Paritosh Revised

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Color & Me

I wanted to attach color to my writing to help enhance the viewer’s experience in understanding and enjoying the piece. I personally am a visual learner, so I felt adding color attached another dimension or elevated my writing and made reading it easier. The colors were carefully chosen to match some aspect of the writing mostly personal to me or related to the content itself. Dedicated to everything COVID stripped from me. . .

Valentines Interview Q1. Are you single? Ans. Yes. Q2. Why are you single? Ans. I would like to use my 5th amendment rights to refrain from answering further. Q3. Do you feel stupid being single? Ans. NO, but also yes.... Q4. What is unique about being single? Ans. The knowledge to coach other people’s relationships. Q5. How does it feel to watch your friends not be single? Ans. Good for them, I am proud of how far they've come along! Q6. When do you plan to leave the single life? Ans. When the stars align, the universe shall give me the signal, that's when my time will come. Q6. As a single person, what plans for valentine’s day? Ans. None. What about you? You seem to have time on your hands! Q7. 7 billion people out there and you are still single? Come on! Ans. hahah, I try my best. Can't meet them all, can I!? Q8. Who are you waiting for you single dumbass?!?! Ans. I don't know man!! If I did, I wouldn't be here!!


Water I think water is pretty amazing. Just the fact that there is something that flows and has a mind of its own and cannot be controlled is pretty amazing. And you can drink it? Fantastic.

I like watching it do its own thing. Sometimes I just pour water and just watch it. Does it move or does it stay still? There can only be so much water in one spot. Watching it fill up to the threshold and then just breaking loose to the pressure is splendid. Then once its loose. there's not stopping it from going anywhere. It'll grab onto any nook, crease or crack and just race away. It'll keep going but is eventually limited to the quantity of water present at the moment. That’s where I come in. Adding drops of water at the starting point and watching it push itself to the end to further extend its distance. Fun! The process of water existing on the planet amazes me. Because we exist in just that exact spot where it’s not too hot and not too cold. It’s called the Goldilocks zone and this space makes it possible to have water and life running on the planet. So just act of being so lucky that so many things aligned together for us to exist is mind blowing. Then you even have the whole process of evaporation. The water actually disappears from sight and casually floats into the air to create those beautiful huge clouds. And then falls back down at super-fast speeds but when it hits us it just feels good and refreshing.

Water is an essential for existing and I just cannot see any way around it. It’s crazy that we completely rely on it for literally everything we do. I hope this planet does not get exhausted out of water, but I have no hope the way things are currently going.

Procrastination Step 1: Receive Homework that is due in 7 days Step 2: Decide day and time to do HW on weekend Step 3: Completely forget about assignment Step 4: HW completion day arrives but realize that YouTube is life Step 5: Watch videos that you've already watched 1 billion times Step 6: Might as well do the assignment night before... (laughs) ~ T­Minus 3 Hours before assignment is due ~ Step 7: Checks Populi to remember assignment Step 8: Realizes assignment can be done in 15 minutes Step 9: Opens social media for artificial happiness ~ 11:59 ~ Step 10: ...Panic... Step 11: Starts doing assignment Step 12: Realizes assignment takes longer than expected

Step 13: Submits assignment 4 hours late.

Eyes I am amazed at the concept of eyes. Just what they do for us on a daily basis and how they work with the brain is beyond my comprehension and simply amazing. Eyes provide a portal for us to visualize what's in front of us. Like your able to read this solely because of those two balls near your nose. It's really scary to imagine life without them. Imagine being blind for a second. Everything would come as a surprise. You won't know when one is talking and where their talking from. Your hearing does improve but just not being able to expect it can be overwhelming. You’re not able to predict or time contact with something or someone. There is just so much luxury that eyes provide its insane, to me at least. Of course, I’m not trying to say any of the other four senses are silly in comparison but just eyes impress me so much. A post by Jennifer Levine talks about how color works without eyes and in animals too. We see certain number of colors due to the receptors in eyes. We have three, and apparently in very rare case some lucky humans have four. Dogs only have two so when people say their color blind, they actually just can't see any shade of red. What’s so amazing or interesting about these receptors you ask? Well, there's a sea creature called the mantis shrimp, and this fellow has 16 receptors. Let that sink in. This guy can see colors we will never even be able to imagine or define. A cool example is the rainbow. We can see seven colors on a rainbow. Just because we see seven doesn't mean there are seven colors. The mantis shrimp can probably 30­40 colors on the same rainbow we see. That’s an inaccurate estimate but not exaggerated at all. It's just crazy and unfortunate to not be able to experience something that exist but just out of reach.

