2023 Winter Compass

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Student Wellness at the Forefront


Belong. Believe. Become.

Carmel Catholic Community,

I recently read an article about an interview with Pope Francis. The interviewer asked Pope Francis how he stays so positive in his response to crises. “You [Pope Francis] always seem joyful, happy, even amid crises and troubles. What is it that makes you so joyful, so peaceful, and happy in your ministry?”

Pope Francis said he was surprised by this impression. After some reflection, he responded that he is joyful around people. He added that he misses just simply being able to walk down the street like any other person, but his joy is derived from simple human interaction. “I am happy because I feel happy; God makes me happy.”

The comment by Pope Francis prompted me to conduct an empirical research study at Carmel Catholic. I wanted to see how many smiles I could count within a five-minute period when I walked the hallways during class change. I counted more than 80 smiles within the halls in less than five minutes! There were so many smiles I began to feel overwhelmed with joy.

When students are present with one another and phones are put away, the joy of God’s love is remarkably evident. Another of my favorite times at Carmel Catholic is interacting with our students at our all-school Masses. There is sheer joy to behold watching the community during the sign of peace. These are just a few occasions when our students can forget their troubles and difficulties and feel the support of love within the Carmel Catholic community.

I love Carmel Catholic because I love our community. I love that we pray, we celebrate, and we have joy. I especially love that we prioritize showing our students that God unconditionally loves them for being who they are. It warms my heart as a Carmel Catholic parent and administrator. I love that even if I am having a hard day, I can go into the hallway and see 80+ smiling faces within five minutes!

Carmel Catholic is a blessed place to be part of, and I am grateful to you for your support of prayers and gifts. Your support and sacrifices change lives and make a positive difference for students.

Have a blessed year, and thank you again for your support.

Brad Bonham, Ph.D.



Brad Bonham, Ph.D.

Principal Jason Huther

Director of Human Resources Angelina Castillo

Chief Financial Officer John Sheehy

Chief Enrollment and Advancement Officer Brian Stith ’01

Director of Mission Effectiveness Kambra French

Chief Technology Officer Brian Blaszczyk


Director of Advancement Lois Poulos

Director of Donor Relations

Courtney Ciampi

Director of Alumni Relations Ken Kordick

Director of Philanthropy Michael Looby ’75

Director of Volunteer Engagement Michelle (Karrigan ’92) Ptasienski

Director of Community Engagement Denise Spokas

Director of Data Management Milena Stanimirova


Writer and Editor

Caitlin Lees, Director of Marketing and Communications

Designer Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator

Feature Story Writer Dave Silbar


Student Wellness Matters

Go Green

COMPASS is available online as an easy and fun-to-view digital format as part of the school’s green initiative. To view COMPASS online, visit www.carmelhs.org/publications/.

If you would like to stop receiving COMPASS in the mail, please send your request to mstanimirova@carmelhs.org.

8. Around
BELIEVE 18. Campus Sponsorship Initiative Kicks Off 19. Carmel Catholic Golf Classic 20. Street Scenes BECOME 31. Milestones 32. Class Notes 34. In Memoriam
2023, issue
Student wellness matters. Hear from Ms. Tylee Resetich, Counseling Department Chair, on what Carmel Catholic is doing to support its students.

Student Wellness Matters

Q: What is your position here at Carmel Catholic, and what are your main responsibilities?

A: I’m a school counselor and chair of the counseling department. I have been at Carmel for four years, although I worked as an intern before that, so I’m really in my fifth year. I’m also a 2011 Carmel Catholic graduate. A main focus in my role is to help facilitate conversations and ensure that our counseling curriculum aligns with our students’ needs. As school counselors, we’re sort of a one-stop shop for a lot of things, including college career resources and research, helping students find their first, second, and third fit for the right college. We look at their electives and ensure they align with their college career goals as well as with some of their other hobbies and passions like fine arts, robotics, science, etc. We also want to make sure that their academic load is what they can handle while also being

challenged to grow and develop. Lastly, and I think sometimes most important, is the mental health support that we provide our students. We schedule meetings with them, but also have an opendoor policy where they can stop by if they’re needing some extra support or they just wanting to talk. Many times they’ll be in need of some guidance on what to do next or want to share a story about friends or family. Whether we continue to meet with them about that topic or help them problemsolve, the mental health support covers all sorts of situations.

Q: Let’s dig deeper into that last part. Did you experience as much mental anguish among students when you started at Carmel Catholic in 2018?

A: There were still significant conversations that were taking place, but the number of students that I was seeing for mental health

support back then was much lower.

Q: Is COVID too easy of an answer to why teen mental health issues have increased?

A: Sure, it’s very easy to point to COVID, and it is a big ticket answer, but this is just one contributing factor to the increase in mental health support. The pandemic affected adults and young children, but adolescents are in their most moldable years. That sheer isolation, that confusion, that ‘I’m going through something and witnessing a lot of different things in a very short amount of time’ was incredibly overwhelming. It was traumatizing for many of our students and teenagers throughout the nation.

For some, it was like, ‘okay, this is strange, but we’re going to get through it’. But for others, it was significantly traumatizing. And with it came the issues of access

Hear From Ms. Tylee Resetich, Counseling Department Chair, on What Carmel Catholic is Doing to Support its Students.

of mental health support and the quality and quantity of that support and its availability. There’s a mentality just to stick it out and deal with it, everything’s going to get better, and just move on. That thinking is not inherently bad, but it makes children, adolescents, and adults feel like, OK, it’s not that bad, and I don’t need help.

