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Dnd Homebrew

Torrents of Tormenta The world of Storms Written By: Gwendolyn J. Cierniak


Chapters Chapter 1: World Building - Pages 3-9 Chapter 2: Storm on the Horizon – Pages 11-15 Chapter 3: Things Best Forgotten – Pages 16-19 Map – Page 20 Acknowledgements: Page 21



Tormenta is a world of storms and change. It is a recent addition to the forgotten realms. Much of its history is unknown in the Forgotten era but there has been an effort to reclaim the knowledge of the past. In more recent times the world has gone through a sort of Industrial Revolution. The once feared and destructive storms are now seen as a boon with the discovery of a wonder material known as Zenite. As well as the ability to refine the dangerous lightening born material. The world of Tormenta is one of annual storms. These storms are massive and often destructive forces of nature. Not much is known about the storms and their origin is up for debate by many scholars. These storms originate from a massive storm head to the southwest known as the Storm Vales. The storms then travel over Tempest Ridge or along the coast of the Echoing Wilds twice a month at unpredictable intervals. The potential paths divided by the Echoing Isles. While there are many races in Tormenta the indigenous races are the War forged, Kalashtar and Humans, the most numerous are the humans with War forged and Kalashtar the second and third respectively. History unfortunately is not well remembered.

The Zenians

The Zenians are the previous civilization and original inhabitance of Tormenta. Not much is known about them as little if any records

survived from their time. The era of their downfall is believed to be during the Forgotten Era. The little they do know is from their ruins.


The wonder material known as Zenite is the drive behind machines in Tormenta and is considered a fuel source by many. Without it the mineral starved world would have to outsource material from other realms. Zenite is harvested in the storms from the Storm Vale. They are found in their rawest form in Cragstone. Stone that is created when lightening from these storms hits objects. The stone is then harvested once the storm has passed and taken to factories to refine. But only 20% of the Cragstone contains Zenite, the other 80% contains a coal like material called Chuck, Chuck is often used for furnaces and cheaper steam machines rather than the Zenite fueled ones. The blacksmiths of Tormenta do not know how to use Zenite as a material for weaponry but Zenite

4 weapons do exist from the previous civilization. They are called Zenite Artifacts and are extremely

powerful items with the powers of an unbridled storm.

The Chromore Empire

The strongest of the kingdoms has not always been as it is today. Once two bitter and waring kingdoms, a truce was obtained through a marriage of the human King Leonidas I and Queen Andromeda. The two rulers laid out much of the way the empire runs in the modern-day. The most curious fact is how the military and state were separated. The emperor is in control over all military aspects and the defense of the empire itself as well as arming most of the guards within the capital city and all surrounding towns and villages. More recently they have expanded into workforce related matters as their technological progress grows. The emperor also is the head of Office for a council known as The Silver council. The Silver council is made up of many different high-ranking generals and is

5 the guiding force behind the defense of the empire as well as maintaining law and order. The Empress of the Chrome Imperial empire has control over all legislative actions and government. the Empress presides over a body known as The Crimson council. The council is made up of smaller nobles as well as elected officials from the people and representatives. They are considered the highest court in the land and they create many of the laws of the empire. This council also manages much of the trade that goes on within the city as well as regulating the use of Zenite. Unlike the Silver council this entire council is made up of entirely of Kalashtar. The Silver council is made up of primarily humans. The architecture of the empire is primarily in gothic and Victorian style with aspects of steampunk implemented into the cities. Many of the Spires act not only as decorative aspects but also as a way to redirect lightning during the storms that frequent Tempest Ridge. Often walking through the streets, you will see steam pipes jutting from buildings and in replacement of torches, Zenite and gas-powered lamps line the streets. The citizens and jobs within the Chromore Empire are primarily drawn between the line of human and Kalashtar. Humans typically will have more blue-collar jobs working as either guards or working in factories to make manufactured goods. Kalashtar typically have more white-collar jobs and administration and management roles. You can often find in many factories, there is a Kalashtar overseer/manager with an entire workforce consisting of humans and other races. Other races do live within the empire but not in the same number as Kalashtar and humans.

