Annual Report
Dear Friends, The immigrant community is facing unprecedented difficulties. At the current pace, more than 2 million immigrants will have been deported during the first five years of President Obama’s administration. Each day, many hundreds more honest and hardworking men and women are permanently separated from their loved ones. But we can put an end to these injustices. CASA’s successful campaign to uphold the Maryland DREAM Act last year proved the strength of our movement. This was the first pro-immigrant ballot initiative ever to be approved by voters in any state, and together we showed lawmakers across the country that Americans want respect and dignity for immigrant families. CASA is now at the forefront of a national campaign for commonsense immigration reform, leading major marches on the Capitol this past April and October and carrying out more than 50 direct actions. Your help has been crucial to CASA’s successes so far. With your support, we are achieving victories each day—victories like providing English classes to 1,400 immigrants, assisting 500 people in becoming U.S. citizens, and registering 7,500 Latino citizens to vote. But we’ll need your support again in 2014 to achieve our greatest victory yet—a fair immigration process and a pathway for our 11 million aspiring citizens.
CASA de Maryland Board of Directors Maria F. Robalino President Andrea LaRue Vice President Carlos Olea Treasurer Priscilla Huang Secretary Jose Aguiluz Joseph Eyong Misael Garcia Henry Hailstock Sarah Harding Carmen López Rima Matsumoto Sergio Muñoz
There’s nothing we can’t do when we stand together.
Grace Rivera-Oven In Solidarity,
Linda Robinson June White Dillard
Gustavo Torres Executive Director
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Maria Robalino Board President
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
“When the history of the immigrant rights movement is written, it will include those who made the tide turn. It was groups like CASA de Maryland and the day laborers they organized…” — New York Times Editorial, April 10, 2013
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
CASA’s April 10th rally brought more than 100,000 people to our nation’s capital in support of immigration reform.
At the Forefront of Immigration Reform There is perhaps no issue more important to immigrant families than reforming our country’s broken immigration system. That is why throughout 2013, CASA mobilized tens of thousands to say “the time is now” for reform. Too many families have been separated, too many hardworking people have been kept in the shadows for too many years. CASA and its partners brought more than 100,000 people to our nation’s capital in April and October of this year to call for a fair immigration process with a clear pathway for aspiring citizens. We carried out over 50 direct actions to draw attention to obstructionist members of Congress who stand in the way of our dreams. We mobilized New Americans to speak directly with lawmakers and share their dreams of attaining U.S. citizenship, and we lifted up the voices of families separated by a broken immigration system. Within only a few months of our campaign’s launch, we won Senate passage of a sweeping immigration reform bill. CASA has been leading the fight for common sense immigration reform for over a decade, and we are now closer than ever before to winning. With just a few House votes away from victory, we know that it will be those who make their voices heard the loudest who will make the difference.
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
“Turning our economy around means not only putting people to work but also giving workers the training they need to help propel local businesses forward. This is what CASA de Maryland does day in and day out. Groups like CASA represent real hope for our communities.” — Thomas Bozzuto, CEO The Bozzuto Group
At the Forefront of Building Power CASA reaches 40,000 members This year, CASA de Maryland surpassed 40,000 total members, making it the largest immigrant advocacy organization on the entire East Coast. Our members represent more than 30 countries from across Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. CASA became a membership-based organization in 2010 with the goal of building power in the immigrant community and ensuring that the organization responds to the real needs of those it serves. Since then, we have nearly doubled our membership each year. Our members were vital to the success of the Maryland DREAM Act and driver’s license campaigns, and they have played key roles in CASA’s campaign for
immigration reform—speaking to their lawmakers, rallying friends and neighbors, and taking part in direct actions.
What CASA won for its members in 2013: Assisted over 700 members in opening a bank account for the first time and helped more than 350 to file taxes. Recovered over $130,000 in stolen wages for members. Provided health screenings and outreach to over 6,000 members. Trained more than 2,400 members in areas such as building maintenance, computer repair, carpentry, hospitality, and more.
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
At the Forefront of Transforming Communities CASA’s Langley Park Promise Neighborhood Program
providers, policymakers, and experts to design a program which would transform Langley Park into a model for academic success.
Langley Park, Maryland is a one-of-a-kind community with nearly 20,000 residents from across the globe, speaking over 100 languages. The neighborhood is home to dozens of immigrant-owned shops and small businesses, along with the headquarters of CASA de Maryland. Yet, children in this community face many serious obstacles in school. Dropout rates are high, and proficiency in reading and math is well below national averages. Last year, CASA was one of 10 organizations nationwide to receive a prestigious U.S. Department of Education Promise Neighborhood planning grant to address the challenges facing Langley Park’s kids. CASA led a year-long planning process together with community members, service 79%
When students can grow and achieve their academic and career goals, as adults they will give back to their communities, create businesses of their own, and make Langley Park a thriving and prosperous community for generations to come while helping to end the cycle of poverty. Maryland
Langley Park
Residents who speak a language other than English at home
Our Langley Park Promise Neighborhood plan includes the expansion of Head Start and pre-K programs, the creation of a first-class bilingual high school, adult learning programs for parents, and many other exciting initiatives. Together, we are working to create a vibrant community which gives students the supports needed to succeed in the classroom and beyond.
Adults with less than a 9th grade education
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
4-year high school graduation rate
Students living in low-income households
“At CASA, I found a family—a family that believed in me, showed me patience, and gave me the courage to reach for my dreams. Because of CASA, I am now a U.S. citizen and I can stand up for my community.” — Liliana G., Member, CASA de Maryland
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Donor Spotlight: Sheldon Caplis As the grandson of Russian immigrants, Sheldon Caplis believes he is the product of the opportunity America has given its immigrants. In addition to giving annually to CASA, Sheldon co-hosted a house party to raise awareness and resources for CASA’s work to pass the Maryland DREAM Act. As he puts it, “I know that when I support CASA, I am carrying on my family’s values by helping others to attain the American dream. I am proud to be a part of this wonderful organization.”