Q: Is there anything else other than COVID that you’ve seen students address?

A: A few other things that added to the spike in teen mental health illness in the last two to three years include all the racial discrimination incidents, inequities, and human rights and justice issues that have come to light. Those things may have always been there, but they have reached a new level since 2020. And there has been a lot of traditional and social media around it saying many different things, statistics, and viewpoints. That just leave, adolescents feeling even more confused and feeling hopeless in a lot of ways.

myself, a school psychologist, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, who’s the director of our multicultural center and in charge of diversity and inclusion.

We have a really solid team of individuals, and that includes our teachers, Serna Learning Resource team, school nurse, and Assistant Principal of Student Services Jaime White, who work with us to provide important knowledge on how to support students.

And we have several wellness initiatives throughout the year and do our best to align with our school calendar. That includes monthly monthly initiatives, including suicide awareness and prevention month, mental health awareness month, drug-free and substance abuse awareness month, Wellness Days, De-stress Fest, and several others. Most, if not all, of those are attached to Advisory which makes that a huge part of the overall plan.

Q: And let’s not forget about Corey, right?

mental health. Like COVID, is that another easy answer to why we see such a spike?

Q: In addition to the counseling department, what other programs and resources does Carmel Catholic have in place to further help work through depression and other mental health issues?

A: Regarding programs and resources here at Carmel, we have a great counseling team and a great student services team overall. We have five counselors, including

A: Oh, yes Corey is great. Our kids just light up when they see him. We’ve had outside therapy dogs come in for our De-Stress Fest and prior to finals when nerves are high but having our own therapy dog on campus every day is just exciting. And you can see how much the kids like Corey, which is evident by the smiles and the squeals of excitement when they see him. It shows how much of a positive impact Corey is making on our Carmel community and it is just fun to watch. As I said, their smiles are a testament to all that Corey does for our school.

Q: One topic that we haven’t talked about yet is social media and the effect it has had on teen

A: I don’t think it’s another easy out because social media plays a role in the development of adolescents and that can go in a positive or negative direction. I think that there is some truth that it is doing a lot of harm in some cases, especially when it comes to cyberbullying and excessive use. Social media inundates our adolescents with so much information, and they must decipher what’s true and what’s not. Even as an adult, we struggle to sort of sift through all that information, so someone who is still developing, still working on decision-making and coping skills, will have a hard time being able to handle all that information coming at once.

Just like earning your driver’s license, it is a privilege that you get to use social media, and it’s a responsibility that you get to use social media, and that you’re using it in a positive way. Like, for instance, we use social media to promote things at Carmel, you know, a lot of teams have it. Because there are a lot of cyberbullying tactics used on social media, we need to focus on teaching these teens how to be safe and aware. And just like anything, it takes practice; it takes practice to be mindful of what’s going on.


The Graham Family Chain Gang: A Carmel Tradition Like None Other

Libertyville resident Bill Graham shares his name with a legendary San Francisco-based concert promoter, but around these parts, Mr. Graham is the true rock star of his family. Along with brother Jack, 87-year-old Bill Graham started what sportscaster Jim Nance might call ‘a tradition like none other’ along the football sidelines at Carmel Catholic High School.

For the past 39 years, more than 20 Graham family members have religiously served on the chain crew, commonly known as the chain gang, managing the signal poles on the sidelines during Corsair home football games.

The ‘gang’ oversees three primary signal poles: the rear rod marking the beginning of the current set of downs, the forward rod marking the line to gain a first down and the box that marks the line of scrimmage. The two rods are attached at the bottom by a chain exactly ten yards long, while the “box” displays the current down number.

Just as legendary as this chain gang are the numbers of Grahams who have walked the hallways at Carmel Catholic. Bill Graham is the father of seven children and Jack the father of three—all Carmel Catholic graduates, while the two have more than 20 grandchildren living in the area and most likely future Corsairs.

“All in all, we may have more than 100 Carmel Catholic graduates by the time this is all done,” laughs Bill’s son, Rob ’87. “I liked going to Carmel because it was like a little college where there were people from all over Lake County, Cook and McHenry County, and even Wisconsin. It was a great way to meet people that weren’t all just from the same microcosm of a town.”

While Bill’s recollection of those days when he started working games around 1985 isn’t crystal clear anymore, he does recall how much fun he and his brother had.


“I used to go to all the games, and one night, they were missing someone. I knew more than half the guys who did the chain gang back then, and they asked if I would fill in,” Bill recalls. “At the end of that year, whoever was in charge said he was dropping out, and I said I’d be happy to run it for them. Upon hearing that, the athletic director told me it’s now my job, and the rest is history.”

Asked if he ever thought that nearly four decades later there would still be Grahams working the chains, Bill just shook his head in disbelief at how unknowingly he started one of the most amazing Carmel Catholic legacies of all time.

“Honestly, it makes me feel very, very good. I was very proud of Carmel, and we were just happy to be there sharing our time with the students, and a lot of them happened to be our kids,” says Bill, who has an affinity with everything Carmel Catholic-related, especially from an athletic standpoint.

“The coaching staff always had a lot of class. They weren’t just there to win ballgames. They were there to educate and raise young men and women. I was impressed and glad to send all seven of my kids there.”

