Summer Classes & Events 2023

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All events are FREE and take place at the Carnegie Center, unless otherwise noted.

Flash Fiction Contest

SUBMISSION WINDOW: May 1–July 16, 2023, 11:59pm

PRIZES: $150 for First Place; $100 for Second Place

Writers have been producing very short fiction for hundreds of years. From Aesop to Hemingway, they’ve written stories with a protagonist, plot, and resolution–all in 500 words or fewer. Now it’s your chance to say it in 500 words. Winners and finalists will be invited to read their work at the public reading over the summer, alongside winners and finalists of the spring Next Great Writers Contest.

Kentucky Great Writers

Tuesday, May 23, 6:30–8:30pm

Join us for readings by Silas House, Chris Begley, and Christopher Rowe. Sponsored by Reitzel Cook Foundation, Nate's Coffee, and 91.3 WUKY.

Books In Progress Conference

June 1–3

• Conference Registration: $215; Student Registration: $60

Grow your writing in sessions and panels led by top authors, editors, and writing professionals. The 2023 keynote speaker is award-winning writer, poet and playwright Angela Jackson-Brown. Visit our website for the most up-to-date information. Limited space available. Register now! Sponsored by Reitzel Cook Foundation, WUKY, Spalding University, and Alex & Jayne Waldrop.

LexArts Gallery Hop

Friday, May 19, 5–8pm: Digging Deep by LaVon Williams

Friday, July 21, 5–8pm: Resonance by Craig Stein and Ethan Portwood

Young Writers Project Reading

Wednesday, June 7, 5:30pm

Join on us Wednesday, June 7 at 5:30pm for a public reading by Young Writers Project participants. Come celebrate these students as they showcase their writing talents. Light refreshments will be served.


Burn The Mic

June 15, July 20, & August 17, 7:00pm

The KBWC invites poets of all ages and levels to share their poems at this monthly event hosted by Jude C. McPherson. Sponsored by LexArts, Kentucky Arts Council, SouthArts, and WUKY.

AisforAffrilachia: A Book Launch

Thursday, June 22, 6:00pm

A is for Affrilachia is a new children’s alphabet book written by award-winning author Frank X Walker and illustrated by Ronald W. Davis a.k.a. upfromsumdirt. This book recognizes and exalts the voices and accomplishments of African Americans in the Appalachia region. A is for Affrilachia is an exuberant celebration of the people, physical spaces, and historical events that may not be as well known in mainstream educational structures.

Black & Lit Book Club

ONLINE: Monday, July 10, 6:00–7pm with Amelia Zachry

Black & Lit Book Club features new books by Black Kentucky writers. This book club is open to KBWC members and anyone who wishes to attend. When possible, we will meet with the featured author. The first 25 registrants receive a free copy of Enough: A Memoir of Mistakes, Mania, and Motherhood

Back to School Bash

Saturday, July 29, 1:00-3:00pm

Gratz Park (behind the Carnegie Center)

Join us for a celebration of going back to school! Free backpacks and school supplies with be distributed to pre-registered youth in grades K-12. Enjoy carnival performers, face painting, hotdogs, and more! This event is free, but supplies are limited. Registration is required.

Contest Winners Reading

Tuesday, August 22, 6:00pm

In celebration of their achievement in writing, winners and finalists of the Next Great Writers Contest and the Flash Fiction Contest will read their work at the Carnegie Center for Literacy & Learning.

Author Academy Reading

ONLINE: Tuesday, August 15, 7:00pm

Join us for an online reading featuring Author Academy students and alumni.



Crafting Authentic Characters with Ashley Blooms

Saturday, June 10, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

Character creation can be both the most fun and most frustrating part of writing a story. This class will focus on crafting an authentic, coherent character by answering five key questions for character development that illustrate how your character’s past can influence their present choices and how these choices can create tension and stakes within your story. Ashley Blooms is the author of two novels and several short stories that explore Appalachian Kentucky with a speculative twist. [ALL LEVELS]

Writing for Kids – Class Package

ONLINE: Saturdays, June 24, July 1, July 8, 10:30am–12:30pm • $90

Three classes to jump start your career as a Children’s Lit author. Writing for Kids – Class Package includes Intro to Writing Kids’ Books with Laurie Calkhoven; Writing Picture Books with Marcia Thornton Jones; and Creating Dummy Picture Books with Erin McGuire-Thompson. [BEGINNER]

Intro to Writing Kids’ Books with Laurie Calkhoven

ONLINE: Saturday, June 24, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

Picture Books? Early Readers? Chapter Books? YA? What's the difference? We'll look at the subgenres in children's literature and help you determine where your stories fit in the marketplace. Laurie Calkhoven is an author and book coach with more than 50 published books, ranging from beginning readers to young adult.


