Castilleja Annual Report 2018–2019

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Annual Report 2018-2019


Dear Castilleja Community, Each year we explore a guiding theme to frame many of our conversations about who we are and who we hope to become. This year’s theme, Belonging, is one that resonates around the Circle as we weigh the difference between feeling like we fit in and knowing that we truly belong. As a school founded on a vision of equity in education, we also understand that compassionate leaders cultivate belonging across a diverse community. As you read through these pages, I hope you see yourself in the stories and that you always feel a sense of belonging at Castilleja. Whether you are coming to campus every day, have recently returned for a reunion year, or are remembering the Circle from afar, you are part of Castilleja’s diverse and rich history and future. You understand the importance and meaning of our lasting traditions, and you may appreciate how our innovative programs invite new voices and perspectives into our classrooms. This steady evolution helps all of us become a more inclusive and insightful community of lifelong learners. Among these articles and profiles, I want to call your attention to a summary of Castilleja’s new strategic plan. I am so excited to share these goals with you. They will serve as our community’s guideposts for the next five years as we all work to create the brightest possible future for Castilleja. I feel so lucky to be part of a school community that places so much value on philanthropy. Your gifts make it possible for Castilleja to grow along with our students and with the world around us. Thank you for the many ways in which you support Castilleja. With gratitude,

Nanci Z. Kauffman Castilleja Head of School


A Circle of Belonging 2





















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Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 1


New Voices in 8th Grade English Megan Hutchin has spent the last three summers reading novels, memoirs, poems, and essays from diverse authors to include in her 8th grade English curriculum. “I want to incorporate a range of perspectives in the literature, creating opportunities for students to see themselves in the stories and have windows into lives other than their own.”

Engineering Opportunities Sixth grade science teacher Sarah BarnumHA and math teacher Nick Jerrold brought their students outside to work in small groups to build coffee tables and cubbies that will be used around campus. Ms. Barnum explains, “We want them to experience building with tools and feel proud of their spatial skills and problem-solving.” In the Upper School, Castilleja expands STEM offerings with a new Engineering II course. Julian Cortella expects to see his students gain confidence in applying the skills they learned in Engineering I. “At the same time, I hope they realize that as they work, it’s okay to make mistakes. Sometimes that’s where the greatest learning takes place.”

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At Castilleja, everyone can be an innovator. Good ideas are generated in the quiet of one’s own mind and in the sustained conversation of our learning community. For our faculty, the journey from concept to implementation is always guided by current research on how girls learn best and what is most relevant to complex interdisciplinary problem-solving.

Exploring Senegal Junior Global Investigator Trips allow students to gain a more personal understanding of the complexities of globalization while building friendships. Our new trip to Senegal asks students to explore the intersection of globalization, traditional values, and urban culture. French teacher and Trip Lead Caroline Brachet explains, “Dakar is at a crossroads, facing shifts around the roles of technology, foreign influence, and migration within an emerging economy. These are questions our students care about.”

Foundational Computer Science (CS) Castilleja 9th graders now take a one-semester introductory computer science course as a graduation requirement. “All students need to understand our digital world to become informed citizens,” explains Department Head Ann Greyson. “Data tells us that girls, more than boys, might avoid studying CS and assume it isn’t of value to them. Building foundational knowledge in 9th grade will also help students appreciate connections and integrate their programming skills in other courses.”

A Thematic Approach to Art History The new Advanced Topics Art History course taught by Helen ShanksHA is organized around guiding themes, encouraging students to explore great artists through different lenses. Ms. Shanks includes a broad array of materials, including podcasts, video clips, and contemporary reviews. “I want them to understand how art can explain the world around them and their inner world as well.” Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 3



As students arrive in Dr. Ross’ African American Women Writers class, they write their names and different page numbers on the whiteboard and then take their seats. The room falls quiet when a student sitting at the front of the room begins speaking, “Let’s start the free-write. Here’s your prompt: When are women’s appearances used to give or take power from them?” “Did you think of that, or did Dr. Ross?” another student asks. “I did,” she answers. “It’s good,” someone else adds. As their pencils touch paper, the students nod their heads first in agreement, and then in time to the background music the discussion leader has selected. A few minutes later, she signals the end of the freewrite, glances at the whiteboard, and starts calling on her peers to explore the passages they selected from Zora Neale Hurston’s short story, “Isis,” about a day in the life of a highly imaginative and vivacious African American girl. Dr. Ross stands at the board taking notes, asking a clarifying question now and then, but the students carry the conversation. This is by design. Dr. Ross spent months, even years, thinking about this class, and all of that reflection convinced her that it would need to be student owned and student led. When she talks about her reasoning, she explains, “I’m trying to be a bridge builder. Mutual alliance takes humility and respect. I don’t have all of the answers. The course is about what my students think. It’s about empowerment.” The class discussion proves this to be true. The

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students move through the story with curiosity and courage, making connections, and gaining ground on questions that might not have answers. One student remarks about the passage she chose, “The White people in the story seem interested in Isis, maybe in her energy or her light. I couldn’t figure out what they wanted from her exactly...” The conversation slows noticeably. Other students agree this was confusing. Dr. Ross suggests, “This is a motif we will see throughout the semester, a critique of the way White culture appropriates African American culture. This passage gives us an opportunity to think about our own roles as readers in this class. Instead of appropriating, we are celebrating this literary tradition and treating it with respect by studying it in historical context.” Bridge building. Mutual alliance. Empowerment. These are long-standing goals for Dr. Ross. As an undergraduate, she heard the legendary African American activist and poet Audre Lorde give a speech, and she explains, “It was a life-changing moment; she opened my eyes to the way that African American women’s voices were not being represented in the feminist movement.” Dr. Ross immediately enrolled in a series of “unlearning racism” workshops and began taking every class on African American literature she could find. When she moved on to graduate school and her college teaching career, she saw a clear trajectory for her work: “I came to see my education and my teaching as a way to bring awareness to both feminist and social justice issues in my classes.”

This year marks Dr. Ross’ thirtieth year in the classroom and her thirteenth at Castilleja. “Every year at Castilleja has inspired and challenged me in new ways,” she explains. One of those inspiring challenges came when she was invited to create this elective. She knew she would need to work hard to prepare. She had originally designed and taught an early version of this class at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in 1990, but the conversation around racial identity and social justice changed radically in the intervening years. Dr. Ross embarked on updating and reframing her approach to the topic in the spring and summer of 2018. Her process included discussions with Stacey Kerstman, Castilleja’s Dean of Equity and Inclusion; meeting with Alison Park, an educational social justice curriculum consultant; participating in a King Institute seminar on courageous conversations, diversity in the classrooms, and compassionate listening; and reading a wide array of fiction and non-fiction. She taught the first two sections of this semester in the fall of 2018, and her students didn’t want it to end. In January, leaders of the Diversity Club approached Dr. Ross to see whether she would be willing to host a series of brown bag lunch “teach-ins” open to all Upper School students to continue discussing poems and essays by African American women. She comments, “The student response to the teach-ins was overwhelmingly positive. There is something about this course that can help make the often baffling pieces of the puzzle of American society begin to fit together. African American Women Writers tell the stories that have been erased by the racism and sexism of our country’s history, so it’s only through their voices that

we can truly understand ourselves and the challenges facing our country today.” This fall Dr. Ross is teaching two more sections. If the class discussion of Zora Neale Hurston’s story is any indication, these students will also have more to say after the semester ends. While they pack their books to move to their next class, someone asks, “Who’s leading discussion next time?” A student checks a list and calls out a name. “Oh, she’s going to do a good job,” another student says. “We’re all going to do a good job,” someone else adds. Bridge building. Mutual alliance. Empowerment. It’s Dr. Ross’ turn to smile and nod her head in agreement.

SOME OF THE FEATURED AUTHORS Zora Neale Hurston Audre Lorde Ann Petry Nella Larsen Lynn Nottage Toni Morrison Gloria Naylor Claudia Rankine Gwendolyn Brooks

Ida B. Wells Georgia Douglas Johnson Maya Angelou June Jordan Nikki Giovanni Ntozake Shange Rita Dove Tracy K. Smith

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 5


A Community of Giving Everyone in our community makes a difference through their giving. Employees, current and past parents, and alumnae have empowered Castilleja today and into the future.

Belonging AN EMPLOYEE PERSPECTIVE “Employee giving is always directed toward the Student Activities Fund, which helps with expenses that students may encounter outside of tuition. In the library, it might allow a student to get ingredients to participate in the Edible Book Festival or receive a signed book from a visiting writer. I am proud to be part of an institution that ensures all students have access to the same opportunities, down to these small details. When I give to Castilleja, I know I’m contributing to a sense of belonging. In the library, we benefit from gifts to Castilleja everyday. The generosity of our broader community allows me to say yes to new additions to our collection, creative partnerships, cutting-edge resources, and innovative opportunities. I am so grateful to be trusted as a steward to pursue exciting programming

that makes our library a model for independent schools around the country.” — Jole SeroffHA Director of Library and Information Services

Supporting Women PARENTS’ PERSPECTIVE “We have always invested in foundations, policies, and initiatives that support girls and women. Women make up half of the global population and deserve the opportunity to become equal contributors. Over time, we have come to see that education creates the mindset for lasting change. When you have a platform like Castilleja with a mission to create women leaders who engage in the community, you know that you can really make a difference with your support.” — Noriko and Norman Chen P’21

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My Turn

“My first step toward my MD-PhD was the fetal pig dissection in 8th grade science with Ms. BarkerHA. I still remember every detail; I even wrote about it in my medical school applications. Castilleja helped me transform from a shy 6th grader to an emboldened scientist. It was such a happy time in my life, and I stay connected in a concrete way through donating annually. Giving back is my way of practicing gratitude, helping me reflect and honor all of the people who supported me and shaped who I am today.”

“My parents were happy to support our schools while we attended, but they firmly believed it was our responsibility once we graduated. I’ve always been proud to support the place where I lived (in the dorm!) and learned so much, so I have made giving to Castilleja a priority every year since 1980. As a long-time supporter, I hope to serve as a role model for younger alumnae by giving for over 30 years and by designating Castilleja through planned giving in my estate. I am proud to be part of supporting Castilleja’s past, present, and future.”

— Ericka von Kaeppler ’09

— Elizabeth “Libby” Hulsey ’80

Confidence and Connection “My teachers at Castilleja encouraged me to make brave choices and understand that anything is possible. The friends I made at Castilleja are still my best friends; our bonds have carried through a lifetime of different choices and careers and children. I give to Castilleja now, because I want to support that confidence and connection. I want to support the faculty and students who are there now; the school isn’t anything without them, and I want to ensure that Castilleja continues to be to other people what it was to me.” — Cathy Friedman ’78 P’11 P’20

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Loyals CASTILLEJA CELEBRATES THE LASTING CONTRIBUTIONS OF ANN AND JOHN DOERR P’09 Each year at our Loyals event we recognize people who have become lifetime stewards of the school by supporting the campus and the programming in countless quiet and lasting ways. In March of 2019, in the home of Anjali and Sundar Pichai, Ann and John Doerr were honored as Loyals for their vision to launch the Global Investigator Trips and their inspiration to remember Doug Bourn in naming the Bourn Idea Lab.

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“As I prepared to become Head of School, Ann and John’s support gave me the confidence to become a bold and innovative leader.” –NANCI KAUFFMANHA


Castilleja’s Strategic Plan 2019-2024 WHAT’S POSSIBLE FOR THE NEXT GENERATION OF WOMEN LEADERS? We often ask our students to contemplate a brave question: What’s possible for you at Castilleja? This bold strategic plan is our opportunity to ask a similar question of ourselves: What’s possible for Castilleja and the next generation of women leaders? There has never been a more exciting moment to educate girls, and this plan charts a path for our future while telling an important story about our community of students, employees, alumnae, and current and past families. These four pillars are the foundation of Castilleja, supporting our mission. Within each pillar, we have defined goals based on who we are now and who we hope to become.

School Community

Relationships are at the heart of Castilleja. We actively foster a caring, diverse, inclusive, and equitable learning community. • Deepen learning and relationships to transform lives • Ensure that we live our values as a diverse and inclusive community • Deepen our community commitment to social and emotional wellbeing • Strengthen outreach and engagement across communities

Student Experience

At Castilleja, intellectually curious and engaged students learn to think critically, contribute responsibly, lead boldly, and thrive physically, socially, and emotionally. • Integrate emerging fields of knowledge with learning experiences inside and outside the classroom


Beyond the Circle

Founded upon the ideal that women deserve every opportunity to learn and lead, Castilleja seeks to collaborate and contribute to societal shifts that empower women. • Advance Castilleja’s role as a local partner, valuable resource, and good neighbor

By sharing their time, talent, and treasure, every member of our community leads the way, ensuring that the resources are in place tokeep Castilleja at the forefront of girls’ education. • Identify and prioritize the resources Castilleja will need for the future

• Empower students to become self-directed learners

• Create opportunities to share best practices in girls’ education

• Continue to develop and strengthen a culture of philanthropy

• Modernize campus to enable transformative learning and leadership development

• Advocate for equity in women’s leadership

• Promote financial sustainability

• Examine and refine systems to enhance our program

What’s Possible? STRATEGIC PLAN 2019 - 2024

Download the complete Strategic Plan at

Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024 | 1

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Glad are we to sing thy praises... The 62 seniors were admitted to 122 schools in 33 states, plus Washington DC, Canada, England, and Scotland. They have chosen to attend 40 different schools, and three students will take a gap year first.