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Maria Abuqwad | Brenda Acosta | Abdulaziz Adili | Vivian Aguayo | Alex Aguilar | Antonio Aguilar | Luis Aguilar | Elizabeth Agulleiro | Nan Aitel-Thompson | Maria Aldana | Karina Alfaro | Lana Alman | Jemimah Alvarenga | Isabel Alvarez | Marcela Alvarez | Alicia Amaral Freeman | Maximo Ambrocio | Selvin Amezquita | Daniela Amzel | Tim Andergg | Erica Anhalt | Carlos Ansmendi | Ana Arce | Erick Arce | Leopoldo Arcos-Bravo | Agustin Arevalo | Bryan Ault | Paula Aviles | Honayu Avo | Hildefonso Ayala | Lauren Bae | Nini Baesa Gina Baez | Alhaji Bah | Ayla Bailey | Claire Balani | Ubaldino Balladeras | Milagros Barcena | Tony Bardawil | Hernan Barrero | Ashok Batra | Nicole Baumgartner | Teresa Beatriz Arias | Erica Bell | Michelle Belton | Bessy Beltran | Sonia Beltran | Ricardo Benavides | Amy Benson | Marcia Bernbaum | Bev Bickel | Tony Blanca | Jeffrey Bocar | Rachel Boss Marie Bourdeau | Roberta Bregstone | Terrilyn Broderick | Sydney Brooks | Adriana Brown | Eddie Brown | Ofir Buchnik | Herbert Buitrogo | Felix Burgos | Jessica Cabrejas | Alvaro Cabrera | Debora Caceres | John Caldarella | Kathleeen Callaghan | Kristina Campbell | Ricky Campos | Evelyn Canabal | Denise Cann | Derek Cantu | Rogelio Carballo, Jr. Roberto Carmona | Yolanda Carmona | Kelly Carrera | Santiago Carrera | Deysi Carrillo | Esteban Carrillo | Juina Carter | Judy Cassagnol | Xenia Castaneda | Laura Castellon Emmanuel Castro | Dulce Ceballos | Selene Ceja | Pamela Cervera | Maria Veronica Cevallos | Jacqueline Chacon | Ronald Chacon | Lourdes Chaparro | Amina Chaudhry | David Christemsen | Arli Christian | Marcos Chung | Joan Cimino | Emily Clarin | Caroline Clark | Shauna Clark | Hannah Cole-Chu | Emily Coleman | John Coller | Stephen Cooper Milena Cordoba | Alex Correa | Beatriz Cortes | Jennifer Cortes | Karina Cortes | Silverio Coy | Carlos Crespo | Charmaine Cruise | Karen Cruz | Melissa Cuesta | Denise Curry Cristina Daley | Maureen Daly | Sun Dan | Sarah Dandurand | Kevin Davis | Nayoka Dawes | Jairo de los Santos | Tanya DeKona | Mary DeLorey | Jean Deutcheu | Erick Diaz Josue Diaz | Victoria Dinkin | Leonelle Djamon | Michelle Domangue | Faviola Donato-Galindo | Laura Donohue | Barbara Drazin | Corinne Ducey | Alyssa Duda | Cindy Dyballa Jason Dzubow | Colleen Ebacher | Maggie Emathe | Roseline Emilola Oke | Maria Epps | Carrie Evans | Heidi Faust | Lia Felker | Jennifer Ferguson | Magda Fernandez | Vianela Fernandez | Karen Fiallos | Stephen Filippone | Rachel Finklestein | Alicia Fitzgerald | Elsa Flores | Ileana Flores | Kelly Flores | Lilian Flores | Karen Flores Garcia | Richard Foster Yovanka Fraceschi | Daisy Franco | Lisa Frank | George Freeland | Judy Frumkin | Patricia Fuentes | Ernesto Galeas | Claudia Galindo | Diana Garcia | Johel Garcia | Misa Garcia Veronica Garcia | Stephanie Gates | Molly Gavin | Danielle Geanacopoulos | Amy Gellatly | Marvin Gerrardo | Dana Gilgenbach | Flor Giusti | Heather Goddard | Diana Godoy Kevin Gomez | Ruth Gomez | Aracelly Gonzalez | Juan Gonzalez | Evelyn Gonzalez-Mills | Jean Goodell | Sylvia Graham | Victor Granado | Claire Grandison | Brian Green Raymond Griffith | Tasha Griffiths | Sandra Grossman | Candace Groudine | Agnes Guerrero | Viviana Guerrero | Jean Emmanuel Gute | Veronica Hadatty | Alyson Harkins | Shelly Hartford | Margie Hatch | Jean Claude Hemou | Andre Henderson | Katharina Hering | Katie Hermosilla | Juan Hernandez | Leda Cristina Hernandez | Ricardo Hernandez | Rosario Hernandez | Sara Hernandez | Marta Hernandez Araujo | Judith Heron | Yoselin Herrera | Caryn Herrigan | Alison Hoenk | Megan Horn | Caryn Horrigan | Sarah Horton | Bill Howells | Saroj Iyer | Katherine Jakuta | Ernest Jean | Flavia Jimenez | Wendy Jimenez | Graham Johnson | Naomi Johnson | Marcus Johnson, Jr. May Jones | Roberto Jones | Hope Jordan Ricardo Juarez | Mukhter Kabir | Julia Kann Nidhi Kaura | Francine Kemp | Mackenzie Kerrigan | Aisha Khan | Jessica Kilpatrick Kathy Kim | Heather Kipnis | Joseph Kitchen | Cindy Koolade | Kristina Korona | Ash Kosiewicz Eliza Kurtz | Lauren Lachance | Martha Lara Patricia Larson | Erick Lastarria | Brian Lawrence Yeji Le | Deidra Lee | Meeyeon Lee | Wen Lee Kenneth Lemberg | Victoria Lenes | Maya Levine Margaret Lewis | Vicki Lichter | Allison Liotta Ashley Lippolis | Heather Livingston Xheni Llaguri | Jhony Llamas | Brendan Lokka Camila Lopez | Odalis Lopez | Norma