Warrior 39 Catalog

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Volume XII, Issue I, Winter/Spring 2021

Recent Releases

Welcome readers, to the first edition of The Warrior for 2021! In this edition, instead of focusing on one thing we’re bringing you a little bit more of everything with every section expanded upon just a bit. We always take care to keep The Warrior as fresh as possible, and we wanted to start this new year as fresh as possible, so this issue of The Warrior is jam packed with titles making their debut appearance in this catalog. From Ancient history with War in Roman Myth and Legend (p 5), to the 19th Century with Britain’s Rise to Global Superpower in the Age of Napoleon (p 12). From World War 2 with The Luftwaffe’s Secret WWII Missions (p 30) to modern day aviation with Cold War Interceptor (p 48). Take a dive into The Warrior and see what’s new! If you love sinking into a series and going for a deep read on a topic, we’ve got some choice series highlights in this edition. Head into the ‘golden era’ of Pike and Shot warfare in the Century Of The Soldier series (p 10), and carry on to when linear battles gave way to the beginnings of total war in the Reason To Revolution series (p 11). Looking for something a little more contemporary? Have a look at the evolution of terrorism through the 19th and 20th centuries in the History of Terror series (p 39). Even the bargain section, with its unbeatable 50% discounts, has a great selection of fresh titles for all your budget buying needs! No matter your interest, if you’re a lover a military history, you are guaranteed to find something to love in every issue of The Warrior. Keep warm, and happy reading. Will, Girard, & Courtney The Warrior Team

Finding Your Father’s War A Practical Guide to Researching and Understanding Service in the World War II U.S. Army Jonathan Gawne In this fully revised edition of Finding Your Father’s War, military historian Jonathan Gawne has written an easily accessible handbook for anyone seeking greater knowledge of their relatives’ experience in World War II, or indeed anyone seeking a better understanding of the U.S. Army during World War II. With over 470 photographs, charts, and an engaging narrative with many rare insights into wartime service, this book is an invaluable tool for understanding our “citizen soldiers,” who once rose as a generation to fight the greatest war in American history. 008950, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 352 pages

Arctic Front The Advance of Mountain Corps Norway on Murmansk, 1941 Col Gen Wilhelm Hess Linden Lyons The Arctic Front was the northernmost theater in the war waged by Germany against Russia. For a period of four years, German troops from all branches of the Wehrmacht fought side by side with Finnish border guard units. The high point of the war on the Arctic Front was the assembly and advance of Germany’s Mountain Corps Norway in the summer and autumn of 1941. Commanded by general of the mountain troops, Eduard Dietl, and composed of the 2nd and 3rd Mountain Divisions, the Mountain Corps advanced out of occupied North Norway, assembled in the Petsamo Corridor in North Finland, and struck into Russian territory in an attempt to seize Murmansk. It did not reach its objective. This account of the operation was written by Wilhelm Hess, quartermaster of the Mountain Corps Norway. He draws upon his personal experience of the conditions and actions on the Arctic Front in order to describe and analyze the environment, the sequence of events, and the reasons behind certain decisions. In addition to describing how operations conducted by the Mountain Corps unfolded, Hess provides insight as to how the terrain, the flow of supplies, and the war at sea impacted those operations. 009728, $45 , $29.50 , Hardback, 216 pages The front cover image is from Arctic Front: The Advance of Mountain Corps Norway on Murmansk, 1941 by Col Gen Wilhelm Hess & Linden Lyons, Casemate Publishers, 2021 Typeset by Courtney Huntzinger


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• NEW FROM CASEMATE • Narvik The Struggle of Battle Group Dietl in the Spring of 1940 Alex Buchner Janice W Ancker Published for the first time in English, this is a German account of the German invasion of Norway in the spring of 1940. It focuses on the efforts of Group “1” led by Eduard Dietl. This group of Gebirgstruppen was landed at Narvik in early April by ten destroyers. These ships were then all sunk by the Allies. Dietl’s troops were outnumbered by Allied troops but his defense utilized ammunition, food and sailors from the sunken ships and his men retook Narvik once the Allies abandoned their efforts to push the Germans out of Norway. 009179, $45 , $29.50 , Hardback, 240 pages

Romans at War The Roman Military in the Republic and Empire Simon Elliott The Roman military machine was one of the most powerful instruments of war in the history of conflict, it proved uniquely adept at learning from setbacks, always coming back the stronger for it. In so doing it displayed two of the most important traits associated with the world of Rome. Firstly grit, that key ability to remain steadfast and to overcome adversity even in the most challenging of circumstances. Secondly, the ability to copy the successful technical and tactical innovations of their enemies. In this grand tour, covering every aspect of the Roman military, leading expert Dr Simon Elliott first provides a detailed background to the Roman Republic and Empire, he then looks specifically at the Roman military in its three key chronological phases: the Republic, the Principate Empire, and the Dominate Empire. Next he forensically examines specific instances of the Roman military on campaign and in battle, and of its engineering prowess. Finally, he investigates the many enemies faced by the Roman Republic and Empire. 008851, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 304 pages

Three War Marine Hero General Raymond G. Davis Colonel Richard Camp USMC (Ret) Gen. James N Mattis (Ret) “...Ray Davis was a hardened combat veteran. This was brought home to me one day while visiting a remote Army firebase in the jungle south of Khe Sanh. As the two of us strode along the jungle pathway, Davis suddenly stopped and peered intently into the thick green foliage. I suspected danger, brought my rifle up, and slipped off the safety. After a few moments, the general turned and casually remarked, “Dick, this reminds me of a command post I had on Guadalcanal.” I mumbled, “Yes, sir,” and surreptitiously fingered the safety to the “on” position. “Christ,” I thought in awe, “I was only two years old at the time of Guadalcanal. This is the old man’s third war!” — Dick Camp, introduction to book A native of Georgia, Raymond Davis joined the Marine Corps after university and would go on to serve in three wars and be decorated for gallantry several times including the Medal of Honor for his actions at Chosin where his leadership saved countless American lives. He retired as a four-star general after 33 years in the corps. Dick Camp, Marine veteran and historian, weaves memoirs, first-hand accounts, and his own personal memories of General Davis in this first biography of this archetypal “Old Breed” Marine. 009391, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 264 pages

From the Realm of a Dying Sun. Volume III IV. SS-Panzerkorps from Budapest to Vienna, February–May 1945 Douglas E. Nash Sr. In the closing months of World War II, with Budapest’s fall on 12 February 1945 and the breakout attempt by the IX SS-Gebirgskorps having failed, the only thing the IV. SS-Panzerkorps could do was fall back to a more defensible line and fortify the key city of Stuhlweissenburg. Exhausted after three relief attempts in January 1945 and outnumbered by the ever-increasing power of Marshal Tolbukhin’s Third Ukrainian Front, SS-Obergruppenführer Gille’s veterans dug in for a lengthy period of defensive warfare. However, Adolf Hitler had not forgotten about the Hungarian theater of operations nor the country’s rich oilfields and was sending help. 009568, $37.95 , $24.99 , Hardback, 352 pages

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• NEW FROM CASEMATE • A Footsoldier for Patton The Story of a “Red Diamond” Infantryman with the U.S. Third Army Michael Bilder James G. Bilder A rifleman foremost, Michael Bilder was also a German-speaker, called upon for interrogations and special duties. Also a combat lifeguard, he played a key role in successive river crossings. An astute observer, he relates dozens of fascinating insights into the campaign, from dealing with German snipers to intoxicated Frenchwomen, as well as relaying the often morbid humor of combat. A Foot Soldier for Patton takes the reader from the beaches of Normandy through the giddy drive across France, to the brutal battles on the Westwall, in the Ardennes, and finally to the conquest of Germany itself. 009308, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 240 pages

A Warrior Dynasty The Rise and Fall of Sweden as a Military Superpower, 1611-1721 Henrik O. Lunde A Warrior Dynasty chronicles the meteoric rise of Sweden as the pre-eminent military power in Europe during the Thirty Years War during the 1600’s, and then follows its line of warrior kings into the next century until the Swedes finally meet their demise, in an overreach into the vastness of Russia. This book examines thoroughly, yet in highly readable fashion, the century during which Swedish military power set an example for all Europe. While the Continent was most visibly divided along religious lines—Catholic versus Protestant—geopolitical motives always underlined the conflicts. Sweden’s reliance on its military skill was especially noteworthy, as it veritably founded the modern concept of making wars pay through conquest. 009315, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 320 pages

The Fighting 30th Division They Called Them Roosevelt’s SS Martin King Michael Collins In World War I the 30th Infantry Division earned more Medals of Honor than any other American division. In World War II it spent more consecutive days in combat than almost any other outfit. Recruited mainly from the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennessee, they were one of the hardest-fighting units the U.S. ever fielded in Europe. Their U.S. Army nickname was the “Old Hickory” Division. But after encountering them on the battlefield, the Germans themselves came to call them “Roosevelt’s SS.” This book is a combat chronicle of this illustrious division that takes the reader right to the heart of the fighting through the eyes of those who were actually there. 009780, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 360 pages

Gunship Ace The Wars of Neall Ellis, Helicopter Pilot and Mercenary Al J Venter A former South African Air Force pilot who saw action throughout the region from the 1970s on, Neall Ellis is the best-known mercenary combat aviator alive. Apart from flying Alouette helicopter gunships in Angola, he has fought in the Balkan War, tried to resuscitate Mobutu’s ailing air force in the Congo, flew Mi-8s for Executive Outcomes, and thereafter an Mi-8 fondly dubbed ‘Bokkie’ for Colonel Tim Spicer in Sierra Leone. Finally, with a pair of aging Mi-24 Hinds, Ellis ran the Air Wing out of Aberdeen Barracks in the war against Sankoh’s vicious RUF rebels. Al Venter, the author of War Dog and other acclaimed titles, accompanied Nellis on some of these missions. This book describes the full career of this storied aerial warrior, from the bush and jungles of Africa to the forests of the Balkans and the merciless mountains of today’s Afghanistan. Along the way the reader encounters a multiethnic array of enemies ranging from ideological to cold-blooded to pure evil, as well as well as examples of incredible heroism for hire. 009438, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 368 pages


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• ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• War in Roman Myth and Legend

Paul Chrystal The book opens by addressing how the Romans did adopt and adapt Greek myths to fashion the beginnings of Roman history; it goes on to discuss the Roman gods of war and the ubiquity of war in Roman society and politics and how this was reflected in the Aeneas Foundation Myth, the Romulus and Remus Foundation Myth and the legends associated with the founding of Rome. Warlike Women in Roman Epic and Trojan heroes are discussed next and the use of mythology by Roman poets other than Virgil. The Theban Legion and the vision of Constantine myths conclude the book. 766120, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 280 pages

Religion & Classical Warfare The Roman Republic Matthew Dillon Christopher Matthew Religion was integral to the conduct of war in the ancient world and the Romans were certainly no exception. No campaign was undertaken, no battle risked, without first making sacrifice to propitiate the appropriate gods (such as Mars, god of War) or consulting oracles and omens to divine their plans. Yet the link between war and religion is an area that has been regularly overlooked by modern scholars examining the conflicts of these times. This volume addresses that omission by drawing together the work of experts from across the globe. 834316, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 336 pages

Military History of Late Rome 457–518

Ilkka Syvänne The Military History of Late Rome Volume 457-518 provides a fresh, new look into the events that led to the collapse of West Rome, while East Rome not only survived but went on to prosper despite a series of major defeats that included, most notably, the catastrophic campaign against the Vandals in 468. The author explains what mistakes the West Romans made and what the East Romans did right to survive. He analyses the role of the barbarian generals and military forces in this and also offers an analysis of the tactical developments during this pivotal period as a result of which the cavalry, so famous from the accounts of Procopius, became the dominant arm in the East. 895324, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

The Crisis of Rome The Jugurthine and Northern Wars and the Rise of Marius Gareth Sampson In the later 2nd century BC, the Roman Republic found itself in crisis. In North Africa her armies were already bogged down in a long difficult guerrilla war in a harsh environment when invasion by a coalition of Germanic tribes threatened Italy and Rome itself. Gaius Marius was the man of the hour. The first war he brought to an end through tactical brilliance, bringing the Numidian King Jugurtha back in chains. Before his ship even returned to Italy, the senate elected Marius to lead the war against the northern invaders. Reorganizing and reinvigorating the demoralized Roman legions, he led them to two remarkable victories in the space of months. 781772, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 288 pages

Romulus The Legend of Rome’s Founding Father Marc Hyden According to legend, Romulus was born to a Vestal Virgin and left for dead as an infant near the Tiber River. A humble shepherd rescued the child and helped raise him into manhood. As Romulus grew older, he fearlessly engaged in a series of perilous adventures that ultimately culminated in Rome’s founding, and he became its fabled first king. As he tirelessly safeguarded Rome, Romulus proved that he was a competent leader and talented general. As the centuries passed, the Romans never forgot their celebrated founder. This is the story that many ancient Romans believed. 783172, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 288 pages

Hellenistic and Roman Naval Wars, 336 BC–31 BC

John D. Grainger The period covered in this book is well known for its epic battles and grand campaigns of territorial conquest, but Hellenistic monarchies, Carthaginians, and the rapacious Roman Republic were scarcely less active at sea. Huge resources were poured into maintaining fleets not only as symbols of prestige but as means of projecting real military power across the Mediterranean arena. Taking the period between Alexander the Great’s conquests and the Battle of Actium, John Grainger analyzes the developments in naval technology and tactics, the uses and limitations of sea power and the differing strategies of the various powers. 782328, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 224 pages

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• ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Roman Republic at War A Compendium of Roman Battles from 498 to 31 BC Don Taylor Roman Republic at War offers a brief description of every significant battle fought by the Roman Republic between 480 and 31 BC. The information is drawn exclusively from Ancient texts. In writing the battle descriptions, the author has not sought to analyze the evidence contained in the surviving accounts, nor embellish them beyond that which was necessary to provide clarity to the modern reader. He allows the original writers to speak for themselves, presenting the reader with a succinct version of what the ancient chroniclers tell us of these events. 894426, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 288 pages

Greece Against Rome The Fall of the Hellenistic Kingdoms 250–31 BC Philip Matyszak Towards the middle of the third century BC, the Hellenistic kingdoms (the fragments of Alexander the Great’s shortlived empire) were near their peak. In terms of population, economy and military power each individual kingdom was vastly superior to Rome, not to mention in fields such as medicine, architecture, science, philosophy and literature. Philip Matyszak relates how, over the next two-and-a half centuries, Rome conquered and took over these kingdoms while adopting so much of Hellenistic culture that the resultant hybrid is known as ‘Graeco-Roman.’ 874800, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 208 pages

The Macedonian Phalanx Equipment, Organization and Tactics from Philip and Alexander to the Roman Conquest Richard Taylor The Macedonian pike phalanx dominated the battlefields of Greece and the Near and Middle East for over two centuries. It was one of the most successful infantry formations of the ancient world. The phalanx was a key factor in the battlefield success of Alexander the Great and after his death dominated the armies of his Successors (the Diadochoi), who ruled from Greece and Egypt to the borders of India. Richard Taylor gives an overview of the phalanx’s development, organization, equipment and training. He analyses the reasons for its success, with an emphasis on case studies of the many battles in which it was used. 748157, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 482 pages


Roman Empire at War A Compendium of Roman Battles from 31 BC to AD 565 Don Taylor In a single volume, Empire at War catalogues every significant battle fought by the Roman Empire from Augustus to Justinian I. The information in each entry is drawn exclusively from Ancient, Late Antique, and Early Medieval texts, in order to offer a brief description of each battle based solely on the information provided by the earliest surviving sources which chronicle the event. This approach provides the reader a foundation of information to which they can apply later scholarly interpretation presented in secondary sources in order to achieve a more accurate understanding of the battlefield scenario. It is an excellent first-stop reference to the many battles of the Roman Empire. 869080, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 224 pages

War in Greek Mythology

Paul Chrystal Even though war, and conflict generally, feature prominently in Greek mythology, comparatively little has been written on the subject. This is surprising because wars and battles in Greek mythology are freighted with symbolism and laden with meaning and significance. The ubiquity of war themes in the Greek myths is a reflection of the prominence of war in everyday Greek life and society, which makes the relative obscurity of published literature all the more puzzling. This book redresses this by showing how conflict in mythology and legend resonated loudly as essential symbols in Greek culture and how they are represented in classical literature, philosophy, religion, and art. 766168, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 240 pages

Tyrants of Syracuse. Volume I 480-367 BC Jeff Champion This is the story of one of the most important classical cities, Syracuse, and its struggles (both internal and external) for freedom and survival. Situated at the heart of the Mediterranean, Syracuse was caught in the middle as Carthage, Pyrrhus of Epirus, Athens, and then Rome battled to gain control of Sicily. The threat of expansionist enemies on all sides made for a tumultuous situation within the city, resulting in repeated coups that threw up a series of remarkable tyrants, such as Gelon, Timoleon, and Dionysius. In this first volume, Jeff Champion traces the course of Syracuse’s wars from the Battle of Himera to the death of Dionysius I. 784278, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 272 pages

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BATTLE OF THE BULGE • ••ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Ancient Dynasties The Families that Ruled the Classical World, circa 1000 BC to AD 750 John D. Grainger Ancient Dynasties is a unique study of the ruling families of the ancient world known to the Greeks and Romans. The book is in two parts. The first offers analysis and discussion of various features of the ruling dynasties (including the leading families of republican Rome). It examines patterns, similarities and contrasts, categorizes types of dynasty and explores common themes such as how they were founded and maintained, the role of women, and the various reasons for their decline. The second part is a catalog of all the dynasties known to have existed between approximately 1000 BC and AD 750 from the Atlantic Ocean to Baktria.

Antipater’s Dynasty Alexander the Great’s Regent and his Successors John D. Grainger Antipater was a key figure in the rise of Macedon under Philip II and instrumental in the succession of Alexander III (the Great). Alexander entrusted Antipater with ruling Macedon in his long absence and he defeated the Spartans in 331 BC. After Alexander’s death he crushed a Greek uprising and became regent of the co-kings, Alexander’s mentally impaired half-brother (Philip III Arrhideus) and infant son (Alexander IV). He brokered a settlement between the contending Successors but died in 319 BC, having first appointed Polyperchon to succeed as regent in preference to his own sons. 730886, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 288 pages

746757, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 376 pages

The Army of Ptolemaic Egypt 323 to 204 BC An Institutional and Operational History Paul Johstono The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt and much of the eastern Mediterranean basin for nearly 300 years. As a Macedonian dynasty, they derived much of their legitimacy from military activity. To achieve this they devoted much of their activity to the development and maintenance of a large army and navy. This work offers a study of the Ptolemaic army as an institution, and of its military operations, both reconstructed through a wide range of ancient sources, from histories to documentary papyri and inscriptions to archaeological finds. 833838, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

The Highland Battles Warfare on Scotland’s Northern Frontier in the Early Middle Ages Chris Peers The wars fought in Scotland’s northern and western highlands between the ninth and fourteenth centuries were a key stage in the military history of the region, yet they have rarely been studied in depth before. Out of this confused and turbulent period came the more settled and familiar history of the region. The Highlands and islands were controlled by the kings of Norway or by Norse or Norse-Celtic warlords, who not only resisted Scottish royal authority but on occasion seemed likely to overthrow it. That is why Chris Peers’s ambitious study is of such value for he provides a coherent and vivid account of the series of campaigns and battles that shaped Scotland. 741745, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 216 pages

Septimius Severus in Scotland The Northern Campaigns of the First Hammer of the Scots Simon Elliott Since 1975 much new archaeological evidence has come to light to illuminate the immense undertaking of Septimius Severus’ campaigns in Scotland, allowing for the first time the true story of this savage invasion to be told. Severus, the aging Roman emperor, launched an immense assault on Scotland that was so savage it resulted in eighty years of peace at Rome’s most troublesome border. The book shows how his force of 50,000 troops, supported by the fleet, hacked their way through the Maeatae around the former Antonine Wall and then pressed on into Caledonian territory up to the Moray Firth. 385804, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 208 pages

The 1066 Norman Bruisers How European Thugs Became English Gentry Helen Kay The 1066 Norman Bruisers shows how a bunch of European thugs became the quintessentially English gentry. In 1066 go-getting young immigrant Osbern Fitz Tezzo crossed the Channel in William the Conqueror’s army. Little did he know that it would take five years to vanquish the English, years in which the Normans suffered almost as much as the people they had set out to subdue. For the English, the Norman Conquest was an unmitigated disaster, killing thousands by the sword or starvation. But for Osbern and his compatriots, it brought territory and treasure – and a generational evolution they could never have imagined. 759382, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 272 pages

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BATTLE OF THE BULGE • ••ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Crusaders and Revolutionaries De Montfort Darren Baker One of the families that dominated the thirteenth century were the de Montforts. They arose in France, in a hamlet close to Paris, and grew to prominence under the crusading fervor of that time, taking them from leadership in the Albigensian wars to lordships around the Mediterranean. They marry into the English aristocracy, join the crusade to the Holy Land, then another crusade in the south of France against the Cathars. The controversial stewardship of Simon de Montfort (V) in that conflict is explored in depth. It is his son Simon de Montfort (VI) who is perhaps best known. His rebellion against Henry III of England ultimately establishes the first parliamentary state in Europe. 745491, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 272 pages

The Castle in the Wars of the Roses

Dan Spencer The Wars of the Roses is one of the most dramatic and fascinating periods in medieval history. Much has been written about the leading personalities, bitter dynastic rivalries, political intrigues, and the rapid change of fortune on the battlefields of England and Wales. However, there is one aspect that has been often overlooked, the role of castles in the conflict. Dan Spencer’s original study traces their use from the outbreak of civil war in the reign of Henry VI in the 1450s to the triumph of Henry VII some thirty years later. Using a wide range of narrative, architectural, financial and administrative sources, he sheds new light on the place of castles within the conflict. 718693, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

The First and Second Italian Wars 1494–1504 Fearless Knights, Ruthless Princes and the Coming of Gunpowder Armies Julian Romane The First and Second Italian Wars describes the course of military operations and political machinations in Italy from 1494 to 1504. These wars were not just another series of medieval fights. These battles were different from what had gone before: the French utilized a new method of artillery transport; the Spanish commander formulated a new system of military unit organization, and Cesare Borgia sought different systems of raising troops and forming states. And all the powers managed to spend vast amounts of money the likes of which no one had imagined before. This was the emergence of the so-called Military Revolution. 750518, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 256 pages


The Black Prince and King Jean II of France Generalship in the Hundred Years War Peter Hoskins What were the essential qualities for a military commander during the Hundred Years War? How important were strategic vision, tactical skill and powers of leadership in medieval warfare? These are the questions that Peter Hoskins explores in this perceptive study of the careers of Edward, the Black Prince who led the English army to victory at the Battle of Poitiers and the opponent he defeated, the French King Jean II. Their contrasting characters and backgrounds are considered as is the military tradition of their time, but the primary focus of the book is a close comparison of their strengths and weaknesses as soldiers as they were revealed on campaign and on the battlefield. 749871, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 208 pages

War for the Throne The Battle of Shrewsbury 1403

John Barratt The opening years of the fifteenth century saw one of the most bitterly contested political and military convulsions in the history of the British Isles, a conflict that is toooften overlooked by military historians. Henry IV, who had overthrown and probably murdered his predecessor Richard II, fought a protracted and bloody campaign against the most powerful nobles in the land. This war is the subject of John Barratts gripping study. In this graphic account of the first, deeply troubled years of Henry IVs reign, John Barratt concentrates on the warfare, in particular on the setpiece pitched battles fought at Homildon Hill, Pilleth and Shrewsbury. 791863, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

Lepanto 1571 Christian and Muslim Fleets Battle for Control of the Mediterranean Nic Fields The battle of Lepanto has long been considered one of the decisive naval battles of history. Yet, the savage fighting left the strategic map unchanged and the defeated Ottoman Turks were able to launch a new fleet the following year. Nic Fields reexamines the battle and concludes that, while it merely confirmed a strategic reality that had already emerged during the 16th century (naval supremacy lay with the Sublime Porte in the eastern Mediterranean, and with Habsburg Spain and its allies in the Mediterranean), it’s vital importance was psychological. It sank the perception of Ottoman dominance and the inevitability of Islam’s westward encroachment beyond the Balkans. 716514, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 224 pages

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• ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• The Art of Ancient Warfare 2016 Ancient Warfare Special Edition

The Battle of Marathon 2011 Ancient Warfare Special Edition Jasper Oorthuys Ancient Warfare Special 3: ‘The Battle of Marathon’ revolves around the climactic battle of the first Graeco-Persian War. 100 Pages of Ancient Warfare dedicated to a single theme, written by experts, illustrated with dozens of maps, photographs and original artwork. 258009, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 98 pages

Josho Brouwers Originally conceived as a reward for Ancient History Magazine Kickstarter backers, the 2016 special edition of Ancient Warfare is a compilation of covers, battle scenes and unit reconstructions from the first fifty issues of the magazine. Compiled and edited by Josho Brouwers, with contributions from the rest of the Ancient Warfare staff, this 100-page full-color book features artwork by favorite illustrators such as Igor Dzis, Johnny Shumate, Radu Oltean and Rocío Espin, to name but a few. Also included are articles by the staff with insight into our philosophy for commissioning artwork, and a “behind-thescenes” look at how illustrations are produced. 258146, $21.95 , $14.50 , Paperback, 98 pages

1066: The Battle of Hastings 2017 Medieval Warfare Special Edition

1415: The Battle of Agincourt 2015 Medieval Warfare Special Edition

Kelly DeVries Peter Konieczy

Dirk van Gorp The 2015 Medieval Warfare Special issue is entirely dedicated - all 84 pages - to the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. It’s like a normal issue, except it has more pages, more articles, more maps

The 2017 special issue of Medieval Warfare takes a look at one of the most famous battles in the history of the British Isles. Our detailed analysis of the Battle of Hastings by expert writers and medievalists not only looks at the engagement itself, but examines the leaders, their armies, the immediate aftermath, and the broader effect on history and popular imagination.This book also include various articles on important subjects written by prominent historians.

and more illustrations! 258122, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 80 pages

258177, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 80 pages

The Rise of the Gun Peter Konieczny Kelly DeVries

It is perhaps the most significant technological change in the history of warfare. The Middle Ages would see a new type of weapon emerge - the gun. This special issue looks at the invention of firearms, beginning in China, its spread throughout Eurasia and its influence on battles, armies and fortifications. 258207, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 84 pages

The Art of Medieval Warfare

Peter Konieczny The 2020 special edition of Medieval Warfare is a compilation of covers, battle scenes and unit reconstructions from the first fifty issues of the magazine. Compiled and edited by Peter Konieczny, with contributions from the rest of the Medieval Warfare staff, this 100-page full-color book features artwork by favorite illustrators such as Jose Cabrera-Pena, Darren Tan, Rocio Espin, and Zvonimir Grbasic to name but a few. Also included are articles by the staff with insight into our philosophy for commissioning artwork, and a “behindthe-scenes” look at how illustrations are produced. 258214, $21.95 , $14.50 , Paperback, 100 pages

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• “CENTURY OF THE SOLDIER” • • CHURCHILL’S 145TH • By Defeating My Enemies Charles XII of Sweden and the Great Northern War Michael Glaeser By Defeating My Enemies is a military biography of Charles XII of Sweden, the first written in English in over 50 years. It challenges several traditions and through a chronological review provides a balanced account of the king’s life. Ample space is dedicated to exploring the undervalued pre-war life of the king as his upbringing influenced key decisions on war and how he waged it. The book concludes with a review of the king’s reputation and literary persona post mortem. An appendix covers additional characteristics of the king that did not fit into the flow of the main text such as image, health, marriage and sexuality, and wealth. 336462, $49.95 , $32.50 , Paperback, 190 pages

St. Ruth’s Fatal Gamble The Battle of Aughrim 1691 and the Fall of Jacobite Ireland Michael McNally Actively supported by King Louis XIV, James, Duke of York’s supporters enjoyed early success, but multiple defeats destroyed James’ confidence, and he fled to his kingdoms. William’s army pursued him to the gates of Limerick but failed to capture the city before winter set in, giving the Jacobites a much needed respite, during which time military supplies and a coterie of advisors led the by the Marquis de St Ruth, arrived from France. The strength of the Jacobite position was such that their opponents could initially make no headway, but an unordered redeployment of troops opened up a dangerous gap in their lines and when St. Ruth attempted to correct the error he was killed by enemy cannon fire. 33606A, $49.95 , $32.50 , Paperback, 312 pages

The Lion from the North Volume 2, The Swedish Army during the Thirty Years War 1632-48 Michael Fredholm von Essen The book expands our understanding of the Swedish army during the Thirty Years War by focusing on its later operations, including those against Polish and Danish opponents. Moreover, the book includes current research that has not yet appeared in the English language. It also describes the 1643-1645 Swedish invasion of Denmark (‘Torstensson’s War’) and the battles and sieges, including those of Vienna and Prague, that led up to the Peace of Westphalia, which concluded the Thirty Years War. Finally, the book covers the military aspects of the establishment of Sweden’s first American colony.

