2016 CASA Annual Report

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2016 Year in Review:

From Anger to Action

Dear Friends, Today may seem like a moment of defeat. But our communities have known defeat before, and that defeat has borne resilience and passion and anger and hope. If one thing is certain, it is that together, we will continue in the struggle for social and economic justice. La lucha sigue, especially in times such as these.

CASA Board of Directors* Rima Matsumoto, Chair

Friends, please know this: CASA will always do everything in its power to protect our community, to educate and organize, to build economic stability, and to grow this movement, even in the face of serious obstacles. And we’ve been doing this. Over

Jose Aguiluz, Vice Chair Washington

the past year, we won legislative victories that strengthen police accountability in

Adventist Hospital

Maryland, and ran massive voter registration and mobilization efforts in Pennsylvania and Virginia, registering more than 6,400 new voters, and working with our sister

Carlos Olea, Treasurer

501(c)(4) political organization, CASA in Action, to reach out to voters in those states

Carr Properties

more than 225,000 times. We helped a record-breaking 1,612 eligible immigrants apply for U.S. citizenship, provided 1,092 students with English education, and helped

Gladys Cisneros, Interim Secretary

workers earn over $2.9 million in wages through jobs obtained at our welcome centers.

Solidarity Center

The inaugural freshman class of students at the International High Schools in Prince

Shola Ajayi

George’s County finished their first year, and more than 100 parents completed training


through our “Learning Together” program in Langley Park.

Ayo Atterberry Annie E. Casey Foundation

This was also a year of breaking new ground. We opened a new office in York, Pennsylvania; launched a new AmeriCorps program in northern Virginia to provide naturalization, financial literacy, and legal assistance; and, at the end of 2016, began to provide services to immigrant workers and their families at a new site in Culmore.

Austin Belali Democracy Alliance

Teresa Casertano Communications Workers of America

These are without question difficult times. But as we at CASA confront the current political climate and develop a plan to organize, mobilize, and fight back, we also know that this backlash is in part inspired by the success and the visibility of our movements: for immigrant justice, for Black lives, for economic equity, for all of the people who have been marginalized for so long, who are now raising their voices and demanding they be heard. Though it may not always feel like it, we are doing something right. This is a pivotal moment, and now more than ever, we need your support. Your commitment fuels our fight. Thank you for joining us.

Maria Guardado CASA Member

Henry Hailstock Independent Consultant

Cecibel Henriquez Independent Consultant

Oscar Oporto CASA Member

Jesus Perez CASA Member

In solidarity, Gustavo Torres

Rima Matsumoto

Executive Director

Board Chair

Linda Robinson Montgomery College

June White Dillard Attorney

* Organizational affiliations are for identification purposes only


CASA 2016 Annual Report

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Working for Economic Prosperity and Stable Communities As of 2013, there were more than 6 million immigrants working in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, paying more than $2 billion in federal taxes and $984 million in state/local taxes. Yet many immigrants and Latinos continue to earn low wages and struggle to obtain economic stability. CASA works with immigrants to build and secure their financial future, and to create stable and thriving communities. Citizenship Promotion

License; Electrical; Heating and Air Conditioning;

CASA provides naturalization and legalization assistance

Child Development; Computer Repair; and Solar Panel

to ensure that immigrants are actively engaged in U.S.

Installation. We also educated more than 1,700 workers

economic and social systems. Through our successful

about how to protect themselves and their coworkers on

AmeriCorps program in Maryland, this year we assisted

the job through a partnership with the U.S. Department of

a record-breaking 1,612 Legal Permanent Residents in

Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

working towards U.S. citizenship – through citizenship classes, application assistance, micro-loans to cover the application fee, and a financial literacy program that includes tax preparation, credit awareness, and banking access. In fall 2016, we launched a parallel AmeriCorps program in Virginia, with 16 AmeriCorps members stationed throughout northern Virginia.

Rapid Response When immigrants came under attack in late 2015 with a series of immigration raids across the region and throughout the country, CASA responded decisively with a combination of services, education, organizing, and advocacy. CASA established a raid hotline operating 24 hours a day as a resource for victims, and conducted

Vocational Training

“know your rights” workshops to educate thousands of

This year CASA strengthened its partnerships with Prince

people about how to protect themselves. We responded

George’s Community College and Montgomery College

to reports of 33 raids and dispatched a raid response

to provide industry-recognized vocational training

team to perform intakes and navigate victims to legal

for workers at our on-site labs in Langley Park and

assistance. CASA also produced educational videos

Rockville. More than 600 workers completed courses in:

and worked closely with local governments to produce

Building Maintenance Engineering; Home Improvement

statements of solidarity and calls for reform. In August 2016, an overnight explosion at the Flower Branch apartments in Long Branch left seven dead and 84 homeless. Along with other public and private partners, CASA immediately mobilized to provide assistance to victims and work as a liaison between the community and the federal investigative agencies. CASA organizers and attorneys met extensively with the victims, many of whom we knew through our previous work in the neighborhood. In November 2016, CASA and the tenants filed a lawsuit for restitution.


CASA Assisted members apply to become citizens


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Working for Political Power Civic participation and political engagement are the fundamentals of our democracy, and the tools with which we can change the status quo. CASA works with its members and partners to support grassroots movements that challenge structural inequities. CASA is a critical player both regionally and nationally on issues including: access to education and family-supporting jobs; immigration reform; better housing and employment policies that protect the vulnerable; and the equitable development of our communities. Police Reform

Immigration Relief

CASA worked with the Maryland Coalition for Justice

A year and a half after we had celebrated President

and Police Accountability in 2016 on an aggressive

Obama’s November 2014 announcement of executive

campaign to achieve police accountability. The

actions on immigration relief, more than 1,000 of

campaign highlighted the voices of African American

CASA’s members gathered in front of the U.S. Supreme

and Latino communities, with hundreds of our

Court on June 23, 2016, to express their outrage and

members traveling to Annapolis to host and attend

disappointment at the court’s 4-4 decision. These CASA

rallies, press conferences, and hearings. Thanks to an

members had been at the forefront of the fight for

integrated communications, mobilizing, and lobbying

immigration relief, having participated in and led countless

strategy, we won strong legislation to reform the

numbers of vigils, mobilizations, actions, and even hunger

Maryland Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights. The

strikes as the case worked its way through the courts. After

new law permits the filing of anonymous complaints,

the June decision, they turned their anger into action –

loosens restrictions on the filing of brutality

knocking on doors, registering voters, and ensuring that

complaints, and requires trial board hearings to be

the voices of immigrants, women, and people of color

open to the public. CASA is continuing the fight for

were represented in the 2016 elections. Indeed, Latino

police reform in Baltimore City through the Campaign

and immigrant voting was historically high in areas where

for Justice, Safety, and Jobs.

CASA and CASA in Action worked, and helped defeat ballot measures like the anti-worker “right to work” measure in Virginia. Looking past the election to 2017, CASA

Stand With Women Through a new partnership with the Women’s Equality Center, CASA launched a campaign to improve women’s

members will be focusing on advocating for local and state protections for immigrant communities.

access to economic opportunity and reproductive rights in Virginia. We convened a broad coalition of partners, established a Women’s Equality Committee comprised of more than 90 Latina women leaders, and established ourselves as a force for legislative change in Richmond on issues such as increasing driver’s license access, raising the minimum wage, and expanding Medicaid. In the coming year, we will continue to work for equality for immigrant women in Virginia and beyond.


Collected petition signatures through the Stand With Women campaign


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Working for Academic Excellence Immigrant youth are one of the fastest growing groups in the U.S. Nearly 20% of the immigrant population is between the ages of 10 and 24, and this number is growing. The future of our nation depends on the success of these children and youth in the classroom and beyond. Learning Together Immigrant parents often face challenges like low formal educational attainment, linguistic and cultural barriers, and limited experience with the U.S. education system. CASA’s “Learning Together” program is a twogeneration program based in Langley Park that provides support to parents from a child’s birth onward using principles rooted in the U.S. Department of Education’s prestigious Promise Neighborhoods Program. This year more than 100 parents completed Parents-as-Teachers classes, 17 Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) teachers participated in our Teacher-Parent Connections Institute, and more than 500 Langley Park residents attended community events.

Mi Espacio Mi Espacio is the only after-school leadership and enrichment program for Latino high school students

International High Schools

in Baltimore City. Through a two-generation model

Over 200 students from 30 countries – nearly all of whom

that combines academic support, life skills, and civic

are overcoming limited English proficiency and would

training for students with strategies to improve parents’

be the first in their families to attend college – enrolled

knowledge of the school system, Mi Espacio provides

for the inaugural school year at the International High

an environment that both supports and challenges

Schools at Langley Park and Largo. The schools are a

youth and their families.

partnership between CASA, PGCPS, and Internationals Network for Public Schools, and are tailored to meet

This year, nearly 50 students participated, including

the needs of English Language Learners. Students can

seven seniors – all of whom graduated and have post-

simultaneously earn a high school diploma, transferable

graduation career plans. The program also expanded

college credits, and participate in internships that expose

thanks to a partnership with the National Council of

them to a range of careers. CASA teaches a social justice

La Raza focused on improving graduation and college

course at each school, provides support services to

entrance rates among Latino high school seniors.

families, and assists at school events.

Earned national recognition from the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics as a 2015

“Bright Spot for Hispanic Education”

for its multiple education initiatives for youth and families.


