Warrior 17 Catalog

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Recent Releases

Volume VII, Issue II, Spring 2016

THE WARRIOR Military History at Its Best


Our Newest Releases

Forthcoming Casemate Titles

“Pathfinder Pioneer” by Colonel Raymond E. Brim



Greetings Military History Enthusiast! Welcome to Issue II of the Spring 2016 Warrior. In this issue, you’ll find our most recent releases and related titles that we think you’ll especially enjoy. Don’t miss the new title from the author of Da Nang Diary (page 39), A Shau Valor. This book is a comprehensive study of nine years of Vietnam War campaigns in the crucial A Shau Valley, including Operation Pirous, Operations Delaware and Somerset Plain, Operation Apache Snow, and more. It culminates with Operation Texas Star and the vicious, humiliating fight for Fire Support Base Ripcord in the summer of 1970, the last major U.S. battle of the war.You can find this title on page 3. World War II enthusiasts, the recently released title The Battle of the Bulge: The Failure of the Final Blitzkrieg is for you.This second volume looks at the northern point of the offensive, which was the major axis through which Hitler hoped to change the course of the war. Find it on page 58. Read it, and then watch Battlefield History TV’s The Battle of the Bulge series for even more perspective on Hitler’s last throw of the dice in the West. The newest DVD in this series is The Battle of the Bulge: Kampfgruppe Peiper.This DVD, along with two other films in the series, can be found on page 62. Learn about a neglected aspect of American history with In the Shadows of Victory. It tells the story of forgotten military leaders and battles from the first century of the Unites States’ existence. Discover the Civil War general who never lost a battle and who many military historians believe fought one of the two most perfect battles in history (it wasn’t Grant, Sherman, Lee, or Jackson), and remember the conflicts themselves that have disappeared from public consciousness, like those waged against the Barbary Pirates, the British in 1812, and against the Seminoles and Apaches. Find this fascinating title on page 4, and read it in conjunction with The Alamo’s Forgotten Defenders, found on page 11, for more forgotten US history. This book recounts the efforts of the Irish Protestants and Catholics, who made invaluable and disproportionate contributions in the struggle for Texas Independence, ensuring that they will no longer pass unrecognized. As always, thank you for your support of The Warrior. We welcome your comments and suggestions so that we can make sure The Warrior continues to best serve you!

Best Wishes, Carlie Rivera Editor, The Warrior

Forthcoming from Casemate Bluff, Bluster, Lies and Spies David Perry In the first years of the Civil War, the Confederacy counted on British intervention to even those scales in order to deny the United States victory. Fearful that Great Britain would recognize the Confederacy and provide the help that might have defeated the Union, the Lincoln administration was careful not to upset the greatest naval power on earth. Europe was covered with the spies, arms dealers, detectives, and publicists who struggled to buy guns and to influence European opinion about the validity of either the Union or Confederate cause.This book describes in full how the Civil War in the New World was ultimately left to Southern battlefield prowess alone to determine, as the powers of the Old World declined to overtly intervene in the American question. 9781612003627, $32.95, $23.50, hardback, 336 pages, May 2016

The Spy in Hitler’s Inner Circle Paul Paillole In this first English edition, Paillole brings us to the very heart of the world of espionage and counterintelligence, providing unique insight into the key figures that led to the decoding of the Enigma machine at Bletchley and the ultimate collapse of Hitler’s Third Reich, most notably through Hans-Thilo Schmidt, France’s German spy. In compelling narrative style Paillole details how Schmidt delivered intelligence to France right from the source of the German Cipher Office. Revealed here are the most secret aspects of the ‘secret war,’ the ‘war of numbers.’ Paillole brings renewed focus onto one of the most important espionage affairs of the war, revealing new aspects of the participation of Enigma during the decisive phases of the Second World War. 9781612003719, $32.95, $23.50, hardback, 304 pages, May 2016 The front cover image is from Finland’s War of Choice by Henrik O. Lunde, Casemate Publishers, 2011.


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•NEW FROM CASEMATE• Pathfinder Pioneer Colonel Raymond E. Brim In this engaging book we see how an 18-year-old miner shoveling ore from deep in the ground in Utah suddenly found himself, only two years later, 30,000 feet in the air over Nazi Germany, piloting a Flying Fortress in the first wave of America’s air counteroffensive in Europe. Like thousands of other young Americans, Ray Brim was plucked by the U.S. Army to be a combat flyer, and was quickly pitted against the hardened veterans of the Luftwaffe. Brim turned out to have a natural knack for flying, however, and was assigned to the select squadron developing lead Pathfinder techniques, while experimenting with radar. He was among the first to test the teeth of the Luftwaffe’s defenses, and once those techniques had been honed, thousands of other bomber crews would follow into the maelstrom, from which 80,000 never returned.This work gives us vivid insights into the genesis of the American air campaign, told with the humor, attention to detail and humility that captures the heart and soul of our “Greatest Generation.” Brim was one of the first Pathfinder pilots to fly both day and night missions leading bomb groups of 600-plus bombers to their targets. At the onset of his missions in the spring of 1943, B-17 crews were given a 50-50 chance of returning. Each of his raids were nerve-wracking forays into the unknown; with struggles to survive the damage to his plane due to flak and German fighter attacks, in order to bring his 10-man crew home, often wounded but still alive. 9781612003528, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 312 pages

A Shau Valor Thomas R.Yarborough Throughout the Vietnam War, one focal point persisted where the Viet Cong guerrillas and ARVN were not a major factor, but where the trained professionals of the North Vietnamese and U.S. armies repeatedly fought head-to-head. A Shau Valor is a thoroughly documented study of nine years of American combat operations encompassing the crucial frontier valley and a 15-mile radius around it—the most deadly killing ground of the entire Vietnam War. Beginning in 1963 Special Forces A-teams established camps along the valley floor, followed by a number of top-secret Project Delta reconnaissance missions through 1967. Then, U.S. Army and Marine Corps maneuver battalions engaged in a series of sometimes controversial thrusts into the A Shau designed to disrupt NVA infiltrations and to kill enemy soldiers, part of what came to be known as Westmoreland’s “war of attrition.” The various campaigns included Operation Pirous in 1967, 1968’s Operations Delaware and Somerset Plain, 1969’s Operations Dewey Canyon, Massachusetts Striker, and Apache Snow—which included the infamous battle for Hamburger Hill—culminating with Operation Texas Star and the vicious fight for and humiliating evacuation of Fire Support Base Ripcord in the summer of 1970, the last major U.S. battle of the war. By 1971 the fighting had once again shifted to the realm of small Special Forces reconnaissance teams assigned to the ultra-secret Studies and Observations Group—SOG. Other works have focused on individual battles or units, but A Shau Valor is the first to study the nine-year campaign—for all its courage and sacrifice—chronologically and within the context of other historical, political and cultural events. 9781612003542, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages

Kleinkrieg Charles D. Melson In recent years the great powers of the West—primarily the US and UK—have most often been relegated to fighting “small wars,” rather than the great confrontational battles for which they once prepared. It has been a difficult process, with some conflicts increasingly being seen as unwinnable, or at least not worth the effort in treasure and blood, even as the geopolitical structure of the world appears to slip. It is thus worth paying heed now, to the experiences of another power which once encountered the same problems. This work examines the German analysis to the problem, covering their experiences from the Napoleonic era to the Third Reich. It is built around the historical analysis titled Kleinkrieg, provided to the German High Command by Arthur Earhardt in 1935 which examined insurgencies from French-occupied Spain to recurrent problems in the Balkans. It also calls upon the Bandenbekampfung (Fighting the Guerilla Bands) document provided to Germany’s OKW in 1944. In both, conditions that were specific to broader military operations were separated from circumstances in occupation campaigns, and new background in the German experience in suppressing rebellion in World War II is presented. Without partaking in ideological biases, this work examines the purely military problem as seen by professionals. While small wars are not new, how they should be fought by a modern industrial nation is still a question to be answered. Rediscovered and presented in English, these German thoughts on the issue are now made available to a new generation of guerilla and irregular war fighters in the West. 9781612003566, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 216 pages

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•NEW FROM CASEMATE• Sons of the White Eagle in the American Civil War Mark F. Bielski This book describes nine transplanted Poles who participated in the Civil War. They span three generations and are connected by culture, nationality and adherence to their principles and ideals. The common thread that runs through their lives—the Polish White Eagle—is that they came from a country that had basically disintegrated at the end of the previous century, yet they carried the concepts of freedom they inherited from their forefathers to the New World to which they immigrated. More highly trained in warfare than their American brethren—and certainly more inured to struggles for nationhood— the Poles made a more significant contribution to Civil war combat than is usually described. The first group had fought in the 1830 war for freedom from the Russian Empire. The European revolutionary struggles of the 1840s molded the next generation. Of the group, four sided with the North and four with the South, and the other began in the Confederate cavalry and finished fighting for the Union side. All but one came from aristocratic backgrounds. In a war commonly categorized as a “brother against brother,” a struggle between two American regions, history has not devoted a great deal of attention to the participation of Poles, and foreigners in general. These men fought with a belief in European democratic liberalism. Whether for the North to keep a Union together or to form a new nation from the Southern states, they held to their ideals, and in America’s own greatest conflict continued to fight for their beliefs. 9781612003580, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 312 pages

In the Shadows of Victory Thomas D. Phillips History plays tricks sometimes. During the course of America’s experience it has enshrined an exceptional few military leaders in our collective consciousness as “great,” while ignoring others often equally as deserving. In the Shadows of Victory takes a look at an array of American battlefield commanders who were as responsible for triumph as their more famous peers, yet have often gone unsung. For example, few of the thousands who pass by the traffic square between Fifth Avenue and Broadway in Manhattan each day realize that it houses a tomb. Fewer still understand that beneath the obelisk rests one of America’s best military commanders—William Worth—a hero in not one but two of the nation’s wars. From the War of Independence, through the Mexican War and Civil War, and during the numerous Indian wars throughout, great combat leaders have emerged across America’s battlefields, yet have just as suddenly slipped through the cracks of history once the guns went silent. At the same time conflicts themselves have often disappeared from consciousness, the public forgetting the fights the country waged against the Barbary Pirates, the British in 1812, and against the Seminoles and Apaches.This book describes the heroics and command acumen of 25 superb military leaders whose sacrifice and skill have often been neglected. As such it provides a fascinating tour through early American military history and the various martial challenges the young nation faced during its first century of existence. 9781612003603, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 288 pages

Team Yankee Harold W. Coyle This revised and updated edition of the classic Cold War novel Team Yankee reminds us once again might have occurred had the United States and its Allies taken on the Russians in Europe, had cooler geopolitical heads not prevailed. For 45 years after World War II, East and West stood on the brink of war. When Nazi Germany was destroyed, it was evident that Russian tank armies had become supreme in Europe, but only in counterpart to US air power. Thankfully the tense standoff continued on either side of the Iron Curtain for nearly half a century. During those years, however, the Allies beefed up their ground capability, while the Soviets increased their air capability, even as the new jet and missile age began. The focal point of conflict remained in central Germany— specifically the flat plains of the Fulda Gap—through which the Russians could pour all the way to the Channel if the Allies proved unprepared (or unable) to stop them. Team Yankee posits a conflict that never happened, but which very well might have, and for which both sides prepared for decades. This former New York Times bestseller by Harold Coyle, now revised and expanded, presents a glimpse of what it would have been like for the Allied soldiers who would have had to meet a relentless onslaught of Soviet and Warsaw Pact divisions. It takes the view of a US tank commander, who is vastly outnumbered during the initial onslaught, as the Russians pull out all the cards learned in their successful war against Germany. Meantime Western Europe has to speculate behind its thin screen of armor whether the New World can once again assemble its main forces—or willpower— to rescue the bastions of democracy in time. 9781612003658, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 336 pages


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Wanton Troopers Ian F.W. Beckett The causes of the three ‘English’ Civil Wars (1642 to 1645, 1648, and 1651) are complex and controversial – clashes of conviction, belief, and personality, and a struggle between opposing social groups and economic interests. But, whatever the focus of scholarship, many answers can be sought at the local level, among county communities that were far more outward-looking than once suggested. That is why this in-depth study of Buckinghamshire, one of the pivotal counties during this turbulent period in British history, is of such value. It shows that the impact of war on Bucks was considerable. Its analysis gives us an insight into the experience of local communities and the county as a whole – and it reveals much about the experience of the conflict across the country. 9781473856035, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

Decisive Battles of the English Civil War Malcolm Wanklyn In this stimulating and original investigation of the decisive battles of the English Civil War, Malcolm Wanklyn reassesses what actually happened on the battlefield and as a result sheds new light on the causes of the eventual defeat of Charles I. Taking each major battle in turn – Edgehill, Newbury I, Cheriton, Marston Moor, Newbury II, Naseby, and Preston – he looks critically at contemporary accounts and at historians’ narratives, explores the surviving battlegrounds and retells the story of each battle from a new perspective. His lucid, closely argued analysis questions traditional assumptions about each battle and the course of the war itself. 9781783469758, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 240 pages

An Alternative History of Britain: The English Civil War Timothy Venning With hindsight, the victory of Parliamentarian forces over the Royalists in the English Civil War may seem inevitable but this outcome was not a foregone conclusion. Timothy Venning explores many of the turning points and discusses how they might so easily have played out differently. What if, for example, Charles I had capitalized on his victory at Edgehill by attacking London without delay? Could this have ended the war in 1642? Among the many other scenarios, full consideration is given to the role of Ireland and Scotland. The author analyses the plausible possibilities in each thread, throwing light on the role of chance and underlying factors in the real outcome, as well as what might easily have been different. 9781473827820, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC ‘Discipline, System and Style’ John H Rumsby The Sixteenth Lancers already had a long and distinguished history when they sailed for India in 1822. Over the next twenty four years they fought in four wars, most famously in the Sutlej campaign, against the Sikhs. In their peacetime life in India, the Sixteenth sometimes enjoyed their exotic surroundings, but also endured the perils of a tropical climate – the regiment lost far more men due to disease than in battle. This book examines in detail what regimental soldiering was like in India in those years. It draws on an unprecedented range of sources, most of them previously unpublished. 9781909982918, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 290 pages

Cavalier Capital John Barratt This book, the first detailed account of Oxford’s role as “Royalist capital” to appear for almost three-quarters of a century, examines all aspects of Oxford’s experience in the English Civil War. As well as the effects on the town and university, special emphasis is placed on the various aspects of the Royalist occupation, including its role as a major manufacturing center of munitions and armory. Leading personalities are described, as well as the military campaigns which were focused on Oxford during the war.The final siege leading to the fall of Oxford is also described.The book makes full use of both contemporary and modern accounts, and research, and is copiously illustrated with contemporary and modern illustrations. 9781910294581, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 176 pages

Swords Trembling in their Scabbards Michael Creese The Indian Army founded by the East India Company in the eighteenth century was unique among the armies of the world in that it had two groups of officers – British and Indian. The intention was that the Indian officers, coming from similar backgrounds as their men and naturally understanding their social and religious mores and customs, would form the crucial link between the British officers and the sepoys. A thread running through the book is provided by the diary of Amar Singh, a Rajput from Jaipur. He was one of the first members of the elite Imperial Cadet Corps and served in China, France, Mesopotamia, and on the Northwest Frontier. 9781909982819, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 206 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• Die in Battle, Do not Despair Peter Stanley In 1915 about 15,000 Indian troops served in the dramatic and doomed eight-month Gallipoli campaign. The Indian story of Gallipoli has barely been told before. Not only is this the first book about their part in the campaign to be published since 1915, but it also tells their story in new and unexpected ways. Though inescapably drawing on records created by the force’s British officers, it strives to recapture the experience of the formerly anonymous sepoys, gunners, and drivers, introducing Indians of note alongside the more familiar British figures. It explores for the first time the remarkably positive relationship that grew on Gallipoli between Indians and Anzacs, and includes a complete list of the Indian Army dead commemorated on the Helles Memorial on Gallipoli. 9781910294673, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 304 pages

The Raugh Bibliography of the Indian Mutiny, 1857–1859 Harold E. Raugh, Jr. The Indian Mutiny was a series of generally unconnected military revolts of native Indian soldiers against the rule and authority of the East India Company. This is a comprehensive and authoritative research guide and bibliographic platform that identifies and frequently annotates thousands of contemporary, current, and hard-to-find English- and foreign-language books, journal articles, government documents, academic studies, and unpublished personal papers and diaries on all aspects of the Indian Mutiny. This definitive and unique book is an indispensable reference and veritable treasure trove for researching the causes, operations, leadership, and results of the Indian Mutiny, a watershed event that shook the British Empire to its very foundations in the 1850s and paved the way for Indian independence a century later. 9781910777213, $69.95, $45.50, paperback, 904 pages

The Campaigns of 1812 in Russia Carl von Clausewitz On 23 June 1812 the French Grande Armée, over 600,000 strong and composed of men from the many nations that had become part of Napoleon’s empire, poured over the Russian border. In defense of Russia, an army of approximately the same number faced them. The campaign was disastrous for Napoleon, and it marked the beginning of his decline in power. Amongst those who participated in the campaign was von Clausewitz, a renowned Prussian military strategist and historian who defected from the French Army and joined the Russian Imperial headquarters. 9781848328297, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages


The Jena Campaign F. N. Maude This famous study of Napoleon’s total defeat of the Prussian Army at the battle of Jena is a monumental panorama of one of history’s greatest campaigns and a renowned analysis of the strategy and tactics of the era. In a balanced and gripping narrative of the military events, Maude gives a key insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the two opposing armies as well as relating and analyzing every move of the campaign. This volume is required reading for students of military history, combining the unfolding drama of one of the most mobile wars in history with a thorough and scholarly approach to each significant lesson taught by success as well as by failure. 9781848328365, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Waterloo Lectures Colonel Charles Chesney This is one of the most outstanding of the many works written on the great battles of 1815. Colonel Chesney brilliantly realized his aim of presenting and analyzing all the available facts in an impartial and accurate way, at a time when other historians were more concerned with painting the picture most flattering to national pride. Colonel Chesney consulted English, German, Belgian and French sources on the battle, and brought a logical and objective mind to bear on them. Waterloo Lectures was quickly translated into German and French, and approved by such renowned soldiers as Moltke the Elder. This edition of Waterloo Lectures is the last, best and most complete. 9781848328334, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

1815: The Return of Napoleon Paul Britten Austin This unique and atmospheric volume presents the dramatic story of Napoleon’s escape from Elba and his march on Paris in the words of eyewitnesses and participants. Drawing on hundreds of firsthand accounts by Napoleon’s supporters and opponents, Paul Britten Austin recreates the drama of those tumultuous days of the spring of 1815: Napoleon’s dramatic landing at Antibes in the south of France, the first heady days of his arrival after almost a year of exile, his almost miraculous march across France, his arrival in Paris, and the coup which led to the fall of the Bourbons. Austin’s technique brings historical events to life and gives a dramatic insight into the hopes and fears of the French nation in that spring of 1815. 9781848328341, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC• Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars Kevin F. Kiley In this detailed study Kevin Kiley looks at artillery in use throughout the Napoleonic period. He examines Napoleon’s own artillery as well as that employed by his enemies, and he evaluates the gunners’ contribution to warfare in the period. By looking at particular battles in detail, Kiley shows just how the effective employment of artillery could tip the scales of victory. This book reveals much of the technical aspects of gunnery during the period. Illustrated with beautiful line drawings and rare contemporary plates this unique book reveals a whole new dimension to the Napoleonic period. Based on years of research into regulations of the period, eyewitness accounts of artillerymen and material culled from official reports, this is a definitive account. 9781848328433, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 304 pages

From Corunna to Waterloo Gareth Glover This is the story of two young Welsh cavalry officers who served for much of the Napoleonic Wars with the 15th (King’s) Hussars. Major Edwin Griffith and his nephew, Captain Frederick Philips, wrote home regularly, and they were not afraid to voice their true feelings about their situation or colleagues and superiors in their private correspondence. This is a thoroughly researched and engaging history of the 15th Hussars throughout the wars, crammed full of interesting asides regarding the life and loves of a cavalryman in the Napoleonic age.You will learn to care passionately for these gregarious young men, partake in their exertions, share their joy, but also feel their pain when one of them fails to come safely through the final great battle, Waterloo. 9781848328440, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 288 pages

Waterloo Letters Memoirs of Baron von Müffling Carl von Müffling Müffling’s memoirs provide an exceptional firsthand account of the Napoleonic Wars by one of Prussia's finest general staff officers. Müffling is best known in the English-speaking world as General Blücher’s liaison officer in Wellington’s headquarters during the Waterloo campaign, and as such he was one of the architects of the final victory over Napoleon. Müffling covers everything from his early posts in 1805 and his account of the battle of Jena in 1806 through to the Waterloo campaign in 1815 and his diplomatic role at the Congress of Aix-la-Chappelle at the end of the wars. His memoirs are a valuable primary source, as they are one of the few accounts written by a senior Prussian officer in the Napoleonic Wars to be translated into English. 9781848328273, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 560 pages

On the Fields of Glory Andrew Uffindell & Michael Corum This spirited history of the 1815 campaign provides a stimulating account of the epic confrontation at Waterloo and, in addition, acts as a reliable guide to the battlefield and all related sites. The authors have divided the battlefield of Waterloo into three distinct sectors: one for each of the three armies involved. This allows the reader to follow the fighting from three different perspectives and gain an objective understanding of the dramatic course of the battle. The authors also make use of vivid eyewitness testimony, drawn from participants in all three armies, and this brings to life the epic battle and provides a dramatic backcloth to the rapid course of events. 9781848328204, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 344 pages

H.T. Siborne This collection of letters from survivors of the Waterloo Campaign was gathered in the 1830s and 1840s when Captain William Siborne was trying to verify the chronological events of the day of the battle, to ensure the accuracy of his model diorama of Waterloo. Hundreds of replies from the people who had fought in the battle were sent to his circular letter requesting information, covering all aspects of the campaign. A total of 180 letters give firsthand accounts of all of the principal phases of the Battle of Waterloo.The letters are from every branch of the British Army including the General Staff, cavalry, artillery and infantry officers.This edition also includes numerous maps, plans of the battle and sketches of the various troop positions. 9781848328464, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 448 pages

Decline and Fall of Napoleon’s Empire Digby Smith This wide-ranging study of the Napoleonic regime tracks Napoleon’s rise to power, his stewardship of France from 1804–15, and his exile. He highlights his military mistakes, such as his unwillingness to appoint an effective overall supremo in the Iberian Peninsula, and the decision to invade Russia while the Spanish situation was spiraling out of control. Smith also scrutinizes naval mistakes – notably, Napoleon’s inability to comprehend the intricacies of naval operations, his impatience with his admirals, and his failure to invest in ships and men. Smith also tracks diplomatic and political errors, highlighting his inability to conclude lasting peace and to compromise. Smith finally addresses domestic and economic blunders, such as the establishing and maintenance of the Continental System across Europe. 9781848328181, $39.95 $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

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•19TH CENTURY & NAPOLEONIC • AFRICA Charge! Digby Smith Cavalry was the queen of the Napoleonic battlefield. Surging squadrons of dragoons, dashing hussars or the awesome might of heavy cuirassiers often snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and decided the fate of kingdoms. In this dramatic and spirited history of cavalry in the Napoleonic period, Digby Smith examines how battles could be decided by the skillful use of cavalry. The scenarios have been carefully selected to reveal how leadership, training, weather, terrain and the condition of the horses could affect the success of a charge. Replete with eyewitness accounts and tales of outstanding courage, this is a dramatic read as well as a fascinating insight into the role and performance of cavalry on the Napoleonic field of battle. 9781848328198, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 304 pages

March of Death Christopher Summerville In the bitter winter of 1808, a small British force found itself outnumbered and outmaneuvered by a French army led by Emperor Napoleon. Faced with a crushing defeat, the British, commanded by Sir John Moore, turned and marched through the mountains of northern Spain. March of Death is the story of a terrible retreat through the eyes of those who were there and survived. Relating the horrific ordeal through excerpts from survivors’ diaries, letters, memoirs and reports, this narrative brings to life the heroism and glory of a real fight for survival.Without doubt, few episodes of British military history have been as dramatic as Sir John Moore’s retreat to Corunna. 9781848328303, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

An Illustrated Introduction to the Battle of Waterloo Mark Simner On 18 June 1815 some 200,000 men fought in what would be the most important land battle Europe had ever seen, the Battle of Waterloo. It was not the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, nor would it actually be the last, but it ultimately brought to an end almost a quarter of a century of virtually uninterrupted conflict. The result of the battle changed the course of history, and Europe would never be the same again. This book tells the dramatic story of the battle, from Napoleon’s escape from exile on Elba to the final desperate attempt of the Imperial Guard to turn the tide against the Allies. A truly fascinating battle, in an equally fascinating period of history, is explored in full color. 9781445646664, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages


Waterloo Relics Gilles Bernard & Gerard Lachaux June 1815, the 18th – a day which gave Wellington and Blucher immortal glory and sealed the fate of Europe for decades. Authentic proof of the battle has had to be found at its source.Two centuries afterwards, the only valid proof, in our opinion, was those objects which had really been at Waterloo. Strangely enough, with all the books and publications on the subject, nobody ever seemed to have taken an interest in this aspect. And yet their emotional capital still remains intact, from the very famous hat belonging to Napoleon to the uniform button of an obscure infantry fusilier. 9782352504351, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 128 pages


Out of Action Chris Cocks This is the reworked and updated edition of Survival Course, the sequel to the best-selling Fireforce—one man’s war in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Part 1 chronicles Chris Cocks’s final 16 months of combat in the Rhodesian bush war, as a stick leader in PATU, the Police AntTerrorist Unit. Part 2 recounts the author’s painful adjustment to life as a civilian. It is an intensely personal journey in which the author describes his clumsy attempts to come to terms with the new dispensation of black Africa and himself. It is the story of a young man, brutalized by war, who seeks escape in alcohol and drugs, and who, in the process, causes immeasurable pain and suffering to those around him. These too are the casualties of war. 9781928211587, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 284 pages

The Anatomy of the Zulu Army Ian Knight Forces of the independent Zulu kingdom inflicted a crushing defeat on British imperial forces at Isandlwana in January 1879. The Zulu Army was not, however, a professional force, unlike its British counterpart, but was the mobilized manpower of the Zulu state. Ian Knight details how the Zulu army functioned and ties its role firmly to the broader context of Zulu society and culture. The Zulu army had its roots in the early groups of young men who took part in combats between tribes. In the early nineteenth century, King Shaka began to reform his forces into regular military units. This book analyzes the Zulu’s fighting methods, weapons, and philosophy, all of which led to the disciplined force that faced the British army in 1879. 9781848329102, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 282 pages

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•AFRICA • US HISTORY• Voices From the Zulu War Ian Knight The forces of the independent Zulu kingdom inflicted a crushing defeat on British imperial forces at Isandlwana in January 1879. The Zulu army was not a professional force, but was the mobilized manpower of the Zulu state. In this groundbreaking study, Ian Knight details just how the Zulu army functioned and ties its role firmly to the broader context of Zulu society and culture. This indispensable book describes such key topics as enlistment, organization, training, and equipment. He also considers Zulu war aims and strategy, their view of artillery and cavalry, and how they were perceived by their colonial neighbors. Most of all, it reveals how the Zulu army functioned in wartime, from preparatory rituals to battlefield tactics and the shock of battle itself. 9781848325906, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 280 pages