From Solebay to the Texel The Third Anglo-Dutch War, 1672-1674 Quintin Barry England and the Dutch Republic fought three naval wars in the middle of the 17th century, arising principally from a clash of mercantile interests. In the first of these, under the Commonwealth, England had much the better, due largely to the outstanding leadership of Robert Blake. The second war was more even. By now Charles II had been restored to the throne. There were a number of fierce battles which went either way, but the war ended with the humiliation of the Dutch burning a large part of the English fleet in the Medway. 628033, $34.95 , $22.99 , Paperback, 136 pages

118839, $59.95 , $38.99 , Paperback, 286 pages

Armies and Enemies of Louis XIV. Volume 1 Western Europe 16881714: France, Britain, Holland Mark Allen This book originally saw the light of day as a long running series of articles in Wargames Illustrated in the late 1980’s. Due to growing interest in the wars of the late 17th century, the author of the original features has complied them along with new research and made them available again for the first time in thirty years. The book is very much a handbook covering all the major conflicts and battles of the period, it examines how the armies were organized and fought. Each army is covered, with attention paid to specific uniform details, and the colors carried by the individual regiments. 62805A, $45 , $29.50 , Paperback, 124 pages


The Russian Army in the Great Northern War 1700-21 Organisation, Materiel, Training and Combat Experience, Uniforms Boris Megorsky The book describes the armed forces of Peter the Great in its entirety, and covers in depth old Russian troops and irregulars, as well as Peter’s new standing army and his brand-new naval force. Besides the staffing, organization and development of troops, the book gives detailed account of uniforms, weapons and other materiel (both conventional and unusual). Training is described using drill manuals and tactical instructions of the period, and fighting methods actually performed on the battlefield are described - based on firsthand accounts and period observations from Russian, Swedish and impartial sources. 512882, $59.95 , $38.99 , Paperback, 270 pages

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• “FROM• REASON TO REVOLUTION” • CHURCHILL'S 145TH • CHURCHILL’S The Army of George II 1727-1760 The Soldiers who Forged an Empire Peter Brown The Army of George II is often forgotten, as 18th century British military history is bookended by the victories of the Duke of Marlborough during the War of the Spanish Succession and the final defeat of Napoleon by the Duke of Wellington. Yet it was in this period that Britain rose to prominence, not only as a European, but also as a world power. This was the army that crushed French colonial ambitions and in so doing laid the groundwork for the British Empire. In this book you will find details of how the army was recruited, funded, and how it functioned day-to-day. There are also new insights into the logistics of 18th century warfare. 118969, $59.95 , $38.99 , Paperback, 314 pages

Olmütz to Torgau Horace St Paul and the Campaigns of the Austrian Army in the Seven Years War 175860 Neil Cogswell Following the disastrous conclusion to the campaign of 1757, the Austrian Army regrouped in Bohemia. Meanwhile, the King of Prussia sought to complete his reconquest of Silesia before seizing the initiative and thrusting directly towards Vienna. Over the next three years, Austria and her allies inflicted a series of heavy defeats on the Prussians. From the near-balletic formality of the battles and sieges of a prior age, the business of war changed during these campaigns. Many of the actions were designed with the objective of annihilation, and the critical moment of several battles came at night; the geometric precision of siege warfare gave way to the indiscriminate horrors of bombardment. 512721, $69.95 , $45.50 , Hardback, 712 pages

The Key to Lisbon The Third French Invasion of Portugal, 1810-11 Kenton White This study details the preparation, planning and execution of the invasion of Portugal in 1810 by the French Armée de Portugal under Marshal Massena, and the defensive measures taken by the British and their Portuguese and Spanish allies. It also covers the practice of all armies involved during this campaign, working from original sources. These sources provide a different interpretation of some key aspects of the campaign to those which are generally accepted. The work focusses on the strategic, operational, and tactical planning undertaken by both sides in preparation for the invasion, and the actual progress of the campaign. 628521, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 256 pages

The Secret Expedition The Anglo-Russian Invasion of Holland 1799 Geert van Uythoven In 1799, as part of the Second Coalition against France, an Anglo-Russian army landed in Holland to overthrow the Batavian Republic and to reinstate the Stadtholder William V of Orange. The description of the invasion reads like a novel: five major battles were fought between armies of four different nations, with unexpected deeds of heroism and unexpected defeats. The aim of this book is to give a balanced, detailed, and complete account of the events taking place during the invasion: the preparations on both sides, detailed descriptions of the battles as well as the events taking place at sea and in the eastern provinces of the Batavian Republic. 390205, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 448 pages

For Orange and the States. Part 2: Cavalry and Special Troops The Army of the Dutch Republic, 1713-1772 Marco Geerdink-Schaftenaar The Dutch Republic was one of the great European powers during the 17th and 18th centuries. Generally, the Dutch Republic was considered to have lost that status after the Peace of Utrecht (1713); however, when the Republic entered the War of Austrian Succession in 1740, it was able to field an army for over 80,000 men, which expanded to over 110,000 men during the war, and was still a European power to be reckoned with. The purpose of this book is to focus on the uniforms and organization of that army, from the Peace of Utrecht until the reforms of 1772. 628132, $34.95 , $22.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

The British Army in Egypt 1801 An Underrated Army Comes of Age Carole Divall When the French declared war on Great Britain in 1793, they undermined the chosen policy of William Pitt, which had been to avoid conflict in order to repair the nation’s finances. The result of this policy was an inadequately resourced army. Whether campaigning on the continent in coalition with other European powers or picking up the colonial possessions of France and her allies, this army did little to add to its reputation. Yet, as the decade progressed improvements were taking place. This study analyses that force and its commanders, the preparations that contributed to its success, and evaluates why it was able to take the fight to a battle-hardened Revolutionary force and defeat it. 628149, $39.95 , $25.99 , Paperback, 142 pages

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••ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL NAPOLEONIC WARS • • The Great Waterloo Controversy The Story of the 52nd Foot at History’s Greatest Battle Gareth Glover As the Battle of Waterloo reached its momentous climax, Napoleon’s Imperial Guard marched towards the Duke of Wellington’s thinning red line. The Imperial Guard had never tasted defeat, but it was the Imperial Guard that was sent reeling back in disorder. The controversy of which corps deserved the credit for defeating the Imperial Guard has continued down the decades and has become a highly contentious subject over which much ink has been spilled. But now, thanks to the uncovering of the previously unpublished journal of Charles Holman of the 52nd Foot, Gareth Glover is able to piece together the exact sequence of events in those final, fatal moments of the great battle. 788856, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 232 pages

Wellington Against Soult The Second Invasion of Portugal 1809 David Buttery In Soult, Wellesley met one of his most formidable opponents and they confronted each other during one of the most remarkable, and neglected, of the Peninsular campaigns. Soult’s invasion of Portugal is rarely studied in great depth and, likewise, the offensive Wellesley launched, which defeated and expelled the French, has also received scant coverage. As well as giving a fresh insight into the contrasting characters of the two generals, the narrative offers a gripping and detailed, reconstruction of the organization and experience of a military campaign 200 years ago. 781628, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

The Battle of the Berezina Napoleon’s Great Escape Alexander Mikaberidze In the winter of 1812, Napoleon’s army retreated from Moscow under appalling conditions. By late November Napoleon had reached the banks of the River Berezina - the last natural obstacle between his army and the safety of the Polish frontier. But instead of finding the river frozen solid enough to march his men across, an unseasonable thaw had turned the Berezina into an icy torrent. Having already ordered the burning of his bridging equipment, Napoleon’s predicament was serious enough: but with the army of Admiral Chichagov holding the opposite bank, and those of Kutusov and Wittgenstein closing fast, it was critical. Only a miracle could save him… 783714, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 288 pages


Wellington’s Light Division in the Peninsular War The Formation, Campaigns & Battles of Wellington’s Famous Fighting Force, 1810 Robert Burnham Wellington’s Light Division in the Peninsular War uses over 100 primary sources to recount the numerous skirmishes, combats, and battles, as well as the hardships of a year of duty on the front lines. Many of these sources are from British and Portuguese archives and have never been published before. Others are from long-forgotten books published over 150 years ago. It is through the words of the officers and men who served with it that this major, and long-anticipated study of the first critical year of the Light Division is told. 758903, $52.95 , $34.50 , Hardback, 248 pages

Napoleon’s Peninsular War The French Experience of the War in Spain from Vimeiro to Corunna, 1808–1809 Paul L Dawson Memoirs of British soldiers who fought in the Peninsular War are commonplace and histories of the momentous campaigns and battles of Sir John Moore and Sir Arthur Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington, can be numbered by the score. Yet surprisingly little has been published in English on their opponents, the French. In this much-needed study of the Peninsular War from the French perspective, Paul Dawson has produced an unprecedented, yet vital addition to our understanding of the war in Iberia. Napoleon’s Peninsular War is destined to become one of the classic accounts of this turbulent, yet endlessly fascinating era. 754097, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 328 pages

Britain’s Rise to Global Superpower in the Age of Napoleon

William Nester This is the first book of its kind. Of the hundreds of books on the era, none before has explored all of Britain’s land and sea campaigns from the first in 1793 to the last in 1815. In this vividly written and meticulously researched book, readers will experience each level of war from the debates over grand strategy to the horrors of combat engulfing soldiers and sailors in distant lands. Haunting voices of participants echo from two centuries ago, culled from speeches, diaries, and letters. Britain’s Rise to Global Superpower in the Age of Napoleon reveals how decisively or disastrously the British army and navy wielded the art of military power during the Age of Revolution and Napoleon. 77543A, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

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• NAPOLEONIC WARS • The French Imperial Guard 1800-1815. Volume 2 Cavalry André Jouineau Jean-Marie Mongin Volume 2 explores the centaurs of the Cavalry of the Guard. This practical, small, precise, clear, logical and visual tool is intended for enthusiasts of imperial history and figures. This book is the new version that has been completely redesigned, revised, amended and widely expanded – it contains nearly 50% new characters from the book published several years ago. On 176 pages, nearly a thousand drawings develop the purpose of these two specialists of the period. In Volume 2 André Jouineau and Jean-Marie Mongin present the general colonels, horse hunters, Mamelukes, dragons, grenadiers on horseback, lancers, tartars, guides, artillery train, and other artillerymen on horseback. 484967, $32 , $20.99 , Hardback, 176 pages

Waterloo Battlefield Guide

David Buttery The defeat of Napoleon’s French army by the combined forces of Wellington and Blücher at Waterloo on 18 June 1815 was a turning point in world history. This was the climax of the Napoleonic Wars, and the outcome had a major influence on the shape of Europe for the next century and beyond. The battle was a milestone, and it cannot be properly understood without a detailed, on-the-ground study of the landscape in which it was fought – and that is the purpose of David Buttery’s battlefield guide. This thoroughgoing, lucid, easyto-follow guide is a fascinating introduction for anyone who seeks to understand what happened on that momentous day. 731081, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 304 pages

Russian Eyewitness Accounts of the Campaign of 1814

The Imperial Guard of the First Empire. Volume 3 Mounted Troops Lithuanian Tartars, Horse Artillery, Train, Medical Service, Headquarters, Polish Krakus André Jouineau Jean-Marie Mongin Napoleon gave special attention to this splendid unit – the Imperial Guard – and it became a sort of little army within the “Grande Armée”. This study of its organization is here at its most erudite. Discover the uniforms, the equipment, and the weapons used by all those “Grognards,” who were launched into a battle as a last resort. Explaining how the Guard was organised into Old, Middle and Young Guards, in this volume, the illustratorresearcher André Jouineau shows the colonel-generals, the grenadiers, the chasseurs à pied, fusiliers, velites, flanqueurs, wards, workmen, sappers, doctors, magistrates and foot gunners. 485124, $37 , $24.50 , Hardback, 176 pages

Napoleon’s Waterloo Army Uniforms and Equipment Paul L Dawson Keith Rocco When Napoleon returned to Paris after exile on the Island of Elba, he appealed to the European heads of state to be allowed to rule France in peace. His appeal was rejected and the Emperor of the French knew he would have to fight to keep his throne. In just eight weeks, Napoleon assembled 128,000 soldiers in the French Army of the North and on 15 June moved into Belgium. Before the large Russian and Austrian armies could invade France, Napoleon hoped to defeat two coalition armies, an Anglo-Dutch-Belgian-German force under the Duke of Wellington, and a Prussian army led by Prince von Blücher. He nearly succeeded. 705280, $75 , $48.99 , Hardback, 696 pages

Soldier of the Seventy-First From De La Plata to Waterloo 1806–1815

Alexander Mikaberidze In the spring of 1814, after twenty-two years, enemy forces once again invaded France. Following Napoleon’s defeats in Russia and Germany, the victorious Allies had crossed the River with the intention of putting an end to the longstanding conflict with Imperial France. This book is the first title to bring together dozens of letters, diaries and memoirs of Russian participants of the 1814 Campaign. Reading these documents we see what Russian officers and soldiers experienced during the final months of the three year-long campaign as well as their joy at winning the war over Russia’s most dangerous enemy.

Joseph Sinclair This remarkable memoir was first published in Edinburgh in 1819 and has withstood the test of time. The reader receives the narrative of an intelligent observer, describing the behavior of his regiment as it traveled the globe. His account covers Whitelock’s disastrous South American adventure in 1806, the Peninsular War, the Walcheren Expedition and the Battle of Waterloo. For the first time, Joseph Sinclair has been unmasked as the author of the memoir, thanks to new research work by Stuart Reid.

327078, $50 , $32.50 , Hardback, 288 pages

325616, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 160 pages

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• ANCIENT • US CIVIL & MEDIEVAL WAR • • Yank and Rebel Rangers Special Operations in the American Civil War Robert W Black During the American Civil War, armies fought great, sweeping battles over vast distances and are well recorded – Antietam, Shiloh, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg - but in the seams of the battlefield another, much less known or publicized, war raged. Both the Union and the Confederacy employed small forces of bold and highly motivated soldiers for special operations behind enemy lines. Skilled in infiltration, these warriors deftly scouted deep into enemy territory, captured important personnel, disrupted lines of communication and logistics, and sowed confusion and fear. Often wearing the uniform of the enemy, they faced execution as spies if captured. 792006, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 384 pages

September Mourn The Dunker Church of Antietam Alann D. Schmidt Terry W. Barkley The Dunker Church is one of the most iconic structures of the American Civil War. Surprisingly, few people know much if anything about its fascinating story or the role it played within the community of Sharpsburg and its importance during and after the Battle of Antietam. Schmidt’s and Barkley’s impressive September Mourn is based upon years of meticulous research from both a Church of the Brethren (Dunkers) and a National Park Service perspective. The authors establish the importance of the structure to Sharpsburg and its citizens, its role during the battle and its aftermath, and how it helped establish tourism and education for future generations of Americans. 214499, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 168 pages

The Life of a Union Army Sharpshooter The Diaries and Letters of John T. Farnham William G. Andrews John T. Farnham, a sharpshooter in the Union Army, wrote a substantial diary entry nearly every day during his threeyear enlistment, sent over 50 long articles to his hometown newspaper, and mailed some 600 letters home. He described training, battles, skirmishes, encampments, furloughs, marches, hospital life, and clerkships at the Iron Brigade headquarters and the War Department. He met Lincoln and acquired a blood-stained cuff taken from his assassinated body. He befriended freed slaves, teaching them to read and write and built them a school. Frail and sickly, he died of tuberculosis four years after his discharge. 45077F, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 288 Pages


Storming the Wheatfield John Caldwell’s Union Division in the Gettysburg Campaign James M. Smith II Chris Bagley This gripping narrative is an in-depth study of the valiant men of General John Caldwell’s Union Division during the Gettysburg Campaign. Caldwell’s Division made a desperate stand against a tough and determined Confederate force in farmer George Rose’s nearly 20-acre Wheatfield. The infamous Wheatfield would change hands nearly six times in the span of two hours of fighting on July 2, becoming a trampled, bloody, no-man’s land for thousands of wounded soldiers. Smith examines the lives of the Union soldiers, from Colonel Edward Cross’s black bandana, to the famed Irish Brigade’s charge on Stoney Hill, James Smith’s Storming the Wheatfield goes deep into the lives the soldiers. 304938, $23.95 , $15.99 , Paperback, 208 pages

The Fights on the Little Horn Unveiling the Mysteries of Custer’s Last Stand Gordon Harper This remarkable book synthesizes a lifetime of in-depth research into one of America’s most storied disasters, the defeat of Custer’s 7th Cavalry at the hands of the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians, as well as the complete annihilation of that part of the cavalry led by Custer himself. The author spent countless hours on the battlefield itself as well as researching every iota of evidence of the fight from both sides, white and Indian. He was thus able to recreate every step of the battle as authoritatively as anyone could, dispelling myths and falsehoods along the way. 002149, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 408 pages

Union Soldiers in the American Civil War Facts and Photos for Readers of All Ages Lance J. Herdegen Union Soldiers offers a complete guide for Civil War enthusiasts of all ages. Herdegen employs nearly 100 photographs coupled with clear and concise prose broken down into short, easy to understand chapters to better understand these men. Coverage includes such varied topics as the organization of the Union Army, learning to be soldiers, winter campaigning, photography, sick call, nurses, religion, discipline, prisoner of war camps, weaponry, uniforms, as well as numbers and losses and the strengths of the various Union armies. It also examines the participation of U.S. Color Troops and the role played by African Americans during the Civil War. 213393, $15.95 , $10.50 , Paperback, 168 pages

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• ANCIENT • US CIVIL & MEDIEVAL WAR • • The War Outside My Window The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860-1865 Janet Elizabeth Croon LeRoy Wiley Gresham was born in 1847 to an affluent slave-holding family in Macon, Georgia. After a horrific leg injury left him an invalid, the educated, inquisitive, perceptive, and exceptionally witty 12-yearold began keeping a diary in 1860--just as secession and the Civil War began tearing the country and his world apart. He continued to write even as his health deteriorated until both the war and his life ended in 1865. His unique manuscript of the demise of the Old South is published here for the first time. 215298, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 480 pages

Year of Desperate Struggle Jeb Stuart and His Cavalry, from Gettysburg to Yellow Tavern, 1863-1864 Monte Akers This work picks up where Year of Glory left off, with a minute examination of Stuart’s cavalry during the controversial Gettysburg campaign, followed by the nine months of sparring during which the Army of Potomac declined to undertake further major thrusts against Virginia. In this work Akers provides a fascinating, close-in view of the Confederacy’s cavalry arm during this crucial period of the war. After Stuart’s death the Army of Northern Virginia would eventually be cornered, but while he was alive it was often the Northerners who most needed to look to their security. 002828, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 312 pages

Seizing Destiny The Army of the Potomac’s “Valley Forge” and the Civil War Winter that Saved the Union Albert Z. Conner Jr. Chris Mackowski PhD The Army of the Potomac faced a trio of unrelenting enemies during the winter of 1863. Following the catastrophic defeat at the battle of Fredericksburg, the army settled into winter quarters. Morale sank to its lowest level of the war while desertions reached an all-time high. Major General Joseph Hooker took command of the army and showed brilliance for organization and leadership. Hooker rebuilt the army from the bottom up. Hooker doled out promotions and furloughs by merit, conducted raids, streamlined the army’s command, and fielded a new cavalry corps and military intelligence organization. 211566, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 384 pages

Determined to Stand and Fight The Battle of Monocacy, July 9, 1864 Ryan T. Quint Ryan T. Quint tells the story of what became known as the “battle that saved Washington.” In early July 1864, outnumbered Union soldiers under the command of Maj. Gen. Lew Wallace prepared for a last-ditch defense along the banks of the Monocacy River against Lt. Gen. Jubal Early’s Confederates, who had invaded the north for the third time in the war. That day, Union and Confederate soldiers filled the fields just south of Frederick, Maryland, with the dead and wounded. While Wallace’s men fell into retreat, they had succeeded in slowing Early. 213461, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

The Great Battle Never Fought The Mine Run Campaign, November 26 – December 2, 1863 Chris Mackowski PhD The stakes for George Gordon Meade could not have been higher. After his stunning victory at Gettysburg in July of 1863, the Union commander spent the following months trying to bring the Army of Northern Virginia to battle once more and finish the job. Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., Meade’s political enemies launched an all-out assault against his reputation and generalship. Pressure mounted for the army commander to score a decisive victory and prove himself once more. And so, on Thanksgiving Day, 1863, the Army of the Potomac rumbled into motion once more, intent on trying again to bring about the great battle that would end the war. 214079, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

That Furious Struggle Chancellorsville and the High Tide of the Confederacy, May 1-4, 1863 Chris Mackowski PhD Kristopher D. White History would remember the battle of Chancellorsville as “Lee’s Greatest Victory.” But Confederate fortunes had reached their high tide. This book recounts the story of the Army of Northern Virginia’s last offensive battlefield victory—a tale of triumph and tragedy that includes that second-bloodiest day of the Civil War; the mortal wounding of one of Confederacy’s greatest icons, Stonewall Jackson; and the bold leadership of the man known as “audacity itself.” This book contains more than 150 modern and historical photos, outstanding maps, and an insider’s perspective of the battlefield as told by historians who intimately know the ground and the battle. 212198, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

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• ANCIENT • US CIVIL & MEDIEVAL WAR • • Fight Like the Devil The First Day at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863 Daniel T. Davis Chris Mackowski PhD As Confederate forces groped their way through the mountain passes, a chance encounter with Federal cavalry on the outskirts of a small Pennsylvania crossroads town triggered a series of events that quickly escalated beyond Lee’s—or anyone’s—control. Waves of soldiers materialized on both sides in a constantly shifting jigsaw of combat. “You will have to fight like the devil . . .” one Union cavalryman predicted. The costliest battle in the history of the North American continent had begun. July 1, 1863 remains the most overlooked phase of the battle of Gettysburg, yet it set the stage for all the fateful events that followed. 212273, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

A Season of Slaughter The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, May 8-21, 1864 Chris Mackowski PhD Kristopher D. White At Spotsylvania Court House, the second phase of the campaign, the two armies shifted from stalemate in the Wilderness to slugfest in the mud. Spotsylvania Court House represents a chess match of immeasurable stakes between two master opponents: Grant, the irresistible force, hammering with his overwhelming numbers and unprecedented power, versus Lee, the immovable object, hunkered down behind the most formidable defensive works yet seen on the continent. This clash is detailed here in a masterful storytelling richly enhanced with hundreds of photos, illustrations, and maps. 211481, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

