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Poetic Musings

STRESS What is stress? What does stress mean to me? Why is there such a thing called 'stress'? There can be so many answers to these questions. Stress is exhausting. Stress is humiliating. Stress is irritating. Stress is infuriating. Stress is confusing. Stress is not fun. Stress is schoolwork. Stress is zoom meetings. Stress is family. Stress is friends. Stress is Covid-19. Stress.

Pandemic Life February 21, 2021

Partying all by yourself in a room. Access to classes with the zoom. Not being able to visit family or friends. Don't give up until this madness ends. Everything doesn't have to be always bad. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to put on a smile and be glad. If you're feeling lost or don't know what to do, Come find me and we'll think it through.


It's raining, it pouring my life is boring. I did a chore, then felt so sore. I won't continue moaning.

Why is it still raining? Will it ever stop pouring? Will this life ever be adoring? Can rain be reassuring?

The End

Stage Fright. Scary. Stressful. Nerve-racking. Frightening. Embarrassing. Sweaty palms. Itchy-throat. Stiff muscles. Dizziness. Shaky legs.

Being center of attention. Speaking publicly. Memorizing words. Having stage fright.

Why Allergies An allergy is a disease, it makes you want to sneeze. When you try to breathe, you'll start to wheeze. If you have a sore throat, you'll sound like a goat. If you're not in school, get a doctor's note. Sometimes I cry, when the throat becomes dry. The water in my eyes, roll down like washed-out color dye. The nose becomes stuffy, then you start becoming huffy. The head starts to ache, and the whole body starts to shake. The feeling of having this issue, always makes me want to grab a tissue. Why allergies?!




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I have an older brother He doesn't have a mother. He does have a dad That isn't so bad. They don't always get along That's also not so wrong

I have a younger sister who can be a head twister She talks too much that she almost speaks dutch. We don't get along, which isn't very wrong.

Having a sister and brother not living with each other. It can be hard but when we come together, we are not a broken shard.

Brother and Sister

complicated tough scary hard stressful sad frustrating painful

what is short?

Short What is short? What does short mean to me?

Short is like having simple sentences with at least 5-7 words long. Short is like writing a paper or an article that has about 4-6 paragraphs. Short uses easy and simple words.

So saying all that, the way I use the word 'short' wasn't the same as how the professor described it. My apologizes. I was just being honest. Thank you.

Haiku Wilimigton is nice Walking around town. The town is like home.

Waterfront Waterfront is calm. The light shines on the water. It makes me feel good.

Fall Fall satisfies me. I like watching leaves falling. Colors red and gold.

Halloween Halloween is fun. Its for kids to trick or treat. Pumpkins sit in leaves. Fall satisfies me. I like watching leaves falling. Colors red and gold.

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