Casemate UK autumn 2015

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Art • Military • Aviation • Maritime & Naval History

Welcome to the 2015 Casemate UK Autumn Catalogue CONTENTS Casemate UK.....................................................................1 Casemate............................................................................6 Pool of London Press.................................................10 30 Degrees South........................................................ 15 Amber Books.................................................................. 18 Big Sky Publishing........................................................22 Enigma Books................................................................26 Fighting High Publishing...........................................28 Harpia Publishing......................................................... 31 With an excellent selection of new books Heimdal.............................................................................35 from our distributed publishers and two Casemate Bestsellers................................................38 new publishing imprints of our own it’s Helion & Company......................................................43 an exciting time for Casemate UK – we look forward to keeping you updated Histoire et Collections...............................................60 throughout 2015. Kagero................................................................................62 Ken Trotman Books....................................................65 Join the conversation! Model Centrum Progres............................................66 The Casemate UK team has a new military POOL OF LONDON BRANDING GUIDELINES OREP ...................................................................................67 history blog – do stop by to discover extra Paladin Press..................................................................68 content, our favourite books, and posts from authors. Potomac Books.............................................................69 COLOURS: Presidio Press.................................................................72 RZM Publishing...............................................................73 Sabrestorm......................................................................74 100k 40k Savas Beatie...................................................................77 /casemateuk Stackpole Books...........................................................79 LOGOS: @Casemate_UK WTM.....................................................................................82 Piano Nobile....................................................................83 Anomie...............................................................................83 Font: Futura Medium Oxbow Books and partners....................................84 P OO L O F L O N DON Tracking 100 With more publishers than ever before we present to you a vast and impressively diverse selection of military history books this autumn. Alongside established Casemate UK favourites we are pleased to welcome new distributed publishers Big Sky Publishing, Fighting High Publishing, Harpia Publishing, Sabrestorm and WTM. Don’t forget to check out our bestsellers section on pages 38 to 42.

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We are delighted to announce in this catalogue a Following the overwhelmingly positive reception new publishing venture for the Casemate Group for our first published titles, the CUK publishing namely the Pool of London Press which we programme continues to grow this autumn. will in F September 2015. Focusing logo on with thewebsite In this catalogue you will find an entertaining P Olaunch OL O L O N DON specialist fields of naval, military WWW.POOLOFLONDON . C O Mand exploration history of the Long Range Desert Group; an history, the Pool of London Press will publish expert examination of the Battle of Britain; and beautifully produced printed books and digital an account of the previously unacknowledged products for a dedicated readership. Turn to page crucial role that that Netherland forces played in outline version the Battle of Waterloo. 10 to find out more. for use without font

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Cover image taken from ‘The Most Dangerous Moment of the War’, p. 2 © Bridgeman Images


The Dutch and the Belgians at Waterloo

The Dutch and the Belgians at Waterloo By Veronica Baker-Smith • A fresh look at the impact and aid of the Dutch and the Belgians in Wellington’s campaign at Waterloo The Dutch-Belgians have been variously described as inexperienced, incompetent and cowardly, a rogue element in the otherwise disciplined Allied Army. It is only now being tentatively acknowledged that they alone saved Wellington from disaster at Quatre Bras. He had committed a strategic error in that, as Napoleon advanced, his own troops were scattered over a hundred kilometres of southern Belgium. Outnumbered three to one, the Netherlanders gave him time to concentrate his forces, and save Brussels from French occupation. At Waterloo itself, on at least three occasions when the fate of the battle ‘hung upon the cusp’ their engagement with the enemy aided British recovery.




For the first time, a full assessment is made of the challenge which Willem I faced as King of a country hastily cobbled together by the Congress of Vienna, and of his achievement in assembling, 19TH CENTURY | WATERLOO equipping and training thirty thousand men from scratch in eighteen months, and the crucial role they 9781612003320 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.99 played in the Waterloo campaign. This is a timely 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages reassessment in the two hundredth anniversary year of the battle of Waterloo. The veneration which the Duke of Wellington justifiably enjoyed after the Waterloo Campaign should not be allowed to forgive his lifelong lack of acknowledgment of the debt he owed the Netherlanders. As he once said himself, ‘there should be glory enough for all’, and it is high time that they are allowed to claim their share.

Veronica Baker-Smith

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9781909982963 April 2015 ■ £37.50 Helion & Company

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‘THE MOST DANGEROUS MOMENT OF THE WAR’ Japan’s Attack on the Indian Ocean, 1942 By John Clancy • Tells the story of the events of this dramatic but little known episode in which a major catastrophe was only narrowly averted



Japan’s attack on the IndIan ocean, 1942



In early April 1942, a little-known chapter of World War II took place, said by Sir Winston Churchill to be ‘the most dangerous moment of the war’ when the Japanese made their only major offensive westwards into the Indian Ocean. War in the Far East had erupted with the attack on Pearl Harbour on 7th December 1941 and it appeared that the British naval bases at Ceylon would be next. With the Japanese forces seeming unstoppable, the Indian Ocean lay open and undefended. So far the Japanese had suffered no significant losses and the offensive continued unabated as they steamed westward, unopposed. It was generally felt Ceylon would be next to fall.

After the war Churchill acknowledged that the potential disaster at Ceylon had been averted by 9781612003344 ■ November 2015 ■ £19.99 the brave actions of one pilot, Squadron Leader 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages L.J. Birchall who flying his Catalina flying boat on a regular patrol, spotted the Japanese warships massing some 350 miles from Ceylon. He was spotted by the Japanese whose aircraft shot him down but before he crashed, Birchall managed to send a brief radio message back to his base. This gave the island’s defence forces sufficient time to prepare for the attack and to disperse the British fleet out to sea. Churchill acknowledged this pilot had made one of the most important single contributions to our victory.

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9781612002996 June 2015 ■ £20.99 Casemate


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9781612003078 June 2015 ■ £20.99 Casemate

9781612000107 April 2011 ■ £22.50 Casemate


An Epic Conflict Revisited


By Christer Bergström


Christer Bergström

Christer Bergström WORLD WAR 2 | AVIATION

• The most thorough, expert examination of the topic available. Illustrated with numerous maps and rare photos, it reviews the battle as seldom seen before



Illustrated throughout with maps and rare photos, plus a colour section closely depicting the aircraft, this work describes the battle in great detail and uncovers new conclusions. The Battle of Britain was a turning in point in military history, and arguably in the fate of the world. By late summer 1940 Nazi Germany had conquered all its opponents on the continent, including the British Army itself, which was forced to scramble back aboard small boats to its shores. With a Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union in hand, Hitler had only one remaining object that season – the British Isles themselves. However, before he could invade, his Luftwaffe needed to wipe the Royal Air Force from the skies. Thus took place history’s first strategic military campaign conducted in the air alone.

This book contains a large number of dramatic eyewitness accounts and reveals new facts that 9781612003474 ■ September 2015 ■ £35.00 will alter perception of the battle. The author 305 x 229 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages ■ Photos throughout uncovered lost records for both sides, and provides statistics that will raise more than one eyebrow. The “revisionist” version, according to which the courage and skill of the RAF airmen is “exaggerated” is scrutinized and completely shattered. There is no doubt that it was the unparalleled efforts of “The Few” that won the battle.

Related titles

9781612002774 November 2014 ■ £45.00 Casemate


9781612002583 March 2015 ■ £19.99 Casemate

9780984212712 November 2014 ■ £29.95 Weider History

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Ghost Patrol


Ghost Patrol A History of the Long Range Desert Group 1940-1945

John Sadler

John Sadler WORLD WAR 2 | AFRICA

GHOST PATROL A History of the Long Range Desert Group, 1940–1945 By John Sadler • The exhilarating origins of modern day Special Forces groups in the form of the Long Range Desert Group and their WWII operations The origins of most of the west’s Special Forces can be traced back to the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG, which operated across the limitless expanses of the Libyan Desert during the whole of the Desert War from 1940–1943. Their work was often dangerous, always taxing, exhausting and uncomfortable. They were a new breed of soldier. The LRDG, in a dark hour, was the force which took the fight to the enemy, roving over the deep desert – the 30-cwt Chevy truck and the famous Jeep have become iconic – a small raider’s paradise, attacking enemy convoys and outposts, destroying aircraft and supplies, forcing the Axis to expend more and more resources protecting their vulnerable lines.

The Axis never managed to equip any similar unit and they never escaped their fear of the scorching wilderness. Once the desert war was won the LRDG transferred their skills to the Mediterranean sector, re-training as mountain guerrillas, serving in the ill-fated Dodecanese campaign, then in strife torn Albania, Yugoslavia and Greece, fighting alongside mercurial partisans at a time the Balkans were sliding towards communist domination or civil war. 9781612003368 ■ November 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 232 pages

In addition the LRDG worked alongside the fledgling SAS and they established, beyond all doubt, the value of highly trained Special Forces, a legacy which resonates today.

Related titles

9781612002880 March 2015 ■ £19.99 Casemate UK


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9780811734745 May 2008 ■ £10.99 Stackpole Books

9781612002699 April 2015 ■ £20.99 Casemate


Occupation and Liberation By William Mortimer Moore • A look at the liberation of Paris and the complexities and intrigue in reclaiming the city

Paris ’44 Occupation and Liberation The City of Light Redeemed William Mortimer Moore WORLD WAR 2 | EUROPEAN HISTORY

During the fall of 1944, once the Western Allies had gained military advantage over the Nazis, the crown jewel of Allied strategy became the liberation of Paris – the capital of France so long held in captivity. This event, however, was steeped in more complexity when the Allies returned than in 1940 when Hitler’s legions first marched in. In 1944 the city was beset by cross-currents about who was to reclaim it. This book punctures the myth parlayed by Is Paris Burning? and other works that describe the city’s liberation as mostly the result of the insurrection by the Resistance in the capital.



Amidst the swirling streams of self-interest and intrigue that beset the capital on the eve of its liberation, this book makes clear that Leclerc and his 2nd Armoured Division were the real heroes of the liberation and that marching on their capital city was their raison d’etre.

At issue was the reconstitution of France itself, after its dark night of the soul under the Germans, and 9781612003436 ■ November 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 486 pages ■ 16pp photos despite the demands of the Anglo-Americans and France’s own insurrectionists. That a great power was restored is now manifest, with this book explaining how it was ensured.

Related titles

9781612001241 December 2012 ■ £22.50 Casemate


9781909982994 April 2015 ■ £29.95 Helion & Company

9780811714822 January 2015 ■ £19.99 Stackpole Books

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THE TYPHOON TRUCE, 1970 Three Days in Vietnam when Nature Intervened in the War By Robert F. Curtis • Eye-opening story of when nature called a temporary truce during the Vietnam War Sometimes wars are suspended and fighting stops for a while. A holiday that both sides recognize might do it, as happened in the Christmas truce during World War I. Weather might do it, too, as it did in Vietnam in October 1970. The “typhoon truce” was just as real, and the war stopped for three days in northern I Corps as Super Typhoons Joan and Kate devastated the lands. No one but the Americans had the resources to help the people who lived in the lowlands, and so they did. In this book we see how for a brief period during an otherwise vicious war, saving life took precedence over bloody conflict.

9781612003290 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages 16pp photos


SAVING MACARTHUR The Story of America’s Most Daring Naval Rescue, and of the Men It Left Behind By Rudy Tomedi • The gripping story of those forgotten but whose actions helped complete a daring rescue from the Japanese in WWII 26-year-old John Duncan Bulkeley pulled off one of the most spectacular rescues in U.S. naval history by saving General Douglas MacArthur from the Philippines. Both MacArthur and Bulkeley were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, but no mention was ever made of the nearly 80 officers and men of Bulkeley’s squadron who were left behind. Saving MacArthur is the story of the fateful friendship of two otherwise very different men who shared an unquenchable thirst for fame, but above all it is the story of the men history has forgotten, whose extraordinary courage allowed for that glorious moment, and whose only reward was to be abandoned and left at the mercy of the Japanese.



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9781612003177 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages 16pp photos


The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in the Battle of the Bulge By Frank van Lunteren • A fascinating close-up view of the 504th P.I.R. during the Battle of the Bulge and its gallant sacrifice



During the Battle of the Bulge, the 504th was committed to block the SS advance, and give aid to those caught in this aggressive German attack. In adverse weather conditions against the German 9th SS Panzer and 3rd Fallschirmjäger Divisions, the 504th lived up to its regimental motto – Strike and Hold. Although some rifle companies were whittled down to less than 50 paratroopers, the Americans doggedly fought on until victory was achieved. Using never before published diaries, letters, battle reports and interviews with over 100 veterans, a comprehensive account is painted of a triumphant U.S. regiment in one of the fiercest fought campaigns in the history of the U.S. Army.


9781612003139 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages 16pp photos

EISENHOWER’S THORN ON THE RHINE The Battles for the Colmar Pocket, 1944–45 By Nathan N. Prefer • An informative look at the last major German offensive of World War II on the Western Front On New Year’s Eve 1944, the German forces launched Operation Northwind, a counteroffensive which nearly turned the Allied forces luck. On January 12, 1945, Eisenhower could only tell George Marshall, “It is a very bad thorn in our side today.” This is the story of the Sixth Army Group which fought on the southern flank of the SHAEF front. Amidst a horrific winter and rough terrain, interspersed by demolished towns, both sides traded blows in a ferocious campaign often neglected in histories of the war. This book informs us fully of the tremendous and costly struggle waged on that often-neglected sector of the front.



9781612003221 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages 16pp photos

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A HANDFUL OF HARD MEN The SAS and the Battle for Rhodesia By Hannes Wessels • One man’s war and time spent fighting in the Rhodesian SAS During the West’s great transition into the post-Colonial age, the country of Rhodesia refused to succumb quietly and throughout the 1980s fought back. During the long war many heroes emerged, but none more skilful and courageous than Captain Darrell Watt of the Rhodesian SAS, who placed himself at the tip of the spear in the deadly battle to resist the forces of Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo. After 12 years in the cauldron of war his cause slipped from beneath him, however, and Rhodesia gave way to Zimbabwe. When the guns went quiet Watt had won all his battles but lost the war. In this fascinating biography we learn that in his twilight years he is now concerned with saving wildlife on a continent where they are in continued danger, devoting himself to both the fauna and African people he has cared so deeply about.


9781612003450 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 304 pages 32pp photos

NANJING 1937 Battle for a Doomed City By Peter Harmsen • The follow-up to Harmsen’s best-selling Shanghai 1937: Stalingrad on the Yangtze The infamous Rape of Nanjing looms like a dark shadow over the history of Asia in the 20th century, and is among the most widely recognized chapters of World War II in China. By contrast, the story of the month-long campaign before this notorious massacre has never been told in its entirety. Nanjing 1937 by Peter Harmsen fills this gap. In stirring prose, it describes how the Japanese Army, having invaded the mainland and emerging victorious from the Battle of Shanghai, pushed on toward the capital Nanjing in a crushing advance that confirmed its reputation for bravery and savagery in equal measure. This epic tale is told with verve and attention to detail by Harmsen, a veteran East Asia correspondent.



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9781612002842 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages 16pp photos


The Second Spartan Regiment in the American Revolution By Oscar E. Gilbert and Charlotte R. Gilbert • Exploring a unit who fought to change the fate of America during the American Revolution


Following their defeat at Saratoga in upstate New York in 1777, the British decided to implement a Southern Strategy against the American insurgents to “roll up” the rebellious colonies. Instead, they triggered a savage partisan war of raids, ambushes, assassinations, and large pitched battles that rivalled any fought in the northern colonies. This study uses battlefield terrain analysis and the words of the officers and common soldiers to bring to life the crucial role of one militia regiment – the Second Spartans of South Carolina – that fought in virtually every action of the vicious back-country war that decided the fate of America.



9781612003276 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ 16pp photos

BACTERIA AND BAYONETS The Influence of Disease in American Military History By David R. Petriello • Understanding the history of America’s smallest and most resilient enemy Various powerful enemies have all fallen before the arms of the American soldier. Yet the deadliest enemy faced by the nation, one which killed more soldiers than all of its foes combined, has been both unrecognized and unseen. The war waged by the United States against disease, and by disease against the United States, has impacted the country more than any other conflict and continues to present a terrible threat to this day. This book not only traces the path of disease in American military history but also recounts numerous small episodes and interesting anecdotes related to the history of illness.


9781612003412 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ 16pp photos

LINCOLN’S BOLD LION The Life and Times of Brigadier General Martin Davis Hardin By James Huffstout • Revealing, for the first time, the life of an exceptional General in the American Civil War The story of General Martin Hardin provides more than a combat record; it, in fact, comprises a walking tour through 1800s America, with its most costly war only a centrepiece. Hardin’s life reveals the progress of a century. As we see in these pages, his gallantry and leadership in combat sufficed enough to earn him renown, and in this book the under-sung exploits of a true 19th-century hero are finally revealed. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781612003399 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ 16pp photos


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POOLOFLOND ON W W W. P O O L O FL ON D ON .COM An exciting new imprint from the Casemate Group The Pool of London Press is a start-up publisher, and has recently become a new division within the Casemate Group. The press is dedicated to the specialist fields of naval, military and exploration history. The company is working with the leading commercial authors within their respective fields and is additionally building partner relationships with both UK and international museums and institutions. Launching in September 2015 the Pool of London Press will publish beautifully printed books and digital products for a dedicated readership. The press is headed by publisher John Lee, well known for running the successful Conway Publishing list for just under two decades, and with a vast array of experience developing specialist books for history enthusiasts, from bestselling TV tie-ins to successful retro volumes for historical anniversaries. I WAS A SPY!

“The Greatest War Story of All” Winston Churchill 1932

The Classic Account of Behind-the-Lines Espionage in the First World War


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ou fo

At War & At Sea with HMS Belfast By Brian Lavery • The very first complete ‘biography’ of HMS Belfast, exhaustively researched from primary sources and interviews As she lay in dry dock, devastatingly damaged by one of Hitler’s newly deployed magnetic mines after barely two months in service, few could have predicted the illustrious career that lay ahead for the cruiser HMS Belfast. After three years of repairs she would go on to play a critical role in the protection of the Arctic Convoys, would fire one of the opening shots at D-Day and continue supporting the Operation Overlord landings for five weeks.

NAVAL | WORLD WAR 2 9781910860014 ■ October 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 376 pages 40 colour & b/w photos and diagrams



Her service continued beyond the Second World War both in Korea and in the Far East before she commenced her life as one of the world’s most celebrated preserved visitor ships in the Pool of London. Her crowning glory however came in December 1943 when, equipped with the latest radar technology, she was to play the leading role in the Battle of the North Cape sinking the feared German battlecruiser Scharnhorst, the bête noir of the Royal Navy. In doing so the ship’s crew made a vital contribution to, what was to be, the final big-gun head-to-head action to be fought at sea.

In The Last Big Gun Brian Lavery, the foremost historian of the Royal Navy, employs his trademark wide-ranging narrative style and uses the microcosm of the ship to tell the wider story of the naval war at sea and vividly portray the realities for all of life aboard a Second World War battleship. The book is lavishly illustrated with photographs and illustrations and will appeal to all those with an interest in military history and life in the wartime Royal Navy.