Stephen Davis Spring of 1864 brought a new war to the Western Theater. Federal armies were poised on the edge of Georgia for the first time in the war. Atlanta sat in the distance, but it lay more than 140 miles away for the Federal armies, which had to navigate treacherous passes. Blocking the way, too, was the Confederate Army of Tennessee, commanded by Joseph E. Johnston. Historian Steve Davis in A Long and Bloody Task tells the tale of the Atlanta campaign as only a native can. He brings his Southern sensibility to the Emerging Civil War Series, known for its engaging storytelling and accessible approach to history. 213171, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

All Hell Can’t Stop Them The Battles for Chattanooga— Missionary Ridge and Ringgold, November 24-27, 1863 David A. Powell To many of the Federal soldiers watching the Stars and Stripes unfurl on the morning of November 25, 1863, it seemed that the battle to relieve Chattanooga was complete. But Grant’s greatest fear was that the Rebels would slip away before he could deliver the final blow. That blow landed on the afternoon of November 25. Each of Grant’s assembled forces—troops led by Union Generals William T. Sherman, George H. Thomas, and Joseph Hooker—all moved to the attack. Stubbornly, Bragg refused to retreat, and instead accepted battle. That decision would cost him dearly. 214130, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

To Hazard All A Guide to the Maryland Campaign, 1862

Simply Murder The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862

Robert Orrison Kevin R. Pawlak

Chris Mackowski PhD Kristopher D. White

Confederate armies advanced across a thousand mile front in the summer of 1862. The world watched anxiously—could the Confederacy achieve its independence? Reacting to the Army of Northern Virginia’s trek across the Potomac River, George B. McClellan gathered the broken and scattered remnants of several Federal armies within Washington, D. C. to repel the invasion and expel the Confederates from Maryland. Historians Robert Orrison and Kevin Pawlak trace the routes both armies traveled during the Maryland Campaign, ultimately coming to a climactic blow on the banks of Antietam Creek. 214093, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages


A Long and Bloody Task The Atlanta Campaign from Dalton through Kennesaw to the Chattahoochee, May 5-July 18, 1864

They melted like snow on the ground, one officer said - waves of Federal soldiers charged uphill across an open plain. Confederates, fortified behind a stone wall, poured a solid hail of lead into them as they charged, faltered, and died. As a result of the carnage, the battle of Fredericksburg is usually remembered as the most lopsided Union defeat of the war and one of the most misunderstood and misremembered engagements of the war. Burnside started with a wellconceived plan and had every reason to expect victory. How did it go so terribly wrong? 211467, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 192 pages

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• ANCIENT • US CIVIL & MEDIEVAL WAR • • Plenty of Blame to Go Around Jeb Stuart’s Controversial Ride to Gettysburg J. David Petruzzi Eric J. Wittenberg June 1863. The Gettysburg Campaign is in its opening hours. Harness jingles and hoofs pound as Confederate cavalryman James Ewell Brown (JEB) Stuart leads his three brigades of veteran troopers on a ride that triggers one of the Civil War’s most bitter and enduring controversies. Instead of finding glory and victory—two objectives with which he was intimately familiar—Stuart reaped stinging criticism and substantial blame for one of the Confederacy’s most stunning and unexpected battlefield defeats. Plenty of Blame to Go Around objectively investigates the role Stuart’s horsemen played in the disastrous campaign. 210989, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 456 pages

Gunboats on the Great Lakes 1866-68 The British Navy’’s show of force at the time of Confederation Cheryl MacDonald This book tells the story of the three British gunboats which patrolled the Great Lakes as the politicians finalized the Confederation deal, and Irish nationalists recruited Civil War veterans and staged armed raids on Canada. The Fenians decided to attack Canada with the aim of seizing power in the remaining colonies and using them as bargaining chips with Britain. Historian Cheryl MacDonald explores the impact of the Fenian attacks on average citizens, and examines how gunboat diplomacy; in this case, the presence of three British vessels; helped reassure thousands of Canadians and guarantee Canada’s territorial sovereignty between 1866 and 1868. 411227, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 192 pages

Texans at Antietam A Terrible Clash of Arms, September 16-17, 1862 Joe Owen Philip McBride The Texans from Hood’s Texas Brigade and other regiments who fought at Antietam on 16– 17 September 1862 described their experiences of the battle in personal diaries, interviews, newspaper articles, letters, and speeches. Their reminiscences provide a fascinating and harrowing account of the battle as they fought the Army of the Potomac. This book collates their writings alongside speeches that were given in the decades after the battle, during the annual reunions of Hood’s Brigade Association and the dedication of the Hood’s Brigade Monument at the state capital in Austin, Texas. 450227, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 272 pages

The Million-Dollar Man Who Helped Kill a President George Washington Gayle and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Christopher Lyle McIlwain, Sr. Forget what you thought you knew about why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. No, it was not mere sectional hatred, Booth’s desire to become famous, Lincoln’s advocacy of black suffrage, or a plot masterminded by Jefferson Davis to win the war by crippling the Federal government. Christopher Lyle McIlwain, Sr.’s The Million-Dollar Man Who Helped Kill a President: George Washington Gayle and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln exposes the fallacies regarding each of those theories and reveals both the mastermind behind the plot, and its true motivation. 213942, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 312 pages

Barksdale’s Charge The True High Tide of the Confederacy at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 Phillip Thomas Tucker Barksdale’s brigade was already renowned in the Army of Northern Virginia for its standalone fights at Fredericksburg. On the second day of Gettysburg it was just champing at the bit to go in. The Federal left was not as vulnerable as Lee had envisioned, but had cooperated with Rebel wishes by extending its Third Corps into a salient. Hood’s crack division was launched first, seizing Devil’s Den, climbing Little Round Top, and hammering in the wheatfield. Barksdale himself was killed at the apex of his advance. Darkness, as well as Confederate exhaustion, finally ended the day’s fight as the shaken, depleted Federal units on their heights took stock. 002279, $18.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 336 pages

Robert E. Lee in War and Peace The Photographic History of a Confederate and American Icon Donald A. Hopkins Robert E. Lee is well known as a Confederate general and as an educator later in life, but most people are exposed to the same handful of images of one of America’s most famous sons. It has been almost seven decades since anyone has attempted a serious study of Lee in photographs, and with Don Hopkins’ painstakingly researched and lavishly illustrated Robert E. Lee in War and Peace, the wait is finally over. The author offers definitive and conclusive attribution of the identity of the photographer of the well-known Lee ‘in the field’ images, and reproduces a startling imperial-size photograph of Lee made by Alexander Gardner. 214215, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 216 pages

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ANGLO-ZULU WAR • • • 17TH / 18TH CENTURY Forgotten Battles of the Zulu War

Adrian Greaves Adrian Greaves uses his exceptional knowledge of the Anglo-Zulu War to look beyond the two best known battles of Isandlwana and the iconic action at Rorkes Drift to other fiercely fought battles. He covers little recorded engagements and battles such as Nyezane which was fought on the same day as the slaughter of Imperial troops at Isandlwana but has been eclipsed by it. Like the battles at Hlobane and Gingindhlovu. This hugely informative book will fascinate fans of this period of Imperial history. 791870, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 224 pages

Zulu War VCs Victoria Crosses of the Anglo-Zulu War 1879 James W Bancroft The Anglo-Zulu War lasted only six months in 1879, but in that relatively short time twenty-three men were awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry under most trying and dangerous circumstances. Zulu warriors gave no mercy and expected none in return, yet half of the awards were given to men who went back into the midst of fierce fighting to rescue stranded comrades, well-aware that they risked suffering a particularly brutal death. With information compiled over four decades by James W. Bancroft, this book brings together more information about the men than has ever before been collected together in one publication. 722645, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 192 pages

Sister Janet Nurse & Heroine of the Anglo-Zulu War, 1879 Brian Best Katie Slossel Janet Wells was only 18 when decorated for her nursing service to the Russians in the 1878 Balkan War. The following year she became the only nurse to serve at the Front in the Anglo-Zulu War. After a period in Northern Zululand, she was sent to the garrison at Rorkes Drift very soon after the legendary action. Revered by the soldiers, she had to make do in appalling conditions with scant supplies. She overcame extreme difficulties and prejudice despite her youth. After returning to England in time for her 20th birthday, her achievements were recognized by the award of the Royal Red Cross the highest accolade and the equivalent of the Victoria Cross.

David Rattray’s Guide to the Zulu War

David Rattray David Rattray is known to many thousands of enthusiasts for his emotional and evocative lectures. No one is better qualified to explain the causes of this strange colonial war when British Imperial might was initially humiliated in a ghastly slaughter. Pride was somewhat salvaged by the heroic defense of Rorke’s Drift and thereafter the Zulus were doomed. Today the battlefields are frequently visited and this attractive book is the perfect companion, being both authoritative, well illustrated and highly accessible. 529227, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

783370, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 208 pages

Discovering the Battlefields of the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War

Ken Gillings The author shares his knowledge gleaned from over 50 years of researching the Anglo-Zulu War. He has blended firsthand accounts passed on from participants on both sides to subsequent generations with official or newly researched information that has become available in recent years. It is written in a style that is neither technical nor dramatic, is extensively illustrated with photographs of personalities and places and includes comprehensive maps of all the battle sites. 143909, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

Marching to the Drums Eyewitness accounts of Battle from the Crimea to the Siege of Mafeking Ian Knight In this gripping collection of first-hand accounts, Ian Knight presents the adventure of nineteenth-century warfare – from the thrill of the cavalry charges at Balaklava and Omdurman, to the terror of battle against an overwhelming odds such as Rorke’s Drift. These eyewitness accounts provide a vivid and sometimes shocking insight into the brutal realities of warfare for the British imperial soldier, who fought against enemies from massed ranks of Russians and assegai-armed natives to sharp-shooting Boers, in often the most terrible conditions imaginable. 322400, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 288 Pages


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• WORLD WAR 1 • • 17TH / 18TH CENTURY • Victoria Crosses on the Western Front – Battle of Amiens 8-13 August 1918

For King and Kaiser Scenes from Saxony’s War in Flanders 1914– 1918 Andrew Lucas Jürgen Schmieschek

Paul Oldfield Victoria Crosses on the Western Front: Battle of Amiens, is designed for the battlefield visitor as much as the armchair reader. A thorough account of each VC action is set within the wider strategic and tactical context. Detailed sketch maps show the area today, together with the battle-lines and movements of the combatants. It will allow visitors to stand upon the spot, or very close to, where each VC was won. Photographs of the battle sites richly illustrate the accounts. There is also a comprehensive biography for each recipient, covering every aspect of their lives.

Following on from their pioneering account of the Saxon army in the First World War –Fighting the Kaiser’s War – Andrew Lucas and Jürgen Schmieschek have compiled this remarkable sequel which covers Saxony’s war in Flanders in much greater detail. Once again they draw on vivid extracts from personal accounts and letters as well as regimental and documents from the Saxon archives, and they illustrate their powerful study with hundreds of previously unpublished personal photos which show every aspect of wartime experience in the front line and the rear areas.

827097, $39.95 , $25.99 , Paperback, 288 pages

748645, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

Amiens 1918 Victory from Disaster Gregory Blaxland The book largely concentrates on the British and Dominion troops of the BEF. The first half is taken up with the attack on Amiens (and, to a lesser extent, on Arras). In the second half of the book the author provides a cohesive account of the British response in retaking the initiative from the Germans, though not failing to give allied nations their due. Besides giving a full narrative account, he also provides a useful critical commentary of the performance of armies and generals. This is a welcome reprint of an accessible account of the crucial year of the war, when on the Western Front the conflict broke free of its entrenched deadlock. 796462, $32.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 288 pages

Reported Missing in the Great War 100 Years of Searching for the Truth John Broom This book traces the history of the searching services that were established to assist families in eliciting definitive news of their missing loved ones. Then, using previously unpublished material, most of it lovingly preserved in family archives for over a century, the lives of eight soldiers, whose families had no known resting place to visit after the conclusion of the war, are recounted. These young men, their lives full of promise, vanished from the face of the earth. The circumstances of their deaths and the painstaking efforts undertaken, both by family members and public and voluntary organizations, to piece together what information could be found are described.

Casualty Evacuation for the Somme British Ambulance Training, Provision and Operation 1914-16 Jeremy Higgins This book exposes the enormous logistical and physical effort involved in mass casualty evacuation and shows that despite the unprecedented number of casualties, every available ambulance train was optimized to recover the wounded. It challenges the theory that ambulance trains failed on the 1 July 1916, and shows that, crucially, the medical planners for this battle failed to anticipate what was, in fact, a predictable level of casualties. What is unclear, though, is had they accurately predicted the casualty rate whether it would have been possible to have evacuated the injured any more expeditiously. 11860A, $42.95 , $27.99 , Paperback, 228 pages


Louise Bell 11th November 1918 saw the signing of the armistice that ended fighting between the Allies and Germany. This book will take the reader through the final year of the First World War and everything that led up to this day. Starting from the Spring Offensive, photos and images from The National Archives will highlight important points ranging from the last 100 days to the signing of the various treaties before this final armistice, finishing with a look at the Peace Parade in 1919. The physical and mental effects of the war will also be examined, and show how the war never really ended in 1918 for many. 729415, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 176 pages

749512, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 288 pages

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• 17TH • WORLD / 18TH WAR CENTURY 1• • Early French Aviation, 1905–1930

Graham M Simons France has been called the cradle of aviation by many – a fact that cannot be disputed, although some have tried. By the end of the 19th century, she led the world in lighter-than-air flight. Any concern about heavierthan-air flight was dismissed as inevitable, and France would achieve it in due course. By the time Blériot bravely inquired ‘Which way is England?’ the country was ready to redress any perceived shortfall. Besides leading European aviation, France was the nation that named all the parts of an airplane with words many of which we still use everywhere today. 758743, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

The French Air Force in the First World War

Ian Sumner The French air force of the First World War developed as fast as the British and German air forces, yet its history, and the enormous contribution it made to the eventual French victory, is often forgotten. So Ian Sumner’s photographic history, which features almost 200 images, most of which have not been published before, is a fascinating and timely introduction to the subject. Ian Sumner tells their story too, as well as describing in a sequence of memorable photographs the less well-known branches of the service the bomber and reconnaissance pilots and the variety of primitive warplanes they flew. 701794, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 160 pages

Great War Fighter Aces

Norman Franks Here, Norman Franks tells the story of the emergence of some of the greatest fighter aces to see action during the first half of the First World War. He explores the manner in which the situation developed from late 1914 to the late summer of 1916, the point at which Oswald Boelcke helped form the German Jasta system that would prove so devastating to the RFC and RNAS. Utilizing images drawn from his large personal archive of photographs, Franks profiles some of the greatest and most notorious aces, as well as the aircraft in which they flew. 831821, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 168 pages

The German Army from Mobilisation to First Ypres

Otto Schwink This new volume in the longrunning Images of War series features the actions of the Imperial German Army at Ypres from 1914-15. In the autumn of 1917 Captain Otto Schwink, a General Staff Officer, by order of the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army, produced a book entitled The Germans at Ypres 1914. Herr Schwink’s text is reproduced accompanied by rare photographs illustrating the Imperial German Army as it was in the prewar era and in the field during the campaign, which culminated in the four year struggle for the Ypres salient. Photographs depict the troops, officers, supporting artillery, High Command and the events of the 1914 Christmas truce. 837805, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

The Russian Army in the First World War

Nik Cornish This book is a fascinating photographic record of the army under the Tsar Nicholas II, then under the Provisional Government and the Bolshevik rule that succeeded him. The impact of the Russian revolution is also revealed in the photographs which take the story through from the initial outbreaks of discontent and the abdication of the Tsar to Lenin’s take-over and the end of Russia’s war - and of the imperial army – in 1917. 847521, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

The French Army in the Great War

David Bilton The book aims to give a concise overview of the war seen through French eyes and includes the casualties incurred. Although the May 1917 mutinies were an important but brief part of the story, they are not dealt with at any length because they can distract from the main story of the valor shown by the French troops in battles were the casualties were extremely high. Also included is a lengthy introduction which explains the structure of the army at the onset of the war and some of the problems it faced, and a section that looks at the uniforms worn and how they changed during the war. 887244, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 240 pages


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• 17TH / 18TH CENTURY • • WORLD WAR 1 • Glum Heroes Hardship, Fear and Death - Resilience and Coping in the British Army on the Western Front 1914-1919 Peter Hodgkinson Glum Heroes is a portrayal of how the soldiers of 1914-1918 coped with their experiences. Using their own words, the book considers coping from both the standpoint of psychological theory that has stood the test of time, but more importantly, in the context of the cultural norms of those born into the Victorian era. The external coping resources available to soldiers encompassed family and friends. The first was a resource limited by distance, and the central role of correspondence in sustaining contact is explored. Stripped of sentimentality, the coping mechanisms of Great War soldiers, although very different from our own, were robust and largely effective. 174744, $32.95 , $58.50 , Paperback, 296 pages

The Battle of Jutland: History’s Greatest Sea Battle Told Through Newspaper Reports, Official Documents and the Accounts of Those Who Were There Richard H Osborne The Royal Navy had been acknowledged as the most powerful maritime force on the planet. But the Germans had undertaken a shipbuilding program designed to place them on equal footing. The British Grand Fleet and the German High Seas Fleet finally faced each other across the North Sea off Jutland. In this insightful investigation into the battle, Richard Osborne draws on the words of the key players to resolve the many disputes, controversies and myths that have surrounded this battle throughout the intervening 100 years. 324534, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 328 pages

Verdun 1917 The French Hit Back Christina Holstein Once more Christina Holstein, the premier expert in Britain of the battlefields around Verdun, leads the reader around the various vital points of this largely unknown battle of 1917, one which was vital for the rebuilding of a French army that played such a notable part in the victorious allied campaign of 1918. As for all the books in the Battleground Europe series, it is profusely illustrated and mapped using contemporary and modern material, supported by clear maps to support each of the tours. 71708A, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 288 pages

Gallipoli New Perspectives on the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915-16 Michael LoCicero Rhys Crawley Generally conceded to be doomed from the outset by the most recent historiography, the Gallipoli campaign still arouses heated controversy. In a new compendium of original research by an impressive array of established and up and coming scholars, Gallipoli: The Mediterranean Expeditionary Force 1915-16 explores various aspects of the Allied military effort to force a passage through the Dardanelles Straits and eliminate Ottoman Turkey from its Central Powers alliance. 512189, $89.95 , $51.99 , Hardback, 736 pages

The Zeebrugge Raid 1918 A Story of Courage and Sacrifice Told Through Newspaper Reports, Official Documents and the Accounts of Those Who Were There Paul Kendall Approximately a third of all Allied merchant vessels sunk during WWI were by German boats and submarines based at Bruge-Zeebrugge. A daring plan was devised to sail directly into the heavily defended port and then to sink three obsolete cruisers in the hope they would block German vessels from reaching the English Channel. Here, the story is told through a huge collection of personal accounts and official reports on the bitter fighting. 876712, $44.95 , $29.50 , Hardback, 328 pages

American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War The Meuse Argonne 1918: Breaking the Line Maarten Otte Maarten Otte gives a background narrative to events before the opening of the Offensive and its development. This opening book on the Meuse-Argonne takes the reader, more or less, to the date when General Pershing handed over command of the US First Army to Major General Liggard in mid October, a change in command that marked a significant improvement in the American performance as they pushed the Germans ever backwards. The Great War battlefield of the Argonne is marked by numerous physical remains of the war, some fine (some might argue over grandiose) monuments and by the stunning American cemetery at Romagne. 714459, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 272 pages

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•• WORLD WAR 1 • • 19TH CENTURY Jagdstaffel 356 The Story of a German Fighter Squadron M.E. K?hnert Although the author has given this Jagdstaffel a fictitious number and changed the names of the pilots composing it, the incidents related in this book have the genuine ring of truth and will be recognized as facts by anyone who has had experience of flying on the Western Front or who has studied it since. Many experts believe this work draws on the experience of the Bavarian Jasta 35, which flew against the British; however, whatever its real number may have been, Jagdstaffel 356 undoubtedly fought in the air over Flanders in 1918.This book is an exciting account, obviously written from firsthand experience, of the air war from the German side.

Fighter Pilot

“McScotch” “McScotch” himself describes his book and pays tribute to a colleague in this note, which appears at the front of the volume: “This book consists of the reminiscences of an ordinary fighter pilot of the R.F.C. who had the privilege of serving in one of the leading Fighter Squadrons and who had the honor of being the friend of the supreme fighter of all the Air Forces, that indomitable and lovable patriot, ‘MICK’ MANNOCK, V.C., D.S.O., M.C.” Available records and publications show “McScotch” himself as a fighter pilot with 40 Squadron, holding the rank of lieutenant and then captain. He is credited with 12 kills of German opponents. 001463, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 276 pages

001449, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 128 pages

An Air Fighter’s Scrapbook

Recollections of an Airman

Ira Jones Ira “Taffy” Jones was a wellknown air fighter during the First World War, having scored about 40 victories flying SE5 scouts in France with 74 Squadron. Jones recorded stories drawn from his own experiences during the war and wrote of the many personalities he had met or known by association, both during the war and in the post-war flying years.An Air Fighter’s Scrap Book recreates the atmosphere of the days of the biplane, of wartime flying, of early peacetime adventures in the air, the development of civil aviation, and breathtaking record beating flights, all evoking the sheer delight in flying that characterized those early years.

Louis Arbon Strange Strange was 23 years old when he learned to fly, and was at the Central Flying School when war broke out. He hurriedly packed his kit and reported to Royal Flying Corps headquarters, to join No.5 Squadron. He was on active duty throughout the whole of the war, seeing service over the Western Front from August 1914 to the enemy’s surrender. In 1915 Strange transferred to No.6 Squadron and went on to form and command No.23 Squadron, but due to illness he did not accompany it to France. There followed a valuable period training others, taking charge of the Machine-Gun School at Hythe, and also other schools of aerial gunnery, before he returned to the Front.

001500, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 368 pages

003863, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

German War Birds

King of Airfighters The Biography of Major “Mick” Mannock, VC, DSO MC

Vigilant This book, originally written in 1931 by “Vigilant” (the pen name for Claude Sykes), tells the dramatic tales of air combat as fought by the best German pilots of the First World War. Manfred von Richthofen, Max Immelmann, Oswald Boelcke and other famous daredevil flyers are joined by the lesserknown but equally resourceful colleagues such as Rudolph von Eschwege and Hand Shuz, taking part in furious battles in the sky and close escapes on the ground when brought down on the wrong side of the lines. German War Birds contains some of the earliest information to appear after the war about air combat in the Middle East and Russia.

Ira Jones Ira Jones’ biography of Britain’s top scoring ace of World War I has become the subject of some controversy over the last few years, most notably as it is the source of the claim of 73 “kills” for Mannock, thereby making him the number one scoring Allied Ace of the war. Later research has thrown serious doubt on this claim and indeed Mannock himself only claimed 51 kills. Jones’s biography is nevertheless an important account, especially when seen in the context of the time in which it was first written.

001890, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 288 pages

033991, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 256 pages


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••WORLD WAR 1 • • 19TH CENTURY In the Shadows of Victory II America’s Forgotten Military Leaders, The Spanish-American War to World War II

Day the World was Shocked The Lusitania Disaster and Its Influence on the Course of World War I

Thomas D. Phillips During the course of America’s existence, history has enshrined an exceptional few military leaders in the public’s collective consciousness while sometimes ignoring others often equally as deserving, relegating them to footnotes at best. Though the nation owes them considerable debts, the military history of the United States is replete with examples of leaders whose singular leadership is now little remembered or forgotten completely. This book is about those who have been overlooked; military leaders whose accomplishments have been too little acknowledged and too seldom celebrated.

John Protasio By far the most controversial sinking during the First World War was that of the Lusitania. As opposed to the loss of the Titanic several years earlier, which could be attributed to nature, the destruction of the passenger-liner Lusitania came at the hands of a German U-boat, one of many which infested the Atlantic at the time seeking destruction. Over 1,200 people perished in this attack, including citizens from the then neutral United States of America. Although America did not declare war over this incident, the repulsion over needless loss of life put the country in psychological terms on an inexorable path toward intervention in Europe.