Zulu Kings and Their Armies Jon Sutherland & Diane Canwell Covering nearly one hundred years of Zulu military history, this book focuses on the creation, maintenance, development, tactics and ultimate destruction of the Zulu army. It studies the armies, weapons and tactics under the rule of the five Zulu kings from Shaka to Dinizulu. The rule of each of the five kings is examined in terms of their relationships with the army and how they raised regiments to expand their influence in the region. All the major battles and campaigns are discussed with reference to the development of the weapons and tactics of the army. Internal regimental dynamics, their history, customs and rituals are also examined, particularly the social importance of the regiments. 9781844150601, $39.99, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

The Zulu War - Through Contemporary Eyes Bob Carruthers & James Grant Written in 1894, just 15 years after the war, this is James Grant's excellent military history of the Zulu War of 1879. From the British disaster at Isandhlwana to face-saving at Rorke’s Drift and the final humiliation of the Zulu nation at Ulundi, this is the contemporary view of how the events were conveyed to the public of Great Britain. Featuring original engravings from the Illustrated London News and the Graphic, this book was written during the height of the British Empire, and the triumphalist mood of the day is reflected in the tone of the text. This detailed military history provides an echo of the contemporary attitudes to this turbulent time, which shaped the destiny of the British Empire. 9781781591444, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 128 pages

US HISTORY Texans at Gettysburg

Joseph L. Owen & Randy S. Drais The Texans from Hood’s Texas Brigade and other regiments who fought at Gettysburg on 1–3 July 1863 described their experiences of the battle in personal diaries, interviews, newspaper articles, letters and speeches. Their reminiscences provide a fascinating and harrowing account of the battle as they fought the Army of the Potomac. Speeches were given in the decades after the battle during the annual reunions of Hood’s Brigade Association and the dedication of the Hood's Brigade Monument that took place on 26-27 October 1910 at the state capital in Austin, Texas. 9781625450609, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 240 pages

Fighting for General Lee Sheridan R. Barringer Rufus Barringer fought on horseback through most of the Civil War with General Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, and rose to lead the North Carolina Cavalry Brigade in some of the war’s most difficult combats. This book details his entire history for the first time. It draws upon a wide array of newspapers, diaries, letters, and previously unpublished family documents and photographs, as well as other firsthand accounts, to paint a broad, deep, and colorful portrait of an overlooked Southern cavalry commander. Despite its subject matter, the book is a balanced account that concludes Barringer was a dependable, hard-hitting warrior increasingly called upon to lead attacks against superior Union forces. 9781611212624, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 288 pages

That Furious Struggle Christopher Mackowski & Kristopher D.White History would remember the battle of Chancellorsville as “Lee’s Greatest Victory.” But Confederate fortunes had reached their high tide. Never again would fortune favor Lee the way it did at Chancellorsville – even though the war continued another two years.This book recounts the story of the Army of Northern Virginia’s last offensive battlefield victory – a tale of triumph and tragedy that includes that second-bloodiest day of the Civil War; the mortal wounding of one of Confederacy’s greatest icons, Stonewall Jackson; and the bold leadership of the man known as “audacity itself.” This book contains more than 150 modern and historical photos, outstanding maps, and an insider’s perspective of the battlefield as told by historians who intimately know the ground and the battle. 9781611212198, $12.95, $8.50, paperback, 192 pages

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•US HISTORY• Gettysburg Campaign in Numbers and Losses, The J. David Petruzzi & Steven Stanley This is a full-color, master work decades in the making. Presented for the first time in print are comprehensive orders of battle for more than three dozen engagements, large and small, waged during the five weeks of the Gettysburg Campaign. Each presentation includes a synopsis of the engagement, photos of the commanders, an original full page map of the fighting, an order of battle with numbers and losses (including killed, wounded, captured, and missing), charts and graphs of relative strengths and losses, a conclusion of how the fighting affected each side and the course of the campaign, and a brief suggested reading list. This book is a stunning original presentation destined to become a constant companion for anyone interested in this slice of Civil War history. 9781611210804, $32.95, $21.99, hardback, 224 pages

Second Day at Gettysburg, The David L. Shultz & Scott L. Mingus Sr. So much has been written about Gettysburg, goes the well-worn cliché, that there is nothing new left to write.This book aptly demonstrates that there is indeed still much to learn about the war’s largest and bloodiest battle.This is most detailed study of this action ever written. In addition to demonstrating how the fighting on the far Union left directly affected the combat to come, the authors also address some of the most commonly overlooked aspects of the fighting. Based upon extensive research and graced with dozens of photographs and detailed original maps, this book offers a balanced, compelling, and ultimately satisfying account of one of the most overlooked and yet important aspects of the defining battle of the American Civil War. 9781611210743, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 552 pages

General Gordon Granger Robert C. Conner This is the first full-length biography of the Civil War general who saved the Union army from catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Chickamauga, and went on to play major roles in the Chattanooga and Mobile campaigns. Immediately after the war, as commander of U.S. troops in Texas, his actions sparked the “Juneteenth” celebrations of slavery’s end, which continue to this day. Granger’s first battle was at Wilson’s Creek, and he soon rose through the ranks, in early 1863 vying for control of central Tennessee. This long-overdue biography sheds fascinating new light on a colorful commander who fought through the war in the West from its first major battles to its last, and even left his impact on the Reconstruction beyond. 9781612001852, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 264 pages


Resisting Sherman Thomas Heard Robertson, Jr. Surprisingly little has been written on the final months of the Civil War in the Carolinas, despite its fascinating cast of characters, host of combats large and small, and its impact on the course of the war. This book fills in many of the gaps and adds tremendously to our knowledge of this region and those troubled final days of the Confederacy. Surgeon Francis Robertson kept a daily journal for the final three months of the Civil War while traveling more than 900 miles through four states. Editor and descendant Thomas Robertson followed in his ancestor’s footsteps, conducting exhaustive research to identify the people, route, and places mentioned in the journal. 9781611212600, $26.95, $17.99, hardback, 192 pages

The Gettysburg Cyclorama Chris Brenneman & Sue Boardman Thousands of books and articles have been written about the Battle of Gettysburg. Almost every topic has been thoroughly scrutinized except one: Paul Philippoteaux’s massive cyclorama painting, The Battle of Gettysburg, which depicts the final attack at Gettysburg. This is the first comprehensive study of the masterpiece and historic artifact. This in-depth study of the history of the cyclorama discusses every aspect of this treasure. Coverage includes not only how it was created and what it depicts, but the changes it has undergone and where and how it was moved. With hundreds of rare historic photographs and beautiful modern pictures of a truly great work of art, this is a must-have for anyone interested in the Battle of Gettysburg. 9781611212648, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

Fight Like the Devil Chris Mackowski & Daniel T. Davis As Confederate forces groped their way through the mountain passes, a chance encounter with Federal cavalry on the outskirts of a small Pennsylvania crossroads town triggered a series of events that quickly escalated beyond Lee’s—or anyone’s—control. Waves of soldiers materialized on both sides in a constantly shifting jigsaw of combat. “You will have to fight like the devil . . .” one Union cavalryman predicted. The costliest battle in the history of the North American continent had begun. July 1, 1863 remains the most overlooked phase of the battle of Gettysburg, yet it set the stage for all the fateful events that followed. This book recounts the action of that first day of battle and explores the profound implications. 9781611212273, $12.95, $8.50, paperback, 192 pages

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•US HISTORY • ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• A Few Lawless Vagabonds David Bennett This is an account of the threeway relationship between Ethan Allen, the Republic of Vermont (1777–1791) and the British in Canada during the American Revolution. Ethan Allen was a prime mover in the establishment of the Republic, then led the fight to maintain its independence from the “predatory states” of New Hampshire, New York, and Massachusetts; from the American Continental Congress; and from British attacks on the new state. In order to defend Vermont’s independence, Ethan Allen engaged in secret, unlawful negotiations with the British in Canada, aimed at turning Vermont into a “separate Government under the Crown.” This book is the first systematic attempt, using archival sources, to show that the Allens were utterly serious in their aim to turn Vermont into a Crown colony. 9781612002408, $32.95, $22.99, hardback, 336 pages

The Alamo’s Forgotten Defenders Phillip Thomas Tucker Within the annals of Alamo and Texas Revolutionary historiography, the important contributions of the Irish in winning the struggle against Mexico are noticeably absent. Breaking new ground with fresh views and original insights, this book sets forth one of the best remaining untold stories by exploring a largely forgotten and long ignored history: the dramatic saga of the Irish in Texas. Relying upon a wealth of previously unexplored primary sources, this is the first book devoted to the dramatic story of Irish achievements, contributions, and sacrifices in winning independence for Texas. 9781611211917, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 384 pages

7 Leadership Lessons of the American Revolution Colonel John Antal This book is about leadership. It tells the dramatic story of seven defining leadership moments from the American Revolution. On these pages you learn about real people facing historic challenges and overcoming what reasonable observers believed were insurmountable odds. More reasonable people might have surrendered or given up. Many reasonable people did. These leaders, thankfully, were unreasonable for the cause of Liberty. These leadership stories tell the story of the birth of the United States as well as providing case studies that can improve your leadership at home, business, in your community, in the military, or in government. A good step on the road to improving your leadership is to read this book and inculcate the lessons learned from the Founding Fathers. 9781612002026, $29.95, $19.99, hardback, 240 pages

Brandywine Michael C. Harris On September 11, 1777, Brandywine Creek served as the scenic backdrop for the largest battle of the American Revolution, one that encompassed more troops over more land than any combat fought on American soil until the Civil War. Long overshadowed by the stunning American victory at Saratoga, this complex British campaign that defeated George Washington’s colonial army and led to the capture of the capital city of Philadelphia was one of the most important military events of the war. Enhanced with original maps, illustrations, and modern photos, and told largely through the words of those who fought there, Brandywine will take its place as one of the most important military studies of the American Revolution ever written. 9781611211627, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 528 pages

With Musket and Tomahawk Michael O. Logusz This is a vivid account of the American and British struggles in the sprawling wilderness region of the northeast during the Revolutionary War. Combining strategic, tactical, and personal detail, this book describes how the patriots of the recently organized Northern Army defeated England's massive onslaught of 1777, thereby all but ensuring America's independence. Underneath the umbrella of Saratoga, countless battles and skirmishes were waged from the borders of Canada southward to Ticonderoga, Bennington, and West Point. Heroes on both sides were created by the score, though only one side proved victorious, amid a tapestry of madness, cruelty, and hardship in what can rightfully be called "the terrible Wilderness War of 1777.” 9781612002248, $24.95, $17.99, paperback, 432 pages

ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL An Illustrated Introduction to Ancient Rome Iain Ferris The history of ancient Rome is the history of a city, of its people, and of its empire which at its height encompassed all the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and which stretched from Britain in the west to Syria in the east. In this wonderfully illustrated, accessible introduction to Ancient Rome we will examine the myths and historical truths about the founding of Rome and the city's early years and explore the bloody transition of Rome from Republic to Empire. 9781445645650, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Bayonets for Hire William Urban From the Greek professional armies of Alexander, through the Hundred Years War, to today, mercenaries have been everpresent, their role constantly evolving. In this compelling history William Urban takes up their captivating and turbulent story from 1550 to 1789: from the Wars of Religion to the eve of the French Revolution. Mercenaries are often considered a marginal phenomenon, but Urban shows that as military professionals they contributed significantly to the development of the modern state.The oldfashioned mercenary was less common by the mid-1700s, but he would not disappear until swept away by the volunteer armies of the French Revolution.This is an engaging study of war and conquest in early modern Europe and a highly recommended addition to any military history library. 9781848328280, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 304 pages

Greece and Rome at War Peter Connolly This is a detailed account of the arms and armies of Greece and Rome. Making use of fresh archaeological evidence and new material on the manufacture and use of the weapons of the period, the author presents an attractive and impressive volume that is both scholarly and beautifully presented with illustrations that are, quite rightly, recognized as being the best and most accurate representation of how the soldiers from these formidable military empires appeared. Covering the wars between the Greeks and the Persians and the epic contest between the Romans and their most capable opponent, Hannibal, as well as organization, tactics, armor and weapons, and much more, this excellent work brings the armies of Greece, Macedon, and Rome vividly to life. 9781848329416, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 320 pages

A Chronology of Ancient Greece Timothy Venning This book offers a coherent narrative of the politico-military history of ancient Greece. It commences with the necessarily approximate course of events in Bronze and early Iron Age, as estimated by the most reliable scholarship plus the legendary accounts of this period. From the Persian Wars onwards, a year-by -year chronology is constructed from the ancient historical sources. Where possible a day-by-day narrative is given. The text is divided into events per geographical area for each date. Detailed accounts are provided for battles and political crises where the sources allow this, and where not much is known for certain the different opinions of historians are referenced en route. The result is a coherent, accessible and accurate reference to what happened and when. 9781473834286, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages


An Invincible Beast Dr Christopher Matthew The Hellenistic pike-phalanx was a true military innovation, transforming the face of warfare in the ancient world. Despite the dominance of pike-wielding heavy infantrymen, and the vast literature dedicated to detailing the history of the Hellenistic world, there remains fierce debate among modern scholars about how infantry combat in this age was actually conducted. Christopher Matthews critically examines phalanx combat by using techniques such as physical re-creation, experimental archaeology, and ballistics testing, and then comparing the findings of this testing to the ancient literary, artistic and archaeological evidence, as well as modern theories.The result is the most comprehensive and up-to-date study of what heavy infantry combat was like in the age of Alexander the Great and his Successors. 9781783831104, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 368 pages

A Storm of Spears Christopher Matthew The backbone of classical Greek armies was the phalanx of heavily armored spearmen, or hoplites. For around two centuries they were the dominant soldiers of the Classical world, in great demand as mercenaries throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East. This groundbreaking reassessment combines rigorous analysis of the literary and archaeological evidence with the new disciplines of reconstructive archaeology, re-enactment. and ballistic science. It focuses meticulously on the details of the equipment, tactics and capabilities of the individual hoplites. In so doing it challenges some long-established assumptions. This is an innovative and refreshing reassessment of one of the most important kinds of troops in ancient warfare, sure to make a genuine contribution to the state of knowledge. 9781612001197, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 360 pages

Mithridates the Great Philip Matyszak Mithridates VI ‘the Great’ of Pontus was Rome’s most persistent enemy. The Mithridiatic wars stretched over half a century and two continents, and have a fascinating cast of pirates, rebels, turncoats, and poisoners. There are pitched battles, epic sieges, doublecrosses and world-class political conniving, assassinations, and general treachery. Through it all, the story is built about the dominant character of Mithridates, connoisseur of poisons, arch-schemer and strategist, resilient in defeat, savage and vindictive in victory. Almost by definition, this book will break new ground, in that nothing has been written on Mithridates for the general public for almost half a century, though scholarly journals have been adding a steady trickle of new evidence, which is drawn upon here. 9781473828902, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Roman Military Disasters Paul Chrystal There is a tendency when dealing with world superpowers to focus on their successes. After all, these are what made them superpowers in the first place. However, reverses and disasters suffered on the way to preeminence are equally significant. This book is the first to examine the paradoxical role lost battles and defeat played in the success of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. It covers the most pivotal and decisive defeats, from the Celtic invasion of 390 BC to Alaric’s sack of Rome in AD 410. The unique and crucial element of the book is its focus on the aftermath and consequences of defeat and how the lessons learnt enabled the Romans, usually, to bounce back and win. 9781473823570, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 336 pages

Stilicho Ian Hughes The period of history in which Stilicho lived was one of the most turbulent in European history. The Western Empire was finally giving way under pressure from external threats, especially from Germanic tribes crossing the Rhine and Danube, as well as from seemingly ever-present internal revolts and rebellions. This book explains how a Vandal came to be given almost total control of the Western Empire and describes his attempts to save both the Western Empire and even Rome itself from the attacks of Alaric the Goth and other barbarian invaders. Stilicho is one of the major figures in the history of the Late Roman Empire. Despite his role in this fascinating and crucial period of history, there is no other full-length biography of him in print. 9781473829008, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 304 pages

Imperial Brothers Ian Hughes The latest of Ian Hughes' Late Roman biographies here tackles the careers of the brother emperors,Valentinian and Valens. Valentian was selected and proclaimed as emperor in AD 364, when the Empire was still reeling from the disastrous defeat and death in battle of Julian the Apostate (363) and the short reign of his murdered successor, Jovian (364). He decided the responsibility had to be divided (not for the first or last time) and appointed his brother as his co-emperor to rule the eastern half of the Empire. Ian Hughes, by tracing the careers of both men in tandem, compares their achievements and analyzes the extent to which they deserve the contrasting reputations handed down by history. 9781848844179, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 208 pages

Belisarius Ian Hughes A military history of the campaigns of Belisarius, the greatest general of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Emperor Justinian. He twice defeated the Persians and reconquered North Africa from the Vandals in a single year at the age of 29, before going on to regain Spain and Italy, including Rome (briefly), from the barbarians. It discusses the evolution from classical Roman to Byzantine armies and systems of warfare, as well as those of their chief enemies, the Persians, Goths and Vandals. It reassesses Belisarius’ generalship and compares him with the likes of Caesar, Alexander and Hannibal. It will be illustrated with line drawings and battle plans as well as photographs. 9781473822979, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 288 pages

Patricians and Emperors Ian Hughes This book offers concise comparative biographies of the individuals who wielded power in the final decades of the Western Roman Empire, from the assassination of Aetius in 454 to the death of Julius Nepos in 480. It is divided into four parts. The first sets the background to the period, including brief histories of Stilicho (395-408) and Aetius (425-454). The second details the lives of Ricimer (455-472) and his great rival Marcellinus (455-468). The third deals with the Patricians Gundobad (472-3) and Orestes (475-6). The final part outlines and analyses the Fall of the West and the rise of barbarian kingdoms in France, Spain and Italy. This is a very welcome book to anyone seeking to make sense of this chaotic, but crucial period. 9781848844124, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 240 pages

The Fall of the Seleukid Empire 187–75 BC John D Grainger The concluding part of John D Grainger's history of the Seleukids traces the tumultuous last century of their empire. In this period it was riven by dynastic disputes, secessions and rebellions, the religiously-inspired insurrection of the Jewish Maccabees, civil war and external invasion from Egypt in the West and the Parthians in the East. By the 80s BC, the empire was disintegrating, internally fractured and squeezed by the converging expansionist powers of Rome and Parthia. This is a fittingly, dramatic and colorful conclusion to John Grainger's masterful account of this once-mighty empire. 9781783030309, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• The Nisibis War 337–363 John S Harrel The war of 337–363, was an exception to the traditional Roman reliance on a strategic offensive to bring about a decisive battle. Instead, the Emperor Constantius II adopted a defensive strategy and conducted a mobile defense based upon small frontier (limitanei) forces defending fortified cities, supported by limited counteroffensives by the Field Army of the East. These methods successfully checked Persian assaults for 24 years. However, when Julian became emperor his access to greater resources tempted him to abandon mobile defense in favor of a major invasion aimed at regime change in Persia. John Harrel applies his personal experience of military command to a strategic, operational, tactical and logistical analysis of these campaigns and battles, highlighting their long-term significance. 9781473848306, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

The Viking Warrior Ben Hubbard Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles.They looted and enslaved their enemies, terrorizing all whom they encountered. Sailing their famous longboats, they discovered Iceland and America (both by accident) and also sailed up the Seine to Paris. A thousand years after their demise, traces of the Vikings can be found as far apart as Canada and Turkey.This book examines the Norsemen through their origins, society, raiding culture, weapons and war tactics, exploration, trade, settlements and kingdoms. Illustrated with more than 200 color and black-andwhite photographs, maps and artworks, it is an expertly written account of a people who have long captured the popular imagination. 9781782742913, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

Les Bateaux Vikings The Roman Emperor Aurelian John F.White By the middle of the third century AD, the Roman empire was lapsing into chaos, and barbarians took advantage of the anarchy to kill and plunder all over the provinces.Yet within the space of just five years, the general, later emperor Aurelian had expelled all the barbarians from with the Roman frontiers, reunited the entire empire, and inaugurated major reforms.Yet Aurelian himself remains little known to a wider audience. His achievements enabled the Roman Empire to survive for another two centuries, ensuring a lasting legacy of Roman civilization for the successor European states.Without Aurelian, the ‘Dark Ages’ would probably have lasted centuries longer. This is a new, revised edition. 9781473845695, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

Viking Nations Dayanna Knight This is an interdisciplinary consideration of medieval North Atlantic settlement that focuses on not only site-related identity but also the active choices made to adopt elements of identity. It utilizes comparative analysis of evidence to highlight terrestrial and marine drivers to identity development in relation to the site context. This book illustrates the priorities expressed by medieval settling populations in relation to particular contexts. It proposes a method for planning ships’ cargos which corresponds to identity development amongst the constituent Atlantic archipelagos. This work is written for an educated audience desiring to know more about the medieval North Atlantic beyond Viking stereotypes. Enough detail is included that medieval specialists will also enjoy the book. 9781473833937, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages


Damien Bouet French Text. The author, an archaeologist, currently leads in Normandy the reconstruction of a Viking ship. In this book, he traces the evolution of this type of vessel from the oldest prototypes (Hjortspring) to the latest models (Roskilde), with many plans. He then explains their constitution and means of navigation, the religious conceptions and related fantastic figureheads. Finally, he mentioned the modern replicas of these vessels. 9782840484141, $40.00, $26.50, hardback, 80 pages

Constantine the Great General Elizabeth James & Stephen English Constantine the Great is a titanic figure in Roman, and indeed world history. Most famed for making Christianity the official religion of the Roman, and for moving the seat of imperial rule to ‘New Rome’ (Constantinople), he is most often studied for his religious and political impact. But it is often forgotten that his power and success was made possible by the use of armed force, in an impressive military career which is well worthy of study in its own right. This book examines each of Constantine’s campaigns and battles, to show that he deserves to be remembered as a great general as well as a great emperor. This will be a welcome study of a neglected facet of this historical colossus. 9781848841185, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 192 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Sparta’s Kings John Carr In ancient Greece, Sparta was unique in having a dual kingship – two kings from different clans, the Agiads and the Eurypontids, reigning simultaneously. Wherever Sparta’s main battles took place, there the kings were. Naturally, the character of the particular king would often determine the outcome of a battle or campaign. This is a chronological account of the kings and their accomplishments (or lack thereof), from the founding Herakleidai clan to Kleomenes III, and the Roman conquest in the middle of the 2nd century BC. The book is not intended to be a complete history of Sparta. It will be a human interest and war story, focusing attention on the kings’ personal qualities as well as their military accomplishments and their politics, where applicable. 9781848848498, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 208 pages

Roman Shields Hilary Travis & John Travis The Roman military is an iconic, ancient institution; everybody is familiar with the image of fearsome Roman centurions marching in their famous columns. In this book, Roman military experts turn their attention to the shields used by the historic Roman stalwarts, drawing on their expertise, their wealth of illustrated material, and the world of reenactments.This study of the panoply of shields used by the Romans differs from those preceding in that it has drawn together the streams of published information of sculptural imagery and archaeological ‘hard’ evidence, while also looking at the component parts, how they are physically put together, and attempting to reproduce the aspects of the artifacts observed through reconstructing them and subjecting them to regular use and combat conditions. 9781445655239, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 208 pages

Roman Shields John Travis & Hilary Travis The Roman military is an iconic, ancient institution; everybody is familiar with the image of fearsome Roman centurions marching in their famous columns. In this book, Roman military experts turn their attention to the shields used by the historic Roman stalwarts, drawing on their expertise, their wealth of illustrated material, and the world of reenactments.This study of the panoply of shields used by the Romans differs from those preceding in that it has drawn together the streams of published information of sculptural imagery and archaeological ‘hard’ evidence, while also looking at the component parts, how they are physically put together, and attempting to reproduce the aspects of the artifacts observed through reconstructing them and subjecting them to regular use and combat conditions. 9781445638386, $42.00, $27.50, hardback, 192 pages

Roman Helmets John Travis & Hilary Travis The Roman military is an iconic, ancient institution; everybody is familiar with the image of fearsome Roman centurions marching in their famous columns. In this book, Roman military experts turn their attention to the helmets used by the historic Roman stalwarts, drawing on their expertise, their wealth of illustrated material, and the world of reenactments.This study of the panoply of helmets used by the Romans differs from those preceding in that it has drawn together the streams of published information of sculptural imagery and archaeological ‘hard’ evidence, while also looking at the component parts, how they are physically put together, and attempting to reproduce the aspects of the artifacts observed through reconstructing them and subjecting them to regular use and combat conditions. 9781445638423, $42.00, $27.50, hardback, 192 pages

Roman Body Armour Hilary Travis & John Travis This book assesses current views of the body armor used by the Roman army and its development. It draws together the streams of published information of sculptural imagery and archaeological ‘hard’ evidence, while also looking at the component parts and how they are physically put together.This has involved a return to basics, in examining wherever possible the original material and attempting to reproduce the aspects of the artifacts observed through physical reconstruction. Discrepancies were also noted between current reconstructions of Roman military equipment, and the reality of the actual artifacts, particularly in the case of the segmented plate armor (lorica segmentata), which may cause us to rethink not only the appearance, but also the function/fighting methods of the Roman soldier. 9781445608037, $32.95, $20.99, paperback, 176 pages

War in Ancient Greece Bob Carruthers The Athenian Thucydides (c490-395BC) wrote this history of the Peloponnesian War between the Spartans and the Athenians, believing that it would be a greater war than any that had preceded it, and his version of events would serve as “a possession for all time”. The Peloponnesian War saw further development of the nature of warfare, strategy, and tactics. Fought between leagues of cities dominated by Athens and Sparta, the increased manpower and financial resources increased the scale, and allowed the diversification of warfare. Set-piece battles during the Peloponnesian war proved indecisive and instead there was increased reliance on attritionary strategies, naval battle and blockades and sieges. This book is essential reading for anyone interested the military history of the classical world. 9781781592175, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 576 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Roman Conquests: Asia Minor, Syria and Armenia Richard Evans The Roman army defeated the Seleucids at the epic battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, which marked the beginning of a long decline for Seleucid power in Asia. This, however, allowed other states to come to the fore, most notably Pontus. In the 1st century BC, Rome’s grip on its Asian provinces was shattered by the onslaught of Mithridates VI of Pontus, Rome’s most enduring foe. Mithridates was eventually overcome, after many Roman reverses, but these wars in turn led to conflict with Armenia. Like the other volumes in this series, this book gives a clear narrative of the course of these wars, explaining how the Roman war machine coped with formidable new foes and the challenges of unfamiliar terrain and climate. 9781844159710, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Roman Conquests: Macedonia and Greece Philip Matyszak This will be the third in the Roman Conquests series, and one of those with the most obvious appeal. While Rome was struggling for her very survival against the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War, Philip V of Macedon attempted to take advantage of their apparent vulnerability by allying with Hannibal and declaring war.The stage was set for the clash of two of the most successful military systems of the ancient world, the Roman legions versus the Macedonian phalanx. Like the other volumes in this series, this book gives a clear narrative of the course of these wars. Specially commissioned color plates bring the main troop types vividly to life in meticulously researched detail. 9781844159680, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Germanicus The Gods of Battle Chris Webber Herodotus described the Thracians as the most numerous nation of all - apart from the Indians - and said that they would be the most powerful of all nations if they didn’t enjoy fighting each other so much. There may have been a million Thracians, divided among as many as 40 tribes. Ancient writers were hard put to decide which of the Thracian tribes was the most valiant.This is an overview of Thracian history and culture, focused predominantly on their warfare and weapons. It identifies and differentiates the many different tribes, showing that their weapons and tactics varied. The resulting study should be welcomed by anyone interested in the archaeology and history of the region or in classical warfare as a whole. 9781844158355, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