Chommu A week back my mom spotted a mouse at home. It was hiding in one corner of the kitchen away from sight and used to run to the pantry on the other side of the kitchen. My mom's office desk was in clear sight of the pantry, so she was the only one to see it. One day, during my nightly visit to the kitchen for coffee, my leg grazed past the little creature. It was much smaller than I thought but that still didn't stop me from shrieking and waking up people. It was now clear there was a mouse at home, and we needed to catch it. Dad started looking for ways to trap and kill the thing while me and mom who are sensitive to animals’ death wanted to find softer methods to get rid of it. We started by buying a repellent device to create "annoying noises" and frequencies to shoo it away but that never worked. At this point my mom was seeing the mouse at least 20 times a day as he got a lot more confident in showing himself. After none of the safe methods to solve the rodent problem worked, we set up sticky traps. My mom and me were making the argument that there were two mice, but we weren't sure because we never saw them together but just one after another. My dad on the other hand a few days after was confident he saw two, but we don't know if he's telling the truth or just finding means to convince us to kill the thing. The sticky traps were not working. My mom who sees the whole process everyday told us that the damn thing knows their traps and changes his approach to the pantry. We couldn't believe it, but we still needed to catch the damn thing. Oh, by the way, at this point we even names the mouse "Chommu" a simple Indian pet name just because why not. Chommu was finally caught during the night on an attempt to the pantry but could not notice upon the newly, more expensive, camouflage trap.

Harrison Odjegba Okene Day 1 ~ I can't see ~ Why is it so dark ~ So much noise and movement ~ I'm being tumbled around ~ I can't breathe ~ I need to swim faster ~ Air, finally ~ I need to get out of here ~ I don't want to die Day 2 ~ Mattress and Coke is blessing ~ Will anybody save me ~ I need to breathe slowly ~ I don't want to die ~ Will the sharks find me ~ Oh god keep the sharks away ~ Is anyone else alive ~ I want my family

Day 3 ~ I think this is it ~ Will they ever find my body ~ I wanted more from life ~ The water is too cold ~ Will the sharks eat me or will I choke ~ What’s the point ~ Nobody is coming ~ Will I sleep forever ~ I'm done

~ I can't do this

























Yield Zone

Writers Block Every weekend when I sit down to do my two blogs, I face two realities. One being where everything is normal, and I can channel my thoughts into work and connect the written piece. The other one being a writer’s block that everyone reading this has experienced before. Mine isn't the worst­case scenario as I've heard professional authors have these for months long and just can’t piece anything. Mine is just annoying. I can't think of subject or an idea or even a title to start me off. I try to start somewhere but I'm just blank. Vocabulary and ideas just leave my body, and I cannot get anything on paper. I am also easily distracted during this time and just start doing chores or making snacks. I am writing this during one of writer’s block because I cannot think of anything else besides writing what is happening right now. In fact, is this even considered a writer’s block as I can write about something? I feel like I am in this gray area because I can write about my writer’s block but cannot about anything else, if that makes sense. I just took a break to see if I could write about anything else and turn out I still can't. But I can do this. I guess this is considered as journaling as I am just writing what comes to mind. Ohh, maybe writers block is when your creativity is completely cut off and you cannot develop ideas. That makes sense because what I'm doing write now requires zero creativity and just constant tapping on the keyboard. This is fun; I don't think I could get

away with this all the time, but it probably works this time around.






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Human I live

I take

I watch

I pay

I learn

I live

I try

I die

I fail I judge

I feel I share

I play I cry

I love I break

I lust

I hate

Paritosh Jain

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