CASA 2016 Annual Report

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Working to Grow the Movement The immigrant population is getting younger and more diverse, and is more likely to live outside traditional gateway communities. Similarly, CASA has grown from a state-based organization with deep roots in dozens of local communities to a regional powerhouse operating with increasing national relevance. Our expansion is guided by a focus on the geographies with the greatest need and potential to build economic and political power, while adapting our successful set of strategies to local circumstances and member priorities. In 2016 CASA expanded its footprint in northern Virginia

CASA in Action

and south central Pennsylvania. The centerpiece of our

In Pennsylvania and Virginia, close to 600 volunteers from

expansion this year has been citizenship promotion,

CASA in Action, together with paid staff, reached out to

nonpartisan voter registration, and voter mobilization in

voters more than 225,000 times, mostly through intensive

partnership with our 501(c)(4) sister organization, CASA

door-knocking programs. Our operation made a difference.

in Action, leading up to the November election.

In Virginia, 80% of Latinos voted for Clinton, and in south central Pennsylvania, we mobilized voters of color to vote

Virginia CASA registered more than 2,600 new voters in Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties through a nonpartisan mail-based voter registration program. We also expanded our award-winning citizenship programming to northern Virginia thanks to an

for the first time in their lives. In Virginia, Question 1, the ill-named “Right to Work� which undermined unions, was rejected by voters. And we helped York County, Pennsylvania, send its first African American woman legislator in history to the Pennsylvania General Assembly with the election of Carol Hill-Evans.

AmeriCorps grant from the state. CASA now has 16 AmeriCorps members stationed throughout northern Virginia providing comprehensive supports for lowincome and immigrant residents. Finally, through a new partnership with Fairfax County, we are providing employment support services to immigrant workers in Culmore as well.

Pennsylvania In April 2016, we celebrated the opening of our first office in Pennsylvania thanks to the support of the City of York, and we began providing citizenship, legalization, and financial literacy services along with leadership development and organizing initiatives. Our Pennsylvania members identified driver’s license access as a key issue and began a multi-year campaign to achieve legislation. We also led an effort to register new voters in south central Pennsylvania. Our team of voter promoters registered first-time voters at markets, shopping malls, churches, housing complexes, and festivals. We complemented this effort with a mail-based voter registration program, and successfully registered more than 3,800 voters.


CASA 2016 Annual Report

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2016 by the Numbers Provided

financial literacy education to over


CASA members


Engaged nearly community members through

“know your rights”

trainings on raid response

Workers earned

$2.97 million through CASA’s job placement services


Provided students with Life Skills English classes

66% demonstrated learning gains

and advanced to the next level


CASA 2016 Annual Report




wages for CASA members

Provided to

legal services


CASA members

Increased membership to nearly




in Virginia


in applying for



health services

to more than


CASA members

CASA 2016 Annual Report 13

A special thank you Although CASA is fortunate to have fabulous volunteers

As the supplies piled up, it became clear that current

year-round, the community response to the Long

CASA staff and volunteers would not be enough. CASA

Branch explosion surpasses anything seen before. The

put out a call for volunteers and they came rolling

Long Branch community suffered a devastating blow

in – church groups came, youth mentoring programs

when an explosion and fire in the early hours of August

participated, families bringing supplies stayed to help,

11 took the lives of seven community members and

small businesses provided food for volunteers, and the

displaced 84 people.

workers at the Welcome Center stepped up each morning

By the next morning, CASA had begun to receive all the in-kind donations for survivors of the fire at its Silver Spring Welcome Center. About two dozen staff and volunteers were on hand to unload and organize the clothes and supplies. The deluge hit the second day – so many cars and trucks came loaded with donations that

to help clear up the previous day’s donations before the next ones started arriving. Several local families even hosted victims in their homes while permanent housing was arranged. And of course, financial contributions poured in – from local families, distant sympathizers, and CASA members themselves.

CASA had to create an assembly line to ensure that traffic

CASA is deeply grateful for the love and concern so many

did not back up on University Boulevard. People drove

people showed during this very difficult time and for the

from all over the metropolitan area on their way to or from

help the hundreds of volunteers provided to those who had

work, families came with children, construction workers

gone through this shattering experience. CASA is continuing

loaded up their trucks to bring water or diapers they

to support the tenants in their fight for justice – providing

purchased themselves. The outpouring of support from

organizing and legal support, and co-leading the case

the entire metropolitan DC area was overwhelming.

against those whose negligence led to this disaster.

Donor Profile:

The Robinsons Claudia Robinson first met CASA in 2007 through her work in the Tax Credit Investment Group at Bank of America. CASA was seeking a tax credit investor for the historic renovation and reuse of the McCormick-Goodhart Mansion in Langley Park, now known as the CASA Multicultural Center. As Claudia worked on the project, she became impressed with CASA’s impact in the immigrant community. She began donating in 2009, and she multiplied her investment by leveraging Bank of America’s employee matching gift program. She has recruited her whole family to support CASA’s work – her son Matthew interned at CASA in 2009, she is an annual sponsor of CASA’s Justice Awards Night, and Claudia, her husband Richard, and Matthew and Luke hosted a house party for CASA donors this past fall.


“My family is a family of immigrants – giving to CASA means a lot to me personally. CASA is doing the work I want to see happen in the community.” CASA 2016 Annual Report