About the author: Brian Lavery is one of Britain’s leading naval historians and a prolific author. A Curator Emeritus at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, and a renowned expert on the sailing navy and the Royal Navy, in 2007 he won the prestigious Desmond Wettern Maritime Media Award. His naval writing was further honoured in 2008 with the Society of Nautical Research’s Anderson Medal. His recent titles include Ship (2006), Royal Tars (2010), Conquest of the Ocean (2013), In Which They Served (2008), Churchill’s Navy (2006), and the Sunday Times bestseller Empire of the Seas (2010).


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About the author: Marjo Nurminen is an archaeologist by education and specialises in the history of science. She has worked as a TV journalist at the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE for more than ten years, focusing on science and its popularisation. Her book Tiedon Tyttäret (Sisters of Science) won the Tieto-Finlandia Award for the Best Finnish Non-Fiction Book in Finland 2008, and has been translated into a number of languages.


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• Lavishly illustrated history of the European world map • One thousand years of art, science, exploration, power and propaganda • Great illustrations of maps, paintings from the finest private and public collections as well as specially commissioned diagrams • The comprehensive history of European maps in one volume telling the exciting story of how cartographers first fully imaged the globe

The Map Makers’ World illuminates the fascinating cultural history of European world maps: what do historical world maps tell of us, of our perception of the world, and of places and peoples that are foreign to us? Who were the makers of these early world maps? How were the maps created and for whom were they drawn and printed? For what purposes were they used? What kind of information did they pass on? The answers to these questions open up a fascinating narrative of discovery and cartography relating not only to ideology and political power but also the histories of art and science. Rigorously researched and informed by the latest academic findings, The Map Makers’ World is beautifully illustrated presenting some 300 maps from the world’s finest museums, libraries and private collections.The book gives us a revealing and captivating perspective on the development of European world maps from the Early Middle Ages up until the modern period, i.e. from the 8th century until the end of the 18th century. The Map Makers’ World is a major work which ambitiously showcases all of the early European world map traditions: Medieval world maps (T-O maps, mappa mundis, Beatus maps, etc.); Ptolemy’s maps; seafarers’ maps (portolan charts, planispheres and nautical charts), printed world maps and globes from the pre-Renaissance through to the Baroque era. Furthermore, The Map Makers’World takes its readers through the history of European global discovery and cartographic research, and also brings to life the exciting times when many of these historical maps were first discovered in the 19th century, after centuries of oblivion. The volume includes dedicated features further exploring 100 of the most important cartographic masterpieces from the period. The book is written as an exciting, flowing narrative, rather than a catalogue or an encyclopedia, and it takes the reader on the ultimate voyage of discovery.


THE MAP MAKERS’ WORLD A Cultural History of the European World Map By Marjo Nurminen

HISTORY & HERITAGE | MAPS & CARTOGRAPHY 9781910860007 ■ September 2015 ■ £50.00 345 x 255 mm ■ Hardback ■ 360 pages ■ 300 colour & b/w maps


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THE COLD WAR POCKET MANUAL The official field-manuals for spycraft, espionage and counter-intelligence 1945-1968 Edited and introduced by Philip Parker • A compilation of the previously classified documents detailing the techniques and equipment needed to be a Cold War spy Some twenty-five years after its conclusion the rigors and detail of many aspects of the Cold War are becoming increasingly of interest. At the forefront of this unique conflict were the security services and the agents of these secretive organizations. The Cold War Pocket Manual presents a meticulously compiled selection of recently unclassified documents, field-manuals, briefing directives and intelligence primers that uncover the training and techniques required to function as a spy in this dark period of modern history.



“The Greatest War Story of All” Winston Churchill 1932

The Classic Account of Behind-the-Lines Espionage in the First World War



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781910860021 ■ October 2015 ■ £8.99 180 x 120 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages 20 b/w artworks & diagrams

I WAS A SPY! The Classic Account of Behind-the-Lines Espionage in the First World War By Marthe McKenna, with a foreword by Winston Churchill • The gripping story of a British spy in WWII whose story and works inspired Churchill With her medical studies cut short by the 1914 German invasion multi-lingual Marthe McKenna was recruited by British Intelligence. At the time she worked as a nurse tending the wounds of occupying soldiers, and as a waitress in the Belgian border town of Roulers. I Was a Spy! is McKenna’s vivid narrative of these breath-taking adventures as she, aided by a gallant band of loyal locals, goes undercover to sabotage enemy phone lines, report suspicious activity or train movements, and even instigate an aerial attack on a planned visit by the Kaiser.

9781910860038 ■ September 2015 ■ £12.99 198 x 128 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages 15 photographs


The Romance of the Desert By David Hilton-Barber For hundreds of years the vast territory of the Kalahari remained a blank on the map. Yet it gripped the imagination of poets, painters, writers, dreamers, adventurers and not a few charlatans. This book is a whimsical anthology of those who were inspired by, lived, and died in the desert. AFRICA REFERENCE

9780620595711 ■ May 2015 ■ £9.95 234 x 153 mm ■ Paperback ■ 132 pages ■ 160 b/w illus

FOOTPRINTS On the Trail of Those Who Made History in the Lowveld



By David Hilton-Barber An easy-to-read anthology and a vital addition to the bookshelves of all African history enthusiasts. “This book is a story of success, of the triumph of man over a wilderness; of the triumph of science over disease; of the conversion of a Valley of Death into a paradise.” - H.S. Webb. AFRICA REFERENCE

9780994656117 ■ May 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 153 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 80 b/w illus, 1 map

ANGEL IN A THORN BUSH A Safari Guide in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe By Rob Fynn Angel in a Thorn Bush is the autobiography of Rob Fynn, an ancestor of the extraordinary Henry Francis Fynn, one of the founders of modern-day Durban. Packed with informative detail about the wilds of Africa and political history, it makes an enlightening and highly readable story. AUTOBIOGRAPHY 9780994656124 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.95 AFRICA 234 x 153 mm ■ Paperback ■ 320 pages ■ 150 photos, map

MZEE ALI The Biography of an African Slave-Raider turned Askari and Scout By Bror MacDonell and Kerrin Cocks Mzee Ali Kalikilima started slaving safaris as a young teen, then joined the German East African forces working on the railway. During WWI, he found himself attached to the forces of German commander, General von Lettow-Vorbeck. BIOGRAPHY WORLD WAR 1

9781928211631 ■ May 2015 ■ £14.95 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 2 b/w photos, 2 maps

RETURN TO MOROGORO With the South African Horse through East Africa to France and Flanders, 1914–1918 By James Bourhill A historical epic about a South African family whose lives collided with the biggest event in history: the First World War. Five members of one family with deep roots in all four corners of the country, served in three different theatres of war. REFERENCE WORLD WAR 1


9781928211747 ■ May 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 153 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 80 b/w photos, 5 maps

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THE ROAD TO ULUNDI REVISITED The Zulu War Sketches of an Artist on the March: John North Crealock By Ken Gillings Lt-Col John North Crealock was a veteran of the Indian Mutiny and was a skilled painter in watercolours. After an impressive career, Crealock’s paintings were given to the Regimental Museum, where they are now housed. Ken Gillings explores these beautiful images and the conflicts they depict. ANGLO-ZULU WARS 9781928211280 ■ May 2015 ■ £70.00 ■ 220 x 300 mm ■ Hardback AFRICA 128 pages ■ 70 watercolour illus, 65 photos, map

A GUIDE TO THE ANGLO-BOER WAR SITES OF KWAZULU-NATAL By Gilbert Torlage An insight into the most significant battles and events in the Anglo-Boer War, with information about concentration camps, hospitals, memorials and graves, together with clear directions to places listed in the text.

MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211464 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 74 pages ■ 60 b/w photos, maps

THE SIEGE OF LADYSMITH 2 November 1899–28 February 1900 By Steve Watt The Siege of Ladysmith drew the world’s attention to this dusty, hot town in Natal. Although constantly under bombardment by the Boers, disease, rather than military action caused the greatest number of casualties to the besieged. This title explores the almost four-month siege of the town. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211440 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 44 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE RELIEF OF LADYSMITH Breakthrough at Thukela Heights, 13–28 February 1900 By Ken Gillings After almost two weeks of continuous fighting in the Colenso region, General Buller finally broke through, in the rugged Thukela Heights area, to relieve Ladysmith. The Boers fought back heroically but they were eventually overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the British forces. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211457 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 64 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE BATTLE OF TALANA 20 October 1899 By Pam McFadden The Battle of Talana was the first major engagement of the Anglo-Boer War. Although it ended with no conclusive result, it provided an opportunity for both Boer and British forces to appreciate the strength of their opponents. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211396 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 40 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps


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21 October 1899 By Pam McFadden An attack on Elandslaagte station by the Boers prompted Major-General John French and Colonel Ian Hamilton to employ innovative tactics at Elandslaagte. The strength of this attack had a major impact on the morale of the Boer forces that faced it. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211402 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 40 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE BATTLE OF MODDER SPRUIT AND TCHRENGULA The Fight for Ladysmith, 30 October 1899



By Steve Watt The Battle of Modder Spruit and Tchrengula was the last before the commencement of the Siege of Ladysmith. Due to military blunders the battle resulted in the defeat of British arms. A day later Lord Wolseley, commented, “for the last half century we had no such disaster as that of yesterday.” MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211488 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 30 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE BATTLE OF COLENSO 15 December 1899 By S.B Bourquin and Gilbert Torlage Faulty and inadequate reconnaissance of the area by Buller’s men was no match for the meticulous planning of the young Boer general, Louis Botha. The outcome of this battle – Buller’s first and failed attempt to relieve Ladysmith – was a serious reverse for British arms. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211419 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 40 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE BATTLE OF SPIOENKOP 23–24 January 1900 By Gilbert Torlage Confusion and carnage among the British troops on the summit of Spioenkop followed what began as a successful surprise on the Boers. Under constant, heavy fire the British were forced to withdraw, once again failing to relieve Ladysmith. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211426 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 48 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps

THE BATTLE OF VAALKRANS 5–7 February 1900 By Steve Watt With Ladysmith weakening daily, Buller made a third attempt to relieve the beleaguered town. Inspired by his optimism, the British soldiers made an unusually feint attack on the weakly held Boer position. Although achieving partial success, Buller failed to capitalise on it and ultimately abandoned Vaalkrans. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781928211433 ■ June 2014 ■ £3.95 AFRICA 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 40 pages ■ 25 b/w photos, maps


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DRONES An Illustrated Guide to the Unmanned Aircraft That Are Filling Our Skies By Martin J. Dougherty • An exciting, accessibly written narrative about the latest in military and civilian aviation technology


Drones are found in the airspace throughout the world and are more popular now than ever before. We see them in the newspaper, on the TV, in films, at sporting events, and soon, they might be delivering our shopping. Drones are not only used for fighting wars but for a wide-range of daily tasks such as photography, mapping, policing, delivery, search and rescue, meteorology and many more. Drones explores the history behind unmanned aircraft, it explains how they work and features the most wellknown military and civillian drones in action today.

9781782742555 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 264 x 208 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 100 Illustrations and 60 colour artworks

THE WORLD’S GREATEST MILITARY AIRCRAFT By Thomas Newdick • With more than 200 artworks and photographs, this is a colourful guide for the aviation and military enthusiast Ever since man first took to the air, combat aircraft have been at the forefront of technology, resulting in some of the most spectacular and complex machines ever built. Spanning a century of flight, The World’s Greatest Military Aircraft features 52 of the greatest fighters, bombers, interceptors and transport planes. Each entry includes a brief description of the aircraft’s development and history, a colour profile artwork, key features and specifications.


9781782742630 ■ June 2015 ■ £19.99 297 x 227 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 100 colour artworks and 100 colour & b/w photos

THE VIKING WARRIOR The Norse Raiders who Terrorized Medieval Europe By Ben Hubbard • This expert account is a must for all who have an interest in the Vikings


Beginning in 789 CE, the Vikings raided monasteries, sacked settlements and invaded the Atlantic coast of Europe and the British Isles. Arranged thematically, The Viking Warrior examines the Norsemen through their origins, society, raiding culture, weapons and war tactics, exploration, trade, settlements and kingdoms.

9781782742913 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 213 x 290 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 200 colour & b/w photos and artworks


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An American Classic By Michael E. Haskew • The Collector’s Guide series brings you the background of many of Colt’s iconic firearms The year 2015 marks the 180th anniversary of Colt’s first patent for a firearm with a revolving cylinder and the 160th anniversary of the enterprise originally named Colt’s Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company. Illustrated with more than 200 artworks and photographs and accompanied by exhaustive technical specifications, Colt: An American Classic is an expertly written account of the firearms produced by one of the world’s best-known and easily recognized gun manufacturers.




9781782742579 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 244 x 186 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 200 colour & b/w photos and artworks

GLOCK The World’s Handgun By Chris McNab • An expertly written account of one of the most influential handguns in the world today The Glock series of handguns represents one of the greatest steps forward in pistol design since the introduction of Colt M1911. Collector’s Guide: Glock follows the evolution of the Glock handgun from concept to market leader, and explains each of the many variants and calibres, starting with the original Glock 17 and working through to the latest fourth-generation models. Looking at the Glock’s practical use, the story is both dramatic and, at times, controversial. Add its pervasive appeal in civilian handgun markets, and the Glock currently stands as one of the most influential sidearms of the last 50 years.


9781782742562 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.99 244 x 186 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 200 colour & b/w photos and artworks

THE WORLD’S GREATEST SMALL ARMS By Chris McNab • A colourful guide to 52 small arms for the military historian and gun enthusiast


Small arms have developed hugely since the introduction of the machine gun in the 1870s. Magazine-fed rifles, submachine guns, automatic pistols and, later, assault rifles and personal defence weapons have changed the face of infantry warfare, offering a range of weaponry designed for both the specialist and novice. The World’s Greatest Small Arms features 52 weapons from the late 19th century to the present day. Each weapon is examined over four pages and is illustrated with a colour profile artwork and photographs, along with a description of the weapon’s development and history, key features and a full specifications box. Including more than 200 artworks and photographs.

9781782742623 ■ June 2015 ■ £19.99 297 x 227 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 100 colour artworks and 100 colour & b/w photos


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SPECIAL FORCES IN ACTION Iraq - Syria - Afghanistan- Africa - Balkans By Alexander Stilwell • An expert account of how the world’s Special Forces have become a vital arm of the modern military


Over the last 25 years elite military formations have played an increasingly important role in the policing of the world’s trouble spots. Special Forces in Action is a detailed account of the operations of the world’s special forces from 1991 to the present day. From the Gulf War to the invasion of Iraq, via the war in Afghanistan, the search for war criminals in the Balkans, drug gang hunting in South America, hostage rescues in Africa, and the counter-terrorist initiatives since 9/11, the book brings the reader full details of the often clandestine and varied roles of the world’s elite soldiers.

9781782742548 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 180 photos and maps

ROMMEL In His Own Words By John Pimlott • An outstanding insight into Rommel’s military career In this compelling book, Erwin Rommel writes about his views on the philosophy of warfare, battles, leaders, and the progress of both world wars. A complete picture of how a military genius grappled with war is presented through Rommel’s accounts of his experiences as a soldier in World War I, and through translated extracts from letters, orders and the narratives of daily action in World War II that he dictated. The commentary by Dr John Pimlott sets Rommel’s words in context, describing the background to the general’s ideas and explaining how his plans were affected and altered by external circumstances.


9781782743163 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 110 b/w photos

THE GESTAPO A History of Hitler’s Secret Police, 1933–45 By Rupert Butler • An expert account of the Nazi’s infamous secret police service


The Gestapo is a detailed history of Heinrich Himmler’s evil organization, whose 20,000 members were responsible for the internal security of the Reich. This book describes the Gestapo’s transformation into a vital element in the Nazi regime, operating from the most feared address in the Reich: Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse 8, Berlin. Based upon the Gestapo’s own archives and eye-witness accounts, the author charts the development of the organization, its key figures, its brutal methods, and how the Gestapo dealt with internal security, including the various unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Hitler.

9781782743156 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 110 b/w photos


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A Biographical Guide to Leading Members of the SS By Christopher Ailsby • This compact volume examines in detail the members of the SS SS: Roll of Infamy is a complete alphabetical list of the leading members of the Third Reich’s Schutzstaffel (Protection Squad), from the early days of National Socialism in the 1920s to the fall of Berlin in May 1945. SS: Roll of Infamy builds a complete picture of the individuals who staffed the various organizations of the SS, including the Gestapo and concentration camp system. All the leading members of the SS’s armed wing, the WaffenSS, are also featured.




9781782743132 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 150 b/w photos

SS: HELL ON THE WESTERN FRONT The Waffen-SS in Western Europe 1940–45 By Chris Bishop • A thorough study of the Waffen-SS in the western theatre SS: Hell on the Western Front describes in vivid detail the exploits of the Waffen-SS in Western Europe from 1940 to 1945. The book begins with the formation of the Waffen-SS and its growth and development into a combat arm. The successes of 1940 are examined, as the SS troopers swept all opposition before them, as is the darker side of the organization. SS: Hell on the Western Front features the actions of famous Waffen-SS divisions and provides an insight into how these ideologically motivated units consistently outfought the Allies, even when seriously disadvantaged due to lack of fuel or air support.


9781782743149 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 110 b/w photos, 12 b/w maps

WEAPONS AND FIGHTING TACTICS OF THE WAFFEN-SS By Stephen Hart and Russell Hart • Detailing the military equipment and techniques used by Hitler’s elite The divisions of the Waffen-SS were the elite of Hitler’s armed forces in World War II, but what is often forgotten is that their military achievements were due in no small measure to the hardware they deployed. As many of the elite divisions of the SS were armoured formations, the book has detailed chapters on German tanks, such as the Panzer V ‘Panther’, Panzer VI ‘Tiger’ and Tiger II ‘King Tiger’. Weapons and Fighting Techniques of the Waffen-SS is a complete record of the deployment and use of the weaponry in the service of the Waffen-SS in World War II. WORLD WAR 2 EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES

9781782743125 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 240 x 189 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 70 b/w photos and 50 b/w artworks


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new distributed publisher BIG SKY PUBLISHING

THE AUGUST OFFENSIVE At Anzac 1915 By David W. Cameron The August Offensive or Anzac Breakout at Gallipoli saw some of the bloodiest fighting since the landing as Commonwealth and Turkish troops fought desperate battles at Lone Pine, German Officers’ Trench, Turkish Quinn’s the Chessboard, the Nek, Chunuk Bair, the Farm, Hill Q and Hill 971. This book is part of the Australian Army History Unit’s Campaigns Series: well-researched, comprehensive and easy-to-read books on Australia’s military campaigns. WORLD WAR 1

9780987057471 ■ October 2011 ■ £10.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 140 pages

BATTLE OF BARDIA By Craig Stockings On the morning of 3 January 1941, Australians of the 6th Division led an assault against the Italian colonial fortress-village of Bardia in Libya. The ensuing battle was the first battle of the Second World War planned and fought predominantly by Australians. Subsequent battles may have overshadowed it, but this book attempts to bring it back into the spotlight.


9780987057457 ■ July 2011 ■ £10.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 196 pages

THE BATTLE OF CRETE By Albert Palazzo Between 20 May and 1 June 1941 the Second World War came to the Greek island of Crete. Over eleven days the two sides fought a desperate action. Richly illustrated, The Battle of Crete examines the commanders and the decisions they made, the men who fought, and the weapons they used in the epic struggle for the island.


