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Hailey Miles Casey Smith Creative Writing 4/17/22

Book final Thought – sketch – line – color – render – finish


Something self-taught, at least most of the time. Maybe, something of a distraction, wait to take action; think it through. A ponder turned predator, wander turned chase; ever been caught with that look on your face? Introspection, like infection, can hurt too. Intrusive and untrusting, wish there was nothing to think about, but keep opening that wound. In this house, rooms are for ruminating, some are shallow, some so long you can’t see the end. See how far you can go before you realize the depth you’re drowning in. Deep down in deliberation it’s you in the distance, but not quite. A reflections revenge, for every thought that’s ravaged your mind. One so far down, you'd think it dark and abandoned but all that was left was you. The one that knows you deserve more, the one that warrants a win at least once in your life. Won't you love it too like it’s done for you all these years, yearning for your understanding while you’re undermining the unlovable self. Desperate for attention, don’t take offense in it’s anger because it’s been wronged so many times before. ... But it’s best not to think about it, right? Because after all, what’s one more.

Ambitious Mind Set in motion a notion That art is what you make it. For ambition is only limited By the borders in which you stake it.

Like a garden you must tend Spend the time and you will find That there is nothing stopping you. And the only thing blocking, true is that you see a cage when You should be seeing the possibilities past the bars. Fly as high as you’ll have them Propelling you to the prospect of An unlimited self

Weighed down only by uncertainty Strengthened by your ambition And willingness to do more.

You’ll fly as long as you believe you can. There will be times you cannot stand The idea of flying and there will be times That you fall. With no sign to try again,

Take a moment to yourself. And give it your all, Or at the very least the best that you can.


Rough at the start, much like us. That isn’t to say it’s weak because its art. Its Part of the reason we begin at all. because we wanted to. we had to. We had no choice in the matter. A start can be stiff, or loose Incorrect, or simply indifferent. Or it can be perfect just the way it is. Who's to say what is good or bad? It is art after all.

The beginning is soft, malleable and with growth it cannot be the same as that first line. But it can be something different, something new. Halfway through you may want to stop. You may want to throw it all away. And that’s okay.

Etching an edict that you’ll keep going anyway. Because what is a story without the journey. What is a play if it has no conclusion? Confusion and frustration is commonplace.

Wanting to be good but not starting with perfection It's frustrating, but all you can do is continue.

See what happens, be it great or not because at the end of the day, It's art.

And what you choose to do with it Is your decision, and yours alone.

Fluidity Fluidity something you'll be sure to see When you go with the flow And let your mind wander

For the sake of breathing life In your bold gestures.

Allowing yourself to sit back And think less

While going with the motion And letting your subject move too through you. Leading to a line of action even with the subject of inaction Dynamic and frozen in the maze of line Just begging to be worked on, Made more refine.

LINES Lines On paper, or canvas, carved in wood or stone. Spoken in a play or drawn in the sand. Here I stand with a line A boundry, one that found me all alone A line of my own design. One I cannot pass for fear of failure. “Don't color outside of the lines” they say Day to day Don’t act out, Don’t be different, Don't be weird, In a world of do’s and do not’s What is left for me to do People and their conflicting views The line gets closer and closer I back up, step by step Progress turned regress. What would it look on the other side? Would I ever know? I want to see it for myself. If I can’t go through, then around Or under could be fun or Maybe I could test the waters Or dive in headfirst, but The worst case is failure

and that’s where the line lives. And I can’t do that. Or that’s what I tell myself. Even if I know I can. It's just a line after all. And I put it there. Maybe I can get rid of it too.

Versatile Lines seen as straight and unform But can be so much more than what you’re looking for. Curved and round, heavy or light weight. A stroke can be as diverse and unique as the person who put it there in the first place. Not always in just one state, Because it too moves to your will. From a pinpoint to a wide edge, You can adjust and misplace any lines on the paper.

Used to identify or make clear The image you have in your mind. Unkind is the line that refuses to be And a wonder is the color that is introduced Or the outline to bring emphasis Keeping it center stage, multitalented and long overdue. We bring these lines together for a celebration. Of how they came to be in the first place And what they’ve become, because what was once wood

Will build the foundation of a house And before you know it, You’ll have a town, One you’ll need to venture on from here Because you’re going places, kid. You just need to keep moving.