Ambush Rose Mary Sheldon Greek warfare actually consists of many varieties of fighting. It is common for popular writers to assume that the hoplite phalanx was the only mode of warfare used by the Greeks. The fact is, however, that the use of spies, intelligence gathering, ambush, and surprise attacks at dawn or at night were also a part of Greek warfare, and while not the supreme method of defeating an enemy, such tactics always found their place in warfare when the opportunity or the correct terrain or opportunity presented itself. Ambush will dispel both the modern and ancient prejudices against irregular warfare and provides a fresh look at the tactics of the ancient Greeks. 9781848325920, $50.00, $25.99, hardback, 322 pages


Lindsay Powell Germanicus (a.k.a. Germanicus Iulius Caesar) was considered by Romans as one of their greatest military heroes. His untimely death, in suspicious circumstances, ended the possibility of a return to a more open republic and ambitions for the outright conquest of Germania Magna (Germany). This, the first modern biography of Germanicus, is in parts a growing-up story, a history of war, a tale of political intrigue and a murder mystery. It is a natural sequel to the author’s first book, Eager for Glory, which discussed the life of Germanicus’ natural father, Nero Claudius Drusus, for the first time. 9781781591208, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 376 pages

AD69: Emperors, Armies and Anarchy Nic Fields With the death of Nero by his own shaky hand, the ill-sorted, ill-starred Iulio-Claudian dynasty came to an ignominious end, and Rome was up for the taking. This was 9 June, AD 68. The following year, commonly known as the ‘Year of the Four Emperors’, was probably one of Rome’s worst. The result was that ambitious and unscrupulous generals of the empire fell into a bloody power struggle to decide who had the right to wear the imperial purple. Nic Fields narrates the twists and turns and the military events of this short but bloody period of Roman history. 9781781591888, $34.95, $24.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL• Sparta at War Dr Scott M Rusch During the eighth century BC, Sparta became one of the leading cities of ancient Greece, conquering the southern Peloponnese, and from the midsixth century BC until the mid-fourth, Sparta became a military power of recognized importance. For almost two centuries the massed Spartan army remained unbeaten in the field. Only when the Thebans learned how to defeat the massed Spartan army in pitched battle was Sparta toppled from her position of primacy. Scott Rusch examines what is known of the history of Sparta, from the settlement of the city to her defeat at Theban hands, focusing upon military campaigns and the strategic circumstances that drove them. Rusch offers fresh perspectives on important questions of Spartan history, and illuminates some of antiquity’s most notable campaigns. 9781783030118, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 272 pages

Life in a Roman Legionary Fortress Tim Copeland The Roman legions were the formidable, highly organized and well-disciplined backbone of the Roman army, vital to maintaining order and control of the borders of the Empire and its subjugated peoples. The fortresses that were the bases of the legions reflected their values: purposeful, hierarchical and an intimidating display of Roman culture. But what was it like to live in one of these fortresses? This book provides a fascinating insight into the inner mechanisms of the castrum and the people who maintained it. Using the fortresses at Chester,York, Caerleon, and across the Empire, Tim Copeland reconstructs the complex workings of these legionary camps and provides readers with the archaeological and literary evidence that gives us an insight into life behind the high walls. 9781445643588, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 96 pages

Defeat of Rome Legions in Crisis Paul Elliott The third century AD was a turbulent and testing time for the Roman Empire. A new and powerful foe in the east had risen up to challenge Rome directly. Barbarians on the northern frontiers were now more aggressive and more numerous than before and internally the population of the empire had to contend with rampant inflation and a series of terrible plagues. While the army gained rapidly in size, stature and political savvy during the reign of Septimius Severus, it also accelerated a material transformation. This book looks closely at the new styles of arms and armor, comparing their construction, use and effectiveness to the more familiar types of Roman kit used by soldiers fighting the earlier Dacian and Marcomannic Wars. 9781781553343, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 176 pages

Wars and Battles of the Roman Republic Paul Chrystal This book examines the decisive battles from the founding of Rome in 753 BC to the birth of Julius Caesar in 100 BC; it covers the social and political consequences, as well as the military aspects of each conflict. Every war and battle had wideranging consequences, leading Rome from kingdom to republic, from local power to international superpower, and from republic to empire. A unique feature of this book is its focus on the causes of the wars and battles and the military and socio-political consequences of each for Rome and its allies. It highlights what caused each conflict and what Rome did next - for victories and disasters alike. A unique chapter covers women and war. 9781781553053, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 224 pages

Gareth C. Sampson In 53BC the Proconsul Marcus Crassus and 36,000 of his legionaries were crushed by the Parthians at Carrhae in what is now eastern Turkey. Crassus’ defeat and death and the 20,000 casualties his army suffered were an extraordinary disaster for Rome. The event intensified the bitter, destructive struggle for power in the Roman republic, curtailed the empire’s eastward expansion, and had a lasting impact on the history of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It was also the first clash between two of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world. This challenging and original study reconstructs the Carrhae campaign in fine detail, reconsiders the policy of imperial expansion, and gives a fascinating insight into the opponents the Romans confronted in the East – the Parthians. 9781473828049, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 240 pages

Gladiator Ben Hubbard Gladiatorial combat is one of the defining images of ancient Rome. For more than 600 years, people flocked to arenas to watch these highly-trained warriors participate in a bloodsoaked spectacle that was part sport, part theater, and part cold-blooded murder. Gladiator looks at life and service in the Roman arenas from the origins of the games in the third century bce through to the demise of the games in the fifth century ce. It explores the lives of the prisoners of war, criminals, slaves, and volunteers who became gladiators, their training, and the more than 20 types of gladiator they could become, fighting with different types of weapons. Gladiator is a colorful, accessible study of the ancient world’s famous warrior entertainers. 9781782742524, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

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Australia’s Palestine Campaign Jean Bou With nearly two mounted divisions engaged against the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East for almost three years the Palestine Campaign was Australia’s longest running militarily significant endeavor of the First World War after the Western Front. And yet apart from the battle of Beersheba, the Palestine Campaign receives little attention in Australia compared to Gallipoli and the Western Front. In contrast to the years of grinding trench warfare in France and Belgium, the Palestine Campaign was a war of relative movement and maneuver. Cavalry, including Australia’s light horse, played a prominent role, but it was a hard fought fully modern war, in which the latest military technologies and techniques were all used. 9780980810004, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 173 pages

Exploring Gallipoli Glenn Wahlert This book provides practical touring information on Gallipoli for the independent traveler, and a guide to the amazing First World War Anzac battlefields.Written by a serving Australian Army officer with over 30 years soldiering experience, and now a historian with the Australian Army History Unit, it presents a unique view of the campaign and of the key events that occurred on the ground. It includes detailed information on the key sites at Gallipoli, including recommended routes, optional walks and drives, maps, digital images, original art work, and even sound files to download on to your MP3 player. 9780980814064, $16.95, $11.50, Paperback, 173 pages

Landing at ANZAC Chris Roberts This book challenges many of the cherished myths of the most celebrated battle in Australian and New Zealand history myths that have endured for almost a century. Told from both the ANZAC and Turkish perspectives, this meticulously researched account questions several of the claims of Charles Bean’s magisterial and muchquoted Australian official history and presents a fresh examination of the evidence from a range of participants. It reaches a carefully argued conclusion in which Roberts draws together the threads of his analysis delivering some startling findings. This is a book that pulls the Gallipoli campaign into the modern era and provides a compelling argument for its continuing relevance. In short, today’s armies must never forget the lessons of Gallipoli. 9781925275025, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 188 pages


Malaya Brian Farrell & Garth Pratten When Imperial Japan unleashed the Pacific War in December 1941, Australian forces went into action to defend Malaya and Singapore. Australia’s principal contribution to defending Malaya and Singapore was the 8th Division. Originally raised for service in the Mediterranean, the division was committed piecemeal to Malaya and its performance was bedeviled by poor command decisions in the face of an enemy better prepared on all counts. However, the 8th Division reflected some strengths of the AIF at large: stubbornness in positional defense, effective and flexible small unit tactics and leadership, and skill and determination in close quarter combat. Singapore was lost more in spite than because of Australian efforts, but its loss underlined Australia’s strategic dependence on ‘great and powerful friends’ during the Second World War. 9780980567441, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 254 pages

Ottoman Defence Against the ANZAC Landing Mesut Uyar The landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915 represents a defining moment, not only for Australia and New Zealand, but also for Turkey. However a detailed account of the landing from the Turkish perspective has yet to be published in English despite the 100 years that has elapsed since the first ANZACs scrambled ashore. This meticulously researched volume describes the Ottoman Army in fascinating detail from its order of battle, unit structure and composition, training and doctrine, to the weapons used against the ANZACs. Using Ottoman military documents, regimental war diaries, personal accounts and memoirs, author Mesut Uyar describes the unfolding campaign, unraveling its complexity and resolving many of the questions that have dogged accounts for a century. 9781925275018, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 188 pages

Rwanda Kevin O’Halloran In 1994 a group of Australian UN peacekeepers, made up of soldiers and army medical personnel, was sent to Rwanda under a United Nations mandate to help restore order to the war-torn country. These Australians would be exposed to a lack of humanity they were not prepared for and found hard to fathom. This book pulls together the perspectives of those Australian soldiers who served in Rwanda at this time. It gives a new and personal voice to the Kibeho Massacre. It takes a special type of bravery, discipline and compassion to do what these soldiers did. 9781921941481, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 148 pages

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•AUSTRALIA• To Kokoda Nicholas Anderson When the Japanese war machine swept through South-East Asia in early 1942, it was inevitable that conflict would reach Australian territory on the island of New Guinea.The ultimate Japanese target was Port Moresby.The Australian Army was ill prepared to confront the Japanese. Poorly equipped, undertrained, and unaccustomed to jungle warfare, the untested militia battalions were the first to face the battlehardened invading forces. It was under these conditions, against a determined enemy and on one of the harshest battlefields on earth, that the Australian forces began to learn the crucial lessons that would be needed to break the back of the Japanese Army in New Guinea. 9781922132956, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 186 pages

Wau Phillip Bradley Based on a detailed analysis of the battlefield, this book outlines how the victory at Wau was achieved and demonstrates how determined leadership can turn the tide of battle.The Australian commando operation against Salamaua in June 1942 is still considered to be ‘the perfect raid’. A force of two infantry battalions reached the foothills overlooking Wau before coming up against a single Australian company of infantry. Courageously led by Captain Bill Sherlock, this small force held the Japanese advance at bay for a vital 36 hours.The Australian stand enabled fresh troops to be flown in to the vital airfield and these men changed the course of the battle. 9780980777406, $16.95, $11.50, paperback, 173 pages

Crumps and Camouflets Damien Finlayson Below the shattered ground that separated the British and German infantry on the Western Front in World War I, an unseen and largely unknown war was raging, fought by miners, ‘tunnelers’ as they were known.They knew at any moment their lives could be extinguished without warning by hundreds of tons of collapsed earth and debris. 9780980658255, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 480 pages

Fallen Sentinel Peter Beale Against the backdrop of the sweeping conquest of Western Europe by Hitler’s mighty Panzer Divisons in WWII, Australia produced 66 cruiser tanks - the Sentinel tank - but none ever took the field of battle. The story of Australian tanks in WWII portrays governments under pressure and bureaucratic bungles that saw opportunities lost and precious resources squandered when the nation was under greatest threat. This careful dissection of government process in the crucible of war is a rare gem in an age when most wartime histories focus on the front-line soldier. 9781921941023, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 320 pages

Game to the Last James Hurst Game to the Last reveals the story of the men who would become “one of the finest battalions which served in the war”, the West Australian 11th Infantry Battalion, AIF, during the grueling Gallipoli Campaign of 1915. The narrative follows the battalion members as they leave their homes and lives in Western Australia, embark for overseas, experience the excitement and boredom of arid and exotic Egypt, and undergo their baptism of fire in the first wave of the Australian and New Zealand landings at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. 9781921941139, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 272 pages

Soldiers’ Tales Denny Neave In their own words the Aussie diggers provide a fascinating glimpse of the many funny and touching moments that our Diggers often hold to their chest. The collection of stories in this book provides a taste of what a soldier’s life is like both in war and peace. 9780980325133, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 160 pages

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Airwar Over the Atlantic Manfred Griehl Late in 1938, the German Navy Supreme Command commissioned a report into the combat effectiveness of its airborne divisions. As a result of its findings, the German High Command instigated a major construction program for planes with a specifically maritime role: carrier-borne, reconnaissance, mine laying and most importantly, long-range units were all developed. In this volume of the outstanding Luftwaffe at War series, Manfred Griehl showcases a photo-history of the development of the Kriegsmarine airborne capability from the early Condor missions to the introduction of Me 262 A-1a jet fighters in 1944. More than a hundred rarely seen pictures illustrate the gradual turning of the tide against Germany in the war for the skies over the Atlantic. 9781848327917, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Fighters Over Russia Manfred Griehl Initial success in Russia during the summer of 1941 gave way to desperate days after Stalingrad and the failure of Germany’s last major offensive in 1943. Subsequently the Luftwaffe was stripped of its newest fighters for the defense of the Reich and lost air superiority to the Red Air Force. This new addition to the outstanding Luftwaffe at War series examines the crucial air campaign over the Eastern Front through 120 specially selected and informatively captioned photographs. Unusual scenes include bombed-out Russian aircraft abandoned during the initial German advance and the use of horses and oxen to haul supplies and even aircraft. 9781848327931, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Messerschmitt Manfred Griehl Wilhelm Emil Messerschmitt is the most famous German aircraft designer and manufacturer. Messerschmitt’s single most important design was the Bf 109, designed in 1934 which remains the mostproduced fighter in history. Another Messerschmitt model, the Me 209, broke the absolute world airspeed record. Messerschmitt AG also produced the first jet-powered aircraft in the world, the Me 262. This Fact File edition includes details on all Messerschmitt aircraft and its variants. Included are all the facts and figures associated with each plane combined with contemporary photographs making this serious reference book. 9781783831692, $18.95, $12.50, paperback, 128 pages


X-Planes Manfred Griehl Renowned German aviation specialist Manfred Griehl has collected a unique and valuable selection of photographs of Luftwaffe projects that never made it into battle. They remained on the drawing board or at prototype stage either because they were deemed unsuitable or the developers simply ran out of time and the projects never went into production. Most photographs come from the development sites and testing grounds of the major manufacturers of Nazi Germany. This book also details the innumerable alterations that were made to existing service aircraft to equip them for new roles. There are numerous examples of developmental jet fighters that could very well have been realized had it not been for the effectiveness of the Allied bombing campaign in restricting the supply of necessary materials. 9781848325555, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 288 pages

Luftwaffe X-planes Manfred Griehl From jet planes and high altitude aircraft to radar-equipped fighters configured to deliver chemical weapons, numerous Luftwaffe planes were designed and reached prototype stage but never made it into mass production or battle. Luftwaffe X Planes is a definitive, revelatory guide to the remarkable range of secret planes that the Third Reich failed to complete. Despite the Allied authorities’ ban on research, countless aircraft were designed and tested by the Luftwaffe and German manufacturers before World War II. Renowned aviation expert Manfred Griehl has painstakingly assembled a valuable selection of images which shows the remarkable range of projects dreamed up by the German designers. 9781848327894, $24.95, $16.50, hardback, 80 pages

The Royal Naval Air Service in the First World War Philip Jarrett This book makes five original documents relating to the work of Britain’s Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS) during the First World War readily available to students and historians. To enhance visual interest a large collection of photographs, many hitherto unpublished, has been added. The five documents concerned are the Diary of Important Operations, Flanders, 1916; Disposition of Aircraft, 24 February, 1917; Royal Naval Air Service Communiques Nos 1 to 14; Truing-up of airplanes: Issued by the Air Department on 1 September 1916; and The Grain drawings, a unique set of sketches and drawings made by a draftsman at the RNAS seaplane repair station at Port Victoria, Isle of Grain, in Kent during the Great War. This is a unique treasure trove of visual reference. 9781473828193, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 280 pages

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•AVIATION• Messerschmitt BF 109 E. The Blitzkrieg Fighter

Nachtjagd, Defenders of the Reich 1940–1943

Marek J. Murawski & Jakub Plewka The latest addition to the ‘Monographs Special Edition’ series is devoted to the Messerschmitt Bf 109 E. This new book gives not only a thorough insight into the development, variants, technical features and camouflage of the ‘Emil’, but also an excellent overview of the aircraft’s service with the Luftwaffe. Packed with period photos, color profiles and scale drawings, this title is a perfect guide for aviation modelers. 9788362878840, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 188 pages

Martin W. Bowman This new volume from Martin Bowman examines the first three years of the Second World War, consolidating firsthand accounts from German fighter pilots caught up in some of the most dramatic night time conflicts of the early war years. Viewing Bomber Command's operations through the eyes of the enemy, the reader is offered a fresh and intriguing perspective. Set in context by Bowman's historical narrative, these snippets of pilot testimony work to offer an authentic sense of events as they played out. 9781473849839, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

The Boy Airman Richard Petty The prospect of flying in the Royal Navy, the Senior Service, Nelson’s Navy, must have been irresistible to any adventurous teenager. However, the Royal Naval Air Service was sorely tested, and not necessarily by the enemy. The casualties of the sea and its perils, and of accident and mechanical failure, were catastrophic. But this critical battle between young pilots in their infant flying machines and unpredictable events forged the pathway for our modern conceits of war – missiles, drones, giant aircraft carriers, weapons of space. A hundred years ago, Hugh Mortimer Petty, a young pilot, took illicit photographs with his pocket camera and left a personal account of his life at sea with his ‘kite’. This book tells his story illustrated by his long-lost ‘snaps’. 9781473849051, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Dogfight: The Supermarine Spitfire and the Messerschmitt Bf109 David Owen Innumerable books have been published on the two most famous fighter aircraft of all time, the Supermarine Spitfire and the Messerschmitt Bf109. But books setting out to tell the joint story of both aircraft are very much rarer - probably fewer than the fingers of one hand. Despite the different ways their creators approached their daunting tasks and the obstacles each faced in acceptance by the services for which they were designed, they proved to be so closely matched that neither side gained a decisive advantage in a titanic struggle. Had either of them not matched up to its opponent so well, then the air war would have been a onesided catastrophe, and the course of twentieth century history would have been changed beyond recognition. 9781473828063, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 368 pages

RAF Night Operations Martin W. Bowman When Britain declared war on Germany in September 1939 her bombers were predominantly twin-engined types like the Wellington, Whitley, and the Hampden, which, after suffering carnage during the day, were soon switched to night operations. Wartime speeches alone cannot begin to describe the misery and fortitude, desperation and terror endured by the civilian population during the ‘Blitz Nights’ in Coventry, the London docklands and the East End. Their personal experiences and those of war correspondents are as vivid, poignant, and descriptive as those of the bomber crews carrying the war to the enemy in the early night bomber offensive. These too are mostly recounted at first hand. They tell just what it was like to fly in a heavy bomber over occupied Europe. 9781783831944, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 240 pages

The Night Air War Martin W. Bowman Of the 7,953 Bomber Command aircraft lost on night operations during the Second World War, an estimated 5,833 fell victim to Luftwaffe night fighters. In this detailed reenactment of the air war over Western Europe and the raids flown by the men of RAF Bomber Command, the author has pieced together official data and the words and memories of the pilots and air crew who participated in the proceedings. Across fifteen chapters, many unique experiences are regaled, enlivening the history of the night bombing raids that were hurled against Hitler’s war machine during the latter half of the Second World War. They span the period between November 1943 and 1945 and cover the encounters between the Luftwaffe and RAF Bomber Command during their heyday. 9781783831913, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages

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•AVIATION• The Lancaster Gordon A.A.Wilson & Martin Keen The Avro Lancaster took the RAF’s bombing campaign right to the heart of Nazi Germany night after night despite, at times, appalling losses. The unique airframe allowed the Lancaster to carry a variety of bomb loads suited to the target being attacked. There is no doubt that without the Lancaster, RAF Bomber Command’s offensive against Germany would not have had the devastating and controversial impact that it achieved. This book is both the story of the Lancaster and its seven-man crews; pilot, bomb aimer/nose gunner, wireless operator, flight engineer, navigator and its mid-upper and rear gunners. Their combat experiences over the enemy skies of Germany are also told. It is also the history of the four most complete surviving airframes. Illustrated with over 300 photographs. 9781445634203, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 288 pages

The Lancaster Manual 1943 Gordon A.A.Wilson An amazing array of leaflets, books and manuals were issued by the War Office during the Second World War to aid pilots and crew flying the Lancaster bomber, here for the first time they are collated into a single book. An introduction is supplied by expert aviation historian (and ex-military pilot) Gordon Wilson. Other sections include aircraft recognition, how to act as a Bomber Command officer, bailing out, and more. 9781445614427, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 288 pages

Bill Lancaster: The Final Verdict Ralph Barker Captain ‘Bill' Lancaster disappeared on a flight over the Sahara in 1933. It was twentynine years before his body was found beside the wrecked plane. Bill Lancaster’s dramatic end was in keeping with his adventurous and colorful life. This is the story of his involvement with top woman flyer, ‘Chubbie’ Miller; how Bill Lancaster made a desperate effort to retrieve his fortunes after the depression; how Chubbie fell in love with Haden Clarke while he was away; and how Clarke was shot dead on Lancaster’s return. It is a full account of one of the most sensational murder trials of the century. This unique story leaves the reader free to pronounce his own verdict on Bill Lancaster, pioneer flyer and adventurer. 9781473855830, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages


The History of the Biggin Hill International Air Fair Paul Fiddian For almost half a century, Biggin Hill was the scene of one of the world's best loved and longestrunning air shows. Already well known as the site from which Spitfires and Hurricanes were launched during the Second World War, Biggin Hill was made even more famous by the International Air Fair, staged between 1963 and 2010. From its outset, the event inspired countless visitors to pursue a career within aviation. This book details each show, its text accompanied by a host of high quality and nostalgic images, a considerable number of them previously unpublished. It is hoped that with its publication, the story of this legendary event is given the coverage deserved, yesteryear's air show stars are honorably remembered and that many memories are happily reignited. 9781781554913, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 192 pages

Bomber Offensive ArthurTravers Harris G.C.B. O.B.E. A.F.C. In February 1942 Arthur Harris was given the job of taking the war to the enemy at a time when Britain was still on the defensive. When he took over Bomber Command it possessed only sixty-nine heavy bombers and his force was incapable of undertaking any major operations, yet by May 1943 Harris was able to mount the first of many 1,000-bomber raids.Though none can doubt that Harris turned Bomber Command into a fearsome weapon, the tactics employed and its effectiveness, however, continue to be debated. Harris deals with all the key subjects in his autobiography in the straightforward fashion he dealt with his mission with Bomber Command – holding nothing back to achieve his objective. 9781848327757, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 288 pages

The Last Year of the Luftwaffe Alfred Price This is the classic story of a once all-conquering force struggling to stave off an inevitable and total defeat. This superbly written book gives a complete account of Luftwaffe operations during the last twelve months of the fighting in. In this comprehensive examination of Hitler’s air force, Dr Alfred Price examines its state from May 1944 to May 1945, analyzing not only the forces available to it, but also the likely potential, and impact, of new aircraft and weapons systems. In doing so he rejects a number of long-standing myths, clarifies the impact of the jet and rocket fighters, and demonstrates that the Luftwaffe performed as well as could be expected under the harsh circumstances of fighting a losing war. 9781848328662, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 256 pages

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•AVIATION • COLD WAR• From the Voisin to the Mirage Amaru Tincopa Gallegos From the very beginning of aviation in South America, French aircraft and aviators played a major part in the development of military flying in Peru. This exciting new book covers the use of French aircraft and the involvement of French designers, instructors and military thinking in the development of the Peruvian air force. From “stick and string” biplanes through to supersonic jets, many of the most significant French types saw service in Peru and were involved in local conflicts, as detailed in this book. Profusely illustrated with many rare photos and color profiles of selected aircraft in Peruvian markings. 9788361421931, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 244 pages

Air Men Behind the Medals Graham Pitchfork Here, Graham Pitchfork describes the outstanding bravery of twenty-one air men who served in the Royal Air Force and the Fleet Air Arm during the Second World War. These accounts encompass most theaters of operation as well as a host of aircraft types and aircrew categories. Accounts of the gallantry of those who served on the ground in support of flying operations are also relayed in this substantial anthology. The valorous acts of these airmen serve as inspirational examples to a new generation of flying men and women. Graham Pitchfork extracts the drama and poignancy of their tales, enlivening them to great effect in this riveting publication that is sure to appeal broadly to enthusiasts of the era. 9781473828155, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 248 pages

Fortress Island Malta Peter Jacobs The introduction of Italy into the Second World War on 10 June 1940 signaled the start of the siege of Malta. Malta’s defenses were initially verging on nonexistent but the British could not give up on the island. Everything needed to fight a campaign would have to be delivered to Malta in sufficient numbers and on a regular basis. It would take a monumental air and maritime effort just to survive, let alone hit back, and to manage both would require those in command to carefully balance Malta’s precious and limited resources. Here, the accomplished military author Peter Jacobs tells the extraordinary story of the heroic defense and re-supply of the Fortress Island of Malta during the longest siege in British history. 9781783463329, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 240 pages

From Sapper to Spitfire Spy Sally-Anne Greville Heygate David Greville-Heygate was one of the few men who served in both the army and the Royal Air Force during the Second World War, but it was in the sky that he really earned his stripes. He flew a wide variety of iconic wartime aircraft including Lysanders, Mustangs, Typhoons, and Spitfires in England, the Netherlands, and Germany. Although there have been many stories about the Battle of Britain, there has been less published about the life of a photo reconnaissance pilot during this time. Using snippets from diary entries, letters, logbooks, squadron records, and other documents, his daughter, Sally-Anne Greville Heygate, has managed to construct an engaging history of a talented photoreconnaissance pilot and the war in which he fought. 9781473843882, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

Gloster Javelin Michael John W Napier The RAF’s only delta-winged fighter, the Gloster Javelin, was also Britain’s first true AllWeather Fighter. Based in the UK and in Germany, the RAF’s Javelin squadrons formed the front line of Britain’s air defenses in the late 1950s and early 1960s. During this time Javelin crews pioneered the operational use of guided missiles and air-to-air refueling by fighter aircraft. In the Far East, Javelins were involved in operations during the Indonesian Confrontation and the aircraft was also deployed to Zambia during the Rhodesian UDI Crisis. In this history, which is richly illustrated with many previously unpublished photographs, Michael Napier blends official records with personal accounts to describe the operational history of this iconic jet fighter. 9781473848818, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 256 pages


Cold War Jet Combat Martin W. Bowman Recounted here are nine of the earliest wars involving jet aircraft. From the Korean War and beyond, it comprises a wealth of gripping insight. Many of the jet-to-jet dogfights that spanned these jet-powered wars are enlivened to thrilling effect, including those engaged in during the two Indo-Pak Wars of 1965 and 1971. Operation ‘Musketeer’ (1956), mounted when RAF and French Air Force bombers and fighter-bombers attacked airfields and other targets in Egypt, is also covered in this gripping narrative. The Falklands Campaign is also covered, as is the Vietnam War. All in all, this is a compelling, well-researched and highly informative study of a particularly dynamic era in aviation history. 9781473837737, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