9780980320411 ■ July 2007 ■ £10.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 184 pages

MALAYA 1941-42 By Brian Farrell and Garth Pratten When Imperial Japan unleashed the Pacific War in December 1941, Australian forces went into action, as part of a larger British Empire force, to defend Malaya and Singapore. Australia’s principal contribution to defending Malaya and Singapore was the 8th Division. Originally raised for service in the Mediterranean, the division was committed piecemeal to Malaya and its performance was bedevilled by poor command. WORLD WAR 2


9780980567441 ■ June 2009 ■ £10.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages

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new distributed publisher By Nicholas Anderson When the Japanese war machine swept through South-East Asia in early 1942, it was inevitable that conflict would reach Australian territory on the island of New Guinea. The ultimate Japanese target was Port Moresby. Conquering the capital would sever communication between Australia and her American ally and allow Japanese air power to threaten Australia’s northern cities.

9781922132956 ■ November 2014 ■ £10.99 232 x 155 mm ■ Paperback ■ 236 pages ■ Full colour




CONDUCTING COUNTERINSURGENCY Reconstruction Task Force 4 in Afghanistan By David Connery, David Cran, and David Evered Conducting Counterinsurgency uses the personal experiences of officers and soldiers from RTF4 to illustrate the principles of counterinsurgency operations. Providing a vivid and personal snapshot of the work of these soldiers, this is a first-hand account of counterinsurgency operations conducted by the contemporary Australian Army in its fight against the Taliban. AFGHANISTAN MODERN WARFARE

9781921941771 ■ July 2012 ■ £10.99 247 x 175 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages

ONE SHOT KILLS A history of Australian Army sniping By Glenn Wahlert and Russell Linwood The snipers of today’s Australian Army have learned the lessons of history and are held in the same high regard by friend and foe as their Gallipoli forebears. Snipers have become an essential force multiplier and have deployed on every operation since Somalia. One Shot Kills is the story of the sniper’s journey from the South African veldt to the recent battlegrounds of Iraq and Afghanistan.


9781922132659 ■ June 2014 ■ £10.99 232 x 155 mm ■ Paperback ■ 220 pages

CROSSING THE WIRE The untold stories of Australian POWs in battle and captivity during WWI By David Coombes The experiences of Australian prisoners of war (POWs) held captive in Germany has been largely forgotten or ignored. Crossing the Wire is a fitting tribute to the World War 1 soldiers and POWs. Coombes highlights the ordeals these men went through, their stoicism in enduring their mistreatment, and the fearlessness of a few in launching ingenious attempts to escape.



9780987057419 ■ April 2010 ■ £12.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages

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new distributed publisher BIG SKY PUBLISHING

AUSSIE SOLDIER Up Close and Personal By Denny Neave and Craig Smith This exceptional book features personal anecdotes and experiences of Aussie soldiers from World War One to current conflicts. With the assistance of over 200 Australian soldiers both young and old, Aussie Soldier provides up close and personal perspectives on what being a soldier means to them. BIOGRAPHY AND 9780980325119 ■ March 2008 ■ £10.99 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 230 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 314 pages

AUSSIE SOLDIER Prisoner of War By Denny Neave and Craig Smith This collection of heartfelt stories and anecdotes from Australian POWs will take you on their very personal journeys. Almost 35,000 Australian service personnel were taken prisoner during the Boer War, World War 1, World War 2 and the Korean War. This is a collection of Australian POW’s stories. BIOGRAPHY AND 9780980325157 ■ March 2009 ■ £10.99 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 230 x 155 mm ■ Paperback ■ 304 pages

COMBAT MEDIC An Australian’s eye-witness account of the Kihebo massacre By Terry Pickard On the 22nd of April 1995 more than 4,000 Rwandans were massacred and thousands more injured in a place called Kibeho. Terry Pickard, a seasoned soldier and medic, was one of a 32-strong force of UN peacekeepers in Kibeho on that terrible Saturday. BIOGRAPHY AND 9780980325126 ■ August 2010 ■ £8.99 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages

WORLD WAR 1 COMMEMORATIVE COOKBOOK A culinary journey through our military history By Captain David Hopgood This cook book showcases the hearty style of cooking evocative of the time, and presents simple, traditional recipes with a modern twist. Combined with a brief history of the contributions of the Anzacs, this cook book commemorates and honours our WWI soldiers. WORLD WAR 1 COOKING

9781922132819 ■ November 2014 ■ £12.99 172 x 245 mm ■ Paperback ■ 200 pages

A LONG WAY HOME One POW’s story of escape and evasion during World War II By Charles Granquist The son of a World War I veteran, Charles Granquist was 17 when war was declared with Germany in 1939. He lied about his age, joined the infantry and was sent to Egypt. Captured by the Germans in Greece, Granquist was determined to continue carrying the war to his captors “any way I could”. WORLD WAR 2 9780980658224 ■ April 2010 ■ £8.99 BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 224 pages


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new distributed publisher Scarred Forever By Dave Morgan My Vietnam War is Dave Morgan’s story. A typical 20 year old, he was forced into extraordinary circumstances in Vietnam. Far from his carefree youth, the Vietnam War would expose Dave to an atmosphere of ever-present danger and sheer terror that would impact him forever. His return to a divided Australia would isolate him further. VIETNAM BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781922132772 ■ September 2014 ■ £10.99 232 x 155 mm ■ Paperback ■ 296 pages



PURE MASSACRE Aussie soldiers reflect on the Rwandan genocide By Kevin O’Halloran Pure Massacre is a compilation of perspectives from a group of Australian UN peacekeepers who where sent to Rwanda under a United Nations’ mandate. It describes the horror of the unimaginable atrocities that took place in Rwanda and the impact on these soldiers given their helplessness to stop the killing given their rules of engagement. 9780980325188 ■ March 2010 ■ £10.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Paperback ■ 320 pages


RED ZONE BAGHDAD My War in Iraq By Marcus Fielding Colonel Marcus Fielding provides a rare glimpse into the contentious Iraq war, one of the most controversial conflicts of our time. An experienced soldier, he paints a vivid picture of the conditions for Australian troops and provides fascinating insights into the complexity of rebuilding a nation against a backdrop of Sectarian violence. IRAQ BIOGRAPHY AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781921941177 ■ October 2011 ■ £10.99 230 x 155 mm ■ Paperback ■ 288 pages

LETHALITY IN COMBAT A Study of the True Nature of Battle By Tom Lewis Author Tom Lewis controversial new book shatters our preconceptions regarding the rules of engagement and the realities of combat. Drawing on seven conflicts, the author considers these ethical issues. Lethality in Combat lifts the veil on the much-misunderstood but very real and secret world of unsanitised war.



9781921941511 ■ February 2012 ■ £15.99 178 x 110 mm ■ Hardback ■ 368 pages

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OFF THE RECORD WITH FDR: 1942-1945 By William D. Hassett • New paperback edition of a long out of print classic about FDR and World War II by his personal secretary A compelling document that provides insights into FDR’s daily routine during the War. This text is quoted by all historians and biographers of FDR and comes out appropriately for the 70th anniversary of the end of the war and FDR’s death in April 1945. This reprint joins many books published about Franklin D. Roosevelt and stands out because of the content, which provides little-known details about the president during the war years. FDR still stirs controversy but a broad consensus credits his leadership for the successful prosecution of the Second World War.


9780986376443 ■ October 2015 ■ £15.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 398 pages B/w photos

I WAS THERE Memoirs of Fleet Admiral Leahy, 1940-1945 By William D. Leahy • New paperback edition of a long out of print set of memoirs from a major military leader and friend of President Roosevelt The military leader closest to President Roosevelt during World War 2 tells his story from 1942 to V-J Day. The 70th anniversary of victory in Europe and Japan is an appropriate time to reprint the memoirs of Admiral Leahy. This book will appeal to all readers interested in World War II and particularly the American role and how President Roosevelt’s orders and directives were discussed and carried out. Leahy’s memoir stands out for its candid and dispassionate understanding of events, since he was one of the few to be on a first-name basis with the president. Of particular interest are Leahy’s accounts of the main conferences from 1942 going forward where he was always at FDR’s side.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9780986376467 ■ September 2016 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 584 pages B/w photos


A History By Renzo De Felice • A moving account of the history of Jews in Italy during the fascist regime



Commissioned by the major Italian Jewish organizations in the late 1950s to understand and publicize the history of the Jews living in Italy under the Fascist regime and during the Second World War. The tragic account of the persecution of the Jews in a single country was the first of its kind to be published after the war in 1961 in the wake of the Adolf Eichmann trial in Israel. HISTORICAL REFERENCE EUROPE

9780986376405 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 520 pages ■ B/w photos

THE FRENCH REVOLUTION A Monarchist View By Pierre Gaxotte • A reprint of a popular title on the French Revolution providing a critical approach to the revolt that turned into a revolution The French Revolution is a big subject and many major historians and writers have attempted to shed new light on what happened in France from 1789 to 1799. Gaxotte stands out for his contrarian approach that offers a well-reasoned defence of the French monarchy, much in the style of the English historian Edmund Burke. A description of the main characters and events of the revolution accompanies a decidedly critical interpretation much to the embarrassment of the many glorifiers of those bloody times. HISTORICAL REFERENCE EUROPE

9780986376429 ■ December 2015 ■ £15.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 428 pages

MY FAULT Mussolini as I Knew Him By Margherita Sarfatti • Margherita Sarfatti’s personal notes of Mussolini and the truth behind the man


In the summer of 1938 Mussolini’s former adviser and lover, Margherita Sarfatti, first spoke of writing a highly revealing biography of the dictator. She spent next nine years in exile writing her personal memoir of Mussolini after fleeing to Switzerland. My Fault reveals Mussolini as anxiety-ridden, often fearful, yet possessing political genius and hungering for power and fame. This edition, compiled from several manuscripts and a Spanish serialization published in an obscure Argentine newspaper, presents the man hidden behind the façade.

9781936274390 ■ April 2015 ■ £17.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ Photos


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new distributed publisher FIGHTING HIGH PUBLISHING

Zemke’s Wolfpack A Photographic Odyssey of the 56th Fighter Group During the Second World War By Nigel Julian, Peter Randall and Hub Zemke Jr. • Nigel Julian and Peter Randall tell the story of the 56th Fighter Group – ‘Zemke’s Wolfpack’ – the famous and very successful air fighting unit The USAAF 56th Fighter Group justified the name of ‘Zemke’s Wolfpack’ by the aggressive attitude and tactics instilled by Second World War commander Hub Zemke. Over 400 photographs, from private albums and archives, the majority of which have never been published, illustrate the story of the top scoring Eighth Air Force group in air to air combat.

World War 2 | Aviation

9780992620783 ■ June 2015 £29.95 ■ 210 x 275 mm Hardback ■ 208 pages Approx 400 illustrations

The Flying Hours The Compelling Memoir of Squadron Leader Andrew Millar DSO, DFC, and the Second World War Battle Against Japan By Squadron Leader Andrew Millar DSO, DFC • A deeply moving memoir from a fighter in the Second World War Squadron Leader Andrew Millar DSO, DFC, provides a candid account of his experiences serving as a pilot commanding No. 20 Squadron in the WWII battle against the Japanese. The brutal fighting in Burma has been described as the ‘Forgotten War’. Andrew Millar’s memoir ensures one crucial element of the Far East air war is no longer ‘forgotten’. Squadron Leader Andrew Patrick Millar’s Distinguished Service Order citation attests to his ‘superb leadership’, and ‘excellent example and personal achievements’ that were ‘largely responsible for the high standard and efficiency’ of his squadron. The Flying Hours is Squadron Leader Millar’s candid and retrospective personal account of his experiences while serving as a pilot with the Royal Air Force.

World War 2 | Aviation


+44 (0) 1865 241249

9780993212901 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages Approx 30 illustrations

◆ ◆ AUTUMN 2015

new distributed publisher The Remarkable Story of Four Canadian Volunteers who Flew with Bomber Command During the Second World War By Ken Cothliff • Extraordinary stories of four Canadian volunteers who chose to fly ‘Under the Maple Leaf’ The Canadian contribution to the Second World War bombing campaign, from the first days to the last, proved instrumental in securing the defeat of Nazism. There was no conscription in Canada so those who chose to serve their country and the British Commonwealth in its time of greatest need, made their choice for the greater need. Historian Ken Cothliff has pieced together the story of a few of Bomber Command’s young Canadian aircrew, all of whom made their contribution to the eventual victory over tyranny.




9780993212918 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages Approx 80 illustrations

A THUNDER BIRD IN BOMBER COMMAND The Wartime Letters and Story of Lionel Andreson, the Man Who Inspired the Thunderbirds Legend By Sean Feast • Gerry Anderson’s extraordinary brother, who inspired a global phenomenon Shot down and killed in April 1944, Lionel Anderson, a low flying Mosquito intruder pilot, was part way through his second tour of operations. In A Thunder Bird in Bomber Command, acclaimed military aviation historian Sean Feast pieces together Lionel’s story. He was worshipped by his younger brother Gerald, who would go on to become a world renowned television producer, director and writer. It was Lionel’s connection with a little-known film that was to inspire Gerry Anderson to create a global phenomenon – the legend of the Thunderbirds.



9780992620776 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages 30 b/w photos

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new distributed publisher FIGHTING HIGH PUBLISHING

V- W E A P O N S B O M B E R C O M M A N D FAILED TO RETURN By Dr Steve Bond, Steve Darlow, Sean Feast, Marc Hall, and Robert Owen • The moving story of those who gave the greatest sacrifice to defend against a terrifying WWII attack In the Summer of 1944 Nazi Germany launched its terrifying Vergeltungswaffen (reprisal weapon) attack against the population of south-east England. Under direct attack the Allies responded. V-Weapons Bomber Command Failed to Return tells the story of some of the airmen who were prepared to risk their lives countering the German V-Weapon offensive in direct defence of the civilian population. They had responded to what British Prime Minister Winston Churchill described as the attempt to ‘blast the viper in his nest’. Their story deserves to be told. ‘We Will Remember Them’.



THE MYTH OF THE GOOD WAR America in the Second World War By Jacques R. Pauwels • A revisionist account of the Second World War, what caused it, why it unfolded as it did, and who emerged the victor Jacques Pauwels seeks to find the real reasons for the actions of great powers and great leaders. Familiar Second World War figures from Adolf Hitler to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin are portrayed in a new light in this book. Leaders, usually cast in a heroic mould in other books about this war, look quite different here. The Second World War, as Jacques Pauwels tells it, was a good war only in myth. The reality is far messier – and far more revealing of the evils that come from conflicts between great powers and great leaders seeking to enrich their countries and dominate the world.



9780992620790 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.95 275 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages Approx 120 illustrations

+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781459408722 ■ September 2015 ■ £16.99 228 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 288 pages


new distributed publisher The History of AEW&C Aircraft By Ian Shaw and Sérgio Santana No modern air force would contemplate a critical air operation without the involvement of some kind of airborne early warning component. This is the full history of the airborne early warning mission and its various aircraft, from these first tentative steps in World War II up to the present day, and the use of AEW and control (AEW&C) platforms as a familiar ‘force multiplier’ in modern air warfare. AVIATION 9780985455439 ■ December 2014 ■ £34.99 POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Illus, colour & b/w photos



SILVER WINGS Serving and Protecting Croatia By Katsuhiko Tokunaga and Heinz Berger After a brief introduction on the history of Croatia Air Force from 1991 until 2009, the book features in large format and rich detail pictures of the life, work and action of the men and women serving and protecting Croatia. It covers not only the different aircraft in service, but also the men and women flying and maintaining it. 9780982553916 ■ October 2009 ■ £34.99 AVIATION 298 x 203 mm ■ Hardback ■ 160 pages POST WORLD WAR 2 120 high quality colour pictures and 15 colour drawings

MODERN CHINESE WARPLANES Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese Air Force and Naval Aviation By Andreas Rupprecht and Tom Cooper Portraying the PLAAF and the PLANAF in a degree of detail that was previously unavailable, Modern Chinese Air Power is the definitive work on this air force. Much of the fascination that Chinese military aviation holds for the analyst and enthusiast stems from the thick veil of secrecy that surrounds it. The centrepiece consists of almost 100 fully illustrated pages detailing the organizational structure of the Air Force and Naval Aviation. AVIATION 9780985455408 ■ December 2012 ■ £34.99 POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Illus, colour & b/w photos

FALL OF THE FLYING DRAGON South Vietnamese Air Force 1973-75 By Albert Grandolini In the wake of the US withdrawal, and following the ceasefire in early 1973, North Vietnam redoubled its effort to conquer the southern part of the country. The often disparaged and underestimated South Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) fought a series of ever larger and more mechanized air-land battles under circumstances for which it was neither equipped nor designed to operate. 9780982553978 ■ October 2011 ■ £34.99 AVIATION 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 294 pages POST WORLD WAR 2 294 b/w, 117 colour pictures, 1 map, and 30 colour drawings


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new distributed publisher HARPIA PUBLISHING

LATIN AMERICAN FIGHTERS A History of Fighter Jets in Service with Latin American Air Arms By Iñigo Guevara and Moyano Guevara This book, for the first time, describes the military fighter jet aviation in Latin America. It covers the eventful history of fighter jets in 17 countries ranging from Mexico in the north down to Argentina in the south.


9780982553909 ■ November 2009 ■ £34.99 ■ 279 x 210 mm Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 32 b/w, 186 colour pictures, and 18 maps

LATIN AMERICAN MIRAGES Mirage III / 5 / F.1 / 2000 in Service with South American Air Arms By Santiago Rivas and Juan Carlos Cicalesi For more than four decades, different versions of the classic Dassault Mirage fighter have served as some of the most potent combat aircraft in Latin America. This book tells the story of all the members of the Mirage family in service with Latin American air arms, as well as its Israeli and South African derivatives. AVIATION

9780982553947 ■ October 2010 ■ £34.99 ■ 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback 256 pages ■ 12 b/w, 223 colour pictures, 7 maps, and 40 colour drawings

IRIAF 2010 The Modern Iranian Air Force By Tom Cooper and Babak Taghvaee This richly illustrated book describes the current organization and equipment of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF). IRIAF 2010 presents all types of combat, transport and training aircraft, as well as helicopters, currently operated by the IRIAF. AVIATION

9780982553930 ■ October 2010 ■ £34.99 298 x 222 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ 124 colour pictures and 1 map

MODERN ISRAELI AIR POWER Aircraft and Units of the Israeli Air Force By Ofer Zidon Renowned for its continuous efforts in every dimension of air warfare, the IAF has been moving away from preparations for interstate wars towards improving its potential to wage asymmetric conflicts, counterinsurgency campaigns and special operations. 9780985455422 ■ October 2013 ■ £34.99 AVIATION POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Colour and b/w photos

IRAQI FIGHTERS 1953–2003: Camouflage & Markings By Brig. Gen. Ahmad Sadik and Tom Cooper This book provides an exclusive insight into service history of 13 fighter jet types - from Vampires and Hunters to MiG-29s and Su-24s - that served with Royal Iraqi Air Force (RIrAF) and Iraqi Air Force (IrAF) between 1953 and 2003. AVIATION 9780615214146 ■ July 2008 ■ £34.99 ■ 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 156 POST WORLD WAR 2 pages ■ 44 b/w, 96 colour pictures, 66 colour drawings and one map


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new distributed publisher MiGs and Sukhois in Service in Sub-Saharan Africa By Tom Cooper • A second, revised edition that examines the role and deployment history of MiG- and Sukhoi-designed fighters This first volume, covering 12 air arms from Angola to Ivory Coast, will be followed by a second volume in 2011. In order to ensure precise documentation of every airframe delivered to and operated by the various air forces, special attention is given to illustrations as well as extensive tables of known serial numbers and attrition. The new volume is updated with much exclusive information, photographs and artworks. It provides the most comprehensive and reliable source on the background of each of the features air forces.