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Bates College Boston College Brandeis University Brown University Chapman University Claremont McKenna College Columbia University Dartmouth College Duke University Elon University Grinnell College Harvard University Haverford College Lawrence University New York University Northwestern University Occidental College Pomona College Princeton University Rice University Stanford University Syracuse University Tufts University

Tulane University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Merced University of California, Santa Barbara University of Chicago University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Virginia Vanderbilt University Washington University in St Louis Wellesley College Wesleyan University Williams College


Emblems bright of hope and cheer... The Class of 2026 is comprised of 60 girls with 54 different names. They speak seven different languages at home and come from 43 schools. Now, they are Castilleja. FROM THEIR ADMISSION APPLICATIONS:

I wonder... How would it feel to be someone else? Why do my hands get pruney when I have a long shower? What was on the last 18 minutes of the Nixon tapes, and where are they? What is my cat thinking? What would the U.S. be like with a female president? When will I get another dog? Will I do something fun tomorrow? How did the universe begin and will it go on forever? When will everybody be happy with just what they have?

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 11


Annual Fund Campaign

Financial Highlights 2018-2019




Current Parents*




Parents of Alumnae*








Corporations & Foundations




*Excludes Trustees

Fundraising Summary

Revenue Tuition




Innovation Investment Fund


Named Endowments

Gifts Endowment Summer Programs Other Income

Tuition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Annual Fund


Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summer Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Other Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Total Revenue Budget:


Expenses Compensation





Peggy McKee


Gilhuly Fine Arts Chair


Katherine Hass ’14


Planned Gifts


Other Gifts




Innovation Investment Fund (IIF) IIF Total (Total Raised to Date)


IIF Total Cash Paid 2018-2019


Total Giving

Tuition Assistance




Current Parents*





General and Admin

Parents of Alumnae*






Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,185,922

Class of 2019


Tuition Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Corporations & Foundations


General and Admin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Total Expenses Budget:

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*Excludes Trustees


Leadership Giving

Thank you to all of our donors for your generous contributions over the 2018–19 school year. Leadership gifts made to Castilleja play a special role in creating an unparalleled experience for today’s students and ensuring the school’s financial sustainability for generations to come. With a generous commitment to the Annual Fund, View360, and designated restricted funds, leadership giving has a powerful impact on our students’ experiences.

Head’s Circle $50,000 or more Anonymous (3)

Theresia Gouw

Suzanne and Eric O’Brien

Sher Amos-Grosser and

Shari and Andrew Guggenhime

Christine O’Sullivan and

Adam Grosser

Noriko Honda and Norman Chen

James Bean

Sybilla and Alexandre Balkanski

Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean

Anjali and Sundar Pichai

Pree Basaviah and

David Kim

Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn

Michele and Steve Kirsch

Marieke and Jeffrey Rothschild

Jennifer and David Ko

Sarah and Greg Sands

Venky Ganesan Carol Blacutt-Underwood and Brian Underwood

Gab and Thomas Layton

Mary and Michael Speiser

Kathryn Bojack and Ravi Mhatre

Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson

The Stanley S. Langendorf

Priya Chandrasekar and

Kate Li and Jianming Yu

Chandrasekar Gnanasambandam


Yan Liu and JieFu Zhang

Robert and Helen Sturges Estate

Toni Cupal and Mike Volpi

Becky Long and Ken Hirsch

Polly Tam and Hsien-Chung Woo

Carol and John Giannandrea

Linda and Jim McGeever

Jessica and Chris Varelas

Cindy and Evan Goldberg

Marilyn Senn Moll ’47

Petra Wright and Steve Dowling

Lori and Brian Goler

Usha and Diaz Nesamoney

1907 Circle

$20,000 - $49,999 Anonymous (3)

Lata and Vab Goel

NTT Venture Capital

Alison and Edward Abbo

Kristin and Rob Goldman

Laurie and Duco Pasmooij

Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen ’88

Rebecca Grant and Aram Lindahl

Leyla and David Scott

Lian Bi and Budong You

Elizabeth and Patrick Heron

Lisa and Glenn Solomon

Patti and Edward Chan

Susan Suman Hindle ’53

Diana Sunshine and

Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong

Sook Jin and Gregory Lee

William Onderdonk

Kristina and Roger Detter

Melissa and Scott Kepner

Amanda and Zac Zeitlin

Shirley Ely

Carola and Marcum Khouri

Sheridan and David Foster

Sharon and Peter Nieh Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 13

Parents Annual Fund The Parents Annual Fund provides a crucial bridge between tuition revenue and the actual operating budget, covering approximately 8% of the gap. Gifts to the Annual Fund attract and retain exceptional faculty by offering competitive salaries, essential benefits, and professional development. Our parent community’s commitment to innovative programming and meaningful experiences for all of our students is evident by the 98% participation rate in the Annual Fund.

Five Cs Circle $25,000 and above Anonymous

Lori and Brian Goler

Linda and Jim McGeever

Sher Amos-Grosser and

Melissa and Scott Kepner

Usha and Diaz Nesamoney

David Kim

Anjali and Sundar Pichai

Michele and Steve Kirsch

Leyla and David Scott

Jennifer and David Ko

Mary and Michael Speiser

Gab and Thomas Layton

Jessica and Chris Varelas

Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson

Petra Wright and Steve Dowling

Adam Grosser Pree Basaviah and Venky Ganesan Carol Blacutt-Underwood and Brian Underwood Priya Chandrasekar and Chandrasekar Gnanasambandam Carol and John Giannandrea

Kate Li and Jianming Yu Yan Liu and JieFu Zhang Becky Long and Ken Hirsch

Founder’s Circle $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (5)

Sheridan and David Foster

Suzanne and Eric O’Brien

Alison and Edward Abbo

Lata and Vab Goel

Christine O’Sullivan and

Nahid Aliniazee and

Kristin and Rob Goldman

Kamal Ahmed Dana and Brian Ascher

Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91 and Isy Goldwasser

James Bean Shirley and Mike Orsak Laurie and Duco Pasmooij

Irene Au and Bradley Horowitz

Theresia Gouw

Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn

Holly Baudler

Rebecca Grant and Aram Lindahl

Wendy and Chang Row

Mark Baudler

Shari and Andrew Guggenhime

Sarah and Greg Sands

Lian Bi and Budong You

Suman Gupta and Thomas Kemp

Carolyn and Michael Slinger

Stephanie and Peter Bisgaard

Brooke Heckert and

Lisa and Glenn Solomon

Wendy and Gabriel Brenner

Michael Linse

Diana Sunshine and

Carla M. Cassani, MD

Jennifer and Jorg Heinemann

Patti and Edward Chan

Elizabeth and Patrick Heron

Varsha and Pradeep Tagare

Cindy Chen and Bob Kocher

Noriko Honda and Norman Chen

Julie and Jarlon Tsang

Nandini and Mathews Cherian

Jane Hsiao and Amr Razzak

Rita and Hardeep Walia

Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong

Carola and Marcum Khouri

Huisheng Wang and Yinqing Zhao

Simone and Tench Coxe

Sook Jin and Gregory Lee

Huoy-Ming Yeh and Sherman Chu

Kristina and Roger Detter

Yvette and Roy Maydan

Nazhin Zarghamee and

Mahooya Dinda and

Bridget McIver and

Michel Del Buono

Vaughan Smith

Ellen and Ira Ehrenpreis

Sharon and Peter Nieh

Tracy and Steve Eskenazi

Dana and Jason Nunn

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William Onderdonk

Kourosh Gharachorloo Amanda and Zac Zeitlin

Patron’s Circle

DONOR EVENTS Pree Basaviah and Anjali Pichai at the Loyals event; Alumna Speaker Emily White Kelly ’96 at Keeping the Circle Green; and Mary Speiser with Lori and Brian Goler at the 2018 Head’s Circle Dinner

$5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (9) Kathleen and Robert Adzich

Caroline Hu Flexer and Michael Flexer

Tim Ranzetta and Katherine Eslao

Vanessa and Mike Anderson

Didi Huang and Leon Yao

Anita and Zia Rehman

Archana Appanna and

Tasmia and Mohsin Hussain

Amanda and Michael Ross

Jill and Paul Jene

Monique Schareck and

Vijay Srinivasan Julie and Buddy Arnheim

Nayna and Gambhir Kaushek

Katie Bell and Thomas Brehme

Teresa and Brian Kelleher

Arunashree Bhamidpati and

Claire and Matthew Ledwith

G.D. Ramkumar

Michael Tenta Jennifer Schneider and Dain DeGroff

Vicki and Albert Lee

Leia and Chunfeng Shen

Faina and Mark Birman

Seunghee Lee and Stephen Ryu

Nipa and Beerud Sheth

Catherine Buan

Anuja and Avinash Lele

Tiffany and Robert Silva

Sonal and Navin Budhiraja

Cheri Leonard and Nabil Rabbani

Monisha and Anup Singh

Monika and Robert Cheney

In memory of Hussein Rabbani

Lillian Soohoo and Anthony Debs

Stacie Cheng and Tom Cole

Gloria Leong and Derrick Lin

Karen Tate and Charles Krenz

Jean and Albert Chiang

Susan and David Lewis

Celine Teoh and Tang Tan

Shelli Ching and Rowland Cheng

Jeeyoon Lim and Jung Lee

Victoria Thorp and James Migdal

Christine Costigan and

Victoria Lindsley O’Hara and

Cindy and Jeffrey Traum

Michael Snyder

Ryan O’Hara

Eugenie Van Wynen and

Stephanie and Robert Day

Ming Mao and Yefei Peng

Chris and Christopher DiBona

Emily and Doff McElhinney

Lisa Voge-Levin and Peter Levin

Katie Hanna Dickson ’80 and

Heather McLeod Grant and

Lihua Wang and Glenn Carroll

Tom Dickson Erika and Kenneth Drazen Sara and Brian Elkin

Elliott Grant Susan Mensinger and Richard Foreman

Chris Markesky

Lin Wang and Yong Sheng Zheng and Qian Wang Yuko Watanabe and

Staci and Jonathan Friesel

Kim and Sergio Monsalve

Ekta and Pankaj Gunsagar

Jennifer and Daniel Nuckles

Tracy and Mark Watt

Priyanki Gupta and Amit Agarwal

Mary O’Flanagan and Tom Newby

Meredith and Thomas Webster

Kyuwon Han and Hyeun-Su Kim

Mora Oommen and Parag Patel

Quian Weng and Haobo Xu

Carole Hayworth and

Jessica Pan-Beesley and

Cathy and Don Williams

Fernando Rock Sandra Hillman

Michael Beesley Rajashree and Biren Parikh

Ashmeet Sidana

Mariko and Phillip Yang Yanting Zhang and Olivier Redon Jenny Zhao and Kurt Akeley

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 15

Parents Annual Fund continued

HEAD’S CIRCLE DINNER Greg and Sarah Sands

Friend’s Circle $1,000 - $4,999

Anonymous (19) Ronit Alcheck Bodner ’91 and Zack Bodner Jeannette Cheng and David Spencer Victoria Chiongbian and Ramon Khu Yangsze Choo and James Cham The Chopra Family

Yvonne Karanas and

Lubna Qureishi ’86 and Nadir Ali

William Fearon

Kavitha and Asish Ramchandran

Maria and Alexander Karsner

Sreekanth and Sharmila Ravi

Stacey and Robert Kertsman

Susan and Joseph Raymond

Catherine Kim and Derek Mak

Jacqueline Reses and

Leslie Kramer

Matthew Apfel

Jennifer and Philip Kuhn

Jennifer and Charles Rohrbach

Ruchika Kumar and

Carin Mueller Rollins ’90 and

Abhiroop Gandhi

John Rollins

Fletcher Cocquyt

Tali and Robert Levy

Erin and Edward Ross

Aparajeeta and Debjyoti Das

Ann and Miles Libbey

Iris Roth and David Nudell

Gretchen Debenham Hug and

Kris and Christopher Loew

Julia Simovsky and

Steve Debenham

Farah and Samar Lotia

Michael Axelrod

Nina Dimitreli

Mimi and David Lyons

Priya and Raj Singh

Diana Dorobek and Anthony Lye

Mariyam Mansur and

Alexandra Sonnenberg Slavet ’90

Danielle and Stephane Dubois

Asim Memon

Anna and Steve Fieler

Misty and Philip Mazzara

Lori and Randy Friedman

Marcela Millan Profit and

Michelle and Mitch Galbraith Erin Griffiths and Bryan Barnhart In honor of Poppa Barnhart

Jochen Profit Jennifer and Garrick Mitchell

and Jonathan Slavet Rajashree Srirangarajan and Sekhar Sarukkai Tenley Stephenson and John Pimentel

Stacy and Michael Molano

Suzanne and Joseph Sullivan

Laura and David Gross

Lillian and Tom Oliveri

April and George Triantis

Odette Harris and Edward Sharp

Latha Palaniappan and

Jenifer and Steve Turnbull

Liza and Jeffrey Hausman

Sukumar Ramanathan

Catherine and Paul Healy

In honor of Meena Palaniappan

Vani and Irvin Henderson

Chungwha Park and Bosung Kim

Nancy Wang and Joseph Yu

Carolyn Horrigan-Way and

Megan and Michael Parker

Kenneth C. Washington II

Margaret and Justin Pettit

Ronette and Iain Watson

Christina Hua and Edward Sun

Albert Pisani and Jay McCullough

Michele Wong and Paul Maloney

Neeraja and Obul Kambham

Lilyana Prasetya and

The Woollen Family

Kenneth Way

Tara and Alex Kaplinsky

Peter Gunadi

Lisa Walton and Joseph Vanden Wymelenberg

Shien-Wen Yang and Steven Lin Lisa and Winslow Yee

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KEEPING THE CIRCLE GREEN (Left) Dana and Brian Ascher and Cindy Chen, (Right) Bridget McIver, Brooke Heckert, and Nayna Kaushek

Red and White Club Up to $999

Anonymous (10)