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•COLD WAR• Britain’s Cold War Bombers Tim McLelland Britain’s Cold War Bombers explores the creation and development of the jet bomber, tracing the emergence of the first jet designs to the firstgeneration jets that entered service with the RAF and Fleet Air Arm, through to the latest generation of Typhoon aircraft. From Valiant, to Vulcan, Canberra, Sperrin,Victor, Scimitar, Buccaneer, Nimrod, Phantom, Sea Harrier, Jaguar, Tornado GR1/4 and Typhoon, a careful examination of each aircraft from initial design to operational status reveals a linear progression in appearance and technology. Brilliantly illustrated with over 250 pictures (66 color), this is the definitive guide to the bombers that have shaped British air power. 9781781550526, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 336 pages

Britain’s Cold War Fighters Tim McLelland Britain’s Cold War Fighters explores the creation and development of the jet fighter, tracing the emergence of the first jet designs (the Meteor and Vampire) through to the first-generation jets, which entered service with the RAF and Fleet Air Arm. From design and basic development through to full service history, aircraft such as the Hunter, Lightning, Phantom, Javelin and Tornado F2/3 are examined in detail to demonstrate the progression in design and technology up to the latest generation of Typhoon aircraft.With over 250 illustrations, many previously unpublished, and firsthand accounts from pilots, engineers and ground crews, Britain’s Cold War Fighters is the first comprehensive study of Britain’s postwar fighter aircraft. It is essential reading for aviation and military historians, modelers and Cold War enthusiasts. 9781781551004, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 336 pages

Cold War Command Richard Woodman & Dan Conley The part played in the Cold War by the Royal Navy’s submarines still retains a great degree of mystery and, in the traditions of the ‘Silent Service,’ remains largely shrouded in secrecy. This book brings us as close as is possible to the realities of commanding nuclear hunterkiller submarines. Dan Conley takes the reader through his early career in diesel submarines, prior to his transition to the complex and very demanding three-dimensional world of operating nuclear submarines. He achieved exceptional success against Soviet submarines at the height of the Cold War. This gripping read takes you onboard a nuclear submarine and into the depths of the ocean, and relays the excitement and apprehensions experienced by British submariners confronted by a massive Soviet Navy. 9781848327696, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 288 pages

Soviet Cold War Weaponry: Tanks and Armoured Vehicles Anthony Tucker-Jones In this companion volume to his photographic history of Soviet tanks and armored vehicles, this book provides a visual guide to the vast array of aircraft, warships and missiles the Soviet armed forces deployed at the height of the Cold War. Numerous ‘hot’ proxy wars were fought in Africa and the Middle East. All these conflicts employed Soviet weaponry which has been captured in action in the photographs selected for this book. The MiG fighters, the Badger and Backfire bombers, the nuclear submarines have achieved almost iconic status, but, as this book shows, there was much more to the Soviet armory than these famous weapons. Much of it, despite its age, remains in service with armies, guerrilla forces and terrorist organizations around the world today. 9781783032969, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

The Phantom in Focus David Gledhill The Phantom is the original multi-role combat jet and one of the world's most iconic aircraft. Life on a Phantom squadron was fast, fun, and exhilarating, but without the glamour portrayed in the Hollywood blockbuster Top Gun. This is the inside story, told by a veteran RAF navigator, of what it was actually like to fly in the cockpit of a Phantom at the height of the Cold War, when it stood as NATO's first line of defense with a record of 280 MiG kills. With hundreds of spectacular, previously unpublished photographs - several taken from inside the cockpit - and many illuminating anecdotes that capture the truth behind the Hollywood glamour, this is a unique, honest and compelling tribute to a legendary aircraft. 9781781550489, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 336 pages


Cold War Plans That Never Happened Michael Kerrigan From a NATO nuclear attack on the Soviet Union to a Warsaw Pact land assault on Western Europe, from building an electric fence between North and South Vietnam to building a US base on the moon – it may sound unlikely, but during the Cold War these operations and others were seriously considered by both sides.This tells the stories of some of the most secret and outrageous operations that were conceived, many of which would have changed the course of history.This book explains the context of each planned operation and explores whether it might have been successful, and what the impact might have been on the war if it had gone ahead. It will prove fascinating to anyone interested in twentieth century history. 9781908273789, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 192 pages

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•COLD WAR• Britain on the Brink Jim Wilson At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Britain was America’s firstline defense, a vulnerable, but unsinkable ‘aircraft carrier’ on which the United States based the Strategic Air Command’s firststrike elements of their America’s nuclear deterrent. The Strategic Air Command’s UK bases and the RAF’s V-Force were ordered to the highest state of readiness at any time during the Cold War.This book focuses on the implications for Britain of the covert deployment by the Soviet Union of ballistic nuclear missiles ninety miles off the US coast. It follows the crisis as it developed in London,Washington and Moscow. It also reveals the major strategic rethink the Cuban Crisis forced on Prime Minister Macmillan and the British Government. 9781848848146, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Cold War Secret Nuclear Bunkers Nick McCamley This book tells the previously undisclosed story of the secret defense structures built by the West during the Cold War years. It describes in fascinating detail a vast umbrella of radar stations that spanned the North American continent and the north Atlantic from the Aleutian Islands through Canada to the North Yorkshire moors, all centered upon an enormous secret control center. In the UK, there were the London bunkers and the Regional War rooms built in the 1950’s to protect against the Soviet threat. Finally the book examines the provision, (or more accurately, lack of provision), of shelter space for the general population, comparing the situation in the USA and the UK with some other European countries and with the Soviet Union. 9781783030101, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 304 pages

How to Survive an Atomic Attack Department Of Defence Official US government advice on how to survive an atomic attack – including full instructions on building your own nuclear shelter. In 1949 the Soviet Union detonated its first nuclear bomb, heralding the era of the Cold War in which the prospect of a thermonuclear attack and Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) put every man, woman, and child in the firing line. The US government issued a series of booklets explaining how to protect your family. This compilation includes Survival Under Atomic Attack with practical advice on constructing a shelter, the Family Shelters Series containing detailed construction diagrams, and Fallout Protection, a straightforward explanation of the dangers of a nuclear attack. Together they provide a chilling insight into the realities of life under the threat of Armageddon. 9781445639970, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

Soviet Spyplanes of the Cold War Yefim Gordon Spy in the Sky’ matters have long been a source of interest and fascination for aircraft enthusiasts, historians, and modelers, and none more so than the elusive and secretive Soviet types of the Cold War era. This book presents a range of such types, including a collection of photographs, profiles, and line drawings, together with supplementary text detailing the history of each craft, encompassing the various developmental milestones, successes, and pitfalls experienced along the way. With an unparalleled level of visual information - paint schemes, models, line drawings, and photographs - it is simply the best reference for any modelmaker setting out to build a variant of these iconic planes. 9781781592854, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Britain’s Cold War Bob Clarke Britain’s Cold War covers each decade from the 1940s to the 1990s, when the country lived in the shadow of nuclear conflict and the West was locked in a worldwide struggle against communist powers. Now consigned to history, the era remains a vivid memory for many, and the events of the period are still echoed in conflicts around the world today. Using an evocative collection of images of Britain over five decades, author Bob Clarke brings this fascinating period of British history to life. 9781445639987, $20.00, $13.50, paperback, 128 pages

The Royal Air Force in the Cold War, 1950–1970 Ian Proctor Protecting British interests overseas, personnel at stations across the Middle East and Far East were regularly engaged in supporting operations during the many colonial conflicts which occurred throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Undertaking these duties were new British-designed aircraft introduced to squadrons from the early-1950s.The names of these extraordinary aircraft, which included the Hunter, Lightning,Vulcan, and Canberra, became synonymous with the Cold War. In this book, Ian Proctor uses over 150 highly evocative color images from a single remarkable Air Ministry collection to portray the RAF and its personnel between 1950 and 1970. 9781783831890, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 192 pages

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•COLD WAR • WEAPONRY• Armageddon Bob Clarke From the late 1940s to the fall of Communist Russia, Britain was at war. To the general public much of it was imaginary but the Cold War was real nonetheless. It flared up in 1962, with the Cuban missile crisis, and in the 1980s with the standoffs between Reagan and Thatcher on one side, with the Soviet leaders on the other. There are many remains today from ‘secret’ nuclear bunkers to missile sites, early-warning radar sites, huge research establishments and, of course, spy sites such as GCHQ. Bob Clarke tells the story of the myriad Cold War remains, illustrated with 150 images, most never published before. He explains the need for our defenses and the consequences of nuclear war. 9781445609157, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 128 pages

Aircraft of the Cold War Thomas Newdick Illustrated with detailed artworks of combat aircraft and their markings, this is a comprehensive study of the planes in service with NATO and the Warsaw Pact and their respective units, from the end of World War II until the reunification of Germany. Arranged chronologically by theater, the book gives a complete organizational breakdown of the units of both sides. Each section includes a compact history of the role and impact of aircraft on the course of the Cold War, as well as orders of battle and lists of commanders and aces. Packed with 250 color profiles of every major type of combat aircraft from the era, this is an essential reference guide for modelers, military historians and aircraft enthusiasts. 9781906626648, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 192 pages

WEAPONRY AK-47: The Grim Reaper Frank Iannamico It’s back...but this time with more pages, more information and more photographs. The most definitive study on Kalashnikov pattern rifles to date boasts over 1,100 printed pages covering the AK rifle, as well as its variants manufactured in over 19 countries. 9780982391853, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 1086 pages


Blitzkrieg Frank Iannamico This book includes the history and development of the German machine pistol from the MP18,I to the MP40. This is the extremely revised and updated second printing by Frank Iannamico; it is now in our popular 8.5”x11” format and has almost 100 more pages than the original printing! 9780970195494, $29.95, $19.50, paperback

Browning Machinegun Shop Manual Frank Iannamico The original BSD manuals (Base Shop Data) for the Browning caliber .30, caliber .50 machine guns and .30 caliber BAR were originally compiled by the United State’s Ordnance Department for the purpose of training U.S. Ordnance armorers how to disassemble, overhaul and reassemble these weapons. The World War II BSD’s were well illustrated with clear line drawings and written description. These rare BSDs have been digitally restored and reformatted for presentation in this manual. Today’s enthusiast will find this manual invaluable for maintaining or repairing Browning firearms. 9780974272436, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 307 pages

Machine Gun Inventors Coloring Book Robert Segel Fun, educational, and historically entertaining, this new series of coloring books is a must for your children. They provide a better understanding of the geniuses and inventors who used their ingenuity and knowledge to create weapons for their armies to use. 9780982391822, $4.95, $3.50, paperback, 16 pages

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•WEAPONRY• Machine Guns of WWI Coloring Book Robert Segel This coloring book focuses on the machine guns used by the various armies involved in World War I. 9780982391839, $4.95, $3.50, paperback, 16 pages

MP38-MP40 Frank Iannamico An English translation of the RARE German Luftwaffe manual using the original graphics and format. The original was dated August 1940 in Berlin, by Dr. M. Matthiesen & company. German text was translated by Bill Berg. Includes general information, disassembly, assembly, troubleshooting and more. 9780996521802, $6.95, $4.99, paperback, 10 pages

The Browning Machine Gun Vol. 5 Dolf L. Goldsmith This is the fifth and final volume of Dolf Goldsmith’s Browning Machine Gun series.Volume V: Dolf’s Notebook ties it all together with hints and tips for working on Bronwing machine guns, all culled from Dolf’s 70 years of experience and experimentation with the weapons in question.And with over 300 pages and nearly 500 illustrations, many customers suggest buying two copies; one for your reading shelf... and one to get dirty with in the workshop. Contains nearly 500 illustrations. 9780982391846, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 306 pages

Glock Chris McNab Glocks have been fired in earnest in the most varied of contexts; users include the Bangladesh Army, French naval commandos, German GSG 9 police, Malaysian customs officials, and dozens of US state police forces. Add its pervasive appeal in civilian handgun markets, and the Glock currently stands as one of the most influential sidearms of the last 50 years. Illustrated with more than 200 color and black-and-white artworks and photographs, this is an expertly written account of one of the most influential handguns in the world today. 9781782742562, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

The Last Steel Warrior Frank Iannamico Frank Iannamico’s latest book details the development of the influential M14 rifle. Includes coverage of 7.62 NATO ammunition, M14 accessories and accouterments, commercial M14 rifles, development and research, experimental models, lubrication and maintenance, manuals, production, magazine contractors, full-auto M1 Garand rifles, the springfield Armory M1A, the M14 enhanced battle rifle, the M14 match rifle, the T44 series prototype rifles, many previously unpublished vintage photographs and much much more! 9780974272429, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 424 pages

The MacMan Frank Iannamico The full story on Gordon Ingram and his machine guns... Read the details about Ingram’s revolutionary designs: from the Model 6, M10, M11, MAC, RPB, and SWD... it’s all here. The travels, the designs, the silencers, Sionics, the international intrigue, the characters, the deals. 9780982391815, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 520 pages

The Reising Submachine Gun Story Frank Iannamico Frank Iannamico covers the Reising SMG models including the 50, 55, 60, & 65. 213 pages on the development, history, manufacturing and much more. 9780982391891, $9.95, $6.50, paperback, 211 pages

Thor Ballistic Missile John Boyes In the mid-1950s, the United States sought to develop an IRBM to act as a stop-gap until the Atlas ICBM became operational. The UK, keen to improve the 'special relationship' with the US which had suffered following the Suez Crisis agreed to accept 60 Thor missiles to be operated by RAF crews. Covering activities on both sides of the Atlantic, the book features a number of previously unpublished photographs and includes plans and diagrams of the missile sites and equipment. 9781781554814, $40.00, $26.00, hardback, 224 pages

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•WEAPONRY • MODELING• The U.S. M3-3AI Frank Iannamico Another great book by Frank Iannamico on the .45 caliber Grease Gun. Subjects include history, production, maintenance, ammunition, silenced versions, accessories and much more. 9780970195449, $9.95, $6.50, paperback, 166 pages

United States Submachine Guns Frank Iannamico This profusely illustrated new book covers the research and development of the submachine gun in the U.S. from World War I to present....plus, learn how many foreign submachine guns fared when tested against the U.S. designs at the Aberdeen Proving Ground from 1939 to 1943. 9780974272405, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 486 pages

The British Sten Manual Frank Iannamico There have been many books written on submachine guns but this one somewhat differs from those previously published. The book includes a brief history of the Sten, but it focuses mainly on the Sten’s use by modern shooters. Explained herein are tips on how to keep your Sten in top shooting condition: troubleshooting of problems, maintenance, wear points, spare parts, and the many accessories and parts available to enhance or improve the British Sten submachine gun. 9780982391884, $14.95, $9.99, paperback

Weapon Mounts for Secondary Armament G.O. Noville 1157 pages of wonderful, arcane, and useful knowledge about weapon mounts, both experimental and in use. Much of this information can be found nowhere else. 9780974272443, $69.95, $45.50, hardback


MODELING Camouflage and Decals No.4

Kari Stenman & Karolina Holda This booklet describes and illustrates the camouflage and markings of six Finnish WWII fighters. Photos and color profiles describe camouflage and markings in detail. It also includes high quality decals for these aircraft in 1/48 and 1/72 scale, produced by ModelMaker. 6 full sets of decals with stencils for: Hawker Hurricane I, HC-454 “4”, vänr. Orvo Helenius, 2/LeLv 26, 1943; Hawker Hurricane I, HC458 “8”, ltm. Aarne Arte, 1/LLv 10, 1941; Curtiss Hawk 75A-2, CU581 “1”, luutn. Veikko Evinen, 3/HLeLv 32, 1944; Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2, MT-201 “1”, maj. Eino Luukkanen, LeLv 34, 1943; Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2, MT213 “3”, ltm. Ilmari Juutilainen, 1/HLeLv 34, 1944; Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6, MT-435 “1”, ylikers. Urho Lehto, 1/HLeLv 34, 1944; and Bf 109 Finnish stencils, plus markings of other 14 Bf 109. 9788365281029, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 16 pages

Flight Craft 9: Avro Shackleton Neil Robinson & Martin Derry Initially projected as a maritime reconnaissance version of the Lincoln bomber, itself a development of the famous wartime Lancaster which saw post-war service in a General/Maritime Reconnaissance role, (see Flight Craft No 4), the Avro Shackleton, (named after the polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton) was a completely new design, powered by four Rolls Royce Griffon 57 engines driving six blade contra-rotating propellers. Split into three main sections, this latest Flight Craft title offers a concise history of the Shackleton’s development and operational career from the prototype and initial entry in to RAF service in 1951, and its use with the South African Air Force, the only other operator of the type. 9781473862630, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

Arado Ar 234 Blitz Vol. II Marek J. Murawski Tests with the Arado Ar 234 prototypes demonstrated that straight wings retained their good aerodynamic characteristics only at speeds below 800 kph. Near-supersonic flights demanded a completely new approach to wing geometry. Five variants of the wing were built, each differing in its sweep. Nevertheless, none of them was used in practice. The aircraft was destroyed in mid-April 1945 by advancing British troops as they captured the Dedelsdorf airbase. 9788364596650, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 120 pages

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•MODELING• Scale Plans No. 31. FIAT CR.42 Falco Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of FIAT CR.42 variants. 9788365281104, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Scale Plans No. 32. FMacchi C.200 Saetta Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 of Macchi C.200 Saetta variants. 9788365281111, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Scale Plans No. 24 Messerschmitt Bf 109E Dariusz Karnas Fold-out scale plans for 1/72, 1/48 and 1/38 scale modelers of all variants of the Bf 109E.The 109E first saw service with the ‘Condor Legion’ during the last phase of the Spanish Civil War and was the main variant from the beginning of World War II until mid-1941 when the 109F replaced it in the pure fighter role. 9788363678852, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Scale Plans No. 15 Polikarpov I-16 Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/72 1/48 and 1/32 of I-16 Soviet fighter. Versions: Type 10 and Type 24. Plans in 1/72, 1/48 & 1/32 scales 9788363678692, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Scale Plans No. 9 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 and G-6 Dariusz Karnas Scale plans in 1/48 and 1/32 of Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 & G-6 versions. Includes all subversions. 9788363678494, $11.99, $7.99, paperback, 12 pages

Republic P-47B-D Thunderbolt Razorback

Robert Pęczkowski This is the story of American famous heavy fighter aircraft.This book covers early Razorback versions, from P-47B to P-47D-22. It contains: Scale plans, photos, and drawings from Technical Manuals. Superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, walkaround color photographs, and black-and-white archive photographs are also included.This is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale air modelers. Contains: 1/72 scale plans; 30+ color profiles. 9788363678845, $39.00, $25.50, hardback, 148 pages

Mitsubishi A5M Claude Tadeusz Januszewski The Mitsubishi A5M, the Japanese Imperial Navy’s first metal monoplane fighter, was the creation of Jiro Horikoshi, father of the legendary A6M “Zero”. Labeled “Claude” in the Allies’ code, the A5M was a transitional fighter which marked in significant step in the development of the Japanese Navy’s air force during the early 1930s. This book contains a full technical history of the aircraft and all its variants from its prototype development and test flights in 1935 to its production and introduction in the Second Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1940. It is illustrated with photographs, color drawings and technical plans. This rarely documented aspect of World War Two aviation history is displayed here in superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, walk around color photographs and rare b/w archive photographs. It is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale air modelers. 9788391717806, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 80 pages

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•MODELING• Hawker Fury and Nimrod Alex Crawford The Hawker Fury was perhaps the most beautiful biplane fighter ever built, and was the RAF’s first aircraft capable of exceeding 200mph in level flight. Together with its naval counterpart, the Nimrod, the Fury served with many air forces right up until the beginning of WW2. In RAF service, the Fury sported all the highly colorful squadron markings of the day, and then went into camouflage as war approached. This book describes the design, development and service of the Fury and Nimrod, with all the forces that used them. It talks about a rarely documented aspect of World War Two aviation history. It features superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, walk-around color photographs and rare black and white archive photographs. It is an essential reading for aviation enthusiasts and scale aeromodelers. 9788389450418, $40.00, $26.50, paperback, 168 pages

North American A-36A Apache Przemyslaw Skulski The initial version of the famous P-51 Mustang to go into USAAF service was the dedicated fighterbomber variant, the A-36A “Apache”. This book describes and illustrates the design and development of this version of the most famous American WWII fighter. It contains: Scale plans, photos and drawings from technical manuals, superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, rare black and white archive photographs, and color photos of the preserved aircraft. It is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts and scale aeromodelers. 9788361421450, $27.00, $17.99, paperback, 160 pages

Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun Jan Forsgren The Messerschmitt Bf 108 Taifun was a German single-engine sports, touring and communications aircraft developed by Bayerische Flugzeugwerke. The experience gained by Messerschmitt in developing this aircraft led to the most important German fighter of World War II, the Messerschmitt Bf 109. By the outbreak of World War II, the Bf 108 was in widespread service with the Luftwaffe as a communications and ferry aircraft. Both pre- and postwar, the Bf 108 was a popular and widely used civil light aircraft. It is rofusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams from official manuals. Includes 1/72nd and 1/48th scale plans of all variants, and color profiles showing many of the colorful schemes applied to the bf 108 by its many users. 9788361421672, $27.00, $17.99, paperback, 112 pages


Douglas F3D Skyknight José Fernandez The F3D was designed as a carrier-based all-weather fighter aircraft. It saw service with the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps.While it never achieved the fame of the F-86 Sabre or other contemporary aircraft, it downed several MiG-15s as a night fighter over Korea with only one air-toair loss. It also served as an electronic warfare platform in the Vietnam War.The design, development and operations of these aircraft are described in detail, illustrated with many previously unpublished photos. Color schemes and markings are described and illustrated with full color profiles. Scale plans in 1/72nd and 1/48th. 9788361421702, $27.00, $17.99, paperback, 112 pages

Messerschmit Bf 109 F Robert Michulec This book covers the development of the ‘F’ variants of the most famous German WW2 fighter, the Messerschmitt Bf 109. Design, development, testing the prototypes and series production are all described and illustrated, covering all variants of the –F model of this iconic warplane. Contains: scale plans, photos and drawings from Technical Manuals, superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, rare b+w archive photographs, color photos of the preserved aircraft. Essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale aeromodelers. 9788361421757, $29.00, $18.99, paperback, 160 pages

Mitsubishi J2M Raiden (Jack) Robert Peczkowski This is the story of Japanese famous fighter aircraft. It contains: Scale plans; photos and drawings from Technical Manuals; superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, walk-around color photographs; and rare black-andwhite archive photographs. It is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale air modelers. 9788391632772, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 80 pages

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•MODELING• Mikoyan Gurevitch MiG-15 Dariusz Karnas This book is a true modeler’s reference, covering all aspects of the MiG-15 from production to service use in a concise and accessible way. The text description is well supported with line diagrams and photographs to highlight the many changes made over the production run of Russia’s first massed produced jet fighter. Details of Russian and license production in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and China, where unique variations occurred, are also provided. Amongst many tables in the book covering production lots, factories and the real value of this book are pages of detailed photographs and technical drawings. From fuselage to wings, tail, cockpit and armament, nothing is ignored. For anyone who plans to build a MiG-15 in scale form, and there have been many choices released in recent years, this book is an essential source of reference. 9788363678159, $40.00, $26.50, paperback, 180 pages

Lockheed F-104 Starfighter

Jaroslaw Dobrzyn ´ski An illustrated technical history of the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter supersonic interceptor and fighter-bomber. One of the Century Series of aircraft, it was operated by the air forces of more than a dozen nations from 1958 to 2004. The different versions of the plane, from the prototypes to the final export and license built versions are described and illustrated; all the changes in specification, equipment and performance are recorded. Drawings and data from the original technical manuals, full dimensional details and photographs of surviving examples preserved in aviation museums illustrate all aspects of the airframe, inside and out. Contemporary photographs and many pages of color illustrations complete the book's comprehensive coverage. About 40 color profiles. 9788363678395, $39.00, $25.50, paperback, 124 pages

Bristol Bulldog and Gloster Gauntlet Alex Craford This is the story of two of Britain’s most successful and popular inter-war (1930s) fighter aircraft. It contains: A complete and comprehensive history of the development & service of both types. It includes scale plans, photos and drawings from Technical Manuals, superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, walk-around color photographs of the sole surviving examples, and rare black-and-white archive photographs. It is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale air modelers. 9788389450043, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 144 pages

Lockheed P-38 J-L Lightning Robert Pęczkowski The P-38 was the only American fighter aircraft in production throughout American involvement in the war, from Pearl Harbor to VJ Day. With its unusual twin-boom design, this was one of the most distinctive fighters of WW2, and saw action in all theaters of the war, being especially effective in the Pacific area. This book describes the development of the later versions of this iconic warplane, with full technical details and many detail photos. Profusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams from official manuals. Includes 1/72nd and 1/48th scale plans, and color profiles showing many of the colorful schemes applied to the P-38 by its users. 9788361421696, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 112 pages

Messerschmitt Me 262 A Schwalbe Robert Peczowski An illustrated history of the evolution of the Me 262 A version of the famous World War Two jet fighter aircraft: Learn how the Me 262 A changed during production from, and how to recognize the different versions. Profusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams from official manuals. Includes 1/72nd and 1/48th scale plans, and color profiles showing many of the colorful schemes applied to the Me 262 by its users. 9788363678173, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 128 pages

Mitsubishi A6M Zero Artur Juszczak The illustrated technical history of the most famous Japanese warplane of World War Two. The different versions of the plane, from the 1940 prototypes to the final aircraft of 1945 are described and illustrated; all the changes in specification, equipment and performance are recorded. Drawings and data from the original technical manuals, full dimensional details and photographs of surviving examples preserved in aviation museums illustrate all aspects of the airframe, inside and out. Wartime photographs and many pages of color illustrations complete the book's comprehensive coverage. More than 30 color profiles. Profusely illustrated with photos, including a comprehensive walk-around section showing all aspects of the airframe, and diagrams from official manuals. Includes 1/72nd and 1/48th scale plans, and color profiles showing many of the colorful schemes applied to the ZERO by its users. 9788363678296, $39.00, $25.50, hardback, 128 pages

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MODELING • NAVAL & MARITIME Messerschmitt Bf 109 in Romania Teodor Liviu Morosanu & Teodor Liviu Morosanu 40+ color profiles of Messerschmitts Bf 109 E and Bf 109 G in the Romanian Air Force. This also includes plan views showing camouflage and markings. Includes one big profile 76 cm (30 inch) long. 9788365281050, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 48 pages

MiG-29 in PAF Marek Radomski More than 44 color profiles of Mikoyan MiG-29 in the Polish Air Force. This also shows markings of pervious users like East Germany, Germany, and the Czech Republic. Includes one big profile 76 cm (30 inch) long. 9788363678968, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 49 pages

Panzer IV on the Battlefield Craig Ellis Often referred to as a workhorse the PzKpfw IV is certainly not a glamorous beast but from North Africa to the Eastern front it was a ubiquitous fixture on the various battlefields of WWII. Using archive and original photographs to lay down a visual time line for this Panzer's development, the book takes a historical overview of this strategically important tank. Description and definition of all the different Ausfs are included both within the introduction and captions. It applies recent findings to the analysis and commentary of the photographs. These include the authors own research into unit specific stowage and factory production differences, which feature for the first time within the context of a monograph looking at the vehicles overall evolution. Information that should be invaluable to both historians and modelers. 9786158007214, $41.95, $27.50, hardback, 112 pages


