CSPD Summer Bulletin 2024

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President's Message 10 Bills of Interest

7 Annual Meeting Gallery

Mark Your Calendar Now! For California’s Premier Pediatric Dental Meeting and Continuing Dental Education Conference SAVE T H E DATE CSP D 2 025 A N N U A L M E E T I N G APRI L 24 -27 S E A T T L E W A S H I N G T O N THE FUTURE IS HERE Take Your Knowledge to the Next Level Visit www.cspd.org throughout the year for meeting information Interested in Becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor? Additional 2025 meeting information will be available soon. To be added to the mailing list for the event, contact Beth Ramirez at bramirez@cspd.org



4 President's Message

7 Annual Meeting Gallery

President's Message

Members are invited and encouraged to contribute to the CSPD Bulletin. Articles of general or specific interest, Letters to the Editor, and commentary on issues of public policy and matters of pediatric oral health are welcome. Items intended for publication may be submitted to Managing Editor Dr. Chanel McCreedy at chanel.mccreedy@gmail.com or to admin@cspd.org

The mission of the Bulletin of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry is to communicate with members on issues affecting the specialty of Pediatric Dentistry and the oral health of infants, children, and adolescents. The Bulletin will provide information on Society activities, initiatives, governance, and member services, as well as information and notice of the accomplishments and actions of its members.

The views and opinions expressed by individual members in articles and commentaries are those of the author and do not necessarily represent policy or viewpoint of the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry.

ISSUE Volume
52 | Number 1
AAPD Western
Report 27 Elected
Leadership 26 Board Motions 5 Website Editor Report 10 Bills of Interest Volunteer Opportunities 20 Annual Meeting News 6 DR. CHANEL MCCREEDY - BULLETIN MANAGING EDITOR 22
12 Congratulations Residents 23
and Appointed
WSPD Update to CSPD


Having just celebrated Easter with my family, I am reminded of the diverse faith community we enjoy in the CSPD. I want to wish all our members happy holidays with their friends and families.

The CSPD had another very successful Annual Meeting at the JW Marriott. The weather was outstanding, the quality of the continuing education and the time with friends were even better. At the Installation luncheon, our guest speakers included CDA President Carliza Marcos, AAPD President-Elect Scott Smith, and WSPD President Felicity Hardwick. Current AAPD President Scott Cashion was in the audience, and we were even able to sing happy birthday to the AAPD CEO John Rutkauskas. The high level of leaders in organized dentistry we host at our annual meeting is a testament to the reputation of the CSPD and the quality of the meeting our society creates.

There were several new events this year that were very successful. NuSmile put on a symposium for their esthetic crowns, as well as a lecture on their new intraosseous injection system, Soan. Immediate Past President Don Schmitt brought a new resident business symposium sponsored by Treloar & Heisel and Med Pro. The Annual Meeting Committee plans on having more excellent symposiums from different sponsors at future annual meetings. The Resident Poster Presentation was also a huge success with a record number of entries.

The creation of the meeting this size is an enormous team effort. I again want to thank Ora Lowe, Chair of the Annual Meeting Committee; Jean Calvo Star, Graham Hearn and the entire Continuing Education Committee; Leslie Butler, our Sponsor Relations Liaison; the Resident Poster Committee, Evan Chang, Lynn Fujimoto and Jungsoo Kim; Online CE Chair Helen Mo; and all our sponsors who generously support our meeting. I’m sorry I don’t have enough room to thank everyone on the team.

Lastly, I want to thank the members of the CSPD for giving me the honor to serve as the 50th President of the CSPD. Don Schmitt left our organization in wonderful shape. My hope is to leave our society a little bit better for our next President, MyLinh Ngo.

I am closing my first President’s letter with a poem written by Max Ehrmann in 1927 called the Desiderata. I have the full text on a bulletin board in my office. Each time I read it, I find something new that speaks to me in the phase of life that I am experiencing at that time. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have over the decades.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

4 SUMMER 2024


If I had the chance to speak with a younger Letitia, she never would have imagined that she’d have the opportunity to be the Website Editor for an incredible organization such as CSPD. Taking on this role has been a learning curve and blessed me with an intimate look at the inner workings of CSPD. Nearly all of our events and offerings are

CSPD has a rich history and an incredibly bright future. To best serve our members, I look forward to transforming our website into one that will benefit our members for years to come. Our website team’s vision is to create an updated website which reflects the CSPD mission and vision, be organized and have modern, multi-modal elements which are easy for our members and sponsors alike to navigate. Our primary goal is maximizing the member experience in terms of visual pleasantness, ease of use, and organization. By transitioning to a new platform, we

The CSPD’s former website editor, Dr. Steve Niethamer, was a dear friend and colleague to so many of us. his responsibilities has demonstrated to me his undoubtedly tremendous impact on our organization. As Past President Don Schmitt shared during his remarks at this year’s annual meeting, Dr. Niethamer’s formal job title was “Website Editor,” however his abilities and passion for the organization made his impact span far further than that. Dr. Niethamer helped to build the CSPD website from the ground up during a time when the technology to do so was primitive. He also documented board meetings and annual meetings by applying his incredible photography skills. His shoes are truly unfillable and there is no better individual to mirror my role in organized dentistry after.

During the Fall of 2023, my role as Website Editor began with learning the CSPD website inside and out. Doing so led me down history lane, reviewing photos, past Bulletins, and many previous events and programs which the CSPD has offered. We have had some incredible annual meetings with top notch presentations which seem to get bigger and better each year. Our online CE platform has also grown and continues to provide informative and easy to fulfill CE credits. With each generation of leadership, CSPD has grown and adapted to the needs of its members.

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Dr. Oariona Lowe - CSPD Past President and Annual Meeting Chair

Dr. Mylinh Ngo - CSPD Vice President and Annual Meeting Co-Chair

Thank you for joining us in Palm Desert for another well-attended and successful annual meeting. The weather was gorgeous —beautiful, warm days perfect for golfing, swimming, hiking, and other outdoor sports. Many of us enjoyed the cool evenings to sip a cocktail and a nice dinner with friends and colleagues.