Even in his late 80s, Bill Graham still attends as many football games as possible. He made every one of last season’s games, even the cold and rainy ones. The last time he served on the sidelines in an official chain gang capacity was probably about ten years ago, according to Rob.

For Bill’s younger brother, Jack, he too gleams with pride knowing that the Graham family chain gang will be going strong for years to come. Jack, who is a year younger than Bill, estimates that between his seven brothers and sisters that there are about 102 grandchildren, many of them in elementary and grammar school, promising that there will be a Graham presence at Carmel Catholic for many years to come.

And while the chain gang is normally a male-dominated position, it may not be too long until a female Graham family member graces the sidelines. In fact, last season,

Even in his late 80s, Bill Graham still attends as many football games as possible. He made every one of last season’s games, even the cold and rainy ones.

Rob’s sister, Nora, was planning on making her firstever appearance on the chain gang but had to cancel at the last minute. “It should have happened last year, so my guess is that next year is probably the year,” chuckled Rob.

As far as one of the hardest parts of working the chains, the answer, at least from Jack’s perspective, may be surprising. “Well, you must remember that we are always working the sidelines nearest the visiting team, and while we are rooting for Carmel, you can’t show that or else the opposing coaches won’t be very happy. And most importantly, you need to do your job and make sure that you keep everything fair.”

“This is an unpredictable game, from the weather to team personnel, and obviously the action on the field. But, the one constant when it comes to Carmel Catholic Football has been the Graham Family and their presence on the sidelines,” said Athletic Director Nate Brill. “I know they will say that ‘the pleasure has been theirs,’ but the truth is that Carmel is indebted to their decades of service. Operating the chains is a thankless job, but it’s one that they take immense pride in executing, and we are certainly proud to have

them representing us on the visitor’s sideline on Friday nights.”

When it comes to the sheer number of Grahams at Carmel, Rob and his dad did their best to encapsulate it. “Bill had seven children that went there as well as six great-grandchildren,” noted Rob. “There are also a bunch of younger grandchildren who will be attending Carmel as well as 21 nieces and nephews.”

Adds Jack: “It makes me feel good knowing that Bill and I had a hand in this at the beginning and that it’s going to continue for who knows how long. A lot of the nephews and sons of our children have picked up and are carrying on the tradition.”


Carmel Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

January 30–February 3

National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Now entering its 49th year, CSW was observed at Carmel Catholic from January 30–February 3, with various activities to celebrate those who play a vital role in the Carmel Catholic community, including parents, volunteers, faculty/staff, board members, donors, and more. Check out Carmel Catholic’s social media for photos from the week.


“Corsairs Against Procrastination” Provides 125 Students With Support

Carmel Catholic High School’s REACH Center hosted its first-ever Corsairs Against Procrastination on December 6. Modeled after programs offered by colleges and universities, this event was staffed by over thirty tutors––mostly students helping their peers. With their assistance, students could catch up on homework and projects, have research papers proofread, and clear up concepts in preparation for finals.

Initiated by Rhett Wolf ‘24, the goal of hosting Corsairs Against Procrastination was to encourage students not to postpone finishing up assignments and long-term projects and to provide an avenue for students to begin studying for finals with tutors easily available. Corsairs Against Procrastination was a tremendously successful event, with over 125 students attending.

The REACH Center staff, Mrs. Haley Adams, Mr. Ryan Hornung, and Mrs. Anne Phoenix, provided stations focusing on math, science, and English help. Father Christian Shiu, the school’s chaplain, was also available to tutor students in their religious studies.

As one student, Luci Ventura ‘24, commented, “Thank you so much for hosting this night! This event destigmatized asking for help. Look at everyone helping each other!”

Wolf suggested that the school host Corsairs Against Procrastination in hopes that students could use this night to help reduce the stress that typically comes toward the end of the semester when students are focused on finals. He recognized that many tend to procrastinate and thought this would be an additional measure Carmel Catholic could take to help students during the last few weeks of the semester. Once the REACH Center team heard the idea, they worked with Rhett to plan a great night for all students.

“I wasn’t expecting such a sizable turn-out for this first-time event; this exceeded my expectations and demonstrated the importance of such an event,” Wolf stated.


During the 2020-21 school year, Carmel Catholic launched a comprehensive learning center called REACH (Recognizing Educational And College Hopes), modeled after college and university learning centers. The REACH Center provides additional academic support to all students daily, with hours that extend beyond the school day. The idea of the REACH Center is that all students can ask for and receive academic assistance at any time. The REACH Center is a component of Carmel Catholic’s comprehensive Student Services Team headed by Mrs. Jaime White, Assistant Principal for Student Services.

Corey’s Corner

Q&A with Principal Jason Huther and Corey’s handler about how life at Carmel Catholic is going for the school’s beloved furry friend.

Q: What is Corey’s favorite part about being at the school?

A: Corey loves seeing the kids. He comes in three to four days weekly and loves greeting students as they arrive. He loves walking the hallways during the passing periods among all the traffic. Sometimes he causes traffic jams as students stop to pet him, so much so that I typically navigate to alcoves where Corey can sit, and students can come to him. Corey has mastered sitting attentively while students greet or pet him.

Beyond that, it’s playing fetch in the courtyard between Science and 400. Students often watch him do this from the classroom. He loves the open space and all the sticks. Between his engagement with students, he naps in my office, visits Mrs. Gille and Mrs. Budris (he loves her couch), and always seeks out Mr. Nylen.