Daniela Abarca . Syid Abdullah* . Chaplan Acevedo . Evelynda Acevedo . Faye Adams . Afolabi Adebiyi . Adefoyeke Adedji . Foye Adejeji . Foute Adelaide . Jean Aden . Roxanne Affeldt . Adebisi Afolabi . Maria Aggelica . Vivian A guayo . Cindy A guilar . Fiorella A guilar . Leonardo A guilar . Mirtha A guilar . Victoria A guilar . Irma A guirre . Bindzi A handa . Iman A hmed . Shana Ainsfield . Susan Alberts . Maria Aleman . Hermela Alemayehu . Salvador Alfaro . Catherine Allen . Alicia Allou . Josefina Almanzar . April Almeroth . Brenda Alonzy . Carlos Alvarado . Karen Alvarado . Selvin Alvarado . Carmen Alvarenga . Jemimah Alvarenga . Amparo Alvarez . Daniel Alvarez . Leonardo Alvarez . Odilia Alvarez . Jose Amador . Pablo Amador . Amah Amaglo . Ana Mabel Amaya . Danny Amaya . Juan Amaya . Rosali Amaya . Mark Ames . Michael Amster . Caroline Anderson . Jennifer Anderson . Gustavo Andrade . Karen Andrade . Raquel Andrade . Raul Andrade . Owen Andrews . Meskerem Antero . Ampara Applegate . Sandra Arceno . Andrea Archila . Luisa Archila . Paola Archila . Pastor Jose Arco, Jr. . Leticia Arenibar . Agustin Arevalo . Kevin Arevalo . Marly Arevalo . Vicky Arevalo . Carlos Argueta . Dennis Argueta . Jasmine Esmeralda Argueta . Katy Argueta . Lilian Argueta . Tadeo Argueta . Abigail Arias . Belarmina Arias . Tony Arias . Sophie Aron . Max Arrizola . Alex Ascencio . Oscar Ascencio . Peter Asjaw . Amalia Avila . Julia Aviles-Zavala . Noelra Ayala . Bizen Aylay . Lorena Aymacana . Aida Ayuk . Gino Ayuk . Julia Baca . Margaret Bachrach . Melissa Badecker . Phyllis Badesch . Dolores Badillo . Alex Baez . Gina Baez . Annaleigh Banemore . Flor Barahona . Pablo Barahona . Lauren Barger . Cheryl Barnds . Jackie Barnes . Blanca Barragan . Barb Barrett . Brenda Barrios . Edelsa Barrios . Elizabeth Bastias-Butler . Ana Bata . Ittai Baum . Noa Baum . Julied Bautista . Alice-Ann Beachy . Vivian Beatty . Polly Beckett . Steven Beckett . Kossy Beckoye . Gary Beecher . Jessica Beladonne Calderone . Maria Belen . Maria Belen Narvaez . Miya Belle . Andrea Beltran . Francisco Beltran . Jaime Beltron . Jennifer Benavides . Jorge Benitez . Kelly Benitz . Rachel Bergsteim . Beza Berhane . Makedei Berhane . Mary Ann Berlin . Stacy Berman . Enedino Bernal . Amanda Bernhardt . Bethany Besteman . Juan Y. Bieriycirly . Susan Bishai . Mamie Bittner . Henry Blanco . Jordan Bobo . Alejandra Bocaletti . Ramona Bock . Elizabeth Bonill . Edgar Bonilla . Hilaria Bonilla . Jessica Bonness . Matt Bonness . Obdulio Booja . Judy Borgess . Madison Born . Eran Bosaz . Lisa Bosten . Joan Boyer . Laurie Boyer . Alexis Bravo . Martha Bray . Becky Breeden . Maddie Breer . Marta Brenden . Natalie Brenes . Liz Brent . Nikki Brobbey . Anne Brockman . Andrew Brown . Carmel Brown . Donna Brown . Ellen Brown . Sam Brown . Rebecca Brunson . Thomas Budsheim . Carmel Bullard . Kimberly Bullard . Cecily Bumbray . Jennifer Bunch . Lynn Bunch . Lauren Burke . Tracey Butler . Teremico Cabiera . Astrid Cabrera . Mark Calacal . Arely Calderon . Ulda Calderón . Kathleen Callaghan . Goeff Calmers . Ariel Camacho . John Campanella . A J Campbell . Caitlin Campbell . Chris Campbell . Macie Campbell . Marika Campbell . Renay Campbell* . Edson Campos . Jose Campos . Nain Campos . Rosario Campos . Eveylyn Canabal . Teodora Cancha Huaichao . Randy Carbajal . Vanessa Carbajal . Maria Cardenas . Sandra Cardoza . Yolanda Carmona . Rosa Carquin . Claudia Carreto . Katherine Carrols . Francisco Cartagena . Erika Carter . Melissa Carter . Christina Casperson . Patricia Castaño . Eling Castillo . Miguel Castillo . Oriela Castillo . Rosa Castillo . Yesica Castillo . Maria Castro . Karen Catillo . Carley Cavins . Dulce Ceballos . Carlos Cedeno . Tali Cedeno . Ovidio Cerritos . Ingrid Marileysis Cetino . Cindy Chacon . Carolyn Chaldolla . Isack Chane . Audrey Chang . Weon Chang . Ava Chapman . Marc Charpentier . Jimmy Chavez . Lois Chavez . Maria Chavez . Maria Elena Chavez . Will Chavez . Tracey Chavous . Shu Yen Chen . Lisa Chernikote . Tod Chernikote . Gregoire Cheuko . Arquimen Chicas . Carlos Chijal . Hellen Choma . Elizabeth Chung . Ana Chuquizuta . Alex Chusid . Geoff Clark . Spencer W. Clark . Lanishka Clarke . Miguel Claros . Nicholas Clements . Brock Cline . Claire Cocciole . Alan Cohen . Delores B. Cole . Hudson Cole . Glenda Cole-Bobo . Tania Colindres . Joe Collica . Sheila Collier* . Maria Colorado . Giovani Comandari . Dania Conales . Silvia Conales . Reinam Constante . Andrea Cook . Nicole Cook . Phillip Cook . Mary Corado . Jessica Cordero . Karla Cordon Flores . Dinora Coreas . Claudia Corminales . Tomas Cornejo . Linda Cornelius . Dubis Correal . Jennifer Cortes . Paula Cortes . Alex Cortez . Aurora Cortez . Iliana Cortez . R. Cosbert . Pamela Coupard-Nazit . Gabriela Covarrubias . Yolanda Covinova . A .A . Coyle . J.L. Coyle . David Cramer . Brian Crawford . Melvin Crawford . Carla Crompton . Jeanie Cronin . Dana Cronyn . Toriano Cross . Teresa Crowford . Esmerelda Croz . Maria Croz . Joel Cruz . Juan Cruz . Marina Cruz . Amy Cruz-Rodriguez . Ruth Crystal . Manuel Cuadra . Debby Curry . Edy da Silva . Caroline Daloba . Ressa Damaso . Connie David . Pamela Davidson . Joyce Davis . Lance Davison . Diana de la Cruz . Maria de Leon . Susan de Perla . Renyual de Sosa . Kylie Debloid . Carua Decker . Maureen Defriah . Rebekah DeHaven . David Del Pozo . Lori Delgado . Martha Delgado . Michael DeLong . Amy DeMoney . Jean Denis . Kathryn Desmonds . DeSouza Family . Megan Destefano . Patrick Detzner . Andrea Diaz . Gustavo Diaz . Jevne Diaz . Luis Diaz . Yuri Diaz . Sandra Dickens . Natasha Dickson . Diana Dikitanan . Gey Diosono . Gary Ditto . Ephrem Djaleta . Rivarol Djonkoua . Barbara Doherty . Aissata Doukoure . Valerie Doungue . Zoe Drajem . Jay Driskell . Encarnacion Dubon . Alison Duncan . John Dunn . Jerri Dunston . Maria Duque . Alicia Durand . Sara Duran-Palacios . Naomi Edelson . Luis Eduardo . Caroline Edwards . Fiona Edwards . Ashley Egan . Carol Ehrlich . Larry Eig . Philippe Ekouma . Nadin Elias . Ahamed Elkarim . Julia Elona . Jessica Enenstat . Marisol Escalante . Anderson Escobar . Francisco Escobar . Leah Eskin . Maria Eskin . Ash Esnober . Sergio Espana . Angie Espimoza . Siria Espinal . Julianna Espino . Kamal Essaheb . Alex Estrada . Debra Evans . Leslye Evans . Princess Evans . julienne Eyenga . Ricardo F. . Victo Fans . Carrie Fassett . Pam Feinsten . Catherine Feissner . Sandra Felaya . Debra Feldman . Don Felipe . Charles Ferguson . Denise Ferguson . Edwin A . Ferman . Camila Fernandez . Krizia Fernandez . Jess Ferraioli . Arnelle Feujio . Grace Fielder . Ariendua Figuerado . Lawrence Finney . Dario Fiore . Elad Firnberg . Shauna Fitch . Jennifer Fletcher . Abiel Flores . Ana Flores . Honoria Flores . Mary Flores . Oscar Flores . Reina Flores . Jessica Florez . A stolfo Florian . Vincent Fonnyong . Laura Foradon . Julie Forker . Allison Fortner . Farah Fosse . Emily Fox . Patricia Fox . Shellie-Ann Francis . Magdalena Franco R . Robert Frank . Ashley Franzel . Mark Freeman . Cate Frezza . Jessica Fucile . Bolivar Fuentes . Erica Fuentes . Maria Fuentes . Rigoberto Fuentes . Tania Fuentes . Vilma Fuentes . Jose Fuster . Ed Gabay . Roger Gael . Juan Gago . Ruth Gainer . Joann Gaines . Ismael Gaitan . Hender Galeas . Doris Galicia . Megan Gallagher . Sara Gallagher . Kathy Galleher . Kerri Galloway . Kelineth Galvez . Perla Gamez . Jen Gans . Vanessa Garces . Alex Garcia . Aracely Garcia . Bella Garcia . Candida Garcia . Carla Garcia . Cecilia Garcia . Erika Garcia . Gabriel Garcia . Joe Garcia . Jovana Garcia . Katherine Garcia . Leticia Garcia . Marta Garcia . Santos Garcia . Tanya Garcia . Claudia Garcia Diaz . LaVeeda Garlington . Martha Garrido . Alicia Gassler . April Gassler . Elsa Gebre . Salome Gebre-Egziabler . Jessica P. George . Daphne Gerig . Michael Giovanniello . Eileen Giroi . Matthew Gluschentoff . Bryan Goehring . Bemini Goitte . Bernini Goitte . Kevin Goldberg . Ruth Goldstein . Erick Gomez . Heidy Gomez . Isaias Gomez . Jose Bety Gomez . Maria Gomez . Sandra Gomez . David Gonzales . Edvin Avidail Gonzalez . Elida Gonzalez . Erick Vicente Gonzalez . Martha Gonzalez . Nelly Guadalupe Gonzalez . Gonzalez Family . Noah Gorelick . Yona Gorelick . Nancy Graham . Scott Graham . Ana Granado . Reilly Grant . Kate Gray . Paula Gray . Susan Gray . Dale Green . Edith Gregorio . Liesl Groberg . Chris Groer . Julia Grossman . Maria Guardado . Lesly Guerra . V.Viana Guerra . Liseth Guerrero . Natalia Guerrido . Estefon Guevara . Daniela Gutierrez . Laura Gutierrez . Roxana Gutierrez . Martha Guzman . Salvadora Guzman . Elmira H. . Eric Haber . Nicole Hakenson . Bob Hallock . Jason Hampton . J. Harman . Caroline Harmon . Lindsay Harnish . Wilhelmina Harris . Cemora Harrison . Mary Hart . Giftie Hasser . Deson Haynie . Dean Heather . Coleen Hedglin . Daisy Heidbirth . Veda Hendricks . Amy Hennen . Madlyn Herales . Carlos Hernandez . Cinthia Nahilet Hernandez . Emma Hernandez . Esmeralda Hernandez . Glenda Yanira Hernandez . Ivan Manuel Hernandez . Jenny Hernandez . Joseph Hernandez . Yeny Hernandez . Nelson Hernandez Gells . Martha Hernandez Vite . Judith Herr . Mayra Herrera . Stephanie Herrera . Mary Hill . Twana Hill* . Cesar Frayre Hinojosa . Monet Hinton . Darcy Hirsh . Michael Hobbs . Charlotte Hochheim . Elizabeth Hofmeister . Kathy Hollis . Camille Honaker . Sarah Horick . Theodore Horick . John Howard . Susan Huffman . Zachary Hughes . Carlos Huinil . Eunice Humphrey . Kim Hunt . Danielle Hunter . Natalie Hurley . Raquel Hurlong . Sherry Hurtado . Susan Hyman . Angel Ichaj . Cynthia Iona . Rahn Jackson . Mike Jacob . A shwini Jaisingh . Jose Janampa . Paula Jaramillo . A nnemarie Jarman . Brian Jefferys . A lex Jeffries . Nina Jeffries . Emerson Jimenez . Soledad Jimenez . Larry Johnson . Laura Johnson . Laurence Johnson . Lila Johnson* . Nely Johnson . Ozzy Johnson . Pansy Johnson . Mary Jones . May Rose Jones . Patricia Jones . Cari Jordan . Yorleny Jordan . Mima Jouel . Alison Jovanovic . Sarah Joyce-McCarson . Carlos Juarez . Mirna Juarez . Alejandra Jupiter . Lucelio Justiniano . Roy Kahn . Gabriella Kaiyal . Blaise Francis KaKeng . Felix Kala . Cyprian Kamgo Kamdein . Augustine Kang . Carolin Kanja . Adriana Kao . Denise Karchner . Barbra Kavanaugh . Amanda Keith . Allison Keller . Clare Lise Kelly . Grace Kelly . Carroll Ann Kemp . Suzanne Kennedy . Nicoletta Kenoon . Joe Keyes . Rachel Keylon . Eleanor Keyser . Ayesha Khwaja . Susan Kidd . Samuel Kim . Brenda King . Grazielha King . Liz King . Barbara Kirk . Katica Kiss . Hannah Klein . Virginia Klein . Kim Klyberg . Jennifer Knowlton . Fatima Konare . Cyrille Kouam . Dorette Laure Kouam . Pepita Kragbe . David Kramer . Ana Krivtsun . Janvier Kuate . Brandy Kuitz . Casey Kusel . Jennifer Lage . Ken Lamberg . Ronald Lampard . Jorge Lan . Jen Lancaster . Benita Lance . David Lance . Sarah Langston . Sheila Langston . Joanna Lara . Sean Lash . Jaslynn Laurence . Ernesto Lazo . Ha Le . Minh-Tam Le . Elizabeth Ledesma . Jose Ledesma . Madai Ledesma . Julia Lee . Keith Lee* . Michelle Lee . Rachel Lee . Mary Leibolt . Aileen Leitner . Sharon Lemone . Morena Lemus . Guy Leonard . Laural Leonor . Marie Lerma . Eliane Leutou . Cavin Levine . Phyllis Levine . Jim Levings . *CASA in Action volunteers Danielle Levitan . Michelle Levy . Merle Lewis . Yiyi Jessica Li . Zhenping Li . Jean Baptist Libam . Babila Lima . Elman lima . John F. Limb . Judy Lim-Sharpe . Ray Lim-Sharpe . Mayra Linares . Zoraya Linares . Lisa Linberg . Ai Ling . Walter Liss . Guadalupe Lizondo . Xheni Llaguri . Silvia Lobo . Lily Loez . Susan Loftus . Angela Long . Cherie Long . Carmen Lopez . Emillio Lopez . Flor Lopez . Gladis Lopez . Liset Lopez . Martha Lopez . Salvador Lopez . Isabella Lorence . Norma Lorence . Melissa Lorenzana . Jose Lovo . Susanne Lowen . Jocelyn Lowry . Nancy Loy . Jani Loyo Ramos . Norma Lubastida . Carlos Luna . Wendy Luna . Zilla Lutehman Hoseia . Alva Luz . Odilia A. lvarez . Bill Lycette . Dominic Stefon Lyon . Doreen Maais . Jose Machuca . Kerry Madden . Yulissa Magana . Donna Mages . Kellyn Mahan . Sonia Maldenado . Sarah Manchester . Hedgar J. Mancia . Tiffany Mane . Louicienne Maniaga . Barbara Marchwicki . Elizabeth Marcinkus . Timothy Mariga . Oscar Maroquin . Karla L. Marquez . Maria Marroquin . Rosalinda Marroquin . Elena Martelli . Juan Martin . Mary Martin . Rene Martin . Scott Martin . Aboli Martine . Aidalina Martinez . Diego Martinez . Domingo Martinez . Edgar Martinez . Freyvin Martinez . Iris Martinez . Jennifer Martinez . Leticia Martinez . Maria Martinez . Raquel Martinez . Rocio Martinez . Sofi Martinez . Vania Masaya . Kate Mason . Kristina Mathesen . Yumi Matsumura . Bernie May . Paola Mayorga . Stephanie Mazol . Michelle Mazurek . Janet Mazzola . Matthias Mbarga . Elodie Mbiada . Micheline Mbiassop . Daniel McCarron . Laura McCarson . Juana McCumber . Linda McGivern . Monica McKinnon . Mary J. McNamara . A na McNeely . Meredith Meads . Jessica Mealey . Mary Means . Milagro Medgar . Jesenia Medina . Mari Medina . Katherine Medland . David Medrano . Morena Medrano . Doris Megis . Leela Mehta-Harwitz . Ruth Meining . Ana Mejia . Carla Mejia . Estiben Mejia . Jose Mejia . Kennedy Mejia . Maria Mejia . Mirian Mejia . Salvador Melandez . German Melendez . Orlin Melendez . Dan Mellinger . Stacy Mellinger . Madelyn Mena . Karen Mendez . Magda Mendez . Manolo Mendez . A na Mendoza . Gabriel Mendoza . Juan Mendoza . Linda Mendoza . Dennis Menjivar . Isabel Menjivar . Maria Menjivar . Susana Menjivar . Madeleine Mersky . Carlos Meto . Mbiassop Micheleine . Jeff Middents . Mary Midgette* . Marai Milan . Felicia Miller* . Katie Miller . Natalie Miller . Amanda Milnet . Joel A . Miner . Kristin Mink . Nathalie Miraval . Darren Mitchell . Ana Modrono . Lynne Mogilensky . Abid Mohiuddin . Nora Mojo . Flor Molina . Luz Molina . Yessinia Molina . Donaldo Mondragon . Paulin Monkam . Pamela Monroe . Antonio Monroy . Virgina Monroy . David Montecinos . Helen Montecinos . Zoila Montenegro . Sindy Gabriela Montoya . Louise Moody . Cathy Moore . Jane Moore . Nabil Morad . Brenda Morales . Corios Morales . Doris Melissa Morales . Edin Morales . Elfido Morales . Eliot Morales . Karla Morales . Olivia Morales . Walter Morales . Guadencio Moran . Edith Morejon . Mariam Moreno . Zaida Morris . Daniel Moscoso . Sarah Moseley . Sylvain Moukam . Ana Carolina Moya . Alicia Moya Hawkins . Jean Moyer . Feleke Mulugeta . Alma Munoz . Darwin Murillo . Neidis Murillo . Bernie Murphy . Jennifer Murphy . Mary Rose Murray . Lynn Myrick . Pierrette Nadine . Marvin Najera . Nicolas Nalbantian . Anusha Nallapati . Oscar Navario Cardoca . Francisca Navaro . Jose A . Nayarro Zuniga . Lin Nayers . Gilbert Ndalca . Georges Ndi . Isaac Ndoizobov . Ernest Ndzie . Diann Neo . Edward Neufville . Janette Neufville . Frank Nevers . Conni Nevills . Lane Nevine . Dan Newsome . Justin Ngakoue . Stephanie Ngarsanet . Yves Ngassa . Yoko Ngoma . Emmanuel Njomaleu . Manuela Nkwinka . Rommel Noni . Cathy Noon . Colin Noone . Jettie Norfleet . A ndrea Norris . Sam Novey . Daniel Nugent . Chinelo Nwankwo . Nancy Oakley . A nthony Oateni . Chris O'Brien . Michael O'Brien . Carla Ocampo . Glenda Ochoa . Idalia Odilyn . Elizabeth Odongue . Arlene Ogurick . Jumoke Oladapo . Diana Oliva . Maria Elisa Olivares . Stephanie Olson . Adam O'Neil . Anne Oneil-Henry . Anita Oneill . Johanna O'Neill . Melanie D. Onohue . Elisa Ordonez . Monica Orellana . Silvia Orellana . Norma Orozco . Concepcion A. Orsoio . Jonathon Orta . Edvin Daniel Ortega . Daysi Ortiz . Wilson Ortiz . Luz de Maria Osorio . Miriam Osorio . Jimena Oswalt . Hansel Otero . Keyla Ovalle . Liliana Paatino . Josue paca . Spencer Paire . Leonardo Palacios . Stacey Palosky . Jose Parada . Simon Park . Moira Parker . Benjamin Parson . Timu Parsons . Michael Patrick . Roberto Paucar . Jennifer Paul . Carmen Paz . Fiona Peart . Tessie Peifer . Emily Pelecano . Joanna Peltason . Dana Pelzman . Christian Pena . David A . Peñas Vargas . Gabby Peratta . Brenda Pereira . Clementina Pereira . Evelyn Pereira . Rico Pereira . Kevin Perese . Christian Perez . Esperanza Perez . Irena Perez . Jose M. Perez . Merser Perez . Ruth Perez . Vanessa Perez . Stephany Perez-Cohen . Ana Perla . Vernon Persaud . Jean Pfaelzer . Son Pham . Nhan Phan . Harry Phillips . Maria Delos Angeles Pichardo . Ellen Pierce . Carlos Pilo . Amy Pina . Jose A Pina . Blanca L. Pleites . Michael Plummer . Sandra Polanco . Marta Polio . Jill Pollack . Rossana Ponce . Roxana Ponce . Leticia Portela . Maira Portela . Bella Portillo . Morgana Powell . Annie Power . America Prado . David Proctor . Lucie Proctor . Felicia Prosper . kieran Prosper . Matt Ptaszynski . Genna Purcell . Mary Quin . Patricia Quinn . Carol Quinones . Marta Quinonez . Alma Quintal . Carlos Quintanilla . Johanna Quintanilla . Gerson Quinteros . Hana Quinteros . Beller R. . Mercedes R. . Evelyn Ramero . Anthony Ramirez . Dennis Ramirez . Elios Ramirez . Ericka Ramirez . Eusebia Ramirez . Gisell Ramirez . Isabella Ramirez . Jose Ramirez . Linda Ramirez . Maria Ramirez . Pillar Ramirez . Sara Ramirez . Vanessa Ramirez . Veronica Ramirez . Lety Ramos . sara ramos . Sergio Ramos . Lance Ramroop . Maria Raquel . Arundhati Ras . Scarlet Raudals . Eva Raudez . Sajid Rauf . Barbara Rawlins . Angela Read . Evangelist Reeves . Rebecca Refoy . Mary Lane Renninger . Adriana Reyes . Amy Reyes . Angela Reyes . Anita Reyes . Edgar Reyes . Edwin Reyes . Francisco Reyes . Haileen Reyes . Jessica Reyes . Kathleen Reyes . Lissy Reyes . Mallary Reyes . Rosario Reyes . Sara Reyes . Sofia Reyes . Suleyma Reyes . Vanessa Reyes . Wilian Reyes . Yaileen Reyes . Yamileth Reyes Valladares . Tiffany Reynolds . Allison Reznick . Chris Richardson . Carol Ries . Jane Rigby . Camilia Ringhof . Deborah Rios . Maximina Rios . Liz Ritter . Emily Rivas . Joanna Rivas . Reina Rivas . Ana Rivera . Clementina Rivera . Eugenia Rivera . Jenifer Pamela Rivera . Maria Cristina Rivera . Rebecca Rivera . Sylvia Rivera . Patricia Robinson . Autoro Rodriguez . Edlin Gisel Rodriguez . Jonathan Jose Rodriguez . Jorge Rodriguez . Jose Rodriguez . Catalina Rodriguez Lima . German Rogriges . Mirian Rogriges . Rosa Romelo . Emilia Romeo . Ana Romero . Jhoan Romero . Lucia Romero . Stephanie Roque . Felipe Rosa . Wendis Rosales . Juana Rosario . Lilah Rosenblum . Debra Rosenman . Judy Rosenthal . Adam Rothwell . Alis Ruiz . Dinora Ruiz . Marcelino Ruiz . Max Ruiz . Frank Russo* . Annie Ryan . Jen Saah . Rosemarie Sabatino . Claudia Sacramento . Blanca Sagastume . Maria Sagastume . Natasa Sakolsky . Bieri Salazar . Dorinda Salazar . Sara Salazar . Daniel Salcedo . Ofelia Salinas . Tania Salmeran . Jose Salmeron . Ada Saloma . Liliana Salvador . Jorge Sanchez . Nick Sanchez . Premaya Sanchez . Veronica Sanchez . Yesica Sanchez . Chris Sandoval . Juan Sandoval . Tatiana Sandoval . Marianne Sanguinetti . Lindsey Santola . Yesica Santos . Maria Santos Guardado . liliana Saravia . Yanira Saravia . Ingrid Satemeyer . Prachi Savant . Jorge Savedra . Alison Scharman . Zach Schauf . Bill Schauman . Gabrielle Schechter . Roger Schlegel . Richard Schmechel . Joe Schmid . Jeffre Scholnic . Daniel Schools . Lois Schreiber . Jerry Schuchman . Ruth Schuchman . Gloria Schultz . Christopher Schulz . Michelle Schuster . Carol Schweitzer . Manfred Scott . Michael Scott . Terry Seery . Kimberly Sellers . Sandra Sellman . Dawn Sequeira . Marti Shaheed . Jennifer Shanko . Emily Shetty . Josh Shi . Catherine Shields . Corey Shindel . Mark Shmueli . Marty Shore . Donald Shriber . Cindy Sibrian . Kathryn Sickles . Robin Siegel . Walter Siguenza . Timothy Silcott . Lorraine Silsber . Alicia Silva . Liliane Silva . Reyna Silva . Vitorino Silva . Yenys Silva . Nina Silverstein . Sarah Simmons . Stacey Simmons . Linda Simon . Marjorie Simpson . Caroll Sion . Flor de Lis Siria . Tina Slater . Alex Sloboda . Iona Smalls . Maria Smarroguen . Ginna Smith . Janet Smith . Jeanne Smith . Liana Smith . Marrlis Smith . Michael Smith . James W. Snyder . Agatha So . Lynn Sobolou . Kimberly Sohl . Patsy Solano . Jessica Solis . Nancy Soloman . Pam Sommers . Natalia Sonsin-Diaz . Pedro Sorfo . Joni Sorto . Paulina Sosa . Eva Squibb . Robert Squibb . David Stapleton . Debbie Stapleton . Carolyn Starek . Cynthia Steer . Mara Stein . William F. Stein . Merle Steiner . William Steinwedel . Kate Stewart . Chris Stinson . Celeste Stone . Ans Stovall . Chantilo Stovall . Nadia Stovall . Patrick Stovall . Zaria Stovall . Angela Stran . Ben Straube . David Strauss . Holly Straut . Sabrina Streagle . Rachel Strong . Shayne Strong Jackson . John Suela . Hadiatu Sumah . Jinghna Sun . Florind Sunida . Antonia Surco . Lucy Swarts . Ndandy Tagai . Begin Tall . Brianne Talocka . Simon Tanto . John Tarafas . Tina Taupenot . Dawn Taylor . Era Taylor . Garrett Taylor . Martine Tchamokweng . Katie Tedrow . Ian Teixeira . Lauren Teixeira . Brian Tengel . Jimmie Terry . Tsegaw Teshale . Jean Teuma . Terri Thomas . Willa Thomas . A shley Thompson . Emille Thompson . Tracie Thompson . Tanya Thomson . Adrienne Thorpe . Candace Thorton . David Thurston . Rodrigue Tientcheu . Molly Timko . Dery Tobar . Solomon Tondje Bayang . Melanie Topper . Diego Torrejon . Teo Torrejon . Carlos Torres . Glenda Torres . Alain Toukam . Quang Tran . Tan Tran . Mason Trappio . Kellen Traschel . Betsy Trejo . Leticia Trevino . Carmen Trigo . Rob Trotter* . Judy Tryens . Andrew Tschirhart . Veronica Tschirhart . Sharon L. Tucker . Zonio Tugar . Carolina Turcios . Archene Turner . Nicole Tyrell . Mr. U . Susana Ucany . Jose Umana . Delmis Umanzor . Beth Umbrial . Kathy Unlu . Carlos S. Urbina . Linsi Urias . Delfina Vail . Maya Vakas . Eric Valdez . Juan Jose Valdez . David Valencia . Roberta Valente . Reina Valladaris . Linda Valli . Carol Valoris . William Van Camp . Clara Vargas . Amanda Vasquez . Carlos Alberto Vasquez . Daymelin Vasquez . Gladys Vasquez . Karla Vasquez . Laura Vasquez . Linda Vaughn . A shely Vega . Pamela Vega . Citlalli Velasquez . Flor Velasquez . Jose Manuel Veluisquez . Denise Venero . Gladys Venevo . Jorge Venevo . Sophia Venevo . Ana Ventura Molina . Shake Verhoef . Sonal Verma . Katelyn Victor . Chris Victoria . Ferese Videlo . Andre Vigil . Denis Vigil . Yesenia Vigil . Briana Villa . Jennifer Villa . Lilian Villalobos . Samuel Villanjera . Ana Villatoro . Bertha Villatoro . Jennifer Villatoro . Lisette Villatoro . Tony Villatoro . Rafael Villeda . William Villeda . Michelle Villegas . M. T. Vitol . David Viutis . Amilar Vivar Casasola . Loan Vo . Kruti Vora . Jennifer Wagner . Abby Wahl . Teresa Walsh . Armil Wamo . Fiona Wang . Sam Warby . Sheri Warrel . Ulrich Watat . Maria Wayne . Jaylen Weathers . Tina Webb . Steve Weil . Risa Weinstein . Julianne Weis . Matthew Wells . Natrina Wetzel . Elijah Wheeler . Careu White . Ricardo Wiggs . R. Wilder . Michelle Willcox . James Willging . Jerry Williams . Molly Williams . Nick Williams . Alexandra Wilson . Lesly Wilson . Rebecca Wilson . Lavenna Winley . Elaine Wishnow . Ben Wolff . Felix Wolfinger . Rebecca Woodling . Lynsey Woody . Rob Wright . Vivianne Yamba . Annie Yang . Guy Yankeu . Robert Yoho . Dara Yoosefncuad . Claudia Young . Deborah Young . Pandora Young . Veronica Young . Nozanin Yousefnejad . Frank Yurita . Claudia Zafra . Blanca Zagastume . Concepcion Zagastume . Maria Zagastume . Maria Zaldaña . Lily Zamora . Cynthia Zapata . Beatriz Zelaya . Sonia Zetino . John Zick . Caitlin Zsak . Amalia Zurita

