Echo 2010-2011

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The mission of Waldwick High School is to educate and guide students to achieve their fullest potential, become lifelong learners, and be responsible, productive citizens in a global society. VOLUME XLIII ISSUE I


FALL 2010

NJ questions Kyleigh’s Law Does the law improve safety or target young drivers? By Kaleigh Vuoncino FEATURES EDITOR Kyleigh’s Law, which requires permitted and probationary drivers to display red decals on their license plates, has teens and parents worried about the potential dangers of being targeted. This law came into effect as a result of a fatal car accident involving Kyleigh D’Alessio, a 16-year-old who was killed while another teen was driving. D’Alessio’s parents felt laws protecting teen drivers should be stricter and better enforced. The law is

intended to make it easier for both police officers and other people on the road to spot new drivers. Kyleigh’s Law, which came into effect on May 1st of this year, is meant to restrict previous freedoms to ensure safety for new drivers. The curfew for new drivers was changed from 12:01 A.M. to 11:01 P.M., and a limit was placed on the amount of passengers a new driver can have in his/her car. The red decals, however, are creating the biggest stir. Parents are concerned with the possibility of their teens being followed by

sexual predators or people with ill-intent. According to an article by Sulaiman Abdur-Rahman, in the Trentonian, Senator Tom Goodwin said, “The red decal exposes our most vulnerable drivers to targeting by predators and criminals.” Evidently, not all government officials agree that this law is working the way it should. Teens and parents also fear that displaying the decals will cause police to seek them out for fines or harassment. Mr. Vuoncino, a concerned parent with a teen driver, says, “I don’t think this law is the proper solution to the

problems that the government is trying to resolve. I do not believe that this law is deterring teens from making any mistakes as much as it is singling them out for when they do make a mistake.” On the other hand, there are many government officials that are on board for this law and see no downsides. They believe that enforcing the red decals will spur a decrease in the number of teen-related driving accidents. They also hope the decals will prevent teens from breaking other laws since they are already being singled out. As a result of all of

The red decals, however, are creating the biggest stir.

these concerns, the state Senate approved a bill that requires the Attorney General to spend six months evaluating the law. Many government officials are hoping that this law will be repealed for the sake of teens’ safety. Parent and teacher, Mrs. Baskin, says, “I think they will get rid of the law because it unfairly targets teenagers and puts them at a greater risk for danger.” Many people have different predictions for how this review will turn out. Everyone can only hope that whatever the outcome, it will benefit drivers of all ages.

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Digital version to ‘Echo’ print By Eric Ackerman STAFF WRITER With the school-wide push to go green and become paperless, what will happen to the student newspaper? While the printed edition of The Echo is likely going to be phased out sometime next year, have no fear—The Echo is going digital! For the past two years, The Echo has been archived as PDF files on the school website, but this year’s technology initiative is to work towards a more interactive and user-friendly approach. To produce the same number of copies as last year, printing costs for the paper edition would cost over $2,500 this year. At a meeting with their principal, Mr. Carroll, The Echo staff agreed that the number of copies printed this year should be cut in half. The possibility of publishing

student news in the future as a blog was also discussed. A student newspaper in blog format would allow more frequent updates as well as easy access for students. It would also facilitate Mr. Carroll’s efforts to get more school information online. Blogging The Echo will have its hiccups as advisor, Ms. De Gironimo, and her staff learn to navigate new programs. “It’s scary and exciting,” says Ms. De Gironimo. “But change is a good thing.” While the staff agreed that the senior edition featuring the beloved Senior Will should still be printed, student feedback will be taken into consideration. Please share your thoughts by emailing

Images courtesy of Ms. De Gironimo and

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FALL 2010

Waldwick voices Journalism students hit the hallways to ask students and staff at WHS:

What’s on your holiday wish list this year?

Kyle Sandve Grade 10 “A new Ipod.”

Mr. Clancy “To have a week of peacefulness and no work.”

Savannah Jacklin Grade 12 “An iTunes gift card.”

Taylor Avakian & Elena Anastasi Grade 11 “To stay best friends forever.”

Ms. Getlik “An engagement ring and an Ipad.”