Q: How is Corey’s training as a certified therapy doing going?

A: We hope to complete most of Corey’s training by the end of this school year. He is in his “teenage” years now. Although he turns 1 on February 14 (born on Valentine’s Day), developmentally, he is a teenager, still learning and maneuvering through boundaries. But he’s on track to master skills that will make him “official” by the start of next school year.

Q: What does Corey enjoy doing outside of school?

A: Corey loves going on walks and playing in the snow. When our lake freezes over, he loves playing on the ice and pulling the kids on sleds or skates. I’ve got some great videos of him doing this.


Students Spread Christmas Cheer to Lake County Families

Forty-Eight Seniors Named State Scholars

Congratulations to our 48 Illinois State Scholars, among “the best and the brightest” of Illinois high school seniors in the Class of 2023. The combination of these students’ exemplary college assessment examination scores and record of high school achievement indicates they have a high potential for success in college. View the list of scholars at carmelhs.org.

Carmel Catholic showed up in a big way to support those in need in Lake County this year. This Christmas season, our community collected $21,000 to provide numerous gifts for 63 families. This year follows many remarkable years in a tradition of generosity from the CCHS community to Lake County via Catholic Charities.

Students Save Lives at Blood Drive

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day are traditionally the slowest when it comes to blood donations on a national scale. Thankfully, the students at Carmel Catholic are always there to answer the call. The school hosted its semiannual blood drive with Vitalant on December 1, with more than 75 pints of life-saving blood collected.

Students Visit Chicago Architecture Center

Carmel Civil Engineering and Environmental Science students attended a field trip to the Chicago Architecture Center on January 9 to learn about the growth of the city of Chicago and meet the clean energy needs of the future. They visited the Energy Revolution exhibit, which demonstrates how we can respond to the climate crisis by transforming our energy use in the built environment.

Sustainability at CCHS

Carmel Catholic Joins Illinois Green Schools Project

Student Plays Crucial Role in Tracking Sustainability Data

This school year Carmel Catholic became a member of the Illinois Green School Project, an arm of the Illinois Green Alliance. Carmel Catholic joins dozens of other schools making progress on their sustainability journey and, in return, is provided with resources and mentorship regarding zero waste initiatives. Recent support includes a $1,000 grant and Green Classroom training for faculty and staff.

Mr. Carl Hansel, theology teacher, completed his Green Classroom Professional (GCP) certification through the U.S. Green Building Councils. The GCP certificate program provides educators and school staff with the knowledge to identify what supports or impedes healthy, resource-efficient, and environmentally sustainable learning spaces. Hansel believes this program will be a great tool for other teachers. Soon, two more Carmel Catholic teachers on the Green Team will complete this certification as the school continues on its journey to zero waste with the support of the Illinois Green Schools Project.

Michael Gargiulo ‘23 has been working hard to gather, manage and analyze Carmel Catholic’s sustainability data this school year. Using the program Arc, a new digital platform developed by Green Business Certification Inc., Gargiulo, with the help of Sustainability Manager Mrs. Michelle Titterton, collects, manages, and benchmarks data to improve performance. Gargiulo’s work, along with the platform, has proved to be a valuable resource. Stay tuned for a summary of highlights in the next Compass publication.

Increased Access to Water Bottle Filling Stations Around Campus

Access to water bottle filling stations around campus has increased with the recent installation of several stations.


Carmel Students Cast Their Vote

For the second time in his teaching career, Carmel Catholic High School Civics teacher Mr. Jack Waddle was beaming with pride as he escorted 21 seniors to the Lake County Central Permit Facility in Libertyville on October 25, where they would cast their vote for the very first time as adults.

That first time came two years ago when Carmel Catholic students voted in the 2020 presidential election. This year’s voters were equally as excited and enthusiastic about realizing their opportunity to vote in the upcoming Illinois primary.

“Young people are always quick to complain about our current administration, the government, or that old people run our country, but then they don’t go out and do anything about it,” said Waddle. “Voter turnout for the younger generation is important. They care, but they have to do something about it. Getting them out here when they’re young is vitally important for the future of our country. It’s an exciting event for them, and you can see it on their faces. They’re excited to be here.”


Students Create New Climate Scenario Using MIT Simulator

Students in the Human Ecological Footprint class, a dual credit course offered through Loyola University, created a new climate scenario using the MIT En-ROADS climate simulator. They applied their learning of new technology and natural systems to create policies to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions which lead to climate change.

Technology Student Internship (TSI) Students Complete Dell Tech Certification

Beginning this school year, Carmel Catholic partnered with Dell for the school’s latest batch of Chromebooks. This program allows our TSI students to get parts for Dell products while avoiding having to fill out a form, pack up a Chromebook and send it to a dispatch center for repair, allowing us to return repaired Chromebooks to students much faster than we have in the past.

For Carmel to enroll in this program, TSI students had to complete an online certification course relating to computer hardware, software, and some Dell-specific products, similar to a CompTIA A+ Certification. Three students completed the course this semester, allowing the school access to this service. The students are Stephan Kruglov ‘23, Phillip Kruglov ‘25, and Luka Weideman ‘25.

TSI students perform tech support duties for the school when they are in this class and, in return, receive a Business and Technology class credit.

Corsairs Athletics News

Stay up-to-date on the latest in the world of athletics.