Heekyoung Kim and Tae Ju Ha

Carolina and Paul Abbassi

Yeshi Lama and

Zita Agazzi and Alfredo Correa

Ursula Kinney Ringham ’90 and Jim Ringham

Tenzin Dingpontsawa

Shielah and Dennis Rivera

Nancy Alvarez

Anna and Andrew Leaver

Lesley Robertson

Shellie and Peter Ashby

Christine and Mike Lenz

Maria and Jose Rocha

Lidia and Armando Ayala

Deborah Levoy and

Bonnie Rosenberg ’87 and

Dionicia Barrera

Isaac Winer

Richard Nevle

Lana and Michael Borbas

Bradford Lewis

Kathleen and Hal Rucker

Demetra Burrs

David Lewis

Tamara Ruth and Eric Betts

Maria Carrillo and

Jeanne Lowell and David Lowell HA

Sangita Shah and Keven Kennedy

Kristin Meier ’87 and

Carol Somersille and Eric Sibley

Francisco Abonce Alba Castro Quirarte and Juan Granados Pulido Lisa Cooper Carlson and Erik Carlson Maria Cortez and Jaime Caballero Ashley Crowder

Malcolm Fleschner Brigida Mejia and

Trisha and Sulev Suvari Katherine Haase Taylor ’88 and

Juan G. Sandoval Demetrio Mendoza Joelle Mourad Mitchell ’93 and Joseph Mitchell


In honor of Robert Glidden

Stewart Taylor Jennifer Taylor-Mendoza and James Carranza Airel Tinajero and Eduardo Hernandez

Zoe Crowder

Julieta and Hector Munguia

Malia and Sione Tofavaha

Michelle and Bas de Blank

Alejandra and Alvaro Naranjo

Kristina and Patrick Toland

Emily and Carlos DeVitis

Ruth Oku-Ampofo

Delmy and Edwin Trabanino

Sara Espinoza and Frederic Salles

Victoria Onyenwe

Diego and Vikki Velazquez

Todor Ganev

Socorro and Luis Perez

Olivia and Guillermo Viveros

Laura Garcia and Adrian Avila

Shanti Perkins ’90

Margaret Williams and

Jacqueline and Olivier Garreau

In honor of Karin Simon

Lisa and Mitch Gevelber

Hong Pham

Leslie and Jeffrey Green

Maria Pineda and

Erin and Floyd Holsinger

Christopher Cortez

Bulmaro Mendoza

April House

Tesha McCord Poe and Keith Poe

Susie Hwang and Matt Glickman

Mayma and Stewart Raphael

Alma Jimenez and

Lourdes Razon and

Arturo Arguello

Carmelo Cordero

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 17


Your Gifts Matter Tuition Assistance funds are used to support many other expenses in addition to tuition, allowing students not only to attend Castilleja, but also to thrive.















28 82


“It was Castilleja’s tuition



assistance that helped keep our daughter at the place that came to be her educational home and changed her life forever.” — CASTILLEJA PARENT

18 | Castilleja School

VIEW360 — AN EVENING TO THRIVE View360—a thought-provoking and inspiring symposium—raises funds for Castilleja’s tuition assistance program, making it possible for a qualified student to attend, regardless of her family’s financial circumstances. Since it began 12 years ago, View360 has raised $9.8M, comprising almost 30% of our annual tuition assistance budget. This year’s View360, hosted at Oracle headquarters, brought together an exceptional group of speakers. In keeping with the school’s theme for the year, Thrive, the Castilleja community helped raise over $1.3 million to support tuition assistance.

PICTURED (clockwise): Rebecca Mak ’19, author Julie Lythcott-Haims, and Lia Spencer ’19; Speakers Cecilia A. Conrad, Jake Wood, Nanci KauffmanHA, Arianna Huffington, Julie Lythcott-Haims, and Raj Jayadev; the Castilleja community gathers at Oracle Conference Center; Arianna Huffington. Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 19

Thank You to our View360 Donors TRAILBLAZER


Sharon and Peter Nieh

$100,000 +


Mary O’Flanagan and Tom Newby

Marieke and Jeffrey Rothschild


Christine O’Sullivan and

Lian Bi and Budong You

James Bean


Molly and Scott Forstall

Shirley and Mike Orsak

$50,000 - $99,999

Sheridan and David Foster

Jessica Pan-Beesley and

Cindy and Evan Goldberg

Lata and Vab Goel

Kate Li and Jianming Yu

Kristin and Rob Goldman

Ximena and Frank Pavlik

Michael Beesley

Theresia Gouw

Paula and Michael Rantz


Elizabeth and Patrick Heron

Alyssa Rieder and Eric Byunn

$25,000 - $49,999

Sook Jin and Gregory Lee

Barb and Gregory Rosston

Sher Amos-Grosser and

Teresa and Brian Kelleher

Leyla and David Scott

Carola and Marcum Khouri

Lynn Seely and Tim Ditzler

Robin and Karl May

Suzanne and Joseph Sullivan

Suzanne and Eric O’Brien

Eva Xu and Roy Wang

Jacqueline Reses and

Nazhin Zarghamee and

Adam Grosser Pree Basaviah and Venky Ganesan Carol Blacutt-Underwood and Brian Underwood Priya Chandrasekar and Chandrasekar Gnanasambandam Carol and John Giannandrea Lori and Brian Goler Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean

Matthew Apfel Sarah and Greg Sands

Kourosh Gharachorloo Yanting Zhang and Olivier Redon

Lisa and Glenn Solomon Diana Sunshine and William Onderdonk Amanda and Zac Zeitlin

David Kim

DESIGNER $3,500 - $6,499 Anonymous Wendy and Gabriel Brenner

Michele and Steve Kirsch


Carla M. Cassani, MD

Jennifer and David Ko

$6,500 - $9,999

Shelli Ching and Rowland Cheng

Gab and Thomas Layton

Anonymous (7)

Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91

Aileen Lee and Jason Stinson

Alison and Edward Abbo

Yan Liu and JieFu Zhang

Holly Baudler

Heather and Deglin Kenealy

Becky Long and Ken Hirsch

Mark Baudler

Elizabeth King ’87

Usha and Diaz Nesamoney

Ronit Alcheck Bodner ’91

Dana and Jason Nunn

and Isy Goldwasser

Anjali and Sundar Pichai

and Zack Bodner

Laurie and Duco Pasmooij

Mary and Michael Speiser

Patti and Edward Chan

Iris Roth and David Nudell

Jessica and Chris Varelas

Nandini and Mathews Cherian

Beth and Bob Shuman

Petra Wright and Steve Dowling

Carolyn Choi and Jeffrey Wong

Tenley Stephenson and

Simone and Tench Coxe INNOVATOR

Toni Cupal and Mike Volpi

$10,001 - $24,999

Stephanie and Robert Day

Kristina and Roger Detter

Katie Hanna Dickson ’80

Noriko Honda and Norman Chen

and Tom Dickson

Rebecca Grant and Aram Lindahl

Sara and Brian Elkin

Linda and Jim McGeever

Melissa and Scott Kepner

NTT Venture Capital

Michèle Lamarre and Brent Townshend

20 | Castilleja School

John Pimentel Eugenie Van Wynen and Chris Markesky Cathy and Don Williams Huoy-Ming Yeh and Sherman Chu


Meredith and Thomas Webster

$1,000 - $3,499

Gina and Bob Wulff

Anonymous (2)

Mariko and Phillip Yang

Dana and Brian Ascher

John Yau

Katie Bell and Thomas Brehme Arunashree Bhamidpati and G.D. Ramkumar


Monika and Robert Cheney

Vanessa and Mike Anderson

Happy Dumas

Christine Costigan and

Lisa and Mitch Gevelber

Michael Snyder

Ekta and Pankaj Gunsagar

Chris and Christopher DiBona

Brooke Heckert and

Shari and Andrew Guggenhime

Michael Linse

Kyuwon Han and Hyeun-Su Kim

Jennifer and Jorg Heinemann

Didi Huang and Leon Yao

Jane Hsiao and Amr Razzak

Neeraja and Obul Kambham

Allison Lewis Jacobs ’76

Catherine Kim and Derek Mak

and Brian Jacobs

Leslie Kramer

Craig Johnson

Cheri Leonard and Nabil Rabbani

Yvette and Roy Maydan

Mariam Nayiny Radjy and

Christina Hansen McClure ’71 and William McClure

Nader Radjy Jacqueline Nguyen ’02

Lisa and David Merenbach

Denise and Mike Pope

Doreen and Nels Nelsen

Varsha and Pradeep Tagare

Kathleen and Scott Tandy

Julie and Jarlon Tsang

Cindy and Jeffrey Traum Yuko Watanabe and Ashmeet Sidana

Ellen Stewart Moore ‘80, Cindy Chen, Sue KimHA, Sher Amos-Grosser, Ximena Pavlik, Diana Sunshine, and Michele Kirsch


SPEAKER CHAIRS Sher Amos-Grosser Cindy Chen Tesha Poe

PICTURED FROM TOP: Selina Zhang ’19 and Niki Srivastava ’19, Ximena and Frank Pavlik; Mike and Shirley Orsak.

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 21

NYC ALUMNAE RECEPTION April 2019 with Holly ThompsonHA at the Harvard Club of New York City

Gifts from Alumnae The commitment of alumnae to sustaining the school’s mission for future generations speaks to the impact and lasting value of a Castilleja education. The following alumnae made restricted and unrestricted gifts between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019.

Paintbrush Society $25,000 and above Anonymous

Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen ’88

Marilyn Senn Moll ’47

Katie Hanna Dickson ’80

Michele Harari Goldwasser ’91

Diane Saunders Lake ’50

Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78

Susan Suman Hindle ’53

Viola Mong Meehan ’82

Crimson Hues $10,000 - $24,999

Friends of Mary Lockey $5,000 - $9,999

Ronit Alcheck Bodner ’91

Paula McGuinness ’88

Diane Trombetta ’63

Hala Kurdi Cozadd ’92

Margaret Osborn Munzig ’97

Linda Yates ’80

Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80

Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82

22 | Castilleja School

TOP ROW: Alumnae and friends gathered for Young Alumnae Brunch; Class of 2013 at Reunion Weekend BOTTOM ROW: Ties Evening of Gratitude with featured artist Leila Milki ’11 (Photo credit: Riley Guggenhime ’20)

1907 Association $1,000 - $4,999

Anonymous (3)

Elizabeth King ’87

Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72

Lauren Friedman Albert ’98

Allison Koo ’98

Lynn Anderson Poole ’78

Elizabeth Babb ’82

Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64

Shirley Arnott Pruitt ’52

Janet Lai ’87

Lubna Qureishi ’86

Katherine Bishop ’90

Shira Lipton ’97

Sharmila Sudanagunta Ravi ’91

Kathleen Quinlen Brown ’87

Joan Aubineau Livingston ’49

Melissa Riofrio ’85

Laura Bushnell ’84

Lindsay Austin Louie ’98

Carin Mueller Rollins ’90

Courtney Carter Charney ’97

Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80

Pratima Sethi ’94

Jeannette Colyvas ’88

Laura Dennis MacLean ’90

Diane Singleton Shannon ’83

B.J. Lockhart Cowie ’54

Colleen Yeates Marsh ’67

Barbara Moths Sheffels ’76

Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80

Christina Hansen McClure ’71

Quintilla Shott Curran ’81

Jeffie Welsh Feakins ’64

Ellen Stewart Moore ’80

Alexandra Sonnenberg Slavet ’90

In honor of Richard Babb

Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51

In memory of Nancy Stewart ’77

Kathleen Yeates ’66

Cathy Friedman ’78

and Katherine Hass ’14

Ramona Walker Yeates ’43

In honor of Holly Thompson


Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ’52 Allison Lewis Jacobs ’76

Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98

Elizabeth Yin ’00

In memory of Sara LaBoskey ’98 Emily A. Mosbacher ’12

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 23

Gifts from Alumnae continued Dress Whites Club $250 - $999

Anonymous (2)

Anjali Rani Jotwani ’08

Jacqueline Gaudin Andrews ’47

Heidi Katter ’15

Kris Auyeung

Anita Seipp ’71 In honor of Maggie Pringle

In honor of Ann Wagenhals


Grauer ’71HA

Kelsey Auyeung ’15

Sarah Kauffman ’06

Laura Smith ’08

Sarah Vander Ploeg Beck ’02

Jean Titus Kiene ’60

Honor Berger Spitz ’62

Mari Koba ’10

Joy Fulton Stiefel ’73

Candice Kwan ’92

Hilary Simpson Strain ’89

In honor of Peggy McKeeHA Naima Bridges ’02 Susan Moths Carpenter ’72

In memory of Ethel MeeceHA

Linda Sue Little Strand ’76

Jill Brakovec Laorr ’81

In honor of the wedding of Andie

Alicia Fang Chang ’92

Barbara Leep ’61

Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato

Sara Colvin ’09

Natasha Lilani ’13

In memory of Toni Hsu


Tara Hopwood Connon ’95

In honor of Holly ThompsonHA

Janet Mauel Cronk ’64 In honor of Kathleen Mauel Wright ’68 Elisabeth Dillon Daniels ’08