Lorence David Lott | Renzo Luciano Olivos | Estefania Lucio | Alice Lugo | Carlos Lugo | Alondra Luna | Hania Luna | Javier Luna | Martha Lynch | Ana Machado | Viviana Macmanus Nancy Mandelkorn | Alicia Maral | Alvarado Marcela | Ruby Marcelo | Rosemery Martell Diego Martinez | Rose Marie Martinez | Sofi Martinez | Wanda Martinez | Elizabeth Martinez Umana | Wimma Masani | Katrina Mason Michelle Massey | Samantha Master | Erendira Matias | Becki Maurio | Yansy Mayorga | Carlos Mazariegos | Lisa Mcgarrie | Katie McNamara Yeon Me Kim | Robert Medina | Jeff Meetre Pedro Mejia | Roselyn Melgar | Carlos Mendez Cristina Mendez | Luz Mendez | Robert Mendez Laura Menyuk | Sharon Milgram | Rachel Milito Zachary Miller | Matthew Milson | Avani Mody Meg Moga | Aisha Mohammed | Juan Mojica Funes | Vanessa Molina | Cynthia Mollo Alexandra Monroy | Alvaro Monterroso Donald Mooers | Katherine Moone | Margaret Mooney Carlin Moore | Alberto Morales | Cristina Moreno | Oscar Moreno | Elizabeth Mortimer | Sara Mosenkis | Auysha Muhayya | Martin Muhindi | Marbel Munoz | Diva Lizeth Murillo Carol Muskin | Sara Mussenden | Ellie Myers | Rachel Nadas | Maria Naranjo | Larbi Nauruni | Paula Nduangu | Edward Neufville | Daniel Nino | Alberto Nogales | Alexandra Nones | Daniel Nooter | Emily Noriega | Karitsa Norman | Regina O’Neal | Tina Oceguera | Stephanie Odom | Samuel Oduyela | Adrian Odya-Weis | Kathy Ogle | Adeyinka Ogunlegan | Yewande Oladeinde | Lucas Oliveira | Nick Oliveto | Andrea Olsen | Maritza Orellana | Sheryl Orr | Lourdes Ortega | Alex Ortiz | Jose Angel Ortiz Rivera | Maria Ortiz-Malte | Carson Osberg | Victoria Osbourne | Derly Osca | Shaka Pack | Ruth Paco | Miguel Palmeiro | Pedro Palomino | Fernanda Pardo | Fernando Parra Chong | Ana Pastora Devanshi Patel | Lurette Paulime | Sonia Pena | Anissa Perez | Judith Pichler | Arianna Pineiro | Marja Plater | Ben Pockros | Jeremy Pollard | Josue Portillo | Debi Preston | Cindy Puesan | Pierina Queen | Laura Quijano | Claudia Quinonez | Paloma Quiroz | Meena Rajan | David Ramdeen | Elios Ramirez | Eusebio Ramirez | Wendy Ramirez | Yoscaisa Ramirez Gustavo Ramos | Gayle Ramsay | Elizabeth Rappaport | Eva Raudes | Karen Recinos | Maria Luz Recinos | Carolina Regales | Sandra Restrepo | Angela Reyes | Edgar Reyes Jaime Reyes | Jonathan Reyes | Tina Ridge-Arndt | Daniel Riesenfeld | Kate Rios | Evelyn Rivas | Lidia Rivas | Anet Rivera | Estefania Rivera | Paola Rivera | Keisha Robinson Johnathan Rodas | Catalina Rodriguez | Licet Rodriguez | Osmin Rodriguez | Luis Rojas | Rosa Rojas | Robert Romano | Abigail Rome | Yesinia Romero | Britnee Rosales | Gabriela Rosales | Kimberlin Ruiz | Latesha Rutledge | Rosa Saavedra | Paulina Saba | Gabriella Sackrin | Roosevelt Saint Preux | Jose Salazar | Salvador Salazar | Luis Salgado | Eva Salmeron Yovanka Samudio | Angela Sanyal | Veronica Saravia | Zoe Savitsky | Gail Schneider | Jeffrey Scholnick | Courtney Schuman | Rafael Serrano | Nadin Sevillano | Melvin Shandler Cindy Shanks Brueggenjohann | Caitlin Shay | Mark Shmueli | Alexander Shushunol | Megan Siegel | John Sietsema | Alicia Silva | Raj Singh | Florence Sissako | Mary Small Tamar Smith | Audia Snow | Agatha So | Santiago Solis | Mahesh Somashekhar | Michele St. Julien | Amy Stafford | Kimberly Stark | David Strauss | Sigena Sugar | Ana Talavera Maureen Taylor | Yasmine Taylor-Hart | Michelle Tchatat | Rosa Luz Tejada | Jeronimo Tellez | Armando Tema | Adelaide Tembe | Ivania Teran | Angela Thomas | Caroline Thompson Maria Toner | Cesar Torres | Emerson Torres | Maria Torres | Melekte Truneh | Sharon Tufaro | Brenda Turcios | Santos Turcios | Roxane Turner | Susan Ucanay | Jonathan Ulloa Cecilia Umanzor-Aviles | Ines Ureta | Zara Urgiles | Nathaly Uribe | Elisa Urtiaga | Jenifer Valera | Joan Van Blake | Joe Vanegas | Therese Vanguere | Vanessa Vasquez | Marcelo Vicente | Otero Victor | Nate Viebrock | Ismael Vigo-Portillo | Carlos Villacorta | Brenda Villanueva | Namita Waghray | Louise Warner | Nicole Weinstock | Ross Wells | Shanelle Wells Viviana Westbrook | Sharon Wheeler | Page Whittenburg | Rachel Wick | Joseph Wiehagen | Jheanelle Wilkins | Jackie Williams | Jerry Williams | Laura Williamson | Joy Wilson Kirsten Wittkowski | Bismark Yeboah | Laura Yeomans | Walda Yon | Brenda Zavala | Eduardo Zelaya | Katelynn Ziegler-Hall | Rachel Zoghlin | Amalia Zurita | Michael Zwaig
A very special thank-you to all of CASA’s 530 volunteers!