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The law regulating IRA distributions has been adjusted to allow expansion of your IRA for charitable purposes. A one time RIA distribution up to $50,000 can be used to fund Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA) and Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRT). To utilize this IRA option and all charitable funding techniques, consult with your financial advisor or accountant

IRA May Wc Help You?

To learn more, please contact For more information contact Mike Looby at mlooby@carmelhs.org He would welcome the opportunity to answer further questions and work with you and your advisors.

17 BELIEVE CARMEL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Annual Report 2021-2022 35 international students from 8 countries call Carmel Catholic home and help to expand our world view 5-TIME National Blue Ribbon School 2022 Girls Basketball State Champions Our robotics teams have won state, national and world competitions - most recently winning STATE in 2022 More than $49 MILLION in college scholarships awarded to the class of 2022 Engineering Center provides state-of-the-art resources and learning spaces – named a PROJECT LEAD THE WAY DISTINGUISHED SCHOOL for increasing student access, engagement and achievement in engineering Extensive curriculum offering 22 Dual Credit, 21 AP, 75 Honors and 92 Upper College Prep and College Prep courses 1071 students from 69 different towns 95% of students connect through more than 45 clubs and 26 interscholastic athletic teams Creation of GREEN TEAM to explore sustainable practices schoolwide We invite you to view our Annual Report at carmelhs.org/annualreport/.
If your IRA is life’s dessert, the thought of being forced to pay taxes on a distribution you would rather not take may leave a sour taste in your mouth. It does not have to.
T here is a sweeter choice. Rather than take the required minimum distribution, call your IRA administrator and ask them to gift all or part of the RMD to our organization. Make sure the distribution comes directly to our mission and not to you. When you do, you: Do not pay income tax on the distribution Satisfy your RMD up to $100,000
Celebrates the Seasons February 10 & 11, 2023 49
Annual th

Back for the 49th Year, Street Scenes Returns February 10 and 11 as

We “Celebrate the Seasons”

This popular social event for the age 21 and over crowd returns to its regular schedule on Friday and Saturday, February 10 and 11, from 6 pm-12 am. Amazing entertainment, food, beverages, games of chance, shows, activities, the renowned Student Show, comedy, and so much more will be showcased. Deeply rooted in Carmel Catholic history, Street Scenes has traditionally attracted more than 4,000 participants to this weekend-long celebration.

This event is a wonderful way to enjoy an evening with friends and family, reconnect with previous classmates, or mingle and meet new friends of Carmel Catholic while supporting a great cause. All funds raised during this event support our programming, operational, and scholarship funding needs, impacting our Corsairs today and tomorrow. General admission tickets for all Street Scenes events and food and beverage tickets can be purchased at carmelstreetscenes.com and will be available at the door. Avoid the lines and purchase your tickets today!

Special all-ages performances of the beloved Student Show will run on Sunday, February 5, at 2 pm and on Thursday, February 9, at 6 pm. All are welcome to attend these shows. Purchase tickets at carmelstreetscenes.com.

Use the QR code or visit streetscenes23.givesmart.com to check out all of the wonderful silent auction items up for bid! Celebrates the Seasons February 10 & 11, 2023 49 Annual th Silent Auction 2/1 - 2/13 SILENT AUCTION CLOSES ON 2/13 AT NOON

Campus Sponsorship Initiative Kicks Off

Do you remember the Street Scenes Ad Drive, which took place every fall for the past 40+ years? We’ve made some exciting changes! We will no longer be producing the Street Scenes Ad Book. To better align with our sustainability programs, become more relevant, and provide an opportunity for non-profit operations and stewardship education for our students, Carmel Catholic has rolled out a new Campus Sponsorship Initiative (CSI).

Students sign up for this exciting extracurricular activity which meets conveniently within their schedule. Students actively engage with potential campus sponsors from September through April, offering businesses yearround marketing exposure throughout our campus, during the February Street Scenes event, and at our annual Carmel Catholic Golf Classic. Additionally, students will:

• Earn a 10% commission on all sponsorships they sell, which can be directly applied toward their tuition or paid out to them at the end of each school year.

• Learn universal marketing, sales, customer service, and engagement skills.

• Help Carmel Catholic cultivate connections with local businesses.

• And much more!

To date, we have 38 students participating in CSI, and we look to grow this team continually. Learn more at carmelhs.org/sponsorshipopportunities/.

Double Your Donation

Visit carmelhs.org/match/ to see if your employer will match your donation to Carmel Catholic. We always appreciate your generosity toward our students!

Winner Takes Home Half of $36,000 Jackpot

Congratulations to Andrea and Robert Hetzel for being our lucky winners of the Queen of Hearts Raffle on January 12! The Queen hid for 24 weeks under card number 50. Andrea and Robert will take home $18,386 before taxes. The couple has played the Queen of Hearts since it began in 2020. They love Carmel Catholic, where their granddaughter Gabi Zunzunegui is a junior.

“We are thrilled that the other half of the jackpot will support our amazing students, faculty, and staff,” says Director of Advancement Lois Poulos. “Thank you to all who have purchased tickets and helped support our school community.”

of Hearts Raffle

Carmel Catholic Golf Classic Tees off at Royal Melbourne Country Club on August 14

We proudly announce that this year's Carmel Catholic Golf Classic will be held at The Royal Melbourne Country Club in Long Grove. Royal Melbourne's 18-hole championship course––carved into the surrounding wetlands, ponds, prairies, and trees, combines the beauty of the sport with the beauty of nature. The Royal Melbourne golf course offers an experience that's few and far between, making the sport enjoyable for all.

