Angus Angles Winter 2021

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NY-ANGUS.COM | New York Angus Association OFFICERS

President | Ric Coombe Vice President | JoAnne King Grahamsville, NY Cobleskill, NY 914.799.1091 518-573-8421 Secretary | Position Open Volunteer Needed Treasurer

Past President | Jerry Emerich Mooers, NY 518.236.5907


2021 | Chad Hazekamp Rob Bannister Nicole DeBoer

2022 | John Van Derwerken Tim Pallokat Brian Acomb

2023 | Steve Loetterle Jeff Barber Skip Lear

Upcoming Events MAJAC March 12-14, 2021 | Harrison, VA

NYAA Annual Meeting and Field Day - MMT Cattle May 16, 2021 - Fonda, NY

Entry Deadline - Atlantic National April 15, 2021

Atlantic National Angus Show May 27-30, 2021 | Lebannon, TN

Advertising Deadline - Spring 2021 Angles April 15, 2021

Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show June 25-28, 2021 | Fletcher, NC

Trowbridge Farms Annual Bull Sale Finger Lakes Livestock Exchange May 1, 2021 | Canandaigua, NY

National Junior Angus Show July 10-17, 2021 | Grand Island, NE

Entry Deadline - Eastern Regional Junior Angus Show May 1, 2021 NY Cattle Battle Show May 7-9, 2021 | Rhinebeck, NY Entry Deadline - National Junior Angus Show May 15, 2021

On the Cover | Photo by Jeanetta Laudermilk


e t a D e h t e v a S

NYAA Annual Meeting & Field Day will be held at MMT Cattle, Fonda, NY • May 16, 2021 2

New York Angus Association | President’s Message Winter 2021 As I write this letter it’s hard to believe that we’re almost through the month of January in a New Year. We are all thankful that 2020 is behind us! I encourage everyone to look forward to a sense of normalcy, County Fairs, Jackpot Shows, in person meetings, Empire Farm Days, State Fair with the ROV show, and a successful state sale in the fall of 2021. The board met and has decided to pursue a sale in the fall of 2021 and we have a sale committee working to make it happen. We will keep everyone updated as we know more, but if you are interested in assisting or participating, please reach out. We have determined that it would not be wise to have an in person annual meeting in March, but we are making plans to hold an annual meeting at MMT Cattle in Fonda, NY this May. Membership renewal forms will be out shortly. We apologize for the delay in the Directory publication, but members should be receiving their copies soon. A New Year means new calves for many of us and we cannot stress enough the value of healthy calves to the success of our operations. The profitability of our operations as breeders is dependent on a healthy, productive calf crop. We encourage you to make management decisions now to help ensure that live calf. Stock up on key supplies, a little extra bedding, and plan on frequent checks to be successful. Feel free to reach out if you want to talk to successful producers. We are happy to facilitate connections, or just pick up the phone, our members will answer the call. Just a reminder it is not too early to start thinking about your breeding plan for 2021, and please encourage your friends and neighbors to consider the value of choosing an Angus bull. Fifty percent of your herd genetics comes from the choice of the sire. All calves are not equal. Quality Angus genetics pay off over and over again; it is worth the extra money to buy a quality, tested sire. I hope that everyone has been taking advantage of the great presentation sponsored by various organizations. I know we have participated in several and have found it to be time well spent. We have reached out to the American Angus Association to try and organize some virtual presentations on the value of Angus genetics and hope to get them on the calendar soon.

Ric Coombe



New York Angus Association | Classifieds 3 EMBRYOS FOR SALE Sired by Basin Payweight 1682 (17038724). Dam is Visions Denver Pride 421 (18076686). Contact John Iovieno, Cheer-Up Farm. 860-395-4833. email,


Superior Local Angus Beef & Quality Registered Angus Gene�cs

The Coombe Family

62 Old Brodhead Rd Grahamsville, NY 12740

Ph: (845) 985‐2189 •


5493 Cheningo Rd Truxton, NY 13158 Carl Hinkle (607) 842-6936 Jeanetta Laudermilk, Mgr. (607) 345-6466 5

Reporting | Reese Tuckwiller

Individual Reporting vs Inventory Reporting Each cow on your farm or ranch is an employee, and she must earn her keep each year. Once a year, she gets an evaluation based on the calf she brings in. Good calf, good evaluation. Poor calf, poor evaluation. No calf, very poor evaluation. - Jerry Cassady, Director of Member Services The membership of the American Angus Association has long recognized the importance of recording and submitting accurate performance information to characterize the genetic differences between animals for traits of economic importance. Currently, our Angus Herd Improvement Records program (AHIR®) is primarily based on submitting data on individual calves born within a calf crop. A different mindset is to report all the cows in your program by identifying your cow inventory, then reporting information from their subsequent calves or provide a reason if there is no resulting calf. Reporting on a per-cow basis compared to a per-calf basis can add validity to the database and give insight to those economically relevant traits that are difficult to characterize such as fertility and longevity. Additionally, inventory reporting allows producers to submit cow disposal codes and reason designations to keep accurate records of when and why a cow was culled. Those who currently participate in our Maternal-Plus™ program are already practicing inventory reporting and benefiting from the advantages. The objective of inventory reporting is to accumulate data on your entire cow herd and how they perform each year, not just the best ones (those good enough to register for example). By reporting information on all calves, you ultimately give full credit to those good performers, as they are now being compared to even the poorest calves. Conversely, by only selecting the best calves to report, you inadvertently introduce bias into the system, and limit the credit deserved by the best performers. The result is Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) that do not accurately reflect what is really occurring within your program. Whole Herd Reporting Since 2012, the American Angus association has offered a whole herd reporting program known as Maternal Plus, and this program will remain in place for those interested in going above and beyond the basic requirements of inventory reporting (see sidebar). Sidebar Data Collection Guide Individual Reporting: •Calf birth or weaning weight