Writing Picture Books with Marcia Thornton Jones

ONLINE: Saturday, July 1, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

Find focus, gain confidence, and learn about writing fiction for kids through discussion, peer sharing, and writing exercises. Come with a work in progress or an idea for a story you would like to develop. Marcia Thornton Jones is an award-winning author who has published more than 135 books for children with sales totaling more than 48 million copies worldwide. Marcia also serves as the Carnegie Center's Author Services Coordinator and a writing mentor. [BEGINNER]

Creating Dummy Picture Books with Erin McGuire-Thompson

ONLINE: Saturday, July 8, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

Are you looking for the next steps to polish your children's book manuscript? Are you ready to add visuals to your process but not sure where to start? This one-day workshop will give writers the tools to develop a basic book dummy to work on things like pacing, page-turners, and word choice - no art skills necessary! Erin is an


author/illustrator of picture books, early chapter books, and early graphic novels and she is a member of the 2022/2023 class of the Carnegie Center Author Academy. [BEGINNER]

Write Like You Stole It: Influence and Creativity with Sean Corbin

Saturday, July 8, 11:30am–1:30pm • $35

Together, through examples as well as generating our own short works, we will explore the nature of influences, and the paradox that is literary stealing as an incredibly individual, unique art form in and of itself. Sean Corbin holds degrees in creative writing and English from Morehead State University and the University of Kentucky. Sean has taught at the Carnegie Center for several years (including a previous form of this class). [ALL LEVELS]

Magical Realism and Fabulism Workshop with Ashley Blooms

ONLINE: Tuesdays, July 11–August 15, 6–7:30pm • $84

A workshop course for fiction writers whose work doesn’t fit neatly into a singular category, but instead blends, blurs, and bends genre conventions. We’ll define what makes these genres unique, dissect popular examples to learn more about the craft, and then workshop excerpts or finished pieces to receive thoughtful feedback. Ashley Blooms is the author of two novels and several short stories that blend realism, fantasy, and horror elements. [ALL LEVELS]

Autofiction with Sarah Combs

Saturday, July 29, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

At the intersection between autobiography and fiction is a writerly sweet spot that we'll navigate through hands-on writing exercises and consideration of the genre-bending work of such luminaries as Ayad Akhtar, James Baldwin, Elizabeth Hardwick, Sheila Heti, and Ocean Vuong. Sarah Combs is the author of the YA novels Breakfast Served Anytime and The Light Fantastic, both published by Candlewick Press. [ALL LEVELS]

Setting for Character & Idea Generation with Elizabeth Kilcoyne

ONLINE: Saturday, August 26, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

Whether you're writing fiction or nonfiction, setting is vital to story. Rather than a static playing board on which your characters act, how your characters interact with the world they're in brings stories to life. Using creative methods, we'll explore the world of your story, and find its voice. All stories start somewhere. Using creative and unconventional methods we'll generate new ideas for writing projects, tackling the blank page with confidence, and finding the spark of inspiration you need to write your next great work. Elizabeth Kilcoyne is a YA Horror author from Lexington. Her novel, Wake the Bones, was a finalist for the William C. Morris Award. [ALL LEVELS]



Nonfiction Writing Techniques with Liz Carey

Tuesdays, June 6–July 18 (No Class July 4), 5:30–7pm • $84

Have you ever read a piece in a magazine or newspaper that you just can’t put down? How do writers for magazines and newspapers pull readers in? We’ll learn and practice the skills to craft a piece that really grabs your readers and takes them on a journey. We’ll explore elements and methods you can incorporate into your writing, including nut graphs, slalom storytelling, humanizing nonfiction narratives, and descriptive details. Liz Carey has been a freelance writer for nearly a decade, after a 20-plus-year career as a reporter. She’s won more than 30 national, statewide, and regional awards for her writing and reporting.


Writing Sensory Memoir & Personal Narrative with Kimberly Crum

ONLINE: Mondays, July 10–24, 5:30–7pm • $45

As with fiction writers, memoirists build worlds for our readers. Of course, our re-creations must resemble those worlds in which we've lived the experiences we want to share. Participants will receive a prompt before the start of the workshop, improving the short manuscript with sensory details, as we proceed collaboratively. The instructor will provide examples from primary source material, such as Mary Karr's "Sacred Carnality". Each participant will leave with a multi-sensory manuscript and a toolbox of techniques! Kimberly Crum is a published writer, an editor, a memoir teacher, and a co-editor of an anthology of prose and poetry, The Boom Project: Voices of a Generation (Butler Books, 2019). [ALL LEVELS]

Starting Your Freelance Career with Liz Carey

Thursdays, July 27–Aug 31, 5:30–7pm • $84

Getting started as a freelance writer is more than watching a few YouTube videos and hooking up your laptop. In this class, you'll learn how to pitch stories, how to write a pitch letter and how to manage the business of writing. At the end of the class, you'll have not only a pitch letter to use as a template, but also a portfolio, a cover letter, a sample story, and an idea of where to pitch Liz Carey has been a freelance writer for nearly a decade, after a 20-plus-year career as a reporter. She’s won more than 30 national, statewide, and regional awards for her writing and reporting. [ALL LEVELS]

Tools for Writing about Trauma & Loss with B. Elizabeth Beck & Amelia Zachry

Saturday, August 26, 11:30am–1:30pm • $35

Are you worried about writing painful experiences? This one-day workshop will provide a self-care guide and framework to support your writing process. Tools, skills, and models will be shared to empower your courage to


heal through writing This workshop is led by Amelia Zachry, author of Enough, A Memoir of Mistakes, Mania, and Motherhood and B. Elizabeth Beck, author of Under the Elm Tree, Mama Tried, and Interiors. [ALL LEVELS]


Animal as Muse with Linda Bryant Davis

Tuesdays, June 20 & 27, 5:30–7pm • $56

Since the dawn of civilization, animals have played an integral role in human life, as well as in writing and art. We will examine poems inspired by animals – from woolly mammoth to baby tortoise, not to mention bat, snake, armadillo, and goldfish. We will discuss what draws us to animals as inspiration, explore writing strategies and compose our own animal-inspired poems. Linda Bryant Davis is a poet who has learned many important life lessons from animals. Chronicling our relationships with them is not only deep and meaningful work, but it can also be a lot of fun. [ALL LEVELS]