Mrs. Wolf “To share Christmas with my kids and grandchildren and to have fun. Oh, and I want my son to get a job.”

Michelle Sciolaro Grade 9 “A Blackberry.”

Brian McGarr Grade 12 “Fifa 11, I guess.”

Mrs. Baskin “A TV for my kitchen.”

Mr. Wilson “A Big Wolf Chopper.”

The Echo The Echo is the student newspaper of Waldwick High School. The mission of The Echo is to address issues that concern the student body and to promote the activities in the high school.

2010-2011 Editorial Staff Happy holiday s from T h e Echo & Budd y the e lf!

Danielle Glovin Diana Petrassi Heather Laski Kaleigh Vuoncino Lauren Tom

… … … … …

Editor in Chief News Editor Opinions Editor Features Editor Sports Editor

Ms. C. De Gironimo … Advisor Special thanks to Ms. De Gironimo’s journalism class for its contribution to this publication:

Sofie La Rosa Bren Backus Image courtesy of

Alicia Marano Jess Niblo

FALL 2010


Editorial Corner

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Laptops: A different type of learning

Dear Editor, Laptops have become the new notebook. Many schools are now requiring laptops. Remember those days when you had to actually write all of your notes? Now that has become a major burden for students. Using laptops in school benefits a student in many ways. Waldwick High School should allow students to use their laptops in school if they own one. First of all, it is a great way to get students motivated to learn. Studies show that kids are more active in the classroom when they use laptops. It is a fun way of learning because students are not limited by information in a textbook. For example, Google is a great way to research specific topics when a project is assigned. Waldwick students should also be able to access their laptops during lunch. It is a great way to study for tests and opens the door to other learning opportunities. Laptops also allow students to carry fewer books since online textbooks are often available. Fewer things to carry means more relaxed teenagers, as well as one less trip to the chiropractor. Laptops might even help a student stay organized. Sam Forte, a junior at Waldwick High School, was asked if she liked the idea of using her laptop in school. “I think it would be awesome. It would make life so much easier. Teachers wouldn’t have to worry about that one student who didn’t bring their book to class because everything would be in one place,” she said. . m o c . Laptops, of course, come with responsibilities. Parents and teachers should not be concerned about ogle w. g o w w f laptops being a distraction because there would be consequences with such privileges. If students were sy o ourte c e caught on a website like Facebook, points could be deducted from their grades. If it happened three times, Imag perhaps they would not be allowed to use their laptop in school for the rest of the marking period. Therefore, students would not be social networking or playing on game sites during class because they would want to keep the privilege of using their laptops. On the other hand, students should be free to go on whatever sites they want during lunch and free periods. Laptops have changed our society and the way we think and act. They are very useful in our everyday lives. Whether used to communicate with friends on Facebook or write a report, laptops are one of many resources that students have available to them today, and ultimately, Waldwick High School would be more efficient if it used laptops on a daily basis. Sincerely, Madison Irwin

More school? President Obama is all for it By Heather Laski OPINIONS EDITOR President Barack Obama wants to extend the time students spend in school. President Obama wishes for the students of the United States of America to receive a better education than is currently provided. It is thought that students do not receive a sufficient amount of time to learn, and the solution should be to lengthen school days or cut summer vacations. Why are summer vacations a target? Many believe that over the summer, much of the knowledge learned throughout the previous school year is lost or forgotten. Though the amount of time proposed to be extended is not set yet, it is definitely being put into consideration. Schools in the United States do not have the resources for said extension. In order for this to happen, states would need to spend an accumulated seventy one million dollars for just one extra day of school. Not only is this cost extreme, but many students and teachers would not be happy about losing their traditional

summers. Teachers would also expect to be paid more, which makes the cost even steeper. Those who back this idea recognize its obvious benefits. Students would spend more time in the classroom, resulting in a better education, and therefore, have more knowledge for what will come in the future. However, it seems that if this decision were to be based solely on the opinions of students and teachers, this dream of President Obama’s would remain just that: a dream.