Panzer Colours of III Reich Thierry Vallet This is a fascinating study of the evolution of German panzer colors and camouflage from prewar through to the end of the Second World War. This book will focus on colorful panzer profiles. Subjects include the prewar period (1927–1937), the Polish campaign, the Low Countries and France, North Africa, the Eastern front, the Campaign in Italy, the Western Front, and the Battle for Germany. 9788363678739, $35.00, $22.99, hardback, 48 pages

NAVAL & MARITIME Troubled Waters Nigel Sharp This is the story of how the Second World War affected leisure boating It includes stories of the people who managed to overcome huge difficulties to go sailing during the war itself; of the sailing and yacht clubs which survived bombings, requisitioning, and other problems, and still thrive today; of the yachting magazines which managed to continue to publish throughout the war; of the large numbers of leisure sailors made huge contributions to the war effort, and their extreme wartime experiences; of the boat building companies that produced huge numbers of essential military vessels; of the extraordinary number of privately owned boats that were requisitioned for war service; of the war prizes that would become known as the Windfall Yachts, and more. 9781445651606, $24.50, $15.99, paperback, 240 pages

U-Boat War Patrol Lawrence Paterson This unique account charts the complete story of a single U-boat patrol through the summer of 1942 based around a remarkable collection of photographs that were ‘liberated’ from a concrete U-boat pen in Brest at the end of the war and which had, until recently, remained hidden in a shoe box. The boat in question, U-564, carried the famous three black cat motif of Reinhard ‘Teddy’ Suhren. This remarkable book provides unique access into both the day-to-day life of a U-boat at sea and into the detailed workings of the Kriegsmarine. Through the successes and trials of U-564 the reader is transported to that vast and watery battlefield that was perhaps the most significant theater of the Second World War. 9781848327849, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

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NAVAL & MARITIME • POST-WORLD WAR II U-Boats of the Second World War Jak P. Mallmann Showell The legendary German U-boats wrought havoc throughout the oceangoing world during the Second World War. They plundered supply routes, enforced blockades, and were also very effective in combat against Allied warships. That they did this against massive odds, under close scrutiny from the air forces and navies of the various Allied powers, is well known. This story is far more than that, however. It concentrates on how the U-boats existed, each carrying up to 60 crew in cramped conditions. It looks at how the crews survived, how they lived and died, and how they were able to carry out their missions in such difficult circumstances. From initial success to eventual failure, this is a remarkable story of endurance, courage, and comradeship. 9781781551028, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 240 pages

German U-Boat Losses During World War II Axel Niestlé No other publication on this subject comes even close to including the amount of detail provided in this book. The main part of the book lists by hull number each U-boat's date of commissioning, its commanding officer, and the date and port of departure for its last patrol. It also gives the date, position, and cause of loss of each submarine, with complete details on Allied units involved in the sinking, the names and ranks of their commanding officers and pilots, and the number of crew killed or rescued. An appendix neatly summarizes data on the disposition of surviving U-boats at the end of the war and provides valuable statistical data on German Uboat losses. 9781848322103, $39.95, $25.99, paperback, 320 pages

Swastikas in the Arctic Jak P. Mallmann Showell During the Second World War, the Arctic saw an unusually high intensity of action, adventure, excitement and tragedy, and this book describes the German military activities in that harsh frozen hell. Based mainly on original logs, the bare facts have been fleshed out with help from veterans and researchers from the United States, Iceland, Britain, Norway, Germany, and Russia. This has made it possible to describe some of the now forgotten battles, the secret Uboat activities, the German struggle to broadcast essential weather data to Berlin and the incredible surface ship activity that forced Britain to launch major offensives against heavy odds. Gloriously illustrated with many unpublished photographs, this is a thrilling account of a war fought in very difficult circumstances. 9781781552926, $32.95, $22.99, hardback, 240 pages

POST-WORLD WAR II Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1956 Suez War, 29 October-8 November 1956

Shlomo Aloni By participating in 1956 Suez Crisis Israel exploited an opportunity to join forces with France and the United Kingdom in an attack against Egypt in order to accomplish diplomatic, military, and political objectives. Operation KADESH was the Israeli part in the Anglo-French attack and this title chronicles Israeli Air Force operations along the timeline of Operation KADESH – from day 1 on 29 October 1956 until day 11 on 8 November 1956 – in thus far unmatched depth and detail. All known Israel Air Force missions and sorties are listed and described and all air combats between Israeli Mysteres and Egyptian MiGs and Vampires are presented and analyzed.The text is supported by numerous photographs and color profiles. 9781910294123, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 80 pages

Israeli Air Force Operations in the 1948 War Shlomo Aloni Operation HOREV – the Israeli offensive from December 1948 until January 1949 – practically ended Israel’s War for Independence, with an Israeli victory that forced Egypt to seek ceasefire and to negotiate a settlement. From HOREV Day 1 on 23 December 1948 until HOREV Day 16 on 7 January 1949, this title presents Israeli Air Force missions during Operation HOREV in heretofore unseen depth and detail. Israel Air Force operations are detailed spanning the timeline of the conflict down to every unearthed sortie in depth, and shown in a way that operations during Operation HOREV had never been presented before. This level of detail has been made possible by extensive use of contemporary documentation.The detailed text is supported by numerous photographs and color profiles. 9781910294116, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 72 pages

Iranian Tigers at War Babak Taghvaee The development of the F-5 lightweight supersonic fighter in the mid 1950s ultimately resulted in one of most commercially successful combat aircraft in modern history. This breathtaking account provides a detailed chronological history of the F-5 in combat service in Iran. It is completed with practically unknown stories of their combat presence in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the war against drug traffickers in recent years. The author's detailed text is fully supported by an extensive selection of photographs and color profiles. 9781910294130, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 72 pages

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•POST-WORLD WAR II• The British Army Guide 2016–2017 Charles Heyman This invaluable information resource which deals with all aspects of British Army organization, recruitment and training has been extremely popular with service personnel, the defense industry, military libraries, and other groups who are interested in the British Army worldwide. Chapters include a defense Overview; Army Organization; International Commitments; armor, Infantry, Artillery, Army Aviation, Engineers, Communications and Combat Service Support; Units of the Army; Recruiting and Training; Reserve Forces plus a final Miscellaneous Chapter which deals with a number of items essential to understanding how the British Army functions on a daily basis. Lavishly illustrated throughout, there is no comparable publication available on the market. 9781473845473, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 208 pages

Modern Israeli Air Power Ofer Zidon Israel remains the cornerstone of Middle East conflicts and tensions, and the spearhead of Israeli military might remain the Air Corps (Kheil Ha’Avir) of the Israeli Defense Forces. The Israeli Air Force has recently been moving away from preparations for interstate wars towards improving its potential to wage asymmetric conflicts, counterinsurgency campaigns, and special operations. This book provides a compact yet comprehensive, up-to-date, and in-depth analysis and directory of modern Israeli air power, detailing flying units and relevant infrastructure, its aircraft and the armament they use. Using text and superb illustrations, the title covers every flying unit and every base, every aircraft type flown and every weapons system, offering a unique insight into what Israel considers its ‘best defense’. 9780985455422, $65.00, $35.99, paperback, 256 pages

Syrian Conflagration Tom Cooper The Syrian Civil War has experienced an entirely unexpected transformation during its first two years. It started as unrest within the Syrian population and a series of mass demonstrations within the context of wider protest movements, known as the Arab Spring. The government of Syria deployed the full force of its military, its intelligence apparatus, and para-military groups, launching an unprecedented crackdown that resulted in the arrest, detention, and killing of many thousands. Despite its brutality, this effort backfired: it provoked mass desertions of the Syrian military and then an armed uprising. 9781910294109, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 80 pages


Special Forces in Action Alexander Stilwell In 1991, Coalition Special Forces were active deep inside Iraq, hunting down SCUD missile launchers before they could be fired. In 2011, US Navy SEALs were responsible for the assassination of the world’s most wanted terrorist, Osama bin Laden. In 2014, the US Delta Force captured Libyan terrorist Ahmed Abu Khattala, wanted for the attack on the US embassy in Benghazi in 2012. Over the last 25 years elite military formations have played an increasingly important role in the policing of the world’s trouble spots.This is a detailed account of the operations of the world’s Special Forces from 1991 to the present day. It brings the reader full details of the often clandestine and varied roles of the world’s elite soldiers. 9781782742548, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 224 pages

Biafra’s War 1967–1970 Al J.Venter Almost half a century has passed since the Nigerian Civil War ended. But memories die hard, because a million or more people perished in that internecine struggle, the majority women and children, who were starved to death. Biafra’s war was was based largely on ethnic, by inference, tribal grounds. It involved, on the one side, a largely Christian or animist southeastern quadrant of Nigeria which called itself Biafra, pitted militarily against the country’s more populous and preponderant Islamic north. This book is an important contribution towards understanding Nigeria’s ethnic divisions, which are no better today than they were then. Biafra was the first of a series of religious wars that threaten to engulf much of Africa. 9781910294697, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 320 pages

The Equus Men Alexandre Binda This all new work tells the remarkable story of Rhodesia’s mounted infantry, the Grey’s Scouts. Working closely with the last commanding officer, squadron commanders and a whole host of regimental personalities, all of whom have given The Equus Men their unequivocal support, Binda has enjoyed unparalleled access to thousands of pages of archival documents and many hundreds of previously unpublished photographs. Here, he has traced the Grey’s from their early origins in the Matabele Rebellion of 1896, through to the formation of the Animal Transport Unit. With its informative text and rich profusion of photographs, this is a remarkable story, and one that is ever more relevant, given recent mounted and packhorse operations conducted by British and US Special Forces in Afghanistan. 9781910294048, $99.95, $64.99, hardback, 288 pages

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Redlegs John P Langellier This volume in the popular G.I. series illustrates a muchneglected aspect of American military history – the U.S. Army artillerymen, named redlegs after the red stripes on their trousers. The photographs, most of them rarely seen in other sources, range from the Civil War and the campaigns against the American Indians through to the Spanish-American War. Artillery was a vital arm and proved its worth in all of these diverse theaters of war; artillerymen served as part of mobile columns, in sieges and blockades, and as garrisons in remote frontier forts. 9781848328112, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

Lost Battlefields of Wales Martin Hackett This book takes us on a journey through the military history of Wales, looking at the armies involved and the weapons they used. It covers the length and breadth of the country, examining in detail twenty-four battles that have shaped the history of Wales, beginning with the guerrilla campaigns of the Celts against the Romans, through the great rebellions of the Llywelyns and Owain Glyndwr against the English invaders. The book is completed by the English Civil War and the French invasion of Fishguard during the Napoleonic Wars. Profusely illustrated throughout with maps and photographs, this book brings to life these forgotten milestones of Welsh history, many of which are truly lost battlefields without memorials to commemorate their turbulent past. 9781445655222, $20.00, $13.50, paperback, 288 pages

Lethality in Combat Tom Lewis Lethality in Combat shines a blazing light on the three most controversial aspects of military combat: the necessity of killing; the taking, or not, of prisoners; and the targeting of civilians. This book argues that when a nation-state sends its soldiers to fight, the state must accept the full implications of this, uncomfortable as they may be. Drawing on seven conflicts - the Boer War, World Wars I and II, and the wars in Korea,Vietnam, the Falklands and Iraq - the author considers these ethical issues. 9781921941511, $29.95, $19.50, Hardback, 368 pages


A History of Jungle Warfare Bryan Perrett & General Sir Walter Walker KCB, CBE, DSO A world where little light penetrates, of dense vegetation, tangled roots, fetid mud and swamps, where the helicopter, sophisticated weaponry, and technology have revolutionized military combat, but where survival still depends on acute observation and listening for the slightest sound – the jungle. This is the backdrop to one of the most grueling of all forms of warfare, including wars that in recent times have changed the course of history. That is the subject of this expert, extensively illustrated study by Bryan Perrett. Originally published to acclaim in 1990 by Patrick Stephens Limited, this re-issue represents a determination on the publisher's part to keep this esteemed volume in print. 9781473847538, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 208 pages

SAS: Secret War in South East Asia Peter Dickens From 1963 to 1966, Britain successfully waged a secret war to keep the Federation of Malaysia free from domination by Soekarno's Indonesia and Chinese Communists. At the forefront of this campaign were the men of the Special Air Service – the SAS – an elite branch of the British military whose essence is secrecy and whose tools are boldness, initiative, surprise, and high skill. This book recreates what it was really like to fight in the jungles of Malaysia. It also captures the bravery and relentless pursuit of excellence that make the SAS the elite and prestigious regiment it is. 9781473855991, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 304 pages

Small Wars and their Influence on Nation States William Urban After 1500, European warfare was repeatedly revolutionized by new weapons, new methods for supplying armies in the field, improved fortifications, and new tactics. This allowed empires to grow, with the Ottomans expanding into the Middle East and Africa, Britain dominating India, and Russia conquering the steppe. The dynamics of resistance to this expansion were remarkably similar to what we see today in ISIS, Afghan and Pakistani Talibans, and various jihadist groups that are more tribal than Islamist. Such resistance continues to be met by world powers who misunderstand the motives of the people that take up arms against them. However, there are some methods that work better than others. The failures and successes of the past can help us now and in the future. 9781473837928, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 288 pages

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•REFERENCE• Kubelwagen Schwimmwagen Chris McNab Designed by Ferdinand Porsche and built by Volkswagen, the Type 82 Kübelwagen and amphibious cousin 128/166 Schwimmwagen were kind to the Germans that the Jeep was the Allies and were widely used during World War II, the depths of winter the eastern front in the searing heat of the Libyan desert. Reliability and simplicity were key to their success.This legendary reputation forged during the war persisted thereafter: prized by collectors of military vehicles around the world, it is searched and restored.This book describes the development and detailed design and functionality, including mechanical level. A feedback on driving and operational maintenance describes the behavior of Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen in combat. Includes over 250 period photographs, technical drawings, and detailed views of restored copies. 9782352503859, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 160 pages

Panzerwrecks 19

Lee Archer & Bojan Dimitrijevic How did partisans improve the firepower of the Somua S35? And where did it end up? Who was ambushed at Vukov Klanac? What vehicles did they lose? Why did a German Panzer unit pose as Allied tankers? Where did the Yugoslav Army collect and overhaul captured German AFVs? The answers to these and other questions are to be found here in Panzerwrecks 19, with 151 rare and unpublished large format photographs sourced from around the world. 9781908032126, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 96 pages

British Concentration Camps Simon Webb For many of us, the very expression ‘Concentration Camp’ is inextricably linked to Nazi Germany and the horrors of the Holocaust.The idea of British concentration camps is a strange and unsettling one. It was however the British, rather than the Germans, who were the chief driving force behind the development and use of concentration camps in the Twentieth Century.This book tells the terrible story of Britain’s involvement in the use of concentration camps, which did not finally end until the last political prisoners being held behind barbed wire in the United Kingdom were released in 1975. From England to Cyprus, Scotland to Malaya, Kenya to Northern Ireland; this book details some of the most shocking and least known events in British history. 9781473846296, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

Distant Thunder Alejandro M de Quesada The twentieth century was a time of near total transformation of artillery. The U.S. Army was at the forefront of these developments. American troops fighting the Spanish in Cuba during the Spanish-American War were equipped with the 1885-model field gun; nearly a century later American troops fielded an array of accurate, advanced and precise weapons systems during the Gulf War. This unique pictorial history examines the weapons and the equipment utilized by American troops along with the uniforms and insignia of U.S. artillerymen. It looks at field artillery, coastal artillery, anti-aircraft and a diverse array of modern missile types and systems.This is a useful guide to a crucial part of America’s twentieth-century armed forces and offers valuable insights into the evolving world of modern artillery. 9781848328082, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 72 pages

The History of the Green Howards Geoffrey Powell & John S W Powell Regimental histories abound, but few can be as stirring as this story of the fortunes of the famous Yorkshire-based Green Howards. Raised in 1688 in response to a call for loyal troops, the Green Howards have maintained their tradition of loyalty over the past 300 years winning many superb battle honors. Their history reflects that of the British Army as there is hardly a major campaign that this Regiment has not been involved in; the French Wars of 1697–1793, the American War of Independence, Crimean War, First and Second World Wars, service in Suez, Malaya, Northern Ireland, peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and the war in the Gulf. This book brings the story of one of Britain's finest regiments right up to date. 9781473857964, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 320 pages

Desert Warfare Bryan Perrett & Field Marshal Lord Carver GCB, CBE, DSO, MC Approximately one-fifth of the earth's surface consists of desert, and throughout history these arid regions have witnessed some of the world’s most decisive battles. Here, Bryan Perrett gives an absorbing account of desert conflicts from the first century BC to more contemporary conflicts such as those in Iran and Iraq. As he demonstrates, acclimatization and familiarization with the day-to-day problems of desert life are vital not only to teach troops how to protect themselves and their equipment, but also to bring them to terms with the harsh environment.The desert does not compromise, and battles fought there result in total victory or total defeat, often at horrific cost. 9781473847453, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

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Canister on Fire Bruce Cameron This book tells the remarkable, but little known story of Australian tanks in the Vietnam War. Based on twelve years of research, including personal letters and diaries, extensive searches of official records, and numerous interviews, it tells the story of a select group of soldiers, both regular and conscript, serving their country against all odds.The 53 ton Centurion tanks were not only involved in intense fighting in conjunction with infantry to capture enemy defenses and defeat attacks, but also fought their own battles against enemy mines, ambushes, and an unforgiving terrain and climate.The account also reveals how the mechanics beat overwhelming challenges to maintain the twenty-year-old tanks, while the field engineers risked their lives protecting them against mines. 9781921941993, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 940 pages

Da Nang Diary Thomas R.Yarborough This classic work has now been revised and updated with 50,000 words of additional narrative and previously unpublished photos. It is the story of how, in Vietnam, an elite group of Air Force pilots fought a secret air war in Cessna 0-2 and OV-10 Bronco prop planes—flying as low as they could get.The eyes and ears of the fast-moving jets who rained death and destruction down on enemy positions, the Forward Air Controller made an art form out of an air strike. In this work, the reader flies in the cockpit alongside Yarborough in his adrenaline-pumping chronicle of heroism, danger and wartime brotherhood. Here is the dedication, courage and skill of the fliers who took the war into the enemy's backyard. 9781612002200, $32.95, $21.99, hardback, 376 pages

Fire Support Bases Vietnam Bruce Picken This is a meticulous documentation of the construction, location, and role of fire support bases during the Vietnam War, compiled by Vietnam veteran Bruce Picken. Often makeshift bases hacked out of primary jungle, these artillery gun areas provided essential support to infantry field units during operations in South Vietnam. In its simplest sense, a fire support base was an often hastily constructed fortified artillery base position, usually sited forward close to the center of the area of operations in support of task force, battalion or company operations. 9781921941542, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 500 pages

Long Tan Harry Smith On the afternoon of 18 August 1966, a group of Viet Cong soldiers walked into the right flank of Delta Company, 6 RAR. Under a blanket of mist and heavy monsoon rain, amid the mud and shattered rubber trees, a dispersed Company of 108 men held its ground with courage and grim determination against a three-sided attack from a force of 2,500 Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army troops.This is more than just an account of a historic battle. Harry Smith takes his readers on an extraordinary journey - one that ultimately reveals a remarkable cover-up at the highest military and political echelons. It portrays the wrenching, visceral experience of a man who has fought lifelong battles, in a story that he is only now able to tell. 9781922132321, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 352 pages

Training the Bodes Terry Smith By the end of 1971, the hastily raised, poorly trained Cambodian army had suffered a string of defeats and heavy casualties. A small group of Australians, which never numbered more than 30 officers, warrant officers and noncommissioned officers of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, helped train 27 light infantry battalions of the Cambodian army in South Vietnam during 1972.The story of these few men is told against the background of the war in South Vietnam, and in particular Phuoc Tuy province, as both sides fought to secure villages and hamlets during 1972, before the Peace Accords being negotiated in Paris to end the war were signed. It is an interesting and valuable book that tells a moving story. 9781921941016, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 224 pages


Verdun: The Left Bank Christina Holstein This new and enthralling study is the first detailed work in English of a largely unknown period of the Battle of Verdun. It considers the background to the battle and casts light on the first three critical months of fighting there. It explains the decision to change the original German plan for the Verdun offensive and extend the action to the Left Bank of the River Meuse. Using only original French and German sources the author describes the fighting on the Left Bank and follows the German offensive as it slowly pushed forward.The book contains over 150 photographs, most of which have never been published before and which show the startling traces that remain of the longest battle of the First World War. 9781473827035, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 192 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Fort Vaux Christina Holstein The bitter fight for Fort Vaux is one of the most famous episodes in the Battle of Verdun - it has achieved almost legendary status in French military history.The heroic resistance put up by the fort’s commander, Major Raynal, and his small, isolated garrison in the face of repeated German assaults was remarkable at the time, and it is still seen as an outstanding example of gallantry and determination. In this precise, accessible account, Christina Holstein reconstructs the fight for the fort in graphic day-by-day detail. Readers get a vivid sense of the sequence of events, of the intense experience of the defenders and a wider understanding of the importance of Fort Vaux in the context of the German 1916 offensive. 9781848843578, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 192 pages

Fort Douaumont Christina Holstein This fully revised second edition of Christina Holstein’s acclaimed Battleground guide to Fort Douaumont will be essential reading for students of the Battle of Verdun, for visitors to the battlefield, and for anyone who is interested in the history of twentieth-century fortifications. Using both French and German sources, it introduces the reader to the fortress system around Verdun, explains the construction, reinforcement, and armament of Fort Douaumont and describes its surprise capture by the Germans. Its loss was a terrible blow to French morale and their repeated attempts to retake the fort are portrayed in graphic detail.This invaluable, and now fully up-to-date, Battleground guide gives a compelling insight into the brutal nature of the struggle – and into the soldiers who took part in it. 9781848843455, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 192 pages

Verdun 1916 William F. Buckingham Fought on the heights above the town of the same name on the River Meuse east of Paris, the Battle of Verdun lasted for the ten months, double the length of the Battle of the Somme.The initial bombardment lasted for nine hours and pumped 80,000 shells onto the French trench line, while on the ground the initial attack saw the combat debut of storm troop tactics and the man-pack flame thrower. The result was almost 200 square kilometers of ground that had been blasted and poisoned into a virtual desert by explosives and gas. Post-war, the French authorities simply planted thousands of coniferous trees and left it to the elements. Illustrated with over fifty color photographs of the battlefield today and contemporary images of the battle. 9781445641089, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 368 pages

Walking Verdun Christina Holstein On 21 February 1916 the German Fifth Army launched a devastating offensive against French forces at Verdun and set in motion one of the most harrowing and prolonged battles of the Great War. By the time the struggle finished ten months later, over 650,000 men had been killed or wounded or were missing and the terrible memory of the battle had been etched into the histories of France and Germany.This epic trial of military and national strength cannot be properly understood without visiting, and walking, the battlefield, and this is the purpose of this invaluable guide. A series of walks takes the reader to all the key points on the battlefield, many of which have attained almost legendary status. 9781844158676, $25.99, $16.99, paperback, 176 pages

Crossing the Wire French Army at Verdun Ian Sumner In four and a half years of fighting on the Western Front during the First World War a few battles stand out from the rest. For the French, the Battle of Verdun was one of the greatest of these.The selection of contemporary photographs in this volume show the strained, sometimes shocked faces of the soldiers, record the shattered landscape in which they fought, and give us an insight into the sheer intensity of the fighting.The battle has been portrayed as a triumph of French tenacity and heroism that is encapsulated in the famous phrase ‘They shall not pass’. 9781473856158, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages


David Coombes The experiences of Australian prisoners of war (POWs) or Kriegsgefangeners held captive in Germany has been largely forgotten or ignoredovershadowed by the terrible stories of Australians imprisoned by the Japanese during World War I.Yet the stories are interesting and significant - not only providing an account of what those young Australian soldiers experienced, but also for the insight it provides into Germany in the last eighteen months of the war. Drawing on previously inaccessible records, Coombes focuses on the 4th Infantry from its formation in 1914, through Gallipoli, to its baptism of fire on the Western Front, culminating in the first battle of Bullecourt - which, in turn, leads to the prisoner of war experience. 9780987057419, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 416 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Bloody Paralyser Rob Langham The First World War saw tremendous technological advancements, especially in the world of aviation.The first twoengine Handley Page bomber flew in 1915, and the Handley Page O/100 and O/400 bombers flew operational missions over Germany and German-occupied Europe as well as further afield for almost two years of the war. The contribution of these machines and the men that flew and operated them is largely forgotten today, with a lot of focus being given to the seemingly more glamorous single-seat scout pilots.This book aims to try and redress the balance and tell the story of the ‘Bloody Paralyser’ airplanes and their crews. 9781781550809, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 192 pages

The Home Front David Bilton Many books have looked at the effect of the war on the Home Front, but this is the first book to take a glimpse at the Home Front photographically from an international point of view, covering both Allied and enemy countries, juxtaposing the same situations in different countries. This book chronicles the changes brought on by just a few months of war: spies, increased casualties, food shortages, changes in work patterns, the shortage of men in the work force, women at work, and at the end of the year, the slow rush in Britain to volunteer for the army. It also looks at the Home Front for those caught behind enemy lines where life was both Spartan, potentially dangerous, and subject to the whim of the victor. 9781473833715, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 368 pages

The Kings of the Air Ian Sumner In comparison to their British and German counterparts, the French airmen of the Great War are not well known.Yet their aerial exploits were just as remarkable, and their contribution to the war effort on the Western Front was equally important.That is why Ian Sumner’s vivid history of the men of the French air force during the war is of such value. He tells their story using the words of the pioneering pilots and observers themselves, drawn from memoirs, diaries, letters, and contemporary newspapers, magazines and official documents. The recollections of the airmen give an authentic portrait of their role and their wartime careers. 9781783463381, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 248 pages

Call to Arms - Over By Christmas David Bilton In recent years the Home Front has been acknowledged for the essential part it played in the successful prosecution of the war for the Allies. Each of the warring states reacted in its own ways to the demands of war.This book provides a fully illustrated account of every aspect of the civilian war. Much of it is based around the experiences of Hull and Reading, showing that the experience of war was equally as hard and banal for both.The illustrations are usefully grouped into themes allowing the reader to compare life in different countries.What makes this book unique is that it is not only a home front history of Britain, but also a history of the warring nations and the neutral countries affected. 9781473833722, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 368 pages

An Illustrated Introduction to The First World War Phil Carradice 2014 marked the hundredth anniversary of the First World War, one of the most profound events in human history. People across the world commemorate the fighting and mourn the countless losses every year, eager to ensure that no such tragedy befalls humanity again.This wonderfully illustrated, accessible introduction to the First World War is presented chronologically and breaks down how the war started and how events unfolded, incorporating elements as varied as the poetry and correspondence of those serving to the technological developments that helped make the First World War the first 'modern' war. 9781445632964, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