9780982553954 ■ November 2010 ■ £34.99 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 10 b/w, 117 colour pictures, 12 maps, and 127 colour drawings

AFRICAN MIGS VOL. 2: MADAGASCAR TO ZIMBABWE MiGs and Sukhois in Service in Sub-Saharan Africa By Tom Cooper and Peter Weinert • A second, revised edition that examines the role and deployment history of MiG- and Sukhoi-designed fighters Completing an in-depth history of the deployment and operations of MiG and Sukhoi fighters (as well as their Chinese-built Chengdu and Shenyang variants) in sub-Saharan Africa, Volume 2 covers 11 additional air forces, from Madagascar to Zimbabwe. This encyclopaedic account is so far the only one of its kind to provide detailed analysis of aerial conflicts including those waged between Ethiopia and Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda, and in Sudan. This book also provides a detailed, contemporary order of battle for 23 air forces described in both volumes, and a chapter about Antonov bomber operations in Sudan.



9780982553985 ■ October 2011 ■ £34.99 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 19 b/w, 137 colour pictures, 11 maps, and 120 colour drawings

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new distributed publisher HARPIA PUBLISHING

ARAB MIGS VOL. 1 MiG-15s and MiG-17s, 1955-1967, Mikoyan I Gurevich MiG-15 and MiG-17 in Service with Air Forces of Algeria, Egypt, Iraq and Syria By Tom Cooper and David Nicolle A unique and previously unavailable insight into the service history of the MiG-15 and MiG-17 with five Arab air forces. AVIATION 9780982553923 ■ November 2009 ■ £34.99 ■ 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback POST WORLD WAR 2 256 pages ■ 161 b/w, 10 colour pictures, 7 maps, 32 artwork drawings

ARAB MIGS VOL. 2 Supersonic Fighters: 1956-1967 By Tom Cooper and David Nicolle An unprecedented study of the developments of the Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, Algerian, Lebanese and Jordanian air forces during the late 1950s and 1960s.

AVIATION 9780982553961 ■ October 2011 ■ £34.99 ■ 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback POST WORLD WAR 2 256 pages ■ 207 b/w, 27 colour pictures, 2 maps, 31 colour drawings

ARAB MIGS VOL. 3 The June 1967 War By Tom Cooper and David Nicolle One of the most informative and readable books on air warfare in recent years, this study provides the most detailed coverage ever of the Arab air forces during the course of that conflict. AVIATION 9780982553992 ■ January 2013 ■ £34.99 POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Illus, colour & b/w photos

ARAB MIGS VOL. 4 Transition and War of Attrition, 1967-1973 By Tom Cooper and David Nicolle Volume 4 in the highly successful Arab MiGs series expands the history of the major Arab air forces that became involved in the wars with Israel during the period 1967 to 1973. 9780985455415 ■ October 2013 ■ £34.99 AVIATION POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Illus, colour & b/w photos

ARAB MIGS VOL. 5 October 1973 War: Part 1 By Tom Cooper and David Nicolle Clearly written and illustrated with a rich and unique collection of exclusive photography and original illustrations, Arab MiGs Volume 5 provides a detailed record of aerial warfare during the opening phases of the October 1973 ArabIsraeli conflict. 9780985455446 ■ November 2014 ■ £34.99 AVIATION POST WORLD WAR 2 279 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ Illus, colour & b/w photos


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Du M35 au M42 By Carole Suppo-Diefenthal, Frédérik Suppo-Diefenthal The German helmet is a source of great interest to many and this book details many of the little-known facts surrounding this piece of important equipment. This title explores all parts of the different models of helmets including the different shapes and the rivets used by the manufacturer. This book will provide you with the knowledge required to know the genuine artefacts from the cheap imitations and spot the counterfeits which are riddled with false markings and designs. WORLD WAR 2 UNIFORMS

9782840484202 ■ May 2015 ■ £49.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages



Text in French

LA CUISINE NORMANDE MÉDIÉVALE By Josy Marty-Dufaut During the thirteenth century, the Normans established themselves in many different countries across Europe and they brought with them their extensive culinary knowledge. Their food brought together flavours and techniques borrowed from many of the countries where they had settled and this book brings together many of these brilliant recipes sourced from Anglo-Norman manuscripts and Scandinavian. MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE COOKERY

9782840484226 ■ May 2015 ■ £25.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages

Text in French

L’ENFER DU PACIFIQUE De Peleliu à Okinawa avec E. Sledge By Matthieu Longue In this book, Matthew Long offers us a unique story of Eugene B. Sledge, 1st Marine Division, who fought on the front Pacific during the last year war. Describing the battles of the Peleliu and Okinawa, the author relates, step by step, each tragic moment marking the journey of the character warrior central narrative. The book also includes a rich set of charts with descriptions informing us the battle details and specifics. WORLD WAR 2 NAVAL HISTORY

9782840484172 ■ December 2015 ■ £49.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 140 pages

Text in French

L’INCROYABLE RAID DE GRANVILLE 3/8/1945 By Jean-Charles Stasi Two months to the day before the surrender of Third Reich, the Germans launched from Jersey a night raid on Granville, an old city corsair chosen by the Allies to accommodate cargo ships bringing Britain coal for in the French population. A hundred and fifty dozen boats participated in this operation that had three main objectives: making the port unusable; grab one or more vessels refuelling; destroy all buildings in the harbour; and take what they could bring. WORLD WAR 2 NAVAL


9782840484165 ■ July 2015 ■ £25.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages

Text in French

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LES PANZERS DE LA HITLERJUGEND Normandie 44 By Norbert Szàmvéber Villers-Bocage is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic actions the Battle of Normandy. Many historians have recounted documented way the events of 13 June 1944, including the destruction of a British armored column by Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann in a Tiger I.


9782840484189 ■ July 2015 ■ £49.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 220 pages

Text in French

PORTÉS DISPARUS Philippe Béraud, Claude Raoul-Duval - Destins croisés 1940-1943 By Patrick Collet April 1943. The war in Europe is at its turn. Just engaged, the fighter group “Alsace” losing his first two pilots, shot down same time, in the same battle, by the same man. Claude Raoul-Duval miraculously survive and spend six months in the Resistance, where he lived an incredible adventure one network to another, before reappearing London and take control Spitfire. Philippe Beraud disappeared. His family find him after a long wait of five years, buried anonymously in Le Havre. WORLD WAR 2 AVIATION

9782840484158 ■ December 2014 ■ £46.00 165 x 24 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages

Text in French

WAFFEN-SS 1939-1945 By Hervé Bertin This elite force counted nearly a million volunteers from all European countries. The varieties of uniforms presented show how the German stewardship reserved, especially from 1941, the most modern equipment for “the darling of the regime.” Caps, helmets, helmet covers, jackets, camouflage uniforms, belts buckles, equipment, weapons etc. All the panoply of Waffen SS is carefully detailed in the book of 2 volumes with rigorously authentic objects. WORLD WAR 2 UNIFORMS

9782840484233 ■ November 2015 ■ £73.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 256 pages

Text in French

LA CORNEMUSE DU D-DAY By Bill Millin June 6 1944, shortly before H-hour, allies were on route to Normandy. Suddenly the shrill sound of a bagpipe and galvanizing gushes speakers flooded bridges and air tanks resulting in “the Road to the Isles” followed by “The Skye Boat Song”. It’s madness on board the fleet; repressed anxiety, fear. Men, worn by the exhilarating music, toss their berets.



9782840484240 ■ May 2015 ■ £19.00 150 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 224 pages

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Text in French


The Guide By Georges Bernage • This guide describes the German defences against the assaulting forces and the operations on each of the Normandy beaches



June 6, 1944. The Allies landed in Normandy. Recalling first the build-up to D-Day, this guide goes on to describe the German defences consulting the assault forces. Then, sector by sector, it gives a lively account of operations on each of the beaches. Each time the units and soldiers involved are presented, along with the action taking them to their objectives of the day. This will enable visitors to locate and see all the major D-Day sights with the help of this accurate and lively text backed up with numerous maps and sketches, and present day photographs matched up with some of those taken by war correspondents.


9782840484011 ■ March 2015 ■ £10.99 274 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 128 pages Colour photos and maps

GLADIATEURS By Silvano Mattesini • A wonderfully created guide to the Gladiators of Rome and the areas in which they fought This beautiful book combines archaeological documents, paintings and photos of a reconstruction of the first wooden amphitheatre at the Coliseum. It is a complete documentation with all categories of gladiators with their particular equipment up their fighting methods and ways of dying. This excellent reference guide is a must-have for all fans of archaeology and the Romans.



9782840484196 ■ September 2015 ■ £49.00 210 x 297 mm ■ Hardback ■ 239 pages Illustrations throughout ■ Text in French

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The Origins of the Indianization of the Indian Army’s Officer Corps, 1817-1917 By Chandar Sundaram • Rigorously and painstakingly researched, this book is a defining contribution to the history of the colonial Indian Army On 20 August 1917, the British government declared that its Indian subjects were to be granted greater participation in India’s self-government. In this book, Chandar Sundaram sheds new and important light on the story of the Indianization of the Indian Army’s officer corps, by detailing its origins, from when it first appeared as an idea, to its acceptance, if only theoretically, by officials in London and New Delhi a hundred years later, in 1917.




9781910777336 ■ August 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages

THE THINKING MAN’S SOLDIER The Life and Career of General Sir Henry Brackenbury 1837-1914 By Christopher Brice • Sir Henry Brackenbury is a now largely forgotten but extremely important soldier, writer, and administrator of the late Victorian era His extremely interesting and significant military career has largely been overlooked until now. Alongside the private papers in the public domain the author has been granted unprecedented access to the private archives of the Brackenbury family and has viewed many letters of a more personal nature, and has been able to produce the first detailed biography of Sir Henry Brackenbury. 19TH CENTURY BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910777404 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 370 pages ■ 16 b/w illus, 2 maps

THE RAUGH BIOGRAPHY OF THE INDIAN MUTINY 1857–1859 By Harold E. Raugh Jr • This definitive and unique book is an indispensable reference for researching the causes, operations, leadership, and results of the Indian Mutiny Indian Mutiny, 1857–1859: A Selected Bibliography is a comprehensive and authoritative research guide and bibliographic platform that identifies and frequently annotates thousands of contemporary, current, and hardto-find English- and foreign-language books, journal articles, government documents, academic studies, and unpublished personal papers and diaries on all aspects of the Indian Mutiny. 19TH CENTURY INDIAN HISTORY

9781910777213 ■ August 2015 ■ £ 37.50 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 528 pages ■ 1 b/w map


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COURAGE WITHOUT GLORY The British Army on the Western Front 1915 By Spencer Jones • An important reassessment of a forgotten year of the war The year 1915 was one of unprecedented challenges for the British Army. This book offers a fresh and insightful evaluation of the experience of the British Army in 1915 through a series of thematic essays examining the strategic, operational, tactical and logistical problems that shaped the fighting. This book will be of great interest to anyone who studies the First World War, and of particular value to those who seek a greater understanding of the British Army of the era.


9781910777183 ■ November 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages 16 colour maps, 15 b/w illus

FIGHT FOR A THRONE The Jacobite ‘45 Reconsidered By Christopher Duffy • Christopher Duffy deals comprehensively with the reasons for ultimate triumph of the Hanoverian cause in 1746 The bid of Bonnie Prince Charlie and his Jacobites for the throne of Britain has never lost its grip on the popular imagination. In July 1745 he and a tiny group of companions arrived in Scotland. They came unannounced and unsupported, and yet within less than five months Charles was able to lead an army to within marching distance of London and make King George II fear for this throne. Afterwards the Highland Army continued to outfight the redcoats in every encounter, except its very last. These were not the achievements of a backward-looking cause, and this ground-breaking study is the first to explain exactly why.



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9781910777053 ■ September 2015 ■ £35.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 544 pages c 120 colour & b/w photos, maps


From Tel-el-Kebir to Cambrai: The Life and Letters of Lieutenant General Sir William Pulteney 1861-1941 By Anthony Leask • Explores the life and mistakes of Lieutenant General Sir William Pulteney Once described by a subordinate as “the most completely ignorant general I served during the war”, there was much more to Lieutenant General Sir William Pulteney than this dismissive remark would have us believe. Anthony Leask has, for the first time, gathered a rich treasure trove of previously unpublished letters, diaries and documents which provide new insight into a man who has hitherto remained unknown.




9781910294956 ■ September 2015 ■ £35.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 672 pages ■ c. 75 b/w photos, 11 maps

DEAR MISS WALKER Gallipoli, Egypt and Palestine 1915-1918, Wartime Letters from Distant Fronts By Toddy Hoare • An interesting insight into the first World War as portrayed in the letters between a senior brigadier-general and his wife-to-be Reginald Hoare commanded the 4th Queen’s Own Hussars from 1905 to 1909 and was a senior brigadier-general at the start of the First World War. COVER COMING He fought at Gallipoli, in Egypt and Palestine, and finally on the Western SOON Front in France, where he was wounded. Before Gallipoli he wrote to Miss Walker, and through the social exchanges of the writer and recipient this book provides an interesting social perspective, as well as a vivid insight into the fighting at the respective fronts and the doings of senior ranks WORLD WAR 1 on active service. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY 9781910777190 ■ October 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 112 pages ■ 33 b/w photos, 1 b/w illus, 8 b/w maps

GARDENER TO FUSILIER The story of James Sadler M.M., 9th Royal Fusiliers (Service) Battalion, 1914-18 By James Sadler • An honest recall of one man and his fighting unit in a conflict which, even today, leaves its mark on our society and world


The story of one infantryman’s experiences are intertwined with those, often brief, details given from his Battalion’s War Diary, giving insight into what he and his comrades faced in the campaign. This account not only includes the first hand recall of the thoughts and aspects of facing battle, but also includes one man’s personal comments on what he was asked to undertake, those whom he served with and under and the, often ignored, aspects of the routine and drudgery which were also part of the experience.

9781910777220 ■ August 2015 ■ £25.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages ■ c. 40 b/w photos, maps


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DECISION ON THE MINCIO The Battle of Solferino 1859 By Bruno Dotto • An up-to-date account of the Battle of Solferino which makes use of previously ignored documents and archival sources Solferino was the largest battle fought on Italian soil before the First World War, and the culmination of the 1859 campaign in northern Italy. Chiefly remembered today as the catalyst for Henri Dunant establishing the Red Cross, an up-to-date military account of the campaign is badly needed. In this tremendously detailed study the author, a lifelong student of the battle, reassesses the evidence based on an enormous amount of original archival research. Decision on the Mincio is supported by an array of illustrations, highly detailed maps and orders of battle.


9781910777077 ■ December 2015 ■ £45.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 392 pages c 60 illus, 15 maps

THE CHRISTIAN SOLDIER The Life of Lt. Col. Bernard William Vann, V.C., M.C. and Bar, Croix de Guerre avec palmes By Charles Beresford The Christian Soldier provides an overdue assessment of the extraordinary Edwardian, Lt. Col. Bernard William Vann. He was the only clergyman in the war to be awarded the Victoria Cross as a combatant and was the most highly decorated soldier recorded in The War List of Cambridge University. WORLD WAR 1 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910777312 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 304 pages ■ c. 50 photos & maps

TIME TO REMEMBER The Journal of Lance Sergeant William Webb, 2nd Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 7th Division, October 1914 – January 1916 By Gerry Buxton





The Warwickshire Regiment fought in many battles during the First World War. Their actions in these battles are described in the book. Time to Remember is an important contribution to understanding the dangers and discomforts that ordinary soldiers went through whilst fighting in the frontline during the First World War.

9781910777343 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 160 pages ■ 20 b/w photos, 10 b/w illus, 24 b/w maps

+44 (0) 1865 241249


Studies in the exercise of command and control in the British Army 1837-1901 By Christopher Brice Many of the British Army’s actions during the Victorian Era are forgotten, misunderstood and misrepresented. This is particularly true of the Generals. This new work provides some examples of the many interesting and talented officers who exercised command during the Victorian Era.


9781910777206 ■ October 2015 ■ £35.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 400 pages ■ 40 b/w illus



A FOOL FOR THY FEAST The Life and Times of Tubby Clayton, 1885-1972 By Linda Parker The Revd P.B. Tubby Clayton may lay claim to have been one of the most charismatic and influential Anglican priests of the twentieth century. A Fool for Thy Feast is a modern assessment of the career of this remarkable man, using his personal papers, family papers, Toc H archives and Church Archives.


9781910777350 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 248 pages ■ 30 b/w photos

THE AIRBORNE FORCES EXPERIMENTAL ESTABLISHMENT The Development of British Airborne Technology 1940-1950 By Tim Jenkins The evolution of British airborne warfare cannot be fully appreciated without reference to the technological development required to convert the detail contained in the doctrine and concept into operational reality. This is a detailed investigation of the British technological investment in an airborne capability and analyses whether the new technology was justifiable, or indeed, entirely achievable.


9781910777060 ■ September 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 156 pages ■ 11 b/w photos

MONTY’S FUNCTIONAL DOCTRINE Combined Arms Doctrine in British 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe, 1944–45 By Charles Forrester Using a combination of new perspectives and new evidence, this book presents a reinterpretation of how 21st Army Group produced a successful combined arms doctrine by late 1944 and implemented this in early 1945. This pivotal work contains an exploration of the reasons why 21st Army Group was able to integrate the operations of its armour and infantry. WORLD WAR 2


9781910777268 ■ August 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 176 pages ■ c. 16 b/w photos, 3 maps

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RECONSTRUCTING THE NEW MODEL ARMY VOLUME 1 Regimental Lists April 1645 to May 1649 By Malcolm Wanklyn • The first time that the officer corps of the New Model Army has been pieced together on such a scale and with such an extensive range of source materials


Unsurprisingly it corrects numerous errors to be found in more general histories of the army. The book is therefore an essential tool for studying the officer corps of the first English army in which social status was not the prime pre-requisite for attaining a senior military rank. This book provides a full listing of the troop and company commanders who served in the New Model Army during the first four years of its existence.

17TH CENTURY 9781910777107 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.95 248 x 185 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages

OPERATION MARKET GARDEN The Campaign for the Low Countries, Autumn 1944: Seventy Years On By John Buckley and Peter Preston-Hough • An important new work that re-examines many of the questions behind Operation Market Garden In September 1944 the Western Allies mounted an audacious attempt to seize a crossing over the Rhine into Germany in a bid to end the Second World War quickly. Yet despite the deployment of thousands of American, British and Polish airborne troops, in conjunction with the efforts of ground forces, the plan failed spectacularly and the war continued well into 1945. Operation Market Garden is the result of a major international conference and highlights many new areas of interest and forces us to rethink our understanding of this pivotal period of the Second World War.