Kudos to all the members of the Annual Meeting committee who worked tirelessly to make the meeting a success. I would like to give a special thank you to all of you, and especially to Teri Anticevich, our meeting planner, who pulled some strings to get extra rooms for our guests. The JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort sold out early but Teri “did her magic”, and was able to get additional rooms at the JW and also at the Marriott Villas. Throughout the meeting, great comments and compliments were heard regarding how well the meeting was organized, how great the food and beverage choices were, and that the speaker line-up was amazing. Dr. Jim Coll was our featured speaker on Friday morning. He lectured on the current Pulp Therapy Guidelines. Dr. Donald Chi followed on Friday afternoon with a wonderful presentation on Parental Refusal of Fluoride. Both kept the audience focused with their dynamic presentations and wealth of knowledge. Dr. Brian Novy continued the momentum on Saturday morning with his lecture on “Nobody Caries” and Dr. Norman Tinanoff spoke on Fluoride Mechanisms, Efficacy, and Clinical Applications. Dental Traumatology was reviewed with guidelines on Sunday morning by Dr. Anne O’Connell who traveled from Dublin, Ireland to present to our group. She gave a stunning lecture that was well received by all. A special CSPeD Talks (aka Ted Talk) session was added on Friday afternoon, which allowed some of our members to present and share their passion for pediatric dentistry and health care for children. All the speakers captivated the audience and received great reviews!


A special shout out to our CSPD and WSPD residents who presented posters and entered the poster competition. This year the poster competition was sponsored by the CSPD Foundation. Congratulations to the winners of the research and case study presentations! The winners of the poster competition were:

Case Reports

1st- Alina Ricalde, Loma Linda

2nd- Diana Luc, NYU Langone

San Diego

3rd- Berenice Chang, Loma Linda


1st- Catherine Eshaghzadeh, UCLA

2nd- Suzanne Kan, UCLA

3rd- Marivic De Leon, UCSF

Let’s give them a round of applause! They worked hard and are very deserving of the awards.

Please Save the Date for our next Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. The meeting will be held at the beautiful Westin Hotel in downtown Seattle, Thursday, April 24 – Sunday, April 27, 2025. The speaker line up will again be amazing, and a wealth of information and knowledge will be shared. Enjoy your summer!


Take Your Knowledge to the Next Level

CSPD 2025


APRIL 24-27

With Support From the Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry SE A T T L E W A S H I N G T O N


The Pediatric Oral Health Advocacy Conference was held in Washington D.C. from March 3, 2024 – March 5, 2024. Attendees from CSPD Leadership included: President Don Schmitt, Executive Director Paul Reggiardo, our interns Angela Navas, Marivic De Leon, Nisha Choksi, Shelly Wu, Rand Khasawneh, and myself, your CSPD Public Policy Advocate. A total of 10 California mentors attended the visits, along with 19 residents. The residents of USC, UCLA, UCSF, and Loma Linda surpassed our expectations this year. They successfully scheduled 24 individual visits with House Representatives from California. During their visits, they asked legislators to continue to support Title VII funding. Title VII funding supports our pediatric dentistry training programs and their faculty. They also asked legislators to support the reintroduction and passage of the bipartisan Ensuring Lasting Smiles Act (ELSA), legislation that would ensure health coverage for medically necessary dental/ oral surgical treatment for children born with health anomalies and birth defects. Finally, their third and final ask was for co-sponsorship of the Resident Education Deferred Interest Act (H.R. 1202/S. 704) to support new dentists and strengthen our dental workforce across communities in need. The residents truly impressed me with the heartfelt and knowledgeable conversations they shared with their local representatives. I feel our future is in good hands with these soon- to- be pediatric dentists.

10 SUMMER 2024
Dr. Amber Nierode - Public Policy Advocate

A few new bills have been introduced this 2024 legislative year. We are currently following 1 resolution and 3 bills.


Summary: Existing law requires a pupil, while enrolled in kindergarten or first grade in a public school to receive an oral health assessment by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional performed no earlier than 12 months prior to the date of initial enrollment. This bill would define “kindergarten” for these purposes as including both transitional kindergarten and kindergarten.



Summary: The bill would require that payments made directly or through a contracted vendor to a dental provider have a non-fee-based default method of payment.




Summary: This bill would require a dental plan issued in California to attain a minimum Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) of 85% and to provide a specified rebate to an enrollee or insured when that ratio is not reached.



Summary: The resolution would focus attention on the practice of nurse anesthetists and act to support a broader agenda of independent nurse anesthetist practice in the state.




Dr. Cheryl Engineer Bhatt completed her dental school of 5 years in India at Manubhai Patel Dental College in 2011. After graduation, she joined a rural community hospital where she found her calling for public health. She moved to the United States in 2012 to study Public Health, majoring in Epidemiology. She graduated with her Masters in 2014 and joined the Department of Public Health of Broward County, Florida as Operation Review Specialist. After gaining experience, she moved to Buffalo to study further in the IDP program of Buffalo Dental School. After graduating with her DDS, she moved to Bakersfield, California to work in private practice where she predominantly served Medi-Cal patients under 21 years of age. She enjoyed working with pediatric patients and fell in love with the field. She gained 5 years of experience working and then joined the pediatric residency program at Loma Linda University in 2022. She enjoyed every moment of the learning and looks forward to contributing positively in the field of pediatric dentistry. In her spare time, she enjoys eating good food and running in the gym. She and her husband enjoy traveling and exploring new places.

Dr. Justin Im was born and raised in Loma Linda, CA. He also graduated from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in 2021. Following graduation, he moved to New York City and completed a one-year general practice residency at St. Barnabas Hospital. His MSD research project was on second molar substitution after early first permanent molar extractions and how to identify factors that encourage a successful substitution. He found his passion and calling working with the pediatric community while attending various mission trips and hopes to continue serving throughout his career. In his free time, Dr. Im enjoys playing sports such as basketball, golf, cycling and running. He also loves exploring new restaurants and coffee shops wherever he travels. He has plans to work in private practice in the Inland Empire.