005461, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 288 pages

149453, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 256 pages

German Raiders of the First World War Kaiserliche Marine Cruisers and the Epic Chases Chris Sams As the world plunged into war in August 1914 two Kaiserliche Marine fleets and several detached cruisers lay beyond the North Sea. Beyond the British blockade there was little chance of reinforcement and resupply of ammunition—their commanders had to make some decisions as to what to do for their crews. Admiral Maximilian Von Spee had to decide what to do half a world away from Germany. With only the ammunition on board his vessels, he had to fight his way through the British lines to get his men home.The Royal Navy expended a lot of resources to try and remove these threats. 554661, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 224 Pages

Those Bloody Kilts The Highland Soldier in the Great War Thomas Greenshields The book reviews the Highland regiments before the declaration of war in 1914, including the kilted regiments not only of Scotland, but of England and the Empire. This includes an examination of their nature, composition, recent battle experience in South Africa and the Empire, sense of identity, public image and reputation. It then reviews the Highland battalions which actually went to war, including not only the prewar Regular and Territorial battalions, but also the additional Territorial, Service, Garrison and Reserve battalions raised in the United Kingdom. 390267, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 408 pages

Undarkened Skies The American Aircraft Building Programme of the First World War Paul R. Hare Soon after entering the war in April 1917 American propaganda promised that she would ‘Darken the skies over Europe’ by sending over ‘the Greatest Aerial Armada ever seen.’ Encouraged by the French Government America promised to build no less than 22,000 airplanes within a year and to field, and to maintain, a force of 4,000 machines, all of the latest type, over the Western Front during 1918, not only to provide adequate air support for her own troops, but because she saw this as a way to use her industrial strength to bypass the squalor of the war in the trenches, and so bring an end to the stalemate of attrition into which the war had descended. 556511, $28.95 , $18.99 , Hardback, 160 pages

At All Costs The British Army on the Western Front 1916 Spencer Jones Professor Peter Simkins 1916 was a pivotal year for the British Army. It was a year of intense combat that was defined by the Battle of the Somme and the appalling casualties of the 1st July 1916. Yet it was also the year in which the British Army began to master industrial warfare and the tide of the war began to turn in favor of the Allies. This book brings together leading scholars of the First World War to examine the experience of the British Army in this controversial year. It includes essays which consider Britain’s grand strategy, the role of key commanders, intelligence gathering, the development of logistics and the performance of Dominion forces. 174881, $79.95 , $51.99 , Hardback, 533 pages

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19TH CENTURY •• WORLD WAR 1 • • German Soldier 1914-1918 Jean-Claude Laparra This book covers the daily life of the ordinary German infantryman from 1914 to 1918, through “Michel”, the archetype of the German soldier, the national personification of the German people, the symbol of patriotic union. We see his life, his material surroundings, his joys, his hardships, the way he ate, expressed himself, his relationship to authority, mobilization, moving up to the front, life in the front line and the rear, the fighting, his assignment to the assault troops, care in hospital, combined with an examination of the way uniforms and equipment altered as the war went on. 500711, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 68 pages

First World War Uniforms Lives, Logistics, and Legacy in British Army Uniform Production 1914–1918 Catherine Price-Rowe Using the authors greatgrandfather’s war service as a backdrop, this book will uncover the textile industries and home front call to arms, the supply chain, salvage and repair workshops in France, and how soldiers maintained their uniform on the front line. Items of a soldiers uniform can become a way to remember and are often cherished by families, creating a tangible physical link with the past, but the durability of cloth to withstand time can create an important legacy. At the very least the color of cloth or type of hob nail can give the individual his nationality allowing them to be given a final resting place. 833890, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 232 pages

Death Was Their CoPilot Aces of the Skies Michael Dorflinger It was in World War I that the skies first became a battlefield, with nations seeking to decide military outcomes off the ground. This volume introduces the fighter pilots of World War I, including the infamous “Red Baron” Manfred von Richthofen. In addition to this iconic flying ace, the author presents the thrilling biographies of numerous others and recounts their exploits and the tragedies they suffered. Likewise, the book illustrates the Great War’s historical background and documents the increasing sophistication of aviation technology and warfare. 859289, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

Combat Over the Trenches Oswald Watt, Aviation Pioneer Chris Clark Father of the Flying Corps’ and ‘Father of Australian Aviation’ were two of the unofficial titles conferred on Oswald (“Toby”) Watt when he died in tragic circumstances shortly after the end of the First World War. He had become the Australian Army’s first qualified pilot in 1911, but spent the first 18 months of the war with the French Air Service, the Aéronautique Militaire, before arranging a transfer to the Australian Imperial Force. Already an experienced combat pilot, he rose quickly through the ranks of the Australian Flying Corps, becoming a squadron leader and leading his unit at the battle of Cambrai. 715012, $50 , $32.50 , Hardback, 312 pages

The Defeat of the Zeppelins Zeppelin Raids and Anti-Airship Operations 1916-18 Mick Powis Mick Powis describes the novel threat posed to the British war effort by the raids of German airships, or Zeppelins, and the struggle to develop effective defenses against them. Despite their size and relatively slow speed, the Zeppelins were hard to locate and destroy at first. They could fly higher than existing fighters and the early raids benefited from a lack of coordination between British services. The development of radio, better aircraft, incendiary ammunition, and, above all, a more coordinated defensive policy, gradually allowed the British to inflict heavy losses on the Zeppelins. 702494, $50 , $32.50 , Hardback, 288 pages


Rolling Thunder: A Century of Tank Warfare

Philip Kaplan The tank is such a characteristic feature of modern warfare that it’s difficult to imagine a time when its presence wasn’t felt on the battlefield in some form or another. This volume traces the history of the vehicle from its developmental early days on the battlefields of the Great War, to modern-day uses and innovations in response to the growing demands of twenty-first century warfare. Featured are images of some of the most highly regarded and imposing types, such as the Chrysler-built Grant, the Skoda-built Hungarian Turan and the M-26 Pershing tank. From the battlefields of the Great War to Iraq and Afghanistan, the history of this impressive war machine is tracked in detail. 592434, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 192 pages

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• WORLD WAR 1 • London: Bombed, Blitzed and Blown Up The British Capital Under Attack Since 1867 Ian Jones MBE When it comes to being bombed, London is unique. Although it cannot claim to be the most bombed capital city in terms of the weight of explosive detonated it has endured the most varied and unrelenting attack since the discovery of explosives. From the first Irish Republican bomb in 1867, London and its population have been under almost constant assault. Terrorism features in virtually every decade from the 1860s to the present and has caused much damage, particularly during the late 1980s and early 1990s. However, by far the greatest destruction was from the air. The Zeppelin and Gotha bomber raids in the First World War being but a foretaste of what would happen in the Second.

Military Technology of the First World War Development, Use and Consequences Wolfgang Fleischer Like any war before or since, the First World War formed the catalyst for a wealth of technical inventions with only one goal in mind: to inflict as much damage on the opponent as possible. No one would have dreamed that as a result of these new technologies, the death tolls on all sides would be so high, nor would the physical destruction of the opposition have seemed possible. In this new work, Wolfgang Fleischer has meticulously documented all the weaponry was used by the Central Powers and their opponents, including machine guns, artillery guns, gas, the first armored combat vehicles, aircraft and submarines. 854192, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

878990, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 512 pages

A Muddy Trench: A Sniper’s Bullet Hamish Mann, Black Watch, Officer-Poet, 1896–1917

Sniping in the Great War

Jacquie Buttriss The recent discovery of a wooden chest, unopened for 100 years revealed a treasure trove of eloquent trench diaries, letters and poetry. The author was Hamish Mann, a young Black Watch subaltern killed in France in 1917 just five days after his 21st birthday. Thanks to Mann’s outstanding literary gifts and prodigious output, this book re-lives his fateful journey from the declaration of war, his voluntary work at a military hospital, his training and commission and, finally, his service with 8th Black Watch on the Somme.

Martin Pegler Military snipers are regarded as vital specialists in modern warfare, and their role evolved throughout the Great War. As Martin Pegler shows in this wide-ranging, authoritative study, the technique of sniping adapted rapidly to the conditions of static warfare that prevailed through much of the conflict. His account follows the development of sniping from the early battles of 1914, through the trench fighting and the attributional offensives of the middle years, to the renewed open warfare of 1918. He concentrates on the continuous British and German sniping war on the Western Front, but he also looks at how snipers operated in other theaters.

745095, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 240 pages

899018, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 224 pages

Gallipoli Sniper The Remarkable Life of Billy Sing

British Submarines At War 1914 - 1918

John Hamilton Billy Sing was a small, dark man – and a deadly killer. When, as a member of the Australian Imperial Force 5th Light Horse, he was thrust onto the narrow strip of land held by the Australians on Gallipoli, he witnessed the terrible effects of the Turkish snipers and decided to fight fire with fire. Using a simple Lee Enfield .303 rifle, Sing began to pick off unwary Turks who exposed themselves. Assisted by a ‘spotter’ who would single out targets for him, Sing acquired an unrivaled reputation as he killed increasing numbers of enemy soldiers. He became known as the ‘Anzac Angel of Death.’

Edwyn Gray Originally published in 1970 and out of print for nearly thirty years, this book has already earned its place as a classic of submarine history for being second-to-none in evoking the claustrophobic horror of war beneath the waves. Accurate in detail, yet written with humanity and humor, it tells the story of Britain’s pioneer submarines during the Great War during which their crews battled courageously in atrocious conditions against a skilled and ruthless enemy and an equally unforgiving sea. Freshly illustrated, this second edition is a timely tribute to the gallant pioneers who created the legacy of dogged courage and determination.

329041, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 272 pages

853454, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 224 Pages

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• WORLD WAR 1 • The Hunters and the Hunted The Elimination of German Surface Warships around the World 1914-15 Bryan Perrett At the start of World War One the Imperial German Navy had a large number of surface warships deployed around the world. These posed a considerable threat to British mercantile interests, particularly the import of food and fuel supplies. Their elimination was a matter of urgency. 846388, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

The Kaiser’s Captive In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams Albert Rhys Williams was an American journalist and author. In 1914, Williams traveled to Europe as the special war correspondent for Outlook magazine, tasked with the duty of reporting the events of the Great War. In these early days of the conflict, Williams had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Imperial German Army. He was arrested in Belgium and marched into captivity on the suspicion that he was a British spy. On his return to the United States, Williams published In the Claws of the German Eagle in 1917. This fascinating book details Williams’ experiences both on the front and in German captivity. 463084, $24.95 , $16.50 , Hardback, 144 pages

With the German Guns Four Years on the Western Front Herbert Sulzbach At once harrowing and lighthearted, Sulzbach’s exceptional diary has been highly praised since its original publication in Germany in 1935. With the reprint of this classic account of trench warfare it records the pride and exhilaration of what to him was the fight for a just cause. It is one of the very few available records of an ordinary German soldier during the First World War.“One of the most notable books on the Great War. It is a book which finely expressed the true soldierly spirit on its highest level; the combination of a high sense of duty, courage, fairness and chivalry.” Sir Basil Liddell Hart 848641, $24.99 , $16.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

Dog Fight Aerial Tactics of the Aces of the First World War Norman Franks The history of aviation during the First World War is a rich and varied story marked by the evolution of aircraft from slow-moving, unreliable powered kites, into quick, agile, sturdy fighter craft. At the same time there emerged a new kind of ‘soldier’, the pioneer fighter pilot whose individual cunning and bravery became crucial in the fight for control of the air. Dog Fight traces this rapid technological development alongside the strategy and planning of commanders and front-line airmen as they adapted. Drawing on contemporary memoirs as well as the author’s personal correspondence with surviving First World War fighter pilots and aces, this is an authoritative and captivating history. 328327, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 256 pages

Battle for the Baltic Islands 1917 Triumph of the Imperial German Navy Gary Staff In late 1917, the Russians, despite the revolution, were still willing to continue the war against Germany. This is an account of Operation Albion, the highly-successful seaborne operation launched by the Germans to change their minds. The Baltic Islands were pivotal for the defence of the Finnish Gulf and St. Petersburg, so their capture was essential for any campaign towards the Russian capital. Only after the fall of the islands did Russia begin peace negotiations (freeing nearly half a million German soldiers for the Kaiser’s last gamble on the Western Front). This then was a campaign of great significance for the war on both Eastern and Western fronts. 748492, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 192 pages


T E Lawrence in War and Peace The Military Writings of Lawrence of Arabia An Anthology T. E. Lawrence Malcolm Brown Despite being written more than seventy years ago, the thoughts of Lawrence of Arabia remain remarkably pertinent. This collection includes Lawrence’s wartime reports from the desert, along with later writings in which Lawrence attempts to cope with the consequences of war in the circumstances of peace. Many of the pieces have previously only been issued in limited editions. T. E. Lawrence in War and Peace is an invaluable companion volume to the classic Seven Pillars of Wisdom offering a remarkable selfportrait of its author long before he became an international celebrity. 328020, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 304 pages

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• WORLD WAR 1 • Railway Guns British and German Guns at War John Goodwin In the nineteenth century the War Office showed little interest in developing large heavy artillery for its land forces, preferring instead to equip its warships with the biggest guns. However, the development of longer-range guns, weighing up to 250 tons, to smash through the massive armies and trench systems on the Western Front in 1916, led to a rethink. The only way to move these monsters about quickly in countryside thick with mud was to mount them on specially built railway trucks towed by locomotives. This book largely concentrates on the realities of the time, the type of gun, the locomotives, artillery targets, locations, and what it was like when firing took place.

Rise of the Tank Armoured Vehicles and their use in the First World War Michael Foley Rise of the Tank will be concentrated on the period of the development of the tank and its use in the First World War. Using the resources of the Imperial War Museum, The National Archives and the Tank Museum, Rise of the Tank will have lots of information available on the development and use of the early tanks as well as personal reminiscences of those who fought in them. The author, Michael Foley, has also collected a great deal of material from the period such as the First World War field service pocket book of a 2nd lieutenant and copies of magazines of the period. 463930, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

854116, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 128 pages

Supplying the British Army in the First World War

Fokker Fodder The Royal Aircraft Factory B.E.2c

Janet Macdonald Napoleon famously said that an army marches on its stomach, but it also marches in its boots and its uniforms, carrying or driving its weapons and other equipment, and all this material has to be ordered from headquarters, produced and delivered. Janet Macdonald’s detailed and scholarly new study explains how this enormously complex task of organization and labor was carried out by the British army during the First World War. This meticulously researched account of this important subject will be essential reading and reference for anyone who is interested in the modern British army.

Paul R. Hare In the 1912 Military Aeroplane Competition, the B.E.2 outperformed all its competitors; it was put into production and quickly became the most numerous single type in the Royal Flying Corps. B.E.2c, a later variant nicknamed the ‘Quirk’ by its pilots, was designed for stability and intended mainly for reconnaissance. Matched against the German Fokker Eindecker fighter in the First World War, it was hopelessly outclassed. The Eindecker, piloted by top scoring German aces such as Max Immelmann and Oswald Boelcke, made short work of the B.E.2c in the aerial bloodbath known as the ‘Fokker Scourge’.

725370, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 256 pages

550656, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 160 pages

Billy Bishop Top Canadian Flying Ace Dan McCaffery Billy Bishop was the top Canadian flying ace in the First World War, credited officially with a record-breaking 75 victories. Bishop went from being the most decorated war hero in Canadian history to a crusader for peace, writing the book Winged Peace, which supported international control of global air power. Author Dan McCaffery presents the life and accomplishments of Bishop through information he gathered from interviews and archival sources. This new illustrated edition of Dan McCaffery’s book contains more than 50 photos of Bishop and other First World War fliers including German and British air aces, plus artifacts from the collection now on display at Billy Bishop airport, Toronto.

Halifax Explosion Heroes and Survivors Joyce Glasner The Halifax explosion was unprecedented in its devastation with regards to casualties, force and radius of the blast, and widespread damage to property. This book offers a collection of carefully selected visuals that tell the story of the devastation caused by the explosion and the impact it had on Halifax. Joyce Glasner focuses on the impact of this wartime disaster on the thousands of survivors. 505230, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

504912, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

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WORLDWAR WAR1 2• • • •WORLD The Pacific. Volume 1 Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal Jay Wertz This powerful initial volume in the War Stories: World War II Firsthand series includes events that took place before and after the devastating Pearl Harbor attack that brought the United States and Japan face to face in war. Included are eyewitness accounts of survivors of the December 7, 1941 attack on America’s major battleships, defenders of Bataan and Corregidor; participants in the pivotal Battle of Midway, the Marines that first waded ashore at Guadalcanal and many, many others. Full color throughout, rich with images and original 3-D maps. 212705, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

The Pacific. Volume 2 The Solomons to Saipan Jay Wertz This volume is anchored on the words and experiences of 100 Marines, soldiers, sailors, airmen and other frontline personnel who became embroiled in the devastating island campaign of the Pacific War. Never before or since was so much blood shed for so little real estate. It contains blow by blow descriptions of some of the most destructive naval and air battles of the war, as well as the blood and sand tales of Marines and GIs and their Japanese counterparts contesting inch by inch places with strange names such as Bougainville, Tarawa and Saipan. The real-life stories of those who were there are illustrated with revealing photographs; some never before seen in any WWII volume. 212729, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 336 pages

The World Turns to War

Jay Wertz The World Turns to War weaves stories of combat veterans into an event-by-event history of the war. Includes the words of veterans of all forces — in all theaters of operation. Illustrated by high-quality photographs, full-color images and detailed maps, War Stories: World War II Firsthand™ is the only multi-volume history of the war to include hundreds of first-person interviews and oral history recollections of the soldiers on the ground, the sailors on the high seas and the airmen in the sky. Their words, augmented by quotes from military and political leaders and modern historical thought, give a complete picture of the war from those who fought it.

D-Day: The Campaign Across France

Jay Wertz Preparations for Operation Overlord, including air and sea operations to support the gargantuan landing are covered in vibrant, authentic detail. Rich with color images, famous photographs and original 3-D maps, the 9” x 12” volume also presents the timeline of events, places and personalities, giving a complete picture of the campaign across France. The volume won a Silver Medal in the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) in the World History category and Best Book 2012 in the History: Military/Political category from USA Book News. 212712, $44.95 , $29.50 , Hardback, 304 pages

889306, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 336 pages

D-Day and the Campaign Across France Jay Wertz Sean Carlson

The Normandy Landing, Cross Channel Invasion, Operation Overlord - the World War II event known by all these names, but most commonly referred to simply as D-Day, is the best known of all the war’s pivotal moment. Seventy-five years after its occurrence, Monroe Publications and World War II Comix are pleased to present the story of D-Day as a graphic history. This 24-page work takes the form of a modern comic book, with cutting edge graphics and the most up to date factual analysis of the campaign. Also includes an episode of the serialized graphic novel Separated by War. For ages 10 and above.

Pearl Harbor and the Day of Infamy Jay Wertz Ed Jiménez

Starting with the background of Japan’s rise to military prominence and the Asian country’s aggressive behavior against its neighbors, this graphic history covers all the significant events leading up to that fateful aerial attack on December 7, 1941. Japan’s simultaneous surprise attacks in the Philippines and elsewhere in Asia and the Pacific are included, as is America’s reaction to the bombing of Hawaii. Also includes the introduction to a serialized adventure graphic novel set during the War in the Pacific entitled Separated by War. 889399, $4.95 , $3.50 , Paperback, 24 pages

631519, $4.95 , $3.50 , Paperback, 24 pages


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• WORLD WAR 2 • Omaha Beach Normandy 1944 Leo Marriott Simon Forty Of the five beaches attacked on 6 June, Omaha saw the sternest fighting. Well-placed defenders on the high ground and extensive beach defenses did their job. On top of this, so much had gone wrong with the first wave: many of the amphibious DD Sherman tanks didn’t reach the beach. Another problem was that many units landed in the wrong place. Strong tides and winds carried the landing craft off line and led to confusion. Finally, the German emplacements and defenses were well-placed on high ground and the only cover on the beach was over a killing ground. The attacking forces suffered over 2,000 casualties, but by nightfall, they had gained hold of the beach. 004259, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

The Falaise Gap Battles Normandy 1944 Simon Forty Leo Marriott The denouement of the battle of Normandy, the fighting around Falaise and Chambois in August 1944 and the pursuit of the retreating German armies to the Seine provided the Allies with an immense victory. After ten weeks of hard attritional fighting, the Allies had broken loose from the bocage and the Germans’ deep defenses around Caen: by the end of September they would be close to the German border. The Past & Present Series reconstructs historical battles by using photography, juxtaposing modern views with those of the past together with concise explanatory text. 005386, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

Bastogne Ardennes 1944 Simon Forty Stephen Smith Bastogne will live forever in the annals of American military history. From the resounding “Nuts,” in response to the German demand for surrender, to the breaking of the siege by Patton’s Third Army—brilliantly disengaged from its positions on the Saar, wheeled 90 degrees and marched northwards faster than any thought possible—the defense of Bastogne and victory in the Ardennes was one of the greatest feats of American arms in the European Theater. This title in the Past & Present series looks at the encirclement, siege, and relief with then and now photographs; specially commissioned aerial photos, and a wealth of detail. 004341, $16.95 , $11.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

Jungvolk The Story of a Boy Defending Hitler’s Third Reich Wilhelm R. Gehlen Don A. Gregory Will Gehlen’s father, a trolley driver, was drafted into the Wehrmacht to man a Sturmgeschutz assault gun in Russia. His older brother, Len, was enlisted in the Hitlerjugend. The author, only 10 years old when the war began, became a helper at the local Luftwaffe flak battery, fetching ammunition. It was exciting work for Will (a member of the “Jungvolk”) and by the end of the war he had become expert at judging attacks. As fighter raids increased in frequency he noted that the pilots became less skilled. In this book Gehlen, provides an intimate glimpse of the chaos, horror and black humor of life just behind the front lines, as seen through the eyes of a child. 033878, $40 , $26.50 , Hardback, 320 pages

Axis Sally The American Voice of Nazi Germany Richard Lucas One of the most notorious Americans of the twentieth century was a failed Broadway actress turned radio announcer named Mildred Gillars (1900–1988), better known to American GIs as “Axis Sally.” Despite the richness of her life story, there has never been a full-length biography of the ambitious, star-struck Ohio girl who evolved into a reviled disseminator of Nazi propaganda. Written by Richard Lucas, a freelance writer and lifelong shortwave radio enthusiast, Axis Sally: The American Voice of Nazi Germany is the first thoroughly documented look at this mythologized figure of World War II. 001395, $18.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 324 pages

Nazi Millionaires The Allied Search for Hidden SS Gold Kenneth Alford Theodore P. Savas During the final days of World War II, German SS officers crammed trains, cars, and trucks full of gold, currency, and jewels, and headed for the mountains of Austria. What happened to the rest of it, and what fate befell these men? Authors Alford and Savas answer these questions and many more in this fast-paced and well-written new book. Their groundbreaking study is based upon thousands of pages of previously unpublished and recently declassified documents. The result is a fresh and absolutely original reading experience that offers insights into the minds and methods of these SS thieves. 005959, $12.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 320 pages

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• WORLD WAR 2 • Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe - Vol 1 - Jet Fighters 1939 -1945

Dan Sharp Germany’s air ministry was quick to grasp the potential of the jet engine as early as 1938 and by 1939 several German aircraft manufacturers were already working on fighter designs that would utilize this new form of propulsion. Rocket engines too were seen as the way of the future and companies were commissioned to design fighters around them. Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe Volume 1: Jet Fighters 1939-1945 by Dan Sharp, based on original research using German wartime documents, offers the most complete and authoritative account yet of these fascinating designs through previously unseen photographs, illustrations and period documentation from archives around the world. 658085, $39.99 , $25.99 , Hardback, 336 pages

Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe: Blohm & Voss BV 155

Dan Sharp The story of the Messerschmitt Me 109’s ultimate development, the Blohm & Voss BV 155, begins in 1942 with plans to split the Me 109 family into three branches – a standard fighter, a high-altitude fighter and a carrier-based fighter. Initially these were known as the Me 409 but later became the Me 155 A, B and C. The project was given to the French to develop, where it stalled. But when Germany got its first taste of what the USAAF’s bomber force was capable of – suffering huge damage to its war-critical industries as a result of massed raids on its factories and cities – work on the Me 155 B was recommenced as a matter of urgency. 658320, $19.99 , $12.99 , Paperback, 116 pages

Secret Projects of the Luftwaffe: Heinkel He 162

Dan Sharp The history of the Luftwaffe’s last minute single-jet fighter, the Heinkel He 162, is neither standard nor straightforward. Originally conceived as the jet fighter anyone could fly into combat, the He 162 was designed and built in under five months - an astonishing and unparalleled feat of engineering. But what emerged was not a simple jet fighter but a tricky ‘widow-maker’ which killed far more of its own pilots than it ever did those of the enemy. Going back to the original wartime documentation, author Dan Sharp examines the story of this remarkable aircraft in detail.

The Luftwaffe’s Secret WWII Missions Dmitry Degtev Dmitry Zubov

The Luftwaffe’s special and secret units engaged in the delivery of agents and saboteurs in the rear of the enemy throughout the Second World War – just on the Eastern Front but across Asia and Europe. The activities of the pilots and crews of these squadrons, even in the Luftwaffe itself, were closed and secret. Drawn from German and Russian sources, much of the latter only recently declassified, the authors expose for the very first time the Luftwaffe’s secret operations and reveal the fate of many of the pilots, agents and saboteurs in a story as breathtakingly dramatic as any blockbuster novel. 775474, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

Luftwaffe Aces in the Battle of Britain

Chris Goss The actual number of aerial victories required to officially qualify as an ‘ace’ has varied but is usually considered to be five or more. In this book, the story of each of the Luftwaffe’s 204 Messerschmitt Bf 109 ‘aces’ from the summer of 1940 is examined, with all of the individual biographies, detailing individual fates during the war, being highly illustrated throughout. Original German records from the summer of 1940, have been examined, providing a definitive list of each pilot’s individual claims. It also covers, to a lesser extent, those forgotten fifty-three Messerschmitt Bf 110 pilots who also achieved ace status by day and also by night between 10 July and 31 October 1940. 754219, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

Foreign Planes in the Service of the Luftwaffe

Jean-Louis Roba No air force in the Second World War would make more use of captured planes than the Luftwaffe. With this in mind, Jean-Louis Roba has undergone a considerable amount of work in tracking down hundreds of aircraft used by the Luftwaffe and illustrating their uses, careers and eventual fates. Translated into English for the first time, Roba’s investigative work is supported by over a hundred pictures of the planes themselves, and gives a rare opportunity to see British and American planes repainted in German colors and symbols. 796448, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 208 pages

658245, $19.99 , $12.99 , Paperback, 116 pages


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• WORLD WAR 2 • The Lost Graves of Peenemünde Sean Feast Mike McLeod

The raid on the secret rocket research establishment at Peenemünde in August 1943 has gone down in history as one of the most successful and remarkable of the war. The site was virtually obliterated, and the Germans forced to move rocket production and development elsewhere. But it came at a terrible cost. More than 40 bombers and 215 RAF aircrew failed to return. With a foreword from Peenemünde raid veteran pilot George Dunn, and illustrated with a wealth of photographs, Sean Feast and Mike McLeod tell the story of the forgotten graves of Peenemünde, the search to discover the truth about their final resting place, and the chance that their bodies may yet be discovered and returned. 812898, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 160 pages

Airmen’s Incredible Escapes Accounts of Survival in the Second World War Bryn Evans Allied air power made a major, arguably decisive, contribution to victory in The Second World War both in the European and Pacific theaters. The cost in men and machines was horrific with Bomber Command suffering 50% air crew casualties. While many perished, others shot down over enemy territory or water survived only after overcoming extraordinary danger and hardship. The author has gathered together a wealth of unpublished stories, some involve avoiding or escaping from capture, others surviving against all the odds, braving extreme elements and defying death from wounds, drowning or starvation.

