Vein Doctor Whom I Consulted

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Vein Doctor Whom I Consulted

I have varicose veins on my legs and they are unpleasant to see. These are huge and move when touched. Interestingly, I like feeling its thickness and looking at its length. I want to share trivia about these. Within my body, these veins contain blood that has low volume of oxygen. It reaches my heart and lungs. Found on the legs, its presence may lead to ulceration and pain. Valves may have weakened that is why these exist. Also, the wall of my vein may also experience less strength. It is also possible for inflammation to be present. This is known as phlebitis. To my knowledge from the vein doctor, I have no reason to be alarmed. The presence of these veins is not a serious sign of complication. It only needs treatment such as surgery, radio frequency or ablation when there is discomfort. When there is venous disease, sclerotherapy and surgery are options. In my veins, fresh blood is kept and only a part is circulated when I am resting. The remaining blood stays dormant in my veins. Circulation continues when I am moving already. My blood has to travel throughout my body while I am awake. The wall of my vein is capable of expanding. Vein size is based on where it is found on my body. At the center, this is the place for the largest veins. Blood from tinier veins comes here towards the heart.

As my veins move farther away from the center, these become smaller. I have superficial veins that are found near the surface of my skin. For my deep veins, these are located nearer to the center. Regarding perforating veins, these link the superficial and deep veins. When blood lacks circulation in my body, varicose veins appear and bulge. Although it is common on the thighs and legs, these may exist anywhere on my body. I also have spider veins that are very tiny. Lines are short, look like a web, and fine. Since these are very thin, touching is not feasible. Usually, these are located on the thighs, feet, and ankles. There are times that the face may become a target. Men and women may experience these kinds of veins. But usually, it is during the time of childbearing when varicose veins are visible. I may also have it when my lifestyle is inactive. Standing for a long time, increase in weight, and pregnancy are also causes. In the vein, blood clotting may occur. The presence of congenital abnormality is also a factor. When there is venous disease, the nature is progressive. Prevention is not assured to be complete. On the legs, wearing support stockings may relieve it. Having a suitable weight is necessary. Regular exercise may also contribute to its decrease. By having a physical examination, these veins are assessed. Vascular surgery in Singapore is advised when the pain causes discomfort.

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