loss over the summer when S. Mary Kilmartin SC passed away at the age of 83. As one of Cathedral’s most beloved faculty members for over 32 years, S. Kilmartin taught Spanish, and then became dean of students, academic dean and principal. She is remembered in our hearts and in our prayers with love and admiration. Looking forward, we are enthusiastically planning our April fundraising gala, which will take place on Tuesday, April 11th in midtown Manhattan. This year we will be honoring “30 Under 30” – a celebration of Cathedral’s brightest young entrepreneurs, leaders and stars. Information on how to purchase tickets, as well as more information about these amazing young individuals will be posted to our website soon. Again we thank those of you who have made gifts to Cathedral, and I ask you to please continue to support this school we love so much. Sincerely,

Maria Spagnuolo Principal


Siara Maldonado Named Student of Distinction

We are thrilled to announce that current Senior Siara Maldonado has been named Student of Distinction by the Times Ledger. Here is a reprint of the original article, featured in the June 2016 issue.


ur June Student of Distinction, Siara, comes with accolades from teachers, business professionals, medical professionals, and the Principal of Cathedral High School. Each recommendation makes note of Siara’s leadership abilities, teamwork, intelligence, diligence and dedication, and kindness. Siara attends Cathedral High School on a full scholarship. Prior to attending high school, Siara was Valedictorian of her graduating class at Immaculate Conception School. This distinguished designation was a result

of superior academic achievement, demonstrated leadership, and community service.

Among the honors she has earned is induction in the National Honor Society (NHS). As an NHS member, Siara became eligible for membership and selection into Cathedral Scholars Club, which focuses on programs to enrich the knowledge of those who excel academically. Siara has retained a 99.44 GPA and ranks second in her class. She also earned inclusion on the Principal’s List since October 2013, for which one must maintain a 95 or higher grade average, with no grade less than 90. Her development during her attendance at Cathedral High School has been noted by Principal Maria

Spagnuolo. Ms. Spagnuolo reflects, “She is mature beyond her years, with a natural intellectual capacity that allows her to excel in whatever endeavor she undertakes. She earned the respect of her fellow students, as well as the respect of her teachers and school administration. She has consistently achieved honor roll status and has strong personal qualities and interpersonal skills.”

Siara’s enthusiasm for learning earned her the opportunity to explore careers in STEM-related subjects – science, technology, engineering, mathematics – through Fordham University’s STEP program. STEP’s academic enrichment program offers college and career CONTINUED ON PAGE6



Erika Valdez’s Valedictorian Speech G

ood afternoon, Members of the Board of Trustees, Ms. Spagnuolo, Ms. Eivers,Ms. Lawlor, Sister Margaret, faculty, parents, sponsors, guests, and fellow graduates.

perseverance. Cathedral High School is where we learned how to be not just a woman, but a confident woman — someone who speaks her mind politely, someone who is intelligent, someone who is not afraid to fail. We must take the lessons we have learned and use them to be an even better person in college and beyond.

This day signifies an ending — our last day as high school students. This day also signifies a beginning of something new. In just a few months, we will be in a new environment, where we will meet new people, go to new places, and learn new things. Before we do those things, let us sit back and take a few moments to remember our great four years. I can still vividly remember the Orientation Day we had in August 2012. I remember being nervous and shy. I am a different person now, as I know you all are. I have flourished in confidence and have learned to trust my abilities. We all have grown into beautiful women. We have matured into amazing people. Some of us may have discovered our passion, whether it be in the medical, law, or business field. Some of us may have not, and that is totally fine. We have the next four years to help us. As I stand here today, I would like to focus on two significant words: thank you. To our dear parents, thank you for your support and guidance. More importantly, thank you for your sacrifices and unwavering love. Of course, I have a little segue. Thank you to my beloved parents, Eduardo and Eden Valdez, who have been there for me since the beginning. You are my role models. I hope I make you both proud. To our teachers, thank you for your patience and wisdom. We learned so much from derivatives to radioactive


decay, from Church history to American history, from conjugating Spanish verbs to mastering vocabulary words. More importantly, thank you for being our friends — with Mr. Losier and his band jokes, with Mr. Philipps talking about the Mets, with Ms. Woo and her turtles, with Mr. Naughton and his much appreciated congratulations, and finally with Mr. Cartolano dropping down low. To our guidance counselors, thank you for all your efforts. More importantly, thank you for letting us just walk in in your offices whenever we need something. Without you, we would not be where we are now. To our friends, thank you for the laughs, smiles, and memories. We may not be related by blood, but we will forever be bonded by our experiences. After all, we are Cathedralite sisters. More importantly, thank you for taking this journey together with me. Cathedral High School, thank you for the friendships and memories we have made throughout the years. Even more importantly, thank you for the lessons of faith, gratitude, and

I cannot stand here and tell you that you will experience success and happiness from now on. If I did, feel free to call me out and say “you’re lying.” You would be correct in doing so. You see, life is not all about the positives; it is also about the negatives. We must learn to balance both sides. If there is one thing I can tell you, it's that God only has three answers: yes, no, and wait — as taught by my mother. If it is good for you, why would God deny you of it? There is no more perfect timing than God's timing. We must learn to be patient for God has a plan for each and every one of us in His own time. There will be tears, but do not let them ruin your smiles. There will be pain, but do not let it spoil your joy. There will be failure, but do not let it take away from your success. Do not be afraid to try new things. Take chances. Go where your heart leads you. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Now, as I end this speech, I would like to make a toast: to our dreams, to our future, and to our success. God bless you all, and congratulations to the Class of 2016! Thank you.


S. Margaret Egan Delivers Commencement Address On Wednesday, June 1, 2016 the Cathedral High school community gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral for Graduation. Principal Maria Spagnuolo invited alumna and Board of Trustee member S. Margaret Egan, SC ’56, to deliver the Commencement address. We found her words so inspirational; we want to share them with you. With her permission, her speech is included here:


offer my Congratulations to you, fellow Cathedralites.

Not just to you but Congratulations and thanks to those who helped make it possible for you to sit here today awaiting your diplomas, symbols of years of work and sacrifice on your part and on the part of those around you—your parents, guardians, other supporters and mentors, friends, faculty, administrators and members of the Board of Trustees. And I am sure you would want to join me in thanking them. I do not remember what I heard or who the speaker was when I sat in those seats. But I know that what was said stayed with me, at least some of it—somewhere inside. Why? Because that is what happens when we listen. What we see, read, hear remains a part of us. So, maybe some of the thoughts I share will stay a part of you. I had some wonderful adventures at CHS; however, Ms. Spagnuolo said I was not allowed to share them with you— But maybe just one… One day in my senior year a few friends and I decided to do something we had never done before. We decided to cut class; I believe it was Chemistry. There we were in the hallway; the bell had just rung; all went into their classes, and there we were. Out there with no place to go. What were we to do? We could not leave the building because we would have had to pass by the Principal’s and other offices. So, the only safe place was the Chapel and there we went. I guess the Lord said, “I will get you.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 8



A Bonding Experience and New Tradition L


preparation in the aforementioned subjects as well as introduction to the licensed professions, including medicine and law. Additionally, Siara participated in Health Professionals Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) through Cornell University. HPREP is a nationwide high school science enrichment program intent on recruiting under-represented high school students into careers in the sciences and health professions. HPREP consists of 10 sessions, January through March. Students attend physician-led lectures at The Joan and Sanford I. Weill Cornell Medical College. Program participants also attend small group workshops led by Weill Cornell medical students. Another health-oriented program Siara engages in is Cathedral High School’s Gateways to Health. Gateways’ members are required to take yearly health classes, maintain an 80% average and complete volunteer work. During her enrollment in the program, Siara was an intern at Jared Shore DMD, where she aided in dental office organization and observed the daily


ast year student council wanted to express their school spirit and the enthusiasm they felt for Cathedral, but sought a way to foster a sense of school community outside the school walls. With their brainstorming, they came up with the idea for Cathedral High School’s first-ever Field Day. On a brilliantly sunny Friday in September, the students’ visions of competition and camaraderie came to life in a raucous and fun school-wide celebration of Cathedral school spirit. From games to cheers to color-coordinated shirts and plenty of dancing, the day was an absolute success.

Andrew Pipchinski, Director of CoCurricular Activities, was responsible for the coordination and execution of the event. He planned a morning full of competitions such as relay races and tug of war on Randall’s Island. Cathedralites competed on teams grouped by grade year. The girls had also prepared for the event by fundraising, making creative class year banners and decorating matching t-shirts. Freshman sported green shirts, sophomores were in maroon, juniors wore gold, and seniors donned blue.

routine of a dentist. Julia Cardoso, Office Manager, found that “In all my years experience, some individuals stand out: Siara is one of those people. She is remarkable for her work ethic, positive attitude, and leadership. In fact, she is the ‘go-to’ person.”

of skill and determination as a member of the Varsity Volleyball team. Anna Pipchinski, Varsity Volleyball Coach, Physical Education Teacher is proud of Siara’s commitment and reliability. She states “Siara has done so well in many areas that I asked her to join my sports camp for children with visual impairments. She will also captain the Varsity Volleyball team during her senior year.”

Siara also had an internship at Sutton Place Physical Therapy (PT), where she observed different PT methods. Language is also a study in which Siara excels, attests Leonor Scacalossi, Language Teacher. “After only two years of Spanish,” Ms. Scacalossi observes, “Siara was invited to join AP Spanish due to her mastery of the intermediate level. She completes all class activities in a manner that demonstrates academic passion.” Being a person who is giving of her time and knowledge, Siara finds joy in participating in school activities that promote the betterment of fellow students. For example, she is a member of the student council. Her position permits her to improve the school environment for others. Relationships with other students are further fostered through volunteer tutoring. On the court, Siara brings a high level

Despite initial forecasts of rain, the Field CONTINUED ON PAGE 7

In past summers Siara volunteered for Immaculate Conception School’s summer program. Ms. Lisette Leston, Special Education Coordinator, says, “As a youth activity coordinator, Siara was responsible for groups of 15-20 children on a daily basis. She was never absent nor tardy. Her enthusiasm, smile and eagerness set her apart from other teenagers. She has worked hard in all aspects of her life – from school to work to extra-curricular activites – and is prepared for the next challenges ahead. I cannot wait to see where her next journey takes her!” We also cannot wait. Our sincere congratulations to Siara Maldonado on her achievements thus far and best wishes for continued success in all her future endeavors.



Day arrived without a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful day on Randall’s Island, as students played games on a field with a view of the high school’s neighbor, the Queensboro bridge, in the distance. High points of the day include the mad dash relay race and a small box race. Relocating the entire student body to upper Manhattan for a Field Day was no easy feat, but Mr. Pipchinski’s sleepless nights spent planning were well worth it. He commented, “The students were extremely competitive, while being respectful of each other. We look forward to making this a tradition at Cathedral for years to come.” With their three years of Cathedral experience and plenty of school spirit, it

was no surprise that the seniors earned the most points in competition and won the Field Day, concluding the day with 625 points. Sophomores came in second with 525 points, while juniors finished in third with 500 points, and freshman earned 325 points. Beyond the competitive aspect of the

day, students gained so much from their friendly games. The inaugural Field Day was a wonderful way for Cathedralites to bond with their fellow class members and to show their excitement for the new school year. Field Day will certainly become a new favorite tradition for Cathedralites in the coming years.

Linda Chan: My high school experience Senior Linda Chan was selected to be Junior Achievement’s Student of the Year! We invited Linda to share with you what she cherishes most from her last two years at Cathedral High School.


I had to look back on my high school years, without a doubt, my junior and senior years would be the best. I see myself growing to become the person I want to become, and taking on roles I would never expected myself to be, if I was a freshmen. Junior year was all about risks. I pushed myself to take AP and college course business classes at Cathedral, in conjunction with St. Francis College. As for activities, my guidance counselor chose me to be involved with Inner City Scholarship Job Opportunities Program, (JOP). It was an amazing experience coming into school once a month to meet and learn from volunteers in the working world. In the end, I did well to obtain a summer internship at Skadden, a top law firm in America. Throughout the school year, I was also involved with Junior Achievement of NY, as part of my business class, taught by Ms. Kiely. This not only made me see myself as a student, but as an entrepreneur. By participating in Junior Achievement,

I was ready for the Business Plan Competition. Students had to think of an idea that follows the theme of entertainment. It made me think outside of the box while teaching me to be creative and expressive, but most importantly, knowing how to sell. My team made it far to the semi finals, but lost by one point to Bronx Science High School. Although it seemed liked a disappointment, I was in for more surprises. Senior year was about leadership. Being the President of Drama Club and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is challenging. To many it will seem hard, but to me, it is all about balancing. My biggest accomplishment summed up my entire high school years. I was informed that I was Junior Achievement of NY 2016 Student of the Year. I am grateful for the opportunities and the people I have met, but also for my school. Cathedral has opened many doors for me to succeed, and it is now my turn to give back and help others. By being the Student of the Year, not only am I representing Junior Achievement, but all Catholic schools. I will always remember my experiences, and remind others that in order to have success you must always work hard. Anything is possible.





A few weeks ago I mentioned to one of your classmates that I was going to address you today. Asked her to suggest what I should say.