The Men Who Flew the Halifax

Martin W Bowman This is the story of the air war over Western Europe, much of it told by the Halifax pilots and air crew who took part. It spans the period between 1942 and 1945 and covers the encounters between the Luftwaffe and the air forces of Britain and the Commonwealth. Many unique experiences are recounted concerning the daily bombing raids that were hurled against Hitler’s war machine. The author has sought the experiences of RAF and German fighter pilots, who explain how they stalked their prey before pouncing to catastrophic effect. This book contains vivid accounts of some of the most heroic actions in the history of air warfare. 705686, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 288 pages

Spitfires Over Berlin Desperation and devastation during WW2’s final months Dan Sharp Spitfires Over Berlin tells the story of the desperate battles that took place over the Western Front from January 1 to May 8, 1945. True stories of aerial combat, courage and daring from all sides of the conflict illustrate the dramatic tale of the war’s closing chapter – from the battle between the Spitfire XIV pilots of 350 Squadron and Fw 190s over the western fringes of Berlin to the murder of a downed P-51 Mustang pilot by civilians and carefully planned ramming attacks on American bombers. 658047, $37.99 , $24.99 , Hardback, 210 pages

761729, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

Boeing B-17 The Fifteen Ton Flying Fortress Graham M. Simons Harry Friedman

Brothers in Arms The Story of a British and a German Fighter Unit, August to December 1940

The Boeing B-17 was the first American heavy bomber to see action in World War II when it was supplied to the RAF. The design originated in 1934 when the US Air Corps was looking for a heavy bomber to reinforce their air forces in Hawaii, Panama and Alaska. For its time, the design included many advanced features and Boeing continued to develop the aircraft as experience of the demands of long distance flying at high altitude was gained. When the USA entered WWII, production of the aircraft was rapidly increased and it became the backbone of the USAAF in all theaters of war.

Chris Goss This is the story of the Battle of Britain as seen through the eyes of the men of 609 (West Riding) Squadron, based in southern England, and 1/JG53, a Luftwaffe staffel based in northern France. The tense action of aerial combat and the relief felt by individual pilots surviving these encounters, the elation of a successful ‘kill’, or the tragedy of seeing a friend shot down, highlight the common fears felt by airmen on both sides of the fight. We learn of exhausting, unremitting action, and days of frustrating weather-induced inactivity, along with those brief moments of leisure and pleasure grasped from the daily struggle for survival.

002714, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 256 pages

782892, $34.95 , $22.99 , Paperback, 248 pages

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• WORLD WAR 2 • Hitler’s Attack U-Boats The Kriegsmarine’s WWII Submarine Strike Force Jak P. Mallmann Showell The success of German submarines during the First World War in almost cutting off Britain’s vital imports had not been forgotten by Adolf Hitler and when, in March 1935, he repudiated the Treaty of Versailles, Britain magnanimously signed up to an Anglo-German Naval Agreement. This allowed the Germans to build their submarine strength up to one third of the British Royal Navy’s tonnage. In this latest book by the renowned Kriegsmarine historian Jak Mallmann Showell, attack U-boats are explored at length. This includes details of their armament, capabilities, and crew facilities.

Wolf Pack: The U-Boats at War

Bob Carruthers The steel coffins were the name given to the U-boats of the Kriegsmarine by their own crews. Their fatalistic view of the war was certainly justified; it is estimated that seventy-five per cent of the 39,000 men who sailed in the U-boat fleet paid the ultimate price as the tide of war turned inexorably against Hitler’s Germany. This is the illustrated history of the U-boat war from the perspective of the men who sailed into battle in the service of the Third Reich. Drawing heavily on the accounts of the last remaining survivors. 591574, $14.95 , $9.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

771018, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 232 pages

Periscope View A Remarkable Memoir of the 10th Submarine Flotilla at Malta 19411943 G.W.G Simpson For the critical years of WWII the key role of the Royal Navy in the Mediterranean was to interrupt the flow of Axis supplies to Rommel’s armies in North Africa. The possession of Malta, right on the supply lines, allowed this role to be carried out. The author, in command of the 10th Submarine Flotilla, played a central and unique role in this battle. In incredible conditions, and under a furiously mounting air bombardment, Commander Simpson operated the fragile submarines and to press the attack against enemy shipping despite appalling submarine losses both at sea and in harbor.

U-48 The Most Successful U-Boat of the Second World War Franz Kurowski At the outset of the Second World War, Dönitz argued for a 300-strong U-boat fleet, since his force of 57 U-boats ‘could only inflict pin-pricks against British seaborne trade’. In August 1939, U-48 left Germany, commanded by ‘Vaddi’ Schultze, to take up a waiting position around England. It scored its first success on 5 September, when it torpedoed the British freighter Royal Sceptre, then the Winkleigh on 8 September. By 1 August 1941, U-48, the most successful boat of the Second World War, had sunk 56 merchant ships of 322,478 gross tons and one corvette. 326064, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 208 pages

320543, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 304 pages

U-Boat War Patrol The Hidden Photographic Diary of U-564 Lawrence Paterson TU-564, carried the famous three black cat motif of Reinhard ‘Teddy’ Suhren. This remarkable book provides unique access into both the day-to-day life of a U-boat at sea and into the detailed workings of the Kriegsmarine. Through the successes and trials of U-564 the reader is transported to that vast and watery battlefield that was perhaps the most significant theater of the Second World War. 327849, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 208 Pages

Hunt and Kill U-505 and the U-Boat War in the Atlantic Theodore P. Savas One of WWII’s pivotal events was the capture of U-505 on June 4, 1944. The top secret seizure of this massive Type IX submarine provided the Allies with priceless information on German technology and innovation. After the war, U-505 was transported to Chicago, where today several hundred thousand visitors a year pass through its well-preserved hull at the Museum of Science and Industry. Hunt and Kill offers the first definitive study of U-505. Chapters include her construction, crew and commanders, combat history, an assessment of Type IX operations, and naval intelligence. 211283, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 312 pages


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• WORLD WAR 2 • The Eastern Fleet and the Indian Ocean, 1942–1944 The Fleet that Had to Hide Charles Stephenson The story of the British Eastern Fleet, which operated in the Indian Ocean against Japan, has rarely been told. Although it was the largest fleet deployed by the Royal Navy prior to 1945 and played a vital part in the theater it was sent to protect, it has no place in the popular consciousness of the naval history of the Second World War. So Charles Stephenson’s deeply researched and absorbing narrative gives this forgotten fleet the recognition it deserves. 783615, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 336 pages

Naval Warfare in the English Channel, 1939–1945

Peter C. Smith From the year 1066, the English Channel has provided Great Britain with a natural defensive barrier, but never more than in the early days of World War Two. This book relates how the Royal Navy defended that vital seaway throughout the war. From the early days of the Dover Patrols, through the traumas of the Dunkirk evacuation, the battles of the Channel convoys; the war against the E-boats and U-boats; the tragic raids at Dieppe and St Nazaire; the escape of the German battle-fleet; coastal convoys; the Normandy landings and the final liberation of the Channel Islands. Many wartime photographs, charts and tables add to this superb account of this bitterly contested narrow sea. 791894, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 304 pages

Churchill’s Pirates The Royal Naval Patrol Service in World War II

Carrier Strike US Naval Warfare in the Pacific

The Royal Naval Patrol Service was a unique service with its own rules and regulations. The officers and seamen were mainly ex-fishermen who had manned trawlers in Icelandic waters. The service was armed mostly with obsolete weaponry and suffered heavy casualties in the early stages of the war. The service was not confined to the seas around Britain and their small trawlers, drifters, paddle steamers, yachts and tugs saw service as far away as the Mediterranean and Newfoundland coast. Their main tasks included convoy escort duties, mine sweeping and antisubmarine work. Many awards for bravery were won including a VC.

Donald Nijbor By the end of the day on December 6, 1941, the American Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor lay shattered. In a single devastating surprise attack the Imperial Japanese Navy had demonstrated the awesome striking power of a combined carrier fleet - before proceeding to rampage across the Pacific, seizing territory from the Aleutians to Singapore. With the highly maneuverable Zero fighter and ‘Val’ divebomber, flown by experienced crews, the Japanese were able to overwhelm even the best Allied resistance. But within a year of Pearl Harbor, the tide had turned. The US Navy’s successful Guadalcanal campaign marked the beginning of a remarkable fight-back.

796516, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

276999, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 132 pages

Jonathan Sutherland Diane Canwell

How Carriers Fought Carrier Operations in WWII Lars Celander In November 1921 the first purpose-built aircraft carrier was launched by the Japanese, followed a year later by the launch of the British Hermes. The conversion of battlecruisers into aircraft carriers after World War I required the consideration of issues including handling aircraft on the flight deck and the techniques of attacking enemy ships, and the evolution of carrier operations was ongoing when World War II broke out. With a focus on the conflict in the Pacific between the U.S. Navy and the imperial Japanese fleet, this title examines how aircraft carriers fought during World War II by first considering all the tools and building blocks of carrier operations.

Second World War Carrier Campaigns

David Wragg Without the aircraft carrier, the Japanese would not have brought the United States into the Second World War through their attack on Pearl Harbor; without the carrier, the United States could not have rolled back the Japanese forces spread across the wide reaches of the Pacific and carried the war to Japan itself. Yet they had an uncertain start, with HMS Courageous sunk two weeks after the outbreak of war, followed by her sister, Glorious the following spring.This book is an authoritative, concise and hugely readable account of carrier operations throughout WW2. The text is given immediacy by the use of eyewitness accounts. 150526, $39.99 , $25.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

006215, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 296 pages

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• WORLD WAR 2 • Hitler’s Panther Tank Battalions, 1943–1945

Ian Baxter From July 1943 to the Nazis’ final defeat in May 1945 the Panther main battle tank and its variants were the mainstay of Germany’s armored forces. This superbly engineered fighting vehicle offered a lethal combination of firepower, mobility and protection. As this classic Images of War series title reveals, the Panther saw nonstop fighting on the Eastern, Western, and Italian fronts. Using rare and often unpublished contemporary photographs with full captions and authoritative text, it provides a comprehensive coverage of elite Panther battalions in action. 765451, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Blitzkrieg Poland

Jon Sutherland These photographs are taken from three unpublished albums featuring the German invasion of Poland in 1939. One set was taken by an SS officer, another by a regular officer and a third by a soldier attached to a medical unit. Included are German units on the move, tanks, artillery and aircraft. There are also numerous opportunities throughout the book to see uniforms in their various guises and how they were actually worn in practice. There are shots of earlier German armor, “antique“ Polish armor, and photographs of German troops at rest and preparing to move forward again. 843356, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 176 pages

British Tanks: The Second World War

Pat Ware Using a selection of wartime photographs - supported by some modern photographs of preserved vehicles – the book describes the origins of the tank in Britain during the First World War, looks at British tank development during the inter-war period and contrasts this with advances made elsewhere - in Germany, France, the USA and the Soviet Union. All of the British tanks that saw service during the Second World War are described, among them the cruisers (Crusader, Cromwell, Comet), the infantry tanks (Matilda, Valentine, Churchill) and the US imports (Stuart, Lee/Grant, Sherman). 845008, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

The Ghettos of NaziOccupied Poland

Ian Baxter Following the 1940 invasion of Poland, the Nazis established ghettos in cities and towns across the country with the initial aim of segregating and isolating the Jewish community. These closed sectors were referred to as Judischer Wohnbezirk or Wohngebiet der Juden (Jewish Quarters). Using contemporary images this well researched and inevitably harrowing book shows the harsh and deteriorating conditions of daily life in these restricted areas. In reality the ghettos were holding areas prior to the transportation to concentration, extermination and work camps, such as Auschwitz-Birkenau and Belzec. 761804, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Armoured Warfare in the North African Campaign

Anthony Tucker-Jones The North African campaign, the struggle of the Italians and Germans against the Allies in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia between 1940 and 1943, was a war of movement and maneuver, of dramatic changes of fortune, and it was a war in which mechanized forces - tanks in particular - excelled. Compared with the heavily populated landscapes of northwest Europe, the empty open spaces of North Africa appeared to be ideal operating terrain for tanks, yet the harsh desert conditions tested men and machinery to the limit, as Anthony Tucker-Jones demonstrates in this remarkable selection of wartime photographs.

Afrika Korps

Ian Baxter Afrika Korps is an illustrated record of Field-Marshal Erwin Rommel and his desert troops that fought in North Africa against British and Commonwealth forces between 1941 and 1943. Using rare photographs, many of which have come from the albums of individuals who took part in the desert campaign, it presents a unique visual account of the famous Afrika-Korps’ operations and equipment. Thanks to an informative caption with every photograph Afrika Korps vividly portrays how the German Army fought across the uncharted and forbidding desert wilderness of North Africa. 156832, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

845671, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 144 pages


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• WORLD WAR 2 • Bloody Vienna The Soviet Offensive Operations in Western Hungary and Austria, March-May 1945 Kamen Nevenkin The Soviet Vienna Operation began on 16 March 1945 when the assault armies of 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts succeeded in penetrating the Axis defence between Esztergom and Lake Balaton. It ended less than a month later, on 13 April 1945, when all its objectives were achieved, and Vienna was taken. The victory at Vienna allowed Stalin to solidify his presence in Central and Eastern Europe and legitimize his absolute dominance over the region. The Western Allies and the small democratic countries of Western Europe were forced to realize that the Red Army wouldn’t fall back and return to its homeland, but would stay and erect an iron curtain behind which communist regimes would be installed.

Panzerwrecks 19 Yugoslavia Lee Archer Bojan Dimitrijevic How did partisans improve the firepower of the Somua S35? And where did it end up? Who was ambushed at Vukov Klanac? What vehicles did they lose? Why did a German Panzer unit pose as Allied tankers? Where did the Yugoslav Army collect and overhaul captured German AFVs? The answers to these and other questions are to be found here in Panzerwrecks 19, with 151 rare and unpublished large format photographs sourced from around the world. 032126, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 96 pages

583261, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 212 pages

From Bessarabia to Belgrade An Illustrated Study of the Soviet Conquest of Southeast Europe, March-October 1944 Kamen Nevenkin The Red Army reached northeastern Rumania in the last days of March 1944. Stalin had high hopes that the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts would be able to quickly conquer the Balkans. But those hopes were not to be fulfilled. Bulgarian researcher Kamen Nevenkin’s From Bessarabia to Belgrade covers the military history of the bloody fights in southeastern Europe from March to October 1944. This is a short study, illustrated with numerous never-beforepublished wartime photographs.

Panzerwrecks 22 Desert Lee Archer Felipe Rodna A long time coming, Panzerwrecks presents its first book about the wrecks in the desert campaign: Panzerwrecks 22: Desert. Everything you have come to expect from Panzerwrecks - high production values, new photos and stunning original artwork from Felipe Rodna.9781908032188, $31.95, $20.99, paperback, 96p. 032188, $31.95 , $20.99 , Paperback, 96 pages

583285, $41.95 , $27.50 , Hardback, 152 pages

History of the Totenkopf’s PantherAbteilung

Ian Michael Wood This book is the culmination of 15 years of research dealing with I/SS-Panzer Regiment 3, from its inception in 1942, when it was equipped with Panzer III’s and IV’s, until its conversion to the Panther tank in 1943. From the summer of 1944, Abteilung fought in Siedlce and later in the defensive battles east and north east of Warsaw. Later during 1945, the Abteilung would take part in the Konrad operations in Hungary in an attempt to relieve the forces trapped inside Budapest. By March 1945 the remnants of I/ SS-Panzer Regiment 3 was in full retreat and would eventually surrender in May 1945 in Austria.

In Focus 1 Jagdpanzer 38 Lee Archer Felipe Rodna As the titles implies, the subject is the German Jagdpanzer 38 tank hunter, often incorrectly referred to as the Hetzer. The subject has been written about before and many photos published, but this book, the first of a series, combines 20 years of original research to take a fresh look at this vehicle. The cornerstone of every Panzerwrecks publication is the large format photos, and this book includes many previously unseen images. It incorporates the latest findings to offer the reader the most authentic color plates of the Jagdpanzer 38 yet published. This book will become a ‘must have’ for the serious modeler and military vehicle enthusiast. 032133, $37.95 , $24.99 , Paperback, 112 pages

007276, $31.95 , $20.99 , Hardback, 180 pages

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• WORLD WAR 2 • General Albert C. Wedemeyer America’s Unsung Strategist in World War II

General Mark Clark Commander of U.S. Fifth Army and Liberator of Rome

John J. McLaughlin Like many heroes of the Second World War, General Albert C. Wedemeyer’s career has been largely overshadowed by such well-known figures as Marshall, Patton, Montgomery, and Bradley. Wedemeyer’s legacy as the main planner of the D-Day invasion is almost completely forgotten today. Yet during America’s preparation for the war, Wedemeyer was the primary author of the “Victory Program.” In this work we gain an intimate look at a visionary thinker who helped guide the Allies to victory in their greatest challenge, but whose vision of the post-war world was unfortunately not heeded.

Jon B. Mikolashek Although not nearly as well known as other U.S. Army senior commanders, General Mark Clark is one of the four men—along with Eisenhower, Patton, and Bradley—who historian Martin Blumenson called “the essential quartet of American leaders who achieved victory in Europe.” Eisenhower nicknamed him the American Eagle. A skilled staff officer, Clark rose quickly through the ranks, and by the time America entered the war he was deputy commander of Allied Forces in North Africa. He was subsequently named commander of U.S. Fifth Army and tasked with the invasion of Italy.

000695, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 352 pages

001319, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 272 pages

Tanks of the Second World War

Thomas Anderson This book lists all the important tanks used in the Second World War, both by the Allied (England, France, Russia and the USA) and Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan). Thomas Anderson, an expert on the history of the Second World War, offers an in-depth volume detailing the vehicles, their use in battle and relevant technical specifications. This comprehensive survey is full of authentic eyewitness accounts as well as being profusely illustrated with many photographs having never been published before. 796585, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 224 pages

Allied Armour, 1939– 1945 British and American Tanks at War Anthony Tucker-Jones During the first years of the Second World War, Allied forces endured a series of terrible defeats at the hands of the Germans, Italians and Japanese. Their tanks were outclassed, their armored tactics were flawed. But the advent of new tank designs and variants, especially those from the United States, turned the tables. Although German armor was arguably still superior at the end of the war, the competence of Allied designs and the sheer scale of their production gave them a decisive advantage on the armored battlefield. This is the fascinating story that Anthony Tucker-Jones tells in this book which is part of a three-volume history of armored warfare during the Second World War. 77797A, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 248 pages

T-34 An Illustrated History of Stalin’s Greatest Tank Wolfgang Fleischer Anthony Tucker-Jones

Stalingrad City on Fire Alexey Isaev Richard W Harrison

The T-34 was one of the most remarkable tanks of the Second World War. Although the Red Army suffered continual heavy tank losses, the rugged and reliable T-34 was an immense success story and was ultimately instrumental in turning the tide of the war. This photographic history follows the story of this exceptional armored vehicle from its disastrous first action during Operation Barbarossa to its miraculous defense of Moscow, its envelopment of the Axis forces at Stalingrad and victory at Kursk, and finally, the advance to the gates of Warsaw then on to Berlin.

So much has been written about the Battle of Stalingrad – the Soviet victory that turned the tide of the Second World War – that we should know everything about it. But the history of the war, and the battle, is evolving and is being written anew, and Alexey Isaev’s engrossing account is a striking example of this fresh approach. By bringing together previously unpublished Russian archive material – strategic directives and orders, after-action reports and official records of all kinds – with the vivid recollections of soldiers who were there, in the front lines, he reconstructs what happened in extraordinary detail.

384951, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 240 pages

742650, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 336 pages


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• WORLD WAR 2 • Twenty-Two on Peleliu Four Pacific Campaigns with the Corps: The Memoirs of an Old Breed Marine

Escape to Japanese Captivity A Couple’s Tragic Ordeal in Sumatra, 1942–1945

George Peto Peter Margaritis

Captain Mick Jennings Margery Jennings

On September 15, 1944, U.S. Marines landed on the small Pacific island called Peleliu. Among the first wave that hit the beach that day was 22-yearold George Peto. This is the wild and remarkable story of an “Old Breed” Marine, from his youth in the Great Depression, his training and combat in the Pacific theter, to his life after the war, told in his own words. Joining the Marine Corps in 1941, just a few months before Pearl Harbor, was initially assigned to a guard unit. His first experience of combat was during the landings at Finschhaven and Cape Gloucester.

Mick and Margery Jennings’s comfortable life in Singapore ended with the Japanese invasion in late 1941. Margery was captured in Sumatra after the ship taking her to safety in Australia was bombed. Mick left Singapore after the surrender in February 1942 when he and other soldiers commandeered a junk and sailed to Sumatra. After crossing the island, he and Bombardier Jackson set sail for Australia. After an appalling ordeal at sea he too was captured and, having recovered in hospital, was incarcerated on Sumatra until moved to Changi Goal in May 1945.

009797, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 368 pages

783097, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 224 pages

Japan’s Last Bid for Victory The Invasion of India, 1944 Robert Lyman Robert Lyman’s deep knowledge and understanding of the war in Burma, and the great battles at Kohima and Imphal in 1944, are well known. In this book he uses original documents, published works and personal accounts to weave together an enthralling account of some of the bitterest fighting of WWII. Not only does he use British sources for his research but he has also included material from the Naga tribes of northeast India, on whose land these battles were fought, and from Japanese accounts, including interviews with Japanese veterans of the fighting. Thus he has been able to produce what is arguably the most balanced history of the battles that were pivotal in ending the Japanese empire. 004978, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 320 pages

No Mercy from the Japanese A Survivor’s Account of the Burma Railway and the Hellships 1942–1945 John Wyatt Cecil Lowry By the laws of statistics John Wyatt should not be here today to tell his story. He firmly believes that someone somewhere was looking after him during those four years. Examine the odds stacked against him and his readers will understand why he hold this view. During the conflict in Malaya and Singapore his regiment lost two thirds of its men. More than three hundred patients and staff in the Alexandra Military hospital were slaughtered by the Japanese -¾ he was the only known survivor. Twenty six percent of British soldiers slaving on the Burma Railway died. 753441, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

Japan at War 1931-45 As the Cherry Blossom Falls David McCormack This fascinating history, recounted from both the American and Japanese perspectives, follows the course of the Empire of the Sun’s ultimately unequal struggle against the great allied powers. Drawing on archive material, this new history provides the reader with piercing strategic and political insights which debunk many of the enduring myths which encompass Japan’s apocalyptic drive for hegemony in Southeast Asia. Whilst unsparing in its treatment of Japan’s ultimate culpability for unleashing the Second World War, this book is an objective appraisal of the tragedy that engulfed the territories under Japanese control, and eventually Japan itself. 555453, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 176 pages

Heitai: Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Items of the Japanese Soldier, 1931–1945

Agustin Saiz Once the seemingly invincible conquerors of nearly all of East Asia, today relatively little is known of the exact weapons, uniforms, and lifestyle of World War II Japanese soldiers (the Heitai). In this lavishly illustrated book, readers and historians alike can finally glimpse the precise personal effects of the Imperial infantryman. By examining the exact possessions of a Japanese soldier—from dagger to toothbrush, from hand grenade to undergarments—one is able to see history come to life in a way no cinema or text alone could convey. 658318, $99 , $64.50 , Hardback, 480 pages

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• WORLD WAR 2 • Till Victory The Second World War By Those Who Were There Clément Horvath From the mountains of Italy to the beaches of Normandy, and from the deserts of North Africa to the ruined cities of Germany, experience the history of the Second World War in Western Europe from 1939-1945 in an entirely different way. Using unpublished letters and diaries, follow the journeys of some fifty Allied soldiers (American, British, French, Canadian…) as they liberate the continent from Nazi rule, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. Arranged in chronological order and placed in historical context, their stories and letters are illustrated with many personal photographs, war memorabilia and original uniforms. 782731, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 376 pages

D-Day with the Screaming Eagles

George Koskimaki Many professional historians have recorded the actions of D-Day but here is an account of the airborne actions as described by the actual men themselves in eyewitness detail. This book is primary source material. It is a “must read” for anyone interested in the Normandy landings, the 101st Airborne Division and World War ll in general. Hearing the soldiers speak is an entirely different experience from reading about the action in a narrative history. 000725, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 384 pages

Hitler’s Munich The Capital of the Nazi Movement David Ian Hall The immediate aftermath of the Great War and the Versailles Treaty created a perfect storm of economic, social, political and cultural factors which facilitated the rapid rise of Adolf Hitler’s political career and the birth of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. The breeding ground for this world-changing evolution was the city of Munich and there is no better way to learn about the origins and growth of Hitler’s National Socialism than to study the city. By connecting the sites where Hitler and his accomplices built the movement we gain an understanding of the causes, background, motivation and structures of the Party. 704924, $42.95 , $27.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