Thank you to our more than 1,400 incredible volunteers!

CASA 2016 Annual Report 15

Contributors* Congregations Bethesda Friends Meeting Caldwell Chapel Community Colesville Presbyterian Church Episcopal Church of Our Saviour First Congregational United Church of Christ Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church Rockville United Church Saint Francis of Assisi Church Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, Inc. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church St. Ignatius Catholic Community

Corporations and Businesses Adventist HealthCare Amalgamated Bank Bank of America Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. BGE Capital One Citi Foundation Comcast Comcast Foundation Cricket Wireless LLC District Government Employees Federal Credit Union E*TRADE Financial Freddie Mac Glenn Dale Golf Club Grossman Law, LLC HSBC Bank USA, N.A. International Partners Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States Lerch, Early & Brewer Chtd. Loving Care Day Care, Inc. Maggio & Kattar, PC Maryland Auto Insurance Mena Dental Mimi Armstrong Garden Design, LLC Naima Said & Associates, P.C. PNC Foundation ROSS Companies State Farm


Total Wine & More Tucker, Nong & Associates, PLLC Wells Fargo Zipin, Amster & Greenberg, LLC Zodiac Sport Express

Foundations Baltimore Community Foundation Bauman Foundation Berger-Marks Foundation Betty Lee and Dudley P. Digges Memorial Fund Carnegie Corporation of New York / Internationals Network for Public Schools Casey Fund for Youth Leadership Consumer Health Foundation CrossCurrents Foundation Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Family Foundation Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation Foundation to Promote Open Society Fradian Foundation Giving Together Hill-Snowdon Foundation Maryland Legal Services Corporation Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy Needmor Fund NEO Philanthropy, Inc. / Four Freedoms Fund Open Society Institute-Baltimore Peggy Browning Fund Philadelphia Foundation Richman Family Foundation Susan G. Komen for the Cure The Abell Foundation The Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation The Annie E. Casey Foundation

The Community Foundation for Montgomery County The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region The Ford Foundation The Fund for Change The Fund for Rebuilding Baltimore The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation The Osprey Foundation, Inc. The Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund United Way of Central Maryland United Way of the National Capital Area United Way Worldwide

Government Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development Baltimore City Mayor and City Council Baltimore County Department of Planning Baltimore County Executive and County Council City of Falls Church Housing and Human Services Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Maryland Governor and General Assembly Maryland Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs Montgomery County Executive and County Council National Endowment for the Arts

Prince George’s County Executive and County Council Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development Prince George’s County Department of Social Services U.S. Department of Justice U.S. Department of Labor U.S. Department of Education

Organizations American Immigration Lawyers Association – Washington, D.C. Chapter Baltimore CASH Campaign Bullis School, Inc. Butchers Hill Association Center for Community Change Center for Popular Democracy CompassPoint Nonprofit Services Democracy Initiative Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. Family League of Baltimore Family Services, Inc. Healthy Neighborhoods Inc. Ingoma Foundation / Fusion Partnerships La Clínica del Pueblo Latino Economic Development Corporation Low Income Investment Fund Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative Education Fund Mary’s Center Mobile Medical Care Montgomery College NALEO Educational Fund National Council of La Raza National Domestic Workers Alliance National Immigration Law Center National Partnership for New Americans

Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition Solidarity Center University of Maryland, Baltimore Virginia Civic Engagement Table Women’s Equality Center

Unions 32BJ SEIU AFL-CIO Baltimore/Washington Construction and Public Employees, Laborers’ District Council, LiUNA! Communications Workers of America International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers LiUNA! Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition Service Employees International Union UNITE HERE UNITE HERE Local 23 United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 400

Individuals $5,000+ Anonymous (x2) Medea Benjamin Catherine Brennan Wes Callender Norman Dreyfuss Virginia Geoffrey and John Andelin Sissy Kegley Andrea LaRue Carmel Martin and Robert Welp Melvin and Dolores Raff

$1,000 – 4,999 Anonymous (x2) Robert and Dawn Barkley J. Richard Block Carolyn Clancy Jose Clemente Nick Clements Catherine Crockett Adrienne Dominguez Mary Ellsberg Danielle Estrada and Robert Wolinsky Michael Fisher

CASA 2016 Annual Report

Kit Gage and Steven Metalitz James and JoAnn Goedert Sarah Harding and Nick Penniman Mary Beth Hastings and Howard Wilkins Edward and Eleanor Howard Margarita Jovel Abdoul Konare Peter Kovar and Paula Kowalczuk Jeff Meetre Hon. Barbara Mikulski Sam Mondry-Cohen Nicholas Olcott and Timothy Westmoreland Mary Pedigo and Daniel Washburn Alan and Miriam Pemberton Patty Reed Claudia Robinson Anthony Rodriguez Larry Rood and Leah Curry-Rood Marcelino Ruiz Katherine Rumbaugh Mary Beth Schiffman Barbara and Sigmund Shapiro Michael Shepherd and Beth Matcham Shepherd Peter Shiras and Diana Morris Donald Shriber and Rose Marie Martinez Jeffrey and Margreta Silverstone Mallon and Marcela Snyder Hon. Deni Taveras Hon. Chris Van Hollen Devki Virk and Cary Burnell

$500 – 999 Gabriel and Catherine Albornoz Beth Allen Daniel Altschuler Elena Alvarez Mark Anderson Anonymous Valerie Aschenbach Jeffrey Barham Daniel Blumenthal Ernesto Campos and Marcy Fink Campos CASA Community Members Gilbert and Ada Casellas Teresa Casertano Amina Chaudhry Suzanne Cohen Fatima Cuevas Maria Da Silva

Jerome Ernst Holly Fechner and Kevin Mills Jennifer Freedman and Juan Pablo Vacatello Maury Gittleman Hon. Dannielle Glaros Seth Grimes and Franca Brilliant John and Linda Hanson Elizabeth Hargrave and Matthew Cohen Xiomara Hernandez Cruz Ralph and Elizabeth Hofmeister Susan Huber Virginia Kase Patricia Kenney Eliza Leighton and Josh Wright Eleanor Lewis Michael Lohman Sarah Lynch Hon. Roger Manno and Marjorie Miller Steven and Shelley Marcus Rima Matsumoto Elizabeth McMeekin and Philip Moses Dana Moffett and Chris Durban Monique Morrissey and Mike Duffy Kerry O’Brien Larry Ottinger Christine Owens and Sanford Newman Deisi Pereira Jennifer Roberts Reemberto Rodriguez and Geraldina Dominguez Sara Romeyn Guilherme Roschke Joshua Sharfstein Mariana Sierra Salmeron Ellen Silbergeld Hon. Ana Sol Gutiérrez Terry Staudenmaier and Dan McCarthy Philip A . Stevens Sherry Stuesse

$250 – 499 Luis Aguilar Shola Ajayi Debra Alvarez Anonymous Charles Askins and Kathy Ogle Ayo Atterberry Brian Baird Dagan Bayliss Susana Berger Oliver Cannell Cannell-Boone Family Janet Chiancone Elizabeth Cohn and Judith Appelbaum

Barbara Coleman Robert F. and Diane C. Cornthwaite Efigenia Cruz Castro Susan Cummins Deanna Dawson Eduardo Diaz Leigh Eckenrode Martha Edwards-Correa Richard Eisen and Joy Beth Markowitz Blake and Melissa Fetrow Robert Fish Cheryl Fox Robert M. Fox and Jane M. Welna Arlyn Garcia Perez Flor Giusti and Walter Saba David Goodfriend Stephen Gross Susan Gross Steven Hass Cecibel Henriquez Scott Hoekman and Sally Rudney Deeana Jang Matthew and Gail Jenkins Rebecca Knowles Matthew Koeppe Hon. Isiah Leggett and Catherine Leggett Harry Lewis John and Jill Purdy Linda Reinisch Hon. Hans Riemer and Angela Riemer David Riley Vanessa Rini-Lopez Dan Schechter Paul Segel Yonce Shelton Steven Smith Marjorie Spiegel and Thomas Lesser Kathleen Thompson Richard Ullman Francie Weeks and Scott Shane Jr. Doug Wissoker and Alys Cohen Carol Wolchok

Shannon Barrow Julianne Beall Erika Becker-Medina Austin Belali Steven Bell Lindsey Berman and Aaron Fanwick Mary Ann Bittner Mary Bolado Margaret Bowman Bob Brehm William Brighton Karen Britto Robin Broad and John H. Cavanagh Irene Bueno Evelyn Canabal-Torres Nina Beth Cardin and Avram I. Reisner Marilyn Carlisle Michael Cavanaugh Martha Chacon Ospina Jeff Chester and Kathryn Montgomery Gladys Cisneros Susan Cohen Fronda CohenOttenheimer Tehani Collazo Margarita Covarrubias Hon. Katie Cristol Julia Dahlberg Michael Dalto Janet and Donald D’Amato Ellen Daniels Maureen David Elizabeth Devoss Judith Docca Holly Eaton Cristina Espinel-Roberts Susan Farr Marsi Fein Miller Michael Forscey Badi Foster Joel Foster Barbara Francisco

Mark Freedman and Kristen Summers Richard and Kim Freedman Melissa Garcia Rebecca Garcia Matthew Ginsburg and Sobha Shukla Bruce Goldstein and Robin Talbert Eduardo Gonzalez Elise Gould Theodore Green Sheldon Grosberg Beth Grupp Megan Guenther Pronita Gupta Henry Hailstock Katharina Hering Bette Hoover and Eden Valley Jing Huang Debra James Stephen Johnson Charlene Johnston Leslie Jones Mansfield Kaseman Catherine Kelly Evelyn Kelly Claudia Khafra Geraldine Kierse-Irwin Elizabeth King John Kirsch Roger Klein Andrew and Kelly Kleine Allison Kokkoros John Kraft Sandra Kurtinitis Daniella Landau Pamela Larson Rachele Lawton Susan Leighton Bruce Lerner and Meg Laporte Stephen Lerner and Marilyn Sneiderman Barry and Sandra Lever