Turning Life Experience into Poetry with Ellen Birkett Morris

ONLINE: Saturday, June 24, 12:30–2:30pm • $35

Whether it is Robert Frost’s walk through the woods on a snowy evening or Billy Collins’ creation of a lanyard at camp, specific events often serve as an anchor for poems that capture the mystery, majesty and humor of life. We’ll examine several poems that use specific experiences to bring the reader to universal conclusions, and help you create your own. Ellen Birkett Morris is the author of Lost Girls: Short Stories, stories about female strength and resilience, winner of the Pencraft Award and finalist for the Clara Johnson, IAN, and Best Book awards. Her novel Beware the Tall Grass is a finalist for the Donald L. Jordan Award for Literary Excellence. Morris is also the author of Abide and Surrender, poetry chapbooks. [ALL LEVELS]

Writing a Poetry Sequence with Quinn Lewis

ONLINE: Mondays, July 24–August 28, 5:30–7pm • $84

Many poets work from a place of obsession, writing a series of poems on a single subject or threading together poems that address a prevailing narrative, a pivotal figure, a particular time period, or even an image. What stories linger with you? What images dwell in your memory? In this workshop, we will read various poetry sequences by poets like Jean Valentine, Claudia Emerson, Thomas Hardy, and others. Over this six-week class, you will write your own poetry sequence writing towards your obsessions and receive feedback on your poems in a fun and supportive environment. By the end of this class, you will have written and revised a 5-6 poem sequence of your own. Quinn Lewis is a poet, educator, and editor, whose work has been featured in nationally recognized literary magazine including The Southern Review, Ecotone, and The Cincinnati Review. Her work has received support from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the Elizabeth George Foundation, among other grants and prizes. [ALL LEVELS]


Next-Level Poetry with Sean L. Corbin

Thursdays, July 27–August 31, 5:30–7pm • $84

Want to take your poetry to the next level? Want to join a dedicated group of writers to polish and strengthen your work? This revision workshop is the course for you. Sean L. Corbin is a long-time poetry instructor with the Carnegie Center among other venues and has published his work widely. [INTERMEDIATE]


Opening Pages with Alice Speilburg

Saturday, July 22, 10:30am–12:30pm • $35

The opening pages of a manuscript often determine whether an agent or editor will read two paragraphs, two chapters, or the full manuscript before making a decision on an author’s work. Literary Agent Alice Speilburg will offer insight to the way she and other industry professionals read sample chapters what they look for, what makes them cringe, and what makes them jump up with excitement and she will review attendees' first pages for potential snags and missed opportunities. Perfect for those who are abou t to send out their work for the first time, and for those who would like some feedback on what they might improve, attendees will leave the workshop with a better understanding of common pitfalls and opening scenes to avoid, the keys to a compelling hook, and a strong start on an irresistible opening page. Alice Speilburg is the founding agent of Speilburg Literary and has worked in publishing for more than a decade. She represents commercial fiction and narrative nonfiction. [BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE]


Re-visioning: Learning to Love the Revision Process with Kimberly Crum

Saturdays, July 29 & August 5, 10:30am–12:30pm • $56

Too many writers see revision as a burden, not part of the creative process. Yet, revision is easily 50% of writing for publication. And revision gives the writer an opportunity to re-vision, often in community with other writers a creative collaborative process. Participants in this workshop will learn the differences between developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. They will choose one manuscript to revise, moving through these three stages of revision collaboratively. Kimberly Crum is a published writer, an editor, a memoir teacher, and co-editor of an anthology of prose and poetry, The Boom Project: Voices of a Generation (Butler Books, 2019). [ALL LEVELS]


Writing with Scrivener with Tracee de Hahn

ONLINE: Saturday, August 12, 1–3pm • $35

Plan, organize, and edit with confidence using special software features. Scrivener Software is a flexible program created to assist writers at all stages of their project. While it won't tell you how to write, it will provide everything you need to start and keep writing. This workshop will introduce you to the functions available in Scrivener and lay out a way to use it that will allow immediate productivity, with the potential to add tools as you need them. Appropriate for all levels and types of w ritten projects (fiction and non-fiction). Participants do not need access to Scrivener to benefit from the course. Tracee de Hahn teaches writing workshops across the country. Her mysteries are published by St. Martin's Press. [ALL LEVELS]


Free Writing Practice with Melissa Bell-Pitts

Mondays, June 12–August 14 (no class June 19), 5:30–7pm • FREE

Join us at the community table in the beautiful, light-filled reference room where we’ll be inspired to write from rotating prompts. We’ll do a few short-timed writing sessions designed to get your pen moving and to shut down the inner critic. After each timed session, writers will read their new work aloud to nonjudgmental listeners who respond by recalling words or images that resonated. This zen-like practice originated in Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. Melissa Bell-Pitts’s work has been selected as finalists in the Next Great Writer Contest and the Kentucky Women Writers Conference’s Betty Gabehart Prize. [ALL LEVELS]

Fiction Writing Group with Gavin Colton

Tuesdays, June 13–August 8 (no class July 4), 5:30–7pm • $112

Please join us for this workshop dedicated to generative writing exercises and helpful critique on works in progress. Gavin Colton's recent short stories have appeared in the Appalachian Review, The Honest Ulsterman, Hippocampus Magazine, The Wax Paper, and La Picolette Barca. He is the recipient of the William Hugh Jansen Award for distinguished writing based on oral traditions, the art of storytelling, or folklore elements. [ALL LEVELS]