The SAS in Occupied France 1 SAS Operations, June to October 1944 Gavin Mortimer In the world of military history there is no brand as potent as that of the SAS. They burst into global prominence in 1980 with their spectacular storming of the Iranian Embassy, and there have been hundreds of books, films, documentaries and even reality TV shows about them. But what there hasn’t been is a guide to the scenes of some of their most famous Second World War operations. That is why Gavin Mortimer’s vivid twovolume account of their daring missions in German-occupied France in 1944 is such compelling reading. 769626, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 216 pages

Tragedy & Betrayal in the Dutch Resistance

Samuel de Korte On the night of 31 March 1945, five men were woken and taken from their cells in the city of Zwolle, in The Netherlands. They were put in a vehicle and escorted by the German occupying forces to a street nearby, where all five were lined up and executed. The corpses were left behind as the Germans left the scene. Whether by accident or betrayal, these men had fallen in to the clutches of the Sicherheitsdienst, the Nazi intelligence service. Although the liberation was at hand (Zwolle would be freed less than two weeks later), these men did not live to see it. 784988, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 152 pages

The Katyn Massacre 1940 History of a Crime Thomas Urban In the spring of 1940, Stalin‘s NKVD executed 22,000 Polish officers, ensigns and state officials near the Russian village of Katyn and other places. When Wehrmacht soldiers discovered some of the graves three years later, the Soviets succeeded in convincing US President Roosevelt of the German perpetration. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had no clear picture of the crime, and therefore made no public comments. Using thousands of recently released US documents, this book refutes the popular thesis that the Western Allies deliberately lied about the Katyn case in order not to endanger the alliance with Stalin. 77535A, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 296 pages


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• 19TH / 20TH CENTURY - “HISTORY OF TERROR” • Sierra Leone: Revolutionary United Front Blood Diamonds, Child Soldiers and Cannibalism, 1991–2002 Al J Venter Sierra Leone’s eleven-year guerrilla war was bloody and mindlessly brutal. It was an idiosyncratic war, which started with the Foday Sankoh’s Revolutionary United Front (RUF) chanting the slogan ‘No more slaves, no more masters, power and wealth to the people’ and ended with a series of battles for control for Sierra Leone’s diamond mines. The war deteriorated into some of the most barbaric violence seen in any African struggle and which sometimes included cannibalism, with an army of 11,000 child soldiers high on drugs rounding up entire neighbourhoods to machine-gun them or burn them alive in their homes. Amputations of limbs of women, the very young and the very old were commonplace. 728777, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Russian Civil War Red Terror, White Terror, 1917–1922 Michael Foley The Russian Revolution is remembered as the catalyst for the bloody conflict between the Reds and the Whites as each side tried to gain control of the country. But it was far from being so simple. The conflict did not only involve the Russians. The author contemplates whether the Russians could capitulate to their previous enemy and whether in fact Russia was ever in any condition to carry on the fight even before the revolution began, examining whether a collapse of the war in the east would lead to Allied defeat in the west. 728616, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Irgun Revisionist Zionism, 1931–1948 Gerry van Tonder In October 1944, the US Office of Strategic Services described the Irgun Tsvai Leumi – National Military Organization – as ‘an underground, quasi-military organization with headquarters in Palestine … fanatical Zionists who wish to convert Palestine and Transjordan into an independent Jewish state … advocate the use of force both against the Arabs and the British to achieve this maximal political goal.’ In 1925, Ze’ev Jabotinsky founded the Revisionist Zionism organization, whose secular, right-wing ideology would lead to the formation of the Irgun and, ultimately, of the Likud Party. 72869A, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Zulu Terror The Mfecane Holocaust, 1815–1840 Robin Binckes The years 1815 to 1840 were probably the most devastating and violent period of South Africa’s turbulent history. The Mfecane (Zulu) or Difaqane (Sotho) was a result of many factors including internecine conflict among the Zulu tribes themselves. Faced with the wrath of the great King Shaka, Mzilikazi (The Road) fled with his followers, who became the Matabele, cutting a swathe of destruction, pillage and genocide across southern Africa from the land of the Zulu (KwaZulu-Natal today) to the Highveld in the north. 728890, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

The Shanghai Massacre China’s White Terror, 1927 Phil Carradice On 19 February 1927, the city of Shanghai fell silent as a general strike gripped the factories of the industrial district. A magnet for foreign traders and businessmen, by the 1920s the pursuit of profit had produced one of the most cosmopolitan cities that the world has ever seen. Known as the ‘Whore of the Orient’, Shanghai was a melting pot where every imaginable experience or luxury from East or West could be enjoyed. But in 1927, the city’s wealth was under threat: advancing from Guangzhou in the south of China was a Guomindang army, backed by the Soviet Union and in alliance with the Chinese Communist Party, which seemed to be a clear danger to the businessmen of Shanghai. 738899, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Vlakplaas: Apartheid Death Squads 1979–1994

Robin Binckes The first phase of Vlakplaas operations, up until 1989, was aimed at fighting the enemy: the armed wings of the liberation movements, the African National Congress’s Umkhonto we Sizwe (or ‘MK’), the Pan Africanist Congress’s Azanian People’s Liberation Army (or APLA) and the South African Communist Party. The second phase was ‘fighting organized crime’ in which Vlakplaas itself seamlessly adopted the mantle of organized crime in the notorious downtown area of Johannesburg’s Hillbrow. The final phase, the most destructive, was as the murky ‘Third Force’ that destabilized the country in an orgy of violence in the run-up to its first democratic elections in 1994. 729217, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

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• COLD WAR & BEYOND • Mozambican Civil War Marxist–Apartheid Proxy, 1977–1992 Stephen Emerson From the rise of the Resistência Nacional Moçambicana, or Renamo, in 1977 as a Rhodesian weapon against Zimbabwean nationalist guerrillas operating in Mozambique, through South African patronage in the 1980s and to Renamo’s evolution as a self-sufficient insurgency, the forces of Mozambican nationalism became inexorably intertwined with the geopolitics of the region and the international manifestations of the Cold War. Thus, both government and rebel forces found themselves repeatedly beholden to external interests – be it American, Soviet, Cuban, South African or Rhodesian – as each sought to advance its own agenda and future vision of the country. 728494, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 136 pages

Malayan Emergency

Gerry van Tonder By the time of the 1942 Japanese occupation of the Malay Peninsula and Singapore, the Malayan Communist Party had already been fomenting merdeka – independence – from Britain. The Japanese conquerors, however, were also the loathsome enemies of the MCP’s ideological brothers in China. An alliance of convenience with the British was the outcome. Britain armed and trained the MCP’s military wing, to essentially wage jungle guerrilla warfare against Japanese occupying forces. With the cessation of hostilities, antiJapanese became anti-British, and, using the same weapons and training fortuitously provided by the British army during the war, the MCP launched a guerrilla war of insurgency.

Lebanon Levantine Calvary, 1958-1990 Al J Venter It is axiomatic that the recent history of much of the Eastern Mediterranean is linked to the creation of the state of Israel in May 1948, incontestably so. The country emerged from a series of conflicts and these have continued ever since, fueled as much by Arab–Israeli enmity, national pride and territorial aspirations as hostile neighbors. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt – and in the latter phases, Iran – were all part of it. For much of the period under review it was Lebanon that took the brunt of it, with resident Christian, Sunni, Shi’ite as well as Israeli interests deploying multiple levels of force to jockey for predominance. 707826, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 136 pages

Dien Bien Phu

Anthony Tucker-Jones At the end of the Second World War France sought to reassert its military prestige, but instead suffered humiliating defeat at Dien Bien Phu in French colonial Indochina. The First Indochina war became a textbook example of how not to conduct counterinsurgency warfare against nationalist guerrillas. Anthony Tucker-Jones guides the reader through this decisive conflict with a concise text and contemporary photographs, providing critical insight into the conduct of the war by both sides and its wider ramifications. 707987, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

707864, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 128 pages

Sino-Indian War Border Clash: October– November 1962 Gerry van Tonder For a hundred years, British and Chinese territorial claims in the Himalayas conflicted, with Indian historians claiming that the region was the fountainhead of Hindu civilization. In the halcyon days of the Raj, London saw Afghanistan and Tibet as buffers against Russian and Chinese imperialism. In 1913, an ephemeral agreement between Britain, Tibet and China was signed, recognizing the McMahon Line as the border of the disputed territory. China, however, failed to ratify the agreement, while India protested against a loss of historical land. Despite cordial overtures from Indian Prime Minister Nehru, in late 1950 the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) invaded Tibet. 728371, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages


Inchon Landing MacArthur’s Korean War Masterstroke, September 1950 Gerry van Tonder In this series on battles of the Korean War, North Korean ground forces, armor and artillery cross the 38th Parallel into South Korea, inflicting successive ignominious defeats on the ill-prepared US-led UN troops, pushing them ever southward into a tiny defensive enclave—the Pusan Perimeter—on the tip of the Korean Peninsula. General Douglas MacArthur meets with considerable resistance to his plans for a counteroffensive, from both Washington and his staff in South Korea and Japan. However, the controversial MacArthur’s obstinate persistency prevails and, with a mere three weeks to go, the US X Corps is activated to execute the invasion on D-Day, 15 September 1950. 756961, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 136 pages

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• COLD WAR & BEYOND • Eyewitness Korea The Experience of British and American Soldiers in the Korean War 19501953 James Goulty Today the Korean War of 19501953 is overshadowed by later twentieth-century conflicts in Vietnam and the Middle East, yet at the time it was the focus of international attention. It threatened to lead to a third world war, and although fought on a limited scale, it still involved over a million men under UN command and even more on the Communist side. It left the American and British troops who took part with a range of intense recollections that often marked them for the rest of their lives, and it is these experiences that James Goulty draws on in this eyewitness history of the conflict. 870901, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 240 pages

From the Imjin to the Hook A National Service Gunner in the Korean War James Jacobs The British Army’s contribution to The Korean War was largely composed of ‘conscripts’plucked from civilian life on a ‘lottery’ basis and given a short basic training. Some like Jim Jacobs volunteered for overseas duty and suddenly found themselves in the thick of a war. As a member of 170 Independent Mortar Battery RA Jim was in the frontline at the famous Battle of the Imjin River. He returned to the UK only to volunteer again for a second tour with 120 Light Battery. In this gripping memoir, Jim calmly recounts his experiences and emotions from joining the Army through training, the journeys by troopship and on active service in the atrocious and terrifying war. 593431, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 224 pages

Korea The Ground War from Both Sides Philip Chinnery The Korean War opened with the invasion of South Korea by the North Koreans in June 1950. This superbly illustrated book traces the fluctuating fortunes of war from both sides. The South Koreans were saved from defeat by the arrival of the American and UN forces under General MacArthur but the success of his offensive brought in the Chinese who undetected by the Allies, counter-attacked with over a quarter of a million men of the Peoples Volunteer Army. Once again the Allies fell back and a stalemate developed. No peace treaty was ever signed. 848191, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 144 pages

Fight, Dig and Live The Story of the Royal Engineers in the Korean War George Cooper Among the over 100,000 United Nations casualties in the Korean War, the United Kingdom casualties sacrificed some 300 Officers and 4,000 Other Ranks. The Royal Engineers, also known as Sappers, were involved at all levels, from patrols and minefields, to defense works and, providing support to all manner of operations such as transportation, bridging and the important provision of postal services, so vital for morale. Involved in fierce fighting, the Sappers suffered grievous casualties, but their gallantry was rewarded by numerous awards. 886636, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

The US Army From the Cold War to the end of the 20th Century Christopher Anderson This illustrated series presents the uniforms and equipment of the United States Army from the nineteenth century to the present day. Each volume combines detailed and informative captions with over 100 rare and unusual images. These books are a must for anyone interested in American military uniforms and the history of the United States Army. With more than 100 images The U.S. Army Today illustrates the uniforms, weapons, and equipment of the American soldier in this time of change. 328150, $19.99 , $12.99 , Paperback, 72 pages

Chinese Hordes and Human Waves A Personal Perspective of the Korean War 1950-1953 Brig. Gen. Brian Parritt The North Koreans’ attack on their Southern neighbors shocked and surprised the World. The conflict rapidly escalated with China soon heavily involved on one side and the United States and United Nations on the other. The author, then a young Gunner officer, found himself in the midst of this very nasty war. He describes first hand what it was like to be at the infamous Battle of the Hook, where UN troops held off massed attacks by the Communists. Few outside the war zone realized just how horrific conditions were. This is not only a fine memoir but a unique insight into a forgotten War. 373727, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 224 pages

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• COLD WAR & BEYOND • Just Another Day in Vietnam

Col Keith Nightingale (Ret) Keith Nightingale’s accomplishments in both military and civilian life largely contribute to the excellence of Just Another Day in Vietnam as a memoir of unusual depth as well as breadth. Uniquely adopting a third-person omniscient point of view, Nightingale eschews the “I” of memoir in favor of multiple perspectives and a larger historical vision that afford equal time and weight to ally and enemy alike. Nightingale moreover offers the point of view of an American advisor to elite Vietnamese troops, a vital perspective regrettably underrepresented in the literature of Vietnam. 00785A, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 264 pages

Phoenix 13 Americal Division Artillery Air Section Helicopters in Vietnam Darryl James A collection of war stories closely based on the author’s experiences flying scout/ observation helicopters in Vietnam. Story telling was a daily evening occurrence for the solo scout pilots. These stories, called “TINS,” an irreverent pilot acronym for ‘this is no shit,’ allowed the solo pilots to learn from each other’s experiences and mistakes. The “TINS” within this collection reveal the brotherhood that developed between pilots and their crew chiefs in combat. The solo pilots relied on their courage, swapping stories and a bit of luck to survive. 759429, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 192 pages

US Elite Forces Uniforms, Equipment & Personal Items. Vietnam 1965-1975 Marti Demiquels Mr. Marti Demiquels, the author of this book and a dedicated collector himself, has put together not only most of the pieces contained in the following pages, but a complete museum on the Vietnam War as well, amassed throughout an entire lifetime of passionate study and collecting. 658547, $61 , $39.99 , Hardback, 250 pages

Shadow Commander The Epic Story of Donald D. Blackburn— Guerrilla Leader and Special Forces Hero Mike Guardia On the evening of April 9, 1942, the battered remnants of the American-Philippine army surrendered to the forces of the Rising Sun. Yet amongst the chaos and devastation of the American defeat, Army Captain Donald D. Blackburn refused to lay down his arms. After the war, Blackburn remained on active duty and played a key role in initiating Special Forces operations in Southeast Asia. During a period when United States troops in Southeast Asia faced guerrilla armies on every side, it has been little recognized today that America had a superb covert commander of its own, his guerrilla skills honed in resistance against Japan. 006536, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 240 pages

Vietnam Bao Chi Warriors of Word and Film Marc Phillip Yablonka Bao Chi brings together interviews with 35 combat correspondents who reported on the Vietnam War. They wrote the stories of Vietnam, captured the images and filmed the television coverage of their fellow servicemen on the battlefields from the Mekong Delta in the south to the DMZ in Central Vietnam, from the Tet Offensive in 1968 to the fall of Saigon in 1975. For years, there has been a well-deserved plethora of work by and about those who covered the war as civilians,but there hasn’t been enough about the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who did so while wearing an American uniform.

Alpha One Sixteen A Combat Infantryman’s Year in Vietnam Peter Clark Peter Clark’s year in Vietnam began in July 1966, when he was shipped out with hundreds of other young recruits. Clark was assigned to the Alpha Company. Clark gives a visceral, vivid and immediate account of life in the platoon, as he progresses from green recruit to seasoned soldier over the course of a year in the complexities of the Vietnamese conflict.As he continues his journey, he chronicles those less fortunate; the heavy toll being taken all around him is powerfully described at the end of each chapter. 005997, $29.95 , $19.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

006871, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 320 pages


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MODERN • • • •COLD WARWARFARE & BEYOND GCHQ The Secret Wireless War, 1900–1986 Nigel West In GCHQ: The Secret Wireless War 1900-1986, the renowned expert Nigel West traces Government Communications Headquarters’s origins back to the early days of wireless and gives a detailed account of its development since that time. From the moment that Marconi succeeded in transmitting a radio signal across the Channel, Britain has been engaged in a secret wireless war, first against the Kaiser, then Hitler and the Soviet Union. Laced with some truly remarkable anecdotes, this edition of this important book will intrigue historians, intelligence professionals and general readers alike. 755780, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 272 pages

Great Spies of the 20th Century

Patrick Pesnot Heroes to some, traitors to others, spies and intelligence officers continue to fascinate and enthrall us with their abilities to operate secretly in the shadows. With these mini-biographies of twenty agents of various nationalities (including members of the DGSE, KGB, CIA, MI6 and Mossad), Patrick Pesnot and ‘Mr X’ bring the reader as close as possible into the world of espionage, though a panorama of intelligence history. 862197, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 208 pages

Cold War Counterfeit Spies Tales of Espionage Genuine or Bogus? Nigel West The Cold War gave publishers the chance to produce countless stories of espionage, treachery and deception. What Nigel West has discovered is that the most egregious deceptions were in fact the stories themselves. In this remarkable investigation into the claims of many who portrayed themselves as key players in clandestine operations, the author has exposed a catalogue of misrepresentations and falsehoods. With the help of witnesses with firsthand experience, and recently declassified documents, Nigel West answers these and other fascinating questions from a time when secrecy and suspicion allowed the truth to be concealed.

MI6: British Secret Intelligence Service Operations, 1909–1945

Nigel West The main body of the book concerns MI6’s operations during the Second World War, and includes some remarkable successes and failures. In this new edition, operations undertaken by almost all of MI6’s overseas stations are recounted in extraordinary detail. They will fascinate both the professional intelligence officer and the general reader. The book includes organizational charts to illustrate MI6’s internal structure and its wartime network of overseas stations. Backed by numerous interviews with intelligence officers and their agents. 755742, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 312 pages

Secret Service in the Cold War An SIS Officer from Philby to the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Balkans John B Sanderson Myles Sanderson The Second World War had been won, but relationships between the Western allies and the Soviet Union were becoming increasingly strained, as the nuclear arms race made world peace precarious. It was vital that Britain knew the Soviets’ intentions and military capabilities, both offensive and defensive. As a Military Attaché in Sofia, and Commandant of an Intelligence Centre in the Balkans, it was SIS officer Lieutenant Colonel John Sanderson’s job to find out. Sanderson handled agents who operated secretly behind the Iron Curtain at the height of the Cold War and organized hidden arms depots for stay-behind agents in case of a Red Army invasion. 740908, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 288 pages

Soviet Spyplanes of the Cold War

Yefim Gordon Spy in the Sky’ matters have long been a source of interest and fascination for aircraft enthusiasts, historians, and modelers, and none more so than the elusive and secretive Soviet types of the Cold War era. This book presents a range of such types, including a collection of photographs, profiles, and line drawings, together with supplementary text detailing the history of each craft, encompassing the various developmental milestones, successes, and pitfalls experienced along the way. With an unparalleled level of visual information it is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build a variant of these iconic planes. 592854, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 96 pages

879553, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 264 pages

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• MODERN WARFARE • COLD WAR & BEYOND • Phoenix Rising From the Ashes of Desert One to the Rebirth of U.S. Special Operations Col Keith Nightingale (Ret) Phoenix Rising recounts the paradoxical birth of SOF through the prism of Operation Eagle Claw, the failed attempt to rescue fifty-two Americans held hostage in the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. When terrorists captured the Embassy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff quickly realized that the United States lacked the military capability to launch a rescue. There was no precedent for the mission, a mission that came with extraordinary restrictions and required a unique force to take it on. With no existent command structure or budget, this force would have to be built from scratch in utmost secrecy, and draw on every branch of the U.S. military. 008776, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 336 pages

Distant Thunder: Helicopter Pilot’s Letters from War in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Ultimate Deployment Guidebook Insight into the Deployed Soldier and a Guide for the First-Time Deployed SFC Kristina A. Smith Paul N. Smith Smith and Smith (no relation) met in Afghanistan during their deployment in 2010—2011, where they started joking about the various lifestyle changes necessary overseas. Their conversations led to the creation of this book, with two very different military/contracting backgrounds forming a truly unique view of overseas tours.It is a “must-read book” for the first-time deployed, civilian contractors, family and friends of service members, and anyone who has ever wondered about everyday life for service members in a theater of conflict. 211429, $18.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 216 pages

The Lieutenant Don’t Know One Marine’s Story of Warfare and Combat Logistics in Afghanistan

Don Harward Don Harward was torn between two worlds; his loyalty to his family and to his country. Like so many other soldiers, even on leave, he can always hear the dim roar of guns, the distant thunder of war, and is always summoned towards the sound. Pacific Wings, a prestigious New Zealand-based magazine, has previously published some letters which have been praised by a growing readership, both aviator and non flyer alike, for their ability to transport the reader into the world of war. Includes superb action photographs from Don’s personal collection.

Jeffrey D. Clement In Afghanistan particularly, the long convoy routes have been vulnerable to the same kind of surprise attacks suffered by the Soviets in past decades, the British 150 years ago, and Alexander the Great 2,000 years ago.The Lieutenant Don’t Know provides a refreshing look at the nitty-gritty of what our troops have been dealing with in Afghanistan, from the perspective of a young officer who was perfectly willing to learn, and also take responsibility for his units in a confusing war where combat was not merely on the “front,” but all around, and looking over all their roads.

117281, $17.50 , $11.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

002484, $32.95 , $21.50 , Hardback, 264 pages

Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East

Oscar E. Gilbert In the aftermath of Vietnam a new generation of Marines was determined to wage a smarter kind of war. The tank, the very symbol of power and violence, would play a key role in a new concept of mobile warfare, not seen since the dashes of World War II. The emphasis would be not on brutal battles of attrition, but on paralyzing the enemy by rapid maneuver and overwhelming but judicious use of firepower. This book fully describes how our Marine Corps tankers have risen to the occasion.

Air War Afghanistan NATO Air Operations from 2001 Tim Ripley This book provides an overview of NATO and other Allied air power in the lengthy campaign to secure democracy in Afghanistan and destroy Taliban and other Islamic extremist terror forces in the combat zone. It contains a mix of explanatory text, diagrams and stunning action color photography. Tim Ripley has had access to all NATO air bases in the area and brings an unprecedented degree of detail and accuracy to the book. 843561, $60 , $39.50 , Hardback, 272 pages

002675, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 312 pages


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• MODERN WARFARE • COLD WAR & BEYOND •• Atomic Thunder British Nuclear testing in Australia Elizabeth Tynan British nuclear testing took place at Maralinga, South Australia, between 1956 and 1963, after Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies had handed over 3,200 square kilometres of open desert to the British Government, without informing his own people. The atomic weapons test series wreaked havoc on Indigenous communities and turned the land into a radioactive wasteland. How did it come to pass that a democracy such as Australia suddenly found itself hosting another country’s nuclear program? And why has it continued to be shrouded in mystery, even decades after the atomic thunder clouds stopped rolling across the South Australian test site? 727572, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 392 pages

RAF and East German Fast-Jet Pilots in the Cold War Thinking the Unthinkable Group Captain Nigel Walpole, OBE, BA, RAF (Ret’d) RAF and East German Fast-Jet Pilots in the Cold War is the result of ten years of research, involving many visits to the former German Democratic Republic by a small Anglo/German team of military specialists. Their purpose was to explore the lives of RAF and East German fighter and ?ghter-bomber pilots, in the air and on the ground, at work and play, during the Cold War in North Germany. The book is based largely on personal testimony from these pilots, coupled with facts drawn from official archives and comment from other historical sources. Where possible, political considerations have been avoided and no outright criticism has been intended. 758385, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 352 pages

Fly Navy View From the Cockpit, 1945–2000 Charles Manning The Fleet Air Arm has always had an elite status and an image of ‘derring-do’ and living on the edge. To mark the Millennium, 95 members of the Fleet Air Arm Officer’s Association have recalled their experiences of over 55 years of post war naval flying. These first person accounts pull no punches. Some are highly amusing, others serious, even tragic. Covered are the piston engined planes, early jets and supersonic nuclear-capable fighter-bombers as well as the full range of helicopters so vital in many theaters. Fly Navy is a unique and entertaining anthology of flying stories, which will delight all with even a passing interest in service life and aviation. 782304, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 288 pages

Fast Jets to Spitfires A Cold War Fighter Pilot’s Story Ron Lloyd How often have you glanced skywards at the sound of a passing aircraft and wondered what it would be like to fly one of those gleaming metal machines? Or admired the skill and the daring of the fighter pilot swooping down upon his enemy in the awe-inspiring, unrivaled elegance of a Spitfire? Ron Lloyd has had the experience of flying the majestic propeller-driven aircraft of the Second World War as well as the roaring, sound-barrier-breaking jets of the Cold War – and in this exciting book, he places the reader in the cockpit, describing what it really feels like to be sitting at the controls of a fighter aircraft. 759061, $49.95 , $32.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

From F-4 Phantom to A-10 Warthog Memoirs of a Cold War Fighter Pilot Steven K Ladd You do not have to be an aviation aficionado to enjoy Colonel Steve Ladd’s fascinating personal tale, woven around his 28-year career as a fighter pilot. This extremely engaging account follows a young man from basic pilot training to senior command through the narratives that define a unique ethos. From the United States to Southeast Asia; Europe to the Middle East; linking the amusing and tongue-in-cheek to the deadly serious and poignant, this is the lifelong journey of a fighter pilot. 761248, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

The First Helicopter Boys The Early Days of Helicopter Operations - The Malayan Emergency, 1947–1960 David Taylor The Indonesian Confrontation that raged from 1963 to 1966 stemmed from Indonesia’s opposition to the creation of Malaysia. Fighting in the challenging jungle terrain of Borneo and in the countryside straddling the Malaysia/Indonesia border, where there were few roads, posed significant logistical challenges to both sides. That the conflict was ultimately a victory for the Commonwealth forces was in due in no small part to the fact that they enjoyed the advantage of vastly superior helicopter resources and better trained crews – many of which were provided by British units. 754134, $39.95 , $25.99 , Hardback, 248 pages

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• COLD WAR &WARFARE BEYOND •• • MODERN The 1989 Coup d’Étát in Paraguay The End of a Long Dictatorship, 1954-1989

Nicaragua, 1961-1990. Volume 1 The Downfall of the Somosa Dictatorship

Antonio Luis Sapienza The 1989 Coup d’état in Paraguay discusses General Alfredo Stroessner’s climb to power during a coup of 1954, fraudulent elections that got him reelected seven times, and the ways Stroessner kept himself afloat through cooperation with the armed forces, a right-wing political party, and the USA. Arguably, longing to maintain his popularity, the dictator launched a large number of major development projects, including construction of roads, water and sewage facilities, three big hydroelectric power stations, and a buildup of an airline. At the same time, abuse of human rights and oppression of any kind of political opposition became the norm.