Dr. Alina Ricalde is originally from Alberta, Canada. She attended Burman University, graduating with a BS in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. She then moved to California where she obtained her DDS at Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in 2022. Having spent years working with kids at summer camps, teaching swimming lessons, and coaching a Special Olympics Swim team, she knew pediatric dentistry would offer her the chance to continue her passion of working with kids. She is now thrilled to be a part of the LLU pediatric residency program where she has had the opportunity to be a part of international mission trips and local outreach programs while working on research and obtaining her Masters of Science. Dr. Ricalde has loved being a part of the dental community in California and plans to stay in the Inland Empire where she will be working in private practice. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, and helping her husband in his ministry as a Youth Pastor.

Dr. Houman Mizani graduated from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in 2022. His passion for pediatric dentistry developed a few years before he started dental school while participating on a mission trip. After this trip, he then decided to continue his education in pediatric dentistry at Loma Linda University. His research project aims to compare the surface roughness and evaluate the adhesion of early colonizers Lactobacilli and Candida albicans to modern 3D printed, milled, and traditional self-cured acrylic material. After graduation, he plans to work in Southern California. In his free time, Dr. Mizani enjoys traveling, camping, fishing, and flying.




Dr. Bo Kwok was born and raised in the evergreen Pacific Northwest. While studying Psychology and Microbiology at the University of Washington, she found an interest in pediatrics through volunteering at Seattle Children’s Hospital and while conducting research on child development and behavior. After college, Dr. Kwok worked as an orthodontic assistant, which confirmed her desire to become a dentist. While at Roseman University for dental school, she also worked at the local Boys & Girls Club. Before residency, Dr. Kwok practiced at a pediatric group in Las Vegas. Although San Diego has been amazing, she will be returning to Las Vegas to open a pediatric dentistryorthodontic practice with her brother.

Dr. Samantah Best is from Wales, Wisconsin. She went to Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for her undergraduate education and dental school. After completing dental school, she spent two years in Seattle, Washington in a GPR at the University of Washington. It was during her GPR that she realized her passion for pediatric dentistry and decided to apply for residency. During the application process, she moved back to Wisconsin and worked for one year at Community Smiles treating primarily children. Following completion of residency in July, she plans to move back to Wisconsin to work in private practice and in community dentistry.

Dr. So Hyeon Park was born in South Korea where she grew up until she was 14 years old. Her family is now in Texas, where she finished her undergraduate degree. She went to UT Health Science at San Antonio for dental school and graduated in 2019. After graduation, she completed an AEGD residency at the Baylor College of Dentistry. She then worked as a general dentist for two years before applying for pediatric residency. She enjoyed her time at the NYU-Langone San Diego site where she served as chief resident in the last year of her residency. After completing the program, she will be returning to Austin, Texas to serve her community.

Dr. Cindy Lee grew up in Katy, Texas. She completed her undergraduate education at the University of Texas at Austin (Hook’em Horns) followed by four years at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. She found her passion for pediatric dentistry while providing dental care to children in underserved communities and graduated with honors in community health (First Five Program). Dr. Lee has an interest in treating medically complex and special needs patients. She served as chief resident at NYUSan Diego and is very grateful to have been part of the team. She loves being outdoors and enjoys spending time playing golf, hiking, and cycling. She plans to stay in Southern California and continue serving the children of San Diego.

Dr. Shivam Patel was born and raised in Delaware, where he also received his undergraduate degree at the University of Delaware. After graduating, he went to dental school at the University of Pennsylvania. He is currently a second-year pediatric dental resident at NYU Langone’s San Diego site. In his free time, he enjoys surfing and yoga, cooking, and listening to true crime podcasts. After residency, Dr. Patel is looking forward to finding an associate position in the San Francisco/Bay Area.

Dr. Jonathan Mills grew up in New York where he loved spending as much time as possible going to the beach. For his undergraduate education he attended the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, which was so amazing he stayed for dental school! At USC, Dr. Mills enjoyed time treating pediatric patients through USC’s Mobile Clinic and the USC Pediatric Selective group of students, which is why continuing his studies with a pediatric dental residency became a clear goal. At the NYU Langone CA-site, Dr. Mills has enjoyed working with other medical providers to care for medically complex kids and participating in comprehensive teams for patients with cleft lip/palate and craniofacial conditions. After graduating, he plans to stay in the San Diego area.




Dr. Catherine Eshaghzadeh grew up in Huntington Beach, CA. Coming from a family of dentists, her exposure to dentistry started at a very young age. While she was at UCLA for her Bachelors in Psychobiology, her passion for working with children and community service led her to the UCLA Infant Oral Care Program. Here, she truly fell in love with the tangible change that happens when motivating patients to improve both their child’s oral health and their own. She then worked at the UCLA Center for Children’s Oral Health (UCCOH) writing grants for oral health, focusing on policy and advocacy, and helping to coordinate the Infant Oral Care Program. She was grateful to attend the UCLA School of Dentistry, and ultimately received her dream opportunity to be a UCLA-trained Pediatric Dentist (Bruin for life!). Outside of clinic, Catherine enjoys exploring restaurants with her fiancé, spending time with her family, biking by the beach, and practicing yoga. Catherine is excited to practice in the Los Angeles area, and she is looking forward to impacting many lives through community service and advocacy.

Dr. Yessica Escutia Ponce de Leon was born and raised in Guanajuato, Mexico. She moved with her family to Woodstock, Illinois when she was a junior in High School. In 2017, she obtained her DDS at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics (Go Hawks!) After graduation she moved to Muskegon, Michigan where she worked as a National Health Service Corps scholar at an FQHC, Hackley Community Care Center. She quickly fell in love with the fun challenge of treating children while working at two schoolbased programs. After 5 years, Dr. Yessica finally made the decision to continue her training and become a pediatric dentist while also pursuing a Master’s in Public Health at UCLA. She is very excited to join the workforce again while learning how to balance being a new mom.