COLOR Color Vibrant and beautiful Hue, tint, and shade. Color. some are fortunate enough to experience the spectrum Others only a hue or two The special few only see in value. Black and white What a world to live in. Where we can sit in the sun And bathe in it’s color. The hue and the hueless. Clueless to the colors we still do not perceive. And we would never come to know. How we are seen to others is not the same as how you see them. For my blue sky is mine alone and yours belongs to you. Eyes are like snowflakes. Similar on the surface but different and unique upon closer inspection. Blue, green, brown & black Noone's perception is quite the same. And that’s how it’s meant to be For what is more interesting Then a difference in experience.

And if I could see through your eyes What world would I be in? Because it wouldn’t be my own. But maybe if you’d loan that sight to me I'd come to know mine a little better. Because even the liveliest of colors become ordinary after a while.

Possibilities Color is something I flutter along the page Bringing age with time while mimicking the hands in which your clock holds those moments. Components to a puzzle that is yet to be finished Eyes widened by the information flooding it’s receptors. Vectors a silhouette of saturation to brighten the scape. An escape of the world around Only to surround yourself in the one you made. From color scripts for a show to the walls of your childhood room. I implore you explore the vast universe in which color can be used. A theory all its own, the possibilities are endless.

Render Render Render me defenseless Defaced and debased in this Process Progress is to profess That there will be an end in this Painted and overdone Done over Under the ink is canvas Thread, pixel, flesh There is always a beginning and it can always be better. Painted over until the hue pools over The edges of your canvas Look at what you’ve done As eyes glaze over in pigment What was it meant to be in the first place Have you gone too far? How do you know for sure? When does not enough cross the line into too much Too much to look at Too much to think about Too much to continue So much that it’s best to start again After all this time, Why would you want that?

Let this be a learning opportunity One that you opt for A unity of understanding That enough is enough And you’ll know for next time Because time is precious, and you’ve come so far.

Note-worthy As a means to expand on a work, You've done, thought, sketch, Line and color. determined whether it would be an other. Shown to your mother or followed through. You never know where a render might bring you, Traveling through finalizations like a car on the freeway. All that there’s left to go is through, Continue onward to the mysterious finish. That you get closer and closer still.

For each render is One key in a lengthy line of a music sheet. From the Note-worthy to the repetitive or out of tune, Each line is unique if you let it be. Keep It going and before you know it, A symphony.

Finish Finish Fin. To the content you’re swimming in. Much better than in thought. Or in the lines you made Breaking past boundaries And letting in the colors That you figured out in the end Rendering any doubt defenseless Coming to the finish line you knew you would find. In this plethora of proposals inspiration A school of your own design A culmination of conclusions That bring you right back to the start A process you’ll continue Over and over again Because that’s how it’s meant to be And when you love something How could you let it go? Eventuality be damned Land has never looked sweeter Because what is land without its sea Looking to the ocean of possibility Yearning to tread the tides It's creativity I’m after

And I can’t wait to swim again.

Synonyms Absolute and unchanging, something that cannot be avoided because one way or another it will end whether you like it or not. Be not afraid because you’ve done all that you can, and no one can take that from you. Conclusions are an aftermath of a life worth living, something that without thinking you fall into as gracefully as when you first started. Eager and willing to end and start anew when and where you choose to. Epilogue- is the end to an adventure of insurmountable trials and tribulations; whether in a chosen solitude or surrounded by loved ones, be them found or born into. For what is a play without it’s epilogue, a culmination of a journey unique to the individual and ever changing with the circumstance. Fin- the movie in which you are the star comes to a close, what genre of media did you end up being? Did it change over time? Was it all you dreamt that it would be? Time to take your final bow to an audience of the people who mattered the most in supporting you on this journey. Resolution-The decision to do or do not, a solution to your creative woes and all that life throws at you. You have made your decisions, and while some may know a poor outcome, you stuck to it anyway. Learning from the mess that is resolve. Working your way ever higher in hopes that through those decisions you’ll get where you want to go and I believe in you, hoping that you’ll see it through.

To the end.

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