Top Christmas movie classics By Alicia Marano STAFF WRITER # 1 - Home Alone Kevin, an eight year old boy, is left at home during Christmas while the rest of his family leaves to go to France. While his family is away, two burglars arrive and realize that Kevin is watching over the house. Then things begin to get complicated. This movie is great for anyone at any age. It has a lot of Christmas spirit, and you are sure to have a good laugh. # 2 – A Christmas Story What kind of Christmas would it be without hearing: “I want an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200 shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time”? Little Ralphie Parker wants the ultimate Christmas gift. This movie airs on TBS every Christmas. If you have not seen it yet, you should put it on your Netflix queue as soon as possible. # 3 – Elf Will Ferrell stars in a goofy, sugar-loaded Christmas comedy. A 6’3 elf that works in Santa’s workshop leaves to finally go and find his birth father. This crazy comedy takes place in New York City where Buddy the elf tries to find a way to fit in. Now you can enjoy this heart-warming and hysterical story on Broadway, too.

Interested in voicing your opinion?

WHS student poll Students polled in homeroom were asked whether or not they agree with the president’s proposal.

Join ! o h c E e h T Email letters to

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FALL 2010

Parking problems How vegetarian is WHS?

By Eric Ackerman STAFF WRITER One day in late September, many students and teachers noticed a man standing in the upper parking lot. The man was actually an angry neighbor who expressed his concerns over the cars coming and going each morning and afternoon. The Idalane Street resident brought no harm to the students and faculty, but he did express his feelings towards the parking and dropoff situation on his street. Idalane Street, a no through road, is located at the foot of the path leading to the upper parking lot of WHS and WMS. Residents on the small street have become angered over parents dropping off and picking up students there. “They have no consideration for others,” says one resident. Another resident says, “They block our driveways, and if we ask

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them to move, they curse us off. We all try to leave for work in the morning and can’t even get out of our own driveways. Some days, it’s like they don’t even think we exist. If I come home from work early, there are cars parked in my driveway.” The town of Waldwick has taken the situation under consideration and will be installing a traffic data collector along the length of the street. The collector’s purpose will be to count how many vehicles turn onto the street on a week day compared to a weekend when school is not in session. Results of the collector’s data have yet to be determined, and implications remain unknown. Most students respond to the situation by saying, “They knew the school was here when they moved in down there.”

Types of Vegetarians

“If I come home from work early, there are cars parked in my driveway.”

By Sofie La Rosa STAFF WRITER Vegetarians at Waldwick High School have a minimal selection when it comes to food in the cafeteria. Food options in the lunch room are very limited for students. The cafeteria selection consists primarily of hamburgers, fries, chips, sandwiches, cookies, chicken, etc. The only healthy foods available are salad and water. The salads are not all that healthy, though, because dressing has sugar and salt in it. This does not give many opportunities to those students who are vegetarian, vegan, or just plain healthy, to eat the foods they want. The news article, School Lunches Go Vegetarian, by Zach Miners, states that a new nationwide survey by the School Nutrition Association says almost two out of three US schools now offer vegetarian fare for lunch on a regular basis. Vegetarian students, however, feel that all schools should have vegetarian options. Two out of three schools is not enough. The time students spend at school is approximately eight hours. That is one-third of the day and half of someone’s waking hours. Students spend half of their day at school, which means that the food selection at school makes up half their diet. When children get home, what they eat is up to their parents. Most parents try hard to make sure their children eat healthily so they do not face health problems in the future. These same parents do not want their children eating junk food, deep-fried food, or other unhealthy food for lunch. Parents do not always have the time to make their kids a lunch because mornings are hectic. As a result of that, children have no choice but to buy the school’s provided lunch. Nicole Albanese, a freshman at New York University, is a vegan. “Throughout my days in school, I never had a decent lunch. I either had to eat the fruit they had, or the salad,” she said. Imagine how hungry you would be on a diet like that. Perhaps Waldwick public schools will consider expanding the variety of vegetarian and healthy food options in the future. Vegetarian Eats no meat

Pescetarian Flexitarian Eats fish; no meat Sometimes eats meat Vegan Eats no meat; Red-Meat Vegetarian no food from dairy products Eats chicken; no meat