Dr. Suzanne Kan was born in Malaysia and graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2014. She worked as a general dentist in Malaysia, providing care at public hospitals and later at private clinics. Originally wanting to pursue esthetic dentistry, a mission trip to Cambodia to serve at an orphanage planted a little seed within her. This seed later fully blossomed over the years, and she decided to pursue pediatric dentistry after obtaining her DDS at UCLA. During her residency, she welcomed the joys and challenges of motherhood, an experience that strengthened her bond with patients and their families. Outside of dentistry, Dr. Suzanne finds joy in fostering animals and immersing herself in nature. She looks forward to serving her community after graduating and supporting her patients as they thrive.

Dr. Nisha Choksi grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. She attended the Gies College of Business at University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Finance degree. She knew throughout college that she wanted to become a dentist and even shadowed dentistry in Vienna, Austria! She decided to leave the snow for sunshine and moved to Los Angeles to join the UCLA family for her Doctorate in Dental Surgery. Through rotations, shadowing, and advocacy, Dr. Choksi realized she had a passion for pediatrics and serving the public as a whole. Dr. Choksi was very involved in the California Dental Association and student leadership throughout her dental school education. This led her to pursue pediatric dentistry and she is so grateful to continue her training at UCLA as a pediatric dental resident. This past year, she had the amazing opportunity to serve as a Santos Cortez Graduate Student Legislative Advocacy intern. Throughout her time in residency, Dr. Choksi has gained an appreciation for the bigger pediatric dentistry community and the role that we serve in children's oral health journey. Upon graduation, Dr. Choksi intends to move to the Chicagoland area to reunite with her family.

14 SUMMER 2024

Dr. Ju Yong Lee came to the UCLA program with the goal of becoming a better pediatric dentist, and now he feels he is leaving as a better person. Dr. Lee would like to thank his co-residents, faculty, dental assistants, administrative staff, and the larger UCLA family for making the last 25 months possible. Without the co-residents who made Dr. Lee smile and laugh everyday throughout this journey, he thinks he may have become a very grumpy pediatric dentist. Their resilience, compassion, and knowledge continue to amaze him every day. Dr. Lee would also like to thank the UCLA faculty for their patience, hard work, and dedication to resident education. Without their guidance and generosity, Dr. Lee would not have the knowledge or confidence he has today. And lastly, Dr. Lee would like to thank the clinic and administrative staff who allowed him to see patients with confidence and focus.

Dr. Lee feels excited and humbled to begin the next chapter of his professional life as a pediatric dentist. The last 25 months of patient care taught him that this is just the start of a long life of learning and challenge, but the mentors, friends, and patients he met along the way also taught him that this is a life filled with sincere gratitude and happiness. After a month break in South Korea, he hopes to start practicing in Las Vegas where his fiancé will also start her pediatric dental residency. He is eager to find out what the future has in store.

Dr. Adam Rodriguez is originally from Pomona, CA and received his Bachelor's degree from Duke University. He then earned his DDS degree from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) where he received multiple honors in his clinical and didactic coursework. Upon graduation, Dr. Rodriguez served as a dental director at an FQHC for three years (where he fell in love with the pediatric dental specialty) and taught courses as a volunteer faculty member at California Northstate University, College of Dental Medicine. Dr. Rodriguez enjoys mentoring students interested in dentistry, as he believes it is vitally important to mentor the next generation of students interested in the dental profession. As he prepares to graduate from his dual pediatric dental residency and Masters of Public Health programs, Dr. Rodriguez looks forward to moving to either Las Vegas, Nevada, or the Inland Empire, California, to continue his work in pediatric dentistry. He is extremely grateful for his time at UCLA, and is excited to utilize his new skill sets soon treating patients and their families out in the community!

Dr. Aundrea Goodman is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, but SoCal is her second home. Her journey into dentistry started right after high school. As a registered dental assistant in San Diego, CA, she fell in love with the challenges and rewards of dentistry. She relocated back to Little Rock after having two children, where she finished her undergraduate degree in biology at the University of Arkansas Little Rock. Outside of her career in dentistry , Aundrea enjoys spending time with her children, traveling, high intensity workouts, and trying new foods. As a parent of a child on the autistic spectrum, this had a strong influence as to why she chose to pursue a career in pediatric dentistry during her matriculation of dental school at Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry. She feels that it is invaluable for parents with children on the spectrum to have medical professionals who provide high-level and specialized care required for their child. Aundrea looks forward to sending her second child off to college soon and using the tools she has acquired during residency to practice in the state of California.



Dr. Marivic (Mar) De Leon was born and raised in the Bay Area, CA. She graduated from Loyola University Chicago where she studied Biology and English. Dr. De Leon pursued her dental training at Roseman CODM in Utah where she held various leadership positions and was very active in community service. Her passion for service inspired her to become the co-founder of Smile Station, the first event in Salt Lake City aiming to improve the oral health of children with special health care needs. Upon graduation, she earned the Humanitarian Award and Distinguished Advocacy Award.

Dr. De Leon is excited to complete her residency training at UCSF while simultaneously having earned her MPH degree. She was privileged to serve as the chief resident in her final year, as well as a CSPD Warren Brandli Intern. She won third place in the CSPD research competition for her project titled “Cone Beam CT (CBCT) Aided Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Anterior Supernumerary Teeth in Children” graciously funded by the CSPD Foundation. Dr. De Leon also completed an MPH fieldwork project with the San Francisco Department of Public Health, investigating caries rates and intervention programs among school aged children. Apart from her career goals, Dr. De Leon loves watching sports, going to concerts, running, cooking, and exploring new places. She will miss living next to the Golden State Warriors and SF Giants stadiums as she and her husband relocate to Las Vegas after residency for a new adventure before settling back in the Bay Area long term.

