Architectural Portfolio

Page 16

Metaphor of the Collision of Earth & Water

Oscillating Organization Lines Created

Integration of Elements Into Performative Design As ever-changing site conditions fluctuate the rise and fall of different solutions, secondary supporting concepts of structure, circulation, zoning, program, etc. connect & combine themselves to eachother to form a performative flexible design . The issues of 30’ floods, proximity to water for commerical use, & circulation are developed through multi-level platforms on a linear pier. The lower levels are slightly detached to allow for vertical movement as needed for water levels & are furthur reflected in the dynamic roofing structure.

Zoning & Spatial Sectors

The roofing structure addresses Dallas’s desire for an Iconic intervention as well as a cross-referenc for the metaphor of the Collision of Earth & Water. The fluid motion of the roof channels wind off the lake into the main circulation path for relief in the hot Texas heat.

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