Waldwick students raise money, awareness for breast cancer research From pink rubber ducks to walk-a-thons, Waldwick students work to make a difference. By Taylore Avakian and Elena Anastasi STAFF WRITERS Do you know someone who has been affected by breast cancer? Perhaps you, yourself, have been personally affected by this disease. Recently, it seems like more and more people are being affected by this terrible disease, but there are many ways people can get involved in helping to raise awareness and find a cure. One way to get involved is through activities like fundraisers. Waldwick’s own Mrs. Pagano and the Interact club did a fabulous job over the past few years not only raising money for breast cancer research, but also worked to get students involved in raising awareness. A survivor herself, Mrs. Pagano said, “Well, I had breast cancer; I have an interest in it.” Mrs. Pagano’s interest in research for this disease prompted the Interact club to sell pink ducks and ribbons at school during the month of October. Other students, and even some alumni, participated in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk with Ms. De Gironimo on October 24th at Bergen Community College. This was the fourth year Ms. De Gironimo organized a Waldwick High School team for the walk. The weather was beautiful and students did not seem to mind waking up early on a Sunday morning to do something good for the community. The walk was a good experience because it showed how many people have come together to fight breast cancer. October may be breast cancer awareness month, but it is important for people to continue to educate themselves about the disease and for women, especially, to conduct monthly self-exams. For more information about breast cancer and the American Cancer Society, visit BreastCancer.

Current WHS students and alumni joined teacher, Ms. De Gironimo, at the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk.

Pictured above: (from left to right) Ms. De Gironimo Elena Anastasi Taylore Avakian Ali Giordano Gina Favo Dylan Macfie Photo courtesy of Ms. De Gironimo

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FALL 2010


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Next big thing: The Hunger Games The Hunger Games, the first book of the young adult series by Suzanne Collins, is an amazing book for teens and adults. By Bren Backhaus STAFF WRITER The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, is an extraordinary book that all teens should read. With its romance, action, and suspense, you cannot put this book down. The Hunger Games series was just concluded, with the third and final book released in August. A movie based on the series is set to come out in November 2011. The Hunger Games is a romantic, but actionpacked book, and the movie should be just as exciting. Its gruesome and heart-wrenching plot will translate to a film that is sure to appeal to boys, while the book continues to be popular among girls. The story is not only popular among teens, however. The Hunger Games is known and praised by other popular writers such as Stephanie Meyer and Stephen King. “[The Hunger Games] is a violent, jarring speed-rap of a novel that generates nearly constant suspense…I couldn’t stop reading,” said Stephen King in Entertainment Weekly. Author of the Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, is quoted on the book jacket of Catching Fire, the second book to the Hunger Games series, as

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saying: “I was so obsessed with this book I had to take it with me out to dinner and hide it under the edge of the table so I wouldn’t have to stop reading. The story kept me up for several nights in a row, because even after I finished, I just lay in bed wide awake thinking about it…The Hunger Games is amazing.” The Hunger Games takes place in Future America; a place with 13 districts and a capitol. The Capitol rules all, and uses the citizens of the 13 districts as slaves. The Districts are spread out over different parts of modern-day North America, and each

Publishers Weekly Best book of the Year School Library Journal Best Book of the year New York Times Noble book of the year

district is in charges of a certain job. For example, District 12 is in charge of mining for coal, and District 11 is responsible for growing and taking care of crops. One day, the districts rebel against the capital. Sadly, they fail and are punished. District 13 is reduced to rubble and no one in the district survives. The remaining twelve are punished: each year one boy and one girl, between the ages of 12 and 18, are called to the Capitol. Then, the 24 kids are thrown into an arena where every moment is televised for the entertainment of the Capitol. In this arena, there is one true rule: stay alive.