Art by: ReneAigner


The Ravaria Dynasty As one of the oldest kingdoms the Ravaria dynasty is one of deep history and almost unwavering tradition. once known as the Kelecar dynasty It was a highly xenophobic, isolationist and traditional Kingdom with almost no contact outside their borders. So traditional were the ancient elves that lived there that many of the technological wonders were only introduced a mere decade after their borders opened. The current dynasty, The Ravarias, are the newest and most progressive of the families, the name of the Kingdom changes with the family that rules. A recent civil war that happened only 50 years ago resulted in the change of family and brought the Kingdom to modern times and broke many traditions. The current family even going so far as to outright more of the outrageous and cruel ones. While not popular with the older elves and families the newer generation favors them highly. The Kingdom is run as a patriarchy with one high Mikado. The Mikado rules over both the military and the spiritual side of the Kingdom as well as all legislative aspects. But the Mikado also takes 2 wives to help delegate the burdens if military and religion, one has control over the armies of the current dynasty. The other has control over the spiritual aspects and religion of the dynasty. But the Mikado ultimately has full control of both. The elves of Ravaria live in thick Woods and ancient forests and their architecture is primarily inspired by eastern architecture. But elements of elvish architecture can be more commonly found within their temples. Road traversing their cities you will most likely see towering Spires and pagodas with multiple tiers. With beautiful and colorful tiles, rich woods and semi-precious materials. But behind the facade of beautiful gleaming buildings there is a dark and seedy underbelly. In less reputable and dangerous parts of town the buildings are dull Gray and often in a state of disrepair while traveling through Ravaria you might see remains old battles from the recent civil war.



The people Ravaria are very stuck in their ways more specifically the older folk, that are incredibly traditionalistic and isolationist. You will not often see races that are not of some kind of fey because of the political instability of the current times. But people still do travel there despite the danger to pray at their grand temples or to trade with the fey folk. The younger generation will be more warmly welcoming than the older generation of elves. It is of equal mix of younger and older in aristocratic positions. Because of Ravaria’s recent entry into the modern world technology is seen as something of a novelty.


Art by: Kormn (ART IS NOT MINE)

The Kingdom of Mizark

The Kingdom of Mizark is the 2nd oldest of the four kingdoms within Tormenta. Though the notion that it is a Kingdom is a bit of a misnomer as it is more of a conglomerate of city states. The ruler of this conglomerate is known as the Potentate. The Potentate controls major decisions that affect all of the kingdoms. He also serves as a mediator between different city states if a scuffle breaks out. He is also the leading figure in trade as the majority of the Kingdom is geared towards trade and mercantile activities. The caste is built in eight sections, the lowest and largest are the slaves, the slaves have no rights and are treated as property. Usually, slaves are prisoners of war or people sold into slavery. But some are criminals given lifetime punishments or escaping debtors. The second caste are peasants, they work the lands of Mizark. They can live on a land for a tax in the form of food, livestock or coin. They are uneducated but hard working and live a simple life. The third caste are lower artisans, carpenters, bakers, coopers. People who make small things or are builders. The fourth cast are middling artisans, these are people who make clothing, shoes or semi fine jewelry. The also make small goods like a religious totem or horseshoes and weaponry. The fifth caste are lords. Lords look over the small towns and villages within the lands of Mizark, they are like administrators to the higher castes.

9 The sixth cast are higher artisans, they make fine jewelry and goods, they make the fine products that distinct higher and lower caste, they along with the lords and middling artists make up what is seen as the middle class but these high artists also carry out the will of the merchants on the Lords and lower caste. The seventh caste are Merchants, these merchants are ones who do the actual trading with the world along with the eighth caste. The eighth caste regulates the trading and are knowns as the high lords. The Potentate is not considered a part of the caste as it’s a elected position rather than one born into. People call it the “Kings Caste”. The architecture of the Kingdom is a combination of classic dwarven architecture with art deco flair to it. Tall spires dominate the cities above ground, below ground is a different story. More traditionalistic, the buildings are carved from the rocks of the caves inhabited with winding halls of stone and precious metal and stones decorating much of the surfaces. The spires of the cities are crisscrossed with stone bridges and elevated stone platforms. For cities of stone the spires of Mizark look to be levitating in midair but it is instead clever architecture. Dwarves, despite their greed are master craftsmen.