So I ask you to Promise yourself (and Cathedral) that you will remember your Alma Mater in any way you can:

She told me to Speak from my Heart. Wise words. Today, I am taking her advice and I am talking with you from my heart. In speaking from heart I would suggest that today you make a few promises to yourself and to those who are now and those who will be a part of your lives in the future. Just three promises—I promise. From my Heart—Promise One. Does anyone know what Alma Mater means? The words are from the Latin— Alma Mater which translated means nourishing mother. To nourish is to nurture, to sustain, to encourage, to reassure, to support. Mother as a verb means to mind, to tend, to raise, to protect, to cherish. As a noun it is one who minds, tends, raises, protects, cherishes. Cathedral is your Alma Mater. Let’s think in mathematical terms for a minute: Do you realize that during the past years you will have spent about 3800 hours at CHS, not including lunch hours? Those of you who pursue your collegiate degree will spend about 1,890 in academic contact hours in a college. And those of you who will pursue a Master’ degree will have about 540 academic contact hours. Doctoral degree is more difficult to determine because programs are so different. So, 3,800—1,890—540. Enough said. For about 3,800 hours Cathedral High School, your Alma Mater, has nourished, sustained and cherished you, and brought you to this place--June 1,


—by your loyalty; —by your treasuring the values you have developed or strengthened here; —by your willingness to respond to Cathedral’s call for help—regardless of what that may be—any call for help from your Alma Mater. Promise yourself that you will respond. And promise that in remembering your Alma Mater you will also remember the three inspiring words on your High School seal, the three words that have surrounded you— written on your school website, your blazers, your school materials, your ring and even your diploma. Religio Mores Cultura Religio- Being faithful to your Love of God and Others Mores- Being faithful to your values Cultura- Being faithful to your culture as a graduate of Cathedral. As your Handbook reads in part—At graduation the CHS student leaves as a highly skilled, literate young woman …who possesses the moral strength to meet the challenges of the 21 century. From my Heart I ask you to make PROMISE TWO Promise yourself that no matter what you do or where you are, you will always strive to maintain a strong work ethic—that you will be and will do your best. Not a frenzied, frantic best, but a knowledgeable, well-formed, well-intentioned, even gritty, best. St. Elizabeth Seton, foundress of the Sisters of Charity of New York who later worked in gritty fashion to help establish Cathedral High School said so often, “Do your best and leave the rest to our Dear God.” And, if I might add to St. Elizabeth Seton’s words--Your best is always good enough for God; if your

best is not good enough for others, then that cannot and must not be your problem. Promise to maintain a strong work ethic so that the concept of mediocrity will be totally foreign to your experience or your mode of action. I am reminded here of a gritty young woman, who graduated from Cathedral about five or six years ago. In recent conversation with her she told me she loved her time at Cathedral. Two weeks ago she graduated from the College of Mount St. Vincent. I mentored her this semester especially as she, a married parent of two very young children, was completing her BA/MS degree as Sociology major. In addition, she was completing her Teacher Education Certification Program. She also was faced with a formidable task of passing a challenging semester- long State Exam that required highly focused teaching, self-videotaping and extended reflection on her teaching performance. In Early April, she said to me “I am going to make that April date test submission deadline. I wondered to myself—Can she do it with all her family and academic responsibilities and this challenging exam?? She did do it—to her final, gritty act of spending one day at school from 9:00 a.m. to 12 midnight completing and submitting her work to New York State. Two weeks ago she received word—she passed the exam AT THE MASTERY LEVEL. She also obtained a teaching position at the first public school to which she applied and interviewed. And, she received the College’s Medal for Excellence in Teacher Education. THAT, MY GOOD PEOPLE IS TRUE GRIT. No mediocrity here…rather, a strong work ethic. At Cathedral you have learned what a strong work ethic is; you have seen CONTINUED ON PAGE 10


Cathedral High School Billiard Club Lines Up Accomplishments By Dan Pietrafesa


ike Muldoon never expected the Cathedral High School Billiard Club to become what it is.

Cathedral High School students, from left to right, Eliana Rodriguez, Kharmalina Tong and Ariana Dumeng were the school’s first participants at junior nationals, held last month in Schaumburg, Ill. Moderator Mike Muldoon, right, started the club sport at Cathedral in 2002.

The club is coming off its best school year with 15 members, including its first three qualifiers for the Billiard Education Foundation’s 28th annual Junior National 9-Ball Championships. Back in 2002, Muldoon was a secondyear religion teacher who was ready to try his hand at moderating an extracurricular activity. He said he “wanted to do something I would have fun with, too.” “I always enjoyed playing pool,” he recalls. “I did not think they would go for it, but Principal Sister Elizabeth Graham green-lighted it.” Muldoon anxiously awaits the 20162017 school year, which will feature two additional billiards tables at the girls’ school. “We’re really excited about the new year,” Muldoon said. “We enjoy the spirit of competition, and I can say all the while we had fun doing this.” The club will now practice and compete with three billiards tables in the school building. Just a year ago, the school received its first table after practicing at billiards clubs in New York City in previous years. “It’s amazing,” said Eliana Rodriguez, a junior at Cathedral. “I’m just so used to the one and can’t believe there are going to be two extra ones. It’s amazing how people want to support us, and I find it very inspiring.” Five club members graduated in June, but Muldoon is hopeful the club will

start the year with 20 members due to the new tables and the club’s success last year. “Now we’ve been to nationals and did well there, it’s another feather in the cap for the club. It should be another attraction for the club,” said Muldoon, who receives assistance from professional pool player and tutor Mark Finkelstein. Eliana was one of the three Cathedral students competing in the girls’ 18-andunder division at junior nationals in July in the Chicago suburb of Schaumburg, Ill., along with schoolmates Arianna Dumeng and Kharmalina Tong. The girls played opponents in singles matches, with the winner being the first person to win five games of 9-ball. “I was so nervous and scared,’’ said Eliana, who placed in the top 20 for the best Cathedral finish. “I knew if I focused on my nerves, I would not enjoy the game. I calmed down and enjoyed being there. To experience this with kids from all over the country was mindblowing. To have two other players

from our club and my teacher with me was amazing. “It was intimidating, too. We were playing girls who had competed for eight or nine years. It’s great to see what you learn and can improve upon. “It’s a challenging game—that’s one of the best parts about it...You need to have a strategy and plan your shots,” she said. “When you’re lining up your shot, you’re planning your next few shots.” With the successful year behind them, Muldoon and his players are preparing for 2016-2017, starting with the club’s first meeting in September. The club will compete at the state qualifier in May 2017 with hopes of qualifying players for junior nationals. “I just can’t wait to get started,” Eliana said. “I’m asking so many people to join our club. The game is not only fun. You meet new friends and learn an amazing game.” Reprinted with permission from Catholic New York, www.cny.org




it practiced in those who have taught you and worked with you in many capacities. Promise yourself that you will strive to possess a strong work ethic, doing your best with passion and perseverance regardless of what it is that you do. If that is your approach, then you will experience true satisfaction in your work and service, and those around you will benefit from their Blessed association with you. REVIEW: Thus far we have Promise One — Be Loyal to your Alma Mater Promise Two—Possess and practice a strong work ethic From my Heart I suggest PROMISE Three But first, let me share with you my reflections on one of my favorite symbols. I find it helpful to think about symbols because like certain words or metaphors they provide me with avenues of meaningful thought that help inspire me and help me to continue on. In our lives we are all on our own individual journeys. A symbol that helps me think most positively about my journey was suggested by the artist writer Christine Paintner. She described the scallop shell as a traditional symbol for us pilgrims as we travel on our separate journeys. The scallop shell is a beautifully created semi-circular-shaped shell. If you look at it carefully, you will note that all the groves are distinct; all the journey paths are close to each other but are separate. Nevertheless, the design is such that they all come together and meet at the journey’s end. So, next time you walk by the shore, or just come across the scallop shell, let it remind you not only of your journey path, but of the same destination where all the paths will meet. So, again from my heart I suggest you make your Third Promise. Promise yourself that you will remember that as


you travel on that path or journey, you will never, never forget that you are not alone. There is a loving God who, regardless of anything, is always with you—always. In God’s own words… “As the Father loves me; so I love you… I am with you always even to the end of the world.” Recently, I read a short reflection written by the Jesuit priest, James Martin. He was speaking about friends and acquaintances and how comfortably we engage in conversation with each other. Sometimes, when a friend is having difficulty or sorrow, we say or hear others say, “I will pray for you.” But we rarely, if ever, do we say “Would you like to pray together about that or “May I say a prayer here for you… with you?” Fr. Martin notes that perhaps the most natural time to pray aloud with or for someone is during difficult times. He suggests that we should offer to pray aloud for and with a person who is struggling; let that person hear our concern and our hopes as we pray aloud on his or her behalf. How comforting a practice that is! Well, I would like to add that it is also a fine, powerful practice to pray aloud for someone, not only during times of sorrow, but during good times of joy and celebration. –like today—the happy time of your graduation! And so, taking that advice, if I may, again from my heart, I would like to conclude my reflections by praying aloud to God about and with each of you on this day of your graduation, and on the days ahead as you continue each on your separate journeys— but all leading to our common destination. Loving God, the class of 2016 is preparing to graduate from Cathedral High School. I wonder if they realize how pleased you are with them. They have overcome so many obstacles— distraction, fatigue, uncertainties, discouragement—to make themselves more knowledgeable young women. Now, they are more prepared to live

in a post-high school world that so desperately needs their goodness. God, first help them to believe in their own goodness and then enable them to be generous in sharing their goodness with all. May their good days bring beauty and joy to their spirits and may their not-so-good days grace them with growth-producing experience. No doubt, they have mixed feelings about the future, as we all do. Nevertheless, they need to realize that regardless of circumstances, they are never alone. You are always with them and you love them so much. They are yours and I truly believe that you will take care of them. Please God, help them to understand this. Remember God, they are not ordinary students graduating from an ordinary High School. They are quite special to the Cathedral Faculty and Administration who have nurtured then along the way… and they are special to you. I could go on, God, but I know you will make up for what is lacking in my prayer. I do promise, however, that I will pray for them and remind you of them in my prayer, even though I know you need no such reminding. One more thing, God—in five, ten, twenty or thirty years from now when they reflect on their days at Cathedral, I pray that each of these graduates will be able to say to you, ‘God, it was good for me to have been there.” Amen! SO THERE YOU HAVE IT—Your three promises that concern: 1. Your Alma Mater 2. Your strong work ethic 3. Your ever-present, ever- loving God! Again, my Congratulations to each of you!!



CYNTHIA GARCIA "Even those who have graduated, I still communicate with them... I think that’s one of my biggest rewards, that they stay connected."


ynthia Garcia was eager to meet her new seniors on the first day of the 2016-2017 school year. Cynthia graduated from Cathedral in 1984, and she returned as a faculty member in 2004. She teaches the Christian vocations class for seniors, where she helps students to explore what their calling might be. “We do a lot of searching on what their talents are, what they think God is calling them to do, and how they can serve others. Then, we look at the different stages of life,” said Cynthia. “It’s a process of self-discovery. Also, [we talk about] where they are in terms of their relationship with God. Or, if there isn’t a relationship with God, how can they be open to one,” said Cynthia. In addition to being a religion teacher, Cynthia also serves as the campus minister. “The rest of my day goes into planning service activities, planning retreats, and anything related to the students’ spiritual growth,” said Cynthia.

with all kinds of problems not—just drugs—but problems in general, and I was attracted to that. At that point in time, I wanted to save the world. Then, when I went to college, I realized that I really enjoyed working with children,” said Cynthia. She switched her major from psychology to childhood education. Cynthia did both her undergraduate and graduate studies at the City College of New York. Teaching children became her passion. “My focus was opening a new world to children,” said Cynthia. “I love the expression of children when they’re learning something new.” Cynthia worked as a 1st grade teacher for about 10 years and then as a 2nd grade teacher. Cynthia has two sons who are 26 and 17. One is a college graduate and the other a current college student. As her sons grew up, she realized she was ready for a new challenge. She wanted to teach high school.

Cynthia grew up in Washington Heights and attended St. Catherine of Genoa, which was on the same block as where she lived. When she was in high school, Cynthia thought she was going to be a psychologist.

A position teaching a health and religion class at Cathedral opened up. “It was a great experience. I taught health for three years and went into teaching religion full-time,” she said.

“I wanted to work with people that abuse drugs. I think that stems from the fact that all through high school I worked in a social services agency. Even though I was just at that point a receptionist, I would see people coming in and struggling

Cynthia aspires to be the type of teacher she had when she was at Cathedral. “There was never a teacher who when I asked for help would say, ‘I don’t have the time now; CONTINUED ON PAGE 12





come back later.’ They would drop everything and sit with you. That stuck with me always. That’s what I wanted to emulate,” said Cynthia. She had many favorite teachers, but she remembers in particular the help she got from Ms. Zummo, her math teacher. “Math was not one of my strengths. She was definitely a teacher who would be available all the time. She would take the time, one-onone, to go over things with me,” said Cynthia. She also fondly remembers how her religion teachers inspired her. Cathedral High School Social Studies teacher, Max Medveser, explains a lesson to his students.

Keep in touch with your past teachers


ery often we hear from our alumnae asking about past teachers that they remember fondly. If you’d like to contact any of the following Sisters of Charity who used to teach at Cathedral, you may send her a note c/o: Sisters of Charity Center, 6301 Riverdale Ave., Bronx, NY 10471. Or, if you would like to visit a particular Sister, you may call Sr. Maryellen Blumlein, Archives Manager, at 718.549.9200, ex. 270, who will help direct you.

SISTERS Margaret Brick (Marian Timothy) Anne Miriam Connellan

Margaret Mary Hannon (Marie Daniel)

Theresa Courtney (Mary Colette)

Doris Heinlein (Mary Bede)

Gloria DeArteaga (Maria Cecilia) Frances Devine (James Marie) Georgette Dircks (Marie Campion) Margaret Donegan (Margaret Assumpta) Dorothy Emmanuel (Dorothy Maria) Mary Aquin Flaherty Helen Fleming (David Marie)


Marie Paula Holdman Marion Hunt (Michael Mary) Rose Frederick Jones Nancy Kellar (Miriam Elizabeth) Grace Therese Murray Clare Regan (Grace Matthew) Mary Lou Steele (Elizabeth Maureen)

Joan Freer

Elizabeth Vermaelen (Grace Elizabeth)

Irene Fugazy (Irene Mercedes)

Monica Wood (Marie Edwardine)

Now, Cynthia is most proud of the bond she has with her students. “Even those who have graduated, I still communicate with them. They still know that they can reach out to me. I think that’s one of my biggest rewards, that they stay connected,” she said. She recently had a former student reach out to her in a time of spiritual need. “She just needed to talk. I was happy that she knew that she could call me and that I would answer. We stayed on the phone together and we prayed. That’s meaningful to me that they know that they can call me and I’ll listen because that’s the promise I’ve always made to them,” said Cynthia. For Cynthia, returning to Cathedral has been an opportunity for her to give back. “We have an obligation to give back because that’s what we’re called to do. [We’re called] to empower other women, and we should see that as a mission in life. What better way to empower women then to come back to your school and do so?” said Cynthia. “Here, at Cathedral, we are strong, powerful women, and we have a voice. We want that voice to be heard.”