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
At the Forefront of Creating Change: CASA’s 2013 Victories Trained
youth activists as spokespersons for the DREAM campaign
Launched a Community Development program to preserve affordable housing in Langley Park, MD
immigrant youth Helped apply for legal status under the new program,
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
workers received job training at CASA
Immigration Reform!
permanent resident immigrants became U.S. citizens thanks to CASA’s help
Yes Won our campaign to approve the Maryland DREAM Act in a referendum vote
of Marylanders voted “Yes”!
CASA’s advocacy helped achieve passage of
Maryland Highway Safety Act, Mobilized 100,000 supporters to the April 10th Rally for Citizenship and the October 8th March for Dignity and Respect, demanding action on comprehensive immigration reform
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
which allows all immigrants in the state access to a driver’s license, driver’s education, and auto insurance coverage
“CASA de Maryland represents the best of our city—our wonderful diversity, our willingness to work together, and our belief in fighting for what’s right. I am proud to call myself a friend of CASA.” — Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake
CASA registered
of CASA’s English for Speakers of Other Languages students showed gains on performance tests
Workers earned more than $3.3 million in income for their families through jobs obtained at CASA’s Welcome Centers
7,500 citizens to vote as part of our campaign to uphold the
Maryland DREAM Act
Hosted the 5th annual National
Immigrant Integration Conference in Baltimore, attended by over 1,000 advocates and experts from around the country
40,000 members, making Surpassed
CASA the largest immigrant advocacy organization on the entire East Coast. 25,000+
$12.97 per hr. $10.00 per hr.
Achieved a
100% Nationwide wage average for day laborers
CASA’s Welcome Centers
repayment rate on citizenship micro-loans
Sources: New York Times “Broad Survey of Day Laborers Finds High Level of Injuries and Pay Violations” January 22, 2006
10,500+ 4,500+ 2010
Members by Year
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Statement of Financial Position Assets
CASA de Maryland, Inc.
Cash and cash equivalents
Due from affiliates
Investments in affiliates
Statement of Activities
Contracts receivable
Support and Revenue
Other receivables and prepaid expenses
Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013.
Certificates of deposit - restricted
Grants and contributions
Grants receivable, net
In-kind contributions
Note receivable*
Tuition and fees
Property and equipment, net
Interest and other income
Total Assets
Total Support and Revenue
Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses
Total program costs
Legal office escrow
Support services
Deferred revenue
Total Expenses
Capital lease obligations
Change in Net Assets
Total liabilities
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
Support Services 23%
Total Program Costs 77%
Interest and Other Income Tuition 2% and Fees 10%
In-Kind Contributions 3%
Net Assets
Contracts 34%
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
* Assets related to the financing of the Multicultural Center renovations. ** The statements are unaudited, and therefore, are subject to change pending the completion of the audit report.
Support and Revenue Grants and Contributions 51%
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Note: Request copies of audited financial statements from
Contributors Corporations and Businesses 1st Medical of Annapolis 360 Group, LLC Adventist HealthCare American Petroleum Institute Amster Law Firm LLC Arnold & Porter LLP Bank of America Charitable Foundation Barnes & Thornburg LLP BLBB, LLC Bozzuto & Associates, Inc. Capital One CITGO Petroleum Corporation Citi Community Development Citi Foundation Cocody, Inc. Comcast Community Insurance Agency Construction Final Touch Cricket Communications Crowell & Moring, LLP DC Bachata Congress, LLC Donna E. Vam Scoy LLC GEICO Gladstein, Reif, & Meginnis, LLP GOBEMA Goldberg, Finnegan, & Mester, LLC Golden & Cohen Hogan Lovells LLP Hope for All Pharmacy & Stores HSBC Bank, USA, NA Innovative Business interiors, Inc. J&M Services, Inc. Latin Cleaning Service Leavy & Frank, LLC Lerch, Early & Brewer Chtd. Liberty Mutual Insurance Lichtman & Elliot, P.C. Maggio & Kattar PC Management Assistant Group Megamart Supermarket Mynor & Associates, LLC Nixon Peabody LLP Nueva Vista Group, LLC Office Of Abraham Fernando Carpio Omori L.L.C. PNC Pritchett Controls, Inc. Restaurante “El Amate II” Royal Oak, L.P. Sandler, Reiff, Young & Lamb P.C. State Farm Insurance