The Great War Illustrated 1915 William Langford & Jack Holroyd This is the second in a series of five titles, which cover each year of the war graphically. Countless thousands of pictures were taken by photographers on all sides during the First World War.This book includes in its pages many rarely seen images. It covers the 1915 Gallipoli campaign and the battles that commenced on the Western Front that year. Some images will be familiar – many will be seen for the first time by a new generation interested in the war that changed the world forever. With over 1,000 painstakingly restored images, this will be a definitive picture reference book on 1915 and will appeal to enthusiasts, collectors and student of the period alike. 9781473823969, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 368 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• The Germans in Flanders 1917–1918 David Bilton This book covers the battles in Flanders against the Belgians, French, and British over a 23month period.Written using primary and secondary sources, it covers all the engagements.The major part of the book covers the FlandernSchlacht of July to November 1917; a battle viewed by the Germans as harder fought and more costly than the Somme, Arras and Verdun. Each phase and aspect of the period is detailed from the German point of view. It is in four sections, with detailed text; around 250 photos (that are interspersed into the text with captions), a chronological order of events in Flanders, and a section on the German divisions that fought there. 9781848846500, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 176 pages

The Germans in Flanders 1914–1915 David Bilton The book follows in photographs, captions, and text the German Army’s presence in Flanders from its arrival in September 1914 until the summer of 1916. It looks at the Kaiser’s Army’s battles with the French, Belgians and British, concentrating mostly on the latter and the battles for Ypres (1st Ypres – 1914 and 2nd Ypres – 1915 and the gas attacks). Each phase and aspect of the period is described from the German point of view using primary and secondary sources from both Germany and Britain. The illustrations provide an illustrative background in both a specific and general form, highlighting life in the frontline as well as rear areas. Most of the illustrations have never been published. 9781848844452, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

The Germans in Flanders 1915–1916 David Bilton The book covers the actions of the German Army in the Low Countries during 1915 and 1916. It looks at the battles with the French, Belgians, and British, concentrating mostly on the latter. Both 1915 and 1916 were very active years for the Central Powers and the Allies. After a quiet start with minor fighting April 1915 saw gas attacks against Hill 60, followed by 2nd Ypres.There was also considerable naval and air activity through the year. 1916 was arguably the most dramatic year of the War, not least for the Allied Somme offensive.The illustrations provide a pictorial background, highlighting life in the front-line as well as rear areas and show how the War affected the towns and villages of the region. 9781848848788, $29.99, $19.50, paperback, 176 pages


Hull in the Great War David Bilton The outbreak of war in 1914 aroused an enthusiasm in Hull, and within the first six months 20,000 local men had enlisted. Hull was also attacked by Zeppelins and it raised its own Pals Battalions.This book looks at how the experience of war impacted the city, from the initial enthusiasm for sorting out the German Kaiser in time for Christmas 1914, to the gradual realization of the enormity of human sacrifice the families of Hull were committed to as the war stretched out over the next four years. Men serving in the armed forces were scattered far and wide. Extracts from contemporary letters reveal their heroism and give insights into what it was like under battle conditions. 9781473823143, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 176 pages

Hull Pals David Bilton In response to Kitchener’s famous call for a million volunteers, local communities raised entire battalions for the service on the Western Front. Hull folk are reticent people and the Hull Pals were no exception. This book tells their inspiring story of sacrifice and gallantry under appalling conditions. Hull Pals contains a great number of hitherto unpublished eye-witnessed accounts and photographs. 9781783461851, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 264 pages

The Home Front in the Great War David Bilton The Great War was the first in our history to have a deep impact on every aspect of civilian life. In an overdue attempt to portray the real effect of the War on life at home, David Bilton examines all the major events of the period and charts their effect on everyday life for those trying to live a normal existence. Examples are the air raids by Zeppelins and aircraft, rationing and shortages, recruitment, changes in employment habits, censorship. Extensive use is made of personal accounts and the author draws on many photographs, newspaper and magazine material and ephemera to make this very informative and atmospheric. 9781783461776, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 256 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• The Home Front Scott Christopher Lomax The First World War saw many changes to Derbyshire that helped shape what the county is today. This book details the human experiences, thoughts, concerns, fears and hopes of the county during one the most important periods of its history. All aspects of civilian life are featured, including the run up to war and the reaction to its outbreak; the recruitment of men to the forces and the eventual conscription; the efforts of those who could not fight; industry and the munitions factories, where workers built the weapons and tools that helped win the war; food shortages and rationing; the role of women; and much more. For the first time in its history, the people of Derbyshire realized that the horrors of war were not confined to overseas battles. 9781473834408, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 224 pages

They Didn’t Want to Die Virgins Bruce Cherry That the soldier could find the time, inclination, and indeed partners to enjoy a sex life amidst the mud and carnage is often a revelation even to those who are Great War Western Front experts.This meticulously researched study examines the soldiers’ sex life in detail, exploring its impact on morale and placing it the context of both prewar civilian morality and the army’s historic policy on sex. Noting that it ‘takes two tango’, the book looks at the socio-demographics and motives of the women involved and the workings and economics of the ‘Red Lamp’ army-regulated brothels. Careful not to denigrate the memory of the men who served and died, and avoiding sensationalism, hyperbole, or tabloid-style copy, the author paints a vivid picture of the seedier aspects of line behind the front while arguing its positive impact on morale. 9781910777701, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 256 pages

Get Tough Stay Tough Kenneth Radley Originality shines through in this book, the work reflecting wide and thorough research, sound analysis, first-class and engaging writing, and a fascinating rendering of the temper of Canadian and British fighting men of the time.The primary focus is the infantry, which bore the brunt of the fighting, with particular emphasis on junior officers and ordinary soldiers, these being the men most closely engaged and the men who endured and suffered the most. In short, it provides a unique perspective and a valuable assessment of the complex elements that contributed to the development and performance of a great fighting corps. 9781909982864, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 424 pages

‘A Moonlight Massacre’The Night Operation on the Passchendaele Ridge, 2 December 1917 Michael LoCicero The Third Battle of Ypres was officially terminated by Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig with the opening of the Battle of Cambrai on 20 November 1917. A comparatively unknown setpiece was launched twelve days later.This volume is a necessary corrective to previously published campaign narratives of what has become popularly known as ‘Passchendaele’. It examines the course of events from the mid-November decision to sanction further offensive activity in the vicinity of Passchendaele village, to the barren operational outcome that forced British GHQ to halt the attack within ten hours of Zero. 9781909982925, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 432 pages

Mud, Blood and Determination Simon Peaple This groundbreaking modern history of the 46th (North Midland) Division draws upon a vast array of largely neglected sources from a variety of archives, and challenges some comfortable assumptions.The overall theme is how the ordinary Tommies of 46th Division learnt to fight more effectively and ultimately stormed the Hindenburg Line. All previous large-scale studies have focused on elite units, but this book follows this un-fancied, often belittled, division along the learning curve of the British Army. It therefore develops the view put forward in studies of the Canadian Corps, and reflected in modern biographies of leading commanders, that the British Army gradually developed the system of “bite and hold”. 9781910294666, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 240 pages

Courage Without Glory Spencer Jones The year 1915 was one of unprecedented challenges for the British Army. Short of manpower, firepower and experience, the army needed time to adapt before it could hope to overcome the formidable German defenses of the Western Front.Yet the insistent demands of coalition warfare required immediate and repeated action.The result was a year of disappointments, setbacks and costly fighting.This book offers a fresh and insightful evaluation of the experience of the British Army through a series of thematic essays examining the strategic, operational, tactical and logistical problems that shaped the fighting.This book will be of great interest to anyone who studies the First World War, and of particular value to those who seek a greater understanding of the British Army of the era. 9781910777183, $59.95, $38.99, hardback, 464 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Dartford in the Great War Stephen John Wynn Dartford was a hive of activity during the Great War years, with most residents aiding the war effort in whatever way that they could. For men that meant enlisting in the armed forces, and for women, taking up roles that previously belonged to men. Nearby, there was a large munitions factory in the town, which maintained a large yet productive, mostly female, workforce to ensure it met the ever-increasing demand for shells and bullets and, throughout the town, hospitals to care for the wounded servicemen.This book covers how Dartford endured thirty-seven German air raids. It is a meticulous and compelling account of this town and its dedicated people, who sacrificed so much in their effort to thrive in one history’s most difficult periods. 9781473827905, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 176 pages

Gloucester in the Great War Derek Tait When news of the war broke out in 1914, nothing could prepare the citizens of Gloucester for the changes that would envelop their city over the next four years.The story of Gloucester in the First World War is both an interesting and intriguing one.The city played a key role in the deployment of troops to Northern Europe as well as supplying vital munitionsBy the end of the conflict, there wasn't a family in Gloucester who hadn’t lost a son, father, nephew, uncle or brother.This powerful account of a city that showed great courage and determination in a time of adversity ensures that Gloucester's people, who lived through the four intense years of conflict, are remembered for their immense contribution the war effort. 9781473828070, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 144 pages

Kitchener’s New Army Edgar Wallace & Campbell McCutcheon In August 1914, after almost a decade of sabre-rattling, arms races and localized wars, Europe erupted into the greatest conflict man had ever seen. Britain’s small peacetime army was no match for the millions of soldiers that Germany and Austro-Hungary could muster, and Lord Kitchener was almost a lone voice demanding that Britain mobilize. His recruiting drive, etched into our memories by Alfred Leete’s ‘Your Country Needs You’ recruiting poster, saw the formation of over fifty ‘Pals’ regiments, as well as regiments based on occupation and even schooling.This book tells us how this volunteer army was trained, and it is profusely illustrated with views. It also has a new introduction looking back at how this volunteer army changed the face of Britain for ever. 9781445622927, $28.50, $18.99, paperback, 256 pages

Into Battle E W Parker Written well over 90 years ago while the experiences of youth were still fresh in the author’s mind, this is the story of a seventeen-year-old boy from the time he joined Kitchener’s Army, as one of the first hundred thousand in 1914, until he found himself in hospital - an officer with the Military Cross recovering from his last wound, on the day of the Armistice, 11 November, 1918. In no way a formal record of the great and terrible events it describes, this is a purely personal, almost private, account. Interspersed with moments of pity and humor, it is a record, which in its details, direct simplicity, and manner of telling, comes nearer to the truth than many more ambitious accounts. 9781781591550, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 112 pages

Kitchener’s Army Grimsby in the Great War Stephen Wade Grimsby in the Great War is a detailed account of how the experience of war impacted on the seaside town of Grimsby from the outbreak of the Great War in 1914, to the long-awaited peace of 1918. Grimsby and Cleethorpes were among the most vulnerable and exposed British towns in August 1914 when the Great War broke out.Written into the greater story are the achievements of the Grimsby Chums and the other regiments containing Grimsby men, and the amazing story of the Home Front experience.Throughout this compelling book, Stephen Wade documents the town’s remarkable stories of heroism, determination and resolution in the face of the immensity of the war and its seemingly endless tests and trials of Grimsby’s mettle. 9781473834262, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 128 pages


Peter Simkins Britain’s army in the First World War was the biggest in the country’s history. Remarkably, nearly half those men who served in it were volunteers. 2,466,719 men enlisted between August 1914 and December 1915, many in response to the appeals of the Field-Marshal Lord Kitchener. This book describes how Kitchener’s New Armies were raised, and reviews the main political, economic, and social effects of the recruiting campaign. It examines the experiences and impressions of the officers and men who made up the New Armies. Drawing upon a wide variety of sources, ranging from government papers to the diaries and letters of individual soldiers, it questions long-held assumptions about the ‘rush to the colors’ and the nature of patriotism in 1914. 9781473821286, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 384 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Kitchener’s Men John Hutton This book provides an absorbing account of the raising, training, and fighting experiences of the Service and Territorial battalions of the King’s Own Royal Lancasters in France during the Great War. It gives a graphic insight into the daily routine and grim reality of warfare on the Western Front for men who were mostly recruited from the Furness area of the northwest.They responded to the call to defend their country and its values at a critical moment in the nation’s history.These battalions took part in every major campaign on the Western Front from the spring of 1915 until the end of the war.They had a remarkable record, and this meticulously researched history allows the reader to follow them through every phase of the fighting. 9781844157211, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 256 pages

Churchill, Kitchener & Lloyd George Steve Cliffe Would it have been possible for the First World War to be avoided? David Lloyd George, Britain’s wartime prime minister, believed so. In a bloody act of annihilation that killed up to a million young British men, Lloyd George was one of three powerful personalities who indelibly stamped their authority and influence on the conduct and final outcome of ‘the war to end all wars’. Of the other two,Winston Churchill became better known for his role in the Second World War, and Lord Kitchener was arguably the greatest instigator of Britain's war effort. Kitchener exerted tremendous influence on both politicians and a lost generation of British youth.Those who start wars seldom finish them, and Kitchener, tragically, was no exception to this grim rule. 9781781552728, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

Merseyside’s War Mike Benbough-Jackson Liverpool and the surrounding region played a pivotal role in the First World War.Thousands of men from Merseyside served in the military and the Merchant Navy. Merseyside may not have been on the front line, but it was at the front of the war effort.This book relates the experiences of the people who lived in Merseyside during the war, from farmers on the Wirral Peninsula, to shipbuilders in Birkenhead and female munitions workers in Bootle. It captures the fear, excitement, and boredom of those who fought in the war. These varied voices, and accompanying images, help us to more fully understand the way the war shaped the perceptions and experiences of the people who lived in England’s third largest city and its hinterland. 9781445639222, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 224 pages

British Expeditionary Force – The 1915 Campaign Andrew Rawson This is a thorough account of the BEF’s actions during the battles of 1915 and early 1916, starting with the success at Neuve Chapelle in March, through their back-toback failures at Aubers and Festubert before the British used gas at Loos in September, and the minor engagements of the early months of 1916. Each major battle and minor action is reconstructed in graphic detail and given equal treatment through the compiling of information from the Official History and printed histories, resulting in a balanced view of the mosttalked-about side of the campaign – the British side.Together the narrative and over sixty new maps, the real 1915 campaign experienced by the British Army and how its brave soldiers fought hard to achieve their objectives is explored. 9781473846159, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

No More Soldiering Stephen Wade January 2016 marked the centenary of the Military Service Act, which brought in conscription, after the large-scale loss of manpower in the major campaigns of the Western Front. Across the land, those who would not fight found themselves at a tribunal, standing before a panel which would decide their fate – often prison or internment. No More Soldiering looks at the lives and experiences of a dozen men who would not fight Kaiser Bill’s army, and who suffered as a consequence, from Fenner Brockway, who faced solitary confinement in jail, to Ithel Davies, who found himself encamped in Ireland. Being a ‘conchie’, it could be argued, was just as tough as facing the enemy in a trench. 9781445648941, $26.95, $17.99, paperback, 264 pages

Conscientious Objectors of the First World War Ann Kramer The story of conscientious objection in Britain begins in 1916. Some 16,000 men refused conscription because they believed on grounds of conscience that it was wrong to kill and wrong of any government to force them to do so. Much emphasis is placed on the bravery of those men who fought and died in the trenches, but those who refused to kill were also courageous. This tells the stories of these remarkable men. It looks at who they were, why they took the stand they did, and how they were treated. It uses extensive primary source material. It describes what it was like for COs to face hostile tribunals, be forced into the army, defy army regulations, be brutalized and endure repeated terms of imprisonment. 9781844681198, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• The Courage of Cowards Karyn Burnham To many they were nothing more than cowards, but the 'conchies' of the First World War had the courage to stand by their principles when the nation was against them.This is an innovative new history of conscientious objectors during the First World War. Drawing on previously unpublished archive material, it reconstructs the personal stories of several men who refused to fight, bringing the reader face-to-face with their varied, often brutal, experiences. Gripping accounts reveal the traumatic and sometimes terrifying events these men went through and help readers to discover what it was really like to be a conscientious objector. 9781781592953, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 144 pages

Wales and the Air War 1914–1918 Alan Phillips During the First World War, there were five air bases in Wales: two airship stations, a fighter/bomber station, a seaplane base, and the Royal Flying Corps flying training school at Shotwick.This book is an historical account of the contribution of squadrons and aircraft based on airfields in Wales to deterring enemy submarines from attacking shipping around the coast, including details of the operations conducted from the bases, the exploits of various airships during their long patrols, the mishaps, the actions and the tragedies. It also gives a detailed account of all the airships and aircraft based in Wales, and tells the story of the training of First World War pilots at Shotwick. 9781445652191, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

Anzac Sons Allison Paterson The Great War was a senseless tragedy. Its long shadow darkened the four corners of the world. In Mologa,Victoria, once a bustling community, stands a lonely stone memorial. Etched within the granite are the names of the Marlow brothers and their mates; a testament to ordinary people who became heroes.This book is composed from a collection of over five hundred letters and postcards written by the brothers who served.This compelling true story was compiled by the granddaughter of a surviving brother. It is a story of mateship, bravery and sacrifice; it is a heartbreaking account of a family torn apart by war. It is a pledge to never forget. 9781922132796, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 512 pages


Beaten Down by Blood Michele Bomford This book charts an extraordinary journey from the trenches facing Mont St Quentin on 31 August 1918 through the frenetic phases of the battle until the final objectives are taken on 5 September.This is the story, often told in the words of the men themselves, of the capture of the ‘unattackable’ Mont and the ‘invincible’ fortress town of Peronne, two of the great feats of Australian forces in the First World War. It places real men on the battlefield, describing their fears and their courage and their often violent deaths.The struggle for control of the battle, to bridge the Somme and maintain communications are portrayed in vivid detail.The story also offers a glimpse of the men's families at home, their anxiety, and their lifelong grief. 9781921941948, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 412 pages

Grand Deception Tom Curran The century that has elapsed since the 1915 Dardanelles campaign has done little to quell the debate that rages over its inglorious end.The origins of the campaign are likewise the subject of ongoing scrutiny, particularly the role of the First Sea Lord Winston Churchill, with whom the ill-fated campaign has been closely identified.Tom Curran’s The Grand Deception: Churchill and the Dardanelles presents a detailed examination of Churchill’s role in the decision-making process that led to the Gallipoli landings. Using unpublished British archival sources and a range of additional material, both contemporary and modern, Curran’s meticulous research casts new light on the lead-up to a campaign that would profoundly affect Australian military history. 9781925275001, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 416 pages

This Bloody Place Richard Van Emden Captain Albert Mure, a company commander in the 5th Battalion The Royal Scots, spent fortythree days in Gallipoli - far longer than many men who fought there would survive. In those few weeks, this brave, stoical officer was reduced from a fit, determined leader of men to a physical and mental wreck. In simple and honest language, Mure conveys the drama of the first landings, knowing that very shortly afterwards he and his men would be ashore and experiencing the same fate; his sympathy for those under his command is clear.When the time came for him to leave the peninsular, he felt like a deserter. Mure’s story is full of a rawness and immediacy that makes it worthy of a place amongst the many Great War memoirs. 9781473857926, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Shadows of ANZAC David W. Cameron On 25 April 1915, with the landing below the slopes of Sari Bair on the Gallipoli peninsula, the ANZAC legend was born. Nine months later, having suffered thousands of casualties from disease, hand-to-hand fighting, bombing, sniping, and forlorn charges across no man’s land, the politicians and senior military commanders in London called it quits.This book tells the story of the ‘ordinary’ men and women who participated in the Gallipoli campaign from April to December 1915 and gave the Anzac legend meaning. Drawing on letters, diaries and other primary and secondary sources, it provides an intimate and personal perspective of Anzac, a richly varied portrayal that describes the absurdity, monotony, and often humor that sat alongside the horrors of the bitter fight to claim the peninsula. 9781922132185, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 352 pages

World War I Commemorative Cook Book David Hopgood & Cath Hopgood This is a culinary journey through the period when the Anzac legend was born. A collection of delicious recipes influenced by the battle locations and era of WWI, combined with short narratives tracing the contributions and history of the Anzacs, this book brings the wartime conditions and flavorsome food from the period to life.With an emphasis on fresh ingredients and traditional recipes prepared with a modern twist, this cookbook showcases the hearty style of cooking evocative of this time. This tour starts in Australia and moves through Turkey, the Middle East, and the Western Front, including recipes from New Zealand, English, French, German and Ottoman cuisines. The Anzac Cookbook commemorates and honors our WWI soldiers. All proceeds will go to Soldier On, helping our wounded warriors. 9781922132819, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 210 pages

Fall of the Red Baron Leon Bennett Fighter pilot Manfred von Richthofen (the Red Baron) lacked innate aerobatic ability. As a tyro, he attempted to solve this problem through denial, going so far as to sneer at stunting as pointless. One would anticipate a short and sad fighting life for the fellow.Yet the Red Baron became the Great War’s single greatest scorer, as measured by total victories. How did he do it? This book is concerned with tactics, especially those tactics used by the Red Baron and his opponents. It offers the how and why of Great War aerial combat.This is an important book, offering a groundbreaking account of WWI aerial tactics, and a thorough examination of the final combat and death of the Red Baron. 9781911096115, $35.00, $22.99, paperback, 216 pages

British Submarines at War 1914–1918 Edwyn Gray Originally published in 1970 and out of print for nearly thirty years, this book has already earned its place as a classic of submarine history by an author with an international reputation for being second-to-none in evoking the claustrophobic horror of war beneath the waves. Accurate in detail, yet written with humanity and humor, it tells the story of Britain’s pioneer submarines during the 1914–1918 War during which their crews battled courageously in atrocious conditions against a skilled and ruthless enemy and an equally unforgiving sea. Freshly illustrated, this second edition is a timely tribute to the gallant pioneers who created the legacy of dogged courage, determination, and standards of excellence which remain the proud hallmarks of the Royal Navy’s submarine service today. 9781473853454, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

Douglas Haig as I Knew Him George S. Duncan First published in 1966, this is a memoir by G.S. Duncan, a Church of Scotland minister with whom Haig felt such an affinity that he had him transferred to GCHQ. Every Sunday the C-in-C went to the Church of Scotland service to hear him preach.The book's representation of Haig is unremittingly positive. Duncan writes that he had previously been unwilling to write about a personal relationship with a man who studiously avoided publicity, preferring to leave the future to be judge of the past. He became aware, however, that in recent years many writers have presented to the public a portrait of Haig which is so distorted as to be essentially false.This personal memoir is therefore designed to redress the balance. 9781473827707, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 144 pages

Haig: Master of the Field Tavish Davidson A distinguished soldier who had served in South Africa, the author was selected to be Haig’s Director of Operations in 1915, a key position he held until the end of the War.This book concentrates on the dramatic events of 1917 and 1918 and covers Third Ypres, the German Kaiserschlacht, and the victorious 100 Days.We learn of the parlous state of the French Army, their loss of morale, and the widespread mutinies.Tavish Davidson’s viewpoint on the conduct of operations was unique, and we learn of the factors at play in Haig’s HQ. Davidson comes down wholeheartedly on Haig’s side, but this is not a surprise, as Haig was revered by his officers and men.This is an important addition to the bibliography of the Great War. 9781848843622, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 192 pages

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•WORLD WAR I• Haig: A Re-Appraisal 80 Years on Brian Bond & Nigel Cave Field Marshal Earl Haig’s reputation continues to arouse as much interest and controversy as ever. This volume represents the collaboration of two leading historical societies,The British Commission for Military History and The Douglas Haig Fellowship. Leading historians have produced a comprehensive and fascinating study of the most significant and frequently debated aspects of Haig's momentous career. 9781844158874, $25.99, $16.99, paperback, 288 pages

Douglas Haig Douglas Scott As a young officer in the prestigious 21st Lancers, Douglas Haig played a leading role in Kitchener’s bold expedition which ended in the defeat of the Khalifa of Sudan at Omdurman. He described the action, as he did the whole campaign, vividly in words and diagrams which survived virtually untouched at the family home Bemersyde in the Borders.These letters and diaries allow the reader to trace Haig’s career and developing character. What they reveal may well surprise his critics. Haig was a hugely popular public figure in the post WW1 years and revered by those who served under him. His death in 1928 was a major occasion for mourning. Only later was he heavily criticized for the slaughter of the trenches. 9781844154043, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 300 pages

Haig’s Medical Officer Eugene Ryan Eugene (Micky) Ryan was born in Ireland and studied medicine at Cork and Edinburgh. After meeting Douglas Haig in 1912 the two men’s lives became intertwined and their relationship, while primarily professional, blossomed into a friendship of mutual respect. Ryan became Medical Officer to HQ 1 Corps under Haig in August 1914, and when Haig took command of 1st Army, Ryan moved with him. Ryan was in effect the Haig family doctor.The correspondence in this book proves the degree of trust and friendship between Ryan and both Haig and his wife.The constant reference to Haig and his family make these diaries of considerable historical significance and will be eagerly read by all those with an interest Haig and The Great War. 9781781593165, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages


Mansfield in the Great War Carol Lovejoy Edwards Mansfield was the largest town near the Duke of Portland’s home at Welbeck Abbey. Thousands of native Mansfield men left for the mud-filled trenches of France and Belgium. Many were miners who were working for the war effort, producing coal for the munitions factories and the military as well as homes, even before signing up.This is the moving story of those left behind to cope without their men; to cope with the influx of up to 30,000 soldiers; to cope with food shortages and hardships and with the tough living conditions prevalent in the early twentieth century.The book concentrates on the social impact of the war on this particular town and its inhabitants, showing how they coped and the efforts they too made for the war. 9781473823150, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 176 pages

Nannies at War Louise Heren In 1912, Norland children’s nurse Kate Fox was traveling by train heading to the British military station at Nowshera on the Afghan border to care for the premature baby born to the base’s commanding officer.Two years later, Kate was escaping from Germany in the first days of the Great War, leaving behind her adored German royal charges and all her personal possessions. Kate was one among many Norland nannies who witnessed the early days of the War on the Continent with all its tumult and fear.The stories in this book are the nannies’ eyewitness accounts described in their correspondence with their beloved Norland Institute.These previously unpublished letters recount a version of women’s Great War history that has remained untold until now. 9781473827530, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Visiting the Fallen – Arras Memorials Peter Hughes This book takes the visitor effortlessly through four memorials in turn, highlighting hundreds of individual men and officers and explaining who they were, what they did, and how they died. The four memorials covered in the book are the Arras Memorial, the Canadian National Memorial on Vimy Ridge, the Vis-en-Artois Memorial, and the Royal Flying Services Memorial.The author takes the reader through the officers and men in the order in which they appear on the memorials in this ‘Who’s Who’ guide that also provides detailed coverage of gallantry awards and citations and is a superb point of reference for anyone visiting Arras and its battlefields. 9781473825574, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 272 pages

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•WORLD WAR I • WORLD WAR II• Voices From Jutland Jim Crossley Jutland was the only major fleet engagement to take place during the First World War, and indeed the only time in history in which columns of great dreadnought battleships fought each other.This new book examines the strengths and weaknesses of both navies and identifies some of the reasons for the disappointing performance of the Royal Navy in the battle. It argues that the building of the High Seas Fleet was a strategic blunder on the part of the Germans, who could have forced Britain out of the war completely if they had instead concentrated on their submarine fleet and on mine-laying. Admiral Jellicoe‘s steadfast pursuit of keeping his fleet intact rather than inflicting damage on the enemy was to lead to ultimate victory. 9781473823716, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

The Battle of Jutland Geoffrey Bennett At the end of May 1916, a chance encounter with Admiral Hipper’s battlecruisers enabled Beatty to lead the German Battle Fleet into the jaws of Jellicoe’s greatly superior force.Though inconclusive, at the Battle of Jutland the German Fleet suffered so much damage that it made no further attempt to challenge the Grand Fleet, and the British blockade remained unbroken. Captain Bennett has used sources previously unavailable to historians in his reconstruction of this controversial battle, including the papers of Vice-Admiral Harper explaining why his official record of the battle was not published until 1927, and the secret “Naval Staff Appreciation” of 1922. Also included are numerous battle plans, photographs, and an introduction by Bennett's son. 2016 marks the 100th anniversary of the battle. 9781473841857, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 184 pages