Mariauxy Castillo-Vitale ‘83


1980, Mariauxy Castillo Vitale’s first day at her neighborhood high school was quite a shock. “One of the students just threw a chair at the homeroom teacher. I went home and I told my mom, ‘That school is not for me. I don’t know where I can go but I don’t want to go to that school,” she said. She needed an alternative. Fast. Her mother asked the principal at her brother’s school for help choosing another school. Luckily, he had an idea. The principal told them about Cathedral and assisted in arranging her transfer. Mariauxy started a week late, without a uniform, and with limited English skills, as she had just emigrated from Ecuador two years earlier. Despite her initial nervousness, she had found a school where she could learn in a comfortable and welcoming

environment. “I was a little bit afraid, especially not being a freshman and being a sophomore, but it felt right. I became friends with a lot of people that I’m still friends with now,” she said. She also felt supported by her teachers. “I think the teachers there really do care for their students,” she said. Mariauxy remembers her French, accounting, religion, and fitness classes the most fondly. Although Mariauxy, who loved music, felt she wasn’t ready to audition for Cathedral’s Glee Club, it turns out that being at Cathedral helped her to launch a tremendous career in the music industry. After graduating from Cathedral in 1983, Mariauxy went to Brooklyn College, where she intended to major in accounting. She quickly decided

that this wasn’t the right path for her. One of her friends from Cathedral, Lynda (LaVerne) Baquero, needed someone to fill in for her position at New York’s Channel 47. Lynda is now an Emmy-award winning reporter for NBC 4 New York. Back then, she thought Mariauxy’s Spanish skills and her outgoing personality would make her a perfect fit for the channel. Mariauxy was tasked with writing, answering phones, and other duties as assigned. She loved the experience so much that she decided to switch her academic track. She graduated from Brooklyn College with a major in TV and radio production and a minor in photography. Mariauxy’s career took off immediately. She worked at MTV, CONTINUED ON PAGE 15



Alexandra Wood ‘03 A

lexandra Wood ’03 grew up in Brooklyn and Queens. She found Cathedral on her own as she was researching high schools, and was drawn to Cathedral’s program that explores professions in the medical field. “I wanted to be a doctor my whole childhood so that was really appealing,” said Alexandra. She was looking for a high school with academic rigor and a history of sending graduates to really competitive schools. She had set

her sights for college high. “I always wanted to go to Harvard when I was little. I actually didn’t want to go; I just knew I was going to go, which sounds really weird for a child. My parents always said anything was achievable,” said Alexandra. Even though Cathedral had not had a graduate go to Harvard, Alexandra choose the high school. She was awarded a full academic scholarship to Cathedral, where she signed up for CONTINUED ON PAGE 16

Lisa (Ficarotta) Zupcich ‘82 L

isa (Ficarotta) Zupcich’82, who grew up in Astoria, wasn’t totally sure she wanted to go to an all girls’ school. Despite her initial doubts, she was impressed with Cathedral. But, then, to her surprise, she got waitlisted. “I thought, Oh no. Now what?” said Lisa?

and go to public school because I didn’t want to be a burden to my parents financially.” Lisa went to her principal and told him she was thinking about transferring schools. “He said, ‘Your job is to do well in school. Our job is to figure that stuff out,’” said Lisa.

She was mentally preparing to go to another Catholic school, which was the same school her mother had attended, where her parents were married and Lisa was baptized. When she got the good news, she remembers her father meeting her after she got off work. He was holding her Cathedral acceptance letter. “I remember celebrating. It was so exciting. Then, I panicked. I thought, ‘I’m going to be with all girls,’” said Lisa.

She felt that in particular, one of her teachers found a way to help. “I loved my music teacher, Mr. DeCarlo. He was tough on us but I always left his class feeling uplifted. I did like school. Unfortunately, because of my dad’s illness, I couldn’t go to college. I needed to go to work to help with the bills for my parents. I didn’t talk about what was going on at home while I was in school, but I think Mr. DeCarlo knew,” said Lisa. “I imagine the teachers spoke about it in the lounge or meetings. I’ll never forget this day as long as I live. I was working after school at a supermarket as a cashier and one day after class Mr. DeCarlo approached me and he said, ‘What would you think about working for DFS [advertising agency] after school?’”

On her first day of school Lisa was paired with her senior sister, Sheryl Liburd, who showed her the ropes. “My parents were so appreciative of Sheryl taking me under her wing when I was nervous about things,” said Lisa. Lisa got involved at school by joining


the choir. “We were able to sing for the Pope [Pope John Paul II] when he came. It was a great experience,” she said. When Lisa’s father became ill, in addition to the emotional difficulty of the situation, she also became concerned about her family’s finances. She will never forget how her teachers and principal helped her. “My parents had fallen behind on tuition. I wanted to leave Cathedral




Mariauxy said.

starting out as intern. She became a production assistant and then advanced to being a writer and producer, working with stars like VJ Daisy Fuentes. “I loved it. We traveled the world. It was all about the music,” she said.

Through it all, Mariauxy always has been willing to take on new challenges and give whatever she is doing her all. She’s worked with some of the world’s best brands and with some of the most successful musicians as well. “I can’t complain,” said Mariauxy.

Later, when MTV launched its Latin music channel, Mariauxy moved to Miami to help drive the launch. “I was the person in charge of all of the talent relations, such as contacting the record labels, getting the videos, and securing interviews,” she said. Mariauxy was with MTV for more than a decade. She worked on shows such as MTV Unplugged, where she booked artists including Ricky Martin, Shakira, and Maná, and achieved what she considers some of her proudest moments of her career so far.

for a while, a new opportunity opened up. “I ended up working for Ricky Martin for close to 10 years,” she said. As part of Ricky Martin’s management team, Mariauxy oversaw PR & marketing and promoted his record releases, appearances, and world tours.

Next, she joined Madonna’s Maverick record label as the A&R rep looking for new talent to sign for the Latin division, called Maverick Musica. When Madonna sold the company back to Warner Music, the office in Miami closed, said Mariauxy. After freelancing

Now, Mariauxy works at Apple, where she helps to drive sales in Latin American markets. “I’m identifying influencers in the region, working with them, and making sure that they are aware of what Apple is doing. I’m also doing placement of Apple products,”


she is back at the company, where she is working in the corporate accounting finance department with some of her former colleagues that she has known since 1981.

At first, Lisa didn’t want to leave her job at the supermarket, but she promised her teacher she would go to the interview. “It turned out his wife was the person interviewing me. She offered me the job,” said Lisa. She took the position working in client accounting. The following year, when she was about to graduate from Cathedral, her manager told her about an open full-time position in the company. Lisa got the job. That was 1982. Eventually, the company moved downtown and became Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising. She became an estimated biller, then operations manager, then billing supervisor, and then vice president. Now, after leaving Saatchi & Saatchi for a few years to work at a hospital,

Lisa, who still lives in New York, has kept up with her group of high school friends. They try to get together once a year and talk about family, life, and work. “We’re able to just be there for each other,” she said. And, it turns out that being at an all girls’ school didn’t prevent Lisa from finding a life-long love. Twenty-eight years ago, she married her high school prom date, Frank. Her senior sister, Sheryl, attended the wedding. Because of her own experience at Cathedral, Lisa continues to give back. “If I made more money, I would give

Mariauxy lives in Miami with her husband and rescued pets. She keeps up with her Cathedral classmates through the Class of 1983 Facebook page. Looking back, she feels grateful for her Cathedral experience. For example, the school’s diversity helped prepare her to work with people from around the world. “I think CHS opened up my eyes to the idea that everybody is equal. It was a beautiful school,” she said. Also, without Cathedral, her story might have been very different. “If I wasn’t there when Lynda told me to take over her internship, and with us being friends through Cathedral, who knows what I would be doing now,” Mariauxy said.

more money, because I do realize that back when my parents were struggling that perhaps there was a fund that helped me. They told me, my job was to do my school work and not worry about that. So, that is why I contribute. I have good memories. And, there could be another student that is in need of this,” said Lisa. “I’m not embarrassed by what happened. It was just a situation that happened to my family. My dad got ill when I was 13. I think that because your family falls on hard times financially it doesn’t mean that a young student shouldn’t be given an opportunity to get a great education, and I think Cathedral offers that. They offered that to me,” said Lisa.




the medical-focused program. Through Cathedral, Alexandra volunteered at St. Luke’s—Roosevelt Hospital. She also participated in an enrichment program at Cornell University’s medical school. One memorable experience was her first time dissecting a cadaver. “He was headless,” Alexandra said. But, the 14-year-old was not grossed out. “I was all in on medicine. It’s funny how things turn,” Alexandra said. Alexandra achieved the dream she had since she was four. After graduating from Cathedral, she went to Harvard University. As a freshman, however, she realized that sometimes dreams change. “It was freshman chemistry and I was in another lab and I said, ‘This is not what I want to do.’ It just wasn’t worth the effort for me and at the same time, I had taken an American foreign policy class and that was really interesting. I realized that there were other things that really interested me and I could explore them,” said Alexandra. She switched to studying government, French, and Spanish. Moving on from medicine felt a little scary at first, said Alexandra. “It took a little time to feel comfortable and confident that it’s OK to explore,” she said. When Alexandra looks back on her time at Cathedral, she thinks of another opportunity she had to explore

something new. Alexandra was a member of the band. Although she wanted to play the drums, the band instructor offered her a percussive alternative: the glockenspiel. “I was like, ‘What is a glockenspiel?’ I’m so confused. Then, I said, ‘Why not.’ Honestly, I think that glockenspiel got me into college. I got accepted to Yale. On my admissions letter, the head of admissions wrote a little note that said, ‘Can’t wait to hear you play the glockenspiel,’” said Alexandra. “Even to this day, if I start on a new team or if I’m introducing myself to someone, and they say, tell us a fun fact about yourself, I say that I play the glockenspiel. People have to Google it or look it up.” Some of her closest relationships during high school were with other members of the band. With practices and parade performances on the weekends, she spent a lot of time with her bandmates. She also started a philosophy club, which was supported by a faculty member, Mr. Inzeo, during her senior year. “I think if you had something you were interested in, you could very easily pursue it with the support of a faculty member,” said Alexandra. Recently, Alexandra took a position as the Chief Operating Officer at Wearable Experiments, a wearable technology company. She will be overseeing the operations of the company, including manufacturing, distribution, logistics, product development, and talent management.

Previously, Alexandra worked at Havas, a global advertising and media company, where she served as the Global Digital Product Director. “I’ve been able to be in a lot of different roles, and travel a lot, and interact with people from all across the world,” she said. Her Cathedral experience prepared her to work with people from diverse backgrounds. “I really valued how diverse Cathedral was, economically and culturally. That, I think, was a fantastic way to prepare me to interact with people from all around the world both in college and after,” said Alexandra. “I don’t think there are very many schools in the country that are like Cathedral. We have to make sure that we keep supporting institutions like this,” said Alexandra. One way of supporting Cathedral could be by giving back through mentoring. “There’s a really great group of motivated, curious, talented women at CHS, who are more culturally diverse than we would find in a lot of our boardrooms and Fortune 500 companies. They just need mentorship and guidance. I think if we could provide that in some capacity we would be doing a great service for women, generally, but especially for women of color,” said Alexandra.

Calling All Writers! W

e are so proud of our many literary alumnae! We are creating a special section in the school’s library dedicated to alumnae work, and would

love for you to send us a copy of your book. For more information, please email Alexis McNamee (amcnamee@cathedralhs.org) with details about your publication.





Elizabeth G. McPartland and her sister, Mary McPartland Boe Class of January 1938 still speak often with reverence of their four beautiful years at CHS. The wonderful friends they made here and the superlative education they received here. In their time attending CHS there was NO tuition for anyone. It was by test and merit that students were selected to attended.


Dorothy D. Ramsdell, RHIA writes that it has 75 years since she graduated. She is 93, healthy and still a Eucharistic Minister. She notes to bring the Eucharist to the Sick. She has been blessed!


Joyce M. Kieninger Waldmann shared that as a 1945 graduate she attended Cathedral HS during the WWII years with 2 brothers away serving in the Navy. These were her happiest years being active in school. She wrote a letter to each of her brothers with stories about school. She’s forever thankful for the education she received at Cathedral, which filled her life during the war years.

‘46 Helen J. McGrenra is still here and in pretty good health for 88 years old. She always remembers her days in Cathedral where she made many friends, and had many good teachers (nuns). After graduation she started out as a clerk then after night school became a Steno, then secretary then back to school and became a teacher (P.E.).

‘51 Elizabeth Marks Prussak remembers when Cardinal Spellman came to school with the quintuplets from Canada. She remembers going to St. Patrick Cathedral to welcome him back from visiting the soldiers. At graduation he gave the class their diplomas which were really plain paper and the “real” diplomas were received when everyone returned to school and returned the caps and gowns. Sr. Therese Dunne (Claudia T. Dunne) for a couple of years has been living at Jewish Home Lifecare building opposite Veteran’s Hospital on Kingsbridge Road in the Bronx. There are several sisters from the Sisters of Charity of NY on the floor.

Constance (Connie) Piaget Biavaschi (Sr. Marita Gertrude Rm 601) was looking at the reunion photos and wondered if she recognized Ollie Dean, Grace Fowler and Ann Holt Reilly in the photos. She was sorry she could not be there. She would love to hear from anyone and can be reached at: Constance Biacaschi, 84 Branch Tpke Concord, NH 03301-5783, telephone 603-2283241. She often thinks of all the faces and people in her class when she reads about them in the newsletters. Since she lives up in NH, she can’t get to the city anymore. Many of her friends and relatives have passed away, even the new ones she made in NH. She goes to the senior center in her area and also the library. She has a husband of 61 (almost 62 years), and a cat and a dog which they love. She has two daughters living in Concord, NJ with their families, and 2 sons, one living in NY and one in NH.


Florence Gore Guippone is forever thankful for her Cathedral HS experience. She is celebrating 60 years married to her wonderful husband Allen Guippone. She is forever grateful for her Cathedral High School education. It taught her perseverance for life! Sister Patricia Markey sends her message: God Bless all your students. CHS was a GREAT school and still is. Keep up the good work. With Love and Prayers.