Q-Munity Writing Group with Jay McCoy

Wednesdays, June 14–August 2, 5:30–7pm • FREE

Writing may be a solitary endeavor, but writers grow in their craft when they find someone for feedback and support. Contoured to the LGBTQIA+ community, this group will allow you to explore your authentic voice and expression while discovering the rich history and current landscape of LGBTQ+ writing. Welcoming of all genres, writing levels, and identities, it will be a generative workshop with in-class free writing and directed exercises. New and returning students are welcome. Jay McCoy has served the local writing community for years through mentoring, teaching classes, and co-hosting open mic series. [ALL LEVELS]


Seniors Writing Group with Sarah Combs

Fridays, June 16–August 18, 10:30am–Noon • FREE

Registration is required. Takes place at the Lexington Senior Center. If you’re interested in writing and have reached that golden age, this is the group for you! Participants can expect cross-genre writing prompts; feedback for family stories, memoirs, poems, and fiction; tips for reading and publishing your work; and lively conversation and fellowship. Led by Sarah Combs, author of the YA novels Breakfast Served Anytime and The Light Fantastic, both published by Candlewick Press. This class is open to Fayette County residents 60 years of age and over. [ALL LEVELS]

Free Writing Practice with Leslie Dodd

ONLINE: Fridays, June 23–August 25, Noon–1:30pm • FREE

This writing experience offers attendees the opportunity to engage in a creative and communicative loop without judgment. We write from a variety of prompts designed to release the inner censor and simply get words on a page. After each timed session, writers read aloud their new work to participating attendees. Listeners respond by recalling words or images that resonated. This zen-like practice originated from Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. Leslie Dodd is a painter, poet, songwriter, and aspiring folk opera writer who has enthusiastically attended Free Writing Practice for many years. [ALL LEVELS]

Gothic Writing Group with Cassie E. Brown

ONLINE: Saturdays, July 1–August 12 (no class July 29), 10:30am–Noon • $84

Gothic fiction is a vibrant, exciting genre encompassing authors as diverse as Shelley, Faulkner, and MorenoGarcia. This group will dive into the world of gothic fiction through writing exercises, exploration of the breadth of the Gothic through readings, as well as sharing writing. It will pay close attention to elements such as theme, mood, setting, and voice prominent in the gothic. Cassie E. Brown is a published author of fiction, poetry, and essays, a passionate educator, and a graduate of the Carnegie Center Author Academy. [ALL LEVELS]

Screenwriting Group with Mitch Smith

ONLINE: Thursdays, July 13–August 31, 7:30–9:00pm • $112

Come join screenwriters from around the world in an exclusive screenwriting group where writers can share their work, ask questions, and learn how to pitch their scripts so that they can succeed in today’s competitive film industry! The group will be a fun, relaxed way to share your screenplay, learn from other screenwriters, get great notes on your piece, and brainstorm ideas for your next blockbuster! Mitch Smith has won or placed in screenwriting competitions through Fade In, Writer’s Digest, Stage 32, and (among others), produced the feature film Ghost in the Family (available on Amazon Video), wrote and produced a comedy television pilot that is being taken around the industry, optioned a feature horror script as part of his contest


win at YourScriptProduced, and has years of screenwriting experience through his time as both a screenwriter and a script reader/reviewer for companies like SimplyScripts and Write to Reel. [ALL LEVELS]


So You Want to Write? Let's Start! with Eugenia Johnson-Smith

ONLINE: Thursdays, June 15 - 29, 6:00–7:30PM • FREE

This class will assist you with learning to let go of your fear and embrace the writer within. The class will utilize creative writing exercises and writing techniques. As a result of this class, participants should feel more confident about writing. Eugenia Johnson-Smith author, coach, inspirational and motivational speaker, and CEO of Positive Power LLC Training and Development empowers her clients to be a positive influence in the home, the community, and the world. She is a member of the Carnegie Center Board and serves as an ambassador of both the Carnegie Center and the Kentucky Black Writers Collaborative. [BEGINNER]

Words: How They Work and How to Write Them with Tony Crunk

ONLINE: Wednesdays, June 21–August 9, 7:00 - 8:00pm • $96

This class is an invitation for participants to explore, understand, and reinvigorate their writing process – and their creative process in general – by way of exploring how written language actually functions, how it does what it does for the writer and to the experiencer. Through directed exercises and workshop discussion of participants’ work, we’ll draw on concepts and insights from a range of disciplines to discover new ways of thinking about – and playing with! – written language, in service of literary intents. Writers working in any genre, at any level of experience or inexperience, are warmly invited. Tony Crunk’s first collection of poetry, Living in the Resurrection, was a selection in the Yale Series of Younger Poets; he has published numerous subsequent works, in a variety of genres, and has taught at the Universities of Virginia, Montana, and Alabama/Birmingham as well as in a number of community education programs across the country.