The Foulger-Pratt Companies Thorsen French Advocacy LLC Tucker & Associates, PLLC Underwater Wear, LLC Verizon Weinberg, Roger & Rosenfeld Wells Fargo Western Union Foundation Foundations Aaron and Lillie Straus Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Community Foundation for Montgomery County Consumer Health Foundation CrossCurrents Foundation Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation Ford Foundation Fradian Foundation Fund for Change, Inc. Gill Foundation Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Hill-Snowdon Foundation Immigration Reform Collaborative Fund of Tides Foundation J.M. Kaplan Fund John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Maryland Legal Services Corporation MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger MCAEL - Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy Moriah Fund Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation Open Society Foundations Open Society Institute - Baltimore Peggy Browning Fund Public Interest Projects, Inc./ Four Freedoms Fund Sanford and Doris Slavin Foundation, Inc. Susan G. Komen for the Cure The Abell Foundation The Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Herb Block Foundation The Osprey Foundation of Maryland Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation of Greater Washington Unbound Philanthropy United Way Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFC NCA) United Way Montgomery United Way Prince George’s Washington AIDS Partnership Washington Area Women’s Foundation Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund
Government Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development Baltimore City Mayor and City Council Baltimore County Department of Planning Baltimore County Executive and County Council Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism Internal Revenue Service Maryland AIDS Administration Maryland Governor and General Assembly Montgomery County Department of Economic Development Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs Montgomery County Executive and County Council Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development Prince George’s County Executive and County Council U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Organizations American Immigration Lawyers Association Baltimore CASH Campaign Central American Resource Center (CARECEN) Caring Across Generations Center for Community Change Center for Popular Democracy Community Clinic, Inc. Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. Good Jobs First Johns Hopkins University Krieger Schechter Middle School Loyola University Maryland Maryland Citizen’s Health Initiative Education Fund National Council of La Raza National Domestic Workers Alliance National Hispanic Council on Aging National Partnership for New Americans Neighborhood Works America Prince George’s Little Theatre United Association for Labor Education (UALE) Working Families Party
Congregations Adelphi Friends Meeting Bethesda Friends Meeting Caldwell Chapel Community Catholic Community at Relay, Christian Witness Ministry Catonsville Presbyterian Church Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church Episcopal Church Of Our Savior Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Rockville United Church St. Pius X Church Takoma Park Friends Meeting Washington Ethical Society Individuals $5,000 and above Anonymous (x3) Leonard Blavatnik Norman Dreyfuss Nancy Lapp Friends of Ike Leggett $1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous Daniel Blumenthal Catherine Brennan Irene Bueno Mary Buonanno Marianne and Peter Byrnes Cannell-Boone Family Sheldon and Jamie W. Caplis CASA Community Members Adrienne Dominguez Cynthia D. Dyballa and Steven M. Nadel Danielle Estrada and Robert Wolinsky Michael Fisher Virginia Geoffrey and John Andelin Sarah Harding and Nicholas Penniman Jeffrey Hoffman Katie and Richard Horan Mary Beth Hastings and Howard Wilkins Edward and Eleanor Howard Terry Jacobs Margarita B. Jovel and Federico Carbonell Andrea LaRue and Matthew Schwartz Friends of Roger Manno J. Alberto Martinez Jeff Meetre Shanna Tova O’Reilly Elizabeth Rappaport Hans and Angela Riemer Bruce Roberts and Marina Broitman Claudia Robinson Katherine Rumbaugh Carol Schatz and David Rodgers Andy and Marjan Shallal Barbara Shapiro
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
$1,000 to $4,999 (cont.) Peter Shiras and Diana Morris Mallon and Marcela Snyder Tracy Spicer Robert A. Welp and Carmel M. Martin
$500 to $999 Elizabeth Allen Elena Alvarez Anonymous Charles Askins and Kathy Ogle Edward Ayoob Christopher Botsko Gilbert and Ada Casellas Janet and Donald D’Amato Mary Ellsberg J.J. Ginns John and Linda Hanson Elizabeth Hargrave Joanne Howes Priscilla Huang Matthew B. and Gail R. Jenkins Patricia and Daniel Jinich Robert Kritzler Rose Martinez Sam Mondry-Cohen Eric Olsen and Kirstin Parsons Judith Peres Danica Petroshius Dolores Raff Victor Ramirez Larry Rood and Leah Curry-Rood Tricia Rubacky Yvette Sanchez Fuentes Joanne Savage Jennifer Semel Michael L. and Beth E. Matcham Shepherd Donald Shriber Jeffrey Silverstone Janet Smith Steven Smith David and Ellen Winter Judy Wurtzel
$250 to $499 Bruce Adams Gabriel and Catherine Albornoz Anonymous Elliott Andalman, Esq. Mark Anderson Judith C. Appelbaum and Elizabeth A. Cohn Nan Aron Patricia Arzuaga Dagan Bayliss Richard Kevin Becker and Dorothea Dickerman Maurice Belanger and Patricia M. Hanrahan Patricia and Thomas Connally Lawrence Couch Jean Couchman Leonore and Thomas Cunningham Brenda Dann-Messier Deborah Delisle Kristin Donoghue Susan Eaton Richard Eisen and Joy Beth Markowitz Jonathan Elkind John Enagonio and Glenda Jones-Enagonio Mark Freedman Alec French Keith Haddaway April Haynes Brent and Marjorie Heberlee Carter and Elisabeth Hertzberg Ralph and Elizabeth Hofmeister Ari Holtzblatt Julius Horwich Tamara Jacobson Marlene Johnson Andrew and Kelly Kleine Nancy Kohn and Joel Rabin Ellen Kurlansky and Lawrence Mishel Michael Lang Eleanor Lewis Harry Lewis Raymond Limon Christopher Lindsley Joseph and Courtney Lodico Jane Loewenson Sarah Lynch Sarah Mahler Will McConarty Mary O’Melveny Jack Olender Christine Owens Wilma Peachey Daniel Perez-Lopez Will Potterveld Margarita Prieto Matthew Rhoads