Only the winner survives; the losers meet an unkind end. The arena is more or less the Coliseum of ancient times. The competitors are forced to fight, and if it is not satisfactory to the Capitol, they are thrown some obstacle to make it entertaining. The Capitol also can choose who wins; a thumbs down from the Capitol means your death, a thumbs up is a free ticket to live. Some say The Hunger Games is the next Twilight. However, with the idea of the Capitol, it will appeal to more people. People who have read the book will say Team Gale is like Team Jacob. In some ways they look alike, not to mention they both have an intense fire to them. Others say Edward is like Peeta because he is calm and will do anything to keep Kantiss breathing. For those only interested in the fight scenes of the highly-anticipated movie, the teams are Katniss and Peeta: you cheer for the person you want to come out alive and be your champion. The Hunger Games makes a great independent reading book for school. It can be classified as romance, science fiction, or even an epic. You might even just read it for fun because it will keep your attention on every page.

d andng.” e t t o l ntly p engrossi mes a i l l i r “B rk Ti aced… o p Y y l w t e perfecn Green, N eview R –Joh Book

Waldwick dishes about favorite flicks By Diana Petrassi NEWS EDITOR People’s movie interests tend to be stereotyped according to their gender. Stereotypes say girls are drawn to movie genres such as drama and romantic comedy, and that boys gravitate towards action, horror, science fiction, action, adventure, and comedy. But does it always have to be that boys like manly movies and girls like chick flicks? Waldwick junior, Joe Moloughney, confirmed that he loves to watch these so-called “manly” movies. He noted his favorite as Fight Club. When asked why it is his favorite, he said, “It motivates me in the sense that it teaches me things about how life really is.” However, what he said next was surprising: “I like girlie movies

because often I find myself being the guy portrayed in the movie.” He then went on to mention other chick flicks he enjoys: A Walk to Remember, Ten Things I Hate About You, and P.S. I Love You. Joe had no problem showing his feminine side, but how many guys out there are hiding behind their reputation? Most people would be surprised how many other guys out there feel the same way. And if guys secretly enjoy chick flicks, are there girls out there who dig adventure and gore? Kaleigh Vuoncino, also a junior at Waldwick, said, “I like romantic comedies but I also like action; it’s really not a secret though.” It turns out that teens’ tastes are actually more diverse than they might seem.

Junior Matt Sciolaro said, “I like to see musicals […] they just make me happy!” Sophomore Andrew Livanos said that his favorite movie genre is comedy. When asked why, he stated the obvious: “They make me laugh.” What Livanos does not tell most people, however, is that he also enjoys

romantic comedies. “Valentine’s Day is such a classic,” he said. His favorite movie of all time is Remember the Titans. You might find more boys at a movie like Saw and more girls at a movie like Legally Blonde, but it really depends on one’s particular interests.

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FALL 2010

Bet you didn’t know... How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? By Jess Niblo STAFF WRITER Since the 1970’s, a famous white owl eating a red lollypop, has chirped, “How many licks to the center of a tootsie roll? One…two...three!” After many years of people wondering exactly how many licks it takes, an answer was found. Typically, the amount of licks depends on the size of the consumer’s mouth and the amount of saliva he or she produces. Another factor is how much pressure is put on the candy, and if the candy is licked in one spot or evenly dispersed. Claims of the amount of licks have ranged from one hundred to five thousand. According to Purdue University, the only way to know for sure was to make a machine that resembled the human tongue and test it out. Using this machine, it took three hundred and sixty-four licks to get to the center. Meanwhile, twenty students tested the theory, and they came to the conclusion that it only took two hundred fifty-two.

Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards. By Alicia Marano STAFF WRITER Did you know that hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards? The hummingbird rotates each wing in a circular motion allowing it to fly backwards. It is the only bird in the world that can do this. To hover, they move their wings in a figure eight motion—the same way that a swimmer uses its arms. When a hummingbird is about to land, flying either forward or backwards, they do not slow down; they land at the exact same speed they were going when they were flying.

Ever wonder why the staircases in a firehouse are spiral and not straight? By Kaleigh Vuoncino FEATURES EDITOR When firehouses first opened, horses were kept inside as transportation for the firefighters. The horses soon learned how to walk up straight flights of stairs. People soon realized spiral staircases would be the only way to keep the horses off.

Ever wondered about medicine, hospitals, and medical history? By Bren Backhaus STAFF WRITER Here are some fun and a bit disturbing facts. On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily all around the world. Why is this? Not all countries put a wrist band on a baby, so naturally they might mess up. Adolf Hitler’s mother seriously considered having an abortion, but was talked out of it by her doctor. Bet her doctor gave himself a palm in the face over that. A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur in about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks. Without rest, your organs and body give because they reach their limit. A dentist invented the electric chair. That’s the last dentist anyone would want to see.