9781910777152 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 176 pages

‘ALLIES ARE A TIRESOME LOT’ The British Army in Italy in the First World War By John Dillon • A fresh look at the roles and experiences of British troops in Italy in the First World War


This book details the steps by which Italy became a belligerent alongside Britain and France, rather than remain an ally of Germany and AustriaHungary within the Triple Alliance. Using official documents and reports, as well as the personal letters and accounts of individual soldiers, this book draws out the demonstrable differences in the experience of those Tommies who fought on the Western and Italian fronts. This book broadens the narrative beyond Flanders and recognises the experience of those who fought and fell so much closer to Venice than to Ypres.

9781910777329 ■ July 2015 ■ £29.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages ■ c. 15 b/w photos, 6 tables, 3 b/w maps


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By Dusan Babac • Detailed title that explores the uniforms, equipment, and organisation of the Serbian Army in the First World War The Serbian Army in the Great War, 1914–1918 offers readers a very thorough analysis of the Serbian Army of the period, including its organisation, participation in military operations, weapons, equipment, uniforms, and system of orders and medals. This book is a synthesis of all available literature and periodicals, appearing for the first time in the English language. A special emphasis has been placed on the colours of Serbian uniforms from the period. The book is the result of two decades of research and will enable readers to gain a clearer picture of this subject.




9781910777299 ■ October 2015 ■ £35.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ 500 illus, photos, incl c. 36 colour plates

A TOUCH OF PARADISE IN HELL Talbot House, Poperinge - Every-Man’s Sanctuary from the Trenches By Jan Louagie • Explore Talbot House as it was enjoyed by soldiers of all ranks during World War One Away from the turmoil of battle in the Ypres Salient, the town of Poperinge developed into the nerve centre of the British sector. In the heart of this bustling town, the Army Chaplains Philip (‘Tubby’) Clayton and Neville Talbot opened an ‘Every-Man’s Club’ - an alternative place of wholesome recreation where all soldiers were welcome. The inspired way in which Tubby ran this ‘home from home’, turned Talbot House, or ‘Toc H’, into the best-known soldiers’ club of the British Army – a sanctuary for half a million men on their way to or from the Front.


9781910777121 ■ October 2015 ■ £25.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages ■ 203 b/w and 68 colour photos, illus

A STRETCHER BEARER FROM EL ALAMEIN TO GREECE The Diary of George Hopper, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1940-45 By Jim Hopper • This is an epic story of one man thrown into the battlefields of Egypt, Italy and Greece


George Hopper, ex-bank clerk and now Rifleman with the King’s Royal Rifle Corps, begins his superbly illustrated diary in May 1940 by telling of the early frustrations of military life. Eventually deployed to Egypt, George vividly recounts the horrendous conditions in the troopships and of Montgomery’s epic 8th Army battle with Rommel at El Alamein. As a stretcher bearer in the midst of the most violent warfare, his terrible and gruesome experiences resulted in the nightmares that were to stay with him for the remainder of his life.

9781910777305 ■ September 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 128 pages ■ c. 20 b/w illus


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TOTENKOPF The Structure, Development and Personalities of the 3.SS-Panzer-Division Volume 1 By Mark C. Yerger and Ignacio Arrondo • Part one of the definitive guide to one of the most famous Waffen-SS divisions – Totenkopf Primarily unpublished images enhance this volume with their extended data captions, the authors also tracking down period prints or negatives for some well-known images to allow them to be reproduced with previously unseen detail and clarity. With a world-wide list of contributors as well as significant veteran input, these two volumes will be considered among the significant post-war studies on the Waffen-SS with their vast amount of new material for the historian, military collector, and modeller.


9781910777091 ■ October 2015 ■ £49.95 276 x 219 mm ■ Hardback ■ 536 pages c. 350 b/w photos

PHOENIX: A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE LUFTWAFFE 1918-1945 VOLUME 2 The Phoenix Matures 1935-1937 By Richard Meredith • The second part of this extensive work on the German Luftwaffe covers a still neglected area, namely the early years of postReichswehr development from March 1935 Going far beyond a simple description of famous air battles and operations, this work draws extensively on original documents, secondary sources and contemporary accounts to place the Luftwaffe within its proper historical context, gather together its many disparate components and provide a hitherto unpublished balance to its diverse activities. This title provides a proper emphasis to the largely unsung work of the Anti-Aircraft Artillery, Luftwaffe ground forces, Signals Service and the Medical Services and the vital work of the huge training organisation, and the organisation and role of a continent-wide ground organisation.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781910777275 ■ December 2015 ■ £37.50 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 496 pages c. 114 b/w photos, 7 maps, 10 charts


From the Donets to the Oder with the Legion Wallonie and 5th SS Volunteer Assault Brigade ‘Wallonien’ 1942-45 By Fernand Kaisergruber • A deeply moving and insightful biography of a foreign volunteer in Hitler’s army This is a classic soldier’s chronicle, told in unvarnished candour, about the author’s experiences as a volunteer with the Wallonian Legion of the German Army, the 5th SS Volunteer Assault Brigade Wallonien, and the 28th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Wallonien. Although unapologetic for his service, Kaisergruber makes no special claims for the German cause and writes not from any postwar apologia and dogma, but instead from his first-hand observations as a young man experiencing war for the first time, extending far beyond what had been imaginable at the time. His observations of fellow soldiers, commanders, Russian civilians and the battlefields prove poignant and telling.




9781910777244 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 400 pages c. 70 b/w photos, maps

MAN OF STEEL AND HONOUR: GENERAL STANISLAW MACZEK Soldier of Poland, Commander of the 1st Polish Armoured Division in NorthWest Europe 1944-45 By Evan McGilvray This is a biography of one of the most undervalued commanders of the Second World War, General Stanislaw Maczek, a soldier overlooked by most military historians. This book is an attempt to try to put the historical record right, at least in the English language, and place front and centre into the wartime historiography the story of an extraordinary man. WORLD WAR 2 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910777381 ■ July 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ c. 175 b/w photos, 10 maps

ARMOURED HUSSARS 2 Images of the 1st Polish Armoured Division, Normandy, August 1944 By Jan Jarzembowski and David Bradley





Armoured Hussars 2 provides a highly-illustrated account of the 1st Polish Armoured Division’s baptism of fire in Normandy in August 1944, from Operations Totalise and Tractable to the victory at Falaise, culminating at the climactic battle on Mont Ormel – the site of this triumph was justly named ‘A Polish Battlefield’ by the Canadians. Featuring over 250 dramatic photographs and documents from the renowned Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (PISM). 9781910777237 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.95 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 148 pages ■ c. 250 photos, 8pp colour profiles & illus

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



TUNISIAN TALES The 1st Parachute Brigade in North Africa 1942-43 By Niall Cherry • A notable contribution to new research into the history of Britain’s airborne forces Whilst many books have been written on the history of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces in the Second World War, none have concentrated on the story of the 1st Parachute Brigade in North Africa between 1942 and 1943. Tunisian Tales covers the raising of the Brigade in 1941 and training in the UK before their transfer to the Mediterranean theatre of operations. It also covers the three airborne operations carried out by the Brigade there – Bone, Souk-el-Arba and Depienne/Oudna. WORLD WAR 2

9781910777398 ■ July 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 368 pages ■ c. 100 photos, 10 maps

‘OFT IN DANGER’ The Life and Campaigns of General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley By Jonathon Riley • A biography of the highly renowned and distinguished General Sir Anthony Farrar-Hockley This is the biography of the most distinguished field commander of modern times, who turned to scholarship and writing at an early stage of his career and pursued both professional military life and historical study in parallel. Understanding Farrar-Hockley the soldier is impossible without also understanding Farrar-Hockley the scholar; the reverse is also true. He was a man of redoubtable character and huge achievements, an inspirational leader and commander in peace and war, at every level.


BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY 9781910777251 ■ October 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages ■ c 129 b/w photos, 30 maps

KONEV’S GOLGOTHA Operation Typhoon Strikes the Soviet Western Front, October 1941 By Michael Filippenkov • A historical study of the events of October 1941 in the Viaz’ma pocket Mikhail Filippenkov describes the events that took place through the simultaneous, comparative analysis of Soviet and German combat reports according to time, and in the manner of reporting from the places of those events as they happened. The author writes about these events with chronological accuracy, not on the level of army headquarters and higher, but exclusively on the level of the combat units down to the division-level, and with concrete geographical reference to the combat maps of those times. WORLD WAR 2

9781910777374 ■ November 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 176 pages ■ 47 b/w photos, 5 b/w maps, 1 table


+44 (0) 1865 241249


German Military Intelligence on the Eastern Front 1942-45 By Magnus Pahl • A significant contribution to our understanding of German strategic, operational and tactical thinking on the Eastern Front The General Staff Division of Fremde Heere Ost which from 1942 was led by Reinhard Gehlen, was the nerve-centre of Hitler’s military reconnaissance on the Eastern Front. This department worked professionally and was operationally and tactically reliable. In this book, military historian Magnus Pahl presents a complete overview of the structure, personnel and working methods of Fremde Heere Ost based on a tremendous array of archival sources.




9781910777084 ■ November 2015 ■ £37.50 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 368 pages ■ 29 photos, 2 figures, 4 maps

ROLLBACK The Red Army’s Winter Offensive along the Southwestern Strategic Direction, 1942-43 By Richard Harrison • An examination of the movements, equipment, and strategy of the Red Army’s Winter Offensive Rollback covers the period from mid-December 1942 to mid-February 1943, one of the most critical periods of the war on the Eastern Front. It was here that following the encirclement of an entire German army at Stalingrad, the Soviets sought to take advantage of the ruptured Axis front in southern Russia to finish off the Germans’ Italian and Hungarian allies and liberate the economically vital areas of eastern Ukraine. This study is drawn from a number of wartime and postwar articles, published by the General Staff’s directorate for the study of wartime experience.


9781910777176 ■ August 2015 ■ £45.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 304 pages ■ 8 b/w maps

PRELUDE TO BERLIN The Red Army’s Offensive Operations in Poland and Eastern Germany, 1945 By Richard Harrison • A panoramic view of the Soviet strategic offensives north of the Carpathians in the winter of 1945


During the course of the Red Army’s offensive operations in Poland and Eastern Germany in 1945, the Soviets broke through the German defences in Poland and East Prussia and eventually occupied all of Germany east of the Oder River. The book consists primarily of articles that appeared in various military journals during the first decade after the war. The General Staff’s directorate charged with studying the war experience published these studies, although there are other sources as well.

9781910777169 ■ October 2015 ■ £45.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 496 pages ■ 7 b/w maps


◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



THE NOISE OF BATTLE The British Army and the last breakthrough battle west of the Rhine, February-March 1945 By Tony Colvin • A very detailed analysis of the last battles surrounding the Rhine Half of the book is a detailed description, mainly told in the words of participants, of three battles fought over four days in the Rhineland south of Goch between 27 February and March 2 1945. For the first time the combined actions of over 50,000 men during 96 hours have been analysed from the ground up in an unprecedented attempt to provide understanding of a significant military event. The other half of the book is an analysis of the units and people involved in the two divisions and their supporting armour and aviation. This book’s fully documented and researched conclusions provide a new and controversial interpretation of 21 Army Group.


9781910777114 ■ November 2015 ■ £35.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 672 pages c 75 b/w photos, 16 maps

PANZERGRENADIERS TO THE FRONT! The Combat History of Panzergrenadier Division ‘Brandenburg’ on the Eastern Front 1944–45 By A.S. Hamilton • A compelling narrative of the often brutal combat of war’s end Panzergrenadiers to the Front! is the first in-depth look at the enigmatic Panzergrenadier-Division ‘Brandenburg’ formation and its five-month combat career along the Eastern Front at the end of the Second World War. This book draws on the previously unpublished personal accounts by more than a dozen division veterans, and is supplemented by extensive use of new primary documents and relevant secondary German, Polish, and Soviet source material. While this book represents the most thorough and accurate treatment of PanzergrenadierDivision ‘Brandenburg’ published to-date, it also provides extensive coverage of Heeresgruppe Mitte and 4. Panzer-Armee operations.



+44 (0) 1865 241249

9781910777138 ■ October 2015 ■ £45.00 245 x 170 mm ■ Hardback ■ 464 pages c 75 colour maps


Infantry Soldiering in Central Africa, Malaya and Vietnam, 1951–1985, and beyond By Digger Essex-Clark • A biography of one wild soldier’s time through different conflicts Maverick Soldier is the forthright, nuts-and-bolts account of John EssexClark’s unmatched experience as a warrior, leader and teacher. Its telling is all of a piece with the man himself: bluff, astute, no-nonsense. His primary loyalty was to his men and then to the Sovereign to whom he had sworn his allegiance, which included his nation. He led from the front, as an exemplar should, and took the same risks as the men he led. In peacetime came tours of duty in North America and Western Europe.




9781910777022 ■ December 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 400 pages ■ 40 b/w illus, 6 maps

OPERATION LIGHTHOUSE Rhodesian Internal Affairs, 1972–1980 By Gerry van Tonder and Dudley Wall • A tribute to the tenacity and loyalty of all who served in Intaf From 1890 and throughout its history, the men of Rhodesia’s Internal Affairs (Intaf) were bound by an intense loyalty to each other and a deep understanding of the tribal people in their charge. This book chronicles Intaf’s rapid, forced conversion from the original dedicated and efficient district administration to a paramilitary force tasked with carrying out normal administrative functions in abnormal situations.


9781910777039 ■ November 2015 ■ £45.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 480 pages ■ 615 b/w photos, 50 colour photos, 20 maps & charts

THE CAGED BIRD SANG NO MORE My Biafra Odyssey, 1966–1970 By Major General Philip Efiong • Philip Efiong’s account of the Nigeria-Biafra Civil War The story begins with the coup d’états of January and July 1966, and recounts ensuing ethnic and regional conflicts. After the first coup, Efiong is posted to State House as Principal Staff Officer and then to Kaduna as Acting Commander of the First Brigade. But the second coup is executed shortly after and he is forced to escape from Kaduna following a failed attempt on his life. He makes his way back to the East where he also relocates his family after officers have been directed by the new military government to return to their regions of origin. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781910777015 ■ December 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 352 pages ■ 50 b/w photos, 3 maps


◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



THE KING’S PRIVATE ARMY Protecting the British Royal Family during the Second World War By Andrew Stewart • The first dedicated account of a largely unknown but potentially critical element of the defence of the UK during the Second World War Following the surrender of France in June 1940 Britain prepared to defend itself against a potential German invasion. In great secrecy a decision was taken to establish an elite bodyguard to protect the British Royal Family. It was intended that this group would evacuate King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and the two princesses, Margaret and her sister Elizabeth, to a place of safety away from London. This study, drawing on previously unseen documents, interviews and archival material, provides its history and explains how the Royal Family’s protection was viewed.


9781910777282 ■ September 2015 ■ £9.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 112 pages c. 25 b/w photos

FORGING A SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCE The US Army Rangers By Dominic Caraccilo Forging a Special Operations Force details the origins and development, combat philosophy, and key engagements of America’s elite fighting force. Structured topically, the book gives a chronological review of the history of the Ranger from the 17th century to the present day, with special attention paid to the establishment of the 1st Ranger Battalion in the post-Vietnam era. SPECIAL OPS & ELITE FORCES

9781910777367 ■ August 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Hardback ■ 196 pages ■ c. 30 colour & b/w photos, maps

NORTH KOREA’S ARMED FORCES On the Path of Songun By Stijn Mitzer and Joost Oliemans North Korea’s Armed Forces seeks to bring order and coherence to the chaotic state of affairs in the intelligence community of North Korea-watchers, as well as to disprove the much-echoed stance that there is little to fear from the DPRK by providing information on a plethora of never-before described weapons systems and modernisation programmes.



9781910777145 ■ October 2015 ■ £25.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 144 pages 110 colour and 15 b/w photos, c. 46 colour profiles, 4 maps, 3 tables

+44 (0) 1865 241249


The Veto of Four Per Cent of the Governed: The Ill-Fated AngloRhodesian Settlement Agreement, 1969–1972 By Richard Wood • A new insight into the background of the Anglo-Rhodesian Settlement Agreement The adoption of the new republican constitution by the Rhodesian electorate in 1969 was intended to end the fruitless four-year-long negotiations with the British to secure recognition of the unilateral declaration of independence by Ian Smith on 11 November 1965. Given the evasion by significant nations of the trade sanctions imposed by the United Nations, the gamble was that this de facto recognition would become de jure.




9781910294970 ■ July 2015 ■ £45.00 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 576 pages ■ 24 b/w photos, 12 maps

COMPOSITE WARFARE The Conduct of Successful Ground Forces Operations in Africa By Eeben Barlow • An interesting look into the development of all aspects of African military As a continent, Africa presents her armies with a vast, dynamic and multidimensional operating environment. It has numerous complex and diverse ethnic, religious, cultural and tribal interests and loyalties, along with many multifaceted threat-drivers coupled to varied and infrastructure-poor terrain plus vast climatic variations. The continent is, furthermore, characterized by numerous half-won conflicts and wars fought by incorrectly structured, inadequately trained and ill-equipped armies. This book is intended as a guide and textbook for African soldiers and scholars who wish to understand the development of hostilities, strategy, operational design, doctrine and tactics.


9781910294994 ■ September 2015 ■ £25.00 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 576 pages ■ 100 b/w drawings and charts, 50 colour and 100 b/w photos

THE FIGHTING DOC The Rhodesian Bush War Diary of John Coey, KIA 19 July 1975 By John Coey • Viewing the Rhodesian Bush War from the perspective of a devout American medic


It is Saturday afternoon, 19 July 1975, next to a dry riverbed in Rhodesia’s north-eastern operational area, in a war against communist-backed guerrillas. A Rhodesian combat medic receives an order to descend into the riverbed to attend to two critically wounded troopers, their figures seemingly lifeless on the sand. The whereabouts of the insurgents is not known. As the medic, displaying a red cross, moves in, shots ring out and he sustains a fatal head wound. That medic is 24-year-old American John Alan Coey.

9781910294963 ■ July 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 200 pages ■ 50 b/w photos, 1 map


◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



CHOPPER DOWN! A Mercenary Pilot in Africa By Carl Alberts • The true story of the aircrews which flew in support of the ground offensives in EO After twenty years of armed conflict in Angola and political instability in coup-ridden Sierra Leone going back to 1991, private corporate financial interests became the catalyst that spawned the creation of possibly the most successful private military corporation to date: Executive Outcomes (EO). With little more that 100 of its own combat personnel on the ground in both the wars in Angola and Sierra Leone, the outstanding success that EO achieved was in no small part due to the force-multiplying effect and support given by its helicopter and jet pilots of the Air Wing.


9781910777008 ■ September 2015 ■ £21.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 352 pages 50 colour & 100 b/w photos, 6 maps

THE ELITE The Rhodesian Special Air Service By Barbara Cole The Rhodesian Special Air Service, one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world, operated almost exclusively across borders during the long bitter bush war. The writer takes the reader from the early days on the Western Desert to the decolonization of Rhodesia by the British in 1980. This is the first book to detail the secret exploits of this elite regiment.