Nancy Tate ’66 Katherine Haase Taylor ’88

Rachel Lopatin ’07

Claire Traum ’17

Cary Golub Lurie ’64

Diane Schwabacher Vocker ’68

In honor of Cindy Swanson

Nancy Hood Watt ’74

Miller ’64

Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86

Sally Kuechler Debenham ’52

Megan Ruder Martinelli ’80

Barbara Deméré ’77HA

Jane McConnell ’81HA

Tara Desautels ’89

Kate Vander Ploeg McCracken ’04

Wings Yeung ’15

Ann Brookman Dey ’63

Shelley Michaels ’66

Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich ’60

Elise Fabbro ’08

Cynthia Swanson Miller ’64

Camille Zelinger ’14

Katy Gaul-Stigge ’91

Katherine Morris ’86

In memory of Casey Cadile ’91 Jean Gillon, MD ’69

Yoshimi Segawa Munch ’83 In memory of Toni HsuHA Min Lee Nagle ’91

In memory of Toni HsuHA Georgie Gleim ’69

Neelam Noorani ’91

Amy Walton Groome ’87

Megan Wilcox-Fogel Ortiz ’01

Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00

Ravenna Patel ’12

Sandra Howard-Smith Hamlen ’68

Reena Patton ’92

Elizabeth Harris ’77

In memory of Nancy Hoffman ’76

In memory of Amy Reid ’88 Margaret Kennelly Hazelrig ’00 Catherine Hembrow ’88

Nancy Tomer Pickford ’45 In memory of Sue Pickford ’69 Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71HA In honor of Anita Seipp ’71

Christine Herrmann ’12

Yasmin Radjy ’04

Karen Bowers Hill ’78

Ursula Kinney Ringham ’90

Debra Drake Hiraki ’72 In memory of Ethel Meece

Bonnie Rosenberg ’87

and Toni HsuHA

Patricia Rosenberg ’82


Emily Hobbs ’09

Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ’72 Joan Ackermann Satt ’50

24 | Castilleja School

Nicole Wilcox ’88 In memory of Jon Wilcox

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

Class Ties Up to $249

Anonymous (22)

Sarah Mein Fuller ’66

Megan Colford ’15

Rebecca Abramowitz ’14

In honor of Margaret Lane


Josie Furbershaw ’13

Sarah Abramowitz ’16

Katherine Connolly ’18

Emily Ach ’00

Alison Beach Cooper ’61

Meredith Gillespie Alcock ’76

Yvette Burkett Cooper ’63

Katherine Reynolds Gandy ’88

Jane Alexander ’08

Christina Courtney ’02HA

Barbara Kahn Gardner ’34

Nancy Allen ’86

Allison Hoffman Cousens ’08

Juliet Messimer Gede ’68

Kara Furlong ’03 In memory of Kathy Williams

Christina Crone ’07

Samantha Gerber ’17

Priyanka Anand ’98

Gwendolyn Cusing ’17

Elizabeth Gilliland ’91

Megan Andersen ’16

Barbara Davis Davis ’72

Karen Phipps Anderson ’90

Victoria Dean ’13

Sara Gilliland ’94

In memory of Toni Hsu


In honor of Jeannine MarstonHA

In memory of Poppy Greenman ’91

Caroline Debs ’14

Madison Goldberg ’17

Ayse Artun ’18

Leslie Widrow Derbin ’78

Yael Goldstein ’15

Constance Atterbury ’66

Laura Docter ’81

Helen Younger Goode ’52

Kaitlyn Baab ’11

Anne Spaulding Draeger ’71

Taisa Goodnature ’10

Brooke Badger ’06

Hannah Dyson ’17

Shelly Graham ’83

Kaitlin Bagby ’08

Julia Marble Emerson ’61

In memory of Hildy Jarman

Ayesha Bajwa ’14

Susan Black Falaschi ’65

Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64

Aurelia Balkanski ’18

Beverly McMonagle Fearey ’55

Rachel Gropper ’17

Rebecca Barham ’60

Liza Shiff Feigenbaum ’86

Elizabeth Guice ’91


In memory of Sue Pickford ’69

Rachel Mandell Basile ’92

In memory of Casey Cadile ’91

Sara Bell ’17

Campbell Field ’14

Holli Berman ’87

Julie Dennis Field ’85

Jeanne Fisichella Hahne ’71

Riya Berry ’18

Arlayne Overfelt Fifer ’49

Laura Hansen ’08

Danit Bismanovsky ’95

Caroline “Patsy” Chickering

Meredith Harding ’09

and Poppy Greenman ’91

Fish ’50

Sarah Booher ’18

Maureen McPartland Hardy ’78

Audre Brokes ’81

Kelly Fitzgerald ’07

Elizabeth Harmon ’08

Pauline Bromberg ’18

Aidan Flanders ’11

Elizabeth Harris ’88

Alinna Brown ’14

Kennedy Flanders ’09

Sally Stewart Harris ’76

Mandy Brown ’08

Rory Flanders ’18

Jessica Hazlett ’04

In honor of Bill SmootHA

Sophie Brown ’11

Sonja Hellman ’87

Madison Brown-Moffitt ’10

Sandra Sayre Flattery ’63

Michelle Riches Helvey ’84

Surya Brown ’13

Jamie Flaxman ’81

Camille Gibbs Herrick ’62

Sara Hutchison Fleischer ’72

Tezza Yujuico Herrmann ’93

Elizabeth Burnette ’14

Nancy Fletcher ’62

Cameron Hill ’15

Brenda Cachay ’17

Jordan Fowler ’13

Sarah Hinstorff ’14

In honor of Helen Shanks


In honor of Jill LeeHA

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

Anna Cardinal ’11

Ginna Freehling ’11

Griselda Carlos-Arzate ’11

Grace Frome ’17

Courtney Chang ’07

Katherine Hobbs ’13 Bridget Honan ’71 Diana Gregory Horner ’91

In honor of Carolyn Steele


Hannah Hsieh ’13

Patricia Gallis Chappell ’59

Ariel Baxterbeck Fruendt ’06

Ashley Hu ’17

Christine Cho ’17

Martha Harris Fuhrmann ’73

Sharon Huntsman ’89

Maren Christensen ’79 Marion Cohn ’08

In memory of Arianna Fuhrmann Lynn Lumbard Fulgham ’61

Alicia Steinaecker Isero ’88 Jacqueline Isero ’18

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 25

Gifts from Alumnae continued Class Ties continued

Up to $249

Linda Frenster Jackson ’87

Caitlin Moyles Cunnane ’10

Sophia Levin ’13

In memory of Stephanie Meier ’89 Tracy Jan ’94

In honor of Peggy McKee


Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60

Lauren Augustine Levinsky ’08

Andrea Navarro ’08

Kendall Levison ’13

Hannah Nesbat ’11

Alison Hawley Johnston ’84

Rachel Lew ’08

Keri Yen Ng ’98

Julia Morgan Jones ’09

Johanna Liaw ’18

Jacqueline Nguyen ’02

Katherine Jordan ’07

Erika Lim ’77

Madeleine Tregidga Niebauer ’93

Tara Jotwani ’10

Mary Chandler Lippitt ’53

Nancy Niland ’86

Jennifer Breakstone

Karen Mah Lockwood ’85

Kabatchnik ’87

In memory of Toni Hsu

In honor of Ann Criswell


In honor of my beloved class of 1986!


Robin Haber Kallas ’83

Joan Davies Loughlin ’50

Kei Nishimura Drake ’05

Mackenzie Macdonald ’17

Isabella Norvig ’12

Gabriella Kaplan ’14

Clare Maloney-McCrystle ’15

Felicia Paik Kim ’84

Denise Kaufman ’64

Fiona Maloney-McCrystle ’13

Kate Paladin ’11

Deborah Bowers Kenealy ’79

Marcy Mamiya ’90

Heather Allen Pang ’84HA

Kathleen Kenealy ’15

Lisa Mandle ’02

Elizabeth Pang ’17

In honor of Seth Haber

In honor of Peggy McKeeHA

Talia Kertsman ’18

Andrea Mann ’98

Shea Ketsdever ’15

Claire Patterson ’12

In memory of Eryl BarkerHA

Michele Wray Khateri ’87 In memory of Stephanie Meier ’89

Christine Lin Patel ’95

Janet Tennyson Manzano ’89

Shanti Perkins ’90 In memory of Karin Simon ’91

Shelley Kind ’09

In honor of Sherry Rusher and

Laurie Davidson Phillips ’96

Janette Erving Knick ’55

Mercedes McCaffreyHA

Anna Pickett ’18

Sophia Koontz ’11

Laura Martinez ’09

Evlyn Pless ’09

Zoe Kornberg ’08

Amy Smith Marzullo ’85

Allison Pope ’17

Laura Kelly Kroger ’82

Mona Matsumoto-Ryan ’11

Catherine Zerboni Popovici ’84

Sondra Barnes Kuykendall ’57

Diane Ledyard Mc Niel ’56

Anna Powell ’09

Lauren Ray Lamb ’78

Madison McClellan ’17

Catherine Powell ’06

Barbara Finley McGarr ’55

Molleigh Preefer ’10

In honor of Peggy McKee


Jane Larkins ’12

Kabrielle McGee ’00

Sydney Larson ’03

Karen Lee McKee ’67

Jackie Provost ’98

Kelly McKenna ’05

Sarah Morris Pullen ’64

Cecelia Lau ’05

Donna Lee McMaster ’83

Meredith Ragno ’08

Drew Leary ’17

Alanna McNaughton ’14

In memory of Kathy Williams

In honor of Rebecca Sherouse


In honor of Jill LeeHA

In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato

Kristin Meier ’87

Molly Ledwith ’16

Stephanie Merenbach ’11

Elizabeth Sellman Redman ’63

Ashley Lee ’16

Wendy Pohlman Mickle ’63

Tracy Sinclair Reizner ’63

Jennifer Lee ’95

Joelle Mourad Mitchell ’93

Grace Lee ’18

Emily Richardson ’14

In honor of Robert Glidden


Sarah Richardson ’17

Nicole Lee ’11

Sydney Molano ’13

Sue Dyrud Rimkeit ’61

Elizabeth Leep ’81

Adriana Mujal Mouli ’07

Serena Rivera-Korver ’17

Kristen Leep ’99

Shira Bobrove Mowlem ’93

Kim Roberts ’83

26 | Castilleja School

Suelyn Yu ’06 and Cece Lam ’05

Honorary Alumnae Tea 2018-2019

Ariel Rogers ’07

Camille Sta Cruz ’08

Therese Roos ’66

Leslie Cardozo Stafford ’93

Lindsay Rosston ’16

Precious Stargell ’81

Meagan Kenny Wenstrand ’06

Sarah Rosston ’12

Emily Steemers ’11

Michaela Wetter ’11

Nancy Hall Rutgers ’48

Sarah Rakonitz Stein ’87

Mattie Wheeler ’09

Chloe Isabelle Sales ’15

Kelly Schryver Steinhardt ’07

Abigail Thornburg Schmucker ’11

Katharine Stober ’99

Alexandra Whittle ’17

Lauren Buchanan Sercu ’08

Laura Swenson ’10

Megan Parmer Whyte ’97

In honor of Holly Thompson ,

Sonja Swenson ’08

Emily Williams ’03

Connie RichardsonHA and

Monica Taneja ’14

Marian Washington Williams ’94


Patrick Burrows

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14


Barbara Most Weissman, MD ’72 In memory of Ethel MeeceHA

In honor of Jeannine MarstonHA

Alyson Wilson ’93

Karen Smith Shaw ’72

Elke Teichmann ’09

Lynn Armstrong Winkel ’52

Orlena Fong Shek ’95

Katja Teichmann ’16

Aline Wong ’98

Natalie Shell ’11

Kavya Tewari ’16

Elizabeth Wright ’03

Sue Loveland Shepherd ’61

Elijah Thornburg ’16

Yuriko Tse Shotter ’97

Susan Ryan Tighe ’91

In honor of Jeannine MarstonHA Kathleen Mauel Wright ’68

Michelle Evans Tin ’84

In memory of Helen Tooker

Katherine Shuman ’17

Mimi Tran Zambetti ’16

Clayburgh Class of 1917

Laura Bryn Sisson ’09

Adriana Valdivias ’10

Risako Yang ’17

Tara Higbie Verner ’88

Kritika Yegnashankaran ’94

In honor of Jeannine Marston


In honor of Rebecca SherouseHA Virginia Smedberg ’63

In memory of Brenda Flatland

Sue Beton Smith ’54

Anna Verwillow ’15

Rebecca Adamson Snider ’96

Kristen Schroeder Vilhauer ’93

Lauren LaPlante Younger ’69 Eve Zelinger ’10 In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

In honor of Bill SmootHA and

Ericka von Kaeppler ’09

Jessica Wong Zen ’03

Bear CapronHA

Anne Warner ’08

Gail Wilson Zetter ’64

Ria Sonecha ’18

In honor of the wedding of Andie

Holly Varian Zuklie ’86

Astrid Shorthouse Spencer ’85

Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato

Suzanne Wu Zurinaga ’67

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 27

Gifts from Alumnae by Class


Class of ’34 Barbara Kahn Gardner


Class of ’43 Jean Walker Yeates ** Class of ’45 Nancy Tomer Pickford Class of ’47 Jacqueline Gaudin Andrews ** Marilyn Senn Moll ** Class of ’48 Nancy Hall Rutgers Class of ’49 Arlayne Overfelt Fifer ** Joan Aubineau Livingston


Class of ’50 Caroline “Patsy” Chickering Fish ** Diane Saunders Lake ** Joan Davies Loughlin ** Joan Ackermann Satt ** Class of ’51 Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ** Class of ’52 Sally Kuechler Debenham ** Helen Younger Goode ** Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ** Shirley Arnott Pruitt Lynn Armstrong Winkel ** Class of ’53 Susan Suman Hindle Mary Chandler Lippitt ** Class of ’54 B.J. Lockhart Cowie ** Sue Beton Smith ** Class of ’55 Beverly McMonagle Fearey Janette Erving Knick Barbara Finley McGarr

28 | Castilleja School

Class of ’56 Diane Ledyard Mc Niel Class of ’57 Sondra Barnes Kuykendall Class of ’59 Patricia Gallis Chappell