$100 –249 Madeleine Abel Vivian Aguayo Jose Aguiluz Elizabeth Alex Ellen Alex Sandra Allen Nestor Alvarenga Anonymous (x5) Mariano and Leonor Arbaiza Michael Artz Edward Ayoob Marcie Bane

CASA 2016 Annual Report 17

Contributors, continued Nancy Liebermann and Joe Godles Dianne Lorenz Jessica Lusty Dorothea Lyas Maria Maldonado Melissa Mann Javier Martinez Veronica Martinez Seth Mazze and Carmen Gomez Emily and Jack McKay Gabriella MckinneyMarshall Daniel Medina Barbara Mitchell Sonia Mora Hon. Maricé Morales Lawrence Mullaney Christopher Nemarich Louisa Nickerson Jocelyn Nieva Trusha Nikore Eileen O’Brien Susan Ogden and Hank Prensky Jennifer Ontiveros Maria Orozco BB Otero Wilma Peachey Hon. Joseline Peña-Melnyk and Markian M. Melnyk Judith Rae Peres and Gerard F. Anderson Christopher Pfaeffle Roberto Pinero Steve Rabson Molly Rauch and Benjamin Longstreth Julio Rave Orozco Andrew Reinel Tony Richard Libby Richman Elise Riley Grace Rivera-Oven Edith Roque Mario Ruiz Eliannette Sagastizado Hon. Carlo Sanchez Shira Saperstein Ryan and Joan Sattler Dan Saucedo Laura Lauth Schneck and Ronald Schneck Herman Schwartz Jessica Semachko Harriet and Clement Shugerman Marco Simons Karmen Slezak Tiffany Smith Laura Speer James Stam and Andrea Tschemplik


Nancy Stark William and Kathleen Staudenmaier Kate Stewart Donna Stienstra Tannia Talento Hon. James Tarlau Nancy Taylor Saralee Todd Gregory Toulson Robert Walker Maria Walsh Lydia Walther-Rodriguez Rita Warpeha Jon Weintraub Ross Wells June White Dillard Jennifer Wofford Charlie Wood Ruth Zambrana

$1– 99 Barbara Acosta Irma Acosta Esparza Patrick and Trish Ahern Anna Anderson Gustavo Andrade Anonymous (x9) Elizabeth Arnold Virginia Avanesyan Samantha Barbee Winona and John Barker Alexander Barnes Bradford Barrett Andrea Barron James Beard Barbara Becker Courtenay Belchik-Ajala Robert Bertera Peter Blaes Michel Boudreaux Connie Bowers Jason Boxt Thomas Brudenell Denise Bruskin-Gambrell Carol Cavanaugh Laura Cheever Lucy Cifuentes Arthur Cohen Donna Cohen Ross Wilfred and Catherine Collette Maytte Colorado Cynthia Connelly Ryan Stephanie Correa Benjamin Davis Carlos Daza Debra Delavan Barbara Doherty and Ron Carver Katherine Doneby Smith and David Miley Shaun Donnelly Aaron Dorfman and Geneen Massey

Nora Eidelman Andrew Ellis Jr Julie Farb Fred Feinstein, Esq. Pamela Foresman Judith Freidenberg James Gale and Rieann Spence-Gale Fernando Garavito Julia Gaspar-Bates Evelio Gavarrete Franco Brett Gibson Richard A. Gollub and Jill Clark-Gollub Gabriela Gonzalez Linda Gore Busy Graham Benjamin Graves Monica Guerrero Vazquez Scott Gumosky Luis Guzman Heather Harris David Hart Eugene Herman Leda Hernandez Frederick Hickok Silvia Hoke Gail and Albert Holm Kathleen Holmay Julie Horowitz Harry and Joan Iceland Erin Kahal Mary Kambic Ellen Kennedy Jennifer Kinloch Emily Koechlin George Kohl Howard Kohn Linda Kovac Victor Kwansa Cynthia Lake Andrea Lamphier Gregory Lebel Joonsuk Lee Claudia Leight and Dean Pappas Susan Levin Carol Lewis Julie Lewis Sandra Licon Jaime and Raquel Lievano Israel Lopez Steven Lopez Jodi Beth McCain and Douglas Hertzler Sandra McGraw Mary McHugh Danielle McNamee Ana Mejia Samuel MercadoSanchez Hon. David Moon Michael and Rita Murphy

Sandra Navas Robert Nicklas Sergio Obadia Mary O’Melveny Elizabeth OrtegaLohmeyer Daniel Palmer Jeffrey and Ellen Passel Kim Pellegrino Andy and Cathy Penn-Surace Oswaldo Perez Michael Petrick Fred Pincus and Natalie Sokoloff Christina Pope Katy Porras Sara Ramirez Ehren Reynolds Lidia Rivas Francisco Rivera Susan Roche and William Rau Marc Rosenblum Nelly Samaniego Peggy Sand Rommel Sandino MJ Sandoval Julie Savage Frederick Schultz and Nancy McGrath Schultz David and Nancy Scull Herminia Servat Rebecca Sheff and Ethan Stone Chuck Short Peggy Silverstein Rosanne Singer John Sinnigen Thaddeus Smith Steven Smitson Kelly Sorensen Linwood Starbird David Strom Ralph and Suzanne Tarica Marc Tartaro Ingrid Vaca Rivero David Venturagrande Leesa Weiss Marley Weiss Renée Weitzner Lois Wessel James Wheatcroft Sue Wheaton Kelly Wilkicki Nick Williams Monica Windley Walker Mary Ann Zehr Gilberto Zelaya Stanley Zirkin

Carlos Arteta Zubin Bamji Sandra Bellew Thomas Bossuroy Elida Caballero Cabrera Jorge Campodonico Andrea Castro Astudillo Shubha Chakravarty Nadine Chapman Jorge Coarasa Bustamante Laura Dachner Cirano Ruby Daniel Jacomina de Regt Elizabeth Dodds Kreszentia Duer Jose Ferreyra Jorge Fuentes Lanza Marla Hallacy Leonel Iglesias Gutierrez Heather Kipnis Barbara Kotschwar Laureen Laglagaron Camilo Lombana Cordoba Mattias Lundberg Laura MacInnis Andrew Malone David McKenzie John McLaughlin Iris Medina Hernandez Juan Miranda Montero Prosper Nindorera Yuko Okamura Eda Parodi Solis Gerardo Pilligua Maryangelica Prado Nieto Lucinda Ramos Alcantara Maria Requejo Mauricio Rios Ibanez Mercedes Rodriguez C. Gustavo Ruiz Keta Ruiz Cecilia Sager Gustavo Saltiel Nora Sanchez Guzman Marcela Sanchez-Bender Ernesto Sanchez-Triana Kenneth Simler Claudia Soto Orozco Francisco Sucre Stephanie Sullivan Nils Tcheyan Andres Villaveces Martha Viveros Mendoza Gregory Votaw Pui Mung Wong Brown Thomas Zgambo Stephen Zimmermann


*Contributions received during the July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 fiscal year.

Ahmad Ahsan Todd Anderson

CASA 2016 Annual Report

Financials Audited financial statements of CASA, Inc.* for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES


Support and Revenue **




Cash and cash equivalents


Grants and contributions




Tuition and fees


Due to related parties


In-kind contributions


Contracts receivable


Interest and other income


Total support and revenue


Expenses *** Program costs


Support services


Total expenses


Net Income


Other receivables and prepaid expenses


Grants receivable


Property and equipment, net


Total assets


Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable

Interest and other income

34% Contracts


Support and Revenue

In-kind contributions Tuition and fees

2% Program costs



Expenses Support services



Due to related parties


Deferred revenue


Legal fees escrow


Total liabilities


Net Assets


Grants and contributions

and accrued expenses



Board designated net assets


Temporarily restricted


Total net assets


Total liabilities and net assets


Note: Request copies of audited financial statements by writing to: development@wearecasa.org. * Preliminary audited statements. Subject to final approval of CASA’s Board of Directors ** Includes $3,748,266 in equity from related companies related to the unwind of MCC financing. *** Includes $400,797 in expenses related to the unwind of MCC financing, and $491,915 in non-cash items such as depreciation and sub-tenant rent.