Dr. Omid Mirfendereski was born and raised in San Jose, California. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. He obtained his DDS degree from UCSF, where he was inducted into the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society upon graduation. During dental school, Dr. Mirfendereski was very active in organized dentistry, holding leadership positions in the local AAPD chapter, local ADEA chapter, and local and districtwide ASDA chapters. He was also very involved in Children’s Health Hut, an organization providing free oral screenings and fluoride varnish to children, and the Children’s Night Clinic, an after-hours clinic providing free preventive care to children without insurance.

What drew Dr. Mirfendereski to pediatric dentistry was the opportunity to teach children healthy habits that they could practice throughout their lives, as well as the opportunity to address conditions that have a significant impact on children’s quality of life and self-esteem. Dr. Mirfendereski remained at UCSF for his three-year pediatric dentistry residency program, simultaneously completing a Master of Public Health degree. His Master of Public Health fieldwork project involved planning a mobile dental program for Trinity County, a rural county in northern California. Dr. Mirfendereski hopes to practice in the Bay Area after graduating from residency and plans to pursue board certification. What he looks forward to most is interacting with patients and their family members and trying to leave a positive mark on the community.

Dr. Jessica Chiang is proud to call Northern California home, with connections to both Pennsylvania and Georgia. She completed her undergraduate studies, earning a B.S. in Psychobiology from UCLA in 2015, followed by an M.S. in Oral Biology in 2017.

During her time at UCLA's dental school, where she passionately supported the Bruins, Jessica focused on mastering dentistry while also guiding and mentoring pre-dental students as an ASDA Pre-Dental Chair. Driven by her love for education, Jessica took on the role of Director of Basic Dental Principles, overseeing dental lectures and lab components for aspiring dentists. In addition, she dedicated herself to teaching oral hygiene to elementary students through her involvement in Dental Education Outreach, a commitment that earned her the esteemed 2020 Dr. Ronald Mito Award for Professionalism, Leadership, & Service.

After obtaining her DDS in 2021, Jessica returned to the Bay Area to pursue her pediatric dental residency at UCSF. Upon graduating from her residency program, she is excited to serve the dynamic community of the East Bay Area. Outside of her professional endeavors, Jessica enjoys exploring culinary experiences, nurturing her entrepreneurial spirit, playing pickleball, and staying active with pilates.

16 SUMMER 2024

Dr. Tanner Olson was born and raised in the upper Midwest. After graduating high school in North Dakota, he received his B.A. in Psychological Science from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota. During undergrad, he discovered his love for dentistry after working as an anesthesia assistant at a busy local OMFS practice. After college, he excitedly left winter behind and moved to the west coast to attend dental school at UCSF.

During dental school, he worked for the Office of Admissions serving as their Outreach Assistant for two years. He also held active positions in several campus organizations including SPEA, CPHA, and GSDA, and completed a summer research project at Stanford University studying sinus lifts using murine models. During residency at UCSF, Dr. Olson completed his MS in Oral and Craniofacial Sciences and completed a research project studying the training and work experiences of LGBTQ+ pediatric dentists. He also served as the academic chief resident helping organize the Tuesday afternoon seminar series for his fellow co-residents. In his free time, you can find him petting all the dogs at Dolores Park, taking hot yoga classes, and planning his next trip. Dr. Tanner is excited to be staying on the west coast after residency and looks forward to a career of lifelong learning, service, and fun!

Dr. Mimansa Cholera grew up in India. She moved to the San Francisco Bay Aarea after completing her dental training (BDS) in India. She earned her Master’s in Public Health from UC Davis in 2017. She worked as an Epidemiologist at San Francisco Department of Public Health focusing on children’s oral health in San Francisco before going to the University of Washington where she earned her DDS in 2021.

She loves being able to care for children through her pediatric dental residency at UCSF. She has always been passionate about impacting children’s lives by doing meaningful work that lies at the intersection of clinical and public health. During residency she was able to conduct a randomized controlled trial over two years that focused on identifying non-invasive saliva biomarkers of preventable common chronic diseases in children at a larger scale in San Francisco for elementary age school children. Her research focused on “Saliva Insulin as a Biomarker for Caries, Diabetes and Obesity Risk Factors that can be Reduced by Drinking Water Intervention.” Dr. Cholera will continue collaborating with SFDPH after her residency to further her efforts to reduce barriers to access care and keep progressing her current research at a much larger scale. She will be joining the CSPD board as a Warren Brandli intern where she wishes to advocate for children’s health and for pediatric dentists. She will continue to serve the children in the Bay Area after her residency.

Dr. Cholera is a proud new mommy to a 2-year-old boy! She enjoys spending time with her son playing in the park,

and spending time in nature with her husband and her family. She lives by her spiritual practice of seeing divine in everyone and everything and spreading light and joy.

Dr. Lillian Dashiell, originally from Berkeley, CA, graduated Magna Cum Laude from Colorado College with a double major in English and Psychology. After working as a residential counselor for institutionalized youth, she completed a post-baccalaureate program at Mills College in Oakland, CA before matriculating to the University of California, San Francisco for dental school. Dr. Dashiell worked for a number of years in private practice before pursuing her dream of pediatric dentistry, and she has loved being a resident at UCSF’s pediatric dentistry residency program at La Clinica in Oakland, CA.

In dental school, Dr. Dashiell served as President of UCSF’s Student Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists for two years and received the Ted Hall, Clinton P. Ulrich and Craig Memorial scholarships for scholastic achievement. Dr. Dashiell’s current research in residency involves cariogenic analysis of the school-based menus at Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) preschools. She hopes to continue her collaboration with OUSD after residency.

Dr. Dashiell lives in Oakland with her husband and three children and plans to practice in the Bay Area, CA. When not at work, she can generally be found at the Oakland Zoo checking out the bears, giraffes, and baboons, skiing, or just cuddling with the kids!

