Mandi's Cats Draft

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For the Love of Cats (Title)

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Table of Contents -

Owner and Cat Relationship (A to Z)


Cat Cuddles (Maybe)

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Owner and Cat Relationship (A to Z)

Affectionate fur-ball

Sweet and innocent ball of fluff curled into himself on my warm lap. Pointed ears twitch ever so slightly in sleep. I can not help but to bask in his love and fall into the temptation to pet his short tuxedo patterned fur.

Blanket hog

The clock says 10:00 p.m. as I stumble my way through the hall and into my room. Upon entry, I slip into my bed, and hope for a good night's sleep. Not even a minute later, I feel the indent in the bed that signals the visit of a furry whiskered friend. A friend who, of which, then buries himself under the blanket, forcing his body to my side like glue. Hardly leaving me any room.


Have you ever had a cat? It’s almost the exact same thing as having a child.

Diva is his middle name

Constant meowing and paw batting. If he asks for the sink to be on so that he may drink? It will be turned on. If he asks for his food bowl to be filled to the brim? It will be filled. Whatever he wants he gets. His tail is wrapped around my finger, I can never say no.

Energy abound

In my hand, I hold a stick that has a toy mouse attached to a string. I have never met an animal who can take pleasure in something so trivial. Yet, I catch myself laughing and smiling along to my cat’s antics, as he leaps, dances, and pounces.

Friends to the end

Cats are loyal to a fault and make great friends. With them, you’ll know you’ll never have to face the world alone.

Gratitude for being there

Thankfully, in having a cat, I instantly feel better on the days that never cease to be stressful. Studies have shown that, while purring and head bunting (the act of a cat rubbing their head against their owner’s head), cats can lower human stress levels. They are like your own little personal therapists.

Hungry feline

If you are thinking about owning a cat, you should heed this warning. Cats will take any chance they can get in obtaining food. It does not matter if it is cat food or table food. Watch your plate and their food bag. You might catch a paw trying to drag one, or the other, away.


Who needs an animal that listens to your every whim? Cats are where it’s at. I value independence, they value solitary. We go together like “two peas in a pod.”

Joker I come home and find shredded papers and books scattered on my bedroom floor. Somebody thought they would have fun and escape a scolding. Well guess what? That is not the case! I can see my cat's head peak out from behind the bookcase, it mirrors his tail, which is hanging low.

Kneading paws

As he sits on my lap, tiny paws knead. The motion copying that of a baker kneading dough. Why does he do this? Well, it's a cat's way of showing thanks, for all that their owner does for them. I have to say, it's quite relaxing. And, after all, who doesn't love a good massage?

Licks to give

My cat enjoys giving “tongue-baths” as a form of love. His rough sandpaper tongue runs over my neck and face, leaving slobbery saliva in every trace.

Moral teacher

Cats are simple animals. They eat and sleep, and as such, they teach a moral that us humans should follow. We all have to take time off and just do nothing for a while. There is only so much that our brains can take.

Nature connoisseur

Through the window, my cat intensely stares at the birds that pass by. When summer comes, and the windows are open, my cat sniffs the warm breeze. His eyes become glazed over, and the sky reflects in them.


If a cat can contort themselves into an impossibly small spot? They will then call that spot their own. It does not matter if it is uncomfortable.


Contrary to what is believed, cats are extremely protective of their owners. If provoked by a stranger, and if their owner is in the room, a cat will attack!

Quality time

I sit down on the recliner couch, put my feet up and grab the remote. What could be better than relaxing and watching T.V.? Oh yeah, I know! My warm furred cat, resting in my lap. He is not unlike a heated blanket.


People ask: Why do you put your cat on a pedestal? Well the answer is quite simple. In the time of the pharaohs, cats were worshipped, as they were descended from the Egyptian goddess known as Bastet.

Snuggle bug

Anywhere I sit, my cat is always right there with me. Always nuzzling into my side, or lap, seeking to regulate his external body heat.

Trust for two

People say that: “Trust is a two way street.” When it comes to owning a cat? That statement could never be more true. Trust, from felines, must be earned. Then, and only then, can an owner say that their cat and them understand each other.

Ultra glowing green eyes

In the dead of night, cat eyes reflect light, thanks to the tapetum lucidum, an important layer of the eye. Their eyes can be compared to “glowing green glow sticks.”

Velvet soft fur

Black and white fur, silky and smooth. Fur as soft as velvet draped fabric, not a matted area to be found.

Wild side walker

You know what's great about cats? Their relatives. Cats are related to such great and wild beasts, like that of lions and tigers. Oh my!

Xmas tree destroyer

It took four hours, but the Christmas tree is finally up and decorated! But, of course, the tree will not stay perfect for long. I turn my back for a second, and I can already hear the clang of ornaments knocking together, as a result of being played with. Mistoffelees, stop!

Yarn fiend

Do not try to knit, weave or sew in the presence of a cat. You will not get any work done. The reason? They will find ways in which to play with your yarn.

Zealous follower

As I walk, I can hear the telltale sign of little cat paws, with claws, clicking and clacking. It seems I have a little follower. A follower who will follow me anywhere. And with them? Personal space is almost impossibly nonexistent.

Cat Cuddles

I could really use

Some cat cuddles...

My hotel room could

Really use some cat cuddles...

My hotel bed could

Really use some cat cuddles...

My hotel bathroom could

Really use some cat cuddles...

I could really use

Some cat cuddles…

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