The Write Voice with Claudia Love Mair

ONLINE: Saturday, July 8, 1–3pm • $35

A writer’s voice is an artistic projection of who they are, but many writers are afraid to use their unique literary voice in any genre. The Write Voice is a 2-hour generative class that illuminates the obstacles to writers finding and using their most authentic voice and offers guidance on how to craft their most engaging writing. Claudia Love Mair is the author of 13 books, including Mourning Pages, available in the Spring of 2024. She holds an MFA in Writing from Spalding University and is the Coordinator for the Kentucky Black Writers Collaborative. [ALL LEVELS]


Your Writing GPS: How to Avoid Detours with Eugenia Johnson-Smith

ONLINE: Wednesdays, July 26–August 30, 6:00–7:30pm • $84

Are you ready to set off on a new writing journey in the new year? Or do you feel lost as a writer and need to reprogram your writing GPS? Let us help you on your way to your writing destination. Learn how to lay out a road map, overcome common setbacks, and even kickstart new ideas as we create a writing plan for success. With our new GPS plans in hand, we will expand upon skills learned. We will troubleshoot, build momentum, and work to take our writing projects to the next level. Eugenia Johnson -Smith author, coach, inspirational and motivational speaker, and CEO of Positive Power LLC Training and Development— empowers her clients to be a positive influence in the home, the community, and the world. She is a member of the Carnegie Center Board and serves as an ambassador of both the Carnegie Center and the Kentucky Black Writers Collaborative. [ALL LEVELS]


Queertooning: Finding & Expressing Yourself Through Comics with Erin Fitzgerald

ONLINE: Saturday, June 10, 1–3pm • FREE

Whether you already dabble in comics or are a self-proclaimed “person who can’t draw,” you are welcome here! In this cartooning workshop, we will look at different examples of self-discovery and self-expression through comics. We will do some quick drawing and writing exercises to get warmed up and generate ideas. In the second half of the class, we will explore and share possible project ideas and applications for moving forward with the comics medium. The goal is to leave with a plan for how to put your ideas into action. Erin Fitzgerald (a.k.a. “A Girl Named Earl”) is a multi-directional artist and arts enthusiast. She draws a cartoon series called SPECTRUM, which is (mostly) about Neurodivergence and Queerness. [ALL LEVELS]


Monthly Book Discussion with Alan Church

ONLINE: Last Tuesday of each month, January–November, 5:30–7pm

Join us for a monthly discussion of contemporary and classic novels as well as nonfiction chosen by the group. This group has been meeting since 1993 and always welcomes new members! To join or for information about current selections, contact Alan at or (859) 252-7041 or Erin O’Donnell at Alan Church, Ph.D. is a retired clinical psychologist who has recently taken graduate courses in literature. This class has a rolling registration period. Join anytime!


Brain Power for Seniors with Elise Mandel

ONLINE: Wednesdays, May 31–August 30, 11:00am–Noon • FREE

Keep your brain sharp this year! In this fun class, we will do word games, number games, logic puzzles, and all kinds of challenges to keep your brain moving. Elise Mandel holds a master's degree in education from UMass Amherst. She teaches classes and works with private students in many subjects.

Brown Bag Book Discussion with Jan Isenhour

Thursdays, July 6–August 24, Noon–1pm • FREE

An informal discussion group focusing on literature by and about women. Be prepared to buy the selected works or borrow them from the library. Contact the Carnegie Center for the updated book list. Jan Isenhour, former Executive Director of the Carnegie Center, has facilitated the Brown Bag group since it began in 1995. She has an M.A. in literature and taught at the University of Kentucky.

Write The Business Plan of You with Swati Singh

ONLINE: Mondays, July 24–August 21, 6–7:30pm • $70

In the new economy, opportunities abound for people of all ages to tap into their unique set of skills to offer something of value to others. What sets people apart as they embark on entrepreneurial endeavors, navigate work and life transitions, and publicly explore hobbies and passions is a strong and clear personal narrative. Through a thoughtful sequence of coaching-style discussions and exercises, aspiring career changers, consultants, freelancers, and side hustlers of all stripes will develop the words and chutzpah to make their presence known – and unforgettable. Swati Singh is a successful public-school consultant, entrepreneurial coach, business school professor, and creative nonfiction writer who works at the convergence of her interests to empower others to build the life and career of their dreams. [ALL LEVELS]

Photography: Building a Narrative with Tatiana Aristizabal

ONLINE: Saturdays, August 12 & 19, 10:30am–12:30pm • $56

A two-day workshop that focuses on ongoing projects that participants want to edit, giving strength to a series of photos. We'll use the narrative as a starting point, but we’ll focus on the perspective and point of view of the body of work to build a sequenced narrative. Tatiana is a Colombian artist and photographer with a degree in visual arts from the University of Kentucky. She has a Masters in Contemporary Photography from the EFTI School in Madrid. Her work has been exhibited in many galleries, including The Carnegie Center, The Lyric Theatre, and Pam Miller Downtown Arts Center, Fondazione Luciana Matalon, and Museo di Roma. Her photos have been published in Medium, Aesthetica, Art in America, Smiley Pete Publishing, La Voz de Kentucky, Tops in Lexington, Sophisticated Living, and Lexington Herald-Leader. [ALL LEVELS]


Club del Libro with Tatianna Verswyvel

ONLINE: Last Saturday of each month, August– October, 10:30am-Noon • FREE

Join us for a monthly discussion group of contemporary Latin American, Latinx, and Hispanic fiction conducted in Spanish. The group welcomes members who are comfortable reading adult Spanish-language books and talking about them. Books will be selected based on group member interests. For information about current selections, contact Tatianna at Tatianna Verswyvel is a native Spanish speaker with a B.A. in International Affairs from Transylvania University. She is a writer and translator from Caracas, Venezuela.