SUBMIT A CLASS NOTE In 2016 did you…Receive an award? Get a new job? Receive a promotion? Move? Publish a book? Do service work around the world or in your state? Get married? Have a baby?

We want to know and so do your friends. Email us with your news at amcnamee@cathedralhs.org to be included in the next Cathedral Connection.





Patricia Hackett Tarpinian is still working as a chaplain. This was an exciting year for her – she recently attended the 59th alumnae celebration from Bellevue and was joined by another Cathedralite Dorothy Fitzgerald Negro ’54. They came from Cathedral to Nursing - Belleveue NYC and always are prayerful and grateful for the guidance and nurturing. Diane Woods Hughes lost her wonderful husband of 51 years two years ago. He was also her best friend. Diane has a great family, two sons on the east coast of Florida and one who still lives in New York on Long Island, three lovely daughters-in-law and five grandchildren and another one due in February. Of her five grandchildren and one soon to be grandchild in NY, her oldest daughter is a Fordham graduate, another attends Maris College in NY and her oldest grandson attends Fordham. In Florida, her granddaughter attends Florida State and her grandson is a junior in high school. She is living on the west coast of Florida in Punta Gorda.


Rosa Maria Corrillo Calvo is still working for Western Suffolk Boces, a Special Education School.


Beatrice Semira Dionisio thanks for the Blessed work CHS does in teaching and learning. “God Bless You.” Millicent G. Pugliese is still working for the State Department. She just got back from Conventions (Cleveland and Philadelphia). She was in NY for the UN General Assembly in September. Irma De Pedro Reagan wishes the 3 classes from St. Joseph’s Branch all the very best. She lives a good life with her husband and son. She worked for Pan-Am for 12 years living in Hong Kong and flying in and out of Vietnam during the War. She worked as an accountant and real estate agent

on and off over the years. She is wondering how everyone is doing and would love to hear from friends and classmates. She is very pleased with the training she received at Cathedral as it really prepared and helped her throughout her life.

‘59 Carolyn Riviello Farina shares that the years at Cathedral High were some of the best years of her life. Because her Dad was very sick when she was growing up, he wasn’t able to work, so she was allowed to attend CHS without paying tuition. She will never forget the kindness she was shown. Nancy Ellen Spitzfaden Herold is proud to have been a Cathedralite!! She so loves visiting St. Patrick’s Cathedral and realizing that was the beautiful Cathedral where she received her high school diploma.

Reunion 2017

Save the Date - Saturday, April 8th, 2017 Join old friends and classmates for an afternoon of memories and rediscover the spirit of Cathedral High School. This year we will celebrate the classes of ’42, '47, '52, '57, '62, '67, '72, '77, '82, '87, '92, '97, '02, '07 and '12, but alumnae from every year and branch are welcome to join us. You can purchase your ticket and make your class gift contribution online at cathedralhs.org. Formal invitations will be mailed in February. Interested in learning more, or have ideas on ways to make your reunion fun? Consider becoming a class rep. We’d like to have a class rep for every anniversary year!! Contact the CHS Development and Alumnae Office for more details, amcnamee@cathedralhs.org. 18


C L A S S NO TES Evelyn Hernandez also shared a photo of the 1977 graduates from Maria Ojeda’s 30th wedding anniversary celebration. She noted that the group has remained the best of friends since they started at the branch of Immaculate Concepcion School in the Bronx in 1973.

Past Faculty Mary Zini (History Teacher 19721975) best wishes to my former colleagues and students.

SAVE THE DATE ABOVE: 1977 Cathedralites on stage at Cathedral High School celebrating Maria Ojeda’s 30th wedding anniversary. 1977 classmates from left to right: Diana Colon, Nancy Vargas, Nilda Soto, Eugenia Mejia, Maria Ojeda Acevedo, Ana Ojeda, Sonia Sanchez, Patricia Murillo, Maria D. Rivera and Evelyn Hernandez.


Patricia Battaglino LaRosa is retired from her job as a Property Manager for over 25 years, and is currently enjoying life as a volunteer and visiting her four grandchildren. She keeps fit with senior exercise classes. Patricia still feels she had the best education ever at Cathedral and credits her writing skills to her fantastic teachers. Go Cathedral!


Barbara Cahill Law’s graduation year was listed incorrectly in the previous issue. She graduated from CHS in l961 not l953. We apologize for the misprint.


Annette Wintermeyer McDonald writes that her twin sister Pat and younger sister Joanne ’64 always talk to their children and grandchildren about the wonderful education they received at CHS. There was or is no place like it! They said they were so blessed to attend their Alma Mater, CHS!


Maria Ojeda Acevedo shared pictures from her 30th wedding anniversary celebration, which took place at Cathedral High School and included her close-knit group of friends from the 1977 graduating class. Congratulations to Maria and her husband Anibal!

Calendar of Events Wednesday, November 9th Career Day Friday, December 9th Christmas Bazaar Wednesday, January 11th Faculty/Alumnae vs. Student Basketball Game Young Alumnae Panel Discussion Wednesday, March 8th Career Day Saturday, April 8th Annual Homecoming Reunion Tuesday, April 11th 30 Under 30 Gala Celebration Sunday, May 7th Mother/Daughter Brunch Alumnae Association meetings and Regional Receptions will be announced in the online e-newsletter. We hope you’ll join us!




The Cathedral High School community extends its deepest sympathy to the loved ones of recently deceased alumnae and friends. Please remember them in your prayers. Margaret Lynch Brady ’39 Barbara Cella Muller ‘40 Sister Francis Regis Carton, SSND (Mary Carton) ‘41 Margaret McDermott Schoenbart ‘44 Jackie Collier Devine ‘48 Jean M. Smith Gormley ‘48 Marie Pupello Secola ‘49 Alice Cushing Arnold ‘49 Barabara Cosenza Vella ‘49 Alice Cushing Arnold ‘49 Margaret Demm Meade ‘49 Carmel Poust Connolly ‘52 Theresa Downing Merrins ‘52 Joan Burke Planthaber ‘53 Mary Connelly McCarthy ‘55 Rita Fitzgerald Costello ‘56 Eileen Fitzgerald O’Brien ‘59 Patricia Barrett O'Brien ‘59 Mary O’Leary McDermott ‘59 Jean Joyce Kerr ‘59 Stephanie LaManna ‘72 Christina O’Connell Coyne Anna Mae Malley Quinn


IN MEMORIAM: Sister Mary Kilmartin Sister Mary Kilmartin (Sister Grace Michael) was born November 15, 1932 in Bronx, New York, one of two daughters of Michael and Alice McKnight Kilmartin. Mary attended Saint Gregory the Great School and Cathedral High School in Manhattan before entering the Sisters of Charity of New York on September 8, 1950. Sister Grace Michael earned a BA in Spanish from the College of Mount Saint Vincent and an MA in Spanish from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Sister Mary’s ministry in education spanned fifty-six years and took her from elementary grades through high school to the highest levels of school administration. She taught at Saint Denis School, Yonkers, and Saint Athanasius School, Bronx. She was then missioned to Blessed Sacrament HS, Manhattan, where she taught Spanish and English. Sister was then transferred to Resurrection Academy, Rye, where she taught Spanish. In 1967, Sister Mary returned to her alma mater and thus began her thirty-two years of service at Cathedral High School. She first was a teacher of Spanish, then became Dean of Students, Academic Dean, and then Principal. Sister Mary held this position from 1983 until 1999. Her next challenge was as Associate Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York. In 2004, when she was awarded the Elizabeth Ann Seton Compassionate Educator Award, it was said, “She’s the quietest behind-the-scenes troubleshooter in creation! Problems with parents, with principals, with

faculty—Sister Mary’s been through them all … and with her colleague, supporter and friend, Sister Eileen Regina Leonard, Sister Mary has moderated the Glee Club, Drama Club, the Chorus, the Band and educational trips to every part of Europe.” Sister Eileen Regina and she also found time to teach adult education Spanish classes in the evening at Our Lady of the Angelus Parish in Rego Park, Queens. In 2011, Sister Mary retired and moved to Mount Saint Vincent Convent. Those who crossed paths with Sister Mary Kilmartin may count themselves as very fortunate indeed. She sought excellence in education and taught her students to do the same. Her kindness, compassion, sense of humor, and openness to all were but a few of her many gifts. She loved life and education and was a wonderful friend and community-minded person. As a Sister of Charity Sister Mary lived the virtues of humility, simplicity, and charity throughout her life. She now enters her eternal promise, welcomed by her family, friends, the Sisters of Charity who have gone before her, and our loving God whom she served so long and so well. Rest in peace, Sister Mary.


I N MEMO RIAM IN MEMORIAM: Barbara Cosenza Vella ’49 Barbara passed away on May 6, 2015.

Q & A: Inheritance Basics

Barbara graduated from Columbia University in 1953 as a Dental Hygienist and worked up until her 80th birthday though as a sub in the last few years. She often spoke of her days at Cathedral as a very rewarding time. She enjoyed her studies and her classmates. She kept in touch with several of them for all these years. After leaving NY in 1969, she lived and worked in Michigan, South Carolina, Ontario, Canada and finally in Louisiana for the past 30 years. For the past 50 years she vacationed with her family in a cabin on a lake in the woods of rural Ontario. A big step for a city girl – but she loved it!

IN MEMORIAM: Theresa Downing Merrins ‘52 Theresa Merrins, 81, wife of the late Hughie Merrins, died Thursday, November 12, 2015. Born in Bronx, NY, she was the daughter of the late Michael and Teresa Grew Downing. Theresa retired from Nursing, but was always a nurse at heart. She was the Director of Nursing with Greenville Hospital System. She then went back to school and earned a degree in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Care and then worked as a Wound Care Nurse. She enjoyed traveling, shopping, and gardening, especially growing tomatoes. She attended St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church where she took part in

Many families have questions about inheritance. Learn the answers to some of the more common questions we receive related to this important topic. Q. My husband contends that he can inherit my retirement plan assets tax-free upon my passing. I’m not so sure. Who’s right? A. For the purposes of harmony in your home, you’re both right. Your husband is correct in that he has the ability to defer taxes on your retirement plan assets through, for example, a spousal rollover IRA. You are also right, however, in that whenever your husband makes a withdrawal from the spousal rollover, he will pay income tax on the amount withdrawn.

Q. I plan to leave my 401(k) to my children after my lifetime. How much will they pay in taxes? A. It depends. Because this type of inheritance is treated as ordinary income, the taxes your children owe will depend on the marginal tax rate in which they fall. One of the downsides of leaving a 401(k), IRA or other retirement plan asset to your children is that they may

likely receive it during their peak wage-earning years—when they’ll lose the greatest percentage to taxes. If they don’t want it all in a lump sum, they can, in most cases, stretch out their distributions (and hence some taxation) over their lifetimes beginning the year after your passing.

Q. I’d like to make a charitable donation from an IRA. What’s the next step? A. You can designate Cathedral High School as the beneficiary of a percentage of your IRA assets. The full value of the funds given to us will then go to support our mission (income taxes will not erode their value). To make your gift, you simply need to complete a beneficiary designation form, naming Cathedral High School as beneficiary and specifying the percentage to go to us. This designation is completely revocable during your lifetime, and your estate will receive an estate tax charitable deduction for our share.

It is wise to consult with your tax professionals if you are contemplating a charitable gift of this kind. Feel free to contact Regina Cialone at rcialone@cathedralhs.org or 212.688.1545 x232 with any questions you may have.

daily Mass and Adoration.



















$289,657 $727,405








C 55 4 3 9 1 24 + 1











4.2% ASIAN


$47,000 ≈50%




2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Cathedral High School recognizes with gratitude the following donors who have generously supported our mission last year.

Archbishop Hughes Circle Gifts of $50,000 and above The Arthur & Phyllis Milton Foundation Be A Student’s Friend Ursula M. Burns ‘76 Teresa Walsh Comas ‘48 Inner City Scholarship Fund for High Schools Student Sponsor Partners Helen C. Tausch ‘53 Xerox Foundation

Sr. Elizabeth Ann Seton Circle Gifts of $10,000-$49,999 Anonymous (3) American Express Company Centerview Partners LLC Cognizant Community Connections Joan Henderson Cook ‘47 Catherine Lecher Crimmins ‘55 Barbara R. Doyle ‘49 First Data The Green Foundation Catherine Griffin ‘47 Lazard Julie McGee Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP Stephen M. Schiller and Elizabeth O’Brien Glenn and Lori Shannon + Edna Marie Rasmussen Shannon ‘44 Teneo Holdings Thompson Hine LLP Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church Philip J. Wilker

Symbol Key

Sr. Miriam Aloysia Circle Gifts of $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (1) Helen Barbieri Bonomini ‘51 Geneva Sydney Campbell ‘57 + Blanche Clanton Allen Rita Carducci Christopher B. Cowie Tom and Diana Crawford Goldman, Sachs & Co. Margaret Meade Hariri + Margaret B. Meade ‘48 Anne Lynch Hart ‘45 Madelyn Hay Elizabeth M. Hein ‘45 Jack and Judy Houlihan The Irving T. Bush Foundation + Charlotte Nugent Walsh '23 Winifred Dalton Kelly ‘47 Catherine Meehan ‘55 + Helen and John Meehan Anne Mulqueen + The O’Donnell and Mulqueen Families Philomena O’Connor ‘49 Ann Zorn O'Hara ‘55 + Deidre O’Hara + Patricia Cameron Sinton ‘55 The Omer Foundation Susy Paula Pestana Sisters of Charity Donald J. Toumey + Dorothy Henry Toumey and Ethel Henry White

Principal’s Circle Gifts of $1,000-$4,999 Pervaiz Anwar Eleanor S. Applewhaite ‘55 Jenette Hainas Barth ‘55 The Bautz Family Fund