CASA 2016 Annual Report 19

CASA Staff Executive Direction Gustavo Torres, Executive Director Rodrigo Guevara, Executive Assistant


Fernando Garavito, Senior Manager, Employment Miguel González, Employment Specialist/Community Liaison Myrna Hernández, Community Liaison

José García, IT Manager

Mario Menendez, Small Business Specialist

Amilcar Guzmán, Senior Manager of Data and Evaluation

Gill Monkam Helleu, Community Liaison

Virginia Kase, Chief Operations Officer

Carlos Monti, Employment Specialist

Rocío Llera-Huddleston, Human Resources Manager Silvia Navas, Site Manager Daniel Niño, Human Resources – Program Assistant Sandra Restrepo, Maintenance Specialist

Lourdes Ortega, Community Organizer Lydia Walther-Rodriguez, Lead Organizer

CASA de Virginia Michelle LaRue, Virginia State Director Claudia Mantilla, Program Assistant Jorge Mendez, Lead Organizer Juan Navarrete, Virginia New Americans Program Coordinator Eduardo Zelaya, Community Organizer

Victor Otero, Staff Accountant

Marcela Alvarado, Member Services Coordinator Alma Archila, Member Services Paralegal Pablo Blank, Immigrant Integration Program Manager

Germán Reyes, Employment Specialist

Francisco Cartagena, Member Services Coordinator

Celeste Valencia, Community Liaison

George Escobar, Senior Director, Human Services

Shannon Wilk de Benitez, Community Education Manager

Anacamila Figueroa, Public Benefits Outreach and Enrollment Specialist

Maritza Machado, Public Benefits Outreach and Enrollment Specialist Norma Martínez, Community Outreach Coordinator Elias Newman, AVODAH Fellow Herman Perez, Community Access Information and Health Promotion Specialist Abdel Piedramartel, Baltimore Member Services Coordinator Mirna Roca, Member Services Paralegal Paulina Vera, Staff Attorney – Immigration

Politics and Communications Luis Aguilar, Advocacy and Elections Specialist Fernanda Durand, Communications Manager

Jose Carlos Garcia, Staff Attorney – Employment

Erika Hernandez, Communications Specialist

Community Organizing

Leidi Garcia, Social Services Coordinator

Renato Mendoza, Advocacy and Elections Specialist

Victoria Aguilar, Member Engagement Specialist

Molly Gavin, Legal Program Assistant

Yaheiry Mora, Policy and Elections Manager

Oscar Alfaro, Community Organizer Ricardo Campos, Lead Organizer Fatima Coreas Moreno, Education Organizer Juan Cortés, Youth Programs Coordinator Alma Couverthié, Senior Director of Community Organizing

Delia Aguilar, Senior Manager, Workforce Development

Ana Martínez, Community Organizer

Aimy Avila, Substitute Community Liaison

Claudia Quiñónez, Education Organizer Sara Ramírez, Community Organizer Lidia Rivas, Education Organizer Rommel Sandino, Lead Organizer

Rebecca Cusic, ESOL Program Coordinator

Patrick Siewe Mbouatcheu, Community Organizer

Hellen Domínguez, Pine Ridge Coordinator

Morena Zelaya, Community Organizer


Melissa Guzman, Director of Finances

Ana Perla, Community Liaison

Javier Luna, Community Organizer

Lindolfo Carballo, Senior Director, Community Economic Development

Nicholas Katz, Senior Manager, Legal Program

Peha Djoko, Assistant Controller

Human Services

Community Economic Development

Richard Benjumea, Employment Specialist


Frederic Ngongang, Employment Specialist

Candelaria Ventura Cedillos, Community Liaison

Walter Guzman, Community Access Information and Health Promotion Specialist Katya Hernández, Community Access Information and Health Promotion Specialist

Victor Rodriguez, Contract Invoice Specialist

Shaka Pack, ESOL Lead Program Coordinator

Earvin Gonzalez, Citizenship Coordinator

Sloka Krishnan, Development Associate

Marisa Moschelle, Employment Specialist

CASA Baltimore/ Pennsylvania Region

Lorena Diaz, Community Organizer

Jennifer Freedman, Chief of Development and Finance

Ruby Pardo, Payroll and Business Manager

Jacinta Nino, Vocational Training Coordinator

Monica Camacho Perez, Community Organizer

Franca Brilliant, Senior Manager, Development

Brenda Moreno Martinez, Substitute Community Liaison

Jimmy Villarroel, IT Specialist

Elizabeth Alex, Regional Director


CASA 2016 Annual Report

Julio Murillo, Policy Analyst

AmeriCorps Members

Kimberley Propeack, Chief of Politics and Communications


Máté Vladár, Communications Specialist

Rachel Calderon

Alonzo Washington, Housing & Community Development Manager

Schools and Education

Yvel Berluche Andreina Hube Alberto Moncada David Montecinos Andrea Padilla Cathryn Paul

Drew Kochman, Curriculum and Training Coordinator

Elizabeth Rudt

Jhosse Rivera, Program Specialist

Angela Sabogal Hoyos

Maritza Solano, Director of Education

Natalia Ruff Hannah Schott Fani Tenezaca



Cassandra Alles, ESOL Teacher

German Andino

Fatima Alvarez, Childcare Provider

Thida Aung

Dolores Badillo, Pine Ridge After School Program and Spanish Literacy Teacher

Brunilda Barragan Huda Buhairi Susana Del Pozo

Pamela Barr, ESOL Teacher

Francisco Galindo Soria

Aleksandra Braginski, ESOL Teacher

Clarice Kabore Ovedraogo

Theresa Brandon, ESOL Teacher

Hilda Rexach

Anita Britt, ESOL Teacher Monica Buitrago, English Innovation Technology Coach Alva Cativo, Childcare Provider

Onthusitse O’meara Hanan Youssef

CASA Temporary Staff


Jamil Hill

Wilvia Acosta

Marcus Johnson

Mirna Gonzalez

Britney Kent

Johanna Guerrero

Luis Lebron

Ana Nunez

Doris Lopez

CASA in Action Elections Staff

Ronnedra Hoskins

Wilson Lopez Kujuanna McBride Audrey Means

Linda Chang, ESOL Teacher

Aishat Awodele, Community Organizer


Rafael Montalvo

Isiah Kohn, Phonebank Lead

Zulma Cifuentes, ESOL Teacher

Shawn Moon

Juana Gago, Site Coordinator

Keyla Barco

Lud Phildor

Dulce Ceballos

Sammiach Rivera

Ana Chuquizuta

William Rivera


Carissa Fana

Melissa Rosa

Giovanne Fernandez Paz

Ada Santiago-Padilla

Santiago Rivera, Lead Voter Registration Canvasser

Jessica Hernandez

Hector Torres

David Montecinos

Jose Arroyo

Beatrice Wairimu

Daniel Muñoz

Joel Baez

Tiffany Weldon

Susan Rios

Velma Coleridge-Taylor, ESOL Teacher Josefa Ysabel Echiverri, ESOL Teacher Johanna Ehm Waller, ESOL Teacher Rosmery Espino, Childcare Provider Barbara Gibbs, ESOL Teacher Kathleen Indart Whitman, ESOL Teacher Blen Jaletta, ESOL Teacher Bernice La France, ESOL Teacher Emily Luyo, ESOL Teacher Edwin Mejia, ESOL Teacher Fernando Monje, English Innovation Technology Coach Randolph Nicklas, ESOL Teacher

CASA Elections Staff

Carmen Blackmon Elena Cabello Alice Early Juan Espinal Bobby Greer

ELECTORAL FIELD ORGANIZERS, PA Angelica Castro, Lead Electoral Canvasser

Jamil Hill

Jimmy Pena, Lead Electoral Canvasser

Eric Kirkland

TyHana Baker

Tiffany Krout

Aiyana Beatty

GRASSROOTS VOTE ORGANIZERS, VA Luis Bran Gloria Castillo Nayely Lopez Reyes Anibal Pena Jennifer Romero Espinosa Juan Urdaneta Narvaez

Ramona Linao

Stella Benson

Kennesha Rodgers, ESOL Teacher

Lewis Martinez

Dina Burch


Felipe Rosa Renderos, Pine Ridge Computer Teacher

Jasmine Miller

Ruben Deoleo

Reuben Chavez

Keith Mousch

Malika Everett

Ahamed Elkarim

Tiffani Ross, ESOL Teacher

Jasmine Nguyen

Navia Flowers

Jonathan Hernandez

Patricia Sawyer, ESOL Teacher

Jose Ortiz

Rafael Garcia

Sadia Naureen

Charles Smith, English Innovation Technology Coach

Jose Pena

Nicole Gibson

Anika Rahman

Atahualpa Popa

Kiedaysheous Goldsby

Xiomara Rivas

Cynthia Steer, ESOL Teacher

Rose Venturella

Blanca Gonzalez

Carol Sanchez

Madeline Sumida, ESOL Teacher

Terrence Williams

Bobby Greer

Sara Touraif

Jose Ortega, ESOL Teacher

CASA 2016 Annual Report 21


CASA 2016 Annual Report

CASA Locations CASA Multicultural Center at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Building




8151 15th Avenue Langley Park, MD 20783

Baltimore Welcome Center 2224 East Fayette Street Baltimore, MD 21231



Falls Church Center


330-B South Virginia Avenue Falls Church, VA 22046


Pine Ridge Community Center 8615 Piney Branch Road Silver Spring, MD 20901

Prince George’s Welcome Center

Silver Spring Langley Park Falls Church Culmore


7978-B New Hampshire Avenue Langley Park, MD 20783

Rockville Citizenship and Welcome Center 14645 Rothgeb Drive Rockville, MD 20850

Silver Spring Welcome Center 734 University Boulevard East Silver Spring, MD 20903

Wheaton Welcome Center 2729 University Boulevard West Wheaton, MD 20902

Woodbridge Center 1455 Old Bridge Road, Suite 203 Woodbridge, VA 22192

York Welcome Center 101 South George Street York, PA 17401

 Multilingual Health and Social Services Hotline



Contact Us For more information about CASA or to request additional copies of this report, contact 240-491-5738 or development@wearecasa.org To donate to CASA please visit our website: www.wearecasa.org/donate Combined Federal Campaign #91062 United Way of the National Capital Area #8159 United Way of Central Maryland #47191

(301) 431-4185 www.wearecasa.org

Phone: 301-270-8432

Culmore Immigrant Service Site Coming Soon

CASA 2016 Annual Report 23

8151 15th Avenue Langley Park, MD 20783 301-431-4185 www.wearecasa.org

Design by Robyn Bernstein Photos by Máté Vládar © CASA, Inc., 2016

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