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Vanessa Rini-Lopez Tasneem Robin-Bhatti Linda Robinson Nicole Rodgers Anthony Rodriguez Reemberto Rodriguez and Geraldina Dominguez Eric Rosenthal Marcelino Ruiz Elizabeth Savage Ricki Seidman Jeff Shesal and Rebecca Epstein Karla Silvestre John M. and Betty Smallwood Theodore W. Bain and Elizabeth A. Smigel Terry Staudenmaier Stuart and Joy Stein Brian and Lise Tracey Deborah Washam David Welna Elizabeth Wheaton Doug Wissoker and Alys I. Cohen Carol Wolchok $100 to $249 David and Judy Aaronson Jesus Aguirre Maria and Marcelo Albornoz Audrey Alvarado Debra Alvarez Marianne Alweis and Richard Mellman Joseph Andres Anonymous (x6) Mariano and Leonor Arbaiza George and Monica Baker Sharon and William Ballard Alan Banov and Sandra Blau Cave Laura and Richard Barclay Hernan Barrero Monica Batkis O’Donnell and Patricio O’Donnell Julianne Beall James Beard Henry and Maureen Beasely Erika Becker-Medina Elizabeth Bellavance Katya Belyayeva Ann Benbow Denise Benoit-Moctezuma Kenneth S. and Fernanda Bianchi Paul and Heather Booth Aldrich and Ann Boss Kathleen Boucher Karen Britto Dennis H. Burtraw and Barbara S. Glenn Wesley Callender Kathleen Carey Socorro Catalan
John Cavanagh Martin Chandler Amina Chaudhry Michelle Chavez Alex Chen Inés Cifuentes Lucy Cifuentes Larry Cohen Donna Cohen Ross Richard Coppola Margarita Covarrubias Catherine Crockett Lynne DeSarbo Scott Deutchman Holly Eaton Jack Eisen-Markowitz Tim Ernst Robert Fagan Susan Farr Holly Fechner Benjamin and Monica Feit Blake and Melissa Fetrow Janet Forlini Barbara Francisco Richard J. and Kim E. Freedman Ronnie Galvin and Yanique Redwood Christine Garcia Arlyn Garcia-Perez Diane Garfield John Gaul Jon Gerson Matthew Ginsburg Joe Gitchell Daniel Glor and Sue Schneider Stephanie Gold Carmen Gomez Valerie Gordon Kathleen Gorman Stephen Graham Jorge Granados Linda Greenhouse Roger Griffis Michael Griffiths Stephanie Grogan Shanna Grossman Megan Guenther Amy Harding Sandra and John Harding Dennis Hawver Nikki Heidepriem Jeannette Hobbins Scott Hoekman and Sally Rudney Bette Hoover Howard Isenstein Meang Jang Boisfeuillet Jones Wilhelm Joseph Peter Kannam
$100 to $249 (cont.) Evelyn Kelly Eric Kessler Owen and Stephanie Kirby John Kraft Anna Kuhn Arun and Preethi Kumar Justine Larson Kristine Leary Cynthia Lee Eliza Leighton Susan Leighton Bruce Lerner and Meg Laporte Maryann Leshin Joanne Lin and Gregory Z. Chen Lily Loring Richard and Kathy Lorr David Lublin Zach Luck Michael Lynch Lawrence Maccherone and Gloria Merriam Mimi Mager Sameena Majeed Ellen Marecki Randall Marks John Marshall Ted Martin Michael Mauer Seth Mazze and Carmen Gomez Daniel and Wendy McGrath Dennis and Milagros McGuire Emily McKay Patrick J. Meagher and Arabella Parker Marcus Meeks and Rachel Cornwell Rosmery Mejia David Michaels and Gail Dratch Sharon Milgram Joseph Montesano Rosa Moran Tyler Moran and Todd Tucci Dara and David Morenoff Jill Morningstar and Alastair Fitzpayne Monique Morrissey
John Mullally Lawrence Mullaney Ethan Nasr John Nelson Christine Neumann Jocelyn Nieva Eileen O’Brien Lisa Ohrin Elizabeth Osborne BB Otero Lisa Page Francisco Palmieri Juan Palomo Marcos Pantelis Joseline Peùa-Melnyk Andy and Cathy Penn-Surace Linda Penniman Stephen Percy Adrian Pettaway Jean Pfaelzer Jennifer L. and Karl J. Protil Jill Purdy Michael Rae Oscar Ramirez Wendy Ramirez Louiqa Raschid William E. Rau and Susan Roche Todd Richardson Mary Jo Richmond Neal Riemer David Riley Maria Robalino Beth Roberts James and Katherine Robinson Milagros Rodriguez Kim and Edwin Rosado Benjamin Ross Violeta Ruiz Niklaus Salafsky and Julia Segre Shira Saperstein Dee Schofield Sarah Schwartz Lena Scott Sarah Searls and Wesley Herr Jeff Shesal and Rebecca Epstein Charles Short Chuck Short Ian Shuman Greg Simon Karmen Slezak Anne Smith Maree Sneed Eileen Sobeck Lafe Solomon Ruth Spivak James Stam Victoria Stanley Nancy Stark William Staudenmaier, Jr.
Gary Stein John and Roberta Stewart Nancy Stockbridge James Strother Krista Strothman Sherry Stuesse Stephanie Sullivan Michael Tabegna Maureen and Hugh Taft-Morales James Tarlau Betsy Taylor Marlen Tejeda Saralee Todd John Trevithick Susanna Vallance Donna Vam Scoy Ana Van Balen Jack and Stephanie Ventura Maria Walsh Rita Warpeha Sally and Richard Watts Jill Weiler Jon Weintraub Anne Weissenborn Kevin and Grace Weisser Rebecca Welp Grace White June White Dillard Mark Willcher Arlene Williams Ligia Williams Ruth Zambrana, PhD Maria Zea Philip and Marla Zipin Lisa Zycherman and Keith Apple $1 to $99 Gabriela Acosta Constance Aguayo Brigido Aguilar-Esteban Benjamin Aikman Frank Aikman Leo and Orfia Albornoz