Class of ’60 Rebecca Barham ** Jean Titus Kiene Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ** Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich ** Class of ’61 Alison Beach Cooper ** Julia Marble Emerson ** Lynn Lumbard Fulgham + Barbara Leep ** Sue Dyrud Rimkeit ** Sue Loveland Shepherd Class of ’62 Anonymous Nancy Fletcher ** Camille Gibbs Herrick ** Honor Berger Spitz ** Class of ’63 Yvette Burkett Cooper Ann Brookman Dey ** Sandra Sayre Flattery Wendy Pohlman Mickle ** Elizabeth Sellman Redman ** Tracy Sinclair Reizner ** Virginia Smedberg Diane Trombetta ** Class of ’64 Janet Mauel Cronk Jeffie Welsh Feakins ** Patricia Hunter Gregory ** Denise Kaufman ** Anne Biaggini Krattebol ** Cary Golub Lurie ** Cynthia Swanson Miller ** Sarah Morris Pullen Gail Wilson Zetter ** Class of ’65 Susan Black Falaschi

Class of ’66 Constance Atterbury ** Sarah Mein Fuller Shelley Michaels + Therese Roos Nancy Tate ** Kathleen Yeates ** Class of ’67 Colleen Yeates Marsh ** Karen Lee McKee ** Suzanne Wu Zurinaga ** Class of ’68 Juliet Messimer Gede ** Sandra Howard-Smith Hamlen Diane Schwabacher Vocker Kathleen Mauel Wright Class of ’69 Jean Gillon, MD ** Georgie Gleim ** Lauren LaPlante Younger **


Class of ’71 Anne Spaulding Draeger ** Jeanne Fisichella Hahne ** Bridget Honan Christina Hansen McClure ** Maggie Pringle GrauerHA ** Anita Seipp ** Class of ’72 Anonymous (2) Susan Moths Carpenter ** Barbara Davis Reynolds ** Sara Hutchison Fleischer ** Debra Drake Hiraki ** Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ** Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ** Karen Smith Shaw ** Barbara Most Weissman, MD ** Class of ’73 Martha Harris Fuhrmann + Joy Fulton Stiefel ** Class of ’74 Nancy Hood Watt ** Class of ’75 Anonymous

Class of ’76 Meredith Gillespie Alcock ** Sally Stewart Harris ** Allison Lewis Jacobs Barbara Moths Sheffels ** Linda Sue Little Strand ** Class of ’77 Anonymous Barbara DeméréHA ** Elizabeth Harris ** Erika Lim ** Class of ’78 Leslie Widrow Derbin ** Cathy Friedman ** Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ** Maureen McPartland Hardy ** Karen Bowers Hill Lauren Ray Lamb ** Lynn Anderson Poole ** Class of ’79 Maren Christensen ** Deborah Bowers Kenealy **


Class of ’80 Katie Hanna Dickson ** Jeanne Floyd Downs ** Libby Swindells Hulsey ** Anne Flatland Macdonald ** Megan Ruder Martinelli ** Ellen Stewart Moore ** Linda Yates ** Class of ’81 Audre Brokes Laura DocterHA ** Jamie Flaxman ** Jill Brakovec Laorr ** Elizabeth Leep ** Jane McConnellHA ** Quintilla Shott Curran ** Precious Stargell Class of ’82 Anonymous Elizabeth Babb Laura Kelly Kroger ** Viola Mong Meehan ** Patricia Rosenberg ** Helen Floyd Sullivan **

Class of ’83 Shelly Graham Robin Haber Kallas Donna Lee McMaster ** Yoshimi Segawa Munch Kim Roberts ** Diane Singleton Shannon Class of ’84 Anonymous Laura Bushnell ** Michelle Riches Helvey ** Alison Hawley Johnston Felicia Paik Kim ** Heather Allen PangHA ** Catherine Zerboni Popovici Michelle Evans Tin ** Class of ’85 Julie Dennis Field ** Karen Mah Lockwood ** Amy Smith Marzullo Melissa Riofrio Astrid Shorthouse Spencer Nancy Allen ** Class of ’86 Anonymous Liza Shiff Feigenbaum Katherine Morris ** Nancy Niland Lubna Qureish ** Sarah Hinman Whittle ** Holly Varian Zuklie ** Class of ’87 Anonymous Holli Berman Kathleen Quinlen Brown Amy Walton Groome ** Sonja Hellman Linda Frenster Jackson Jennifer Breakstone Kabatchnik ** Michele Wray Khateri ** Elizabeth King ** Janet Lai ** Kristin Meier ** Bonnie Rosenberg ** Sarah Rakonitz Stein **

Class of ’88 Anonymous Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen Jeannette Colyvas Katherine Reynolds Gandy ** Elizabeth Harris ** Catherine Hembrow Alicia Steinaecker Isero ** Paula McGuinness ** Katherine Haase Taylor ** Tara Higbie Verner Nicole Wilcox Class of ’89 Anonymous Tara Desautels ** Sharon Huntsman ** Janet Tennyson Manzano ** Hilary Simpson Strain


Class of ’90 Karen Phipps Anderson Katherine Bishop ** Laura Dennis MacLean ** Marcy Mamiya ** Shanti Perkins ** Ursula Kinney Ringham ** Carin Mueller Rollins Alexandra Sonnenberg Slavet Class of ’91 Ronit Alcheck Bodner ** Katy Gaul-Stigge Elizabeth Gilliland ** Michele Harari Goldwasser ** Elizabeth Guice ** Diana Gregory Horner ** Min Lee Nagle ** Neelam Noorani Sharmila Sudanagunta Ravi ** Susan Ryan Tighe ** Class of ’92 Rachel Mandell Basile Alicia Fang Chang ** Hala Kurdi Cozadd ** Candice Kwan ** Reena Patton

Class of ’93 Tezza Yujuico Herrmann Joelle Mourad Mitchell ** Shira Bobrove Mowlem Madeleine Tregidga Niebauer Leslie Cardozo Stafford Kristen Schroeder Vilhauer Alyson Wilson + Class of ’94 Anonymous Sara Gilliland ** Tracy Jan Pratima Sethi ** Marian Washington Williams Kritika Yegnashankaran ** Class of ’95 Danit Bismanovsky Tara Hopwood Connon Jennifer Lee Christine Lin Patel ** Orlena Fong Shek Class of ’96 Anonymous Laurie Davidson Phillips ** Rebecca Adamson Snider Class of ’97 Anonymous Courtney Carter Charney ** Shira Lipton ** Margaret Osborn Munzig ** Yuriko Tse Shotter Megan Parmer Whyte ** Class of ’98 Anonymous (2) Lauren Friedman Albert Priyanka Anand Allison Koo ** Lindsay Austin Louie Andrea Mann ** Kimberley Morris Rosen ** Keri Yen Ng ** Jackie Provost + Aline Wong


Class of ’00 Emily Ach ** Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ** Margaret Kennelly Hazelrig ** Kabrielle McGee + Elizabeth Yin ** Class of ’01 Megan Wilcox-Fogel Ortiz + Class of ’02 Sarah Vander Ploeg Beck Naima Bridges + Christina CourtneyHA ** Lisa Mandle Jacqueline Nguyen Class of ’03 Anonymous Kara Furlong ** Sydney Larson ** Emily Williams ** Elizabeth Wright Jessica Wong Zen Class of ’04 Anonymous Jessica Hazlett ** Kate Vander Ploeg McCracken ** Yasmin Radjy Class of ’05 Anonymous Cecelia Lau Kelly McKenna ** Kei Nishimura Drake ** Class of ’06 Brooke Badger + Ariel Baxterbeck Fruendt Sarah Kauffman Catherine Powell ** Meagan Kenny Wenstrand

Class of ’99 Kristen Leep ** Katharine Stober **

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 29

Gifts from Alumnae by Class continued

2000s continued


Class of ’08 Kaitlin Bagby Mandy Brown ** Marion Cohn + Allison Hoffman Cousens Elisabeth Dillon Daniels ** Elise Fabbro Laura Hansen ** Elizabeth Harmon + Anjali Rani Jotwani Zoe Kornberg Lauren Augustine Levinsky ** Rachel Lew + Andrea Navarro Meredith Ragno Lauren Buchanan Sercu Laura Smith ** Camille Sta Cruz Sonja Swenson Anne Warner **

Class of ’14 Rebecca Abramowitz ** Ayesha Bajwa Alinna Brown ** Elizabeth Burnette ** Caroline Debs Campbell Field Sarah Hinstorff Gabriella Kaplan Alanna McNaughton + Emily Richardson Monica Taneja ** Camille Zelinger +

Class of ’11 Kaitlyn Baab Sophie Brown Anna Cardinal ** Griselda Carlos-Arzate Aidan Flanders + Ginna Freehling ** Sophia Koontz ** Nicole Lee Mona Matsumoto-Ryan Stephanie Merenbach ** Hannah Nesbat Kate Paladin Abigail Thornburg Schmucker ** Natalie Shell ** Emily Steemers ** Michaela Wetter

Class of ’15 Anonymous (2) Kris Auyeung ** Kelsey Auyeung ** Megan Colford ** Yael Goldstein Cameron Hill ** Heidi Katter ** Kathleen Kenealy Shea Ketsdever ** Clare Maloney-McCrystle Chloe Isabelle Sales + Anna Verwillow Wings Yeung **

Class of ’07 Courtney Chang ** Christina Crone Kelly Fitzgerald Katherine Jordan ** Rachel Lopatin Adriana Mujal Mouli ** Ariel Rogers Kelly Schryver Steinhardt ** Jane Alexander

Class of ’09 Sara Colvin Kennedy Flanders + Meredith Harding ** Emily Hobbs ** Julia Morgan Jones ** Shelley Kind ** Laura Martinez Evlyn Pless Anna Powell ** Laura Bryn Sisson Elke Teichmann Ericka von Kaeppler Mattie Wheeler

30 | Castilleja School

Class of ’10 Anonymous Madison Brown-Moffitt ** Taisa Goodnature Tara Jotwani Mari Koba ** Caitlin Moyles Cunnane + Molleigh Preefer ** Laura Swenson ** Adriana Valdivias Eve Zelinger **

Class of ’12 Christine Herrmann Jane Larkins ** Emily A. Mosbacher ** Isabella Norvig Ravenna Patel ** Claire Patterson ** Sarah Rosston ** Class of ’13 Anonymous (3) Surya Brown-Moffitt ** Victoria Dean ** Jordan Fowler Josie Furbershaw ** Katherine Hobbs Hannah Hsieh Sophia Levin Kendall Levison + Natasha Lilani Fiona Maloney-McCrystle Sydney Molano +

Class of ’16 Anonymous Sarah Abramowitz ** Megan Andersen ** Molly Ledwith ** Ashley Lee Lindsay Rosston ** Katja Teichmann ** Kavya Tewari ** Elijah Thornburg ** Mimi Tran Zambetti **

Class of ’17 Anonymous Sara Bell + Brenda Cachay Christine Cho + Gwendolyn Cusing Hannah Dyson Grace Frome Samantha Gerber + Madison Goldberg Rachel Gropper Ashley Hu Drew Leary Mackenzie Macdonald Madison McClellan + Elizabeth Pang + Allison Pope Sarah Richardson Serena Rivera-Korver Katherine Shuman Claire Traum Alexandra Whittle Risako Yang Class of ’18 Anonymous Ayse Artun + Aurelia Balkanski + Riya Berry + Sarah Booher + Pauline Bromberg + Katherine Connolly + Rory Flanders + Jacqueline Isero + Talia Kertsman + Grace Lee + Johanna Liaw + Anna Pickett + Ria Sonecha +

+ Designates alumnae who are first-time donors ** Designates alumnae who have given for three or more consecutive years

Gifts from Parents of Alumnae Gifts from Alumnae Parents attest to the lasting value of a Castilleja education and are instrumental in the success of our fundraising initiatives. Castilleja is grateful to these parents who continue to believe in and support our mission by investing in today’s students.

Paintbrush Society $25,000 and above

Sybilla and Alexandre Balkanski

Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean

Becky Long and Ken Hirsch

Kathryn Bojack and Ravi Mhatre

Michele and Steve Kirsch

Marieke and Jeffrey Rothschild

Toni Cupal and Mike Volpi Cindy and Evan Goldberg

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

Sarah and Greg Sands

Gab and Thomas Layton

Polly Tam and Hsien-Chung Woo

Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and

Nanci KauffmanHA and

Crimson Hues $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Nahid Aliniazee and

Ned Gilhuly

Scott Kauffman

The Glynn Family Charitable Trust

Robin and Karl May

Carla M. Cassani, MD

Lata and Vab Goel

Shirley and Mike Orsak

Shirley Ely

Suman Gupta and Thomas Kemp

Paula and Michael Rantz

Molly and Scott Forstall

Jane Hsiao and Amr Razzak

Cindy and Jeffrey Traum

Kamal Ahmed

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 31

Gifts from Parents of Alumnae continued Friends of Mary Lockey $5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous (2)

Michèle Lamarre and

Julie and Buddy Arnheim Kathleen Foley-Hughes and Anthony Hughes

Brent Townshend

Beth and Bob Shuman Tiffany and Robert Silva

Claire and Matthew Ledwith

Lillian Soohoo and Anthony Debs

Jeeyoon Lim and Jung Lee

Kathleen and Scott Tandy

Britt and Eli Harari

Patricia and James Plummer

Victoria Thorp and James Migdal

Maria and Alexander Karsner

Denise and Mike Pope

Lisa Voge-Levin and Peter Levin

Sally and John Katter

Barb and Gregory Rosston

Eva Xu and Roy Wang

Vicki and Peter LaBoskey

Iris Roth and David Nudell

Mariko and Phillip Yang

Lynn Seely and Tim Ditzler

Linda Yates ’80 and Paul Holland

Anonymous (8)

Stacey and Robert Kertsman

Barbara and George Roupe

Marianne Austin and

Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64

In memory of Sara LaBoskey ’98

1907 Association $1,000 - $4,999

Alan Austin

Jennifer and Philip Kuhn


Adria and Beau Brown Anne Cameron



Matt Cameron

Kris and Christopher Loew Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald

In honor of Julie Roupe Exley ’80 Mili and Hugo Sarrazin In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 Lee Ann and Martin Shell Quintilla Shott Curran ’81

Anna and Tony Carrasco

R Trigg McClellan

Priya and Raj Singh

Anita Chan and Sai Ho Yeung

Christina Hansen McClure ’71

Judy SleethHA and Walter Sleeth

Victoria Chiongbian and Ramon Khu The Duane Family

and William McClure Penny Meier and James R. Meier

Rajashree Srirangarajan and Sekhar Sarukkai Jenifer and Steve Turnbull

Lisa and David Merenbach

Mark Vander Ploeg

Happy Dumas

Anna Mok

Helene Varsamidou and

Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and

Stacy and Michael Molano

In honor of Holly ThompsonHA

William Floyd Jr.

Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72

Fortune Home Foundation

and Bruce Mosbacher

Lori and Randy Friedman

Mariam Nayiny Radjy and

Elizabeth Grover

Nader Radjy

Pavlos Konas Nancy Wang and Joseph Yu Gina and Bob Wulff John Yau Ramona Walker Yeates ’43

Barbara and John Hanna

Doreen and Nels Nelsen

Lisa and Winslow Yee

Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ’52

Mai Nguyen and Hugo Steemers

Renee Yih and Pak Cheung Tse

and Gerald Smith Merrilee Harris Allison Lewis Jacobs ’76 and Brian Jacobs Craig Johnson Heather and Deglin Kenealy

Latha Palaniappan and Sukumar Ramanathan In honor of Meena Palaniappan Lilyana Prasetya and Peter Gunadi Shirley Arnott Pruitt ’52 and Bruce Pruitt

32 | Castilleja School

Dress Whites Club $250 - $999


Marcia and Russ Hansen

Julia and Peter Scocimara

Meredith Ackley

Elizabeth Harris ’77 and

Kim Sommer

Kim and Laurence Akin Joyce and Thomas Anthony

William Booher

Linda Sue Little Strand ’76

In memory of Amy Reid ’88

Carol Barch

Conrad Herrmann

Susan and Kirk Bostrom

Anna and Bhaskar Janakiraman

In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Nancy Brown Kathy Burch


In honor of the wedding of Andie

Jacque and John Jarve

and Bill Burch

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

Carolyn and Gordon Davidson Sally Kuechler Debenham ’52 and Warren Debenham

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 Jody Lieb and Steven Flanders Doris Mourad



Bev and Steve Docter

In memory of Toni Hsu

Nancy FlowersHA and Ted Andersson

Susan Park and Hyunjin Cho Mrunalini and Sanjay Patel Susie and Jim Pickett

Barbara and Matthew Frome

Nancy Tomer Pickford ’45 Mimi Richart and Matt Leary

Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71HA

Anne and Wyatt Ritchie

Leslie and Jeffrey Green

Kristina and Patrick Toland

Diane Schwabacher Vocker ’68 In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86 and John Whittle

In memory of Sue Pickford ’69

Mary and Clinton Gilliland In honor of Anita Seipp ’71

In memory of Toni HsuHA

Patricia and Emil Wang HA

William Friedman Jacqueline and Olivier Garreau

Karen TobeyHA and Tom Tobey

Kristin and Paul Vais

Yoshimi Segawa Munch ’83 and Mark Munch

Nina and Rajiv Taneja

Nancy Tuck

Henry Mourad

Constance and Adrian Dillon

Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Dr. Howard Sussman

Sandra and David Levison

In honor of Bear CapronHA

and Don Strand

Lauren SchryverHA and Brian Schryver

Students, teachers, alumnae, and parents gather for a celebration to honor Sara LaBoskey ’98

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 33

Marcia and Russ Hansen P’08 P’10

Polly Tam and Hsien-Chung Woo P’18

Gifts from Parents of Alumnae continued Class Ties Up to $249

Anonymous (6)

Su Hwang and Matthew Glickman

Teri RaffelHA

Carolina and Paul Abbassi

Alicia Steinaecker Isero ’88

Eleanor Rakonitz

Nancy Alvarez

In honor of Sarah Stein ’87

and Eric Isero

Stephanie Anderson

Denise Kaufman ’64

Candy Ramirez and Israel SotoHA

Najma Bachelani and Jeffrey Bell

Maxine Kennedy

Constance RichardsonHA

Shirley and Jerome Carlson

Esther and David Kletter

Valerie Rynne

Lisa Cooper Carlson and Erik Carlson Alison Beach Cooper ’61 and Tom Cooper

In memory of Adina Shira

Beverly and Roy Shenfield

Kletter ’91 z”l

Sue Beton Smith ’54 Jamie Sullivan and

Victoria and Paul Kojola

Mark Bernstein

Yeshi Lama and

Vivian and Douglas Crisman Barbara Deubert



Holly ThompsonHA and

Tenzin Dingpontsawa Yesenia Larios and Paulo Puga


Buzz Thompson

John Deubert

Shonna and Doug Larson

The Verwillow Family

In memory of Jane HermenauHA

Jeanne Lowell and David LowellHA

Clare and Timothy Warner

Laura Docter ’81

Lolanda and Albert Mamiya

Lorrie Duval and David Cardinal

Debra and Paresh Maniar


Rhonda and Nigel Farrar Caitlin and Bret Field Helen Younger Goode ’52 Sherie GraysmarkHA and Robin Graysmark Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64 and Tod Gregory

In honor of Georgi SheaHA Jeannine MarstonHA and Ted Marston Barbara Finley McGarr ’55 Donna Lee McMaster ’83 and Mark McMaster Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60

Terry Guice

Isabel Ng-Lee and Raymond Lee

Rocio Gutierrez and Vic Cachay

Michele Ono and George Choi

Xenia and Gary Hammer

Heather Allen Pang ’84HA

Elaine Hill Susan and Herb Hinstorff

34 | Castilleja School

and Alex Pang Mary and Benjamin Pless

Gifts from Employees Anonymous (21) Otelima Abraham Jeanné AppelgetHA Kimberly BagnolaHA Josée Band Sarah BarnumHA Kyle BarrigerHA Bethany Blackwell Caroline Brachet Terese Brennan-Marquez Lorraine Brown Kathy BurchHA Debbie Camarena Anne CameronHA Dan ChapmanHA Brandon Chapman Aurora ChavezHA Emily Clark Christina Courtney ’02HA Laura Docter ’81HA Ahmed Elgasseir Mid FullerHA Heidi Gallegos Forrest Gingold Sherie GraysmarkHA Ann Greyson and Michael Cummings Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00 Christina GwinHA Xenia Hammer Laura Hansen ’08 Tannis Hanson Jacqueline Heler Jeanne Honig Megan Hutchin Melaine Huyck-Aufdermaur Rachel Hyland

Nicholas Jerrold Cameron Johnson Maya Kapoor Nanci KauffmanHA Lee Kerk Stacey Kertsman Sue KimHA Kathy Layendecker Claire Ledwith Andy Lichtblau Jody Lieb Hwai Lin Christine Loui David LowellHA Claire Mancini Jeannine MarstonHA Laura Martinez Jeff Mayfield Evan McClain Gabrielle McColgan Jane McConnell ’81HA Emily McElhinney Mace McGinn Elaine MiddlemanHA Joseph MitchellHA In honor of Robert GliddenHA Ellen Stewart Moore ’80 In memory of Nancy Stewart ’77 and Katherine Hass ’14 Deepika Nabar Marlyn NegronHA Kristin Neirinckx Julie Nelson Jennifer O’Sullivan Julia Odelowo Rigile Ortega Eugenie PaickHA

Heather Allen Pang ’84HA Lea Pence Cassandra Peters Jim Pickett Mary Jo Pruitt Paulo PugaHA Daniel Puga Colin Quinton Candy Ramirez and Israel SotoHA Jennifer Raterman Connie RichardsonHA Jon RockmanHA Valerie RossHA Lauren SchryverHA Jole SeroffHA Georgi SheaHA Rebecca SherouseHA Bill SmootHA Christy StoryHA Karen Strobel Jamie Sullivan Elke Teichmann ’09 Holly ThompsonHA Josh Thurston-Milgrom Graham Toben Alyson Tom Deborah TrillingHA In memory of Winnie Tse ’92 Steve Turnbull Sarah Ulansey-Tkach Bertha ValdiviasHA Adriana Valdivias ’10 Diego Velazquez Brenda Villa Kristin WalterHA

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 35

Gifts from Friends Anonymous (3) Elizabeth Smegal Andersen

Mary and Rob Jack In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

Amy and Michael Redell Keith Reeves In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

In memory of Sara LaBoskey ’98

Annjeanette Jones

and Marsha Miller ’62

Sean Kirmani

Judith RinoHA

Joan and Nick Boodrookas

Joan LonerganHA

Lisa Shapiro

Stephen Carey

Lisa Hazard and Tim Lynch

Catherine C. Cheney Maggie Danhakl In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Katherine Dorsa In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Nicole Dorsa In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Saturnino Fanlo In honor of Richard Babb Ronald Gee Claire Hass In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 Nicholas Hass In memory of Katherine Hass ’14

In memory of Jennifer Ayres

In honor of my former colleagues Nancy and Charles Shea Peggy McKeeHA and Ted McKee Elyce MelmonHA In memory of Toni HsuHA and Ethel MeeceHA Allison Metcalf In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 John Oettinger In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 Laura Peters In memory of Diana Strain Holmes ’43 Blanca and Jose Pinedo

In memory of Katherine Hass ’14 Deborah Smith In honor of Sara on her birthday John Sobrato In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato Lisa and Matthew Sonsini In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato John Travis In honor of the wedding of Andie Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato

In honor of the wedding of Andie

Annie and Cameron Turner

Navarro ’08 and John Sobrato

Judith WagnerHA

The Plant Family In memory of Jennifer Ayres

In memory of Ethel MeeceHA Hope Wagstaff

Gifts from Corporations and Foundations Anonymous (2)

Incorta, Inc.

T.B. Walker Foundation

AbbVie Inc.



Ansys, Inc.



Applied Materials

Itron Inc.

Arrillaga Foundation


Bright Funds Foundation


Bristol-Myers Squibb


Capital Group

NTT Venture Capital



Electronic Arts

Roisman Henel + Adams LLP

First Republic Bank

The Sobrato Family Foundation

G.G.V. Management, L.L.C.

Spencer Foundation


The Stanley S. Langendorf

IBM Corporation

36 | Castilleja School


Gifts from Grandparents Grandparents play a special role in our students’ lives—and so do their gifts to the school. Castilleja is grateful for their generous support. Sylvia Blake

Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ’52 and Gerald Smith

Patricia and Richard Bush

Britt and Eli Harari

Debbie and Alex Cheng

Jeannine MarstonHA and Ted Marston

Sally Kuechler Debenham ’52 and Warren Debenham

Penny Meier and Dr. James R. Meier

Sally Eskenazi Susan and John Fleming

In memory of Stephanie Meier ’89 Doris MouradHA and Henry Mourad

Barbara and John Hanna

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 37

Endowments, Scholarships, Restricted Funds, and Other Gifts Over the years, generous donors have established restricted funds at Castilleja to support specific programs or named scholarships. In 2018-19, their contributions supported ongoing projects like the Innovation Investment Fund, Senior Class Gift, The Katherine Hass Fellowship for Exploration, Empathy and Inclusion, and the Sara LaBoskey Scholar-Athlete Scholarship. Gifts to the following funds were made between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019. ROBOTICS

Centennial Faculty-Staff Scholarship

Anonymous (2)

Centennial Global Program Endowment

Ansys, Inc.

Centennial Salaries Endowment

G.G.V. Management, L.L.C.

Centennial Scholarship

Incorta, Inc.