Art By: Riot (ART IS NOT MINE)

The Voltogs The Voltogs are the third oldest but least developed of the factions in Tormenta. They are warriors and move with their prey and with the work. The only semi-permanent settlements are Cragsborog and Dragoon. They are more small stop overs and small farming villages than proper cities and towns. The Voltogs are most notable for the taming and riding of hippogriffs and a small number of griffins. They excel in mounted combat and the art of

10 war, many of the orcs are warriors and mercenaries. Their hierarchy is rudimentary with the strongest as their ruler. The leader of the tribe (Kzar) is decided at a yearly moot between the tribes. This moot is when all tribes meet at Cragsborogh, and a series of small competitions start within the tribes. The main tribes are each known for a certain aspect of battle. The main three are the Larro, Kulruzah and the Gizkin Kan. The Larro khan is all about two handed weaponries, the Gizkin is all about mounted combat and the Kulruzah is about ranged weaponry. The competition is over when there is only one left standing. This individual is then the leader of the tribe. The only way to win these competitions is through hand-to-hand combat to even the playing field. The moot is also a time of information exchange and trading and marriage. It reinforces the mentality of family between the Voltog Orcs. The Architecture of the Voltogs is primarily based on mobility, often using yurts, teepees and other tent like structures in their mobile villages. Their architecture is very tribal and is a mixture of classic orc, native American and Mongolian architecture. The canvases of the tents are often painted with the achievements of the one who owns it and an orc is not considered an adult until they craft their own tent. The Voltog orcs who leave their tribe or born outside of the tribe find themselves as adventurers or mercenaries as their brutish nature is best suited for it. But not all end up as warriors, some end up as craftsman, or in construction or even as a bard or another artistic trade in uncommon cases. The Voltogs are one of the few factions where women are treated with some equality in both law and social standing.


The following pages contain the first adventure to this D&D world! Please have fun and make the beginning of this adventure your own! -Gwendolyn J. Cierniak


Storm on the Horizon Introductions: The story starts with the city of Dimpost with a man by the name of Luka Dhofar. A new island cotenant has been discovered within the storm vales. A place believed to be rich with a wonder material known as zenite. But also, the location of the fabled city of Lost Light. The ruined capitol of the mysterious Zenians, an ancient people who worshiped a mysterious deity and whose ruins can be found all over the world of Tormenta. DM: The way the players are introduced is that they are either hired muscle/brain or they snuck their way into the expedition. Or were hired on as healers in case of injury or death. The starting level is 3 or whatever you see fit. Luka Dhofar is a charlatan, posh and stuck up. He is the last of the old and wealthy family of Dhofar. A self-proclaimed expert of ancient history, while he knows the basics, he knows little of anything else but to try and prove himself he often takes expeditions into the dangerous ruins that dot Tormenta’s landscape, all usually end with most of the expeditions wounded, sickened, or killed in some way. Strangely he always seems unharmed when the expedition concludes despite his hands on approach. DM: Everyone and their mother knows that Luka is a charlatan, but none really stop him as he is mostly harmless, and people will generally join the

13 expeditions for monetary or knowledge gains. So, it is ok read the description out loud to the players. Luka has slicked back black hair and a well-groomed goatee. He is always seen dressed in fine clothes with a button up shirt with black sleeve garters, a black and navy vest with a diamond geometric design is worn over his shirt, navy blue fine pants and cyan ascot and black leather shoes complete the look. He always has a rapier strapped to his hip. It is ornate, made of steel and gold. His eyes are a warm honey color. He is 5ft 4in, DM: Luka is super annoying and touchy. He’s like a perpetual child, constantly touching things and stumbling into danger. He hates the word ‘no’ and will become petulant when told so. For his voice use the most annoying voice you can think a human male like him would have.