En línea: Último sábado de cada mes, Agosto– Octubre, 10:30am-Mediodía • GRATIS

Acompáñanos a hablar de libros escritos por autores contemporáneos de origen latinoamericano, Latinx, e hispanohablante. Este grupo invita miembros que buscan leer libros en español y discutirlos en el mismo idioma. Los libros se seleccionarán acorde a los intereses de los miembros. Para unirse o para más información, contacte a Tatianna: Tatianna Verswyvel habla español como primer idioma y estudió Relaciones Internacionales en Transylvania University. Ella es escritora y traductora, originalmente de Caracas, Venezuela.


Conversational French with Erica House

Mondays, June 5 & 12, 11:30am–1:30pm • $56

Bring your lunch, your cafe, or just yourself for two hours of informal French dialogue. This class is all in French and you are welcome to participate or simply listen. All levels welcome. No preparation required. Just show up (with a pen and paper optional). In-person only. A bientot!

French Level 3 with Erica House

Mondays, July 17–August 28, 10:30am–12pm • $98

We will review and build from previous levels and apply our knowledge through creative mediums. We will gain more access to vocabulary, verbs, and grammar. A basic knowledge of the passé composé and imparfait is required.

Required Text: The Complete French Vocabulary Course by Dylane Moreau. Please purchase your own copy of the text.

French Level 5 with Erica House

Mondays, July 17–August 28, 12–1:30pm • $98

An adequate understanding of written and spoken French is required. This course is challenging and accessible.


Required Text: Grammaire Progressive du Français (perfectionnement), 4th ed. by Maïa Grégoire and Odile

Thiévenaz. Please purchase your own copy of the text.

Optional Text: Grammaire Progressive du Français-Corrigés by Maïa Grégoire.

French Level 2 with Erica House

Mondays, July 17–August 28, 5:30–7pm • $98

We will continue to add verbs, vocabulary, and expressions to our repertoire. We will practice pronunciation and reading comprehension by reading aloud.

Required Text: Le Pendentif: Three Easy Short Stories by Sylvie Laine.

Optional Text: Easy French Step-by-Step by Myrna Bell Rochester, Ph.D. Please purchase your own copy of the texts.

French Level 4 with Erica House

Tuesdays, July 18–August 29, 5:30–7pm • $98

We now have gained enough tools from the previous levels to delve more deeply into reading, listening, and discussing comprehension through conversation. We will revisit certain grammar sections and apply them to the season’s lessons.

Required Text: Grammaire Progressive du Français (Intermédiare), 4th ed. by Maïa Grégoire and Odile

Thiévenaz. Please purchase your own copy of the text.

Optional Text: Grammaire Progressive du Français-Corrigés by Maïa Grégoire.

French Level 1 with Erica House

Wednesdays, July 19–August 30, 5:30–7pm • $98

This very introductory-level class is designed for the ultra-beginner. We will introduce salutations, pronouns, vocabulary, some prepositions, and some verb conjugations. We will work on pronunciation, personal interests, and question-asking. Expect role-playing and repetition. By the end of the season, you will be able to present yourself to the class!

Required Text: Easy French Step-by-Step by Myrna Bell Rochester, Ph.D. Please purchase your own copy of the text.

Not sure which French level is right for you? Email Erica House at

Spanish Level 3 with Jordan Yeagar

Wednesdays, June 14–August 2, 3:30–5pm • $112

Spanish 3 is an intermediate-level course designed for students who have already gained a solid foundation in Spanish grammar and vocabulary. The course aims to further develop students' proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Spanish, with a focus on more advanced grammar structures, idiomatic expressions, and cultural context. By the end of the course, students will be able to express themselves with


greater accuracy and fluency in Spanish. Jordan Yeager currently teaches Spanish at Lafayette High School. He has his B.A. in Spanish from Georgetown College, and his M.A. in Teaching of Languages from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Required Text: Practice Makes Perfect: Complete Spanish Grammar by Gilsa Nissenberg (Publisher: McGraw Hill).

Spanish Level 1 with Jordan Yeagar

Wednesdays, June 14–August 2, 5:30–7pm • $112

Students will learn basic Spanish grammar, vocabulary, common expressions, greetings, and survival phrases, and discuss some cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking countries. Open to beginners and students who would like to refresh their knowledge of basic Spanish. The goal is to complete the first five units from the textbook during class. Jordan Yeager currently teaches Spanish at Lafayette High School. He has his B.A. in Spanish from Georgetown College, and his M.A. in Teaching of Languages from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Required Text: Spanish Now! Level 1, 8th ed. by Ruth J. Silverstein (Publisher: Barron). Please purchase your own copy of the text.

Conversational Spanish with Jordan Yeagar

Saturday, June 24th, 10:30–12:30pm • $35

This Spanish conversation course is designed to help individuals improve their ability to speak and understand Spanish through interactive practice sessions. The course includes lessons on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, and provides opportunities for students to engage in conversational exercises with their peers or instructors. A beginning knowledge of Spanish is recommended but not required.

Spanish Level 2 with Jordan Yeagar

Mondays, June 26–August 21 (no class July 10), 5:30–7pm • $112

We will continue to add vocabulary, verbs, and verb tenses. Students will apply skills learned in Spanish Level 1 and will engage in more active conversation, expressions, and general scenarios related to work, travel, business, health, ect. Jordan Yeager currently teaches Spanish at Lafayette High School. He has his B.A. in Spanish from Georgetown College, and his M.A. in Teaching of Languages from the University of Southern Mississippi.

Required Text: Spanish Now! Level 1, 8th ed. by Ruth J. Silverstein (Publisher: Barron). Please purchase your own copy of the text.



Perfect your craft and grow your skills year -round with our Prerecorded Webinars! All webinars are $35 unless stated otherwise below.