Ever wonder where meals got their names? By Sofie La Rosa STAFF WRITER They call breakfast breakfast because you do not eat while you are sleeping, which is called fasting. Then, in the morning when you eat, you break the fast. Breaking your fastÆ break fast Æ breakfast. Lunch is a meal that is taken in the early afternoon. The term came from luncheon, which, in the 1580’s, was a word for a meal that was inserted between larger meals. The word dinner originates from the old French word disner, which means “main meal of the day.”

Bet you did not know that chewing gum while peeling onions can stop you from tearing. By Diana Petrassi NEWS EDITOR When an onion is being peeled, the smell alerts your senses. It is so strong that it reacts with your nerves, causing your eyes to tear. Chewing gum, preferably one with a really strong scent, with your mouth open distracts your senses from the overpowering scent of the onion. This trick should make it virtually impossible for your eyes to tear.

Astrology corner Have you heard about the “new” zodiac sign? It is called Ophiuchus. Are you scared you have been following the wrong horoscope for years? Well, do not fret too much. So far, no actions have yet been taken to change the traditional twelve signs. For those interested in what Ophiuchus is all about, pay attention. Characteristics of this sign include: being a seeker of knowledge and wealth, being a part of a big family, and being great at architecture or building. This sign’s lucky number is 12, and many people are jealous of them. Ophiuchus is said to cover birthdays from November 30 to December 17.

FALL 2010


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From the stands to the field:

Marching band makes improvements By Michelle Chen STAFF WRITER Up until the 2008-2009 school year, Waldwick High School always had a marching band/color guard field show at halftime during football games. The recent lack of student participants, however, put a damper on this tradition. Last year, the color guard continued to perform at halftime, but the band only played in the stands as a pep band. This year, the band has taken the initiative to take up marching again. This year’s performances feature a Latin theme, and numbers included were Oye Como Va arranged by Tom Wallace, Evil Ways arranged by Jay Dawson, and Los Cuervos arranged by Jay Dawson.

In addition to a new marching season, the band has a new director, Ms. Innis. She started two years ago, and when asked about the band she said, “I am so lucky to be able to work with such a talented group of young musicians. Their dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm makes me so proud to be their director.” Like many of the new members, Ms. Innis’s experience with marching began this year. Their lack of experience was no deterrent, however; the Warrior Marching Band did a tremendous job this season. Nick Benitez and Chris Collura were drum majors, and other officers included Yung Han Jeong for marching, Joseph Montana for woodwind, David Cathey for brass, and Amber Young for

color guard. Amber was assisted by Nicole Stahl as color guard co-captain. The color guard worked hard under the direction of its new advisor, Ms. Murphy. Mrs. Montella, among others, also helped make this year’s marching season a success. Senior, Yung Han Jeong, said, “We are working hard on recruiting and working on the basics this year. Hopefully the band can be even more successful next year.” Middle school students have also been recruited to help make the band bigger and to prepare them for the future marching seasons. This has worked out extremely well, and the younger students enjoy being in the band.

Many of the senior members were also very excited about marching again after two years of dormancy. Brass captain, David Cathey, said, “I’m really excited to see us marching again, and I’m equally excited for the talent and effort from our middle school marching band members. This year was great, and the future years will be even better.” The Waldwick community has voiced their pleasure at the improvements this group has made. This year’s field show was just a taste of what is to come. The band will continue to grow and improve in upcoming years, especially with the help of its directors and growing student involvement.

MIA: Waldwick warrior mascot By Lauren Tom SPORTS EDITOR

As the band played its heart out, cheerleaders cheered to the music, and the crowd stomped its feet against the bleachers. The resulting sound was a pep rally symphony. At the fall pep rally, students cheered their best as laughs and yells escaped their throats. Celebrating fall sports, Waldwick High School honored its football team, volleyball team, cheerleading squad, soccer teams, and tennis team. Students gave speeches, played games, and held dance-offs, but one could not help but notice that there was something missing: the school mascot. Jake Donofrio, a senior who graduated from WHS last year, left behind his duties as the Waldwick Warrior. Donofrio was the Warrior mascot since his freshmen year. After the purchase of a brand new warrior costume, Donofrio was first to become the Waldwick mascot and “…was honored to accept.” Last year, students could count on him to show up to every pep rally and many sporting events to get the crowd pumped, but so far, no one has stepped up to fill his shoes.