+ In memory of

* In honor of

Sandra Bouchet Bolden ‘63 Kathleen M. Burke ‘68 *Patricia Brady R.C.D. + Sr. Regina Elizabeth + Sr. Miriam Roberta SC + Kathleen Hession Murtha ‘68 Ann F. Carty + Elizabeth and Frank Gilleece Msgr. David Cassato Francis J. Connor Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Grace Conway Cortland Associates, Inc. Donald Donovan Mary Duggan Joan Fabio ‘60 Aramina Vega Ferrer ‘68 Figli De San Gennaro Most Precious Blood The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust Fr. Damian Halligan Virginia Polise Hamilton ‘65 IBM Corporation Ingersoll-Rand Co. Institutional Investor News Mary Kenny ‘47 + Catherine and Michael Kenny Doreen Byrne Kruse ‘49 Robert Thomas Lamont Bruce Larson Legg Mason Global Asset Management Helen T. Lowe Stephen J. Maguire + Grace Carey Maguire ‘54 Margaret Peraza Manganelli ‘60 + Alphonse Manganelli Helen Garrahy McAuliffe ‘54 Mary Anne McDonald + Mary Gibbons William and Mary Lynch McNamara ‘60 Eileen Fitzgerald Meyer ‘53 + Families Meyer and Fitzgerald



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Marilyn Miller ‘52 Elizabeth Galvin Moloney ‘61 New York Urban Professionals New York University Tandon School of Engineering Rosemary C. Nolan ‘43 Brigid O’Connor *Marguerite Kiely Mary O’Herron *Philip Jay Wilker Elizabeth Oliver-Farrow ‘65 James Ostrom + Rose Pisano Ostrom ‘44 Jo-Ann Polise ‘68 Deirdre Richards + Dorothy Wojtusiak Richards ‘46 Mary Roberts-Bhuta ‘47 Maria Cecilia Salazar ‘87 Suzanne Schecter Nellie Audiffred Schupp ‘50 + Maria Audiffred and Richard Schupp Stephanie Sekula ‘59 + Mary Eleanor and Stanley Gontcharuk Elinor Sutton Maureen McMahon Tobin ‘51 Mary Twomey-Spollen ‘64 Andrew Yarmus

Spires Club Gifts of $500-$999 Angela Aguiar ‘56 Alice McMorrow Barry ‘53 + Beatrice Mahon Edward J. Breen Class of 1955 Belma Fonseca Crespo ‘74 Marie De Titta ‘53 Christine Desrosiers ‘06 Geraldine Clancy Drohan ‘40 Susan Nelson Edwards ‘52 Justine Flanagan + Edna Marie Rasmussen Shannon ‘44 Martina Leonard Fossum ‘62 Sheila Garrity + Agnes Burns Garrity ‘37 Eileen Gratzer ‘52 Patricia Brazil Haimowitz ‘48 Ann Hand Hatfield ‘51 Sue Ann Hoahng ‘74 Mary Murray Houlihan ‘43 Carol D. Johnson ‘76 The Josephine Foundation Robin Kura ‘78 Lillian Whiteley Mahaney ‘56 Elizabeth McPartland ‘40 + The Sisters of Charity Margaret Moran ‘54 College of Mt. Saint Vincent Newby & Associates O’Connor Davies LLP Frank O’Connor + Patricia Boyle O’Connor ‘50 Marguerite O’Hara ‘56 Teresa Smith O’Neill ‘44 Barbara Papa ‘59 Margaret Babino Palaigos ‘51 Renee LaCorbiniere Pollard ‘66 Matthew Shannon + Edna Marie Rasmussen Shannon ‘44 Felicia Snead ‘86 + Lottie Snead Mavis Taintor Francis and Margaret Tiejte + Edna Marie Rasmussen Shannon ‘44


Margaret McNamara Trace ‘67 + Cecilia Hession McNamara ‘30 Carol Tyrell ‘77 Bernadette Uckele ‘61 Adele Vera-Angel ‘68 Joyce Kieninger Waldmann ‘45 + Jorelyn Ann Dunn Bishop Gerald T. Walsh + Cardinal Terence Cooke Mary Ward Fitzpatrick + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49 Selma Wilthew-Deleon ‘64

Arbutus Club Gifts of $300-$499 Anonymous (2) + Elizabeth A. Caruso Mary Ann Paladino Apoldo ‘60 Marta Baez ‘65 Gertrude Balicki ‘45 Ann Behling ‘55 Heather Benveniste Stephanie Miller Bird ‘56 Mary McPartland Boe ‘38 + John and Georgina McPartland Christine Bishop Brassil ‘61 The Most Rev. Peter J. Byrne Patricia K. Caffrey Renee L. Cassell ‘82 Jane Curneen ‘63 Alison S. Diamond Beatrice Argall Dionisio ‘35 Sharyn Evers Doyle ‘70 + John and Marie Evers Sr. Margaret Egan ‘56 Nancy B. Elie ‘76 Loretta Fahy ‘51 Mary Sheehy Fogarty ‘58 Claire Sullivan Galicia ‘54 Barbara Geiger George ‘54 Yvonne O. Gonzalez ‘80 Robert W. Gulick Susan Gurney Barbara Gutzler ‘67 + Tess and Art Gutzler Dolores Henchy ‘61


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Nancy Giannelli Johnson ‘62 Mary Feenaghty Kosick ‘52 Pearl Lau ‘94 Alice Hogan Locke ‘57 Mary O’Brien McGillicuddy ‘61 Joann McGrane Therese McMenemy ‘61 Julie Moore Eleanora Corsi Nastasi ‘60 Alice McDermott Negron ‘53 Elizabeth O'Brien ‘59 Denise M. O’Callghan ‘71 Linda Orlando ‘77 Maria Pacheco ‘72 Lisa Perez-D’onofrio ‘83 Leigh Poggio Alicemarie Synnott Rice ‘65 Patricia Howell Ross ‘45 Dorothea (Joy) Kennedy Rouse ‘44 Concepcion Sanchez ‘76 Rose Santos-Martinez ‘77 Elizabeth Santeramo ‘88 Rosita Sarnoff Rosemary O’Connor Schmeder ‘60 Beverly Smirni ‘61 Belinda Smith ‘77 Charles Strochansky + Patricia Hector-Strochansky '77 Patricia Edridge Utzschneider ‘46 Anna Vidal ‘65 Lorraine Deirdre Williams ‘68 Avia Kinard Wise ‘64 + Vannie L. Kinard Susan Yamaguchi + Ann C. Walsh Sobczyk '38

Cathedralite Club Gifts of $100-$299 Anonymous (6) + Anne Marie Heberle + Lise Beauport + Muriel Maher Barbara Gotthard Aarons ‘59 Alice DeVita Agha ‘51 Joan Campion Akerlind ‘47 David P. Akman Karen Balter Alaniz ‘86

Patricia Johnson Albers ’58 Nelly Alvarez ‘65 Ellen Anderle ‘58 + Grace and William Anderle Amy Andino-Flohr ‘91 Mary Fucci Annese ‘58 Sally A. Glessman Antonecchia ‘80 + Cecelia Jelnicky MaryAnn Ferraro Architetto-Carroll ‘65 Rina DePaoli Austin ‘53 Eileen Baco ‘65 Bank of America Gloria C. Barada ‘71 + Rhoda Bennett Inez Balzarini Barghaan ‘48 Felicia Barnes ‘63 Gail Barnes Goodwin ‘69 Mary O'Boyle Barrett ‘51 Lee Denahan Baumann ‘48 Virginia Matthews Beck ‘55 Rita Stengel Berge ‘58 Lillian McAteer Bianchi ‘52 Corinne Doonan Birdie ‘41 Marie McGowan Bond ‘57 Francine Bonica ‘66 Barbara Murphy Bonilla ‘61 Jonathan Boo Nathalie Sollecito Bortugno ‘59 Margaret Grace Boyen ‘61 Veronica Haiss Boylan ‘47 Elizabeth Keenan Brady ‘57 + Mary Keenan O’Brien ‘54 Sylvia Keenan Brady ‘46 Jane Darken Brennan ‘44 Carmen Mares Brocke ‘54 Geraldine Cullen Brogan ‘57 Margaret Linge Brown ‘54 Sidney Brown Susan Madden Browne ‘64 Rose Gambino Browning ‘57 + W.E. Browning Marion Byrne Bucholz ‘43 Lena Ida Buglione ‘68 Rosaleen Burbage ‘47 Rosemary Smith Burke ‘44 Sr. Catherine Burns ‘49 Thomas and Bernadette Burns + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49

Lisa Butler + Deirdre O’Hara Mary Rasche Butler ‘50 Ann M. Byrne ‘56 + Agnes Byrne Geraldine Doyle Byrne ‘66 Theresa McGlynn Byrne ‘48 + 1948 Classmates Patricia Flynn Cahill ‘62 Helen Pat Reilly Caicedo ‘55 Hannah Halpin Calvert ‘59 Rosa Maria Carillo Calvo ‘55 + Salvador Calvo Joan A. Koval Campbell ‘54 Christine Capotorto Patricia Ruxton Carnazza ‘56 Romilda Savino Caron ‘53 Sylvia Santos Carraro ‘60 Dorothy Martin Carrieri-Smith ‘63 Ann Maushardt Carroll ‘59 Margaret Casal ‘61 Norma Santiago Cascio ‘69 Maureen Cassidy-Mangan ‘70 Kathleen Scollan Cassidy ‘47 + Sr. Mary David and Mother Garcicus Mary Ann O’Keefe Cassidy ‘56 Rosemary Catoggio ‘59 Sandra Brown Ceslowitz ‘56 Jean Squeri Cevasco ‘59 Men Yee Chau ‘93 Joyce M. Weismuller Cheney ‘61 Geraldine O'Leary Cherry ‘58 Yuk Chi ‘81 Diana Chin ‘72 Regina Cialone Corinne Constantine Cilli ‘67 Maria Rosario Cintron ‘55 + Gloria Rosario Francine Friscia Cirillo ‘50 Lorraine Clarke Coffey ‘66 Evelyn Collazo ‘64 Charissa Collazo-Epstein ‘69 Nancy Ward Collins ‘67 Joanna Espinoza Connelly ‘87 Mary Munzing Connelly ‘63 Joseph Connolly + Carmel Poust Connolly ‘52



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Helene Keiling Conroy ‘52 Angela Conway Emlyn Rodriguez Copeland ‘63 Clare Eberhart Craven ‘47 Eleanor Madden Crean ‘56 Eileen Crespo ‘85 Diana Rodriguez Cruz ‘60 Sr. Joan Curtin, CND Neredia Soto D’Agostino ‘72 Elizabeth Daly ‘62 Anne Eberhart Dami ‘43 + Christopher Dami Margaret Tangney D’Arcy ‘39 Eugenia Semone Davies-Logan ‘54 John H. and Laura DeBoisblanc Patricia Marie Carter Degnan ‘47 Jacqueline Gillet Deltieure ‘46 Sharon Schockley Depietro ‘66 Irene Walsh Devine ‘48 Mary Bliss Devine ‘48 Joan Capucci Dewhirst ‘48 Shirley Charity Dias ‘57 Marcia Torres Diaz ‘88 Jeanne Becker Dillon ‘46 Rosemary Scanlon Dolan ‘51 Miriam Cunningham Donovan ‘53 Alice M. D’Orazi Sharyn Evers Doyle ‘70 + Marie and John Evers Vincent Doyle Mary Ann Natella Drimer ‘58 Francis J. Duffy + Julia Lynch Scully Mary Jane Duffy ‘61 Joan Dunseath ‘57 + Eleanor Lynch Rose Dyson ‘61 Patrice Eaton ‘92 Patricia Moore Ellis ‘56 Joan Therese England ‘51 Joanne Courtlandt Evans ‘49 Mirjana Kleva Facini ‘73 Elizabeth Fantagone Cecilia Fenton Farrell ‘49 Lisa Delgado Favata ‘83 Carol Ann Palillo Fazio ‘67 Anna Geisman Fecher ‘52


Maureen Feltman ‘56 + Kathleen Scarry Fiona Fernandes ‘01 Conchita Fernandez ‘43 Iris Ortiz Fernandez ‘62 Eileen Twomey Ffrench ‘53 + Matilda Twomey & Spouse Kathleen Fitzsimmons ‘64 Elizabeth Flanagan ‘62 + Sr. Nora McArt ‘62 Sally Leddy Flood ‘47 Cindy Flores ‘13 Barbara Kelly Florio ‘51 Solim Florist Noreen Lions Flugger ‘63 + Eileen Lyons Eileen Kenny Foley ‘62 Catherine Molphy Fowler ‘44 Maritza Menendez Fox ‘74 Vincenza Fox ‘66 Joann H. Frechette ‘71 Ann M. Fucito ‘56 Mary Kilkenny Furey ‘48 + Charles Furey Maria Garcia Patricia A. Garde Agnes Burns Garrity ‘37 Mary McTernan Garvey ‘66 Francine Drinkwater Gaton ‘60 Mary Ellen Geelan ‘56 Sylvia Ranieri Giamarino ‘67 Giando on the Water Karen Zaffiro Giardina ‘68 Fran Leone Gibilaro ‘69 Nancy Ida Gilbertson ‘67 Anne Carey Glover ‘66 Silvestre Sanchez Gonzalez ‘66 Rose Marie Goodnough ‘58 Patricia Donovich Grabowsky ‘57 Myrtle Tuitt-Sweeney Graham ‘47 Anna Clinton Griffin ‘48 Eloise Grizzetti ‘53 Rita Guerrieri ‘57 Patricia Hagberg + Deirdre O’Hara Frances Repka Hall ‘64 Beatrice McConnon Hallinan ‘52 Susan Quinn Halpin ‘66

Elizabetg Hambach ‘51 Margaret Hogan Hanley ‘63 Valerie Flynn Harrison ‘42 Catherine Kane Hartdegen ‘55 + Joseph Hartdegen Halema Hassan ‘61 Austin Hassett Milagros Estrada Hayes ‘61 Ruth Peters Healey ‘50 Herff Jones, Inc. Jane Troy Herzner ‘60 La Shawn Hinds Theresa Lin Ho ‘65 Sandra Somersall Holder-Burwell ‘63 Carolyn Holstein Rita Coen Holz ‘55 Rita Higgins Holzbaur ‘48 Mary Horan ‘47 Deborah Bennett Hunter ‘69 Maureen Brennan Hymson ‘47 Marie-Josy Jean-Baptiste ‘80 Kathleen Chambers Johnson ‘61 Marcie Carmichael Jones ‘46 Elizabeth Jordan ‘58 Elizabeth Steiner Joubert ‘51 Veronica Fenty Joyce ‘48 Barbara Braicovich Jurgensen ‘57 Marie Kolessar Kaatz ‘76 Carol Mortensen Kane ‘49 Carol Nelson Kansas ‘60 Jean Katona ‘54 Mary Casey Kavanagh ‘48 Kathleen O’Malley Keane ‘62 Bernadette Kearney ‘71 Angela Keiser Patricia Beal Kelleher ‘51 Jerry and V. Kelley + Edna Marie Rasmussen Shannon '44