Session 1: The trip was treacherous but somehow you made it through the deadly Storm Vales. Between the rolling seas, the ever-present threat of lightning strikes and with how many leaks sprang on the boats it’s a small miracle that no one is dead. Yet. The expedition lands on a desolate beach. Fog obscures everything, you can only see twenty feet in front of you. The sky flashes and rolls with thunder often and loudly yet no rain falls. There seems to be nothing on this isle. Just grey rock and black, craggy mountains as far as one can see. (Perception Check: 15) Pass: You see a red light in the distance. Its feint, blood red and towards the southeast. Fail: You see fog, and more fog. So much fog…oh and the beach camp. Luka: Welcome to Deadhaven my Friends! The lost cotenant of the Zenians! Set up camp and we’ll be off! I am looking for a large city towards the south! Come! We’re off to adventure!!! (Points to the player characters) You lot, follow me, while the camp is to be set up, we will go and explore this vast and ancient wasteland. (Starts to walk off in indicated direction or the wrong direction.) DM: Encounters are typically wind and storm elementals, though mostly you’ll find specters, ghosts, and storm ghouls (Same as normal ghouls but with an immunity to electricity and a shocking grasp cantrip). Though adventurers might encounter Storm Cockatrice (Cockatrice with immunity to electricity and a shocking grasp within bite attack) and maybe a Displacer Beast as well.


A few hours of the day are spent hiking through a desolate wasteland of black jagged mountains and rolling hills of grey soil and the occasional ruin of a tiny village. Rolling thunder with flashes of blue/black lightening, dense fog, thick cloud cover and the hair-raising scent of ozone accompany the desolation of the Deadlands. Eventually the expedition party finds an ancient road of half buried cobble flanked on each side with weathered black stone. In the distance is what looks like a gigantic mountain of multiple, scraggly peaks. The fog moves with a strong gust of wind to reveal a ruined and ancient city. Blood red lights blink in and out within the depths of the city as fog rolls in between the ruined buildings and sky-scraping towers making it impossible to tell how large the city is. Luka: By the Crimson Crowns! This is Lost Light! I found it! It’s here! It’s here! Come my intrepid friends! I Luka Dhofar shall lead us into this place!! I can almost feel it! This place was important! It practically thrums with power! Luka runs off towards the city. The others follow intending to study/loot or ensure their paycheck doesn’t die. This interior of the city is just as desolate as the landscape it rests in. The streets of cobble are empty with grey soil and sand piling in places. Occasionally a decayed skeleton is seen on the ground or next to a wall. Blue/black lightening streaks above them in the sky and in between the towers and sky-scraping buildings. Many entrances into buildings are collapsed or look like they might do so at any second. There are three ways further into the city, Dhofar took the one to the right, and there is on in front and to the left. To the right there is what looked like an old grand temple. The exterior is badly damaged, and many skeletons lie before the entrance but with how decayed they are its impossible to tell what they were doing before they died. All the windows are completely broken, shattered, or filled with grey sand. Its once domed roof and imposing fescad now broken and crumbling.


15 Upon entering the temple, you see a massive statue, practically larger than life but falling apart pathetically. A skylight within the large domed structure illuminates the statue. Luka stands just before a alter with glowing blue, craggy stones upon it. He looks up at the statue inquisitively and furiously writing down things in his journal as if trying to decipher a riddle or mystery the statue holds. Once grand and expensive wooden furniture lies broken and decayed. Chandeliers hang dejectedly from the tall ceiling or broken on the floor more skeletons litter the inside more numerous than outside the structure all decayed and crumbling to dust. At the base of the statue sits a large pile of glowing blue ore known as Zenite (DC: 10 arcana to figure it out.) Luka will walk towards the Zenite as if in a trance. (DC: 18 Investigation to see the pit trap under the Zentie and the old bomb traps on the statue itself) Luka trips the trap, and the place blows up and crumbles forcing the party deeper into the temple underground as the door and ceiling collapses. That or party falls into hole from temple floor crumbling. OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION The Left path brings you to the ruins of a large glass building. Its entire top half is missing, broken and shattered glass lies everywhere along with some skeletons. Books and pages lie ruined, burned and torn into tiny fragments. Piles of them litter the inside of the ruins themselves. Investigation: They will find that the books contain information about the city though much of the text is illegible. (DC: 16 to read info.) The city of ------ our home--------destroyed it. I write this down in hopes that others will return one day. ---------- Refuse to leave! This is my ---------- I will not abandon it! Pages are missing ------------foolish to think we could go back, that I could live ------- My beloved -----is lost--------destroyed by him. What have we done--------------- We loved him, worshiped him? --------- those like me who find this. Turn --------- do not return to this graveyard. The once light of the --------- is lost.


OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION OTHER DIRECTION The Path forward brings you to what looks like a towering spire, entering it reveals a once grand lobby with stairs and strange looking tubes that stretch on to what looks like the top of the structure. Its primarily made of huge glass panes, many of which are broken. Many decayed skeletons litter the floor. Ruined mosaics of city life line some of the walls and small 20ft tall stone structures in the middle of the room. Some are shattered spilling the grey, dead soil contained within. Once beautiful tile work on the floor now covered in grey sand. Cracked and abused from time and neglect. A broken grand staircase encircles the strange tubes leading to an upper level. Perception: DC: 15 to notice the pack of displacer beasts. (3-5 total) Upon ascending the stairs, you find what looks to be a garden lobby long destroyed and forgotten. A stone bar lies broken in two pieces before large keg sized metal barrels behind it. The barrels are rusted and dull, their contents long gone. Tables lie broken and flipped along with chairs. Beautiful, smooth delicate, ruined arches hold up the ceiling. Large holes in the ceiling let the dull light through. The tile that once covered the ceiling lies in small piles on the floor. While the floor is cracked and broken in some places. Investigation: DC: 16 to find some jewelry and some ancient coins made of gold. Also, to notice the large claw marks on the floor and what look to be burned spots from lightening. There is also two storm Cockatrices that have taken up residence within the building. Upon defeating them the player discover a palm sized tablet of black metal etched with strange glowing blue runes. This runed tablet is used to unlock an easier way around a trapped area within the temple catacombs.



Session 2: Things Best Forgotten ONLY PLAY IF CHARACTER HAVE GONE THROUGH THE FLOOR IN THE TEMPLE The players were knocked out in the fall from the main floor to what looked to be a large catacomb. Tombs line the walls and an underground stream has cut right through this place. Though it looks like the tomb has been here longer than the small water source. It is dark, those without dark vision can’t see in there Dhofar’s screaming wakes up the players. He is shouting “Confound it all! I’m a nobleman not a fighter! Shoo Shoo! Away with you!” He is on the upper level of the tomb haphazardly swinging at storm ghouls. Upon saving him “By the Crimson Crowns is it good to see you, my compatriots! We seem to be in a bit of a pickle but do not fear for Luka Dhofar, Explorer Extraordinaire shall find us a way out!” she runs over to a lever, flips it, and a gated door is opened. “I will find a way to reach you my friends, see if you can meet me halfway.” He runs off saying “Adventure awaits!” Then a terrified scream and a loud ‘BIIZZZZAAAP’ Then more screaming as he runs away. As they make their way through the catacombs, they occasionally see Dhofar.    

He is either running from storm ghouls Dodging small bone Nagas Resting a brief moment Hiding from what looks like a massive, shadowy shape. The players can hear a faint rattling sound. Like bones.

History: DC: 14 They as well as half destroyed murals depicting what looks like the god of the Zenians fighting then being destroyed. But what happened after the god was defeated is gone. The mural were destroyed.