Having a mascot supplies unity and inspiration, representing the whole community. Being a mascot is a responsibility. According to Donofrio, his obligations as a mascot included: “Showing up to games and pep rallies, having an awesome time playing the bass and cowbell with the band, halftime dancing for the crowd, and cheering with the cheerleaders.” Sounds like fun and a workout. The Waldwick warrior mascot is not only a symbol for Waldwick High School, but much more. It provides an identity for students, evoking pride and spirit in who they are. That is why having a mascot is very important. Although some may see it as unnecessary, a mascot helps brings students together. Donofrio explained that, “School spirit is a good part of what goes on in sports, I mean what part of going to the next round and proving to everyone that you’re going to be big if you don’t care for anything?” Having a mascot supplies unity and inspiration, representing the whole community. This realization hit many students this fall when the pep rally was performed without a mascot. Seeing flyers tacked up to bulletin boards all around the school hallways makes it hopeful that a new mascot will be born. Eric Ackerman, a junior, said, “Our next mascot should be a freshman so that he/she will be the mascot for 4 years, ’till their senior year.” This makes sense, but so far no takers appear up to the challenge. When asked what kind of advice he would give to future Warrior mascots, Donofrio heartily replied, “… learn to dance, don’t jump over chairs, and, most importantly, unleash your inner warrior.” Waldwick needs a mascot who can keep its fire alive—fast.

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FALL 2010

Waldwick volleyball makes TV debut By Diana Petrassi and Kaleigh Vuoncino NEWS EDITOR and FEATURES EDITOR On September 22, 2010, local TV station, MSG Varsity, came to Waldwick High School to tape and air the Waldwick vs. Cresskill volleyball game. Captain Ali Giordano said, “I’m glad Waldwick volleyball is finally getting some exposure. We’re having a really good season and are expected to be very successful and I think we deserve to be showcased.” MSG Varsity is a television network that is strictly dedicated to all things high school. They provide students

an opportunity to be broadcast on a multi-platform service and connect with other students in the state just like them. It is easy to understand why Waldwick being broadcast on this network is nothing short of a big deal. Cresskill, at the time, was undefeated and came ready to play. Meanwhile, Waldwick was a very young team with almost a completely new lineup with only two returning starters. All three coaches were very proud that MSG Varsity

Fall pep rally By Kaleigh Vuoncino FEATURES EDITOR “Sick nasty and full of excitement!” is how junior, Chris Pizappi, hoped the 2010 fall pep rally would be. Ask any one of the several hundreds of students attending the event and they will confirm that the first WHS pep rally of the year really was just that. This rally was different than previous ones at Waldwick. Maybe it was the cool, crisp fall weather, or the echoing sound of Student Council president, Steve Fundaro’s, voice. Whatever it was, it made this afternoon packed with cheer and enthusiasm. The rally was full of activities and games that gave Waldwick students motivation and excitement for this upcoming sports season and school year. The term “Gaga” was given a totally new meaning this September afternoon. When most people hear that word, catchy songs or weird outfit often come to mind. Waldwick students can now refer to “Gaga” as an epic game. All team captains were summoned down onto the field and guided towards a wooden-gated area, placed on the turf for the event. Junior Danny Tyson proceeded to explain the rules in a flawless British accent. The game consisted of awkward posing, chanting, and kicking a ball. The object was to not let the ball hit below your knees. After an intense five minutes of play, only two remained. Senior football players Eric Greenwald and Dave Levendakes went head-to-head in the finals. Dave came out on top in a stunning victory. Danny Tyson and Sabina Sullivan also led the junior class to a win in the slip-n-slide. Then it was a real faceoff when Brian McGarr, representing the senior class, won big in the whipped cream eating contest. When asked what she was looking forward to in the upcoming fall sports season, new girls’ tennis coach Ms. Sacci said, “I wish all of the teams a lot of luck this year. I’m especially excited for the girls’ tennis team and being their new head coach.” The girls’ soccer team presented their underclassmen by having each grade choreograph and perform their own original dance routines. After some technical difficulties, freshmen through juniors performed well and got the crowd hoping that they play soccer as well as they dance. Newlywed and JV girls’ basketball coach, Mrs. Kish, said she hoped for, “A lot of school spirit.” It can be agreed that school spirit was truly in the air that day. For some, it was the first pep rally, and for others, the beginning of the end. No matter what grade you were in, everyone had a great time. According to junior Danny Smith, “It was a great way to start off the school year. I can’t wait to see how all of the teams will do.” This pep rally was the first of three this year and will definitely be hard to beat.