Dr. Neil Franklin was born and raised in Southern California. He attended UCLA where he received his undergraduate degree in Economics. As a double bruin, Dr. Franklin then went on to receive his DDS at UCLA. After dental school, he completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) residency in Santa Barbara, CA, before moving to San Francisco to complete his pediatric residency at UCSF.

Outside of dentistry, Dr. Franklin loves to surf, play pickleball, and practice yoga. He ultimately hopes to bring a positive and flexible personality to a private practice in either Southern or Northern California.



Dr. Arusha Bhatia was born and raised in Northern Virginia. She moved out to the west coast to attend dental school at Western University of Health Sciences and completed her pediatric specialty training at USC and Children’s Hospital of Orange County. She is passionate about community outreach and helping serve those in underserved communities. She plans to continue living in Southern California after graduation and plans to work for a nonprofit dental clinic and in private practice. In her free time, Dr. Bhatia loves to spend time with her husband and labradoodle exploring California. They enjoy trying new restaurants, hiking, and traveling.

Dr. Roshni Desai is an Orange County native who completed her dental training at the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health and completed her pediatric specialty training at USC and Long Beach- Miller Children’s Hospital. Dr. Desai has an interest in working in a private practice setting after graduation while staying involved with academia, organized dentistry, and public health volunteer events. Dr. Desai loves being outdoors in her free time- her hobbies include yoga/pilates, hiking, and live music. Dr. Desai plans to practice in the Orange County/Los Angeles region post-graduation.

Dr. Angela Navas was born and raised in Bellevue, WA although both her parents were native to California, so she was no stranger by the time she arrived in California in 2014. She received her bachelor’s degree from UCLA, DDS from UOP School of Dentistry, and completed her pediatric specialty training at USC and Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Dr. Navas has an interest in treating patients with special needs, increasing access to care for underserved and underprivileged communities, and staying involved in organized dentistry and academia. She plans to practice in the greater Los Angeles area while residing in the city of Carson. Dr. Navas loves spending time with family and friends, seeing her favorite musicians in concert, DIYing her home, and traveling around the world to experience new places, cultures, and foods.

Dr. Padideh Nazarian is a Los Angeles native and proud Triple Trojan (Fight on!) who completed her undergraduate, dental school, and residency at USC. During her residency at Children's Hospital Los Angeles and USC, she found a passion for working with medically complex children, an experience that enriched her understanding of patient care and reinforced her dedication to serving her community. When she's not restoring smiles, you can find her exploring LA's vibrant neighborhoods finding the best iced coffee in town. Dr. Nazarian is dedicated to her profession and her community, striving to make a positive impact in the field of dentistry while embracing the vibrant culture of Los Angeles.

Dr. Katelyn Ordway was born and raised in Southern California. She received her B.S. degree in Biology from Point Loma Nazarene University. After college, she scribed in local emergency departments, managed the front office at a start-up urgent care in Redondo Beach, CA, and embarked on multiple international medical mission trips. It was in Nicaragua, assisting local dentists, where she discovered her passion for dentistry. Dr. Ordway went on to receive her D.D.S. degree from Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and completed her pediatric specialty training at USC and Children’s Hospital of Orange County. She plans on working in Loma Linda, CA until her husband completes residency before moving across the country to settle down in The Sunshine State, Florida. Dr. Ordway enjoys working out, playing frisbee with her aussie, Tripp, and spending time with friends and family. She looks forward to serving her community as a Pediatric Dentist.

Dr. Minnah Sheikh received her DMD at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine. She is currently completing her pediatric specialty training at USC and Long Beach Memorial Care Hospital. Dr. Sheikh wishes to stay involved in organized dentistry and hopes to increase access to dental care for underprivileged children, especially those with medical complexities, from coast to coast! She also really enjoys helping children desensitize to the dental environment to make it much more enjoyable for them! Some of her favorite outdoor activities include traveling, snowboarding, and playing basketball, tennis and volleyball. When she stays in, she likes to paint, draw, sculpt and pyrograph. Dr. Sheikh plans to practice in California.

18 SUMMER 2024

Dr. Paul Suh earned his DMD from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and will be completing his pediatric specialty training at USC/Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Suh is particularly interested in helping patients with special needs and likes to stay up to date via the latest podcasts. Dr. Suh hopes to continue serving the communities that he is a part of by joining hospitals, universities, and all kinds of practices when he completes his residency. He also enjoys cooking and trying new restaurants. He is open to practicing in almost any area, but his family does reside in the Los Angeles area.

Dr. Gainly To, a San Jose native, received her DDS from UCSF School of Dentistry and completed her pediatric specialty training at USC and Children’s Dental Health Clinic in Long Beach. Dr. To has an interest in treating children in underserved populations and providing the highest quality oral care for children in her community. She is excited to practice pediatric dentistry and make lifelong relationships with families as she creates positive experiences for young children. Dr. To loves traveling, trying new foods, baking banana bread, and running on the beach.

Dr. Melissa Wong was born and raised in Sacramento, California. She attended UC Davis for her undergraduate education, and decided to travel to the east coast where she earned her dental degree at NYU College of Dentistry. After dental school, she completed her advanced pediatric dental training at the University of Southern California and Long Beach Memorial/ Miller Children’s Hospital. Dr. Wong hopes to provide comprehensive quality care to underserved populations, emphasizing prevention and education. She aims to stay in Southern California and work in private practice and academia in the future. Dr. Wong enjoys dancing, baking, and traveling; but her true love is her dog, Petey.



Santos Cortez, DDS, CDAF Board Member and Trinity Clinic Team Leader

The California Dental Association Foundation will host a CDA Cares clinic October 9-12, 2024, in Weaverville, CA in collaboration with the California Office of Oral Health, Trinity County Office of Education and Trinity County Local Health Department.

This clinic will provide free dental treatment for about 350 children ages 5-9 years old who are enrolled in kindergarten through third grade in Trinity County, a rural area in Northern California. All children treated at the clinic will be provided with a dental home for ongoing care.