From German Cavalry Officer to Reconnaissance Pilot Paul L. Rempe Twenty-one-year-old Leonhard Rempe volunteered to serve Germany in 1914. By the time World War One ended, he had seen action on both major fronts, witnessed the war from the back of a horse and the cockpit of plane, and amassed one of the more unique records of anyone in the Kaiser’s army.This is his remarkable story. Using primary and secondary sources Dr. Paul Rempe provides insight into the grim realities of Leonhard’s war while his father’s own memoir recalls his special comradeship with his fellow soldiers and airmen.This book adds substantially to the growing literature of the First World War, and paints a unique and compelling portrait of a young German caught up in the deadly jaws of mass industrialized war. 9781611213218, $27.95, $18.50, hardback, 144 pages

WORLD WAR II Armoured Warfare in the Far East 1937–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones Anthony Tucker-Jones’s photographic history is a fascinating visual introduction to the armored battles of the Second World War in the Far East and Asia-Pacific regions, from 1937 to 1945. In contrast to the experience of the armies that fought in Europe and North Africa, in the Far East tanks remained an infantry support weapon, and their role is often neglected in histories of the conflict.The role of armored vehicles in each theater of the war in the Far East is shown in a selection of over 150 rare wartime photographs that record armor in action in China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Malaya, Burma and during the battles fought for the Pacific islands. 9781473851672, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Armoured Warfare in the Battle for Normandy Anthony Tucker-Jones The remarkable photographs collected together for this book show in graphic detail the role armor played in the Allied struggle to exploit the D-Day landings and liberate occupied France – and the skill and tenacity of the German panzer units that confronted them.The struggle gave rise to a sequence of battles that were among the most intense, and critical, of any fought in the Second World War. It traces the entire course of the armored campaign through the photographs – the D-Day landings, the first clashes of the opposing tanks and antitank guns, then the Allied operations – Epsom, Charnwood, Goodwood, Cobra - that culminated in the Allied breakthrough and the destruction of the German 5th Panzer Army at Falaise. 9781848845176, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 144 pages

Armoured Warfare in the Italian Campaign Anthony Tucker-Jones While many Second World War campaigns were dominated by armored warfare, the battles in Italy were not. The mountainous topography of the Italian peninsula ensured that it was foremost an infantry war, so it could be said that tanks played a supporting role.This volume gives readers a vivid impression of the Italian landscapes over which the campaign was fought, the wide range of military vehicles that were used, and the grueling conditions endured by the men who fought in them. 9781781592472, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Armoured Warfare in Northwest Europe 1944–45 Anthony Tucker-Jones This book records in graphic detail the role played by tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and selfpropelled artillery during the decisive campaign in northwest Europe in 1944–5. In a sequence of over 200 archive photographs he shows how American, British, Canadian, and Polish armored divisions spearheaded the assault on the Third Reich, and how the Wehrmacht mounted a desperate armored defense. Anthony Tucker-Jones’s photographic survey of the ultimate tank battles of the Second World War illustrates the range of armored fighting vehicles that were developed during the conflict, and it features the specialized vehicles deployed in Europe for the first time such as the Buffalo, DUKW, Weasel and Terrapin. 9781781591758, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages

T-34 Anthony Tucker-Jones It could be said that the T-34 was the tank that won the Second World War. In total 57,000 were produced between 1941 and 1945. Stalin’s tank factories outstripped Hitler’s by a factor of three to one, and production of the T-34 also exceeded that of the famed American M4 Sherman. This photographic history of this exceptional armored vehicle follows its story through the course of the war, from its combat debut against the Wehrmacht during Operation Barbarossa, through the Red Army’s defeats and retreats of 1941 and 1942 to the tide-turning victories at Stalingrad and Kursk and on through the long, rapid Soviet advance across Ukraine and Byelorussia to Berlin.This book features specially commissioned color illustrations. 9781781590959, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

German Army on the Eastern Front – The Retreat 1943–1945 Ian Baxter After the defeat at Stalingrad in January 1943, the German Army’s front lines were slowly smashed to pieces by the growing might of the Soviet Army. Yet these soldiers continued to fight gallantly. Even after the failed battle of the Kursk in the summer of 1943, and then a year later when the Russians launched their mighty summer offensive, code names Operation BAGRATION, the German Army continued to fight on, withdrawing under constant enemy ground and air bombardments. As the final months of retreat were played out on the Eastern Front in early 1945, it depicts how the once vaunted German Army, with diminishing resources, withdrew back across the Polish/German frontier to Berlin itself. 9781473822672, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages


Himmler’s Nazi Concentration Camp Guards Ian Baxter This book is the most thorough study yet of the whole process of recruitment, indoctrination and performance of those responsible for the guarding of concentration camp inmates. It is not an attractive subject – the conversion of human beings into murderers and individuals routinely carrying out appalling acts of cruelty are bound to be shocking. But it happened under the Third Reich on a massive scale. Of the 55,000 Nazi concentration camp guards, some 3,700 were women. The book studies their behavior with examples along with that of their male counter-parts.The book follows the development of concentration camps from the early beginnings in the 1930s (Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen etc.), through their establishment in the conquered territories of Poland and Czechoslovakia to the extermination camps (Dachau, Auschwitz). 9781848847996, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 128 pages

Auschwitz Death Camp Ian Baxter The concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the site of the single largest mass murder in history. Over one million mainly Jewish men, women, and children were murdered in its gas chambers. Countless more died as a result of disease and starvation. Using some 250 photographs together with detailed captions and accompanying text, it describes how Auschwitz evolved from a brutal labor camp at the beginning of the war into what was literally a factory of death.The book covers the men who conceived and constructed this killing machine, and how the camp provided a vast labor pool for various industrial complexes erected in the vicinity. 9781848840720, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 128 pages

Belsen and its Liberation Ian Baxter Accompanied by rare and unpublished photos with in-depth captions the book presents a unique visual account of one of the Nazi’s most infamous concentration camps.The imagery shows the SS’s murderous activities inside Belsen, and also reveals another disturbing side to them, relaxing in their barracks or visiting their families and loved ones. It is an absorbing insight into how the SS played a key part in murdering, torturing, and starving tens of thousands of inmates. During the latter part of the war, as many as 500 people a day were perishing from the long-term effects of starvation, as well as the resultant diseases. 9781781593318, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Retreat to Berlin Ian Baxter Drawing on a superb collection of rare and unpublished photographs this book provides an absorbing insight into the last desperate year of the German Army. It analyses, in dramatic detail, the German retreat from the wastelands of the Eastern and Western Fronts into a bombed and devastated Third Reich to the very gates of Berlin. Accompanied by detailed captions and text, the book shows how Wehrmacht, Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe, Hitlerjugend, and Volksturm personnel attempted to defend every yard of ground against the overwhelming Allied forces. As the final months of the war are played out, the reader learns how the Germans fought to the death in a desperate attempt to prevent what Hitler called the ‘two fold devastation of the Reich’. 9781848843806, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Waffen SS on the Western Front Ian Baxter This book covers the deeds of the Waffen-SS on the Western Front during the Second World War. With extensive text, indepth captions, and many rare and unpublished photographs, it describes the fighting tactics, the uniforms, the battles and the different elements that went into making the Waffen-SS such an elite fighting unit. It traces how the Waffen-SS carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources into a ruthlessly effective killing machine. After D-Day they played a key role in Normandy and fought at Arnhem, in the Ardennes and shifted from one disintegrating part of the front to another in a drastic attempt to stabilize the crumbling war effort. It provides an excellent insight into one of the most effective fighting formations in military history. 9781781591857, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Hitler’s Headquarters Ian Baxter As well as being pathological about his security, Hitler believed only he could successfully oversee the Third Reich’s operations. Thus he divided his time between his numerous HQs spread across his empire. We gain an insight into the atmosphere of fear and boredom, interspersed with outbursts of rage often against his generals that existed in these extraordinary installations. The book also reveals the extent of the engineering and building effort required to produce this chain of reinforced bunkers, which were constructed by huge labor forces of The Todt Organization. 9781848846289, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

Final Days of the Reich Ian Baxte The Final Days of the Reich draws on rare and previously unpublished photographs, accompanied by in-depth captions and text, to provide a compelling account of the final weeks of the Nazis' struggle for survival against overwhelming odds. Each photograph fully captures the tension, turmoil and tragedy of those last, terrible days of war as Wehmacht, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe, Hitlerjungend,Volkssturm and other units, some of which where comprised of barely trained conscripts, fought out their last battles. By late March 1945, some 250,000 German troops had slowly withdrawn to the Oder, and what followed was a series of fierce and determined defensive actions that would finally see the Germans encircled and fighting the last desperate battle within Berlin itself against overwhelming odds. 9781848843813, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 160 pages

Long Range Desert Group W.B. Kennedy Shaw During the two-and-a-half years’ fighting in the Western Desert of North Africa, which began with the Italian declaration of war in June 1940 and ended in 1943, the Long Range Desert Group became the acknowledged master of the vast desert. Emerging suddenly from the depths of the desert, the LRDG would raid important airfields or attack Axis lines of communication along the Mediterranean coast, and then vanish back into the desert, to reappear hundreds of miles away. With its brilliant description of the harsh beauty of the desert, and its exciting chronicle of the LRDG activities, this book is as fascinating today as it was when was first published in 1945, after being vetted by the War Office. 9781848328587, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

United States Infantry Weapons of the Second World War Michael Green During the arduous campaigns in theaters of war from the Pacific to North West Europe, American infantry weapons played a key role in the eventual victory over the Axis forces. In so doing they earned a special reputation for ruggedness and reliability. In addition to being used by US ground forces they were widely adopted by other Allied nations. Expert author Michael Green puts the full range of small arms, be they rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, pistols, machine guns as well as mortars, antitank weapons and close infantry support artillery under the microscope. 9781473827226, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 200 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• We Were Eagles Volume 1 Martin W. Bowman The first heavy bombardment group of B-17s crossed the Atlantic in June 1942, another arriving by 1 August, marking the first steps in the massive buildup of B-17s and B-24s that would be based in Britain as part of the Eighth Air Force. This book, illustrated with both black-andwhite and period color pictures, tells the story of US Eighth Air Force operations in the words of the men who flew on them, from that initial raid over the Netherlands and the first attack by the Fortresses on Rouen to the opening mission against Germany itself and the famous B-24 raid against the Romanian oil fields at Ploesti. 9781445655253, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 288 pages

We Were Eagles Vol.1 Martin W. Bowman The first heavy bombardment group of B-17s crossed the Atlantic in June 1942, another arriving by 1 August, marking the first steps in the massive buildup of B-17s and B-24s that would be based in Britain as part of the Eighth Air Force.This book, illustrated with both black-andwhite and period color pictures, tells the story of US Eighth Air Force operations in the words of the men who flew on them, from that initial raid over the Netherlands and the first attack by the Fortresses on Rouen to the opening mission against Germany itself and the famous B-24 raid against the Romanian oil fields at Ploesti. 9781445633633, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

We Were Eagles Vol.2 Martin W. Bowman The Americans’ third year of the war saw the Eighth Air Force finally bombing Berlin or ‘Big B’ as it was known and the arrival in theater of ever-increasing number of escort fighters such as the P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang meant that the close-knit formations of bombers could roam further afield. An Allied victory was never in doubt, but German aircraft production never faltered despite the assault on the war industries. City bombing failed to break German spirit, enemy oil still flowed and ‘revenge weapons’ and jet planes would offer the enemy hope, and the bomber boys pain. This second volume tells the story of the Eighth Air Force’s campaign over Germany and Occupied Europe in the words of the men who flew the missions. 9781445633664, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages


We Were Eagles Volume 3 Martin W. Bowman The turning of the tide came when the air war was redirected to bombing communications’ targets in Northern France in support of the June D-Day invasion and the eventual breakout from the beachheads. Once the Normandy battle was won, missions were resumed against oil stores, factories, communications and other strategic targets. A host of rankand-file air crew members describe these raids in vivid detail and with clarity and vigour. They are recalled here by one of the largest number of contributors - American and British - ever assembled. They tell of laughter, friendship, death, fear, exhilaration, stupidity, superstitions, discipline and indiscipline, lust and love, respect, disrespect, and outrage. This is the story of the Eighth Air Force in the words of the men who flew the missions. 9781445633701, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 288 pages

We Were Eagles Volume 4 Martin W. Bowman Following the invasion of Normandy, the daylight bomber war reached its climax as the Eighth Air Force B-17s and B-24s pushed back the boundaries, and huge fleets of bombers penetrated further afield into the diminishing Reich on raids as far afield as Leipzig, Dresden, southern Germany and Czechoslovakia. By January 1945, before the Allies had crossed the Rhine, the Third Reich was on the brink of defeat, and victory in Europe was assured. Although air power did not on its own win the war, the war could not have been won without it. Some 26,000 American airmen were killed in action and another 23,000 were shot down and taken into captivity as prisoners of war. This is a fitting testimony to their memory. 9781445633718, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 288 pages

VE Day - A Day to Remember Craig Cabell & Allan Richard The authors have compiled a collection of memories and anecdotes from celebrities and members of the public covering their experiences of the Second World War and the day that Victory over the Nazis was declared. We hear from not only those in the Armed Forces but civilians. The book catches the mood of jubilation and exhilaration yet also the great sadness of the huge waste of human life and resources. Hard times still lay ahead. 9781473845572, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Ian Fleming’s Secret War Craig Cabell While Ian Fleming's extravagant and glamorous lifestyle is well known, little has been published concerning his contribution during the Second World War. As this book reveals, Fleming, the creator the iconic James Bond, 007, and a man who lived life in the fast lane, spent the Second World War in the 'cloakand-dagger' world of intelligence, counterintelligence and special force units. The author has uncovered through official documentation, private papers and contacts the depth of Fleming's work in Naval Intelligence. Of particular interest is Fleming's close association with 30 Assault Unit, a crack special team who took the fight to the enemy. Ian Fleming's Secret War lifts the veil of secrecy from one of the best known and charismatic literary names of the twentieth century. 9781473853492, $19.95, $12.99, paperback, 208 pages

Ian Fleming and SOE’s Operation POSTMASTER Brian Gordon Lett QC This is a true story of a force of ‘licensed to kill’ secret agents, commanded by a real war time secret service chief code names M, with whom Ian Fleming worked, and upon whom his James Bond stories were based. Brigadier Colin Gubbins was M, the Special Operations Executive was his Secret Service, Professor Dudley Newitt was Q and Captain Gus March-Phillips commanded ‘Maid of Honor Force’, the team of ‘James Bonds’ who, in a daring operation, sailed a Q ship to West Africa and stole three enemy ships from a neutral Spanish port on the volcanic island of Fernando Po. The author, an experienced criminal QC, proves beyond doubt that this thrilling operation, and the men who carried it out, were the inspiration for Fleming’s James Bond. 9781781590003, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

Bletchley Park’s Secret Room Joss Pearson This is a posthumous account of the secret code-breaking process in Bletchley Park's Fusion Room during the Second World War by Major Neil Webster, one of the key members of the team involved. The Fusion Room was the central unit where decrypted German messages obtained from Hut 6 were compared with the corresponding data extracted by the log readers from the daily radio traffic between enemy stations, thus enabling a complete wartime picture of the enemy order of battle to be constructed. This book describes the intensive search for “cribs” in detail, the intellectual and technical challenge, the personal stories, the setbacks, and the triumphs. Security clearance for publication of his firsthand account was only granted in 2010, more than twenty years after his death. 9781445651125, $13.00, $8.50, paperback, 176 pages

Gordon Welchman Joel Greenberg The Official Secrets Act and the passing of time have prevented the Bletchley Park story from being told by many of its key participants. Here at last is a book which allows some of them to speak for the first time. Gordon Welchman was one of the Park’s most important figures. Yet, his story is largely unknown to many. In order to finally set the record straight, Bletchley Park historian and tour guide Joel Greenberg has drawn on Welchman’s personal papers and correspondence with wartime colleagues which lay undisturbed in his son’s loft for many years. Packed with fascinating new insights, including Welchman’s thoughts on key Bletchley figures and the Bombe machine, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the clandestine activities at Bletchley Park. 9781848327528, $50.00, $32.99, hardback, 288 pages

Special Relationships The History of 30 Assault Unit Craig Cabell The Second World War spawned a plethora of crack special forces units, but 30 Assault Unit remains, even today, far more secretive and exclusive than the others. Formed by Ian Fleming, who was working for Naval Intelligence, 30 AU’s mission was to penetrate and operate behind enemy lines, capture by whatever means necessary vital intelligence, and feed it back to London where it could be assimilated and acted upon. This crack team of commandos included mavericks such as Patrick Dalzel-Job (generally regarded as the model for Fleming’s fictional secret agent 007. The author has trawled archives and interviewed veterans in order to piece together the history and record of this elusive Special Forces unit. 9781844159505, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 176 pages

Asa Briggs A Cambridge graduate, Bletchley Park code-breaker, and one of the most eminent and influential historians of our time, Asa Briggs’s experiences could easily fill several autobiographies.Yet, surprisingly this memoir is the first book that he has ever written about himself. In it, Briggs delves deep into his own history-from the origins of his highly distinctive name and his early education; through his recruitment into the Intelligence Corps and his wartime experiences as a ‘Hut Six’ cryptographer; to his outstanding contributions as a social and cultural historian. Along the way he sets out to ‘trace those personal relationships which have most shaped (his) life.’ Brimming with fascinating insights, and full of warmth, intelligence and good humor, this is a exceptional memoir of an exceptional man. 9781848326675, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Code Wars John Jackson When the top secret code breaking activities at Bletchley Park were revealed in the 1970s, much of the history of the Second World War had to be rewritten. This book examines the role of ULTRA on major events of the Second World War. It examines how it influenced the outcome of key battles, the controversy surrounding Churchill and Coventry, the shadowing of Hitler’s V1 pilotless aircraft, and the V2 rocket. It also examines the pioneering work in breaking Enigma by the Polish cryptographers, and the building of Colossus, the world’s first digital, programmable computer. It shows how the code breakers were able to shorten the war by as much as two years and bring Signals Intelligence into a new era of military intelligence gathering. 9781848845107, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Cracking the Luftwaffe Codes Gwen Watkins Bletchley Park, or 'Station X', was home to the most famous code breakers of the Second World War. The 19th-century mansion was the key center for cracking German, Italian and Japanese codes, providing the allies with vital information. After the war, many intercepts, traffic-slips and paperwork were burned (allegedly at Churchill's behest). The truth about Bletchley was not revealed until F. Winterbotham's The Ultra Secret was published in 1974. However, nothing until now has been written on the German Air Section. This book brings to life the reality of this crucial division. The highly informative, lyrical account details the author’s eventful interview, eventual appointment at the 'the biggest lunatic asylum in Britain', methods for cracking codes, the day-today routine, and the decommissioning of her section. 9781848326828, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 240 pages

The Home Guard Companion Campbell McCutcheon Two weeks before Dunkirk, Anthony Eden, Minister of War, announced to the nation on BBC radio his concept of a Local Defense Volunteer force. The motley assortment of men, most either too old or too young to join the army, became the nucleus of the Home Guard. Untried and without weapons, they would be called upon to halt the invasion that Hitler planned as he looked to Britain and its populace as his next conquest. In this volume, Home Guard Humour and The Home Guard Manual appear together, in the ideal 1940s guide to the Home Guard, official and otherwise. 9781445650975, $16.00, $10.50, hardback, 288 pages


Escape from the Japanese Ralph Burton Goodwin OBE RNZVR Trapped in the depths of Japanese-held territory, it was rare for Allied prisoners of war to attempt escape.There was little chance of making contact with anti-guerrilla or underground organizations and no possibility of Europeans blending in with the local Asian populations. Failure, and recapture, meant execution. This was what Lieutenant Commander R.B. Goodwin faced when he decided to escape from the Shamsuipo PoW Camp in Kowloon, Hong Kong in July 1944 after three years of internment. Few of his fellow prisoners gave him any chance of succeeding, yet, little more than three months later, he was being transported to the safety of Calcutta. For his daring and determination Lieutenant Commander Goodwin was awarded the Order of the British Empire. 9781848329294, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 256 pages

An Illustrated Introduction to The Second World War Henry Buckton The Second World War is so far the only truly global war that has ever taken place. It involved the vast majority of the world’s nations including all of the great powers, eventually forming two opposing military alliances. It was the most widespread war in history, with more than 100 million people from over thirty different countries, serving in military units. Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, it resulted in an estimated 80 million fatalities. All of this made the Second World War the deadliest conflict in human history. This wonderfully illustrated, accessible introduction to the Second World War follows the major events that led up to the war and occurred during it, year by year. 9781445638485, $16.00, $10.50, paperback, 96 pages

An Illustrated Introduction to The Battle of Britain Henry Buckton In the summer of 1940 the fate of Britain hung in the balance as across the English Channel the Nazi hordes were massing, preparing to invade this green and pleasant land. That summer, Germany would suffer its first defeat in a desperate struggle that took place in the sky over southern England that became known as ‘The Battle of Britain’. The battle lasted from 10 July to 31 October, during which time its tide ebbed and flowed, sometimes in favor of Fighter Command, often in favor of the Luftwaffe. But by the end of October, having lost a huge numbers of aircraft and men, Adolf Hitler was left with no choice but to cancel the invasion. This would ultimately bring about his downfall in the West. 9781445642024, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 96 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Men of the Battle of Britain Kenneth G.Wynn This has become a standard reference book for academics and researchers interested in the Battle of Britain. Copies are also owned by many with purely an armchair interest in the events of 1940. It records the service details of the airmen who took part in the Battle of Britain in considerable detail. When known, postings and their dates are included, as well as promotions, decorations, and successes claimed flying against the enemy. There is also much personal detail, often including dates and places of birth, civilian occupations, dates of death and place of burial or, for those with no known grave, place of commemoration. This edition includes new names and corrected spellings, as well as many new photographs. Plenty of the entries have been extended with freshly acquired information. 9781473847675, $89.95, $58.50, hardback, 584 pages

Colonel Paddy Patrick Marrinan This is the classic story of Robert Blair Mayne, late commanding officer of the first Special Air Service Regiment, and legend in his own lifetime. It is a lively account of his life and wartime exploits with the SAS. As an Air-Commando, he became the scourge of the Nazis across North Africa, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Germany, while leading the most daredevil and dangerous regiment in the British Army. Such was his reputation that Hitler ordered that he was to be shot on sight. The personification of Irish courage and a man who commanded remarkable loyalty from his men, ‘Colonel Paddy’ remains one of the most decorated soldiers in the history of the British Army. 9781780730417, $13.95, $9.50, paperback, 224 pages

Lost Honour, Betrayed Loyalty Herbert Maeger The author, an 18-year old Belgian, was blackmailed into volunteering for the Waffen-SS in 1941 to save his mother from a concentration camp. He saw combat at Kharkov and at the legendary battle of Kursk. In 1944 he was transferred out for training as an SS paramedic, but after two months was sent against his will for SS-officer training. Overheard making a defeatist remark, he was sent to the notorious SS penal division Dirlewanger, where he survived the horror of the Halbe pocket. On 1 May 1945 he was captured by the Russians. He served at the prison camp infirmary as a volunteer which won him the admiration of the Russian female doctor, and with her help he gained his early release the same year. 9781848327481, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

Tobruk Commando Gordon Landsborough ‘Operation Agreement’ started as a fairly simple plan to destroy Rommel's bomb-proof oilstorage tanks at Tobruk on the eve of Alamein. But, catching the imagination of GHQ, the plan snowballed alarmingly. It came to include the RAF, the Royal Navy, the Marines, and two of the largest destroyers in the Mediterranean. It seemed that every dockyard worker in Alexandria, and every cocktailparty-goer in Cairo knew about the raid before the officers and men set out. The operation went on, and became a tragedy of slaughtered men and sunken ships. This is a classic adventure story of the Second World War. The fastmoving action centers on the small commando of men which set out secretly through the deserts towards Tobruk. 9781848322448, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 224 pages

Daring Raids of World War Two: Heroic Land, Sea and Air Attacks Peter Jacobs The Second World War saw a host of heroic raids enacted across the various theaters, all delivered valiantly in a variety of ways by British combatants; on land, by sea and from the air. It goes without saying that not all the raids were a success; in fact, some went disastrously wrong, but the men who carried them out did so with extreme courage and in the knowledge that they might not return. Here, Peter Jacobs tells the gripping stories of some of the most heroic raids of the entire conflict. This is an intriguing and insightful historical record of thirty of the most daring and strategic raids of military history and is sure to appeal to all enthusiasts of the genre. 9781783463336, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 256 pages

Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle For Smolensk 10 July-10 September 1941 David M. Glantz This study exploits a wealth of Soviet and German archival materials, including the combat orders and operational of the German OKW, OKH, army groups, and armies and of the Soviet Stavka, the Red Army General Staff, the Western Main Direction Command, the Western, Central, Reserve, and Briansk Fronts, and their subordinate armies to present a detailed mosaic and definitive account of what took place, why, and how during the prolonged and complex battles in the Smolensk region from 10 July through 10 September 1941. Its structure is designed specifically to appeal to both general readers and specialists by including a detailed two-volume chronological narrative of the course of operations. The maps, archival and archival-based, detail every stage of the battle. 9781911096092, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 656 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Barbarossa Derailed: The Battle For Smolensk 10 July-10 September 1941 David M. Glantz This groundbreaking new study, now significantly expanded, exploits a wealth of Soviet and German archival materials to present a detailed mosaic and definitive account of what took place, why, and how during the prolonged and complex battles in the Smolensk region from 10 July through 10 September 1941.Volume 2 in this series describes in unprecedented detail the Red Army's attempts to thwart German offensive plans by defeating Army Group Center in the Smolensk region with a general counteroffensive by three Red Army fronts. This volume restores to the pages of history two major military operations which, for political and military reasons, Soviet historians concealed from view, largely because both offensives failed. 9781911096108, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 624 pages

Hitler’s Violent Youth Bob Carruthers This is the fascinating story of how the events which befell Hitler between 1889 and 1924 influenced his political outlook and heralded the formation of the Sturm Abteilung – the notorious SA. Drawing extensively on Hitler’s own biographical account in Mein Kampf, it illustrates how a series of violent events transformed Hitler’s view of the world. By Hitler’s own account, his love of violence and complete disregard for the consequences of his actions was vindicated by a series of victories in fierce encounters involving beer hall brawls and street battles. Each successive triumph over adversity influenced his decision-making process and culminated in the ill-fated events of November 1924.The parallel growth of the SA from a small group of fist fighters to a feared paramilitary force is also covered in detail. 9781473833517, $39.95, $25.99, paperback, 320 pages

Station 115 Shipdham Hitler’s Turkestani Soldiers Paolo A. Dossena This is the story of the 162nd (Turkistan) Infantry Division, a World War II German division composed of Central Asian Turkistanis. The book covers the political background (panTurkism) of the founders of this unit in German service, debunks some historical myths surrounding it (the ‘Nazi Mysteries’) and focuses on the most crucial events in the history of the division, the Gottschee battle (Slovenia) and the 'great winter mopping up' (northern Italy). The author presents a detailed textual history accompanied by over 200 rare photographs, including a large number that are previously unpublished. 9781909982734, $69.95, $45.50, hardback, 430 pages