Lupe Albornoz Liliana Alvarado Alicia Amaral Freeman David Amoruso Rufino Andres Anonymous (x4) R. Arlotta Tom Atkins Viviana Azar Federico Azcarate Martin and Morayma Bak Bruce Baker Oswaldo Barahona Samantha Barbee Beth Barkley Alexander Barnes Celia Bassols Amy Berger Sandro Bernedo Robert Bertera Carol Bishop Bob Bokma Matthew Borus Connie Bowers Magdalena Boynton Laura Brentin Kristy Burkey Naomi and Michael Caggana Kathleen Callaghan Ricardo Campos Jorge Carranza Valeria Carranza Kevin and Lucy Carroll Fidel Castro Dora Chen Monisha Cherayil Jeff Chestor and Kathryn Montgomery John Cockrell Arthur Cohen Oscar Conave Dwight and Carol Cramer Dennis Dawson Raul de la O Winifred De Palma Ellen De Perez Debra Delavan Lynda Deloach Alvaro Demoya Diana Desierto Luis Diaz Judy Dobbs Judith Docca Katherine Doneby Smith and David Miley Shaun Donnelly Anne Dwiggins Carol Edwards Julie Ennis Fred Feinstein
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
$1 to $99 (cont.) Maria Figueredo Bob and Ginger Fitzpatrick Rev. Megan Foley George and Sandra Freeland Judith Freidenberg Thomas Gagliardo Jeneia Gibson Emily Glazer James Goedert David Goldberger Richard A. Gollub and Jill Clark-Gollub Gabriela Gonzalez Janice Gordon Cristina Green James Griffin Gregg Grisa Beth Grupp Mateo Guaman Jennie Guilbaud Orlando A. and Helen L. Gutierrez John Halloran
Anne Harpster Amy Harris Steven Hass Anthony Hausner Rebecca Heiler Nancy Henningsen Carlton Henry and Christine Jameson Brian Hirsch and Anna Denicolo Friends of Delegate Sheila Hixson Susan Hoffmann Kathleen Holmay Kristen Holt Jing Huang Theodore Hull Doree Huneven Ursula Iannone Samantha Illangasekare Flavia Jimenez Luis Jimenez Stephen Johnson
Mary Kambic Jill Karpf Meghan Kenny Geraldine Kierse-Irwin Phillip Kim Elizabeth King Sharon Kirmeyer George Kohl Craig Koralek Roshani Kothari Patricia LeBlanc Jacob Lebowitz Bosco Lee Gary Letteron Mary Levering Carol Lewis Angela Lima Patricia Littlefield Alexis Lockshin Sara Mahy Maureen Malloy Stephen Martin Sandra McGraw Patricia and Alan McLaine Danielle McNamee Martin Mellett Luz Mendez Luisa Montero Angeline Montesano Jessica Moore Kathleen Murphy Delandra Navarro Louisa Nickerson Kelley and John O’Connor Wendy Oliver Patricia Ordoñez Elizabeth Ortega-Lohmeyer Ana Oscoz Daniel Palmer Jeffrey and Ellen Passel Christine Pendzich Helen and Ralph Petersberger Derionne Pollard Sue Popkin Hank Prensky Chanda Prescod-Weinstein Nicola Pryce Louise Quick Jenifer Ramirez Anna Reid Kathryn Rhudy Jose Robles Ercilia Rojas Lilah Rosenblum Marc Rosenblum Timothy Rufenacht Raul Saavedra Miriam Sackville
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Luis Salvatierra Suzanne Schlattman Ben Schneider Herminia Servat Kelsey Sheridan Jacob Siegel Dr. Joe and Nancy Silvio Zachary Singer Phillip Singerman Linwood Starbird Anne Sullivan Miriam Szapiro Sally Taber Martha Talento Eden Terenzini Patricia Tice Vincent Tola Marcos Turcios Victoria Turcios Jan Vermeiren Julio Villanueva and Eleana Cornejo de Villanueva Yvonne Vojik Gregory Votaw Mary Waugh Jessica Weber Kenneth Weiss Renée Weitzner Lois Wessel James Wheatcroft John and Martha Whitty Krystal Williams Sara Wilkinson Lewis Winarsky Lucy Wright Duff Jill Wrigley George Wyeth and Julie Grweenberg Eunice Yu Gilberto Zelaya In-Kind/Other Adebowale Alaba Todd Anderson Steve Bell Kurt Brorson Alexander Cantor Karan Capoor Shubha Chakravarty Nadine Chapman Carolyn Clancy Manuel Contreras Susan Cummins Gilberto de Jesus Daniel De Paz Elizabeth Devoss Alexandra Endara Jose Carlos Ferreyra Sonia Firpi
Susan Fleck Michael Ford Tsion Gebremichael Maury Gittleman Desiree Gonzalez Amy Harrington Susan Huber Jose Irias Tina Kaarsberg Linda Keifer Igor Kheyfets Jim Kuhnhenn Anne Kuriakose Nicholas Levintow Camilo Lopez Mattias Lundberg Emily Manning Alphonsus Marcelis Katherine McKee Andres Meneses Rivero Fanny Missfeldt-Ringius Juan Andres Mosquera Mariama Muth Victor Ordonez Conde Daniela Perovic Monica Restrepo Ana Revenga Keta Ruiz Gustavo Saltiel Nora Sanchez Guzman Ernesto Sanchez-Triana Stacy Shore Kenneth Simler Cindy Suh Luis Tineo Sergio Toledo-Juarez Robert Walker Grace Yabrudy Senait Yifru Fabrizio Zarcone *Contributions received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
Community Organizing Rachael Abarca, Program Assistant Elizabeth Alex, Lead Organizer Oscar Alfaro, Community Organizer
George Escobar, Director of Health & Human Services
Jihan Asher, ESOL Teacher
Leidi García, Health Navigator
Jose Benitez, ESOL Teacher
Molly Gavin, Citizenship Maryland Coordinator
Marly Bonilla, Substitute ESOL Teacher
Elizabeth Barkley, ESOL Teacher
Marina Gonzalez-Lord, Health Navigator
Maria Cartagena, Spanish Literacy Teacher
Alexandra Hernández, Health Navigator
Leslie Castro, ESOL Teacher
Ashwini Jaisingh, Lead Organizer
Sandra Hincapie-Donellan, Health Navigator
Alva Cativo, Childcare Provider
Trent Leon-Lierman, Community Organizer
Irene Jallo, Community Access & Health Information Specialist
Sarah Cox, ESOL Teacher
Jenny Arevalo, Maintenance Specialist
Ana Martinez, Community Organizer
Jennifer Jurney, Staff Attorney
José García, Information Technology Manager
Renato Mendoza, Community Organizer
Michelle LaRue, Health & Social Services Program Manager
Virginia Kase, Chief Operations Officer