This call to action seeks to engage dentists and dental assistants who are comfortable volunteering to treat young children and work in a fast-paced dental setting using portable equipment (Aseptico). The five-chair clinic will have chair-side dental assistants, an instrument sterilization technician, and nonclinical volunteers to manage patient intake and exit.

Volunteer transportation, lodging and meal costs for the event will be covered. Preferably, volunteers should commit to the full four-day clinic due to the clinic’s location, but this is not a requirement. The clinic will be held from Wednesday, October 9, through Saturday, October 12. Volunteers will be transported via caravan to Weaverville from Sacramento on Tuesday, October 8, to begin clinic setup and will return to Sacramento Sunday morning. Volunteers may also transport themselves.

To volunteer or to learn more about CDA Cares Trinity County, please email CDA Foundation Manager Marissa Allen at Marissa.Allen@cda.org. All volunteer licenses must be in good standing with their appropriate licensing board. I can speak from experience that volunteering at CDA Cares is a rewarding experience as it provides muchneeded dental care to children throughout California and helps improve their oral health. Let’s pitch in! Your volunteer spirit, skills, and willingness to work hard will be greatly appreciated.

If you are unable to participate, but would like to contribute to the CDA Foundation, please consider donating online.

20 SUMMER 2024


This is a brief update since my last report to CSPD for the Spring Bulletin. Our Board meeting during the CSPD meeting in Palm Desert had a packed agenda. The main order of business was the Board’s vote of approval of the Strategic Plan that has been worked on since October 2023. Dr. Mitch Poiset (Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee) presented the outline of the plan with input from Mr. Paul Amundsen, who led the group through this process. The plan was approved by the WSPD Board. Our updated Bylaws were also approved by the Board and will be circulated to the WSPD members for review and hopefully approval at the May AGM.

Our Board welcomed Drs. John Rutkauskus, Scott Cashion, Scott Smith, Jacob Lee (outgoing Trustee) and Don Schmitt (incoming Trustee). Their reports, advice and attendance were very helpful to our members. We are also happy to have two new California representatives on our Board, welcome to Drs. Ella Saeed and Pardis Farhadian.

As I mentioned in the Spring Bulletin, Dr. Rob McAlpine will become President in May during the Toronto District Caucus. Rob is a native Alaskan - born and raised in Valdez along the beautiful waters of Prince William Sound. He completed his pediatric dentistry residency at Lutheran Medical Center and then looked for an underserviced area to open a practice. He settled on the Kenal Peninsula and opened his practice in Soldotna. When he is not in the office, Rob enjoys spending time with family and friends, fishing in the waters of Prince William Sound, traveling to new places and playing his favorite sport, basketball. Rob is also the king of the grill and has won a few barbecue competitions!

Looking forward to seeing many WSPD and CSPD members in Toronto!



Dear Colleagues and Members of the WSPD,

I am honored to introduce myself as the President-Elect of the Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry with a term starting in May of 2024. Hailing from a small town in Alaska, I bring a unique perspective to the field of pediatric dentistry and I am dedicated to promoting excellence in oral healthcare for children in the Western region.

The Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry is dedicated to advancing the education and practice of pediatric dentistry through collaboration, research, and advocacy. Our organization strives to provide our members with the resources and support they need to excel in their careers and provide the best care for their young patients. Dr. Felicity Hardwick has done an amazing job during her year as President, and I can only hope to continue adding on to those wonderful achievements.

As a small-town pediatric dentist, I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with providing dental care in rural and underserved communities. I am excited to work with all of you to continue to elevate the standards of pediatric dentistry in the Western region and to make a positive impact on the oral health of children in our communities, both big and small. Together, we can achieve great things and ensure that every child receives the dental care they deserve.

I look forward to meeting and collaborating with each of you in the coming months and years as we work together to further the mission of the Western Society of Pediatric Dentistry.



Dr. Donald Schmitt – Incoming AAPD Western District Trustee (2024-2027)

First, I want to thank you all for your support. It is truly an honor to be elected to serve as AAPD Western District Trustee (2024-27). I would also like to recognize the exemplary work done by Dr. Jacob Lee while serving two separate stints as AAPD Western District Trustee (his full first term and then completing over half of the most recent term when asked by then AAPD President Dr. Amr Moursi to fill the vacancy. Dr. Lee’s appointment was later enthusiastically and unanimously ratified by the WSPD Board of Trustees). In recognition of his valuable contributions and his dedication to pediatric dentistry, Dr. Lee will be awarded the AAPD’s Merle Hunter Leadership Award at the upcoming Annual Session in Toronto. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor Dr. Lee! As noted below, Dr. Lee has also been nominated for AAPD Secretary-Treasurer so we will all continue to benefit from Dr. Lee’s leadership for years to come. On a personal note, I would like to thank Jacob for his wisdom, support, and friendship over the past 25 years.

In addition to Dr. Lee, the Western District has a rich history of producing accomplished Trustees. Previous Western District Trustee Dr. John Gibbons (who has served as President of the Washington State Dental Association and is currently running for elected office in the state of Washington) has provided me with invaluable encouragement and guidance over the years. Dr. Santos Cortez (namesake of CSPD’s Graduate Student Legislative Advocacy Internship) and Dr. Jade Miller (current AAPD co-Congressional Liaison) serve as tremendous role models as I begin my journey as your Trustee. I can only aspire to approach their level of leadership and contribution to our profession.

In early March, the AAPD held its annual Pediatric Oral Health Advocacy Conference in Washington D.C. The event has grown considerably over the years to the point the AAPD may have to relocate to a larger hotel next year. It’s a great experience for the residents to learn about the value of organized dentistry and to interact with Congressional staff regarding issues integral to pediatric dentistry. The AAPD underwrites a large portion of the costs, but I also want to thank both the CSPD and the CSPD Foundation for their financial support of the residents. CSPD Public Policy Advocate Dr. Amber Nierode did a wonderful job organizing the mentors and residents from all the residency programs across California. Thank you, Amber!