Peter W. Bodle FRAeS This is the unique story of 600 acres of Norfolk countryside in the center of the agricultural heartland of East Anglia. It was turned into a major Second World War airfield in ultra-quick order shortly after the start of hostilities in the early 1940s. This book covers the gestation of the airfield from open arable farmland, through the airfield’s reversion to farmland in the 50s, 60’s and 70. Finally it evolved into a modern day General Aviation airfield providing a home for light aircraft used for recreation by keen amateur from the Norfolk area. It houses a sizable three room museum, memorial garden and engraved granite memorial that honors the men who served at the station during the war. 9781781554951, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 176 pages

Mettle and Pasture Hitler’s Propaganda Pilgrimage Bob Carruthers The famous image of Hitler in Paris has become one of the most iconic images of the Second World War. However, Hitler only spent a few hours in Paris before heading to Flanders to revisit the sites of the battlefields where he had served during the Great War. He was on a propaganda mission to publicize his own war service and a full photographic record of Hitler’s visits to France and Flanders was produced by Heinrich Hoffman, Hitler’s personal photographer. Those photographs from 1940 have now been collected together for the first time and are reproduced here along with all of the most important surviving images of Hitler in the Great War. This important photographic study documents a vital but often overlooked chapter in the story of Adolf Hitler. 9781473833500, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 144 pages


Gary J.Weight This is the story of the part played by the 2nd Battalion The Lincolnshire Regiment in WWII. Told in their own words, eyewitness accounts and memoirs are expertly weaved together with official war diaries to recall the experiences of the infantrymen at the front.Vivid accounts tell tales of courage and fear, individual sacrifice and how soldiers faced up to the enemy under fire, sharing danger and surviving the savage conditions but also of the pride and honor of belonging to such a famous and historic regiment - The Lincolnshire Regiment.With an abundance of previously unpublished photographs and clear, concise maps of the battlefields, this is the story of the war the way it really was for an infantryman - told by the men who were there. 9781909982147, $79.95, $51.99, paperback, 504 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Prelude to Berlin Richard Harrison This book offers a panoramic view of the Soviet strategic offensives north of the Carpathians in the winter of 1945. During the course of this offensive the Red Army broke through the German defenses in Poland and East Prussia and eventually occupied all of Germany east of the Oder River. It consists primarily of articles that appeared in various military journals during the first decade after the war. The study also examines in considerable detail the First Ukrainian Front’s Upper and Lower Silesian operations of February–March 1945. These operations cleared the army’s flanks in the south and deprived Germany of one of its last major industrial and agricultural areas. 9781910777169, $79.95, $51.99, hardback, 636 pages

Rebuilding Britain David Rogers Undoubtedly, the Second World War was one of the darkest periods of history. With untold losses and countless with physical and mental scars, there was little to celebrate except the relief of closure.Yet what happened once the noise of the shelling subsided and the smoke dissipated? The longer term issues of the day are still casting shadows – even now in the 21st century. For example, some of the concepts in the Education Act of 1944 are still used today and nationalization of our transport infrastructure continues to be debated. The Welfare State and the National Health Service were founded in the immediate post war years. Although undergoing evolution with time, the basic tenants of their foundation are as relevant today as they always were. 9781910294451, $45.00, $29.50, paperback, 270 pages

Total Espionage Curt Riess & Alan Sutton This book was first published shortly before Pearl Harbor, and it retains immediacy, unpolluted by the knowledge of subsequent events. It tells how the whole apparatus of the Nazi state was geared towards war by its systematic gathering of information and dissemination of disinformation.The author, a Berlin journalist, went into exile in 1933 and eventually settled in Manhattan in where he wrote for the ‘Saturday Evening Post’. All Germans living abroad were encouraged to report their observations to the authorities, particular attention was being focused on engineers, technicians, scientists, and people in other professions who were particularly likely to obtain valuable information. Foreigners were given opportunity to study in Germany, in the hope that they would one day provide useful information. All of this, and more, was Goebbels’ ‘Total Espionage’. 9781781554517, $28.95, $18.99, paperback, 288 pages

The King's Private Army Andrew Stewart Following the surrender of France in June 1940 Britain prepared to defend itself against a potential German invasion. In great secrecy a decision was taken to establish an elite bodyguard to protect the British Royal Family. Led initially by Major Jimmy Coats, a Coldstream Guards officer and celebrated winter sportsman, it was given the innocuous title of ‘The Coats Mission’, but its proposed role was perhaps the most important assigned to any unit in the British armed forces. It was intended that this group would evacuate King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, and the two princesses to a place of safety away from London. This book offers the first dedicated account of a largely unknown but potentially critical element of the defense of the United Kingdom during the Second World War. 9781910777282, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 136 pages

The Sword Behind The Shield Norbert Számvéber The history of the Hungarian theatre of war from late August 1944 to the end of March 1945 is a special chapter of the history of the Eastern Front during World War II. This work is based mainly on German, Soviet and Hungarian archival records. In addition, a number of rare unit histories, contemporary private diaries and reliable personal memoirs, from generals to enlisted men, have also been used. The combat actions are extremely detailed, and provide a day-by-day account. The author analyzes the command and control systems at operational and tactical levels and the losses of both sides. For a better understanding of the events the book includes many detailed specially-commissioned color battle maps. 9781909982192, $89.95, $58.50, hardback, 408 pages

We Will Not Go to Tuapse Fernand Kaisergruber This is a classic soldier’s chronicle, told in unvarnished candor, about the author’s experiences as a volunteer with the Wallonian Legion of the German Army, and later the 5th SS Volunteer Assault Brigade Wallonien and the 28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonien. However, it also ventures far beyond the usual soldier's story and approaches a travelogue of the Eastern Front campaign, seldom attained by the memoirs of the period. Although unapologetic for his service, Kaisergruber makes no special claims for the German cause and writes not from any postwar apologia and dogma, but instead from his firsthand observations as a young man experiencing war for the first time, extending far beyond what had been imaginable at the time. 9781910777244, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 328 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Chars D2 Au Combat Stéphane Bonnaud At the occurrence of war, Charles de Gualle received a higher command of the 5th Army. However, he did not take his eyes off of the D2 tanks and presented them to President Lebrun in a famous sequence. At the moment of the battle on May 15, 1940, the first tanks to join the 4th armored division created ex-nihilo are again, the D2. These armed equipment and anti-tank guns of 47 were engaged offensively in Montcornet, Crecy, and Amiens on the Somme front, before participating in the Battle of France. An epic of blood and steel, during which, the crews were not unworthy. 9782352504450, $44.95, $29.50, hardback, 176 pages

The Odyssey of the Komet Olivier Pigoreau Part of the Gotenhafen on July 3, 1940 in a campaign that would last 516 days, the Komet was a cargo processed by the German Navy to operate as auxiliary cruiser allied against trade ships. This predator disguised as a Japanese vessel will carried out hunting in all oceans, even in Antarctica, boarding ten allied ships, creating insecurity off of the Australian coast and New Zealand as well as around the Panama Canal. This is a fascinating adventure with 200 restored and unpublished shots. The secret rendezvous with German supply ships at sea, the capture and destruction of enemy ships, the prisoners taken on board, daily life, ceremonies, shore excursions or meeting with the U-boats in the Atlantic: little has escaped the lens of the photographer. 9782352504559, $34.95, $22.99, paperback, 176 pages

Forgotten Archives 1 Darren Neely The US Army Signal Corps photographs were the official standard for photo documentation of the American army during World War II. These photos were captured by trained cameramen and in most cases were taken under enemy fire, in a ditch with riflemen or as enemy shells landed nearby. The photos in this book are those that have not yet been published or have only appeared in hard to find unit histories and cover events in the ETO, from the Normandy breakout until the end of the war. Beautifully illustrated with 266 rare large format photos over 240 pages, Forgotten Archives 1 is must see for the student of military history or armor enthusiast. 9781908032119, $56.95, $37.50, hardback, 240 pages


The Battle of the Bulge: The Failure of the Final Blitzkrieg Philippe Guillemot This second volume offers the reader the study of the northern tip of this offensive launched by the 6th Panzer Army whose engagement in the Battle of the Bulge represented a baptism by fire. Based on the study of thousands of pages of archives concerning both U.S. forces and German, the author revisits for us this sector, which should have been the major axis through which Hitler hoped to overthrow its profit in the course of the war.Through these pages, Philippe Guillemeot invites us to follow the fierce and bloody ride of the kampfgruppen of 1. SSPanzer Division, the failure of the Hitlerjugend, GI's fierce resistance, the load of the II. SS-Panzerkorps.A chapter is devoted to special operations conducted by German paratroopers and the ineffable Otto Skorzeny. 9782352504009, $44.95, $29.50, paperback, 192 pages

A Tour of the Bulge Battlefield William C.C. Cavanagh & Karl Cavanagh No other conflict has sparked the imagination or interest of so many people worldwide as World War Two. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are the descendants of men who saw service in the Battle of the Bulge. This battle still holds the record for the highest number of American troops engaged in any single pitched battle in the history of the United States Army. Americans of the postwar generations are taking an interest in what their fathers and grandfathers did during the War. This guidebook serves as a memorial to those who served. It will enable those who didn’t, to learn something about the hardship endured by a previous generation in the name of freedom. 9781473828148, $29.95, $19.50, paperback, 256 pages

Churchill’s Greatest Fear Richard Doherty The Battle of the Atlantic was arguably the pivotal campaign of the Second World War – it was certainly the longest, starting with the sinking of RMS Athenia on 3 September 1939 and ending with the torpedoing of SS Avon Dale on 7 May 1945.This superbly researched work covers all the major aspects, balancing the initial advantages of Admiral Doenitz’s U-Boat force, the introduction of the convoy system, the role of the opposing surface fleets and air forces, and the all-important technical developments. Intelligence particularly the Bletchley Park intercepts played an increasingly important part in the final outcome.This work gives the reader a splendidly concise yet broad account of the course of the campaign, the men who fought it on both sides and the critical moments and analysis of the outcome. 9781473834002, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 320 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Hitler’s Nordic Ally? Claes Johansen Finland was the only nation with an elected and democratic government to fight on the German side in WWII. Despite being small, poorly armed and made up of conscripts, the Finnish army was probably the most effective fighting force at the time. Most English books on Finland in WWII concentrate on the brief Winter War and make very little mention of the country’s involvement in the remainder of the war, where it fought for more than three years alongside the Germans against the Soviet Union, and later against Germany in the Lapland War. This book examines this extremely important, highly dramatic and often overlooked and misunderstood chapter of WWII to a broad, English-reading audience. 9781473853140, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 272 pages

Finland’s War of Choice Henrik O. Lunde This book describes the odd coalition between Germany and Finland in World War II, and their joint military operations from 1941 to 1945. This is a topic often missing in English, though in stark contrast to the numerous books on the shorter and less bloody Winter War. That conflict represented a gallant fight of a democratic “David” against a totalitarian “Goliath” that caught the imagination of the world. The story of Finland fighting alongside a “Goliath” of its own has not brought pride to that nation and was a period many Finns would rather forget. In this book, Henrik Lunde, a former US Special Operations colonel, once again fills a profound gap in our understanding of World War II. 9781935149484, $45.00, $29.50, hardback, 432 pages

Hitlers Forgotten Armies: Combat in Norway & Finland Bob Carruthers The German campaigns in the northern theatre of operations encompassing Denmark, Norway, Finland and the far north of Russia are detailed in this long neglected account of the campaign as described from the German point of view. Based mainly on original German records captured in 1945 alongside the postwar military recollections of veterans, this fascinating account encompasses the lessons and conclusions drawn from these German sources.The work of preparing this study in English consisted of translating basic German records and manuscripts, performing additional research, expanding and then rewriting the narratives with an eye for continuity and factual data. In the process of presenting the material, every effort has been made to give a balanced account of German strategy and operations in the often neglected northern theatre of operations. 9781781591437, $22.95, $14.99, paperback, 384 pages

The Battle for Norway 1940–1942 John Grehan & Martin Mace Despatches in this volume include that on the first and second battles of Narvik in 1940; the dispatch on operations in central Norway 1940, by Lieutenant General H.R.S. Massy, Commander-inChief, North West Expeditionary Force; Dispatch on operations in Northern Norway between April and June 1940; the dispatch on carrier-borne aircraft attacks on Kirkenes (Norway) and Petsamo (Finland) in 1941, by Admiral Sir John C. Tovey; and more. This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history. 9781783462322, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 192 pages

Malta’s Greater Siege Paul McDonald This is a true historical account of war in the air, at sea and on land in the battle for Malta’s survival in the Second World War. It was a battle which decided the outcome of the war in North Africa and the Mediterranean. Adrian Warburton, the airman described in the subtitle, went missing in 1944 in a single-seat American aircraft. Unusually for a reconnaissance pilot, ‘Warby’ as he was known was credited with nine aircraft shot down. He lay undiscovered for sixty years. He is the RAF’s most highly decorated photo-recce pilot. This tale takes the form of a quest opening in a cemetery in Bavaria and closing in another in Malta. In between, the reader is immersed within the tension and drama surrounding Malta’s Greater Siege retracing the steps of the main characters over the forever changed face of the island following its heroic victory. 9781473860087, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 344 pages

Memoirs of Field-Marshal Montgomery Viscount Montgomery of Alamein First published in 1958 Montgomery’s memoirs cover the full span of his career first as a regimental officer in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and then as a Staff Officer. In this autobiography we can hear Monty telling his side of the story of the great North African Campaign followed by the even more momentous battles against the enemy – and, sadly, the Allies – as he strove for victory in North West Europe. His interpretation of the great campaign is of huge importance and reveals the deep differences that existed between him and Eisenhower and other leading figures. His career ended in disappointment and frustration being temperamentally unsuited to Whitehall and the political machinations of NATO. 9781844153305, $39.95, $25.99, paperback, 574 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• Tempting The Fates Major General Dare Wilson CBE MC DL FRGS General Dare Wilson saw action in France 1940, Italy, and North West Europe with the Northumberland Fusiliers and later the Recce Regiment. He then served in Palestine and Korea. He was picked to command 22 SAS and was responsible for basing them at Hereford. His account of the world record-breaking free fall jump free falling from 34,000 feet makes thrilling reading. He went on to fight the Mau Mau in Kenya and was in the last party to leave Aden when we withdrew in 1968. Dare then learnt to fly helicopters and commanded the fledgling Army/Air Corps. This is one of the most enthralling of the many superb memoirs from Pen & Sword. Certainly it is the widest in its scope and makes for thrilling reading. 9781473853416, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

Secret Wings of WWII Lance Cole There are many myths and legends surrounding the advanced German aeronautical technology of the Second World War. There are also facts and proven events.Yet within these stories and behind these facts lie conspiracy theories, mistaken assumptions and denials that seem to contradict the evidence. So what really happened? There have been other books about advanced German wartime aeronautics, yet few authors have fully examined the detail of the designs and their relevance to the fighter and bomber legends of the 1950s and '60s, let alone the current crop of military and civil all-wing or blended-wing aircraft. This book charts the story from its origins, through current-day innovations and beyond, into the all-wing future of tomorrow. 9781473823440, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages

The Rigger Jack Williams For most people, climbing a ladder to clear the gutters is a challenge. Jack Williams and his colleagues in the specialist signals unit supporting the SAS in Northern Ireland had to climb towers and maintain vital communications often in full view and under fire from terrorists.This is the gripping insider story of the tension, fear and comradeship of these specialists, who needed more than just a head for heights. Written in a racy popular style The Rigger is bound to thrill for its insider action.The author witnesses many operations, some successful, others tragically costly. 9781473831308, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 208 pages


SAS - Men in the Making Peter Davis MC & Paul Davis Peter Davis was the youngest officer in the SAS during World War II. In his autobiographical account, he reveals the naïve enthusiasm he felt when he joined the Unit, his fears and trepidation during training, and the horror at what he later experienced during his first operations in the liberation of Sicily and Italy.This is his story. It explores the difficulty of a young, inexperienced officer leading older and seasoned soldiers. It tells of mistakes a ‘rookie’ can make and of how listening, learning and ultimately earning respect made him the skillful leader he ultimately became.Through it all the enigmatic figure of Paddy Mayne looms large. At times irrational, aggressive, and often drunk, he was always a born leader able to instill obedience and respect. 9781473845602, $49.95, $32.50, hardback, 288 pages

The Battle for Burma Wild Green Earth Bernard Fergusson Bernard Fergusson was one of Orde Wingate’s Column Commanders in the heroic but battered Chindit expedition behind Japanese lines in Burma in 1943. By 1944 Wingate had persuaded Churchill and Roosevelt that a bigger force, on the same unorthodox lines, could make a strategic difference. Aged 32, Fergusson returned to Burma as part of this, as a Brigadier, leading the only Brigade in the new force which entered Burma on foot.This book follows the author’s account of the 1943 campaign, Beyond the Chindwin. Both were written with the events and reactions fresh in the author’s mind, and vividly but sensitively conveyed.The reflections are timeless, fascinating for those with an interest in leadership and motivation as much as for readers of military history. 9781473827158, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 224 pages

The Battle of Burma 1943–1945 John Grehan & Martin Mace Despatches in this volume include that on operations in Burma and North-East India between November 1943 and June 1944, by General Sir George J. Giffard; the dispatch on operations in Assam and Burma between June 1944 June and November 1944, by General Sir George J. Giffard, Commander-in-Chief; the dispatch on Naval operations in the Ramree Island area (Burma) in January and February 1945 by Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur J. Power, Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Station; and the dispatch on operations in Burma between November 1944 and August 1945 by Lieutenant-General Sir Oliver Leese.This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history. 9781783461998, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

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•WORLD WAR II• The Fall of Burma 1941–1943 John Grehan & Martin Mace Despatches in this volume include that on operations in Burma between 15 December 1941 and 20 May 1942 by General Wavell; Operations in Eastern Theatre, based on India, March 1942 to 31 December 1942 by Field-Marshall Wavell; Operations in the Indo-Burma Theatre 21 June to 15 November 1942 by Field-Marshall Auchinleck; and Operations in the India Command 1 January to 20 June 1943 by Field-Marshall Wavell. This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history. 9781783462100, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 208 pages

Far East Air Operations 1943–1945 John Grehan & Martin Mace Dispatches in this volume include Air Operations in Burma and Bay of Bengal 1 January to 22 May 1942 by General Wavell, the despatch on air operations in South-East Asia November 1943 to May 1944, by Air Chief Marshal Sir R.E.C. Peirse, the dispatch on air operations in South-East Asia from June 1944 to May 1945, by Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park, and the dispatch on air operations in South East Asia between May 1945 and September 1945, by Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park. This unique collection of original documents will prove to be an invaluable resource for historians, students and all those interested in what was one of the most significant periods in British military history. 9781783462124, $39.95, $25.99, hardback, 240 pages

RAF Fighter Pilots Over Burma Norman Franks It is a recognized fact that, had the war gone badly for the Allies on the India/Burma front, and had the Japanese succeeded in invading the Indian Continent, the outcome of the war would have been entirely different.Yet despite this, the campaign on the Burma front is offered surprisingly scant coverage in the majority of photo-history books.This new book, from respected military historian and author Norman Franks, attempts to redress the balance, noting the importance of this particular aerial conflict within the wider context of the Second World War.The focus is on the pilots, aircraft and landscapes that characterized the campaign. Many unpublished photographs featured, each one offering a new insight into the conflict as it unfolded over Burmese skies. 9781783376148, $24.95, $16.50, paperback, 176 pages

Constant Vigilance Nigel W.M.Warwick The RAF Regiment was created in the early years of World War II for the active dedicated defense of RAF airfields and installations. This book concerns the Regiments operational history in South-east Asia Command and draws on the diaries and recollections of the men who served in that theater. It is strongly supported by maps and diagrams from official records. The Regiment played a vital and significant role in the two major battles for Burma, Imphal and Meiktila. The successes of the 14th Army were founded on the support of the transport, fighter and bomber squadrons. The RAF could not have done this as effectively without the confidence that its airfields and vital installations were safe under the constant vigilance of the RAF Regiment. 9781473822849, $32.95, $21.50, paperback, 320 pages

Burma Railway Man Charles Steel Charles Steel took part in two military disasters - the Fall of France and the Dunkirk evacuation, and the Fall of Singapore. Shortly before the latter, he married Louise. Within days of being captured by the Japanese, he began writing a weekly letter to his new bride as means of keeping in touch with her in his mind, for the Japanese forbade all writing of letters and diaries. By the time he was, he had written and hidden some 180 letters, plus a further 20 post-liberation letters. Part love-letter, part diary these unique letters intended for Louise's eyes only describe the horror of working as a slave on the Burma. It is also an uplifting account of how man can rise above adversity and even secretly get back at his captors! 9781783400676, $14.95, $9.99, paperback, 192 pages

The Forgotten Army James Fenton In 1943–45, while the European War against Hitler dominated public interest in Britain, in the Far East a struggle of monumental importance, pushing men to the very limits of endurance, raged on in the sweltering jungles of Burma. This was the struggle of the so-called 'Forgotten Army', who valiantly repelled the invading Japanese forces at the gates of India. James Fenton served as a gunner and then bombardier with the Royal Artillery in Burma from 1944–45. This is a personal account of war in one of the most physically demanding habitats in the world. It is a testament to the resourcefulness, engendered by humor, camaraderie and contact with home, which enabled ordinary men to endure extraordinary physical hardship and mental strain. 9781781550472, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 256 pages

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•WORLD WAR II • DVDS• The Defence of Sevastopol 1941–1942 Clayton Donnell In December 1941, while America was reeling from the attack on Pearl Harbor, the German Eleventh Army encircled the vast fortress of Sevastopol in the Crimea, launching massive combined air, artillery, and land attacks against the heavily defended positions. One of the most remarkable campaigns in the history of modern warfare had begun. Drawing on expert knowledge of the history of modern fortifications, this book describes the design and development of the Red Army’s formidable base at Sevastopol. But he concentrates on the sequence of attacks mounted by the Wehrmacht on the strongpoints protecting the city. Using documentary records and a range of personal accounts, Clayton Donnell reconstructs the events and experience of the campaign in vivid detail. 9781783463916, $34.95, $22.99, hardback, 256 pages


The Battle of the Bulge: Kampfgruppe Peiper Battlefield History TV Ltd & Tim Saunders Sepp Dietrich’s Sixth SS Panzer Armee was allocated the main effort in Hitler’s last throw of the dice in the West. Under cover of poor winter weather that would ground the Allied air forces they were to punch through weak American positions in the Ardennes to the River Meuse and on to Antwerp cutting of and destroying the northern Allied Armies.The German generals protested that it was too ambitious but Hitler insisted.This is a controversial subject but one that the experience BHTV team have been able to bring to life by covering both the German and US perspectives with a frankness that is underpinned by a detailed knowledge and understanding of the battle and its place in the campaign. 5060247620350, $24.95, $16.50, DVD NTSC

The Battle of the Bulge: Siege of Bastogne With the Fifth Panzer Army fighting its way towards the River Meuse, the cross roads town of Bastogne, vital for the success of Hitler’s last attempt to check the Allies in the west, the Americans rushed reinforcements to hold it. 101st US Airborne Division was resting in reserve near Paris when the call for immediate deployment to the Ardennes came and reached Bastogne just before the German ring around the town closed. 5060247620343, $29.95, $19.50, DVD NTSC


The Battle of the Bulge: Panzer Marche! Battlefield History TV Ltd In this section, we examine the background to the campaign with a leading American historian before following the advance of one of Hitler’s most successful panzer commanders, Hasso von Manteuffel, Fifth Panzer Army. We will travel in wintery conditions from the German border into the lightly held US front line. The British XXX Corps deployed to the River Meuse amidst controversy over Montgomery’s role and injudicious words but the panzer spearheads were halted short of the river as the skies cleared and the feared fighter-bombers returned. In the usual BHTV style, a selection of the countries most respected and knowledgeable experts take to the fields where the battles were originally fought almost 70 years ago to explain the conflict in meticulous detail. 5060247620336, $24.95, $16.50, DVD NTSC

Special Forces: Bletchley Park and the Ultra Secret Battefield History TV Ltd During the Second World War, Bletchley Park was the site of the UK’s main decryption establishment, the Government Code and Cypher School (GC&CS), where ciphers and codes of several Axis countries were decrypted, most importantly the ciphers generated by the German Enigma and Lorenz machines. In this newly commissioned documentary film, the BHTV team of historians and battlefield guides explain the history of this legendary World War Two site. Filmed in collaboration with the Bletchley Park trust, the team have been given complete access to the building and it’s official history. 5060247621142, $24.95, $16.50, DVD NTSC

The Germans in Normandy: 6th Fallschirmjaeger The German paratroopers established a reputation in Crete as an elite force. A battalion commander now led a new Fallschirmjäger regiment, deployed to Normandy in the spring of 1944 to the very area where the US Paratroopers were to drop on D Day. This DVD will tell the story of this regiment, and its six day battle around the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. Using the established and popular style of expert interviews, pieces filmed on the ground where the battle happened, illustrated with contemporary reenactment footage and numerous maps, the story of the part played by the 6th Fallschirmjäger in the key engagements against the 101st Airborne Division around Saint-Come-du-Mont, the flooded marshes and the key town of Carentan will be told in graphic and controversial detail. 5060247620428, $29.95, $19.50, DVD NTSC

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Eyes All Over the Sky James Streckfuss At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, no-one could yet possibly know how significant a role aircraft would play in the fighting. Aerial reconnaissance, observation, and photography impacted the fighting in many ways, but little has been written about it. The story told here involves the early American Lafayette Escadrille pilots who were looking for heroic deeds and romantic adventure in aerial combat, as well as the German, British, and French aces of popular imagination. But the real value of military aviation lay elsewhere: balloonists, unsung heroes, were an essential part of the observation chain, and forever altered the nature of artillery operations. Eyes All Over the Sky fully explores all the aspects of aerial reconnaissance, and its previously underappreciated significance. 9781612003672, $32.95, $21.50, hardback, 240 pages, June 2016






FORTHCOMING FROM CASEMATE The Lafayette Escadrille Steven A. Ruffin The Lafayette Escadrille was an allvolunteer squadron of Americans who flew for France during World War I. 100 years later, it is still arguably the best-known fighter squadron ever to take to the skies. Here the entire history of these gallant volunteers is laid out in text and pictorial form. It is a never-before-seen visual history that all will appreciate. 9781612003504, $37.95, $24.99, hardback, 288 pages, May 2016

The Way of the Eagle Charles J. Biddle This is Philadelphia native Charles Biddle’s classic aviation memoir that provides new insights into America’s participation in the Great War. This memoir is important in that accounts of U.S. pilots from this period are relatively rare, and he paints a compelling picture of a group of Americans fighting as volunteers for the French. 9781612003900, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 348 pages, May 2016

Sixty Squadron RAF Group Captain A.J.L. Scott This is one of the classic histories of the Great War. It is the story of a squadron whose members were awarded 1 Victoria Cross, 5 Distinguished Service Orders, 1 Bar to the DSO, 37 Military Crosses and 5 Distinguished Flying Crosses. Many of those mentioned in these pages remained in aviation in the years after the war and during World War II. 9781612003849, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 165 pages, May 2016

Recollections of an Airman Louis Arbon Strange Here is an authentic memoir of a remarkably wide range of Western Front experience, from the very beginning of the Great War until the end. Strange was at the Central Flying School when war broke out. He was on active duty throughout the whole of the war. Along the way we see insight into exactly how Allied airmen eventually prevailed. 9781612003863, $29.95, $19.50, hardback, 224 pages, May 2016

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