Otoniel Paz, Community Organizer
Silvia Navas, Site Manager Amalia Potter, Human Resources Manager
Executive Direction Gustavo Torres, Executive Director Rodrigo Guevara, Executive Assistant
Sandra Restrepo, Maintenance Specialist Jimmy Villarroel, Information Technology Specialist
Gustavo Andrade, Director of Organizing Robert Asprilla, Lead Organizer Lindolfo Carballo, Lead Organizer
Mario Menendez, Community Organizer
Lenin Chiliquinga, ESOL Teacher Jo-anne Elbourne, ESOL Teacher Amante Fajardo, ESOL Teacher Vicki Fanney, ESOL Teacher Claudia Garcia, ESOL Teacher
Antonia Peña, Community Organizer
Norma Martinez, Community Outreach Coordinator
Andrew Reinel, Community Organizer
Sarah Martinez, Staff Attorney
Barbara Gibbs, ESOL Teacher
Rommel Sandino, Community Organizer
Evalyne Metuge, Health Navigator
Morena Zelaya, Community Organizer
Juan Navarrete, Loan Fund Coordinator
Jonathan Hedgpeth, Substitute ESOL Teacher
José Osejo, Health Navigator
Development Kia Alston, Grant Writer / Coordinator
Herman Perez, Community Access & Health Information Specialist
Enrique Garcia, ESOL Teacher
Rebecca Hughes, Substitute ESOL Teacher Zarqa Kashif, ESOL Teacher
Robert D’Amato, Individual Giving Coordinator
Abdel Piedramartel, Baltimore Member Services Coordinator
Julie King, ESOL Teacher
Mirna Roca, Legal Program Coordinator
Sidney Lanier, ESOL Teacher
Sarah Castillo, Employment Specialist
Jennifer Freedman, Senior Director of Development & Finance
Maria Rocha-Santos, Health Navigator
Maureen Malloy, ESOL Teacher
Yecenia Castillo, ESOL Program Coordinator
Maria Maldonado, Senior Development Associate
Sheena Wadhawan, Legal Program Manager
Karla Martinez, Citizenship Teacher
Alma Couverthié, Director of Centers & Education
Adwoa Spencer, Senior Manager for Development
Politics & Communications
Shola Ajayi, Election & Advocacy Specialist
Centers & Education Delia Aguilar, Workforce Development & Centers Manager
Candelaria Flores, Community Liaison Fernando Garavito, Senior Manager of Employment & Centers
Peha Djoko, Assistant Controller
Andrea Gonzalez, Pine Ridge Coordinator
Victor Otero, Staff Accountant
Sara Gutiérrez, Employment Specialist
Pauline Roberts, Director of Finance
Myrna Hernández, Community Liaison
Víctor Rodríguez, Contract Invoicing Specialist
Carlos Martínez, Community Liaison Luz Martínez, Community Liaison Frederic Ngongang, Employment Specialist
Ruby Pardo, Payroll & Business Manager
Health & Human Services
Jacinta Nino, Employment Specialist
Marcela Alvarado, Member Services Coordinator
Ana Perla, Community Liaison
Alma Archila, Member Services Paralegal
Michael Petrick, Workforce Development Specialist
Luís Arroyo, Health Navigator
Germán Reyes, Employment Specialist Abigail Freso-Umanzor, Community Education Manager Shannon Wilk de Benitez, ESOL Program Coordinator
Pablo Blank, Immigrant Integration Manager
Jamila Ball, Promise Neighborhoods Planning Liaison
Sarah Lane, ESOL Teacher
Edwin Mejia, ESOL Teacher Carla Miranda, ESOL Teacher Long Nguyen, ESOL Teacher Joseph Ortega, ESOL Teacher Shaka Pack, ESOL Teacher Patricia Parra-Moreno, ESOL Teacher
Susana Flores, Communications Manager
Cynthia Steer, ESOL Teacher
Eliza Leighton, Director of Promise Neighborhoods
Joan Van Blake, Substitute ESOL Teacher
Zorayda Moreira-Smith, Housing & Community Development Manager
Maria Walsh, ESOL Teacher
Kimberley Propeack, Senior Director of Politics & Communications
Kalpana Ahmed
Máté Vladár, Media Specialist
Hannah Cann
Teachers Abiye Abate, ESOL Teacher Ozaz Abdalla, ESOL Teacher
Ricardo Campos, Health Navigator
Ayad Abdul-Jabbar, ESOL Teacher
Francisco Cartagena, Member Services Coordinator
Martha Acero, Substitute ESOL Teacher Edwin Alvarado, ESOL Teacher
Elizabeth Clark, Legal Program Coordinator
Juan Alvarenga-Maravilla, ESOL Teacher Ana Arce, ESOL Teacher Henry Argueta, ESOL Teacher
Amy Byers Jessica Cisneros Juan Cortes Gladis De Leon Rosa Hernandez Yana Jaffe Drew Kochman Sacha Nouedoui Elisa Urtiaga Lydia Walther-Rodriguez
CASA de Maryland Annual Report 2013
Contact Us (301) 431-4185 CASA Locations CASA de Maryland Multicultural Center at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building 8151 15th Avenue, Langley Park, MD 20783 Fax: (301) 270-8659 Silver Spring Welcome Center 734 University Boulevard, East, Silver Spring, MD 20903 Fax: (301) 431-4179 Prince George’s Welcome Center 7978-B New Hampshire Avenue, Langley Park, MD 20783 Fax: (301) 431-1026 Wheaton Welcome Center 2729 University Boulevard, West, Wheaton, MD 20902 Fax: (301) 933-6690 Baltimore Welcome Center 2224 East Fayette Street, Baltimore, MD 21231 Fax: (410) 732-2692 Shady Grove Welcome Center 16642 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855 Fax: (301) 926-0380 CASA Community Center at Pine Ridge 8615 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20901 Fax: (301) 445-3921 Bilingual Health and Social Services Hotline Tel: (301) 270-8432 For more information about CASA or to request additional copies of this report, contact (240) 491-5788 or To donate to CASA please visit our website: Combined Federal Campaign #91062; United Way of the National Capital Area #8159; United Way of Central Maryland #47191 Follow CASA de Maryland on Facebook and Twitter