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Deborah Kelly + Frances Catherine Carmody

Margaret Mahon ‘61 + Mary Ann Vanco

Mary Burke McQueen ‘66 + Judith Grayley '66

Catherine McAndrews Kennedy ‘54 Marie Garofalo Kenney ‘58 Patricia Kenny ‘57 Ellen Ziegler Kilgus ‘46 Patricia Greene Killian ‘48 Maureen Leonard Klecker ‘54 Mary Bocker Klobosits ‘55 Katherine McCarthy Knight ‘49 Margaret Cook Koch ‘46 Margaret Coen Koester ‘43 Maura Healy Kottl ‘67 Lillian Bernesani Kowalski ‘66 Marian Pasini Kryshak ‘63 Elizabeth Murray Kuhn ‘47 Anne Dugandzic Labuda ‘49 + Rosemary Boucher Clarkin '49

Paula Flores Maldonado ‘86 Maureen Cassidy Mangan ‘70 Claudia Veney Manigault ‘82 + CHS Sisters from the Class of 1982

Evelyn Haggerty McSweeney ‘57 Louise Bernecker Meagh ‘66 Maximilian Medveser David Meis Edith Meissner ‘54 Mercedes Casco Mejia ‘69 Mary Cunningham Merz ‘57 Mildred DeJesus Mesorana ‘70 Helena Barnerssoi Metzger ‘52 Anne Egan Micera ‘53 Virginia Saunders Mirasola ‘51 Theresa Miskic ‘64 Melvina Thompson Missouri-Donovan ‘58 Margaret Mitchell ‘67 Joan Dower Moloney ‘48 Melba Ruiz Mora ‘52 Mary Barrett Moran ‘58 Rose Moran ‘49 Joan Sadrianna Morgan ‘68 Yahaira Adames Morri ‘91 Angela Moraldo Mueller ‘63 Barbara Cella Muller ‘40 Sandra Munoz ‘74 Elizabeth Chambers Munro ‘53 Ann Vaughn Murphy ‘54 Eileen Dowling Murphy ‘53 Helen Von Wyl Murphy ‘44 Irene Murphy ‘50 Maria Scacco Musolino ‘66 Raul Muyalde Helen Fehily Nagle ‘51 + The Fehily Family

Joan Modica Laracuente ‘60 Marthe Larosiliere ‘79 Barbara Ann Cahill Law ‘61 Elizabeth Lawlor Sheila Murphy Lawrence ‘52 Carole Canecchia Lazarus ‘64 Rita Calzi Lener ‘49 Noreen Chabriel Lenihan ‘66 Jennifer Martinez Leonard ‘91 Miriam Edwards Lewis ‘66 Thomas Lewis Elizabeth Ann Adams Liddell ‘47 Georgena Van Lindquist ‘66 Eileen Lissmann ‘65 William Losier Lillian McKeon Lucca ‘52 Rosalie Lucchese ‘64 + Mary and Bennie Lucchese Miriam Lugo-Rodriguez ’76 Elvira J. Schaefflein Lynch ‘59 + Robert A. Lynch Magaly Nunez Macaluso ‘78 Rosalie Macaluso Rose Keenan Mackin ‘42 Mary Madden ‘55 Mary Magee ‘44 Thomas Maginnis Joan Magruder ‘64 Kathleen Barron Maguire ‘56 Mary Stewart Maguire ‘48

Arlene Terriberry Manning ‘63 Mary Cunningham Manning ‘48 Mark Manzi + Mary E. Armstrong Ward '49 Jeanne Marcell Margaret Mariani ‘61 Marguerite Bica Marino ‘59 Nancy Marin-Rojas ‘85 Anna Quigley Markert ‘52 Caroline Zumba Marmo ‘68 Lucy Marro ‘45 Anna Kelly Martin Barbara Lomusch Martin ‘55 Marisol Martinez ‘91 Elaine Marucci ‘60 Michele Mattia ‘60 Gertrude Jones Maughan ‘66 Diane Stark Mayer ‘58 Barbara Lamb McAdorey ‘55 Elizabeth Cassidy McAleer ‘49 Barbara Castex McCaffrey ‘54 Catherine Allen McCarthy ‘60 Margaret Sunderland McCarthy ‘44 Mary Fitzpatrick McCoy ‘73 Joan Murphy McCulloch ‘52 Rosemary McDermott ‘50 Barbara Caserio McDonald ‘64 Margaret Dolan McDonough ‘51 Helen McGrenra ‘46 + Helen A. McGrenra Sr. Eileen McGrory ‘54 Raymond McGuire Helen Gallagher McHugh ‘54 + Deceased Sisters of Charity Carol Ann Gorman McKay ‘59 Carolyn Laughlin McKeon ‘56 Kathleen McLaughlin ‘66 Cathleen McLoughlin ‘55 Jeanne O'Dea McNally ‘59 Cathy E. McNamee ‘91 Louise Seybold McNulty ‘63

Velia Napolitano Nancy Kelly Nardozzi ‘64 Gail Evers Nash ‘68 + Marie & John Evers Margaret Bruns Naumann ‘47 + Colleen Bruns Bothe ’51 and Dolores Beck Amodei ‘47 Marie Van Oostrom Nicholson ‘66 Theresa Murray Ninnivaggi ‘52 Josephine Reda Nittoly ‘47 Beatrice Brickler Noone ‘66 Marguerite Flynn Northrup ‘57 Dorothy Kissane Nothofer ‘48



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Lucy Petruzzi Nowakowski ‘44 Carole Skiba O’Brien ‘56 Hildegard Venturin O’Brien ‘65 Ann McVey O'Connor ‘54 Helen Fennelly O’Connor ‘55 Therese McQuade O’Connor ‘47 Helen O'Dea ‘47 Margaret O'Dea ‘47 Patrick O’Donnell + Kathleen Leen Bower

Frances Parkes ‘53 Dawn Burrowes Patterson ‘63 Lillian Fitzgerald Paul ‘45 + Mary Fitzgerald '39 and Kathleen Fitzgerald ‘41

Janet O’Hara + Deirdre O’Hara

Sofia Bautista Pertuz ‘91 Ann Salmon Pervier ‘52 Jean Anne Byrne Petretti ‘67 James Phillips Sr. Miriam Kevin Phillips ‘46 Carmen Piazza ‘69 Mary O'Shea Pierce ‘50 Nancy Albrecht Pironti ‘64 Jeanne Julian Piscitello ‘66 Emil and Patricia Polak Dorothy Secko Poplinsky ‘47 Shirley Andrews Prioleau ‘63 Milan Puente ‘93 David M. Quinlan + Deirdre O’Hara

John O’Hara + Deirdre O’Hara Patricia Cabrera O’Loughlin ‘86 Jean O’Neill ‘55 Margaret Rogers O’Reilly ‘67 Ann Yezzi Orlando ‘54 Mary O’Toole Orlando ‘51 Margaret Mulligan O’Rourke ‘48 Julia O'Toole ‘60 Mary McCarthy O’Toole ‘49 Carmen Rivera Oxhorn ‘57 Frances Suering Ozeroff ‘66 Madeline Heusel Pagano ‘66 Ann Fauci Palermo ‘71 Angela Paolicelli-Ortiz ‘74 James Papayoanou + Mitsu Fujimoto Papayoanou ‘53


Agnes Cross Peace ‘39 Ana Maria Dufflar Pena ‘72 Monselue Perez ‘79 Cathie Perna ‘71 + Marjorie Farrelly

Elizabeth Quinn ‘47 Kathleen Love Quinn ‘66 + Stephanie Love-Dunne Yolanda Pietri Quiroga ‘66 Rosemary Quigley Ray ‘51 Jocelyn Reavis ‘71 James Reddington Mary McBride Reddy ‘58 Juliette Leonard Relihan ‘57 Ingrid Reyes ‘88 Ann De Blasio Rivera ‘64 Cynthia Aragon Roberto ‘72 Carol Morfield Roberts ‘54 Margaret Woods Roche ‘45 Anne Flynn Rogan ‘46 Angela Sullivan Rogers ‘58 Myrtis Moorehead Rolands ‘56 Amparo Perez Rosen ‘67 Mary Ann Routledge Elaine Rosengart ‘53 Christina Rosas Rudolph ‘57 Eileen McDermott Ryan ‘50 + John J. Ryan

Marie Salgado ‘65 Winifred Childs Saltus ‘46 Margaret-Rose Soccorso Sandstrom ‘66 Dorothy Breedy Sargeant ‘56 Mary Joyce Sawers ‘43 + Madeline Evers Margaret McElroy Schum ‘42 Mary Newill Sears ‘56 Guadalupe M. Seeberg ‘65 + Linda Palladino Kushins ‘65 Kiera Segler ‘81 + Eleanor Pinkett Patricia Flanagan Sena ‘50 Lorraine Ward Serrette ‘76 Helen Cassidy Sheehan ‘51 Sheridan Printing Company, Inc. Ann Connors Sherlock ‘44 Mary McCusker Sherry ‘59 Eileen Madden Simko ‘64 Lorraine Maloney Slack ‘71 Mary Mcardle Slevin ‘54 Grace Towler Smallwood ‘51 Anna Sullivan Smith ‘52 Loretta Reilly Smith ‘59 Lt. Col William Smith, USMC(ret) + Catherine Marie Wheeler Smith ‘30 Rosemary Soave Grieco ‘66 Lisa Solomon Maria Spagnuolo Josephine Spencer ‘43 Joan Rocks Sprenz ‘51 Mary Hayes Stock ‘50 Janet Roche Stoddard ‘47 Susan Henning Strazzera ‘57 + Michael Strazzera Anthony Strebin *Annick Strebin Mary Hefferon Sullivan ‘46 Christine Sweeney ‘66 Eileen Boylan Taylor ‘54 Anne H. Terry ‘57 Anna Marie Costa Tesoriero ‘57 + Millie and Joe Costa Marie Therency ‘86 Diana West Thompson ‘62 Lilian Ting ‘84 Anne Duggan Tonrey ‘50 Marlene Molinaroli Torino ‘57


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT + Mary Ann Cihanek

Diana Torres ‘69 Judith Torres ’59 + Consuelo Reyes William Torres Marie Sicilian Traetta ‘49 Rose Quinones Trentman ‘69 Helen Fitzgerald Tucker ‘59 + Katy and Betsy Madeline Hennecken Tucker ‘55 Nora Doherty Tully ‘56 Georgette Sabbagh Turley ‘44 Jacqueline Niego Turner ‘55 Jean Callahan Ullrich ‘47 Brenda Taratata Vaccarino ‘70 Carole Dickinson Vahey ‘55 Eunice Valdivia ‘58 Francine Canavaciol Vanora ‘62 Milagros Sandoz Vargas ‘82 Katharina Wehner Velleca ‘54 Barbara Nawrocki Vey ‘60 + Stella and Michael Nawrocki Peggy Rose Viera ‘70 Anna Dans Vilarino ‘58 Nayda Narvaez Vilorio ‘66 Marie Spratt Vorlicek ‘71 Phyllis Califano Waisman ‘67 Dorothy Hronec Waits ‘58 Agnes O'Sullivan Wcislo ‘49 Mary Harrison Welply ‘49 Margaret Spellman Weschke ‘63 + Mrs. M. Spellman Maria Wiegelmann ‘67 Dorothea Jones Williams ‘60 Britney Wilson ‘08 Dorcas Monsanto Wilson ‘52 Rita Polise Wirth ‘67 Catherine Rowland Wojciechowicz ‘50 Antoinette Darmiento Wolfe ‘43 Rosemary Salimbene Wolfe ‘58 Patricia Wolke ‘45 Eileen O’Connor Woods ‘55 Mary Brett Young ‘59 + Rita Fitzgerald Costello ’56 and Eileen Fitzgerald O’Brien ‘59 Anna Serewko Zabniak ‘67 Catherine Rocco Zorn ‘47

Blue and Gold Club Gifts up to $99 Anonymous (5) Angela Abbruzzese ‘66 Ann Malischak Abreu ‘56 Patreinnah Acosta-Pelle ‘91 Agnus Dei Knights of Columbus Carole Torraco Agostino ‘57 Loretta Byrnes Ahearn ‘55 Jeanne Almodovar ‘12 Sandra Serritella Antoniato ‘55 Evelyn Aquaro ‘35 Anna Brown Armstrong ‘57 + Lisa and John Loretta Canzius Astegher ‘65 Grace Cintron Aversa ‘53 Doris Baldwin ‘42 Stephanie Barimah ‘07 Carol Barnes ‘56 Mary M. Barrett ‘47 Joan Curry Baschwitz ‘52 Nancy De Mella Basile ‘81 Ann McGuire Bauer ‘58 Kathleen Taggart Bauer ‘67 Margaret M. Beattie ‘49 Mary Robertson Beckman ‘58 Carole Aherns Beglan ‘55 Maryann Belanger + Deirdre O’Hara Jasmin Berrios ‘00 Mary Greene Berry ‘50 Joan Bharucha + Deirdre O’Hara Rosemary Biamonte Biancaniello ‘70 Constance Piaget Biavaschi ‘51 + Ruth Erz Hauser ‘51 Mary Gallucci Blas ‘61