• Writing Workshop Basics with Ashley Blooms • FREE

• Don’t Take No for an Answer: How to Submit to Literary Magazines and Independent Presses with Whitney Collins

• Writing & Publishing While Black with Claudia Love Mair, Crystal Wilkinson, makalani bandele, and Angela Jackson-Brown

• Building Your Brand: Author Platforms & More with Julia Royston

• Grant Writing Basics with Jennifer Hester Mattox

• Querying Agents: Novels with Jennifer Hester Mattox

• How to Write a Novel in 30 Days with Jennifer Hester Mattox


All classes for early learners, kids, and teens are FREE and take place at the Carnegie Center, unless otherwise noted.

Early Learner Book Club with Glenna Holloway

IN-PERSON: Saturdays, June 17, July 15, August 19, 10:15–11:15am

ONLINE: Saturdays, June 17, July 15, August 19, 11:30am–12:30pm

Join us for story time, free books, and hands-on activities designed to encourage early excitement for reading. This laid-back atmosphere is friendly to preschoolers and is a great first introduction to a story time setting. With experience in both performing and teaching, Glenna Holloway brings with her a love for children and books! Her goal is to teach practical skills while instilling a joy for learning. A free book is included for the first 15 registered families in attendance! Funded by PNC Foundation. Please register for each session you wish to attend. [AGES 2-5]


Literacy for Little Ones with Diane Mason

Tuesdays, July 11-August 1, 10:15-11AM

Join us for a story and playtime that uses seasonally themed books and activities to promote the development of early language skills. We will also provide strategies and share ideas to enable parents to foster a love of reading, writing, speaking, and all things literacy. A free book is included for the first 10 registered families in attendance! Funded by PNC Foundation. [BABY TO 3-YEAR-OLDS AND THEIR GROWN-UPS]


OWLets (Outstanding Writers League for Grades 2 -3) with Sonya Pavona

Wednesdays, May 31–June 28, 3–4pm

Improve your writing skills in a creative, hands-on environment! Together, we’ll explore how fun writing can be as we play writing games and write stories, poems, and more. Sonya Pavona is a recent graduate of SCAPA Literary Arts at Lafayette High School and attends Georgetown College for Creative Writing.

[GRADES 2-3]

Dungeons & Dragons for Beginners with Matthew Denny

Mondays, June 5-July 10, 2:30PM–4:30PM (No class June 19)

Join us for an imaginative adventure! This class uses the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons to show kids how fun critical thinking, teamwork, and problem solving can be. Students will learn the fundamentals of roleplaying games, which are a great tool to promote confidence, self-efficacy, collaboration, and creativity. Led by Matthew Denny, who works with Learning Adventures to provide tutoring and academic coaching for students with ADHD and Dyslexia, and has over ten years of experience with D&D.

[GRADES 6-9]

Lower Elementary Reading with Martha Crumbie

Mondays, June 5–July 17, 3:30PM–4:30PM (No class June 19)

This is a fun, hands-on, and interactive class. Students will play games and learn strategies that will help with their reading skills, including vocabulary development, alphabet knowledge, letter-sound correlation, concepts of print, listening and reading comprehension skills. Martha Crumbie has her master’s degree in K-12 special education and over 25 years of teaching experience. [GRADES K-2]


K-1 Math with Martha Crumbie

Mondays, June 5–July 17, 4:30PM–5:30PM (No class June 19)

This class is structured to provide your child with strategies, skills, and concepts that are the building blocks for higher-level math through an engaging and hands-on approach. Led by Martha Crumbie, who has her master’s degree in K-12 special education and over 25 years of teaching experience. [GRADES K-1]

Upper Elementary Reading with Martha Crumbie

Tuesdays, June 6–July 18, 3:30–4:30pm (No class July 4)

In this fun, hands-on class, we’ll work on reading strategies and comprehension techniques. Students will play games that boost their reading skills and engage in activities that demonstrate their reading comprehension. Led by Martha Crumbie, who has her master’s degree in K-12 special education and over 25 years of teaching experience. Sponsored by the MacAdam Early Childhood & Literacy Fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation. [GRADES 3-5]

Math for 2nd & 3rd Grade with Martha Crumbie

Tuesdays, June 6–July 18, 4:30–5:30pm (No class July 4)

This class is structured to provide your child with strategies, skills, and concepts that are the building blocks for higher-level math through an engaging and hands-on approach. Led by Martha Crumbie, who has her master’s degree in K-12 special education and over 25 years of teaching experience. [GRADES 2-3]

Farmer Brown Tha MC: Grow Harder Master Course with Trevor Claiborn

Mondays, June 12-26, 11AM-12PM (No class June 19)

This is a 3-section class including: Overview of Agriculture, Urban Agriculture & Gardening, and Ag Careers & Entrepreneurship. This is a family friendly course where attendees who complete the class will have gained a more holistic, culturally balanced, modern understanding of agriculture in relation to not only food security but a greater appreciation of how Ag touches just about every part of our lives. [GRADES 3-8]

Scriptwriting with Carole Johnston

Wednesdays, June 14–July 19, 5–6pm

In this class students will create characters, write scripts, and construct puppets made from ordinary household objects. We will learn to write monologues, dialogues, and short skits as well as create sets and sound effects for the puppet shows. Carole Johnston is a poet, former school library media specialist for grades K-8, and former creative writing instructor for the SCAPA literary arts program at Lafayette High School. [GRADES 5-6]