Class of 1982 Scholarship

Sean Kirmani

Culley Family Music Enrichment Fund

Lisa and Glenn Solomon Ria Sonecha ’18

Ditz and Mosbacher Family Scholarship Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72 and Bruce Mosbacher Emily A. Mosbacher ’12


Doerr Math Chair

Carol Blacutt-Underwood and Brian Underwood Esther and David Kletter In memory of Adina Shira Kletter ’91 z”l Colleen Yeates Marsh ’67 Linda Yates ’80 and Paul Holland Jean Walker Yeates ’43 Kathleen Yeates ’66 GIFTS IN KIND Lena and William Dawson RESTRICTED GIFTS The Madeline E. Ehrman Revocable Trust Mary and Michael Speiser SCHOLARSHIPS AND ENDOWMENTS Accelerated Endowment Arrillaga Family Speaker Fund Jennifer Ayres Scholarship The Plant Family Lisa Shapiro Board-Designated Faculty Chair Peggy Booth Scholarship G.W. Douglas Carver and Margaret Hitchcock Carver ’42 Scholarship Castilleja Alumnae Association Scholarship Centennial Endowments and Unrestricted Funds

38 | Castilleja School

Ely Family Scholarship Shirley Ely Marie Emery Scholarship Entrepreneurs Endowment Fund Margarita Espinosa Scholarship Faculty Enrichment Fund Faculty Sabbatical Endowment Faculty Salaries Fund Nancy Flowers Scholarship Nancy FlowersHA and Ted Andersson Gallery Endowment Greer Faculty Enrichment Fund Gilhuly Fine Arts Endowment Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78 and Ned Gilhuly Goldberg Computer Science Chair Stanley Good Scholarship Stannie Good-Douglass Scholarship Vera Grant Scholarship Halford Young Women Leaders’ Program Endowment Anonymous

The Katherine Hass Fellowship for Exploration, Empathy, and Inclusion

Lisa and Kristi Maslak Scholarship Peggy McKee History-Social Science


Chair Endowment

Adria and Beau Brown

Candice Kwan ’92

Jordan Fowler ’13

In memory of Ethel MeeceHA

Nicholas Hass

Jennifer Lee ’95

Mary and Rob Jack

Sophia Levin ’13

Jacque and John Jarve

Marilyn Senn Moll ’47

Michele and Steve Kirsch

Sarah Rakonitz Stein ’87

Sandra and David Levison

Stephanie Meier Scholarship

Allison Metcalf


Ellen Stewart Moore ’80

Michele Wray Khateri ’87

John Oettinger

Kristin Meier ’87 and Malcolm Fleschner

Keith Reeves

Penny and Jim Meier

Mili and Hugo Sarrazin

Adrienne Hiscox Mitchell ’44 Scholarship

Nancy and Charles Shea

Morris Family Speaker Fund

Quintilla Shott Curran ’81

P21 Scholarship

Monica Taneja ’14

Margaret Ely Pringle ’71 and

Camille Zelinger ’14 Eve Zelinger ’10

Abigail Ely Pringle ’00 Scholarship Quattrone Family Scholarship

Hawley Family Faculty Fund

Rothrock Family Scholarship

Eleanor Huckvale Scholarship

Seaver-Walecka Family Scholarship

Cuthbert Hurd Scholarship

Muriel McKevitt Sonne Scholarship

Sara LaBoskey Scholar-Athlete Scholarship

Blair Walker Stratford Scholarship

Anonymous (2)

Jacqueline Sturges Scholarship

Priyanka Anand ’98

Tuition Assistance Endowment Vander Ploeg

Elizabeth Smegal Andersen Vicki and Peter LaBoskey Anna and Andrew Leaver Lindsay Austin Louie ’98 Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98 Keri Yen Ng ’98

Family Scholarship Kathy Williams Scholarship Kara Furlong ’03 Sydney Larson ’03 Kathryn Aguirre Worth ’79 Endowment for Faculty Enrichment

Jackie Provost ’98 Roisman Henel + Adams LLP Abigail Thornburg Schmucker ’11 Lauren SchryverHA and Brian Schryver Deborah Smith Bill SmootHA Kelly Schryver Steinhardt ’07 Deborah TrillingHA Aline Wong ’98 Library Endowment Mary Ishbel Lockey Scholarship Meagan Guerin Macdonald Scholarship Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 39


THE CLASS OF 2019 Recent graduates returned to the Circle for the Opening Day Tie Ceremony — and a visit to one of their class gifts, a water filling station in the gym.

Now & Later

THE CLASS OF 2019 LEAVES A LASTING LEGACY As a group, the Class of 2019 debated about their legacy. Did they want to make an immediate impact on daily life around the Circle, or did they want to leave a gift that would shape the school for years to come? Of course, there were strong opinions—supported by well-organized, relevant evidence—on both sides. Deciding how to give can involve give and take. The Senior Gift offers seniors an opportunity to think about their role in Castilleja’s future before they graduate. Over the years, this tradition has created a fun sense of possibility for seniors while they explore proposals and make choices together. The process began early for the Class of 2019, with a committee to help guide conversations and gather ideas. This year, Molly Glickman, Annika Khouri, Rebecca Mak, Naira Mirza, Chloe Nicolaou, Samantha Noeth Lewis, Lilah Penner-Brown, and Claire Pisani led the way reviewing suggestions from various community members. Alumnae investment has been key to the success of this program in recent years. Since 2016, Courtney Carter Charney ’97 and Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98 have offered support, advice, 40 | Castilleja School

and matching funds that model the importance of continuing to connect with and invest in the Castilleja community. As has been the case since this tradition began, the Class of 2019 reached 100% participation, raising $3,000. With a successful fundraising campaign complete, the question still loomed. Now or later? “In the end,” explains Senior Gift Committee Chair Rebecca Mak, “we were able to divide the funds across short-term and long-term purposes. It felt really good to be able to look at the final amount of money we had raised and make choices to address two important goals that we all supported.” Seniors used a portion of their funds to create a water bottle filling station in the lobby of the Joan Z. Lonergan Center that is already in use, reducing the need for single-use water bottles on campus. The other portion of their gift has been set aside to support bills that pass through CastiCongress, a sophomore project that involves drafting legislation and presenting possible policy changes to the school administration. The Class of 2019 remembered this as a powerful learning experience, and with this gift they will support future student-driven initiatives.

THANK YOU TO THE CLASS OF 2019 Dana Abbo In honor of Ahmed Elgasseir

Anika Adzich In honor of Robert and Kathy Adzich

Scarlett Akeley Amna Ali Makee Anderson Emelia Arnheim Lauren Ashby Ava Axelrod Thank you to Courtney Carter Charney ’97 and Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98 for providing a matching contribution to the Class of 2019 Senior Gift. Kimberley and Courtney are pictured here with Lauren SchryverHA at the Ties Evening of Gratitude event.

Priya Bhanot Sam Borbas Soline Boussard Antarah Chopra Taylor DeGroff Frannie DiBona In honor of Jim E. Pickett

Katie Fearon In honor of Yvonne Karanas and Bill Fearon

Elizabeth Foster Jas Ganev In honor of Lauren SchryverHA, David LowellHA and Helen Shanks HA

Molly Glickman Ella Henn Jackie Hillman Erin Hirsch Sho Sho Ho Reese Ketsdever Annika Khouri


Niav Layton

Last Spring, a mystery alumna in the class of ’53 proposed a plan to help inspire every graduating senior to show her own appreciation to Castilleja. In honor of the Class of 2019, she donated $20,190 to be used for two purposes: to match the giving from the senior class and support Tuition Assistance. Because of her generosity more girls will have access to a Castilleja education. Maybe she will do it again for another class...

Madison Lewis

Lily Levin In honor of Lydia Smith

Kim Lopez Rebecca Mak In honor of Charlotte Lamm ’20 and Suzzy Wang ’20

Naira Mirza Athena Nair

Sophia Nesamoney Sophie Nevle Levoy In honor of Eva Tuschman

Chloe Nicolaou In honor of Evelyne P. NicolaouHA

Gaby Nightingale Sam Noeth Lewis Zoe Onderdonk Lilah Penner Brown Claire Pisani In honor of Brenda Villa

Alicia Purpur Shilpa Sajja Alyssa Sales Kate Sands Atmika Sarukkai Emi Sears Sophia Smucker Emma Snyder Lia Spencer In honor of Valerie RossHA

Niki Srivastava Juliana St Goar Jui Steffen In honor of Christiane RepellinHA

Alexis Stull Divya Tadimeti Lauren Traum Cali Triantis In honor of April and George Triantis

Meg Turnbull Gaby Underwood Olivia Vercruysse Angie Wang In honor of Tasha Bergson-Michelson

Madeline Webster In honor of Thomas and Meredith Webster

Riona Yoshida Selina Zhang

In honor of Bill SmootHA

MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS Anonymous Kimberley Morris Rosen ’98 and Chad Rosen Courtney Carter Charney ’97 and Michael Charney

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 41


Decade Club The Decade Club was founded in July 2012 to recognize members of the Castilleja community who have demonstrated a lasting commitment to the school by making gifts for 10 to 19 consecutive years. Their annual gifts provide the critical foundation for the excellence in academics, programs, and teaching that is the hallmark of a Castilleja education.

New Decade Club Members for 2018-19 Anonymous (3)

Dana and Anthony Fenwick

Elizabeth Smegal Andersen

Lata and Vab Goel

Julie and Buddy Arnheim

Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean

Sydney Larson ’03

Adria and Beau Brown

Susie Hwang and Matt Glickman

Claire and Matthew Ledwith

Michèle Lamarre and Brent Townshend

Vivian and Douglas Crisman

Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82

Decade Club Anonymous (19)

Jennifer Dinsmore Clegg ’98

Meredith Gillespie Alcock ’76

B.J. Lockhart Cowie ’54

Nahid Aliniazee and

and William Cowie Jr.

Sherie GraysmarkHA and Robin Graysmark Anjelika Deogirikar Grossman ’00

Nancy Cox and Kevin Harris

Elizabeth Grover

Coralie Allen

Julie and Ken Crawford

Katherine Gunderson ’02

Elizabeth Smegal Andersen

Vivian and Douglas Crisman

Marcia and Russ Hansen

Joyce and Thomas Anthony

Barbara Davis Davis ’72

Britt and Eli Harari

Jeanne AppelgetHA

Shannon De La CruzHA

Elizabeth Harris ’77

Julie and Buddy Arnheim

Barbara Demèrè ’77

Kimberly BagnolaHA

Constance and Adrian Dillon

Merrilee Harris

Sarah BarnumHA

Laura Docter ’81HA

Mary Wilbur Ives Harrison ’46

Kyle BarrigerHA

Karen and Michael Dreyfus

Melanie Hatchell

Elizabeth Gerrard

Kamal Ahmed HA


and William Booher

Michele and Harry Elam

Lisa Hazard and Tim Lynch

Blackwelder ’37 *

Rhonda and Nigel Farrar

Dianna Herrmann

Linda and Don Bogue

Jeffie Welsh Feakins ’64

Elaine Hill

Joyce Bogner Bohn ’72

and Nick Feakins

Susan and Herb Hinstorff

Susan and Kirk Bostrom

Dana and Anthony Fenwick

Bryan HoardHA

Bill Broach

Karen and Andy Fisher

Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey Dean

Adria and Beau Brown

Nancy Fletcher ’62

Susie Hwang and Matt Glickman

Nancy Brown

Mid FullerHA

Carol Karp and Victor Glushko

Laura Bushnell ’84

Ericka Fur and Selwyn Goldberg

Susanna and Gordon Kass

Carla M. Cassani, MD

Dianne and Charles Giancarlo

Heather and Deglin Kenealy

Jean Dinkelspiel Chaitin ’50 *

Jean Gillon, MD ’69

Maxine Kennedy

Anita Chan and Sai Ho Yeung

Lata and Vab Goel

Jaynie and William Kind

Alicia Fang Chang ’92

42 | Castilleja School

Michele and Steve Kirsch

Marty and Liz Korman

Ismenia PereiraHA

Dareld Vestal

Anne Biaggini Krattebol ’64

Christine Phan and Mir Imran

Diana Villegas ’66

Alicia La Fetra and

The Plant Family

Lisa Voge-Levin and Peter Levin

Mary and Benjamin Pless

Ann WagenhalsHA and Peter Chen

Vicki and Peter LaBoskey

Patricia and James Plummer

Judith WagnerHA

Michèle Lamarre and

Catherine Zerboni Popovici ’84

The Walecka-Seaver Family

Lilyana Prasetya and

Kristin WalterHA

Frank La Fetra Jr.

Brent Townshend

Nancy Wang and Joseph Yu

Peter Gunadi

Lynne Lampros ’85

Clare and Timothy Warner

Susan Purdy Pelosi and

Jill Brakovec Laorr ’81 Yesenia Larios and Paulo Puga


Lynn Westphal and

Louis Pelosi

Sydney Larson ’03

Teri RaffelHA

Claire and Matthew Ledwith

Candy Ramirez and Israel Soto

Kristen Leep ’99

Paula and Michael Rantz

Michelle and Jiayi Li

Kim Roberts ’83

Gina and Bob Wulff

Hsiaoling Liao and Eric Huang

Jon RockmanHA

Virginia and Johnny Yau

Jody Lieb and Steven Flanders

Mary and Chris Rose

Kritika Yegnashankaran ’94

Erika Lim ’77

Debra Ziegler Rosenberg ’73

Michael Gropper HA

Sarah Hinman Whittle ’86 and John Whittle

and Stuart Rosenberg

Maria and Keng Lim Mary Chandler Lippitt ’53

Valerie RossHA

Karen Mah Lockwood ’85

Barb and Gregory Rosston Marieke and Jeffrey Rothschild

Joan LonerganHA Jeanne Lowell and David Lowell

Valerie Rynne


Laura Dennis MacLean ’90

Lisa Shapiro

service to Castilleja

Anne Maloney and

Karen Smith Shaw ’72 and

* Deceased


Patrick McCrystle

indicates 10+ years of

Douglas Shaw

Joe and Sandi Martignetti

Georgi SheaHA

Robin and Karl May

Lee Ann and Martin Shell

Jane McConnell ’81

Rebecca SherouseHA

Kristin Meier ’87 and

Quintilla Shott Curran ’81


Malcolm Fleschner

Deborah Smith

Lisa and David Merenbach

Heather and Ian Smith

Elaine Middleman

Bill SmootHA


Joelle Mourad Mitchell ’93 and Joseph Mitchell


Sonia Moroder and David Teichmann Mariam Nayiny Radjy and

Kim Sommer Lillian Soohoo and Anthony Debs Sarah Rakonitz Stein ’87 Christy StoryHA Helen Floyd Sullivan ’82

Nader Radjy

Jamie Sullivan and

Marlyn NegronHA

Mark Bernstein

Doreen and Nels Nelsen

Lani Takano and Jim Kotcher

Shana NistlerHA

Kathleen and Scott Tandy

Peggy Fitzgerald Nute ’55

Holly ThompsonHA and

Grace and John O’Malley

Buzz Thompson

Michele Ono and George Choi

Kristin and Paul Vais

Shames Panahi and

Bertha ValdiviasHA

Gus Malekmadani Mrunalini and Sanjay Patel

Mark Vander Ploeg The Verwillow Family

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 43

Margarita Espinosa Society The Margarita Espinosa Society was founded in October 2010 to honor members of the Castilleja community who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to the school by making gifts for 20 or more consecutive years. The consistent support of these donors has enabled Castilleja to remain at the forefront of women’s education, and their generosity and continued support of the school is deeply appreciated.