Limited sponsorships and foursomes available. Please reserve your spot today.

Early bird tickets are only available until July 31. Full price starting August 1. Don’t golf but still want to participate? Join us for cocktails, dinner and an awesome raffle at our special gathering!

The Carmel Catholic Golf Classic supports families that have experienced financial hardship and assists students who have lost a parent during their time at Carmel Catholic. Our mission is to make Carmel Catholic High School accessible to every family wishing for their student to be part of our faith-filled community.

21 BELONG MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 2023 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic Drive It Home “FORE” The Kids Royal Melbourne Country Club 4700 Royal Melbourne Dr., Long Grove, IL Early registration is welcome. Foursomes - Individual Play - Sponsorship OpportunitiesAfter Golf Social Gathering For event details, registration, and sponsorship opportunities, please visit carmelhs.org/golf/ 2023 2023

Carmel Catholic is a strong community that has IMPACT!

• TOGETHER, we are celebrating 60 years of academic excellence

• TOGETHER, we have provided 300+ students access to Carmel Catholic by providing financial assistance annually

• TOGETHER, we have provided a substantial number of volunteer hours annually that have served our community

• TOGETHER, we have shared God’s love and strengthened our faith and resolve

• TOGETHER, we can accomplish so much. We ask you to join us and renew your support.

• TOGETHER, we CAN make a difference in students’ lives and the world.

• TOGETHER, PLEASE GIVE on March 1, 2023.

Catholic’s Day of Giving is March 1 ––TOGETHER, We
Make a Difference!
CARMEL CATHOLIC’S O F 3.1.23 Carmelis Counting onYOU!

Student Job Fair Returns March 7

If you are looking for a great high school-age employee, hire one of our students. Reliable, personable, and possessing leadership qualities describe our Carmel Catholic students. Meet our eager students who need a job year-round or are looking for a seasonal position.

Many students need a job to help pay for their tuition and other school-related expenses.

Represent your company at Carmel’s Job Fair on March 7, from 3:15 to 5:00 pm. There is no charge to participate. Last year, 33 companies were represented, and our job fair filled up quickly––reserve your space today! Contact Mike Looby, Director of Philanthropy, at mlooby@carmelhs.org or 847-388-3454 for more information or to reserve your table.

Looking for Employment? Partner Job Opportunities Now Available

Carmel Catholic community members, students, alumni, and parents can now find job leads through Carmel Catholic. Access a listing of employment opportunities through the portal. Contact Mike Looby, mlooby@carmelhs.org, for more information on creating a listing.


Corsairs Come Home for “Alumni Return Day”

Young alumni returned to campus on January 11 for Alumni Return Day. The alumni could attend Mass, have lunch with faculty and staff, and walk the hallways to visit with teachers. We’re always so happy to have young alumni come back!

Graduates from the Classes of 2021 and 2022 spoke to the senior class about their transition from Carmel Catholic to college as part of the annual “What is College Really Like?” panel. The panel gave helpful suggestions and answered questions from the seniors.

Back row (left to right): Peter Murphy ‘22, Lee Attar ‘22, Joseph Burke ‘22, Andrew Kowalski ‘22, Anaise Fitzpatrick ‘21, Annie Bart ‘21; Front row: Vincent Wegener ‘22, Lauren Jenkins ‘22, Julia Shrofe ‘22, Mia Figueroa ‘22.

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Five Corsairs were inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame during the homecoming game on September 30.

Left to right: Sean McGrath ‘06, Athlete; Andrew Bitto ‘81, Athlete, Coach, Partner; James Nolan, Coach; Ryan Williams ‘08, Athlete; (not pictured) Larry Boller ‘68, Partner.

Street Scenes Alumni Booth Join us in the Alumni Booth at Street Scenes, February 10-11. Enter the free raffle, spin the wheel for Carmel swag and reminisce with other alumni! A great place to hang out on the midway! MARCH TO MAY MADNESS IS BACK MARCH 15-MAY 1, 2023 WHICH CLASS HAS THE MOST UNIQUE DONORS? DETAILS AT CORSAIRALUMNI.ORG ANNUAL CLASS GIVING COMPETITION Celebrates the Seasons February 10 & 11, 2023 49 Annual th

Reunite with your 1973 classmates. That has a nice “ring” to it, doesn’t it?

Class of 1973 Year Reunion

Events will include Mass in the Brandsma Chapel, recognition of the members of the class, cocktail hour, dinner, and dancing.

This special event will take place on the CCHS campus. Stay tuned to WWW.CARMELHS.ORG/50YEAR1973/ for further details, schedule, hotel information, and registration.


2022 Reunions

Class of 1977 45-Year Reunion: July 30, 2022 Class of 1982 40-Year Reunion September 24, 2022 Class of 1987 35-Year Reunion September 10, 2022 Class of 1992 30-Year Reunion September 17, 2022 Class of 2002 20-Year Reunion October 8, 2022 Class of 1997 25-Year Reunion August 6, 2022

Alumni, Stay Connected

Visit Campus

Alumni and family are welcome back to campus at any time for a tour to experience the exciting improvements we continue to make to our facilities and programs. Contact alumni@carmelhs.org for more information.