(Read when you reach area 10) Upon exploring the catacombs, you eventually find a large room. Within this room is a crystalline alter. Floating above this alter sits a larger, deep purple crystal in the vague shape of a human heart but it has jagged shapes indicating that there is another half. Its pulses with a otherworldly blue light. The room it sits in looks like a grand chapel. Once beautiful mosaics cover the walls mostly destroyed but their grandeur still apparent with the semi-precious stones and metals used to make them. The walls are ornately decorated with a smooth yet elegant design with sweeping curves and geometric shapes. As the party explores a rumble rattles the floor (DC 12 dexterity save to remain standing) With a blast of mud, rock and stone a massive bone serpent erupts from the ground. Its empty sockets glowing with a malicious red purple orb. Its piercing stare directed at the party. It rears back and lets out a roar that echoes in the massive chamber green, acrid venom spitting from its mouth in fat drops. A green gem shines inside its chest, glowing a sickly green, whisps of the green energy seems to wrap itself into the body of the undead beast. Looks like its none to happy with the intruders in its home…. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT


Art By: Gwen C.

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Luka joins the party after the Bone Serpent is dead, exiting from a door. Screeches and screams heard behind it, Dhofar looks a little worse for wear but it otherwise perfectly fine. He looks to the crystal almost memorized. DM: if the players do nothing Luka reaches out but quickly snap out of it, if they stop him, he snaps out of it and apologizes for his peculiar behavior. “Well…. this is a strange but morbid sight…Yet I cannot tear my gaze away! Do you not feel the power this thing radiates!” says Luka, he paces around the plinth with the floating crystal. DM: DC 13 perception check to see him start to reach out to the crystal Success: (The Player) sees that Dhofar is reaching out, his eyes are strangely dark, his eyes an unnatural blue. Small sparks of blue-black electricity

21 discharge off near his feet. Dhofar seems unaware as he looks at the crystal heart with a sort of reverence that seems to consume his mind. The party see’s Dhofar reach out and touch the crystal, he screams as electricity dances across his skin as he is lifted in the air. His skin starts to glow cracking and breaking open. Then he then bursts into blue flames and a flash of lightening flashed before the party. The half of the crystal heart is gone along with Luka Dhofar. And their paycheck.

Fail: The party see’s Dhofar screaming as electricity dances across his skin as he is lifted in the air. His skin starts to glow cracking and breaking open. Then he then bursts into blue flames and a flash of lightening flashed before the party. The half of the crystal heart is gone along with Luka Dhofar. And their paycheck.

A massive boom echoes through the complex and the floor cracks and breaks into large chunks and spiderwebbed up the wall making more boulders fall from the wall. As the complex crumbles away, the item it once protected gone in a flash of lightening and the sound of thunder. Boulders and rocks fall from the ceiling soon after. (Players make continuing DEX saves of 14 and each turn it increase it by two. When all players are knocked out (Three fails equal knockout Boulders cand do 1d4/6/8 damage, but cannot be used twice in a row.) then have them roll a CON check, whoever scores the highest wakes up first.) (THE PLAYER) wakes up to a desolate sight. The cavernous area that once contained the crystal heart has been reduced to little more than a pocket barely four feet tall. Small motes of blue-white light float around. You can see your party in various states of unconsciousness, beaten but not severely injured. (Perception Check of 10) Success: You hear the faint sound of rushing water, upon investigation you see the floor has fallen down 15ft, a broken water pipe about 10ft in diameter lies broken at the bottom. One is gushing water while the other

22 directly across from it drains it away. The one that drains has a faint light in the distance. Fail: Your ears are ringing from the sound of the thunder that echoed and the collapse, you see your compatriots groggily waking up. A dim light permeates the area provided by small motes of blue-white lights. (DM: If a player investigates the area they will find the water pipe) (DM: player makes a Religion check of 15. If they fail then the motes of light are just that to them, motes of light creating a low light in the darkness. But if they succeed then they feel like they are in a crowded room. The realize quickly the motes of light are the souls of the departed. They seemed to have protected them from being crushed by the falling cavern.)

You escape the collapsed room by the skin of your teeth, beaten and battered but still alive and whole. You all travel to the light at the end of the tunnel thankful for the fact you’re ok enough to actually be standing. You slosh towards the exit, the events from before leaving the party with more questions than answers…



Artists:  ReneAigner  Kormn  Riot:  ESPi-o  Gwen Cierniak

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