David Francois In the wake of the US invasion of Nicaragua in 1912, the country came under the rule of the Somoza family, which imposed a brutal and corrupt military dictatorship. By the 1970s, the country became embroiled in a brutal insurgency. Supported by Cuba, a coalition of students, farmers, businessmen, clergy and a small group of Marxists launched a major war in 1978. The Sandinista government established in Managua of 1979 found the country ruined by the long war and natural disasters, and nearly half of the population either homeless or living in exile. 628217, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 72 pages

62869A, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

The Military and Police Forces of the Gulf States. Volume 1 Trucial States and United Arab Emirates, 1951-1980 Cliff Lord Athol Yates This book provides an overview of the military forces, and their antecedents, of the Arabian Gulf States. This narrative includes historical information regarding the various states and enables the reader to understand easily how the various militaries have evolved. Maps of the areas concerned are provided, along with a glossary of terms and many ORBATs in diagrammatical form. Historical overviews and military history of the forces is provided along with regimental histories for Oman. Scores of photographs are included showing the uniforms and a selection of badges and insignia.

Iraqi Mirages Mirage F.1 in Service with Iraqi Air Force, 1981-2003 Tom Cooper While the Mirage F.1 has attracted at least some coverage in English language publications, its acquisition and combat deployment by Iraq still remains a topic with not a few controversies. The purpose of this volume is to redress the balance and provide an indepth insight into the acquisition process, development and equipment of custom-tailored variants made for Iraq, training of Iraqi personnel on the type, and its combat deployment during wars against Iran, 1980-1988, and against the US-led, so-called Gulf Coalition, in 1991 and afterwards. 390311, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 96 pages

390618, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 72 pages

Fury from the North North Korean Air Force in the Korean War, 1950-1953 Douglas C. Dildy It was almost exactly 15.00 hours local time, on 25 June 1950, when nine Yakovlev Yak9P fighters of the North Korea’s ‘Korean People’s Air Force’ (KPAF) simultaneously attacked Seoul International Airport and the Kimpo Airfield outside Seoul, the capitol of South Korea. In the course of their attacks, the Yaks shot up ground installations and strafed one of Douglas C-54 transports of the US Air Force involved in evacuation of US citizens from the war-stricken country. The Yaks returned to finish off the C-54 at Kimpo around 19.00. Thus began the aerial component of the Korean War, which was to last until mid-1953. 390335, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 96 pages


The Iran-Iraq War. Volume 4 The Forgotten Fronts Tom Cooper E.R. Hooton The Iran-Iraq War was one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 20th Century and accidentally created the current nightmare of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. There have been many books on the conflict but this is the first detailed military history using materials from both sides, as well as materials obtained from US Intelligence circles and British Governmental archives. It provides a unique insight into a war which began through miscalculation and rapidly escalated into the longest conventional conflict in the post-Second World War era. Part 4 in this mini-series covers the warfare between Iran and Iraq on the Central and Northern Fronts. 512455, $35 , $22.99 , Paperback, 80 pages

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• COLD WAR WARFARE & BEYOND• • • MODERN Modern Chinese Warplanes Chinese Air Force Combat Aircraft and Units Andreas Rupprecht In 2012 the original Modern Chinese Warplanes set the standard as a uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory of modern Chinese air power, combining magnificent illustrations and in-depth analysis. Now almost six years later, much of the fascination that Chinese military aviation holds for the analyst and enthusiast still stems from the thick veil of secrecy that surrounds it. However, in the time that has passed since the first edition a plethora of new types, systems and weapons has been revealed. What is more, the structure of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has been completely revised. 30926A, $59.95 , $38.99 , Paperback, 256 pages

Modern Chinese Warplanes Chinese Army Aviation - Combat Helicopter Units Andreas Rupprecht Compared to the People’s Liberation Army Air Force and Naval Aviation, the PLA’s Army Aviation is the least known and understood of the country’s air arms. Its formation was only approved in 1986 and it was established as the Army Aviation Corps in January 1988, using helicopters inherited from the Air Force. Beginning as a single regiment, the first true Army Aviation brigade was formed in 2009 and the force has now expanded to around a dozen frontline units operating hundreds of different helicopters. In its current form, Army Aviation has established itself as a major force in support of the PLA Ground Forces.

Modern USMC Air Power Aircraft and Units of the ‘Flying Leathernecks’ Joe Copalman As America’s expeditionary force-in-readiness, the US Marine Corps operates an eclectic mix of fixedwing, rotary-wing, tiltrotor and unmanned aircraft to support the marine rifleman on the ground. The first two decades of the 21st century have seen an almost complete transformation of the marine air wings, as Cold War-era legacy aircraft yield to digital-age replacements. In Harpia’s first book dedicated to a North American air arm, Joe Copalman explains the significance of each aircraft transition in the Marine Corps over the previous 20 years – community by community – on the Marine Air-Ground Task Force and its ability to conduct amphibious and expeditionary warfare. 394029, $59.95 , $38.99 , Paperback, 256 pages

Modern Israeli Air Power Aircraft and Units of the Israeli Air Force Ofer Zidon Israel remains the cornerstone of Middle East conflicts and tensions, and the spearhead of Israeli military might remains the Air Corps (Kheil Ha’Avir) of the Israeli Defense Forces. The Israeli Air Force has recently been moving away from preparations for interstate wars towards improving its potential to wage asymmetric conflicts, counterinsurgency campaigns, and special operations. This book provides a compact yet comprehensive, up-to-date, and in-depth analysis and directory of modern Israeli air power, detailing flying units and relevant infrastructure. 455422, $65 , $42.50 , Paperback, 256 pages

309287, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 96 pages

Flashpoint China Chinese Air Power and Regional Securit Tom Cooper Andreas Rupprecht From the South China Sea to the mountains of Nepal, the continued economic rise of the People’s Republic of China has led to a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the region. As a result, the relationship between China and its neighbors, as well as with the United States and its allies, has become increasingly important for the future of the region – and for the rest of the world. This uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory serves as a richly illustrated, indepth analysis and overview of the most important conflicts in which China is currently involved – and those that it is likely to be involved with in the future – with a particular focus on People’s Liberation Army air power. 455484, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

EMB-314 Super Tucano Brazil’s turboprop success story continues João Paulo Zeitoun Moralez This book describes EMB-314 Super Tucano in detail. The Embraer Super Tucano is tough enough to support operations from unprepared runways and in temperatures of 36°C and 100% humidity. With more than 250 examples produced, the Super Tucano performs missions including armed reconnaissance, escort, counterinsurgency and even air defense. It is used by Brazil and 11 other countries and is manufactured under licence in the United States. Afghanistan, Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Mauritania have all made operational use of the Super Tucano. The US may become the next operator of the turboprop, with a requirement for as many as 300 new light close air support aircraft. 309249, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

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• COLD • MODELING WAR & BEYOND • • Juan Carlos I - Spanish Aircraft Carrier Aircraft Carrier in Detail Robert Pied Nicolas Deboeck The first book in a new book series by HMH Publications. This series, on aircraft carriers, starts with a close look at the Spanish Aircraft Carrier Juan Carlos I. This book includes action and details of the EAV-8B Harrier II, helicopters, assault ships, and much more. It offers a detailed look at the ship’s flight deck, crew, command bridge, internal structure, hangar, lift and defense systems. The first time such an in depth portrait of this ship has been made! It also shows Rota, the home base of the ship and the units, on board, where maintenance is done.

US Navy Jet Fighters

JP Vieira The United States Navy has a proud history of flying the fastest, best equipped and most powerful jet fighters in the world. This bookazine features more than 200 profiles including all 17 of the Navy’s front line jet fighters, depicted by renowned artist JP Vieira. 639343, $12.99 , $8.50 , Paperback, 132 pages

083024, $31 , $20.50 , Paperback, 108 pages

Douglas A-4 M/N/AR/ AF-1 Skyhawk Aircraft in Detail Robert Pied Nicolas Deboeck A close up at the A-4 Skyhawk, in service with the Air Forces and Navies and as a Aggressor flying with Top Aces. Includes details of M, N, AR and AF-1 versions. Includes photos of Skyhawks of Israel, USMC, Argentina and Brazil. 083048, $32 , $20.99 , Paperback, 116 pages

Cold War Interceptor The RAF’s F.155T/O.R. 329 Fighter Projects Dan Sharp The West was stunned when the Soviet Union dropped its first atomic bomb in August 1949 and a year later the Korean War showcased Russia’s incredible technological progress in the form of the MiG-15 – a fighter capable of besting anything the RAF had to offer at that time. In the wake of the Second World War, funding for the RAF’s Fighter Command had fallen away dramatically but now there was an urgent need for new jet fighters to meet the threat of Russian bombers head-on. The result was some of the largest, heaviest and most powerful fighter designs the world had ever seen – and a heated debate about whether the behemoths should be built at all as guided weapons became ever more advanced. 658030, $39.99 , $25.99 , Hardback, 218 pages

Dassault Mirage III/5 Aircraft in Detail Robert Pied Nicolas Deboeck A close up of probably the most famous French Delta ever: the Mirage III and the Mirage 5. Aircraft from France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain and many more countries are included. A unique view of the cockpit, fuselage, wings, landing gear, avionics, engine and a lot of previously unseen action. Cockpit includes single seat and two-seat versions. Perfect reference for detailing scale modelers as well!

McDonnell Douglas (Boeing) F-15 Eagle

JP Vieira 40 color profiles of the famous F-15 Eagle, a US Cold-War era jet aircraft. US and foreign users are shown in variety of camouflages. 958914, $29 , $18.99 , Hardback, 80 pages

083031, $31 , $20.50 , Paperback, 116 pages


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• MODELING • • MODELING & REFERENCE • F-86K Sabre Jet Federico Anselmino Claudio Col

F-86K “Saber Jet”. In service with the Italian Air Force. Modeling notes. Appendices. 523137, $18.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 40 pages

Tornado IDS/ECR Federico Anselmino Giancarlo Gastaldi

This book, from the “Italian Aviation Series,” is a new title, not a reprint of a previous product, updated with the information available at October 31, 2016, in the book we also included recent photographs of Tornado ECR of the 6th Stormo and the special color of the Experimental Flight Department! 105056, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages


Federico Anselmino Claudio Col

SB-2C-5 Helldiver Luigi Gorena Claudio Col

December 9, 1951 was the first flight of the first Italian jet trainer, G.80. Although produced in Turin the historical flight happened to Amendola, military airport where the prototype was transported from Turin. The choice was obligatory because the Turin track was not long enough to guarantee operations with the new FIAT airplane. The history of the G.80, and of the subsequent improved version, the G.82, deserve to be known. The fifties, in Italy, were the pioneering times of the design of the first jets, the industries were trying to recover from the recent destruction of the war and were looking for markets to restart production.

“The Helldiver of the Navy” which traces the very brief and troubled history of the American bomber with the “anchor” in the fuselage, the diatribe with the Air Force that in fact opposed the use of Helldivers by the Navy Military and prevented the birth of the Navy Aviation. Over 70 photographs, many never before published and from former Helldiver pilots’ archives, are splendid color profiles, an upper and two lower views of the plane, together with a detailed chapter on how to build a scale model 1 / 72 dell Helldiver are a useful compendium both to the enthusiast that to the researcher as well as to the modeler.

105049, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 52 pages

105018, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 52 pages

C-130J Super Hercules Marco Rossi Claudio Col

The popular Herky Bird, protagonist of the medium tactical transport since the 50s, in its most modern version in service with the Italian Air Force. 523175, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

T-33A/RT-33A Shooting Star Federico Anselmino Claudio Col

Introduction. The origins and development. In service with the Air Force. An American “Silver Star” in Caselle. Modeling notes. Technical Data and Military Serial Number. 523151, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

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• MODELING & REFERENCE • • MODELING • The Fletcher-class Destroyer USS Stevens (DD-479)

Waldemar Góralski The USS Stevens (DD-479) was one of the 175 Fletcherclass destroyers, which were considered one of the finest World War II warships of that type. What set her apart from most of the standard Fletcherclass destroyers was her aircraftcarrying capability. In May 1940 six of the Fletcher-class destroyers were selected for conversion into aircraft-carrying ships. The upgrades included installation of Mk VI pneumatic aircraft catapult for embarked OS2U Kingfisher float planes. 148994, $37.95 , $24.99 , Paperback, 94 pages

The German Battlecruiser SMS Derfflinger Marsden Samuel Gary Staff

Quite correctly the Derfflinger class was considered to be the best battle cruisers completed up until the end of the First World War. Aesthetically they were also the most handsome. After the final design of cruiser J there were still outstanding issues, primarily the number of shafts, machinery and armament. A three shaft arrangement would allow the employment of a diesel engine on the center shaft. The advantages of this were better thermal efficiency, easier transfer of fuel, saving in personnel and the price. The General Department thought the change to 30.5cm caliber was essential. 673052, $37.95 , $24.99 , Paperback, 88 pages

The Russian Missile Destroyer of Project 61 (Kashin Class) 1962

Oleg Pomoshnikov “Singing frigates,” “Greyhounds of the Oceans” – each of these names contains a little bit of truth about large antisubmarine warfare ships Project 61. Since their emergence until now they are very popular with both maritime specialists and ship lovers. It could not be otherwise, because they are exceptionally good looking vessels. They were the first Soviet units of the new generation, projected and built separate from foregoing schemes. Their uniqueness was not only based on beautiful architecture, but also on some other assets. For instance, they were the first ships in the world propelled only by the power of gas turbines.

The Battleship Bismarck

Waldemar Góralski Even if they failed to encounter the enemy, every one of their sorties amounted to a brush with death. There were many dangers for Luftwaffe night fighters to contend with; hazardous weather conditions, fog rolling out of nowhere, return fire from the British bombers, enemy night fighters at work over German airfields and simple fatigue could all lead to tragedy. One of the men who survived all of this was Ofw. Kurt Bundrock. Born on 2nd February 1917 in Berlin, Bundrock flew as Bordfunker (radio operator) with NJG 1’s ace Hptm. Reinhold Knacke (44 night victories). 596018, $34.95 , $22.99 , Hardback, 100 pages

SMS Torpedoboot A-III

Oleg Pomoshnikov The situation that arose in 1914 after the seizure of the Belgian coast by the German army forced the local naval command to send appropriate forces to the new maritime theater. It turned out that the reservoir (numerous shallows and many mine barriers) almost precluded the use of standard torpedo boats and destroyers. They were simply too big and their draft was too great, which put them in a huge danger of hitting mines. The newly designed Type A I units were to be better adapted to operate off the coast of Flanders. Their full displacement was 137 tons, and the length of the hull was 41.58 m. The armament consisted of a 50mm or 52mm cannon and two 450mm torpedo tubes. 673120, $37.95 , $24.99 , Paperback, 56 pages

The Type II U-boat

Waldemar Góralski This book presents a brief description of the German Type II coastal submarines along with their general characteristics. Since “an image can speak a thousand words”, the text is accompanied by 160 renderings which show the external appearance of all four sub-types including details such as various conning towers and armament variants as well as other fittings. Blueprints of the four sub-types in 1:144 scale (general and isometric views) are included on a separate sheet. This publication is an invaluable help to any modeler interested in building a replica of any of the Type II submarines. 878642, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 76 pages

148673, $37.95 , $24.99 , Paperback, 96 pages


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• MODELING • • MODELING & REFERENCE • Arado Ar 234 B-2,B-2/N, C-3

The Soviet Fighter Yakovlev Yak-3

Marek Ry? The task to build a reconnaissance aircraft capable of long-range patrols over Britain was given to Arado. The initial E370 project was gradually tweaked and modified until it evolved into its final form as a single-seat aircraft powered by two jet engines in underwing pods, designated Ar 234. In order to maximize the aircraft’s range, Arado’s design team eliminated a conventional landing gear, which was replaced with a jettisonable three-wheel trolley used for take-offs and retractable skids mounted under the fuselage for landings. These design features were incorporated into the first A series prototypes, powered by Junkers Jumo 004A engines.

Anirudh Rao The emergence of Yak-3 was a compromise between the need to improve the Yak1’s characteristics and the limitations of Soviet aircraft industry and its outdated technologies. The basic design concept took those shortcomings into account, which allowed a rapid launch of mass production of this inexpensive fighter. The key to Yak3’s success was not the use of a new powerplant, but rather squeezing every bit of performance out of the M-105PF engine. In combination with some serious weight shedding, the Yak-3 had a significantly better performance than the Yak1. At altitudes up to 5,000 m, Yak-3 outperformed both the Bf-109 and Fw-190 in rate of climb and maneuverability.

673021, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 20 pages

673038, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 20 pages

Heinkel He 219 Uhu The German Night Fighter Marek Ry? At the end of the 1930s, the Luftwaffe command announced a need for a high-speed reconnaissance aircraft capable of performing bombing tasks. Heinkel introduced the P1055 concept designed by Rudolf Lusser. The plane was to have a range of 4,000 km and a maximum speed of 750 km/h. Soon the demand was changed and it was now to be a heavy fighter.At the same time, General der Nachtjagd Josef Kammhuber was looking for an aircraft that could be used as a modern night fighter. Ultimately, the P1055 design was modified and the He 219 V1 prototype was flown in this form in November 1942.

The fighter/bomber Horten Ho 229

Marek Ry? Horten Ho 229 is the first ever “flying wing” jet. The machine was built at the very end of World War II in the German Gotha factory. Today, the bestknown structure of this type is the American strategic bomber Northrop B-2 Spirit, but the two planes are separated by a difference of 44 years of technological development. It was a very unusual structure, not only due to the shape of the airframe, but also the materials it was made of – it was largely plywood and wood, not only duralumin and steel. The plane was powered by two Junkers Jumo 004B jet engines. 148970, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 20 pages

673106, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 20 pages

Dewoitine D.520 D.520C-1, D.520DC Marek Ry? In 1936, the D-513 fighter designed by Emil Dewoitine made its first flight. It was supposed to be the successor of the slightly outdated D-500 and D-510, built according to modern trends with a closed cabin and a retractable undercarriage. Unfortunately, the tests turned out to be very disappointing. At the same time, as part of the nationalization of the aviation industry, Dewoitine was incorporated into the SNCAM concern. The designer himself, however, did not give up the further development of the fighter and on his own, in cooperation with his engineers, developed a new design – designated D-520.

Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. B Tiger II (Sd. Kfz.182) Mariusz Suliga Pz.Kpfw. VI Tiger II was the heaviest and largest tank used during World War II. The vehicle’s weight was almost 70 tons. The tank was heavily armored, the thickness of the frontal armor plate was 150 mm, and in the case of the turret was 180 mm. The biggest advantage of the Tiger II, however, was its cannon, which was the development version of the 88 mm gun used in Tiger I tanks. 148703, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 24 pages

148987, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 20 pages

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• BARGAIN BOOKS • • MODELING & REFERENCE • Staff Cars in Germany WW2. Volume 1

Alan Ranger With mobilization of the German armed forces in 1939 the lack of motorized transport was identified as a critical issue, to partly remedy this the military commandeered much of both Germany’s and its satellite dependencies’ passenger car stock, thus the military motor pool was supplemented by thousands of confiscated civilian passenger cars, which were partially adapted to military use. Commercial & private limousines as well as hard tops and cabriolets cars were used. This profusely illustrated photo album includes over 150 previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany.

Macchi C.205 Veltro

Przemyslaw Skulski Profusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams from official manuals. This book provides all the core technical details of the Macchi, C.205 Veltro in one compact, economical volume. Essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale aeromodelers. Scale plans of all versions with color profiles. 958709, $35 , $22.99 , Paperback, 160 pages

281869, $25 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

Staff Cars in Germany WW2 vol. 2

Saab 35 Draken Mikael Forslund Marek Radomski

Alan Ranger In this publication, the remainder of the Opel motor company major production types are covered, the car types that were not covered in volume 1, such as the Opel P-4 that was also used as the basis of many of the prewar mock-up training tanks used by the German army due to the lack of real tanks to train with. The “Opel Kadett” (cadet), the Opel Supper 6, the “Opel Kapitan” (Captain) and the top of the range, the luxurious Opel Admiral. In this volume the author provides a detailed impression of these vehicles through original photographs, taken both during and before the war by the normal German soldiers who both used and served with these now classic automobiles.

The Saab 35 Draken (The kite in English) is a Swedish fighter aircraft developed and manufactured by SAAB between 1955 and 1974. Draken was a design ahead of its time, producing the revolutionary double-delta wing mainplane configuration. It was also the first fully supersonic aircraft to be deployed in Western Europe. This book is the most comprehensive on the Draken yet published in English, with numerous photographs of the aircraft in service, several of which have never been published before, walkaround photographs of the preserved aircraft, illustrations from contemporary manuals, and color artwork.

958808, $25 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

958860, $39 , $25.50 , Paperback, 200 pages

15 cm s.FH 18 German heavy Howitzer

Alan Ranger The 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 or s.FH 18 (heavy field howitzer, model 18) was the basic German division-level heavy howitzer during the Second World War. The gun was officially introduced into service on 23 May 1935 and by the outbreak of war the Wehrmacht had about 1,353 of these guns in service. Production continued throughout the war, reaching a peak of 2,295 guns in 1944. This profusely illustrated photo album includes over 120 previously unseen pictures, many from private sources in Germany. 958082, $25 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

Yugoslav Fighter Colours 1918-1941. Volume 1 Ognjan Petrovic Djordie Nikolic

This book describes in detail the camouflage and markings of the day fighters used by the Yugoslav Air Force from 1918 to 1941. Aircraft of Yugoslav, British, German, Czech and French origin are shown. This profusely illustrated book includes many historical photographs and color profiles showing the colors and markings carried by the aircraft. Detailed color notes and precise description and illustration of national markings over the period complete a book that will be invaluable to aircraft enthusiasts, historians and modelers. 958570, $55 , $35.99 , Hardback, 200 pages


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• MODELING & REFERENCE • • BARGAIN BOOKS • Morane Saulnier MS.406 Dariusz Karnas Karolina Holda

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Morane Saulnier MS.406. 958969, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

Potez 63-11

Dariusz Karnas Teodor Liviu Morosanu

NAA P-51B-1-NA Mustang

Dariusz Karnas 4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the NAA P-51B-1-NA Mustang. 549159, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

PZL Kara? II (PZL.23B) Dariusz Karnas Karolina Holda

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Potez 63-11.

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the MPZL Kara? II (PZL.23B).

958938, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

958822, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

Lockheed P-38G-15LO Lightning

Henschel Hs 126 B-1

Dariusz Karnas Artur Juszczak

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Lockheed P-38G-15-LO Lightning.

Robert Panek 4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Henschel Hs 126 B-1. 549166, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

958921, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

Supermarine Spitfire IIa Robert Grudzie 4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Supermarine Spitfire Iia. 958839, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4 Dariusz Karnas Karolina Holda

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 F-4. 958945, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

Mitsubishi A5M5 Model 52 Zero

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2

Dariusz Karnas Zygmunt Szeremeta

Dariusz Karnas Karolina Holda

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Mitsubishi A5M5 Model 52 Zero.

4-view color profile, 1/72 and 1/48 scale plans, photo details, and drawings from the wartime technical manuals of the Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2.