chose to shoot footage for their program. “It was very exciting to have them film us. I really think it motivated us as a team to try even harder than usual. It was tough playing against an undefeated team but we fought hard and didn’t give up easily,” said head coach, Mrs. Gastman. Freshmen coach, Mr. Opderbeck, said, “It is such an honor and I am glad that Waldwick volleyball will get some exposure.” When not at his own freshmen games, Mr. Opderbeck is eager to assist with both junior varsity and varsity games.

Lone senior and one of the captains, Shauna Vanderee, thought that MSG Varsity coming was a great opportunity for the team. It is easy to say that everyone who attended would agree with her. The stands were full of fans supporting Waldwick in their intense battle against the Cresskill Cougars. It was easy to see that the Lady Warriors tried their best. The Warriors proved that they could keep up with a dominating-type team when the score ended in only a few points difference of 25-20 and 25-19. The junior varsity

coach, Ms. Ruch, said that MSG Varsity coming was, “Very exciting for the sport of volleyball and for Waldwick.” Starting setter and junior Lauren Tom said she was very proud of the team and went on to explain that they never gave up. She also said, “Even though we lost, we walked off the court with our heads held high because we knew we played tough and put up a good fight.” The team is using this game as a chance to improve their skills and motivation to play even better from now on.

Sports spotlight: player profiles By Katie Cericola STAFF WRITER

Renee Schultz Renee Schultz is a senior captain of the Waldwick girls’ varsity soccer team. She has been playing soccer since she was five, and has a strong love for the game and her centermidfield position. When asked about her favorite part of the sport, Renee commented, “I’m very competitive, so I love the feeling after we win and knowing all the hard work paid off.” Renee was very excited and confident her team would do well this season. When asked about her outlook for her team’s success back in September, Renee said: “We are a strong team this year with twelve seniors. It’s our year to win. We need to come together and play as a team and if we do, the state championship is ours.” This positive attitude proved successful as her team became the NJIC Patriot Division A Co-League Champions. When caught off the soccer field, Renee plays varsity basketball and enjoys spending time with friends and online. Math is her favorite subject, and she plans on attending college next year. She is also strongly considering playing soccer in college.

Steve Roth This fall, Steve Roth led the Waldwick boys’ varsity soccer team as a senior player. He plays right defense and believes the best part of the sport is working hard and playing side-by-side with friends. Back in September, Steve said, “This season will be one to remember.” It certainly was; the Waldwick boys’ varsity soccer team earned the title of NJIC Patriot Division A League Champions. Soccer has been part of Steve’s life since first grade and he truly enjoys playing. Aside from soccer, Steve also plays basketball and runs track. His goal for basketball this season is, “to get more wins than last year.” Of the three sports Steve plays at Waldwick, track is his favorite. Steve also hopes to run track in college. Steve’s favorite class at WHS is chorus, and he looking forward to spending time with his family and friends before he goes off to college.

WHS varsity sports fall records Girls’ volleyball Boys’ football Girls’ soccer Boys’ soccer Girls’ tennis

13-9 5-5 14-4-2 15-3 1-14

Congratulations, boys’ soccer: NJIC Patriot Division A League Champions.

Congratulations, girls’ soccer: NJIC Patriot Division A Co-League Champions.

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