Alumni, Check Out Your Portal

The portal allows alumni to update their contact information, search for other alumni, see an individualized page for each class, submit class notes, view social media feeds, and much more!

For help logging in, contact alumni@carmelhs.org.

Submit a Class Note Compass welcomes news of accomplishments or changes in your professional and personal life for inclusion in Class Notes. Submit information and photos to alumni@carmelhs.org.

Tell Us You’re a Corsair, Without Telling Us You’re a Corsair

What item do you still have from your Carmel years? Send a picture of it to alumni@carmelhs.org or tag us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. We would love to share your pictures!

Email alumni@carmelhs.org to update contact information.

Alumni Social Media Carmel High School Alumni @CorsairAlumni Carmel Catholic High School Alumni Assocation carmelcatholicalumni
attempts to remain in contact with all alumni but unfortunately we have lost contact with some individuals.
We’d love to reconnect with our lost Corsairs and we appreciate your help! Thank you!



1. Dan Longo and Erin Burke, both CCHS class of 2010, were married on October 22. This picture consists of Carmel alumni plus three current Carmel students, Grace ‘23 and Faith ‘26 Conarchy and Patrick Shrofe ‘26, who attended the wedding. The wedding party included Pat Longo ‘13, Joe Longo ‘15, Sean Burke ‘15, Haley (Laske ‘10) Brunansky, Alex Pabich ‘10, and Dan Moriarity ‘10. Jane (Conarchy ‘79) Longo is Dan’s mom. Jane Conarchy, former faculty member, is Dan’s grandmother.


2. Declan F. Gleeson was born to Kevin ‘07 and Jamie Gleeson on February 13, 2022.

3. Sonny Poulos was born to Ryan ‘09 and Madelyn Poulos in October 2022.

4. Nicole (Viltz ‘07) Robinson and Curtis Robinson ( ‘06) married in October 2019. They welcomed their first child, Atticus Thomas Robinson, on September 18, 2022.

1 4 2 3

Class Notes


Debbie (Renehan) Titus celebrated a half-century of music ministry at Santa Maria del Popolo Parish in Mundelein at a special Mass held October 2.

After graduating from National Louis University with a Masters of Science, Clinical Mental Health Counseling in the spring of 2022, he is now the Associate Director for the Intervention Program for Domestic Abuse and Violence (IPDAV) at A Safe Place for Help in Waukegan, IL


Charlotte (Szostak ‘77) McLaughlin and Madeline (Szostak ‘80) Hoge finished their second children’s book, Don’t Fear the Monster: A Halloween Scare, just in time for Halloween.


Shannon (Ames) Rosales, Director R&D IA/CC Labs at Abbott Core Dx Business, returned to Carmel and spoke to students recently, giving career advice and a bit of background on how the healthcare diagnostic industry works. She told about Abbott’s efforts during COVID to develop a test. The students found it very interesting and inspiring!


Mary C. (Pasenelli) Schneider and her husband Robert traveled to Patagonia, AZ, to celebrate their 32nd wedding anniversary.


Fred Smith, MS, NCC, decided to change careers after 27 years as a Remodeling Carpenter/ Cabinetmaker.

Dorie Roth ‘89 and Matt Menoni ‘97 of Apex Landscaping returned to Carmel Catholic and led the garden club in a winter container workshop in December. Students learned the basics of designing with evergreens and assembled their containers. A perfect way to spend an afternoon the week before finals!

Eric Feinendegen’s book, “The FEIN-er Things - A 52-week Guide to Living an Inspired Life,” reached Amazon’s #1 Best Seller status in November 2022.

Grubert completed his doctoral degree at the University of Phoenix in Management in Organizational Leadership with a specialization in Information Systems and Technology (DM/IST) in 2020. Erich holds a Master of Science in Management (MSM) from Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee and a Bachelor of Science in Sociology (BS) from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Erich is a Vice President, Lead Strategy and Planning Consultant in Global Delivery Enablement and Operations at Wells Fargo in Des Moines, Iowa.


Megan (Kasper) Ericson was recently named Vice-PresidentMedia Services - Midwest at The Trade Desk, a multi-national programmatic media corporation. Megan is an honors graduate of Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and has held previous positions at Google, Accuen, The Chicago Tribune, Orbitz, and Abbott Laboratories. She lives in Elmhurst with her husband, John, and threeyear-old son, Jack.

Rebecca Zurek ‘21 has been awarded an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space Technical Committee Scholarship for her research and development in space transportation. She has also been appointed as the Outreach Coordinator for AIAA at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University/Daytona. Additionally, Rebecca was selected as the project lead for the ERFSEDS Zephyr project at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

She recently completed an amazing engineering internship at Electra.Aero, in the D.C. Metropolitan area. Rebecca was a principal intern design lead who helped to design and build a longendurance, solar-powered airplane to do stratospheric research related to climate change.

You can view the SACOS (Stratospheric Airborne Climate Observatory System) Project by scanning the QR code.




James P. Looby has been recognized as one of Chicago Lawyer and Chicago Daily Law Bulletin’s top “40 Under Forty 2022.”

HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver” won the Emmy for Outstanding Variety Talk Series in September. Kaye Foley ’07 is a producer for the show. Kaye is pictured here with her brother John Foley ’00.


Pete Scalzitti ‘04 taught actor Daniel Radcliffe accordion for his role in the Weird Al biopic, Weird: The Al Yankovic Story! streamable on the Roku Channel. Read a fun article written by Dan Jackson ‘07 about Pete’s experience.