New Members of the Margarita Espinosa Society Anonymous

Eugenie PaickHA Holly Varian Zuklie ’86

Christina GwinHA Nanci Kauffman


and Scott Kauffman

Margarita Espinosa Society Anonymous (6) Joannie AdamsHA

Jeanne Floyd Downs ’80 and Benjamin T. Downs

Terry Guice Lottie Gutterman *

Nancy Allen ’86

Anne Spaulding Draeger ’71

Christina GwinHA

Florence Cooley Armstrong ’39 *

The Duane Family

Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ’52

Constance Atterbury ’66

Madeline Ehrman ’60 *

Marianne and Alan AustinHA

Shirley Ely

Maureen McPartland Hardy ’78

Helena and Richard Babb

Molly Farmin *

Sally Stewart Harris ’76

Rebecca Barham ’60

Arlayne Overfelt Fifer ’49

Belle Clegg Hays ’42

Ellen Berger *

Caroline “Patsy” Chickering

Michelle Riches Helvey ’84

Jacqueline Glynn Brandin ’85 Kathy Burch


and Bill Burch

Anne CameronHA and Matt Cameron Susan Moths Carpenter ’72 The Chapman Family

Fish ’50

and Gerald Smith

Margaret and Harvey Hinman

Jamie Flaxman ’81

Diana Gregory Horner ’91

Sara Hutchison Fleischer ’72

Penny HowellHA

and Louis Fleischer Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51 and William Floyd Jr.

Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80 Sharon Huntsman ’89 Allison Lewis Jacobs ’76 and Brian Jacobs

Isobel Christensen

Susan Friedman

Maren Christensen ’79

William Friedman

Denise Kaufman ’64

Elizabeth and Nicholas Clinch

Barbara Kahn Gardner ’34

Nanci KauffmanHA and

Alison Beach Cooper ’61

Erika Luhr Gates ’54 *

Scott Kauffman

Juliet Messimer Gede ’68

Michele Wray Khateri ’87

Ann CriswellHA and Floyd Criswell

Diane Gibbs *

Valerie Kieser ’55 *

Janet Mauel Cronk ’64

Karen Hoffman Gilhuly ’78

Felicia Paik Kim ’84

and Tom Cooper

Carolyn and Gordon Davidson Sally Kuechler Debenham ’52 and Warren Debenham Leslie Widrow Derbin ’78 and Robert Derbin Ann Brookman Dey ’63 Bev and Steve Docter

and Ned Gilhuly

Esther and David Kletter

Mary and Clinton Gilliland

Laura Kelly Kroger ’82

The Glynn Family Charitable Trust

Don C. and Diane S. Lake Family

Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71HA

Lorraine Potter Lasell ’50 *

Patricia Hunter Gregory ’64

Barbara Leep ’61

and Tod Gregory Elizabeth Guice ’91

Elizabeth Leep ’81 Joan Davies Loughlin ’50 Cary Golub Lurie ’64

44 | Castilleja School

LOYALS CELEBRATION Henry and Doris MouradHA, Evelyne NicolaouHA and Lauren SchryverHA

Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80 and John C. Macdonald

Annie Roberts Peterson ’85

Hilary Simpson Strain ’89

and Stephen Peterson

Linda Sue Little Strand ’76

Marcy Mamiya ’90

Margot Heersema Phillips ’52

Lolanda and Albert Mamiya

Alissa Riper Picker ’80 *

Blair Walker Stratford ’56

Jeanne and Peter Mandell

Lynn Anderson Poole ’78

Robert Sturges * and

Jeannine MarstonHA and

Arturo PugaHA

Ted Marston Megan Ruder Martinelli ’80 Karen Lee McKee ’67

Helen Sturges *

Eleanor Rakonitz

Michelle Evans Tin ’84

Betsy Sellman Redman ’63

Karen TobeyHA and Tom Tobey

and Michael Redman

Deborah TrillingHA

Constance Richardson

Susan and George Varian *

Judith Rino

Barbara Walker *

Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ’72

Barbara Most Weissman, MD ’72

Audrey Hill McQuay ’45 *

Barbara and George Roupe

Lynn Armstrong Winkel ’52

Penny and Jim Meier

Lauren SchryverHA and

Linda Yates ’80 and Paul Holland

Peggy McKee


and Ted McKee

and Don Strand

Donna Lee McMaster ’83 and Mark McMaster

Wendy Pohlman Mickle ’63



Brian Schryver

Jean Walker Yeates ’43

Anita Seipp ’71

Theo Kate Scott Zaninovich ’60

Cynthia Swanson Miller ’64

Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp Jr.

and Marko Zaninovich

Marilyn Senn Moll ’47

Barbara Moths Sheffels ’76

Gail Wilson Zetter ’64

Katherine Morris ’86

Judy Sleeth

Nancy Ditz Mosbacher ’72

Jo Glasson Smith ’43 *

and Michael Mickle

and Bruce Mosbacher Doris MouradHA and Henry Mourad Sidney Ofsthun Mygatt ’60 Eugenie PaickHA Heather Allen Pang ’84HA and Alex Pang


and Walter Sleeth

Holly Varian Zuklie ’86

Sue Beton Smith ’54 Helia SousaHA and Joao SousaHA Honor Berger Spitz ’62 Dr. Laura Stemmle and


Indicates 10+ years of service to Castilleja

* Deceased

Dr. Donald Stemmle Joy Fulton Stiefel ’73 Marilyn Salsman Stockfleth ’53 *

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 45

Circle Society Planned gifts provide Castilleja with the ability to think strategically about the school’s future. The Circle Society is a group of individuals and families who have included Castilleja in their estate plans via a planned gift or bequest intention.

Circle Society Annonymous (4)

Nanci KauffmanHA and

and William Floyd Jr.

Marianne and Alan AustinHA

Keiko Franklin

Rhodelia Smith Bailey ’57

Steven Franklin

Garner and Larry Kelly

Susan BarkanHA

Susan Friedman

Jaynie and William Kind

Kyle BarrigerHA

William Friedman

Betty Place Kirby ’31 *

Jhumki Basu ’94 *

Onyet Geer *

Victoria and Paul Kojola

Elizabeth Milne Baum ’81

Dianne and Charles Giancarlo

Susan and Roger Kokores

Jean Gillon, MD ’69

Veronica and Kenneth Kornberg

and Brandon Baum

Scott Kauffman

Ellen Berger *

The Glynn Family Charitable Trust

Edith Fullerton Lally ’16 *

Randall Bolten

Maggie Pringle Grauer ’71

Martha Faull Lane ’20 *

Sue and Kirk Bostrom

Elizabeth Grover

Elizabeth Leep ’81

Deborah Behl Boucher ’99

Diane Guinta and Paul Goldstein

Joan LonerganHA

Ruth Bradford *

Cynthia and John Gunn

Constance Fout Lynch ’37 *

Nancy Brown

Lottie Gutterman *

Anne Flatland Macdonald ’80

Kathy BurchHA and Bill Burch

Jean Halford

Margaret Carver *

Barbara and John Hanna

Martha Robbins Macdonald ’39 *

Eleanor Williston Caughlan ’56

Sue Holzman Hanna ’57

Christina Hansen McClure ’71

Adaline Dinsmore Chapman ’17 *

Joyce Adams Hanna-Smith ’52

Allen Chickering *

and Gerald Smith

Cynthia McGeoch

Isobel Christensen

Augusta Corey Harrold, 1919*

Penny and Jim Meier

Robert Cohn

The Estate of James E.

Sally Mein ’33 *


Tate Cohn

and John C. Macdonald

and William McClure

Sharon and Stan Meresman

Harrold, Jr. *

Elizabeth Corneliussen ’45 *

Virginia * and Raymond Harroun

Sally Millard Trust *

Colette and Kim Cranston

Talat and Kamil Hasan

Patricia Timby Moore ’41 *

Rudy DeCaminadaHA *

Betsy HawleyHA and

Cheryl and John Nelson


Barbara Demèrè ’77

Stephen Hawley

Bev and Steve Docter

Pamela Hawley ’87

Madeline Ehrman ’60 *

Barbara and William Hazlett

Shirley Ely

Jeanne Heise

Bill Epperley

Penny Howell

Molly Farmin *

Libby Swindells Hulsey ’80

Genevieve Wickstrom Noone ’23 *

Karen and Andy Fisher

Mrs. Frances Jackson *

Sally Offutt and Casper Y. OffuttHA

Susan Smith Flesher ’76

Hildy Jarman

and Jack Flesher Cynthia Kaiser Floyd ’51

46 | Castilleja School

Sharon Nelson-Barber and Wayne Barber Eliane NeukermansHA and Armand Neukermans Evelyn Carey Niebel *




Darcie Johnson ’88 * Jon JohnsonHA *

Brian Pennix Mrs. Roberta Plummer *

Myrtle Potter

Linda Sue Little Strand ’76

Margaret Raffin

and Don Strand

Nancy Schumacher Rosenthal ’72

Helen Sturges * and

Julie Satake Ryu and Edwin Ryu

Robert Sturges *

Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp Jr.

Rosemary and Tom Tisch

Teruko Smith

Caroline Trotter ’69

Muriel McKevitt Sonne ’31 *

Mark Vander Ploeg

Susanne Sparks

Sarah King Wilmer ’58 *

Denise Manuck

Gail Wilson *


St. Angelo-Stiles ’69


Indicates 10+ years of service to Castilleja

* Deceased

Nancy and Philip Young

Disclaimer The 2018-2019 Annual Report includes all gifts received between July 1, 2018, and June 30, 2019. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inadvertent omissions, and contact us with corrections: Advancement Department, (650) 470-7744 or Make a gift at

Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 47


Volunteers of Castilleja (2018–19) Thank you to all our generous and thoughful parent volunteers. The impact of your work benefits each and every one of our students, faculty, and programs. ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS CO-CHAIRS Venky Ganesan Sarah Sands Diana Sunshine

CLASS OF 2025 Suman Gupta, Team Lead Maisie O’Flanagan, Team Lead Rita Walia Tracy Watt CLASS OF 2024 Jean Chiang, Team Lead Julie Tsang, Team Lead Kristina Detter Huey Ming Yeh Mariyam Mansur CLASS OF 2023 Diana Sunshine, Team Lead Nazhin Zarghamee, Team Lead Monika Cheney Nandini Cherian Kristin Goldman Victoria O’Hara

48 | Castilleja School

CSA EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP CLASS OF 2022 Stephanie Day, Team Lead Brooke Heckert, Team Lead Gabe Brenner Ed Chan Heather McLeod Grant Bonnie Rosenberg

President Nahid Aliniazee VP/President Elect Kim Monsalve US Parent Resource Chair Kristin Goldman

CLASS OF 2021 Suzanne O’Brien, Team Lead Linda McGeever, Team Lead Venky Ganesan Noriko Honda Indira Sahiwal Glenn Solomon CLASS OF 2020 Irene Au, Team Lead Tara Kaplinsky Michele Kirsch Alyssa Rieder Lillian Soohoo

CLASS OF 2019 Roberta Chopra, Team Lead Sarah Sands, Team Lead Julie Arnheim Shellie Ashby Sandra Hillman Diana Sunshine

MS Parent Resource Chair Tiffany Silva Communications Chair Victoria Chiongbian

Volunteer Recruitment Chair Ronni Watson Recording Secretary Liz Horner Treasurer Susan Mensinger

Parent Education, Inclusion, and Engagement Sabah Mirza




Special Thanks: The Annual Report was written and produced by Emily McElhinney with graphic design by consultant Kris Loew P’18 P’20, photography by Elke Teichmann ’09, and direction from Lorraine Brown. We appreciate the many contributors to this report, including Nanci KauffmanHA, Sue KimHA, Josee BandHA, Kathy BurchHA, Christina GwinHA, Stacey Kertsman, Jim Pickett, Julie Odelowo, Laura Abada, Sarah BarnumHA, Caroline Brachet, Julian Cortella, Ann Greyson, Megan Hutchin, Nick Jerrold, Valerie RossHA, Jole SeroffHA, Helen ShanksHA, Deborah TrillingHA, Bryan Valek, Noriko and Norman Chen P’21, Cathy Freidman ’78 P’11 P’20, Elizabeth “Libby” Hulsey ’80, Ericka von Kaeppler ’09, and student artists Suzanna Wang ’20 and Riley Guggenhime ’20. We also thank the Castilleja students, faculty, and staff who shared their work, smiles, and support.

Board of Trustees 2018-19

Administration Leadership Team

Ken Hirsch, Chair

Usha Nesamoney

Nanci KauffmanHA Head of School

Nahid Aliniazee

Anjali Pichai

Jim Bean

Denise Pope

Kathy Layendecker Associate Head for Finance and Operations

Tony Carrasco

Alyssa Rieder

Josée BandHA Dean of Curriculum and Innovation

John Giannandrea

Sarah Sands

Cindy Goldberg

David Scott

Lorraine Brown Director of Communications and Community Relations

Lori Goler

Pratima Sethi ’94

Kathy BurchHA Chief of Staff

Theresia Gouw

Mary Speiser

Anne CameronHA Head of Middle School

Saima Hasan ’04

Kathleen Tandy

Heidi Hopper

Eugenie Van Wynen

Stacey Kertsman Dean of Equity Education and Social Impact

Nanci KauffmanHA

Mike Volpi

Sue KimHA Director of Advancement

Michele Kirsch

Phil Yang

Aileen Lee

Elizabeth Yin ’00

Jill LeeHA Director of Admission, Tuition Assistance, and Summer Programming

David Merenbach

Jianming Yu

Jim Pickett Head of Upper School Annual Report 2018 - 2019 | 49

Annual Report Castilleja School Foundation 1310 Bryant Street Palo Alto, CA 94301

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