Echo 2010-2011

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FALL 2010

Bet you didn’t know... How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? By Jess Niblo STAFF WRITER Since the 1970’s, a famous white owl eating a red lollypop, has chirped, “How many licks to the center of a tootsie roll? One…two...three!” After many years of people wondering exactly how many licks it takes, an answer was found. Typically, the amount of licks depends on the size of the consumer’s mouth and the amount of saliva he or she produces. Another factor is how much pressure is put on the candy, and if the candy is licked in one spot or evenly dispersed. Claims of the amount of licks have ranged from one hundred to five thousand. According to Purdue University, the only way to know for sure was to make a machine that resembled the human tongue and test it out. Using this machine, it took three hundred and sixty-four licks to get to the center. Meanwhile, twenty students tested the theory, and they came to the conclusion that it only took two hundred fifty-two.

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. By Alicia Marano STAFF WRITER Did you know that hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards? The hummingbird rotates each wing in a circular motion allowing it to fly backwards. It is the only bird in the world that can do this. To hover, they move their wings in a figure eight motion—the same way that a swimmer uses its arms. When a hummingbird is about to land, flying either forward or backwards, they do not slow down; they land at the exact same speed they were going when they were flying.

Ever wonder why the staircases in a firehouse are spiral and not straight? By Kaleigh Vuoncino FEATURES EDITOR When firehouses first opened, horses were kept inside as transportation for the firefighters. The horses soon learned how to walk up straight flights of stairs. People soon realized spiral staircases would be the only way to keep the horses off.

Ever wondered about medicine, hospitals, and medical history? By Bren Backhaus STAFF WRITER Here are some fun and a bit disturbing facts. On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily all around the world. Why is this? Not all countries put a wrist band on a baby, so naturally they might mess up. Adolf Hitler’s mother seriously considered having an abortion, but was talked out of it by her doctor. Bet her doctor gave himself a palm in the face over that. A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur in about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks. Without rest, your organs and body give because they reach their limit. A dentist invented the electric chair. That’s the last dentist anyone would want to see.

Ever wonder where meals got their names? By Sofie La Rosa STAFF WRITER They call breakfast breakfast because you do not eat while you are sleeping, which is called fasting. Then, in the morning when you eat, you break the fast. Breaking your fastÆ break fast Æ breakfast. Lunch is a meal that is taken in the early afternoon. The term came from luncheon, which, in the 1580’s, was a word for a meal that was inserted between larger meals. The word dinner originates from the old French word disner, which means “main meal of the day.”

Bet you did not know that chewing gum while peeling onions can stop you from tearing. By Diana Petrassi NEWS EDITOR When an onion is being peeled, the smell alerts your senses. It is so strong that it reacts with your nerves, causing your eyes to tear. Chewing gum, preferably one with a really strong scent, with your mouth open distracts your senses from the overpowering scent of the onion. This trick should make it virtually impossible for your eyes to tear.

Astrology corner Have you heard about the “new” zodiac sign? It is called Ophiuchus. Are you scared you have been following the wrong horoscope for years? Well, do not fret too much. So far, no actions have yet been taken to change the traditional twelve signs. For those interested in what Ophiuchus is all about, pay attention. Characteristics of this sign include: being a seeker of knowledge and wealth, being a part of a big family, and being great at architecture or building. This sign’s lucky number is 12, and many people are jealous of them. Ophiuchus is said to cover birthdays from November 30 to December 17.

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