9781910777046 ■ October 2015 ■ £55.00 305 x 222 mm ■ Hardback ■ 480 pages ■ 400 b/w illus, maps

MY MEMOIRS OF THE BRITISH SOUTH AFRICA POLICE, 1966–1981 … and a Colonial Upbringing in Northern Rhodesia By John Shaw Throughout the author’s life in Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia) his father was a member of the Northern Rhodesia Police and the author sets about recording various incidents in the life of a youngster growing up on the numerous towns and police stations at which his father served.



9781910294987 ■ August 2015 ■ £16.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 256 pages ■ 80 b/w photos, 2 maps

+44 (0) 1865 241249


The British Army in Northern Ireland 1973-74 By Ken Wharton • Paperback version of Ken Wharton’s book on ‘The Troubles’, examining his time in Northern Ireland between 73-74 This is Ken Wharton’s eagerly awaited new book chronicling the Northern Ireland troubles from the British soldier’s perspective. His finest book to date looks at the bloody period of 1973/4 and features many contributions from those who were there besides superb and painstaking research. ‘Sir, they’re taking the kids indoors’ was a cry heard by most if not all of the British soldiers who served on either the 4 month emergency or the 2 year resident battalion tours of Northern Ireland. It refers to the IRA tactic of warning the civilian population in Republican areas of the impending arrival of one of their gunmen.




9781910777428 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 362 pages c 90 b/w photos, 4 maps

WASTED YEARS WASTED LIVES VOLUME 1 The British Army in Northern Ireland 1975-77 By Ken Wharton • Paperback version of Ken Wharton’s book on ‘The Troubles’, examining his time in Northern Ireland between ‘75-‘77 Over the past several years, Ken Wharton, himself a former soldier, has been prolific in his coverage of the Troubles which spread their tentacles far from the streets and fields of Northern Ireland. This is Ken’s sixth book about the period and he draws on meticulous and detailed research, first-hand testimony of the soldiers who trod the same streets as himself, and an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the near 30 year period of murder, violence and civil war. This is a book not just for soldiers, but for anyone who wishes to look back and try and understand the madness inflicted upon several generations of innocent Irish and British people.



9781910777411 ■ July 2015 ■ £19.95 234 x 156 mm ■ Paperback ■ 420 pages 75 b/w photos, 3 maps

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US FORCES IN VIETNAM 1968 - 1975 By Guillaume Rousseaux • Covering the evolution of uniforms, equipment and weaponry issued to the American soldier, from 1968 to 1975 In the aim of depicting characteristic servicemen at given periods, a great deal of research was undertaken in order to guarantee coherence between the units, dates and geographical situations. Differing from other publications, the author has deliberately chosen to illustrate all types of service personnel rather than solely combatants in order to give an exact presentation of the American military during this period. Indeed, it should be remembered that 85% of service personnel in Vietnam were support troops and advisors.


9782352502876 ■ March 2015 ■ £17.50 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 Pages Highly illustrated

SOLDIERS OF THE FRENCH ARMY IN 1814 The Campaign of France, from Champagne to Paris • A richly illustrated exploration of a dying empire Between January and April of 1814, Champagne and the Brie region of France was the site of Napoleon Bonaparte’s last victories. As the head of an army which had been profoundly weakened by war with Spain and the Russian campaign, the Emperor made a last-ditch effort to resist the invasion of European armies and preserve his throne.

19TH CENTURY 9782352503743 ■ December 2014 ■ £17.50 NAPOLEONIC HISTORY 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ Highly illustrated

FRENCH AVIATION DURING THE FIRST WORLD WAR By Vital Ferry • A comprehensive overview of the evolution of the French Air Force from 1914 to 1918 During the cradle of aviation, at the beginning of the Great War, France had access to only a few dozen military aircraft, with a staff who didn’t quite know what to do with them. However, during the course of the conflict, the embryonic Air Force evolved like wildfire to the point that French military aviation had become one of the world’s most powerful. WORLD WAR 1 AVIATION


9782352503705 ■ January 2015 ■ £29.95 300 x 230 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 Pages ■ Highly illustrated

+44 (0) 1865 241249


1750 – 1792 By Ludovic Letrun and Veronique Letrun • The second volume of the wonderfully illustrated and informative French Dragoons In the second half of the 18th century, military tactics changed, going from static siege tactics to rapid manoeuvres, giving the cavalry a predominant role again on the field of battle. The changes in uniform, organisation and tactics of the Dragoon regiments evolved over three periods. The main corps gradually joined with the cavalry, becoming a key element in the new strategy of movement.




9782352504238 ■ March 2015 ■ £14.99 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 90 Pages 66 plates

Also available: FRENCH DRAGOONS, VOL. 1 1669 – 1749 By Ludovic Letrun In this book you will discover the magnificent uniforms of the Dragoon corp, with 66 plates illustrating 200 horsemen and 60 flags.


9782352503545 ■ January 2014 ■ £16.99 200 x 240 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ 66 plates of illustrations

ARTILLERY AND THE GRIBEAUVAL SYSTEM, VOL. 2 By Ludovic Letrun and Jean-Marie Mongin • Wonderfully illustrated work on the uniforms and equipment of the French artillery This work presents in detail the uniforms of the foot artillery between 1786 and 1815. Formal in style, and indeed austere, the uniforms illustrated here were the very ones worn by those who participated in during the most crucial and of the Empire.



9782352503965 ■ February 2015 ■ £17.50 240 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 Pages ■ Highly illustrated

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



STURMPANZER IV BRUMMBÄR By Samir Karmieh, Krzysztof Mucha and Lukasz Gladysiak • A new edition to the Photosniper series. A must-have for all modellers and enthusiasts The Germans produced many specialist armoured vehicles during WWII including the heavy support storm tanks which were used to destroy buildings, fortifications, barricades etc. Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär, built on the Panzer IV chassis, was one of them. Armed with a 150 mm StuH storm howitzer it took part on all fronts of the war from 1943 till 1945. The publication is illustrated with unique 3D renderings by Samir Karmieha depict in exceptional detail, not only the external parts of the vehicle, but also the inside. The book is enriched with excellent modelling plans that satisfy even the most demanding readers.


9788364596322 ■ February 2015 ■ £16.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 112 pages 20 sheets A4 sheet with scale drawings, 68 color photos, 10 archival photos, c. 65 renders, 8 painting schemes

CURTISS P-40 WARHAWK (TOMAHAWK/KITTYHAWK) By Tomasz Szlagor Curtiss P-40, known to Americans as Warhawk, and to their allies of the British Commonwealth as Tomahawk and Kittyhawk, fought on nearly all fronts of the Second World War. Never a high-performance fighter, it nonetheless proved a potent weapon in capable hands. Often turned into a fighter-bomber in later years, it soldiered on until phased out in favour of more advanced design


9788364596315 ■ February 2015 ■ £14.99 275 x 205 mm ■ Paperback ■ 88 pages 115 b/w photos, 6 colour photos, 18 colour profiles of the 23 throws

THE GERMAN POCKET BATTLESHIP ADMIRAL GRAF SPEE By Stefan Draminski The Deutschland-class ships were the first heavy vessels of the German Navy after the First World War. In Germany they were classified as “Panzerschiffe”, but in other countries the term “pocket battleships” was very popular. The third and last vessel of this class was Admiral Graf Spee. She was laid down on 1 October 1932, launched on 30 June 1934 and commissioned on 6 January 1936.



9788364596308 ■ February 2015 ■ £15.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 24 pages ■ 23 drawings sheets, A4 color profiles, 2 double B2 sheet with drawings sheets and colour scheme

+44 (0) 1865 241249


Volume 2 By Lukasz Gladysiak, Mariusz Motyka, Stefan Draminski and Hubert Michalski



• A new addition the Kagero’s popular Photosniper 3D series, featuring tank destroyers Panzerjäger 38(t) Hetzer & G-13 The Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer was cheap, fast, low and hard-hitting. It is considered to be one of the most successful tank destroyers of World War II. It was not popular with crews, for the cramped space and poor external vision made it difficult to use. It proved to be a dangerous opponent on the defensive, however, and it was one of the best German tank-hunters of the late war period. This new title from Kagero reproduces much of the tank in excellent 3D images.


9788364596285 ■ March 2015 ■ £20.50 279 x 216 mm ■ Hardback ■ 80 pages 42 archive photos, 9 painting schemes, scale drawings 1:35, 71 renders

JUNKERS JU 88 By Marek Murawski and Marek Ryś The sixteenth issue of the Topdrawings series is dedicated to the bomber variants of the Junkers Ju 88. It contains scale drawings of all subvariants of the A-variant. Also included are colour profiles of 4 aircraft.


9788364596278 ■ March 2015 ■ £21.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 120 pages Painting schemes, 96 archive photos, 97 renders

FOKKER DR. I By Marek Ryś and Tomasz J. Kowalski The Fokker Dr. I was built in 1917 and saw service during World War I. The “Red Baron”, is perhaps the most widely recognised Fokker pilot, gaining 19 victories in the aircraft before his death in April 1918. This new title in the Legends of Aviation series comes complete with numerous photographs, 3D images and profiles of the World War I fighter aircraft.



9788364596292 ■ March 2015 ■ £29.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 144 pages ■ 9 anaglyphs, 182 renders, 49 photos

◆ WWW.CASEMATEPUBLISHERS.CO.UK ◆ +44 (0) 1865 241249



MESSERSCHMITT BF 109 By Marek J. Murawsk and Asen Atanasov The monograph devoted to the early versions of the Messerschmitt Bf 109, the most famous WW2 German fighter, discusses its origins and development. The combat use of the aircraft in the Spanish Civil War, Polish campaign and Phony War is thoroughly described with many first-hand accounts included.


9788364596384 ■ March 2015 ■ £25.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 192 pages ■ 108 archival photos, 103 renders, 18 painting schemes, 32 pages sheet of scale drawings

CHAR LECLERC By M.P. Robinson and Thiery Guillemain Designed as a Cold War era tank killer that could take on numerically superior enemies, the Leclerc has served the armies of France and the United Arab Emirates for over twenty years. Since 1989 when the first Leclerc prototype appeared, it has been counted amongst the world’s most complex and deadly AFVs.


9788364596353 ■ March 2015 ■ £16.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 96 pages ■ 313 photos, 10 painting schemes

DORNIER DO 17/DO 215 By Marek J. Murawsk The monograph on the WW2 German bombers Dornier Do 17 and Dornier Do 215 discusses their design, development and operational history. Each variant is specified and comprehensively described with coverage of changes made in its sub-variants, including the special modifications for the foreign recipients.


9788364596339 ■ March 2015 ■ £17.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 136 pages ■ 2 double A3 sheet with drawings, 24 pages A4 sheet of scale drawings, 194 archival photos, 13 painting schemes

THE BATTLESHIP USS NORTH CAROLINA By Stefan Dramiński During her busy combat career the North Carolina demonstrated that battleships could perform very well indeed in their new role as escorts for fleet aircraft carriers and weapon platforms providing fire support for ground troops. Having earned no fewer than 15 Battle Stars during her wartime service, North Carolina was the most highly decorated US Navy battleship of World War II.



9788364596360 ■ March 2015 ■ £18.99 297 x 210 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ About 100 renders

+44 (0) 1865 241249


Uniforms, Organisation and Equipment By Dr Stephen Summerfield The Austrian Army was the most significant opponent of Fredrick the Great during the Seven Years War. This completely revised volume of the highly acclaimed Austrian Seven Years War Infantry and Engineers has been enhanced with an additional 445 mainly contemporary uniform illustrations, equipment details, maps and drawn flags. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781907417528 ■ March 2015 ■ £39.95 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ Colour illus UNIFORMS




Uniforms, Organisation and Equipment By Dr Stephen Summerfield This new comprehensive study of Frederick II’s Fusilier and Garrison Regiments is organised by province reflecting contemporary practice rather than using the regimental number. It combines sources from the earliest available to the most recent studies, details their Chef (colonel-in-chief), campiagn history, organisation, uniforms, flags and equipment. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781907417566 ■ March 2015 ■ £39.95 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ Colour illus UNIFORMS

THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR HENRY CLINTON IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN Volume 1: Preparations for Waterloo (August 1814-April 1815) Edited by Gareth Glover A great two-part series on Waterloo from the perspective of the commander of a small defensive army. Sir Henry Clinton was appointed second in command to the small British-Hanoverian army that served as a defence force for the newly liberated Netherlands under the command of the hereditary Prince of Orange in August 1814. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781907417658 ■ March 2015 ■ £29.95 BIOGRAPHY & 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 276 pages ■ 10 maps, numerous tables AUTOBIOGRAPHY

THE CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR HENRY CLINTON IN THE WATERLOO CAMPAIGN Volume 2: Waterloo and the Occupation of France (May 1815 - December 1818) Edited by Gareth Glover This second volume deals with the final preparations for war, including the arrival of the Duke of Wellington. The operations, particularly of the Second Division during the whirlwind campaign of Waterloo and the consequent march to Paris are described in great detail as are the details of the Army of Occupation which lasted until 1818. MILITARY REFERENCE 9781907417641 ■ March 2015 ■ £29.95 BIOGRAPHY & 228 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 284 pages ■ 10 maps, 15 tables AUTOBIOGRAPHY


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BRITISH CRUISER TANK A13 MK. I & MK. II By Peter Brown and Arkadiusz Wrobel • Focuses on the A13 Mk.I and Mk. II in superb, clear detail The A13 Mk. I was the first British Cruiser tank to use the Christie suspension system and set the style for all other Cruisers built in World War II. Together with the improved Mk. II and Mk. IIA it played an important part in the battles in France in 1940 and North Africa in 1941. This book covers its development, production and service, filling a long-neglected gap in the history of British armored vehicles. It includes over 140 period black and white photos from archives and private collections, many never before published.


9788360672235 ■ February 2015 ■ £28.95 292 x 203 mm ■ Paperback ■ 88 pages 142 b/w photos, 27 full-color plates 38 line drawings

GERMAN RAILWAY GUN 28 CM K5(E) LEOPOLD By J. C. Wijnstok • A reissued and complete reference book for super-detailing the Trumpeter, Dragon and Hasegawa kits Technical/historical background by the Dutch expert, illustrated with 31 b&w period photos and a selection of 224 detailed walkaround photographs highlighting in colour all exterior and interior details of the World’s only preserved K5(E) railway guns. Includes the bonus giant fold out sheet of super-detailed 1/72nd and 1/35th scale drawings of K5(E) Ausf. C & D in both firing and transport mode, and 1/10th scale drawings of K5’s charges and projectiles. Twelfth volume in the Series of allpicture books showing AFVs preserved at museums and collections throughout the World, designed for the enthusiast and military modeller.



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9788360672242 ■ February 2015 ■ £24.95 292 x 203 mm ■ Hardback ■ 56 pages Colour illus


By Jean-François Miniac and Borja Pena A comic book telling William the Conqueror’s life (1028-1087) through the highlights of his life and his reign since childhood. The story is punctuated by monologues of the character on his deathbed. The end of the book details historical elements, maps and a genealogy complete the work.




9782815102346 ■ April 2015 ■ £19.99 330 x 240 mm ■ Paperback ■ 72 pages ■ Comic strip

THE NORMANS ARE LANDING! Hastings - 1066 By Pierre Efratas and Gilles Pivard Depicting in comic book format the famous Battle of Hastings between William of Normandy and King Harold of England. This book is an exciting read and introduction to the battle through the aid of well-crafted comic strips and brings the story to life, from the middle of the action.


9782815102445 ■ January 2015 ■ £7.99 210 x 130 mm ■ Paperback ■ 80 pages ■ B/w illus

SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE An American Sanctuary in Normandy 1944-1948 By Antonin Dehays On June 6, 1944, the village of Sainte-Mère-Église was placed in the forefront of the greatest military operation ever seen either before or since. Dehays explores a fundamental chapter: handling the dead during and after the battle followed by the creation of great temporary military cemeteries around Sainte-Mère-Église. Based on over 400 photos, often unpublished, this book shines a light on the different phases of the battle of Sainte-Mere-Église. WORLD WAR 2

9782815102520 ■ June 2015 ■ £37.99 265 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 224 pages ■ Colour & b/w photos throughout

WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR Paths of History By Michel Jean-François Hourquetsehier and Gilles Pivard This book follows the footsteps of William the Conqueror and his family. The authors of this work walk in the steps of Guillaume, of his ancestors, his family and his contemporaries and explore the life of this famous and important man.



9782815102452 ■ June 2015 ■ £20.99 265 x 200 mm ■ Paperback ■ 128 pages ■ Colour photos throughout

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THE BAYEUX TAPESTRY A step-by-step discovery By Sylvette Lemagnen • A wonderfully presented title on the Bayeux Tapestry by one of its curators The Bayeux Tapestry, a truly unique masterpiece, is in fact a woollen embroidery on a linen canvas. It tells the story of the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, but also proves to be an excellent documentary source on 11th century life. As its superb reproductions unfold, the author strives to depict the events that spurred the conquest and to re-enact the famous Battle of Hastings, during which Harold II of England was killed.


9782815102469 ■ June 2015 ■ £26.99 305 x 145 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ Scenes of the whole Bayeux Tapestry ■ Text in English & French

BARE-HANDED SURVIVAL SHELTERS Tried-and-True Techniques for Emergency Shelter By Fred Damara • How to build shelters and survival techniques as perfected and used for hundreds of years In Bare-Handed Survival Shelters, author Fred Demara teaches what has been proven to work for improvised shelters. Demara shows you how to make tools from whatever is available, select the proper site for your shelter, and match the type of shelter you need to the terrain, climate, and native materials.


9781610041829 ■ January 2014 ■ £5.99 216 x 140 mm ■ Paperback ■ 64 pages ■ Photos, illustrations

THE BOOK OF DIM MAK Revised and Updated Edition By A. Flane Walker and Richard Bauer • An instructor-level reference on the study and practice of Dim Mak Contrary to popular myth, the original purpose of Dim Mak was not the training of assassins. It was an intensive study of the medical arts that incorporated the martial arts, and its ultimate goal was to heal, not to destroy. The revised and expanded edition of The Book of Dim Mak (originally titled The Ancient Art of Life and Death) was written by black belts for black belts.


9781610048781 ■ January 2014 ■ £39.99 279 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 322 pages ■ Photos, illustrations


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Air Power in Kosovo and Libya By Robert H. Gregory • An exploration into the beliefs and information surrounding air power in Kosovo and Libya in 1999 Clean Bombs and Dirty Wars: Air Power in Kosovo and Libya explores how the U.S. public, policymakers, and military services perceived and utilized air power and precision munitions before, during, and after Operation Allied Force in Kosovo in 1999 with incorrect assumptions.




9781612347318 ■ October 2015 ■ £17.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 320 pages ■ 2 illus

EVOLUTION OF CYBER WAR International Norms for Emerging-Technology Weapons By Brian M. Mazanec • A detailed look at the current situation and possible future for cyber warfare Employing five case studies of emerging-technology weapons – chemical and biological, strategic bombing, and nuclear weaponry – The Evolution of Cyber War predicts how constraining international norms for cyber warfare will develop in the future, and offers recommendations for concerned citizens and U.S. policymakers alike.