958952, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

958815, $11.99 , $7.99 , Paperback, 24 pages

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Robert Jackson The quality of Japanese aircraft came as an unpleasant surprise to the Allies at the outbreak of the Pacific War, and it was personified in one type, the Mitsubishi A6M Zero. This book provides a perfect introduction to the design and combat career of a fighter that made history. Why was the Zero conceived? What was it like to fly in combat? How did it compare with Allied types? Who were the engineers and designers who brought it to fruition and the pilots who became aces while flying it? Here is a feast for the modeler, with a wealth of technical information, photographs and color profiles. 759948, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 96 pages

The Jeep Second World War Lance Cole The Second World War Jeep was one of the most famous and influential military vehicles of all time, and over 600,000 were produced. It served with all the Allied forces during the war on every front and it has been the inspiration behind the design of light, versatile, rugged military and civilian vehicles ever since. Lance Cole traces the design, development and manufacturing history of the Jeep and describes its operational role within the Allied armies. A selection of archive photographs showing the Jeep in service in European and Pacific campaigns gives a graphic impression of how adaptable the Jeep was and records the variety of equipment it could carry. 746511, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

North American Aviation P-51 Mustang

Robert Jackson The North American P-51 Mustang was one of the most successful and effective fighter aircraft of all time. It was initially produced in response to a 1940 RAF requirement for a fast, heavily-armed fighter able to operate effectively at altitudes in excess of 20,000ft. North America built the prototype in 117 days, and the aircraft, designated NA-73X, flew on 26 October 1940. The first of 320 production Mustang Is for the RAF flew on 1 May 1941, powered by a 1,100hp Allison V-1710-39 engine. RAF test pilots soon found that with this powerplant the aircraft did not perform well at high altitude, but that its low-level performance was excellent. 759900, $26.95 , $17.99 , Paperback, 96 pages

Supermarine Spitfire MKV The Mark V and its Variants Lance Cole The text examines recently revealed forgotten aspects of the Spitfire story; by combining the elements of design, the story of a weapon of war and a revered scale model, this book frames an essential chapter in aviation history. Packed with original and contemporary images and information, and displaying unique Spitfire model collections, the narrative bridges an important gap and is a worthy addition to the FlightCraft series. 710499, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

M2/M3 American Half-tracks of the Second World War Robert Jackson Among the most successful armored vehicles produced by American industry during the Second World War were the M2 and M3 half-tracks. They served on every battlefront and were as recognizable as other famous American wartime vehicles like the Sherman and the Jeep, and around 40,000 were produced between 1941 and 1945. They were easy to assemble, operate and maintain, and their versatility allowed them to fulfill a variety of purposes. This volume in Pen & Sword’s LandCraft series traces the design, development and manufacturing history of the M2/M3 and describes its operational role within the Allied armies. 746559, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

SDKFZ 251 – 251/9 and 251/22 Kanonenwagen German Army and Waffen-SS Western and Eastern Fronts, 1944– 1945 Dennis Oliver In his first book in the LandCraft series Dennis Oliver examines the Sdkfz 251 variants armed with the 7.5cm gun, initially used as an infantry support and reconnaissance halftrack and later as a tank killer as the result of Hitler’s desperation to arm as many vehicles as possible with antitank weapons. Drawing on official documentation and unit histories Dennis investigates the formations that operated these deservedly famous vehicles and uses archive photos and extensively researched color illustrations to examine the markings, camouflage and technical aspects of the Sdkfz 251/9 and 251/22 halftracks. 791146, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages


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• MODELING & REFERENCE • • BARGAIN BOOKS • Panther Tanks German Army Panzer Brigades Western and Eastern Fronts, 1944–1945 Dennis Oliver In Dennis Oliver’s latest volume in the TankCraft series he uses archive photos and extensively researched color illustrations to examine the Panther battalions of the Panzer brigades that fought to hold back the Allied advance during the last months of 1944. A key section of his book displays available model kits and after-market products, complemented by a gallery of beautifully constructed and painted models in various scales. Technical details as well as modifications introduced during production and in the field are also examined providing everything the modeler needs to recreate an accurate representation of these historic tanks.

British Destroyers: J-C and Battle Classes

Les Brown Lavishly illustrated, this book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sisterships and changes in their appearance over their careers. This includes paint schemes and camouflage, featuring color profiles and highly-detailed line drawings and scale plans. The modeling section reviews the strengths and weaknesses of available kits, lists commercial accessory sets, and provides hints on modifying and improving the basic kit. This new volume deals with the later classes which were the most modern British destroyers of the Second World War. 321809, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

771599, $28.95 , $18.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

T-34 Russia’s Armoured Spearhead

Scharnhorst and Gneisenau

Robert Jackson Von Kleist, one of Hitler’s best panzer leaders, described the T-34 as ‘The finest tank in the world’. The T-34 was one of the best tanks of all time. This book is an excellent reference work for the modeler, providing details of available kits, together with artworks showing the color schemes applied to the T-34 by its operators throughout the world. Photographs, many in color, illustrate the T-34 in action and there is a section dealing with the range of armored vehicles that were built using the T-34 chassis. Robert Jackson’s introduction to the T-34 is necessary reading for tank enthusiasts and tank modelers alike.

Steve Backer Lavishly illustrated, this book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. The two German ships which form the subject of this volume were among the first products of rearmament under Hitler. For political reasons they were neither as large nor as well armed as foreign equivalents, but they were very fast, which led them to be described as ‘battlecruisers’ in some quarters. They enjoyed an adventurous war, both surviving heavy damage, before Scharnhorst was sunk in an epic gun battle off the North Cape, while Gneisenau succumbed to heavy air attack.

711328, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

321526, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

Panzer IV 1939-1945 Paul Thomas The Panzer IV – Panzerkampfwagen IV – was one the foremost German fighting vehicles of the Second World War, and this volume in the TankCraft series is an ideal introduction to it. With detailed captions, text and illustrations the book tells the story of the technical development of the Panzer IV and the numerous variants that went into production, and it describes how it evolved from an infantry support vehicle to become the backbone of the Panzer units. A large part of the book showcases available model kits and after market products, complemented by a gallery of beautifully constructed and painted models in various scales. 711281, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 64 pages

Flower Class Corvettes Les Brown John Lambert

Lavishly illustrated, this book takes the modeler through a brief history of the subject class, highlighting differences between sister-ships and changes in their appearance over their careers. The book also includes an extensive photographic gallery of selected high-quality models in a variety of scales, and a section on research references. This volume includes all the features of the regular series but the extent has been doubled to include far more detailed drawings of a class of ship that was built in huge numbers and in many variations. Mainstay of the Atlantic battle against the U-boats, Flower class corvettes were used by the British, Canadian, French and US Navies. 320642, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

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• MODELING & REFERENCE • • BARGAIN BOOKS • German Medium Tank Panzerkampfwagen III from Ausf. H to Ausf. N Michal Kuchciak Hitler’s drive to modernize his armed forces gained new momentum with the arrival of Col. Heinz Guderian – the future spiritus movens of German armored warfare doctrine. Behind the scenes German design teams were busy working on prototypes of vehicles that would soon become the tools of the future war – light Pz.Kpfw. I and II, heavy (in keeping with contemporary classification) Pz.Kpfw. IV and medium Pz.Kpfw. III armed with a 37 mm gun. In the early stages of fighting in France it became clear that the vehicle didn’t carry enough punch and in later marks of the tank the 37 mm main gun was superseded by a 50 mm weapon.

History of the Turán Medium and Heavy Tanks in World War II

Peter Mujzer The Hungarian Army made serious efforts to build up an independent, national war industry, which was able to supply the Army with modern armaments and equipment during the war. Among the modern weaponry, the armored vehicles were the top priority beside the aircraft for the Hungarian chief of staff. The current war proved that the air force and the mechanized/ armored troops are the decisive tools of winning the war. 148956, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

148901, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

Grumman F6F Hellcat Robert Skalbania Robert Wasik

Grumman F6F Hellcat was one of the best fighter aircraft of the World War Two era and the most effective fighter of the US Navy. There is no doubt that Hellcats won complete air superiority for the Americans over the vast areas of the Pacific, largely contributing to the victory over Japan. 148949, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 56 pages

North American P-51 Mustang Robert Wasik Kamil Gmerek

The North American P-51 Mustang powered by the British-designed Rolls-Royce Merlin/Packard engine was, quite simply, the best long-range escort fighter of the World War Two era. Entering service in November 1943, it curtailed prohibitive losses suffered by the heavy bombers of the US Eighth Army Air Force which carried out the strategic daylight bombing campaign against the Third Reich. 148659, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 56 pages

Supermarine Spitfire V Vol. 1 Wojtek Matusiak Robert Grudzie?

The two volumes describe Spitfire Vs used by Polish pilots in Britain during 1941-1945. This vol. 1 covers Polish 302-308 Squadrons, while vol. 2 will cover 315-318 Squadrons plus allied units. The books include listings of losses and of officially credited victories. Each volume has about 200 photographs (many of which have not been published before) and 36 color profiles (plus top and bottom views of representative aircraft).

Tupolev Tu-2, Sukhoi UTB-2, Shcherbakov Shche-2 Lechos?aw Musia?kowski Karolina Holda

The next book in the popular Polish Wings series is on the famous Russian WW2 bombers and trainers in Polish Air Forces. Covers duty of these aircraft during WW2 and postwar period. More than 120 photos, mostly unpublished, and many color profiles. 958877, $25 , $16.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

549128, $29 , $18.99 , Paperback, 96 pages


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• WARGAMING • • • BARGAIN BOOKS HG Wells’ Little Wars With 54mm scale paper Soldiers by Peter Dennis. Introduction and Playsheet by Andy Callan Peter Dennis A slightly abridged edition of this classic wargame text with artwork for the Red and Blue armies as individual Paperboys. Plus a working cannon which provides the firepower in the game. It seems that another element wants to join the action from a different Wells book, and that may provide some apocalyptic chaos. 336004, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 48 pages

North Africa and the Middle East

Tony Harwood Whether you are fielding your Parthians against invading Roman legions, Crusaders against Saladin’s Saracens, recreating Lawrence’s exploits in Arabia, or trying to halt Rommel at El Alamein, this book will help you set the scene for your games. Expert terrain modeler Tony Harwood takes the reader through a range of projects step by step. Each stage is illustrated with color photographs. Included are a range of traditional mud-brick dwellings/shops, mosque, well, palm trees, well, rocky outcrop, Bedouin tent, El Alamein railway station, Sudanese huts, colonial river gunboat. They are easily adaptable to different scales. Suited to novice and experienced modelers alike. 716439, $22.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 152 pages

The War of the Spanish Succession Paper Soldiers for Marlborough’s Campaigns in Flanders Peter Dennis In this series, renowned historical illustrator, Peter Dennis breathes life into the 19th Century paper soldier and invites the reader to re-fight the wars that surged across Europe as Louis XIV fought to establish French dominance over its neighbors. Refight the color and spectacle of the Wars of Spanish Succession with French, British and Allied infantry, cavalry and artillery. 390922, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 48 pages

The Napoleonic Wars

Tony Harwood In this volume, master modeler Tony Hardwood shares his years of experience and presents the reader with a wide range of projects for the Napoleonic era. With the aid of step-bystep photographs, he guides the reader through building and finishing each of these models, which are organized in three sections of increasing complexity and encompass a range of scales and different materials. Nine projects are included but the techniques and skills demonstrated along the way, along with valuable advice on tools, construction materials and paints, can be adapted and applied to a much wider range of structures to grace your battlefields. 716392, $24.95 , $16.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

Wargame: The Jacobite ‘45 Peter Dennis Andy Callan

Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Jacobites try again to restore the Stuart monarchy and overthrow the redcoat army of the Hanoverian King. Highlanders, lowlanders and all the panoply of the British army can take to the field once more in this, the final title of the series. 174867, $19.95 , $12.99 , Paperback, 48 pages

Painting Wargaming Figures

Javier Gomez Valero Javier Gomez, a highly talented figure painter, shares the secrets of his success in this accessible ‘how-to’ guide to painting miniatures. He takes the reader step-by-step through the whole process, from choice of materials (unlike other available guides it is not linked to any specific figure manufacturer) and preparation of the miniatures to basing and even advice on photographing the finished item. Techniques such as dry-brushing, ink-washing, shading and highlighting are all explained clearly with the help of step-by-step photographs and color charts. 848221, $29.95 , $19.50 , Paperback, 192 pages

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Hamel: Somme

Peter Pedersen On 4 July 1918, American and Australian troops captured the village of Hamel and the ridge overlooking it. It was not a big battle: the equivalent of one Australian division and one battalion of newly arrived Americans were the only infantry involved. Although Hamel is not a famous named battle it is noteworthy for an increased level of sophistication.

Inland from King Christopher Dunphie On June 6, 1944 the British objective of Gold Beach lay just to the east of the American target of Omaha Beach. Spearheaded by 47 Royal Marine Commando, the men of Durham, Yorkshire and Northumberland charged ashore, eventually securing their objectives. 970082, $16.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 192 pages

529388, $16.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 176 pages

Beaucourt: Somme

Villiers-Plouich: Arras

K.W. Mitchinson Largely unknown or unrecognized by most visitors to the Western Front, Villiers-Plouich and its adjacent ridges were among the last centers of German resistance west of the Hindenburg Line. The capture and consolidation of the hamlet and nearby villages in April 1917 necessitated some ferocious and well-executed attacks by several British divisions. 526585, $16.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 144 pages

RAF Night Operations

Martin W. Bowman Wartime speeches alone cannot begin to describe the misery and fortitude, desperation and terror endured by the civilian population during the ‘Blitz Nights’ in Coventry, the London docklands and the East End. Their personal experiences and those of war correspondents are as vivid, poignant, and descriptive as those of the bomber crews. 831944, $49.95 , $24.99 , Hardback, 240 pages

The War at Sea in the Mediterranean 19401944 John Grehan Martin Mace

Michael Renshaw Beaucourt was also one of the last actions of the Battle of the Somme, 1916. The eventual capture of Beaucourt along with Beaumont Hamel forced the Germans to retreat to the Hindenburg Line. The Battle of Beaucourt was also known as the Gough Offensive, with a large proportion of the troops involved being from the Royal Naval Division. 528534, $16.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

The Dambuster Squadron Colin Higgs Bruce Vigar

This evocative and beautifully crafted piece of work is sure to appeal to the aviation fraternity as well as serving as a memorial to the veterans whose exploits characterize this most daring and iconic of raids. The authors interviewed as wide a crosssection of veterans as they could, in order to fill out a book of representative recollections. 593714, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 208 pages

Operations in the Middle East 1939-1942 John Grehan Martin Mace

Dispatches in this volume include those covering the Battle of Matapan in 1941, Fleet Air Arm operations in 1940, the Battle of Sirte in 1942, the action with the Italian Fleet off Calabria (Central Mediterranean) in 1940, and the engagement between British and Italian forces off Cape Spartivento (Central Mediterranean) in 1940.

Dispatches in this volume include that on operations in the Middle East August 1939 to November 1940 by General Sir Archibald P. Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East; and the dispatch on operations in the Middle East February 1941 to July 1941, by General Sir Archibald P. Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East.

462223, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 272 pages

462179, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 224 pages


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• BARGAINS • The BEF in 1917 Arras, Vimy, Messines, Passchendaele and Cambrai Bob Carruthers The book is comprised of rare photographs illustrating the years of fighting on the northern sector of the Ypres salient, which finally culminated in the capture of the ridge at Passchendaele, accompanied by a powerful text written by Official War Correspondent Philip Gibbs. 837799, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

The British at Ypres 1914 - 1915

Bob Carruthers This volume features the actions of the British Army at Ypres from 1914–15. Rare photographs illustrating the men of the BEF in the act of mobilization and transport to France are contrasted with photographs from the battlefield during the opening phases of the campaign, which culminated in the four-year struggle for the Ypres salient. 836075, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 128 pages

Armoured Warfare and the Fall of France

Allied POWs in German Hands 1914 - 1918

Anthony Tucker-Jones At 21:00 on 9 May 1940 Codeword Danzig was issued alerting Adolf Hitler’s airborne troops that they were about to spearhead an attack on Belgium and the Netherlands. The following day his blitzkrieg rolled forward striking the British Expeditionary Force and the French armies in Belgium and in

David Bilton In this first fully illustrated history of the Kaiser’s unwanted guests, the author looks at the lives of the thousands of Allied men who became PoWs during the Great War. The book examines what it felt like to surrender, the dangers involved and then the often long journey to a camp in Germany. 867017, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 208 pages

northern France at Sedan. 846395, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 160 pages

The Soviet-Afghan War Anthony Tucker-Jones This photographic history of the Soviet-Afghan War of 1979 to 1989 gives a fascinating insight into a grim conflict that prefigured the Americanled campaign in that country. In an unequal struggle, the mujahedeen resisted for ten years, then triumphed over Moscow. 845787, $29.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 160 pages

Hotchkiss H35 & H39 Through German Lens

Alan Ranger The Hotchkiss H35 or Char léger modèle 1935 H was a French cavalry tank developed prior to World War II. From 1938 an improved version was produced with a stronger engine, the Char léger modèle 1935 H modifié 39, which from 1940 was also fitted with more powerful 37 mm gun. 281845, $25 , $12.50 , Paperback, 64 pages

American Wheeled Armoured Fighting Vehicles

Michael Green Numerous wheeled armored fighting vehicles have seen service in the US armed forces for over 80 years. There have been various changes of policy and twice, after the Second World War and Vietnam, they went out of favor but their use is now well established. 854369, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 208 pages

Sd.Kfz. 6 Mittlerer Zugkfraftwagen 5t

Alan Ranger During WW2, the German armed forces were the greatest user of half-track vehicles. One of them was the Sd.Kfz. 6 Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5 t. It was designed to be used as the main towing vehicle for the 10.5 cm le.FH 18 howitzer. The book presents a collection of photographs of different versions of the tractor from the private archives of German soldiers. 281708, $25 , $12.50 , Paperback, 80 pages

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• BARGAINS • Sieges of the Middle Ages

Philip Warner In the Middle Ages the castle was an important military and administrative center, essentially utilitarian in its design and in the purposes it served. Because it played so central a role in medieval history, and because the wealth of material is so great, the author has concentrated on English sieges undertaken in the period from the Norman Conquest to the War of the Roses. 152155, $13.99 , $6.99 , Paperback, 214 pages

I Was a Spy! The Classic Account of Behind-the-Lines Espionage in the First World War Marthe McKenna Winston Churchill With her medical studies cut short by the 1914 German invasion, her house burned down and her father arrested for suspected sharpshooting, it was perhaps unsurprising that the multi-lingual Marthe Mckenna was recruited by British Intelligence. This is McKenna’s vivid narrative of breathtaking adventures. 860038, $19.95 , $9.99 , Hardback, 288 pages

Prisoner of the Swiss A World War II Airman’s Story Daniel Culler Rob Morris During World War II, 1,517 members of US aircrews were forced to seek asylum in Switzerland. The worst of these camps was Wauwilermoos, where at least 161 U.S. airmen were sent for the honorable offense of escaping. To this hellhole came Dan Culler, the author of this incredible account of suffering and survival. 005546, $27.95 , $13.99 , Hardback, 144 pages

With the SAS and Other Animals A Vet’s Experiences During the Dhofar War 1974 Andrew Higgins In 1970 at the height of the Cold War, the young Sultan Qaboes of Oman, with secret British military backing, took on the communist rebels in a fierce but little known war. Along with regular British Army and ‘contract’ officers, the SAS played a key role in this bitterly fought but ultimately successful campaign. 844865, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 256 pages


Twilight of the Hellenistic World Bob Bennett Mike Roberts

This book recounts and analyzes the complex series of conflicts between the Hellenistic Successor states in the generation before the Romans intervened in, and ultimately conquered, the region. This period is rarely treated in any depth, usually warranting little more than a summary as context for a discussion of the Roman conquests. 841369, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 256 pages

The Spy in Hitler’s Inner Circle Hans-Thilo Schmidt and the Intelligence Network that Decoded Enigma Paul Paillole Curtis Key In this first English edition of The Spy in Hitler’s Inner Circle, Paillole brings us to the very heart of the world of espionage and counterintelligence, providing unique insight into the key figures that led to the decoding of the Enigma machine at Bletchley and the ultimate collapse of Hitler’s Third Reich. 003719, $32.95 , $16.50 , Hardback, 304 pages

The Typhoon Truce, 1970 Three Days in Vietnam when Nature Intervened in the War Robert F. Curtis It wasn’t rockets or artillery that came through the skies one week during the war. It was the horrific force of nature that suddenly put both sides in awe. In this book we see how for a brief period during an otherwise vicious war, saving life took precedence over bloody conflict. 003290, $32.95 , $16.50 , Hardback, 264 pages

7 Leadership Lessons of D-Day Lessons from the Longest Day—June 6, 1944 Col. John F Antal (Ret). The odds were against the Allies on June 6, 1944. The task ahead of the paratroopers who jumped over Normandy and the soldiers who waded ashore onto the beaches, was colossal. In such circumstances, good leadership can be the defining factor in victory or defeat. This book is about the extraordinary leadership of seven men who led American soldiers on D-Day and the days that followed. 005294, $32.95 , $16.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

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• BARGAINS • Awakening Victory How Iraqi Tribes and American Troops Reclaimed Al Anbar and Defeated Al Qaeda in Iraq Michael E. Silverman Awakening Victory tells the story of this campaign through the eyes of the commander of the 3rd Battalion, who was right in the thick of the fight. 000626, $29.95 , $14.99 , Hardback, 352 pages

Middle East Air Forces in the 21st Century

Tim Ripley This book looks at why airpower is of such strategic and tactical importance in the Middle East. It provides an overview of the state of the air forces in the first decade of the 21st Century. Each air force will be profiled, aerospace industries reviewed, major campaigns in the past decade are examined and the future airpower is discussed. 840997, $70 , $35.50 , Hardback, 256 pages

Napoleon and Doctor Verling on St Helena

J. David Markham Verling was based on St Helena during Napoleon’s imprisonment and he was even appointed as Napoleon’s official physician. Throughout his stay, this young doctor kept a vivid diary of his experiences. Through Verling’s eyes we get a fresh view of daily life on the island and of the suspicion-filled society that grew up around Napoleon during his last years. 152506, $45 , $22.50 , Hardback, 208 pages

Inside the Regiment The Officers and Men of the 30th Regiment During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars Carole Divall In this companion volume to her pioneering study Redcoats Against Napoleon, Carole Divall tells the fascinating inside story of a typical infantry regiment during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Rather than focusing on the history of the 30th Regiment of the Line in action and on campaign, she explores its organization, traditions and hierarchy. 844537, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 224 pages

America’s Modern Wars Understanding Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam Christopher A. Lawrence The book presents a unique examination of the nature of insurgencies and the three major guerrilla wars the United States has fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. 002781, $32.95 , $16.50 , Hardback, 376 pages

Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts Stories of American Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD Patricia Driscoll Celia Straus This book is crafted around soldiers’ personal descriptions of their war experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan that culminate in life-altering injuries to the brain and psyche, along with the equally dramatic story of their recoveries. 149019, $27.50 , $13.99 , Hardback, 320 pages

Who’s Who in the Anglo Zulu War 1879. Volume 2 Colonials and Zulus Adrian Greaves Ian Knight The Anglo-Zulu War of 1879 has a character that inspires and fascinates readers and increasing numbers of visitors to South Africa. The two volume biographical dictionary of the participants is a unique venture and this second volume reveals much about the formidable Zulu nation which so nearly humbled the mighty British Empire which had provoked the conflict. 155262, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 272 pages

Nelson’s Mediterranean Command

Denis Orde In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte assembled a formidable expeditionary force at Toulon. While its purpose was unknown there was every reason to believe that Great Britain was its destination and the Nation was on invasion alert. The overwhelming British priority was for a fleet to be assembled and sent to the Mediterranean to destroy this threat before the French force could set sail. 46290P, $29.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 248 pages

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• BARGAINS • Bloodline The Origins and Development of the Regular Formations of the British Army Iain Gordon Carmichael Using easy-to-follow, family-tree type tables, Bloodline shows the origins and development of every regular formation in the British Army including the latest amalgamations and changes brought about within the ‘Future Army Structure’. The charts illustrate clearly how, in some cases, up to 25 original regiments of the line have, been reduced to a single regiment in today’s army. 842052, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 164 pages

Horses in the British Army 1750 to 1950

Janet Macdonald This book encompasses the whole spectrum of horses in the British army over a 200-year period, from their acquisition and training, through their care and feeding and their transportation to theater of war overseas. 863712, $50 , $25.50 , Hardback, 224 pages

The British Field Marshals 1736-1997: A Biographical Dictionary

Landmines in War and Peace From Their Origin to the Present Day

T.A. Heathcote Whether any advantage or benefit will be drawn from the suspension – or effective abolition – of the rank of Field Marshal is debatable. What is certain, however, is that Dr. Tony Heathcote’s idea of compiling a definitive biographical dictionary of holders of this illustrious rank since its introduction by George II in 1736, is opportune and inspired.

Mike Croll This book describes how technology and military tactics defined land mine development and deployment, why they are such an effective weapon of war, and how an unlikely alliance of soldiers, peace activists, development workers and celebrities succeeded in banning the use of antipersonnel mines. 158416, $39.99 , $19.99 , Hardback, 240 pages

848818, $29.95 , $14.99 , Paperback, 384 pages

The Courage of Cowards The Untold Stories of First World War Conscientious Objectors

The Anatomy of a Raid Ypres Sector 1914-18 Ted Smith Tom Spagnoly

Karyn Burnham This is an innovative new history of conscientious objectors during the First World War. Drawing on previously unpublished archive material, it reconstructs the personal stories of several men who refused to fight, bringing the reader face-to-face with their varied, often brutal, experiences.

A seemingly unnecessary raid on Celtic Wood, Broodseinde in October 1917 resulted in the unrecorded deaths of 37 of the raiding party. The mystery of how they died has never been solved. The conclusion reached in this book prompts thoughts as to why the military authorities never conducted an investigation at the time, and why the raid was planned in the first place.

59295P, $29.95 , $14.99 , Hardback, 144 pages

526493, $16.95 , $8.50 , Paperback, 178 pages

Sailor in the Desert The Adventures of Phillip Gunn, DSM, RN in the Mesopotamia Campaign, 1915

David Gunn Sailor in the Desert is the personal account of a Royal Navy sailor’s experiences during the Mesopotamian campaign of 1915. As an able seaman on an armed sloop supporting the British expedition up the River Tigris, Philip Gunn’s recollections give a rare perspective of this ill-fated campaign. 462308, $39.95 , $19.99 , Hardback, 160 pages


Anzac - Sari Bair

Stephen Chambers The August Offensive was born out of the failures of the Gallipoli landings and the subsequent battles of late spring and early summer 1915. This is the story, told using a rich mix of letters, diaries, photographs and maps, of Gallipoli’s last battles; the forlorn hope for a decisive victory. 591901, $24.95 , $12.50 , Paperback, 240 pages

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