Will Fernandez, MD MPH, returned to Carmel to speak to students last week about his life since graduating from Carmel Catholic, majoring in Aerospace Engineering, becoming a Doctor, and using his expertise in healthcare, with travels to Antarctica and a job with NASA, specializing in space inflight medical protocols.

Amanda Zurek has been promoted to Associate Scientist in the Clinical Research Group at Thermo Scientific. Amanda works with many pharmaceutical clients to help bring vaccines, treatments, and therapeutics to patients worldwide.



Erin Miller was featured in an article by Vanderbilt School of Nursing about her journey and career as a pediatric trauma nurse.

Katrina Seabright was cast as the Countess of Aremberg in Chicago Lyric’s opera, Don Carlos, which opened November 9.


Janet Susan Brown-Abbott ‘68, sister of Patti (Brown ‘70) Childress

Van Anthony Cybulski ‘85, brother of Mark Cybulski ‘79

Michael W. Richards ‘77

Robin Jane Sticha ‘93, sister of Michael Sticha ‘90


Patricia F. Bockwinkel, mother of Gerald Bockwinkel Jr. ‘72, Glenn Bockwinkel ‘74, Patricia (Bockwinkel ‘74) Happ, Gregory Bockwinkel ‘77, Gordon Bockwinkel ‘81, George Bockwinkel ‘81; grandmother of Melissa ‘03, Jennifer ‘05 and Gerald III ‘07 Bockwinkel and Catherine ‘02, Jonathan ‘05, Elizabeth ‘12, and Christopher ‘14 Happ

Thomas Darin Boggs, husband of Beth (Clemens ‘84) Boggs

Edward Peter Brewczynski, father of Tiffany (Brewczynski ‘98) Hudson

William Carr, husband of Philomena (Walters ‘69) Carr

Gerald Caslavka, father of Kathleen (Caslavka) Sutter and Sharon (Caslavka) Kelleher (former students), Kevin Caslavka ‘81, Brian Caslavka ‘83, and Kristine (Caslavka) Herbert ‘87.

Maureen A. Cleary, mother of Beth Spagna, CCHS faculty; grandmother of James Spagna ‘10, Grace (Spagna ‘13) Villers, and Teresa Spagna ‘16

Eileen Therese Ouimet, mother of Philip Ouimet ‘88; grandmother of Clare Rasmussen ‘14

Brunilda Collins, mother of Rose (Collins ‘80) Mathews (deceased), Gina ‘81, Timothy ‘83, Christopher ‘86 and Anthony ‘87 Collins, and Angela Collins-Huntemann ‘93; grandmother of Shea ‘15, Chase ‘17, and Brendan ‘20 Collins

Chester Richard Delaney, former CCHS staff

Evelyn M. Donohoo, mother of Terry Donohoo, CCHS Faculty

Gloria Farnham, grandmother of Joseph Hladnik ‘00

Edwina A. Fick, grandmother of Kelly Carroll ‘99

Kenneth Frels, grandfather of Andrew ‘20, Kate ‘23, and Ryan ‘26 Frels

Gloria Gibbons, mother of Diane (Gibbons ‘68) Fischer; grandmother of Bethany Grossman ‘02

Karl-Heinz Grubert, father of Dr. Erich Grubert ‘91

Michael L. Klestinski, father of Matthew ‘89 and Justin ‘90 Klestinski

34 In Memoriam

Geneva Grace Kolbet, grandmother of Michelle (Karrigan ‘92) Ptasienski (CCHS staff) and Kathleen Karrigan ‘96; great-grandmother of Joey ‘17, Jackson ‘18, Abraham ‘20, Anderson ‘21, and Maddux ‘23 Ptasienski

Irene Mae Mennenoh, great-grandmother of Francesco ‘20 and Adrianna ‘21 Santucci

Ellen Marie Nelson, former CCHS staff

Dean Allan Pedersen, Sr., father of Dean Allan Pedersen, Jr. ‘90 and Jeannine Pedersen-Guzmán ‘92

Alan Scott Reasoner, father of Jackson Reasoner ‘24

Mark R. Reckling, grandfather Krishan ‘24 and Jack ‘26 Gauri

Mike Sargent, father of Andrew Sargent ‘88 and Amy (Sargent ‘92) Lundy

William Francis “Bill” Scholla, father of Susan (Scholla ‘78) Gertonson and Joann (Scholla ‘82) Harmon

Kevin Shields, husband of Deborah (Cevallos ‘85) Shields

Rita B. Steele, mother of Thomas ‘66 and James ‘68 Steele; grandmother of Jacob Bersie ‘09

Leonard “Ray” Uloth, father of Angela (Uloth ‘90) May, and Erin Uloth ‘98

Martha J. Wagner, mother of Michael ‘67, Frank ‘74, and Joseph ‘77 Wagner

Frederick Wheeler, father of Elizabeth (Wheeler ‘85) Tuthill and Thomas Wheeler ‘90

Carole Yankus, grandmother of Eric Johansen ‘17

Marcia Ann Zegar, mother of Laura ‘96 and Kathryn ‘01 Zegar Carmel Catholic High School relies on the school community to inform us of the passing of alumni and family members. If a newspaper or funeral home obituary is available, we would appreciate a copy or link sent to alumni@carmelhs.org.

Our Mission Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.

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Carmel Catholic High School

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