9781612347639 ■ November 2015 ■ £22.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 336 pages

FROM STRAY DOG TO WORLD WAR I HERO The Paris Terrier Who Joined the First Division By Grant Hayter-Menzies • The biography of Rags – an America war hero and mascot to the First Division of the American Expeditionary Force during WWI On the streets of Paris one day in July of 1918, an American doughboy, Sergeant Jimmy Donovan, befriended a stray dog who he named Rags. From that fateful encounter, Rags’ life underwent a major transformation – from unwanted street mutt to WWI mascot and hero. This is Rags’ entire life story, from the bomb-filled years of war through his illicit journey to America that began his second life, one just as filled with drama and heartache. WORLD WAR 1 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY

9781612347219 ■ November 2015 ■ £17.99 216 x 240 mm ■ Hardback ■ 224 pages ■ 21 illus


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FALL OF THE DOUBLE EAGLE The Battle for Galicia and the Demise of Austria-Hungary By John R. Schindler Despite the renewed interest in the First World War, the opening campaigns that decided the course of the global conflict remain under-examined; this is especially true for the Battle for Galicia in August 1914. In The Fall of the Double Eagle, John R. Schindler draws on extensive archival research, memoirs, and diverse secondary sources in a dozen languages to explain how Austria-Hungary, despite military weakness and the inevitable consequences, consciously chose war in 1914. WORLD WAR 1

9781612347653 ■ December 2015 ■ £21.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 328 pages

HERO OF THE CROSSING How Anwar Sadat and the 1973 War Changed the World By Thomas W. Lippman Known as the Yom Kippur War to the Iraelis, the October War to the Arabs, and the War of 1973 to the rest of the world, on the morning of October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria launched a coordinated surprise attack on Israeli forces. Hero of the Crossing: How Anwar Sadat and His 1973 War Changed the World is neither a biography of Anwar Sadat, nor a detailed account of the War, but an examination of its permanent impact on the world beyond the Middle East. GENERAL HISTORY 9781612347028 ■ January 2016 ■ £22.99 POST WORLD WAR 2 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 328 pages

NOT BY BREAD ALONE Russian Foreign Policy under Putin By Robert H. Nalbandov For a decade after its independence, Russia has struggled with the growing pains of defining its role in the international system. Since Vladimir Putin ascended to power in 2000, the country has undertaken grandiose foreign policy projects to clearly delineate its place among the world’s superpowers. Russian Foreign Policy under Putin provides thorough coverage of the milestones of Russia’s foreign policy since the turn of the 21st century with a focus on regional context. ASIAN HISTORY

9781612347103 ■ January 2016 ■ £19.99 216 x 240 mm ■ Hardback ■ 628 pages

ON POINT A Guide to Writing the Military Story By Tracy Crow Tracy Crow, an award-winning military journalist, former Marine Corps officer, college writing professor, military novelist, memoirist, and editor, presents a roadmap for writing an authentic military story. Drawing from her personal experiences and those of other veteran writers, and from the insights of noteworthy writing and teaching professionals, On Point is the guide Crow wished she’d had when she first began writing about her military experience. REFERENCE


9781612347097 ■ September 2015 ■ £12.99 216 x 240 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages

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The United States, Israel, and a Controversial Fighter Jet By John W. Golan Lavi: The United States, Israel, and a Controversial Fighter Jet traces the evolution of Israel’s Lavi fighter program, the largest weapons development initiative ever undertaken by the State of Israel, and the wider societal and international political contexts in which it played so great a part.




9781612347226 ■ January 2016 ■ £25.99 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 456 pages

THE MIRACLE OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Twenty Ways Things Could Have Turned Out Differently By Jonathan R. Dull The Miracle of American Independence carefully sets out and explores twenty key turning points leading up to, during, and following the Revolutionary War that Dull believes had huge effects and have altered the trajectory of history. A definite book for any interested in the events surrounding American Independence.


9781612347677 ■ November 2015 ■ £11.99 216 x 240 mm ■ Hardback ■ 184 pages

POWERFUL MIND The Self-Education of George Washington By Adrienne Harrison Breaking new ground in Washington scholarship and American revolutionary history, Adrienne Harrison’s intellectual biography investigates the first president’s dedicated process of self-directed learning through reading, a facet of his character and leadership long neglected by historians and biographers, and how this shaped his future. AMERICAN HISTORY 9781612347257 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 BIOGRAPHY & 230 x 150 mm ■ Hardback ■ 328 pages AUTOBIOGRAPHY

TARNISHED Toxic Leadership in the U.S. Military By George E. Reed Reed is less interested in the reason why toxic leaders behave as they do and more concerned with the phenomenon from an organizational level of analysis drawn from individual experiences. Tarnished makes the case that quality of leadership is an important yet insufficiently studied area of inquiry and the book focuses on providing advice and insights to those suffering from a toxic leader.



9781612347233 ■ September 2015 ■ £17.99 216 x 240 mm ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages

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THE MARQUIS Lafayette Reconsidered By Laura Auriccio • The Marquis draws on substantial new research in a fresh new biography of the French hero of the American Revolution A major biography of Marquis de Lafayette; this book looks past the storybook general and selfless champion of righteous causes who, at the age of nineteen, volunteered to fight under George Washington. Formerly seen as France’s heroic figure, he turned traitor to his nation, fled his country, and today remains a murky figure in French memory. This work draws fresh research conducted at archives, libraries, and museums; the first Lafayette biography to incorporate newspapers and pamphlets of BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY the day that shaped public opinion in the Age of Revolution. 18TH CENTURY

9780307387455 ■ August 2015 ■ £11.99 203 x 132 mm ■ Paperback ■ 432 pages ■ 52 Illustrationsin text

FIERCE PATRIOT The Tangled Lives of William Tecumseh Sherman By Robert L. O’Connell • A wonderful insight into the many different personalities of “Sherman” that were vital in shaping the man With a unique, witty, and conversational voice historian Robert O’Connell breaks down the often paradoxical, easily caricatured character of General William T. Sherman for the most well-rounded portrait of the man yet written. O’Connell makes a compelling case that Sherman’s march through the south was not a campaign of unmitigated destruction, but a necessary piece of strategy and the perceived chaos has been overblown. O’Connell’s Sherman is ultimately a complicated and quintessential nineteenth-century American.


9780812982121 ■ May 2015 ■ £11.99 210 x 140 mm ■ Paperback ■ 432 pages ■ B/w photos throughout and maps

THE BRIDGE AT ANDAU The Compelling True Story of a Brave, Embattled People By James A. Michener • A fresh look in this reprint of one of Michener’s bestselling novels set in the Hungarian revolution For five brief, glorious days in the autumn of 1956, the Hungarian revolution gave its people a glimpse at a different kind of future--until, at four o’clock in the morning on a Sunday in November, the citizens of Budapest woke to the shattering sound of Russian tanks ravaging their streets. The revolution was over. But freedom beckoned in the form of a small footbridge at Andau, on the Austrian border. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY WORLD WAR 2

9780812986747 ■ June 2015 ■ £9.99 211 x 140 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ 1 Map


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12. SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division “Hitlerjugend” By Remy Spezzano and Fred Richter • A thorough photographic study of the Kriegsberichter’s craft, and a fascinating look at a newly formed Waffen-SS division PK Cameraman is a unique in-depth study of the German Wehrmacht photographed by Kriegsberichter (war correspondents) of the Propaganda Kompanie (PK). Presented in an extra-large format with full-page and double-page spreads, this photo book series offers the enthusiast an up-close view of the German soldier, his weapons and equipment. Three rolls of film are presented which depict the 12. SS-PanzerGrenadier-Division “Hitlerjugend” WORLD WAR 2 | MILITARY REFERENCE during training in November 1943 in Beverloo, Belgium, and undergoing inspection and evaluation by Generalfeldmarshall von Rundstedt in March 1944.



9780974838977 ■ July 2015 ■ £35.00 305 x 305 mm ■ Hardback ■ 96 pages ■ Detailed maps and extensive photos

KAMPFGRUPPE MÜHLENKAMP 5. SS-Panzer Division “Wiking”, Eastern Poland, July 1944 By Douglas E. Nash and Remy Spezzano • This beautifully presented title records one of the major battles of World War 2 in unmatched photographic reproduction Kampfgruppe Mühlenkamp presents for the first time a sequential series of images taken by SS war correspondent Ernst Baumann in Eastern Poland in July 1944. At this time the 5. SS-Panzer Division WORLD WAR 2 | MILITARY REFERENCE “Wiking” was engaged in counterattacks against Soviet armored and cavalry forces following their crushing defeat of Army Group Center in Belarus. These stunning images of the Waffen-SS in action were scanned from the actual negatives and digitally enhanced and enlarged to bring out a previously unseen level of detail. 9780974838984 ■ August 2015 ■ £50.00 305 x 305 mm ■ Hardback ■ 176 pages ■ 124 photos, 4 maps


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THE PIN-UP IN WORLD WAR LL By Mike Brown World War ll saw millions of men torn from their homes and plunged into impersonal surroundings. They often took with them a few personal belongings which sometimes included photos of loved ones and of course, pin-ups. Using examples from British and overseas magazines, posters, postcards and nose-art from the period, this book gives a flavour of the many delights available to the servicemen. WORLD WAR II REFERENCE

9781781220023 ■ June 2012 ■ £6.99 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 64 pages ■ Colour throughout

AIR RAIDS AND RATION BOOKS Life on the Home Front in Wartime Britain By Mike Brown and Carol Harris In wartime Britain, households had to continue functioning and surviving. Mike Brown and Carol Harris draw on contemporary sources to provide an authoritative, entertaining account of life in the time of air-raid sirens and rationing. WORLD WAR II REFERENCE

9780955272363 ■ October 2010 ■ £20.00 263 x 199 mm ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages ■ Colour throughout

DUNTON GREEN The Past in Pictures By Ian Bayley and Lesley Edmeads Containing over one hundred and twenty photographs of Dunton Green from the last one hundred years, this book allows you to step back into the past and explore life in this village and understand not just the village through the years but its history too. POPULAR CULTURE

9781781220016 ■ May 2012 ■ £8.99 215 x 215 mm ■ Paperback ■ 64 pages ■ Highly illustrated

DIGGING FOR VICTORY Gardens and Gardening in Wartime Britain By Twigs Way and Mike Brown This beautifully illustrated title explores the ‘Dig For Victory’ campaign and mindset of WWII and, also includes archive images of home front gardening, garden produce and advertisements.


9780955272370 ■ October 2010 ■ £20.00 263 x 199 mm ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages ■ Colour throughout

ALLOTMENT AND GARDEN GUIDE A Monthly Guide to Better Wartime Gardening By Twigs Way Produced by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Allotment and Garden Guides were issued monthly throughout 1945. This wonderful reproduction provides not just a historical overview to gardening during the Second World War but explains much behind this important guide. WORLD WAR II

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9780955272356 ■ December 2009 ■ £9.99 200 x 140 mm ■ Hardback ■ 160 pages ■ Colour throughout


new distributed publisher Following in the Footsteps of Heroes By Stuart Robertson and Dale Booth Drawing upon four decades of research and two decades of working the battlefields as the region’s foremost guides, this book provides a unique insight into one of the most important days in World history, the World’s greatest ever seaborne invasion - June 6th 1944 - D-Day.


9781781220047 ■ March 2014 ■ £20.00 254 x 178 mm ■ Paperback ■ 240 pages ■ Full colour throughout

THE NEW FOREST AT WAR Revised and Updated By John Leete The New Forest at War documents aspects of the social and military history of this unique area of Britain during the years of the Second World War. Providing a fascinating snapshot of life at this critical time in the nation’s history.

9781781220030 ■ March 2014 ■ £14.99 220 x 164 mm ■ Paperback ■ 184 pages ■ B/w photos and illus

PARACHUTE DOCTOR The Memoirs of Captain David Tibbs By David Tibbs RAMC MC and Neil Barber Parachute Doctor is the story of Captain David Tibbs RAMC MC. His fascinating recollections feature jumping into Normandy on D-Day and assisting the Americans in repulsing the Ardennes offensive.


9781781220009 ■ June 2012 ■ £9.99 220 x 164 mm ■ Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ Colour throughout

WELCOME TO BRITAIN A Guide to Great Britain for American Forces During World War Two By The War Dept. This booklet was issued to American forces in an attempt to get them acquainted with the British, their country, and their ways, and avoid some of the more obvious misunderstandings that could easily occur without at least a little knowledge of the strange and wonderful British customs.



9780955272301 ■ March 2006 ■ £4.99 185 x 115 mm ■ Paperback ■ 16 pages

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D-DAY JUNE 6 1944


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The Label that Transformed British Fashion

• Hints and tips needed to make clothing last longer during WWII

By Ministry of Information

By Mike Brown • A fascinating explanation of a little understood clothing scheme with a wealth of knowledge WORLD WAR II 9781781220054 ■ November 2014 ■ £19.95 230 x 164 mm ■ Hardback ■ 128 pages Full colour throughout

WORLD WAR II REFERENCE 9780955272349 ■ June 2007 ■ £4.99 213 x 135 mm ■ Paperback ■ 32 pages B/w illus



Recreating the Fashions, Hairstyles and Make-up of the Second World War

Home Front Lapel Badges, 1939-1945

By Mike Brown

• An invaluable guide to the Lapel Badges that circulated during the Second World War

By Jon Mills

• Everything you need to know about the fashions of wartime Britain WORLD WAR II REFERENCE


9780955272318 ■ October 2006 ■ £16.99 230 x 164 mm ■ Paperback ■ 144 pages Colour throughout

9780955272394 ■ May 2012 ■ £45.00 254 x 178 mm ■ Hardback ■ 288 pages Colour throughout


THE 1950S LOOK Recreating the Fashions of the Fifties By Mike Brown • A tour of the trends and signature styles of the 1950’s


The 1943 Utility Furniture Catalogue with an Explanation of Britain’s Second World War Utility Furniture Scheme By Jon Mills

POST WORLD WAR II REFERENCE 9780955272332 ■ October 2006 ■ £16.99 230 x 164 mm ■ Paperback ■ 136 pages Colour throughout

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9780955272325 ■ June 2008 ■ £9.99 148 x 188 mm ■ Hardback ■ 35 pages Colour throughout


The Battle of Brandy Station, June 9, 1863 – The Opening Engagement of the Gettysburg Campaign By Eric Wittenberg • A wonderfully detailed look at the beginnings of the Gettysburg Campaign


One day. Fourteen hours. 12,000 Union cavalrymen against 9,000 of their Confederate counterparts – with 3,000 Union infantry thrown in for good measure. Amidst the thunder of hooves and the clashing of sabers, they slugged it out across the hills and dales of Culpepper County, Virginia. And it escalated into the largest cavalry battle ever fought on the North American continent. The tale includes a veritable who’s-who of cavalry all-stars in the East: Jeb Stuart, Wade Hampton, John Buford, and George Armstrong Custer.



9781611212563 ■ August 2015 ■ £8.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 432 pages ■ 150 images, 14 maps

THE SECOND BATTLE OF WINCHESTER The Confederate Victory That Opened the Door to Gettysburg June 13-15, 1863 By Eric Wittenberg, Scott Mingus • The most in-depth and comprehensive study of Second Winchester ever written June 1863. Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia is pushing northward through the Shenandoah Valley toward Pennsylvania, and only one significant force stands in its way: Maj. Gen. Robert H. Milroy’s Union division of the Eighth Army Corps. What happened next is the subject of the provocative new book. The Second Battle of Winchester is comprehensive, highly readable, deeply researched, and immensely interesting. Now, finally, the pivotal battle in the Shenandoah Valley that opened the door to Gettysburg has the book it has long deserved.


9781611212884 ■ October 2015 ■ £22.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 312 pages ■ 17 maps, 97 images

THE LAST ROAD NORTH A Guide to the Gettysburg Campaign, 1863 By Dan Welch • Based on the Gettysburg Civil War Trails, historian Dan Welch brings you the ultimate Civil War road trip


“I thought my men were invincible,” admitted Robert E. Lee. A string of battlefield victories through 1862 had culminated in the spring of 1863 with Lee’s greatest victory yet: the battle of Chancellorsville. Propelled by the momentum of that supreme moment, confident in the abilities of his men, Lee decided to once more take the fight to the Yankees and launched this army on another invasion of the North. An appointment with destiny awaited in the little Pennsylvania college town of Gettysburg.

9781611212433 ■ October 2015 ■ £8.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages ■ 100 images, 14 maps


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THE CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES OF GENERAL NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST Kentucky to Chickamauga, 1861-1863 By John Scales • A definitive title about General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s time during the American Civil War


Nathan Bedford Forrest was one of the most intriguing characters to emerge during the Civil War. There are no shortage of books and articles on the man and his generalship, with topics ranging from hero worship based on his extraordinary battlefield successes to condemnation based on his association with Fort Pillow and later, the Ku Klux Klan. Author John R. Scales, a retired special forces brigadier general, breaks new ground with this two-part instalment.

9781611212846 ■ October 2015 ■ £22.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 312 pages ■ 58 maps, 2 images

“NO SUCH ARMY SINCE THE DAYS OF JULIUS CAESAR” Sherman’s Carolinas Campaign from Fayetteville to Averasboro, March 1865 By Mark Smith and Wade Sokolosky • Perfect for those interested in the Carolinas, Generals Sherman and Johnston, or the Civil War in general General William T. Sherman’s 1865 Carolinas Campaign receives scant attention from most Civil War historians, largely because it was overshadowed by the Army of Northern Virginia’s final battles against the Army of the Potomac. Career military officers Mark A. Smith and Wade Sokolosky rectify this oversight with No Such Army Since the Days of Julius Caesar, a careful and impartial examination of Sherman’s army and its many accomplishments.


9781611212860 ■ October 2015 ■ £22.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 312 pages ■ 50 images, 18 maps

LIKE A METEOR BLAZING BRIGHTLY The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren By Eric Wittenberg • The much needed biography of a little-known but vitally important Colonel in the American Civil War Ulric Dahlgren was a brilliant, ambitious young man who became the youngest full colonel in the United States Army at the age of twentyone, yet died before his twenty-second birthday. Wittenberg’s account chronicles Dahlgren’s full life story, with a deep look at his military career and extensive connections within the nation’s capital, all of which led to the climax of his life: the notorious Dahlgren Raid. AMERICAN CIVIL WAR

9781611212938 ■ October 2015 ■ £22.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 312 pages


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4th Edition By Audie G. Lewis For soldiers who want to attain rank in the service, this is the ideal how-to reference to guide you along the way. Revised and updated with the latest requirements for all promotions including NCO, warrant, and commissioned officers. Includes up-to-date information on the latest changes to getting ahead, including recent promotion system overhauls for SGT and SSG.


9780811713689 ■ June 2015 ■ £11.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 176 pages ■ 39 charts and forms



NCO GUIDE 10th Edition By Dan Elder The essential guide for NCOs, this edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with the latest information on training, military justice, promotions, benefits, counselling, soldiers, physical fitness, regulations, and much more. Includes tips on how to move along one’s career as an NCO and information about all the regulations NCOs need to be aware of in carrying out their jobs.