Inventory Reporting (one of the following): •Calf reported (birth date, sex, dam) •Reason code for no calf •Disposal code for the cow

Maternal Plus (one of the following): •calf Weaning Weight •Reason code for no calf •Disposal code for the cow •Heifer breeding records

Maternal Plus The Maternal Plus honor goes to those programs willing to make the effort to report the required information. Collecting records on the production of every female in your herd allows for the calculation of unbiased reproductive genetic predictions, such as heifer pregnancy and longevity. In the simplest terms, whole-herd reporting captures the performance differences of your herd through the weaning phase and better characterizes the maternal traits that are hard to capture. By participating in Maternal Plus, producers benefit by receiving additional information including calving ease, birth weight and weaning weight EPDs for calves out of inventoried cows. For more information regarding the Maternal Plus program, go to Summary Regardless of whether you are using an inventory reporting system – accounting for every cow every year, or reporting individual calves, accurate phenotypic data collection is vital to provide members and their commercial customer with the best genetic prediction tools possible. Collection of complete and accurate data on calves, mature cows, or fed cattle (including carcass data) is critical to making positive genetic improvement. For more information regarding the new Inventory Reporting AHIR program, contact the Member Services Department, or email me direct at or




Amanda Radke | BEEF Daily 2/27/2021

5 action items to shift your perspective in 2021

5 action items to shi our perspective in 2021 Worried about the future? Still reeling from a tough 2020? Do these five things to change your personal outlook and t e outcome for your business. Amanda Radke | Feb 02, 2021 In the last couple of weeks, I’ve finally had the opportunity to leave the ranch, ditch virtual meetings and gather with like-minded people at agricultural events across the country.






New York Junior Angus Association Membership Application

Name:______________________ DOB:________________ AAA Number:__________________ Name:______________________ DOB:________________ AAA Number:__________________ Name:______________________ DOB:________________ AAA Number:__________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City__________________ State_________________ Zip____________ Phone_______________ Email__________________________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian names:_______________________________ Annual Dues are $10.00 per member or $25.00 with 3 or more juniors per family Send Application with check payable to: NYJAA 8974 Lyons Marengo Rd. Lyons, NY 14489


Anna King | New York Junior Angus

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is having a successful winter and calving season! Just a few updates for you all, first off all shows and conferences are available on the National Junior Angus Association website for your viewing. Please be sure to take a look at those. Second there is a code of conduct on that website that each junior Angus member that plans to attend an event hosted by them must complete, please be sure to get that completed. The website is Also anyone that is interested in attending the National Junior Angus Show in Grand Island NE there is a group already making the plans to go, so one of the advisors Mrs. King found a hotel through, at the Comfort Inn Grand Island; we welcome you to try and book it but there are many others in the area to choose from. Lastly keep an eye out for an upcoming meeting as we will be starting to plan out the rest of this year. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank You, Anna King NYJAA President


Wintering Bulls | Don’t forget the bulls this winter

Progressive Cattle Editor Cassidy Woolsey Published on 29 December 2020

Five thousand dollars – that’s what the average commercial producer spends on a bull. While most commercial producers don’t spend that kind of money on their females, it’s safe to say bulls are a big investment, one producers shouldn’t overlook come winter. In a December Beefwatch webinar series, Kacie McCarthy, cow-calf specialist at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, reminded listeners of the variation of bull workload during the breeding season. She explained that bulls cover anywhere from four to 80 females per bull, and some bulls are going to do a lot more of the work. “Coming off the breeding season, what we see is a weight loss of 100 to 400 pounds,” McCarthy said. “We are losing one to two body conditions, depending on the age and maturity of those bulls. The ones we need to be most concerned about are our younger bulls that are still growing.”

Post-breeding nutrition 16

In order to get those bulls back into condition for the subsequent breeding season, McCarthy suggested separating younger or thinner bulls from the more mature, dominant bulls. In doing so, producers can better manage and feed those younger bulls to roughly 65% to 75% of their mature size going into the next breeding season. “If we can separate them early after the breeding season, we can get a one-and-a-half to two pounds per day gain on those younger bulls,” she said. Most of the mature bulls are going to be in good condition coming off the breeding season and can be maintained on a 100% forage diet. Generally, McCarthy said, if they get roughly 7% crude protein and 50% total digestible nutrients (TDN) they can maintain their bodyweight, but she recommends visually looking at their condition to make sure they are maintaining their bodyweight and not losing condition through the winter. Also, a good mineral program is great for growth and reproductive performance. McCarthy said selenium is critical for normal spermatogenesis, and zinc plays a critical role in male fertility, impacting the motility and morphology that helps sperm move through the tract and get to the egg. Another mineral that is important is iodine, which has been shown to alleviate foot rot. Looking at Table 1, McCarthy pointed out the differing nutritional requirements for different weight classes of bulls. Based on the chart, McCarthy noted that a younger, 1,400pound bull with a target average daily gain of two pounds per day would need to consume about 28 pounds of dry matter intake a day and about 8% crude protein. Depending on the quality of forage, she suggested supplementing about three to six pounds of grain (corn or distiller’s grain) to help meet those protein requirements.

“We have roughly 120 days through winter until that next breeding season where we can put weight on those bulls,” McCarthy said. “So, this will be really critical, especially for those yearling bulls, to make sure that we get them around that body condition score 6 and targeting that 65 to 75 percent mature bodyweight because these bulls are still growing, and we want to make sure we are meeting their requirements.”

To continue reading, visit Frostbite on semen quality McCarthy also pointed out that cold weather, especially wind chill, can have a major impact on fertility. Damages from frostbite will appear as a discoloration, scab or sloughing of the







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