Members in the Western District are encouraged to reach out to me (dschmitt425@gmail.com) at any time with ideas, questions,

or concerns. I look forward to serving as your AAPD Western District Trustee over the next three years.

The AAPD Board of Trustees held a winter meeting on January 25th, 2024. The minutes are now available at, https://www.aapd.org/resources/member/governance/

The following are a few notables from the minutes:

1. Approved the proposed language changes of the AAPD Constitution and Bylaws Committee to allow electronic voting of present and virtual attending members during the General Assembly of the AAPD as requested by the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

My personal commentary: Both the CSPD and the California Dental Association had negative experiences with electronic voting during COVID which led to significant issues in both organizations. The CSPD Board of Directors has subsequently reviewed electronic voting and decided not to pursue it due to multiple factors including the value of in person communication and discussion as well as the extreme cost and technical difficulties involved in assuring a proper vote.

2. Approved the Board’s recommendation to vote NO on the proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws regarding electronic (remote) voting at the general assembly, as brought forth by the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

3. Approved the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on handling social media as proposed by the Committee on Communications.

4. As previously promised by Dr. Lee, this approval streamlines social media for greater promotion of pediatric dentists as specialists to the general public. Please send to Ms. Caitlin Kepple at AAPD (ckepple@ aapd.org) any clips promoting pediatric dentists.

5. Accepted the Nominations Committee’s Oral Report as presented. Proposed slate of officers:

Dr. Vineet Dhar - ABPD Director

Dr. Jennifer L. Cully - Academic At-Large Trustee

Dr. John Blake - Affiliate Trustee

Dr. Jacob K. Lee - Secretary-Treasurer



MOTION 2024.03.21.01 (VANDER KAM/GIRN): Move to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors March 21, 2024 , as presented. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.02 (POISET/ BUTLER): Move that the appointed CSPD Liaison to the WSPD be a member of the Board of CSPD and may or may not serve also as the CSPD Liaison to the AAPD. The WSPD Liaison will continue to serve as one of four CSPD appointed Directors to the Board of WSPD. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.03 (POISET/ PHAM): Move the recommendation that the Bulletin Managing Editor no longer sit on the Executive Committee be forward to the Governance Committee for study and drafting of necessary bylaws modification(s) to effect this change. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.04 (NGO/ VANDER KAM): Move that CSPD assume a WATCH position on AB 2028. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.05 (VANDER KAM/SABBADINI): Move that CSPD take a position of SUPPORT on AB 2630. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.06 (VANDER KAM/POISET): Move that CSPD take a position of SUPPORT on SB 1369. MOTION CARRIED

MOTION 2024.03.21.07 (PHAM/ VANDER KAM): Move to approve the planned CSPD reception at the AAPD Annual Meeting in Toronto as presented. MOTION CARRIED

26 SUMMER 2024



A complete listing of committee appointments may be found at www.cspd.org


President: Dr. Mitchell Poiset

Vice President: Dr. MyLinh Ngo

Secretary: Dr. Natalie Vander Kam

Treasurer: Dr. Shan Girn

Immediate Past President: Dr. Donald Schmitt


North (2023-2025): Dr. Evan Chang

North (2023-2025): Dr. Helen Mo

South (2023-2025): Dr. Leslie Butler

South (2023-2025): Dr. Catherine Pham

North (2024-2026): Dr. Cheryl Willett

South (2024-2025): Dr. Laura McCormack

At Large (2024-2026): Dr. Pardis Lipkin

At Large (2024-2026): Dr. Ella Saeed


Bulletin Managing Editor: Dr. Chanel McCreedy

Website Editor: Dr. Letitia Edwards

Public Policy Advocate: Dr. Amber Nierode


Dr. Paul Reggiardo


Dr. Daniel Aclan (NYU San Diego)

Dr. Mimansa Cholera (UCSF



Dr. Ava Arshadi (NYU San Diego)

Dr. Berenice Cheng (LLU)


AAPD Western District Trustee: Dr. Jacob Lee

AAPD Liaison: Dr. Catherine Pham

WSPD Liaison: Dr. Pardis Lipkin

Annual Meeting Sponsor Relations

Liaison: Dr. Leslie Butler

CSPD Foundation President: Dr. Rebecca Lee

CSPD Foundation Liaison: Dr. Donald Schmitt

Consultant – Legislative Affairs: Dr. Santos Cortez

Consultant – Dental Board California: Dr. Paul Reggiardo


Dr. Mitchell Poiset

Dr. MyLinh Ngo

Dr. Pardis Lipkin

Dr. Ella Saeed


Diane Skullr, Administrative Operations Manager

April 24-27, 2025

2025 CSPD Annual Meeting Seattle Westin Hotel Seattle, WA

March 12-15, 2026

2026 CSPD Annual Meeting

Hyatt Regency Mission Bay San Diego, CA


Executive Committee: Dr. Mitchell Poiset

Governance: Dr. Donald Schmitt

Membership Services and Credentials: Dr. Natalie Vander Kam

Nominations: Dr. Mitchell Poiset

Annual Meeting: Dr. Oariona Lowe

Budget and Finance: Dr. Shan Girn

Non-Dues Revenue Subcommittee: Dr. Cheryl Willett

Leadership Development: Dr. Carolynn Vuong Schultz

Communications and Publications: Dr. Catherine Pham

Academic Programs Advisory: Dr. Nini Tran

Continuing Education: Dr. Jean Star, Dr. Laura McCormack

Public Policy and Advocacy: Dr. Amber Nierode


Have you been thinking about hiring an associate, but just aren't sure where to look? Or are you finishing your residency soon, and aren't sure where you'd like to live and practice?

The answer is right on the CSPD website. To look at these opportunities and others, go to www.cspd.org

• Opportunities Wanted

• Opportunities Available

• Faculty Positions Available

• Practices for Sale

28 SUMMER 2024

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