Craig Blenman Rosemary Jilek Bolz ‘46 Precious Bonaparte ‘96 Afia Bonsu ‘13 Joy Warren Boral ‘54 Dorota Jachec Borawska ‘06 Margaret Harris Borsella ‘57 Dolores Rosas Bowden ‘66 Breda Boyle ‘54 Catherine Lee Boyle ‘61 Melanie Giulietti Boylhart ‘67 Carol Bozek + Joan Tehan Briody Janet DiBiceglie Brace ‘70 Catherine Parsons Bradley ‘48 Edith Liggio Bragg ‘42 Eliza Sweeney Brann ‘56 Mary Canning Breen ‘53 Anne Denise Brennan Sr. Bernadette Brennan ‘50 Helen Brett ‘61 Lorraine Blake Brett ‘55 Mary Lawrenson Brosseau ‘47 Doris Dami Brunelle ‘46 Mary Pasquinelli Bruschi ‘48 Dawn Campbell Bryant ‘82 Patricia Jones Bryant ‘66 Marcella Gray Bucello ‘68 Concetta Cali Budano ‘62 Anne Bump + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49 Mary Grenville Burke ‘49 William and Mary Burke + Deirdre O’Hara Anita Ward Burton ‘58 Vita Galati Busch ‘40 Ann Collins Byrne ‘48 Marie McGlinchey Byrne ’52 Eileen McPartlin Cahill ‘62 Kathleen O’Neill Cahill ‘66 Louise Rossi Campfiori ‘58 Frances DeLucia Capella ‘55 Joyce Morani Campobianco ‘58 Rosemary Flood Cappola ‘53 Mayra Cardona Josephine McGovern Carew ‘51 Patricia McQuade Carey ‘49



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Barbara Patton Carpenter ‘60 Greta Schmidt Carr ‘58 Nancy Fox Carroll ‘83 Barbara Kovacs Cassissa ‘59 Elizabeth Castellanos ‘86 Denise Castro-Morales ‘91 Nancy Cavaluzzi ‘61 Lucille Jurenka Cavi ‘49 Rosalie Manzella Centola ‘48 Kathleen Clarke Cepelak ‘36 Anna Chan ‘91 Rachel McDonagh Chelius ‘81 Marie Fusco Chelli ‘60 Lorraine Gusz Cheney ‘59 Yvette G. Chiang ‘91 Nora O’Briend Cipolla ‘52 Anna Pieretti Clark ‘49 Mary Powers Clarkin ‘45 Ruth Denner Cleary ‘46 Dolores Murphy Clinton ‘59 Dionis Cochrane ‘96 Henrietta Hicks Collins ‘71 Barbara Suprenuk Colombo ‘47 Leticia Colon ‘91 Diana Colon-Torres Rosemarie Marron Colvin ‘50 + Freida Kammerrer '50 Mary Maher Compton ‘48 Agnes Popper Conboy ‘54 Elisa Don Concepcion ‘76 Ann Cavanagh Cone ‘56 Marjorie McBride Conlon ‘63 Barbara Tighe Connolly ‘61 Zuleika Coombs ‘96 Cristina Coppin ‘06 Marie Walsh Corcoran ‘47 Helen Fung Cordero-Will ‘76 Barbara D’Andrea Bruce Cox ‘47 Sheila Cox-Salamon Fay Gallahue Cozzi ‘53 Marie Giannotti Cronin ‘50 Alma Aragon Cruz ‘75 Anne Marie Burke Csak ‘60 Donielle Cuffy ‘97 Mary Boland Cunneen ‘54 Jean Duane Cunniff ‘48 + Ann Textor Kathryn Cunningham ‘67 Eileen O’Halloran Curran ‘41


Paula Safonte Cusenza ‘66 Marjorie Nicol Dachtera ‘56 Mary Ann Gasparich Daly ‘69 Sr. Maureen Davey ‘51 + Frances Davey ’53 and Mary Davey ‘51 Ceila Aviles Davila ‘74 Laura McHale Davin ‘71 Patricia A. Davis ‘71 Ann McManus Daye ‘48 Linda Mellucci Debo ‘62 Catherine Burke DeFilippis ‘52 Gloria Preioso Del Rossi ‘57 Helen Doonan Delaney ‘57 Rafaela Barbosa Delgado ‘65 Rosemary Ann Deoria Terio ‘54 Margaret Garcia DePalma ‘72 Irene Gadak Deutsch ‘55 Marianne Jennings Devitt ‘55 Yara Meneses Dias ‘59 Marlene Martinez Diaz ‘86 Miguelina Diaz ‘06 Nelly Carmona Diaz ‘61 Patricia Diaz-Johnson ‘70 Paulette Hamway Didato ‘48 + Jean Marie Hughes ’48 (Sr. Agnes Regina Hughes, SC) Catherine Spruhan DiGiacomo ‘50 Carol Mayer Dimassimo ‘56 Kathy McDermott Docimo ‘73 Ilse Ruetter Doherty ’56 Mary Cleary Doherty ‘47 Elizabeth Dougherty Dolan ‘58 L. Peter Dolan Patricia Dolan ‘76 Patricia Levins Donelan ‘53 + Lillian Delahanty Levins Sr. Loretto Thomas Donohue ‘59 Mary Bustillo Donohue ‘44 Margaret Deevy Dorman ‘46 Ann Dougherty ‘53 Grace Mauro Dowd ‘48 Mary Dillon Downes ‘49 Dolores Leahy Doyle ‘46 Frances Mertz Drgan ‘55 Alice Mary Lang Duffy ‘50 Juliette Dunkley ‘74 Sr. Therese Dunne ‘51

Agnes Dorsa Dunphy ‘44 Melissa Echevarria ‘12 Antonia Samuda Edghill ‘65 + Virginia and Albert Samuda Sandra Clementi Eidelberg ‘68 Rosemary Sweeney Eisenhardt ‘67 Arlise Ganaway Ellis ‘81 Patricia Joseph Engellenner ‘48 Rachel Rizzo Esposito ‘54 Josephine Esposito-Smith ‘48 Mary Shevlin Essig ‘49 Yolanda M. Evelyn ‘81 Mary T. Cumiskey Fallon ‘55 William Fallon Patricia Halloran Fare ‘51 Carolyn Riviello Farina ‘59 Theodora Podesta Farrell ‘40 + Barbara Cella Muller ‘40 Lorraine Scavetta Fath ‘63 Charlotte Dashner Fay ‘53 Mary Gallagher Fay ‘54 Christline Fernandez ‘12 Vicky Checo Fernandez ‘91 Odalis Fernandez-Hidalgo ‘91 Elizabeth Krzeminska Feryo ‘57 Eileen Twomey Ffrench ‘53 + Matilda Twomey and Spouse Maura Fitton ‘74 Gerald Fitzpatrick + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49 Theresa Luckie Flanagan ‘51 Carole Desch Flynn ‘46 Sonia Rivera Folsom ‘55 Whitney Forbes ‘00 Winifred Forhan ‘48 Dianne Costello Frank ‘69 Theresa Martin Frawley ‘52


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Mary Delaney Fresiello ‘51 Marilyn Peterson Friedland ‘67 Frances Hennessy Gabel ‘44 Dorothy Gillan Gabor ‘60 Ann Marie Roberts Gagliotti ‘49 Vanessa Gali ‘91 Margaret Gallacher ‘57 Patricia McCourt Gallagher ‘59 Sueanne Kenealy Gallagher ‘56 Elizabeth Carey Galvin ‘57 Gandolfa Gambino-Valinoti ‘57 Margaret Shanahan Ganci ‘64 Rose Lobascio Garofalo ‘55 Teresa Fleming Gatins ‘55 Elaine Rivera Gavigan ‘84 Elizabeth Gentile ‘70 Marialuisa Reverberi Gerson ‘83 Mary Gethins-Gardner ‘69 Margaret Farley Gibbons ‘47 + Mary Gibbons Joan Kenly Gilchrist ‘52 Irene M. Curry Gill ‘52 Mary Kane Gillen ‘48 Anna M. Tucker Gilmour ‘53 Sarah McAuliffe Gleeson ‘56 Judith Glogovsky ‘76 Guadalupe Gomez ‘86 Nancy Matos Gomez ‘74 Christina Gonzalez ‘91 Helen T. Gorman ‘44 Nora Brozio Gorman ‘54 Jean Smith Gormley ‘48 Allison Goscicki ‘11 Cerena Gourdine ‘72 Joanne Grady ‘58 Alicia Grant ‘85 Amanda Graves ‘91 Claire McDermott Gray ‘57 Safeya Greig ‘98 Ellen L. Griles + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49 June John Grimes ‘54 Florence Guippone ‘53 *60th Wedding Anniversary Joan Gursky ‘63 Concetta Barreca Gutbrod ‘50 Joan Coghlan Hamilton ‘59 Diane O’Donnell Handley ’59

Johanna Hank ‘50 Mary Cannon Hanlon ‘55 Mary Hanrahan ‘55 Ruth O’Connor Hanretta ‘43 Kelly Hardy + Margaret Brady Margaret-Ann Harley ’69 Daphne Harper ‘91 Adrienne Canty Harris ‘64 Deborah Harris ‘65 Marlene Harrison + Patricia Powers Rothacker ‘50 Yolanda Hawkins-Rodgers ‘66 Shanta Hayes ‘87 Catherine Haynes ‘87 Lillian Haytman ‘52 Millicent O’Brien Healy ‘47 Suzanne Lane Hedge ‘66 Rosemary Grieco Hegarty ‘57 Leonora Grassi Heilter ‘61 Grace Vallari Hemmes ‘53 Maureen Henniger Nesselt + Margaret Schoenbart ‘44 Margarita T. Hernandez ’66 Nancy Spitzfader Herold ‘59 Kathleen Herrmann ‘74 Crystal Vann Hibbert ‘84 Una Murphy Hickey ‘64 Mary Sullivan Higbee ‘55 Mary Geary Higgins ‘51 Irene Menoti Hille ‘49 Barbara Fragoletti Hoffman ‘56 Sylvia Woods Holler ‘56 Mary Healy Hourihan ‘43 Diane Woods Hughes ‘54 + Spencer Hughes, Jr. Janinne Jurin Hulsey ‘87 Nancy Donagher Hunt ‘45 Venice Watson Hunter ‘71 Stephanie J. Ilka ‘43 Coral Infante ‘70 Elizabeth Infurna Edna Irizarry Chrystal Jackson-Johnson ‘98 Martha Jairala ‘86 Joelle L. James ‘86 Frances Janczuk ‘67 Susana Rosas Jantz ‘61

Sharon Jeffrey-Roebuck ‘73 Dorothy Dwyer Jensen ‘67 Emily B. Jensen ‘40 Alice Colon Jernigan ‘61 Ann Bond Johnson ‘53 Lavinia J. Johnson ‘72 Alvida Jones ‘91 Alma Joseph ‘66 Margaret Kirby Kane ‘47 Norma Costa Kebabjian ‘50 Linda Sleis Keenan ‘70 Mary Keenan ‘62 Mary Rooney Kehoe ‘51 Nancy Kellar ‘58 + Sr. Pauline Ciniquini, S.C. ‘50 Ann Loftus Kelleher ‘51 Joan Fogarty Keller ‘56 Mary Wallace Kelly ‘59 Marie Valia Keyloun ‘55 Carolyn Kielec + Deirdre O’Hara Rose Ann Ranaghan Kilgannon ‘48 Elizabeth McHugh Kilkelly ‘51 Susan Henry Kilpatrick ‘71 Catherine Scheer Kimmer ‘54 Alice Kainer King ‘54 Mary Barrett King ‘59 Dorothea Ulrich Kirschmeier ‘43 Marion O’Shea Kissane ‘46 Nancy E. Kissel ‘58 Ella Holzman Klein ‘48 Lucy Dunne Knoth ‘47 Asnat Koehne ‘81 Joan Pink Kohler ‘47 Andrew Koo Darlene West Kornegay ‘64 Margaret Adamson Kovacs ‘63



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Rita Lippert + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49

Hannah Strain Kraemer ‘51 Valerie Hajduchik ‘62 Maryann Szczecinkski Krzewicki ‘52 Sonia Kugler ‘56 Vera Brady Kunz ‘68 Anna Calzi La Magna ‘51 Corrine Genova Lacey ‘51 Azuree Lake ‘06 Maxine Lampert + Deirdre O’Hara Lisa B. Landsman *Karen Kleppe Lembo Elizabeth Darold Lakins ‘45 Patricia Battaglino Larosa ‘60 + Margaret Crevan ‘60 Sara Latorre ‘55 Patricia Abitabilo Latteri ‘60 Sandra Santos Laurenao ‘67 Lorraine Corps Lawn ‘61 Katherine Lawton *Karen Kleppe Lembo Gina Puma Lecca ‘59 Evelyn Solares Ledwon ‘76 Jennifer Harley Lee Robin E. Lee ‘84 June McLoughlin Leiser ‘55 Daniel Lembo *Karen Kleppe Lembo Nora Lennon ‘47 Elaine Roth Lent ‘60 Lourdes Cordero Lento ‘81 Leona Leo Latidra Lewis ‘91 Susan Witkowski Lichten ‘70 Alice Daly Linardo ‘44 Vivian Linehan ‘51 Bettina Cassara Linneman ‘59


Mary McGinity Littorin ‘46 Mary Lawler Loftus ‘53 Margaret Harte Long ‘46 Joan Mulligan Longo ‘48 Marion Deutsch Lontkowski ‘55 Mary Kane Lopez ‘44 Jessica Anaya Lopez Mary Kane Lopez ‘44 Stacy Lopez ‘12 Judith R. Lora ‘86 Bernadette Benison Loughlin ‘53 Fatima Altagracia Louis ‘86 Mary Ann Hughes Lovetro ‘57 Joanne Maggio Lynch ‘67 Maryann Lopiano Lyons ‘56 Theresa Macaluso ‘66 Rosemary Iannotta Macchia ‘64 Toni Mackey ‘12 Cordelia Barilli Magarello ‘60 Patricia Smythe Maguire ‘45 Judith Boller Mahady ‘64 Linda Maher ‘67 Lorraine McMahon Maine ‘60 Laura Brech Maldonado ‘76 Jenny Sciarrino Mallick ‘58 Laraine Martinez Mallon ‘60 Altagracia Diaz Mangual ‘76 Marion Doonan Manley ‘56 Rose Merritt Manley ‘56 Frances Mannino ‘72 Marlene Rolandelli Marinaccio ‘51 Noreen Grace Marino ‘48 Sr. Patricia Markey ‘53 + Ellen and Patrick Markey Linda Marrero ‘81 Anita L. Martin ‘57 Rita Lahey Martinsen ‘52 Dolores Torp Marusic ‘49 Barbara Mason ‘57 Vivian Quinones Matias ‘66 Vivian Matias-Cooper ‘86 Diana Matta Penny Wong Matzelle ‘86 Michelle Calistro McAleer ‘75 Caroline Bocker McCaffrey ‘56 Kathleen McCann ‘48