OWL (Outstanding Writers League) with Carole Johnston

Thursdays, June 15–July 20 (no class June 29), 5–6pm

Hone your writing skills in a creative, hands-on environment! Together, we’ll explore how fun writing can be as we play writing games and write stories, poems, and more. We will focus on using “neon” words and images in fiction and poetry. Carole Johnston is a poet, former school library media specialist for grades K-8, and former creative writing instructor for the SCAPA literary arts program at Lafayette High School. Sponsored by the MacAdam Early Childhood & Literacy Fund at Blue Grass Community Foundation. [GRADES 3-6]

Middle School Book Club with Ashley Sloan

Fridays, June 30–July 28, 3–4pm

Is your middle schooler a reluctant reader? Join our book club where we will read together, learn from one another, discuss how stories can be applied to real life, and do art activities. Led by Ashley Sloan, who has a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, a master's degree in Teaching Reading and Writing K-12, and 20 years of teaching experience. [GRADES 6-8]

Stix With It: Drumsticks and Movement with Maranda Brooks

Fridays, July 7–August 4, 3:45–4:45pm

Need a fun way to get moving? Join us for a class that combines music and movement to explore creative expression as well as promote a positive and healthy lifestyle. We will incorporate the use of drumsticks to rhythm, beat and staying active. Each student will receive a free pair of drumsticks to take home. Maranda Brooks is a fitness instructor that works in the non-profit sector, who has a strong passion for serving the community and encouraging a healthy lifestyle. [GRADES 6-8]

Back to School Brain Power with Elise Mandel

Saturdays, August 5–12, 10am–Noon

A new school year is around the corner! Warm up your brain and get in gear before school starts. We will play language games, work with partners to solve puzzles, and review basic math skills through fun activities. Elise Mandel holds a master’s degree in education from UMass Amherst, and she teaches classes and works with private students in many subjects. [GRADES 2-5]



All the Monsters Come out at Night: Navigating the Fantastic Underworld with H Dietrich

Mondays, July 3–August 14, 3–4:30pm

Noir is a versatile genre – more of an atmospheric choice than anything else. Many writers and directors have paired it with fantasy & sci-fi, from Jim Butcher's "The Dresden Files" to Matt Reeves' "The Batman." This class, centered around "fantastic noir," will have students creating their own fantasy/SF cities, paying special attention to the antiheroes who stand as a light against the darkness of the worlds they inhabit. H Dietrich is an MFA student at the University of South Florida, interned for Apex Magazine, and has been published in Teachers & Writers Magazine. [GRADES 9-12]

Painting With Words: An Introduction to Writing Poetry with Kenneth Woods

ONLINE: Tuesday, July 25, 3–5pm

With the rise of the popularity of poetry, this workshop will discuss the basics of how to write a poem. Not just how to write, but how to dig deep to find the language necessary to "paint" the world as we see it. We'll use a series of prompts to exercise various writing techniques. This class is geared toward those who are interested in "Poetry Out Loud" or curious about the artform of poetry. Kenneth Woods has taught 11 workshops in 9 different schools, as well as through the Indiana Authors Awards Writers Workshop Program. [GRADES 7-12]

Creative Writing Teen Retreat with Sarah Combs, Jay McCoy, and Elizabeth Beck

Thursday & Friday, August 3–4, 10am–4:30pm

Attention teen writers! Join us for this one of-a-kind retreat for the next great generation of writers! You’ll work with talented authors, spend free time putting words on the page in an inspiring environment, and get to know peers who share similar passions. Instructors include Jay McCoy (author of The Occupation), Sarah Combs (author of The Light Fantastic), and Elizabeth Beck (author of Painted Daydreams). Please bring your own lunch on both days. [GRADES 9-12]


College Prep Mentoring with Beth Murner

By Appointment • $50 per hour


Scholarship rate available for students with financial need

Overwhelmed by the college search, selection, and application process? Let an expert help. Through her work in college admissions and private consulting, Beth Murner has guided hundreds of students through the college admissions process. Services include pre-college planning, scholarship search, college search, ACT preparation, interview skills, essay writing, application navigation, and more. Email Beth at to schedule your session either in-person at the Carnegie Center or online via Zoom. [GRADES 9-12]

ACT Science, English, & Reading Mentoring with Rajiv Khanna

ONLINE: By Appointment • $50 per hour

Scholarship rate available for students with financial need

Having trouble studying for the ACT? Let a mentor help! Rajiv Khanna has extensive experience teaching Math and Science classes at the college and high school levels. These mentoring sessions serve as a focused review of the specific skills needed to ace the Science, English, & Reading tests on the ACT. Email or call (859) 254-4175 ext. 21 to schedule your session online via Zoom.

Required Text: The Official ACT Prep Guide 2022-2023 (Publisher: WILEY) Please purchase your own copy of the text. You must have the text at the mentoring sessions. [GRADES 10-12]

ACT Math Mentoring with Rajiv Khanna

ONLINE: By Appointment • $50 per hour

Scholarship rate available for students with financial need

Having trouble studying for the ACT? Let a mentor help! Rajiv Khanna has extensive experience teaching Math and Science classes at the college and high school levels. These mentoring sessions serve as a focused review of the specific skills needed to ace the Math test on the ACT. Email or call (859) 254-4175 ext. 21 to schedule your session online via Zoom. Required Text: The Official ACT Prep Guide 2022-2023 (Publisher: WILEY) Please purchase your own copy of the text. You must have the text at the mentoring sessions. [GRADES 10-12]


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