9780811714020 ■ June 2015 ■ £14.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 416 pages ■ 50 b/w illus, 16pp insert of c. 113 photos

HIGH TIDE IN THE KOREAN WAR How an Outnumbered American Regiment Defeated the Chinese at the Battle of Chipyong-ni By Leo Barron By early 1951, American forces and their UN allies had been driven more than 100 miles down the Korean peninsula by the Chinese. The situation was bleak when Gen. Matthew Ridgway ordered a last stand at the village of Chipyong-ni. There a single regiment of fewer than 5,000 U.S. soldiers defeated a Chinese division of 25,000 men in what has been called the Gettysburg of the Korean War. KOREAN WAR

9780811715614 ■ November 2015 ■ £22.00 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 416 pages ■ 30 b/w photos

TIP OF THE SPEAR German Armored Reconnaissance in Action in World War II By Robert Edwards During World War II, German armoured reconnaissance laid the groundwork-often through small-unit actions--for the stunning tank and infantry operations that made the German military famous. Robert Edwards’s follow-up to Scouts Out, the first extensive treatment of the subject in English, focuses on the battles and personalities found in ranks of the Waffen-SS, Luftwaffe, and other divisions.



9780811715713 ■ October 2015 ■ £33.99 254 x 203 mm ■ Hardback ■ 528 pages ■ 600 b/w photos, 48-page colour insert

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THE FIRST BATTLE OF MANASSAS An End to Innocence, July 18-21, 1861 By John J. Hennessy • Combines narrative, analysis, and interpretation into a clear, easy-to-follow account of the unfolding of The First Battle of Manassas


On July 21, 1861, near a Virginia railroad junction twenty-five miles from Washington, DC, the Union and Confederate armies clashed in the first major battle of the Civil War. This revised edition of Hennessy’s classic is the premier tactical account of First Manassas/Bull Run. Features commanders who would later become legendary, such as William T. Sherman and Thomas J. Jackson, who earned his “Stonewall” nickname at First Manassas.

9780811715911 ■ October 2015 ■ £13.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 192 pages

BLEEDING BLUE AND GRAY By Ira M. Rutkow • Re-creates the often grisly experiences of wounded and sick Civil War soldiers A landmark history that charts the practice and progress of American medicine during the Civil War and retells the story of the war through the care given its wounded. This graphic new title details efforts by doctors, nurses, politicians, and others to improve care and highlights the work of volunteers like Walt Whitman and Louisa May Alcott.


9780811716727 ■ November 2015 ■ £16.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 416 pages

SUMTER AFTER THE FIRST SHOTS The Untold Story of America’s Most Famous Fort until the End of the Civil War By Derek Smith • Recounts the bombardments, naval battles, and amphibious attacks waged for possession of Fort Sumter, Charleston, and its harbour


Everyone knows the story of how the Civil War began at Fort Sumter, but what happened to the fort after the first shots were fired there? The North wanted to restore Sumter to its rightful place in the Union and close the vital Confederate supply port of Charleston while the South needed to defend its birthplace and keep the supplies flowing--thus making Fort Sumter one of the most fervently attacked and most tenaciously defended pieces of real estate in the United or Confederate States of America throughout four years of war.

9780811716147 ■ July 2015 ■ £20.00 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 432 pages ■ 25 b/w photos


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The Aircraft of World War II’s Final Year By Donald Nijboer The final year of World War II witnessed the decline of the piston-engine fighter and the beginning of the jet age. Taking to the skies were tried-and-true fighters, improved versions of old aircraft, and newly developed jets, including prototypes that flew for the first time just before the war ended. Ideal reference for military history fans, scholars, and modellers. AVIATION WORLD WAR 2

9780811716062 ■ September 2015 ■ £16.99 279 x 216 mm ■ Paperback ■ 208 pages ■ 300 b/w photos, 8pp colour insert



THE LAST ROLL CALL The 29th Infantry Division Victorious, 1945 By Joseph Balkoski Joseph Balkoski concludes his landmark series on the U.S. 29th Infantry Division in World War II with the story of the 29ers during the war’s final five months. Opening with the division’s participation in Operation Grenade, Balkoski follows the 29ers through the crossing of the Roer River, to the blitzkrieg-style drive across the Rhineland to the Rhine River, and to the survivors’ return home.


9780811716215 ■ September 2015 ■ £20.00 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 400 pages ■ 8 maps, 30 b/w photos

CRITICAL CONVOY BATTLES OF WWII Crisis in the North Atlantic, March 1943 By Jürgen Rohwer This is a detailed, blow-by-blow account of the largest convoy battle of the war The Battle of the Atlantic. It was the longest continuous campaign of World War II, climaxed in 1943, when Germany came closest to interrupting Allied supply lines and perhaps winning the war. In March of that year, German U-boats scored their last great triumph, destroying nearly 150,000 tons of supplies and fuel.


9780811716550 ■ November 2015 ■ £13.99 229 x 152 mm ■ Paperback ■ 272 pages ■ 120 b/w photos

SOUL SURVIVORS Stories of Wounded Women Warriors and the Battles They Fight Long After They’ve Left the War Zone By Kirsten Holmstedt Life is tough for veterans, especially female veterans. Now more than ever these veterans are facing their problems head on. In this inspiring new book, Kirsten Holmstedt, trusted chronicler of women soldiers and veterans, tells the stories of veterans struggling with the aftereffects of military service and rising above them.



9780811713795 ■ November 2015 ■ £20.00 229 x 152 mm ■ Hardback ■ 240 pages ■ 20 b/w photos

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FREEDOM: THE END OF THE HUMAN CONDITION By Jeremy Griffith • Venturing to the dark depths of what it is to be human… Why do we thinking, rational, immensely clever, supposedly sensible beings behave so ruthlessly, competitively and selfishly that human life has become all but unbearable and we have nearly destroyed our own planet? Are we a flawed species, some sort of evolutionary mistake, fundamentally worthless beings – or are we possibly the absolute heroes of the story of life on Earth? How are we to make sense of the awesome contradictions of the human condition? Yes, how are we to truly understand ourselves – because without redeeming, biological understanding there can be no real peace for the human mind, no basis for the much-needed psychological rehabilitation and maturation of the human race. Griffith’s book introduces the reader to the issue of the human condition and his biological explanation of it. It describes how the anger and selfishness felt by humans is the result of a conflict between two factions within us – the gene-based instinctive self-struggling against the nerve-based intellect’s need and responsibility to understand existence. The conflict caused humans to live with an undeserved sense of guilt that understanding now ameliorates.


9780731604951 ■ July 2015 ■ £14.99 216 x 137 mm ■ Paperback ■ 228 pages 15 b/w images throughout text

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Finding the Absolute By Dr. Charlottte de Mille • Addresses the overlaps between music and art in Golding’s early works First published to accompany Piano Nobile’s exhibition, John Golding: Finding the Absolute focuses on Golding’s abstract paintings from the 1960s, offering a unique opportunity to appreciate Golding at the outset of his lifelong pursuit to realise the ever-elusive promise of the absolute. Golding’s paintings share the excitement of innovation and exploration of the mid 1960s born of a common historical context in which modes of expression were reinvented. ART HISTORY | 20TH CENTURY

9781901192384 ■ January 2015 ■ £25.00 280 x 240 mm ■ Spiralbound ■ 36 pages ■ 18 illustrations

TO THE BRAMLEY FAMILY OF FRESTONIA By Nathan Coley • A publication documenting a public art project by the Glasgowbased artist Nathan Coley To The Bramley Family of Frestonia illustrates the history of ‘The Free Independent State of Frestonia’ alongside the horticultural journey of the Bramley Apple of England, from seedling to super fruit. In addition to full-colour documentation of Coley’s steel and gold rooftop sculpture, the book publishes, for the first time, a series of 1970s documentary photographs taken by Frestonia resident Tony Sleep. This fascinating book raises issues of housing, history and political activism, asking in what way art can act as a social isotope and posing pertinent questions about how people live in London today.




9781910221051 ■ July 2015 ■ £24.00 210 x 148 mm ■ Paperback ■ 200 pages ■ c. 60 b/w & colour

THREE BOOKS By Tamara Tracz • Three Books is a partly autobiography and deeply moving story of a family seen through the artistic medium of Tracz


Three Books by Tamara Tracz is a very special three-hardback-volume slipcased book. It is, first and foremost, a story that follows several generations of a family as their lives unfold in various cities, countries and continents during the course of the twentieth century. Three Books is not written in the usual form of family biography, and is not only the story of this family’s history. It is also a story about stories, about the passing on of information between generations, and between different branches of a family over time. Three Books is a form of artist’s book, a creative work that sits at the interface of non-fiction and radical typesetting experimentation.

9781910221044 ■ July 2015 ■ £35.00 135 x 210 mm ■ Hardback ■ 216 pages ■ c. 15 b/w & colour


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BREATHLESS By Benjamin Senior • The first monograph on the emerging British painter Benjamin Senior Benjamin Senior’s paintings conjure up a world that is delightful, curious, quirky, and distinctly his own. It’s a world in which bathers lounge around pools and swimmers limber up before finally diving in; where we find people doing yoga and various exercise routines both indoors and out; where walkers and joggers take us out into the countryside, or into the city with their dogs. Featuring an introduction by Sacha Craddock, an essay by Ben Street, and a text by Gabor Gyory. ART | 21ST CENTURY

9781910221068 ■ July 2015 ■ £25.00 225 x 195 mm ■ Hardback ■ 100 pages ■ c. 60 colour

OLIVER CLEGG By Sina Najafi, Martin Herbert, Matt Price, and Dominique Clausen (Design) • The first monograph on the British-born, New York-based artist Oliver Clegg An eclectic, polyphonic and interdisciplinary artist, Clegg’s oeuvre stretches from painting, drawing and printmaking to sculpture, installation and beyond. With his erudite, surprising and striking repertoire, and his diverse materials and methods of fabrication, Clegg offers the viewer a complex, sometimes playful, other times moving journey into existential and ontological notions of objecthood and matter, images and signs, language and communication, creation and being. ART | 21ST CENTURY

9781910221075 ■ October 2015 ■ £30.00 305 x 220 mm ■ Hardback ■ 272 pages ■ c. 135 b/w & colour

SARAH MEDWAY Voyage By Andrew Lambirth and Sue Hubbard • An illuminating and insightful introduction to Medway’s oeuvre and new series of paintings Sarah Medway’s abstract paintings are a delicate, evocative and sincere investigation into the nature of light as it manifests itself through the myriad environments that surround us. With her distinctive vocabulary of abstract marks and shimmering palettes, her works build into complex webs of patterns and textures that capture something of the experience of perceiving light, colour and shapes as they filter through the atmosphere into our eyes, minds, memories and subconscious. ART | 21ST CENTURY

9781910221082 ■ July 2015 ■ £20.00 260 x 225 mm ■ Hardback ■ 112 pages ■ c. 75 colour


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The Stories Behind the Famous Photographs from World War II By David P. Colley The faces in photographs of World War II have a unique capacity to induce awe, respect, and wonder. Who were these men and women? Did they survive the war? And, if so, what were their lives like? In Seeing the War, Colley revisits more than a hundred of the most revealing photographs of the “last good war.”


9781611687262 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 Paperback ■ 200 pages ForeEdge from University Press of New England

THE GREAT SIEGE OF MALTA The Epic Battle between the Ottoman Empire and the Knights of St. John By Bruce Ware Allen In the spring of 1565, a massive fleet of Ottoman ships descended on Malta, home and headquarters of the crusading Knights of St. John and their charismatic Grand Master, Jean de Valette. Bruce Ware Allen’s The Great Siege of Malta describes the siege’s geopolitical context, explains its strategies and tactics, and reveals how the all-too-human personalities of both Muslim and Christian leaders shaped the course of events. 16TH CENTURY REFERENCE

9781611687651 ■ November 2015 ■ £24.99 Hardback ■ 328 pages ForeEdge from University Press of New England

INFERNO IN CHECHNYA The Russian-Chechen Wars, the Al Qaeda Myth, and the Boston Marathon Bombings



By Brian Glyn Williams In 2013, the United States suffered its worst terrorist bombing since 9/11 at the Boston Marathon. When the culprits turned out to be U.S. residents of Chechen descent, Americans were shocked and confused. Brian Glyn Williams describes the tragic history of the bombers’ war-devastated homeland showing how the conflict there influenced the rise of Europe’s deadliest home-grown terrorist network. CURRENT AFFAIRS TERRORISM

9781611687378 ■ October 2015 ■ £21.99 Hardback ■ 296 pages ForeEdge from University Press of New England

GHOST RIDERS OF BAGHDAD Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge By Daniel A. Sjursen From October 2006 to December 2007, Daniel A. Sjursen – then a U.S. Army lieutenant – led a light scout platoon across Baghdad. The experiences of Ghost Rider platoon provide a soldier’s-eye view of the incredible complexities of warfare, peacekeeping, and counterinsurgency in one of the world’s most ancient cities.


9781611687811 ■ October 2015 ■ £20.99 Hardback ■ 280 pages ForeEdge from University Press of New England


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BIRTH OF A WARRIOR Ten Weeks in Basic Training By Raymond McCrea Jones Photographer Raymond Jones doesn’t come from a military family and had no previous personal experience with the rite of passage known as boot camp. Nevertheless, he became fascinated by the questions of how and why the modern army makes soldiers. The stunning photographs in Birth of a Warrior chronicle the transformation of 162 young men from across the country into U.S. Army Delta Company 2/47. MODERN WARFARE EQUIPMENT AND TECHNIQUES 9781611687644 ■ September 2015 ■ £19.99 Paperback ■ 248 pages ■ 228 colour photos ■ ForeEdge from University Press of New England

AT THE POINT OF A CUTLASS The Pirate Capture, Bold Escape, and Lonely Exile of Philip Ashton By Gregory N. Flemming America’s real-life Robinson Crusoe, the true story of Philip Ashton – a nineteenyear-old fisherman captured by pirates, impressed as a crewman, subjected to torture and hardship, who eventually escaped and lived as a castaway and scavenger on a deserted island in the Caribbean. Based on a rare copy of Ashton’s 1725 account, Gregory N. Flemming’s vivid portrait recounts this maritime world during the golden age of piracy. Chased by the British Royal Navy, blown out of the water or summarily hung when caught, pirate captains such as Edward Low kidnapped, cajoled, beat, and bribed men like Ashton into the rich—but also vile, brutal, and often short—life of the pirate. At the Point of a Cutlass expands on a lost classic narrative of America and the sea, and brings to life a forgotten world of ships and men on both sides of maritime law. 256 pages ■ 15 illustrations, 1 map University Press of New England


9781611685152 ■ June 2015 ■ £22.00 ■ Hardback 9781611687804 ■ October ■ 2015 ■ £14.99 ■ Paperback

THE DIARY OF JOHANNES HANSEN Expedition to Eastern Greenland: 1884–1885 By Johannes Hansen, and translated by L.S. Johanson The catechist Johannes Hansen, a Greenlandic missionary, was part of Captain Gustav Holm’s well-known expedition to the east coast of Greenland (1884 - 1885). His diary is a series of extremely interesting sketches of the remarkable customs and practices of the native people, and was reported in the pages of Atuagagdliutit, the first Greenlandic newspaper.


This work examines the people of eastern Greenland at the later stages of the 19th century in diaristic form, but with the compassion and empathy of a native. Material of this kind is very rare and significant for understanding the longer, mostly unknown, evolution of Greenlandic culture in the midst of Danish colonization.

9780982915592 ■ July 2015 ■ £15.00 Paperback ■ 160 pages ■ International Polar Institute


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Roman Soldiers and Barbarians on Trajan’s Column By J. C. Coulston Trajan’s Column was completed in 113 CE to commemorate the Emperor Trajan’s wars across the Danube. The central purpose of the book is to provide definitive answers to questions which have been asked about Trajan’s Column since the first studies of the 16th century. The resulting book will be of interest to researchers and students of Roman imperial history, art, and the city of Rome.


9781842173008 ■ July 2015 ■ £35.00 280 x 216 mm ■ Hardback ■ 200 pages ■ Approx. 200 illustrations ■ Oxbow Books

ROMAN MILITARY ARCHITECTURE ON THE FRONTIERS Armies and Their Architecture in Late Antiquity Edited by Rob Collins, Matt Symonds and Meike Weber The Roman army was one of the most astounding organizations in the ancient world, and much of the success of the Roman Empire can be attributed to its soldiers. This volume will demonstrate that while scholars grappling with the late Roman army may want for a rich corpus of inscriptions and easily identifiable military installations, research is revealing a dynamic, less-predictable force that was adapting to a changing world. ANCIENT HISTORY REFERENCE

9781782979906 ■ August 2015 ■ £42.00 280 x 240 mm ■ Hardback ■ 208 pages ■ B/W and colour illustrations ■ Oxbow Books




This work describes the La Tène period, when the inventive and receptive Celtic civilization was spread across Europe; the conflict of the Celts with the Roman world, and the consequent decline, and Celticism in its various survivals. The book ends with a sociological survey of the Celts.


9788869770159 ■ October 2015 ■ £17.00 Paperback ■ 314 pages ■ Mimesis International

A HISTORY OF GREECE TO THE DEATH OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT By John Bagnell Bury This book presents Greek civilization in a very clear form, including from geographical conditions, contemporary civilizations, decision makers through the constructions of the Greek identity.


9788869770166 ■ October 2015 ■ £27.00 Paperback ■ 930 pages ■ Mimesis International


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SEATS OF POWER IN EUROPE DURING THE HUNDRED YEARS WAR An Architectural Study from 1330 to 1480 By Anthony Emery SEATS OF POWER IN EUROPE D uring the

hunDreD Years War

The Hundred Years’ War between England and France was an epic conflict between two nations whose destinies became inextricably entwined throughout the later Middle Ages. Seats of Power in Europe is a major new study of the residences of the crowned heads and the royal ducal families.



9781785701030 ■ November 2015 ■ £49.95 280 x 216 mm ■ Hardback ■ 352 pages Over 120 photographs and over 70 plans ■ Oxbow Books

YEAR ZERO OF THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT 1929 By Hillel Cohen and translated by Haim Watzman In late summer 1929, a countrywide outbreak of Arab-Jewish-British violence transformed the political landscape of Palestine forever. In contrast with those who point to the wars of 1948 and 1967, historian Hillel Cohen marks these bloody events as year zero of the Arab-Israeli conflict that persists today.


9781611688108 ■ November 2015 ■ £64.00 ■ Hardback 9781611688115 ■ £19.99 ■ Paperback 312 pages ■ Over 120 photographs and over 70 plans ■ Brandeis University Press

THE HOLY CITIES OF ARABIA By Eldon Rutter Few British explorers in Arabia have produced books whose importance as travelogues is transcended by their literary quality. One such is The Holy Cities of Arabia, published to critical acclaim in 1928, with its author hailed as a worthy successor to Burckhardt, Burton and Doughty. The book proved to be its author’s only full-length work. This new edition aims to revive a neglected masterpiece and to establish Rutter’s reputation. Little was known about him until now and the introduction tells the story of his life for the first time, assessing his talents as a travel writer and analysing his significance as a British convert. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY MIDDLE EAST

9780992980825 ■ June 2015 ■ £40.00 246 x 171 mm ■ Hardback ■ 592 pages ■ 36 B/W photos and 10 maps Arabian Publishing Ltd

THE STRANGERS WE BECAME Lessons in Exile from One of Iraq’s Last Jews By Cynthia Kaplan Shamash A smart, funny, and lyrical memoir of an Iraqi Jewish girl’s experiences in five countries before settling in the United States This riveting and utterly unique memoir chronicles the coming of age of Cynthia Shamash, an Iraqi Jew born in Baghdad in 1963.



9781611688054 ■ October 2015 ■ £19.99 Hardback ■ 240 pages Brandeis University Press

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