Florence Santomauro McCarney ‘54 Catherine Mulkeen McCarthy ‘43 Mary Connelly McCarthy ‘55 Therese McGinnity McConville ‘44 Florence Daly McCormack ‘45 Yolanda L. McCoy ‘91 Sr. Margaret Patricia McDermott ‘50 Annette Wintermeyer McDonald ‘63 + Sister Virginia Maria SC Marie Cunniffe McDonald ‘48 Patricia Flanagan McGlinchey ‘49 Winifred Hind McGovern ‘50 Joan Feiss McGowan ‘53 Frances Madden McGrath ‘52 + Rosann Conboy Rita McGrath McGuire ‘53 Sr. Kathleen McHugh ‘55 Cathleen T. McLoughlin ‘55 Ellen Hunt McMahon ‘49 + Margaret Demm Meade ‘49 Alice Cronley McPartland ‘51 Carol A. McShane Helen Sciabolacci Mele ‘49 Sally A. Mele ‘58 + Domenica Fahey Nancy Mendez ‘91 Maria Piazza Mendola ‘60 Teresa Almeida Mendoza ‘91 Ann White Metscher ‘61 + Kathleen Bradford Catherine Tuzzo Miceli ‘48 Monica Gmuer Miszke ‘71 Tamara Molina ‘91 Lorna Montalvo ‘98 Edna Volpi Montiel ‘66 Sandra S. Montoya ‘86 Elizabeth Barry Mooney ‘65 Yolanda Morales Ann McGovern Moran ‘52 Graceann Vento Morawek ‘57 Joan E. Donohue Morgan ‘56 Diane VanLeuwen Morris ‘65 Nancy Manzano Morrisett ‘76 Ann Reynolds Morrissey ‘59 Arleen Kozlowski Mudryk ‘61 Eleanor Mullin ‘45 Patricia Mulryan ‘48


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Jacqueline Murphy ‘51 + John FX and Gertrude Murphy Kathy Tiernery Murphy ‘68 Margaret Walsh Murphy ‘57 + Eileen Tierney Barbieri Mary Fincone Murphy ‘53 Sally Todd Murphy ‘43 Rosemary Murray ‘47 Eileen O’Leary Murrell ‘61 Joan Hanahoe Murtha ‘49 Katherine Brengs Nagle ‘59 Elizabeth Giacinto Nardone ‘75 Pauline Navigante ‘69 Eileen McCarthy Neff ‘56 Veronica McElligott Nendze ‘47 Katherine Neville ‘75 Sr. Miriam Nevins ‘48 Johanna Waldhofer Niemann ‘54 Rose Wenke Nolan ‘43 Daisy Deliz Nova ‘87 Christine Amezquita Obremski ‘64 Denise Alatsitis O’Brien ‘68 Eileen Parsons O’Brien ‘47 Hilde O’Brien Eileen Keane O’Connell ‘51 Patricia O'Connell ‘54 M.P. O’Connor ‘56 Marie Caraisco O’Hanlon ‘54 Elizabeth O’Hare ‘54 Mary Leahy Ohrnberger ‘54 Ann Jennings O’Keefe ‘53 Geraldine Philipp O'Keefe ‘59 Maureen Feighery Olive ‘67 Thomas O'Malley + Catherine O'Brien O'Malley '44 Carol Goodlet O’Neill ‘61 Marie O'Neill ‘39 Tiffany Ong ‘91 Rina Orbe-Shimabuku ‘78 Rose Ann Orlicky ‘61 Teuta Oshlani ‘96 Geraldine Doggett O’Sullivan ‘72 Nancy Negrey O'Sullivan ‘60 Deborah Penon Padilla ‘76 Maria Paguaga-Collado ‘91 Noreen Fleming Palazzolo ‘64 Florence Dobbins Palmero ‘54

Diana Boyle Paoli ‘58 Grace Park-Mercado ‘86 Mary Reilly Parsons ‘54 Jeanette Capkovic Pearl ‘66 Gloria Bergmayer Perkins ‘57 Joan Hattauer Perrino ‘66 Leslie Peterson ‘68 Rosemary Petrucelli ‘50 Kathleen Murphy Pfeiffer ‘47 Maria Piazza Mendola ‘60 Mary Ann De Rosa Piemonte ‘54 Elizabeth Buckner Pierson ‘68 Louise Monaco Piscopo ‘57 Angela Scarangelli Pittari ‘56 Geraldine Pograniczny ‘57 Adele Talocco Poston ‘65 Joan Potenza ‘61 Ann Power ‘56 Patricia Olivette Pray ‘67 Teresa Gomez Prendergast ‘61 Kathleen Canning Price ‘55 Lynn Prime ‘65 Maryse Prosper Prosper ‘83 Elizabeth Marks Prussak ‘51 + Carmen Guzman ‘54 Millicent Pugliese ‘57 + Minnie Pugliese Jan Simms Puig ‘61 Josephine Cawley Purcell ‘54 Mary Alexander Purcell ‘46 Gladys Quick + Jacqueline Quick Eileen Walsh Quinn Mary Fitzgerald Quinn ‘43 Margaret Geddis Quinn ‘51 Rose LoCicero Racano ‘55 Eva Kuzyk Raczynsky ‘64 Francine Raggi-Collins ‘64 + Diane Chappano Frances McGee Raiti ‘59 Elizabeth Farley Ralston ‘53 Daisy Ramos ‘76 Gladys Ramos ‘60 Dorothy Daly Ramsdell ‘41 Valerie Randolph ‘86 Eileen Raucci ‘68 Maria Pastore Reddington ‘86

Elizabeth Reid ‘50 Joan Parsons Reilly ‘62 Kathleen C. Reilly ‘56 Lydia DePaoli Reilly ‘51 Mary Anne Teufel Reinthaler ‘53 Elvira Pinzon Rella ‘74 Mary Foley Ressegue ‘47 Ann Marie Dietz Reynan Mary McCrossan Richardson ‘53 Marie Sterling Ries ‘49 Maryann Campbell Rieselman ‘81 Barbara Sidoine Riggs ‘62 Rosalinda Rios ‘75 Elliot Rivera Isabel Rivera ‘86 Sharon Rivera ‘91 Yvette Ramirez Rivera ‘87 Jane Amberson Roche ‘52 Nydia Gomez Rodriguez ‘51 Omairys G. Rodriguez ‘08 Yesenia Chavez Rodriguez ‘91 Zaida Figueroa Rodriguez ‘59 Teresa Waterman Ronelli ‘66 Wendy Godoy Rosa ‘91 Jenny Rosales ‘13 Annote Lofaso Rose ‘74 Marie Giangarra Rossi ‘65 Miriam Rossi ‘70 + Aldegonda and Antonio Maristela Grzinic Rossini ‘69 Michele Royal ‘69 Edith Rubyor ‘57 Lorraine LaCorte Russo ‘67 Katherine Cataldo Ruth ‘61 Barbara Hamann Ryan ‘56 Mary Ghiglieri Saggese ‘50 Rose Marie Carpentiere Saitta ‘60 Maria Prado Salaman ‘55 Carol Sanchez Xiomara Sanchez Carol Sanders ‘82 Edith Perez Santa ‘86 Susan Fanelli Santangelo ‘60 Helen Santiago ‘65 Milagros Santiago-Liebman ‘67 Zenaida Matos Santoli ‘68 Gandolfa Leone Santos ‘73 Elizabeth Daly Sapp ‘57



2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT Elizabeth Sarsfield-Kidder ‘64 Concetta Di Bella Scauri ‘49 Linda Marucci Schechter ‘68 Stephen Schelin + Regina A. Schelin Catherine Lavin Schmalenberger ‘47 Philomena McConnell Schmalenberger ‘48 Elizabeth Munsell Schneider ‘50 Lucille Leone Schneider ‘76 Carmela Vicario Schott ‘67 James E. Schwartz + Mary E. Armstrong Ward ‘49 Germaine Laviscount Scott ‘62 Kathleen Cividanes Scott ‘57 Roslyn Fox Sealy ‘47 Raquel Cintron Semidey ‘69 Rosalba Semidey ‘66 Mary Geary Sharkey ‘47 Helen Dwyer Shea ‘49 Kathleen Sicca-Grary ‘69 Patricia Tonra Sickler ‘55 M. John Siebold Esther Siegers ‘53 + Michael Grosso Mary Jane Mansfield Simmons ‘48 Christine Litras Smalley ‘63 Bridget Wilkie Smith ‘53 Eleanor C. Smith ‘46 Gloria Lanzoelotto Smith ‘47 Jaime Pryor Smith ‘86 Lorraine Bertrand Smith ‘48 Maggy Smith ‘80 Mary E. Smith ‘49 Shani Smoak ‘03 Noreen Murphy Smullen ‘52 + Michael Marion Fanny Adames Soriano ‘86 Denise Sosa ‘85 Kathleen Pfenning Spagna ‘64 Sr. Michael Durkin SSND ‘48 Michaeleen Burke St. John ‘67 Maria Cardinali Stigi ‘60 Sally Devins Stroff ‘55 Catherine J. Sullivan ‘65 Eileen Noone Sullivan ‘62 Kerry Sullivan ‘66


Mary Gildea Sullivan ‘52 Ray and Alice Swedeski + Margaret ‘Peg’ Schoenbart ’44 Frances Heitmann Taglang ‘55 Patricia Anne Hackett Tarpinian ‘54 Agnes Loughlin Tax ‘64 Diana Taylor + Deirdre O’Hara Bianca Bonaldo Telesmanich ‘62 Maria Rossi Terner ‘62 Rose S. Thomas ‘68 Freida Tietz Carole O’Keefe Timlin ‘69 Catherine Reilly Tobin ‘71 Rosemarie Engmann Tomasini ‘63 Bernadette Clarke Tombline ‘56 Anne Urso Tone ‘50 Christine Cordano Tonetti ‘70 Theresa Mahoney Toolan-Veverka ‘57 Helen Condon Topp ‘49 Margaret Owens Torpey ‘48 Muriel Hanahoe Trainor ‘48 Joanne Sabini Tritini ‘56 Judith Schluensen Turco ‘58 Rosemary Franks Twomey ‘57 Mary T. Ghelfi Vagnone ‘58 Evelyn Espada Valentin ‘72 Patricia A. Valentino ‘67 Ernest and Rosemary Valeo + Deirdre O’Hara Charlotte Neff Vaughn ‘52 + Josita Cavagnaro McGuire ‘51 Elizabeth Casey Velapoldi ‘55

Frances Heller Ventrice-Goldhorn ‘54 Rosario Vera ‘72 Rita Teratola Verna ‘50 Joyce Del Balso Verrando ‘51 Cassandre Victor-Vega ‘95 Isabelle Dave Vinci ‘41 Anna Marie Hughes Vitt ‘60 Josephine T. Volpe ‘51 Bridget Walsh ‘53 Kathy Wetzel Walsh ‘55 Mary Walsh ‘47 Diane Schmacher Washburn ‘63 Andrea Watkins ‘86 Sr. Andrea Weidner ‘51 Marion Caccioppoli Weir-Turek ‘51 Bertha Camal Weston ‘59 Rita Cantelmo Whispell ‘61 Marie DeVoe White ‘83 Laura Kunkel Williams ‘96 Carmen Justiniano Witter ‘66 Barbara L. Woerz ‘55 Aimee New Wu Won ‘64 Rita Mack Woodbury ‘45 Roseann Wray ‘53 Josephine Jones Wrocklage ‘41 Elizabeth Yeampierre ‘76 Denise Ali Zayas ‘83 Rita Murphy Zehnter ‘52 Joan Zelenka ‘55 Diane Piampiano Zimmer Mary Zini Josephine DeSanti Zorat ‘59 Lisa Ficarotta Zupcich ‘82

Is Your Name Missing? It could be because… 1. You made your gift after our fiscal year ended. This Annual Report is reflective of Annual Fund gifts received between September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016. Gifts after August 31st will be included in next year’s Annual Report. 2. You asked that your gift be kept anonymous. 3. We made a mistake, if so please know that is an omission of the pen and not of the heart. Please call the Development Office at 212.688.1545 x233 if you have any questions.


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 ANNUAL REPORT

Tuition Assistance Grants

We thank the following organizations for providing tuition assistance for our students. Brooklyn Jesuit Prep Cathedral High School Spires Foundation ICSF: High Schools ICSF: Be A Student’s Friend Program Carmel Hill Student Sponsor Partners Cornelia Connelly Community Connections I Have A Dream Foundation

Corporate Matching Gifts

Sr. Mary Raymond Legacy Society

Thank you to the corporations that doubled and in some cases tripled our donor’s gifts. Please check with your employer to ask if they have a matching gift program.

Generous alumnae and friends who have included Cathedral High School in their estate plans are recognized with membership in the Legacy Society. We thank the following donors, whose foresight and believe in the future of Cathedral High School has helped to ensure that CHS will remain a unique place of opportunity for young women for generations to come.

Chevron Humankind Goldman Sachs & Co IBM Corporation Ingersoll Rand Corporations Institutional Investor News Mutual of America New York Life Foundation Pfizer Foundation Prudential Foundation Target

Wilma Aponte ‘80 Marta Baez ‘65 Mary Ann Micillo Kikel ‘57 Marian Pasini Kryshak ‘63 Catherine P. Martin ‘42 Helen Von Wyl Murphy ‘44 Philip J. Wilker

Annual Appeal 2015-2016 Class Participation Class

# of Donors




# of Donors 1




# of Donors 17

Class 1991

# of Donors 28
















































































































































Cathedral High School 350 East 56th Street New York, NY 10022

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The Cathedral Connection is published by the Office of Advancement and Alumnae Affairs 350 East 56th Street New York, NY 10022 Phone: 212-688-1545 ext. 233 Fax: 212-754-2024 Email: amcnamee@cathedralhs.org

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